#and he was so bummed so he was determined to try again
crimsonblackrose · 1 year
I told my aunt that I’m tired from longer work hours, stress and my upcoming deadlines so she asked if I wanted pie.
This slice of pie is the size of the plate. 😭
Aunt: You need the sugar to keep you awake. Me: Do you want me to never sleep again? I’ve already had 2 coffees and a caffeinated soda. Aunt: And now a slice of pie.
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bakugoushotwife · 5 months
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a/n: omg heyyy i make my grand return with my humble offering to @ohkento 's reddit theme collab!! i also have a piece for shouto coming up next, but here is the first one!! i took a while off after kinktober so if this is bad....lie to me!
warnings: dark content. nsfw. no minors. yandere theme gojo, no physical harm to reader, baby trapping, threats (not to reader), female reader, breeding, pentration, oral (fem!receiving), reader is kinda dumb lol.
summary: STORYTIME: I (28M) CAN'T STOP BREEDING MY GIRL BEST FRIEND (28F)!! it's a serious problem...i'm really reaching my breaking point here. i've been in love with this chick since high school and she keeps chasing other guys...but fucking me when the dates go wrong, help!
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it’s been his dirty little secret since his years at tokyo tech. you’ve always been a looker, never were you short on attention from lesser men that aren’t worth your time—and yes, that includes when geto crushed on you all through the second year of school. but they never were quite what you were looking for, and every night of passion or attempt at a meaningful connection always ended the same—dialing up your closest confidant satoru to come console you and stuff your cunt full and wipe your tears–to make it better, like best friends do. 
satoru was all too aware of your little predicament, because he had struggled with the same issues–except he realized his fate years ago and was determined to have it. you are his and his alone, no matter how many scrubs that try to take you from him. if only you would open your eyes. you were obviously hopelessly in love with him, of course—that’s why no one could compare! and that’s why you always turned your teary eyes and pretty pussy to him after yet another date gone wrong. he knew he was the only cure, and he’s given up on hoping you’d see the truth for yourself. 
he tried to play the patience card, licking your tears off your face as he pounds his love into you, telling you that you’re worth so much more than those guys you keep letting break your heart. he tried being the nice guy that holds you after yet another promising prospect never texts you back–buying you dinner and bouncing you on his cock until you were crying from pleasure instead of heartbreak. each time, he buried his load in your womb until it was spilling out around him—hoping to give you no other choice but to pack your bags and move onto his estate to further the gojo clan with the very man at the head of it, but it seems your ovaries were just as stubborn as you are. he didn’t know how much more of this he could stomach—just waiting to be your knight in shining armor while laying in bed at night, staring at the pictures of you, both lewd and cute alike while wondering just how long it would take to have you laying beside him in his bed instead of the pixels on his phone screen. 
he’s had enough. it’s clear his plan isn’t working as designed. you must be on birth control—which is both irritating yet complimentary to him. of course you wouldn’t let these bums knock you up. is it insulting that this applies to his seed too? of course, but then again the whole dynamic was rather insulting wasn’t it? fucking other men and crying to him about it when they aren’t the perfect man for you. no shit—no man will ever know you like he does. none of them could ever compete with the life he could give you if you would just face the music. he doesn’t get it either. why bother? why look elsewhere? obviously you’re attracted to each other—so why won’t you make the next natural jump and stop it with the drama-packed weekly bachelorette episodes?
that’s okay. it’s really fine. satoru is such a good friend that he’ll help you, like he always does. he would simply help you to the conclusion that he wants and then everything can proceed according to plan! it shouldn’t be too difficult anyway, you’ll be calling any moment now! you had a date with yet another sure disappointment that gojo knows will desert you as soon as the date is finished. he’ll be dry and boring after the promising conversations you had in the days leading up to the date—you’ll be confused yet again—and the guy won’t pay either, set for split-bill city. gojo knows all of this because he’s ensured that’s what happens, of course! and this is the thirty-sixth man he’s had to pay off to show up to the date and forget about you. a price he’s more than willing to pay no matter how high, though it’s definitely added up over the years. and you know what—now that he thinks of it, none of them deserve you because their weak nature and corrupt morals. he’s been proven right every time, each one of these bottom feeders would take the money no questions asked—maybe that was due to his threats of horrific death if they so much as answered a text message from you again, but who could be sure? 
this one was especially easy to pay off, too. he didn’t even think twice about taking the money. it almost makes gojo mad. he clearly wasn’t heartbroken to walk away from you, and god you deserved so much better. you deserve a man that is willing to pay off any and every suitor that comes into your life just to make you his. you deserve a man so crazy about you he can hardly recognize himself. you deserve…well, him. he’s devoted himself to you for over a decade and it’s time for that to pay off.
your unique ringtone gets him out of his own head to answer, and of course, you’re crying and asking him to come over. pretty girls like you never learn, huh? that’s all forgiven though, as he is a teacher and it’s his passion to help you understand. 
“of course sugar. i’ll be right over. mhm–don’t mention it. that’s what friends are for.” he hums to you over his end of the phone, picking up his car keys to make it to you in record time. you’re your same beautiful self as you answer the door and welcome him inside, though he can see the tear tracks staining your face. it makes him pout a little at the sight no matter how used to it he is. he hates that you let these cretins upset you like this. 
“hey baby.” he pouts sympathetically with you, ducking under your arm to gaze around your familiar living room for any signs of a man he hadn’t yet heard about. he exhales a deep sigh when he finds none. he’s got his hands in his pockets, lips tightened in a knowing grimace. “so what was it this time? no—let me guess: split the bill and then he let you walk home in this weather?” 
you close the door after he’s entered with a heavy sigh. your bleary eyes fix on your hand still clasped around the doorknob, “yeah.” you tug your lip between your teeth and turn to face him. you didn’t have to answer him, for he already knew. it was borderline routine at this point and you were already embarrassed enough. you draw your arms around yourself to feel your own warmth, shaking your head. what was wrong with you? you used to be pined after, wanted—and now you couldn’t even get non-sorcerers to call you back. you haven’t had a second date in years, nor had an orgasm that wasn’t satoru’s handiwork. but even he didn’t want you permanently. you were a good friend and an even better fuck, that’s all. you knew it was pointless to yearn for him, sure he felt nothing other than his ever-present sense of duty and loyalty every-time he took your pain away–no matter the lies that poured out of his saccharine lips to do so. your sad eyes fix on his face, letting your plump bottom lip bounce out from your teeth’s trap. he smirks softly, cock rising because it knows exactly what that look means. 
but unfortunately for you, he won’t just hold you in his arms and promise that you’re worth so much more than you let yourself believe. tonight, he’s going to take what’s rightfully his—and his plan is already working beautifully. you never look away as you walk from the door to him, bracing your tiny and ineffectual hands on his chest. “what’s wrong with me, sato?” you pout, batting your long lashes up at him. his heart could stop just from that look alone. the comfort of his large hands covering yours soothes you already, making the tension drop from your shoulders. 
“you’re naive.” he answers, eyes as bright as ever as they glow like fireflies in your living room. if you were going just by the expression on his face, you’d think he said something kind or even funny, the way he grins softly and blinks his white lashes down at you in wait of your reply. you’re sure you misheard—every other time you asked this question he always said, “maybe you’re just too pretty, huh? ever thought of that, sugarplum?” 
“huh?” you tilt your head to one side, watching his expression shift to amusement. “naive? wh-what do you mean by that?” 
“well, if you weren’t so naive, you’d know, now wouldn’t you?” he pokes his tongue between his teeth, tucking his hands behind his back while you still lean helplessly against him. he likes feeling the weight of your body on his, and he’ll like it even more when he knows it’s a permanent thing. “you’re on birth control.” he states, and your confusion sets in even deeper. your brows furrow, but you nod. 
“yeah? what about that makes me naive?” you posit, used to his antics for the most part. you’ve been around him far too long to mistake his bluntness as an attack to you, even if it stings just a touch. though you did ask, and you have used him as your sexual relief and shoulder to cry on for years now. maybe he’s fed up with lying to save your feelings. 
he looks around for a second, humming. “where is it?” 
you also know better than to question him. if he’s asking you these questions it has to be for a reason—and you don’t have to understand him in the moment. just do what you’ve always done and trust him, support him on and off the battlefield–and never hesitate. it could be the difference between life and death. you learned that on missions together years ago. 
“in my nightstand?” you tilt your head to the other side. he has to admit your astonishment is adorable. he smiles down at you, cupping your cheek lightly. his fingers are so long that his thumb rests on the corner of your lips, fingertips brushing back your hair. 
“go get it for me.” he says as if he asked you to pass him the remote. you narrow your eyes to really study him—and then you see it. the teeming rage, the simmering crazy behind his eyes as they look at you. he is the most powerful man in the world, even if you were scared, there was nothing you could do but obey. but you trust him. and you nod. you turn to pad off to your bedroom and the clicks of his expensive boots follow. you’re used to the butterflies tickling your stomach as you lead him to bed, but you know something’s different this time. you feel like you’ll puke butterflies. but nonetheless, you pull the drawer of your nightstand open and fetch the little foil pack out of it, only a few pills missing from this month’s prescription. you turn to face him with it, mind racing on what he could possibly be doing. knowing him, he’s toying with you–trying to make you as nervous as possible and all this worrying is for no good reason. 
he sits at the edge of your bed, seemingly watching you with interest. he’s happy that you’re humoring him, that’s for sure. not even the faintest hint of protest. maybe you’re not as naive as he thought. in fact, your effortless obedience has his the crotch of his loose hakama’s tightening quickly. your heart jumps in your throat at the sight of him as it usually does—satoru gojo is far too beautiful to be in your house, supposedly telling you why you couldn’t keep a man. the black compression shirt was nearly criminal when it was wrapped around his perfect body. 
“good girl. now flush ‘em down the toilet for me.” he beams, blinding white teeth baring to smile at you. it was a simple request, really. he needed you to stop taking that poison and to stop entertaining the idea of other men. 
“why?” you swallow harshly, voicing your underlying suspicion. 
“don’t you trust me, baby?” he replies with a quickness, tilting his head to mirror yours. he’s doing well to keep himself together–you don’t understand his love for you yet, but he’ll take care of that. he’s a teacher, remember? “that stuff’s not good for you.” 
you hum. the side effects have been brutal, but you’re hardly in the spot for a baby. you can’t even get a boyfriend, much less a baby daddy. “yeah…i know. sucks taking it. guess i could get an iud or something instead.” you think aloud, voice becoming distant as you turn your back to him and dump your pills in the bathroom attached to your small room. you really undersell yourself. you could have been his bride eight years or so ago and been living large. but he’s going to fix it now. his jaw clenches at that declaration, and you feel him watching you the entire time—the doorway a straight shot from the spot he sat in on your bed. 
“no.” he says simply, the lightheartedness gone abruptly. it sends a shiver down your spine, makes your brain alert to the changes within him as he stands and cages you into the bathroom, broad arms stretching to block off the doorway. 
no? he doesn’t want you to protect yourself in any way? that seems a little ridiculous, but maybe he had a good reason. “satoru…i can’t get pregnant right now.” 
“why not?” he asks, looking over your little body nearly trembling from the darkness of his cursed energy growing more oppressive, nearly sucking the air out of the room. your heart pounds, more confused than you were at the start. 
“because i’m…single?” you try carefully, not sure exactly what you were dealing with here. satoru has always been so happy-go-lucky, even when he shouldn’t be. you remember begging him to talk out his stress so that he didn’t explode right after suguru left. so this anger you see set in his features shocks you, his bright and clear sky-colored eyes are clouded and murky, more cerulean than you’ve seen before. his brow is set and you can see the muscles twitching in his jaw. but he’s still smiling, and that for whatever reason is still real. 
“there’s that naivety again, princess.” he licks his teeth, shifting his weight from foot to foot. you look like a deer in the headlights, and he’s giddy at the rush that gives him. you’re finally in his grasp. “you’ve never been single. not since hmmm let’s see, march fifteenth, 2006.” he grins at you–”which makes all this dating real offensive, sweetheart.” 
you want to laugh, but decide against it considering his unpredictability. you shake your head instead, backing yourself to the wall. “what on earth are you talking about? we’re friends–”
“friends that fuck!” he laughs a strained snicker, straightening his posture. “and make sweet hot love, of course. friends that cuddle on the couch and have sleepovers. come on. we’re both adults, don’t insult me. you love me! which is great, because i love you too. i love you so much i’ve made sure that no one could steal you from me.” 
your brows must reach your hairline at that. “stop, satoru. don’t say that! you can’t mean it–fuck, you’re supposed to be married to a kamo or zen’in girl so you can keep making powerful gojo’s right? isn’t that what you always said in school?” 
“you’d give me powerful gojo’s.” he smirks, breaking the barrier of the bathroom’s threshold by stepping closer to you, leaning down to be on face level. “i was only trying to make you jealous sugar! just like this whole stunt you’ve been pullin’, dating around to try to find someone that makes you feel like i do? tch, hahahaha—it’s impossible!! just stop it, be mine and be happy like you should be.” he grasps your chin with a surprising gentleness given his unhinged and maniacal laughter, smiling down at you with something you recognize as his power-trip going off the rails—but. 
but you’d be lying if you said you were scared. he’s declaring his love for you in the most profound way possible, however crazy it–and he–may be. and you’d be lying if you said he didn’t absolutely see right through you. he has the six eyes after all, you should have known he knew what you were trying to do. you were trying to numb the pain of never being his…but you were actually manufacturing that whole scenario. you’re the only girl he’s ever seen, and it’s clear from the desperation mixed in with the insanity—he needs you. 
you reach back and flush the toilet, letting the little white pills circle the bowl and disappear entirely. satoru gojo has always been insane. you’ve seen it firsthand on many missions and battles against curses and sorcerers alike. it just surprised you to see him turn that look upon you–but now you know it was just to get your attention. 
though you don’t doubt what he’s capable of, you have no intention of pushing him to find out.
his eyes go from crazy to ravenous in seconds. you’ve accepted his proposal with hardly any effort and he intends to show you the difference between his sweet hookups and his passionate need to claim the woman of his dreams. 
“so you…scared off all those guys?” you ask, raising a brow as your face still rests in his clutches. he swipes his thumb over your bottom lip, nodding vigorously. 
“sure did, princess. i was trying to let you figure it out on your own…” he sighs, brushing your hair back behind your ears as his eyes scan over your body again. he needs to feel you. “but you’re not a quick learner, hence why i’m on plan b.” he winks, scooping you over his shoulder moments later. he puts you on your bed, the short walk made shorter by his teleportation. he’s just too impatient, brain swelling with the flashing images of you in traditional wedding attire and round with his heir. it all feels within reach now, and he has to try it out now. “gonna show you how bad i love you–you’ll never go anywhere else.” he mutters, lanky frame swallowing up your body, hips pinning yours to the bed beneath you. “you’re gonna give me a gojo and you’re gonna look so fucking good doing it.” he mutters, lips attaching to your neck reminiscent of the way they have a million times. though this time, there’s intention behind it—or well. this time you’re aware of the intention behind it. 
in all your times together, his dirty talk has been contained to praising your body and how good you feel to him. his incantations to knock you up has your heart beating funny and wetness pooling between your legs. you make a soft gasp sound for him, elongating your neck to let him leave real marks of possession where you’ve previously resisted. your body writhes and twists under his as his teeth knick and nip bruises into your skin. he’d spell his own name with them if he could, even a ring and a baby wasn’t enough in his eyes. he needs the world to know you’re his, that you’ll always be by his side, that you were born to be his. 
“that pesky birth control’s gonna have to wear off though–so we have time to get married before you get pregnant–if that matters to you.” he moans at the idea, hands sliding under your top to push it over your head. his mouth moves to suck the swells of your tits once they’re exposed to him, humming out his satisfaction at the warm skin. your head digs back into the mattress—mind absolutely drunk on his affection and devotion. it’s all you’ve ever wanted and now it’s right here, and from the man you’ve always wished you could have—how could you ever deny him again? 
your hands pull at the fabric on his back, hips bucking up for a source of friction. he breaks away from marking up your chest to bare his to you, throwing his t-shirt into some corner of your room to be forgotten about until tomorrow. this wouldn’t be your room much longer anyway–you’ll be moved into the estate within the next two days, he wouldn’t be able to live without you now. then he’s pushing you up towards the headboard, ripping off your lounge shorts to reveal those cute panties he knows you wear when you’re trying to impress him. color him fucking thrilled at your puffy pussy lips indenting the fabric around them, making him groan at the sight. he thumbs at your clit through the cotton, sparkling eyes flickering between the growing wet spot in your panties and the adorable scrunches of your nose and the pinch of your brow from the pleasure he’s dishing out before he’s even really touching you. you’re so cute he can’t pace himself, needing to consecrate your importance to him in the best way he knows how. 
you help him get you out of your underwear, shamelessly spreading for him after hundreds of rendezvous—you’ve lost your shyness and he loves it, loves seeing your neediness for him in the glaze of your pretty doe eyes and the way you swing your hips around to beg for his attention. “tell me you love me.” he hums, nosing apart your pussy lips. his cock throbs at the scent, and you feel goosebumps break out across your skin at his command. 
“you’re the one for me, sato. i love you.” you whisper so intimately he can feels his cursed energy pulsing like the rest of him. he groans, submerging his face in your cunt with a genuine pleasure you’ve only seen from him. he loves eating you out, loves the taste of you on his tongue—loves how your noises only rile him into fucking the bed, whining and grunting with his own neediness that he could only unleash once he’s properly readied you for it. 
“you taste so fucking good baby…so sweet down my throat. get loud, i don’t care it’s an apartment. you’ll be moving out soon anyway.” he smirks, latching onto your clit to make your legs jolt like they always do. it makes him giggle every time, and the vibrations feel even better against your sensitive bundle. he rolls it around his tongue, letting his index finger explore the wetness he’s helping you create. he pokes into your entrance, knowing how violently you craved something inside. his thoughts are confirmed by the way you clench around the digit, whining and bucking into it for more. he’s more than happy to oblige, finger fucking you with two long and thick fingers while his tongue works overtime on your clit. he loves watching you at this part, enamored by your face as your hips involuntarily jump from the bed, smacking your clit into his nose instead of his skilled tongue. 
your entire body is warm, jerking like you’re receiving electrical shocks from the pleasure satoru reigns down, gasping and sputtering on the edge of orgasm just a few minutes after he started. it’s always like this with him–though this time was special because you knew your life was changing before your very eyes—that satoru’s energy was growing so rapidly because he’s letting go of all kinds of stress and pent up frustration and anger. “please—wanna cum please sato–”
“daddy. i’m daddy now. ask daddy nicely.” he chuckles as he leans his head against his free hand, curling his fingers into the spot he knows so well just to watch your mouth drop and eyes widen in absolute blissful shock. you nod–brain fuzzy from his constant teasing and his new nickname. 
“daddy!! yes—daddy! please, oh my god—daddy let me cum!” you sound so good when you say it–it’s all he ever wants to hear for the rest of his life. he can’t wait for you to make him a real daddy. 
“oh missus gojo can do anything she wants.” he coos as if he didn’t make you expressly beg for permission, lowering his face to your cunt again with precise licks, shoving your hood back to absolutely abuse your sensitivity. your legs develop a mind of their own and you’re spiraling over the edge before you can understand what he’s doing. floating balls of color cover your vision and you scream his name just as loud as he wanted. he grins in satisfaction, hands resting on your knees so he can push himself forward for a sloppy kiss; slick covered lips sliding against yours so you could taste your own essence via his tongue shoving its way in your mouth with a hearty moan. you match his eagerness, making out with satoru with more passion than ever before–because you both have the security of knowing it’s real this time. he maneuvers his hips until his leaky tip catches on your hole, his breath shaky as before he shoves in like he always does. you squeeze him so tight it’s not hard to believe why he lost his fucking mind over this pussy. he truly would do anything to make you his, thank god you didn’t put up a fight. 
“fuuuuck–” he whines a little, finding it nearly impossible to even move in the first place. you feel the burn of his fat and lengthy shaft parting your walls like they routinely do, mouth dropped wide open in pleasure. satoru hovers inches away from your face, so close that the ends of his hair tickle your forehead as he picks your legs up—holding you by the back of the ankles before he sets a brutal pace. his nuts clap into your ass from the way he moves, length curving just right to fill you to the brim. he doesn’t even have to try all that hard to bottom out against your cervix, finding the way you moan and twitch so adorable. “this is why you have to be my wife—i need you for life, sweetheart.” 
your eyes widen at that declaration–though you already realized that satoru would never let you out of his clutches again. you knew he would marry you as quickly as possible based off of his desire to also knock you up as quickly as possible—but hearing him call you that, first missus gojo and now his wife, it all felt so real. his cock slamming into you only drilled it in further, his eyes glowing brighter than you’ve ever seen. the air also grows its own electric field, suffocating and thrilling all at the same time. your eyes are glued to him, entranced by the feral look on his face. you try to hold onto him, but he’s moving so punishingly you can’t even get your hands to work, mind and body on cloud nine. “you’re so beautiful. i’ve been in love…with—you–for years now.” he says in between deep breaths, trying to contain all his focus into drilling you unconscious. 
you shudder, feeling that was completely in the realm of possibility. his balls ache, the need to breed you just as heavy as all the other times you’ve come to him to clean up every mess of yours ever since he’s known you, the need to make you his in a way no one else would be allowed to—it’s carnal. he can’t stop until you’re full of his seed and it takes. he needs to see your breasts heavy with milk to feed his baby from. he needs to see you struggle with the weight of your belly so he can urge you to rest and let him serve you like you should be. he needs to see what the combination of your love looks like; what these last ten years of hard work would become. he’s painting your insides white and still pumping just as fast as before, watching your face tick and jerk with the pleasure you’re experiencing as you tip off of your own peak. he grins, shoving that cum as deep as it will go. he stops when he knows your body can’t take anymore, cuddling you to his chest until you fall asleep safe and sound. he has the whole world in his hands, and that’s never been enough. now he can sleep with a genuine smile on his face. he knows your body will regulate in a few months off the birth control—but that doesn’t mean he can’t get plenty of practice until then. after all, he has a problem! he has to breed his pretty little girl best friend turned future wife. 
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shiny-jr · 9 months
- Warning: Yes, this is still a yandere thing. You have been warned. Gender-neutral reader.
- Characters: Idia Shroud, Ortho Shroud.
- Summary: (Continuation, after this “we just got a letter, wonder where it’s from”) You have barred them from entering the safety of Ramshackle Dorm, but they are determined to make their words reach you. Which is why the letters begin arriving at your doorstep.
- Note: This seems a little more low-key than Diasomnia, but the obsession is there if you squint. It’s just way more low-key than the previous group. For some reason I feel like I maybe wrote Ortho a little off? Not sure. Feel free to tell me your thoughts.
Diasomnia   |   Ignihyde   |   Pomefiore
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The break ends quickly. Too quickly. Before you know it, you’re back in front of the mountain of unread letters that appears even more ominous than before now that you could guess what sort of dark contents they may hold. 
For your own peace of mind, you’ve decided to read only two and then take a pause right after. 
The first of which was just a simple long white envelope. That’s it. There was nothing that stood out about it, no special seal or stamp. It was just the generic type of encasing that made it look like it was some sort of bill instead of a letter containing what was bound to be a message that unsettled you in some way, shape, or form. 
When you removed the letter, you was surprised to see that it wasn’t handwritten, it had been typed and printed out. It didn’t take a genius to figure out who this was from. 
I messed everything up.
I don’t even see a point to doing this, writing this for you. I mean, if I were you, I’d never want to see my no-good miserable face ever again. I’d go to every length just to avoid even speaking to me again, and to spite them I’d never even show myself around again. But–– Ortho was making a letter and brought my keyboard to my lap. He said it was worth a shot, and if anything, it could be used as an apology so... sorry.
Any sorry would sound half-assed, considering what happened. It’s not like it matters, since I’m sure you wouldn’t read this. I imagine you would figure out it’s from me, and proceed to tear it up, burn it, whatever. And honestly? Valid. At this point, I’m sort of using it as a vent. Usually, I’d be telling Ortho all this, but all these thoughts I’m having would only bum him out and he’s depressed enough as it is. 
You know what sucks besides all of this? The fact that I genuinely tried. I actually tried to be a help for once, and like it always ends, my attempt to help screwed it up even more. Maybe if I had kept my mouth shut and minded my own business while holing myself up in my room like I always do, things wouldn’t have turned out this bad. If I just did what I was good at, which is nothing, Ortho and I might’ve avoided the shitstorm. Everyone else is currently throwing pity parties and plotting these super over elaborate schemes to try and interact with you by luring you out of the Ramshackle place. 
Ortho’s been coming up with plans too with other guys from the dorms that are just so desperate for your attention. It’s sad to watch, pathetic too, but I don’t have the heart to tell him not to bother with it. And me, I know better. If I were in your position and I saw all these attempts, it would definitely make me extra bitter and just hate everyone even more. Oh, I just remembered something worth mentioning. You may not believe me, I mean, I wouldn’t believe a single word coming from me, but I wasn’t actually going to hurt Grim. You though? Before I knew who you were? Yeah. Don’t get it twisted though, I was just doing it to fix everything until the whole truth got leaked not too long after.
Call me stupid, I guess. When I first saw how others revered you like how a bunch of creepy basement-dwellers look at a pretty perfect idol on a shiny bright stage, it was a major red flag. I wanted nothing to do with you. But when you started worming yourself into my life and I started getting attached, well, that made me a creep too for liking you. Red flags be damned. What can I say? Your presence even through Yuu, made me feel like I mattered, which is something I don’t experience a lot. 
You’d never know it, but I took risks just to be in the same room as your avatar. 
Missing special events on games, losing the chance to catch a concert live on screen, even ditching group calls with teammates and friends... All of that was utterly worthless if I got at least a solid sixty seconds by you. 
Unlike everyone else, I know better than to just show up at your doorstep and beg for forgiveness like some misguided puppy. Malleus and co. have been making sure you’re not disturbed, guarding you like a pack of guard dogs or something, preventing anyone from embarrassing themselves and messing up any further. Ortho said I should at least try to call you, I think he just wants to hear your voice. But why bother? 
Don’t get it wrong, I’m not just letting everything go just like that. As much as I’d like to, and I know it’s probably the “healthy” and “good” thing to do, I don’t want to. I’m not good, you know that already. I’ll keep in the background this time, and try not to mess up again. Although no guarantees, because with my lousy luck, I know something will inevitably go wrong. Don’t worry, I won’t bother you. I wouldn’t want to make the mental image you have of me in your mind even worse, if its even remotely possible for it to somehow get worse. I just can’t let go. Even if you looked at me like trash, avoided me like the plague, or straight up tell me ‘I hate you’ to my face, I still won’t let go. 
And, well, all I can really think of right now besides you, is Ortho. Even if I can’t show my disgraced presence to you anymore, I still hope you’ll see Ortho. At least if Ortho could explain to you that he was acting on my plan, he might get lucky and be next to you again. Maybe. Hard maybe. 
But me? No, I don’t ever deserve to be anywhere near you anymore. For now, I’ll go back to how things were way back... when your vessel hadn’t yet had the misfortune of meeting me and I just watched your every move from monitors like some sort of loser schmuck. 
I think I’ll just imagine how things would be if I hadn’t doomed all my chances. If I had a chance... maybe I would’ve actually worked up the gall to sit next to you, or even look at you, or, hell, talk to you. At least, I’ll always remember when you used your avatar to look at me and it didn’t feel bad... like, almost like you didn’t see me as some lame nobody. That must’ve been my mind just playing tricks on me though, right? There’s no way that happened... 
Enough of this mushy stuff though. I’m sick of it. 
Just throw this in the fire without a second glance. 
Idia Shroud 
In order to get this over as quickly as possible, you decided to continue without taking a breather. The quicker you finished reading them, the better, that way, you wouldn’t even give your mind any time to fully process what you were reading before overwhelming your vision with more lines and lines of words until they became blurred together. 
You wouldn’t stop, because if you stopped, that would be allowing your mind the opportunity to spiral out of control. You needed a distraction. 
This wasn’t exactly the good type of distraction either, it was more like adding gasoline to the fire, but part of you had to know what they would say. No matter what feelings you held, the curiosity outweighed it. 
The second letter is identical to the first, a simple long white envelope with no particularly interesting details about it other than the fact that it had zero stains and no wrinkles on it. It was pristine and clean, not even a drop of ink on it. The insides of the envelope itself were blue, with small white lines on it, but upon closer inspection it became obvious that they weren’t just stripes, they were skull symbols so tiny that it was hardly noticeable. 
Of course, as you expected, the letter inside was not handwritten. It was folded so precisely into thirds, and unfolding it displayed the typed and printed words neatly stacked in indented paragraphs. 
Greetings, Player, 
First, I want to apologize sincerely. 
Secondly, I want to tell you how much I have missed you, and my brother has missed you as well! I don’t believe I can fully comprehend how you are felling at the current moment, and I cannot even accurately guess to what emotions you are experiencing. In my attempt to alleviate the situation, I’ve been running millions of simulations of possible alternative futures in order to take the best route where things might return to a semblance of normalcy. 
Well, a new normal, now that you’re here! However... when each simulation yields a result, I can’t help but feel as if something is wrong. That’s when I realized there was a key component that was off. It was you, or rather, Yuu. We know of Yuu and their mannerisms and opinions, but that isn’t really you. Yuu is a vessel, and extension, that’s partially based off yourself. 
So none of us know the true you. At least, not yet! I’m hoping to change that. Just when I think I’m beginning to understand you, things like this happen. But, that’s what makes you so exciting! There’s always some unforeseen detail and amazing new aspect of yourself to learn about. Once I get a proper grasp on what you’re truly like, I can use that new knowledge to make you happy, just as you made me and my brother always smile!  But also, I want to use it to make it up to you. Honestly, I’m scared that you’ll hate me. In the simulations I ran that gave inaccurate results due to those missing components, nearly all the results had a bad ending... 
I don’t want that. I want to have a ‘normal’ way with you and Idia! A good normal! Like where we might all have movie nights in the Ignihyde dorm with freshly popped popcorn and candies as snacks, or study days when we read over notes and help each other out, maybe you might even be able to convince Idia to leave his room so we can all share lunch in the cafeteria like a group of friends would typically do! That’s what I want! I don’t think I could stand knowing I made you cry or was the cause of your pain. I never hurt you, right? At least not physically. 
Believe me, I had made attempts to meet you. But those in Diasomnia won’t allow it. I was tempted to charge up the technomantic beam installed within my form, but realizing it wasn’t necessary, I didn’t. Idia was right when he didn’t make an effort to even join me, and Malleus Draconia with his own have realized it too. You aren’t ready yet. Even if I’m more than prepared to see you, I can’t rush you. So, I left this letter in their hands, hoping it reached you. If not, there’s no worries. I’ve prepared a dozen more printed copies and if that fails, I’ve created a digital copy! 
Since I couldn’t tell you in person, I’ll tell you through paper... 
I’d like to invite you to formally meet me. I’m even prepared to surprise Idia with this! That’ll cheer him up for sure. You always made him happy, so us properly meeting you would be a dream come true for us both! 
If you’d like to do something upon meeting us, I’ve organized multiple activities for us to participate in. The other first years have reached out and expressed their own desires to make up for the mistakes they made. So, I met with them a few days ago to make plans you might enjoy! These plans are still in the preparation phase, so I can’t reveal them quite yet, but soon I will! 
Anyways, I just wanted to make you aware of this. And I want to say ‘I’m sorry’ even though it feels minuscule to what I’m only guessing must be the strong emotions you feel toward what occurred. But I wanted to let you know that I always want to be your friend, and I always will be, even if you don’t really like me anymore. Friends are supposed to be there for each other, right? So I’ll be there for you now. Remember, I’m a high-tech being, I can be of great use to you if you want! Even if you’d rather just use me as a tool, I would be happy. If you want someone obliterated to ashes or are just looking to answers as to what the weather might be, I would gladly help you with that and so much more! 
And it’s not only me that could be useful to you, my brother can too! Although he probably won’t say it, he depends on you a lot. You’re like a battery to him, you give him the energy he needs. If you’d let him, let us both, we’d be there for you in a zeptosecond! 
There’s one thing I know for certain. You’re the common variable needed for our happiness, no matter the scenario or result, you are a requirement. And I’m certain we can bring you happiness as well. Myself, my brother, and everyone that treasures you, can bring you joy if you allow it. All I want is to see you happy, and everyone else happy as well. So will you please at least consider seeing us again? Soon? Please? 
Hoping to see you soon. 
From your friend, 
Ortho Shroud  
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tteokdoroki · 9 months
your profile gives me this idea of like, you go out with bakugou and friends and you're joking aroud as you usually do with them but he gets mad jealous becoz our boy is hella possessive and when they go to dance he grabs your face is his veiny hand because MAN HIS ARM IS VEINY😮‍💨and just whispers into your ear that your not being his good girl so when you return home he fucks you while keeping your face in his hand 🥺😫😫😫
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RAAAAH !!!! i love possessive bakugou?? like just imagine him cupping your throat in public when you misbehave and giving it a gentle squeeze. “y’gonna be good for me baby, or you gonna keep bein’ a fuckin’ brat, hah?” cause he’s pissed off but wants to remind you of his presence and who’s in charge around here.
he’ll like give you a little kiss on the lips, squish your cheeks together before letting you go and sending you back into the party with a firm pat to the bum. katsuki is definitely gonna keep an eye on you for the rest of the night — making sure you’re not trying to get him all jealous, scowling when you grind all up on his friends because he warned you not to act up in front of everyone, or there’d be consequences.
by the end of the night you’re pinned underneath bakugou, split open on his fat cock as it dribbles inside of you, smearing his thick precum up and down your sensitive walls because he’s made you cum so many times you can’t even see straight.
“didn’t i tell you? didn’t i say what was gonna happen if ya kept that shit up?” oh god, he’d sound so fucking angry — fucking you from behind like he hates you, droplets of his sweat that beads on his forehead landing on the centre of your back. but katsuki holds your face in his hands like you’re a priceless gem. he uses one hand to push you into an arch, bowing you on his sloppy dick while the other grasps at your cheeks softly so that you’re forced to look back at him. all teary eyed ‘n shit.
he’ll mock your pout, cock his head down at you in faux disappointment all while bullying his way into your guts — determined to make it wet and nasty, make you feel it. make you smell the sex in the air as he pulls orgasm after orgasm out of you as punishment. “you know i like it when you’re good f’me, sweetheart,” one minute you’re full and the next bakugou is slowly pulling out of the soppy mess between your thighs, shuddering at how your sex auctions around him with a gooey ring of white. “why can’t you listen? why can’t you be my good fuckin’ baby when i love you so much.”
you don’t have a chance to respond, because katsuki’s the throwing all of his weight onto you again, thrusting into you so hard that you jerk up the bed and your eyes roll back into the heavens <3
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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savnofilter · 1 year
Deku and choking 👀People make him out to be this little inexperienced cinnaroll like no he is not
                      izuku midoriya x [afab]reader
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warning(s): sexual content, penetration sex, choking, breath play, reader our vocal queen, mentions of overstimulation & squirting.
read more: masterlist | student masterlist
a/n: theres a proper midoriya fic coming soon.. idk how to go ab it so take this crumb. enjoy.
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you purred in delight as he gave you long and drawn out thrusts. your walls ached for something better and more fulling, and this had you weak. your plush lips were agape, half lidded eyes hazy in lust as you watch in amazement at how his cock disappear and reappear where you two joined. your trembling hands gripped onto the sheets as you wanted more of him.
your boyfriend had your legs pressed against your chest in a mating press. you had no idea that post workout sex with him would be this powerful—this intense. your eyes roll back feeling his tip poke repeatedly against your g-spot, your jaw falling more as you could feel yourself get closer to your climax.
suddenly, you felt one of your legs on your boyfriend’s shoulder, you now being positioned on your side. you squint before letting your gaze fall, your hand that was once safe gripping the sheets beside you now hurriedly gripping his wrist in false security. apparently he had determined you were too slow in looking up at him in your lethargic and fucked out state as he took it upon himself to get your attention. his rough hand replaces itself to grip your jaw, the pressure squishing your cheeks under its hold. Midoriya looked down at you with an expression to challenge you, wanting see how long you could go without breaking the eye contact between you two. you groaned feeling him pick up speed along with the fact he was now forcing more of his length into your cunt.
he gives you no room to regroup yourself, a soft gasp leaves your lips as his hand slips down to grab a hold of your throat, giving the sides of your neck a generous squeeze. you mewl as you slowly feel the air from your throat passage becomes less and the sensations of your body start to ramp up. before your jaw was open because of the pleasure, but now just as equally you couldnt breathe. the topping of the cake was his other hand finding its place between your legs and heatedly rubbing your clit. your expression could rival a pornstar’s: eyes submissive, brows scrunched, and mouth open in an “O” shape.
Midoriya’s eyes were both masked with adoration and carnality watching in hunger at your expression as you came undone. your body shook as he released his pressure from your neck, your hips bucking into his to meet with his consistent thrusts. fresh tears of sexual tension spilling onto your cute cheeks as you couldnt help but let it flow.
you had been so vocal during the session, he couldnt hold back a sadistic grin as your body now focused all its energy in cumming. he stops his thrusts to place a misleading and chaste kiss to the corner of your mouth, and then picks you up effortlessly to flip you over.
he places a heavy hand at the top of your back to bend you down, your chest close to the mattress and ass in the air. with his heavy length pressed against your bum you could feel how hard he still is. after getting you into position, he replaces his hand with his chest, his chin resting against your shoulder. you weakly mewl as he inserts himself swiftly into your fucked out cunt with no remorse. again, one hand found your neck whilst the other found solace on the sensitive bundle of nerves at the top of your vulva.
you try to muffle the groan thats urged out of you from all the sensations. matched with his expert working of your body and sensitivity, its no wonder you could feel a push in your bladder.
you sure hoped he wouldnt mind changing the sheets by the end of this session.
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    all rights reserved © do NOT steal, alter or copy this work.
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hard thought :
chris feeling his rut coming, his girl coming home with her male coworker’s scent on her, chris fucking her brains out and painting her cunt in his cum, breeding her to bits, fluffy aftercare.
anon i hate you (i love you) because this ask.... THIS ASK.... i couldn't stop thinking about this ask. it literally made me black out and next thing i knew there were words in my google docs and.... yeah. again, might as well share it JKSDFHSKJDFH (this is barely proof-read, sorry, i was literally possessed writing this sdfhsjkdf)
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Pairing: Werewolf!Chan x Human!F.Reader (one of the main pairings of my WereRoomies series, but you don’t really need to read any other instalments to understand/enjoy this one). | Word Count: ~2k | Warnings: smut · established relationship · chubby/curvy MC · Chris’ POV · mandatory Christopher is Intense™ warning · pet names · possessiveness · unprotected penetration (no barrier method, but BC is used) · praising · creampie · breeding kink · copious amounts of fluids (concerningly so. but this is some monster fuckery, what else would you expect?)
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It wasn’t enough. Nowhere near enough.
“C–Chris, b–baby…”
“Hm? What is it, pretty? Want me to stop?”
You shook your head, nuzzling your face on the bed sheets. Chris could feel his heart swell in his chest, you were just how he wanted you to be… moaning, whining, saying his name and only his name.
But, still, it wasn’t enough.
Whenever you came home from work, with the smell of your coworkers all over you, he typically didn’t mind. It was only natural for you to smell like other people after spending all day with them, just like he probably did, too. But today, the smell of your male colleagues on you triggered something in him, something primal that was usually perfectly kept at bay.
You didn’t even question it when he wrapped his arms around your waist and held you from behind while you washed a pot in the sink. After all, it wasn’t uncommon for him to cling to you.
‘Are you a wolf or a koala?’ you’d ask him sometimes, which always made him chuckle.
Today, Chris didn’t chuckle at the question. He simply buried his face deeper in the crook of your neck, kissing and licking your skin, trying to get rid of any traces of foreign scents–or rather, trying to leave his behind.
Sneaking a hand under your shirt, he held your soft belly, squishing and kneading your flesh while his other hand was too busy caressing your hips. ‘…Right now? I’m a wolf, pretty. A very horny wolf’.
Which was how you both ended up here.
With a hand between your shoulder blades, Chris kept your upper body pressed to the mattress, while the other diligently rubbed circles on your clit, making you clench harder around his length, ripping a low growl from deep within his chest. The sound was barely audible, but it was certainly there, mingling with the slapping of skin that seemed to bounce off of the walls as he kept fucking you from behind.
The feel of the soft, supple flesh of your bum against his skin was absolutely delectable, and the squelching sounds coming from where your bodies met were starting to make Chris lose his mind. How many times had he come? Two? Three? He wasn’t sure. The only thing he was sure of was that it wasn’t enough. 
“You’re so fucking perfect, baby. Perfect”, Chris’ pace picked up, eliciting a desperate whine from your lips. “Perfect and mine. Right? Just mine?”
Tightening your grip on the bed sheets, seeking his forearm with your free hand, you simply nodded, pushing your hips back to meet his thrusts.
“Say it”, Chris spoke between gritted teeth, speeding the movement of his fingers on your clit, determined to get you to your peak. Well, to another peak…
How many times had you come? Three? Four? He didn’t know, and at this point, he didn’t care. Once again, all he knew was that it wasn’t enough.
“Y–yours”, you could barely speak, and had Chris been a bit more coherent he would’ve probably slowed down. But as it was now, he simply couldn’t. If anything, the faintness in your voice made him go faster, chasing not only the feel of your skin hitting his, but also the delicious feel of your tightness dragging back and forth around him. “Close…”
“Close?” Chris could certainly tell you were close. The smell of your arousal wrapped around every single one of his nerve endings, your heart was beating so fast and loud in your chest it was mingling with his own heartbeat in his ears.
The vice grip of your cunt clouded his mind, the feeling of you around him had him salivating, grunting, groaning… Tingles of pleasure ran up and down his spine, and he could feel his own orgasm nearing increasingly fast. 
“Can you take another load, pretty? Hm?”
He knew you could. After all, you’d already taken everything he had given you so far. But still, he desperately wanted you to say it, he needed you to say it.
You nodded again, whining, and something akin to the word ‘please’ left your mouth. That simple sound got him so incredibly close, so close he was starting to lose the little composure he had left in him.
“Need to…stuff you full, baby”, you didn’t say anything after the words left his mouth. You honestly didn’t need to, he could feel how hard you clenched as soon as he said it. “You like it, don’t you, love? When I fill you up? When I fuck my cum back in as deep as it can go?” 
You nodded, so eagerly he could feel his head start to spin.
That was exactly what he’d done this entire time, shoot his load into your warmth, only to keep fucking you even when you were already filled to the brim. It didn’t matter, though, because doing it once, twice, thrice, just wasn’t enough. Chris needed you to be as full of him as you could, he needed to give you more, as much as his body was capable of. And judging by how he’d not gone soft once the entire time, he just couldn’t stop until that primal need was fulfilled, until his inner wolf was satisfied.
Finally, you moaned his name, so prettily he almost felt blessed that he was able to hear you over and over again. With an assortment of loud swears, your whole body trembled with your release, and Chris finally removed his fingers from your sensitive nub. Instead, he brought both of his hands to your hips so he could pull you back to meet his thrusts when you clearly couldn’t do it on your own anymore.
He vaguely registered praising you for it. He could feel his heart swell with pride, not only because of how good he’d made you feel, but also for how well you’d done for him, for how well you’d taken it all. Satisfied mate, perfect mate, mine, just for me, soft mate just for me…
“Gonna–Fuck, pretty, gonna stuff you so fucking full…”
With a low, drawn out growl, Chris finally let himself go. The undeniable satisfaction of an orgasm always seemed to triple whenever he got to pump you full of his cum, and today, at this very moment, nothing had felt quite as fulfilling as this did.
Even when he came, though, he didn’t stop moving. He vaguely registered the sting of overstimulation, but he just couldn’t stop. All you did was take it. Take anything and everything he had to give as quiet whimpers fell from your lips and your nails dug on his forearm. 
“Need to…” He was panting, groaning, and he could barely hear anything over his beating heart in his ears. “Need to make sure it sticks….”
Chris was delirious, for sure. Nothing would stick. It never did, you were protected in that regard, but his numerous orgasms had his logical, human mind completely disconnected from reality. All he had left were his wolf instincts, those instincts that urged him to claim you in the utmost primal way possible, those instincts that urged him to give you a part of himself, that urged him to breed you.
One, two, three, four thrusts, and he finally stilled, groaning. A shiver ran up and down his spine, and before he could even stop himself, he collapsed, squishing you between his body and the mattress when your knees finally gave out under his weight.
Even through the haze, he couldn’t help but wonder if you could feel how hard his heart was beating against your back.
“Fuck, baby, you okay?” Chris was panting still, his mind foggy, oscillating between this moment in your shared bedroom and somewhere deep within himself.
You laughed. A hearty laugh, albeit a bit strained. “Are you?”
The sound brought to the forefront of his heart all that undeniable love he felt for you, dissipating some of that fogginess in his brain. Chris couldn’t help but laugh as well. 
Carefully, he peeled his body away from you, leaving the warmth of your inner walls in the process, which honestly shouldn’t have made him feel this irrationally sad. His erection was finally going down, he’d been hard for so long, but only now did he register how sore he was.
As soon as he kneeled on the bed, with his hands on your bum, spreading you open to see bucket loads of his cum trickling out of your abused hole, he felt himself twitch, and for a microsecond he feared the cycle would start all over again.
Thankfully, it didn’t.
Chris simply heaved a sigh of relief, absentmindedly staring at your centre, at your mixed fluids oozing out of you and soiling your bed sheets in the process.
It dawned on him then just how desperately needed this, which puzzled him a bit. Sure, he’d be the first to admit he loved to be all over you, but he genuinely felt like he couldn’t breathe until he stuffed you as full of his cum as he possibly could.
“Baby?” Your voice snapped him out of the daze he was in, making him blink. 
Looking back at your face, he was met with a teasing–yet a bit tired–smile on your lips. “Hm?”
“You weren’t listening were you?” 
Chris felt himself flush. Had you spoken? He hadn’t heard a single thing. Was he that pussy drunk? He supposed he couldn’t blame himself for it. Not when you were the girl of his dreams, not when you were almost glowing in your post-orgasmic bliss, not when he was this unequivocally in love.
He simply shook his head in response, ignoring the heat he felt spreading from his chest to the back of his neck. 
“I asked if you were enjoying the view, Christopher”, you chuckled, and it made him smile.
He licked his lips, returning his eyes to your drenched folds, just in time to see more of him coming out. You totally did that on purpose, and he couldn’t help but scoff a chuckle, finally letting go of your buttocks so he could land a smack on one of them, right before he laid down next to you and pulled you into his arms. 
“I was”, he admitted, because what would be the point of lying to you? If there was one thing he could be with you, it was being honest. Chris pressed a kiss on your forehead, holding you tighter. “I love you”.
“Mmm… Love you, too”, was all you mumbled back, tucking your head under his chin, and draping a leg over his hip, pulling him closer to you. “I’m okay, by the way”.
“Good”, with his index and thumb on your chin, he pulled your face up, enough so he could kiss you. Probably the softest kiss he’d initiated since this all started. “I’m okay, too. More than okay”.
You both stayed there for a while, just kissing, cuddling, sharing some warmth, until Chris asked if you’d like a bath, to which you immediately agreed.
Now, with his back against the tub, and with you between his legs, your back against his chest, he simply held you close as you told him about your day. Chris listened intently, massaging your soft body under the water in an attempt to soothe your achy limbs while you spoke to him. 
In here, all he could smell on you now was your floral scent and the smell of your shared home, which probably meant you also smelt like him. The realisation, along with the sound of your voice, helped his muscles relax. Finally, he was at ease.
Chris told you about his day, too. Nonessential information about things he’d done, or office gossip that he knew you’d enjoy listening to. Even when you eventually turned to face him, grabbing his shampoo and lathering your hands.
“Babe”, your fingers glided through his hair, massaging in his shampoo on his scalp. Chris would admit he enjoyed this more than he thought he ever would. Just looking at your face this close, feeling the soft movement of your hands on his head… It always felt incredibly intimate and soothing. So much so he was sure that, had he been in his wolf form, his tail would be wagging right now. “I think your rut is coming very soon”.
His eyes widened. He started doing the math in his head, had that much time passed already? “Shit, you might be right”.
“Might?” You chuckled, using a cup to gather water from the tub so you could rinse the shampoo out of his hair. “I am right, baby. You don’t just pump me full of your cum four times in a row for no reason”.
A smile made its way onto his lips. He looked you in the eyes, relishing the galaxies he could see in them, ignoring how fast his heart started to beat at the sight. It wasn’t the feeling he needed right now, not when he wanted to tease you effectively. “You were begging for it, too, though”.
Finally done with his hair, you cradled his face in your hands, staring right back at him. “That’s ‘cause I love it when you stuff me full of your cum, Chris”.
The fine hairs at his nape stood on end, and he had to make the conscious effort not to shiver. Bringing his hands to your waist, Chris pulled you closer. “Pretty, if I fuck you again today I’ll have to be hospitalised for dehydration. Don’t just casually drop that on me, God…”
You chuckled, leaning in, kissing him tenderly, and he simply melted under the soft movement of your lips on his.
You were right, though. His rut was surely coming soon, probably sometime next week… He’d have to start making arrangements soon, just like you had to, too.
Food had to be prepared, drinks had to be bought, PTO had to be confirmed, and any sexual activities had to be stopped to make sure your body was well rested enough for what was to come. Chris couldn’t let himself go like he did today, he didn’t want to inadvertently hurt you later because of his idiotic wolf urges…
Everything else could wait until tomorrow, though. Tonight, the only thing that mattered to him was enjoying your company and your warmth.
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© therhythmafterthesummer 2023. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate my stories.
figured i’d tag anyone that wants to be tagged in my wereroomies instalments. if you don’t want to be tagged in little ask responses like these let me know ! If you want to be added to the tag list, you can fill in this form. be aware that you must have an indication that you’re an adult in your blog if you want me to tag you in my works
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tongue-like-a-razor · 2 years
Could u do a head shot for everytime rooster and reader found out they were pregnant?
Aww this is such a cute ask, thank you, anon! Hope you like it :D
The Making of Rooster's Brood
Summary: Rooster and his wife are having all the babies.
CW: So many pregnancies and children, foster care and adoption, swearing, possibly an illegal amount of fluff
A/N: Just a quick warm-up drabble, nothing special! But now I need to go write some angst because I might be in danger of melting entirely after this piece.
Rooster's Brood Pt1 | Rooster's Brood Pt2 | Masterlist
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The first time is planned. You follow every recommendation to a tee. You and Rooster can't wait to be parents so, the moment the two of you have your own place, you start trying.
You buy a pregnancy test the day after. You know it's way too early but you can't wait. Of course, it's negative, which bums you out. Rooster sits with you on the couch, consoling you and reminding you that nothing will show up on a home pregnancy test for weeks, even if you are, in fact, pregnant.
Nonetheless, you purchase another test the next day. You wait to take it until a week has passed - an excruciatingly long week. The test is negative again, and you are so discouraged that Rooster decides to take you to the movies to get your mind off things.
The two of you continue to try for another week and, meanwhile, you pay attention to every weird thing your body is doing. First, it's a stuffed nose. A cold, perhaps. Then, the frequent peeing - three times in one night? Finally, when your lower back starts hurting, you ask Rooster to go out and get you a test. It's ten o'clock in the evening and you half-expect him to say no, but Rooster is out the door before you could finish your sentence.
You take the test and step out of the bathroom after setting your timer. Rooster is holding his arms out to give you a hug. You stay in his embrace for the entire three minutes and, when the timer goes off, the two of you enter the bathroom anxiously. Rooster doesn't notice at first, but you see the faint pink of the second line right away and scream.
When Rooster catches on, he grabs you and pulls you into his chest, his arms wrapping tightly around your body. “Is it true? Are you sure?” He asks.
After you nod and he kisses your head several times, he lets go and goes over to the counter to inspect the test.
The second time is definitely an accident. You find out several days after your baby turns one and you start to freak out. How in the world are you going to keep two babies alive? You barely have enough energy to get out of bed in the morning - your first baby is a terrible sleeper.
Rooster assures you that it’ll all be alright. He cuddles you in bed while you try to determine whether you are filled with more terror or excitement at the prospect of a second child. Rooster chuckles when you voice your thoughts aloud and says, “I’m so fucking happy right now. Does that ease your mind at all?”
It does.
“Maybe we should try for a girl,” Rooster says one day as your little family of four finds a spot to have a picnic by the water.
You give him a pointed look. You’re not thrilled at the idea of raising an entire litter of Rooster babies while he’s on deployment four months out of the year.
“Always wanted a girl,” Rooster says musingly and the sheepish grin on his face as he pulls you in for a hug nearly convinces you.
A few minutes later, when you hear your kids’ jubilant screams as Rooster plays with them in the water, you look up with a resigned sigh. You smile because you’re extremely proud that your husband is such a wonderful father. And, of course, by the time you’ve set out the crackers and cheese, you’ve decided that having another baby might not be so bad.
The fourth time is a surprise once again. Only, this time, you’re not as upset about it. With three kids, you’ve already gotten into the swing of things as parents. Your kids play together, which means you don’t have to constantly entertain them (just break up their fights once in a while). You and Rooster are really hoping the fourth one will be a girl but, when you find out that it will be twins, Rooster is so excited that he starts whooping right in the doctor’s office.
After Rooster returns from deployment, the two of you decide that you make the most amazing kids and it would be a disservice to the world if you didn’t go ahead and make another one. You don’t even take a pregnancy test this time because you know the signs like the back of your hand.
Rooster does an amazing job of taking care of the kids and you while you’re pregnant because, this time, you’re nauseated for the entire nine months! He cooks, he cleans, he does bath time and reads the bedtime stories. He gets all the night calls and gets up at the crack of dawn every morning. “I’m a rooster, after all,” he says.
You decide, after your latest pregnancy, that it’ll be your last one. Being sick for nine months is absolutely no fun.
But, when Rooster brings home a foster child for temporary placement, you tell him right away that the two of you are adopting him without question. He tells you that he was hoping you’d say that.
Fast forward another year and you and Rooster are sitting on the couch, watching your children play. Rooster has his arm around you and you’re snuggled into his side while he strokes your shoulder gently.
“Look at this amazing family you made,” he says quietly.
“We made,” you respond.
Rooster chuckles. “My part was so easy.”
You laugh. “You’ve pulled your weight since.”
“Ever think about having another one?”
You look up at him sharply and he gives you a mischievous grin. “You’re joking,” you say.
He purses his lips to contain his widening smile and glances at the room full of children. “Historically speaking, chances are that I’m not joking.”
“You still want a girl,” you say.
He looks back at you. “Well, I already have a queen,” he says, kissing you tenderly on the forehead. “Wouldn’t mind a princess though. To keep these hooligans in check,” he nods at the boys roughhousing in the living room.
You consider his statement as he pecks your cheek. The softer his kisses become, the more sway he seems to have over your rational mind. You’ve already got seven kids, what’s one more?
Rooster nuzzles his head against yours. “Forget I said anything, baby,” he whispers. “You have given me everything I've ever wanted and more. I can’t believe how lucky I am.”
"What if it'll be another boy?" you say quietly.
You feel Rooster's body stiffen. He lowers his head to catch your gaze. "Could be a dinosaur for all I care," he replies. You laugh but he sits up straighter and gives you a serious look. "Baby," he says, running a hand down the side of your face. "Girl, boy, a bit of both or maybe neither, it makes no difference to me. You know that, right? I was only kidding."
You nod. "I know."
"I am so happy we have seven boys, baby," he continues. "They're the most amazing humans on the planet. Because they're ours. Mine and yours."
You smile at him, overwhelmed by all the little things that make up the Rooster you love: the earnestness in his eyes, the sweet rasp of his voice, his arms when they're wrapped around you, keeping you warm and safe, and his enormous heart. You think back to how adorable he looks while rocking your newborn babies to sleep, insisting that you need your rest.
"Look how tiny he is," he would say, admiring the small bundle in his giant arms. "I could hold him forever."
You love watching Rooster raise your children. You love seeing him change diapers and pack lunches and do a head count at the park. You love him. And you love all of the amazing humans the two of you are rearing. You sigh, thinking that you might, as it turns out, want another one just because it means it would be with Rooster. "Maybe one more," you say tentatively.
Rooster blinks at you with a hint of a smile. "Are you serious?"
You glance around the room, watching your children line up to take turns jumping off the couch. "Historically speaking, chances are I'm serious."
He laughs then cranes his neck to check the clock in the kitchen. "Is it bedtime yet?"
Rooster Tag List:
Please feel free to let me know if you no longer wish to be tagged in my Rooster fics
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
Everyone is doing trapped in an elevator prompts and every one I’ve read has Dream having the panic attack and Hob comforting him and I love them all…
But I have the reverse stuck in my head and so I’m making it your problem!
Maybe they’re at the same university or something but Dream knows of Hob, this loud brash jock who once tried to buy him a drink at a bar (a mean-spirited joke, surely, the star of the rugby team making fun of the friendless poetry major). He was annoyed the second Hob stepped into the elevator and gave him that wide smile with soft brown eyes…
And then the elevator stops between floors and the lights flicker out and Dream rolls his eyes, prepared to deal with an hour or two of Hob’s prattling as the subtle scent of his cologne fills the small area.
Except Hob falls utterly silent. Dream looks over and sees him sinking to the floor struggling to breathe.
“I’m fine,” hob assures him. He is not fine. Hob has some trauma regarding small spaces. It’s so embarrassing because Hob has had such a crush on Dream and dream already clearly hates him. This is just going to make it worse.
“You are…not fine,” Dream says. It is distressing to see Hob this way. It hurts Dream to see his eyes fill with tears. He kneels beside him calling on all his tactics for soothing his younger sister, Delirium who frequently has panic attacks.
They sit together for two hours and all of Hob’s trauma spills out, how he is an orphan here on scholarship and losing his family made him determined to live his life to the fullest and most joyful every day. Dream holds him in his arms and is forced to realize his impression of Hob was all wrong. And this time, once the elevator is working again, he’s the one who offers to buy Hob a drink at the nearby cafe, because he can’t leave him alone until he gets Hob smiling again.
Love this!! I love it when Hob is the vulnerable one, and Dream gets to take care of him.
Everyone says that Hob is so nice, he's a sweetheart, and despite being a big deal with the sporty kids he has friends all over campus. He gets in fights sometimes but it's always in defence of himself or one of his friends.
Of course Dream thinks that all this is too good to be true. Hob may be sweet and handsome but there must be some underhand reason for all his kindness, surely?
Meanwhile Hob is absolutely bummed that the person he's had a massive crush on since the first semester clearly thinks that he's annoying and awful. Hob (ADHD icon) spent his whole high-school career being told that he was too much, too irritating, too loud. It really hurts that Dream clearly thinks that, too.
So when they get stuck in the lift together, Hob is really really trying not to be annoying. Trying not to breathe too hard or sweat too much. Obviously it just makes him panic more, and he can feel Dream staring at him... and that's when he starts crying.
The next few hours are a bit of a messed up blur for Hob. When he comes back to full awareness he's curled up in Dream’s arms, shaking slightly, snuffling against his neck. Dream is stroking his hair and talking to him and Hob is very much convinced that he's in heaven.
They come out of the lift holding hands, and they continue holding hands in the cafe, and when Hob dozes off with his head on Dream’s shoulder on the bus home... Dream doesn't let go. He's got to admit, he was wrong about Hob. And he can't wait to get to know the boy who's currently snoring into his ear.
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yourimaginationrealm · 5 months
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You: *sigh*
Nobara: „No, really who in the world, do you like so much. We just have idiots working here…“
You laugh: „Well, I never said that he isn’t a idiot…
Nobara : „hmmm?“
You: „He is always honest, cute, athletic, friendly to people and very energetic…. I love his caring side and even his determination to get stronger. His laughing is sweet and I have no idea why I feel so insecure around him-!“
Nobara: „Hooo~“
Yuji: „Woah! Sounds like an awesome guy you like! Besides, you shouldn’t feel like that, you are beautiful girl and just tell him. Who would reject a person like you?“
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You: „E-Ehm. Thanks….? Since when are you behind me-me?“
Nobara: „Ohhh! Why did I never- I mean your explanation fits so well…“
Yuji: „Just now, wanted to train with Gojo-Sensei. What do you mean, Kugisaki?“
Megumi comes along the corner: „Hey guys, what’s going o- …. On?“
He sees you blushing and avoiding eye contact with Yuji as you mumble:
Yuji: „Oh, is it Megumi?
Megumi: „Hm..?
Nobara: „Wow, he is so dense ….“ she whisper to herself when she helps him:
„Nah, she said friendly, look at the guy!“
Megumi: „Hey!?“
You: „Is it now so important?“
Yuji: „Just trying to help do-„
Nobara: „You know what… I just take this unfriendly guy with me and you sort things out, okay?“
You: „No, Nobara I-!“
Yuji: „Huh?“
Megumi: „What the hell, I am very friendly!“
Nobara: „Yeah, you just don’t show it.“
Megumi: „More friendly than you. Ouch!“
Nobara: „Take that back …“
Yuji looks at you while you stare flustered to the floor.
„Do you know what she means..?“
You: „Uhm… I…. „ you heart races in your chest as you can not look into his eyes. You fiddle embarrassed with your fingers.
„I…. Urgh… I“ you can not stop to stutter, your eyes flicker a second to his face as he seems worried about you and asks:
„Are you ok? You don’t have to push yourself to hard. Let’s follo-„
You just can’t take it. He is so considerate with you as you just close your eyes and yell at him:
„Damn it, it’s you! I really, really like you! I can’t even look at you and that is so stupid!“ The last part was actually meant only for yourself yet you couldn’t hold it back.
You hear nothing as you open one of your eyes curiously. He just stand in front of you with a dumbstruck expression and a light blush on his cheeks. His lips forms a ‚O‘ in realisation.
„Can…. You repeat it?“ he mutters as you blink at him.
„Did you just not notice how hard it was for me to actually say it?“
„Hahaha!“ he laughs and scratches the back of his head. „sorry, I just can’t believe it, you are the first girl who confessed your feelings for me. I am kinda bummed.“
You smile faintly as you watch him shyly.
„No! Don’t be. I am flattered about your confession and I fee-„
„Hey, you two.“ Gojo enters proudly the scene when you look at him surprised. He seems smiling at you both. more like smirking.
„I’ve been waiting, Yuji-kun…“
Yuji: „Ah, sorry Sensei! I am coming immediately when-„
You: „No, you can go. We talk later…“
Yuji: „Really? I mean I don’t wanna stood you up here….“
You: „You don’t, we see each other later.“
You wave at him with a smile.
Before Yuji can turn around to leave with Gojo, the teacher just unashamedly mentions.
„No, goodbye kiss? Couples these days.“
Both of your ears and faces are blown red.
„We are not a couple!“ you both yell nervously when Yuji mutters at the end a „… yet“
„Huh? Totally, thought you two a thing.“ Gojo throws his hands into the air dramatically.
„Well, I am going!“ you bow in respect good bye for your teacher and walk fastly on the opposite way. Suddenly, you stop, turn back and kiss Yuji rapidly on his right cheek before leaving again. He blushes furiously and holding his cheek in shock.
"What a cutie and beauty you have there...." Gojo teasingly says while Yuji just nods.
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cool-thymus · 8 months
A late submission for Kakashi Week 2023: Recovery.
[obkk; ninken; obito survives the war; nightmares; comfort]
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Bedtime Story
Obito is fighting a lot of demons because all those voices and urges can’t disappear without a trace all at once. He needs support, he needs someone to believe in him. Kakashi gives him that. They sit on his bed. Obito has learnt what affection is like, and he is learning how to show it himself. Deep in his heart he knows he doesn’t deserve it, but Kakashi’s voice is reassuring. He says that he cares; he says that he loves him, the real him, and that he will be there. Through all the bad things, unpleasant things. Obito asks to tell him this again, and one more time. He draws Kakashi closer, their foreheads touch. Obito’s hand moves slowly, gently and stops over Kakashi’s heart. It flutters; it overflows with fondness. For a split second everything stops. Mokuton release swiftly pierces the heart. Kakashi recoils, finds Obito’s gaze, and doesn’t recognize the face three inches away. Mad red eyes are there instead of Obito’s familiar loyal, wondering brown.
Kakashi wakes up in cold sweat scooting away to the edge of the bed. It’s the same bed, the same dark room, so he’s trying to shake it off as fast as he can and get a grip on reality. He’s not new to nightmares, but this… This was horror. Seeing those eyes again, filled with that ruthless crazy determination to put an end to everything, was nothing less than devastating. He turns on the night lamp to invite some warm light into the bedroom and dissipate the remaining fear of… Obito. 
He takes a deep inaudible breath and turns to look at the man sleeping next to him. Splayed on his side of the bed, Obito is occupying as much space as possible. He is lying on his back with the blanket covering only his stomach. His left leg is resting on Bull who doesn’t mind serving as a footrest as long as he is allowed on the bed now and then. Another ninken occupies half of Obito’s pillow (because “He can’t just take my favorite pillow, Boss! I don’t care if it was his in the first place!”). Unaware of his furry rival, Obito has his head tilted to the left, so Biscuit’s butt is only millimeters away from his nose. 
Kakashi contemplates the scene and can’t help but chuckle. After having taken in the view, he turns off the light and quietly moves closer to gently guide Obito’s head away from the dog’s bum to the right side. He notices a couple of dog hairs on his cheek and blows them away. Then he settles on his left side next to Obito, facing him. Before Kakashi can go back to sleep he takes Obito’s right arm and hugs it in, close to his chest. 
It was just a bad dream. 
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years
My Future in You | Prologue |Bradley Bradshaw x Seresin ! Reader
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Synopsis: Bradley’s twenty-two years old and not where he’s supposed to be. He’s supposed to be out of the academy by now. Instead, he’s retaking his senior year of college and praying to god that he gets into flight school. Mav’s gone, his mom’s gone. He’s mad at the world. Then, a hook up at a Halloween party changes his future even more than he could have imagined.
Warnings: allusions to sex (fear not, there will be flashbacks in later chapters), eventual accidental pregnancy, angst, drama etc etc, enemies to lovers if you wanna call it that, no major warnings in this chapter
“Smile, dude, you’re bumming me out.” Jake elbows Bradley playfully. Bradley turns his head and plasters a forced grin onto his face, then leans back against the wall behind him. He brings the red cup to his mouth and drinks.
“It’s Halloween — the sluttiest night of the year, stop crying about your midterm and enjoy it!” Jake pats Bradley’s shoulder and heads for the living room. Bradley purses his lips as he looks around him.
He presses his tongue to the inside of his cheek. Jake, for once, is right. A C-minus probably isn’t worth sulking over. It’s just that Bradley’s determined to do it right this time around. If he does, then this time next year he’ll be in flight school and things will be back on track.
He would already be there if his Mom hadn’t gotten sick when she did. He doesn’t want to think about that tonight.
He looks down at the brown liquid in his cup and swishes it around, deciding that the plastic looks empty enough again for a refill. Bradley turns and heads for the kitchen, brushing past a sea of horny co-eds as he does.
He steps into the kitchen with his head down, grabbing a bottle of jack from the centre of the kitchen island. He pours it, mixes it with coke.
“Here he is.” A hand wraps around his forearm. Bradley looks up, brows raised, confused. You loop your arms around his arm, press your body into his side. Bradley looks down at the barely dressed firefighter hanging off of his arm, then up at the person you’re looking at, a lanky guy from another frat with a pissed off look on his face. “This is my Adam. Hi, baby.” You breathe out, squeezing your arms around his and then smiling up at him.
Bradley’s brows furrow slightly as he looks back down at you again. You stare at him, willing something in that stupid beefy brain to figure out what you’re trying to do. He looks back at the frat boy. It clicks.
“Oh.” He says out loud. “Yeah. I’m… Adam.”
Not one of you is impressed with his less than Oscar-worthy performance. Bradley smiles at the frat boy. He looks back at you.
“This guy bothering you?” He asks bluntly. Absolutely no regard for the picture you’re trying to paint of letting this guy down gently. You look up at him, the red plastic fireman’s hat dangling a little too loosely off of your head.
He’s handsome. You haven’t seen him around before. Reddish-blondish-brownish hair. Cute moustache. You love facial hair. Even cuter red blush to his cheeks. Freckles on his nose.
“No, we were just talking.” The other guy puts his hands up defensively. Bradley tilts his head at him. “I didn’t realise she had a boyfriend. Sorry, man.”
Even though you had told him you had a boyfriend eight times and had even made up a fake name and backstory for the imaginary individual.
You pull yourself closer to Adam, who studies anthropology, is left handed and drives a 2006 Toyota Corolla, then grin at the frat boy sweetly. Bradley watches him leave the kitchen. Once he’s gone, Bradley’s chin turns and he looks down at you. You realise you’re still curled around his arm, resting your cheek against his bicep. It feels strong. Warm. He smells nice.
You withdraw quickly.
“Sorry.” You giggle sheepishly. His eyes aren’t on your face anymore. His lips quirk as he looks you up and down.
“‘S alright,” He answers, lifting his drink and taking a sip. You stand back and watch the way he checks you out so unashamedly. You smile. “Wouldn’t leave you alone?” He nods his head in the direction that little asshole just scuttled off in.
“Yeah, he’s been bugging me for like an hour.” You explain. You hold your hand out towards the stranger in an eagles jersey and tell him your name.
This time he smiles. He takes your hand and shakes it loosely. “Bradley.”
“Who are supposed to be?” You ask. He’s just wearing jeans and a green jersey. He smiles around his cup and turns around. Your eyes linger on the way his shoulders stand out, the way the fabric grows looser around the bottom of his toned back. He points to the name on the back of the jersey with his free hand.
“Nick Foles.”
You scoff. “Man, that is scary.”
Bradley scrunches his nose as you turn and grab vodka from the island. You grab a new cup, nodding your head to the music as you go. The stupid plastic fireman’s hat wobbles on your head as you move.
“Oh really? — Who’s your team?”
“Longhorns, through and through.”
Bradley visibly grimaces. He shakes his head as he takes a long gulp. “I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just say that.”
“Why’s that?” You challenge him, mixing pineapple juice with your triple measure of vodka.
“Because before you did, you were a ten. Now… I’m thinking somewhere along the lines of a four.” He answers. You turn your gaze towards him and he’s smiling. You lift your cup and bump it against his.
“You know what? — I agree,” You tell him sweetly. Bradley’s just thinking about how diplomatic of an answer that was, how level-headed and sweet you must be, when you continue. “We’re both fours.”
Bradley scrunches his face up, “I’m a four?”
You turn your body fully towards him. You look him up and down. Shrug your shoulders. “On a good day, I can’t see why you wouldn’t be.”
He smiles at you.
“You’re cute for a longhorns fan.” He leans against the island and wets his lips with his tongue. You smile at him. “You always come with the leather shorts?”
“You wish.” You answer.
He takes a drink, then nods his head as he looks unashamedly at the fishnets that disappear under the black leather. “I do.”
You bite your cheek. He watches you drink from the cup.
“What’s your major?”
You lean into him. Tell him that you don’t go to school here, you’re just here with some friends visiting your big brother. He studies political science. He’s a senior.
You are too, but you have to mention that you’re graduating two years early. He teases you for being a know it all. He’s easy enough to get along with. Even easier to look at.
“No you don’t.” You scoff at him. You tilt your head and the fireman’s hat wobbles. “You’re just trying to get me upstairs.”
Maybe. Rooster grins, pleased that you’re playing along. But he really does have the ball. He opens his mouth to tell you the story. All about how his Uncle Mav took him to a game on his seventh birthday and made sure they left with a signed ball. He closes it again.
He shakes his head, not wanting to think of Mav. He’s having a good time, he can’t let that asshole ruin it.
“Seriously, I have a signed Paul O’Neill baseball. It’s in my room.” He nods his head, pouring himself another jack and coke. “I’d offer to show you, but I don’t know if I can trust a longhorn.”
You smile at him sweetly and tilt your head to the side, offering him a wink, “You shouldn’t.”
He sticks his hand out, “I’m sold. Come on. This way.” He takes your hand in his without waiting for you to extend it to him.
You giggle as he pulls you from the kitchen.
You take a sip of your drink and set it on his nightstand. You silently judge his bedsheets. He could’ve come up with something a little more original than navy blue.
“I’m not an interior decorator.” He reminds you.
“Thank god, I don’t think you’d be very successful.” You answer back. He chuckles softly as he crosses the room to you. You lift your chin, lips hinting at a smile.
He tilts back the plastic fireman’s hat, then lowers his head and kisses your mouth. You relax against his chest, grabbing at his hips as he grabs at the back of your neck.
“Mm, what about the baseball?” You remind him. He furrows his brows as he pulls back to look at you, he’s halfway to smiling.
“You really want to see it?” He asks.
“I will suck your dick right now if you can prove to me that you have a Paul O’Neill signed baseball.” You’re certain he’s lying. Bradley raises his eyebrows. He chuckles as he lets you go and turns around.
You watch him pull open his closet. He pulls a box down from the top and opens it. He’s standing a little bit away but you can see the box is filled with childhood trinkets and sports memorabilia.
He turns back towards you and presents the baseball in and open palm. He watches as you read the signature and look up at him silently. Your mouth twitches as you try not to laugh.
He drops the ball onto his desk and reaches for his belt, shrugging his shoulders as he tugs at the leather dramatically, “Well, I sure hope that your head game is better than your negotiating skills.”
You laugh as you grab a fistful of his jersey and pull him forward into you. He tucks an arm around you as you fall into soft navy sheets, his knee slides between yours, his hand cupping your jaw as he works his lips against yours.
The next morning he slips out of bed early and goes for a run like he always does. Showers next. Doesn’t spend much time thinking about the girl that he left in his bed. Not until he comes back downstairs in the late morning in search of something edible that isn’t last night’s pizza.
He scrunches his face as he rounds the bottom of the stairs. He looks down the hall into the kitchen. You’re in the kitchen, in a new outfit and tidying up last night’s mess. Did you bring an overnight bag to a frat party?
Bradley hesitates at the end of the hall. He considers how to politely tell you to stop cleaning and leave. This hasn’t ever been a problem before. When girls wake up and he’s gone, they usually take the hint and leave. He should ask-
Jake swings an arm around your shoulder and hugs you tight to his chest. He’s in sweatpants and a hoodie, his hair isn’t done. He grins as he hugs you. This isn’t how Jake treats girls he hooks up with - he likes to impress them by always looking immaculate and keep them interested with gentle teasing. Bradley’s eyes widen.
Jake must really like you.
Fuck. Bradley’s frozen in the hallway, having a crisis of faith, wondering how the hell he is going to live with the fact that he fucked Jake’s girlfriend. In his defence, Jake hasn’t mentioned a girl in months. Fuck. Bradley really hopes Jake doesn’t —
“Love you.” Jake grins, he messes with your hair as he turns to admire the job you’ve done cleaning up the kitchen this far. Bradley winces. He wonders how quickly he would be able to move out. This is going to make the team dynamic really awkward. Jake still has no idea that Bradley’s even watching. “You’re too good.”
“Yeah, yeah, love you too…” You answer back. Your back is to Bradley. You have no idea that he’s there.
Jake looks up and clocks Bradley standing at the bottom of the stairs through the kitchen doorway. He clasps his hand down onto your shoulder and gives a nod of acknowledgement to his teammate.
“Bradshaw!” Jake smiles, he has no idea. You turn, your eyes meet Bradley’s. He’s wearing a baseball cap to hide the fact that his curls dried weird this morning, and a plain black t-shirt. He smiles sheepishly at you.
Your lip quirks slightly. Sure, he’s shy now — he certainly wasn’t when he had you folded into his mattress at 3am.
“Have you met my baby sister?” Jake asks.
Bradley looks between you and Jake. Fuck, that’s so much worse. Jake’s in an especially good mood this morning. He grins proudly as he tucks his arm around your shoulder. You smile softly. Bradley looks between the two of you again.
He wants to bang his head against the wall.
How the fuck did he not notice that before? - That’s the exact same, smug smile. And you’re a longhorns fan - nobody likes the longhorns but Jake. This is bad. He fights his body’s natural impulse to slap a hand over his mouth.
Bradley realises that he’s still frozen, panicking, stood silent, still at the bottom of the stairs. He wonders if his movements look as robotic as they feel as he heads towards the kitchen. He forces himself to smile politely as he shakes his head. He hopes he isn’t red.
“I don’t think I have.” Bradley answers.
“This is Bradley, he’s our running back.” Jake explains. You nod politely. You tell him it’s nice to meet him. Bradley burns red.
You listen to Jake and Bradley’s small talk as Jake helps you clean the kitchen. Bradley remains firmly on the other side of the counter, like the possibility of coming into contact with you is terrifying. Which, it is.
Bradley knows that Jake likes to hold grudges.
“Alright, I should probably drive you home.” Jake decides finally. You let out a breath of relief and nod gratefully. You can’t stand being in this kitchen a second longer.
It’s bad enough that he snuck out this morning without saying a word. It’s even worse that he’s practically trembling now, worried about what your big brother would think. Lame.
“Nice to meet you, Bradley.”
Bradley smiles for Jake’s sake, his knuckles whitening around the counter as you pass by him.
“Sure — you too.”
It’s mutual. Neither of you plan on speaking ever again.
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clip-the-simp · 24 days
Not Much Else [Pt.3]
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2,246
Warnings: canon typical violence, swearing, needles and mention of surgery, suggestive content, (I’m bad at warning tags so just let me know if I need/should to add some)
Tags: Mild Proofreading, Slow Burn(?), suggestive content, flirting, wing play(?), reader had bat wings, Bounty Hunting, deviation from TV show, pre!show events(?), (Again I'm bad at tags so let me know)
Summary: You're a vault experiment that makes it to the surface. Quickly you learn the lay of the land and a few years later end up working the same bounty as The Ghoul. You convince him to let you tag along after having a feeling that you just had to follow him. Where will this story lead? Only time (and my motivation) will tell.
A/N: Things are getting heated y’all. This is part 3 to my Copper Howard/The Ghoul x reader fanfic. Be forewarned that this is going to be far from canon and really unrealistic honestly. But listen. If writing has taught me one thing, it’s that anything can happen.
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The trek through the mountains was a bit harder than you imagined. Having hiked multiple times before the bombs dropped and practically living in that environment, it really bummed you out to know you weren’t as capable of the task as before.
“Come on now! Slow Pokes get left behind.” The Ghoul shouted from above you. He was a good ten yards ahead and picking at the tree next to him that had already been tampered with. It seemed that the target was marking his way through the words.
What a dumb ass. You had thought at the first marker the two of you had found. For someone trying to not be found he had made it quite easy. Although in total honesty you weren’t sure why he was being targeted.
The price on his head was hefty to say the least and the contract didn’t specify if he was needed dead or alive, only that his body needed to be brought back. Although if he was turned in alive there would be a nice bonus added.
From what it seemed, he came from one of the higher crime groups that resided on the coast. And considering he had enough to bargain with to afford hired muscle, they had to be from wealth.
Your back cracked as you straightened up next to The Ghoul. He had waited for you to catch up, which you appreciated. You might be fast in the air, but on the ground your wings did carry some weight to them.
“About time y’caught up. Take a look at this.” The Ghoul pointed at a clearing just over the ridge where a camp sight had been set up. The fire was still smoldering as though the inhabitants left in a hurry. A few moments later The Ghoul and yourself were rummaging about the camp. While you examined the area closest to the fire pit, The Ghoul scanned the perimeter.
“They left in a hurry, that's for sure.” You picked at the remains of the fire to determine when it had been lit. “But as to why I haven't quite-” You began to speak only to get cut off.
“I know why.” The Ghoul said followed by the sound of his gun unholstering which caught your attention. Immediately lifting your head to see The Ghoul, a large shadow settled at your back as you froze. Whatever was behind you had your companion aiming quick before firing off several shots in your direction. When the first bullet left the barrel of his gun, you dove to the side and began to crawl far enough away to feel safe to look behind you.
What you saw was the largest yao guai, a mangy mutated bear, you've ever had the displeasure of laying eyes on. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you stood. The bear roared and The Ghoul’s initial shots had only managed to piss it off more.
“Shit!” He yelled as the bear began to charge at him. The Ghoul tried to fire off another shot but nothing happened. The gun was jammed. The yao guai was still laser focused on The Ghoul as you finally unfroze from your shock. Your hands fumbled for the gun holstered at your thigh. You knew you didn’t have bullets that were going to bring the beast down, but it would get the attention off the man who did. Shooting your own rounds, the bear quickly turned in your direction before promptly changing course. Now focused solely on you.
“Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck!” You yelled as you ran from the mutant. You didn’t think this one though at all. Your focus had been purely to get the bear's attention off The Ghoul and it worked.
Not realizing how close the bear had actually been, you were quickly knocked to the ground as the force of the yao guai landed on your back, causing all air to leave your lungs. There was a sickening crunch as something in your body broke and a muted scream tried to leave your throat.
Before the creature could do any more damage there were another two shots coming from behind you. The first shot caused the bear to yowl in pain and get off of you as it turned back to the one shooting it. The second forced the bear to fall to the ground in a limp heap beside you. There was a quick sound of jingling spurs that came from somewhere beside you, but the pain that began to bloom in your back took away from all other senses.
Tears started to pluck at the corners of your eyes as breathing came back to you. Pinpointing the broken bone was easy after you tried opening your wings and a shooting pain came from your left wing. A yelp came from you as you tried to stand. You found yourself back on the ground, the pain from disturbing the broken limb causing a wave of nausea to wash over you.
“Stay still.” The Ghoul said kneeling in front of you with a stimpack in hand. Fear gripped you as he grabbed your arm and jammed the needle into your arm. Your muscles were tense which were bound to cause a bruise in that arm. Your mind was fogged from the memories of the vault you came from while the stim needle was buried in your arm . The cutting of flesh, recovery from surgeries, but most of all the injections of mutated cells that were forced into your bloodstream.
“Y’still with me darlin?” You heard The Ghoul’s voice break through the fog in your mind. It felt like an eternity before he spoke after removing the stimpack. Your eyes were hazy as you looked at him and tried to focus your senses again.
“Ya,” you shook your head to try and relieve yourself of your thoughts. Bringing your attention to The Ghoul, you found his eyes to focus on something other than the past. “I’ll be fine.” You assured him as you slowly stood up, The Ghoul followed and placed his hands on your shoulders to keep you balanced.
“Y’don’t look it.” He mumbled as you held a hand to your face trying to gather yourself. The tackle to the ground definitely threw you off not to mention the sudden flashbacks to the vault.
The Ghoul’s hands remained on your shoulders while he took in your facial features. You looked terrible and were in no condition to travel. His hands delivered a light squeeze before he removed them and walked away to poke at the bear.
“We’ll camp here for the night.” He stated as he cut into the bear's hide to harvest what he could. You looked over to him puzzled. There were still at least two hours worth of daylight left which was valuable time you would lose.
“There’s still daylight left. And god knows how far ahead start they-” you began to argue. But you were cut off when he glared over his shoulder at you. Your body instantly froze when your eyes met.
“I don’t care. I’m not traveling with y’injured.” The Ghoul’s voice was low and gruff. There was no room for argument in his tone. Slumping your shoulders you reached back to touch your wing. There was still a throbbing pain where the bone was trying to mend itself.
“We’ll travel when your wing is fully healed in the morning.” He had brought his attention back to the bear as he cut away at the flesh. Sure the bear was full of radiation and not good to eat, but food was food. And for you, radiation was no big deal having been pumped full of it in the vault.
An hour had passed before the two of you settled in by the newly sparked fire. The sun wasn’t fully set but with the trees the world seemed darker. In the mountain elevation it seemed to be a lot colder than what you had grown accustomed to in the desert.
The Ghoul sat to your left that night which was unusual. He had kept the fire between you two every night since working together which sparked the question.
“What’s with the change? Tired of sleeping alone?” You teased with a lite jab of your elbow into his arm. He let out a chuckle that caught you off guard. It was such a wonderful sound to hear from him. The Ghoul turned to look at you while you grinned at him.
“Maybe.” He answered. His tone had dropped to something a bit more sinister which sent a shock up your spine. It held an edge to it that burned a fire in your belly, especially when you noticed his eyes on you. They showed something primal in them.
Clearing your throat you turned your gaze away. Grabbing the designated poking stick you stirred the fire. But you felt your body continuing to grow warm with The Ghoul’s gaze on you.
You leaned back against the log the two of you were using as a rest once you finished poking the fire. There was a sudden discomfort that laid in the joints of your wings as you realized they hadn’t been stretched in a while. After realizing that you threw off your jacket to properly unfurl your wing.
Sitting up a bit you carefully stretched your wings directly behind you before bringing them to shield your back and The Ghoul’s. There were a few good pops that came from the base of your back that relieves some of the pain. Tucking your wings back into place you finally noticed The Ghoul’s eyes lingering on them.
“Let me take a look at that wing real quick. Need to see if the stim pack worked.” The Ghoul said as he reached for your exposed wing. Before you could protest his hand was gripping lightly at the base of your now healed wing and making its way to where the brake had been. An unexpected bolt of pleasure ran through you, forcing a soft moan to leave your lips.
Your face grew painfully hot as you slapped your hands over your mouth in pure horror at what just left it. Your wings clamped close to your body as you tried to make yourself as small as possible. Burying your face in your hands The Ghoul whistled lower as he smirked at you.
“Didn’t know that was a turn on for y’ sweetheart.” His voice was low again as he teased, which only caused you to burn hotter.
“Shut the fuck up!” Your statement was muffled by your hands. The Ghoul just laughed at your embarrassment. No one had touched your wings since the scientist that attached them, because even after that you would scare them away from touching you. So you never knew the sensitivity they had when others messed witg them.
“It’s alright darlin. We’re both adults here.” He leaned into you a bet while placing an arm across your shoulders. You tried to look him in the face but the heat in your face was still prominent.
“Well I’ve never had someone touch them before so I had no idea that was going to happen.” You admitted as you glared into the fire, trying to find any way to relieve the burning in your body. The Ghoul just leaned back on the log, throwing his arms behind him while his legs spread open in a lazy state.
The thought of you being between them shot through your mind as you admired him. You quickly tried to clear the thought from your mind but the blush was already obvious.
“From the way y’reacted you’ve never been touched.” His words cut through your thoughts causing you to whip your head around to face him. That comment of his stabbed at your pride. Did he really think you were that innocent?
“I’m not a virgin, you know. I was in Hollywood for years as an actress so I have some experience.” You spat at him before turning back to the fire.
“You were in Hollywood before the bombs fell?” His voice went hoarse when he questioned you. Something in the air shifted at that moment. There was a silence that followed his question.
“I was. Mostly played in commercials but had some bigger roles.” You started to reminisce on the old times. Missing how the sun didn’t blister your skin so easily or how people weren’t always out to kill you. At least most of the time. “Why? Were you?”
“Ya. I was.” The Ghoul grumbled while he looked into the fire. You kept looking at him. Trying to figure it out. He was so familiar but every train of thought led back to the same man. Your eyebrows raised as realization hit you.
“Oh my god. Cooper Howard?” His body stiffened at his real name. Your jaw fell slack as the pieces were put into place. His eyes found yours which only confirmed the accusation more. There was a deep seated pain that laid beneath his eyes which stabbed at your heart.
His appearance was nothing like the one he had before when you had worked with him. Not only was his nose gone, but his warm demeanor and overall well natured self was gone. He was tougher with a willingness to kill for whatever the occasion may be. Your eyes softened from their shock as you began to speak.
“What happened?”
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hellfiremunsonn · 1 year
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Summary: You’re not as innocent as everyone thinks, just a little clueless and maybe a bit careless, and with zero filter Eddie’s crush begins almost instantly.
Because Eddie sees you… He sees you for you, and the minute you stumble into his garage at work, asking him to fix your bike he knows he has you wrapped around his finger and he’ll do everything and anything to get what he wants.
Warnings: perv!eddie, he’s gross, he touches, he sneaks peeks, probably some coercion, will lead to smut but everything reader does is consensual, “innocent” reader, fem!reader, slight little reader, slight age regression?actions traded for Eddie’s labor on the bike, alright were adding a piss kink warning to this, daddy!Eddie, implied subspace/littlespace  (will update as I go)
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"Well I'm not leaving until you let me help you with something" You said sternly, arms crossed in front of you.
Eddie laughed, taking the handlebars of your bike in his hands and lead it to the far end of his side of the garage, to keep it out of the way. "What are you going to do, stand there all day?" he mocked.
"No" you said obviously. "I'm uh..." you hesitated, looking around you for a moment. "I'm going to sit in this chair" You plopped yourself down on the metal chair just on the other side of the large toolbox Eddie had been organizing earlier.
"Really?" Eddie said coming back to the car he had been working on. "You're going to sit there, all day and not move?"
"Yup" You said popping the 'p'
"Good luck with that princess" he said with a laugh, gathering the tools needed before leaning back over the hood of the car.
"I don't need luck" You huffed. "And don't call me princess"
"Why not?" he said through a grunt, his words were a little muffled over the clanks of his tools.
"Because I like it" You said flatly.
He popped his head back out and around the hood to get a better look at you "I'm sorry did you just say that, you like it?"
"Yeah?" You shrugged. "It makes me horny sometimes though, and right now I don't want you to be the one making me horny, because I'm mad at you" you said pointing your finger at him.
Eddie couldn't believe the words coming out of your mouth, how quick you were with honesty with no realization of how easily that turned him on. Thankful for the car hiding his lower half, otherwise you'd see just how much you already had an effect on him. "Jesus Christ you're going to try to kill me aren't you?" he said with a laugh, shaking his head.
"Maybe not kill you, but definitely wear you down" you said smugly, shoving your hands under your bum and kicking your feet out repeatedly, scuffing the toes off them across the cement floor in front of you.
You sit there for hours, you're bored, your ass hurts and you really have to pee but you're determined to follow through with your word. You groan for the umpteenth time, sliding down your seat until your chin touches your chest. If you close one eye you can see Eddie through the sliver of space between the hood and the car. You pinch him between your fingers before sitting back up.
"Getting restless over there?" he says after hearing you sigh, the metal chair squeaking with every movement.
"I'm pretty sure my ass is going to be numb for the rest of my life" you say sitting back up, tucking both hands in-between your thighs as if it'll make the ache in your bladder go away. "And I have to pee so bad" you whine.
Eddie chuckled to himself. "I'm not the one who said you had to sit there all day to prove a point"
"No, but I'm true to my word, so m'not moving" a beat "when do you finish work again?" you ask, leaning forward slightly to catch a glance at him.
He leans back from his work with a smirk on his lips. "For the seventeenth time" He pauses to watch you squirm in your seat. "I finish at six"
You let out a small 'hmp' and slump back down into your seat, looking up at the clock on the wall.
"I don't remember you being this insistent in high school" Eddie says coming to stand next to you while grabbing more tools.
"I didn't really care that much about school, but I passed, and graduated so that's all that really matters I guess" you shrugged. You didn't really expected Eddie to remember you from school, not that you avoided being seen, you just didn't think someone like him would remember someone like you.
"Didn't someone start a rumour about you and Steve? N'you slapped that girl in the cafeteria about it?" Eddie said, although his tone was more questioning.
"Oh it wasn't a rumour" you said laughing at the memory. "I did slap that girl though, but that's cause she was trying to make me feel bad about sleeping with a stuffed animal at sixteen" you rolled your eyes. "They always tried to make me feel bad about stuff, that I just didn't care about you know?"
"It wasn't a rumour?" Eddie asked, returning the conversation back.
"You're talking about Steve Harrington right?" you asked with the tilt of your head.
"Yeah" Eddie said, trying not to show the eagerness in his voice.
"Then yeah it wasn't a rumour, I sucked his dick when we were both in freshman year I think? Got caught in the bathroom by one of his groupies, that's how people found out" you blow a raspberry.
"I guess you really aren't that innocent as you seem huh?" Eddie said wiping his hands once more.
"Never said I was" you said honestly.
There was a brief moment of silence between you two but it wasn't awkward, and Eddie was almost shocked at how comfortable he seemed around you, and you around him.
"And now?" Eddie asks turning to you, his hands sliding up and down another wrench, cleaning the grease off of it with a partially clean rag and your brain stopped for a moment.
"W-What about now?" you said forcing yourself to respond, meeting his brown eyes for what felt like the firs time.
"What are you up to these days? Hope its not Harrington" he chuckles, smiling extra when he hears your laugh bubble out of your mouth.
"No, no, absolutely not" you say in-between laughs. "No Steve, although I see him sometimes when I go get movies, but he and I were never meant to be a thing" you take a deep breath, regulating yourself after laughing. "But I'm not up to much, reading mostly, and trying to do art stuff"
Eddie moves around the garage while you talk, putting things away, tidying, you almost don't realizing he's doing everything you offered to do for him because he keeps asking questions. But you don't mind, not today anyway, you'll just have to come back and bug him tomorrow.
"No work?" he asks.
"No, not yet anyway, I'm trying to hold out on that for as long as I can, but not having money as often as I'd like kinda puts a damper on things" you bring your legs up onto your chair, feet on the edge of the seat and crossed at the ankles while you leaned your chin on your knees. Hoping that keeping yourself small and tight like this will take the edge off your bladder once more. "I just don't want to get a job doing something I wont love you know? I want to be excited to go to work everyday, but there's nothing that really intrigues me that much"
Eddie nods in agreement. If it wasn't for Wayne teaching him everything he knows, and giving him the opportunity to work at the garage because he knows the guy who owns it, Eddie isn't sure where he would have ended up.
You don't notice but from where Eddie is standing he can see right between your legs, and the small darkened wet patch forming on your panties. He bites his bottom lip to hold back a groan, almost stopping completely when the thought crosses his mind that you might actually be getting off on the fact that you've been holding your pee in for so long. Were you truly wet, or was it just a long day of sitting in the Indiana summer heat on a metal chair. Either way Eddie wanted so desperately to be buried face deep between your thighs.
"Can't you finish work a little early?" You ask. Your voice is small and pleading.
"I could, but then you wouldn't win, whatever game it is that you're playing" he said shutting the hood of the car loudly, causing you to jump slightly. "And you're doing so good" he praised and it went straight to your cunt, making you whimper softly. You drop your feet back onto the floor in front of you.
He comes over to you, kneeling in front of you and placing his hands on top of your knees, knowing exactly what he's going to get you to do next "You wouldn't wanna give up so easily hmm?" his hands slide up and down your thighs, moving the skirt of your dress only a little, but enough to make your stomach flip.
"No, b-but I-" you squint your eyes and furrow your brows, trying hard to focus on keeping your bladder under control. "I can't concentrate when your hands are on me Eddie"
"Do you want me to stop?" He asks.
"N-No!" You say a little too quickly, instantly blushing at your own admission.
"Here's what I'm thinking" Eddie says lowly, his hands back to sliding against your thighs.
All you could muster out was a small "Mhmm?" opening your eyes slowly to look at him. Your eyes were either glossy with lust or tears, but he loved it either way.
"If you go, right now, right here, I'll close up early"
Your eyebrows shoot up. "You want me, to go right here?" your flabbergasted and insanely turned on.
Eddie nods. "And if you do, you'll have really proven your point by sitting here all day, and it'll show me how much of a good listener you are" his hands feel like fire on your skin and you squirm in your seat. "You are a good listener right? You going to follow the rules princess?"
You whimper and shut your eyes tightly again, hearing the pet name slip past his lips once more. "I can listen" you say so quietly that if Eddie wasn't directly in front of you he wouldn't even known you had spoken.
He coos "I bet you can, huh?" His index finger trails along your jawline until he reaches your chin, pushing upwards so your eyes meet his. "Show me then princess, show me how good you are, and maybe I'll give you a reward"
Your heart rate is rapid, and you can barely hear Eddies voice over the booming thumps that echo in your ears, your chest is rising and falling so quickly Eddie is paranoid you might hyperventilate but then you speak.
"You don't think it's gross?" you say with a pant.
"Maybe, but doesn't mean I don't like it" he said with a shrug and a sly smile.
"If-if I go, then we can go home?" Your voice has gone higher in pitch, rocking back and forth slightly while your thighs clench together so tightly you're afraid you might give yourself a cramp. 
Eddies dick isn't the only thing that twitches when he hears you say 'home' like you already knew you'd be going home with him, whether it was to your place or his. "Then we can go home" he reassured.
"What's my reward?" teeth sinking into your bottom lip harshly. 
"You'll have to wait and see princess, it's a surprise" he said squeezing your thighs harshly. 
You jump slightly at his hands, letting out a small whimper. "What if I can't go?"
"You can" he encourages quickly. "Look, come here" he says shifting slightly on his feet, bringing one hand up to your cheek so you lean forward. He brings his other hand to match, before pulling you down closer to him, resting his forehead against yours. 
"Are you going to kiss me?" 
"Is that what you want?" he says all too sweetly, his warm breath fanning across your lips.
You nod "A lot" you say honestly, closing the distance between the two of you, your brows pushed together tightly. He doesn't kiss you for long, but it's enough to relax you to almost let go and you whimper when your body instinctively stops you. 
"Come on baby" Eddie coos, his thumbs rub circles on your cheeks, his forehead still touching yours. "Come on baby" he repeats "I know you can do it"
Your eyes are shut so tightly, and you're concentrating so hard to get your lower half to relax. Eddie doesn't speak, and neither do you, giving you the space to let yourself and your body decide what it wants to do. You slip one of your hands between your legs and push lightly against your clit like a button. Feeling it throb with each touch, encouraging yourself to let go. 
Eddie is in shock, watching your hand as it disappeared under the skirt of your dress. He wants to move to get a better look, but he also wants so desperately for you to fill your seat and his lap from where he crouches in front of you with your piss. 
A high pitch whimper is what breaks his stare from your cunt when he realizes what's happening. Both of your hands move to hold onto his wrists that still cup your face, nails digging into his skin as your bladder painfully begins to release itself. You ache from the waist down, but it's euphoric with how good it feels, especially with how turned on it's made you. Your seat quickly fills with the warm liquid, wetting the skirt of your dress under you, pooling until it rolls off the edge of the chair and onto the floor below you. 
"Good fucking girl" Eddie says, but there's a growl to his voice that makes you open your eyes to see him. His eyes are almost as blown out as yours and you commit the image of him in front of you to memory. The way his cheeks are tinged with pink, mouth slightly agape while he breathes unevenly, and he doesn't even flinch when the liquid begins to splat against his knees from where he's still positioned in front of you. "Feels good doesn't it?" He asks, one of his hands smoothing the hair out of your face and tucking it behind your ear.
"Uh-huh" you say with a sigh slumping back into the chair, your hands loosening your grip around his wrists until they fell limply at your sides. You didn't even care that you could feel the wetness of your own piss that you sat in under your palms, too blissed out to care.
After a few moments when you finally stopped, you looked at Eddie, who had a smug smile on his face. 
"That was fun" you said quietly. You still felt a twinge of embarrassment, it bubbles in your chest but Eddie doesn't give you long to dwell in it.
"It was wasn't it?" he says tapping your thighs lightly. "Lets get you cleaned up and then we can go home yeah?"
You nod "Yes please"
You stay seated while Eddie moves around the shop, closing everything down for the night before returning to you with a pair of coveralls. 
You raised an eyebrow "Those are too big for me Eds?"
"I'm not gunna let you sit in your wet clothes baby, come here let me help you" He places the clothes next to him and offers his hands to you which you hold onto eagerly. He brings you do your feet, and you wobbly lightly. You're confused with your feelings, but your brain feels too foggy to get the words out so you just let Eddie help you. He slips your dress up over your head and into a plastic bag next to him. He then removes his shirt off of himself and holds it out for you to duck your head to let him slip it over you. You only briefly get a chance to admire his chest, his tattoos, and pink scars that scatter his skin. His t-shirt lands just barely at your thighs, it's warm and it smells like Eddie and the garage. Eddie reaches under the shirt, hooking his thumbs into the waistband of your panties and tugs them down until they teach the back off your knees, signalling you to step out of them. 
"Your shoes wet?" he asks, adding your panties to your wet dress in the bag.
"Think so" you say rubbing your cheek against your shoulder.
Eddie can see it in your face that you don't know what you're feeling, and he knows he has to be extra gentle with you right now. He lured you into subspace, and although you went into it quite easily, he can tell it's going to take you a little longer to come out of it. He also notices how child like you've become, small and shy, accepting eddies help with no resistance or back talk and he's unsure if you even knew what little space was either. He'd have to ask about it later. He kneels back in front of you and unties your laces on both shoes before standing back up. 
"Is it okay if I pick you up?" he asks, bending slightly so he's more eye level with you.
You not, holding your arms out to wrap them around his neck. He scoops you up bridal style and brings you over to the other side of the garage where the floor is dry and sets you down. He kneels back down once more and removes your shoes from your feet, and then your socks. The cold cement floor sends goosebumps across your skin and you shiver. 
"Cold?" he asks with a little smile, taking the pair of coveralls into his hands he holds them out for you to step into. You hold onto his shoulders to keep you steady while you balance on each foot. Eddie brings them up to your hips, doing the zipper up until you belly button and then ties the rest of it around your waist. He folds the pants several times before they're no longer able to drag along the floor. "Two minutes" he says holding your face in his hands, he kisses you on the forehead before shuffling around his work space again. He grabs a hose that's hung on the wall and sprays down the chair and the floor around it, watching as it rolls down to the centre of the room and down the metal drain. He collects your small bag of things, and the plastic back with your wet clothes and returns to you, reaching out his hand for you to hold. "Lets go home yeah?" he says with a smile. You take his hand in yours and give him a small smile, letting him lead you out of the shop, your feet bare as they walk along the warm concrete outside to Eddies van.
TAG LIST: @hard-candy-writing  @harrys-four-nipples @edsforehead@candyflossfairy @ceriseheaven @bowersbubbles @eddiesprincess86@tlclick73 @choke-me-eddie @eddiessidegirl @edsforehead @cancankiki@bimbobaggins69 @bbyhargrove @babeyglo @ajkamins @canyonmooncreations@anaisweird @eddiesguitarskills @harringtonfan4
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writing-fanics · 2 years
Dream and the Child: Morpheus x Fem!Reader
«summary: morpheus is watching this human partner y/n’s son while she does the laundry»
a/n: morpheus isn’t the father of Charlie. Neither is desire.»
(part ii)
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Charlie tries to climb onto Morpheus’ lap. His chubby legs to small to allow him to push himself up onto his lap. He falls back onto his bum sits there for a moment. Gets back up and tries it again.
‘You’ve got determination.’
Morpheus wasn’t used to being around children. Especially, toddlers he’s seen their dreams yes a plethora of children’s fantasies. That are so imaginative, some questionable but that’s the mind of a growing human.
Charlie looked up at Morpheus reaching out making grabby hands. (Y/n) walked passed noticing this as she held a bin full of laundry, “He wants up love.” She says, walking towards Charlie’s room.
Morpheus looked down at the toddler. He picked him up and sat him on his lap. Charlie turned towards Morpheus standing on his lap and touching his black hair. Coos escaped the toddlers mouth.
Then Charlie’s hand trailed towards Morpheus’ face. His tiny hands touching his faces. Morpheus groaning in annoyance a bit everytime the toddler’s hands poke him in the eye. Charlie giggled, clapping his hands as he looked at the older man.
“You look just like your mother.” Morpheus says, a slight smile forming on his lips. Charlie responded in babbles and coos. He still hasn’t spoken his first words yet. He’s late.
Despite (Y/n) trying to get him to say his first words. He just wouldn’t budge. Constantly laughing when she tries to get him to say ‘Mama.’
“D-D.” Charlie stammered. Trying to form his words. Morpheus looked down at him, “D-Dada!” Charlie shouted, exclaiming.
Causing (Y/n) to run into the room. Hearing her son speak, “Dada! Dada!” He giggled, looking at Morpheus. Who was looking towards (Y/n) who just smiled at him tears rolling down her cheeks.
“I mean you are the closest person he has to a father.” She says, sitting next to him. Morpheus looked at Charlie who continued saying Dada!.
Morpheus smiled, as he looked down at the human child. “Who’s that?” He asks, pointing towards (Y/n). “M-Mama!” Charlie shouted, and (Y/n) was crying tears of joy.
“Dada! Mama!” Charlie shouted, looking at both of his parents.
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maries-gallery · 10 months
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Translation for the French bits:
"Count for me"
"Good girl"
"Start again, and don't get it wrong this time."
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One thing Chevalier has always admired about you is your willingness to learn, to push yourself to improve for the sake of Rhodolite. Aware that as future queen, the lives of people depend on your knowledge and ability to make decisions. Your ability to rule. 
Even as Belle, Chevalier could see the work and thoughts you put into your job, meticulous in each of your tasks and open to suggestions. The flicker of determination in your eyes, always a sight to behold. He wondered how such fire could be held into such an unassuming young woman. 
Maybe this is part of what made him fall for you. The strength in your gaze, as well as the burning desire in your heart to make things right. To give Rhodolite a bright future, the future it deserves. 
And he knows being future queen represents a heavy workload. Especially if one isn’t born royalty, isn’t born with the proper tutoring and has tons of information to catch up on. Some you had already covered with Sariel and Rio as Belle, and some Chevalier was now more than happy to teach you. 
Pride swells in his chest as he sits beside you, a rare smile on his lips as he watches you hard at work. Your brows furrowed and lips in a tight line as you read over the lines of yet another political sciences book. He sees the cogs turning in your mind, making connections between pieces of information, deriving conclusions. 
Of course Sariel could have tutored you on these matters, more than competent, and Chevalier had total trust in him. But teaching you himself was so much more entertaining, duty meeting personal interests as the two of you sit in the deserted library. No sound but your pen furiously scribbling on paper and Chevalier’s sporadic interrogations. 
Warmth spreads inside of him when you answer right and you beam his way, your bright smile rivaling the candles in the room and the stars outside. He cannot repress a proud smile of his own, corners of his lips stretched by your communicative happiness and excitement. 
“Good. Now we can move onto the next lesson.” He instructs, turning the pages of your manual. 
But a selfish part of Chevalier has to admit that lessons with you are much more entertaining when some information struggles to get into your head. As he has the most effective way of getting you to remember. 
A whine falls from your lips as you shift on Chevalier’s laps, bent over with your ass bared to the cool air of the library. His fingers curl inside of your dripping core at an agonizing slow pace that has you biting your lower lip. Pads of his digits purposefully teasing at your sweetest spot. 
“Compte pour moi.” He commands, in a voice that leaves no room for discussion. His voice and your pathetic whines covering the obnoxious squelch of your slick coated folds. 
He’s been teaching you about the same issue for hours now, forcing them into your head with every release he’s robbed from you. Bringing you to the edge of pleasure over and over again without ever granting you the high you so desperately need. Driving you mad with every flick of his thumb over your sensitive clit. 
His hand falls to your skin with another spank. Heat spreading over your bum, pleasurable pain radiating off your skin. 
A sweet punishment for your mistakes, but even more of a treat for him. 
Your eyes water as you will yourself to think, rummaging your brain for any coherent thought even as he has you unraveling under his touch. Fingers curling inside of you to caress your sweetest spot. 
You’re not so naive as to think he’d grant you what you want though. Not until you give him the answer to his question, that is. 
“Try again. Don’t get it wrong this time.” He says, “You know what happens if you do.” 
Oh that you do. 
“Obsi-” You choke out, throat dry from hours of crying for him, of pleading with him to let you have a taste of what heaven on earth feels like. Your mind slowly withering away as warmth washes over you in tides. “Obsidian is-” 
Another time of his hand mercilessly coming down on your skin, “Obsidian is what?” 
“Obsidian is not to be trusted as they have views on neighboring kingdoms!-” 
“Bonne fille, keep this up and I might let you come this time.” He muses, cold blue eyes cold as steel as he gazes down at you through long lashes. Marveling at the sight of your glistening folds swallowing his fingers. 
“Plea-Please, Chevalier, I can’t-” You cry, only for your blood to run cold in your veins, freezing as the weight of your mistake dawns upon you. You knew better than to negotiate. 
Chevalier stops, your walls fluttering around him, the coil in your stomach so tight it aches. Another release you will not get to taste. Need pulses inside of you, so close to your release, leaving you squirming and humping his hand. 
“I’m sorry- I’m-”
An exasperated  sigh falls from his lips, cutting off your obnoxious apologies. Fingers leaving the warmth of your heat and wiping your slick on your thighs. 
“You never learn do you?” He lightly scolds, hands spreading your trembling thighs for him. Satisfaction glinting in his eyes as he takes in your wet entrance. 
This time the impact of his hand falls on your clit, electricity shoots through your veins and pain mingles with pleasure on the tender thread of your nerves. Enough to send you toppling over the edge of your orgasm, eyes fluttering close and jaw falling in a silent cry. Your walls fluttering around heavy emptiness, begging to be filled. 
“Recommence, et ne te trompe pas cette fois.” He instructs, barely waiting for you to come down from your high before his digits are stuffing you full once again. 
taglist: @aquagirl1978 @randonauticrap @pockcock @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @ikemen-writer @veervers @xenokiryu @ikesimp100 @skoetiepoetie​ @syneilesis​ @kisuxmalfoy @cy-inky
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Johnny and Dora | Spencer Reid
Add yourself to my taglist! | Here’s my masterlist!
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Gun use, mention of alcohol, not proofread
Author's note: This is basically the episode from Brooklyn 99 in season two where Amy and Jake get together. I'm fully aware that the BAU might not work on an identity theft case, but let's just pretend they do for the sake of this story, yeah?  
Words: 4.078
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Y/N wasn’t too sure how she’d ended up in this position. One minute she was trying to catch Brooklyn’s most prolific identity thief they had been chasing for days in New York, the next she had her co-worker pressed up against a tree with her lips on his. 
It had all started when the BAU team was sent to Brooklyn, New York to investigate an identity theft that had been haunting Brooklyn for a couple months now. The team was working hard to find the man responsible for the crime, working every possible angle and trying to figure out the how and why before actually going en-route to catch the guy. 
“Tonight, Augustine will be handing off the laptop to a buyer from China,” Detective Peralta told them, concluding his briefing to the BAU team. 
Hotch nodded his head before turning to his team. “Reid, Y/L/N, I want you tailing Augustine until he makes the drop, then arrest him and the buyer.”
“Good call, though I suppose I could take Morgan,” Spencer objected with a light tone. “I’m sure Y/L/N has something better to do…” 
“No, I don’t,” she replied, confused as to why he would say that. 
“Really?” asked Spencer. “‘Cause I swore I overheard you saying to Prentiss you didn’t like… tailing… people…” 
Y/N stared at him with an incredulous look. “You think I said that?” 
“Word for word,” Spencer said with a slow nod of his head as though he was trying to convince no one but himself. 
Y/N stared at the man in disbelief until Hotch cut in between the two. “All right, enough. Prentiss and Morgan will join them in a surveillance van.” 
The detectives and the BAU team all dispersed. Y/N was determined to find out what was happening with Spencer. They had gotten along since the day she joined the team over a year ago. To say his sudden change of demeanor towards her confused her was an understatement. 
“Okay, what did I do?” she asked, slamming the door of the breakroom shut so the two of them had some privacy. Spencer looked up from where he was making his coffee, confusion written in his eyes. “Why are you so bent on keeping me off this case?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Spencer muttered as he turned back to his coffee. 
Scoffing, y/n shook her head. “Come on, Spence. Is it because I finished your report for you last week? Because I was just trying to help you. I knew you wanted to leave early to call your mother.” 
With a sigh, Spencer turned to look at the woman. “I don’t care about that. I appreciate you doing that.” 
“Then what is it?” 
Inhaling deeply as if to calm himself down, Spencer put down his hot coffee again and took a few tentative steps towards y/n. He stuffed his hands in his pockets to keep him from fidgeting so much. “The reason I didn’t want to work with you is–” he puffed out a nervous breath. “C-can you not look at me like that?” he asked, suddenly changing the topic. 
Y/N was looking at him with interest, her head tilted ever so slightly, her eyes swimming with worry. 
“Like what?” 
“Never mind,” he grumbled and went back to his coffee. 
“No, Spence. Tell me what’s going on so I can fix it. I hate having  you mad at me.” 
Taking another deep breath, Spencer’s eyes met y/n’s. “Fine… I just… Remember when you told me you’d never want to date any law enforcement?” Y/N nodded her head slowly, trying to understand what he was saying. “It kinda… It kinda bummed me out?” 
“What?” The one-worded question came out in a soft whisper. 
“I was kind of thinking about asking you out…” 
Y/N’s breath hitched in her throat. “Oh… Okay…” she brought out, not really sure what else to tell him. 
“But I know that that’s not what you want, and I totally get it…” 
“Spence…” y/n heaved in a deep breath. “This is weird… And the whole reason for me not dating anyone in the field is so it wouldn’t be weird at work, you know?” 
Spencer offered her a soft smile. “Okay, then just– let’s make it not weird, okay? This is a case; we work cases together all the time, and we’re really good at it, so, you know, we’re professionals.” 
“That’s all I want,” y/n responded steadfastly. “For us to be professional.” 
Nodding his head, Spencer reached for his coffee again and as he passed y/n, he placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly. 
Later that day, Spencer, y/n, Derek and Emily followed behind Augustine in their surveillance van. The bright red car they’d been following brought them to a fancy-looking restaurant. 
Confused, y/n turned to her co-workers. “Why’s he getting out here?” she asked. “I thought that detective told us he was going to be dropping it off at the park?” 
“Maybe he’s having dinner with his sidepiece first,” Emily countered. 
Y/N’s eyes landed on the object in Augustine’s hand. “He’s got the laptop with him,” she told them. “We should just arrest him right here.” 
“No,” Spencer replied. “The buyer’s the bigger collar. We gotta follow him in and wait for the handoff.” 
Nodding her head, y/n moved to open the door, only for Derek to stop her. “You can’t go in like that. You look like FBI.” 
“Right, you’re right,” y/n whispered as she shook off her blazer and unbuttoned her shirt a little further. “How’s that?” she asked Spencer, who was sitting next to her. A blush fanned his cheeks and reached the tips of his ears as he turned away from her. 
“I don’t know,” he stuttered. 
Emily chuckled at Spencer’s nervous behavior while Derek shook off his leather jacket. “Here, wear this,” Derek said and handed the black piece of clothing to her. Surprisingly, Derek’s jacket fit her very well. 
Once the jacket was hanging off her shoulders, she turned to Spencer and untied his tie. “What are you doing?” he asked, nervously while she lifted his tie over his head and handed it to Emily. 
“For heaven’s sake, Spence, just trust me,” she all but grumbled and unbuttoned a couple of his buttons too. “All right, think we’re good to go.” 
The two of them walked inside the restaurant, scanning the place for the suspect. “Did you know that restaurants are germ-infected? Even the tables are germ-hotspots, especially during rush-hours when the staff is more focused on giving peop–” 
“Spence,” y/n nudged him to shut him up. 
“Right, sorry,” he whispered. “Do you have eyes on–”
Y/N grabbed his arm and cleared her throat. Once Spencer’s eyes landed on who she had seen, he smiled politely. “The hostess stand,” he finished his sentence. “Hi. Table for two, please.” 
The suspect and his girlfriend were right in front of him, talking to the hostess. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, there’s nothing available. We’re totally booked up,” the woman replied. 
Knowing they weren’t going to get in unless they had a really good reason for the woman to make an exception. Without thinking twice about it, she grabbed Spencer’s bicep and leaned in closer to him. “Oh, that’s horrible. Tonight’s a really big night for us. Johnny and I just got engaged and this is where we had our first date,” she said dreamily. 
Spencer looked down at her for a moment in surprise. Over the years of having known her, he’d wanted her to say something along those lines for a very long time. While she was oblivious to his little crush, the rest of their co-workers weren’t, which is why it was always them two who got paired up to do stuff like this. 
“Oh, yeah, it would mean so much to Dora and me…” Spencer chimed in, jumping on the idea immediately. “I-I would’ve made reservations, but I didn’t know if she was going to say yes…” 
“Aww, I love how nervous you were, you little goose,” she cooed before leaning up and kissing his cheek, catching the man completely off guard. 
The look he gave her was one of surprise mixed with confusion. He had no clue what was happening. 
“You two are just the cutest,” the hostess said with a hand over her heart. “I’m sure we can find room for two young lovers.” 
It was the way she said it that made the butterflies in her stomach well up. Aside from herself, no one had ever even thought about them being lovers, let alone called them it. 
“Yeah,” Spencer croaked. “We are two lovers… Together… In beds…” 
“Okay,” she whispered, trying to keep her composure. 
The hostess asked them to follow her to the waiting area and told them they just needed a moment to free up a table for them. As y/n and Spencer stood together at the high table, she couldn’t help but glance over at him. He looked very handsome tonight. Having decided to discard his tie and loosen up a couple of buttons was a good call. She couldn’t deny that it did look very good on him. 
“Sorry about springing that engagement stuff on you,” y/n told him. 
Spencer shook his head. “No, no, no. That was great. It’s what’s got us in here.” He inhaled sharply before jokingly adding, “The cheek-kiss was a bit much though. And wet.” 
Smirking, y/n tilted her head a little. “What can I tell you? Dora’s sloppy.” 
Both of them chuckled but before either could add anything else, the hostess reappeared at their table. “All right, your table is ready. You can follow me.” 
They nodded their heads and followed behind the woman. “Okay, we can go back to being Spencer and y/n on the lookout for the suspect,” Spencer muttered, almost glad he didn’t have to sit through an entire dinner pretending he was madly in love with her as it wouldn’t even be pretending on his part. It would kill him knowing that all of it would be over when the case was done. 
“All right, there you go,” the hostess said, placing down the menus on their table. When the couple co-workers looked up, they realized they had gotten a table right next to the suspect and his date. 
The girlfriend gasped as she turned to y/n and Spencer. “You’re the couple that just got engaged.” 
“That’s us!” Spencer exclaimed as he reached for y/n’s hand. “Johnny and Dora,” he said, holding up your intertwined hands. “Definitely a couple…” 
Y/N and Spencer took their seats, both of them chuckling nervously. Augustine and his girlfriend even sprung them champagne and oysters to celebrate their fake engagement. 
“Wow, champagne and oysters,” y/n said with a sarcastic tone. “You really shouldn’t have, guys.” 
“Well, it’s a special night,” said Augustine. “So when did you guys meet?” 
Not having practiced any of this, the two lovebirds weren’t quite in sync with their backstory. “Last year,” y/n responded while Spencer went for “Two years ago.” 
Upon seeing the confused looks of Augustine and his companion, y/n chuckled. “We first met two years ago but we don’t count it because…” 
“I was dating a super smart scientist,” Spencer finished her sentence. 
“And I was dating the bassist of an up-and-coming Brooklyn-based band,” y/n continued the lie. 
“Anyways, about a year ago, we bumped into each other again in a bar and…” Spencer turned to y/n with a soft look on his face. “We haven’t been able to keep our hands off each other since.” 
Y/N hummed, unable to wipe the smile on her face. 
Augustine’s girl propped her head up on her hand, her elbow resting on the table. “So, how did you know she was the one?” she asked Spencer dreamily. 
Sighing, Spencer turned back to his fake-fiancée. “I’d love to answer that,” he said, surprising y/n a little. She was curious to hear what he was going to come up with. “Um, you know, just whenever I look at her face… and the… attached physique,” he answered a little awkwardly as though he didn’t want to say what he actually thought of her. 
“And you?” the girl asked y/n. 
Y/N’s eyes locked with Spencer’s and she couldn’t help but smile as her insides melted at the sight of his honeycomb eyes. “He’s the smartest guy I know and … he makes me laugh,” she responded honestly. 
“And, you know,” Spencer chimed in again, looking at the other couple. “There’s really no one else’s opinion who I care about more than hers, so…” When he looked back up at Y/N, he saw something in her eyes that he had never seen before and Spencer had studied those beautiful eyes before, remembering every detail about it thanks to his eidetic memory. 
“Okay, so enough chit-chat, let’s see the ring!” 
Panicking a little, y/n moved the ring from her ring finger on the right side to to one on the left before showing her hand to the woman. The ring was one she had gotten from her grandma when she had graduated from the academy. Y/N had always worn it as a token of good luck. It was the thing that kept her safe. 
The girl gasped. “It’s beautiful!” she exclaimed as she studied it. The band looked like twigs from the rose bushes in her grandmother’s garden with a small diamond that presented the rose. It reminded y/n of the days she’d spent at her grandparents’ house and helped her grandma with the rose bushes. 
“When I saw this ring, I knew I had to get it for her as it reminded me of the rose bushes her grandma had in her garden. Whenever Dora talks about spending time with her grandma in the garden, her eyes light up like a child’s on Christmas Eve and I just knew…” Spencer explained and though y/n knew in the back of her mind that all of this was just a ruse, she couldn’t help but turn into mush on the inside. 
How y/n survived the entire dinner without turning into a puddle, she didn’t know, but she somehow managed to get through to dessert. 
“Can you get the car from the valet, babe?” Augustine said to his girlfriend, handing her the keys. “I’m gonna go in the back and say hi to the chef.” Spencer and y/n exchanged glances when they noticed Augustine reaching for the laptop. 
“Good luck on your wedding, guys,” the girl said to them. “Oh, have fun on your honeymoon!”
“We will,” Spencer replied. “We’re going to Waco, Texas,” he said a little too excitedly. 
The girl looked at him for a moment before chuckling, “Huh, okay. Bye!” 
“Bye,” y/n greeted, giving her a wave that she couldn’t even see anymore, before turning to Spencer. “Waco, Texas?” 
“I’m sorry,” Spencer hissed. “It just slipped out.”
Shaking her head, y/n put the napkin down on her half-eaten dessert before scraping her chair back. “Let’s go, Augustine’s making the drop.” 
Spencer nodded and followed y/n to the kitchen where they found Augustine with the chef. “Look, there’s the buyer,” y/n pointed out, but then got confused when Augustine didn’t hand over the laptop. “Or he’s just actually saying hi to the chef?” 
As Augustine turned, his eyes landed on the couple near the door. “Oh, no. He’s seen us,” Spencer whispered and before he could properly think twice about it, he cupped y/n’s cheeks and kissed her on the lips. 
Confused and surprised, y/n wasn’t too sure what to do but then decided to follow along and melted into the kiss. His lips somehow slotted perfectly with hers and the tingle in the pit of her stomach felt natural. 
“Excuse me,” Augustine’s voice interrupted them. 
“Oh, sorry,” Spencer apologized. “We were just looking for a place to, uh…” 
A little groggy from that spine-tingling kiss, y/n finished Spencer’s sentence while holding onto him for dear life. “Boink…” 
“Yep. Boink…” Spencer agreed. “That’s my preferred term for it as well.” 
Y/N nodded her head to try and sell the point further. “I get it,” Augustine then said. “Newly engaged kids. Enjoy.” 
The couple watched as Augustine was out of sight before springing apart. “Good. Good, good, good, good,” Spencer mumbled, trying to convince himself. We kept our cover intact. Nice work.” 
“Quick professional thinking out there, Reid. Very quick. Very professional,” y/n rambled, not entirely thinking straight just yet. 
Trying to keep up his poise and to remind himself that they are, in fact, working, Spencer held out his hand for her to shake, which she quickly did. “Agent,” he said ceremonially. 
“Doctor,” y/n responded before the two of them headed out of the restaurant. 
As the couple joined their co-workers in the van again, they felt a little awkward. Neither of them was saying anything. Not to each other. Not to Emily and Derek. The two at the front found it slightly weird that Spencer wasn’t spewing facts and y/n wasn’t singing along to one of her favorite songs that was playing on the radio. 
“Okay, you’re being weird,” Derek pointed out. “What happened?” 
“Spencer and I kissed,” y/n responded with a roll of her eyes. 
“WHAT?!” Emily and Derek exclaimed simultaneously. 
“It was just to keep our cover from being blown,” Spencer responded. “We didn’t have a choice.” 
“Tell me everything!” Emily ordered, overly excited. 
Y/N shook her head. “Em, there’s nothing to tell, okay? It was for work. It was nothing.” She repeated the words in her head to convince herself that it was indeed nothing. That what she felt when Spencer’s lips were on hers was just a reaction to someone kissing her. That it wasn’t because it was Spencer kissing her. 
“Yeah, who cares about a kiss? Call me when you grab each other’s asses,” Derek chimed in. “He’s pulling over,” he then said when the red car in front of them had his blinker on. 
“Nothing like that is gonna happen, okay?” Spencer said before citing some facts about how in theater, the leads of the play almost never fall in love with one another and that it always just stays on-stage. 
“Guys, it’s not a handout,” Derek informed them as they watched Augustine drop off the case, cutting Spencer’s fact-spewing short. “It’s a drop-off.” 
“Okay,” y/n said. “Em, you and Derek follow Augustine.” 
“Right, and you two, follow your hearts,” Emily added, causing y/n to roll her eyes. 
“No, we’re gonna stay with the package.” 
Y/N and Spencer got out of the car and hid behind a tree to keep an eye out on the laptop case. The air was chilly for a summer evening, so y/n was glad she was still wearing Derek’s jacket. 
Spencer turned to y/n. “We’re cool, right?” 
“Yeah, totally,” y/n answered determinedly. “We’re fine.” 
“Good,” Spencer nodded. “You know, I’m actually quite hungry. I never really ended up eating anything at that fancy restaurant.” 
“Same. You know what I’m gonna get when I get to the hotel?” she asked with a grin. 
Spencer nodded his head. “Yeah, you’re gonna order Burger King and you’re gonna get the Crispy Chicken burger with cheesy chili fries, onion rings and a grape Sprite,” he summed up without hesitation. The fact that he’d remembered her exact order from Burger King surprised her and surprisingly also turned her on a little bit. 
“That’s exactly what I’m gonna get…” she mumbled, trying to shake off the feeling. 
While Spencer went on a ramble about what he was going to eat, y/n was distracted by the man a few feet away from them, closer to the package. She wasn’t paying much attention to anything Spencer was saying as she was trying to determine whether or not that was their UnSub. 
“Spence,” y/n tried to cut him off, but he kept on going with some facts about the restaurant he always went to. “Spence, he’s looking at us…” Before Spencer could turn his head to look at whatever y/n was looking at, she had already grabbed his face and brought his lips to hers, pressing him against the tree. 
Once again ignoring the feeling in the pit of her stomach, y/n opened an eye to watch the buyer walk off with the laptop in hand. She detached herself from Spencer and reached for her gun, stopping the guy in his tracks. 
“FBI! Freeze! We are co-workers!” she yelled, mostly to remind herself. 
“You’re under arrest!” Spencer joined in, pointing his gun at the man, too. “This is a work event!” 
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Later that night, y/n found herself in her hotel room, pacing the floor with her crispy chicken burger getting colder and colder with every minute she didn’t touch it. She couldn’t stop her brain from rethinking everything that had happened that day. Every time she remembered the kiss with Spencer, her insides tingled and her heart skipped several beats. 
None of this made sense. She had been able to go about her days for the last year without thinking about Spencer this way. The thought had crept up on her once or twice, but she had always managed to shake it off. Why was this time so different? 
Before she could rethink everything, a knock on her door caused her to snap out of it. She secretly prayed it was JJ or Emily, just so she could rehash the whole thing and get everything off her chest. Though when she opened the door, she didn’t find JJ nor Emily there, but instead she was looking into those beautiful honey eyes that had melted her insides mere hours ago. 
“Spencer, I–” 
“Can I come in?” he asked, not allowing her to finish her sentence. Nodding, y/n stepped aside and let him in, closing the door right after. “A lot has happened today, huh?” he asked, wringing his hands in nervousness. 
“Yeah, I-I guess so…” 
Spencer sighed as he let go of his hands and stepped closer to y/n. “Look, y/n, I don’t want anything to get weird between us, okay? I understand why you don’t wanna date anyone in the field and I respect that. So, can we just forget today happened?”  
Going over her options, y/n’s mind skidded back and forth between every kiss and every word they had shared today. She could either ignore everything she had felt today and agree with him, forgetting about it all. Or she could take the plunge and try to figure it out with him. 
“I don’t think I can, Spencer,” she whispered. 
Spencer’s head tilted slightly as his brows furrowed in confusion. “Wh-what do you mean? I–” 
Before he could finish his sentence, y/n took two long strides towards him and cupped his cheeks, much like she had done before in the park, and kissed him deeply. At first, Spencer wasn’t quite sure what was happening, but he quickly melted into her body, grabbing her by the waist to pull her closer. 
“Y/N!” Emily’s voice sounded before they heard the knock on her door. “Can we go out for some drinks?!” 
Y/N looked up at Spencer and offered him a soft smile. “I’ll be right down! Order a Chardonnay for me, will you?” 
The two of them waited until they heard the footsteps of their co-worker recede before heading out the door together. Neither of them said anything. Neither of them needed to, either. They knew what they felt for one another was real and that they needed to figure something out, but that was not going to happen tonight. 
But whatever they would figure out, they would have to thank Johnny and Dora for pushing them this far.  
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Everything taglist: @calamitykaty @littlemissaddict @n0wornever @wanniiieeee @unnowhatthisistbh @Jassy122
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