#and i want to see helena driving bruce up the wall
gretahayes · 1 year
You know who is the only person who can ground Tim? Who can get him to listen? Whose authority Tim actually respects enough to stay put? Dick Grayson. Unfortunately Dick lets Tim get away with anything. (No Alfred doesnt have authority on Tim either, Tim can go weeks on crackers and expired coffee, is immune to the Strict Dissappointed Gaze™ and will literally just do his own thing no matter what. Tim has as much blackmail on Barbara as she has on him and so are in a stalemate, Helena technically can get him to chill out for more than a minute with her english teacher voice but its a 60/40 chance of working)
See, I don't think Tim has as much blackmail on Babs as she does on him. I think he's just an ace at getting into stuff he really shouldn't and hiding from her (like during the BruceQuest in RR? Nobody knew where that bitch was, excluding that time he got snapped as Alvin Draper. He really dropped off the face of the Earth for a couple of months). She's got enough respect for him to let a lot of his BS slide, and since people tell Tim a lot of stuff that Oracle can't find out, they trade information and swear not to use it on each other. Tim does respect her authority, because I mean...it's Babs, he adores her. He listens when he's been given no reason not to.
Tim's used to disappointing parental figures, and his dad nearly hit him on some occasions. A strict look isn't going to stop him from digging his heels into the sand. Makes him doubt himself sometimes, sure, and concede if he's not resolute, but kid's as stubborn as a mule. If Alfred wants him to do something he really doesn't want to, he's gonna have to yell at Tim, which he won't, so they're at a stalemate.
Dick and him just vibe. Recognition of self, enabler's version. Dick figures the kid's got enough people telling him what to do, and not enough people letting him just be. Dick remembers what that felt like, he's not about to impose that on Tim. And Tim turned out just fine (re; not dead or evil), so he's obviously doing something right. Out of the field, he's not bossing this kid around for any reason other than to be annoying or give advice.
Helena sorely regrets hanging out with him (re; he shows up in her home/mission/during her patrol unannounced and she never has the heart to tell him to fuck off) whenever he disregards her advice in favor of doing whatever the fuck he wants, then apologizes later. Tim would much rather ask for forgiveness than permission.
But also: CASS. You can't tell me Tim doesn't do what Cass tells him to, when she tells him to—Cass just doesn't see the need in bossing him around often. She knows he listens to her, why would she bother proving it?
TL;DR Tim doesn't listen to adults in his personal life, but he does listen to his older-sibling figures, which is something that no doubt drives Bruce up the wall.
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Secret Origins #7
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dagenspear · 4 years
Crisis On Infinite Earths Outline Fix, Part 2
Like some I disliked the crossover, it's the worst out of all of them, and this is my preference for it to be done. This one is the first of the more aggressive changes to the crossover. Here are the ideas God blessed me with:
In the opening of the episode, Oliver wakes up on Lian Yu, then searching it, seeing visual reminders of his losses from the past, then being confronted by the Spectre, a green cloaked, shrouded figure, who quickly defeats Oliver and pins him to the ground, telling him his destiny is finally upon him.
This part has a bit more going on, so I'll explain in lettered plots:
A. This is a Batwoman episode, so like Kara was more or less the focus before, she's the focus here. The main structure and this bleeds into the B plot, is that the Monitor is dead now and the crisis is sill happening and they want to help other earths try and prevent E2's and Supergirl Earth's destruction for themselves. This plot is much more involved here. Using Pariah, someone who can sense the destruction of an Earth, sets their breach devices by a signal that'll send them to an earth by how close it is to being hit by the antimatter, taking them to the place where that might originate. Kate does this, but not before being found by E-1 Bruce, played by David Giuntoli, whose come due to the end of world type situation that's unraveling. We will expand on why this Bruce left. When Jason Todd was murdered, he became bitter and filled with rage and in this fit he hunted down the Joker and nearly killed him. Seeing himself as no longer fit to be Batman, he left, but this situation is dire enough to convince him to step back up. He and Kate travel to a few earths to warn those earths of the crisis, going to Gotham first. The First is Birds Of Prey TV Series Earth 109, where she meets Helena Kyle, played by Ashley Scott, and Dinah Lance, played by Rachel Skarsten, and with a vocal cameo by Oracle, played by Dina Meyer. Bruce is distraught at the idea of an earth where he's had a daughter. Kate is taken aback by Dinah's appearance, and doesn't know how to deal with it, but pushes through to find out where Batman is, thinking he may be able to help. Earth 109's Batman is Kevin Conroy Bruce, a bitter, angry and alone Bruce whose lost almost everything in his life. Alfred, Jason, Damien his son, Selina and Kate. Here we delve into why he left Helena and Gotham, seeing himself and Batman as nothing but an bringer of pain and death of all that he cares about. He's angry at Helena for her staying as a vigilante, thinking it will only bring to her what it's brought to him, that and his fear of bringing his family pain driving him to stay away. KC Bruce relents when he hears about the crisis, but it's too late and the anti-matter sweeps in, taking out Gotham, Helena with it, as Kate uses a breach device to take her, E1 Bruce and KC Bruce out of there. KC Bruce is devastated at this, but regroups out of a desire for revenge against what's done this. Kate realizes the breach device took them to Gotham TV Series Earth 14, met with Bruce Wayne, played by David Mazouz. They explain the situation to him, he's shocked, but grasps the importance of the situation and offers to help, him being dismissed due to his age and lack of experience. He protests this, but is met with the other Bruces viewing him as naive, citing their losses and how he doesn't understand the cost of being Batman, DM Bruce angrily snapping back that they've failed the city their parents wanted to protect, rejecting that future for himself, of giving up like that. But the red skies begin to emerge, the shadow creatures beginning to sweep across the world. KC Bruce almost taking a sadistic pleasure at the idea of destroying these things, as he activates his armored bodysuit. It wouldn't have to be too fancy as far as budget wise.
B. This one is much smaller, showing a few similar aspects, but not leaning so hard into the fan service in the way the show does. Kara, Lois and Clark, using the breach device set to tracing antimatter signatures, go to Smallville TV show's Earth 217. There they meet SV Clark and Lois, who still have kids. Kara's shellshocked to see Lois look so similar to her mom. At an earlier point of this story, Kara begins to feel obsessed with the idea of turning back time and preventing her earth and Argo's destruction, pushing Ray to try and figure out how to get the waverider to time travel, so she can prevent it. Seeing a Lois who looks like her mom doesn't help. They warn him of the crisis, offering up the ways it can be at least held off, as they try and find a way to stop it entirely, suggesting he gather the help needed to make it happen as they seek out other earths to warn. Then leaving, going to Superman The Movie/Series Earth 78. Where they meet Brandon Routh's Superman, who explains to them his losses due to the same thing as what happened in the show, Kara reflecting on the loss of this Superman and how he strives not to lose himself. Him agreeing to help in any way he can. Meanwhile SV Clark goes to Lex Luthor played by Michael Rosenbaum. He convinces Lex to supply what's needed for the tower to try and hold back the antimatter.
C. This one is more simple than the others. Sara, Barry and Mia try to work out what to do with Oliver, whose badly injured, but the waverider isn't able to heal him due to the creature's attacks being based in antimatter energy. They get Jjonn to project them into Oliver's mind to try and figure out what's going on, after Jjonn tells them that he senses that although Oliver's soul is still connected to his body, it's somewhere else. Oliver questions the Spectre's meaning and where he's come from, the Spectre telling him he was once Jim Corrigan, a officer who sought justice once but allowed himself to become corrupt and killed someone to save his own skin, only to be killed himself, in his dying moments finding God and repenting for his sins, God saving his life by giving him the opportunity to become a heroic force in the world, by being like a vessel for God's vengeance on earth. Spectre tells Oliver that it's now his turn to do the same and become a vessel's for God's vengeance of the multiverse against the Anti-Monitor. Oliver repents, giving his life to God and Jesus Christ, accepting this as his destiny. But not before Mia, Barry and Sara arrive, calling to Oliver. Oliver, torn at first, grasps the importance of this, and agrees, the Spectre's white-greenish energy emerging from underneath his shrouded cloaked face and breathing into Oliver. Barry, Mia and Sara are bounced out of Oliver's mind and Oliver's body disappears from the waverider in a flash of light.
At the conclusion of the episode, the heroes gather to fight back the forces collecting on Earth 14. In the midst of this, we'd get some old fashioned fan service, with KC Batman and BR Superman fighting back to back, and E1 Bruce and TH Superman fighting together as well. Meanwhile, we catch a glimpse of something similar happening on Earth 217, with Lex himself in an armored suit and Clark as Superman. The Bats are focused on beating the shadow creatures, while DM Bruce sees a family trapped in an area surrounded by shadow creatures, seeing the Supers and others making sure the hold back the majority of the shadow creatures to ensure the majority of civilians escape (though this is shown to not be possible as the shadow creatures are even more powerful than before), he throws a small explosive to break them free, and takes the heat of the shadow creatures, him taking a hits from them, it severely injuring him. KC Bruce takes DM Bruce's sacrifice in as he helps defend Kate, as she catches this. The shadow creatures begin to overwhelm them. When suddenly, E-38 Lex Luthor emerges through a breach and, surprisingly, uses a sonic machine that's emitting waves that cause the shadow creatures to stop attacking temporarily, E-38 Clark and Kara frozen in shock at seeing him, as he smiles smarmily at them and tells them, "Hurry up, I can't save you for very long with this!" Kate reacts quickly and manages to grab Bruce, just in time to escape as the earth collapses in on itself, every one of the team following suit.
Now, DM Bruce lay dying, the damage from the shadow creatures causing his body to fail. Gideon explains that it'd need a near perfect genetic match of Bruce to transfer non shadow creature damaged DNA, which would cause the one who transferred it to die in cellular degradation. KC Bruce stops E1 Bruce before he volunteers and takes the hit, explaining that he's lost his way and to tell DM Bruce thank you for showing him what it means to be Batman again, that it's not about punishing the guilty, but about preserving the innocence of those who are defenseless. The process starts and it heals DM Bruce, as KC Bruce dies. Kate cries in a mixture of grief and relief as DM Bruce wakes up, and she gives him the thanks, as well as from herself and E1 Bruce does so as well. Gideon does maintain that DM Bruce stay in sick bay, when he tries to get back to the fight. Kate and E1 that they can be enough Bat for now.
Meanwhile E-38 Clark and Kara throw Lex up against the wall, and angrily interrogates him about what he has to do with this. Lex remains cavalier about the situation, snarkily asking them if they can't handle it when he shows them that he's the hero. Kara and Clark's eyes glow with heat vision energy, before they reel themselves in, releasing him. Brandon Routh Superman asks him how he was able to stop those shadow creatures. Lex replying with, "Oh, another one. Delightful. At least this one has manners." Further explaining that it didn't stop them, but held them off temporarily by blocking the signal of whatever was controlling them. They question that, much to Lex's amusement, him outloud stating, "It's a good thing the Monitor brought me into this. Obviously, none of you are equipped with the brainpower to save humanity." Lex looks to E-38 Clark, saying, "It's gonna be fun working together again, don't you think?" Much to Clark's scowling.
The team are then alerted to the waverider jumping to one of the next earths that's to be wiped out. The waverider jumps.
Sara then calls the whole team to the control room, everyone rushing to it. Barry and the rest are met with the horror that Earth 1 is one of the next earths to be engulfed in the antimatter wave. Pariah appears, and begins laughing. Barry reacts furiously to this, grabbing him and asking him what he finds funny. Pariah explains that when he released the Anti-Monitor, he was promised that when this time came, he would get to do the damage. Barry slowly begins to realize what he's saying, as Pariah's eyes glow red and he superspeeds around the waverider cockpit, knocking everyone off their feet. Eobard Thawne stands over a shocked Barry in full Reverse Flash garb and says that their crisis has come.
Please review and tell me what you think!
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
Hello. I'm sorry, please bear with me, I'm not going to make any sense , as I find it hard to put my thought on to paper. I love your blog. You made me fall in love with Jason and raven. I would have never thought of them together. I'm a sucker for Jason with the kids. I kinda wanted to put in a request but now can't think of any. Anyway I love your writhing and always look forward to when you write something new. Thank you. (Sorry if it's just a bunch of words that don't make sense)
You’re thoughts are very well articulated and I’m so happy to hear you enjoy my blog! I know you didn’t put in a request, take your time on that, drop it off when you’re ready and I’ll work on it. In the mean time, you said you like Jason and Kids, and have fallen in love with JayRae so…
Here’s a snippet of an Untitled Hopes for a Bastard story and I hope you enjoy! =)
Nothingbut a Ghost…
13 Years Earlier…
Hazel eyes watched from above as the spare took place.
The kid had black hair, a white streak, gangly, scrawnyteen, fifteen at most. He was small, under weight and size for sure. Theycalled him Shabh, he was good, a fast learner, vicious little fucker though.
The opponent for the kid today was the American, anAmerican, with blonde hair, blue eyes, brutish features. He was bigger thanShabh, though the boys were roughly the same age he guessed. The Americanthough was a meta, with full use of his brain, enhanced agility, speed,strength, and a healing factor. The American was proving to be the biggestasset from H.I.V.E., but the American was a brute and familiar.
The American was also the best of the apprentices they had,but today he felt would be a true test for the American.
The Demon’s Head had favored the American.
However, the Daughter of the Demon was favoring Shabh.
He glared down at the pit assessing the boys.
“What are you thinking Tiger?” a voice as him which had himglancing over his shoulder at the Dark Archer, who stared listlessly at thepit, there was a devoid of emotion in the Dark Archer. Bronze Tiger sat perchedjust a little ways off.
“American,” he answered. Shabh, for all his skill would nothave the strength or endurance to fight the American. This match would provenothing but what he and the rest of the League of Assassins knew, the Daughterof the Demon was too sentimental. The practical pick was the American, for theboy was stronger, faster, bigger and better.
His hair flopped in his eyes, and he stared across the wayat the American and he felt the familiar, heavy weight of the sword in hishand. The heat was mercilessly beating down on them, and he felt sweat rollingdown his temple as he stared at the other teen. The other teen looked like abrute, way older than he was, about the age of a college freshman which had hiseyes narrowing.
This was Ra’s’ champion.
He could see the appeal, guy was a warrior, and dangerous,and arrogant. The American smiled cruelly, and winds gusted, picking up thedirt.
The American moved, he got a proper hold on the katanna he’dbeen given. The American moved first, closing the distance, he charged to.Metal clanged, and he was hit by the full force of the guy. He went for speedas they rushed each other. His opponent was skilled but showy, he moved justfor killing, no show.
Twisting around he slammed his elbow into the guy’s side andknocked him back a bit and bought himself some breathing room. rushing hisopponent, he snarled a bit as he leapt up, metal clanged as they fought, hetwisted through the air. He landed and twisted as he felt the harsh air slashthrough his hair. There was a slash, he felt the blood the searing pain fromthe slash, as he narrowly evaded the sword for his head. He twisted and ran abit to get some distance between them and the American leapt over him. Henarrowly evaded the sword going for his head as he blocked, defense was hisgame. The American went for his feet which had him scrambling to keep his balancewhen he kicked dirt into the man’s eyes, knocking him back with his knee andlunging with a snarl.
The world took a green haze as he attacked without mercythen.
The blonde stumbled beneath the force of his assault when therewas a loud crack and he gasped as he was knocked sideways and off his feet intothe wall, his ribs were singing. He blearily glared up at a tall middle easternman with hazel eyes.
“Let me finish it!” the American snarled as he came at him,he tried to lunge for the blond but he couldn’t breathe!
“That is enough,” the man who had broken up the fight spoke.
“Yes,” he heard Talia said. “Take him to the healers, I willdeal with him.”
Firm hands hoisted him up and he shoved her off him as hestumbled on his own, there was a blood thirsty fury in him demanding he killthem all, but suddenly the world went black as he felt a sharp prick on hisneck before he collapsed.
Groggily he opened his eyes in his quarters as he winced,moving to sit up he saw Talia sitting at the edge of his bed glaring at him.
“You lost control,” she snapped.
“I was winning!” he growled. Suddenly there was a sharpstinging in his check as a loud smack filled his room. He looked up at her andglared.
“Losing control of the Pit to gain a victory is not winning,it is Suicide!” she snapped. “And you will learn control your you will be putdown.”
“Really? After all the trouble you went through to bring meto life again,” he sneered.
“You are nothing if you cannot control it! It will drownyou, and consume you! Get control!” she hissed before she stormed out and hefell back on his bed. Well… FUCK.
It was hours later when he was wandering the halls, lookingfor an escape, his hood up, his knuckles wrapped, the bruises from today werehealing on their own, and the world had a slightly green tint to his mind. Or atleast he thought it did.
He looked over his shoulder when a sound had his eartwitching, and he shoved his hands in his pockets as he ran a fingerreassuringly over the blade. A startled gasp escaped him as he tripped oversomething that he hadn’t remembered being in his path before he went crashingto the ground and there was an ungodly scream piercing the air. Covering hisears he begged for it to stop as there was this heated rage beneath his skinwhich had him wanting to howl in agony. Slowly pulling himself to his knees hesnatched the thing which was screaming to calm it and himself down.
“Shhh…” he cooed in the small ear as he ran his fingersthrough thick black hair and he felt the tiny form relaxing. “I got you,nothing bad will ever happen to you,” he promised as he pleaded with the kid tostop crying.
At those words the crying ceased, and he peered at the kidin his arms, he looked familiar and severe with those wide, icy blue-emeraldgreen (in no way hazel would be the appropriate way to describe these eyes).The toddler patted his cheek and smiled.
“Hafid!” Hands snatched the kid away from him and a sharpkick had his world going black as he slumped back against the wall.
“Stay away from that monster, he is beneath you!” was thelast thing he heard.
Present Day…
“Miss O’Mara says I’m the smartest in the class!” Terrygrinned as he sat on the passenger’s seat.
“Is that so?” Jason mused. He’d been stuck on kid duty forhis visit, so that meant taking Terry and Damian to school, as Helena was sickshe wasn’t going in today, and Matt was too young for school right now. Damian gloweredin the back seat, the kid being the classic moody teen; Jason was finding thatfunny as fuck.
“Yeah! I even get to go to the zoo! Daddy said so! I did sogood!”
“No shit, you’re a regular genius Terry,” Jason ruffled thekid’s hair.
“Yeah! Oh, did you and Rae make up yet!?”
“Queen and I aren’t fighting,” Jason sighed tiredly.
“Then why she dating this Jeri guy?” Terry demanded.
“Because Jason is a moron!” Damian muttered sourly.
“Because she and I were never together, and she is free todate whomever she pleases,” Jason countered.
“Jay big idiot,” Terry said twisting around to tell Damian that,and Jason groaned at Damian’s superior smirk. For the love of God someone getit through these people’s heads that a guy and girl could be friends!
“He is.”
“See, I smart, if I was big I’d marry Rae Rae!” Terrydecided.
“Oh, would you now jailbait?” Jason mused dryly.
“Yeah! She pretty, she smart, she fun, she cool, Raeperfect! Why aren’t you married!?” Terry demanded.
“Because maybe that’s my business and not yours, duck!” Jasongrinned maliciously at Terry, Damian rolled his eyes. Finally! Silence, he thought as he pulled up to the school and gotout to let Terry and Damian out. Terry clambered out, hugged his waist and ran forthe school and his friends.
“Terry is right, you are an imbecile,” Damian said gettingout of the car.
“Talk to me when you actually get a date,” Jason warned hislittle brother.
“You have been an imbecile for years about this! Now she’sdating a Wilson!” Damian grumbled.
“Hey, shorty, did you ever to stop to think that maybe sheand I don’t want to date and are happy being friends?” Jason asked coldly. Hisyounger brother rolled his eyes and stalked off which had Jason prayingdesperately for patience. He sucked at the good big brother act.
Driving home he got out of the Audi as he walked to thekitchen. The Raven and him thing was fine as it was, and Joseph Wilson treatedRaven like a Queen as far as he knew (and since he had stalked them on dates hewould know!). And if Joseph Wilson broke Raven’s heart then he, Harley, Ivy,and Victor would all be lined up to kick Joe’s ass into the grave. However,Terry, Helena, Mar'i, Lian, and even Matt thinking that he was dating ormarried to Raven wasn’t helping! Lian had kicked Joseph’s shins the other daywhen Joe had shown up to talk to him about getting Raven a gift.
He looked up when Bruce walked in, a crying Matt on hisshoulder.
“Terry and the Demon Spawn are at school,” Jason said as hewalked to the fridge and pulled out orange juice for Matt.
“Duke is coming home for the weekend,” Bruce said tiredly.
“He must be liking Princeton,” Jason said, he kept the envyout of his voice. That was a lifetime ago, and shit happened.
“The funny thing is the dean thought you were her studentthere once, Jason Peters,” Bruce said.
“Do I look like I could get into Princeton?” Jason grinned roguishlyand made a sippy-cup of juice for Matt who looked ready to cry with his unhappiness.
“Jason,” Bruce started.
“Could you get the Duck, and the Demon Spawn to STOPthinking I’m married to Raven, please?” Jason said changing the topic. He hearda set of footsteps coming, and pour another sippy-cup of juice for Helena.
“And what brought that on?” Bruce asked, his amusement clearand Jason glared at his dad as he caught the riot of curls that was HelenaWayne and hoisted her up to his hip.
“Because Terry asked if Raven and I were done fighting and Idon’t remember Rae or I being in a fight,” Jason sighed. “Besides, she’sallowed to date,” he pointed out.
“I don’t think I should get in the middle of this,” Brucesaid.
“Why the fuck not!?” Jason sputtered. Bruce got in themiddle of everything else! Why not an actual problem like this!?
“Because, Terry is right, as is Damian,” Bruce said.
“There is nothing between Raven and me,” Jason defended.There wasn’t! she was the best friend he’d had for years now.
“I saw the aftermath Jason,” Bruce said tiredly.
“Doesn’t prove anything,” he stated haughtily.
“Jason…” Bruce sighed.
“We Are Not Dating, Nor Will We Be Dating!” He growled. Hewasn’t fucking up everything he had with Raven for this to go sideways. Andbesides, if she knew everything about him she’d run as far and as fast away asshe could. They all would.
“Jason, don’t live to regret never acting,” Bruce said.
“You’re just saying that because you danced around marryingSelina for thirty years,” Jason sneered.
“Yes. That’s part of it,” Bruce said. “The other reason is Idon’t want you to be like me, and I don’t want you to have regrets!”
“Regret what? Not fucking up my best relationship because Idon’t act on a possible, unconfirmed attraction to her, or acting on it andfucking it up beyond repair; because I’m King of Fuck Ups B,” Jason snapped. Hedidn’t want to fuck up Raven and his thing.
“Jason,” Bruce sighed.
“Talk to the kids, please!” He said tiredly. Someone get them to stop this, someone get thefamily to stop shoving something that wasn’t there on him. He wasn’t fucking uphis friendship with Raven when she was literally the best damn thing he had inhis life.
“Don’t do something you’ll regret.”
“Oh, I’m not regretting this, I’d rather have a friend thana lover,” he assured Bruce. He just didn’t want to lose his best friend.
He watched them from afar, he watched them carefully as heassessed his options.
The League was destroyed.
His father dead.
His revenge squandered.
His leader dead.
And it was all because of Shabh, he would enact his revenge.He would finally show who was better, and he would rebuild the League ofAssassins with it’s true purpose.
But first he’d have to draw Shabh from the shadows…
He watched the pretty little woman on Jericho’s arm as shetalked levelly to the blond. The streets were tranquil.
He’d seen the woman before, with Shabh, and he had seenShabh’s great care for the woman. He could use that to get a ghost to come outto play.
He could finally show who was better! And the world wouldknow, once he had beheaded the infamous Red Hood for them to see. They wouldall see. He was not second best, he was the best.
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therandombanjo · 5 years
Songs From 2018 (one per artist)
Another mixed bag of stuff i either enjoyed a lot, thought was excellent or interesting (regardless of taste… sort of), emerging artists to maybe look out for, and generally music that for whatever reason connected with me in some way, including the odd earworm i just couldn’t shake. Hope you enjoy some of this too and find something new to be taken by. There’s a spotify playlist (below) for easier listening but for the music that wasn’t on there, i’ve posted links next to them so do check them out! Spotify:
(As ever…. as i don’t tumblr or blog or anything (besides this list), this won’t be seen by many (if any?) people so if you like it or think it’s of any worth in any way, please do share this along)
In Alphabetical order:
The 1975 - Love It If We Made It
700 Bliss - Ring The Alarm         (Moor Mother & DJ Haram collab)  
Advance Base - Your Dog      (Owen Ashworth is a longtime favourite and always love what he puts out. Such a gifted lyricist and such an empathetic deliverer, just always cutting deep, just always sounding uniquely him. The records & artists he’s putting out on his Orindal footprint are really impressive too - Julie Byrne, Gia Margaret, Dear Nora - so do keep an eye out on those releases)
Aidan Moffat & RM Hubbert - Quantum Theory Love Song
Alasdair Roberts w/ Amble Skuse & David McGuiness - a. The Fair Flower of Northumberland b. Johnny O’the Brine (One of my favourite records this year, a quietly inventive old folk beaut from one of my favourite singers on earth. Included two as a. exemplifies his singing that i love so much and b. better highlights the inventiveness of the record)
Alison Cotton - All Is Quiet At The Ancient Theatre
Amen Dunes - Miki Dora
Anderson .Paak - 6 Summers
Angelique Kidjo - Once In A Lifetime        (From her complete re-imagining of the Talking Heads classic Remain In Light record, with all her Benin spirit infused)
Anna & Elizabeth - Mother In The Graveyard
Anna Calvi - As A Man
Aphex Twin - T69 Collapse
Aqueduct Ensemble - Cut Grass I
Arctic Monkeys - Four Out Of Five        
Armand Hammer - Alternate Side Parking       (Elucid & Billy Woods)
Arp - Reading a Wave
audiobooks - Call of Duty Free
Barry Walker - Late Heavy Bombardment
Beach House - Dive
Ben Vince - What I Can See     ft. Micachu
Big Red Machine - Forest Green          (Justin Vernon (Bon Iver) & Aaron Dessner (The National) project. I’m likely never not gonna be into Justin’s work, he’s always stretching himself with virtually no regard to expectation and always finding interesting and new spaces)
Birds Of Passage - Another Thousand Eyes
Black Midi - bmbmbm      (Heard about them non-stop all year, about being this incredible live band, and all teenagers, so been intrigued for quite some time. Virtually no online presence, remaining somewhat mysterious, and only a couple of pieces to go by, but curious to see what’s coming from them) https://soundcloud.com/speedywunderground/sw024-black-midi-bmbmbm
Blocks & Escher - One Touch     
Blood Orange - Saint
Bodega - Name Escape
Bonny Doon - I Am Here (I Am Alive)       
Bruce - Elo
Capitol K - Fennel Dance
Cat Power - Stay
Channel Tres - Controller
Chris Carter - Cernubicua
Christina Vantzou - Some Limited and Waning Memory
Christine & the Queens - 5 Dollars
Colter Wall - Wild Dogs
Cool Maritime - Mossage
Cornelia Murr - Man On My Mind
Courtney Marie Andrews - May Your Kindness Remain
Damien Jurado - The Last Great Washington State
Daniel Avery - Slow Fade
Daughters - Long Road, No Turns
David Thomas Broughton - Drifting Snow       (An old, unreleased recording lying around, brought out as a seasonal single, and i think it’s beautiful. My favourite live performer, and i would encourage anyone who sees this to check him out both on record and if he's ever in a town near you.) https://davidthomasbroughton.bandcamp.com/track/drifting-snow-seasonal-single
The Dead Tongues - Pale November Dew
Dear Nora - Simulation Feels       (12 years away, and back after renewed interest in their re-issued Mountain Rock LP last year courtesy of Owen Ashworth’s (Advance Base) Orindal Records)
Deux Trois - Roy
DJ Koze - Muddy Funster     ft. Kurt Wagner       (It’s probably fair that “Pick Up” is the best song on the record, but I’m a sucker for Kurt so liked this one a lot too)
Dolphin Midwives - Mirror
Doug Paisley - Drinking With a Friend
Drinks - Real Outside
Durand Jones & The Indications - Don’t You Know
Earl Sweatshirt - Nowhere2go
Earth Eater - Inclined
Emily Fairlight - Body Below      
Empress Of - When I’m With Him
Eric Chenaux - Wild Moon      (Most likely my favourite record from this year, if not any it feels right now. I’m fully begulied by it. Fair play to you if you recognize the sounds you hear as a guitar!)
Erin Rae - Bad Mind      
Erland Cooper - Solan Goose
Ezra Furman - Suck The Blood From My Wound
Fatoumata Diawara - Kanou Dan Yen
Field Report - Every Time
Flasher - Who’s Got Time?
Frog Eyes - Pay For Hire
Fucked Up - a. Normal People or b. Came Down Wrong   ft. Jennifer Castle & J Mascis
Gabe Gurnsey - Ultra Clear Sound
Georgia Anne Muldrow - Blam
Gia Margaret - Groceries     (Wonderful debut on Orindal)
Glenn Jones - The Giant Who Ate Himself
Grouper - Driving
Hailu Mergia - Tizita
Haley Heynderickx - Oom Sha La La
Hatchie - Sure
Helena Hauff - Hyper-Intelligent Genetically Enriched Cyborg
Hen Ogledd - Etheldreda       (The great Richard Dawson’s experimental group, connecting the ancient/medieval with the present in a way that definitely rewards with more listens)
Hermit & The Recluse - Sirens       (New project from the rapper Ka, who continues to fascinate, with producer Animoss. This time the concept record combining his personal street stories with Greek mythology, with Orpheus vs The Sirens)
Hilary Woods - Kith
Homeboy Sandman & Edan - #NeverUseTheInternetAgain       (Nice to hear Edan once again after so long, and especially with a favourite of mine in Homeboy Sandman)
Ian William Craig - Discovered In Flat
Idles - Danny Nedelko         (Probably my favourite song of the year, and one of the most beautiful, impassioned & dearly needed statements of love & community we need right now. The video moved me to damned tears, it’s so beautiful)
The Innocence Mission - Green Bus
Institute of Landscape Architecture - Melting Landscapes       (field recordings documenting Alpine glaciers and their changing landscape) https://landscapearchitecture.bandcamp.com/releases
James Blake - If The Car Beside You Moves Ahead
Janelle Monáe - Make Me Feel
Jean Grae & Quelle Chris - Gold Purple Orange
Jeff Tweedy - I Know What It’s Like
Jennifer Castle - Tomorrow’s Mourning
Jenny Hval - Sleep
Jeremy Dutcher - Mehcinut
Jerry David DiCicca - Watermelon
Jessica Pratt - This Time Around         (Massive fan of Jessica and this is without doubt one of my absolute favourite songs this year)
JFDR - My Work (String Version/Live)
John Prine - Summer’s End
Jon Hopkins - Emerald Rush
Joseph Shabason - Forest Run       (From his 2nd record, Anne, a touching record on his mother’s Parkinson’s Disease featuring interviews with her over his ambient, sax-effected work)
JPEGMAFIA - 1539 N. Calvert
Julia Holter - I Shall Love 2
Julia Jacklin - Head Alone
Kacey Musgraves - Slow Burn       (I was late to this record, but i may have listened to it more than any other come December-time.)
Kadhja Bonet - Delphine
Kamasi Washington - Fists of Fury
Kathryn Joseph - From When I Wake The Want Is
Kelsey Lu - Shades Of Blue
Khruangbin - Maria También
Kim Petras - Heart To Break       (There’s actually a chance this is my favourite song of the year)
Kurt Vile - Bassackwards
Lambchop - The December-ish You
Landless - The Trees They Grow Tall
Laura Cannell & André Bosman - Golden Lanes At Dusk
Laurence Pike - Life Hacks
Leikeli47 - Girl Blunt
Let’s Eat Grandma - Falling Into Me
Lisa O’Neil - Factory Girl [trad]        
Lizzo - Boys
Lonnie Holley - I Woke Up In A Fucked-Up America
Louis Cole - Real Life     ft. Brad Mehldau      
Low - Quorum
Lucinda Chua - Whatever It Takes      (experimental cellist & composer who, as well as making expansive, looped soundscapes, also writes and sings in an equally spellbinding fashion)
Lucy Dacus - Night Shift
LUMP - May I Be The Light        (Laura Marling & Tuung’s Mike Lindsay collab)
Maarja Nuut & Ruum - Kuud Kuulama
Maggie Rogers - Fallingwater
Makaya McCraven - Butterss’s
Malibu Ken - Acid King           (Aesop Rock & Tobacco collab)
Marie Davidson - Work It         
Marisa Anderson - Cloud Corner
Mary Lattimore - It Feels Like Floating
Maxine Funke - a. Boy On The Bow or b. One Step a. https://maxinefunke1.bandcamp.com/track/boy-on-the-bow b. https://maxinefunke1.bandcamp.com/track/one-step
Mich Cota - Kijà/Care                (Two-spirit Canadian Algonquin artist who, after seeing her supporting Baby Dee at Cafe Oto very recently, had me excited for the bangers to come!)
Michael Nau - Funny Wind
Milo - Stet
Miss Red - Dagga
Mitski - Nobody
Moses Sumney - Rank and File
Moulay Ahmed El Hassani - Yak Ennas Mlklil Darou Labas 
Mount Eerie - Tintin In Tibet      
Mountain Man - Rang Tang Ring Toon      (8 years since their last record, and so good to hear their harmonies once again. Ever as beautiful and transportive, but this time more wiser. It’s a really lovely record and such a needed balm)
Nap Eyes - Every Time The Feeling
Nathan Bowles - Now If You Remember          (Didn’t know this was a cover, originally by Julie Tippetts, but it lodged itself in my head pretty good. Aquarium Drunkard rightly suggested an album or two back that, if Banjo Futurism is a thing then Nathan Bowles would likely be leading the pack. The remainder of this record definitely reflects that)
Nathan Salsburg - Impossible Air
The Necks - Body https://thenecksau.bandcamp.com/album/body
Neko Case - Hell-On
Nils Frahm - My Friend The Forest
Noname - Ace       ft. Saba & Smino
Nostrum Grocers - ‘98 gewehr         (Milo & Elucid collab)
Oliver Coates - A Church
The Orielles - Bobbi’s Second World
The Other Years - Red-Tailed Hawk
Ought - Desire
Our Native Daughters - Mama’s Cryin’ Long      (New group project with Rhiannon Giddens, of Carolina Chocolate Drops, inspired by New World slave narratives and reclaiming/restoring black women’s stories)
Panda Bear - Dolphin
Parquet Courts - Wide Awake
Penelope Trappes - Burn On
Peter Broderick - Words Of Love       (An unreleased Arthur Russell song Peter got to record after befriending friends and family of the great man. Part of a free album Peter released of Arthur Russell covers at Christmas featuring one other unreleased song. Do check it, it’s lovely)
Phosphorescent - Christmas Down Under        (I could pick many from this record, but the sci-fi-like presence in the vocals gives it a strangeness and position i really loved)
Preoccupations - Espionage
Pusha T - Come Back Baby
Richard Swift - Broken Finger Blues        (Such a dear and sad loss. I actually included this song a few years ago when Aquarium Drunkard featured it, so feel like i should select a different one from this most-recent record.... but dammit if it doesn’t highlight the very best of Swift’s talents).
Richmond Fontaine - Horses In Las Vegas https://richmondfontaine.bandcamp.com/track/horses-in-las-vegas
Robby Hecht & Caroline Spence - Over You
Rocheman - Parades I & II        (Caught/discovered Rocheman supporting Jenny Hval earlier this year in a church, and was really into it so I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes from here)
Rosali - I Wanna Know
Rosalía - Pienso en Tu Mirá
Rosanne Cash - She Remembers Everything
Roy Montgomery - Outsider Love Ballad No. 1   ft. Katie Von Schleicher
Saba - Life
Sam Gendel & Sam Wilkes - BOA
Sam Lee & Peter Wiegold - Rambling Boys
Sandro Perri - In Another Life 
Sarah Davachi - Third Hour
Sarah Louise - Bowman’s Root
The Scorpios - Mashena
The Sea & Cake - Any Day
Seabuckthorn - Disentangled
Seán Mac Erlaine - Cotter’s Dream
Serpentwithfeet - Bless Ur Heart
Shad - Magic    ft. Lido Pimienta
Shannon & The Clams - The Boy
Shit & Shine - You Were Very High
Sidi Touré - Djirbi Mardjie
Sidney Gish - I Eat Salads Now
Snail Mail - Heat Wave
SOB x RBE - Paid In Full
Soccer Mommy - Your Dog
Sons of Kemet - My Queen Is Harriet Tubman
Sophie Hunger - I Opened A Bar
Sophie Hutchings - Repose
Sorry GIrls - Waking Up
Sourakata Koita - Ha-Madi     (I don’t usually include too many - if any - reissues, but i love kora music and this record, “en Hollande” (’84), was a great discovery this year)
Stella Donnelly - Boys Will Be Boys      (I was sure i had this in last year’s list when it was a single, but appears not so including it now with the album release).
Steven A. Clark - Feel This Way
Suuns - Make it Real
Swamp Dogg - Answer Me, My Love
Szun Waves - Constellation
Terje Isungset - Blue Horizon     ft. Maria Skranes   (all the music is played by intruments made of ice)
Theo Alexander - Matter of Balance
Tierra Whack - Black Nails or Hungry Hippo      (A record of 15 one-minute tracks, full of ideas and all kinds of fun. Check out the “Whack World” short film for the record) 
Tim Hecker - Keyed Out
Tinashe - Throw A Fit     (Came across this song randomly via a Youtube video of dancer Jojo Gomez, and the attitude of it all just kind of thrilled me)
Tirzah - Gladly
Toby Hay - Bears Dance
Tom Demac & Real Lies - White Flowers
Tomberlin - Seventeen
Tracey Thorn - Queen
Tracyanne & Danny - It Can’t Be Love Unless It Hurts    (I think, actually, that Jacqueline off the record would edge my choice here, but i needed a little more Tracyanne (Camera Obscura) in here to highlight the two of them)
Tropical Fuck Storm - You Let My Tyres Down     (Aussie band made up of various Aussie bands, most recognizably Gareth Liddiard of The Drones, with an excellent debut record “A Laughing Death In Meatspace” that along with their name fits the music on this record. It’s acerbic, feral, sardonic, and plain great)
Ty Segall - Every 1′s A Winner        (Just an absolute killer Hot Chocolate cover, of all things!)
Ursula K. Le Guin & Todd Barton - Heron Dance
Valee - Womp Womp     ft. Jeremih
Valotihkuu - Walking Through Dew Drops On The Lawn
Vera Sola - Small Minds
Vince Staples - FUN!
Virginia Wing - The Second Shift
Witch Project - Manifest
Womans Hour - Don’t Speak       (So great to hear them finally return)
Wooden Shjips - Red Line
Y La Bamba - Mujeres
Yo La Tengo - a. You Are Here and b. Ashes
Yoshinori Hayashi - Overflow
Zilla With Her Eyes Shut - Whatever It Is
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