#and it's so satisfying!! they're in a game no one can really win so he and saionji reunite and find salvation by losing together!!
caligarish · 25 days
One of the best - and saddest - punchlines in RGU is when Touga tells Miki to claim his precious things before somebody else takes them away, and then Akio proceeds to do exactly that to Touga by grooming Utena. Granted, Utena is a baby lesbian so Touga never really had a chance, but the irony is there.
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astrologydayz · 5 months
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VENUS CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE MARS in a MAN'S CHART shows us a man who's passionate AF in bed. When he fucks somebody = he fucks with his whole entire being. They're masters at knowing what people need, &want sexually = they see through people's desires, &turn ons, & turns themselves into that. That's also why people usually end up coming back 2 these men - they don't need a manual from u2 know how to play with your body in the right way. These men are confident, charismatic, beautiful, & they never fail at getting what they want. They usually don't need2 work very hard anyway, as they're already noticed, &checked out by everyone, everywhere they go. They can make sweet sweet love2u, but also fuck u with a passion, like it's their last mf day on earth. Amazing at switching between the2. They're romantic, sensual, loving &hardworkers in bed! But they can also be rough, wild, &passionate! They'll satisfy your needs4sure.
VENUS SQUARE/QUINCUNX MARS IN A MAN'S CHART can show us a man who's 2 "passionate" for his own good. "fuckboy/player energy". Issues with always being this "2cool for feelings" bro - he's outta there when it gets 2serious. U can chase him, but won't be able 2 catch him 9/10times. He got mad game tho, won't ever have a problem with getting somebody in2 bed. He loves the flirting game beforehand, &he loves the chase. "He wants what he can't have". He can be kind of "aggressive" in bed, & this man def knows how to fuck, but it will be all about getting him off a lot - "my needs are more important than yours, boo". He can also be into degrading kinks - like spitting, choking, slapping, name calling etc. Not2 make him sound like a dick tho, cuz if he already told u what the deal was beforehand = can't complain afterwards, can u now?
MARS CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE JUPITER can show us a person living&breathing for sexual pleasures. Like they can be so fascinated/interested in sexual pleasures that it can become almost like a religion2them. They want 2 know EVERYTHING, always learning, &always improving. They study, &"explore" people, figuring out how 2make them cum easily/what "triggers" them - like, what works, and what clearly doesn't. They have an easy time, when it comes2 their "studies" with these aspects = A+. They got a sexy ass confidence, and amazing knowledge, which is unmatched, &they're proud, but still humble in their approach, which many people can find REALLY fucking attractive.
MARS SQUARE/QUINCUNX JUPITER can show us a person being 2 obsessed with self gratification/or 2obsessed with sex/sexual things in general. They can have EXCESSIVE sex at times - unmatched stamina4sure, but their "moral code" can sometimes end up becoming "blurred"/not thinking about the "consequences" - they end up letting themselves down/they end up regretting who they've had sex with/or ends up regretting to have even done something in the 1st place. Can also be 2 over confident, &2 impulsive in their approach - some people can think that they have a "god complex".
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LUST IN GEMINI 🧡 = can get turned on bc of the way someone articulates themselves/someone's mindset, by voices - accents/language/s, hands/fingers. Can be REALLY in2 oral/handjobs/fingering/toys where hands are involved/dirty talk. They LOVE it when someone tells them exactly what they need&want sexually - They need that communication. They also get wildly turned on when someone outsmarts them - streetsmart/booksmart, doesn't matter, as long as their intellect is challenged, &u got banter = you're in4a win. LUST IN CANCER 💙 = turned on by emotionally driven people/turned on by people who's in their emotions/turned on when someone NEEDS them, turned on by breasts/chests/stomachs. They usually also love gentle touches/gentle caresses in their most sensitive zones. They like intense, emotional & close sex - also, the kind where it's prolonged 4as long as possible. They want2 get as close as they can, they can't get close enough really. They want2 make love, not fuck. At least most of the time. LUST IN SCORPIO 💜 = turned on by dominance, power, submissiveness, loyalty, soul-felt intimacy, secrets/secret fantasies, by taboo stuff,"bad girls/bad boys"/by people who's had it hard in life, &by shadow sides. They want2 merge with one person, &one person only TYPICALLY, so they're usually wildly attracted to monogamy. They want soul blowing sex - the kind where they think about it 24/7 afterwards, &can't think about anything else - they want2 remember touches, moans/sounds, & the intense feelings they experienced. They can definitely be into bdsm, but only with the right ones. Rebirths/transformations are prominent here.
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MARS/8TH HOUSE IN CAPRICORN IN A WOMAN'S CHART typically finds older people way more sexually attractive, than people at her own age. "Daddy issues" can show up here. She wants2 learn, &advance herself - but still needs the feeling of being "taken care of" at the same time. She's sexually attracted 2 people who knows themselves, & knows wtf they want2 do in life. She finds bluntness, stability&matureness sexy as hell. She does not play games - Immaturity is something she gets turned off by❌. Can 100% be into bdsm/or rougher sex. Chains/handcuffs⛓️ - bondage, candle dripping, choking - endurance, etc. Edging can be a biiiig thing here. Sexually attracted2 people who's taller than her&typically slender/2people that got piercings/tattoos, amazing bone structure/2people who's experienced sexually - or just in life, like work, or just in general. Or at least, more experienced than her.
MARS/8TH HOUSE IN AQUARIUS IN A MAN'S CHART shows us a man who's sexually attracted2 people who's very/or completely different than him - looks wise/or personality wise. Sexually attracted2 people who stands out/looks different/2people he can see/meet online, 2people who's "nerdy" in their own way, eccentric&experimental people, people who's original - and not fake. Fake people turns him off asap . Can also be sexually attracted2 people who his family would never approve of - kind of like a "rebellion" thing. He likes unexpected/spontaneous&freaky sex. He's usually into trying everything - as he is an experimentalist & a student of physical science = won't hold back until he's tried everything - he wants2 know it all. "Film maker" in the making baby🎞️🎥📱. He can have a thing for sleeping with friends/or wanting 2. Can def also be into "the more, the merrier" in the bedroom, not always ofc, but I've seen it a lot, so I'm def mentioning it.
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VENUS/EROS IN ARIES/AT 1, 13, 25° = ARIES DEGREE ❤️ points 2 someone wanting a lover that's fiery, passionate & brave. They want2 be swept off their feet, &they want someone who's not afraid2 go up 2 them, &just start some flirty/sexy banter. They find confident, honest, &brave people sexy😍. They need someone who's not about games, as they don't play games themselves = if they want something, they take it. They can be impulsive, &quick on it, but when a decision is made = nobody can change their minds, besides themselves. They're sexy, fearless, &direct. They can be into rougher touches, marks being left behind👋, hair pulling, fast but passionate, & rough sex. "sex on an impulse".
VENUS/EROS IN TAURUS/AT 2, 14, 26° = TAURUS DEGREE 💚 points2 someone being sexually attracted2 beautiful/seductive, sensual, gentle, but dedicated people. They can be quite picky when it comes2 choosing a lover, & they won't just pick "John"/or "Karen", just bc he, or she is the last one standing. They won't settle for less than they deserve - at least not in the long run. REALLY into kisses up, & down their neck&body/also around ears! &get that tongue involved2, they'll worship u, &Remember u4life🫦👅💋. They're extremely sensitive in these places, & usually can't hold back on how much their body ends up being affected - like goosebumps arising, them shaking, moans etc.
VENUS/EROS IN SAGITTARIUS/AT AT 9, 21° = SAGITTARIUS DEGREE ❤️ points2 someone wanting a spontaneous, adventure seeking, & "free"/"free spirited" lover. They need someone who's not about putting them in a cage, but all about experiencing life's pleasures - as they themselves are very free, & not about putting up "strict boundaries". They're sexually attracted2 easy going/but curious, "well informed" & nonjudgemental people. Can definitely also be sexually attracted2 people from different cultures - or 2people from foreign countries, & 2people who's not "confined". They wanna be challenged, &they wanna learn from/&with their lover, &get their mind expanded. Can be into sex out in the open/into being stimulated in public, & can be really into trying new, & spontaneous things when it comes to sex - they wanna spice things up often, as a routine can become2 boring for them.
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DICK ASTEROID - 17458 ASPECTING WEBB ASTEROID - 3041 IN A MAN'S CHART = can show us that his dick can be found online somewhere📱📸/or it has been online4u2 find. Can ofc, also just mean that he's been a fan of sending dick pics/videos, or is a fan of sending dick pics/videos.
KLETT ASTEROID - 2199 ASPECTING WEBB ASTEROID - 3041 IN A WOMAN'S CHART = same as above, she's just not sending dick pics tho😂. U know the deal babe.
CUMMING ASTEROID - 14348 CONJUNCT 9TH/OR 12th HOUSE/HOUSE RULERS shows us a person having sex with people/strangers on vacations/"vacation flings"/or when they're staying abroad. OR someone being really sexually attracted2 people from different cultures/foreign countries, ofc.
IF A MAN got his CUMMING ASTEROID - 14348 IN LEO = expect it everywhere, really everywhere. He's big on showing off, &big on making it rain ☔️ .
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Appreciate you, always!!!💘
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Claude propaganda:
"To say Claude has trust issues is an understatement—you have to spend half the game earning his. (Claude isn't even his real name!) Once you have it, though, he's absolutely ride or die for you until the stars go out. He is so full of heart and ambition: He wants both sides of his heritage to get along, he wants to open borders and eliminate xenophobia and promote equality between commonfolk, and deep down, I think he craves a partner to stand with him at that new dawn, or an equal who sees his vision for the future and will fight for it just as hard. Nobody believed in him when he was a kid, but if you put your faith in him, he'll return it tenfold. Some people don't like that he's calculating, or has to leave the player character at the end of the game to go back to his homeland, but both are necessary elements for his goals to change things. He will always come back, and everyone who bets against him and his love for his companions is wrong with a big fat W. #KhalidForMostDatablePrez"
"Claude is a fun little onion of facades. He calls himself the embodiment of distrust, he acts like he's carefree and without worries, an unscrupulous schemer--and so many in universe buy into that hook line and sinker. He's used to others viewing him with suspicion and uses it as armor to obscure his not-so-dark truth: that he cares immensely, that he values minimizing the loss of life, and that above all he has so much hope that people will fundamentally choose to do better given the choice.
His front guards a center that his conflict filled world would be happy to tear apart. As the child of people from two nations in constant conflict--one of which is explicitly isolationist and dehumanizes those outside its church's reach--he hasn't really had a place where he can be without his facade. As a child he thought he could run, but when confronted with the fact that this hatred existed no matter where he ran, he chose to instead try to create a more just and kind world.
His inability to let others in beyond his facade at first may lead to a sense of distance, but isn't it then all the more satisfying when you're allowed in? All he wants is a little trust, a little faith, and--like what he wants to give everyone--a chance to be better.
And like that you got a charming young lad with a fun personality that your grandma would be thrilled to have stay forever."
Josephine propaganda:
“you get to have a full Disney princess style romance with her, she is the most precious, the most sweet, I love her so much 🥺”
“Josephine's one of the "behind the scenes" companion for the protagonist and she advises them on diplomacy-related matters.
Her personal quest and romance is fairy-tale worthy: she gets threatened with assassination, you help her restore her family's fortune, you get threatened by her best friend to not break her heart, she doesn't dare to hope you mean anything serious when flirting until you spell it out for her, after which Josie agrees to a deeper relationship... And immediately after that she finds out her family has engaged her to a random noble without her knowledge!! You publicly challenge the suitor to a one-on-one duel to win her hand, she finds out and interrupts the duel because she's worried of the Inquisitor throwing literally the entire plot away and risk life in combat for her... To which of course you can confess that they're doing it because they love Josephine, and they get the cutest cutscene with Josie jumping in the Inquisitor's arms and them spinning her around before kissing each other <3 The betrothed steps away because he sees true love between the two. She and the Inquisitor stay together through the end game and after it, gaining a "second home" with her and her family.
She really believes in the Inquisitor's cause and from the very first conversations with her, she asks questions about your background and tries to make you feel welcomed (especially appreciated if the Inquisitor isn't human since people are less trusting of them). She's politically smart but dislikes violence, overall very sweet but still strong... Josie tends to overwork herself (she's a perfectionist) and at first she tries to keep a professional air at all times but if you encourage her, she will rant to you and spill all the tea about nobles lol.”
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ewingstan · 3 months
Worm and other media that won't just let you shoot the Joker, part 1:
Worm comments on the structure of stories, especially superhero stories, in some interesting ways. There's a lot of stuff that happen in superhero comics for no real reason than that it needs to happen for the story to be interesting; a huge amount of Worm's worldbuilding is devoted to taking these things and making the fact that they have to happen an explicit in-setting constraint. For instance, superhero stories tend to have more powerful heroes face off against much more powerful villains than their less-powerful allies, to the point where it seems like super-powerful threats are coming to earth every few weeks just because it wouldn't be interesting to read that comic otherwise. It gets weirder when you compare what villains end up visiting the cities of uber-powerful heroes vs the cities of less powerful heroes: Gotham mostly just has to deal with serial killers while Metropolis is a magnet for evil gods. Worm plays with this by having the Endbringers exist only because the big hero needed something to fight in-text: it changes "powerful heroes need powerful villains or else it wouldn't be interesting" from a Doylist justification to a Watsonian one. Then there's the fact that so much of the horrible conflict in Earth Bet is explicitly caused by Gods making sure the powers they grant people lead to increased conflict, the fact that one of the most powerful characters does what she does because the plot path to victory says she needs to, etc.
But the big one is Jack Slash, and how he's only able to get away with his bullshit because he has plot armor as a secondary power. As WB says here, "Jack's a reconstruction of the Joker type character in the sense that you can't have such a character take such a high profile position in the setting, without having there be a cheat." The Joker and similar characters are only able to keep being relevant threats in their stories because the narrative bends to let them win and stops them from being killed. Jack Slash is only able to keep being a relevant threat because his power makes the universe bend to let him win in the same way. Not only does this make for an interesting obstacle (its almost like they're fighting an authorial mandate!), but it skewers the use of similar character's plot armor and how unrealistic and unsatisfying it makes their stories.
But wait, what does it mean for a story to be "unrealistic" in the context of superpowers? Is being unrealistic in those contexts actually a problem? For that matter, what does it mean for a narrative to bend to let someone win? Its not like there's an objective way fighting the Joker would go, which the author is deviating from by letting him survive.
[Stuff under readbelow contains spoilers fo, the movie Funny Games and the book Anybody Home?]
Maybe we could say that if characters like the Joker were real, and put in the situations they are in their stories, they would end up being killed really quickly. But is that a reasonable way to judge stories? A narrative where such a character is killed unceremoniously to satisfy a need for realism isn't any less an expression of the author's deliberate choices than a story where the character keeps showing back up to satisfy a desire for fan-favorite characters. And while Jack Slash's arcs help show why deviating from "realistic consequences" in the service of keeping a character alive can make a story exhausting and screw with an audiences' appreciation of stakes, it doesn't make a strong case against the concept of villains having plot armor in general. A story isn't necessarily worse just for being constructed to keep the villains alive—all stories are constructed, and sometimes being constructed that way makes for the best story.
That becomes more clear when you take the premise of Jack Slash as "killer who wins because the mechanics of the universe says so" and make clear just how much "the mechanics of the universe" really just means "the story". Which is how you get Peter and Paul from Funny Games.
I'd highly recommend watching Funny Games (though for the love of god check content warnings), as well as Patricia Taxxon's review of it that I'm cribbing a lot from here. But to summarize, Funny Games is a movie written and directed by Michael Haneke about a family's lakeside vacation being interrupted by the appearance of two murderous young men, who capture them in their own house and slowly torture and kill them off. At least, that's what it seems to be about initially. It marketed itself as a somewhat standard entry in the genres of torture porn and home invasion thrillers, and played itself straight as one for the majority of its runtime. But then one of the two villains of the pair, "Paul," starts talking to the audience.
It starts small: after crippling the family's father and revealing that he killed their dog, Paul has the wife look for its corpse outside. While giving her hints, he slowly turns back towards the camera and smirks, before turning back. In isolation, maybe it could be interpreted as Paul smirking at Peter, seeming to look out at the audience only because of clumsy blocking. But then it happens again. Paul tells the family, who are completely at their mercy at this point, that they're gonna bet that they'll all be dead within twelve hours. When the family refuses to take the bet, asking how they could hope to win it when he can clearly off them all whenever they wish, Paul turns towards the audience and asks "what do you think? Do you think they stand a chance? Well you're on their side aren't you. Who you betting on, eh?" The audience is being acknowledged; their role as someone invested in the story is being examined by the ones introducing the stakes.
But the biggest moment comes near the end, when the mother grabs the shotgun she's being threatened with and blasts Peter. Paul startles, grins, and then hurredly grabs a tv remote and presses rewind. The movie itself suddenly rewinds to right before the mother grabs the gun, and plays again with Paul grabbing the shotgun right before the mother reaches for it.
Its a truly incredible moment, in that its the perfect way to forcibly take away the audience's suspension of disbelief. It forces the audience to acknowledge that they're viewing a story, not something happening to a real family. After their moment of catharsis against the villains, Paul makes the confront the fact that the movie will end however the creators want it to, and if they want the villains to win they'll will regardless of how little sense it makes. Fuck you, we can go from being set in the normal world with normal rules to the villains traveling back in time with a tv remote, because a story does whatever its creators want. Haneke just decided to make that obvious in the most jarring way imaginable.
But maybe the best way to illustrate Funny Games effectiveness at this type of artful unveiling is comparing it to its less-effective imitators. I've recently finished Anybody Home?, a recently-published book by Michael J. Seidlinger. It has the conceit of being narrated by an unnamed mass-murderer, guiding a new killer in their first home invasion. I started reading it before I watched Funny Games, and even afterwards took a while to realize the unnamed narrator wasn’t just a pastiche of a Paul-like character but was actually supposed to be read as Paul himself. Seidlinger was having his book be a sort of unofficial sequel to Funny Games, narrated by its star. Once I realized, a lot of the books details suddenly clicked. The big one was the constant references to “the camera" and the idea of murder being a performance for an audience, one that needed to be fresh and original to make “the cults” enjoy it. Take these passages from page 77:
If it happened, it would perturb. It would create suspicion. It wouldn’t end up ruining the performance, and yet, it could have derailed our casing. The camera can have all it wants; either way, it’ll make it look better than it really was. It’ll strip away the cues and other planned orchestrations and it’ll show the action—the actuality of each scene, each suggestion…
This is a spectacle, above all. The craft pertains to keeping and maintaining a captive audience; behind the camera, you’ll never know how it happened—the trickery that made the impossible possible, the insanity so close to home. It is spectacle.
Through online activity, the son made it clear that something is happening at home, yet we cannot be certain if he has noticed the camera.
These all point to the idea that the murders are being viewed by an audience rather than just by intruders, that this is a performance for said audience's benefit more than anything else. But notably, it also reinforces the idea of these characters having an existence outside of the camera: the camera shows the action and "strips away" the cues behind it, the victims have a life outside the camera such that they could plausibly sense that the camera is now here. The victims are sometimes described as playing into their role, but always metaphorically; always as if normal people start acting like characters when put in certain circumstances. Whereas Funny Games posits that characters will behave however the author wants them to, denying the claim that stories are realistic simulations of hypothetical scenarios.
The whole thing is predicated on the idea that there needs to be a guide, that the villain of a home invader movie is really in danger of something going wrong. Paul/The narrator keeps giving directions on what needs to be double checked, what needs to X, and its completely against the spirit of the role Paul served in Funny Games. If something goes wrong for the villain they should just be able to rewind and do it over, because the story was written for them to succeed. Anybody Home? throws out Funny Games theme of the story being on rails, of the winner being whoever the author wants it to be and the events following whatever the author wanted rather than what would "really" happen. It throws out the whole idea that it’s all just a story, by supporting the idea that the characters have lives not captured by the camera—or more relevantly, not captured on-page.
Because Seidlinger using the language of film in a book leads to different things going on with the fourth wall. The way Funny Games and Anybody Home? make the camera explicit are just different, and the former does it much more interestingly than the latter. Seildinger’s characters aren’t looking back at the reader, the fourth wall is never actually breached. Funny Games has Paul look into the camera to address the audience, making clear how it’s a story being set up for the audience's benefit. Anybody Home? invokes the idea of a camera tracking everything home invaders do in general, having it be a third-party force that’s itself an unseen character contained within the story, observing the intruder's crime rather than the reader. Why is it still a camera, if we're in a book rather than a movie? A character in a book talking about a camera watching them does not convey any of the same meaning as a character in a movie suddenly looking into a camera and smirking at the audience!
By the end, you realize that this is caused in part by the book's bizarro take on how horror movies exist in this world. It reveals that in its setting, all horror movies are adaptations of real home invasions, which get recorded by unseen mysterious forces. Killers enter a home and enact violence, are filmed by some supernatural camera, the footage gets leaked to the public, and then the killers sell the rights to the work to studios. The events of SAW really happened, but the movie was just an adaptation. Funny Games really happened, but the Paul in the movies was just an actor playing the Paul narrating this book. The killer's victims eventually realize that they're "victims," but not in the sense that they realize their characters in a story, only in a sense that they realize they got sucked into their world's magical realism bullshit.
Ultimately, while the book does the same trick of being all about how horror stories are “for” us, it gets rid of all the tricks that made it work for Funny Games. It even strips it's in-universe version of what made it special; Funny Games is just another adaptation of a real home invasion. All the meta stuff that makes it interesting in its genre are just gestured at as aesthetics.
So what makes Jack Slash in Worm succeed where the killers in Anybody Home? fail? Both are constructed to be entertaining for a 3rd party who stand-in for but aren't actually the audience; the entities in Worm, the cults in Anybody Home?. But Jack Slash doesn't mix his metaphors. Worm may turn various real-life factors affecting a work into in-story mechanisms of the world in the same way Anybody Home? does. But it doesn't also base itself off a text that takes in-story mechanisms and breaks them to force the audience to see the various real-life factors affecting the work. In effect, WB pulls off a trick Seidlinger tries and fails because WB wasn't taking another metatexual story and stripping it of what made it interesting.
Though that introduces the question: can such meta-moves be mixed? Can you have a text where story conceits become explicit plot mechanics the characters are aware of, while also having characters really look at the camera and tell the audience that its all just a story? Can you actually sell it and make it something interesting?
There is one story that tries this. I don't know if it pulls it off, but it certainly makes a lot of interesting moves that create a fascinating whole. It even comments on the Joker in the same way Worm does, having a character who seemingly cant die because the roll they play in the story is too impor—
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Ah fuck.
Continued in part 2.
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moremaybank · 1 year
headcanons about being pregnant with jj maybank
-͟͟͞☆ pregnancy headcanons with jj...
warnings: mentions of pregnancy/sex, mentions of smoking weed (jj, not reader)
jj masterlist
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the man is so overprotective, and he worries about you like it's his second nature, so he won't let you do anything
he's always rubbing your feet after you've been running around all day
always there to satisfy your pregnancy cravings, no matter how odd they are
has his hands on your belly, caressing it as he talks to your baby
"you're totally gonna be a daddy's girl. or daddy's boy. or a daddy's baby. i don't care. either way, you're gonna love me. i'm super cool."
and you're rolling your eyes playfully, but you think it's the sweetest thing ever
he's constantly taking pictures and videos of you because he's obsessed with you, even more so now that you're growing his child
you catch him filming you one day as you're swaying back and forth, trying to soothe the baby who's kicking like crazy
"you look so pretty, baby"
"i look like i swallowed a watermelon whole," you reply with a frown
decorating the nursery together, and jj buys a miniature surfboard
"what? we're gonna have a lil' baby pogue. they're gonna be cruising the waves just like their daddy."
giving you belly rubs because it's relaxing for you and for the baby
"you're so sexy like this, baby. i like the fact that everyone knows that's my kid in there."
helping you put your shoes on 'cause you can't reach your feet anymore
"my own personal cinderella"
standing behind you and wrapping his arms around you so he can gently lift your belly in his large palms to give your back/body some relief
kissing your belly all the time
if you've ever watched how i met your mother (highly recommend if you haven't), you might remember marshall and lily hosting a mock game show to find out if ted, barney or robin would be the godparent(s)
so naturally, jj does his own pogue-style version with the group
also naturally, pope excels because he's extremely well educated
"i always knew my boy pope would win"
"then why did you have to hold a competition?"
"...because it's fun. duh."
he's always saying the most random things out of nowhere
"...wait. does this mean i have to stop smoking?"
"you're not the one that's pregnant, jj."
"does this mean we can't fuck anymore? 'cause i'm not tryna poke the baby's head with my schlong. that's just rude."
and you're just like "really? that's where your mind's at right now?"
honestly it's just a fun time seeing the biggest (and sweetest) goof you know prepare to be in charge of a whole other person's life
jj tag list (join here!): @maybankslover @kittyqrt @skydisneylover @v-velvetykisscs @hobiibobii @rafesdior @fool4him @hemogloban @pankhoeforlife @rafesmuse @lyn07 @houseofperfecttaste
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love-toxin · 1 year
If you have any more thoughts on this bully!Eddie and bully!Steve dynamic you'd like to share...Cause this had me fucking feral. Older or younger, their partnership has to be deadly.
Constantly in silent competition with each other to see who makes reader cry the hardest, the manipulation tactics, bro. I just want them both to be really mean and possessive over me, you know?
heh. heheheheheh.....HEH!!! i made this a little sweeter cuz im weak
let them eat cake
(cws: older!bully!steddie, f!waitress!angelface, age gap (20s-late 30s/40s), innocence/corruption kink, a singular knife, they're possessive in their own way, crying, sexual harrassment (not them), shitty diner etiquette, steve has sugar daddy tendencies, a little angst with a fluffy ending.)
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The possessiveness is what really gets them. Steve and Eddie love seeing you cry, love making you wet while you work, love talking down to you when you can't talk back and you wouldn't anyways cause you're just so pretty and dumb and sweet, too shy and too nice to have an attitude and they can tell after a while that it's cause you like the attention. Or maybe you have a thing for degradation and you aren't even aware of it, who knows?
But there are times when your teary-eyed face isn't satisfying, when your trembling shoulders as you approach their table don't make Steve's leg bounce and Eddie's grin twitch up. When you hurriedly try to wipe your face dry before you come up to them, your voice crackly and soft as you whimper out a "wh-what can I get for you today?" with your pen poised over your notepad that won't stop shaking. Those are the times that they aren't the culprits for your misery, and they wanna know who the fuck has been pushing around their dumb little princess.
Yeah, your job at the diner is shitty, and the hag at the front counter likes to bark at you pretty often as the only other waitress--but that's not enough to make you this way. They survey the rest of the diner until their eyes land on another table a ways away, and see the group of happy-go-lucky college boys that are so loud and rowdy that their voices are already giving Steve a headache. And after you bring the older gentlemen their waters and sweet tea (that you make yourself and they always insist on having a taste of even though it's the same recipe every time) they watch you get more and more anxious as you pass those dickheads by, the group of them high off a game win or something because they wolf whistle in your direction every time you get close enough. It's rage-inducing for the two of them, watching those shitty fucking brats make comments and flirt with you and even mock groping you, causing you to flinch away and spill one of their drinks that they laugh about as they insist you clean it up. And the grins on their faces when they lean over to watch you bend down to pick up the cup, hoping to get a glimpse of your ass in the skirt you're wearing today--oh, they both just want to throttle them, but Steve especially so. He may be fucking crusty as he nears his forties, but he's a lot bigger and a lot stronger than those jerks half his age.
The two of them just sit there and marinate in their own fury for awhile, but just when Steve's moving to get up out of his seat because he cannot fucking take another second of this bullshit, and he's mumbling that he's gonna teach those dickheads some goddamn respect--you've got your hand on his arm and you're holding him, clutching at the sleeve of his sweater with panic in your eyes.
"P-Please, Mr. Harrington, don't get in trouble," You whimper, trying not to let the feeling of his thick, firm biceps under your palms distract you. "I can deal with it, I promise. I-I'll make them quiet down, so you don't get a headache."
Oh, you don't even realize. The unexpected sweetness of you remembering such an insignificant detail about him actually makes Steve's heart jump, feels like it's the first time in ages since it's done that. It's baffling to each of them that you're more concerned about them, though--and there's that crack of mercy that forms then, that's slowly gonna get wider and wider as the two of them realize they don't just wanna tease you, they want you.
When you walk away, for once, Steve just stares down at his glass as he sips from it. Wondering how much money you would take from him to quit this shitty job today. Meanwhile, Eddie's worked up a glare to cast at the college kids that they definitely notice this time, their obnoxious laughter turned to head shifting and whispering as they wonder why that freak is staring so hard. The more he does it, the more unnerved they get, so he doesn't look away even when they make eye contact to try and ward him off. It would be a contest, if Eddie didn't produce a little pocket knife from his jacket, and start flipping it around without breaking his stare and without slicing a single cut into his fingers. And that seems to be enough for them to get over themselves and turn away to snap their fingers at you for the check, before filing out of the diner as a group and keeping up that threatened hush over them until they get outside. Then they're boisterous again, laughing and making ill-intentioned jokes about that weirdo perv as they get into their cars, because Eddie knows they're fucking scared of him. They wouldn't be so loudly claiming they weren't if that was really the truth.
Finally, when peace falls over the diner again, they watch you clear the plates and then scurry over to collect the check, and grimace when your shoulders visibly fall, the measly few pennies left over for your tip barely weighing down your hand. Yet you still count them in your palm, picking out a few bits of pocket lint from the pile because it was obviously thrown in half-assedly. Fucking pricks. Only a seriously sadistic group of assholes wouldn't tip their goddamn waitress.
"Honey, come here." You perk up at Steve's voice--how cute--and hurry towards their table, slipping the chump change into your apron pocket on the way. You nearly trip trying to get there in short time, but you stand up straight and smooth out your skirt once you're there, perched nearly on the balls of your feet as you wait for their command. "Closer."
As if on autopilot, your body moves to shuffle towards Steve's side of the booth, and you lean over so your face is closer even though you look more than a little nervous. Worried he's gonna do something bad? Gonna take advantage of you when you're already beat down?
"This is for you." The thick thumbful of cash he had ready gets pushed into your hand--he was gonna stuff it down your top for a laugh, but for some reason it makes its way right into your palm. He closes your hands over it so you won't see how much it is, but you can feel how much paper is unfurling even as it's tucked tightly inside your fist. Your little doe eyes widen, and you shake your head, your first reaction to try and give it back. Whether you don't think you deserve it, or you were raised to be polite and humble, either way it's too fucking sweet for him to resist, and he forces your hand to squeeze it tighter. "Don't get an ego. But, I'm....I'm proud of you."
"Are....are you kidding, Mr. Harrington?"
Oh, for fuck's sakes. Eddie's expression shifts like lightning into shock and concern, seeing you tremble and tear up at those simple words, and hearing your disbelief so strong in your shaky voice that you think it's just a joke.
"Christ, I-"
"One sec!" You suddenly dart away, the cash still clutched in your hand as you skid around the other tables in your way and run into the kitchen, the two of them hearing one of the cooks in the back reprimand you for rushing around, you're gonna slip! Thankfully, they don't hear those telltale crashes of dishware breaking or cutlery clattering to the floor, but the two of them are left wondering and looking at each other until you patter right back out with two plates in hand. They don't even notice what it is because they're too wrapped up in how big your smile is, cheeks still wet cause you didn't have a second to dry them, until you set down both plates in front of each of them and produce two forks.
It's a thick slice of cake for both men, Steve'a a vanilla flavour with lots of fresh strawberries piled on and drizzled around it, while Eddie has a hefty chunk of double-chocolate cake with enough frosting to give him diabetes. Both have a few sprinkles scattered messily around the smudged frosting and whipped cream, and the cake is moist if a little crumbly, but it so screams you that they're left looking back at you in awe.
"Dessert's on the house. I, um...I made it. Both of them. Gladys let me do the new desserts."
You fidget with your fingers anxiously as they each take their first bites, overwhelmed with fruit and sugar and cholesterol. It's so fucking great. Steve at least has some decorum as he swipes up the whipped topping and hums at realizing it's homemade, but you almost seem more eager to hear Eddie's almost piggish grunting as he stuffs his mouth full of cake, his lower lip smeared with chocolate that he's quick to wipe off with his thumb and suck clean. Only once they're eating do you think to rub your face dry, swiftly using the back of your hands to smooth out the streaks before your smile grows brighter.
"Incredible," Eddie moans, and you try to hide your giggling. Steve wishes you wouldn't, he hasn't realized he's been staring until you turn to look at him, and he shoves another bite past his lips to cover it up. "You need to come cook at my place. Forget Harrington, he's got girls lining up to feed him."
"Shut up." He finally meets your eyes, the scowl nowhere near reaching his eyes as they run over your sweet, smiling face. "He's an idiot. Come use my kitchen anytime you want." It's not really until those sober thoughts hit your ears that Steve really realizes that he said them so bluntly, and in a bid to brush it off, he demands you bring them both a coffee to go with their cake.
"Mhm!" You hum, his stern tone not even making you flinch as you practically skip off to the kitchen to make them their drinks, your skirt flouncing up just enough that they can get a peek underneath if they dip their heads. They're a little too involved in their desserts to catch it, though, and Steve has a faraway look in his eyes as he picks a lone sprinkle off and eats it that has Eddie smirking.
"I said shut up."
He mutters back, his voice soft and barely there like the words are just flimsy things to form it. The smile that turns up his lips as he stares at his plate can't be mistaken, though, the tines of his fork dragging little lines in the icing as he thinks about how happy you looked just now.
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Love it whenever they pull a "that's my brother(s) only I can be a dick to him(them)"
No for real though,
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The second Asmo caught sight of the culprit he had no real intention of going back to the contest and it was never even about making sure MC was safe.
He insisted he come with MC despite the fact that;
1.) The contest was starting in 10minutes
2.) MC kept on trying to get him to leave because they could very well take care of themselves - which is why Satan, Levi & the twins left them alone in the first place - they're stronger than most demons, something even Lucifer admits in S4
3.) He would definitely have known that running around would ruin his outfit/makeup
But he didn't leave because this demon hurt his brother who's putting on a brave face in the midst of all the accusations and still working so hard despite the fact that he was almost definitely going to get disqualified and clearing Mammon's name is a higher priority for Asmo than
1.) Winning what is more or less a beauty contest and satisfying his sin
2.) Being recognised by a high ranking noble that would lead to recognition by lots of other people - also satisfying his sin
3.) Winning a prize he can use to make a rare present to give MC
The Sins putting the love they have for others over their sins is a repeated theme in OM! We most commonly see it when they interact with MC but we've also seen it applied with others as well (most notably/commonly we see this trait in Lucifer, Mammon & Beel)
And Asmo does it here to the extreme because he loves his big brother more than any of the elements that makes up the Sin he's the personification of
Then we go back to Mammon and he's immediately okay with giving up his place for Asmo even though Mammon's whole reason for doing this was to satisfy his Sin
Neither of them took a second to think it through, there was 0 hesitation, they were both 100% okay with giving up what they wanted so the other could be happy
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They love each other so much I'm going to cry I love this stupid game no one's doing found family like obey me
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Remember this -> post I made about S4. The one that addressed Asmo's issues about his beauty and his place in the family and how Levi acknowledging Asmo as being his adorable younger brother without bringing his beauty into it helped Asmo? Mammon just did the same thing by acknowledging Asmo as part of his family and saying that there's more to Asmo, more to what makes Asmo charming, than just his looks and really the meaningfulness of this moment only makes sense if you read the linked post but holy shit is it meaningful
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and mc was right, the rose queen chose the best possible outcome
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shuttershocky · 3 months
So what are your thoughts on the second AK x R6 Collab? Do you look forward to it?
Personally, I'm a little sad my boys Wamai, Jager, Glaz, etc didn't make the cut, nor any of the Nighthaven crew like Osa and Kali. This makes sense (HG's approach is basically isekaing the Rainbow crew into Arknights and passing them off as funny aliens in a world of animal people rather than using any Rainbow Six storylines, which is probably for the better), I'm just a little sad that among the new batch the only character I actually play often enough to call a main is Fuze.
That being said, I'm looking forward to it. Originium Dust was one of my favorite AK events, and I really liked how HG translated the R6 characters into its tower defense gameplay, they showed some real creativity along with a weirdly specific understanding of Siege memes (such as the Rainbow ops calling Tachanka, Lord Tachanka, which is not something that's canon to R6S that's an in-joke the players have because Tachanka is a terribly weak but beloved and fun character).
What makes me confident they'll bring that same creativity to translating their FPS gameplay into Arknights is that they made Doc an Instructor Guard. Like, holy shit, it takes a great understanding of Siege to see a medic character whose special skill is that he heals people and then NOT make him a Medic in AK.
Do you know why Doc's an Instructor Guard despite being a medic? Because when you actually see a Doc in a match of R6 Siege, they don't sit behind their allies pumping them with heals every time they take damage. You only have limited healing darts, and you can heal people at full HP to overheal. No. When you're fighting a Doc, you see him grab a partner (usually Rook), jamming them full of heals while their health is full to overdose on their HP, then healing HIMSELF to overdose his HP, and then both of them run out of cover guns blazing to kill as many Attackers as they can before they are blown to hell.
HG understands that well enough that instead of making him a medic, they make him the Guard class that sits behind another unit, buffing them but also meant to do DPS. That's fantastic, I am completely sure someone at HG remains a dedicated Siege player to this day.
Plus, I do love that the Free units on both R6S events are notoriously terrible but fan-favorite characters. Before his rework in R6S, Tachanka sucked ass, and after his rework he still wasn't picked competitively all that much, but he HAD to be the star of the event because he's Lord Tachanka with an LMG that rips through everything and is incredibly satisfying to use. In the same vein, Fuze is infamous for LOSING more games for his team than winning, since his gadgets are bouncing cluster bombs that often kill his teammates, the hostage they're rescuing, or even himself sometimes while completely missing actual enemies. You pick this guy and it's halfway to a loss already, so you're either a god on Fuze, a madman, maybe both, and that's absolutely why he's the next free unit. Now all of AK can get to experience griefing themselves with Fuze RNG. Fuck yeah.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 11 months
“it's my thigh or nothing. i'm not helping you get off.”
with chubby aegon please 🙏😩
Aegon ii SMUT Prompt #6
pairing: modern!chubby!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader
warnings: chubby!Aegon, swearing, thigh riding to the max, breast kink, stomach kink, slight edging, reference of p in v sexual intercourse.
a/n - whoever you are nonnie, you read my mind reading that prompt…. kudos to you, your fine ass specimen p.s I may have gotten carried away with this one... just a teensy tiny bit whoops-✨
Having a boyfriend who leant more towards the thicker, more larger side of life had its perks, that was the honest truth… Your sex life? Impeccable.
You’d never been more pleased and sated in your life, with anyone before, until Aegon waddled in. He was essentially your very own, real-life teddy bear. Always embracing you in his warmth and plush, he was a needy thing. He just had to feel you in some way, whether it was as simple as hand-holding or as invasive as cockwarming you from dusk till dawn, he had to touch you in some physical way.
To reiterate, he was a BIG boy. Which you did not mind, not one bit. In fact he was pretty cunning in the sense that he knew how to use his heavier mass around your body, to get precisely what he wanted. Practically pinning you against him between some wall or mattress, spreading your legs apart of him to nestle his wider frame into, till he was satisfied that you were completely full of him. Dripping with his seed, his hot spill just oozing between your thighs, as you'd whimper beneath the subtle pressure, writhing and squirming beneath to free yourself to breathe. Your naked, hot bodies naturally grinding against each other, the friction was palpable. You couldn’t get enough of him.
You often relished in the act of squeezing and biting at his chub, desperate to shove yourself deeper into his body, until you were practically smothered. It was invigorating to make Aegon work for you. Although, he did too, enjoy making you work for him.
It was no surprise, he was rather lazy. Much enjoying either eating or gaming if he wasn't already fucking you. And this evening you found your boyfriend practically infuriated, heated over an online session of gaming with Jace and Aemond.
An intense, booming "FUCK!" roared through your shared bedroom, as you entered, witnessing Aegon aggressively smacking down his controller, wiping his headphones off in a haste.
One thing about Aeg, he took his gaming very seriously: a single event to piss him off, would keep him heated the entire day, which meant only one thing... You would be responsible to sate him.
"Is it really so bad you lost, just this once, Aeg? Maybe you should take a quick break, and get back at them!"
"They're fucking assholes- I told them to respawn me, and those little fuckers wouldn't. Thinking they could win without me- Fuck-"
You were in no denial, to discount the fact that it kind of turned you on, seeing how heated and roused Aegon would get with these things, often enjoying having the power to calm him down.
"Come here, my big bear-"
As you'd been caressing small circles gently on his back, your hand then reached for his pudgy one, pulling and nudging for him to follow as you stood, attempting to walk towards the bed. Although, his heavier ton remained stagnant, not moving against your pull, causing you to stop from going any further.
"Aeg, what's wrong baby? Let me fuck you real good and respawn you myself, huh?" You teasingly wink up at him smiling, as you slowly kneel down before him, using his chunky, sprawled thighs for support, as he remained seated on his gaming chair.
"No, no- You just don't get it, Y/N-"
"Aeg, it's just a fucking game, get over it! You either let me fuck you till your happy, or I go to bed, which is it?"
The silence was eerie, although your temper raised. As your impatience grew thin, the stoic look strewed across Aegon's face was telling enough that your words had sent him over the edge.
"You can fuck me."
"That's what I thought," You sighed, as you pushed yourself up from his sturdy legs, just faintly beginning to swivel your body towards the bed, before Aegon's interjection stopped you so, your back still turned towards him.
"But it's my thigh or nothing. I'm not helping you get off."
You stood still for a few seconds before proceeding to turn to face Aeg, a chilling smile drawn across his soft, full face, brows raised almost in a menacing way.
"Is that so?" You uttered, Aegon nodding his head eagerly in agreement, his chair creaking beneath his heavy weight, as he leaned back, hands resting atop his head, as he spread his stocky legs out as much as the chair could grant.
"Well, are you no longer up for it, baby, or do you prefer to keep me waiting? Either or, you'll see what it feels like to lose."
A chuckled sigh escapes your mouth, as you nod in astonishment. You refuse to cave into his nags. You will cum, if it's the last thing you'll do on this ungodly man.
Having removed your lower garments, now completely bare, you'd raised his shorts up more, exposing more pale skin, as you'd applied some body oil, massaging it sensually into his tender skin. One thigh would suffice, its width and beefy size was all that you could take. Plopping yourself down carefully, you spared no second in beginning to rock yourself ever so slowly backwards and forwards, your bare cunt, beginning to ache that familiar dull throb strengthening.
"You don't think I can't get off like this, huh? If only you knew, silly boy. Seeing you like this, spoiling yourself with junk, growing that ass, and swelling. M-more for me to fuck. I-It turns me on so, so much, Aeg, you have no idea-"
Now your pace beginning to hasten, your rocking movements grew sloppier, the more attempts you made at plunging your cunt deeper against his skin. Your folds coated now with the oil and wetness beginning to pool between, helped to easily glide you over his thigh, the fat beneath swaying in rhythm to each direction you moved. His mouth found itself nibbling at the tender skin of your jawline, tracing its way down to the sensitive crook of your neck, chills etched all over your body. His palms kneaded and squeezed as your bare ass cheeks, naturally pushing your smaller frame deeper against his.
"Tell me more, Princess. What about this fat gut? I bet you want to rub that pretty, tight cunt all over all this-"
"Mhmm- Y-Yes Aeg-"
"My greedy, little girl. Knows all of this belongs to her, thinks she can just fuck me and go about her merry way. Brat. No, no, greedy, bratty girls get punished, Y/N."
"Then p-punish me, A-Aeg-"
An invigorating, deep growl echoed from his throat directly into your ear, as you practically green-lit for Aegon's shenanigans. The sheer, heinous thought that Aegon would pay you back for your bratty attitude this evening, along with the feverish friction brewing from beneath, in between your entrance and his thigh, could send you int an oblivion.
His plump, moist lips found their way, suckling at the sweet skin of where your cleavage showed, pressed up against his rotund chest, burying his face into your breasts. Your back arching against his wet trail of kisses and hickeys, your hips naturally bucked down, as the thigh riding grew messier, your nails digging into the plump rolls of his back, your could sense the wetness trickling from beneath, coating his thigh, as your clit grew more hot, heavily pressed against his radiating skin. You could feel the stiffness of his bulge growing by the second, visibly restricted beneath his shorts, bursting to come out.
"P-Punish me-"
And as discussed, Aegon fulfilled his words that evening. Having warmed you up with a single thigh, he effortlessly carried you towards the bed, laying you gently as to not part the vacuum of your bodies, where he shoved his cock deep inside, filling you completely with his hot, potent seed.
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radioisntdead · 2 months
Since we have a hat gremlin- what about other hat wearing Characters?
Sir pent., husker, Lucifer... SUSAN (angel wore a hat one time and so didnt vaggie- do they count?) and Valentino?
My only note is that if Valentino has one it is the equivalent to the most angry lil devil that bites his bald ass head like a rabid flea.
Good evening my dear! I GOT THIS ASK IN THE MORNING AND I KID YOU NOT IT HAS BEEN ON MY BRAIN SINCE. Switching between third person and referring to the reader as you
I'm thinking Sir Pentious's hat creature is like a little lizard, like the gecko lizard that tries to sell you car insurance but instead of car insurance it's just insurance, for what you ask? No idea it's probably a scam don't buy anything from hat lizard, Lil' hat lizard likes to take out with Sir Pentious's hat when he's sleeping, freaks out the eggy Bois, hat gecko totally tries to be a wingman and set him up with Cherri bomb! They are the best winggecko
Huskers hat creature is SMALL, they like the warmth from his fur, you take a lil' nappy nap, snoozy time, when he was a overlord they would help him win casino games, how you ask? I don't know, I don't know how it works but probably by stealing cards or something, his hat creature is probably drunk off their rockers too! Probably chill in cups when not in the hat.
Lucifers hat creature is a duck, 100% a regular duck, a duck that likes to vibe in a hat, that's all I got, the hat quacks. [Lilith gave you to him before leaving.] He likes to show you off to Charlie and the other sins "LOOK AT MY DUCK! THEY REALLY LIKE MY HAT HAhaA"
ANGEL'S CRIME HAT, his lil hat creature is just a lil' guy! He treats em' like a second child [the first is fat nuggets obviously] takes you out of the hat to dress you up, you probably ride fat nuggets like a horse when out of the hat, crime hat creature is totally small enough for that,
I despise Valentino so the bastard is, as per usual dying.
[Warning for mild implied suicide, it's not in depth but It's implied, just a sentence not the reader or the grapist.]
He doesn't have a hat gremlin he has a hat cursed demon leech.
Cursed leech wasn't always cursed, they originally clinged to one of Valentino's victims who ran out during extermination day and you can guess what fate they met.
You, the little hat thing wanted revenge for your fallen friend and so you exited the hat you were originally attached to and infested Valentino's.
Valentino has a constant headache because you bite, sharp teeth piercing his skin, he can't take the hat off because you latch on like a leech, you probably have some diseases that transfer to Valentino so he has to go to the doctors often.
Hat leech will eventually lead to Valentino's permanent death and only then will they be satisfied in taking revenge for their fallen friend, they will exit Valentino's hat and return to the one they left, maybe they'll move on to someone else and be their friend but until then they're on their own.
Vaggie doesn't have a hat gremlin, she has a BOW gremlin, allegedly came from heaven, you are the bow itself. Unraveling to be a bow creature that helps taking people out.
Bonus for Vox because he has a hat right? Or am I delusional we'll find out.
Lil robot creature, totally doubles as a spy, vox's hat is sometimes seen around the hotel stalking Alastor.
SUSAN MY BELOVED OLD GRUMPY LADY, I gotta write for her again soon!
Her hat creature is just like her! Old! her hat will rise up for a moment curse someone out before shrinking back down, similar to Rosie's gremlin, maybe they're related? They probably get into fights, the folks of cannibal town just see Susan's hat and Rosie's hat going at it, dueling probably with weapons I can see them using guns or sticks, sharp sticks,
Susan likes her hat creature, treats em' like a pet and feeds them sinners.
DOODLES TIME, I can't draw anyone's hats for the life of me.
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My handwriting sucks but we don't talk about that
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I love reading all of your fix it AUs and the funniest thought popped into my mind but - all of them happening at once. The minute the tributes are dropped in things start going wrong. One of the tributes escapes via climbing the zoo enclosure (Treech, Lamina, Sheaf, Circ) (prompting tighter security, stopping Arachne from bringing in a glass bottle and Jessup doesn't get bit) and during interviews, mentors get knocked out and more escape (Brandy, Coral, Mizzen?). The Peacekeepers start really cracking down but everyone sees this. One Peacekeeper is *really* conflicted about this and eventually grabs two (Bobbin and Wovey?) and helps them escape. Otto and Ginnee dip since they know cattle cars best shortly after. Then the zoo gets compromised and everyone's like "Okay tour the arena while we set up the next enclosure" guess what happens next? THE ARENA EXPLODES. Because Otto, Ginnee and Sheaf already dipped, Panlo stands somewhere else, doesn't get exploded and instead escapes with Sabyn, Facet and Velvereen, and because he survives he actually prevents Facet and Velvereen from getting shot and Sabyn from falling. At this point there's like, 8 tributes left, so they decide "fuck it put the tributes in with their mentors while we figure out what to do". Most of the tributes left either have sympathetic mentors (Sejanus, Lysistrata, maybe Dennis?) willing to help them, or mentors who could be pushed in that direction (Lucy Gray, Sol, Reaper/Dill, Tanner). And on TOP of that, the escaped tributes return multiple times to extract more tributes during that whole process. Teslee escapes and blends into a workplace where she gets things done so the boss keeps quiet. At least one person fakes their death and it's pretty easy to when Dill and Hy are both doing pretty badly. Someone dresses up as a Peacekeeper. Tanner 'disappears' when Coral and Mizzen drag him into the sewers. The 10th Hunger Games, advertised as a spectacle for the first time, gets endlessly delayed and postponed until the Capitol public gets fed up and goes 'just skip this ffs' None of the tributes return to the arena, except for Lucy Gray, which is on purpose so that Coryo can win on technicality, (either that or the very few remaining tributes are put in the arena but they all hide, the Games take ages until they realize that the tributes. Aren't in the arena anymore. No one knows when they escaped.) the whole thing is an embarassment and no Hunger Games are held because it was just *that* bad.
!!!!! OMG THAT'S AWESOME!!!!! I love that actually it's hilarious. Here's the order I'd do it in:
Lamina and Treech climb out of the zoo together and end up hiding on the rooftops of the Capitol while they try to figure out a way home. They steal some clothes and clean up a little, after which they're entirely unrecognizable. Coral tells Mizzen to sneak through the bars and hide out somewhere. She'll come get him. Bobbin overhears and Wovey ends up going with Mizzen. When Coral and Bobbin successfully knock out Festus and Juno while the peacekeepers are out of the room and gets out of her chains, Brandy decides to follow. Slamming Arachne's face into the table is very satisfying.
A peacekeeper comes in, notices the mentors aren't even seriously harmed, and starts to have doubts about these kids being violent monsters. Oh well, he's here now anyway. Might as well get some younger ones out. There goes Teslee and Sheaf! That's 9 down, 15 to go. In the cattle car back to the zoo, Otto and Ginnee dip. They offer for the other tributes to follow, but they decide it's probably best to stay in the car because a group of 15 getting out of the car is gonna be a whole lot more noticeable. Besides, if there's any trace of the car being opened, the peacekeepers will know what happened and have a far better shot at figuring out where they are. The longer it takes them to check the cameras, the better. With only 26 people in the arena (not counting peacekeepers) it's even less crowded. Gaius pulls Panlo deeper into the arena looking for allies so he has a better shot at winning the plinth prize and guess what? Both survive. Panlo saves Gaius from death by pulling him out of the way of some schrapnel, which makes Gaius rethink his cringy unfunny district jokes. One of the rebel scum just saved his pathetic ass, maybe he can stand to be a little nicer to and about them. He vows to apologize for being such a dick, but before he knows it Panlo is sprinting for the exit and knocks down a peacekeeper about to shoot Facet in the back. Now the other ones are aiming at Panlo though, and Gaius decides that this is his chance to make up for his behavior a little by bodyslamming the fucker. Marcus takes out another and Sejanus takes the last one, so Gaius' little bout of treason is not remembered by anyone important enough to get him killed. Marcus ends up staying in the arena and is a little nicer to Sejanus. Nobody knows who took out the peacekeepers that were guarding outside... (spoilers: it was Coral, Brandy, Bobbin, and Lamina)
One specific place suddenly has much better tech. Nobody knows why.
The meetings in preparation for the interviews don't go much better for the Capitol's reputation. Somehow, through means still unknown by the supposed superior people, Circ managed to not only knock out Urban (who is both older and stronger than him) but picked several electric locks and escaped the Capitol Academy without anyone noticing until a panicked Urban began running around the building demanding to know where he is. Strangely, he's not screaming about the prize. He's moreso concerned about whether such a young, vulnerable boy is okay and straight up forbids the peacekeepers from using lethal force when they find him. They don't. A business that's partners with the one that suddenly got tech upgrades gets them too. Everyone assumes it must be some sort of secret they shared with each other.
Oh, and the zoo enclosure is demolished before the meetings even end. So that's great. Oh well, only 8 tributes left anyway. Surely the mentors can handle them with some peacekeeper supervision?
Tanner disappears when Domitia takes him out to the market under the guise of needing muscle to carry their groceries. She actually just wants to show him more of the world because he showed interest. When a blond with striking blue eyes and a brown hat throws fireworks from the roof and a flash of red hair swiftly moves through the crowd, pulling Tanner into an alleyway... Well, there was so much chaos! How was she supposed to notice? That was the peacekeepers' job. And anything could've displaced that sewer grate, so putting the cover on the hole correctly is not tampering with the evidence! It's doing her civil duty to keep the streets tidy. When Clemensia sees the peacekeeper guarding Reaper looking a little more... dark-skinned, she decides that it isn't her place to comment. That would be racist! Her giving him as much food as he could easily carry is just her expressing her gratitude for his service. Hy collapsing in public and being dragged out of there by that same peacekeeper isn't anything suspicious at all. Nor is the boy with the familiar trilby causing a ruccus and running in the opposite direction, preventing other peacekeepers from following or checking that Hy is really dead. And she knows this, because Dennis agrees with her. Not suspicious at all. The inhaler Dennis got for his tribute disappearing later that same day isn't suspicious either. Nobody needs to know, and Dennis doesn't even have to mess with the security cameras. They're already looped. Even more plausible deniability, oh joyous days!
When Dill disappears, Felix doesn't deign it important enough to mention that it happened right after he figured out what medication would help her with her tuberculosis. He fully trusted that totally-a-peacekeeper to not let her escape. it's not his fault he ended up "failing". When he points at an actual peacekeeper to take the blame, it's totally a coincidence that it's one who mistreated the tributes the most severely. Who would people believe? Some random nobody or the son of the president? Exactly.
Iphigenia notices her dad is particularly invested in not letting Sol escape. So when she stumbles upon the girl climbing out of a window in the bedroom that conveniently has no security cameras, helped down by a redheaded girl while Hy waits down below, she promptly shuts the door and eagerly anticipates her father's reaction once he finds out.
Lucy Gray, Jessup, and Marcus are eventually thrown into the arena when the Capitol finally relents to their citizens' annoyed outrage over this disaster. For a week, nothing happens on camera. When the peacekeepers finally go in to weed the tributes out, they're... not there. At all. Nobody notices that one of the holes high up in the back wall of the arena was easily accesible from the outside by a skilled climber. Nor did they notice the several fabrics that started going missing a few weeks ago because surely they're not related? Cameras don't show anything, and nobody notices that they were looped to hide a brunet and a redhead scaling the side of the arena to drop in a long rope of stitched-together fabrics in a part of the arena without cameras. There was no way anyone could've seen the three remaining tributes dodging the cameras, Lucy Gray appearing last, and climbing said fabric to be coached down by the two intruders.
Gaul, desperate to keep her show on the road, attempts to get new tributes sent over. Surprise surprise, they're swiftly disappeared too. And again. And again. And again. Next year, there's one more attempt before the president finally decides the point has been made and it isn't worth the trouble. And if several former mentors, including his own son, sometimes disappear without explanation to return some time later looking happier than ever, who is he to pry? Surely nothing that interesting could be happening.
Peacekeepers never really pay attention to the tributes anyway, so of course they forget their faces once the search is declared dead. And the more recognizable ones who show back up on stage? Well, they're entertaining, so... It's probably their twin or something.
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gidaryeong · 3 months
Sejak episode 16
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So daebi said: just marry this crossdressing weirdo that you're sexually obsessed with and have an heir, it's fine idec at this point. And Yi In didn't immediately jump on that but was like, well mom if you want it then I'm NOT going to do it 😤
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Since this is the final installment I want to officially thank Sang-hwa for his service to the crown! His loyalty and diligence is only rivaled by his commitment to the bit. One of my favorite scenes in this entire show is the Gay Rumor era where he sprints off with the swiftness of Hermes to fetch the king's boyfriend some candy
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I must say I wish they would've talked more baduk when they play baduk. They always debate their real life issues and the game is just something they dabble with in the background, the way I embroider things while watching TV, but they could be meta-talking about baduk strategies in a way that convinces us that this really is their Mutual Obsession while simultaneously shedding light on their personalities. Is Mong-woo an aggressive and haphazard player? Is she more intuitive or more calculating? Has she memorized previous games or does she not have to, because she's operating on Pure Vibes? I still don't know what they're like as players, or if the king is ever close to winning, or if Mong-woo is getting kinda bored of playing against him because he never puts up a real fight. (And how does that then translate to their sexual relationship: she told her dad from the start that she'd only marry someone who could beat her.) In their first game they didn't speak a word because they were so absorbed, and they didn't even notice it had begun to rain -- I liked that much better, because if Mong-woo is the greatest baduk genius in the world then she would be more obsessive about it, almost to the detriment of their relationship, like Beth in The Queen's Gambit. She'd want to go to Qing for the challenge and thrill of playing the Emperor, not (only) for her country and king and father. Okay sorry rant over.
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Sometimes I pounce on my partner like this when he's just about to leave for the supermarket and I say "kdrama back hug 🥺" and he's always very patient with this extremely annoying behavior
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"I cannot send Mong-woo to the Qing alone. So I'll choose the violent criminal who tried to stab me and instead stabbed her. He'll keep her safe."
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Sure this is satisfying but did we have to spend so much time on this when we've got like 45 minutes airtime left to show Mong-woo's life-changing trip to Qing? Let me see her play the Emperor and pretend to lose! Let me see her flirt with the imperial harem and gain friends and enemies in court!!! Also: how did her father react to her crossdressing (since she gave it up when Myung-ha threatened to tell daddy)?
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Shin Se-kyung having to teach worthless noblemen on how to start a fire is a must for any sageuk. To me.
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It’s actually very sweet that everyone's just treating her like the princess now. But what's going to happen with the real princess? Another thing that they could have wrapped up instead of...
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THIS. So writernim introduced this guy as a new threat in the last ep and then resolved it with no tension or conflict. Another thing that we could maybe have just have skipped in favor of Mong-woo Wreaking Havoc in the Imperial City.
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PLEASE I don't understand anything!!! So they'll stay together forever now. But Mong-woo doesn't want to be his concubine (she'd resent him). And Yi In has no apparent plans to abdicate (he'll be king until he dies). Is she going to stay on as gidaryeong, and if so, why didn't she return to her station right away but tried to sneak away?
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It’s so funny that she just gave up and told him her name anyway lmaooo. She was like baby you'll never beat me let's not pretend ❤️
Despite my ranting I did love this drama very much!! A fantastic set up with a somewhat underwhelming execution is my sweet spot because it means I can write fic about it 🫶
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kortsitron · 1 year
Pairing: Ramattra × TransMale! Reader
Warnings: smut, size kink, voice kink, porn with not much plot, post top surgery reader, pre op reader, fingering, ligh dom/sub
Summary: You teased Ramattra just the right amount to get what you wanted in the first place
Author’s Note: Since Ramattra came out, I've noticed that there are already smut one shots with him and most of them had fem reader (if not all, maybe there was one with gender neutral reader, but i'm not sure), so I kinda wanted to write something for trans dudes cuz why nah. Little thing for you to know, I haven't wrote smut for such a long time, (last time wasn't good, it was a disaster lol) so let's hope this one is gonna be good. If it's going to be posted, then I think it's good enough. If you wanna, you can leave some tips in the comments.
Also about the other smuts, I kinda got inspired by them, so if I wrote one, I might be inspired by your work! ^^
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"Could you be more careful?!" Ramattra barked, feeling something like shiver, going down his back. He wiggled a bit in the chair he was sitting in, causing you to smirk.
"You've been through worse, stop complaining." Omnic heard you chuckle, while you were repairing his back.
Normally Ramattra wouldn't let a human repair him, but when he decided to go to Shambali Monastery to meet with his brother, he had no choice. You were the only person who could repair him in Monastery, especially in places he couldn't reach himself easily. So after Zenyatta finally made him come to you, he wasn't very happy about it, especially after he had to come to your house, due to the fact your workshop was already closed. He was sitting in your office, hoping it would be quick, but it felt like hours for him. He couldn't stand your cocky attitude and your flirty comments toward him, he wasn't very fond of them.
"Has anyone told you that you have a gorgeous voice box?" You couldn't help yourself. You didn't think you could be so attracted to an omnic, but there you were, trying not to show that Ramattra was making you feel certain ways.
"I'm not sure what you're trying to get with your flirtatious comments, but they're not going to work on me." He crossed his arms together, looking around, trying to distract himself. He really didn't want to give in, especially with a human. He could see where this was going, but he tried to stop it.
You turned him around on the chair, making him look at you. "Oh really?" You chuckled again, but this time more softly. "Maybe you're scared because you've never been with a human?" He stood up quickly, clearly annoyed. That was the moment you actually realized how tall he was compared to you. "Are humans always this irritating and dirty minded!?" He asked with a serious tone. Hearing him speak was slowly driving you crazy, you didn't think you ever met an omnic with such a remarkable voice.
"They might be annoying when they're needy." You explained with a low voice, while your hand wandered to his ribs, giving them a light touches. "So that's how you want to play, huh?" You smirked again at his question, nodding slightly. "Want me to show you where the bedroom is?"
"There's no need to. Your office will be just fine." Ramattra answered, before grabbing you and almost throwing you on your desk. Before you could react, he grabbed you by the face and spoke again. "You started a game, you're not going to win, but I am no monster. If you want me to stop I will, but until then we're playing by my rules. Do you understand?" You nodded, but that didn't seem to satisfy him. "I said, do you understand?" He brought your face closer to his, causing you to yelp. "Yes, Ramattra, I understand."
If he could smirk, you know he would. You could tell that he was satisfied with how obedient you suddenly became.
Without wasting any more time, Ramattra started taking off your clothes, leaving you naked before him. His hand wandered around your body, causing you to shiver at the sudden contact between his cold metal hands and your soft and warm skin. Omnic was checking for the spots that would squeeze your legs together and let out sounds of pleasure.
Him giving you a light touch on your top surgery scars, caused you to let out a quiet whine. Ramattra let out a low laugh at your reaction and continued, going lower, giving your hips a squeeze, seeing how in response squeeze your legs together. "Oh, you like that?" He teased, the only response he got was you getting blush on your cheeks. It was a positive answer for him.
Without any more games, he pushed you, making you hit a wooden desk with your back and parted your legs. His eyes landing on your dripping pussy. "Keep them like that. Don't you dare to close them."
"Yes, Ramattra. I won't—" Your sentence was cut out by a moan, as soon as Ramattra's thumb was brushing against your sensitive clit. It was a simple action and you were already fighting not to close your legs. "Damn it, Ramattra. So I was wrong when I said you've never been with a human?" You let a broken chuckle, when his fingers went to your entrance.
"You already seem to have enough just by simple and almost meaningless touch. I wonder… I wonder what will happen…" And as he said that, two of his fingers entered you, making you shiver. "When I do this." He wasn't so intrigued by your reaction, so he started moving his fingers, stroking your sensitive walls. With them being long, he was brushing that soft stop inside you everytime. You couldn't help yourself from starting to get yourself off by playing with your clit, while letting out the sounds of pleasure. "Are humans always this desperate to cum?" He teased again. You didn't listen to him, even if you wanted you couldn't. You were in trance, high almost. Ramattra wasn't going to be this good and let you cum so easily.
The next thing you know that his fingers are no longer in you and he was holding your hands together. You looked at him with desperation in your eyes. "Please…" He didn't want to give in again. But you begged and it seemed you could do it until you would get what you wanted, it made him melt and he couldn't say no.
"It's so adorable that you're begging. I guess I have no other choice." You smiled at him, hearing that. But you weren't expecting what was about to happen. The next thing you saw was Ramattra getting an extra set of arms, that were huge compared to his normal arm. With his normal hands he grabbed his scepter and placed it against your chest. "I want you to grab it and not let go. I want you to stay in place when I will be, like humans like to say, fucking your brains out." You chuckled at that, not knowing he knew that kind of slang. Without a thought, you did what he told you to, he continued to do it too, keeping you in place like he said. Then you heard a strange sound, something was opening, then you saw something that shocked you.
Ramattra had a cock. You had no idea Omnics had any kind of genitalia in the first place. Or maybe he did it himself, who knew. Most likely, due to the fact how much detail it had. It was jet black like him, with purple elements on his shaft and a couple of wires under it. There was leaking with clear fluid, which must have been lube, because what else could it be.
The next thing you feel is him grab you by your lower parts of thighs with his huge hands, parting your legs further for him. "Are you ready for me?" He asked, you nodded. You thought he was going to demand you to use words, but it seemed that didn't want to waste any more time.
He slowly entered you, making you arch your back. As soon as he was fully inside, you let out a sigh mixed with a chuckle. "Damn… Who would've thought I would be fucked by an Omnic." Ramattra shaked his head and decided to ignore your comment. He started building a steady pace. "You're better than I thou—" At that very moment he hit you in the right spot, you started to lose focus on what was going on around you. You closed your eyes and focused on the pleasure.
"Stop talking so much." If he could roll his eyes, he would. "If it feels that good then stay quiet or I might stop."
"Please don't." You breathed out, getting closer and closer to the release. Your mind was completely clouded by bliss. "Please don't stop. Please!" His pace was getting faster. You could tell he was on the edge as well.
He let go of your thighs, leaning against the desk with his big hands, letting you wrap your legs around his ways and allowing Ramattra to get deeper inside of you, hitting the soft spot inside you everytime.
You felt overwhelmed and then finally, you let out a broken moan, finally hitting that sweet release. Ramattra reached it right after you, bending over you, letting out something like a low groan.
He pulled out and fixed his wires that were supposed to imitate hair and exited his nemesis mode. "I hope you enjoyed yourself, because I'm not planning on doing this again."
"Don't lie. I bet you enjoyed yourself as much as I did." You sat up and tried to stabilize your breathing. "When do you want to come back for a 'check up'?"
He couldn't a help chuckle, he grabbed your face, but this time in much more gentle way, getting a sound of approval from you. "And when do you have time?"
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obsidiancreates · 11 months
Taishen's Guide On Being The Best Uncle You Can Be
(Somehow I hit exactly 1,400 words for this. I just wanted to say that because that is a damn satisfying wordcount.)
It takes just about a year after traveling with Gricko and Frost for Gideon to start being called "Uncle Gideon" whenever Gricko mentions him to Hootsie.
"He sure warmed up to us quick," Kremy had said one night, sitting by the campfire and keeping an eye on his roux. "Callin' us family already seems a little much, don't it, Gid?"
"Yeah, but he's a fuckin' weird little guy. Not really surprisin'."
Truth be told, Gideon doesn't mind it. He thinks Kremy doesn't mind the "Uncle Kremy" title either, because there's always just enough room in the budget to buy Hootsie a trinket, or snack, or new little hat. And sometimes Gideon decides not to go back for thirds of whatever Kremy cooks so Hootsie can have seconds, and sometimes Gideon doesn't even need to hold back because Kremy sets aside extra just for her.
The first time Gideon accepts it aloud, though, is when they're staying in a little inn, and Hootsie is dancing just for fun in the tavern area, and someone throws a tankard at her and calls for the "wild beast" to be thrown out.
The man finds himself thrown out, his throwing arm broken, and the shout of "That's my fuckin' niece, asshole!" haunting his drunken dreams.
"That was very violent, Gideon," Gricko says later as they're all prepping the single room they could get. Hootsie is curled up in the corner, a little rattled still, but Gricko already has his pack set out and is making up a little bed for both of them where she lays. Gricko's tone is scolding, but he mouths "Good job," when he knows Hootsie can't see it.
"People shouldn't be throwin' things at her," Gideon says with a shrug, fluffing up his thin-as-paper pillow as much as he can. "She's just a baby."
"Your little baby niece," Gricko says with a wide grin. "Isn't that right, Hootsie? You've got big strong Uncle Gideon to protect you!"
Hootsie looks up at Gideon with those giant round eyes and hoots. Maybe Gideon's starting to catch some of Gricko's strange brand of cookoo-bananas, but Gideon could swear she looks and sounds grateful.
"Yeah yeah, I'm Uncle Gideon, we all heard me say it." Gideon gets into the bigger bed in the room as Kremy and Frost play a game of cards to determine who gets the other one (card counting versus slight-of-hand cheating, mind-reading versus shadow magic, it's tough to know who'll win) and shuts his eyes. The sounds of shuffling cards, Gricko telling Hootsie a bedtime story, and the bed likely splintering beneath Gideon's own weight lull him to sleep.
Gideon walks into a tea shop. He doesn't really drink tea, that's more Frost's thing, but he's here anyway.
He doesn't question it, as is the nature of dreams.
"Finally!" an excited voice rings out in the empty shop as Gideon finds himself sat down at a counter. The golden dragonborn on the other side grins brightly at him as he pushes a cup of fresh tea forward. "I've been waiting so long for you to finally realize you're an uncle!"
"Uh... what?" Gideon takes a sip of the tea. It's actually not bad. He didn't know tea could be spicy.
"That little owlbear has a lot of support, but that doesn't mean you can take being her uncle any less seriously." The dragonborn gestures at an ink painting hanging on the wall, of himself and a younger dragonborn girl. "Mei Li taught me just how important this role truly is, and I'm going to help you be the best possible uncle you can be."
"Hey man, listen. I appreciate the fuckin' thought and all, but, I don't know who the hell you are!"
"You won't remember once you wake up anyway," the dragonborn says, pouring himself a cup of tea and pulling a stool over to his side of the counter. "We've talked a few times, actually. But those were usually extremely upsetting times, and now we finally have something to celebrate!"
"Celebrate with tea?"
"I know you prefer alcohol, but if I can get Skrimm to enjoy tea I can get you to enjoy it as well."
"Well, I dunno why I'd need any advice on bein' an uncle, 'cause it seems pretty fuckin' easy t'me." Gideon knocks the rest of his tea back. The cup is full when he sets it down. "Give her treats, buy her stuff when she wants it, and punch guys who're fuckin' dicks to her."
"Those are all part of it," the dragonborn agrees, "But there's more to it than just spoiling her and protecting her. You have to nurture her as well!"
"I mean, Gricko's her dad, he's the one who's doin' all the raisin' and stuff."
"If you all lived in a town, that might work out just fine. But you're always on the move! You're the only four constants in this young girl's life, so you're all very influential on her as she grows!"
"Aw, man. I gotta be a good fuckin' influence now? I just got outta havin' to watch my every fuckin' move all the time, man."
The dragonborn seems to deflate, suddenly growing weary and ancient. "I'm... very aware. But I promise it's nothing like that. I just mean that Hootsie is an impressionable little girl right now, and it's a good idea to teach her important, valuable lessons."
"... Like... if somebody's bein' a fuckin' dick, she can bite their fingers off?"
"Well, I don't know if I'd encourage it to be that extreme, but self-defense is a good lesson, yes! And self-respect, it's much easier to defend yourself when you respect yourself and your value."
"Okay... I think I get it. And uh... knowin' when somebody's talkin' a load of bullshit."
"Exactly! Not to insult anyone but, you and I both know that Gricko can be... quite gullible. I mean, I understand him, I was very much the same way for most of my life, and can still be now. Oh, I remember Skrimm told me that a certain gesture was a universal greeting-"
"Which one? This one?" Gideon flips him off.
"That's the one! He always managed to find me when no-one else was around and pull pranks on me like that." The dragonborn laughs a little, fond. "Oh-ho, when it was a matter of life or death I was truly distressed, but now it's easy to look back and laugh."
"Alright, so, make sure she knows she can bite people, make sure she knows when she's bein' tricked, and I guess... make sure she knows how to get outta tough situations!"
"That's another great idea!"
"Man, I knew this whole uncle thing'd be easy." Gideon knocks the tea back again and looks around the shop. There's lots of ink paintings like the one he saw before, with these two dragonborn enjoying life. One catches his eye, of the man who sits across from him letting the young girl ride around on his shoulders.
"That'll be easy too," Gideon says, gesturing at the painting with cup in hand and sloshing spicy tea all over the floor- or would, if it ever hit the floor, but the tea just ceases to exist before it makes an impact. "Fuckin' piggyback rides and life lessons, easy as hell."
"And best of all, rewarding. It's an incredible joy to care for a child, as much as it is a serious responsibility." The dragonborn looks around. "And if you see Yorgrim when you leave here, let him know about the piggyback rides you plan to give. I think he'll appreciate a little warning."
"You're right, I'll tell him. I think you're waking up now anyway."
Gideon picks Hootsie up and plops her onto his shoulders as the group exits the inn and gets going. Hootsie gives a startled hoot at first, and then looks down. Her face lights up, eyes ghetting as big as possible, and she gives another, more excited hoot as he leans over to watch everything from her new height!
Taishen sighs happily as he watches, and looks up at Yorgrim. "Does that help soothe some of your old wounds?"
Yorgrim huffs a little. "It's... bittersweet."
Taishen reaches up and pats Yorgrim's arm. "I understand. ... Tea?"
Yorgrim is quiet for a moment before sighing and holding his hand out. "Thank you."
"Of course, my friend."
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psychdiarys · 8 months
Only Friends Ep 10: Brief Thoughts on All the Pairs
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"Sand, please understand me. Being with me requires patience."
They absolutely NAILED this episode! The way they handled the progression of Sand and Ray's scenes was so satisfying for me. I mean, I'm aware that Sand and Ray had their fair share of issues in previous episodes, but let's put all of that aside because this episode was about Sand's efforts to get Ray the help he needs.
From Sand's initial attempts to persuade Ray to go to rehab, the adorable flirting between them, to Ray testing Sand's courage (revealing his truth to his dad) without ACTUALLY making him to do it – it was all brilliantly executed.
And I couldn't help but CHEER when Ray tossed his bottles into the trashcan. LIKE THAT'S MY MAN! The entire confrontation between them after Ray discovered that his dad paid Sand to take him to rehab was SO intense. I CRIED. Like it's definitely one of, if not the best scenes, from this show.
FirstKhao's performance really touched me deeply, and Ray's emotional monologue in rehab at the end was incredibly heart-wrenching. It was a realization that Sand had been there for him all along without expecting anything in return. I must say, they executed this episode exceptionally well!
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"I'm nasty too. Don't we deserve each other?"
BostonNick has always been my favorite OF pair, hands down. Their dynamic can literally be summed up with, "Don't we deserve each other?"
Because, yes! Like people portray Nick as a pitiable victim of Boston's manipulation, who lacks self-respect, but it's FAR MORE COMPLEX. Nick isn't just a sad heartbroken loser. He's also a nasty person, as he admits.
Both of them have engaged in toxic behavior and done hurtful things, but deep down, they are just human. The reason Nick keeps returning to Boston, despite attempting to move on, is his pure love and understanding of Boston, a connection that no one else shares.
Nick has gone to great lengths, stooped really low, to attain Boston. So obviously, he cannot judge or punish Boston for the terrible things he does. Because they're equally deranged, your honour! Nick GETS Boston. And that's what moves Boston, especially because friends simply abandoned him without giving him a chance. They didn't even try to hear him out when he tried to defend himself. They all left. But Nick? Nick came back! Even after everything! Even after promising he won't!
Nick is the only one willing to give him another chance and risk it all for him! This sets Nick apart in Boston's life because Boston struggles with love & hurts people, but Nick is the one who believes Boston deserves love.
And damn, are they perfect for each other? Boston using the same method Nick originally used to seduce him in the first episode, a photo on his phone, to win Nick back? Delicious. Boston admitting that he doesn't take good care of things he owns? Nick saying that some things can't be replaced? Lovely metaphor game.
And then the rooftop scene. Obviously, both are trying to grow and become better, but it's clear that change doesn't happen overnight. Despite Nick promising he'd never show up in front of Boston again, he ends up on the rooftop with him. And Boston, who's trying to be more responsible with what he cares about, still attempts to act like he doesn't care when Nick arrives. Their personalities haven't suddenly transformed; they're simply trying to become better versions of themselves.
Boston slowly lowers his guard and decides to be vulnerable. And what actually flipped the switch for Nick is Boston admitting that he misses him, the first time Boston genuinely expresses something akin to love for Nick. And then all hell breaks loose. For the first time, they make love, not just fuck. Ugh, they stole the show.
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"You won't believe anything I say right now. But I will prove it to you."
I'm sooo sorry, but for some reason, TopMew have never resonated with me. I think it's because they've never had a truly sincere connection?
Initially, Top was interested in Mew simply to "try" being with a virgin, which is why he pursued Mew. He eventually develops real feelings for Mew, but by this point, Mew is unsure if Top's intentions are genuine. Mew tests if Top meets all his "criteria" or not. When Top finally "checks all those boxes" & Mew finally starts to trust him, Top ends up cheating on him. And now that Top is trying to win Mew back, Mew seems to be using Boeing as a way to teach him a lesson.
Their entire relationship feels like a game where each one is trying to gain the upper hand over the other. The "3-month dating rule" almost feels like a challenge. Initially, Mew plans not to sleep with Top for at least 3 months to see if Top can commit. Now, Top is attempting to prove that he can sustain a relationship for more than 3 months. Their storyline is honestly the worst for me.
I'm not suggesting that they don't have feelings for each other, but I don't find their dynamic enjoyable, and I'm not convinced they should end up together. I don't know if that'll change?
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sunshinereddie · 1 year
this is an idea i have not been able to stop thinking about literally since the moment i saw @noodles-and-tea’s basketball player eddie art (here and here) SO
imagining that eddie joins the basketball team in high school, and obviously he's the shortest. so in terms of height, he has quite the big disadvantage there, BUT he does have one advantage over everyone else on his team and pretty much every other team that they play... which is that eddie is always the most batshit insane player on the court. so sure, maybe he's not the tallest, but he IS the fastest and he WILL knock into the other team's players and he is not afraid of getting a foul and he WILL get into fights if someone he hears someone talking shit about of if someone hurts his teammates. on top of all of that, he had great aim and all his adrenaline from being in a game gives him enough strength to be able to make some really good shots- despite only being half the size as some of the other players he comes up against.
because of this, "that kaspbrak player from derry high" gets a bit of a reputation. it becomes known among the other high schools to watch out for kaspbrak, number 8- teams listen to stories about him and prepare their strategies in order to work around the "craziest player in the league".
one piece of information that is usually lost or forgotten about or purposefully left out in this reputation, though, is eddie's height. which leaves other players pretty surprised when they get to derry high for game day, immediately start scanning the home team for this infamous "kaspbrak" guy...... and they can't believe their eyes when they see that the guy wearing the number 8 jersey, the one they've all been warned about..... is 5'4.
and im also thinking that this can go 2 different ways for a reddie hc..... first, richie is either also on the derry basketball team or he's just eddie's friend and a supporter on the sidelines, and he LOVES to sit back and listen to the other team whisper and laugh about eddie's height, about how people must have been exaggerating when they were talking about how great of a player this kaspbrak guy is. richie is very entertained by all of this, because he knows that they're all gonna eat their words the minute the game starts and they see that eddie does, in fact, live up to his reputation as being the most insane player in their high school basketball league. in this case, richie has promised the team that he will keep his mouth shut before the games (richie used to get into fights with the other teams when he overheard them making fun of eddie, because how dare they) so that derry always has the element of surprise with eddie, but once the game starts and eddie easily scores their first point and absolutely shocks the other team, richie can't shut up. he is constantly hyping eddie up and shoving it in the other team's faces (and maybe gets told off once or twice by the referee for his bad language) and he will not let them forget that eddie kaspbrak, the 5'4 runt they were making fun of, is now absolutely kicking their asses.
BUTTTT,,, ON THE OTHER HAND........ where RICHIE is the one on the other team, and its HIM who laughs and jokes with his teammates about this "infamous eddie kaspbrak being shorter than my 10 year old cousin", who assumes that everyone who was spreading these rumours about kaspbrak were just trying to mess with them. but then, RICHIE is the one who immediately gets knocked on his ass by eddie seconds after the game starts, who is frozen on the ground as he watches eddie speed down the court faster than anyone richie's ever seen before, as eddie knocks his way through their tallest and strongest players and scores a point. and eddie is the one who goes and walks past richie, with a grin on his face, satisfied that he had humbled yet another asshole who judged him for his height. but richie isn't embarrassed about it, oh no- he's interested. and now, he's determined to win against kaspbrak. RIVALS TO LOVERS!!!!!!!!!!
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