#and its practically a trademark of his to push the limits of the game as far as possible in the direction least expected
one of my favorite things about zedaph is that on a server full of people that find strange and oft-overlooked minecraft mechanics or rare events and then see just how far they can push them in the name of spectacle or efficiency or world-breaking, zed is over here finding these mechanics in order to do the weirdest things he can think of in as entertaining a manner as possible
like i 100% have faith in zedaph's theoretical ability to be just as efficient or spectacular or world-breaking. if he wanted to do that stuff, i trust that he absolutely could. but thats so far from being his priority. instead, hes going to spend around a week of irl time focused entirely on eventually having the good luck to spawn in something insanely rare so that he can convert it into something even rarer, the result of which being something that 99% of the server reacts with complete and utter shock that it even exists in the first place, just because its zany and funny and he wanted to. and i love that
#zedaph#hermitcraft#genuinely i adore the clucky few project im not even done watching the episode and i had to pause and make this post#i saw impulses video first and went ''that HAS to be some sort of datapack or something-''#only to immediately go ''no. no it cant be. because this is zed#and its practically a trademark of his to push the limits of the game as far as possible in the direction least expected#not for the purpose of efficiency or spectacle or intimidation or whatever like some players who push limits#but purely for the purpose of making something so funny you cant help but laugh at whats going on#and maybe being a bit impressed that he ever thought of it in the first place''#at which point i went ''holy shit. since its zed doing this. somehow he ACTUALLY got a villager on a chicken. with no cheats. thats INSANE'#i was relieved when i checked my subscriptions to see what the next video i had to watch was and saw he would be next in line#bc if i had to sit through 19 other hermits videos before i could watch his and find out what the fuck he was doing i would have been so sa#sidenote but i feel like a zed video where he interacts with this many other people all in the same video is so rare#idk i didnt watch season 9 and i know he started collabing a lot more w/ other hermits then#so maybe its not nearly as rare these days#but like the last one that *i* saw where he interacted with this many people at once was towards the end of season 8#when all the people he experimented on earlier in the season came back to experiment on him#and like i would like zeds videos with or without the collabs. but its a lot of fun to see him interact with people#so its very cool to me when he does it with a lot of people all in the same video
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sneezefiction · 4 years
soft nekoma sleepover
Nekoma x Reader - Sleepover Headcanons
a/n: the Nekoma portion of my soft sleepover series :,,) my friends and i have had rough weeks so far and i thought this would be a sweeter way to cope <33
warnings: none!
wc: 1280
you’ve always been such a strong person
whether you’d had a rough week full of assignments and exams or there was tension with your family/friends, you would always manage to hold your head up high and push through it all with a convincing smile on your face
but this past week finally pushed you over your limits
as you walked into Nekoma’s volleyball practice that Friday afternoon, manager’s clipboard in hand, you tried to keep up your usual peppy expression on
...but the smile refuses to reach your eyes
Yaku greets you warmly, expecting a big grin and a soft hug from you, but all you could do was ruffle his hair and walk quickly to your seat, holding in tears of frustration
this threw him for a loop and Yaku definitely asks you what’s wrong and if Lev did anything to upset you because, and i quote, 
“I will fight him right here, right now. Just say the word.”
you just shake your head and stand up to give him a quick, wordless hug, which only leaves him more confused?? because he wants to fix this and you’re being really quiet??
Kenma then notices your gloomy presence and mentions it to Kuroo who’s eyes snapped your way quizzically
you were clearly upset and, if they weren’t completely mistaken, you looked like you’d been… crying?
Kuroo wasn’t having it at all bc you, of all people, deserve to be happy & smiling
he calls the boys in for a huddle but Kuroo asks you to wait on the bench with that trademark sneaky smile on his face
as they all converse, you see heads pop up and turn around to glance at you, Lev and Yamamoto’s concerned expressions making it obvious that you were the topic of conversation
it became clear that, even without words, your misery hadn’t escaped them… you couldn’t decide whether it was a blessing or a curse
“Alright!” Kuroo’s volume gains your attention
everyone turns to you and you feel as though you’re shrinking under their gazes
“We have a proposition for you, Y/n…” Kenma explains quietly
“More like a demand, but whatever you say Kenma.” Kuroo cuts in, with a slight drawl
“How about you come over to my place tonight? We’ve not had a team sleepover since our last training camp and none of us are busy tonight.” the quiet setter finishes
Kenma sounds reluctant, his eyes shifting from the floor to the wall, avoiding your gaze as much as possible
yet one glance over to you reminds him why he’s offering up his precious Friday night
a real smile graces your previously downcast face, which makes all the boys go silent in awe of what a simple sleepover suggestion could do
now cut to Kenma’s house where he has two consoles of Mario Kart already set up bc it’s the only game that everyone on the team knows how to play
you get there last, much to your own dismay, because you had hoped to feel more settled before interacting with all of the boys again
just before you walked in, Inuoka made sure that everyone was smiling, welcoming, and that there’d be no fights (@ Yaku)
and the team agreed that tonight was all about you: their precious manager who really needed some encouragement and fun in their life
the moment you set foot inside, you’re met with cheery faces, bowls of popcorn, “cards against humanity” on the table, and a spot on the sofa (that you have to assume is meant just for you)
everybody looks SO DAMN COMFY:
Kai, Kuroo, Lev and Fukunaga are in name brand sweatpants and soft t-shirts, Shibayama, Inuoka, and Yaku are in clean workout shorts, Kenma is in a trendy sweatshirt and the rest of him is covered by a weighted blanket, and Yamamoto & Teshiro are in their volleyball uniforms from earlier (ew)
you get a quick nod and a brief smile from Kenma (basically Kenma was never meant to be a Professional Host™), but the rest of the boys are ✨Beaming✨ as you look them over
and your heart swells because this is exactly what you needed. to be in the presence of these sweet, granted kinda sweaty, guys where there were no goals or deadlines to be met
Kuroo’s grin quickly catches your eye and he pats the open couch seat next to him
and conversations take off smoothly and sweetly, the airspace full of friendly taunts, crude jokes, and screams from Lev’s being hit by 3 blue shells in a single game of Mario Kart
after several hours of you beating their asses with Princess Peach on Rainbow Road, everyone ends up splayed out across each other for the sake of comfort
your head found its way to Kuroo’s lap (the two of you being both third years, classmates, and close friends) and his hands move to give you a much needed scalp massage
you feel the weight of the world melt off your shoulders. it’s like one night was all you needed to clear your head and at least help you back onto your feet
with your legs dangling off the arm of the couch, Kuroo’s hand now just gently stroking your arm, you decide to thank them for tonight as best you could, because you’ve not felt this happy in what seems like months
“I just want to let you kids know that you’re all the best.” you cut through everyone’s conversations, voice resting on their ears for a moment
“And, uh, not to be disgustingly cheesy… but I really love you guys.”
you cover your eyes, acting as though you were embarrassed, but in reality you feel tears threatening to spill out
Kuroo’s expression falls for a moment, because he’s not stupid and can tell you’re still processing everything
so he simply lifts your hands off of your eyes and you, with a perfect tear skimming the side of your face, can’t help but let out a soft, relieved laugh
it’s silent for a second, but Kuroo just smiles & opens his mouth to say something
but he’s interrupted by some rude-ass kids (Yamamoto & Inuoka) shouting out their love for you and rushing over to smother you in tearful hugs
you’re saved by Yaku, who’s grabbed them both by the backs of their shirts, stopping them in their emotional, hug-giving tracks
but your giggles continue, now laughing at all their surprised expressions and Kuroo’s peeved one from getting cut-off
so you hop up off the couch, place your hands on your hips and allow their eyes to rest on you before swinging your arms open wide with the sweetest, most genuine smile you can muster
“Well, are y’all gonna come hug me, or should I just go now?”
queue a small stampede of boys tackling you (gently) to the floor, laughter bubbling from every mouth, and warmth that spreads from the outside, in
in between the chuckles, shoves, and “get off of me’s” you hear a phrase tumble out of Kenma’s mouth
“We love you too, y/n.”
it was supposed to be unheard, lost in the tumbling around you, but those three words then took traction in individual ways with different boys
“We love you!” 
“I love ya.” 
“You’re kinda okay, I guess...”
“Marry me, y/n!”
“Shut up, Yamamoto!”
you would always have a place with them, no matter how bad things got and no matter what anyone said about you
because whenever you needed them, they’d be sure to show up, just as you’d do for them
soft team sleepover series
soft shiratorizawa sleepover
soft karasuno sleepover
soft seijoh sleepover
soft fukurodani sleepover
tags: @cherryonigiri, @yams046, @miss-rin, @shou-kunn, @senkuwu-chan, @super-noya, @stcrryskies, @holaaaf, @sugacookiies, @vintgicals, @moonlightaangel, @kit-tea, @theworldupthere, @sugasugawarau, @star-puff, @akaashisupremacy
(comment, dm, or send an ask to be added to my general tag list - blogs in bold could not be tagged) 
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"Kent v Fucking Automobile" -Ted Lasso
This is an accompanying piece to 2 others in this series, but I consider it an AU of the first one. The subject matter is the same, but things go down differently. This one can be read on its own.
Part 1 // Part 2
WORDS: 3482
Roy Kent’s life is fucking incredible.
For one, he has a gorgeous, wonderful wife, with whom he has a fucking wonderful son, and if that weren’t enough, they’re expecting another baby in just a few short months. But, not only does Roy have a perfect fucking family that he loves, he also has one of the greatest fucking jobs in the world: coaching AFC Richmond (a career second only to being a footballer himself).
He’s headed to work early; Sam needs him for something before practice, and apparently, Roy loves this team enough to miss part of his morning with his wife and son.
It’s one of those days where he’s on autopilot, barely needing to pay attention to what he’s doing. He’s slowing for a traffic light when it turns green, and then there is a mass moving towards him, and he jerks the steering wheel, dread heavy in his chest.
All Roy knows is that he’s bracing himself, then there’s pain, then a hot flash striking his arms and face, then the world stills and he’s opening his eyes. There’s an airbag in his face and horrible pressure against his right side. He blinks, slowly, and tries to take a steadying breath. That doesn’t hurt, at least, and he looks around.
His door is bashed in, bent awkwardly into his body. He can hardly see around the airbag, but he can feel the metal against his leg- his fucking leg, as if it weren’t fucked up enough- and the other car is rammed into his own. Roy swears, loudly, and realizes that there are people starting to swarm around the wreck. He groans and curses again- he doesn't particularly fancy making the headlines with this one.
He gives one of the pedestrians a thumbs up, then fumbles around for his phone. There's no moving until the other car is gone, and even then, Roy's not sure he'd be able to climb out of his seat without collapsing. The phone rings once, twice; long enough that Roy can feel his hands shaking.
"Keeley," he says when she picks up.
"Roy," his wife answers, and she sounds startled.
"I'm okay," Roy says, staring down a bystander, who's unabashedly taking pictures of the scene. "Whatever you see, I'm okay."
"Okay," Keeley says, and there's an edge to her voice now. "What's-"
"I was in a car accident. I'm fine."
Keeley gasps; Roy wavers, suddenly regretting his bluntness. "Some wanker hit me from the side. Airbags went off but aside from being very pissed, I'm alright."
He hears Keeley breathe in and out deeply, and more anxiety bubbles in Roy's stomach. He feels hot, uncomfortably warm, and when he raises his free hand to his head, it comes away wet with blood.
"Are you sure you're alright, Roy? Did you call 999?"
"No," he mutters. "Though I'm sure someone else did." A beat, then:
"I think I fucked up my leg."
"Does it hurt?"
Roy looks down, tries to move his leg, and bites down hard on his tongue to keep from yelling. "A little."
"Okay." He can hear Keeley moving in the background, undoubtedly getting her keys. "Where are you?"
Roy peers through his cracked windshield and finds his vision is blurry. "I don't know," he whispers, and closes his eyes. "I was on my way to the pitch, but-"
"Right. I'm coming to find you."
"Wait," Roy warns. He can hear sirens approaching. "Worry about Oliver first. I'll meet you at the hospital, okay?"
"Okay." Keeley manages to sound businesslike. He knows she's trying not to reveal her worry, and that she knows he's downplaying the circumstances. "I'll see you there, then."
Roy waits for her to end the call. There's a few seconds of silence.
"You're okay, yeah?"
"Yes, Keeley," Roy promises. "I'll see you soon."
"Okay," she whispers back. "Love you."
"Love you, sweetheart."
Keeley stands in her kitchen and releases the kind of profanity only Roy is usually capable of. Her purse and keys are already gathered in her hands, but there's just one thing she has to worry about first.
"Oliver, love, we're going-" She bites her tongue. She can waste precious minutes asking the neighbor to come and watch him; if that fails, she'll have to find someone to come over and that could take any amount of time.
"We're going to the hospital!" She declares, and her and Roy's little terror sprints into the room and cheers.
Keeley scoops him into her arms, feeling incredibly unbalanced, and makes her exit, grabbing the first pair of baby shoes she can find. She's sure she's missing something, but at least her toddler won't have bare feet.
She calls Ted and Rebecca on the way there; Ted to watch her son and Rebecca to watch her. It'll make them both late to work, she's sure, but there are few people she'd trust more to support her family.
As expected, both of her friends drop everything to help her. Ted sobers up the moment after Keeley says hello; the worry in her words must be painfully evident. In turn, Rebecca vows to be at the hospital in a time that guarantees some horribly reckless driving, which is terrible, given the circumstances, but Keeley knows Rebecca and her best friend bribing her driver isn’t Keeley’s greatest concern right now.
Unsurprisingly, Rebecca is waiting at the hospital for them, Ted at her side. He’s white in the face, which confirms Keeley’s suspicions about their ride over, but he scoops Oliver into his arms, asking how his day has been and if he’d like Special Texas Pancakes for lunch. Keeley offers Ted a wordless smile in thanks before Rebecca takes her inside.
“All I know is they’ve admitted him,” Rebecca says, glancing at the receptionist. “They wouldn’t tell me anything else.”
“Right, well, you can’t bribe hospital staff all too easy,” Keeley muses. She gives her name to the attendant, who, despite Rebecca’s glowering, tells them to wait, and they take a seat.
It’s only a few minutes before a nurse is pointed towards them. He smiles at them, which Keeley takes as a good sign, though she still clings to Rebecca’s hand during the whole of the conversation.
Roy is fine; he was brought in conscious, but with a severe leg injury and a probable concussion. The doctors aren’t terribly worried, but they have to act fast.
“We understand that Mr. Kent has a previous knee injury.” Keeley nods. “This complicates things. Preliminary tests suggest that there’s further damage to his knee. We still need to do an x-ray and an MRI, but it’s likely that he’ll need surgery.”
Keeley swallows, hard; the youngest Kent-Jones gives her bladder a kick, and she shifts uncomfortably.
“We’ll let you back as soon as we find a room for Mr. Kent.”
“I’d like to see him before any surgery,” Keeley asserts, but her voice is strained.
The nurse nods. “Of course, Ms. Jones.”
Soon translates to an hour, but Rebecca occupies Keeley, complaining about idiot businessmen and updates on her mum and anything else asinine that Rebecca can think of. Keeley’s leg shakes up and down, but her thoughts aren’t totally captivated by worry, and that’s good enough.
A different nurse takes her back to see Roy when it’s time, and they wind down a long series of identical hallways. The air is stale with sickness and nerves, and Keeley’s boots click on the linoleum of the otherwise silent hall. Then, they round a corner and the nurse pushes open a door, leading Keeley past curtained-off beds and finally, to Roy.
His eyes are closed. Bright red skin indicates the burn of a deployed airbag, and there are cuts on his face and arm. The hospital gown does him no favors, revealing his mangled leg and the mess of bandages covering his knee.
Tears well in Keeley’s eyes. It’s the most vulnerable she’s seen Roy, topping his last game with Richmond, his retirement conference, and his reaction to the birth of his first child. He’s pale, clearly in pain, but when his eyes open, they seize her up quickly.
She breathes out his name, moves to the head of the bed to run her fingers through his hair, and presses a kiss to the unmarred part of his forehead. His hand captures hers, gripping tightly.
“I fucked my knee,” he whispers, and Keeley nods.
“We’re gonna unfuck your knee,” she tells him, unsure of how much she means it. “It’s gonna be okay.”
Roy nods, alert, but obviously tired. His voice was shaking on their call; it’s steady now, but Roy is stuck in a grimace, and he’s barely moving as he talks to her.
“What did they tell you?”
“Not a lot. What did they tell you?”
Roy eyes her suspiciously. “Fuck all. They did a hundred fucking tests and kept their damn mouths shut.”
“Okay. Let’s wait for the doctor, then.”
They know each other so well. She’s hard-pressed to get out of this one.
She can see the argument brewing in his mind- his lips are parted, his trademark scowl graces his lovely features, and she knows that he has every right to be frustrated.
“Well, you’re not gonna lose your leg,” she informs him, and Roy snorts. Keeley bites her lip. “I think.”
“It’s fucking useless anyway.” Roy rolls his eyes. “I’m not fucking playing football with it.”
“Legs have other uses, you know,” Keeley points out, and Roy snorts again.
“Fuck that."
A smile is tugging at her lips, and Roy is about to mirror the expression despite everything fucking hurting when metal scapes against metal, and the curtains part to reveal a doctor, who smiles at them both. Roy scowls.
“You’re going to cut my fucking knee up.” He accuses, and the doctor nods.
“You tore several major ligaments and we need to prevent permanent nerve damage and limit the risk of blood clots.”
Roy’s scowl deepens, impossibly. “Fine.”
“Excellent. We’ll get prepped for emergency surgery.” She looks at Keeley and Roy, at how tightly they’re holding each other. “I’ll give you two a minute before we take you back.”
Keeley murmurs her thanks, and turns back to Roy.
“Right,” she says, brushing a stray curl off of his forehead. “You be good, and enjoy the hell out of those painkillers. I’ll see you soon.”
“Right,” Roy agrees, kissing the back of her hand. “Don’t eat shitty hospital food if you get hungry. Make Rebecca order you something fancy while you wait.” Roy’s brow creases. “Ted has Oliver, doesn’t he?”
“He does, yeah.”
“Fuck. Well, Ted can keep him when he has his massive fucking temper tantrum ‘cause of all the biscuits he’s eaten. And you fucking relax and don’t worry too much about me and my fucking knee, okay?”
“Okay.” Keeley bends to kiss him, and he smiles at her, not with his usual brilliance but something close, and that’s enough. She knows he’s in pain; she can read it in every line on his bruised face, but he’s being unflappable for her, and she can try and do the same. “I love you so much, Roy Kent.”
“I fucking love you, Keeley Jones,” he tells her. “And tell Ollie I love him too.”
“I will. He’s gonna cuddle the fuck out of you when we get home, you know that.”
“Damn right.”
Keeley stays with Roy until nurses come to take him into surgery. She watches them wheel her husband down the hall and through a forbidden set of double doors, and exhales.
She finds Rebecca quickly enough, who ensures they celebrate Roy’s prognosis and consciousness and retainment of his humor. Over and over, she repeats Roy’s words in her head: he’s going to be fine, and she shouldn’t worry too much.
Rebecca regales her with tales of the worst men she’s worked with; when that fails, they compare notes on baby names. They laugh and grin without light ever reaching their eyes and neither utter a word about it, but Rebecca confiscates Keeley’s phone when her Twitter mentions blow up. There are pictures of the accident, and of a bloodied Roy Kent being loaded in an ambulance, and Ted texts her to let her know that he’s brought Oliver inside where any nosy press won’t catch a glimpse of him. Her heart aches for her son, who would be distressed if he knew any better, and who likely won’t get to see much of his parents today. Ignorance is bliss, though, and Keeley thinks of Roy’s last smile to her, and not of his strained words when he called her, or the pictures of his totaled car online, or how fragile he looked in the hospital bed.
There’s a nagging at the back of her brain, though, of what would’ve happened if Roy couldn’t reach his phone, or if he left home a second sooner or a second later, or if she had gone with him, or if he had to drop Oliver off somewhere along the way, or if the other driver had been going a tiny bit faster or hit Roy at a slightly different angle. He’s lucky, after all, that it’s just his leg, that it’s not even broken, that their baby wasn’t in the backseat, that Roy will ultimately be fine after this, he’ll be fine, because he’s still so fucking young and his son is still a baby, really, and he hasn’t even met his second child yet.
Keeley takes a shaky breath, and Rebecca captures Keeley’s hand in both of her own. She rubs her thumb across the back of Keely’s hand, and the younger woman rests her head against Rebecca’s shoulder, and the two women stay like that for a long time.
It’s three hours before they get any word about Roy. Keeley thinks, really, that it should have been like, half an hour at most, but the nurse who talks to them says all good things, and that they’re almost done. Some of the damage is permanent, especially to Roy’s nerves, but the rest of him is fine. Walking normally will be the greatest challenge, and to Keeley, that’s a nominal problem given the rest of his prognosis.
Rebecca stews when they have to wait another couple of hours: first, the surgery has to wrap up, then Roy is brought to a recovery room to be monitored, then finally, finally, he’s moved to a private room where they can sit with him. The whole time, Rebecca lingers an inch away from total fury, but Keeley lets Rebecca be as angry as she likes, so that way, Keeley doesn’t have to be and all her energy can be focused on Roy.
It’s quieter when she sees Roy this time, more peaceful. Even Roy Kent doesn’t scowl in sleep, and despite the IV in his arm and the injuries peppering his skin, Roy appears at rest, genuinely so. Keeley waits, alone for the first time that day, for him to wake, and when he does, Roy only mumbles hi and offers a groggy smile before he’s out again. Keeley texts Rebecca and Ted an update, and that’s how her afternoon passes, her husband in and out of sleep, and not much else in the world mattering.
The next day is a flurry of doctors and physical therapists, and their three-year-old son navigating a hospital for the first time. Roy’s concussion means wearing sunglasses indoors, but Ted drops Oliver off with a matching pair for him and Keeley, and their first family picture after the accident is of them in the hospital, all wearing shades inside like a bunch of proper arseholes, Roy’s face impassive but Keeley and Oliver positively beaming at the camera. Roy learns how to navigate on crutches, as is the condition of his release, so he struggles his way up and down a short hallway, swearing all the while, his grouchy disposition only faltering when Oliver makes his opinion known about the matter (“Daddy has four legs!).
They’re sent home, donned in sunglasses and laden with crutches and high-grade painkillers, late that day, and Roy has to wonder if Rebecca’s paid off the press when he’s loaded from wheelchair to car without any twats snapping pictures of him at his worst. Later, he’ll confirm that she did, in fact, pay the tabloids to piss off, accompanying a press release along the same lines. He and Keeley are lucky to have such a friend, he knows, especially one that doesn’t believe in bullshit.
He’s absent at the next Richmond match and most of their practices the following week, in favor of sleeping frequently. Something wonderful about needing three fucking naps a day is that Oliver will nap with him, which gives Keely a much-needed break, and also there’s nothing fucking better than his baby asleep in his arms, because he loves his son so fucking much but sometimes it’s fucking nice when Oliver isn’t running around like a maniac, and Roy can just hold him.
Putting any weight on his leg is fucking hard. Showering is fucking impossible, bending down to pick up Oliver’s ridiculous toys is difficult, stairs are a fucking burden on humanity, and Roy is in so much fucking pain all the time. It gets better at a snail’s pace, and he manages to make it through a full day of work on an obscene amount of Tylenol and Ted literally cheering him on in the most annoying way possible. The only thing that pacifies him is Keeley coming in to kiss him at various intervals throughout the day, and he buries his head against her side and she runs her fingers through his hair, and their kid-on-the-way sometimes kicks against Keeley’s stomach, which never fails to be spectacular.
Roy masters crutches, even though the dumb fucking things make his armpits hurt, and a month after surgery, when Roy has endured physical therapy and public sympathy and a thousand fucking stairs, he begs his doctors to let him off them. And so, they introduce the next alternative that Roy will use for the rest of his fucking life.
A cane. Roy Kent, still fucking young, is fitted for a cane, which Ted immediately wants to decorate with lights and streamers and shit, and that Oliver tries to use as a fucking lightsaber and wack people with. It’s fucking terrible, but it’s also the first thing that makes Roy laugh after coming home from the doctor’s with his fancy new stick.
They told him and Keeley this, that first day in the hospital after the wreck. That he would never walk the same, that some of the nerves were too far gone. There’s nothing he can do, aside from physical therapy to build up some strength. It’s damning, and a hard pill to swallow, but Roy’s knee has been fucked since his last football match against Manchester, and he knows that. Keeley reminds him that his life is still pretty incredible, after all, and Roy has to agree.
His daughter is born shortly after, and Roy weeps when he figures out how to hold a cane in one hand and his precious baby in the other. Frequently, he looks like the corniest fucking dad ever, because it’s honestly easiest to carry Lily in a papoose, but Roy fucking Kent’s reputation holds up: he’s still the scariest motherfucker to ever grace the face of football. When he takes her to practice, though, he finds that this effect is somewhat diminished; he yells at one of the boys to tighten up, then his daughter gurgles, and Roy is caught gazing down at her with a dopey fucking smile on his face.
The first cane breaks when Richmond loses by a slim margin thanks to a few small mistakes. Roy is minutes into a post-match debrief when he punctuates what went wrong with the cane against the whiteboard, and the wood slams against metal and splinters into a hundred fucking pieces all across the locker room, footballers ducking for cover, Roy’s chest heaving as he surveys the scene. Then Ted sits Roy down, commends his incredible strength, and tells the team to goldfish their way through this, and that they’ll work through it during the next practice.
Oliver breaks the second cane. And the third. And then Roy concedes style to durability and gets a fucking metal cane that his kids aren’t allowed to touch.
His life is different, largely because he’s a father of two now, and stairs are fucking terrible and he hates them. But, aside from that, he’s still Roy Kent, Keeley Jones’ husband, parent to the two best fucking kids in the universe, football coach extraordinaire. That’s pretty fucking good, in his book, and in the end, there’s nothing fucking wrong with using a cane so long as Oliver doesn’t kill anyone with it.
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m00nlitknight · 4 years
fandom: star wars ( sequel trilogy )  /  greek mythos au pairing:  kylo ren / reader word count:  1,635 warnings:  slight mommy issues summary:   Oh, how one tires of stagnant days. extra:   AH my first work in another fandom! :') i hope it's enjoyable! please do leave feedback if you liked it? depending on the reception i may or may not stretch it to another chapter or something. thank you for reading! ♡ as a side note, i had him refer to the reader as a lilac due to the meanings of the flower: purity + innocence. i would've gone with daisy but i didn't wanna step on daisy ridley's toes lol
archive of our own link
Soft, green grass crushes beneath bare feet. It grew unruly, appearing jagged in some places, brushing anywhere from an ankle to grazing mid-thigh. The wind hummed past gently, rustling not only the unruly grass, but also unruly locks from the top of your crown, beginnings the misplacement of a newly made daisy crown. The day was akin to any other; gorgeous. Unfortunately, you’d grown used to the cycle of its static beauty, instead attempting to salvage appreciation and savor the flavor of the nature at your disposal. However, despite this, you couldn’t help but find yourself becoming a bit desensitized to it.
Every day felt as though it was a trial of the same tribulations; a dance you’d become well acquainted with. To awaken with the sun’s rise, her golden kiss of the horizon enough to rouse your eyes open and put your body in gear. Mother had always claimed that being early to rise would aid in your overall mood for the day, not that you had much particular input on how She’d micromanage how you felt
You began your day with a hearty breakfast of the typically vegetarian variety, typically a nod of appreciation to the work that your mother did. Those around you encouraged to take your time with eating, to allow the flavors of each bite play on your tongue like a Shakespearean play. It amused you in the beginning, taking their words to heart and practicing it just to go along with their wishes. As time wore on, the days blurring together with one another, you found yourself tiring of the routine - of all the routines.
The remainder of the morning would leave you to work on whatever skills She deemed a necessity. Sewing and cooking and honing the prowess growing within you. It festered, beautiful and green, just like Mother’s. Then, the day was yours to explore the lands. The sprawling, gracious, and luxurious Lands. Sometimes you would mingle with the creatures who found home in the forest, those who made their home in the space of bark or in the shimmer of puddles and streams. Though you’d never spoken to Her of them, you were sure she’d known of them. As always, you were simply under Her eye.
Throughout the evening, when the sun’s descent on the other side of the sky colored the clouds orange, or pink, or purple, you would be making yourself another meal. This one was of your own choice, if it included meat, it would be game you’d brought down by your own hand.
Yes, the days blurred together, and the exhilaration of this lifestyle granted to you was beginning to dull, you found yourself craving more than what was granted to you. The freedom was thrilling in comparison to what you had before, and in retrospect, felt as though chains bound you to who you once were.
So as you wander the sprawling green fields, dotted with wild flowers and wildlife that sometimes graced your vision, you wonder if you can find yourself passed the typical borders of what your allowed. To push the limits, pass through the forest filled to the brim with gentle woodland creatures, and see what lie ahead; out from under Her eye.
The thought alone ignited curiosity and wonder through your veins, though not to your face. Never to your face, for that was the first place She’d look if something were to go awry. As momentary as the plan and excitement of it was, it faded, replacing itself with cool, hard fear; like a rock at the pit of your stomach.
Blindly did your feet carry you throughout the woods, passing by many private eyes who seemed nearly enthralled with your every move. Soon, you found yourself perched by a small pond, atop a branch sturdy enough to hold your weight. Around you the scenery came alive, shaping into nymphs with bubbly giggles and typical friendly dispositions. They approached you from their respective residences, glee plastered on their technicolor features. You watched them with idle interest, making a mimic of their expressions as one leaned on the branch beside you.
“Oh, Spring’s Daughter! We’re so glad you came today,” her voice was angelic in tone, as though a choir came together to make her tone; a match made in heaven with her gorgeous foam-colored skin, milky eyes, and shimmering blue hair. “Something has come to our attention, something of interest!”
“Quite the interest,” another said, of oak skin and pearly grin. Her voice, though not as striking, held its own with a soft, melodic tone.
“Are you going to keep me in the dark, then?” You giggle yourself, allowing a genuine smile to brighten your typically hollow features. “C’mon, tell me!”
The quartet around you looks to one another, sharing a conversation of glances. Another giggles, her deep, emerald eyes looking so deep into you, you wondered if she could grasp your heart.
“Do you promise to not show anyone else?” Her tone bordered playful as she leaned herself onto you, forehead to forehead.
“Absolutely not ,” your voice was startlingly quiet, your smile reaching that of a grin.
“Okay, okay, here hold your palm out, I’ll take you,” the fourth one said, with wide eyes and a straight faced expression. Her aura wasn’t as ethereal or peppy, instead something of a darker caliber radiated from her. With ashy-gray skin and pin-straight black hair, she held her hand out to you.
Hesitantly, you put your hand into hers, allowing your curiosity to get the better of you. The other three nymphs allowed themselves to giggle, trotting off to cause a ruckus somewhere else. You watched them for a moment, nervousness beginning to creep into the heels of your feet. It felt as though they were taking your solace with them, in a way.
Looking back to the placid nymph, she cracked a small smile; a seemingly unpracticed expression for her doe-eyed features. You offered a small smile back as she turned, leading you through the familiar woods. Many creatures paid you no mind, though some stopped in their tracks and stared, prompting you to stare back.
“So, where are we going, anyway?” You decide to break the silence, in hopes to shake the building anxiety on your back.
“You’ll see.”
The cryptic answer leaves you bemused, and you look around once more. The scenery, of the typically lush and familiar flourishing kind, are slowly becoming less reminiscent of Her trademark Land. It worries you, despite recalling the vague exhilaration at this exact act crossing your mind hours before. Even worse, the sky had transitioned from the lovely blue you’d spent so long staring at into the beautiful palette which signaled the end of the day was coming soon, leaving the light to come through the tree’s canopy to become somewhat scarce. It left you uneasy, just how long had you two been walking, anyway?
You continued on silently with your unease for awhile until your companion came to a stop. The scenery around was different, not helped by the monochrome, silver moonlight beginning to scatter through the trees. What uniformity was typically held in your Mother’s regard seemed to have been forgone here, instead an unruly, beautiful, ever-changing mess you found yourself fascinated by.
“We’re here, Spring,” she murmured, turning to you. Her voice was hollow, a quiet thing you found yourself becoming wary of.
“What is it that you wanted to show me, then?”
“Take a step over here.”
You momentarily gnaw on your lip, stepping forward to where she’d told you to. The air grew heavy, thicker than just the humidity you were aware of, and all too quickly. No, it was darker, tenser, laced with a kind of energy you’d never had around you. Amid the feeling of anxiety on your back, it drew you in, causing another trembling, yet eager step forward.
A figure began materializing, sapping out whatever silvery moonlight was around for a moment before stepping forward and sending a brief wave of force with them, knocking you off balance.
You took a second to regain your composure before taking him all in. Darkness radiated off of hi in waves, like how life and youth radiated from you. He was donned in all black, with pale skin, and seemingly monochrome in the pale moonlight of the early nightfall. In his hand was an object, one you were unable to make out for a moment before witnessing its ignition. It cut through the single-toned light with an angry and red and threatening light, to which he lowered closer to you, as if to use it like a lantern.
Thankful to some miracle, your breathing stayed level, though your mouth hung slightly agape as you awaited a reaction to grace his stony, scar-ridden face. Anything to change in his deep, dark, brown eyes. A slight twinge to his lower lip, and he finally broke the tension.
“Are you afraid, my dear lilac?” His voice resembled the velvety texture of a petal as his unoccupied hand came to rest under your chin.
Your mouth came to shut, eyes wide and deer-like as you shook your head. There was no way your voice was going to work enough to even say any kind of meager reply.
“Do you know who I am?” Amusement seemed to toy not only in his tone, but also on his face.
“Hades,” your voice came out small, rabbit-like in its timidness.
“I see Mother taught you well,” he snickered coolly, looking to the nymph who led you here. “Fantastic job. You live another day.”
He stood to his full height, eyes seeming entranced on your expression once again before his face returned to stoicism. “May we meet again, lilac.”
And with that, he and the nymph disappeared, leaving you alone.
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
Three Two One
Flash fiction Friday and I went over word limit again <.<;; Not as badly as last week but maybe next week I’ll actually stay under the 1000 word limit orz
I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you have as much fun reading it! Feedback is appreciated ^u^
Prompt: Jumping Fences
Words: 1467
          “What in the actual hell do you think you’re doing!? Get away from me Dillan or I swear, I’ll beat you into the dirt.” Growled threats tumbled out, fleeing while she stayed stuck. Trapped. He didn’t stop. Hands hovered over her temples, tingling the hairs standing on end.
          “You think I want to do this to you Alex? I never wanted it to come to this…” He sighed. “Don’t worry. I’ve been practicing. It’s not going to hurt.”
          “Practicing my foot! I don’t goddamn care! Untie me!” Alex jerked in the seat, restrained by whatever Dillan had lying around. Belts, tape, cords. Pathetic impromptu tools. Clearly, he’d been thinking of this for a while but hadn’t bothered with the details. It was strangely offensive. She wasn’t even worth a plan? Snapping in his direction, her teeth clipped the air where his hand had been. Dillan frowned, sighing again. He needed to concentrate for this to work. The tears in Alex’s eyes misted his own. Her distress was paralysing. He had to steel his resolve. This was for the best.
          “I get that you’re scared! I really do. But you can’t go on like this. You’re an adult but your parents lock you away – Don’t give me that look. You know it’s true. I’ll make it so you can be free. You aren’t going to remember this. Any of it! Just that I’m your friend and you are rooming with me for a bit. You can finally be yourself!”
          The god damned arrogance! “Are you kidding me?? Mr Hero In Training wants to brain wipe me, his friend, because my parents are protective? God Damn it Dillan! What are you thinking? You’re right! I am an adult and I choose to stay with my folks. I happen to like them! Let me go already! This is ridiculous!” This was exactly why her parents were protective in the first place. When she was born, delicate and doe-eyed, her fate had been written in her soft features. In a world of heroes and villains, she’d been assigned the role of Damsel. In a way, she’d expected to face this situation one day, but not like this. How could she have known that Dillan would go screwy? He was alignment checked – chaotic good – and halfway through his hero course. More than that, he was her friend. Now he was hovering over her, awkwardly avoiding the daggers she glared into his stupid superman t-shirt.
          “Look, it’s really not even a big deal. I’ll count down, touch your head and poof! You won’t remember anything bad either! I wouldn’t do that to you. Y’know, lots of people would love to forget their past. I’m doing you a service.” He faltered at her stormy face. “A-anyway. It’s not like I’m going to tell you anything weird like we’re dating or whatever. Just trust me, it’ll all turn out. I don’t even know why I’m telling you all thi-”
          “You’re monologing because you’re a godDAMMED VILLAIN!”
          He took a moment steadying himself from her outburst. “I guess I’m just trying to make things easier for you. Anyway, I’ll count down from three and you’ll get to start a whole new life.”
          “Seriously, stop! I don’t want this! Whatever you’re going through, we can talk about it! Please, just let me go!”
          Alex had met Dillan at university. Her parents were apprehensive about her studying, rathering she get a non-descript job at a little bookshop or something, but nothing could dissuade her from psychology. She wanted to help other Damsels who’d been toyed with in some comic book game, then tossed away once the level cleared. She wanted to help villains overcome whatever had pushed them towards evil in the first place. You can’t solve every problem by punching it after all. Their classes ended up working together on a joined assignment. Heroes and psychs preparing for future collaboration. A paired assignment and, unsurprisingly, Alex was the last approached. It’s not all that convenient to be associated with a Damsel after all. Dillan all but tripped into the room, tardiness becoming his trademark over the following classes, and was stuck with who he could get. Dillan was being trained to use his mind control power to de-escalate hostage situations and Alex was all about cognitive mechanisms. They had a lot in common and got along very well. Alex’s parents were ecstatic that she’d finally made a university friend. His hero status wasn’t great news, but at least he’d look out for her, right? That’s how they made peace with it at least. She didn’t want to lose their time together.
          Alex’s other friend, Wisteria, had a smeared name, like her. Unlike her, she was no Damsel. Dark hair, smoky eyes, and a mystery at the best of times, she wore her alignment like a cloak. Chaotic evil. Villain material in the making. Her ability didn’t help matters. They met in self defence class. She always had a quiet kindness about her, hard to see to those who were not looking. Alex offered to help her with a shoulder throw she was struggling with. They worked until Alex couldn’t take it anymore. Wisteria’s under breath quips getting the best of Alex, leaving her cackling on the floor like a moron. Their friendship thrived in the form of a contest. Whoever could make the other smile more, won. Wisteria’s advantage of a naturally stoic countenance may have left her reigning champion, but they were both cramping with laughter by the end of their frequent meetings. Would Wisteria keep smiling without her?
          Was this all because Alex had bailed on a party invite? She’d been chatting with Dillan that morning and he’d started talking about an upcoming party. It was 90% hero first years and Alex just couldn’t deal with that level of drunken ego today. Polite pass with an excuse about promising to be home early. Something about crimes on the news, parental worry, yadda yadda. Dillan had laughed it off, promising to snapchat a play-by-play commentary. It was all the usual stuff. That was until they were walking off to class. Alex had gone to jump the fence. A spectacular fail. She slipped, landing on her back like a geriatric turtle, winded. Next thing she knew, she was tied to a goddamned chair about to be reprogrammed. Dillan must’ve taken advantage of her lowered defences, sneaking into her brain while it was still trying to get breathing back on track. It didn’t matter. Not anymore. He was going to fry her. She didn’t bother stifling her sobs. What about Captain Fluffington? Who’s going to explain to him what happened? Is he going to spend his life thinking she’d abandoned him? She didn’t want this she didn’t want this she didn’t want this!!
          One breathy word. Alex screwed her eyes shut. She didn’t want to forget. She braced against the oncoming touch. It never came. Squinting through cracked eyelids, she could have screeched with joy. Dillan was grunting, struggling to move. Wisteria loomed in the doorway. Murder etched into her face, she almost shook with anger. Her shadow snaked across the floor, clamping onto Dillan’s with its intangible hands, rooting him in place.
          “You told people Alex was with me last!? Way to throw me under the bus you intolerable drivel merchant!”
          Her fist smashed his jaw. An audible crack and he crumpled, a suspended ragdoll until her shadow released him. He moaned when she nudged him but didn’t get up.
          “Sorry it took so long Lex. The police didn’t believe I was in class all day. We had to show them surveillance footage so they’d let me go.” She made quick work of unbuckling Alex. “You okay?”
          As much as Alex wanted to brush it off and play it cool, all she could manage was a watery ‘Mn hm’. It had been so close. Half a second longer… A tidal wave of relief and what ifs crashed over her. Knees now jelly, she started bawling again. Wisteria wrapped her up in a hug while she cried into her shirt.
          “I ought I asn’tgoinooeeyouagaiiinnn!” (I thought I wasn’t going to see you again.)  
          She chuckled. “You couldn’t get rid of me that easily. This is the sort of stuff I’m training for.”
          Wisteria ran a hand through Alex’s hair and it was the most comforting thing in the whole damned world.
          Managing to calm down to, at least, coherence, Alex whispered “I was so scared Whis.”
          “I know. I’m sorry it took so long. It won’t happen again. I’ll always drop everything to come save your sorry butt. My alignment is chaotically self-interested after all. You are very important to my self.”
          Alex huffed out a laugh. There’s a reason Wisteria’s her best friend.
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@cawolters, @inexorableblob, @inkovert, @snobbysnekboi, @kainablue, and @i-rove-rock-n-roll
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armstrong48-blog · 5 years
Wrestling: No Longer a Mystery
There's a feeling that in the event the truth does eventually emerge, it may upend everything we know. Becoming learning-focused means putting the procedure ahead of the item. Sometimes, you've got to do things that aren't that fun to achieve your objectives. Well, you have to drill repeatedly if you would like moves to develop into second nature. You've got a particular possibility to play such a video game all by yourself and also have a considerable quantity of fun in this approach. It's about disciplinebeing disciplined enough to plow through the procedure and make it take place. What You Need to Do About Wrestling Before You Miss Your Chance You don't need to be worried about it because this completely damage is not going to bring it any result. Your dog is not going to understand that they're managing a little child who doesn't wish to hurt him. Simple, there's no magic pill to earn the concussion go away. Periodization is frequently associated with weight training but can be utilized to train other athletic attributes also. Such exercises are for when you're attempting to shed weight so as to be in a specific competitive wrestling category. If you must cut weight that you should begin a couple weeks or a month in advance if necessary. Choosing Wrestling There are lots of shady dealers out there. Their chemistry for a team is legendary. The matches are predetermined but of course that's the whole intention of the company. It doesn't matter the apathy both of these candidates are satisfied with. It was also a very simple way to be certain that he'd dominate over his former Shield brothers, aligning with the men and women in charge, to receive the best matches and the opponents with the highest-profiles. The individual was turned over to the right authorities. The Unusual Secret of Wrestling The full point of this exercise is to have a rise from the crowd and it is irrelevant whether it's cheers or boos. His solution was supposed to create his own form of the barbaric duo in Demolition. The reason this is sensible to know about is mainly because you might find that yourself bored playing the identical game and having options would be wise so that you're able to alter the kind of game you're playing. The thought is simple, you beat the defenders till they are not able to get up and attack you. I simply don't like that he constantly receives a shot. Major man smooth like a large baby penguin. In addition, I hope not one of the regulars end it. Sasha pulls Becky from the ring. Valkyrie Spears Grace on the ground. Wrestling - the Conspiracy Writing a book isn't easy, but neither is wrestling. We'll also be running a complete live blog of the function which is going to be available here. We did not receive the story we were promised. All these wrestling stars have various trademarks most especially the way that they dress and how they smack their opponents. Owens is only short of a million at the right time of writing. Whether you like him or not you need to admit he is extremely gifted and definitely looks the component of a top superstar. Wrestling is among the only sports that everyone on the planet can understand. Every one of these sports are going to have its exclusive demands. In earlier times athletes weren't too concerned about a concussion. A Startling Fact about Wrestling Uncovered Whatever might be the experience, jot down all of the information down. Ideally, in case you have chosen the proper exercises, participants ought to be able to experience a complete cycle 3 times. Another thing to think about is that bad parents don't always raise bad children. Inside this section you must jot down all of the critical abilities, specifically linked to leadership activities, communication skills, teaching, together with initiative skills etc.. The program is composed of a string of exercises each performed at various stations in the gym. Always believe in yourself and you can also reach your objectives. We're not there to just enforce the rules. Make certain you inspect thoroughly and properly maintain to guarantee safety. If you take a close look at practice in Russia, every practice at each club throughout the country has a particular structure to it, while the US is all around the place. The Foolproof Wrestling Strategy When you speak about wrestling most individuals think about World Wrestling Entertainment also referred to as WWE. Therefore, attempting to use periodization for wrestling may appear impractical. Women wrestlers who tune out all of the horny boy stuff which goes about. Wrestling is so closely associated with life, he explained. Brock Lesnar is easily among the most protected Superstars in WWE history and he's got a WWE huge contract which likewise will come with limited dates. When it has to do with wrestling, it's often in comparison to the UFC and NCAA wrestling. A whole lot of wrestlers have a tendency to jump around to and from other promotions but The Undertaker proved to be a massive portion of WWE for his whole run there, 27 decades. WWE serves not just to promote fights, yet to entertain by storytelling. WWE however isn't the only wrestling promotion on the landscape. The Argument About Wrestling In some cases, the defender is equipped to flatten the attacker to the mat like a pancake, thus the name. You are going to be more able to dodge or slip from a tight hold. If you keep in 1 spot, you're putting yourself into a place to be taken down by your opponent or pushed from the mat. A previous alternative is to construct a structure to hold out the costume in the correct form. If you prefer, you even can trample it to the ground. In 1848, Exbroyat produced a big rule that forbade holds beneath the waist. Sacrifice often goes together with dedication. Wrestling to a degree of greatness requires commitments from all possible pieces of your entire body and mind. Unfortunately, it's not stored within the body. Choosing Good Wrestling You need to have a fair command over the neighborhood language at least languages. Inside my opinion, you should attempt to keep periodization simple. Not lots of expressions, usually. It leveled me up indirectly in various ways too. You've got a particular possibility to play such a video game all by yourself and also have a considerable quantity of fun in this approach. This will permit you to bring another facet of the sport in your arsenal of abilities and techniques. The Foolproof Wrestling Strategy Folk wrestling styles aren't recognized as international trends of wrestling by UWW. If your kid is younger or his school does not own a wrestling group, you can discover a regional independent wrestling club. Outlast the competition with the proper wrestling headgear. On the flip side, more than 1 macrocycle might be used over the course of a wrestling season as you could have more than one significant competition which you want to peak for. There's a whole lot of wrestling fan denial. This won't be the case with AEW on a roster that already boasts a number of the best wrestlers on earth and Cody. Every WWE Superstar ought to be given time to come up with their character and prove they are capable, regardless of what the circumstance. The Divas can not merely kick but in the ring, but a lot of them can even manage different wrestlers and even run companies regarding the area of wrestling. WWE however isn't the only wrestling promotion on the landscape. The Ultimate Wrestling Trick Post called that a minimal point. You may think about where in NYC you wish to go to narrow things down. Provided that the story lives on TV, it's entertaining alone. Meanwhile Terri Gold gets all of the air. Be certain to speak to his coach for anything else you will want to understand. WWE's inability to develop transcendent icons is a step over the real issue they are too stubborn to handle. Moreover, autograph events are often held in order to permit fans to fulfill their favorite wrestling superstars up-close and personal. Not necessary, but you need to be related to sports. In earlier times athletes weren't too concerned about a concussion. Life, Death, and Wrestling If you want it, you might have a try! Sandow marks a terrific pop. If you wind up with the incorrect dimensions, just inform us and we'll help you exchange it for the best size. If you have feet, we've got a full array of wrestling shoes in all styles, colours and sizes for you to select from. This is just a slice of cloth that's wrapped around like underwear. To receive added information on john cena cardboard cutout please Visit Website. Remember, wrestling shoes are notoriously tricky to discover the ideal fit. However, while his brothers continue to be around, we're never likely to love Roman Reigns. Valkyrie Spears Grace on the ground. What You Must Know About Wrestling He wore face paint, he'd spit mist into the opinion of his opponent. He's also a fresher face who's on the up. When the wrestler has developed a good square stance, he or she is able to work on a staggered stance, also referred to as an offensive stance. A previous alternative is to construct a structure to hold out the costume in the correct form. Good stance plays an essential part in enabling a wrestler to stay stable on the mat. Some might envision themselves standing on the cap of the podium in 1st location. Grip training should only be carried out at the conclusion of a workout. The Death Mask's present moveset is largely designed with quick, snap maneuvers that could surprise opponents from unexpected angles and offer impact without using an exhaustive quantity of strength. Unfortunately, it's not stored within the body. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Wrestling Is Wrong You'd have to eat plenty of red meat to coincide with a single serving of powdered creatine, but it is surely present. Athletes ought to be given only sufficient time between sets to get properly set for the exercise they're going to execute. Proteins help to construct muscle. If you need to earn weight, plan ahead, and attempt to get rid of body fat, not muscle. You may have to work on technique initially and boost your volume and intensity as time passes. So it is crucial to receive a steady dose of protein each and every day. The Key to Successful Wrestling Even in the event the early phases of a career, it comes down to the company which is kept. Their chemistry for a team is legendary. It may sound easy, but by spending a little quantity of the match posing you will greatly enhance the caliber of the photos taken of you. But these are all necessary so as to thrill the spectators. 1 important element is to be certain your child regularly mixes with different children. Not exactly my 1st alternative, but it's better than other choices. A Startling Fact about Wrestling Uncovered It is possible to learn that information online and discover what is there. Ideally, in case you have chosen the proper exercises, participants ought to be able to experience a complete cycle 3 times. If you're uncertain about whether it's the case that you or your little one should wrestle, this guide delivers a number of reasons which should help you create your final choice. In the last few years, mixed martial arts have come to be ever more popular for kids and adults of all ages. However, because the years went on I started to comprehend what teaching Middle School children is about. This sport was once thought to be crucial training for most Greek soldiers. We're not there to just enforce the rules. Make certain you inspect thoroughly and properly maintain to guarantee safety. We are constantly looking for volunteers to assist with the other districts. The Tried and True Method for Wrestling in Step by Step Detail Meal replacement drinks are a lot better since you don't need to consider what foods to eat along with them. Athletes ought to be given only sufficient time between sets to get properly set for the exercise they're going to execute. As it takes more time to digest complex carbohydrates, you feel fuller longer and don't will need to eat as much. A kid should never be required to ask what things to eat to shed weight. Such exercises are for when you're attempting to shed weight so as to be in a specific competitive wrestling category. If you're really cutting lots of weight this season, you might not be in a position to obtain strength because the body requires a surplus of calories from food to be able to feed the muscle. Life After Wrestling To retire a legend and act as though you're still an excellent guy to the fans is much more. It needs to be the proper moment, it needs to be the best product and it must be the proper distributor. It sold lots of magazines. Meanwhile Terri Gold gets all of the air. Be certain to speak to his coach for anything else you will want to understand. Whether you like him or not you need to admit he is extremely gifted and definitely looks the component of a top superstar. If there's a school that the business endorses, athletes may benefit from attending the suggested wrestling school in order to enhance their odds of stardom. Not necessary, but you need to be related to sports. Some athletes find it can help to meditate or listen to hypnosis recordings to have them focused and prepared to wrestle. The Wrestling Game So long as you receive a reaction, its working. The only way we are presented with a challenge is when our child gives evidence in the shape of problems she's involved in. Well some of us will try to inform you. I really like that folks love things. The people that are in charge are simply not interested in letting them tell great stories. Wrestling - the Conspiracy In some cases, the defender is equipped to flatten the attacker to the mat like a pancake, thus the name. You are going to be more able to dodge or slip from a tight hold. It is an excellent means to score 5 points when you're losing or to have an essential pin. To put it simply, it's intimidating. The conventional square stance, often known as the defensive stance, is generally the sturdier, but it's also harder to move from quickly. You have to be in control to receive a pin. And what the Death Mask is a person who won't care about stepping toes so as to receive his due. The Death Mask's present moveset is largely designed with quick, snap maneuvers that could surprise opponents from unexpected angles and offer impact without using an exhaustive quantity of strength. Wrestling headgear is mostly utilized to reduce cauliflower ear brought on by repeat ear trauma. Facts, Fiction and Wrestling They get the itch they visit a different business and keep working. Your dog is only going to take note that this modest human is making him feel uncomfortable. The reason this is sensible to know about is mainly because you might find that yourself bored playing the identical game and having options would be wise so that you're able to alter the kind of game you're playing. Bubba finally receives a tag and downloads. I simply don't like that he constantly receives a shot. I don't understand how to demonstrate the respect I feel this man deserves, because certainly once you start to see a legend begin to deteriorate it's challenging to keep in mind the man he was. In addition, I hope not one of the regulars end it. Sasha pulls Becky from the ring. Then consider your wrestling shoes. Vital Pieces of Wrestling When that occurs, the wrestler wins the match. Again, victory is all but inevitable. There are a few great wrestlers at those weights, Cleary explained. Braun angry Big Dog not wish to have match. While Lesnar will be searching for revenge, there are a number of other clashes in the night to seek. A whole lot of wrestlers have a tendency to jump around to and from other promotions but The Undertaker proved to be a massive portion of WWE for his whole run there, 27 decades. The Divas can not merely kick but in the ring, but a lot of them can even manage different wrestlers and even run companies regarding the area of wrestling. Lets look at a number of the WWE roster. Where to Find Wrestling Have men and women in your community speak for your benefit. It is possible to also do a search for people in your region. Taking your child from the school environment to teach her at home is a substantial step, and one which shouldn't be taken without full consideration of the implications. I'm celebrating those who do. For the 69th consecutive calendar year, we hope you take pleasure in the action! When it has to do with chiropractic businesses, going to the one you like and enjoy heading to is crucial. What's more, you can want to get a less intense practice the evening prior to a significant competition so you're recovered and fresh to wrestle hard the following day. Deciding on what's most effective for you. We are constantly looking for volunteers to assist with the other districts. Ok, I Think I Understand Wrestling, Now Tell Me About Wrestling! As an investor, you wish to purchase stocks with the maximum probability of succeeding. Absolutely, price of admission is totally well worth it. It was a means to hedge his bets, the quickest way to get to the top. It doesn't matter the apathy both of these candidates are satisfied with. 1 important element is to be certain your child regularly mixes with different children. The individual was turned over to the right authorities.
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driscollroman3-blog · 5 years
Participate in! 0.30 For Android.
If you wish to play traditional games and also experience your preferred activities coming from various other platforms straight on your Android, Delighted Girl is actually the greatest choice accessible. Right here is actually a rapid check out exactly what you should know about the Results Sanctuary application that places you accountable from an After effects Vault and also delivers even more enthusiasm for the After effects 4 release eventually this year. Around http://www.choisissanteblog.fr/caviar-lift-prix-critiques-effets-acheter-sur-le-site-web-du-fabricant-ou-a-sa-pharmacie/ can link, as well, or you could set up a pass-and-play video game if you merely possess one phone or tablet computer useful. In the lead‑up to the replay on Wednesday evening Guardiola was actually asked if he may enlist a brand new goalkeeper in the next transmission window. Unlike a considerable amount of the various other games noted where you all must start together or even something. Despite being actually the follow up to a prequel regarding the young life of the Lara Croft, this still thinks that a Burial place Looter game that has actually matured. The reboot which observed an endure brand new direction for the franchise seemed a great deal of the moment to become little much more than a little bit of lightweight Uncharted cosplay, but Surge is actually a far more achieved activity. This is actually the best game for a simple good time, yet you could swiftly receive pulled into hours from auto racing without even noticing, mostly because the loops, sweeping barrel-rolls and also ridiculous jumps are so entirely enjoyable. Loosely adhering to a salaryman that imagines locating jewel, Takeshi's Obstacle serves up an Activity Over for innocuous blunders" like certainly not quitting the character's task, cannot separation his partner, or otherwise reaching the right people. You could additionally take hold of the initial Pac-Man, yet that's just accessible as a free-to-play video game currently; our team 'd rather pop in the $4 from the start and also appreciate Ms. Pac-Man without limitations. While that does have a little bit much more center as well as focus than a number of the various other video games within this slideshow, that's still laid-back sufficient to create the checklist. His activity Codex Bash has up to 4 players untangling a code and then playing around an area trying to hit the right symbolic representation switches in the right purchase, before their enemies perform. His upcoming project features wearable buttons, switching individuals right into strolling video game operators. While The Kerbal Area Program could really have you (or at the very least those bad doomed Kerbals) to the moon, To The Moon is an activity concerning desire satisfaction, and prospers on story. After a few instants the Xbox video game you really want deleted should not be installed any type of longer. And this removal is evident in Gibb's storytelling: the language in this particular is Happy is actually practical and thin - also when she's relating incredibly painful memories; even when recollecting suicide efforts - and while now and then there is actually a beautiful or insightful turn-of-phrase, I believe that the spare foreign language provides Gibb effectively; our company are actually shown the facts, yet without pretentious writing, our experts are certainly not welcomed to cooperate the ache. They leave the video game and also flail around helplessly, uncovering that the outdoors post-apocalyptic world is actually also worse than permanently being the computer game baddies. For a 3DS slot this is an exceptionally feature abundant video game that possesses a lot to deliver players going to push their creativity. Celebrity Wars: The Force Unleashed II is a third-person action-adventure headline which possesses players have control of a duplicate of Starkiller, the anti-hero lead character from the authentic Force Discharged activity. Happy face is a young boy that is undergoing problems in life as well as encounters all of them through using a mask. Lego Marvel (FRAMEWORK Streaming) takes the Wonder Comic books world and also places it into an exciting action game. Monroe sang her model from pleased birthday in her trademark hues facing 15,000 guests at an Autonomous fundraiser at The big apple's Madison Square Yard. The NES Standard Mini happen pre-loaded with 30 timeless NES games featuring Super Mario Bros and also Donkey Kong Jr. Because of its own pre-installed games, when your giftee opens this on X-mas morning they could connect this right into their TELEVISION and begin playing instantly. The video game is actually an excellent option for smaller sized kids that might yearn for some monitor opportunity however typically aren't ready for a more intricate adventure. In the stepping in years, Illiger has actually remained to update the game and also keep, and it's stays a precious favourite for its own attractive environment and efficient gameplay - a very early example from ways to create a mobile phone video game ideal. Retina-searing fine art design aside, the video game believes that a slam-dunk for any type of follower from timeless platformers. One of our favored components of PlayStation Virtual Reality is actually merely how many other categories of games this has. Arranging birthday party notification is effortless: select the 'Write Information' tab and also you will be rerouted to a page where you may write your birthday celebration notifications. This's clear you'll never find Nintendo activities on iOS, yet PicoPicoGames is actually the second best point: a collection of tiny, addicting NES-like minigames. All your interactions with this game are actually with clicking and also dragging, so this works merely great on a Chromebook. Fantastic Britain get in a staff for the video games which is made up from sportsmens from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland but throughout guide it is mentioning the England volleyball crew as well as other such rubbish. Directing cabling in the real world provides madness, and so this might not be actually the most intelligent operation making in to an activity played on an unit with a glass display. This's certainly not just what I expected from an author that formulated the rather one-of-a-kind suggestion of the NPCs in computer game being actually active as well as real individuals embeded storage tanks from goo. There were actually absolutely no happy individuals within this publication apart from one, as well as they placed him in a psychological establishment. The small grab is actually a hexagon sits at the top, and also the 2nd this comes under deep space, your game mores than. By comparison, in a problem game time works like an egg cooking timer: fracture a degree just before your patience ends and the timer is flipped; your store of persistence is renewed. Enjoying popular music demands that individuals open up the media gamer or Groove Music application and also pop this sideways from their monitor along with their game. The Hunger Games is high quality YA, smartly created, and also despite its own imperfections this's worthy of effectiveness. This brings in the listing due to the fact that is one of the best addicting and also straightforward games you'll obtain your practical. I kept viewing The Despising Activity on my Twitter, Instagram, and also Goodreads timetable as well as because that is actually been actually collecting higher scores, certainly my inquisitiveness was piqued. Does Not Commute is actually a clever activity that incorporates driving and challenge aspects to offer you along with a suspenseful as well as unique experience. I specifically suched as the opening stock, which provided a concrete capability test surrounding activities like deciding on a word that ought to be actually gotten rid of off a paragraph or testing your callback after reviewing an extract. Quite potentially the most effective LEGO video game to date, LEGO Superstar Wars: The Pressure Awakens is a certain breath of clean Hoth air for the stagnating flick franchise-turned-LEGO game formula.
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adrenalineguide · 6 years
Volkswagen’s Golf GTI Autobahn and Kia’s Stinger GT Limited: Bringing fun back into driving
 Text and Photos by Michael Hozjan
Whether you like it or not summer is over and with it comes the fall driving season. A time of year usually reserved for amateur car rallies, a last look at a vintage car show in New England, apple picking with some wine tasting in the townships, and of course leaf peeping in the Laurentians.  I usually save this time of year to bring you a roadster or two but this year I’ve had so much fun with the two sedans featured here that I just had to include them as best picks for hitting autumn’s open road. Oh and of course you can bring another couple along for the fun.
 Volkswagen Golf GTI Autobahn: the original hot hatch offers more than performance.
Every once in a while I come across a car that fits me like the proverbial glove, a vehicle that just feels right. Volkswagen’s Golf GTI is one such vehicle.  The original hot hatch instills sporty performance, comfort and practicality but there are a number of features that separates it from other hot hatches, first and foremost is its overall feel. It’s quality personified, German engineering at a bargain price. Plant your butt in the Recaro buckets and your thighs and ribs are cradled in a way few other cars in this price range… and for that matter many pricier cars do.  The thick leather steering wheel feels like you’re in control long before you even turn the ignition on.
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The GTI takes the practicality and roominess of the Golf, tosses out the 1.8L four cylinder and replaces it with a 220 horsepower 2.0L turbocharged four cylinder, ten more than last year. Even better, it pumps out a whopping 258 lb-ft of torque that peaks at a low 1500 rpm so, yes it sends you back in the seat. Cosmetically the GTI adds a more aggressive front fascia in keeping with its persona that is highlighted by its trademark red stripe on the grille, and dual exhaust. If you miss the GTI badging, red brake calipers easily set it apart from the run of the mill Golf. 
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Two trim levels are offered starting with the base GTI at a very reasonable $30,595 equipped with a 6-speed manual transmission and the trademark plaid seating. The upscale Autobahn starts at $35,895 My Autobahn came with the same plaid seating (thankfully) which is a no cost option over the standard leather units, and the 6-speed automatic DSG. More on this $1400 option later.
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 The Autobahn package replaces the base car’s 17 inch tire/wheel combo with 18 inch units, an 8.0”high rez touchscreen to support the nav, cd player and other infotainment paraphernalia that we’ve come to expect from today’s rides. It is one of the most user- friendly multimedia systems on the market. Take note Honda. An 8-speaker Fender Premium Audio System with a subwoofer is included for those times you want to listen to your favorite songs instead of the sweet melody of the powerplant. Additionally, the Autobahn buyer gets LED headlights with adaptive front lights that steer into the turn as well as a panoramic sunroof.  My tester also came with the $1750 Driver Assistance Package that includes adaptive cruise, blind spot and rear traffic alert, autonomous emergency braking with pedestrian detection and park assist. 
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Aside from the usual audio adjustments, nav controls, the infotainment screen also lets you know how much boost the turbo is churning out and even how many g’s you’re pulling on acceleration or in a corner. OK that last one may be a little mickey-mouse.
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Rear seat passengers will profit from the straight roof with ample headroom and there’s enough (22.8 cu.ft.) luggage space with the rear seats up to carry a weekend’s worth of luggage for four to your destination and 53 cubic feet with the rear bench folded. And getting to the destination is what the GTI excels in.
On the road
Now in its seventh generation, the refinements just keep coming. Drivers will appreciate the larger brakes pirated from the Golf R parts bin. I didn’t experience any brake fade through my trip in the back roads of Quebec’s Laurentians and managed to scare the heck out of a Boxster driver, that ‘s how flat this car handles. If there was a weak link, it was the all-season rubber more tuned for a family sedan than a performance car.
The 6-speed dual clutch DSG automatic is a wonderful piece of engineering with launch control that will propel you down the road faster than any manual transmission, no matter how quick your shifting skills. There’s also the ability to go through the gears manually on the steering column mounted paddles. The GTI also features four driving modes, Eco, normal, sport and custom. Switch modes and both throttle and steering input response changes. I question however why the Eco mode, which lessens throttle response to the point of blandness, and makes the steering too light, why VW would include it in a car known for performance. Besides I still managed average 7L/100km even with my spirited drives.  
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Electronically controlled limited slip differential helps you around the essess making an already great handler that much better.
But don’t think that for a moment the car’s performance suspension jars your spine. Even in Sport mode the GTI’s ride is comfortable, soaking up all but the biggest road imperfections.  
Not all is perfect
Sadly, not all is perfect in the Land of Oz, and neither is the GTI. The sunroof in my tester had an annoying squeak and the DSG (Direct-Shift Gearbox), as good as it is, would shut the engine off at red lights. Forcing me to restart the car manually as the stop/start feature deactivated. Volkswagen is already thinking of dropping the DSG trans because of complaints of hesitation when the light turns green – something I discovered is remedied by leaving it in manual mode. Lastly the tire pressure monitoring system kicked in with an erroneous low tire warning – a common ailment.
The verdict
Tough choice between the base car and the Autobahn, but having spent a week with the Autobahn, I would have to opt for the upscale model and forego the $1400 DSG. Regular readers know I’m biased towards manuals and with a car that’s as communicative as the GTI, the manual would just be that much more seductive.
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The Golf offers mature styling, combing luxury, performance and agile handling like no other hot hatch. No wonder it has such a big following. Oh and while your spouse might say no way to many performance vehicles, the GTI may just be the wolf in sheep’s clothing to get you to live your dream. 
Price as tested: $39,045*  
Still not enough power? There’s always the 292 horsepower all-wheel-drive Golf R…. it’s only money.
* Dealer prep and destination fees not included
 Kia Stinger GT Limited: Kia’s big gamble brings big smiles
Suddenly the purveyor of sensible, economical, compact sedans and SUVs, Kia, has gone ape sh…oops, stir crazy and released a sedan that goes against everything it’s been known for and in the process released a performance sedan that I haven’t had this much fun with since my first time behind the steering wheel of Porsche’s Panamera. Ya, it’s that good.
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Like the GTI, you just want to drive this car. Forget about the available 255 hp, 2.0L turbocharged four cylinder available in the base GT Line, the 3.3L twin turbo V6 mill is what your soul wants.
You might laugh when I tell you that the Stinger is touted as Korea’s answer to BMW’s 3-Series, but stay tuned and you’ll see why it’s not that insane of a claim. Penned by the same man that designed the Audi TT and the ’97 VW Golf, Peter Schreyer, the Stinger brings Teutonic design and engineering to the masses at affordable prices.
While the Stinger is available in either rear or all-wheel-drive elsewhere in the world, we Canucks only get the all-wheel-drive version. Available in three different trim levels beginning with the base GT Line which other than the 2.0L four includes Kia’s usual array of more bang for your buck - like leather seating, 18” wheels, 7” infotainment screen and a wireless phone charger for the paltry sum of $41, 895.  Next up the corporate ladder is the GT adding the deliciously quick 3.3L GDI twin turbo V6, Brembo brakes, 19”Michelin performance rubber, dynamic stability control and a full-width sunroof.  The GT Limited adds premium Nappa leather seating, heads up display, a 15-speaker Harman Kardon sound system, eight-inch infotainment screen with multimedia interface and nav.
Schreyer has moved up the ranks in Kia from designer to president. It’s easy to say that the Stinger is his baby and you can see his signature touches in things like the flat bottom steering wheel.
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The end result is an edgy four-door grand touring sedan yet mature enough not to be mistaken for something out of a video game. There’s not a bad angle to the car but my personal favorite has to be the three quarter rear view, an angle that most other drivers will see. Schreyer’s design successfully combines luxury touches with sporty and stylish accents. Incorporating a high opening hatch to the family sedan eases access to the 23.3 cu.ft of cargo space in what otherwise would have been a miniscule trunk opening.  
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Sit in the cockpit and you’re surrounded by metal, leather, plastic, but it all works. Schreyer’s love of airplanes is evident with the round aviation style vents on the dash and aluminum accents. Like the Sorento I reported on a couple of months ago, the Stinger’s interior is slick. The tilt and telescopic heated steering wheel has a memory feature found in pricier cars.
Luxury accouterments include air-cooled/heated Nappa leather front seats, heated rear seats, wireless cell charging, 360 degree camera system, as well as the usual gamut of items we find in today’s cars like lane keep, Android Auto/Apple CarPlay. The Stinger has the largest front seat passenger legroom I’ve seen in a very long time – think limo rear seat. Even with the front buckets pushed all the way back, the back seat still offers the adults in the back ample legroom but headroom is tight.
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The open road
We’re talking autumn drives and the Kia surprises and feeds every sense of the driving experience. Schreyer saw a vision for Kia and he brought in ex BMW M Division boss, Albert Biermann to perform his magic on the Stinger.
Mr. Biermann’s input can be seen in the adrenaline inducing performance goodies which include items that are familiar to the Bavarian marque, like big Brembo brakes, 225/40R19 Michelin performance rubber and hi-performance shocks. The Stinger GT is the company’s first car to feature a continuously adaptive suspension system.
Yes we’re not getting the rear-wheel drive car but the good news is that this all-wheel-driver is rear-wheel drive biased so you can still toss the rear out, but the awd system will kick in and transfer up to 50% of the available torque to the front wheels when the need arises, so it’ll keep you out of trouble and make you look good in front of your friends.
The 8-speed automatic (with paddle shifters mounted on the steering wheel) is one of the smoothest quick shifting trannys going. Whether your climbing a steep grade, coming down the same grade, exiting the highway or accelerating to pass a slow semi, this tranny doesn’t miss a beat.
Set the launch control and the 376 lb-ft of torque will rocket you from zero to 100km just shy of 5 seconds, that’s faster than the V6 Porsche Panamera and the heads up display will keep you informed without taking your eyes off the road. Like the GTI, the Stinger’s Sport mode offers quick acceleration and crisp handling while not sacrificing anything in terms of cabin comfort. Steering is nicely weighted and the car has a nearly 50/50 weight balance thanks to the bulk of V6 being mounted longtitudely aft of the front axle.
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This thing feels like a much smaller car, its agile, crisp and light on its feet. It corners flat and takes everything that you can throw at it and comes back for more.  Oh the large scoops flanking the grille and the vents behind the front wheels aren’t cosmetic, they’re open to let fresh air in and hot air to cool the big Brembos and keep fade to a minimum, not that I experienced any on my road trips.
The verdict
Affordable performance sedan isn’t an oxymoron any more. Kia has successfully managed to bring us German engineering and upped the ante for other manufacturers to give us affordable performance sedans. The affordability doesn’t end at the dealer; my fuel bill showed I averaged a very impressive 9.0L/100km with mostly highway travel.
Kia is gambling a lot on getting enthusiasts to take them as a serious performance/grand touring car company. The Stinger has won accolades from around the globe and rightfully so. Those of you who are still skeptics need only remember that it wasn’t too long ago that we never thought Toyota or Honda would be in the luxury car business going up against the likes of Mercedes. Stopping at the local shopping mall I was mauled by twenty something’s who wanted a closer look at the car.
“There’s a guy with a white one that works down the street and I saw another red yesterday.” It seems the younger generation is open minded to a Kia performance sedan and I’d be proud to have the Stinger in my driveway.  
If you’re looking for driving excitement and have been visiting Acura, Audi, Lexus and Porsche dealerships, do yourself and your family a favor and run don’t walk to you Kia dealership. Oh and did I mention the …warranty.  
Go ahead and book that weekend getaway in the Presidential Mountains of New England, you’ve got a great excuse to go.
Price as tested: $51,855*
*Includes freight, colour charge, and A/C tax
Oh and if you bring the kiddies to school, you’ll be the coolest mom and dad in the world pulling up in either of these rides.
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ragnarssons · 6 years
the 100 ask game
I was tagged by @nightbleeder ty <3 (even tho half of the fandom won’t like my answers, yikes)  1. What would you get arrested for on the Ark? as the things were on s1? Probably punching Kane in the face just for being around... or probably stealing some supplies for people I care about. Or murder, because sometimes the urge is strong, it has to be even worse on a very limited space like the ark. 2. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground? ehhhh uuuuh, no, especially not with Bellamy’s ways of doing things at the time. Yeah, when Bellamy started to forbid people from eating unless they take their wristband off, is the only time I sided with Finn... 3. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh..) a fist in his face? Idk, Finn would have never made me a necklace because I wouldn’t have liked him at all to begin with. But if it has to come to that, maybe a tree leaf or something that simple. 4. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be? *big breath* SINCLAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR 5. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they? Bellamy “eyes sharp” Blarke, Clarke doctor Griffin, Monty, Roan (because broanlarke and also their mission was badass), and Raven “it won’t survive me” Reyes. I have guns, swords, brains, abs, technology, and medical support. 6. Minty or Briller? Briller. I’m actually looking forward to see what they did with Jackson and Miller tbh.... 7. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? (example: Octavia=Okteivia…just make it up!) ehhh, Mari? Yeah kinda like Madi, cool. 8. Thoughts on Finn? Some people hate him, and others love him, so I’m curious  Who? Listen, I didn’t hate him at first, when I started the show. To me watching the first eps, it was THAT simple, Bellamy was the “bad guy” and Finn was “the good guy” the storyline sides with every time. And Clarke and him are the “rightful couple”. But delving into the show it gets more complicated and even tho I shipped Bellarke and Bellamy was by far my fav over Finn, I was “mehhh” with Finn. I didn’t care about his ass tbh. When he died I didn’t care. And then I rewatched the show. And I re-rewatched it. And re-re-rewatched it. And I HATE Finn. There is no more self-righteous character (except Octagon), and yet he’s the most basic douchebag you could ever put on a tv show. He’s lying, he’s cheating people, yet for a long while (5 episodes is still a long while) the narrative makes us want to be like “yeahh Finn ur so gooood”. And when there actually is the “love triangle” he goes all weak ass about it, being “sorry” and yet doing NOTHING to atone for what he did. He sleeps with Raven while it’s SOOO OBVIOUS that she’s just fucking him because she’s desperate and sad and just running away from things. SERIOUSLY? You don’t love her, she loves you, but you sleep with her??? And the way both Raven and Clarke had to be the “bigger person” for his sorry ass. I’m glad they worked things through and got an awesome relationship even tho he was here, with his “sad puppy eyes” dumb face. And the way he’s stalking Clarke wherever she goes, questioning and criticizing all her decisions. AND when on Unity Day he put CLARKE’S ass in danger, then went all “youuu should have truuusted meeee” when Clarke got her ass saved by Bellamy, BECAUSE his idea was dumb to begin with (and also because he kinda “forced” her hand to speak with the Grounders while she NEVER wanted to do that in the first place... why didn’t he go himself ehhh if he’s sooo smart? And after that he acted all schocked because the Grounders came with weapons - DUUUUUH). Do I hate Finn enough here?  9. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does? Not. I’ve known really hard times, but never in my life I have thought about “turning my feelings/pain off” in a superficial way. And idk, kinda knowing it’s some kind of computer thingy (do they know?) “taking control” over you, ehhh no. I don’t do drugs. 10. What character do you relate to most & What character do you like the least not including the obvious ones like Pike, etc… I relate to Bellamy the most. Idk, yeah I don’t have a little sister who was my duty for all my life. But on a larger spec, I’d do most of the things he did. I know I’d kill only if it were necessary and I know I wouldn’t be able to live with it and trying to atone for it. I know that I’m true and impetuous and impredictable like Bellamy.  And the ones I relate with the least are Octagon and Mur.hy (let’s not tag him because heeee). 11. Describe your delinquent outfit. (Would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey red shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles? Be creative, yet practical) I’d be a basic bitch. With Clarke’s good earth cleavage because I can rock it too.  12. Favorite type of mutant animal? I loved the idea of the deer (also on s1 Lincoln actually has a “mutant horse”). I think Pauna is ridiculous, tho. I’d like to see more of these, on the other hand. 13. What would your job be on the Ark? Janitor? 14. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked? I think so. I know that when my adrenaline kicks in, I am able to push back a lot of my discomforts. Even tho I HATEEEEEEEEE everything related to surgery and stuff like that. To save Clarke, I would have, yeahhh... 15. If Lxa wasn’t Heda, but she’s still alive right? then who would make the best commander? No one? Idk just destroy this autocratic way of ruling. Wells would have been a good leader *side eyes*. Idk at least the Chancellor is elected, but I really disagree with the whole Grounders’ politics soooo I really don’t care about all this. 16. If you were a grounder, then where would you live and who would be your mentor? I’d love my mentor to be Lincoln. And ummm as for the clan ummm, I don’t care?? Trishanakru? The butterflies are nice, you know. 17. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty? Monty. I too want to give the Earth a giant hug. 18. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy approach or Bellamy Blake? I would have given her some therapy cuz I don’t know why Wells had to die because she was seeing Jaha in her nightmares. Like?? Logic?? Where are you?? I really don’t know what I would have done but certainly NOT what they did to Murphy but also NOT what he would have done himself had he caught Charlotte (or what he did through the episode). Banishment seemed like a good idea, but she’s still a kid. Gosh I have no idea.  19. Who should be the Chancellor, if anyone? Someone from the lower ranks on the Ark. Like Sinclair? Given his relationships to a lot of characters, he would have been a good Chancellor, yeh. Or Ginger Dad. 20. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s Ipod)What is the one thing you would snatch while there? Dante’s art collection. 21. Do you think you’d have caught the virus spread through camp or would you have been immune like Oct.via? Since my headcanon is that the virus was like “a moral compass” (since only the good characters got it), I’d say that I wouldn’t be immune. (I’ll never buy this bs saying that Octagon and Finn are “the strong ones” LMAO) 22. What would your grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint? type Aloy on Google and that’s it. Aloy is bae. I also loved Lxa’s back tattoo tbh. And no war paint (idk all of these, on the show, are ridiculous). 23. Favorite quote? “For all its faults, Earth is really beautiful” also “We save who we can save today”. I also love the Traveler’s Prayer.  24. Can you forgive Mur.hy for his actions? How about Bellamy? About Mur/hy it’s gonna be a big NO. Like, sorry, I still have zero empathy for this character. People call him “complex”, to me, he hasn’t changed ever since the beginning of the show (he literally abandoned his “buddy” Bellamy on 401 like ehhh??). And the way he’s so judgy and “sassy” while he’d morally have ZERO right to be. I think the fandom works way more to make me dislike him, how everyone integrated the fact that he’s a bs human being and act like it’s normal and it’s a reason to like/love him. Bellamy has changed a lot from s1 to s4, I’ve never seen him NOT atone or try to do better after his screw-ups. That’s the main difference to me. Starting as a certain person, distrusting the others, okay, it’s one thing. Never buging from that? Nop. Several characters showed a lot of care for Mur.hy and he never did (apart from the very last moments of 413 so who knows, maybe coming from that, my PoV will change, but from s1 to s4 my PoV never changed on him). I honestly like the idea of the show integrating a character like this in the story, it’s “different”, yes. It’s just not characters I like and/or relate to. I also feel like the writers don’t (didn’t? until now) know how to put him in a narrative close to the people he could evolve with (because they... didn’t want him to evolve?). He was just alone on lots of times, aaand very often, sadly for him, related to SLs I didn’t like (Polis, Jaha’s quest, the mansion and all). I don’t like the “in it only for myself” kinds of characters. (if it can help, I also disliked both Bellamy and Kane when they seemed to be “just that” as well... but they evolved). 25. If one of the characters was in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning? NOOOOO ALREADY SO MUCH DEATH NOOOO One of the Grounders most likely. And unless it would be Lincoln then I wouldn’t care. 26. Least favorite ship? Favorite ship? NOT INCLUDING CL OR BC anything including Octagon. Also anything including Finn. My favorite ship is Bellarke and I ain’t gonna bend the truth *shrugs* I care very little about any other ships on here lmao (except Monty and Harper, they have my thumbs up).  27. A song that should be included in the next season, like when Radioactive was? If there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo? Some Olafur Arnalds, let’s suffer. 28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murp.y for all that time? Honestly? All the data he had about the past in that thing? I would have watched it all. (or did it have only the one video with ALIE and Becca? I don’t remember) 29. Opinion on Emori? Roan? I loved Roan when he was an ally, but I do think he had a manipulative side that he played on Clarke a lot. I think he could have had way more potential than what they did with him. As for Emori... I like her, I’m glad she’s still alive as in, I hope they’ll delve into her more to make me like her more. Because I liked how she started to develop a “care” for Clarke and the others after ep408. Before that, I also didn’t like her, the “Bonnie and Clyde” thing she had with Murp.y didn’t interest me. 30. Would you want to be an extra that is killed off in a brutal way? Eh, yeah why not. 31. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of? MONTY, I mean? Why did he never get flashbacks?? Also Harper, Miller, Jackson, idk the Sky People ya kno.  32. A character you’d bang? Look, “Satisfied Girl” and Bree are my girls goal. @head-and-heart @bellamynochillblake @bellsbeard @captainheroism @grumpybell @bellamyslaugh @perhalta @bobnorley @foolish-nymeria ehhh if anyone else wants to do it, let’s go!
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edwinerez-blog · 5 years
One Beast test
One Beast test Review
It's a reality – reduced elements of testosterone in the body of a man can without a doubt aggravate his physical enhancement. If you miss the mark on the essentialness and stamina, there is something you need to do to gain tirelessness and sexual power. Low testosterone levels can be a clarification behind low sex drive and poor execution. Other than making your life euphoric in bed, an extended element of testosterone in the body urges you to practice harder in the rec focus without feeling depleted or depleted. Regardless, the request is what ought to be conceivable to bolsters the testosterone level unequivocally? Make an effort not to push, I have a perfect game plan, called One Beast test . This is an incomprehensible game plan that fabricates the free testosterone levels in the body and makes you more solid and eager. With a guide of this improvement, one can without a doubt look and feel their best without putting extra endeavor. The condition promises you extended mass and advances toward growing your continuation level. It ensures, and also fulfills your hankering of having a solid and lean physical make-up in a submitted day and age. The best part is that it right away start to work and supports you experience the best results in the speediest time possible. I am before long especially happy to use such an extraordinary testosterone boosting supplement that extended an amazing nature and helped me lead a sound lifestyle. Determinedly recommended by the wellbeing masters and without a doubt comprehended specialists, this is a champion among the most detectable course of action that one can trust and get the best results in the most typical way. In view of this brilliant course of action, I directly have a body to fail miserably for and can without a lot of a stretch perform at the apex. Furthermore, I believe that if an answer can wear down my body (as not everything suit me), it can work for anyone. Permits just push ahead and wind up familiar with about this dietary improvement in detail. Keep examining…
What One Beast test Is All About?
Building a fit and tore body is what each man needs the most, and with this improvement, you can secure the comparable. This is an extraordinary testosterone boosting course of action that is made unequivocally to empower you to get the pined for results. It moves toward giving you the anomalous condition of imperativeness to empower you to perform longer in the activity focus, and enhances your general look. Contains simply trademark fixings, the improvement gets melted successfully in the body and causes you see staggering results as quick as could be normal considering the present situation. By making use of this upgrade, one can devour the extra fat from the body, assembles your imperativeness levels and furthermore intensify your execution. The formula makes you capable to lift heavier weight that will give you ordinarily tore body in an ensured day and age. Thusly, don't misuse your time in considering, endeavor it now!
Look at the Ingredients:
What makes One Beast test all the more amazing and supportive is its surprising fixings. Tribulus Terrestris is one of the key blends in this improvement and moreover the principle FDA supported settling that is exhibited to construct the age of testosterone level in the body. The course of action contains authorized, restrictive blend of simply customary fixings that has been shown to manufacture the normal metabolic rate of the body. Besides, all of these fixings are to an incredible degree safe to use and ensures certified results.
Working of One Beast test:
The improvement devours off the extra fat from the body by extending your assimilation level, with the objective that you can without a lot of a stretch frame a slim and scratched constitution. This course of action works effortlessly to change your weak and dull body into a solid and stimulating one. It works in the most trademark way and supports you perform at the zenith. The thing is intended to help the testosterone levels in your body regularly that revives the improvement of your muscles and promises you a fit, hard and hot body. It in like manner expends the undesired fat cells around your waist and influences your additional layers to vanish to procure that typically tore body. With the help of this upgrade, you can fuel your body with a lot of essentialness, can without quite a bit of a stretch lift heavier weights and can get intensified activities and execution as well.
Beside this, the game plan endeavors to construct your execution level while boosting your essentialness and quality. The thing constructs your tirelessness level with the objective that you can practice harder in the rec focus that will lead you towards a strong and happy life. By making usage of this upgrade, you can achieve a thin mass, perfectly adapted body and a bewildering execution level. Endeavor it now and be set up for the change.
How to Use?
Using One Beast test is completely protected to use. Every compartment of this thing contains 60 cases, which is definitely not hard to swallow and starts working in the body rapidly. You have to use its recommended bit as referenced on its thing name or acknowledge it as provoked by your wellbeing experts for complete outcomes. Use it with a full glass of water without missing a single day that will benefit you a ton. With its standard usage, one can without quite a bit of a stretch re-plan their body inside 30 days. Thusly, hurry up, start with this now!
Lift Your Results
With the help of One Beast test , one can without a doubt get the chance to see unquestionable results inside a submitted day and age without truly putting any extra undertakings. In any case, shouldn't something be said about boosting your general results? If you too need to get helped results, nearby using the thing, recorded are the centers that you should seek after and be set up for the results. Explore:
Do normal activities
Limit your alcohol use
Is One Beast test Safe to Use?
Clearly yes! There are no responses of using One Beast test as it is free from harmful synthetics and included added substances, thusly, to an extraordinary degree safe to use. The thing empowers you get the best testosterone boosting results that promises you certified and trustworthy results. Other than this, it is prescribed to guide your wellbeing expert before starting to use the formula for security concern.
Things to Keep in Mind
Store it in a cool, dry place
Insight your wellbeing expert before using
Keep it a long way from adolescents
Make an effort not to recognize the container if the seal is broken
Do whatever it takes not to outperform the recommended part
In case you are on other medication, avoid using
My Own Experience!
One Beast test is uncommon contrasted with different improvements that I have used to extend the testosterone levels in my body. Earlier, I was exceptionally chafed with the low 'T' in my body that made me feel grievous, and also on a skirt to annihilate my relationship with my significant other. To discard the equal, I endeavored various improvements, yet nothing worked for me that made me astounded. Regardless, by virtue of this amazing course of action, I got the perfect results, and that too in a submitted time assignment. This improvement helped me put more vitality in the rec focus working out and performing diverse exercises without feeling depleted or dull. The effect of this course of action was inconceivable to the point that I feel dynamic and stunning for the term of the day. Using this condition was the best decision of my life that I will an incentive for long. I further exceedingly endorse this upgrade to all of the people who need to look strong, feel exuberant and perform to the apex level. Essentially put everything on hold people, it truly works!
Causes you advance toward getting to be tore now
Includes simply trademark fixings
Lifts your a lot of essentialness
Abatements muscle versus fat effortlessly
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Recommended by the wellbeing authorities
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Enhances sex drive and charm
0 notes
jesusvasser · 6 years
Prototype Drive: 2019 BMW 3 Series Sedan
NÜRBURG, Germany – Our heroes are exhausted, hot exhausts crackling like tiny fireworks, dust-coated brakes emitting the aroma of hard use. Four pre-production examples of the next-generation 2019 BMW 3 Series, codenamed G20, are lined up in the M division’s Nürburgring workshop, ready for fuel, clean windshields, and adjustments to their tire pressures. Here and there beneath the track-marred camouflage vinyl, the body color shines through—its soft disguise no longer leaving much to the imagination.
Peter Langen, a BMW veteran in charge of suspension development, gives car No. 3 a friendly pat on the roof after its latest flogging. “The new 3 Series celebrates the evolution of driving pleasure,” Langen says. “After all, the new model is lighter and yet more rigid, more powerful as well as more efficient, puristic, and innovative. It is a notably more advanced piece of kit, but is still a BMW through and through.”
A half hour later I’m on my own in a BMW 330i prototype on the approach to the Nürburgring, free to play with every switch within reach of my fingertips. But I can’t lose sight of the rabbit in front of me—Jos van As, BMW’s chief engineer of driving dynamics, part-time racer, and one of the quickest men in the pool of BMW pros. Van As knows the ’Ring from experience. I know it primarily from the video games nicked from my sons. My heart’s beating out of my chest as we bypass the entrance to the grand prix circuit and dive in tandem toward Hatzenbach, attempting to build up grip and self-confidence early.
“Everything okay?” Van As asks over the radio. “Everything okay,” comes my response. What feels to me like the final qualifying lap for the next 24-hour race is probably is no more than an easy eight tenths to someone like van As. All I know is we’re going very fast, and the 2019 3 Series is fantastically stable even through spots where the Fast and Furious joystick jockeys would regularly end up in the ditch. The new 3 sedan sticks to the tarmac like the proof of origin labels on fresh fruit and puts the power down in a progressive, fuss-free manner. It refrains from exaggerated body motions, dives through dips with magnetic stoicism, and flies over crests like a fighter jet practicing touch-and-gos.
Its buttoned-down behavior is somewhat surprising given the new 3 Series lacks such high-tech ingredients as air suspension, active anti-roll bars, and rear-wheel steering. In fact, the base version comes with a passive suspension that trades sportiness for relaxation. The optional sport suspension is quite a bit tauter and commensurately more agitated over the rough stuff. If our play-day on the Nürburgring was anything to go by, your best bet is probably the Adaptive Drive dynamic suspension, which spreads its talents over a wider range than the current system. The familiar driving dynamics control switch invites you to choose between Comfort, Sport, Sport Plus, Individual, and Eco Pro.
On the long, full-throttle uphill section between Bergwerk and Klostertal, a little more grunt wouldn’t hurt. Despite an increase of power and torque to roughly 260 hp and 295 lb-ft for the 330i’s 2.0-liter turbo four—making it the most powerful BMW four cylinder ever—it still lacks the some of the force of BMW’s 3.0-liter six. On the plus side, the engine revs happily, tip-in is super-brisk and tip-out is nicely laid back. BMW says fuel economy for the 2019 3 Series will be marginally improved thanks in part an overall weight reduction of as much as 121 lb and in spite of the addition of an artery-blocking exhaust particulate filter. Acceleration to 60 should happen one or two tenths quicker than the outgoing 330i, though top speed is again restricted to 155 mph.
At Hohe Acht, a lap of the ’Ring enters its most challenging phase. From here on, every move must be spot-on: braking point, turn-in, line, gear, throttle. Some corners invite you to clip the apex, others for a wider radius. With the exception of occasional gravel traps, the runoff areas are strips of grass lined with triple-stacked Armco barriers. During lap two, the tires begin to feel the heat. They still hang on, but the grip is a little soapier now, more lock is required for the same effect, understeer becomes more prominent, and pushing the extra-wide rears past the DSC’s happy zone takes less and less effort. Still not enough drama? Summon the DSC sport handling mode and brace yourself for a family-sized helping of lift-off or power-on oversteer.
Unlike the 5 Series, the 3 Series still uses the trademark strut-type front suspension. A disadvantage? Not in this case. “Mechanically, this is a totally honest piece of kit,” says Langen. One particularly interesting feature is BMW’s new progressive damping system, which is making its debut on the 3 Series. BMW says it helps the car strike a more precise balance between sport feel and ride comfort in large part by deploying lift controlled as opposed to electronically controlled dampers. “Drive the car on public roads, and you will quickly get the gist of it,” says Langen. No sooner said than done. This time, van As straps himself into the passenger seat, puts on his sunglasses and gives me the thumbs up. The roads are narrow and winding, with poor sightlines and pocked surfaces. “A car that does well here does well everywhere,” says van As, grinning broadly.
As for how it looks under the camo, though the G20 3 Series is an evolutionary design, it’s a prettier car all round. The top edge of the kidney grille slants back onto the hood, the wider and slimmer headlights trade the trademark corona ring signature for LED hockey sticks, the more sculpted front bumper comes with three enlarged air intakes, and the sickle-shaped taillights are neatly integrated in the more muscular rear end. Since the 2019 3 Series will be available with just about every conceivable assistance system imaginable, there are plenty of dots, warts, and blobs giving away cameras and sensors.
The interior, on the other hand, has been redesigned from scratch. It’s hard to fall in love with the barely legible, over-styled instrumentation, but the three displays work quite well together. The center stack is more clearly structured, and the controls grouped around the shifter are easy to decipher. Those of you who love to zoom, scroll, and swipe, and who consider voice control the most failsafe man-machine interface will feel instantly at home in the new 3 Series—even if gesture control and semi-autonomous driving features are so far conspicuous by their absence.
After a brief coffee stop, we’re back on the road, having just switched from a six-speed manual equipped rear-drive model to a 330i xDrive with the eight-speed automatic. Thanks to its AWD setup the car runs on rails through the twisties, and the self-shifter feels quicker and more eager. Counterintuitively, working the paddles instead of the manual gear lever makes this variant a more involving drive. But after having tried three different gearbox and suspension configurations on two dramatically different terrains, we found it difficult to tell Sport apart from Sport Plus, to take into account the different tire formats, to properly assess Comfort versus Sport.
Van As exhibits a coolness that encourages me to inch the car closer and closer to the limit. Even when a change of tarmac triggers snap oversteer, when turn-in and front end grip are two or three tenths of a second apart, the Dutchman pairs pastoral calm with casual comments like, “Never lift. That’s it. Good man.” The man is fearless. Confidence grows from one corner to the next, trust follows suit, and together we explore new levels of lateral g-force and deceleration. Once more, it’s the steering that makes all the difference—especially in Sport, when the tactile blend of effort, weight, response, self-centering, and damping puts the road right into your hands. The suspension, too, works best in Sport because the extra firmness barely affects compliance, allowing the new 3 Series to remain quite supple and balanced. Having said that, the G20 is another BMW that doesn’t deal especially well with transverse ridges, sharp potholes, and deep longitudinal ruts. In terms of overall chassis-related systems integration, however, this could very well be the new king of B- and C-roads.
The final model I slip into is a 330i with the M Sport pack, an automatic transmission, and rear-wheel drive. Light-footed and feisty, this version is about 60 percent sedan and 40 percent sports car. Upon turn-in, the slightly stiffer steering meets a pleasantly subtle stabilizing counteraction, the initially wooden ride improves with speed, the dynamic weight distribution maintains a fine balance, and the chosen line rarely calls for corrections. The upgraded brakes included as part of the M Sport pack use four-piston front calipers, larger-diameter discs, and a fast-responding integrated booster with a more clearly defined trigger point. While pedal feel and response are nicely intuitive, the actual stopping power didn’t leave a lasting impression.
The deeper the route winds into the afternoon, the more mental notes gather in the back of my mind. Is the gap between Sport and Sport Plus big enough? Would Sport Plus not deserve harder and shorter upshifts? Why is there no switch to deactivate the irritatingly loud exhaust? Could the interaction between the diff lock and DSC be smoother and better-connected? Why is coasting only possible in Eco Pro and Comfort?
True, most of these issues are software-related and could be fixed before the car goes on sale early next year. And they’re trivialities compared to the big picture, which shows a new 3 Series that can be an easy-going cruiser or a beastly tarmac peeler that still seats five in no less comfort than its predecessor. Given what we’ve experienced thus far during a very challenging and enlightening day on and around the ’Ring, we can’t wait to get behind the wheel of what’s yet to come in the form of the M340i or, better still, the next M3.
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technewss15-blog · 7 years
NBA 2K18 Review – Making Another Run
Driven by fearless ambition and a willingness to push the boundaries of sports video games, Visual Concepts’ NBA 2K series has arguably been the most impressive sports franchise of the last two console generations. Its commitment to world-class visuals, sophisticated gameplay, and a breadth of compelling modes makes it a sales goliath year in and year out. NBA 2K18 follows in that grand tradition by further innovating on several fronts.
At first glance, not much has changed in the minute-to-minute basketball experience outside of another layer of sheen on the already gorgeous graphics, but the more time you spend chucking up threes and pounding the paint, the more the subtle gameplay changes rise to the surface. Chief among them is a reworked motion system that makes it easier to blow by defenders when you’re controlling an elite guard. Dribble moves still help open windows for drives to the basket, but speedy guards like Russell Westbrook can also take lesser defensemen right from the first dribble. Big men feel more powerful as well, easily backing down smaller defenders when screen switches create exploitable mismatches.
The new shot meter feedback system, which communicates how well you timed your release and how contested your shot was, is another welcome inclusion. I just wish it extended to lay-ups as well, because my slashing guard had an inexplicable amount of easy baskets clank off the rim. My timing must be off, but with no feedback system I have no way of correcting my release.
Other small tweaks improve play, like livelier loose balls and a new passing mechanism that lets you hold down the button to bypass a nearby teammate and target a shooter in the far corner. This five-star gameplay only has a few weaknesses. It’s still too easy to overcommit when guarding human players, and far too many clipping animations appear all over the court, from one-on-one situations above the key to slashing through defenders in the paint.
Over the last several years, 2K has expanded off-court activities in its popular MyCareer mode to include hangouts with NBA stars, fictitious characters, gym workouts, and the like. This year, Visual Concepts takes this progression to its inevitable conclusion with the introduction of The Neighborhood. This GTA-style urban social hub serves as the centerpiece for the entire mode. From this small city block, you can head to your NBA training facility for practice, visit the fitness center to improve your stamina, enter an arena for a Pro-Am game, or get next on the street courts of The Playground. On your way to these various activities, you can stop to shop at a various apparel stores, get inked at the tattoo parlor, or even get your hair cut and shoot the breeze at the barbershop – all of which cost VC, the in-game currency you earn through performances on the court.
This hub is a strong concept, but its execution leaves much to be desired. With only a handful of NPCs on site, the people-watching is limited to other MyPlayers, most of who are standing around like zombies on their phones. The inactivity gives The Neighborhood an unintended 28 Days Later feel; if the streets aren’t disquietingly barren, they are mildly populated with people standing around. The mode could use an injection of interesting NPCs to liven up the streets and more shortcuts for users to load into specific locations, which could help trim the dead time between activities.
Most years, the MyCareer mode is driven by the NBA experience and accompanying story mode. This year, 2K loosens up the format to let you optimize your experience. The game still tells a coming-of-age story about an NBA longshot, complete with 2K’s now-trademark annoying secondary characters, social interactions with pro players, and endorsement deals. But if you prefer the spirit of competition in the 5v5 Pro-Am or street games, you can skip the NBA life altogether. The new player progression system allows you to grind for attribute gains and skill badges no matter where you hoop, wisely freeing players to concentrate on the modes they like best.
Player progression benefits greatly from the new archetype system, which allows you to choose two primary attributes that define your playing style. This affords much more customization than last year’s rigid system. More importantly, the subsequent leveling system returns to allowing users to upgrade the skills they want; no more pouring VC into predetermined skill buckets like the past few 2K games. You still earn the bonus-oriented badges by performing specific feats on the court, but Visual Concepts finally acquiesced and allowed users to track their progression to unlocking these valuable traits. Better yet, you can specify which badge you want to improve during practice and focus on drills that best benefit that goal.
Unfortunately, developing a decent player still takes a considerable amount of time given your 60-overall starting rating. The progression feels natural during the NBA experience since you are an undrafted free agent, but given the amount of people who spend money for VC to upgrade their characters in online play, you are at a significant disadvantage in competitive situations for some time. This arbitrarily low rating also discourages experimentation in creating multiple characters. I would love to have a big man alternate to pair with my slashing wingman, but developing another low-rated player to respectability is too time consuming. I wish 2K had a respec system that allowed you to pour the attributes points you already purchased for one player class into another, unlocking overlapping badges you have already earned for your new character as well. This would go a long way to making the natural progression feel more valuable.
The MyCareer story doesn’t deliver, but Visual Concepts integrated a narrative into the sim-focused MyGM mode for the first time ever. Dubbed “The Next Chapter,” the story puts you into the penny loafers of a former NBA star who blew out his knee and subsequently transitioned into management. As the new general manager of a team of your choice, you face Machiavellian behind-the-scenes scenarios that test your loyalties and force you to protect your turf as the primary shot-caller when it comes to roster creation. The story only lasts one season, and the crude cutscenes are tough to watch (not even politicians wave their hands that much during conversation), but I found the rollercoaster ride a compelling addition that puts you into the kind of sports drama you only hear about in rumor mills or on 30 for 30 episodes.
The rest of MyGM/MyLeague is still the most compelling franchise mode in sports, but it could use stronger team-building A.I. for the computer-controlled franchises. Imbalanced rosters, curious draft pick hoarding with no clear end game, and boneheaded A.I. trades were the order of the day for most of my seasons. The new CBA rules related to cap holds also appear to be broken at the moment, so I hope 2K addresses this in an upcoming patch.
Fans of collectible card modes have a lot of new elements to explore this year with MyTeam. The new coach proficiency system governs the type of players who best fit your scheme, which is another critical element to consider when building your fantasy lineup. The new Super Max challenge, which uses salary cap restrictions for roster creation, creates an interesting new playing field for those sick of going up against all-world lineups. My biggest MyTeam gripe pertains to the ridiculously short contracts; with only three- and four-game contracts available to me, I constantly felt the need to invest in contracts rather than spending money on attaining new players. Compared to Ultimate Team modes in EA Sports games, the balance feels off. The mode could also use more diversity in the types of packs available for purchase.
Sick of playing against super teams like the Golden State Warriors in online games? NBA 2K18 adds All-Time franchise teams to the mix, dramatically increasing the number of teams available for those who want to compete with the best rosters. Some legends like Moses Malone and Reggie Miller are noticeably absent, but the teams are still a blast to play with.
Servers have never been 2K’s strong suit, and stability problems once again try to box out NBA 2K18. Most every Playground game I played was marred by lag, which compromises the fidelity of control the play demands. I heard bouncing basketballs in the streets and shots clanging off the hoops at the 2K Zone even though no one is visible, leading me to believe either the Neighborhood is haunted by the ghosts of hoopers past or the servers are awry. Other users have reported losing their MyPlayer characters and all the VC they purchased as well. I didn’t experience these server hiccups when playing Pro-Am, MyTeam, and Play Now games.
Not all the shots NBA 2K18 takes are swishes, but its shooting percentage is high enough to once again recommend you step on the hardcourt. The deep MyGM, MyCareer, and MyTeam modes offer hundreds of hours of compelling play, and the on-court action is once again stellar. Once the servers stabilize and Visual Concepts patches in some easily correctible fixes, NBA 2K18 should once again be in pole position for sports game of the year.
NBA 2K18 Review – Making Another Run was originally published on Tech News Center Generation
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