#and let me talk about humphrey
masterofiodine · 5 months
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sort of binge-watched bbc ghosts and niw i can't stop thinking about them
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huggybearluvr · 7 months
KC Confessions
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i’m in my writing era so enjoy the consistent updates while it last😚 (i give it a week)
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After the big Kansas City win you, the boys, and your best friend all went out celebrating with the team. As you arrived at one of your favorite bars in the area you all were quick to find a table and get drinks.
As you sat talking to Luke about going to the eagles game next weekend, your friend ran over, "It's our song lets dance!"
She grabbed your hand pulling you out to the dance floor. You stood back to her dancing along to the music.
Luke on the other hand was sat with Mark and Ethan. He watched your every mood. Admiring the way your hips swayed on beat, how your hair fell so perfectly over your shoulders, and how you smiled the entire time.
"Bro, when are you gonna actually do something?" Ethan asked smacking Luke on the shoulder.
"What do you mean?" He said looking at them confused.
"Bro, we all see how you look at her, do something about it already," Mark said knowingly.
Luke sat silently before getting up to go get another drink.
"Hey," A man said from behind you turned around to see Creed Humphrey one of your brothers teammates.
"Hi, you played great today," You spoke loudly ensuring he heard you over the loud music.
"Can I buy you a drink?" He asked.
You nodded, he took your hand leading you to the bar.
"I'll get what ever is on draft and what ever she would like," Creed said to the bartender.
"I'll take a seltzer please, any flavor," You said as the bartender walked off to get get your drinks.
"So, when do you leave?" He asked getting a bit closer so you could hear him.
"Probably late tomorrow," You responded not really knowing the plan.
"So, you could come back to my place tonight?" He asked placing a hand on your waist.
You laughed before you felt a hand on your shoulder pulling you back.
"Sorry bud, she can't," Luke said interrupting your conversation, you looked up at him confused.
"You are?" Creed said in a quite rude tone.
"Luke, I'd say nice to meet you but it's really not."
The bartender came over setting your drinks down," Enjoy."
Before Creed could play Luke threw a ten on the table.
"Let's go," Luke said, placing a hand on your back leading you back to the table.
You stopped turning around to face him, "Luke what was that?"
"I didn't like that guy," He responded.
"So, you dragged me away? how did you know if I did wanna go with him or not?" You asked.
"You are not going home with him." Luke said through gritted teeth.
"Why can't I? Like you said your not my keeper," You responded a little angered at this.
"God y/n is it really not that obvious," He said as his hand ran through his hair. Something you noticed he did when he was stressed.
"what?" You asked genuinely confused at his words.
"I like you y/n, like a lot." He said meeting your eyes desperately looking for a reaction.
"Luke," You didn't know what to say. You had liked him as well but didn't know what to say. You stood there unable to speak.
"I'm sorry," He said before walking away.
Your best friend came over to you noticing your distressed look, "Hey, hey whats wrong?" She asked placing a hand on your shoulder.
"Luke he-" You stopped yourself not knowing if you could tell her.
"What did he do? Did he hurt you?" She asked.
"God no, he would never, he told me he likes me," You finally spoke the words as the impact of those words ran through your body.
"Well isn't that good?" She asked.
"I don't know, where did he go?" you asked looking around the bar.
"I think he ubered back to the hotel."
"Shit, I gotta go," You responded heading over to the boothe to grab your things.
You ran over to your brother," Hey I gotta go, I love you," You said as you hugged him.
"I love you too, Everything okay?" He asked noticing your distressed persona.
"I'm fine, promise," You smiled.
You took your phone out ordering an Uber.
You went outside and got into the car, you sat in silence figuring out what to say.
As your Uber pulled up to the hotel, you thanked the driver and ran inside and up to Luke and Eddies room.
You took a deep breathe, knocking on the door. There was no response so you knocked again.
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luckykiwiii101 · 5 months
Hey Upper East Siders. Want to play a game…? One condition, this time you HAVE to play by the rules. Or it’s game over…
- XoXo, Gossip Girl 💋 💌
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And who am i? That’s one secret i’ll never tell, You know you love me - XoXo, Gossip Girl 💋 💌
Hey Upper east siders.
It’s that time of year again. When the sleigh bells are jingling and people add more items to their never ending wish list.What if i told you…it’s more than just a wish list.Ever wanted something so bad that you would do ANYTHING to get it? Well luckily, i’m not talking about signing a contract in blood. You don’t even have to lift a finger, nor shed any blood…or tears. You can have everything you’ve ever wished for.You just have to play a little game. Will you accept this dance…? If the answer is yes…keep on reading.
Now that we’re nice and ready. We can get started on this super quick and fun journey. If i didn’t say this earlier, GOSSIP GIRL HERE!! and i have the BIGGEST news ever! YOU will have entered/woke up in the void state within a week and manifested your dream life! Maybe you’ll do it in less than a week, and have a holly jolly Christmas XoXo. Just depends on how determined you are.
You know what happens if you aren’t…right? There are two outcomes. Let’s go over them shall we..?
“Will you have this dance..?” “No”
(Option A)
SPOTTED: Lonely Boy. Can’t believe they didn’t want their dream life, only in exchange for a little persistence. How tragic……And EVERYONE is talking. Wonder what Blair Waldorf thinks. If only they knew how easy life was…
“Will have you this dance…?” “Yes”
(Option B)
SPOTTED: SPOTTED, On the steps of the Met: B. Looking perfect, as usual. Feeling perfect, as usual. Having everything they’ve ever wanted. So much for such little “work”. Did they really think they could just waltz over here and not manifest their dream life? So effortless, it’s almost funny.
So……Which do you choose?
(thought so)
Option B?! Good choice. Looks like Little J will have everything they want and a ticket to the inner circle. Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is SO much better?
Luckily, your journey will be very short, and VERY sweet.
Serena Van Der Woodsen, your invitations just arrived. With strings attached. Come out, come out, wherever you are.
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Gossip Girl here…enough with the stalling. Now for the main event.
You will spend the next 7 days, accepting that you are a void master.
What is the void state?
Well well well. Look what we have here. An overcomplicator on our hands, caught red handed. (Just kidding, XoXo)
It’s a state of pure consciousness. When you are detached from your physical senses completely. You can’t hear, see, smell or feel anything. Must be heaven if your name is Dan Humphrey.
Did you know, that you enter the void state everytime you fall asleep? Shocked? Well don’t be. It’s nothing special. Things always work out for you after all, should be used to it by now. Doesn’t it feel weird to finally have Gossip Girl on YOUR side? Can’t wait to pry into your success soon……and write ALLLLLL about it. You better not disappoint me, you know what happens next. Don’t wanna end up like lonely boy……do you?
“But i don’t believe in the Void State.”
- Said no sane person ever. Unless your Queen B with a broken heart.
Here you go! 💋💌💋
Does little J want a virtual slap of common sense? Don’t tempt me. A few clicked pics of your journey home could turn into a journey to hell. You know you love me. XoXo.
How do I enter the void state?
(Here you go 💌💌💌)
Looks like entering the void state really IS sugar and spice and EVERYTHING nice after all.
Hear those silver bells? It’s a void master INCOMING!!!
Applying states for the void state:
(Here you go! 💋💌💋💌)
And everyone knows the biggest present comes in the smallest box………not so difficult after all.
Then there are those boxes you are SO glad you opened.
“Challenges” to apply:
EVERYONE knows that there’s no such thing as a “challenge”.
“Take one It Girl on a pedestal. Add a crowd eager to see her fall. And give them the means to knock her down. So sad how they know they’ll only be the ones who end up falling” - XoXo Gossip Girl
Is Queen B Feeling frustrated? : (Lotusmi’s void challenge)
Always finding your hands in your hair and your fist in the wall? Well this one’s for you! (💋 💋 💋)
Love complaining? Of course you do! Talk about a Blair Bitch Project.
And for the building to really blow up, all you need is an unexpected turn. Who knew changing attitudes were so helpful?Especially for the Stubborn Blair Waldorf.
Desperately Seeking Serena: (3 day void challenge)
Is Queen S feeling like she needs a whole mind reprogramming in a gorgeously short amount of time? Well it’s time to turn that mental frown, upside down! (Here you go!!! 💋♥️💋♥️)
Ah, what’s that magic word again? Oh, Consistency! Whoops! Don’t tell me you forgot too?
And anyone who’s used to bending the rules will find themselves breaking them.
Feeling like a Dare Devil?: (Void Princess challenge)
Confidence is built, and NEWS FLASH!!! You don’t need confidence to build it. No expense is spared.
(Post is here 💋💋💋)
There’s nothing Gossip Girl loves more than a little……push. Not off of a building of course………ofcourse.
Of course Gossip Girl here isn’t going to link every single void challenge here. Wouldn’t you like to come up with your own? Use your favourite one to your hearts content.
As we all know, there’s nothing Gossip Girl loves more than a surprise.
Is that a smile we see on B’s lips? The spotlight’s on her for once and no one helped her get it. I guess “miracles” can happen.
Distraction Method (made by the one and only, Gossip Girl)
Another stray thought lands in B’s lap. Will she use it as ammunition or will she surrender and put down her arms?
Here you go! 💌♥️💌♥️
What happens if Queen B doesn’t want to persist?
No, that’s not a tear in my eye. It’s just allergies. Without you, I’m nothing. —Gossip Girl
Who doesn’t love a five-finger discount. Especially if it’s the middle one.
Look who doesn’t want to end up on my blog. Who will I gossip about now?
Who cares if i’m pretty if i fail my finals?
Everyone knows that Blair Waldorf is SO much better than Rory Gilmore. Luckily for Blair, the word “failing” is unheard of. Too bad for Rory, it’s all she thinks about.
Read this 💋💋💋
Hey Upper East Siders. We hear that World War III just broke out. And it’s wearing kneesocks. Choose your side or run and hide. We have a feeling this one’s to the death.
Why should I listen to Gossip Girl?
Because “I was a teenage drug addict” is not exactly a winning college essay.
Now have a holly jolly Christmas with your every desire. You can thank me later.
Every happy ending is just a new beginning. Because on the Upper East Side, the good times ALWAYS last forever. You know you love me, XOXO —Gossip Girl 💋 💌
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smolvenger · 9 months
The Tavern Prince (Prince Hal x fem! Y/N Oneshot)
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Summary: You are shocked and unhappy to find out you are betrothed to notorious rake, Prince Hal. But one evening, he sneaks you into the Boar's Head Tavern...and your mind about him starts to change.
Warnings: Smut at the end!! 18+ NSFW! (thigh riding, fingering, loss of virginity, dirty talk, good ol' p in v). Reader is super Proper and Prim and has a stick up her butt just because I wanted her to in this fic for the drama and tension of paring her with Hal (and I'm sick of Pick Me Girls in Historic Fiction. So Much) Mentions of sex and cheating (but no actual cheating, our boy would never. Trust me, I'm a Shakespeare expert). Not believable, but we're running on vibes, not accuracy so forget that couples were chaperoned or whatever. References to Shakespeare's plays and words (like "Die"= slang for orgasm and "wag"= boy).
Word Count: 9K (get some water, besties, and whores)
Taglist: @huntress-artemiss @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @evelyn-kingsley@jennyggggrrr@five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th@ladycamillewrites@villainousshakespeare@holdmytesseract (smut starts at "sweetest of ladies" and ends at "Hal...I have no words.." btw bestie for your comfort) @eleniblue@twhxhck@lokisgoodgirl@lovelysizzlingbluebird@raqnarokr@holymultiplefandomsbatman@michelleleewise@wolfsmom1@cheekyscamp@mochie85@muddyorbsblr
“Y/N, we have something very exciting to announce. The king has given his consent. You are going to marry the prince…” your father announced to you at the table. Your mother nodded her head beside him. 
You let a smile spread across your face. You were so thrilled you held your breath for a second. This was an honor beyond anything you could comprehend of what he would say. How many would want that honor? What woman didn’t want to be a princess? There were many princes in the world, but it had to be one of the English princes. They couldn’t mean some other country. The English king had four sons- which one was your groom? Likely not the youngest two- Humphrey and Thomas. They were boys, far too young for marriage. 
That meant- the second eldest son! You interrupted in your excitement.
“Oh! I am to marry John of Lancaster! Oh, mother-father! How wonderful! He’s the sweetest youth- and he is always at each meeting with his father, the king! Oh, what a good husband he will be! I am so hap-”
“Y/N, I believe you misunderstood us,” your mother cut in. 
You froze, blinking quickly.
“What do you mean?” you asked. “I’m not marrying a prince?”
“No, you are…” replied your mother.
If not Humphrey, if not Thomas, if not John…that left one English prince.  
They smiled and took your hands across the table. 
“The one who matters. The one who will make you one day queen of England through your union…”
Oh no, you thought, God’s blood, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, please, please oh Lord Above- please not him please not-
“You betrothed to his grace, the Prince of Wales, Henry Lancaster…”
It felt like a punch. You blinked, and your voice got smaller.
“You mean…Prince Harry?”  you asked.
“Oh, yes, dear girl! Our daughter- Princess of Wales and then Queen of England!” your mother cooed. She went up and hugged you. Not that she could see the frown growing on your face.
Your father kissed your forehead. You put on a small smile. A practice one when they were looking. You swallowed it back. 
You should have been thrilled to find out you were marrying the prince of Wales, the heir to England, to Bolingbroke, to the Lancasters. Your rational mind knew it was a huge honor.
But married to Prince Harry- no, Hal! That was what his vile friends all called him! Seems fit you should think of him as such!
Hal, the rake. The riotous son. The dishonorable son. The one with a dozen prostitutes at his heels! He even wore a glove from one to a joust once!  The rebel. The drunk. The prankster. The scoundrel. The son his father wished could be swapped for another- everyone knew that. The reason why John of Lancaster was always in court? Because Hal was so little seen in the castle and at events and never appeared! Shirking his responsibilities to hang around bars! With seedy thieves and criminals and who knows what else!
You were not strangers. You had spoken with him the few times he had been in court. Your parents were good friends and old allies of Henry Bolingbroke before the chaotic events that crowned him.  The few banquets Hal appeared, you were there. He only appeared at that ball a few days ago. You did have a dance with him. He spoke some, no more than polite subjects and small talk. But he seemed bored. Perhaps his father was breathing down his neck not to sneak out. 
This was to be your husband?!! And this was to be the king?! The one not even his own father could be proud of?!  Bound to until only Death did you Part!?
When you went to your private quarters, and no one was around, you went to your bed and screamed into your pillow. 
You could already see your married life. Picture it in your head. Princess Y/N and Prince Hal, soon King Hal and Queen Y/N. The banquets would be a mess. Late into the night, there would be crowds of dirty, smelly people. Laughing with food still in their mouths and spitting and pissing all over the banquet halls. There would be thieves trying to reach to grab the jewels on you. Or try to grope you, only there would be no protection. So many drunkards vomiting all over the pretty stone hallways and throwing rocks through the tall windows. 
Your waking vision of your future spiraled further in your head. You knew you would have separate quarters. You would have to go alone- you knew your husband's bed would have one if not two if not four ladies of the night to pleasure him until dawn. Or he would go into your room, bold and drunk with liquor and lust. He had the right to barge in when he wanted now. 
It made you want to cry.  
Three days later, there was a celebratory dinner at the castle for the betrothal announcement. All of you sat down. You were decked in a dark green dress and some jewelry given to you. To make you seem more regal. Not that it made you feel that way. You sat with your family, the King of England wrapped in his dark furs. The three younger Lancaster brothers all looked at you with small smiles- perhaps looking forward to having a sister-in-law. There was just one very crucial seat next to you left empty.
Of course, once the wine was poured and dishes were just set, in strode in, red leather jacket, hat, and all, none other than your intended.
You hated that he was the most beautiful man you had ever laid eyes on. An ivory face with tall cheekbones, a high forehead, and blue eyes. Tall and lean. He waltzed in with a slight smirk. His arms dangling back and forth so casually. A slight smile on his face.
“I apologize, I am late, I know!” he announced.
The king stood up, his hands over his thick, dark robe on his hips. Following him, everyone else rose up 
“Harry-where have you been?! We were just about to dine at your betrothal dinner!” he chided.
“Only getting ready, father! I wanted to be more presentable-” he insisted, still standing.
“You will be punctual in the future, especially to show respect to your bride!” the king added on, gesturing to where you sat.
You only looked down at your plate. Bride, bride, bride. Once you thought of the word like a dream, like the word “fairy.” Something light and lilting- surreal and beautiful. Something you could attain too. But it only made your stomach curl.
 You could feel Hal’s eyes, already on you. Then he walked forward and pulled out the chair next to you.
As the king sat down, all sat down. 
Everyone began to eat. You barely could look at Hal. When you did, you found his eyes would drift up to see you. Then at once, you pulled yours down. Then your mother boasted of you.
“Our daughter- she was raised in a convent as any lady should be. The nuns all praised her as a good student- so quiet, ladylike, and diligent in her studies. She is learning all the dances done at parties. Oh- and her needlework is wonderful!”
You stood up, nodding.
“Yes! I sewed on little strawberries on my handkerchief! And I am making some new needlework of a pink rose, like the ones in the springtime-”
Your voice cut you off. Aware you were gushing so much. It wasn’t just the fact that the king watched. He was so used to his sons that a younger female presence was fascinating. King Henry the Fourth himself looked at you with a smile and soft eyes.
No- because Hal was listening and watching. you swallowed and looked next to you. Hal’s face was neutral. He leaned on the table, a mouth over his lip, scratching his chin. You saw him swallow a little and then look back down at his meal.
He didn’t like you. Didn’t even like you, you knew it. He was already thinking of how boring you were! You did have a cousin named Beatrice. She was the one who was climbing trees, and talking saucily to everyone and rebelling and speaking and laughing wildly. If only she wasn’t married by now! Then your family would throw her Hal’s way and they would be happy! If he had to marry at all, it should be someone like her! Not like…not like…not like you…He wouldn’t like you, either. You were sure. Calling you boring just because you prioritized manners and decency. Laughing at your sewing and the dresses you cherished so much. 
“Oh, I am sure they are quite pretty, Y/N. And what think you, Harry?” the king asked.
Hal perked up.
“They…they should be.” he replied. 
Copying what his father said .Of course.  He took another bite and then he put a hand over his mouth again.
“Now- we must set a date for these children. What dates shall you say?” the king asked.
You and Hal shared a look and then perked up.
“We want enough time to prepare a decent wedding, of course. And to prepare them. Yet…the new Lancaster family must be secured through another heir, we know…” your father replied.
You could have thrown up the wine in your stomach. You looked down, not daring to see the look on Hal’s face. 
“I agree. And my son must settle- therefore, I say two months from now shall give us enough time,” the king confirmed.
Two months?! It seemed so short. Not even time to come around to it. 
You always wanted romance. To be wooed and won and courted. You dreamed of the day love would finally shine in some man’s eyes as he fell to his knees and begged for your heart and hand. Not thrown away to a scoundrel who didn’t like you.
“Now- don’t you be so worried, dear daughter,” the king consoled.
You looked up, and you saw him smile kindly at you.
“I remember the days I was nervous about my nuptials, too. Do not be afraid, lady Y/N- you will leave your family, but you will have a new one. Think of me more of a father here than king. You shall have me and three brothers who will look after you and be sure you want for nothing, my dear. And therefore…”
His eyes shot to Hal.
“If this rapscallion does anything to you before the marriage- hurts you. Breaks your heart-anything. You shall come to me and ask to end the betrothal, and you will have my blessing.”
Hal’s jaw dropped.
You gave the king a smile, a genuine one.
“Thank you, your grace.”
You went back down to your food, eating with more of a flourish. Hal then turned to you. It was the first few words he spoke directly to you that night. You braced for a bawdy joke about your wedding night from him, but there was none.
“We do have confits, here, my lady- would you like to try some?” he asked.
He offered you a golden bowl full of little sweets. They were tiny white spheres. He pressed the bowl your way as you peeked in.
“I’ve never had any,” you remarked.
“They are well, after dinner.“Here- try some,” he said,
You popped one in your mouth. And let out a sound of appreciation. They were very light and sweet, you nodded your head.
“Hm- very nice. And they are…sweet, my lord,” you commented.
You took another one as the servants arrived to clear your plates.
The next day was a formal announcement. It would be put on the doors of every church. And all of the court was gathered to watch with their rich cloaks and jewels glinting in the sun. 
In Hal stumbled. How pale he looked- no doubt still hungover. He looked at you and he stopped. Then he stepped forward. You felt as if it was a wedding ceremony already and it made lightning 
“We hereby announce an engagement- his majesty, Henry of Lancaster and the Lady Y/N will be married in two months time. Though they are already married in our eyes- we shall congratulate them on their union and the nuptials to follow,” announced the king to applause.
He turned to you both. He gave his son strict instructions, his eyes stern.
“Now Harry- kiss her and call her your princess,” ordered the king.
Hal looked down on you. He licked his lips, looking down at yours. Dear lord- was he about to kiss you before everyone! You instintually jerked a little away. He froze. Hesitated. He lowered his mouth and then set it tight shut again. Then your intended whispered in your ear.
“The cheek?”
You paused. It didn’t sound as bad as the lips.
“Yes,” you answered. 
He gave you a chaste kiss on the cheek with it seemed half of England to witness. 
This is began. Four long weeks of learning everything one had to know of being a princess. Learning French to converse with ambassadors, the history of the throne, the order of the servants, current matters, in addition to etiquette (which you took to very well) and so many things your head spun. Numerous formal public events where you had to stand by Hal and pretend you were a smiling, happy bride. Swallowing back what you really thought of him.
 Only talking to him when required. 
You didn’t doubt tha the didn’t like you.
No doubt he wishes he was off in Esatcheap, you thought. He doesn't even tolerate me.
All of your life, you did what you were told. It kept the peace. You never asked for much- just to be safe and content. Hopefully one day, maybe one day, fall in love with some nice gentleman and  marry him. A nice, peaceful, happy life. But instead- you had him?! Why couldn’t it be John instead? Or some foreign prince! One who didn’t get drunk constantly!
One day, you had time to yourself. You sat there with your embroidery, putting the pink thread in and out of the white cloth. Glad it could relieve the stress of your mind. In walked Hal, he was a member of the family now and was welcome in and out of your home. You only looked up, acknowledging him. 
“How are you, my lady?” he asked.
“I have been quite busy.” you answered.
He didnt have his cap, but kept on his red leather jacket and dark pants. His auburn curls that shone like amber when he walked by a ray of sunlight. And how…well fitting his jacket was on him. There was something stirring on you when you looked at him that you didn’t like. Attraction and yet also disgust.
“What did you…do this morning, my lady?” he asked. He fiddled with his hands placed on his lap.
He was forcing himself to spend time with you- you knew it. Just trying to be nice, pretending to be nice.
“Said my prayers, Ate breakfast. Wrote a few letters. I had a walk about…” you reported.
“That sounds very nice, Y/N,” he replied.
He sat up. Folding his arms, he leaned against the wall. He gave you a smile as he looked down on you, licking his lips. You had a guess as to what his thoughts were now. But here, without a thousand eyes watching over you, you could indulge in bluntness. 
“And you, no doubt, enjoyed your morning with your whores from the London streets,” you sniped, pulling the pink thread through again. “We might as well be honest with each other if our parents want us to marry, Hal. Expecting fidelity from you is like expecting a fish to sprout wings and feathers. I’m saving myself the disappointment.” 
You  kept your eyes down. Ready to stitch in the next one when Hal said-
“I have not lain with whores…”
You turned your face to meet his, and found his eyes hardening. His smile dropped. He stood up from leaning against the wall. You found your own mouth opening a little, though the words struggled to come out.
“What…what did you say?” you asked. You weren’t sure if you heard it right.
“I…I have not lain with a whore in…five months, Y/N. I will tell you that…”
Guilt burned inside you. You turned your eyes down.
“Oh…I’m sorry…my mistake…” you wished earnestly. “I just know how your…reputation of…you know…”
“I cannot blame you that…” he commented.
You kept sewing, with a bit more fervor. You saw Hal out of the corner of your eye get closer to you, sitting beside you. 
“You are always busy, my lady. Always doing something. Don’t think I do not notice how you study everything one must know to…to… I hardly see you smile.” he said. 
You looked up at him.
“I have serious matters to bear- and I for one, take this upcoming marriage seriously…” you said. “If I must adapt to life in the castle, life as a princess-your princess- I will know how…”
“It is all you do…”
“It’s my duty to…it’s what…what it means to…to marry you…” you sputtered out.
You didn’t know why you suddenly felt so anguished, so sad. You saw the imprint of hte needle on your fingertips. They felt sore- how long had you sewn?
“You think I don’t…don’t take this marriage seriously?! That I don’t take you seriously?!” Hal asked.
You tossed it down and went to the window to look outside to the green trees and grey sky. Unable to face him, wrapping arms around yourself. Feeling tears in your eye ducts.
“Hal…you know I am not the kind of person you’d choose to be your wife…you know I am not the kind of lady you fancy…just go…I don’t care if you’re betrothed to her or buy her for the night, at least you’ll be happy with some other woman. Just…just admit it…You don’t like me, I will…I’ll just make you miserable, I’ll…spare you the disappointment. I’ll speak to your father- ask him to end it… just- go and end the betrothal and leave me in peace…”
You felt a few tears in you. 
“My lady…you’re…you’re crying…” he commented. 
You heard him walk behind you. You finally confessed it all.
“Hal…I wanted…I just wanted to..to have a good life. A normal, peaceful life. I dreamt of…of love and of being wooed and courted and romance…and now here I am, but…but…I’m…”
You thought of it. The upcoming days. Everything. Your life upheaving. Married and made royalty in months.
“I’m just…overwhelmed…” you confessed.
You felt tears go down your eyes. You flinched. You expected him to laugh at you. To scoff at you. He didn’t.
You turned around to him. He found your handkerchief, white with strawberries sewn on it, and handed it to you. You wiped off your face.
“Do you want to know a secret?” he asked.
“The reason father wanted me to marry you was that you were always so good, so rule-abiding. He believed you would tame me. But I see you…you’re so afraid of pleasing others. You forget your own pleasures in life-haven’t you ever wanted to see life? Life outside of manors and castles? See real people? Not lords and ladies- What it is like?” he asked, leaning closer to you.
You looked up. He opened his hand. You accepted it.
“You look like you have never relaxed a day in your life! And for all your assumptions about me…have you ever seen a tavern, my lady?” he asked.
“I…I…uh…no. No, I haven’t,” you confessed.
“Then…how about a change of scene?” he asked. He gave a small wink. It made you a little breathless.
You were dressed in some peasant clothes that fit you- a simple blue dress over a white shift and a brown belt and long sleeves. Simple, but pretty. You liked pretty things and wanted to feel a little even as a peasant. Hal in his usual red leather. You both rode out on his black horse He took you out to those streets. It buzzed with flies. You could smell meat and see the butcher’s wares of dead animals hung out everywhere. A tall dog wagged its tail and sniffed the ground. It went up to you and you petted it. He felt scruffy and soft and panted with a smile. Then he went about sniffing. Hal turned to you. He looked out. It was a steady crowd of people going about. You couldn’t help but look about you.
“Here, my lady…take my hand,” he offered, outstretching his.
“How come?”
“I don’t want you to get lost,” he explained.
You accepted it. Feeling it’s warmth as he walked you through. Many turned to see him and bowed to him. It amazed you. He looked around- you never knew so many just ordinary people. All about. Lvinig their lives- how fascinating they were.
He then smiled.
“This…this is the one. The one that’s my favorite!”
It was called The Boar’s Tavern. He helped you in. Already it was crowded with people. Wooden and smelling of roasting, rich, savory meats and of ale, of wine. People chatted everywhere. Children played about with balls made of cloth. Ladies sat on the laps of men and laughed.
In was a woman with an apron, a hat over her head, and fingerless gloves. She was short and had grey hair and bright, red cheeks from her bustling about. 
“Aye! It is his grace, our Hal!”
He went up to her and kissed the side of her head.
The woman turned over and peeked at you, merely folding your hands before you. 
“And my-who is this lady?”
You curtsied out of habit and placed your hands before you. Suddenly shy.
“Mistreress Quickly-this is the lady Y/N. She is…she is my betrothed. Lady Y/N, this is Misteress Quickly-she owns and runs this tavern.”
You looked about. To think- she, a lady, ran this whole business! It was hers! She wasn’t a whore or a wife, she was a woman of business!
“All of this is yours?” you asked.
“Aye, it is. A right and good establishment, if I say so.” Mistress Quickly boasted.
“It’s…it’s very…it’s cozy…and it looked fun!” you said.
“Oh, we do have some fun. Hal-pour her some sack. We will give her some and a meal, on the house! Especially one about to be Lady Hal- oh, to think I’d see the day!” she remarked. 
She went over to gather up a fire for your meal and drinks. Men went about to lounge and laugh with each other. And about were women. Their shoulders exposed, and dresses cut to show more of their decolletage. Would they laugh at you? No…they were focused on drying their laundry. Or their eyes would turn up to you, nodding heads in acknowledgment before returning to their business. Misteress Quickly arrived and handed you both cups of wine or “sack.” It felt cheaper than what you drank at home-but stronger, burning down your belly. 
Then, finally, one approached you. Her head tilted in curiosity. She had unbrushed blonde hair and a dirty dress that revealed her shoulders. She put her hands on her hips.
“Why- you’re the lady Y/N, ain’t you?” she asked.
“Yes, yes I am. Pleased to meet you. What is your name?”
“Eh, call me Doll,” she answered. 
It was obvious-A whore! A real one! Flesh and blood! But even if she was one…you still owed her good manners. She looked down and then up at you.
“Why then- good to meet you too. I can tell already you’ve never had to put a toe here- but need not fear. We’re a merry bunch. Harmless. Everyone’s all laughter and drinks and all.,” she advised.
“That…that sounds nice…” you replied.
She went up to you, gently slapping your arm to hold it. Speaking already as if you were an old friend. 
“But you don’t have to be so all ‘yes my lord’ and ‘no my lord,’ here. Some old goat bothers you, you shove ‘im off. Here…have yourself a drink…”
“I…I’ve never met a…a whore before…” you commented.
“Why, now you have. Don't be scared- I don’t bite,” she said.
Mistress Quickly handed you a cup. Hal was already teasing a serving man named Francis with how many times he could run about. 
“Do you…like what you do?” you asked Doll.
“When the man’s nice, like my dear old Jack here” she gestured to Falstaff. “You get enough to get by.”
“Are you scared of having a baby?” you asked.
“You learn all the herbs and tricks to stop that. Most men want you to pleasure them with your mouth, anyways- can’t have a baby there,” 
You looked down at your cup, warm with embarrassment. Then you asked further, lowering your voice.
“Have you…been with Hal?”
She let out a little a small smile. She didn’t lower her voice. 
“Course I have! Yes-some of the women say he visited them. He’s a regular!” she told you.
“Doll, What was he…he like? Does it…does he hurt you?” you asked agian in a quite voice. 
“Hurt! Oh no! He’s sweet as can be! He won’t hurt you- unless you ask him to give you a good slap as he’s ridin’ you!”
She laughed at your embarrassed look.
“I’m…I’m his intended so…I wanted to know, to be ready…” you explained.
“Oh! Nervous for your duty and all that!? Well, I’ll tell you- he is a good man. And he’ll be good to you when it’s your turn. Now…what do you think of the sack?”
You took another sip of your cup. 
“It’s…it’s so good!”
“Try it with honey-it’s even better!”
 She showed you a honey jar and poured a little in your cup. And yes- it was even better. 
Then in stumbled an old man. So bulbous and a face so red he reminded you of a tomato. His white hair and great white beard, boasting to a crowd. 
“Three men! Oh no- I tell you- it was five men, hm yes! Five men I defeated there!” he bragged to the dirited companions surrounding him, all with amused looks. 
Then his eyes lit up, seeing you. 
“Falstaff…this is Y/N”
“Yes, and when I saw those six men, I-”
The man called Falstaff paused his bragging and turned to see you. He put his hands over his hips to look at you.  You curtsied again.
“Pleased to meet you, sir.” you said. 
The old man, plumper than a peach with a long grey beard and a red face went to you. He looked you up and down. Then he talked-talked so much you didn’t have time to reply. 
“Hmmm, ah, yes. This is the Y/N-the famous Y/N, lady Y/N. Yes-how much I see already. Her hands positioned to hold- the little smile, her posture-mmph, can tell already where she’s been. One of those convent girls. But if that is who will make Hal die on his wedding night, he will die smugly… I tell you, sweet wag-”
You turned  your eyes down before the floor. Falstaff was talking so boldly of…le petit mort in a public space! But you should have guessed from the whores how open everything was here. Hal blushed and put his head down. You looked away. Falstaff released a large laugh at your reaction. 
The old knight turned to Hal and patted his shoulder. 
“I’ve conquered many a heart in my day. Oooo, old Jack Falstaff has ways with women. Hmm- the letters I’d send them. There is a Lady Ford and a Lady Page and with one letter  to each, I’ll cuckold their husbands easily! So- here’s my advice, wag. Give her a sweet word, a letter -and she’ll be yours. I can show you the format- yes, yes. No woman can resist the love of the knight, Falstaff…I doubt even less this-”
He pinched Hal’s cheek.
“-Handsome, young prince here!”
He handed you the letters he planned on sending them. To your immense surprise, it was the same one only the names were switched. Before you could comment he got them again and folded them up, putting them in his pocket.
“Hmm- this calls for celebration- for Hal’s marriage and my seduction! Francis! Come over, lad! Give some sack before I die!”
He waddled over to where the cup bearer sat.
“Should we tell him? The letters are the same?” you asked.
“I would rather sit by and watch and laugh at him!” Hal replied. 
Then in came a young man with dark hair and dark eyes-slender and with a triangular nose.
“Oh here! A lady is here?! A new lady-” he said. 
“Why, Poins-here-I would like you to meet her. This is Lady Y/N.”
You made your curtsies again. He only gave you a cheeky smile. 
“Oh, well- tis time!” he muttered.
Hal shot to him with wide, nervous eyes. 
“Poins I-”
Poins then swooped you into his arms. You let out a little shreik from the feeling. 
“Hal! I have your maid! And now she is mine!” he teased.
So light and fun, you did not feel any fear. He caught you and lifted you above him with his strong arms. You were surprised at his strength- he hoisted you up and began running through the tavern. People laughed as Poins ran about with Hal chasing him and even you couldn’t help but laugh too. 
“Oh, Poins, you dog! Let me have her!” Hal cried.
Quickly he ran, you squealed from the feeling. Up high and dangling as Poins ran off. He went to a quick corner in one end and set you down. After seeing that he was hidden, he turned to you. 
“He will never admit it-but the man adores you, Y/N!” he confided.
Your jaw dropped.
“He…he what! Since…the bethrothal?” you asked.
“Before that- for several months since he met you! Won’t even touch Doll anymore!”
Shock flooded your system. The words earlier- they made sense.
Poins put up a hand. 
“ I swear he’s like some doe-eyed lover in a romance for you! He could hardly speak to you in your bethrothal- you make him nervous, Y/N! He wanted nothing more than you since when you first met! And now he sighs and pines. He blushes like a maiden! And seems half a man whenever your name is brought up! Y/N- And I must tell you something!”
He leaned closer.
“Long before the betrothal was a whisper…there was one night. It was dark and four in the morn. My sweet honey lord was quite drunk. He would sigh into his cup. I had to be fetched to drag him to a bed. Do you know what he was muttering? He cursed into his cup, lamenting “Y/N- sweet creature- Oh, Y/N! Curse the day Fate gives you to another!’ before he fell to the floor. Dear lady-show him a little mercy! Or be clever- Turn this prince into your servant when you can!”
You had no words. Your eyes are wide. Of course…this could be a lie. Just something he was making up to flatter you. To prank you. But, something inside of you was telling you it was truth…if so, why would he lie to you? What would Poins gain?
Then Hal swept in, his face bright red.
“Please, enough! Are you hungry, my lady!? I think you should to dinner- there’s going to be music you might like.” he suggested.
“Of…of course,  Hal,” you replied.
He turned around, his eyebrows going up as you used his nickname. The one his friends here called him. 
As you reached over, you clasped his hand. Hal went still for a moment, seeing that you eagerly put yours in his. Feeling your touch. Then he went on.
As you ate, you noticed women left with men. They held the hands of their customers and led them to their rooms. Then the moans and grunts and the rhythms of something hitting the walls not long after. Wet sounds, too- without shame of their volume.  You swallowed the urge to gasp and looked down in embarrassment. Hal only gave a smirk as he ate on.
“Are they…” you turned to Hal.
“They aren’t reading, I can tell you that…” Hal laughed as he picked up some meat and chewed it in his mouth. 
“They’re so…so loud…so…so shameless, I never….Wouldn’t they be embarrassed?” you asked.
Yet part of you…you would never admit it…the sounds also…you liked them. You…envied them. And with Hal so near. His leather just brushed against your arms. 
“When one finds pleasure here, they don’t feel ashamed of it. They just enjoy it.”
“Isn’t it…sinful?” you asked.
“Sinful for how their bodies react when they touch each other? How God made them? If they agree to it, it cannot be, I think…”
 Both of you finished your meals. The sounds of their pleasure became dimmer. You heard people get out instruments and play them. There was starting to be laughter. A gentleman with a large and red nose- Bardolph, went up and greeted Hal. As Hal went up to welcome his friend, you suddenly felt a tug on your arm.
There was a gentleman at least ten years your senior. He had sharp eyes and his strong arm pulled you closer. He gave you a wide, lascivious smile as he handed you several coins.
“Here, girl…” he said.
“Sir…what is this?” you asked, looking at the coins.
“This, this is for you, of course, my dear.”
“For me?”  you repeated.
 It then hit you why. 
He grabbed your arms.Panic surged through your system. He tried to drag you off to the nearest dark corner, but you forced your feet still. Tugging at him, struggling to break off. You managed out of his arms, and then he grabbed your hand. But you stayed still. A glimpse at Doll Tearsheet and your heart was racing. 
“Sir- there’s been a mistake! I’m a lady! I am not a whore!” you stated.
“Ah, the whore thinks she can refuse, eh?! Why else would Misteress Quickly bring a new beauty to The Boar’s Head!” he asked.
“I’m just visiting, sir! Doll is right over there! And plenty of others could use it more than me!” you cried. Glancing towards the other women.
Doll’s head perked up and she sensed something amiss. Even the whores looked among each other in seriousness once they realized what was happening. 
“This money’s not for Doll, it’s for you. You would be a delight in bed tonight!”
Doll touched the arm of the prince by Bardolph, alerting him. 
You were ready to fight him, ready to run, then in came Hal. He whipped out his dagger and pointed it to the man’s nose. He jumped off. Doll ran forward and pulled you away, pulling you into a protective hug.
“Leave her be- you miscreant!”
The villain held up his hands and backed off slowly.
“Why, your little grace..what else have you to do with this woman? I was about to pay for her, like any other man here. Why do you act thus?”
The music paused and eyes turned. Amused and worried, as to what would happen next. Would a fight break out? Would there be more men who thought they could be your “customers?” You cowered further into Doll, clinging to her. Oh dear God, how bad this was getting!
Your heart raced. Hal glanced at you. You looked at Hal with wide eyes. He then unsheathed his dagger and looked at the man. Then Hal made his reply.
“Because she is my whore for tonight!”
The earth stopped turning. You could hear your fast heartbeat and your jaw dropped. Hal went up to you. With great strength, he pulled you from Doll’s arms to his. In a second, before you could process it, he sat down on the nearest surface and pulled you to his lap. You made a small gasp at the feeling. He wrapped an arm possessively around you.
Then he looked thunderously at the tavern. They were silent as he made a declaration. 
“I bought her company all this evening. Tonight, she is mine. And if any man here thinks they can dare touch what is mine, their head will be lobbed off under order of the Prince of Wales- is that clear!?”
He nodded his head, and the other wide-eyed men swallowed and took note.
Mistress Quickly scurried towards the musicians.
“Play! Play! Oh- give us a song! Something merry!” she insisted. 
They played and the tension relaxed. People went back to their drinking and their business. But you remained sitting on Hal. 
“Play along,” he whispered into your ear.
But sitting on his lap… It was making you…feel something. Something you couldn’t quite name. Your heart was beating even harder. Your body felt like it was with fever. And as for between your legs, it was stirring, something, something you had never felt before-and you wanted more of it. He was right there, beneath you. You felt his hands go around to your back.
Others were siting at Hal’s table. You both glanced to see whores with their customers- they were kissing. 
He eyed you and them. Then, he touched touched your chin. He asked.
“A kiss for me, my beauty?”
Enough so that no one would suspect anything. 
“I, uh-yes,” you replied.
 Then he pulled you in for a kiss. A deep, passionate kiss. Feeling his soft lips, the wine on his breath and tasting rich, like you could become drunk from him-his touch alone was making you feel intoxicated already. You tugged at him, and he kept a hand at your back to secure you. You sighed from it. Groaning from it. Then he released. His pupils were wide and both of you were catching your breaths. 
You then gathered your skirt in your hands and looked down. What scared you was how much you liked touching him. How…how wonderful this felt. How…nice. Something between your legs was stirring. It was getting wet and you sensed it was not with urine or menstrual blood.
Hal then smiled at his companions at the table and raised a glass to them. 
“Y/N…my pretty whore…to the jewel of the Boar’s Head, Y/N-and a jewel she will be in my bed tonight.”
They cheered as they raised their cups. They had a deep drink. You were handed one and drank too.
“Yes-uh, yes, my lord, I will be-uh, very happy to pleasure you tonight,” you muttered in agreement, before having a sip.
He reached his hand down yours. Then he lifted up your hand to his lips and kissed you on your pulse, keeping a steady hold on it as he lowered.
Then they began to boast of how the wine caskets were being opened and how much they could drink in one go. Laughing, they ran over to sample it. 
Hal turned over to you. He had a half-smile
“My lady…your pulse is racing very fast…are you afraid of me?” he asked, though with a touch of cheekiness.
“No,” you answered. But you were afraid of how much you liked this. 
“It’s only when I touch you, is it?” you asked.
“Yes…yes it is…” you confessed breathlessly.
He made a small laugh and you could have sworn he was blushing. 
“It’s only your body reacting to me. It’s how God, how nature made us- nothing more… Can you continue the pretense? For a little bit?” he asked.
“Yes, Hal, I can,” you said.
He then slid you off of his lap to be on the seat next to him. Once when you thought you could cool your senses, he turned close to you, touching your leg as you were near and wrapping his other arm around you.
“Do you like the wine here, my lady?” he asked.
“I’ve…I’ve never had better, sweeter wine…I haven’t drank too much of it, have I?” you asked.
“If you’re still walking safely, then the answer is no, Y/N,” he replied. 
Then the music got to a gig. People got up, getting partners.
“Are they going to dance?” you asked.
“Yes, they are!” he confirmed.
“You took his hands, smiling and getting up.”
“Dance with me Hal- do you know how to?” you asked.
“Yes, yes I do!” he answered.
You led him over as couples gathered around. They managed to kick their steps in time and though he still had trouble with his feet, he was smiling- relaxed. Far more relaxed than he was at any court ball.
At one point you had to turn around. But all you could see was him. Your bodies moved so well together- almost in sync here. You could look at him and do the steps fluidly. Feeling his touch, looking into his eyes. He held your hand…something was different. He kept a hand to your back warm and splayed. It never felt this nice.
Then…it ended. And he was still holding your hand. Catching your breaths and looking into each other's eyes. Hesitantly, he let go.
“Did you like that, my lady?” he asked.
“I…I liked it. Very much.”
You wanted him. You wanted his touch. More of him. He placed you back on his lap as he sat down right next to a table. He nestled into your neck.
“I’ll tell them I’m taking you with me to the palace and then escort you home,” he whispered. 
“People are…are leaving more, now…” you commented. The crowds were thinning. The noise was calming down. 
“Why…it’s getting late…a tavern has two lives. The celebration and then the dimming, the seriousness, when all is dark and gloomy.”
“It’s still…it’s peaceful… I do like it Hal…”
His lips moved to speak and then froze. He touched your cheek tenderly.
“Y/N…” he muttered.
“What is it?”
His softened to you.
“You’re…you’re a beautiful woman…and…and a good woman, too…” he confessed breathily, earnestly. 
“I am your…your whore…” you said aloud, aware there were others. You nervously glanced around and then he held your chin back to face him. 
“Y/N, I don’t care what you are now. I just want you to kiss me again.”
You did, feeling him. His mouth. His touch. He pressed himself towards you- to keep you close again. You heard him sigh into it. Then lips releasing- yet it felt too soon. He whispered your name. His voice. And it was not pretense. 
“Sweetest of ladies…my dearest…”
Before you knew it, he laid you down on that table. Your breath was knocked out of you. You felt your back hit the wood. He crawled on top of you on the table. Your bare legs peeking from your skirt being hiked up from your position, he touched them, feeling your skin up and down. But his weight didn’t touch you and his hands feeling your thigh made you feel even dizzier. He laid another kiss on you. You couldn’t catch your breath. You couldn’t believe How…good all of this felt. And your folds were wetting already, and not with urine or menstrual blood. He kissed you again. His hips touched yours and you felt your legs go up in instinct. A truly whorelike moan escaped you. You never felt…like this before. This climb up, this ecstasy.
He let go of his lips. Then pulled off of you. But The cold air hit you like a shot. But it was still stirring inside of you. This desire…screaming, turning inside you.
You wanted him.
“I’m sorry- I was carried away,” he muttered. “Y/N…I’ll…I’ll stop,”
“No!” you hissed.
He paused, his eyes wide. You went to him and touched his face. You swallowed deeply.
“I…I didn’t want you to stop,” you confessed.
“What?” he mumbled, tilting his head.
The words flew out of you. You gathered yourself on his lap. Feeling your legs wide, the cool air against your soaking, throbbing arousal. You wanted it complete- you wanted him. You touched his face, speaking softly. 
“Hal…I don’t want you to stop…what…what is it like? When you lie with a woman? With a whore? How does it feel? I want to know Hal…I want to…I want you to…to do the act on me. Take me…you are my husband already they say…then show me what is it like to bed you. What will it be like to be your wife? Please Hal-they think I’m your whore anyway- so bed me. Tonight. Now. Show me what it is like…” you begged quietly.
His jaw dropped. He pulled you closer. Another hand wrapping around you close. His voice was husky and his eyes gentle.
"Y/N...tonight...You want me... and you trust me?” 
“Yes,” you answered.
You felt his breaths shudder. Then he took your hand. He downright pulled you to Mistress Quickley in a corner counting money.
"Is there a spare room?" he asked.
She pointed upstairs. 
"For you? The second one you see up there," she explained with a nod.
He paid her. Then, he took your hand and led you up. Your heart was racing, going right up. He opened the door and let you in.
It was a wooden room. Cozy with plenty of space. Humble chairs. A window with brown crossed latched. And a large bed with a feathered mattress and four posters right when you opened the door. Moonlight shone through the windows. There were a few lit candles. Enough to see, but enough it was dim, private, romantic. 
Hal, far too tall for the doorframe, ducked under it with a fluid ease.
“Now…at last, we can be alone…and at last…you will be mine in every way…” he husked.
He pushed the door shut as he kept looking into your eyes. Then He grabbed your face and he kissed you. Then he took his hands and put his hips to yours. It caused friction that made you gasp. It nudged a sensitive part of you and you shuddered.
"Is it locked? If...if someone walks in?" you muttered, remembering yourself.
"Will they disturb the Prince of Wales, now? I will send them away..." he whispered.
You felt his fingers going up from your sides, then to touch your waist, gripping it. 
"I have someone more important with me now," he said with a smile. 
He sat on the bed and pulled you to sit on his leg. You let out a small sound at the feeling. His hand went up your skirt, finding your thighs.
“Spread your legs my dear…let me help you…I will make you ready…” he whispered.
He bunched up your skirt, so you felt it gather around your hips. His hands opened your legs so that you felt his knee right against your bare folds.
The smooth leather of his pants hit against your most private area- wet and sensitive. You felt it…brush against him, the material of his pants. You let out a gasp. So sensitive- stimulated. But you wanted more. 
“Do you like this feeling?” he asked.
You nodded. He guided your hips. It moved back, and then forth- making friction and a chill ran against you. You let out a small gasp.
“H-Hal! That…that feels…feels so good…”
He moved your hips to grind against his thigh.
“There….now darling…ride it like a horse-there,” he said.
He guided your hips to grind against his leg. You placed your hands over his broad, strong shoulders. It was pulling you close. The tension- it was making you gasp. Sounds coming out of you that you never thought you could make-touching him. Even with his codpiece on, you could tell something was stirring inside him too. He gave you another kiss as you rode his leg. Then his hands went over to your blouse. He touched your breasts, giving them a gentle squeeze.
“Are you alright, my lady?” he asked with a smug smile.
You let out a moan as an answer. He grabbed you. He kissed you more as if he was drunk and you were ale. Still clothed entirely and already a mess for each other. His voice low, he said into your ear.
"When I join with you, I'm going to make you cry out louder with pleasure than any whore here ever did. And they will know who gives this to you- your lord. And when I'm inside you, there will be more blessings between your legs than any church could give me…”
He kissed you again. His hand moved up to cup your breasts. He moved them around, feeling them. He moved, a finger playing with the string tie that held it together- your shift beneath he began to unlace the strings of your bodice. You paused, the cool air of your chest as it was lowering for him.
“I didn’t say you could stop…keep going. I’m going to undress you slowly- I want to enjoy every inch of you revealed to me…” he ordered.
You kept grinding.
Your blouse was loose, showing your shoulders. He pressed a kiss onto them that made you sigh out another little groan.
His hands greedily remove your garments. He took off your belt,. The little fingerless gloves joined it’s pile. Then finally his hands went to the collar of your dress and shift, already loose. He pulled your dress over your head. Then, in only your shift, he tugged it down until it pooled over your hips. Your bare breasts and stomach before him. You felt his eyes see you, all of you. You chilled from the cold. But he only smiled. He wrapped both arms around your waist and cupped your cheek. He looked down-seeing your breasts rising with your excited breaths. He licked his lips at Your stomach and Your hips. 
“Beautiful…just beautiful…how lucky I am to enjoy you for all of my life now,” he said.
Then he kissed you at the nape between your neck amd shoulder. You sighed into it.
"H-Hal..." you voiced out. 
You held onto him.
“What are you thinking, my love?” he asked.
“That…this duty feels…feels nice…That I…I’m going to be your wife and…I should…perform my duty to you…” you voiced out. 
He put his hands on your hips and stopped your grinding. Then he took and you half threw you on the bed. He went over to you getting on top of you. You felt his fingers then reach one digit to your folds. You let out a small cry. 
"You should know of passion, not duty, in our bed. You should know the ecstasy I can give you every night from now on. would you like that?” he asked.
"Y-Yes...my lord, yes Hal.."
You gasped feeling it. He removed his fingers, slick with your juices. He began to undo his jacket- your wetness grazing the leather and making a small stain. Then removed his black shirt. He went up to you. 
He took your hand. He traced the wrist gently with his finger. Then he kissed it. 
"There is my little sweetling...such a good little wife she will be…doing everything for her husband…and she will be rewarded…”
 You got him, your nails digging into his warm back. He slid a finger back into you. He got it out, then back in. You clutched onto him- feeling him against the lips between your legs as he swirled around. You ground against it, finding even more pleasure.
"Oh...oh Lord....Hal…your fingers are so…so-!”
"Do you like that, my sweet lady, do you enjoy being ruined this way?"
"Yes...yes...more, Hal- I want more!"
“Sweet little bird…so eager, so willing. Willing to please- to let me corrupt her. What would those nuns think of you now, hm? What would they know of what we have here, now?  I will enjoy having you- and I will have you every night. How does that sound for Duty, hm?”
He kissed and slid a tongue over yours. He slid another finger, pumping in and out.  Your legs had to widen to accommodate him. You made so many noises. 
You felt so hot, you felt his weight, shifting on top of you. To kiss you. To adore you. His snaking body grinding against you-he kissed you like you were food. His need. His ache. His hair fell softly through him. He cupped your cheeks and kept kissing you again.He groaned as he kissed
He let go with a smirk on his face. You felt something bubbling inside you- going up.
"I should have…should have taken you on the table...before all of them to watch-"
“Better late than never,” you breathed out, both of you melting into small laughter. 
But right before it climbed too high up, he removed his fingers, slick with you. You took his body in. His beautiful, lean body. How soft yet strong he was. So many muscles in just his arm alone. His chest- how beautiful it was. How…broad he was, too. And not just his chest that felt large. 
He removed his codpiece and slid off his pants easily. Your eyes went down to that cock-hard and eager and huge. Twitching. You had to swallow a moan from it-how was it going to fit in you? He then slid you down the bed-and he remained standing.
“Yes- look at me, darling. It might hurt a little, sweet wife. I will be slow,” you voiced.
But you were so eager-so desperate-you had to be with him. How warm he felt now- skin against skin. He kissed you once more time, his hips teasing what was to come.  Yet he was still remaining standing.
"Here...are you ready, my dear?”
“Yes, yes I am! My lord, please! Please take me!”
You felt his cock teasing against your entrance. He began to graze his hands up and down your thigh. touching up and down them. He looked at your pussy and smiled. Then, positioning your legs already to be between his head. He began to trust in you by sinking in. Inch by agonizing inch, he slowly vanished in.  
You let out a cry-a whimper. You had never been filled like this.
“ Oh my god-Hal!”
He groaned, easing him last bit of his cock inside you. The slight pain then began to melt.
“Do you want me to stop?”
The pain was gone-fizzled to pleasure. You were…getting used to him.
“No…no…please…please keep going. Please-”
He backed and then thrust.
“Oh! Oh- yes-yes, Hal-please.”
The began- thrusting slowly inside you. Still standing and you laying down. His hips rocked back. Creating such friction, such heat, like none you have felt. He was groaning hard. Each thrust was better than the last one.  
All you could say was a prayer. Simply repeating “please-yes-oh, oh my god-please, Hal, please-yes, there, Hal-”
You were used to it, then he increased the pace. He hissed out your name. He held you still so you had to take all of him- not that you would complain.  You felt your voice rising. All you saw was him, felt was him. He was nailing you-he was keeping you right into the end of the bed as he stood. So deep and full were his penetrations. Then his hand slid.
“Ah- yes-Here..my little rose has a rosebud inside her-” he said.
He found your nub, and then began to strum it with his thrusts. Even more pleasure whirled in you- it felt even better.
"Oh! Oh-gods! Hal! Yes! Yes-please-Yes! There!”
"Yes-cry my name, tell all of Boars-nrgh-all of Boar's Head-nrsh-who your lord is..."
Flesh slapped against flesh as he increased his pace. You weren’t sure now- you slide back and forth, whimpering with pleasure. 
“You-are-mine-now-nrgh-Gods and-Fuck-yes your lord-yes-gives you-gods-yes,this-fuck-your lord always-always satisfies you-”
His pace increased. He was grunting, moaning. You now understood why the noises came from those rooms-you were making them yourself. He pounded and pounded you into the bed.
“Hal…Hal-something-something in me-it’s…it’s going up…” you whimpered.
He kept strumming you.
“You’re close-close my dear-it’s going to overwhelm you- yes- it’s-it’s me too- give into it-give into it- cry ou t- let it happen-yes-fuck-yes-yes-yes, now, my dear- come now- come now!”
Then finally, you felt it-pleasure bursting, overwhelming you. It hit you so suddenly, so hard, you let out a shout that echoed.  You cried out-
With a groan and a thrust, brought on by your own brink, he came. You felt him pump inside you. It was probably lucky to have the wedding in two months- if a child came from this, none but you would know. 
He paused, collapsing down onto you. Only to hold you, nestling you close.
“Hal…I…I have no words…” you whispered.
“You cannot ask to break this betrothal…not after what we’ve shared…” he breathed. He then went up to see your face. “Please, Y/N…I…I…”
“I love you too, Hal,” you replied.
He smiled, kissing you. A deep breath of relief through him. He positioned himself there on the bed, holding you for only a bit. 
“We…we will have to get home soon…we…we will get in trouble…” you said.
“What sweet trouble it was….but I will see you home safe…” he replied.
 He redressed you and you helped redressed him. When it seemed the tavern was asleep without witnesses about the main room, he held your hand and led you back to his horse outside. Eagerly you both galloped, but you laughed as the wind tickled you. You found riding so close to him comfortable now and leaned back against him. An embrace as each landing of the steed’s hooves brought you closer. Then you were brought back home.
He was there at the entrance, knowing the servants would escort you to separate rooms, separate beds. He took your hand and then kissed it. A goodnight promise.
“Sleep well, my lady, he wished.
“Shall I see you tomorrow?” you asked.
“Every day,” he replied with a smile that matched yours.
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jamdoughnutmagician · 5 months
Eddie and Argyle:Hell or High Water-Operation Mary-Jane (Blurb)
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Summary:On a road trip across the states two stoners come across a new furry friend.
basically based on this text post, that I couldn't very much leave alone without writing a little something for
Word Count:761
“Dude I am telling you, Jonathan is way into this Nancy chick. All he ever does is talk about her.” Argyle chuckled from where he was sitting beside Eddie in the driver’s seat of his van. Eddie liked Argyle. The pair had actually bonded pretty quickly after Argyle had come down to Hawkins with the rest of the Byers’ family.  
“No way man. I saw how she was with Harrington with my own eyes, there’s something going on there.” Eddie refutes with a scoff.
“Well I guess only time will tell, my friend.” Argyle smiles.
Eddie slows down as he approaches a gas station. He’d been driving for a few hours at this point and his fuel gauge was beginning to dip low.
“Gotta fill ‘er up” Eddie notes as he pulls into the station.
“Alright, I want to get out and stretch my legs anyway.” 
The pair get out of the van and Eddie begins to fill up his van from the gas pump, before heading inside to pay.
“Alright, I'm heading inside, you want anything?” Eddie shouts out to Argyle.
“Yeah, grab me a Pepsi?”
“You got it, man” Eddie smirks, flicking up finger guns.
Argyle wanders around the gas station court for a few minutes, and as he does his attention is caught by the sound of some gentle mews coming from a cardboard box just behind the station.
Peering down to look inside the box, there curled up is a tiny little kitten. Its tabby stripes are a little fuzzy and unkempt.
“Hey there little one, did someone leave you here?” Argyle asks softly as he crouches down by the box. The kitten’s tiny little ears perk up at the sound of his voice.
The kitten mews in response once more, as Argyle looks around to see if there’s anyone else around. Nope, nobody, apart from him, Eddie and the gas station attendant. 
“Alright, I got us pringles, twizzlers, snickers, a Pepsi for you, and a Dr. Pepper for me.” Eddie says lifting up a small plastic bag in the air as he makes his way out of the door.
“Shh, dude you're gonna scare her.” Argyle hushes from where he's still crouched down by the side of a cardboard box on the floor.
“Scare who?” Eddie asks.
“I've made a new friend.” Argyle answers, stepping back enough for Eddie to see the kitten.
Eddie's eyes soften on the tiny little cat. She looked so small and helpless in that big cardboard box. 
Judging by the way that there was no food or water left out for her, Eddie assumed that the people at the gas station had no idea about her. The fact that the only other thing in the box was a scraggy piece of towel, didn't fill Eddie with confidence. Whoever it was that dumped her here likely wasn't coming back for her any time soon. 
“Pick her up and let's get out of here before someone notices.” Eddie says.
“Well we can't just leave her here, dude? What if something happens to her?”
“ Just pick her up? Like with my hands?” Argyle says, his eyebrows drawing up.
“Yeah” Eddie assures. “My uncle Wayne used to have a cat, black and white thing called Humphrey Bogart-we used to call him ‘Bogie’, so I know how to handle them, you've just got to be gentle.”
“Your uncle had a cat with a last name?” Argyle asked, turning to look at Eddie in confusion.
“Doesn’t matter. Just slip your hand under her belly, and carefully pick her up, don’t be nervous.”
“Like this?” Argyle asks, carefully picking up the tiny kitten and wrapping in the scrap of towel from the box.
“Yeah now let’s get back into the van before anyone sees us and tries to arrest us for cat-napping.” Eddie flicks his eyes around to see if there are any CCTV cameras which to his relief there’s not. It’s only a small gas station, so I guess people aren’t too worried about what goes on. It’s not like Eddie needs another offence to add to his ever-stacking list of misdemeanours.
The boys manage to successfully get back into the van and pull away without being seen, and the kitten that is comfort curled up in Argyle’s lap purrs happily as it sleeps.
“That’s it MJ, you just make yourself comfortable.” Argyle smiles.
“Yeah, Mary-Jane. MJ for short.” Argyle answers confidently. “What? She has to have a name, dude.”
Eddie chuckles. Just what every all-American road trip needs. Two stoners and a tiny kitten.
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@reidsbtch @trashmouth-richie @rebelfell @reysorigins @sunnythespookyghost @penguinsandpotterheads @xxhellfirebunnyxx @onegirlmanytales @mrsjellymunson
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spacerangersam · 2 months
I’ve been thinking about character arcs and ghosts, and how much that’s varied across the characters. I think I should say upfront that I don’t have the best memory and there’s a good chance I’ve mucked up something here, but this is from what I can recall.
Some of the ghosts have had very clear across the entire show, like the Captian learning to accept himself/his sexuality and be a more open, kinder person, Fanny learning to let go of her rigid ways and beliefs, Mary becoming more confident, and Julian becoming kinder (even if he’s still reluctant to admit it).
Then there’s characters who’ve had vague arcs like Pat who learnt to stand up for himself a bit more (and be a bit of a bitch sometimes, affectionate). There is a change with him, but it’s not as obvious as with the previously mentioned arcs. There’s Robin who has had small arcs in various episodes (ie leaning to like Christmas, twice, I think), but not necessarily an overarching one, or at least not a very obvious one. His language improves over the series, but I when I talk about character arcs, I think of emotional arcs/personality shifts, so I don’t really count that. I would argue any change with as more to do with us getting more insight into his history and his mind which deepened our understanding of him than an arc, but idk.
There’s characters like Thomas and Humphrey who had no arc at all (understandable in Humphrey's case as he’s rarely present, baffling in Thomas’ as he desperately needed one), and then there’s Kitty.
I feel like there has been a change with her across the seasons, but I can’t for the life of me pinpoint what exactly and where she falls on the character arc spectrum. Honestly, this whole post is me asking what people think about this, if she did have a clear arc, a vague arc, or no arc because I can’t really and it’s bugging me.
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sonicjustbecause · 4 months
What about the earliest Shadow?
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Mods and Shadow has his Chao following him...
I imagine that most people got so interested in Shadow lately because he is back to be likeable, but also because of the incoming movie.
For the last decade Shadow has been the laughing stock from Sonic series. Crazy OoC-ness from fans were deliberate and not a mistake.
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Yes, happy Shadow was a choice by its autor. Is a long story...
The most common image of last decade Shadow we had was... THIS...
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I knew Shadow first from Adventure and Heroes. I didn't play heroes but I played a lot SA2B, especially the chao game and I always used Sonic and Shadow because they were the safest to have around chao. I rediscovered him later, in 2010, but he wasn't the likeable character I once knew so I completely lost interest in him (also I'm more a Sonic fan). I forgot who he was and all the things I knew were from meme. But also video from games showing 'how Shadow is an asshole' 'Shadow the edgelord' and IDW comics, the worst of all (not that Game Shadow was better, he was often underused and his few lines tasted as 'Go fuck yourself'. To make things worse he was dubbed by Kirk Thorton, not a really beautiful voice, to not say brutal things...).
Sega just took Shadow and removed all his good qualities, all what made him well rounded, keeping only the flaws (I've read the mandates, do you know what an Anti-Mary Sue is? Well...). They wanted him being unlikeable I guess. Is mainly from Prime and tMoStH that Shadow sparkled my interest again into exploring him as character, that made me think there is more, that he must also have good qualities, not only flaws.
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The earliest Shadow (Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes) was hardly grumpy. He was sad, lonely, somewhat insecure, often lost in though, but also stubborn, certainly less cold than people might assume. As for grumpiness, if I compare him to Sonic in 2001, Sonic seemed slightly grumpier than Shadow at that time. Shadow himself seemed to be aware of that and to have fun picking on Sonic. Both of them are rather cold outside but both of them are shown to be able to feel strong emotion (Shadow having a panic attack and Sonic wiping his eyes during the credits, Shadow being controlled by is own emotions while Sonic refusing them) At least that was the impression he gave me. Since Shadow was meant to die, most of his personality traits aswell as his backstory were packed and shown during the whole game, like a character ark. He is pratically the protagonist in the dark storyline. By the end of the storyark he is able to open up to Sonic (during the final battle against the biolizard he openly told Sonic he was not feeling well. Also the hand clasping was a gesture of openess from Shadow) and to some degree toward Amy. Not so much toward Rouge who pratically is the one who hurt him the most. In heroes Shadow appears to be pleasant to have around, althoug aloof. He is not fond in humanity and that's one of his main traits, but he doesn't let his predjudice win over him. He still has this melancholic aura around him though, it doesn't matter how content or cheerful he may seem sometimes.
Sonic was dubbed by Ryan Drummond and Shadow by David Humphrey. David's voice was different from the other VA Shadow had. His voice was more high pitched, youthful, cute. Still soft spoken. Ryan's voice was legendary, and when he made Sonic talk soflty, he sounded almost like Shadow. The two VA had so similar voices that made Sonic and Shadow sound like legit twins, and back in 2001 I though they shared the same VA all the time. Well, Drummond also dubs Shadow for a short time.
So what went wrong?
The 00's era were the years of the prince of the saiyan, or better, the king of the edgelords:
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This guy was also sad and lonely. But he was also more impulsive, rough, boorish and extremely grumpy. Maybe because he is a muscular human and not a cute velvety male calico kitten hedgehog he filled the dreams of young and older teenagers.
Some said Shadow is based on Vegeta (not only him but also him) the more the 00's approaches the 10's, the more Shadow became grumpier, arrogant and standoffish. Sadness and melancholy were replaced by selfishness and he became less and less fun and interesting. Shadow the edgelord.
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Archie Shadow was maybe too expressive (and his sadness was very underlined) but with only SA2 and Sonic Heroes around this interpretation was more than understandable. They (Flynn, Penders I can imagine) referred from the material they had. Shadow opening up to Sonic is there in Adventure 2, is undeniable, so it was normal assuming he was more open.
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He is left handed, yeah! (This is actually correct)
In Sonic Universe Shadow was more balanced, maybe closer to the one we saw in early '00s. Lonely, rejected, sometimes bullied (although he could defend himself with his sharp tongue) because he was different.
Then the IDW.
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No. Seriously Shadow?
That is unavoidable if we are talking about characters that are created by a team and not by a single. We already see this with Disney. When the writers change the charcters change too, everybody notices different things about a character, based on it's own experience of life. The characters chanfe even when the single writer deals with them, because people change too. Any kind of mandates can only help this far, if they're too heavy they end to be counter productive.
This is my personal opinion, but I would have seen better Shadow befriending Amy and Sonic more than Rouge in early days. Rouge worried for him at times, but there were moments she purposefully hurted him (although later she cared sincerely for him). She would take time to regain his trust. With Sonic, following SA2 would have been open, even more than what we see in Prime. With Amy he would be in good terms though often drained by her own cheerfulness and extrovertion. Tails is rather reserved although not socially awkward so he would not have problem with him. With Knuckles things would become funny I guess, Shadow used to be calm and smart while Knuckles is more simple and is grumpy. I think he (Shadow) would still have issues and relapses with his PTSD though and the need to be left alone.
Well, now the movie will come out. They did a good job until now. I'm curious about what they will do with Shadow. I hope he will be likeable like in SA2.
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direwolfrules · 2 months
I do not have time right now to work on my actual writing- midterms are done so now we're just jumping right into final papers- but have an AU outline post.
Professor Pied Piper, taking inspiration from some of his best high school memories, gets Headmaster Grimm to reinstate the school glee club.
Meanwhile, Madame Baba Yaga fears the new activity will steal away talent from her prize cheer-hexing team, the Ever After High Cheerios (I can’t think of a good fairytale-ification for this, I will accept suggestions). To rectify this situation, she sends in three of her girls undercover with the goal of sabotaging the glee club.
Basically, Pied Piper is Will Schuester, Baba Yaga is Sue Sylvester, and chaos ensues.
Glee Club Members:
Apple White: She joined because 1) she's good at singing 2) she genuinely enjoys singing 3) her mom was in the Glee Club and led them to winning Nationals. I'd say she's the Rachel Berry or the Quinn Fabray, but I'm not gonna do that thing where I entirely change a character's personality to make them fit into the role of another character...for the students anyway. Look, Apple's got enough drama in her life, she doesn't need me making her crazy enough to send someone to a crack house out of jealousy.
Raven: Uh, in the books Headmaster Grimm won't let her take Muse-ic because it's not an evil class. Luckily, because of a bizarre loophole in the school guidelines for competitive teams, Headmaster Grimm can't ban her from Glee Club. Everyone say thank you Giles.
Daring: He joined because he was told it would give him extra credit for the serenading skills portion of Advanced Wooing. Also, Apple asked him to join because they didn't have enough boys in the club and Daring's been trained to never ignore a request from a damsel.
Dexter: He’s there cause Raven’s there? And also cause he is a genuinely great singer and unlike Daring needs the Advanced Wooing extra credit? Also, I just kinda want him there.
Darling: Her mom made her join. Queen Charming really said “I’m gonna take a page from Snow White’s book and live vicariously through you, offspring of mine”.
Briar: She really likes the idea of a team competition where she won’t put her teammates in danger if she falls asleep. Also, she checked the competition rulebook, as long as they don’t all leave the stage when she has a narcoleptic episode they won’t be disqualified.
Humphrey: Every Glee AU needs a white-boy-who raps and Ever After High has one already built-in in the form of Humphrey Dumpty.
Maddie: She’s there cause Raven’s there. It’s utterly hattastic!
Kitty: She’s there because she remembered her mom talking about how some of her fondest memories of high school revolves around messing with the glee club, and Kitty wants dearly to be like her mother.
Lizzie: We’re completing the Wonderland ensemble. Lizzie joins because she needs an extra curricular and the Invisible Tree Situation has gotten so out of hand they had to disband the croquet team. Great voice, ngl.
Justine: Not the strongest singer in the room, but she’s capable of choreographing numbers like nobody’s business.
Meeshell: Listen, canon’s pretending her singing in that webisode was something amazing. So like, we’re pretending now too.
Duchess: I picture her as a Sugar Motta-type character. Cannot sing, massive diva, but they gotta put up with her cause her family’s donating to the club budget.
Melody: Listen, it’s her dad’s club. She can’t just not join. She’s banking those supportive daughter points for a rainy day.
Lawrence Bonecrusher III: Listen, I just it'd be funny if Professor Piper says the ever-insane "You're all minorities, you're in the glee club" line and there's the one orc student in the school just sitting there with his eyebrow raised. He's also the Matt of this AU. For some reason never speaks when in a scene.
Faybelle: Captain of the Cheerios, totally not here as part of a scheme by Madame Yaga to DESTROY THE GLEE CLUB!!!!
Nah, but seriously, this whole AU was born of me going "What EAH character would say the iconic 'I'm a closeted lesbian and a judgemental bitch' line?" and her face popped into my mind.
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ellethespaceunicorn · 6 months
2023 Character Wrapped
@geralts-yenn and @raccoon-eyed-rebel tagged me to talk about my favorite characters. And well, this is just too good not to pass up. So, join me, won't you?
Let's rank my favorite characters! (Based on # of times I have written them).
Under the cut to keep my ramblings off your dashboard...but you just know there are bunch of Henry Cavill-shaped bitches under this cut.
But, in what order??
Alright, let's get this party started with...
Walter Marshall - Night Hunter
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I feel like this is absolutely no surprise that I've written the most for this grumpy bear. But, I just call him Daddy. Whether he be touch-starved, an enemy turned lover, falling in love like a love-sick puppy, taking a little "me time" for himself, or being the goodest boy as werewolf Wolfie. Even wrote a headcanon about his hobbies.
2. Clark Kent - Man of Steel, BvS, Justice League
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I have loved the character of Clark Kent since I was a little thing, I'm obsessed with curly-haired nerds. Clark also is the only character I have written "fluff" for, be it praising what you think are flaws or surprising you for your birthday. I have written him as a Sub and as a Dom (in my only work that has surpassed 1k notes).
3. August Walker - Mission: Impossible - Fallout
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I've never written August as the good guy, and there is a reason for that. In my head, he's the life-ruiner. He can be sweet (to you), but odds are he just killed a guy because the guy looked at you for longer than a second. I've written August as a pissed-off Dom who was sick of being interrupted, a very bad Daddy, and an Uncle who takes advantage of his nephew's girlfriend here(original) and here(director's cut).
4. Captain Syverson - Sand Castle
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Oh, Syverson. My baby don't even got a dayum first name and he's popular. I've written him confronting a lover during a post-apocalyptic pregnancy realization, and as a married father-to be getting his beard trimmed and talking to his unborn daughter. He's also featured in my Werewolf!Walter Marshall story, and that's all I'll say about that. (Also, I've been referring to him as James Syverson in every iteration of the character that I have written for - I think.)
5. Mike - Hellraiser: Hellworld
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My sweet baby boy. He is a guilty pleasure. I gave him a full series where he finds love and has quite the cast of characters as his family. But, technically, I only wrote the series because of what happened here and here, when his naughty Uncle slept with his girlfriend.
6. Napoleon Solo - The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
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He's just so fucking sexy. I love him, your honor. He's been a suave and sexy older man wooing a young student over a good meal, and also started a series where he was falling hard for a woman in his apartment building (still in the early stages and I promise @deandoesthingstome that I will get back to this series).
7. Sherlock Holmes - Enola Holmes series
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I have also loved Sherlock Holmes since I was a little kid. I thought he was the coolest person ever, but he's a curly-haired nerd so of course I loved him. I love when Sherlock is in love, whether he is ignoring his bratty wife until he takes matters into his own hands, or if he is having trouble coming to terms with new love.
8. Charles Brandon - The Tudors
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This little shit. This redeeemable, sexy, fucking slut. I love him. I've only written him once, and it was a request! But, I enjoyed it. I loved writing him getting teased sexually and then taking control of the situation. So hot.
9. Humphrey - Stardust
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Ok, not actually a fan of Humphrey, I've just written him. And that was all thanks to @sillyrabbit81's milestone celebration at the beginning of this year. This fic is kind of a weird egg, just, go with me though. The plot is: you and Humphrey are step-siblings who end up getting a little...involved. I'm not sorry for the title of this fic.
And to our last entry, the only non-HC character...
10. Lloyd Hansen - The Gray Man
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What can I say? If I had the means, and I guess I really do but whatever, I would rank this man at #2 above Clark Kent. Because Lloyd-excuse me...Sir is one of my all-time favorites. I've included him inside larger stories as a bit player, see Bright Like the Moon (where he plays a bad man later in the series). But, I also wanted him to have his own show where he was the star, so I had him stalk and kidnap a girl and tie her up in the basement and call her Sunshine. I also wrote a little headcanon about his family, quirks, hobbies and his sleeping habits.
TL;DR: Walter Marshall is Daddy, Lloyd Hansen is Sir. And I need to finish one series before starting another. Maybe I will work on that. *snort*
I have written for a lot of characters, and I'm not gonna stop. I really wanna write so much more and my WIP folder is literally overflowing with things. I just started a new fic like the day I posted the most recent chapter of THiCC. What am I doing??
No pressure tags: @cardierreh15 @milknhonies @halfofmysoulsblog @xblackreader @xsapphirescrollsx
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moonah-rose · 4 months
Fav ghosts headcannons?
Too many to name! This show has really given me brain rot and just when I was starting to think the hyperfix was ending.
Okay some random ones.
As ghosts don't need to breathe, sometimes they will just go to the lake and lay on the bottom to watch the fish, or Thomas try to drown himself, or Kitty doing her rendition of Part Of Your World. As they also don't feel much pain, another fun activity is daring each other to jump off the roof. Fanny refuses as she does this enough every morning.
Only four people knew about Mary's trial before she had her big talk about it in S4; Robin, Annie, Humphrey and Alison. Robin is rarely tactful with everyone but as he was the one to watch her die and the first ghost she met he's always been sweet with her about it, Humphrey has talked her through many sleepless nights and of course she relived it all to Annie who was more determined to help unleash her feminine rage. Alison being the last one encouraged her to tell the others (Alison had to take a moment to cry after though because Christ that was awful). Likewise Captain also told Alison the story about Havers before he told the others as it was easier to confide in one person, and she said to just tell the others when he was ready as Mary did but it took him a bit longer to work up the courage until he thought he was literally at death-death's door.
Robin didn't just figure out his ghost power with the invention of electricity, he's always had a connection to thunder storms but rarely tried to practice anything with it as they were part of his ptsd, and sometimes when he got emotional lightning always seemed to strike closer to him. Often times during a big storm other ghosts would find him cowering somewhere like a frightened dog (though ironically he loves fireworks). It's why saving Mike was such a big deal, he had no idea what being struck by lightning again as a ghost would mean, if it would hurt or destroy him but did it anyway (you're welcome, Mike and Alison!).
Julian is Mia's favorite uncle - no of course she loves them all but he has the advantage of being able to text and a betting account he can spend on nothing except her, and he might spoil her a lot to make himself feel better about missing out on his own daughter but they do develop a cute bond even if Alison isn't always sure he's the best influence for her daughter she doesn't come between them.
One I've mentioned before but it really is my favorite, Kitty being able to see Robin, Annie, Humphrey and Mary when she was growing up and having them be her imaginary friends, which they loved until Eleanor teased her for it and forced her to "grow up" and she lost her Sight. It broke all their hearts and they hated not being able to protect Kitty from Eleanor's mental abuse or let her know she was there. Yeah that flashback of their father taking Eleanor to the ball and leaving Kitty to cry? They're all sat around her wanting to give her a hug, I can't unsee it. I wrote a whole fic going into this I love it so much.
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noforkingclue · 5 months
New Friends?
Summary: you always felt that the hotel you worked at was slightly creepy but you passed it off due to it being an old building. However, a chance encounter one night changes everthing.
Author's note: I was inspired by this after seeing the last ever Ghosts episode, so spoilers for that if you haven't seen it. I honestly can't believe the series is over and I'm definitely going to need to re-watch it at some point!
Hope you like it :)
BBC Ghosts tag list: @violetlucreziastuff,  @mxacegrey
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @byebyebreezywrites, @spngingerbread21, @layazul, @lov3vivian, @simonsbluee
Why did all the creepy things happen at night?
Why didn’t horror films happen during the daytime when it was bright and there were lots of people about? Why was it had to be you who was working the night shift?
Why did you have to have all these fucking questions?
A couple had decided to leave in the middle of the night and of course you had to draw the short straw to make it presentable. Ok, so you wouldn’t be doing a full clean but your manager wanted it to at least look presentable in case there were any late night guests. You let out a huff as you let the door swing open as you inspected the room. Your old line manager wouldn’t be making anyone do this. This new one was a bit of a stickler to the rules and almost seemed to have it out for you.
You fluffed up the pillows and pulled back the duvet. There were no suspicious stains on the sheets so they’d do in a pinch. You made a note to change them in the morning as you made your way to the bathroom. Best to check that as well in case your guest were vicious serial killers who killed their latest victim in your room.
At first you didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. You let out a sigh of relief as you turned around and froze. Ok, maybe you theory about them being serial killers was more accurate than you initially thought. You slowly crept forward and narrowed your eyes. There wasn’t a lot of blood for a decapitated head. In films there was always gushing blood but this-
You cried out and jumped backwards, scuttling away. Your eyes widened in shock and you raised a shaking hand.
“What the… you spoke…”
“Well, yeah! Wait,” the head frowned, “you can see me?”
“I’m imagining this,” you stood up and ran a hand over your face, “I’m imagining this. I’m… sleep deprived, that’s it!”
You staggered back ignoring the cried from the head. This was all in your mind. You hadn’t been sleeping too well lately and that was why you’re seeing random talking heads.
“I know you can hear us.”
“Come on, just one word.”
“It is incredibly rude to ignore people when they are talking to you. Did your parents not teach you any manners?”
You put your hands over your ears as you continued to walk quickly down the corridor. For the past week you had been followed around by what you assumed (but didn’t want to believe) to be ghosts. You were just about keeping it together but you could see your colleagues becoming concerned. Your new line manager was becoming harsher, not just with you, but with everyone and that added pressure wasn’t helping.
“My dear if you would just-“
You slammed the door of the room you were meant to be cleaning in one of the ghosts (you think one of them called him Thomas?) face. You knew you were going to get in trouble for that later but you could always pass it off as the wind slamming it or it slipping out of your grip.
“I think she wants to be left alone,” said one of them (possibly Pat?), “you remember how Alison was when she first saw us. Give her time.”
You let out a sigh of relief and picked up your cleaning supplies. You headed into the bathroom and paused when you saw a familiar head in the bath. You sagged and sat down on the floor, back resting against the tub.
“So I’m not going insane?” you asked
“That rather depends on what you class as insane.”
You closed your eyes and leant back. Maybe you should just give in?
“I’m Humphrey by the way.”
“Nice to meet you, well, meet you again and as much as I can while I’m in here.”
You leant over the bath and smiled at him.
“Better?” you asked
“Yeah.” Humphrey frowned, “You alright?”
“Why do you say that?”
“You look a bit stressed.”
“Just my manager being a dick. Giving me too much work that I can’t always complete on time. Throwing her weight around and acting like a jerk. God, sometimes I really just want to-“
You let out a frustrated noise and sat back down.
“Sounds like you want a bit of revenge.”
“Revenge? I just want some breathing space.”
“Well if there’s one person who would be good at that.”
You jumped when a ghost stuck his head through the wall. You had been getting used to that happening but you could never get used to that happening. You didn’t need to see Humphrey to know that he was rolling his eyes.
“I heard my name,” Julian said, giving you what he thought was a charming smile, “in what way do you need my expertise?”
As you glanced up at the disgraced politician all you could think of was,
‘Well, what’s the worst that could happen?’
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ailendolin · 10 months
humphrey & sophie for 9: trust ??
Thank you so much for the prompt, anon! I included a real feature of West Horsley Place in your ficlet which I briefly talked about here in a different context.
List of prompts is here. Filled prompts are here, here, here and here on AO3.
Prompts are closed.
The Secret Room
Sophie would be lying if she said she had expected the plot to be discovered before their plans could be put into action. She would also be lying if she said she hadn’t prepared for this. So when the soldiers started pounding on their door and Humphrey told her to run, she grabbed his hand instead and pulled him towards the secret room she’d had installed years ago, back when Humphrey had still regularly attended court and been gone for days, sometimes even weeks at a time. It was a room with no door – at least no obvious one. It had a window, though, and she’d made sure it was comfortably furnished and had everything one needed for a moment such as this.
Sophie hadn’t thought she’d ever actually use the room but she now that death was standing on their doorstep she was more than glad she’d had it built. Pulling Humphrey through the dark hallways of the house, her heart was beating a mile a minute when they finally reached the secret entrance.
“What the–?” Humphrey began in amazement.
She shushed him and pushed him through the narrow passage before she sealed the entrance behind her once more. The darkness around them became an impenetrable black when the door fell shut but inside the room, the window provided enough light for them to be able to make out the vague shapes of the furniture. They couldn’t light a candle yet, not with soldiers searching all over the grounds for them, but at least they weren’t completely shrouded in darkness. And most importantly, they were safe – or so Sophie hoped.
“What is this place?” Humphrey hissed once he’d gotten over his initial shock. Sophie couldn’t really blame him – he had been dragged into a plot against his will, after all, and his life was just as much on the line as hers right now. He had every right to be nervous, angry and scared out of his mind.
She reached for his hand – something she had never voluntarily done before today – and cradled his sweaty palm between her own. “Humphrey, do you trust me?”
The question seemed to throw him. “Do I–? I don’t know, Sophie, should I? You were planning to kill the queen!”
“I never meant for you to be involved in that,” Sophie told him truthfully.
Humphrey scoffed. “Oh, that’s grand. What did you think would have happened if you had succeeded, hm? That they’d leave me alone? Let me live my life in peace? For god’s sake, Sophie, we’re married! My head would have rolled just like yours! Still will, when they find us.”
“If they find us,” Sophie corrected him gently. “No one knows about this room but me. If we stay quiet they’ll think we’ve run away.”
“And then what?” Humphrey asked, his voice rising an octave yet not in volume. “We can’t stay here and we can’t go to any of our friends – they’ll be marked too!”
Sophie gave his hand a squeeze. “In France, no one will care.”
She could see the wheels turning in his head, could see the exact moment he realised that their life in England was over, that France was their only hope now. He deflated and pulled away from her to sink down onto the sofa. “Was this your plan all along? To get out of England and make my life as miserable as yours has been?”
“No,” Sophie said tiredly and sat down next to him. “I meant to kill the queen. Everything else … it wasn’t part of the plan, Humphrey. And I am sorry it led to this.”
Humphrey glanced at her in the dark before he sighed heavily. “Fleeing to France, of all places. You know my French is awful.”
Despite everything that had happened, Sophie felt a small smile tugging at her lips. “It is but you will learn. I can teach you.”
Footsteps passed outside the room. They looked at each other for a long, silent moment before Humphrey whispered, “The queen, though, Sophie? Really?” Sophie chuckled, and when she felt him tentatively cover her hand with this, she turned hers around to entwine their fingers and knew they would be all right.
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adarafaelbarba · 1 year
Pleading Innocence - Joe Velasco x reader
AN: this thought has been stuck on my mind since the previous episode when Liv started the investigation... I'm kinda projecting my own anger towards her here ... soooooooo 🤪 This piece also has a Terry + reader friendship, where he's given her the nickname bee ... cause I think it's cute 🥰 And without further ado ... good reading ❤️ please reblog if you like the fic, would really help me out 😌❤️
WC: 1352
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“You’re a real hypocrite...you know that right, Liv?” Glaring at your Godmother as you stood in her office, she looked gob smacked. 
Although you absolutely adored her, and loved all the moments you had spent together for as long as you could remember, you easily got angry with some of the decisions she made.
“Excuse me?”
“You have no problem defending Mr. Humphreys or your old partner detective Stabler! But as soon as it’s detective Velasco, you assume guilt!”
“They were both innocent—”
Your hands shot up in the air in frustration. “That is not the point Captain! The point is you didn’t assume the worst in them, even when it seemed they were guilty. But before even hearing Velasco’s side of the deal, you assumed his guilt! He’s done nothing but try and earn your respect. And you just stab him in the back at first opportunity!”
You could feel how people were looking at the two of you now through the windows covering her wall into the bullpen, not that you really cared. Hell, let them talk.
“You don’t even know Velasco! You’ve been here five minutes, detective—I’m certain he’s done what he confessed!”
“You didn’t really know Mr. Humphrey’s before he came to you!”
Fin stepped in then, suggesting you take a walk.
“Perfect idea, sergeant. I’ll go have a chat with McGrath.” You glared at Liv once more before leaving the room, grabbing your bag and jacket off the back of your chair on the way out.
You’d almost made it to McGrath office when Terry called you on facetime, asking what the hell you were doing, going above Liv.
“Chief McGrath hired Velasco, surely, he wouldn’t vouch for him if he was crooked or a killer. And then I’m talking to Velasco after. Get his side.”
“Wow, not so fast bee—you heard Cap, we’re not to talk to Velasco about this case!”
“Terry—he’s going in here blind. How would you feel if that was you being thrown to the wolves?”
He took a deep breath. “I’d be pissed and scared. But I wouldn’t want you or anyone to take a fall to warn me.”
“I’m serious, y/n.”
“Velasco is gonna hate me if he finds out I knew but didn’t tell him.”
And there it was. Your real motive for wanting to help Joe. You could see it in Terry’s eyes that he knew there was more that wanting to save a friend.
“How long have this been going on, bee?”
“I’ve loved him since the first time I met him. He doesn’t know though. I never had the guts to tell him.”
Terry gave you a sympathetic look. “You must really love him if you’re willing to risk your career for him.”
That made you let out a small, teary chuckle. It was true. You would risk your life for him. Had this been a few years ago you would never. Your past was filled with once sided love, and troubled relationships. Past you would never have done this.
“You’re the first one I’m telling about this, so promise you won’t tell anyone.”
“I promise bee.” Terry looked at you in anticipation.
“I’ve been looking into transferring. Captain Murphy said there might be a position opening in Hate Crimes. If not Duarte says they could always do with more detectives.”
Terry looked stunned, taking a step back. “You’re leaving?”
There was nothing you wanted more than to hug your best friend. But you made a mental note to do it later when you saw him.
“Just need to get the papers signed at my new precinct, and then I’ll had in my notice with Liv. Regardless of this case or not. I wouldn’t be able to work with Joe anymore. Especially not if I told him how I felt. Liv would kick Joe off the force before I even got a chance to leave. So, it’s better this way.”
“Still hate that you’re leaving though bee.”
“Yeah, same.”
Several hours late you were back in Liv’s office, looking in on the interrogation that’s going on between her, Fin and Joe. Your heart ached as you watched him, wishing you could go in and hug him.
Terry and Grace stood opposite sides from you, rubbing your back, and making sure you didn’t run in to the room.
“They’ll see they were wrong about him; don’t you worry.” Grace tried. But it sounded like she wasn’t too sure about her own statement.
For the most part you just stood in silence. Tears streaming down your face as you saw how broken Joe was getting over this.
At a point you couldn’t keep looking, turning to lean your forehead on Terry’s shoulder, your own shaking as you started crying more.
Your biggest worries were that they were right about him, but more so, you didn’t want them to wrongfully convict him either.
“He’ll be okay, bee. You’ll both be.” Terry said softly, rubbing your back which also holding you to him.
You almost didn’t notice when they wrapped up in there, or when Joe asked, “Can I leave?” If it wasn’t for Grace speaking up to say they were done for the day.
Liv appeared in her office then, looking at the three of you. “We should talk, y/n.”
The others scurried out, leaving you in the office alone with her.
“Not tonight. I’m too tired.”
“I’m serious, y/n, that little stunt of yours earlier should have me filing a disciplinary action against you.”
“Then do it. Just cause you’re my godmother doesn’t mean you can’t write me up. You’d do that to the others.”
She gave you a warning look.
“But either way, it doesn’t matter anymore. I’m moving to a different precinct. Murphy offered me a spot in the hate crime unit. I’ll start on Monday.”
“No, Aunt Liv, it’s done. We shouldn’t have worked together in the first place. Work and family shouldn’t really mix.”
She gave you a sad look then, stepping forward a little. “Can you reconsider?”
“No. I’m sorry. I can’t.”
Then she nodded, putting on her best smile. “Well then. Thank you for your time here. And I hope your time with them will be good.”
You hated how a rift between the two of you had been created. But it was for the best that you left. Hopefully it would salvage the friendship.
Stepping out of her office again, you didn’t look back. Just went to grab whatever items you had, everything stored in your desk.
You left the building shortly after, skipping on the goodbyes.
“You’re leaving?” Jumping slightly at the voice, you turned to see Joe, leaning on his bike.
“Yeah, I was offered a new job.” Wasn’t a complete lie.
“Wait—I meant leaving as in going home—you quit SVU?!” He stood up then, moving to you. 
Maybe having so little that you could fit it all in your backpack has its perks? “I’m sorry Jose. I wish I could have told you earlier. It’s just—it’s been so hectic recently, and then the interrogation happened, and well—fuck it—I love you, Jose. And that’s one of the reasons why I can’t work the same precinct as you. I just—thought you should know.”
He stared at you, mouth agape. Then snaps back to reality and rushes forward, pulling your face to his and kissing you. “I—I—I care for you too, y/n.”
“You don’t have to say it until you’re ready, Jose, I can wait.” His eyes glassed over with tears at what you said, which made you melt against him, kissing him more, never wanting to stop.
“Let me give you a ride--”
“Yours please, I don’t want to be alone tonight.”
He nodded, pulling you in for a secure hug, “I don’t want to be alone either.”
Grabbing the spare helmet he had in the seat compartment, Joe helped you fasten it, then helped you onto the bike itself. “Hold on tight darling.”
And you planned on never letting go.
Tagging: @thatesqcrush @storiesofsvu @plaidbooks @beccabarba @itsjustmyfantasyroom @detective-giggles @muchadoaboutcj @misscharlielulu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @bisexual-dreamer02 @xoxabs88xox @beatrice-san @meetmeatyourworst @bullet-prooflove @mysoulisasunflower
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mcalhenwrites · 2 months
If the fathers from some of your stories (Vivian, Humphrey and Willie) were to meet each other what would happen. Just stuck in a room together. Would they get agree or disagree with each other (about their families or whatever topic you think they’d talk about) Think one’s style of parenting is better than the other?
Oooh, this is such an intriguing situation to pose to me, thank you!
The answer for this is incredibly lengthy, because I imagined several topics they might address, parenting included.
These three also have similar technology, although it has progressed further in SGH/Rascal’s steampunk world, so Vivian will only be a little behind. I will assume they’re all generally meeting when they’re the ages they are in their stories, since Humphrey and Willie exist in the same world, and Willie is older in Rascal than Humphrey is in SGH, but he’s young enough to be his son in their timeline. So they’re going to be early-in-the-story ages for this little experiment. ;)
Not sure what would trap them. Maybe an elevator ride, because otherwise Vivian would be the first to find a door and go through it.
Anyway, let’s start~
I know Willie would bring up cars, and Humphrey would nod along and hum in agreement with a few points, while Vivian would be baffled by Willie’s eccentricity. He’d politely decline to participate in the conversation and sit far away by himself, I bet, but Willie… Well, he’s not one to be ignored.
Willie is the conversation-starter, the lead of said conversations. He’d ask most of the first questions. He’d brag, which both of the other men would find tactless, but they’re both initially too polite to call him out on it. It doesn’t hurt that he has some charisma, he’s chatty, and he’s an extrovert. Friends aren’t hard to make when you’re Willie the Rascal, which is why this is an awful situation for Vivian.
Humphrey is generally a polite man who can speak when he needs to speak, and he’s good at responding. It’s good for his business—people don’t want to bury their loved ones while dealing with someone who shows no compassion or sensibilities. That doesn’t mean Humphrey’s less introverted, though. And he makes a fine mortician, since the cadavers don’t require much conversation.
(For the record, he does chat with them. He’s actually warm and caring in a lot of ways, he’s just also a product of his upbringing, which is why his parenting sucks but is exactly how he was parented.)
Humphrey’s temper is still terrible, but almost all of his temper is related to job stress and children not obeying as he demands. Other people don’t usually see that angry side. If they did, they’d say “children should be seen and not heard” or “children must obey their parents” or some shit like that.
Willie doesn’t have much of a temper except when he’s humiliated.
And Vivian’s temper is downright dangerous.
Willie would assume that since he’s in a room with two men, surely they must love cars!
Willie: “Yes, I actually happen to make parts for cars. I drive an Odelli, and my company provides some of the parts that make those lovely automobiles. Otis Odelli is actually a dear friend of mine. Do either of you have cars?”
Humphrey: “I do, but it’s in poor condition. I’m afraid it’s rather old and beaten and not always reliable, but I can’t afford anything fancy. I’m just grateful to have one.”
Vivian would not answer, Willie would push.
Willie: “And what about you, Mr. Liddell? Do you drive an automobile?”
Vivian: “I have one.”
Willie: “Oh, what kind? You should both try to get an Odelli—and don’t worry, I could even get Otis to give you a discount.”
(At this point, Humphrey just nods along with a smile because he’s not about to start something over cars, and Vivian is already annoyed but holds it in.)
Willie: “I bought both my children Odellis. My daughter uses hers all the time, but my son thinks he still needs to ride a bike around town. I don’t get it.”
Vivian: “Isn’t that quite practical? Car maintenance is expensive. I only use mine in extreme circumstances, but it’s far too hot in summer to drive it.”
Willie: “Why not get a model with a hood that lowers? Why, I know just the model you could buy!”
So it goes, and eventually, Vivian would mention cars are only convenient for driving his children around to appointments and whatnot. Otherwise, he walks.
Humphrey and Vivian then find out they both have three children, because Vivian lies. Willie, of course, only has the two—“A shame, really, I’m such a doting daddy!”—but they’re both sharp kids! “My son doesn’t always know what’s good for him, though.”
Willie may not like being humiliated by Hazel, but he has no issues being the one who humiliates Hazel. (Even then, he’ll still play up how much of a great daddy he is.)
Humphrey would say his wife only agreed to the three children they have, and he would have gladly had more if she’d been keen on the idea. But she’s the one who has to carry them, and he’s grateful to her for going through three pregnancies. He imagines it can’t be easy.
Willie will lose a lot of respect points with Humphrey when he laughs and says, “Well, isn’t that what a woman’s body is made for?”
Misogynistic asshole. :)
Willie: “Oh, but Edith Anne is happy with the two she has, and she’s a fantastic mother.”
(Humphrey immediately worries for Edith Anne, since he now imagines her being quiet and meek with her overbearing sexist husband, but he bites his tongue. Willie also doesn’t disclose that he’s a womanizing piece of shit who has countless affairs with mostly younger women, and if he had, I think both Humphrey and Vivian would devour him.)
Humphrey does express some disappointment in his youngest son, but admits he might not understand Ambrose very well. As for Eugene and Christine, they’re good kids, reasonably mischievous when younger, but they’ve grown up to be fine young people. He hopes Ambrose will get there too.
This is never addressed in SGH, so this isn’t exactly a spoiler, but Humphrey was the middle child of three: an older sister, a younger brother. The youngest brother had a tendency to be like Ambrose. He daydreamed often, he was sensitive, etc. Both Humphrey’s siblings died when the pandemic hit. Humphrey used to cover for his brother a lot to keep him out of trouble. He wonders if that was best, since his brother only seemed to upset the adults even more.
Vivian doesn’t say much, but he does mention he has three boys. (Early Seasons, so he doesn’t know about Bee.)
Willie is immediately impressed—“Three boys! You must have your hands full with those scamps!”
Vivian expresses that his oldest child is quite the opposite of a scamp, though his youngest can be one, and he doesn’t “know what to do with” his middle son.
Humphrey nods, because Eugene is the reliable oldest child, but he has similar troubles with Ambrose that Viv has with Howie. (Or so Humphrey thinks.)
Willie chimes in with his own agreement, because Opal is his brilliant little girl, even if she’s a woman expecting her own child—“a grandson!”—and she’s going to take over his business. Maybe even build it up and make his company better than ever.
Then Willie raves about Opal for a while. Talks about how clever she was as a little girl, how she got rid of her toys at a young age and took to mechanics right away. Helped him with his cars. She makes strange jokes, and he can’t always tell if she’s kidding, but—“She’s a riot, really!”
(This all reminds Vivian of Sophie, which makes him bitter. He misses his little girl, even if she could be ill-tempered. But he can’t say this, he left out his two older children.)
Willie: “I wish Hazel had been as easy to raise as Opal. That one is in his mid-twenties, and he’s still a bit of a rascal. I guess we all are—it’s a family thing. Our last name is Raston, and it’s been a public nickname for us. We’re the Raston Rascals.”
This is how they reach the topic of parenting. Because Willie tells one of his favorite stories about Hazel. The one where Hazel wandered off in a park on vacation when he was six, had the whole park searching, and when he turned up acting as if he hadn’t done a thing wrong (he followed a mama duck and her ducklings and forgot to stick with his parents), Willie spanked him on a park bench in front of everyone. It even made the newspapers.
Willie: “I can count on one hand how many times I spanked that boy! I wish I’d done it a bit more often. Never had to do more than reprimand Opal—and barely that—but I wish I’d been strict with Hazel. You’ve got to be tough with boys.”
Humphrey then agrees some children need a good spanking, and all three of his kids knew what to expect if they get into significant trouble or act disrespectful. (And still know, in Ambrose’s case.)
Vivian doesn’t engage in the conversation, although he secretly thinks Willie sounds far too soft, and he imagines Hazel is a terrible spoiled brat who doesn’t work. He has dealt with spoiled rich people as clients and has a special hatred for them.
Now, Vivian isn’t going to detail how he punishes his children, but even Humphrey would consider him abusive. Fucking. Humphrey. (Willie would too, given that he’s the most lenient parent in the room, and he spent half of Opal and Hazel’s childhoods talking his wife and the nurses out of punishing them. “Oh, they’re just babies having a little fun!” He’s mostly pissed at Hazel, but if he went back in time, he probably wouldn’t have the heart to go through with his threats of being tougher on Hazel.)
Humphrey doesn’t know the children in question, so he doesn’t have any opinions on Opal and Hazel, and given Willie’s personality so far… Well, he’s not sure he believes Hazel is all that bad or that Opal is all that perfect. (She is, Humphrey. She is. I will not hear a word against Opal.)
Then it comes out in one of Willie’s talkative rants that his primary reason for being angry at Hazel is that he’s a “shafter” who “runs around with a man on his arm!”
Vivian doesn’t bite his tongue this time. Humans may have certain weird societal rules they follow compared to spirits, but they’re as queer as anyone, and no one has ever considered it odd. The only reason he ever called Graham his brother-in-law was to cover up that he birthed Shannon, and he panicked on how to explain to others how he became a father. He could have just said that they both lost their wife in childbirth in a polyamorous relationship.
Vivian: “I raise my children with my husband. Do you find that offensive?”
(They would if they knew how you were raising them, and they’re both pretty shitty fathers, Viv!)
Willie balks. He wasn’t expecting that. Then he blurts something stupid because he’s in shock, but also he’s been secretly bothered by it since he saw Vivian.
Willie: “Well, you’re pretty enough to be a woman. It must confuse some men, your husband included.”
Vivian is pissed enough to retort, “By those standards, aren’t you too short to be a man?”
And the conversation is mostly killed. Willie’s mustache twitches as he huffs to his own little corner of their hopefully-large-enough-not-to-kill-one-another elevator, but he’s surprised and dismayed that Humphrey doesn’t join his side.
Humphrey eventually shuffles over to Vivian and says softly, “My sister dated women, and I think my oldest son is attracted to men, but he’s marrying a girl so I could be wrong.”
Just to let him know he’s not judging Vivian for being gay.
I don’t know how it would eventually be brought up, but Vivian and Humphrey have one thing in common: they are terrified of their loved ones getting sick and dying.
Vivian doesn’t want anyone to leave him, doesn’t want things to change, and has nearly watched a child wither away. He has seen people and animals die, and he knows he’ll live on, because so little poses a fatal threat to him. The unknown ailments of a season make that strange territory to wander into, so he takes no chances, but Graham? Graham is fragile, like Gideon, and could die someday.
Humphrey lost everyone he loved to an illness that ravaged his home city while he was staying in the dormitory at his university. All his family and any friends he had outside of university died while he was far away. He dropped out and spent the rest of his life trying to keep his family’s mortuary in business. Trying to afford to keep every acre of his family’s home.
Doesn’t help that he’s a mortician. He sees death every day. That cannot be healthy, always having that reminder.
I don’t think Willie can relate to that. Death is terrifying, but it doesn’t cross his mind much. He has lost friends and his father died a few years before Rascal starts (though they had a difficult relationship), but he’s also insulated. Illness? He can afford the best doctors and luxurious vacation homes in the countryside to keep quarantined at. He did care that the children got fevers sometimes when they were little, and he fussed over them, but he never worried they’d die, because he has access to the most modern medicine out of the three men trapped in this room together.
(I have no idea how they’re trapped.)
Willie would probably find out Humphrey’s a mortician and say something like, “Oh, that’s a grim line of work, but someone has got to do it!” And smile.
Vivian would be glad he looks at numbers all day, not at bodies, and say nothing. He thinks Willie’s job sounds disgusting, though he doesn’t know why he hates it so much. (It’s the Cosmos in you, Viv. It hates pollution. Willie’s factories are everything spirits hate and fear.)
Both Humphrey and Willie would respect Vivian’s occupation. They both have accountants, although Humphrey is married to his, and this is the one time he’d brag—that he’s got the best wife, since she takes care of all the numbers for him.
I fear that might be their most civil conversation: Vivian’s career.
Now, I wonder what would happen if you put all ten of their children in a room together. Just how much trauma have these three men caused? :’)
I think if these fathers had to listen in—with no way to retaliate because it would be post-orchard, post-airship, post-Stargazers’ Hill tragedy—they’d probably go from disliking one another to hating each other. Humphrey would be the most ashamed of himself. Vivian and Willie would try to blame anyone but themselves at first and for a long while, which is exactly what they did in their stories.
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lagoonnebula6523 · 2 years
I was watching episode 4 of Ghosts and noticed something during the monologue by Robin, where he explains that he gives each Ghost that moves on a star. Listing them he says: “Clarence, Godric, Elizabeth, William! HE LAUGHS. William! Annie…” And so on. 
Notice that? William? 
Where have we seen that name before?
Aha, a certain Lieutenant...
It’s also important to note that this episode was written by Ben Willbond, who also (alongside Simon Farnaby) wrote the episode in series 2, Redding Weddy, in which the name “William” is made reference to multiple times, including appearing on a letter in two different shots, and being said by The Captain to the other Ghosts. “Operation William it was called.”
The name William is heavily implied to be the name of The Captain’s second in command and secret infatuation, and the fandom has essentially taken it for gospel that Havers’ first name is in fact, William.
Something that was bugging me about this though is that surely, SURELY the name William would’ve elicited quite the response from The Captain, as he is often spotted in the background of shots, reacting to statements such as “I caught him… ‘pon the groundskeeper, with the butler ‘pon him!” (episode 1, series 1). So lets see The Captain’s reaction to Havers' name being said, not once, but TWICE.
Oh wait.
The Captain isn’t there to hear it. He’s gone off with Humphrey.
What an awful coincidence that he has been rather curiously tasked with updating Humphrey on the day's events when he is not particularly close with him at all (see series 3, episode 2). It’s almost as if Ben didn’t want us to see Cap’s reaction to Havers’ name being mentioned because it would be a DEAD GIVEAWAY.
I rationalised myself by saying that the names Robin mentioned are in order of who moved on at what time, meaning this simply cannot be OUR William, as we know Annie, who's name comes after William in Robin's list, moved on during the regency era (refer back to "Thomas Thorne Affair"). BUT, upon doing some light research, the name “Clarence” (which is the first name to be mentioned by Robin) came into prevalence in the year 1880, MUCH LATER than when "Godric", a rather viking sounding name (and the second name said by Robin) would’ve been popular.
But it's all so convenient, isn’t it? How come Havers was a ghost at button house for a time? How would he have even died? Let's hark back to the DVD extra, where Robin gives a tour of the house…
“And library! Man murdered in library- oh, not allowed to talk about that yet.”
LagoonNebula6523 - October 3rd 2022
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rheallsim · 1 year
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Azure Keahi for @wrixie's "Jumping for Juniper" Bachelorette Challenge
Let me introduce Azure Keahi! 🏝️
Age: 23 y.o.
Pronouns: They/Them
Traits: Jealous, Maker, Vegetarian
Azure is a trans non-binary sim from Sulani. They're an only child, but they were the youngest by a couple years of all the other children living nearby, so they were constantly treated like a baby by friends and relatives. This lead to a bit of a tendency to over-achieve, rebel against authority, and try to prove to people that they're more grown up than they look.
[More under the cut!]
That being said, Azure is a bit of a quiet, old-soul. They're really into fixing up old things and engineering new furniture out of scraps they find around the island. They spend more time thinking and observing than they do talking, and love spending time outdoors in nature whenever they can.
They're a socialist anti-capitalist and have so far only worked odd jobs around the islands to supplement their family's rather meager income. One of their dreams is to live in a commune where its members help each other out and try to be as self-sufficient as possible. That may not be very feasible, but they live their life around the ethos of trying to consume as little as possible (and sticking it to 'The Man' whenever they can).
When it comes to love Azure is pretty inexperienced (never been kissed!), but they're impatient and eager to find their special someone and have so much love to give. They're very attracted to hard-working feminine sims, and love nothing more than sitting on the beach around a campfire talking about hopes and dreams for the future long into the night. <3
(They were assigned male at birth but take female hormones.)
Fun Facts:
Has had many burning crushes, but hasn't yet had the courage to act on them 😥
Their family has an ancient pet iguana named Humphrey that was treated like Azure's sibling growing up
They absolutely love anything with cherries in it 🍒
They're responsible for much of the "If it's called 'tourist season' why aren't we allowed to shoot them" graffiti hidden around Sulani 😅
Loves old-timey film noir and mystery movies (The Maltese Falcon is their absolute favourite movie of all time and they have a powerful crush on Peter Lorre 👀)
Still doesn't have their driver's license (not much call for it in Sulani, though they are pretty good at piloting boats of all kinds!)
Likes: Film noir/mystery movies, cherry-flavoured everything, grunge music and aesthetic, tinkering, thrifting, thunderstorms
Dislikes: being condescended to, pessimism, capitalism, cooking, littering, tourists, the colour pink, shopping
I tried my best to make them as CC-Free as possible! Wrixie, please feel free to dress them up or re-do them however you like to match your aesthetic/preferences. ^^ Also get in touch if you want more info or have any other questions. I'm so excited to see how this BC goes! <3
Here's a screenshot of their likes/dislikes and traits in-game:
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