#anti authoritarian
pixiedreamclub · 1 year
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Zack de la Rocha of Rage Against the Machine, 1997 [x]
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Ever since October 7th, authoritarian communist groups and vanguard parties have had a fresh crisis to use for their predatory recruiting and fundraising. More experienced people know to avoid them, but this doesn’t matter much. They depend on recruiting newly radicalized people, energetic and inexperienced, and without existing connections to other radicals that could warn them off.
This zine is an intervention. Written for people newer to radical politics, it outlines red flags to look out for, provides some history of the most well-known authoritarian communist groups’ harmful behavior, and offers a few alternatives to joining them. Give this to the new people you’re seeing join movements, it could help them avoid lots of grief and serious harm.
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trans-girl-azzi · 5 months
A friendly reminder! Politicians houses are flammable and are publicly listed!
Have a good day :3
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graveyard-pansy · 4 months
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new lino project complete! “death to every settler state” patches out now ⛓️
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madame-helen · 1 year
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whereserpentswalk · 4 months
I'll probably explain more later but one of the most destructive things in modern society is the idea that racism/queerphobia/ablism/etc. are forms of hatred and not what they are: forms of authoritarianism.
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imaginal-ai · 4 months
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klett161 · 4 months
So I think many people are not aware about the current state of Julien Assange, the founder of Wikileaks since he‘s not getting a lot of media attention any more and the news cycle has long moved on.
Around 2 years ago the British courts already ruled that hell be extradited into the Usa where he will spend the rest of his life in jail under according to amnesty International: „a real risk of serious human rights violations including possible detention conditions that would amount to torture and other ill-treatment“. In the Usa he will face charges for his Journalistic practices such as leaking footage of Us soldiers committing war crimes.
Right now he‘s being held in Belmarsh high security prison in the east of London, England. He has been there since two years ago and is currently being held in solitary confinement. While the courts in the Uk already ruled about his extardidment to the Usa two years ago he is right at the moment in the process of making his last appeal. if it fails which it mostly likely will his last chance would be an appeal to the Un human rights comitee. The last appeal in front of the court in the Uk will be held on the 16th and 17th of February.
He is being charged for „being a risk to the national security of the United States of America“ under the 1917 Espionage act which was put in place during the Usa‘s Involvement in the first world war to fight german spy’s in Us Institutions and should have been abolished after the end of it. Instead it stayed in place up until today conveniently giving the Us-Government a reason to jail some of their stongest critics.
You just have to really think about the Implications that this whole case carries with it, if the Us Government can classify every document they don‘t want the public to know about because it would Inform them about their atrocities and crooked doings and everyone leaking them can get charged how can you still talk about a functioning Democracy? Not that I think that any representative democracy especially not the one in the Usa represents the true will of the people. But even taken this aside the rational of a democracy must be that information is somewhat available for voters to base their decision on. The thing is the Us-Government knows and this includes both parties that all of their little war adventures in the middle east and the all civilian casualties, displaced people and other atrocities commited would,even under the most ignorant Americans, raise some eyebrows. THEY FEAR THE TRUTH
And I think all of this is not only typical for the Us but for basically every liberal democracy. Nominally there is a right to free speech for everyone up until the point that you pose a real thread to the Government. And no, the constitution will not defend you because guess what even if there are no convenient laws like the Us espionage act that help to prosecute you, there are all sorts of secret services that don’t give a fuck about the constitution and their only purpose is to do what ever is best for the nation-state they are serving weather that is overthrowing government’s, bribing a court or assasinations doesn’t matter. And if the Usa can keep on silencing its sharpest critics without international condemnation or condemnation by their citizens, other western countries will follow this example and be more confident to prosecute their own critics openly, I do believe this is somewhat of a slippery slope.
There will be some last big demonstrations on the 20th and 21st of February outside of the royal court where the hearings will take place. Demonstrations starting as early as 8:30(GMT) so if you live in the area consider going. And even if you don’t live near london you can still get active, share Information, talk to friends and family, make solidarity graffitis, write an article for a local newspaper or zine, attend solidarity demonstrations or if there are none in your area organize one yourself. Anything really just don‘t look away
Please Reblog and share not only this post but all posts aiming to raise awareness about this topic.
This struggle is not merely about Julien Assange it‘s about press freedom as a whole. And not just in the Us but everywhere, so go and fight for free speech while you still can
amnesty International: https://www.amnesty.org/en/petition/julian-assange-usa-justice/
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dariusburke1 · 1 month
The apartheid will fall. The chains will fall off. The destruction will end. The Palestinian people will be free. History demands it. We can create it. Peace is coming and it can’t be stopped. Keep fighting for it.
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“Imagine, moreover, if all these protesters and indignant people were satisfied in terms of wages and regained the bourgeois dream of a country house, two cars and four televisions at the sole price of the ever-increasing impoverishment of immigrants, how quickly they would return to their comfortable couch…
…economic poverty is often not conducive to the prospect of anarchist liberation. It is no coincidence that in the past some of the fascist and totalitarian regimes were established on poverty and economic deprivation, after having presented themselves as the solution of salvation and exit from the crisis. Indeed, the impoverished masses often saw Hitler or Mussolini as their redeeming leaders. After all, it was ‘the poor people’ themselves who brought these scumbags to power through elections. This is because for someone who is financially desperate, usually his priority is to save by any means the basic necessities of life.
He is not in the mood to consider that there is a different life proposition that is not ruled by inequality and exploitation. What he is concerned with is a proposal or at least a promise that will now get him out of his impasse.”
Read here.
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trans-girl-azzi · 4 months
Guess who I saw on the way to Walmart?
Taylor Swift.…
And yep she parked her private jet in the handicap spot
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positivelyatheist · 7 months
If you’re anti-police you also have to be anti-police for even the people you dislike. I’ve seen some people that claim to be anti-police cheer when a cop attacks or arrests someone they dislike. Even if a cop is attacked by another cop. There are no exceptions. You’re either truly anti-police and make no exceptions or you have cognitive dissonance.
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nando161mando · 2 months
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Authoritarian 'Freedom': Shut Up and Be Grateful
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madame-helen · 8 months
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unsubscribed · 2 days
Don't mind me just buckling under the constant moral injury of being trapped in a system where I can only gain the autonomy I crave by taking it away from others.
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infpisme · 2 years
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