#anti gender critical
anti-terf-posts · 7 months
it's dangerous to go alone, take this!
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jackoshadows · 2 years
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boreal-sea · 2 years
Here's the thing:
Cis people really do feel like the gender they were assigned at birth.
Cis women really do feel like women, and cis men really do feel like men. They experience what we would call gender euphoria related to dressing and expressing themselves as their gender, whether that's in a femme way or a butch way or any other way. They feel joy and connection with their gender, with their sexuality and how it relates to their gender. They wear clothes, participate in activities, and express themselves in ways that affirm their gender identity.
Gender critical radfems and terfs will try to convince you that "no woman feels like a woman". They do this for several reasons. Firstly, it's to try to convince trans men they aren't trans, they're just women with no connection to womanhood because "no woman feels a connection to womanhood". They also do it to try to discredit trans women, by saying "If you feel like a woman, then you're clearly not a woman, because "woman" isn't a feeling, it's biology".
A lot of gender critical terfs and radfems claim they are "dysphoric women", and will try to convince you this is a normal state of womanhood. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no, that doesn't sound normal at all, actually. Most women do not secretly wish they could be men, or more androgynous, or have a penis. Most women don't define their lives through suffering - they love being women.
If womanhood - or manhood - is making you miserable... you might be trans, or you might be gender nonconforming. See if dressing a different way makes you feel a spark of joy and happiness - seek euphoria!
Gender should be joyous, not drudgery.
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liberaljane · 24 days
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support your SISTERs, not just your CISters.
My womanhood is not threatened by a trans woman claiming hers ♥
Digital illustration of a trans woman sitting on a teal cushioned chair. There are various trans patches sewed at the base of the chair and fireflies. Text reads, 'my womanhood is not threatened by a trans woman claiming hers.'
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lgbtqtext · 12 days
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normalaboutorcas908 · 9 months
yknow I really didn't think it was possible to make me angrier at JK Rowling but then I found out she wrote a book abt an autistic person being sucked into a cult (that's totally not an analogy for trans people what you talking abt) because they just can't possibly know what's good for them, they need their fathers to come and hire private investigators to get them out of a cult. And in the book autistic people are referred to by the r slur and called "a bit simple".
I didn't think it was possible for me to hate this paternalistic, honeyed head-patting, self-righteous, hate-driven HAG of a woman more than I did but fuck me here we are.
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lgbtq-userboxes · 2 months
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grimm-the-tiger · 26 days
I just realized: TERFs must fucking HATE child-free women with a PASSION. They're always going on and on about how surgery for trans men is "mutilation" and how they're throwing away perfectly good and useful and "beautiful" organs for something they view as a toxic ideology at best and an outright cult at worst. Meanwhile, from my experience, most CF women want to be sterilized, either for ideological reasons (*cough, anti-natalists, cough*) or as a preventative to ensure our choice is respected. So not only do we want to "mutilate" our reproductive organs, but we also spit in the face of their warped idea of feminism just for not wanting kids. They put so much power in biological determinism that anything that breaks that mold is abhorrent to them, be it people who change their gender and gender expression or people who refuse to play into or lack the biological "need" for children.
EDIT: Wow, this post hasn't even been up for a day and the radfems have already found it. Going through the stuff they've said, I now realize that they don't, in fact, hate childfree women because they have some truly impressive double standards.
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anti-terf-posts · 30 days
genderfluid/nonbinary person that gets only one boob knocked off so they can be half fem and half masc
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boreal-sea · 2 years
"Abolish gender!"
liberate gender
Free gender from the confines of the patriarchy and give it to everyone in whatever ways they want it.
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sweaty-confetti · 10 months
warning for extremely transphobic language!
on the surprisingly common idea that terfs/“gender critical” folks support trans men and don’t actually hate us, they just see us as misguided women and something to pity, and still include us in their feminism:
“It takes a complete lack of empathy to say  you’re including trans men in the liberation of “females”, when you call them things like,  “mutilated”, and “disgusting”. “Surgical mutants,” “a young lesbian … with a rancid cavity attached  to a likely twisted and depraved man’s body”. Fuck you. Like…fuck you. […] It becomes very clear that the gender  critical movement holds extreme animosity and disgust for trans men, despite  their claims that they support them for being adult human females.”
— “Gender Critical: Recruitment” by Caelan Conrad
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lgbtq-userboxes · 2 months
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What’s so “sinister” about a child knowing their rights? Being freaked out by doctor-patient confidentiality is not showing concern, you just want to control your kid because you view children as not deserving of privacy and autonomy. There are plenty of reasons why a 12-13 year would want to speak to their doctor without their caregivers present:
They could have questions about their growing body that they’re too embarrassed/scared to ask their parents because FUN FACT! Not all parents are safe to people to talk to!
Someone in their life could be abusing in some way them and either their parents don’t believe them or they’re too scared/ashamed to talk to anyone else about it and the doctor-patient confidentiality could make them feel safe enough to speak up!
Their parents are sex negative/strict Christians and the child wants to expriment sexually but don’t want to get pregnant, get someone else pregnant or get STI/Ds, their doctor can provide ways to avoid just that, like contraceptives, because GUESS WHAT?? Teenagers are going to have sex with each other whether you approve of it or not!
Their parents could be an anti vaxxers and the child doesn’t want to get polio or some other illness that can be prevented!
Their parents could be controlling T3RF/GC cunts (just like the user who wrote the tweet above!) and wants to transition because FUCKING NEWS FLASH: Your children aren’t property and they’re autonomous beings, who deserve to make medical choices for themselves!
If your teenage child is desperate enough, they will try and go behind your back to transition or at the very least prevent going through a puberty that will make their dysphoria worse until they’re old enough to go on HRT.
If you think allowing a 13+ year old to have a say on who gets to be in the doctor’s office with them is “sinister” then maybe you need to ask yourself why you’re willing to deny your 13+ year old child privacy and bodily autonomy so you can ensure that only YOU get to decide what YOU want to happen to your teenager’s body!
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anti-terf-posts · 1 month
I have a task for you guys.
spam the radfem/terf tags. make it unusable. spam it with whatever you want, until it's just fandom, trans stuff, memes, or literally whatever. share blocklists, call out terfs, do whatever you can to spam the tag full of non-terf stuff.
you guys got this 👍
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boreal-sea · 1 year
When I call out radical feminism, TERFs, and Gender Criticals for being fascist, it is not the same thing as "hating on feminists". I am a feminist - I'm just not a radical feminist. Radical feminism is not the entirety of feminism. There are other branches of feminism. Y'all do not represent all of us.
Sawing off the rotten branch of radical feminism from the tree of feminism is not "violence against women". It's an act of survival.
And if you're a radical feminist and not a fascist, bioessentialist transphobe, and you think you can save your movement from the rotting branches attached to it, my advice is to start sawing. Prove your movement is worth saving.
How to save radical feminism: Openly and loudly ally yourself with trans people. Stop being anti-male and anti-masculinity - because it's feeding your transphobia and bioessentialism. Stop policing consensual sex you don't personally like (like kink and sex work). Denounce people like JKR. Call out the bioessentialism, bigotry, racism, sexism, misogyny, and antisemitism in your ranks.
I know some of you are going to say "but OP, that's everything radical feminism is about! If we don't hate sex workers and trans people, what will we do?"
Well, if you stop being anti-everything, you might actually be able to be pro-something, and contribute to making the world a better place.
Cause right now? You're poisoning all of us.
If you're finding that your only allies in the political field are conservatives, and progressives are routinely calling you a hate group, and there are literal NAZIs marching in support of your cause and members of your group are reciting NAZI quotes at your rallies, and if you see members of your group claiming there's a "Jewish conspiracy" behind the people you hate,
then uh
You might wanna question what has happened to your cause. Regardless of where you started, even if it was far to the left, you're now steeped in fascism.
You're rotting from the inside out. Do something about it.
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agrebel18 · 6 months
the original poster of this was a TERF so I'm gonna say that if you see a woman having short hair or isn't wearing any makeup or is wearing comfortable or baggy clothing and you immediately assume she’s Not a Woman or "less than", you’re regressive as hell, by the way. same thing applies if you see a man or anyone else that's some form of genderqueer having long hair, wearing makeup or dresses/skirts and immediately assuming that they Must be a woman or that they're "less than." people can present and do whatever they want forever.
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