animentality · 7 days
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fixing-bad-posts · 3 months
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people be feminist... I'm like I know the overall point of feminism, to help make women free and happy in the world. be happy being single/childless.
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whatbigotspost · 4 months
“If you’re so vocally ‘child free’ how come you work with kids…?”
Well Jethro, it may shock you to learn that not reproducing doesn’t mean you hate kids.
And I don’t know Betty Sue, but maybe just maybe I want children to know that parenting isn’t compulsory, since almost every fucking adult I knew (ESPECIALLY YOU) growing up made it feel like an inevitable, incoming curse.
So I ask YOU, Jimbob, why do you hate your kids so fucking much???
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heterorealism · 6 months
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thepeacefulgarden · 11 months
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freckled-radfem · 10 months
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Reasons not to get pregnant/have a child/raise children. From girlwiththelist1 on tiktok
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selfmedblves · 9 months
Controversial opinion: I think if you want to sterilize yourself, you should be able to without any requirements. No one should have to have kids, be married, or be above a certain age. True autonomy is impossible to acheive without realizing this.
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strezzedanddeprezzed · 11 months
Just saw a post asking moms what they would do if they had 10 hours of free time and all the responses were like this:
Get a full 8 hours of sleep.
Eat a hot meal for once.
Watch TV without kids screaming in the background.
Do my hair.
Get a pedi and a mani.
Take a long shower and do a full skin care routine with no interruptions.
Run errands.
Y’all need to think long and hard before you decide to ever have kids. Every time someone describes what having kids is like it sounds awful. They always try to save themselves by saying ‘but my kids bring me the most joy in the world’.
Maybe this post is harsh, but as a woman having kids just seems like a punishment. I hear so many stories about women losing their identity when they have kids and having no free time, but where are these stories from men??? Men never ever make posts about not being able to eat a full and proper meal because they have to take care of their kid. Men never post about ‘finding themselves after fatherhood’. 
It’s so sad because this was a post on a local fb group, and I know a lot of those girls were my age. 
We really need to steer women away from having kids before they’re 30. Women need to get a degree, find a career they like, go on a round trip to Europe, get a hobby they like, move to a different state, date around, and do so much more before they even think about having kids.
Maybe it’s just because I live in a small town, but it makes no sense to have a kid before you even leave your hometown. It’s very depressing and I hear so many ‘what ifs’ or ‘maybe if i never had kids I would’ve...’ from mothers it’s sad. Growing up my mother always said if she didn't have kids or get married so young she would’ve gone back to Germany and she would’ve been a psychologist/author. She would’ve finished that novel she always wanted to write. She would've gotten so many degrees she wouldn’t know what to do with all of them. She would’ve learned a bunch of different languages.
I never heard anything like that from my father. 
I know this will never reach the women I’m trying to reach, but if you’ve ever considered having kids young DO NOT. If you ever find yourself unexpectedly pregnant consider what you’ll actually be losing when you become a mom. 
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longreads · 10 months
"The decision whether or not to have a child is one of the most consequential choices most people make. As I edge past my mid-thirties, it’s a question that has dominated my thinking."
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A new reading list on the struggle to make one of life's biggest decisions. Read it here.
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aromanticduck · 1 month
Humans as a collective need food to be produced. Not every human needs to work in agriculture.
Humans as a collective need buildings to live and work in. Not every human needs to work in construction.
Humans as a collective need medical services to stay healthy. Not every human needs to work in medicine.
Humans as a collective need clothes to wear. Not every human needs to work in textile manufacture.
Humans as a collective need babies to be born to continue the species. Not every human needs to reproduce.
Just because someone needs to do a certain thing for humankind to survive doesn't mean everyone has to do it.
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kadunud · 11 months
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animentality · 1 year
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xiaq · 4 months
Story time: Nosy, tone-deaf neighbors.
We went to a Superb owl party last night at our friend's place down the street. It was an eclectic mix of climbers, neighbors, and family. One of the neighbors was a woman in her 50's who was already drunk when we got there, about 10 minutes after kickoff. Before even introducing herself, and having never spoken to me before, she asked if I had any babies. I said no and she said I needed to "get on that" then asked where my husband was and if she needed to have a word with him.
Again. I have never spoken to this woman before in my life.
I told her we weren't planning to have any babies. And she said, "Oh honey, don't say that, people who don't have children are selfish, pure and simple"
I said: "I'm definitely selfish then."
She was a bit confused by that. "Well, that's fine when you're young! Count your money for a while. But--how old are you?"
"Well eventually you'll need to grow up––and it should be soon if you're already in your thirties––and realize you can't be selfish forever!"
"No, no. I'm planning to be selfish forever."
I was placid. I maintained eye contact. Stymied, she shifted her attention to my friend who has been trying for a baby for three years, is currently on her second round of IVF, and had a miscarriage last year.
"What about you? Do you have babies?"
Friend: "Trying."
"Well stop trying and start having them!"
Friend: "Ah, thank god for that advice. I had no idea. That's what I've been doing wrong."
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And then she noticed my friend wasn't wearing a ring and started lecturing her about having babies out of wedlock despite the fact that she's been in a committed relationship with her partner for years.
Again. This woman has never met either of us before. The audacity. No point to this story other than a reminder that a person's choice to procreate, and the way they go about doing it, is literally never your business.
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bearlyfunctioning · 1 year
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Comic #329: Dumb reasons to have kids #1  - Website links: Here! I have had some genuinely stupid reasons for having children leveled at me but this one... hooo... this one my whole family's existence disproves! I am ending a long line of wanderlust ladies skipping all over the commonwealth & that's just fine! Let ppl live their own lives🐻🚫👶
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heterorealism · 7 months
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thepeacefulgarden · 21 days
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