thepeacefulgarden · 1 hour
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thepeacefulgarden · 1 hour
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That phrase was never meant to be used against people who are struggling to make ends meet, to gaslight and guilt-trip them into accepting the status quo. That phrase was meant for people who take midlife-crisis trips to outer space. People who have yachts on their yachts on their yachts. People who own 3 vacation homes, plus their primary home. People who take private jets to the next zip code. People who get multimillion-dollar "golden parachutes" when they get fired. People who have never worked a day in their lives, because they didn't have to, or haven't had to work in years, or could leave the workforce tomorrow with no negative consequences. People who buy social-media platforms just because they can. And it's truly unfortunate that we use it against the wrong people.
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happy pride!!
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thepeacefulgarden · 2 days
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Give yourself credit where it's due. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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thepeacefulgarden · 2 days
Unlearning How White People Ask Personal Questions
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thepeacefulgarden · 3 days
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thepeacefulgarden · 3 days
And furthermore, your equipment will schedule it for you with little to no notice, and probably at a very inconvenient time.
I don't know who needs to hear this, but if the phrase "self care" doesn't resonate with you, try calling it "system maintenance" and see if that clicks.
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thepeacefulgarden · 3 days
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thepeacefulgarden · 5 days
Showing up for others at the expense of yourself will lead to resentment
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thepeacefulgarden · 5 days
Sometimes, you need to spare yourself from exhausting conversations with people who aren't willing to change. Sometimes, you did all you could for a person. You have to know when enough is enough. When you've reached your limits. Don't let yourself reach the point of burnout just to meet every expectation a person has of you.
Sometimes letting go of someone so you can focus on yourself is necessary. It doesn't make you selfish. It makes you human.
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thepeacefulgarden · 5 days
Some things about boundaries:
The word "boundary" is just a word that means "a line".
A line can be drawn for any situation, at any time, for any reason at all.
A line can be drawn for many reasons. Maybe you're tired of being treated a certain way, you're tired of giving finances to someone, you're tired of a parent treating you poorly, you're tired of taking on responsibilities that leave you drained. You have to draw a line.
The line is to separate you from the actions and behaviors and stresses of others.
The line is necessary bc without it, you're left suffering- often in silence.
You have to determine when, where, and how to draw that line.
The line can be drawn by removing yourself from the situation.
The line can also be drawn by making others aware of your lines ahead of time.
You can do this by spending some time considering what your lines need to be, when they need to be enforced, and how you'd like to enforce them.
There is no guarantee that others will respect your lines.
This is the first and most prevalent sign that you need to limit, withdraw, or consider other ways to protect your lines.
It is never your fault when others cross your lines. Sometimes it's unintentional. Mistakes do happen. But if it's a repeat offense then the problem lies with the person repeatedly disrespecting you, not you.
That being said, repeat line breakers often do not understand that you deserve respect. This is why it's up to you to draw that line in other ways.
Your lines are precious and absolutely deserve to be protected, respected, and considered in every aspect of your life.
Your lines can fluctuate. You can change your mind at any time. You can have strict lines with some people, and loose lines with others. You can change a loose line to a more stricter line, and vice versa. Please consider thinking long and hard before you do.
Lines can be hard to determine. Please do not be hard on yourself for not understanding how to draw them, or what they even mean. You deserve the time and space to figure it out.
Lines can absolutely be drawn with authority figures, medical practitioners, family members, siblings, parents, friends, co-workers, bosses, and other people who hold power over us.
You should never feel ashamed about drawing your lines. Your lines are precious. Your lines are there to protect you. Honor them well. Surround yourself with people who ask and honor them too.
Some lines can be as simple as "I dont respond to texts after 8pm." Some lines can be "i will block this person because they hurt me." Some lines can be "I am forced to interact with this person so I will be nice in passing, but I will not allow them any other access beyond that." Some lines can be "I don't give out personal information to people I don't feel safe with." Some lines can be "this situation causes me a lot of stress so I will step away and reconsider."
All lines are valid.
Lines do not have to be understood in order to be respected.
Everyone on this earth is entitled to drawing lines. You are included.
Lines are not just limited to adults. Children are allowed to draw lines too. It is necessary to allow them to.
So many lines can be drawn in life. Personal space lines, bodily autonomy lines, emotional lines, financial lines, work space lines, friendship lines, relationship lines, social justice lines, spiritual lines, personal lines, and so many more.
People who use your lines against you are not to be trusted.
Pay attention to the ones who justify crossing your lines. Those people are dangerous and should not be ignored.
You are allowed to draw lines even when others are mad at you or insist that your lines are too much.
If you are having trouble setting a line in motion, do some heavy thinking about what the hardest part is and go from there.
Sometimes in order to draw a line, we have to get comfortable with changing our current position in life. Sometimes the people we need to draw lines with are so intertwined with our lives that we have to uproot our entire system in order to cope & move forward. Please treat yourself with compassion while you figure it out.
You are always worth the effort to draw a line. No matter how big or small that line has to be.
Hope this can help. 🌸
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thepeacefulgarden · 6 days
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And that includes how you talk to yourself, too.
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thepeacefulgarden · 6 days
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“Joy was not meant to be a crumb” - Mary Oliver
still one of my favorite reminders
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thepeacefulgarden · 9 days
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thepeacefulgarden · 9 days
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thepeacefulgarden · 9 days
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thepeacefulgarden · 11 days
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Water Dances
(c) gif by riverwindphotography, April 2024
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