nando161mando · 7 months
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radicalgraff · 7 months
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"Nationalism is no alternative"
Stencil seen in Dortmund, Germany
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"if i eeeeevvvveerrrrrrr was a soooooldier..."
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gedanken-kram · 21 days
Ich bin stolz Deutscher zu sein
Glückwunsch, wie lange denn schon?
Hää!? Ich bin hier geboren!
Also, du bist hier zufällig geboren, hast einen deutschen Pass 'geschenkt' bekommen und bist Stolz auf etwas für das du nichts aber auch garnichts geleistet hast...?
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druffdurchsleben · 1 year
We’ll never back down in the face of the likes of you! You’re not better than the rest White neo Christian Nationalist!
Anti-Flag - Christian Nationalist
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strixessabre · 10 months
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These dumb buttons, what do they M E A N
( Strixes' Sabre )
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scouse1g · 2 years
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@glorybetogod33 Go f*** yourself, creep. #antifa #antifascist #antifascism #antifascistaction #antinazi #antinazism #fuckhitler #antireactionary #antipedophilia #antiimperialism #antiimperialist #antinationalism #antinationalist #goodnightaltright #fascist #cryptofascist https://www.instagram.com/p/Cis8qenvfGX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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enfaeutchie · 7 months
You don't have to say "Norman French" or "Northern Old French" or whatever. You can just say "Norman", and you'll not only save words but be more accurate to what you're actually talking about.
Especially in the context of the Norman Conquest "bringing French to England" - French as we know it didn't begin to emerge for another 300-odd years, and the Oïl languages that developed into it had split from northern Norman hundreds of years before. Why project French back onto over a millennium of complex linguistic and cultural heritage?
(french state don't @ me)
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power-chords · 10 months
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Lot of very interesting stuff here but mostly this Anton Kuh guy sounds like a badass.
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nablah · 6 months
white leftists read up on early nationalist movements in the global south challenge
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nando161mando · 1 month
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Average USA protest experience
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radicalgraff · 7 months
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"Nationalism is no alternative"
Stencil seen in Dortmund, Germany
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sameoldguise · 2 months
Ok, so Monkey Man.
I realize that there's so much to this, but the fact that this film is so accessible to all audiences.
Not only our currently political times (yes, I'm sure it'd be applicable to any political time), with Ukraine, Palestine, US elections, you name it, the antinationalist overtones make sense in any context.
The fact that we have such a huge minority representation, in a position of nuturance and power, that is so well balanced with realism and empowerment, it includes people in a similar position across the world.
The emotionality and desperation is so well depicted, who doesn't feel that? The production of contrasting close ups and large scenic shots, the art of the color palette of the nationalist party invoking violence, the motifs with the sun, roots, hands. It all speaks to the human aspects of this film that give it such a raw feeling.
And the music, it's accessible to generations, the hidden gem of Roxanne, Somebody to Love, not only pulling out old bangers, but speaking to a subliminal inner monologue of the kid. (Also, as a nerd, Bloodywood in the fight scene with the hijra, is just such a direct political message and I love all of the production team for that).
I'm just so in love with this film.
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gedanken-kram · 21 days
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makapatag · 6 months
ph twitter is still kinda in that liberal phase so putting out antinationalist radical leftist opinions out there is gonna get you main character'd so im just like
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loving-n0t-heyting · 11 months
orwell gets called a "democratic socialist" a lot but i think this is not the best fit for distinguishing him from his ideological enemies. its true, ofc, that he was a socialist, and that he favoured a form of government he would call democratic, but the same could be said of any of the various marxists or other radicals against which he contrasted himself. obviously, for many of them (the stalinists first and foremost) these democratic pretenses were pretty dubious, but you have to keep in mind we are judging him by a counterfactual socialist england that he described in his aspirational political writings, not (unlike the stalinists and even to an extent the trots) an actual socialist state of flesh-and-blood. nor did he restrict himself for calls to socialist organising within the confines of established democratic procedure: he was frank and only the most mildly reluctant in acknowledging his political goals would likely require armed revolt to achieve
what really centrally set him apart from other englishmen on the far left was his nationalism. he was deeply suspicious of anti nationalist political ideologies, partly bc he thought they promoted an intra-national elitism in the service of a specious international populism, partly bc he thought self-proclaimed antinationalists were invariably and dangerously trading in one nationalism/quasinationalism for another, and (what binds the last two together) bc he believed that deep down the nationalist impulse was psychologically ineffaceable from the human spirit. better a common sensical english patriotism, checked by socialist solidarity and time-tested counterbalances to deranged nationalist frenzy, than sublimating these same impulses into either some imaginary community of the future or the vivid this-worldly despotism of stalins moscow. better the devil yk
he was occasionally accused of being a crypto-trot, but we can see why that misses the mark. its not merely that he was dedicated to "socialism in one country" as much or more than any of his stalinist compatriots: while he evidently preferred lenin to his fated successor, he declined to hagiographise the revolution of 1917 as the first step towards an international brotherhood of man. for him it was a nationalist revolt on the model of the english civil war; perhaps with a more laudable coat of socialist paint, but not in kind fundamentally different
this unites several strands of thought setting him apart from his english comrades: his relative social conservatism, his acute ambivalence about anti-colonialism, his suspicion of the uk intelligentsia, his unwavering commitment to the british cause in wwii, even (most regrettably) his willingness to cooperate with the british authorities against his fellow leftists. certainly better than a generic endorsement of "democracy" in a hypothetical future english socialist republic or a purely negative/reactive anti-stalinism
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