#anyway I get v emotional about theatre friendships
secondstar-acorn · 6 months
in the club sitting in the back watching meredith’s vhs christmas carol vlogs with tears streaming down my face
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onelungmcclung · 3 months
MotA pt eight:
combat pilots are the glamour boys of piloting tbh (I like/am critical of this show's sprawling ambition but I'd take a BoB style miniseries just following the 332nd / 477th)
feeling a little bit back to square one in that suddenly there's a whole new bunch of guys in uniforms and masks and I'm supposed to be able to tell them apart and it took me about 4 episodes to keep track of the 100th (about 7 to keep track of easy company, but I was new to the genre back then)
(my co-watchers and I have a whatsapp group called "i moustache you a question" which is purely for helping one another tell MotA characters apart)
I don't want to be mean but I do not give a skerrick of a fuck about bucky's emotional problems, especially when that problem is boredom
"well I could cope with being DEAD" is mildly endearing
just think how much of this narration you could cut out and everything would be fine, better even
it's good to see a little bit more of capt westgate's working relationships
croz that is what happens when you disobey kidd's direct order, your brain deactivates
did u know christopher lakewood (col jeffrey) is also an accent coach
I thought maybe buck and bucky's fight might be some piece of misdirection theatre in aid of an escape plan but no, bucky is just that annoying. punch him again.
luv the tuskegee airmen already because nobody's narrating over their scenes. see how well this works
"I helped plan d-day and then slept through it" is a great story for the grandkids. I'm being flippant but also: it kind of is
croz/rosie/kidd ot3. I'm right. think it over. thank me later. (platonically, but ydy. maybe I'll decide I'm flexible)
if I were more heterosexual I would fall for macon reeling off a list of precise statistics that he worked out earlier when he had a free five minutes
"we perhaps might not blend into nazi germany?" is seditious talk apparently
I'm always a bit lost when the 100th point to one another through their plane windows and say things like "look! there's blakely!" because I simply cannot make out any distinguishing features. the tuskegee planes are great though, much more distinctive
Second Smug Nazi is a slightly more charismatic actor imo
the writers have got themselves into that "this time period was racist but Our Heroes cannot be racist" dilemma so, as per the classic dodge, some relatively minor character gets to be the Only Racist. sorry hambone. you are very blond, after all. (sometimes it's "this time period was homophobic" or "this time period was misogynistic" but the solution remains the same)
I quite like alex and buck's interactions, despite not having been terribly invested in buck so far. good chemistry? just the novelty of a new character relationship? anyway it helps when butler and turner get scenes with other people for a change. one of the best tools for character development is giving them multiple relationships; the different commonalities/tensions/chemistry are v revealing
I am not immune to a Secret Plot Montage
tell me more about macon and demarco, is this a budding friendship (don't want to overegg a "standing next to each other" moment but I'm starved for supporting character development and I'm finally giving up on that significantly changing)
I think westgate is probably right to call things off with crosby sooner rather than later (I always support hbo war ladies when they dump guys #feminism)
yeah I do quite like rosie, he's a good person/leader/pilot. very obviously not (as winters described guarnere and speirs) a natural killer, but that's not his job and he is a natural pilot and therefore cannot bring himself to leave the other guys before the war is over
I think I have done a relatively good job of keeping track of the influx of new characters. don't remember everyone's names yet (alex! macon! daniels!) but I'm doing better on faces
hope demarco and meatball get to reunite next ep
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lesbianrobin · 1 year
i was rereading light my way and i'm just curious about how you decided to write eddie as having difficulty forming closer bonds that go beyond doing shared activities together. also in your rockie fic you mentioned eddie never having plans except on certain days. i keep seeing ppl portray the cc boys/older hellfire members as being v close w eddie, and ppl mentioning the list of eddie's friends dustin and max were calling when they were trying to find him as proof that eddie is a social butterfly/v extroverted. i don't disagree but i'm curious about how you decided to characterize him that way.
hi thank u for reading my fics!!
so i know i'm like the odd man out in this and it's entirely just like my own opinion/creative choice like i don't think i'm any more Right than other people. just like to preface my justification. so anyway there are a few different reasons why i went that route!
personally i had a lot of good friends in high school who i literally only hung out with during theatre classes and rehearsals. while we spent a lot of time together and considered each other good friends, we didn't often hang out outside of those activities, and i think that's pretty common as a teenager in school, you know? eddie in particular seems to self-identify as an outsider and he emphasizes hellfire club as a place for "lost little sheepies," which makes me think that maybe he started/joined corroded coffin and/or hellfire specifically to find and keep friends because he struggled to do so otherwise. also, being a DM requires a lot of planning time alone, and so does learning sick-ass guitar solos almost immediately after an album drops, so i think eddie probably spends most of his non-club time either by himself or dealing.
the sheer number of friends they check on when searching for eddie makes me think that eddie is the kind of guy who's outgoing and has a lot of casual friendly acquaintances, but very few people who are actually close to him. in episode one we primarily see eddie with hellfire/corroded coffin, and he is just flat-out performing the whole time. he isn't just having lunch with his buddies in the cafeteria scene, he's holding court. he's putting on a show! it's quite a stark contrast to how he behaves when the group finds him in the boathouse and for the rest of s4, and later in the season we see a far more self-deprecating and unsure eddie. while i do think eddie and the hellfire guys are friends who genuinely like each other, i just don't think they're like... super close. i personally get the impression that eddie is always performing around them, probably because he thinks that being funny and outrageous is What Makes Them Like Him and that he's gotta keep it up or he'll lose them. the fact that he chose to hide out alone in the boathouse indicates to me that he doesn't feel safe enough with any of his friends to have gone to them for help. he didn't think that any of his friends would believe him or have his back, and i think that if he were really close with the hellfire guys, he probably would have gone to one of them first, because i think he was very freaked out by being alone after chrissy's death.
also, on a more practical level, in light my way that just served the story far better. i had zero desire to make up personalities for eddie's friends and write them interacting with the rest of the gang, especially because it would limit my ability to let el just exist as el and let the characters potentially reference Strange Things if they wanted. but of course if they're really close friends of eddie's it would make sense for them to be at his birthday party. so it was just easier to go with the idea that they typically hang out at school and predetermined meetings for hellfire/corroded coffin and that their friendship is relatively surface-level. it also served the emotional arc of the story about eddie finding a sense of belonging! in the rockie fic i put less thought into it, but eddie's hardass nature about lucas missing hellfire in episode one makes me think he's very big on sticking to plans and schedules, and in the rockie fic universe he's become quite good friends with steve and robin, so they can assume with relative certainty that if he's not doing hellfire or with his band he'll be down to hang with them. i imagine they hang out most of the time anyway.
so yeah that's most of it ig?? i also just think eddie is afraid of how people would respond to The Real Him and thus he keeps people at arm's length with his hellfire persona and the only reason dustin and the others managed to crack open his shell and get to the eddie inside is because he witnessed a brutal supernatural murder and was scared shitless. so yeah <3
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transboysokka · 6 months
I’ve lost control of my life it is now 2:30am
(Chris watches Twilight Eclipse for the first time)
Okay fuck it it’s 12:30 am let’s start the annoying love triangle one (I’m guessing)
All I know about anything for the rest of the franchise is bella and Edward will be married and she’ll become a vampire either before or after that and also they will have a creepy baby but I think all that happens in the last book so NO guesses for this movie
At least the budget and therefore quality seem to be getting bigger/better each time
Another cheesy quote from Bella to open us out aight
Like idk she’s a student and I feel like students shouldn’t gotta worry about this marriage shit? Not in high school
It should be illegal to get married before 25 when your brain finishes developing btw
They’re both gonna be so annoying aren’t they, her with wanting to turn and him with wanting to get married, just kill me now
Anyway are they gonna finally resolve that one crazy lady vampire issue from the first movie bc that was really such a tiny problem to drag our
So is it jacob or jake what does he prefer
The music is a little better (so far) at least
Oh fuck not Edward controlling Bella’s movements and friendships GET AWAY FROM HIM BELLA
I get that Charlie has beef w Edward like girl same but also I feel bad for Edward lol
Mom sees that Edward is creepy too
Bella’s lying out in the sun but still just as pale okay
So jealous of T-shirt quilts
Dramatic ass vampire family nothing ever changes
Just get rid of this red hair chick so we can move onto the Vampiric Council villain plot
More annoyed about Edward wanting to save Bella’s soul now that I know it’s Mormon propaganda tbhhhh
The thing w the Jacob v Edward drama that I never understood all those years ago is that they’re BOTH bad people!!
I still say they’d make a killer polycule
But I do love the “Edward is my boyfriend, Jacob is my best friend, and they’re jealous of each other”
Loving the lady werewolf
But how many are there now it seems like Too Much
Oh imprinting got it cool
WAIT I SWEAR I saw somewhere that Jacob ends up imprinting on Bella and Edwards daughter?????
Anyway at least lautner is kinda losing the accent at this point. Makes him less annoying
Unresolved Victoria plot, unresolved volturi plot, and now someone new???
Cross-species teamwork to help protect Bella how cute
Loving the historical flashbacks actually, I’d love a movie on the lore
WAIT FUCK jasper is SOKKA in that awful shyamalan avatar movie I’m sndkldjdsjkslskshdhdjdkd
JACOB why would you kiss her she just said she doesn’t love you I hate every man in this franchise
Clueless Charlie is pretty great
Rosalie has been nothing but spout straight up facts this entire franchise so far
Wow what a terribly tragic backstory though damn
So amused that they keep talking about defeating newborns lolol
Why would jasper know more about them than anyone else? They’ve all been newborns at some point? Is it bc he’s the most recently turned?
Oh good, explanation
Oh NOW he has an accent? lmao
Since when does he control emotions, have we seen that yet??
Ugh Jacob just DROP IT
Hahaha the father-daughter talks are so good
Listening to Debussy in preparation for seeing depussy nice
Oh DAMN he cockblocked himself. The damn Mormon influence again
It DOES make sense with the era he’s from etc etc
I just know the fangirlies were going crazy in the theatre w this whole sequence
oh NOW she says yes okayyyy
Okay seriously why is Jacob allergic to shirts
Cuddle for warmth. Classic fanfic trope oh all THREE of them should cuddle
“I am hotter than you” wow the fan girls are losing their minds
Anyway like we all know I stan rpats but he IS a goofy looking guy and I am constantly surprised he got cast for this role
Jacob doesn’t know how not to be a creep Jesus
Nice convo Jacob and Edward now kiss
But anyway that was actually super boring
Are they not even gonna SHOW the battle lmao
This movie feels super long am I wrong?
This fake ass snow
He’s literally making her say she loves him grossssss
What is any of this for like she’s less than 30 minutes of screen time away from marrying Edward right?? What was the ENTIRE point of that Jacob kiss
I actually do like how chill Edward was about it though lol
That is NOT Bryce Dallas Howard why doesn’t it look like her
What’s with the metallic clanking sounds when they die
This would be a great time for bella to get hurt and have to be turned, just saying
Oh DAMN did Bella use the trick from the werewolf story nice
Lol I had no idea vampires were so flammable
No idea what just happened to Jacob tbh like he doesn’t LOOK hurt
Why did they have to kill the girl jesus
The second movie was a gay allegory but this one is a trans allegory for sure
ok so yeah that’s another one done I guess lol
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paperpeachy · 4 years
How I feel about this character
trooly the blueprint. i luv him a lot!!!! i rlly like how dimentio is fairly inactive for half the game- you face off the most w o'chunks n mimi, and mimi n L are these big involved chp bosses. dimentio sorta chimes in every now and then until the script just FLIPS in chp 6 and he just takes the reigns so suddenly- and everything is happening so FAST and he takes advantage of the chaos so so well. he starts by goading mimi n L to go against the count's orders, waits for them to do their part, meets up w L and makes sure he dispatches of him properly, meets up with the heroes and makes sure he dispatches of them properly as well. spm wouldn't b as interestingly structured w/o an unaccounted-for-factor like him. the way he works is always so fun n entertaining !! forever a delight even tho i don't talk abt him much... i do lov a chessmaster.
All the people I ship romantically with this character hmmm ! i sorta talked abt this before- i don't rlly ship my dimentio w anyone, but... im also not too passionate abt my take on him, so i appreciate when ppl try make dimigi work- in a way that gives dim’s chara room to play around w ! i think they're characters who deserve their dynamic being explored, esp since their relationship in-game is one of the most notable ones, along w peach/bowser and timpani/blumiere. they all preform such grand feats, it'd b a waste for me to sweep their dynamic under the rug just bc it's unconventional. so, while it may not b for me personally, it's def one im here to appreciate in som cases !
My non-romantic OTP for this character HMMMMM HM HM.....i wanna say... mimi, for however long it lasted. these two are the least compassionate of team bleck i'd say- and i feel like that kind of emotion stiffness is somn dimentio plays w when he's around w mimi. esppp since in my hc, they have a LOTT of history together that mimi can't quite remember, but it adds som substance to their interactions. they're bickering around one second, teaching the other how to levitate rubees, generally using magic foolery to nab w/e mimi wants from the mall. and then a few chapters later dimentio starts acting up and mimi is quick to notice. when dimentio picks on her it comes off more malicious and mimi isn't taking any of it and they both just CLASH AND. and. ok i guess this isn't as much of a brotp as it is a tragic, fleeting friendship. they're like. friends to enemies to bitterly thinking back on memories and being like 'yeah i hate his guts and never want to see that freak again but he was fun sorta....while it lasted. whatever' SOMN LIKE THAT.
My unpopular opinion about this character i don't think he's expressive at all. the spectrum of dimentio emotions goes from comic---->tragic and in extreme cases madly comic---->madly tragic. like, he has an image to retain ! i don't think he ever gets mad, even as a facade. he's two sides of a theatre mask and that's a big appeal of him to me.....that he's so fully immersed in his charming court jester shtick. i do think hes being fr when he says hes always deadly serious- i just think....he has a pure theatre soul. that's just what he embodies ! uncanny smiles and uncanny tears. uncanny man i lov u so.... anyway my point is i just don't think he gets. legitimately frustrated or angry. hes too pretty for that.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. NOTHING RLLY.... i can't think of anything aaah i like that he went out in a mystery like that. i like the note spm ended on so i'm fine w the amount of autonomy he had ;v;
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problematicwelshman · 5 years
Michael Sheen on Good Omens, sex scenes, and why Brexit led to his break-up
28 NOVEMBER 2018 • 4:18PM
Michael Sheen may be 49, and sporting a grey beard these days, but mention Martians and the actor reverts to a breathless, giddy teenager.
It all stems back to one evening when Sheen was about 12 years old. “It was a significant moment in my life,” he tells me over coffee in a London hotel. “My cousin Hugh was babysitting, and he put on Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds.
“I remember us lying there, listening in bed in the dark. It absolutely terrified me, but I got obsessed with it. I’m worryingly into it. I know every single note, every word.”
Wayne’s 1978 rock opera has had a similar effect on countless fans, even if it prompts a bemused shrug from non-converts. Without ever topping the charts, it has slowly become one of the best-selling British albums of all time, and this Friday begins a stadium tour featuring a 35-foot fire-breathing Martian and a 3D hologram of Liam Neeson. It’s a geeky novelty, but one of epic proportions.
When Wayne asked Sheen if he would star in a new radio drama-style version for the album’s 40th anniversary, alongside Taron Egerton and Ade Edmondson, the Welsh actor “bit his hand off”. It had always been his dream. For decades, whether doing serious political dramas such as Frost/Nixon or the great roles of classical theatre – Hamlet, Henry V – the one part Sheen really wanted involved Martians saying “ulla-ulla”.
“When I was doing Caligula at the Donmar [in 2003], I was filming The Deal during the day – which was the first time I’d played Tony Blair,” he says. “I’d be so tired, to wake myself up [before the play] I would do whole sections of War of the Worlds.” He can even beatbox the sound effects, he adds proudly. “The other guys in the dressing room would all be really pissed off with me - but I was playing Caligula, so they had to put up with it.”
Enthusing about an outtake on a collectors version of the album where you can hear Richard Burton coughing, Sheen briefly slips into an impression of the late actor. It’s eerily spot-on. Burton played the role he takes in the new version, which feels apt; growing up in Port Talbot, Sheen was aware of following in his footsteps.
“Coming from the same town as him really helped,” he says. “It’s place you wouldn’t necessarily think would be very sympathetic to acting – it’s an old steel town, very working class, quite a macho place – but because of Richard Burton, and then Anthony Hopkins, there’s the sense that it’s possible [to be an actor], and people have a respect for it.
“Ultimately, though, we’re very different actors - Burton was very much a charismatic leading man, and I’m probably more of a character actor. He wasn’t known for his versatility.” Sheen, by contrast, is a chameleon, as he proved with a remarkable run of biopics from 2006-9, playing Tony Blair, David Frost, Brian Clough, Kenneth Williams and the Roman emperor Nero on screen in the space of just four years.
He concedes that he may have made a “partly conscious” decision to avoid biopics since then. “I’ve been offered quite a few I didn’t do. I did feel, for a bit, it was probably good for me to move away from it – certainly from playing Blair at least, because that’s the one I became synonymous with. I’d quite happily play real people again, but it’s hard to find good scripts and it takes a lot of homework. With some parts I’ve been offered, you might only have a few weeks to prepare for it - and you can’t do that with Clough or Kenneth Williams.”
Despite his best intentions, Sheen is playing another Blair in his next film – The Voyage of Doctor Doolittle, where he’s the nemesis of Robert Downey Jr’s animal-loving hero. “I don’t know if they did that as a joke or not,” he says. “He’s Blair Müdfly – there’s an umlaut that he is very specific about. He was at college with Doolittle, and hates him, and becomes the antagonist because of his jealousy of Doolittle. Müdfly is employed to try and stop him from finding... what he wants to find.” As the film isn’t out for 13 months, Sheen is tight-lipped about further plot details – but he hints that Müdfly is “a villain in the tradition of Terry-Thomas villains.”
It’s the latest in a series of quirky, eyebrow-raising roles. After playing a vampire in the Twilight films and a werewolf in the Underworld franchise, Sheen says he would often be asked in interviews why a “serious classical actor” was wasting his time on fantasy films.
“There’s a lot of snobbishness about genre,” he says. “I think some of the greatest writing of the 20th and 21st centuries has happened in science fiction and fantasy.” While promoting the films, he would back up that point by citing his favourite authors – Stephen King, Philip K Dick, Neil Gaiman. “Time went on, and then one day my doorbell rang and there was a big box being delivered. I opened the box up and there was a card from Neil saying ‘From one fan to another’, and all these first editions of his books.”
It was the beginning an enduring friendship, which recently became a professional partnership: Sheen stars in Gaiman’s forthcoming TV series Good Omens, based on a 1990 novel he wrote with the late Terry Pratchett. Set in the days before a biblical apocalypse, its sprawling list of characters includes an angel called Aziraphale (Sheen) and a demon called Crowley (David Tennant) who have known each other since the days of Adam and Eve.
“I wanted to play Aziraphel being sort of in love with Crowley,” says Sheen. “They’re both very bonded and connected anyway, because of the two of them having this relationship through history - but also because angels are beings of love, so it’s inevitable that he would love Crowley. It helped that loving David is very easy to do.”
What kind of love - platonic, romantic, erotic? “Oh, those are human, mortal labels!” Sheen laughs. “But that was what I thought would be interesting to play with. There’s a lot of fan fiction where Aziraphale and Crowley get a bit hot and heavy towards each other, so it’ll be interesting to see how an audience reacts to what we’ve done in bringing that to the screen.”
Steamy fan fiction aside, it’s unlikely Good Omens will match the raunch levels of his last major TV series, Masters of Sex (2013-16), a drama about the pioneering sexologists Masters and Johnson. In the wake of the last year’s #MeToo revelations, HBO has introduced “intimacy co-ordinators” for its shows - but, Sheen tells me, Masters of Sex was ahead of the curve in handling sex scenes with caution.
“It was a lot easier for myself and Lizzy [Caplan, his co-star], as we were comfortable in that set-up, because we had status in it. But for people in the background, or doing just one scene, it’s different,” he says. “It became clear very quickly that there needed to be guidelines for people who didn’t have that kind of status, who would probably not speak up. We started talking about that, and decided there need to be clear rules.”
Sex scenes, he continues, “should absolutely be treated the same way as other things where there’s a danger. If you’re doing stage-fighting, or pyrotechnics, there are rules and everyone just sticks to them. Whether it’s physical danger, or emotional, or psychological, it’s just as important.”
Despite having several film and TV parts on the horizon, Sheen says he is still in semi-retirement from acting. In 2016 he hinted that he might be quit for good to campaign against populism. “In the same way as the Nazis had to be stopped in Germany in the Thirties, this thing that is on the rise has to be stopped," he said at the time. But now things are less cut. “I have two jobs now, essentially,” he says. "Acting takes second place."
While many celebrity activists limit their politics to save-the-dolphins posturing, Sheen has been working with a range of unfashionable grassroots groups aiming to combat inequality, support small communities and fight fake news. As well as supporting Welsh credit unions, and sponsoring a women’s football team in the tiny village of Goytre, he tells me that he's been “commissioning research into alternative funding models for local journalism”.
If he returns to the stage any time soon, he says it’s likely to be in a show about “political historical socio-economic stuff, a one-man show with very low production values”. It’s clear he’s not in it for the glamour.
Sheen was inspired to become more politically active by the Brexit referendum – which also indirectly led him to break up with his partner of four years, the comedian Sarah Silverman. At the time, they were living together in the US. “We both had very similar drives, and yet to act on those drives pulled us in different directions – because she is American and I’m Welsh,” he explains.
“After the Brexit vote, and the election where Trump became president, we both felt in different ways we wanted to get more involved. That led to her doing her show I Love You America [in which Silverman interviewed people from across the political spectrum], and it led to me wanting to address the issues that I thought led some people to vote the way they did about Brexit, in the area I come from and others like it.”
They still speak lovingly of each other, which makes their decision to end a happy relationship for the sake of politics look painfully quixotic. Talking about it, Sheen sounds a little wistful, but he’s utterly certain they made the right choice. “I felt a responsibility to do something, but it did mean coming back here – which was difficult for us, because we were very important to each other. But we both acknowledge that each of us had to do what we needed to do.”
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 4 years
EoA ships fluff headcanons part 2
Do they have bubble baths?
Eleteo: Oh yes, Mateo is a wizard after all so it’s not like they even have to plan, he just casts a spell and there in a tub of suds. Elena particularly loves it when they have rose petals to add to the mood and candles. They could spend hours in the tub together sometimes with Elena getting mischievous and starting a water fight. Gababel: Yes, originally as part of Isabel’s aromatherapy project to see if different combos of smells and soaps help relax. Ironically, she got so stressed by it, and that Gabe insisted on taking over one night to give her a relaxing bubble bath, free of science but filled with massages until she was blissed out. Estebanaomi: Not really since they have a shower on the ship and a rather cranky one at that, you never know if it’s going to be freezing or not. However on those islands, sometimes they do come across natural steam baths or jacuzzis and they take full advantage of those to enjoy each other’s company and get steamed in two different levels. Estoma: Very rarely. Like they’re busy most of the time, so they only do it on a vacation when they can have all the time in the world to enjoy it. They go very slowly, taking time to wash every single part of the others body and if the hand slips, oh well then...
Random heartwarming thing
Eleteo: Elena forgoing her usual plans of excitement and olaball and fencing to spend a whole day indoors studying spells on the spirit world with Mateo. Mateo appreciated it because not only did he need to catch up if he wanted to reach master wizard level in time for fighting the malvagos, but also seeing how hard Elena tried to sit still and pay attention even when reading uninteresting texts like that huge Spirit World book Zuzo had. Elena loves whenever Mateo goes out of his comfort zone but one particular moment was when some person from a rival kingdom, let’s go with King Hector insinuated at a royal meeting that Elena was unfit to rule due to her mood swings powers, her traitorous cousins and young age. Before anyone could even blink, Mateo got up and delivered a impassioned speech on Elena’s behalf highlighting each  and every accomplishment of hers and her strength that Hector no where near possesses as well as her compassion and true love to her subjects. Elena was amazed by how riled Mateo was, but also just in awe that he thought so highly of her. Yes, she knew he loved her but that speech was just wow.
Gababel: Gabe made Isabel cry when they were brainstorming their vows. Yes, they wanted it to be a secret but first they started joking around with mock ones like “The moment you drooled on me when you fell asleep on the carriage from Paraíso, I just knew you were the one.” Stuff like that. But then Gabe pulls out this stunner saying he knows he can make her cry which Isabel doubts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Zzef69S8sM Isabel was touched by how much Gabe had grown and his love for her that this guy who claimed actions spoke louder than words, could speak so eloquently when it came to describing his love for her. An act that truly touched Gabe was one time after a brutal search mission for the past month, Gabe returned back to the barracks, exhausted but excited for the next morning since he had a date with Isabel. He slept through the day. He was horrified when he woke that he missed it but to his utter shock, Isabel had cleaned his office that he had being meaning to do, as well laundered his smelly clothes and had a small note on how he needed his rest and she’ll see him tomorrow. He was touched, she didn’t have to do it. They were only dating but she cared and it warmed his heart. Estenaomi: Naomi broke her ankle one time working on the dock and this was early on in their friendship so up till now Naomi has known Esteban through his annoying, impulsive nature and his occasional sweet side. Well right then, she got a front seat view to how caring Esteban can be. He personally delivered soup to her room everyday and would stay and chat. At first, Naomi thought he was replaced by some imposter but once he started engaging in some banter about how much she complained about not being able to move. She knew it was him, and she appreciated how he took the time out of his so called busy schedule to keep her company. Naomi did a surprising, almost unexpected gift for Esteban when she vouched for his responsible nature and stood up to tell his abuelos that he was more than ready to take on more work within the palace and the Grand Council. His abuelos had been a bit blinded by how they usually see him going off on adventures but Naomi’s words woke them up to that Esteban was growing up and he was maturing. Esteban was super grateful for that and also teased her for inadvertently admitting that he was more than a “mediocre looking narcissist” as @missnobodynobodius put it.
Estoma: They have a lot of talks together by the fireplace when they become a couple and those convos can get pretty deep and sweet as well. In a mixture of nostalgic musings and a bit of insecurity over his treasonous actions, Esteban admitted that he used to be jealous of King Juan back when he was known as Prince Juan. Juan was like the perfect prince, never acting out of emotion, always responsible, a family man that would never hurt his family. He could see why everyone wanted to talk to him and be with his presence, he was like a Fairy . Doña told him she didn’t care much for fairytales much less princes. She preferred the sulky beast who only wanted love but was cursed. He was real, he knew about suffering and he was able to grow and learn lessons and mature. Fairytale princes didn’t do that. It was a thin metaphor and he knew exactly what she was implying and he melted. Bit by bit as Esteban talked about his feelings pre Shuriki and his betrayal and all the lies and deception, Doña admits some of her own past and her flaws like how she didn’t go to college. She dropped out of school after her quinceñera. Which admittedly meant she didn’t go to high school either but that sounded worse. But the best part was for once there was no teasing comments or “That explains so much.” He just listens and accepts it and doesn’t hold it against her and she loves him for that. Who drives the other crazy in bed?
Eleteo: Elena does. It’s the Flores in her but she is just very flirty and teasing and knows just how to drive Mateo wild which she enjoys because she so likes seeing Mateo’s eyes widen in anticipation and eagerness with his focus totally on her. But sometimes Mateo does too. Unintentionally. The boy can be so oblivious when he thinks is being suspenseful but Elena is just ready to explode. Gababel: Gabe for the most part. He has more experience if you pardon the euphemism plus he has all those extra moves from fencing and training and stuff. He’s a bit like Elena that he enjoys Isabel’s excitement and he also is foremost intent on pleasing her. But Isabel can give as good as he got sometimes. Don’t count out the spicy Flores gene. Estenaomi: Esteban does. He has had way too much time formulating ideas back when he was friends with Victor tbh. And though Naomi can’t believe how eager she can get when she knows Esteban can drag it out with the best of em, she also must admit, he knows what he is doing. Then again, Naomi is easily able to turn the tables sometimes when Esteban is an impatient mood, and she drives him insane. Estoma: Both do honestly, it’s like part of their cat and mouse game to show off their erotic prowess,  and have the other one begging their name like a mantra.
Modern day living?
Eleteo: I feel like Eleteo would live in Miami, Florida in a quaint but expansive beach house. Not only because of the large Latin community but it has all the beaches there and it is so colorful and lively that I imagine they would have tons of fun adventures there. Gababel: I see Gabe as a total all American guy so maybe some sort of midwestern town would fit him, but I ultimately imagine them settling in a small town in California. Somewhere in the mountains where there is a tight community and they know their neighbors but close enough for Isabel to go to her job in Silicon Valley. Estenaomi: Hmm I think they’d still be travelers like backpacking through Europe, but their home base would be a nice apartment in Miami near Eleteo or I’m thinking New Orleans, Louisiana. It’s a port town after all with diverse restaurants, peoples and places plus not to mention fun holidays like Mardi Gras. Estoma: I think they would have one of those huge penthouses in New York. Or what is that rich people place? The Hamptons. Yeah, it has it all. All the high end fashions, theatre, and business stuff. And they would totally be the type to splurge and have an additional summer apartment in Europe or something.
Gababel: So somewhat of a switch but Gabe is the royal prince of Avalor while Isabel is in the army. But not as you think. She isn’t a guard but she’s still a scientists tasked with making new more effective weapons, transportations and the like. Anyway, Gabe a la princess Jasmine wants more out of life then being a prince and occasionally playing sports like olaball like his father wants. He wants to go out and defend the people. So he sneaks out to go to the barracks but he is stopped by Isabel when he passes her laboratory which he is immediately intrigued (by the lab and her). Isabel who is sort of a working hermit and she’d be lying if she didn’t get flustered at seeing *the Prince of Avalor!!!* in her lab. Well they get to talking and Gabe is amazed that he has never heard of all her contributions and what she has done and vows to help her get the recognition she wants in a non-military experiment and Isabel promises to help in turn become a royal guard. Estenaomi: So I’ve seen young!Esteban and I’ve seen waiting for Naomi to become the appropriate age, but what if...picture a world where Esteban had also been in that amulet with Elena and when they get out Esteban is the young one and Naomi is the one in her 40s. By that time older Naomi hasn’t become any something special, but she is content with it. Sort of. Not really, but she thinks it too late for her now. Anyhow she gets on the Grand Council for her life experience around the realm and there relationship is a lot like in the show. Only Naomi is the more realistic one who knows how the world works while Esteban inspires her to see she still has a chance to get her dreams. Estoma: So in this one, Esteban made the deal with Shuriki but at last minute did the right thing and told King Raul and nothing happened. So the family was a bit hurt and confused by Esteban’s feelings of loneliness and they promised they would work on it, they still felt Esteban needed to be punished. So he is sent to a small village ranch for the summer to learn that work takes responsibility as well as a chance to see how people work together and depend on one another like a family is supposed to. And as you can guess, it was doña’a family ranch. And it’s a bit like P&P, she thinks he’s spoiled brat and an interference that she has to teach him and while Esteban thinks though the whole summer is going to suck, he finds her attitude an insult to his pride and wants to prove he can totally “slum it.” But then there competitive antagonism turns flirty banter yet there is still obstacles. Namely her fiancé and everyone’s belief, including Esteban’s, that no way he would go for a poor villager, he’s so much better than that.  Eleteo: So Mateo is the adopted son of Prince Gabe this making him Prince Mateo, however he still feels like an outsider because he is adopted as well as knowing he is capable of magic skills that royals are not suppose to possess much less study and learn. But like his brother, he decides to sneak out and find a master, that master being none other than Elena, the royal wizard, wielder of the magic of Takína. Obviously their magical studies bonds them in more ways than one. They confide in one another of Mateo’s outsider feelings and Elena who is still coming to terms with her grief of her parent’s untimely death in battle with her mortal sorceress enemy, Shuriki. So together they team up to help Elena avenge her family and for Mateo to find out the truth of his biological family.
What pet would they have?
Eleteo: I don’t know if they would since their already sooo busy with their lives. I guess Flo counts technically. But when they have kids, their children really really want a dog so they get a energetic, friendly one. The breed...probably the breed from the dog statues in Royal Rivalry. I don’t know the name though. But anyways it’s clear that the dog is like their kid’s child except when it chews up one of Mateo’s spellbooks or pees. Then it’s up to the parents to clean up of course. Mateo also gets his own personal horse to join with Canella in the royal stable. Gababel: I feel like they would keep those hamsters that Isabel had in Science Unfair. Not only for safe, animal friendly experiments but they’re just so darn cute, and easy to carry around. And it’s surprisingly engaging to watch them run around in their little track. They both have horses, of course. Can’t leave Fuego out, and even though Isabel isn’t much of a riding fan, she has one too. Estenaomi: They get a parrot. There can’t be a ship without a parrot, at least according to Esteban’s adventure fantasies. They got a blue macaw parrot and he is the most ornery, cursing bird ever. No kind word to anyone but Esteban and Naomi like him anyway. They also briefly had a monkey. Imagine the one from the Pirates of Caribbean movie but he was disruptive and had this habit of throwing plants at Esteban as if he knew his pet peeve of them. Estoma: I don’t think either would particularly own a pet. They do have horses since Esteban has Valiente and Doña would probably get one her own. The only other pet I could imagine is some stray cat that goes in and out of the palace and particularly likes to nest on Esteban’s coats if he leaves it lying on his bed. Bonus: Alonso totally uses animals as props for his dates  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8yQDIvGz3cWhich led to King Juan implementing the rule of no borrowing animals from the royal menagerie to impress girls.
Embarrassing nickname? eleteo: Hmm I’m not sure actually but probably something like pan dulce monster for Elena because you know how she gets with her pan dulce, she’ll devour everything in sight. And Mateo especially likes to reference that picture of two year old her covered in pan dulce from your fic😉 But the thing is, it’s hard to embarrass Elena so she just takes it in stride. Elena calls Mateo some manner of nauseatingly sweet name like “Honey boo boo kins” for fun when they’re in front of Naomi and Gabe or even Olivia because Mateo’s blush is just adorable. The other embarrassing one that Mateo got in his childhood was Klutzteo because he was so uncoordinated in school. It still makes his face burn to think about it but Elena reminds him of his absolute grace when it comes to dancing. Gababel: We already know Gabe’s embarrassing nickname, “Baker boy.” Actually The Curse of El Guapo wasn’t the first time it came up.  He heard it a lot in grade school when things were a bit more class conscious and poor people were treated with disdain, also some kids couldn’t believe the Great Roberto Nuñez stopped his olaball career to bake. Isabel’s embarrassing nicknames never stuck but they usually followed the pattern of dull or boring or goody two shoes which did not boost her confidence when she sometimes compared herself to Elena.  Estenaomi: I feel like Naomi would have some sort of nickname from her parents that she keeps telling them to knock it off and they do it anyway like Miss Fiestypants which of course, Esteban found out during one of the family dinners and he loves to bring it up since it fits so well. He also makes up some of his own during their many adventures together. Naomi’s favorite nickname for Esteban is “Geyser” after the one time Esteban got drunk and got a tattoo on his back of a huge geyser that looked like it was coming from his butt (yes just like Ted’s butterfly tattoo in HIMYM. I felt a geyser would be even more ridiculous and so like drunk Esteban to go big or go home)  Naomi freaked out when she saw it and she loved making jokes about him blowing his top and stuff like that. Even after he got it removed. Estoma: Esteban’s embarrassing nickname as we know was El Segundo which had disastrous consequences on Esteban’s self esteem. It just reminded him how he was physically inferior to Victor, how everyone paid attention to Elena. That he was second to everyone else in the world. And well, just Esteban.... poor poor Esteban. Doña’s embarrassing nickname was Whore. It all started because her little sibling couldn’t pronounce her full name. And you try to convince a child to try something else when the kid is determined to say what she or he wants, and of course, others thought it was hilarious. It got worse when puberty hit, and she got self conscious that any flirty action she did would be perceived as whorish.
Meeting extended family?
Eleteo: Well obviously Elena has Alacazar full approval even though they got together after his death. But they can just sense it you know. Mateo is beloved by Elena’s grandparents. If I may take from Becky, with Luisa in particular trying to put some meat on his bones. Isabel likes Mateo too of course. He’s like a brother, one who is always willing to listen to her invention ideas and also a calming influence on Elena. Esteban thinks the same. Gababel: Isabel’s whole family enjoys Gabe’s presence though Elena sometimes likes to pull the protective big sister act to catch Gabe off guard. But still their friendship is solid albeit with more teasing. Francisco likes the chance to talk about his vigilante days and watch his swordsmanship and Luisa once again overloads him with treats. Esteban respects Gabe and he too, sometimes pulls protective older sibling act because Isabel is the baby and they’re just protective of her in general. Isabel got to meet Gabe’s aunts and uncles and cousins during the engagement party which was awkward at first. A lot of them were intimidating because she was *the princess of Avalor * but as time wore on, she began to make them feel at ease with his goofy jokes and love of science. Though some still panic when they think they might have potentially offended her. Estenaomi: Esteban was a hit with Naomi’s cousins and aunts and uncles who like to tease and joke with him about his fancy manners and pampered upbringing. Basically it was a fun party with lots of back crushing hugs and blueberry juice. It didn’t take much to win them over. He was already a part of it. Naomi was already warmly accepted with Elena thrilled for her bff to become her sister and Luisa and Francisco admiring her spunk and sassy ways. They thought they balanced each out well. Isabel enjoyed was always counted on to be a riveted audience or a tie breaker for a fight. Estoma: Francisco being the kind man he was happily accepted Esteban’s new gf, and they found a lot to talk about like books and theatre and other culture stuff. Luisa was a bit wary because she knows how Doña acts and Doña was awkwardly polite to her. It got better after the marriage and stuff. Elena was willing to try to make the best of it and so was Isabel but they never became close like Mateo and Gabe are. Age differences and such. Doña didn’t have any contact with her extended family and the only one alive that she knew of her was abuelo who still held a grudge about her parents eloping. But Esteban insisted on going because he wanted to meet him. First, the man didn’t appreciate the unexpected visit. Then began the judgyness like why are you living together when you’re not married? Why marry someone from outside your village? And acting personally offended by how rich Esteban was like in that HIMYM clip, “Oh you with royal upbringing and fancy suit, YOU THINK YA BETTER THAN ME?” Esteban was furious and wasn’t sure how appropriate it would be to throw his drink back at him and yell “YES! I AM!”
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komorebirei · 6 years
Her Story | Chapter 2: Dreams
Chapter Word Count: 3,006 / Total Word Count: 4,559
The sun set, casting an orange glow through the white sheer curtains in Julien’s flat. He pulled a light v-neck sweater over his button-down shirt, opting for a trench coat this time. Slipping his wallet and keys into the deep pockets of his coat, he sprayed two pumps of cologne on his neck and headed out the door for the second time that day, this time at a more relaxed pace and without the camera.
A short walk and subway ride later, he was standing in the lobby of one of Manhattan’s signature high-rise buildings. It was a fancy lobby with low lighting, and a concierge discreetly reading a book behind the counter. Leaning against the cold granite wall, Julien shuffled through the photos from the shoot that morning, using the app to rate each photo between 1 star and 5 stars. They didn’t need much post-processing, so he’d be able to wrap that up tonight with some time to spare. He was in a good mood. 
Every now and then, the elevator light would blink and the door would open with a whoosh, gracefully breaking the silence. Each time, Julien looked up in expectation, only to glance back down. The thick doors had parted to reveal a businessman checking his phone, then two young women chatting away, then a janitor. Not the person he was waiting for. The photo review was interrupted by a notification of a new text from Gabriela. Sorry, just wrapping up. I’m coming down now. Julien smiled and shot back, Ok, see you soon. He tried to cover his excitement by continuing to review the photos, but his mind wasn’t there anymore. He ran through different scenarios of what he would say when the elevator opened, knowing he would just end up going with the flow anyway.
True to her words, the next elevator arrival revealed the person Julien was there to meet—Gabriela. She was smiling, her long, slightly-wavy dark brown hair spilling over her shoulders. She was wearing a buttoned-up green pea coat and a brown textured pencil skirt with elegant beige kitten heels. Julien slipped his phone into his pocket and greeted her with a smile as she stepped out of the elevator. “Hey,” he called out.
“Julien!” She came to him with open arms and gave him a quick hug of greeting. “How’s life?" 
“Pretty good, actually,” he answered. “How was work?" 
Gabriela sighed. “It was a long day, but I’m glad it’s over and I get to spend some time with you. Where are we going?" 
Gabriela was a friend he had known since high school. She had gone to college in a different city, but had moved to New York several months ago for work, and they were meeting up for the first time since high school. They had been in the same circle of friends in the past. He wouldn’t have said he was close to her at that time, but they had spent many evenings in the company of the same group of friends, watching movies or hanging out. He had found her attractive back then, but wasn’t one to act on his feelings, so it never progressed beyond the faint suggestion of a high school crush. 
Thanks to modern technology and Facebook though, they had developed a closer friendship post-college. For some inexplicable reason, he had sent her a message one day asking how she was, and it led them down the rabbit-hole of long Facebook chats about a variety of topics, from broad life events, to deep philosophical questions. He had never known their minds would align so well. Whenever he needed someone to vent to about his thoughts or whatever was going on, she was the only one that he felt comfortable speaking—or rather, typing—his mind to without worry that she would judge him. 
He supposed it was a bit of an unusual relationship they had. They had never spoken much in the real world, back in high school, and they hadn’t seen each other in almost 10 years. Yet they had a degree of intellectual closeness that was unmatched by any of the other relationships he had in his life. Because of that, he was a bit nervous about tonight and unsure of how to act. He decided to just follow her lead and play it cool. 
“You like Thai food, right?” Julien asked, remembering she had mentioned that before. 
“I do!” Her eyes lit up. "Do you know a place?” 
“Sure do,” Julien grinned. “Follow my lead. It’s not too far, so no need to take the subway.” 
Gabriela laughed and held the door open for him. Wow, Julien thought. He had forgotten the sound of her laugh. She’s gotten even cuter. Wait, what was he thinking? They were just going out as friends, to catch up and reconnect after all these years. He mentally shook his head to clear the thought. He knew she was dating someone anyway. 
Stepping out onto the sidewalk, Julien gestured toward the right. Falling into step beside Julien, Gabriela shifted her purse to the opposite shoulder so it wouldn’t get between them. 
“So, I have to say this feels a bit weird,” Julien confessed, chuckling. 
“Weird? Why?" 
“Well,” he began, “We’ve been chatting on Facebook, and I feel like I know your mind as well as I know my own. But we haven’t seen each other in almost 10 years.” 
“I guess that is a bit strange,” Gabriela laughed. “Well, everything’s new to me here, so I’m glad to see a familiar face.” 
“How’s your new job going?" 
“Oh, I love it,” Gabriela sighed, “I’m part of the creative team for the cultural reporting program, so there’s always something new. The people are great, the office is beautiful, and I get to do quite a bit of field work too. It can be tiring of course, but that’s life. And it’s a good kind of tired I guess.” 
“You’re still singing too, right?” Gabriela used to be in the theatre program in high school, and although her career path had taken her somewhere different, she had mentioned that she wanted to maintain her singing ability by getting involved in whatever she could. 
“Yeah,” Gabriela answered, “Lately I’ve managed to land myself a side job, singing at bars with a band. The Cat’s Meow.” 
“That’s what they’re called? That’s cute.” 
“Yeah, it was a chance meeting. I saw them play at a bar one night and made some conversation with them. Turns out they were looking for a singer." 
“That’s awesome. Let me know when you’re performing next, I’d love to come watch you guys.” 
“Sure!” Gabriela grinned. 
Julien slowed down, holding out one arm to point at a shiny glass restaurant facade. The interior was dimly lit with orange-hued down lights and paper lanterns. “We’re here. After you.” He opened the door for her and she nodded her thanks as she stepped in. 
“Two people,” Gabriela told the host, who led them into the restaurant to a booth. They took off their coats and settled in. There was a tea candle at the center of the table, floating in a dome of water with a flower submerged inside. Across from them, a large reef aquarium displayed beautifully colored tropical fish, glinting in the low light while anemones gently swayed. 
“This place is fancy,” Gabriela commented. “Have you been here before?" 
“Yeah, once,” Julien answered. “For a friend’s birthday. Their mango-on-sticky-rice dessert is amazing." 
“I guess we’ll have that to look forward to,” Gabriela winked, picking up the menu. 
They spent a few minutes choosing their dishes and placed the order. Julien went with his typical pad thai, and Gabriela chose a green curry. After ordering, Julien stole a glance at Gabriela across the table, suddenly feeling a bit shy. Even though this was supposed to be an outing of friends, the glamorous environment, candle on the table, and privacy of the booth made it feel a lot like a date. Gabriela was important to him of course, she was a great friend, and he had liked her before, wondering if there was potential for them to be something more. But he had no intentions of getting between her and her boyfriend. He hoped she wouldn’t take this the wrong way. 
“So,” he started, breaking into a grin and hoping it looked natural, “Uh, you’re dating someone right? Eric was it?” She alluded to him sometimes in her messages but didn’t talk about him a lot. They usually went pretty deep in their conversations about emotions and ideas, but surprisingly didn’t talk much about the details of their lives and the people they surrounded themselves with. 
“Yeah. Well…” She looked away, a pensive expression on her face. “I was dating him." 
“Was?” Julien looked at her inquisitively. 
She continued to look away, as if it were a topic she wanted to avoid. “Yeah… we broke up recently." 
“If you don’t want to talk about it, it’s ok,” Julien reassured her. 
“No, it’s ok.” She sighed. “I mean, I’m not sad about it. I’m the one who broke it off. But I guess I’m just… kind of annoyed by the whole situation. He keeps trying to get me back somehow. Sending presents to my job, letters in the mail.” 
“Wow.” Julien didn’t know what else to say. He couldn’t resist asking, “Why did you break up with him?" 
“Well…” she struggled to find the words. “It was inevitable. I always felt like there were parts of my personality that he wasn’t willing to accept. We had some good memories, but I don’t think we would have made it in the long run." 
“Oh really?” Julien looked down at the napkin he was turning over in his hands. The thought came into his mind, If she’s single, then does this count as a date? He pushed the thought away again. It was too soon. Does she see it as a date? She looks pretty dolled up. No. Too soon. Julien shook his head. It wasn’t time to flirt, it was time to be a good friend. “Well, it was wise of you to recognize that. Are you sure you’re ok?" 
“Yeah,” Gabriela smiled. “I’m relieved, actually. And glad I’m here with you tonight. If I were still dating him, I’m sure he’d be texting and calling me now to make sure nothing was going on between us." 
Julien shuddered internally. That would’ve been stressful. He couldn’t stop the words from slipping out, “So I guess we’re in the clear.” He winked at her. Ugh. Why? Anyway, it just felt so natural. 
Gabriela laughed. The waitress brought their drinks—just water for both of them. 
Swallowing a sip of water, Gabriela asked him, “So, what are you up to these days? Still freelancing?" 
“Yeah,” Julien answered. “It’s a pretty sweet life I guess. I have appointments almost every day. And in my off days, I take art shots and sell photos online. Sometimes I have to travel for photoshoots, so I get exposed to all kinds of new people and places." 
“That sounds exciting." 
“It is. And it’s going pretty well, so I can even afford to take time off if I need or want to." 
“I guess we can thank your rebellious teenage days,” Gabriela joked, referring to the times in high school he would opt to roam around town taking pictures instead of doing his homework. Back then, he did it out of a mild depression and longing for an escape from his suburban student lifestyle, but that had been when he started his Instagram. It was true, what had started as a side hobby had led him down his career path. He was one of the lucky few, he supposed, who got to make a living out of doing what he loved. 
The meal passed with this type of quiet conversation. Thought it felt like a first date, with two people meeting for the first time in years, there were many moments that reminded both Julien and Gabriela that they had a shared past and knew each other very well already. It was comfortable and intimate. To Julien, it felt like a dream. He had been nervous that the dinner would be awkward, but on the contrary, he felt as though he had slipped into a pocket of space and time that would last forever. They talked about the past few years of their lives, joked, and shared tastes of their dinners. He enjoyed the night more than he had imagined he would, and reading Gabriela’s demeanor, it seemed the same was true for her. 
Soon enough though, their dessert plates were empty and Julien was signing off on the receipt, slipping it into the black leather holder with a few bills. “Shall we?" 
Gabriela nodded, and they walked out of the restaurant into the chilly autumn air. Julien’s cheeks felt warm, glowing with the aftermath of laughter and pleasant company. He saw Gabriela shiver and held out an arm for her, hoping she didn’t find it too forward. “Let’s keep warm,” he said sheepishly. To his relief, she took his arm with a grateful smile. “Where are you going?" 
“I have to take the 5 train north,” she replied. “I think the subway entrance is right up the block." 
“Yeah,” Julien nodded, “I’m taking a different train but we can walk together to the station.” 
“It was… really nice meeting with you,” Gabriela said quietly as they walked. Julien smiled, feeling a flutter in his chest. 
“Yeah, thanks for coming out with me,” Julien replied. “I know you must be tired from work. It means a lot to me." 
“No problem! It was a treat.” Gabriela turned to smile at him, her eyes catching the light from the neon signs they were passing. Her cheeks were flushed from the chilly weather, framed by her wavy hair that blew gently in the breeze. Even with the slight heels, she was about a head shorter than him, and had to look up to meet his eyes. 
Julien almost stumbled, feeling his cheeks get warm again and suddenly very conscious of her arm in his. “Oh,” he said, breaking her gaze, “Here’s the subway. Watch your step." 
They descended into the grimy station, a pungent cocktail of smells suffocating them. “This is my platform,” Julien said quietly, indicating a set of steps to their right. “I guess this is where we part ways." 
“Yeah,” Gabriela answered, pulling him into a hug. “It was fun. Let’s meet again sometime." 
“Sure.” He hugged her back, catching a whiff of her shampoo. Her hair was soft on his cheek. 
The embrace felt natural, comfortable, and lasted maybe a little longer than she had intended. She stepped away and smiled at him. “See you next time." 
“See you." 
Julien walked up the steps to his platform, hearing her kitten heels tap the hard floor of the subway tunnel, quieter and quieter as she walked away to the next platform. He sighed. He really hadn’t known what to expect from tonight, except reconnecting with an old friend. But he felt a warmth in his chest and cheeks that told him he had come away with something he hadn’t expected. This girl, who had been in his life for years and had existed in his mind as a distant memory, who had long been his confidante in the virtual world, was now a very real presence in his immediate life. And this dinner had opened his eyes to how much he actually liked her, how well they got along in the real world. Not only that, but she had just gotten out of a relationship, meaning that he wouldn’t be a complete jerk to entertain thoughts of dating her. 
Finally back home in his silent flat, he switched on his computer. It was 9:03 p.m. and he still had to get through the rest of the photos and do some post-processing. He had a meeting in the morning, but it was normal for him to go to bed past midnight, so he had at least 3 hours to finish everything up. That was plenty of time. 
Clicking the mouse as the photos flashed before him in a routine he was now well accustomed to, he let his mind wander, picturing the way Gabriela’s dark hair framed her face, the way her eyelashes looked as she blinked, the faint shine of her cheeks in the candle light, the sound of her laugh. She had been a tomboyish, outgoing girl in high school. Who knew his pen pal had grown into such a charming woman? He hadn’t expected her to have this kind of effect on him. Stopping what he was doing for a moment, he pulled out his phone to send her a text, using the nickname she was called by in high school. Hey Gabi, I had a great time tonight. Thanks again. 
A few moments and a few photos later, the buzz signaled her response. Me too. Good night! 
He smiled and responded, Good night. 
Sighing, the warm feeling felt somehow a little painful in his chest as he forced his mind to return to the work in front of him. He could tell this was going to be rough on him. He was a bit of a hopeless romantic. After having had his heart broken during his college years, he had turned away from relationships and focused solely on work for the past few years. He didn’t want to go down that path again. But he could fell himself falling hard. He didn’t even know if she would want to date someone so soon after a breakup. 
He sighed and went to the kitchen to brew a cup of coffee to help him focus. I guess it’s too late now. Here we go again… Grabbing his mug from the Keurig machine, he settled into his desk chair and turned on some jazz on his phone, prepared for the usual long night.
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maxieflowers-blog · 6 years
maxwell flowers is a twenty-eight year old staff that works as a pre-law professor. it has been stated that they are charming & witty, but they can also be manipulative & unemotional. he happens to be into roleplay & daddy kink, but won’t do non-consensual & ageplay. it just so happens that they look like chris wood and are bisexual. {syds/20/est/she/her/none}
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helloo!!! i’m so pumped to be here skdfj i’m syds (or sydnie) and i’m bringin y’alls my lame annoyin bitch ass character, max. i’ll put some stuff abt him and some connection ideas nd i’d love to plot w/ all of you!!!!!!!!!! pls!!!
soo maxwell was born to an infamous lawyer and a baker. his mom was the lawyer and she was rly well known for helping people that a lot of the media was against. bc of that she got a bad name and got a lot of threats and stuff but she was like whatever! i’m a bad bitch with money, fuck y’all!
his dad was much nicer. he had his own bakery and after school every day max would go there and do his homework. his dad would check over it and if he did a good job he got his fave doughnut ( one with sprinkles......obviously.....)
even still his parents were also part time con artists. they’d con their way to free meals mostly and as max got older he’d get included in the things. he’d fake cry or anything else to get free ice cream and other bullshit like that
so from an early age he was taught manipulation tactics. which were and still are very key to his personality. the downfall for him was when he spent the night at a friends at 10 years old only to be woken up and find out that someone had broken into his house and ‘hurt’ both of his parents. it wasn’t until he was at the funeral that he realized he wasn’t gonna see them again.
after that dealing with his emotions was NOT a thing maxwell did. he put up a ton of walls and refused to ever let anyone in. early on it made him come off angry, but eventually he became a RLY enthusiastic and friendly boy. he was nice to literally everyone in school. that Dude who somehow seemed to be pals with every friend group? he was that bitch
it was what made him popular bc tbh he was a big nerd his whole school career. he’s lowkey v GEEKY and makes a dumb bitch of himself a lot and if he hadn’t been purposely going around making friends with everyone he would’ve been p low on the ladder.
he was in theatre!!!! he loves bein dramatic as FUCK and Truly it was his passion besides law to follow after his mom. if that inspo hadn’t been in his life to make his mom proud he would’ve followed the Hollywood Dream but instead he’s just dramatic in every moment of his life to make up for it!!!!!skdjf
emotions are still a big NO for him. he usually fails in relationships bc he gets freaked out once the commitment gets TOO real. on the other hand he also falls in love w/ everyone always. he has a very soft nd pure heart deep down and if u catch his attention he’s swoonin for a few months at least. at least until he writes a poem abt his feelings and gets it all out so he can move on to the next.
he teaches pre-law, but he’s also still working on actual cases too. idk how bein a lawyer works if i’m gonna be real but his cases are def criminal based. tho unlike his mom he's not defending ppl who committed crimes but working to get them behind bars!! and he only takes on stuff where he’s 10000000000% sure that they’re guilty. he doesn’t wanna be the one putting innocent ppl behind bars and has in the past helped cases where he thinks they’re innocent. he’s v moral when it comes to being a lawyer.......... as moral as one can be u kno. he cares abt people!!!!!!
but he’s also kinda self-centered???? in a way. he’ll talk about how pretty/talented/great he is a lot but it’s always in a light jokin manner i promise he’s only a lil overly-confident. but also kinda doesn’t like himself. it’s COMPLICATED!
UM i could keep going but this is getting rambly he’s just one of my fave most developed ever muses so i care abt him A LOT !!!! if you’d like to plot just like this and i’ll bug u! but if u see an idea that u think might fit ur character pls come bother me i hate the awkward start of plotting so i’d love to SKIP IT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE skdjfasdf (it’s only awkward bc i am Awkward i kno but kdjfsd) ANYWAYS HERE’S SOME IDEAS!!!!
exes. boys and girls. max is v bi and loves them both but also sucks at dating so u know how lucky. everyone gets to deal with max sucking (pun INTENDED)
high school friends. he was friends with as many people as he could handle in every group so anyone could work for this. there can be added drama of crushes/hook up/dated for 2 days, rly whatever!!
best friend. his #1 fave!! they make him a LITTLE more emotional but if they exposed him he’d be v angry. they know everything abt his life and vice versa, and they just mean a lot to each other! love that
crush. tbh since he’s weak he might have a few of these at once. he just gets drawn to good convos and fun ppl and he’s kinda weak from then on.
hook up. just someone he hooked up with maybe recently where it’s a lil awkward between them now. maybe they had a close friendship and WHOOPS they banged and now they’re not sure what to do or how to talk to each other. ://// tho max tries to just continue as normal whenever he sees them sdkfj SMOOTH
favorite student. P STRAIGHTFORWARD I THINK? like the student who doesn’t even have to be the smartest tbh. just the most fun since that’s what he likes the most. he def gives them special treatment smh :////
first love. prob a high school connection but this was the first person he TRULY loved and wanted to be with forever but then they broke up with him?????? i picture they’re older so it was a college thing but he was THE MOST HEARTBROKEN and still feels it to this day :/
fwb. casual, cool. they bang whenever they’re bored but that’s it. the kinda thing where they high five afterwards and congrat each other. sdkfjsd
childhood best friend. someone who was there for him through his parents deaths and maybe there was cute fake marriages and playing house and all that cute as Hell stuff ok pls..........
that’s all my brain can do for tonight bc it’s late but PLS GIVIE ME ALL THESE PLOTS!! I’LL CRY
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sapphyrelily · 7 years
people were never meant to be alone
Inspired by a love song/non-love song by Jon Cozart and Dodie Clark
i. Semi
It’s beautiful tonight.
It seems odd, that I can still think this, even after all that’s happened, even after being left behind, like this.
But maybe that’s not quite true.
We've made our choices, and though circumstance has had a part in it too, the end result is the same.
I am here, and he isn’t.
The lights dancing across the water are captivating, breaking apart and coming back together, jolted sideways by the waves. Above the harbour, the streetlamps and lights of the buildings shine, bright and welcoming, even though it is close to nine.
I laugh a little, and the sound that escapes surprises even me – it sounds so bitter. But maybe that’s true. I do feel kind of bitter.
It’s lucky that everyone else is too caught up in each other to notice me.
It’s an odd habit, but I pat the railing before I step away, casting a last look at the small bit of sea invading the harbour, at the ships bobbing on it.
Tomorrow, one of those will set sail, a cruise bound for Thailand before looping around and returning here.
Here. That’s a funny thought.
Here, where I am, where we were supposed to be, together.
I’m rambling again.
But hey, at least I’m not like every other sappy couple here.
I am alone, a tourist, even though I am visiting all these sites populated with couples.
My room is a small one – large enough for just me, maybe a squeeze if I were to share it.
The bottle of wine on the table seems to mock me – as does the single glass beside it. I do not look at them, but open the balcony door, leaning on the railing to regard the pool below.
I should put it out of mind and enjoy my stay here – my mini vacation, in one of the most expensive cities in the world.
Definitely not the most romantic, said to be the busiest and the least happy.
It doesn’t seem all that different from Japan, to me, except that the malls are more crowded, the weather decidedly more humid, and the people are louder.
It is probably a cultural thing, but it’s…peaceful.
It’s nice, I suppose, to be able to hide in a crowd like this, where the bustle drowns out your thoughts.
Where I don’t have to think about what others think of us, where I don’t have to pretend that it’s something it’s not.
“You are together? Congratulations.”
Maybe once, Wakatoshi. But no longer.
I don’t quite know how to describe us, anymore. It’s a sort of limbo, and neither wants to make the first move to unbalance the equation.
So we keep pretending, I guess. We haven’t slept in the same bed in months, nor have we spoken of anything past usual pleasantries and maybe a joke or two.
It’s like we regressed back to being friends, or perhaps, distant acquaintances.
No, that’s not it. Still friends, but nothing close to what we shared before.
It’s sad.
I sigh and retreat back into the room, turning out the lights, the lightest click the only sound in the following darkness.
The covers are thick, still cool from the air-conditioning, and his voice follows me, a complaint replayed at the slightest touch of coolness.
I tuck myself in and shut his voice out, willing my brain to stop talking.
(I wonder, is this what it’s like, to grow apart?)
 ii. Shirabu
“Okay, and again!”
You smile for the camera, tilting your head in the angle he likes best, letting the artificial wind push the hair back across your face. The camera clicks in quick succession, the director calls a halt, and you step out of the blinding lights.
Another day, another job done.
You hate the long hours and the lights, the fussing and twittering, but modelling is a job that pays well, despite all that it takes from you.
You feel your mind begin to drift, skipping down the forbidden path, and you force it back, slapping it back on track.
You thank the director, the photographer, the make-up artists… Everyone that you must greet gets their share of thanks before you can excuse yourself to the luxurious room they prepared for you.
Luxurious, but empty.
Your mind wanders again, to the thought of companionship in a sun-drenched place, of warm hearts and elbows rubbing, and easy conversations.
You have but one of those, when you took up this job, and left behind a chance at perhaps, something more.
You are alone, in the taxi, and you decide that maybe, it would be alright to entertain these thoughts. This notion, that you could have had a full bloom, when you already have a half-open bud.
Your phone buzzes, interrupting your foolish thinking, and you pull it out.
It’s funny, that the name on the screen matches the face you were just thinking about.
Typing back a quick reply, you hit Send before you realise what a plain, generic answer that was. The same kind of answer you are used to giving, the one that never merits a bigger response than that.
Something small, that you noticed only recently, that is probably why you are growing apart.
Huh. You were growing apart. From the one person who never stopped pursuing you in the past – yet it seems otherwise, now.
(When did he stop? When did he stop running, slowing past walking, coming to a crawl?)
(Will he decide to turn back?)
(Is it worth trying to salvage it?)
Your phone buzzes again, and you see bright photos, lovely scenery, coupled with a smile you know all too well.
Wish you were here! The caption reads, but you shake your head and smother a laugh.
He doesn’t, not really. He admitted so when he was drunk once, though he was quick to re-affirm that he adores you.
(Maybe not so soon, but someday, someday, surely.)
(Surely, he will leave.)
Sometimes you wish you could have returned that affection in the way that he wanted, but yours is a friendship turned relationship of convenience. There is no love lost between you, especially after so many years.
(Sometimes, you wish there was.)
But looking at the photo, you let yourself dream a little.
What would it have been like, if you had followed him?
 iii. Semi
The streets are always so busy, no matter where I turn. Maybe it’s because I don’t know any non-tourist areas, but where would be the fun in pretending I was anything but a tourist?
My phone’s​ camera is awful, but good enough, and I manage to get shots of buildings with not too much sky in them – Satori never lets me live it down if there’s too much sky in a photo.
“Are you taking picture of the thing or of the sky?”
I turn my face down, hoping everyone else is minding their own business. It wouldn’t do for a tourist to be upset on a holiday, now, would it?
Except that I still am upset. By something found and lost, but mostly by the what-if of it all.
It would be easier, perhaps, to pretend. As I always do – as we always do, did.
And it’s not so hard, to pretend, when I can practically hear his voice yammering inside my head.
It’s only hard because I know it’ll never happen again.
And I can’t help it, I can’t help the thought that forms automatically, despite knowing that it would benefit me to not think about it.
I miss you.
 iv. Shirabu
It’s quiet, but still a little busy – this is, after all, a city that hardly sleeps. The lights weaving together on the arches of the bridge are bright, but not blinding, the glow enough to set a mood.
You try not to glance around – left and right are couples strolling hand in hand, though there is the occasional single or a small family. It matters not who they are, but what they have – relationships, bonds, people they care about and to whom they can return after a long day.
You cannot say that you have the same luxury now.
You left your base, your home ground – the metaphorical nest. You stepped out and spread your wings, hoping the downdraft would lift and help you glide to the ground.
You have glided this far, and the winds are failing, the current dying away. You have not looked down – have never looked down, have been too trusting, too confident – and now, you are uncertain where you’d land.
Your phone is silent in your pocket, despite usually being the opposite – and that is answer enough.
You’ve landed somewhere unfamiliar, somewhere hostile, and you do not have a single person at your back to fall back on, to trust in.
(A barren land, desert and unforgiving sand, with neither water nor sustenance. A place where one will perish, for sure.)
Maybe you should’ve held on.
(The memory of an empty inbox, unsent drafts, cutting words tears at your heart.)
(A figure turned away, without a since glance back.)
You look ahead and exhale through your mouth, trying not to crumple.
(Pretty pictures fold themselves away inside your mind, hiding in a box, sliding into a dark and dusty corner.)
 v. Semi
I’m back.
Back here, at the waterfront, with the lights shining over the water, but this time, no boat in the harbour.
I can hear the soft murmuring of the couples at my back, and for the umpteenth time, I wonder, why am I doing this to myself?
(I’m not sure I’ll ever find an answer.)
But watching them, even the slightest glance, brings back floods of memories, remnants of times past, and it’s like they are happening anew.
A hearty laugh, a shock of red hair, hands pushing at mine, until his hands are on the controls instead. “Eita-kun, you suck so much at this. Let me get it.”
Within a minute, a large plush is in my arms, blocking my vision.
But I can hear his laugh from over it, and the unbridled joy in it makes me smile.
I can see an arcade from where I stand, and have to turn away, bite my lip, keep the emotion back.
“Aisle seat?”
“Nooo. Oh my goodness, you never watch movies from the side! There, we’re taking H-10 and 11. Right in the centre.”
“Shh. It’ll be better, trust me.”
The movie theatre is on the opposite side of the mall. I start towards it, trying to keep my face blank, but I’m failing, falling.
“You’ve got a choice. Pick one.”
I look at both shirts, but neither of them impress me. He shoves one at me anyway, pushing me into the changing room, and I have to catch myself on the wall, but I’m laughing.
They were good times. That is for sure.
Hands swinging by each other, until finally one gives up and grabs a hold of the other, pinkies loosely intertwined.
“I love you.”
I have to cover my face for a moment, the memory is so strong.
A chaste kiss, lips lifted in a smile.
But forever is shattered, like powdered glass, and there’s not enough of it left to fit in a stained-glass window.
Forever spins away on a breeze, and I watch it go, left behind with a half-hearted lie.
 vi. Shirabu
Your fingers hover over the blackened screen, the train’s lights reflecting off of it.
You are hesitating.
You are reluctant.
It’s for good reason, you tell yourself, fingers clenching around the device, turning it over so you can’t see​ the screen.
But in the next moment, you have flipped it over again, unlocked it, and you stare at a background that only heightens your conflict.
A picture of the two of you, smiling broadly for the camera.
You still remember how it was taken, a giant cliché.
You are laughing, hard enough that he has to support you, because you are bent over, wheezing.
There’s a lilt of happiness in his voice, a tad more than usual, and you look up, only for the camera shutter to go off.
You don’t bother to make him delete it, because your good mood remains – and also because you like the way he tries to preserve memories like this, sometimes.
His arm around your waist is warm, as is the sun reflecting off your smiles in the photo.
You bite your lip as you stare at the screen, chest aching horribly.
You open your messaging app, stare at the latest message, and once again, exit without sending anything new.
Your home screen wallpaper mocks you, and you have a sudden urge to change it.
Don’t, a voice inside you whispers, but you shake it off and open your photo gallery.
It is so difficult to pick something, anything, but you settle on a patch of blooming flowers, lit by the setting sun, even though you are breaking apart.
You know better.
This is the way to redemption, and to salvaging what’s left of your…friendship.
You are better, smarter than this. You should know, you should know that the only way to get over this is to leave it alone.
You do know.
And that is why you slip your phone into your bag, watching the flashing lights for the upcoming train station instead of trying to reply, because you only make things worse when you speak.
 vii. Meeting
Two figures headed in the same direction, paths bifurcating at the casino. They almost don’t notice each other, both caught up in their own world, in their haze of distraction.
Neither of them really knows who notices the other first – but they agree that it started with the fireworks.
The fireworks, that go off in the amusement park at eight thirty, a light show that most people stop to stare at.
It is in the aftermath – or perhaps, even the middle of it, the glow lighting the faces beneath – that they stop, and their eyes meet.
They promptly look away, neither of them acknowledging the other, still half in a daze, still hoping, dreaming, on their own.
But the fireworks die away, and the world begins moving again, except for the two stationary figures, both waiting for the other to make the first move.
One of them does move – a shake of his head, a wry smile – turning away. Everything he does screams his belief that he is seeing things, and he will not entertain it.
And the other – it is his turn, his move, and he takes the first step.
The first lifting and dropping of a foot, and then another, and another, before his shoes are clicking rapidly across the concrete, catching up, and a hand placed on a shoulder.
A whisper of a name – in disbelief, questioning, and the one who turned away first – he blinks slowly, as if waking from a dream.
A curious, wondrous smile lifts his lips, and he greets the other in a sighing cadence.
 viii. Catching up
They go back to his room, because it is smaller, quieter, more private.
Small pleasantries, an exchange of information – what they are doing on a small island, so far from their homeland, their jobs, their lives, what they have done since graduation and losing touch.
Neither of them speak about the golden band resting on the table, or the silver one hanging around a neck. It’s as if they recognise the pain in each other’s eyes, and there is a mutual understanding, though they have never agreed on much, before.
The hour is late when their mouths are dry, and one of them stands to leave. The other is just as quick to catch his sleeve, gently asking him to stay.
It’s late. I’ll lend you some clothes.
It is odd, but he has no reason to refuse, not when he doesn’t have to work the next day. And maybe…
Maybe he does need some form of companionship, if only in the form of someone he used to dislike so much.
Maybe, it would be alright to stay.
(Just for a bit.)
 ix. Quiet moments
The bed is large enough for the two of them, and they lie on opposing sides, facing away from each other.
But sleep does not come easily, and in the midst of tossing and turning, they begin to bicker.
It’s almost nostalgic, the jibes and insults thrown, but neither let up, and they end up poking and kicking each other under the blanket as if they were still in high school.
Nobody knows who won, but lying there in the relative quiet, with the air-conditioning as white noise, it’s almost easy to pretend that they are both okay.
But silence is a tricky thing, like the molten glass that glassblowers mould.
Who are you engaged to?
Is that a promise ring?
They laugh at their overlapping words. They’ve always been too similar, in some ways.
 x. Secrets
They argue over who would start first, until one caves.
It was Satori.
I don’t know, but I don’t think we are together any more. Not in that sense, at least.
A low hum, understanding, accepting.
You’re right, you know.
This. It’s sort of like a promise ring. He lets the ring fall from jointless fingers; it clinks against the chain, falling silent against the bed. But promises are always broken.
A beat of silence – he takes that as agreement, but then the other begins speaking again.
Not true. Promises are what you make them.
He snorts. Maybe so, but not this one. This was always in a limbo and ready to be broken.
A lengthier silence, and he stares at the ceiling, waiting, waiting, for him to ask.
He doesn’t.
You’re not curious? He can’t help himself – he can’t imagine anyone not wanting to pry. About who the other ring belongs to?
You’d tell me, if you wanted. His voice is so trusting – it’s not fair.
(It’s plain to see who has matured more over the years.)
(He doesn’t like it.)
Tsutomu has the other ring.
It feels like an admission, a soft, whispered thing, yet also a loud, shouted thing – a gunshot in the darkness, a secret that he doesn’t want to bring to light.
He huffs. I thought you weren’t going to pry.
I know you, and you want to tell me. You just need a push.
He gets a kick for his troubles, but hears a sigh, and eventually, the other starts talking.
 xi. Moving on
The funny thing about people, is how they pretend they can survive alone, when really, they need support at least some of the time.
That is how humans work, as does the beautiful-ridiculous thing called companionship.
They talk through the night, till the sun peeks through the bottom of the curtains, and that is when they decide to sleep.
When they wake, another day is gone, but the burden on their hearts has eased.
It feels like they are going to go back to pretending they hate each other, go back to pretending the other doesn’t exist.
But one of them makes a tiny offer, and the other accepts, and then they are wandering the mall until closing time, trading banter as they walk back along the bridge.
It’s almost friendly, and they trade numbers, a teasing parting of ways.
Call me.
You sound desperate.
I mean when you need to talk, brat.
Hmm, no.
You are ridiculous.
You are absurd.
I’m trying to be nice.
They turn away, but glance back, and burst out laughing.
They are broken, and patched up, their repairs messy but feasible for the moment.
They are flightless birds, but they have learnt to walk, and maybe, run.
They smile at each other a last time and part ways, hearts lighter than they were before.
Romance is a lie, but you can find companionship in the oddest places.
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