#aouad headcanons
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And So You Thought... Word Count : 5.7k TW : depictions of gore ; reader doubts ; zombie apocalypse ; kind of episode 1 & 2 spoilers, but also canon divergence by a lot ; Suhyeok being a really good boyfriend ; Request : Anonny asked "Can you write a Su-hyeok x reader angst to comfort?"
“I was gonna go play basketball before lunch was over... or do you want me to wait for you to finish your lunch? I can stay with you until you’re done, and we can walk back to class together.” Suhyeok sat beside you at the lunch table, his chin resting against his knuckles as he watched you, the feeling of his eyes on your face had you burning up under his gaze, but you quickly shook your head, giving him a tight lipped smile as you swallowed down the the food that you had been chewing. 
“I’ll meet up with you in class, don’t worry.” It was your usual response considering he asked every day, and you thought that at some point he’d expect what you were going to say and just stop asking, but maybe he expected you to one day just agree to let him sit beside you until you were finished so he could actually walk you to class. 
A soft hum drifted through his lips as he finally stood up, pressing a swift kiss to the top of your head before ruffling your hair. “Try to focus on eating your lunch instead of reading, jagi. It’ll keep your food from getting cold.” He teased, causing you to whip your head around and stick your tongue out at him which had both him and Cheongsan laughing. “Try to at least finish by the time Onjo and Cheongsan finish so you can walk up with them, okay?” He was right back to being serious and you simply nodded your head in agreement before looking back down at the pages of your book as he walked away. 
With your lunch barely finished, you pushed away from the lunch table, only closing your book long enough to empty your tray in the garbage. “You’re not walking with us? We’re almost done if you want to wait…” Onjo called out to you as you walked by the table, but you simply shook your head, opening your book once more as you headed to the door. 
The sound of screaming sounded from outside, and when you lifted your head you saw a swarm of students rushing towards the doors, the glass cracking as they slammed their fists against it to try to get in. “What the hell…?” You whispered to yourself, frozen in your spot as the glass shattered and the students fell to the floor in front of you. It wasn’t until you saw someone… or something that had once been a someone come running towards the lunch room, they seemed rabid, and you were stunned into silence when you saw one of these… things bite into someone, tearing their flesh from their neck, the chunk of skin dangling from the mouth of this once student. 
“Come on! Move!” Cheongsan shouted as he grabbed the bag of your sweater, yanking you away from the doors and the hoard of students and used to be students. “Go! Go with Onjo!” He screamed, pushing you towards her as he pushed back the crazed students that had no emotions in their eyes, their teeth bared as they snapped at Cheongsan and anyone else that ran past them. 
“What the hell is going on?!” You screamed over the commotion in the lunch room as you and Onjo tried to find anywhere to go, a way to escape the chaos and the horror that was unfolding in front of your eyes. 
There was no response, and everything was moving so fast yet so slow as you both watched people that you used to chat with in the halls getting attacked by these vicious students, or pushed aside by other students that were just as scared trying to find a way out. “I… I don’t know… Cheongsan!!” She called out his name, calling him over as she pointed to a window, seemingly the only means to an escape from the lunchroom. 
“Go! Go go go!” He shouted back, rushing over to where you and Onjo stood, dodging everyone and everything that came towards him until he reached the both of you, pushing you both up through the window. “We have to get up to the classroom…” He panted out as he climbed through the window after you and Onjo. “Let’s go.” 
“Suhyeok…” You whispered, your heart sinking as you thought of your boyfriend that had left before you, hoping that he had made it to the classroom already, that he was safe. “What’s happening…?” 
Cheongsan shook his head, pushing you forward as Onjo tugged against the sleeve of your sweater, pulling you forward. “We can ask questions later, we need to get somewhere safe. Suhyeok is fine though… I’m sure of it.” The way his assuring words were simply tacked onto the end, it wasn’t as reassuring as you assumed they were supposed to be, but you didn’t really have the time to ask anything else or prod more as the sound of snarling and screaming grew closer, proving that whatever was going on, it was happening everywhere on the campus. 
Cheongsan and Onjo slammed their fists against the door to the classroom as the hoard of used to be students rushed towards them. Gyeongsu quickly opened the doors, allowing them to come in and catch their breath. “You made it… Oh my god!” Suhyeok exclaimed when he saw the two bracing themselves against their knees, sweat dripping from their foreheads, but his smile quickly fell when he looked behind them and saw that you weren’t there. “Where’s Y/N?” 
His voice was flat, and his steps were quick, carrying him to the door to look out the windows, wishing to find you somewhere in the multitude of monsters, but also praying that you weren’t there, for your safety and his own sanity. “She was… she was right behind us…” Onjo stammered out, standing up straight and spinning around as if you’d miraculously show up right behind her or beside her. “I knew she was there… Right Cheongsan?” 
Cheongsans head nodded quickly, his eyebrows furrowed as he silently questioned where you could have gone, or what could have happened while the three of you were running up to the classroom. “She was, she really was. We had to run and… Maybe she got caught up somewhere… Maybe she’s hiding somewhere. She’ll be okay…” 
Suhyeok felt like his heart had fallen into the deepest pit of his stomach, his knees buckling as he leaned against the wall to hold himself up. “I need to go find her… She can’t be alone… She’s… I need to find her.” And, as if like a zombie himself, he started walking towards the door, his thoughts focused only on you, finding you. 
“Hey! Hey, stop!” Gyeongsus voice was panicked as he tried to keep the door shut while Suhyeok tried to open it, the sound of the struggle drawing the attention of the zombified students towards the classroom. “She’s fine! You need to just calm down. We’ll find her! Right now we need to think of what we’re gonna do while we wait to be rescued. I’m sure someone called the police or something, and they’ll find her too… Just be patient.”
Patience… It was a crazy thing to be expected to have right now with everything that was going on. “How can I be patient at a time like this? Y/N is somewhere in the school… She’s probably alone and scared…” His jaw was set, he looked like a man that was about to risk it all, but he knew that doing so would risk the lives of everyone else in the room. “Why didn’t you look after her? Why didn’t you make sure she was with you?” His voice was low, filled with fear that he felt not knowing where exactly you were, laced with the anger he felt towards Cheongsan for not protecting you. 
“What do you mean? How was I supposed to protect her, Onjo, and myself?” Cheongsan retorted, and it was obvious that he was on the defensive, especially considering the fact that it seemed like Suhyeok was blaming him for you not being there right now. “Why weren’t you there to keep her safe, to get her out of the cafeteria? Huh? What was so important that you had to leave early? Hmm? Is it because you had to meet up with Namra again?” The sudden accusatory question had Suhyeok jumping out of the chair that he had settled in, his ears burning a bright red but his nostrils flared with his anger. 
“Don’t.” He practically growled through gritted teeth, his finger pressed against Cheongsans chest. “I’m not with Namra, I can’t believe you’d accuse me of that when my girlfriend is literally missing.” 
Cheongsan chuckled humorlessly, stepping back from the prodding fingertip of Suhyeok, his lips pursed as he looked between his friend and the girl in question, the class president standing in the back of the room near the windows, her hair creating a curtain to shield her face, or maybe to block out the scrutinizing looks of everyone else in the room. “I never accused you of that… You’re the one who brought it up, not me.” 
Syhyeok huffed loudly, taking a step towards Cheongsan, only for Gyeongsu to step in between them, placing his hands against both of their chests. “Stop it, both of you… Seriously. The last thing anyone needs is the stress of the two of you fighting. Just cut it out.” He said, already sounding exhausted. “Can we just try to figure out how to get in touch with someone… anyone? The police should have been here by now if someone called… Them or the fire department… Where are they?” 
“We need to find a phone… Does anyone have a phone… Anything? Anyone?” Daesu asked, standing in the center of the room. “I mean, there’s not much else that anyone can do, right?” Suhyeok nodded in agreement, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he turned away from Cheongsan. “Someone in the class has to have kept their phone…” 
You had managed to make it to one of the empty rooms, barricading the door and shutting the curtains before finally allowing yourself to break down as you tried to process and comprehend what was really going on. You didn’t fully understand it, and you probably never would, but based on the absolute chaos and the scenes of havoc that you passed by while you had been running with Cheongsan and Onjo… It looked like a scene straight out of a zombie apocalypse movie. The only question was… What had caused it? When did it even start? Everything had seemed perfectly fine while you were at lunch and even before you had gone to the cafeteria. 
Now probably wasn’t the time for you to be trying to rationalize what was happening, and it surely wasn’t the time for you to be trying to figure out a timestamp for when it had happened. You needed to find a way to get to the others. Did they even notice that you were gone? Did they even care? Was Suhyeok somewhere safe? Had he met up with Cheongsan and Onjo? Did he care that you weren’t there? 
So many questions were running through your mind, and while they weren’t the best questions to be asking yourself, the noise in your own head was blocking out the sounds of screams coming from outside and the stomach turning guttural noises that were coming from the zombie-like students out in the hallway. You weren’t sure what was a better noise to be heard to be quite honest. 
Maybe Suhyeok had met up with Namra again, just like he always did after lunch. He didn’t think you knew, but you heard around the school the rumors that the two of them were seeing each other on the side. You never wanted to believe it, but you couldn’t help but wonder if that was the reason why he hadn’t come back to the cafeteria to try to help you… Maybe he was helping Namra instead. 
A loud thud against the door to the broadcasting room had you jumping out of your mind, back into the situation of the present which wasn’t at all better than the doubtful thoughts that plagued your brain. “Shit…” You muttered, cursing yourself for falling behind when you were with Cheongsan and Onjo. You had tripped once, and they were gone before you knew it, leaving you to either try to catch up with them and potentially get caught by one of the “zombies”, or run into the empty room in the hall and hope for someone to come find you. 
The worst part was that you didn’t even know where exactly you were right now, you didn't know what floor you were on. You had been running so fast, all you wanted to do was get to safety, and now you didn’t even know the room number of your safe haven was. Your phone had been taken at the start of class along with everyone else’s, so you didn’t even have a way to get in touch with anyone else either. You felt stranded, and you were trapped, and you didn’t know how long you’d be stuck in that room, but you hoped that someone would come rescue you. 
Running had been exhausting, and you at some point had fallen asleep against the wall in the corner of the room, leaving you with the worst neck cramp when you finally awoke. The funniest part, if you could use that word to describe it, was the fact that the nightmare that had startled you from your slumber wasn’t even about the zombies that hungered for your flesh that stood just a few feet away outside the wooden doors. No. Your nightmares were about Suhyeok and finding him with Namra, about him falling out of love with you, that is, if he even loved you anyway. 
The sky outside had turned dark, the moon now hung high, surrounded by stars… If you could just stare at the night sky forever, you would surely be able to forget about the hell that you were currently living in. No one had come to find you yet… Were they waiting for you to come to them? They wouldn’t expect you to go out on your own, right? No, if they really cared about you, they’d come to you… Maybe they really had forgotten about you. It didn’t matter though… Not them… They might have forgotten… But someone was bound to come soon. Someone had to come… You’d be okay, and you’d get out of there, with or without them. 
The front door to the broadcasting room opened slowly, and you could feel your heart stop and your stomach drop as you silently said your final goodbyes to everyone, the sentiments mixed in with curses at yourself for being foolish enough to not barricade the front door along with the back. “Y/N?” The voice was no more than a whisper, but it was familiar, and in the current situation, it was almost angelic. Someone had come to save you, and while it wasn’t who you expected, they were almost better. “Oh, thank goodness you’re alright… You’re okay, aren’t you?” 
You lifted your tear budded eyes to look up, nodding your head slowly in agreement. “Ms. Park…” You whispered the name, wondering if maybe the sight of her was nothing more than a vivid hallucination brought on by a mixture of exhaustion, dehydration, and hunger. “Are you okay? Do you know what’s happening?” 
A saddened breath left her, one that sounded almost pained as she blocked off the front door of the classroom and moved closer to you. “I’m okay… I don’t understand but… Have you seen the others? Is everyone else okay?” Her question had you dropping your gaze and shrugging your shoulders. You knew nothing. “It’s okay… Just… I’m glad you’re okay.” She looked around the room for a moment before heading into the recording room, and before you could question what she was doing, a loud crackle came over the intercom system. 
The way she spoke, the speech that she made… Had she thought of it on her way to the room? It sounded like a farewell, like she was saying goodbye to everyone. Did she know something that the rest of you didn’t? How much had she seen on her way here? Was everyone able to hear her? The thought had you pushing yourself up off the floor and running into the recording room, asking her with your eyes if you could say something, and she quickly took a step back for you to take her place in front of the microphone. 
“Uhm… Hi… I’m still here… I’m still alive…” Ms. Parks voice had seemed like a god send, to know that there was still someone in the school that could help, that could call the authorities, but hearing your voice… It was like hearing an angel, and that’s exactly what Suhyeok thought as his feet carried him closer to the intercom speaker, his hand reaching up to the little box in the corner of the room. “Suhyeok… Cheongsan… Onjo… If you hear this… I hope you’re okay. I’m okay… Stay safe… I’ll see you all soon I hope…” 
And then the speaker went silent, and while Suhyeoks heart had soared at the sound of your voice just a mere second ago, now the lack of it had his heart breaking and fresh tears brimming along his lower lashes. “She’s alive… Did you hear that? She’s alive…” He murmured, his hand still pressed against the speaker box, wishing that you’d just get back on and talk to him, even if you couldn’t hear his responses, he needed to hear you, to know that you were okay still, he needed that constant reassurance. “In the broadcasting room… They’re in the broadcasting room. We have to get there.” 
He was rushing towards the door, and once again, he had to be held back by the men in the room. “Let’s wait for morning to move. We won’t be able to see if anything comes at us in the dark. She’s been fine this whole time, and now she’s with Ms. Park… She’ll be fine for a couple more hours. You’ll see her again.” Cheongsans voice was strained as he helped to hold Suhyeok back, but he finally went limp, his entire body loose in Cheongsans arms. “We need to get some rest if we’re going out there… Everyone just… Try to get some sleep. We’ll move to the broadcasting room in the morning.” 
It sounded so easy when it was said… Just getting to the broadcast room, it should have been as easy as going downstairs to the next class… But it proved almost impossible considering the hallways were swarmed with zombies and even the slightest sound drew their attention. It was like walking out into a war zone and there were enemies everywhere. 
Some faces were familiar, bringing a pang of guilt to Suhyeoks chest whenever he had to fight one off. It was hard to fight any of them, knowing that just 24 hours ago these were the same people that had smiled and waved to him, these were the same people that he had conversed with in the hallways on multiple occasions, and now these same people were rushing after him with dead eyes, fueled only by their hunger. The only thing that was keeping him moving forward now was the thought of you waiting for him, and he knew he had to get to you, he had kept you waiting long enough. 
“We can’t keep going, there’s too many!” Wujin shouted as he and the rest of the guys tried to fight off the hoards. “There’s a classroom right here! Come on! We’ll just wait it out!” He screamed to Suhyeok who was still trying to push forward to get down the next set of stairs. “Come on!” He screamed, shoving back the zombied students before sliding open the classroom door, letting the girls run in and then following behind them into the room. 
“Fuck!” Suhyeok shouted, kicking back one of the desks in frustration before going over to the window. “She’s waiting for me… she called for me… She probably thinks something happened…” His fingers ran through his hair as he leaned his head against the window pane, breathing heavily from the physical exertion of just getting down one floor. “What if something happened to her while she was waiting for me…?” 
Cheongsan shook his head, patting Suhyeok on the shoulder. “I’m sure she’d rather wait a little longer to see you than to see you as a zombie. We’ll get down there, but we need to be smart about it. Okay?” Suhyeok swallowed thickly, hating the fact that Cheongsan was right, but not arguing against him because he was right. He knew that if the roles were reversed and he was the one waiting for you to come to him, he’d want you to be safe and smart with every move you made. “I’ve got a plan… let’s just wait a little longer, and then I’ll see if it works.” 
Joonyeong reluctantly tapped both of them on the shoulders, his lips pulled into a thin line as they both turned to look at him. “We’ve got a problem…” He whispered, turning his attention towards the windows that lined the wall looking out towards the hallway. “One of the windows broke… well… two of the windows broke…” Both of the men’s eyes widened as they saw the hands of the zombies, their snarls louder than ever now. The plan couldn’t wait… They had to move, and they had to move now. 
“None of them have come yet…” You mumbled, your knees folded against your chest in the corner of the room, the corner that had essentially become your own, the small space somehow making you feel safer. “Something must have happened.” 
You knew that being pessimistic wasn’t the right way to be at the moment, everyone needed to be as optimistic as possible, but sometimes a little bit of pessimism went a long way. When your mind was so filled with negativity, the slightest positive thing that happened seemed more amazing than ever. It was a shit way to look at things, but it was how you got through most days, and right now, you felt that that thought process was appropriate. “Hey, don’t think that way.” Ms. Park spoke softly in response, and even though her words told you to think differently, you could see it in her eyes, she was being just as pessimistic as you were. “I’m sure it’s hard for them to get down here… Let’s just… Hold onto hope.” 
That was the hard part though, holding onto hope, it felt like you had been holding onto it forever, your hands were growing tired, your nails were digging into your palms. Why hold on when you could just let go? “Sure… Hold onto hope… Let’s do that.” You mumbled, letting your head drop forward to rest against your knees. There was no sense in being hopeful. The lack of first responders, the lack of literally anyone coming to get you, Ms. Park, and whoever else might be left out of the school… You had given up on having hope. 
You were about to get up, head into the recording booth to have a couple minutes to yourself, the only place where you felt you could lose what was left of your sanity in peace, when a loud banging came against the window. It didn’t make sense, it looked like the end of a firehose, and while your interest was peaked to see who had thrown it, Ms. Park had immediately stood in front of you as if she were blocking you or protecting you from something. “Stay back… Okay?” She held her arm out in front of you as you nodded your head, taking a step back yourself just to be on the safe side, but then you saw a pair of shoes, and pants, and… maybe this was far fetched, but you were quite sure that a zombie student wouldn’t be able to climb down a hose ladder so well, or at all. 
And then, as if on queue, Gyeongsu appeared outside the window, his eyes wide when he saw you and Ms. Park standing there, and it took no more than a second for you both to rush to the window and throw it open, pulling him in to safety. “Y-You’re okay, right? What’s happening out there? What’s going on? Where is everyone?” You had so many questions, but he simply shook his head, leaning back out the window, much to your worry, and then shouting up to someone to come down. “There’s others with you? Is it Onjo? Cheongsan? Who all is with you?” 
But one by one, your questions were answered as everyone climbed down, being helped in by you and Ms. Park until the last person arrived. 
“Y/N…” Suhyeok whispered your name as if it were a prayer leaving his lips, his hands bloodied, reaching out to grab your face, turning your head this way and that before grabbing your hands and looking them over. “You’re okay… You’re really okay. I was so worried about you, and I wanted to look for you, I wanted to find you… Cheongsan wouldn’t le-” 
He had talked enough, and the only thing you wanted in that moment was to be held by him, to know 100% that he was real, that he had really made it, that he was okay and you were okay and you’d both be together from here on out. “I didn’t think you’d come…” You whispered, moving away from his chest to look around at everyone in the room, all of their eyes on you and Suhyeok at the moment, but there was one pair of eyes that had you stepping back and looking up at him, your eyebrows furrowing and your smile wavering. “You didn’t come back to the cafeteria… Why did you have to leave anyway… You always have to leave…” You took another step back, accidentally bumping into Wujin who grabbed onto your shoulders to steady you, but quickly dropped his hands when Suhyeok casted a glare in his direction. 
“I thought Cheongsan would have been able to get you up to the classroom, I thought you’d be okay. I didn’t… I wanted to go back and find you, but I thought you’d be safe with him. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you… I should have been.” You hated the fact that everyone was staring at you, and even though you couldn’t see them doing it, you could feel the heat of their eyes on your back and it was making you uncomfortable. “I was gonna go play some basketball after lunch… That’s why I left early… The weather was nice and, I just thought I’d do that before class…” 
You nodded your head, keeping your eyes down as you reluctantly began your walk back towards him, a pang of guilt in your chest for the assumptions that had filled your mind. “But you saved Namra… The two of you climbed in through the window together right before Cheongsan and Onjo got into the class.You were holding hands and everything.” Daesu exclaimed, and everyone in the room let out a collective groan of annoyance at his sudden urge to announce it. “Sorry…” He muttered, realizing just a second too late that he shouldn’t have said anything at all, but the damage was done and you froze in place in the middle of the room. 
“You… saved her?” You whispered, letting the words roll off your tongue as if you were testing them, tasting them, and you hated the bitter aftertaste they left in your mouth. “Y/N… jagi… listen…” He tried to speak but you shook your head faster, your eyes squeezed shut as you held your hands up, not wanting him to get close to you. “No… No, I get it… She’s worth saving. Heaven forbid something happens to the class president… You couldn’t possibly let that happen, right? Make sure she’s safe, wouldn’t want her to be alone… Just leave your girlfriend to fend for herself, by herself… No, that’s fine.” 
It felt like the room had shrunken to twice the size it once was, you were surrounded by a group of people who clearly didn’t give a single shit about what happened to you, and you didn’t want to be around them. “Where are you going? Y/N, wait!” Suhyeok called after you when he saw you walking off, but you silently flipped him off before slamming the door to the recording booth and sitting at the desk, thankful for the silence of the room. 
“Should… Should someone talk to her? I can go?” Wujin raised his hand, looking around at everyone for some sort of acceptance to his offer, but he was only met with the scrutinizing gaze of Suhyeok. “What? I mean, she clearly doesn’t want to talk to you… Me and her, we’re kind of close, and… Maybe she’ll talk to me. I’m sure you all would rather her be on talking terms with someone just in case we have to move again… At least she’d go with us…” 
Suhyeok scoffed, stepping closer to Wujin until the toes of their shoes touched, glaring down at the boy. “If she won’t talk to me, she’s not talking to anyone. I don’t want you around her… Don’t think that I don’t see the way you look at her… And I’m sure you’re hoping that because of what your stupid friend said that you’ll be able to have some sort of chance… But whatever she might be thinking, and whatever you’re thinking… It’s not true… Don’t get your hopes up. I love her, and only her… I’m not letting her go.” And with that, he moved him to the side, going straight for the recording booth and walking inside. “Jagi…” 
“I don’t want to talk right now…” You mumbled, curled up in the little desk chair, making yourself smaller so that no one could see you over the back of the chair through the booths window. “I came in here because I wanted to be alone… You’re ruining that for me.” 
Your words didn’t stop him from coming closer though, his arms practically caging you in on the chair when he placed his hands on the arm rests. “Do you really think that I left you in the cafeteria on purpose… That I knew this would happen once I was gone?” Of course you didn’t think that, no one could have known that something like this was going to happen, it was completely out of everyone’s control. “I was terrified… I didn’t know what was going on, and I wanted to get back to the cafeteria so I could save you. I couldn’t make it though… I would have died.” You winced at the thought of anything happening to him, the tension in your body slowly fading the more you listened to him talk. “I saved Namra… I did… But that’s just because I came across her on my way to the classroom. It’s not like I was looking for her… I was trying to get to safety… And I was hoping, praying… That Cheongsan had you, that he’d bring you back to the classroom, or that he at least had you somewhere safe with him and Onjo.” He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, shakily as he moved his hands from the arm rests to grab your own, lacing his fingers between yours. “When Cheongsan came back without you… I had never felt more scared than I did at that moment… I felt like shit, and I wanted to come find you, but they stopped me. I’m sorry I couldn’t come sooner. I’m sorry I let you down… But I love you, and I don’t want to leave this room, or any other room unless you're with me, unless I’m holding your hand… So please, come back out?” 
His thumb brushed lightly across the back of your hand, and you finally took the time to notice the dried blood that stained his perfect skin, the crimson blotches that covered his once crisp white button up. He had been through a lot to get here, not just him, but everyone else. You had been lucky enough to be in the safety of the broadcasting room, and you had been fortunate enough to have been found by Ms. Park. They had gone through hell just to get to this room, but they had made it, and you couldn’t forget the look in Suhyeoks eyes when he had first seen you when had climbed through the window. If he didn’t love you, his eyes wouldn’t have become glassy, his bottom lip wouldn’t have trembled when he took those final steps to close the distance between the two of you, a distance that had felt miles long instead of a couple floors away. He loved you, and you could feel it when he had wrapped his arms around you, when he had cupped your cheeks, and you could feel it now as he held your hands. “I love you… I’m sorry…” You whimpered, feeling the fresh stream of tears begin to trickle down your cheeks, the overwhelming emotions from everything that was going on were finally being processed, and all you could do was cry, but he was there, and he made quick work to wipe away each tear with steady fingers and gentle swipes of his thumb. “If we get out of here… We should go on a really nice date… Maybe a picnic if the weather is nice…” You whispered, placing your hands over his as they grazed along your cheek. 
A soft chuckle left him, vibrating his chest, and the sound was so strange, yet so welcomed at such a time that you didn’t want it to stop, you wanted to hear it for hours, it was so… soothing. “When we get out of here… I’m going to take you on the best date… I’ll go anywhere with you, just say the time and the place… As long as you’re there, I’ll be there too.” He leaned in, pressing a kiss to your lips, one that seemed to last longer than usual, but not as long as you had wanted it to. “Let’s get back out there… We’ll figure out what we’re doing, and then we’ll start planning those dates.” 
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writinganything · 1 year
Gwinam Dark headcanons
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Warning: Toxic, abusive behavior, nsfw content at some point
The relationship is toxic, I’m sorry but you know damn well it would be
Maybe he wouldn’t abuse you physically, but he would physiologically
I know he would claim you as his and his only, but not in the good way babe.
“You don’t need friends, I’m already here for you”
When you vent about a fight you had with friends or family he would say things like “I could never do such things to you” “See? I told you they’re not good enough for you”.
He always grab you by the neck
If you try to leave him, he either try to sweet-talk you into not break up or blackmail/threaten you.
“I do all this because I love you”
Love language? He could maybe do act of service
He has a god complex. Come on don’t be surprised we’re talking about Gwinam🧍🏾‍♀️
He would do the thing narcissists do. He spoils you a lot at the beginning of the relationship, then slowly starts revealing his true self.
After you told him to stop bullying, he only stopped doing it in-front of you but still does it behind your back.
Dominant as fuck
This man is into some intense shit during intercourse. Choking, degrading, edging, breath play, blood sometimes, bdsm, blindfold you, gaging, spanking, overstimulation…Sorry I got lost a bit but you get what I mean😭
Favorite thing to do is taking you from the back (not anal) in doggystyle, one hand either pulling your hair or choking the back of your neck and the other one giving you backshots. He would put mirrors in front so you both could look at him fucking you and the expressions on your face.
Easily jealous
Controlling and manipulative
He must know every single one of your passwords and if you want to change them, he has to know what the new ones are
His kisses are always rough
He could do anything for you and that’s not always a good thing…
He’s obsessed with you, like he deadass stalks you.
Sometimes follows you without you knowing, so he knows what you’re up to when he’s not with you
No need to say that no guy approaches you, scared of what he could do to them if he learns about it
Your parents? They’re a bit skeptical about him, but since he always put on the perfect-boyfriend mask when he’s with them, they don’t suspect a thing
Pet names? “Mine” “Bitch” “Slut” “Whore”. He sometimes add adjectives during intercourse like “Such a greedy whore for my dick huh?”
During the apocalypse, he wouldn’t hesitate before killing anyone who comes near you two.
After he turns into a hambie, he would definitely threaten you that he’s gonna bite/kill you if you don’t listen to him. You suspect that it’s not true since he protects you, but don’t want to test his limits, by fear he really does kill you
Humm….Did I went too far?😭 But yeah I think that’s how he would be like. If you don’t like what I wrote DNI please. Maybe I really went too far, but after I read again the other headcanons I realized I sugarcoated him too much so to make it balanced I wrote this.
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nox-writes · 1 year
Gyeong-su x GN!reader
Warnings: None i think? Except Nayeon because she's so annoying and if anyone says that she deserved better then i hope the both sides of your pillow are warm and i also hope that you step on a big puddle and your shoes get soaked (i don't need to put zombies and dying in the warnings cuz if you've watched the series then it's pretty obvious that this will mention zombies and death)
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so.. let's start with the fact that he is a super sweet guy
And he is so likeable
and sweet
and loveable
and likeable
and i love him😻😻
Anygays when you two first strated dating and he was new to the whole thing, you decided to take things slow in the beginning.
Even though he wanted to tell everyone that he had an awesome partner like you, he still kept his mouth shut.
After about 4 months of dating, you decided to tell your friends about the relationship
Some of them figured it out by themselves, but some had to be told a million times until they believed atleast 50% that it wasn't a joke or anything (Daesu and Woojin)
After you told your friends about your relationship, they couldn't stop teasing you about it
Especially Cheong-san
He LOVES teasing you two about how cute you two look when you are practically sitting on Gyeong-sus (sus) lap because you are sitting so close to each other
On-jo would think it's the cutest thing ever. There is something about you two that makes her so happy for you
First time when Gyeong-su said "I love you" was when you had been dating for 7 months
It took some time to say it since he's really bad at expressing his strong feelings such as love
But you said it back to him and he couldn't be happier
And when Nayeon tries to make fun of him for being poor, you would stand up to him
He would look at you with puppy eyes and thank you for being there for him and stopping him for hurting Nayeon
This man can't afford to get expelled from school, so he doesn't want to pick a fight with anyone
Now for the zombie apocalypse
So when the zombie apocalypse first starts, you two got separated and later found each other again
It was a cute reunion after being separated for so long and your frineds stared at you two in awe when you hugged and shared a kiss when you found each other
When you made your way to the recording room, you thought you would both survive
But that stupid ass bitchy bitch Nayeon went and put the zombie blood rag/cloth on his scratch..
You first didn't think anything of it, thinking that Nayeon just wanted to hel him
But that didn't sound like something Nayeon would do
Gyeong-su followed her outside of the room yelling something at her and you were thinking what Nayeon did to make him so upset
You got your answer
Gyeong su was yelling at Nayeon for calling him a welfie once again but then..
His nose started bleeding. (Again since last time he got hit by a broom lmao)
Your eyes widened in fear and you and Cheongsan were both terrified and denying the fact that he was turning
You tried to come up with an excuse
When he turned into a zombie you were too sad to even try anything to stop him from trying to bite you
After getting zombified Gyeong-su out of the room, you couldn't handle it anymore
It hurt to lose the one you loved and you were crying hard
Nam-ra then told you all about what Nayeon did to Gyeong-su
You were literally blinded by anger
You always knew that Nayeon was an asshole and didn't like Gyeong-su but you didn't think she'd go that far
You cursed and yelled at her for god knows how long after she was on the ground when Cheongsan pushed her
And even when she left the room you all were in you were still mad
You didn't speak to anyone for atleast an hour when suddenly Ji-min came by your side to try to comfort you
You heard her talk to you about knowing how it felt to lose someone you love, due to the fact that she lost her parents to the virus
You broke down and started crying again and she hugged you tightly
You two ended up cuddling on the floor against a wall
After Gyeong-su died, you wanted to stay strong for him so you decided to do everything it takes to stay alive.
Aaaaaahhh i loved writing this and this was not requested but i wrote this for fun. Speaking of which, you should consider requesting a fic you would want me to write. Remember that i write for male and gn reader only. If you want female stories go check my Wattpad; Call-_-Me-_-Nox
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beann-e · 2 years
“ now why would my beautiful girlfriend be with them. Hmm with cheongsan ? “ your body going slack at his tone “ huh baby “
“ it’s not what it looks li—well I was trying to find yo—I—and I —I wanted to be safe “
“ we were together in the lunchroom y/n ? Who kept you safe then huh ? “
“ you “
“ that’s right and who sacrificed other people so you could make it out huh “
“ you “
“ exactly ? So explain it to me — even though I’m the only one who’s apparently made you feel safe —you run over here to feel safe ?? “Your mouth closing shut at his words. You’d been caught. There was nothing you wanted more then to get away from him every single moment you were with him you felt that 10 years were shaved off your life.
In fear that he could kill you at any given time for any reason maybe you didn’t run fast enough , didn’t speak slow enough for him to understand , didn’t kiss him when he wanted one. You were scared. Being with him made you scared
“ what—does cheongsan make you feel safe baby ? Safer then me ? It’s ok you can tell me i was gonna kill him anyways but —“
His eyebrow raising at the unsaid claim and the flinch of your body “ what do I not make you feel safe anymore y/n is that what it is ? You think I’m scary now ? That I’m weird gonna bite you or something now ?? “
“ no it’s not like that I just “
“ you just what —admit it youre scared of me now “
“ it’s not just now “ your voice let out softly
“ what “
“ Ive always been scared of you gwinam “
His face dropping to reveal his real feelings behind the fake face he applied during your relationship his mask only being put on again after a few seconds to hide his emotions
“ no you haven’t that’s a lie why would you be afraid of me we’re dating baby I’d never hurt you “
“ that’s the problem “ your mouth opened in a small yell“ we were dating before any of this everything I had was yours. — there’s no more normalcy there’s zombies and hambies like you how can you say you won’t hurt me ??? How do I know we’re still dating—and if we are it’s not the same guy “
“ because I love you and I’ve never been unfaithful during our relationship nor have I been a bad person so — “
“ you wrote on that—that girls shirt “
“ huh girl ? baby what are you talking about “
“ you wrote on that girls shirt “ voice wavering as you began to be confused by his words. You saw it.
He did. He wrote on some girls shirt in class moments before this whole zombie thing. He wrote on it with whore or slut or — or something. Your brain feeling fried but, wanting so badly for him not to trick you again you couldn’t let him win this time. You would stand your ground.
“ I don’t know what you’re talking abt baby I’ve done a lot of things today to fight for my survival — to fight for our surviva -“
“ no no no no it was before any of this “ you laughed quietly the weapon you held shaking a little in your hand as his eyes went down to the ground and back up to your own “ stop— stop lying you didn’t write slut on her shirt for me— you wrote it because you’re a monster “
“ a monster “ he let a scoff fly from his throat before he wiped his mouth “ let’s not get crazy now ok baby—- before this i was —“
“ before this you were writing I have a good body on a shirt “ His mouth shutting up at your words all the wind being knocked out of him.
How the hell did you know the exact sentence
“ what no disagreement now ? “ your eyes tearing up at the guy you used to trust “ what an asshole “ you cried
His tounge poking the inside of his cheek at your tears cheongsan who stood behind you had been long forgotten along with everyone else , he’d came up here to fight for you with , watching as this unfolded.
A hearty laugh pouring from your boyfrie—exes—mouth as he thought of a way out of this situation with you
“ so what now ? We’re just out here believing everything people tell us huh “ he laughed “ baby I would never do that I love you so so so much so why would I even be thinking about another girls body much less have seen it “
Your mouth dropped at his words causing a small smirk to show up on his face before it quickly dropped
“ I watched you? “ your heart breaking “ did you forget I sit right behind you ? “
His eyes going wide “ shit “ he had forgotten who was in his class his brain all foggy due to the zombie transition. “ I’m — im sorry“ he started taking a step toward you while everyone else took one back “ fucking assholes “ he spoke under his breath
“ you just tried to lie to me you flat out forgot about me —gwinam you scare me “ you felt more tears welling up In your eyes itd been a long day youd lost so many friends your parents were probably gone and then your boyfriend was up here acting crazy following the only person who was helping you stay alive while dodging gwinams pitiful attempts to kill him. “ you really scare me gwinam”
You were overwhelmed
“ don’t worry I don’t have to scare you any longer y/n “ he swallowed “ I mean it— I’m only scary because you’re not in my arms— as soon as I hold you — you won’t be scared anymore “
Your tears dropping fast as you dropped the weapon from in front of you and let it dangle in your hand “ yeah ? “
“ you’re only feeling this way because you’ve been without me for a couple hours baby “
“ you know how much I hate being without you “
“ I know “ he stepped closer “ I know — you hate being around other people you don’t know — I know how much you hate it y/n “
“ but— but I know cheongsan “ you moved to step back as he approached stopping at his next words “ but baby not like you know me“
“ I-“
“ remember our first date ? Because I do— I remember every food you like , you dislike, you can’t stand to smell or even see on a plate “ he moved a little closer “ I remember every movie you love— the ones you know word for word. I know every homework assignment you’ve asked for help on — every teacher you’ve had in your last few years of high school that we’ve been dating —because I’ve walked you to class everyday of every year“
You shook your head at his words “ y/n — baby no one knows you better then I do my love “
“ but— “
“ no one “ his hand coming out to grab yours as he smiled softly when you didn’t fight back “ so you’re gonna tell me the person who knows nothing close to what I know is gonna keep you safe ? “ he laughed “ really ? Do you yourself believe that “
“ well does he really have to know any of that to— “
“ yes — he does — and he doesn’t “
“ oh “ your head moving to rest on his chest feeling the heavy breathes he took and not noticing the small smirk he gave the group behind you “ y/n I can keep you safe ok — just like I have been just like I’ve been doing “
“ but - they kept me safe too “
“ if they really kept you safe then how did I find you so easily“ your body tensed “ imagine if I were a regular zombie ? Should you have been that easy to find ? When have you ever came this close to death like now when you were with me “
“ ne—Never “
“ exactly so — no this prick hasn’t been keeping you safe “ he rested his head on top of yours “ just come back down with me ok“
“ y/n don’t leave with him he’s gaslighting you “ cheongsans voice rang out atop the roof and slicing through the heart to heart moment the two of you were having
“ we’ve allowed you to make you own timely rational decisions since you’ve been with us —are you sure you want to give that up “
He swallowed eyes stuck on the back of your head that rested against your boyfriends chest “ are you sure you want to go back to being spoken for — criticized — talked about ? —we all seen it”
everyone shaking their heads in agreement behind you “ we all seen the way he treated you like an object over the last few years guarding you as if he were your guard dog —but “
He shook his head softly no matter if you could see his small smile or not “ he doesn’t know you in the way we do — in the way —I’ve gotten to know you “
Your heart jumped at his words beating a little faster gwinams eyebrows furrowing looking down on you as he felt it thump louder against his chest “ so — even if it sounds a bit selfish “
he laughed a little at his words “ can you please just stay with me — I won’t learn or know everything about you like gwinam does but “ his face set in determination “ I will learn what you want me to all while putting my life on the line to keep you safe “
Your mind swirled at the thought. At everything you’d been through up until this point. What the hell were you gonna do and who the hell were you gonna choose.?
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Su-hyeok angst-y headcanon post because I love him but the writers barely gave him any depth outside of liking Nam-ra so I’ll do it for them 🙃 /lh:
-I’ve said this before but. ADHD Su-hyeok.
-He was often labeled a “problem child” for exhibiting ADHD symptoms
-While being able to laugh off most jokes at his expense, jokes about his intelligence, or supposed lack thereof really hurt
-He really does worry that not being a great student makes him stupid, and he berates himself for it
-His lack of confidence in his intelligence is one of the reasons why he befriended the bullies. Because hey, even if he wasn’t good at school, at least he could be good at fighting, and people were less likely to call him stupid with the threat of a black eye looming over them
-Myung-hwan and his cronies were still pretty shitty about him, constantly calling him useless, stupid, etc if he didn’t do their bidding
-To this day, he still has trouble believing his friends actually like him instead of just tolerating his existence
-Despite the temporary adrenaline/dopamine boost winning fights gave him, Su-hyeok would always feel like shit afterwards. His grandmother (who I think Lomon stated is very important to him) was the only person who seemed like they didn’t think of him as a bad kid, and he couldn’t stand the idea that he was letting down the only person who still believed in him.
-His home life was also shit-his father was verbally and even physically abusive towards him and his mother, so eventually he was sent to live with his grandmother. It’s one of the reasons he’s such a fierce protector.
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nessinborderland · 1 year
All of Us Are Dead -> Headcanons
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Gwinam with a s/o that is the opposite of him
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glowstar826 · 2 years
Lee Cheong-san
Cheong-san is ALIVE, goddamn it!
Song: “Always Forever” — Cults
tags: @mincraftiafan, @falle-ness
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kkurades · 2 years
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ AOUAD MASTERLIST ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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choi nam-ra —
nothing yet
han gyeong-su —
nothing yet
jang ha-ri —
nothing yet
jang woo-jin —
nothing yet
jung min-jae —
nothing yet
kim u-sin —
nothing yet
lee cheong-san —
soul city | when hyosan high gets a new student that is eerily close to the quiet class prez choi nam-ra and happens to be an international figure skater, cheong-san is absolutely hooked ( smau )
lee na-yeon —
nothing yet
lee su-hyeok —
nothing yet
nam on-jo —
nothing yet
oh joon-yeung
nothing yet
park mi-jin —
nothing yet
song jae-ik —
nothing yet
yang dae-su —
nothing yet
yoon gwi-nam —
nothing yet
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©cupidsheqrt , 2022.
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lun-writes · 2 years
Jin-su (A-Z Fluff) (GN)
Jin-su x GN! reader
this has been sitting on my WIP for a few months and I decided to finish it hope y'all enjoy it! I wish the were some gifs for him😭
Warning: reference to bullying and suicide attempt but nothing deep
A/N: In case anyone forgot Jin-su is the son of Byeong-chan
Don't forget to like, reblog, or leave a comment if you enjoy it
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Jin-su loves how brave you are, whether it's standing up to Myeong-hwan's gang, calling out some teachers who are not doing anything about the bullying (which sometimes lands you in trouble with the principal) or even helping those who are being bullied.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
He loves your eyes; he doesn't know why though he finds them really nice.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
He likes laying his head in your lap; your hand in his hair.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Coming to your home or you going to his to play board games or if he feeling comfortable, might take you on a picnic.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
When he is around you Jin-su feels that he can be himself knowing you won't do anything to hurt him
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Jin-su never thought about having a family; considering he tried to commit suicide and he doesn't know if he wants one or not.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
Jin-su is always surprised when you give him a gift; and may get a little teary-eyed, but he will make sure to take care of it.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
When Jin-su gets nervous, or if he sees any of the bullies ,he will reach for your hand. He also likes holding your hand when sleeping.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
He'll be upset; especially if you got injured from Gwi-nam and the others.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Jin-su is bad at telling jokes but he tries.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
He likes to kiss you on the cheek or forehead.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
Sometimes he will write little notes for you and will put them in your bag when you're not looking, making sure you are okay when he sees you and give you a small smile when you wave at him.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
For you, it was when you made Jin-su laugh for the first time, like a full-on belly laugh that surprised you since you'd never heard him laugh before. For Jin-su, it was when you took him to a concert to see one of his favorite bands, it was there he kiss you on the lips for the first time.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
He has two fears; one is that the bullies will harm or blackmail you into breaking up with him. The other is that you never love him and that it was a huge game to you.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
Jin-su tends to hum when it is too quiet.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
He calls you dear, sweetheart, or when he needs your attention he'll call you honey.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
Doing crosswords, helping you with anything, or not doing anything at all
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Good Days by SZA
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
He doesn't like keeping anything from you so tells you everything.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
It took at least half a year before you asked jin-su out.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
The poor boy would be scared at first since he had never seen you this upset before, but he will ask if you want to talk. If you, do he'll listen to what got you upset, if not, he'll sit next to you quietly, hoping his presence will help.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He's proud that he met someone like you; someone who he can come to when things get too much.
W = Wild Card (Random Fluff Headcanon.)
When you were sick Jin-su came over every day after school to make sure you were okay; he even surprised you with soup you taught him how to make.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
He is very attentive; he can tell when you are in a good or bad mood, when you just need some space, and when just feeling not at your best.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
He would propose where it is just you two so you don't feel pressured to say yes
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Your voice has always helped him relax sometime it has lured him to sleep on nights he couldn't sleep.
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skullpie · 1 year
anyways is it okay if you just do some silly relationship hcs with joonyeong (aouad) and jaeheon (sweet home) separately I WILL LITERALLY CRY TEARS OF JOY
relationship hcs x
joonyeong x reader; jaeheon x reader (separate)
summary: relationship hcs for joonyeong (aouad) & jaeheon (sweet home)
warning(s): series typical warnings!
note(s): anon based on this request i think u have a type.. side eye.. can’t blame u tho uptight dorks with wire framed glasses are hot ! hope u enjoy lovely :) and ty for being my first request on this blog!! i thought i’d have to put some fics out before i got any so this is rly encouraging. i appreciate you!
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such a little nerd
definitely started out as good friends
absurdly proud of the fact that he has a partner
like… him?? he feels so special
(he is)
study dates where he actually intends to study and you distract him the whole time by begging for kisses and sitting on his lap etc
sometimes he caves, sometimes he doesn’t, he takes his academics seriously
but idk the image of you wrapping your arms around his neck and telling him to take a break with you during exams week.. lord….
“i miss my boyfriend”
“we’ve been together for the past three hours”
“but you’ve not been paying any attention to me! :(“
he does help you with work though, he thinks it’s really important
your parents adore him, they think he’s a great influence on you (even if you’re also great at school)
he’s the type to think the secretly hate him, though, so you often go over to his to spend time with each other
really enjoys going to whatever events you’re involved in
even if he doesn’t understand jack shit about any of it
remembers really specific and small details about you for sure
very eager to introduce you to people as “my girlfriend/boyfriend/partner!”
really proud of you and your relationship–does not try to hide that he’s taken
but he overall prefers private intimacy and affection
and very small, gentle forms of it at that
you can fluster him pretty easily tho
i can definitely see a friendly academic rivals to lovers situation happening
when the virus breaks out he never lets you out of his sight
cliché, but if you’re ever accused of being infected, he’s defending you with his life
when you can’t sleep he holds you, which doesn’t make you sleep but it is comforting
tries his hardest to tell you how important you are to him very often while everything is happening
first (and last) l-word is said when he decides to jump out of the barricade to save everyone (sorry ouch)
wholesome wholesome wholesome
he admires you so much
you probably meet in the elevator
he tries talking to you about his lord and savior–you think it’s really endearing how passionate he is
genuinely believes god sent you to him personally like an angel
just always smiling with you
holding hands everywhere you go
very often being mistaken for a married couple when you’re out and even by neighbors
(hyein starts telling people you’re married, and referring to you as ‘that married couple’)
likes holding your face and just admiring you, pressing little kisses to every spot he can think of
basically worships you
not the type to get flustered, per-say but he does get very hesitant and shy about certain levels of intimacy
hugging you from behind and pressing kisses to your shoulder, up your neck and to the top of your head. omg
just very traditionally romantic in the ways he shows you affection
kissing your hand, getting you flowers often, opening the car door for you, etc
biggest gentleman
when you get locked in the apartment building, he becomes bolder, or at least less hesitant about things
literally would die to protect you (and he does)
is always holding onto you in some way in low-intensity situations
the thought of you asking him to teach you how to use his sword, and he does that cute thing where when he goes to teach you, he stands behind you and holds your hands and arms to show you IM ON MY HANDS AND KNEES
forehead kisses. that’s it just forehead kisses
when either of you are given a task, he always makes sure to hold you for at least a minute or two before he leaves. in case it’s the last time (sobs)
really good friends with jisu during the lock-in
you two find comfort in each other after he’s gone (NOT LIKE THAT) ((but also maybe like that idk im not the boss of you))
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too-raph · 1 year
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Lee Cheongsan/Yoon Gwinam + text posts
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Because The Rain Makes Rainbows... Pairing : Lee Suhyeok x F!Reader TW : spoilers for the last two episodes ; canon divergence ; fluffy ending ; I'm sorry, it's still kind of angsty in the middle, I can't help myself ; Word Count : 2.1k Request : Anonny : Can I request fluff for Su-hyeok?
To have been found during such a hectic time was a miracle, although you were quite positive that none of them had actually meant to find you at all, you just so happened to be in the room that the group of still human students seeked shelter in. You could remember it clearly, the way they all ran to you as if they knew you, as if you had been one of the missing members of their group and they had been looking for you the whole time. All of them had been so kind, so sweet, and you didn’t know any of them. 
There was one in particular who took a certain… protective stance over you, making sure that you were always safe, always guarded, whenever the group had to move, when an area was deemed unsafe. He had become your own personal bodyguard, and you didn’t even know why, but you appreciated it, and you made sure to thank him every chance you got for watching out for you. He always brushed it off, but the corners of his lips would tug up when he looked at you, when he heard you speak, and he’d quickly look away if you caught him looking. There was something, you just didn’t have the time to think of just what that something might be. 
The group that had grown smaller and smaller with each move you had to make had finally made it away from the school, but not without some of the worst losses that any of you would have to go through. Watching people that you had begun to look at as friends, and some even as best friends die at the hands of zombified students had taken a toll on everyone that was left, but you were all hell bent on getting out, so you pushed forward no matter how bad it hurt. 
“We’re almost there! Come on!” Suhyeok shouted, pushing everyone that was left forward. No one knew how much further there was to go, but his words of encouragement were the only source of reassurement that anyone had left, everyone held onto those words like they were scriptures. Almost there… Were you really almost there? No one knew, but if Suhyeok said so, it had to be right… Right?
Snarls and stumbled footsteps sounded in the distance, and Namras head shot up as she froze in the center of the street. “What is it?” Onjo asked, and you felt your own body freeze up with fear. You had known that whatever it was that was going on wouldn’t have stayed in the vicinity of the school, but it felt like you had been walking for hours, you didn’t think the zombies would have made it this far. 
She started counting off, the number going higher and higher until she urged everyone to run, and before anyone else’s feet started moving, you had sprinted off into an area that you didn’t even know, finding somewhere safe to hide as your hand covered your mouth to muffle your heavy breathing and your whimpered cries. Would this ever be over with? Would any of you actually get to somewhere that was completely safe? It didn’t seem like it, it didn’t seem like there was somewhere safe to go to. The military had already left you all for dead, had they done the same for every other citizen of Hyosan? Did they even care? 
The sound of snarling and screaming was loud, and then it went completely silent. Should you come out from where you were? Everyone else had fought it seemed… Were they gone? Had they lost the battle? Were you the only one left? Maybe they had made it, but realized that you were too weak to be in their group. They were all fighters, and when it came time to fight, you had run, you had been a coward. They didn’t need you in their group, you would only hold them back. Maybe they went on without you, it would be better if they did, it’s not like you were in any way essential to them getting to wherever they were going. You would only hold them back. 
And even though those thoughts were racing through your mind, a small part of you hoped that you would be found once again by the group of people that you had called your friends. Time seemed to tick by though, and with each passing second, that hope dwindled until it wasn’t there at all. No one was coming to save you, they had probably already forgotten about you. It was quite easy to do that considering you hadn’t made any memorable contributions to the group. You had just… been there, and now you weren’t. You hoped that they were okay though, they had gotten you this far, and you hoped that they had made it further. They deserved it, they deserved to make it. 
Four months had passed, and you still could remember that pang of gut wrenching, indescribable fear that overcame you when the lid to the dumpster had opened, and then the overwhelming sense of relief that washed over you and had tears pouring down your face when the dumpster lid was flung open. You weren’t sure how long you had been in there, maybe it had been days, or maybe it had only been hours, you couldn’t keep track, but as they lifted you up and out, your knees buckled and you collapsed onto the ground, crying until you inevitably passed out. 
You had been put into double quarantine along with the rest of the citizens of Hyosan, and while you had been there, you hadn’t seen anyone from the group you had been with. You dreaded the thought that something had happened to them, that they hadn’t made it to safety. Your mind continued to replay that moment back when you had run away. Would they have made it if they ran with you? Would you all have been found together? 
You had never stopped thinking of all of them, silently thanking them for saving you, for getting you here, but there was one person that you thought of more than anyone else. Suhyeok and his smile, the way he spoke to you, the way he stared at you, images of him filled your mind no matter what you were doing. Every waking and sleeping moment, he was there. 
The extra quarantine for Hyosan citizens had ended, but you were all only let out into a slightly larger quarantine zone, but it was better than where you had been, and you hoped that maybe you’d recognize some of the faces of the people that were walking around. Were your parents there? Had any of your family members made it? There were so many people, and you walked around the camp daily, trying to find someone, anyone that you might know. 
“Sorry… Excuse me…” You whispered, bowing your head to the tall figure that you had bumped into during one of your searches, but the person's hands grabbed onto your shoulders, and then one hand moved to slip a finger under your chin, tilting your head up to look at them. 
The sun was so bright, you could barely see, the person’s features shadowed by the blinding light that haloed behind them. “Y/N…?” It was a man’s voice, and before you could correctly place it to someone, his arms were wrapped tightly around you, practically lifting you off the ground as he spun you around. “I was so worried, but I never stopped hoping, I never stopped praying that you’d be here, that I’d find you.” He said, and when he finally put you down, your back was to the sun and you could finally take in the man who was standing in front of you, and the sight of him had tears forming in your eyes. 
“You made it…” You whispered, wrapping your arms around Suhyeok, clinging onto the coat that he was wearing. “I didn’t see you… I thought… I thought you got hurt… Is everyone else okay?” His head quickly nodded as he pulled you against his chest, his hand petting over your hair as his chin rested atop your head. “I’m sorry I ran…” 
“Shh… It’s okay…” He murmured, his hand sliding down to rub soothing circles in your back, but you could hear the raspiness in his chest, he was holding back his own tears. “We looked for you, I looked for you… But it was getting dark… I’m sorry I gave up…” He was ashamed, you could hear it in his voice, but he had no reason to be. You understood, and you were glad that he had made it, that he was safe, but he didn’t seem like that’s what he wanted to hear right now, so you held onto him, and he held onto you, the silence enough for now as you both relished in the fact that you were both there now, you were both together. 
“I never stopped thinking about you either…” You whispered, glancing up at him, and your words had that familiar smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “You saved me… I still owe you for that.” He chuckled softly, shaking his head as he looked into the distance over the top of yours. You wondered what he was thinking, what was going through his mind as that smile stayed plastered to his face, a soft hum emanating from his pursed lips and vibrating through his chest. 
“Well… There was one thing that I had been hoping to do when we got here together that day… But I can do it today, it’ll be just as good.” He mused, and your head cocked to the side as you breathed out a hushed hmm? In response. His gaze lowered to yours, his eyes like lasers as they looked directly into your own, his tongue darting across his lips before he leaned in. You didn’t even have time to react before his lips were against yours. It felt like you were melting, the heat that filled your entire body and the electricity that rushed through your veins, it was like every nerve ending along your skin was alive and highly aware of the way he held you, the way his lips moved against yours. It would be a lie to say that you hadn’t been dreaming of this moment every single night, that you hadn’t been pondering what it would feel like to have his lips against yours, and for it to finally be happening, it was far more perfect than you had ever imagined it to be. “Hey…” The word came out as a chuckle as his thumb brushed along your lower lip. You were in a daze, like your entire body had floated up to cloud nine and you were in no hurry to come back down. “I should have asked you this when I first saw you in the halls at school…” 
The sudden revelation that he had noticed you before all of this had you snapping back to reality, your eyes growing wide as you stared at him. “Y-You saw me? You knew me?” He nodded sheepishly, and you rolled your eyes as you teasingly pushed his shoulder. “Why didn’t you say hi? Why didn’t you do anything?” 
His hand awkwardly moved to the back of his neck, rubbing it quickly as he looked down at the ground. “I thought you were really pretty… But… Who cares about that. We don’t have to go to school, and you’re here now, I’m talking to you now.” You scoffed, but he was right, there was no school to go to, it had been nuked along with all the zombies and some of your friends too. No, you couldn’t think about that, no right now… This was supposed to be a good moment, a happy moment. “So…” He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he grabbed your hands, his thumb brushing along your knuckles before slipping his fingers between your own. “Do you want to go have lunch with me? We can talk while we wait in the super long line… Get to know each other?” 
You giggled lightly, nodding your head as he let go of one of your hands to stand next to you, your arms swinging as you walked towards the lunch tent. It wasn’t exactly a dream date, not even close, but you were with him, and he was with you, and for the time being you and him were safe, and that in itself made it perfect. 
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writinganything · 1 year
Soft Gwinam x Reader headcanons
Warning: NSFW content
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He was confused and scared at first about his feelings about you.
He didn’t believe you when you said that you like him back, but felt relieved.
Everyone knows about his reputation and he’s certain that you’re gonna leave him, so he enjoys every eye-contacts, dates, discussions and physical contact between you before you see you deserve better.
He tries not to get involved too much in physical fights anymore, but somehow they always find their way toward him and of course he’ll fight back. After fighting, he would look for you, so you could help him with his sores and wounds.
He’s kind of awkward on dates because he doesn’t know how to act, but he try his best to be at least a bit romantic for you.
Gwinam definitely has a soft spot for you and think that he’s great at hiding it.
The corners of his lips always slightly turn up, the second he sees you and you manage to catch them most of the time, before they go back to their neutral expression.
He’s kind of rich but no too rich yk?
Did I mention that he’s possessive asf?🧍🏾‍♀️
He’s a munch, you literally have to push him away every time, because this man forget that overstimulation is a thing. He even made you squirt one time.
Choking kink…
“I don’f feel like going to school today, can you skip the day with me” he’s always saying. “You never feel like it Gwinam and no I’m not skipping and neither you do”
He loves hearing you saying his name, he loves it more when you’re moaning it tho.
His love language is act of service, giving gifts.
I just know this guy LOVES thighs. Thin? Big? He doesn’t gaf. When y’all are sitting next to each other, he wouldn’t hesitate to put his hand on you and grip you, but would make sure that he has your consent. I think this would be pretty much the physical thing he do, since it’s not one of his love language.
If you like physical touch or wants to cuddle with him, even tho he’s not used to all that affection and kinda get tensed when you don’t warn him before suddenly hugging him, he would simply give you what you needed.
I think he would like skateboarding. I can easily imagine him in a skatepark with his friends/other bullies.
I was standing under my umbrella, in front of my boyfriend and I's favorite restaurant, waiting for him. It was our five months anniversary and we decided to go at the same place our first date was.
However, Gwinam was late. Usually he’s never late when it’s to see me. I just hope he didn’t got in trouble, on his way here. I already tried calling him multiple times, but you always landed on his voicemail.
Few minutes passed, before I see a tall figure jogging towards me. I squint my eyes and recognized my boyfriend’s face. His lower lip had a split with some blood on it and had a bruise on his left cheekbone.
“Where were you? I was worried!” I say when he got in front of you.
“An asshole tried to fight me, so I fought back” he answered.
- You said you would avoid fights!
- Yeah, but what did you wanted me to do? Let him beat me up?
“No but-“ I started before he interrupted me. “Y/N, I don’t want us to have an argument today. Could we talk about that topic another time? I want us to be happy and to celebrate for the moment.”
I agreed and we entered the restaurant. We got a few looks because of Gwinam’s face, buf we ignored them and got a seat. Since he and I started dating and more and more people who knew increased, we got a lot of judgful looks. The other students at school would make comments like “ I never saw that coming” or “How can someone as sweet as Y/N can be with a bully like him?”. I didn’t and still don’t care though. I would be lying if I said I never asked myself how could I love him, but every moment I passed with him reminded me why.
We settled down and sat down at the table. I looked in my purse and took out a small first-aid kit. It's a habit I've taken since Gwinam and I formalized our relationship, since he’s always getting into fights I would always bring a kit with me. After taking care of his wounds, I turned my head to the left to look at him, but he was already looking at me. He put his hand on my left thigh and I gave him a small smile before he said “I bought this for you”. He looked in his backpack and when he pulled out his right hand, a red rose was in it.
- I didn’t want it to be all ruined by the rain so I put it in my backpack, but now it’s a bit bent and faded… he said with a semi-neutral semi-sad look.
- It’s okay, thanks love, I say with a smile on my face, before leaning in to kiss his right cheek.
“ I told you to stop calling me that” his grumpy voice said while he tried not to smile, rolling his eyes of fake annoyance. “Shut up, I know you like it” I answered.
He putted his hand on my thigh and we went through the menu to decide what to eat. The waiter came by a few minutes later.
The evening passed wonderfully. We laughed, smiled, hold each others hands, talked ect. “I almost forgot”, I say before going in my purse and took out a box. The corners of Gwinam’s lips went up for a few seconds as he opened the gift and his eyes went wide when he saw what it was.
- Y/N, that must’ve been so expensive, he says and takes the 2 VIP concerts tickets. You know I don’t like you wasting too much money on me.
- What do you mean wasting? Gwinam, I told you multiple times that we are gonna last, stop thinking that I’ll leave you. It’s not a waste.
- Okay, I’ll stop.
He slightly smiled and gently squeezed my left thigh. “Thank you” I heard him whisper under his breath. “I have another gift for you” he suddenly says before going again through his back pack. He pulled out a small box and I opened it to reveal a necklace made of gold with a matching bracelet. “Gwinam… I don’t know what to say”
- Then don’t say anything, he says while looking at me. Come closer, I’ll help you to put it on.
I did as he says and turned around and pulled up my hair with my hand so he could have full access to my neck. He clipped the two corners of the necklace together and I went back to facing him. He then took my wrist and carefully put the bracelet on, for me. I saw a bit of hesitation in his eyes, before he slowly brought my hand to his lips and awkwardly kissed it.
I gently cupped his cheeks and leaned in to lock our lips together and I felt him smiling through our kiss.
Gosh, I love this man so much.
I hope you guys liked my headcanons/bonus! English is my third language so I’m sorry if there are some errors in the text .
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cvpidsb0ws · 1 year
❛CONFESSIONS.❜ | alice in borderland characters
warnings: NONE I THINK!!
sypnosis: headcanons of alice in borderland characters confessing to you.
author's note: did i disappear after just one aouad imagine then appear again with an alice in borderland obsession? yes i did. 😁😁😁😁 !not proofread!
ryohei arisu
he's definitely that kind of person to hide his feelings because he's scared of rejection
so that means he's the type to not make the first move at all CONSIDERING HE'S A SHY BB!!!!!!!
arisu would probably be anxious the whole time 😭😭😭😭 like shaking, sweaty palms, stuttering, uncontrollable laughter, etc
he would try his best to cook all of your favorite foods even though he sucks at cooking💪💪
he would buy a bouquet of your favorite flowers!!!!!!!!
he's the type to prepare cue cards because he know he would fumble while he confesses
yuzuha usagi
she's someone who has always been fearless, bold, and etc🙀🙀🙀 SO WHEN SHE STARTS TO HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU, OFC SHE FEELS CONFLICTED OR CONFUSED
probably because she's strong and you making her flustered meant her downfall😁😁
she wasn't complaining though
if she liked you, then she liked you :)))
doubts that chased her every time she went for a run or climbed a mountain‼️‼️‼️
she won't even realize that you have already lied your head against her shoulder
shuntaro chishiya
chishiya is chishiya. self explanatory. <3
he will not want to accept the fact that he fell for someone since he has the master manipulator factors and all💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
but you were an exception ;)))
he would practically go from being a logical person to a carefree one for you LIKE HE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT THINGS WHEN HE'S WITH YOU BECAUSE YOU MAKE HIM FORGET THINGS WORTH WORRYING (and as much as he hates to admit you make him happy)
he would act cold, tease you 25/8 just to cover up the fact he has feelings for you
he knew you were clever enough to solve them :)
he would stand there waiting while he was wearing a suit that made him itch (BUT HE WOULD REMEMBER THE TIME YOU SAID MEN IN SUITS WERE ATTRACTIVE)
he would also have shampooed and conditioned hair for effort🙏🙏🙏🔥🔥🔥
AND A SIMPLE "i may or may not have feelings for you" WOULD HAVE SUFFICED AS HIS CONFESSION
hikari kuina
she would be too scared to be rejected by you because she didn't want to ruin your friendship
but she would still be confident on confessing #kuinathingzzzzzz
spoiler: she loses to you on purpose because she knows how much you hate losing😍😍😍😍
her being the reason for a smile on your face made her weak🙏🙏🙏🙏
she would also give u a prize for winning <333
although it frustrsted her, she knew it would make you smile
"i love you . . . like so much."
suguru niragi
admit it. suguru nigari will not catch feelings for anyone at all.
unless it's you ofc😍😍😍😍🙏🙏🙏🙏
he would also be confused about his feelings since he's niragi😆😆😆😆
he would probably drop big ass hints to wait for you to confess
"fuck it, i like you, dumbass."
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jaeyunverse · 11 months
into the fandomverse | an enhypen collab call
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welcome to into the fandomverse, a collaboration project for all engenes who enjoy writing on tumblr. i recently hit 3k followers and am hosting this event in celebration of said milestone. all details about the collab are under the cut. i hope you consider joining and spread the word so that your friends can join too :’)
collab masterlist
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the general theme of the collab is that your fic should be set up in an alternate universe that already exists in a movie, show, book, game, comic, kdrama or anime. for example: harry potter x enhypen, haikyuu x enhypen, shadowhunters x enhypen etc. it really doesn’t matter what crossover or universe you choose as long as it is not problematic :)
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there are 21 slots in total i.e three for each member.
slots will be given on a first come, first serve basis so that the allotment is fair.
explicit smut is NOT allowed. implied smut is permitted ONLY for the HYUNG LINE—it goes without saying that you must be an adult if you wish to include anything nsfw in your submission.
member x reader and member x oc are the only pairings allowed. no member x member fics! remember to be inclusive of all races and body types if you are writing a x reader fic.
appearances of members other than the one you have chosen are allowed, but please make sure that the main focus of the fic is your chosen member!
your fic can include sensitive subjects as long as they are not romanticized, portrayed in bad light or represented incorrectly. also, please make sure to put proper trigger warnings above the read more cut once you post your fic.
no racism, ableism, homophobia or similar prejudices. you will be removed from the collab if you are found guilty of harboring them.
the code word is fandom. please mention it while applying for a spot so that i know you have gone through the rules.
the minimum word count is 1k. there is no maximum word count so feel free to let your imagination run free. please note that drabbles, blurbs, reactions, headcanons, series, smaus and timestamps will not be accepted. oneshots only!
plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
be respectful and kind to the other members who are a part of the collab. no hate will be tolerated.
this is not a rule but it would be nice if you had a discord account. i have made a server for easy communication and interaction between the collab members. it’s okay if you do not have an account!! i will update you through tumblr dms :’)
if you have any further queries, don't hesitate to dm me <3
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applications will be accepted through tumblr asks.
make sure to include your chosen member + fandom + the code word hidden in this post while sending in your application.
after your application has been accepted, please reblog this post to spread the message :D
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the tentative deadline for posting your entry for the collab is 30th september, 2024.
the deadline is mostly for namesake and you are free to post your submission whenever you want, but please do not take undue advantage of the time flexibility.
i understand if you want to withdraw your application from the collab but please think carefully before applying.
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HEESEUNG: @hanverse (twd) | @flwrshee (25/21) | @boyfhee (extraordinary you) | @tarcherz (ever after high)
JAY: @soobisms (saiki k.) | @junityy (before sunrise) | @lheewonz (demon slayer) | @4xiaojun (maid sama!)
JAKE: @geombyu (fire force) | @hsgwrld (business proposal) | @notthatsamkim (cinderella) | @haesbit (kim possible)
SUNGHOON: @seongclb (hp) | @soobnny (aouad) | @ijhyo (enola holmes) | @hoondrive (spiderman)
SUNOO: @invvuu (tbhk) | @redm4ri (stargirl) | @sunny-reis (the girl who fell beneath the sea) | @enheaven (vampire academy)
JUNGWON: @yjwfav (jjk) | @haknom (see you in my 19th life) | @misojunnie (10 things i hate about you) | @jaeminri (summer strike)
RIKI: @jaeyunverse (spiderman) | @cinnajun (pjo) | @jennaissantes (our beloved summer) | @tyunni (13 going on 30)
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Autistic headcanons - Choi Nam-ra
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-Notices small details that others usually ignore
-Connects information quickly
-Neutral/somewhat limited facial expressions
-Naturally monotone voice
-Ahead academically, behind socially
-It’s common for autistic girls to be quiet/reserved
-Because I am (very likely) autistic and I say so <3
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