#aouad x you
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And So You Thought... Word Count : 5.7k TW : depictions of gore ; reader doubts ; zombie apocalypse ; kind of episode 1 & 2 spoilers, but also canon divergence by a lot ; Suhyeok being a really good boyfriend ; Request : Anonny asked "Can you write a Su-hyeok x reader angst to comfort?"
“I was gonna go play basketball before lunch was over... or do you want me to wait for you to finish your lunch? I can stay with you until you’re done, and we can walk back to class together.” Suhyeok sat beside you at the lunch table, his chin resting against his knuckles as he watched you, the feeling of his eyes on your face had you burning up under his gaze, but you quickly shook your head, giving him a tight lipped smile as you swallowed down the the food that you had been chewing. 
“I’ll meet up with you in class, don’t worry.” It was your usual response considering he asked every day, and you thought that at some point he’d expect what you were going to say and just stop asking, but maybe he expected you to one day just agree to let him sit beside you until you were finished so he could actually walk you to class. 
A soft hum drifted through his lips as he finally stood up, pressing a swift kiss to the top of your head before ruffling your hair. “Try to focus on eating your lunch instead of reading, jagi. It’ll keep your food from getting cold.” He teased, causing you to whip your head around and stick your tongue out at him which had both him and Cheongsan laughing. “Try to at least finish by the time Onjo and Cheongsan finish so you can walk up with them, okay?” He was right back to being serious and you simply nodded your head in agreement before looking back down at the pages of your book as he walked away. 
With your lunch barely finished, you pushed away from the lunch table, only closing your book long enough to empty your tray in the garbage. “You’re not walking with us? We’re almost done if you want to wait…” Onjo called out to you as you walked by the table, but you simply shook your head, opening your book once more as you headed to the door. 
The sound of screaming sounded from outside, and when you lifted your head you saw a swarm of students rushing towards the doors, the glass cracking as they slammed their fists against it to try to get in. “What the hell…?” You whispered to yourself, frozen in your spot as the glass shattered and the students fell to the floor in front of you. It wasn’t until you saw someone… or something that had once been a someone come running towards the lunch room, they seemed rabid, and you were stunned into silence when you saw one of these… things bite into someone, tearing their flesh from their neck, the chunk of skin dangling from the mouth of this once student. 
“Come on! Move!” Cheongsan shouted as he grabbed the bag of your sweater, yanking you away from the doors and the hoard of students and used to be students. “Go! Go with Onjo!” He screamed, pushing you towards her as he pushed back the crazed students that had no emotions in their eyes, their teeth bared as they snapped at Cheongsan and anyone else that ran past them. 
“What the hell is going on?!” You screamed over the commotion in the lunch room as you and Onjo tried to find anywhere to go, a way to escape the chaos and the horror that was unfolding in front of your eyes. 
There was no response, and everything was moving so fast yet so slow as you both watched people that you used to chat with in the halls getting attacked by these vicious students, or pushed aside by other students that were just as scared trying to find a way out. “I… I don’t know… Cheongsan!!” She called out his name, calling him over as she pointed to a window, seemingly the only means to an escape from the lunchroom. 
“Go! Go go go!” He shouted back, rushing over to where you and Onjo stood, dodging everyone and everything that came towards him until he reached the both of you, pushing you both up through the window. “We have to get up to the classroom…” He panted out as he climbed through the window after you and Onjo. “Let’s go.” 
“Suhyeok…” You whispered, your heart sinking as you thought of your boyfriend that had left before you, hoping that he had made it to the classroom already, that he was safe. “What’s happening…?” 
Cheongsan shook his head, pushing you forward as Onjo tugged against the sleeve of your sweater, pulling you forward. “We can ask questions later, we need to get somewhere safe. Suhyeok is fine though… I’m sure of it.” The way his assuring words were simply tacked onto the end, it wasn’t as reassuring as you assumed they were supposed to be, but you didn’t really have the time to ask anything else or prod more as the sound of snarling and screaming grew closer, proving that whatever was going on, it was happening everywhere on the campus. 
Cheongsan and Onjo slammed their fists against the door to the classroom as the hoard of used to be students rushed towards them. Gyeongsu quickly opened the doors, allowing them to come in and catch their breath. “You made it… Oh my god!” Suhyeok exclaimed when he saw the two bracing themselves against their knees, sweat dripping from their foreheads, but his smile quickly fell when he looked behind them and saw that you weren’t there. “Where’s Y/N?” 
His voice was flat, and his steps were quick, carrying him to the door to look out the windows, wishing to find you somewhere in the multitude of monsters, but also praying that you weren’t there, for your safety and his own sanity. “She was… she was right behind us…” Onjo stammered out, standing up straight and spinning around as if you’d miraculously show up right behind her or beside her. “I knew she was there… Right Cheongsan?” 
Cheongsans head nodded quickly, his eyebrows furrowed as he silently questioned where you could have gone, or what could have happened while the three of you were running up to the classroom. “She was, she really was. We had to run and… Maybe she got caught up somewhere… Maybe she’s hiding somewhere. She’ll be okay…” 
Suhyeok felt like his heart had fallen into the deepest pit of his stomach, his knees buckling as he leaned against the wall to hold himself up. “I need to go find her… She can’t be alone… She’s… I need to find her.” And, as if like a zombie himself, he started walking towards the door, his thoughts focused only on you, finding you. 
“Hey! Hey, stop!” Gyeongsus voice was panicked as he tried to keep the door shut while Suhyeok tried to open it, the sound of the struggle drawing the attention of the zombified students towards the classroom. “She’s fine! You need to just calm down. We’ll find her! Right now we need to think of what we’re gonna do while we wait to be rescued. I’m sure someone called the police or something, and they’ll find her too… Just be patient.”
Patience… It was a crazy thing to be expected to have right now with everything that was going on. “How can I be patient at a time like this? Y/N is somewhere in the school… She’s probably alone and scared…” His jaw was set, he looked like a man that was about to risk it all, but he knew that doing so would risk the lives of everyone else in the room. “Why didn’t you look after her? Why didn’t you make sure she was with you?” His voice was low, filled with fear that he felt not knowing where exactly you were, laced with the anger he felt towards Cheongsan for not protecting you. 
“What do you mean? How was I supposed to protect her, Onjo, and myself?” Cheongsan retorted, and it was obvious that he was on the defensive, especially considering the fact that it seemed like Suhyeok was blaming him for you not being there right now. “Why weren’t you there to keep her safe, to get her out of the cafeteria? Huh? What was so important that you had to leave early? Hmm? Is it because you had to meet up with Namra again?” The sudden accusatory question had Suhyeok jumping out of the chair that he had settled in, his ears burning a bright red but his nostrils flared with his anger. 
“Don’t.” He practically growled through gritted teeth, his finger pressed against Cheongsans chest. “I’m not with Namra, I can’t believe you’d accuse me of that when my girlfriend is literally missing.” 
Cheongsan chuckled humorlessly, stepping back from the prodding fingertip of Suhyeok, his lips pursed as he looked between his friend and the girl in question, the class president standing in the back of the room near the windows, her hair creating a curtain to shield her face, or maybe to block out the scrutinizing looks of everyone else in the room. “I never accused you of that… You’re the one who brought it up, not me.” 
Syhyeok huffed loudly, taking a step towards Cheongsan, only for Gyeongsu to step in between them, placing his hands against both of their chests. “Stop it, both of you… Seriously. The last thing anyone needs is the stress of the two of you fighting. Just cut it out.” He said, already sounding exhausted. “Can we just try to figure out how to get in touch with someone… anyone? The police should have been here by now if someone called… Them or the fire department… Where are they?” 
“We need to find a phone… Does anyone have a phone… Anything? Anyone?” Daesu asked, standing in the center of the room. “I mean, there’s not much else that anyone can do, right?” Suhyeok nodded in agreement, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he turned away from Cheongsan. “Someone in the class has to have kept their phone…” 
You had managed to make it to one of the empty rooms, barricading the door and shutting the curtains before finally allowing yourself to break down as you tried to process and comprehend what was really going on. You didn’t fully understand it, and you probably never would, but based on the absolute chaos and the scenes of havoc that you passed by while you had been running with Cheongsan and Onjo… It looked like a scene straight out of a zombie apocalypse movie. The only question was… What had caused it? When did it even start? Everything had seemed perfectly fine while you were at lunch and even before you had gone to the cafeteria. 
Now probably wasn’t the time for you to be trying to rationalize what was happening, and it surely wasn’t the time for you to be trying to figure out a timestamp for when it had happened. You needed to find a way to get to the others. Did they even notice that you were gone? Did they even care? Was Suhyeok somewhere safe? Had he met up with Cheongsan and Onjo? Did he care that you weren’t there? 
So many questions were running through your mind, and while they weren’t the best questions to be asking yourself, the noise in your own head was blocking out the sounds of screams coming from outside and the stomach turning guttural noises that were coming from the zombie-like students out in the hallway. You weren’t sure what was a better noise to be heard to be quite honest. 
Maybe Suhyeok had met up with Namra again, just like he always did after lunch. He didn’t think you knew, but you heard around the school the rumors that the two of them were seeing each other on the side. You never wanted to believe it, but you couldn’t help but wonder if that was the reason why he hadn’t come back to the cafeteria to try to help you… Maybe he was helping Namra instead. 
A loud thud against the door to the broadcasting room had you jumping out of your mind, back into the situation of the present which wasn’t at all better than the doubtful thoughts that plagued your brain. “Shit…” You muttered, cursing yourself for falling behind when you were with Cheongsan and Onjo. You had tripped once, and they were gone before you knew it, leaving you to either try to catch up with them and potentially get caught by one of the “zombies”, or run into the empty room in the hall and hope for someone to come find you. 
The worst part was that you didn’t even know where exactly you were right now, you didn't know what floor you were on. You had been running so fast, all you wanted to do was get to safety, and now you didn’t even know the room number of your safe haven was. Your phone had been taken at the start of class along with everyone else’s, so you didn’t even have a way to get in touch with anyone else either. You felt stranded, and you were trapped, and you didn’t know how long you’d be stuck in that room, but you hoped that someone would come rescue you. 
Running had been exhausting, and you at some point had fallen asleep against the wall in the corner of the room, leaving you with the worst neck cramp when you finally awoke. The funniest part, if you could use that word to describe it, was the fact that the nightmare that had startled you from your slumber wasn’t even about the zombies that hungered for your flesh that stood just a few feet away outside the wooden doors. No. Your nightmares were about Suhyeok and finding him with Namra, about him falling out of love with you, that is, if he even loved you anyway. 
The sky outside had turned dark, the moon now hung high, surrounded by stars… If you could just stare at the night sky forever, you would surely be able to forget about the hell that you were currently living in. No one had come to find you yet… Were they waiting for you to come to them? They wouldn’t expect you to go out on your own, right? No, if they really cared about you, they’d come to you… Maybe they really had forgotten about you. It didn’t matter though… Not them… They might have forgotten… But someone was bound to come soon. Someone had to come… You’d be okay, and you’d get out of there, with or without them. 
The front door to the broadcasting room opened slowly, and you could feel your heart stop and your stomach drop as you silently said your final goodbyes to everyone, the sentiments mixed in with curses at yourself for being foolish enough to not barricade the front door along with the back. “Y/N?” The voice was no more than a whisper, but it was familiar, and in the current situation, it was almost angelic. Someone had come to save you, and while it wasn’t who you expected, they were almost better. “Oh, thank goodness you’re alright… You’re okay, aren’t you?” 
You lifted your tear budded eyes to look up, nodding your head slowly in agreement. “Ms. Park…” You whispered the name, wondering if maybe the sight of her was nothing more than a vivid hallucination brought on by a mixture of exhaustion, dehydration, and hunger. “Are you okay? Do you know what’s happening?” 
A saddened breath left her, one that sounded almost pained as she blocked off the front door of the classroom and moved closer to you. “I’m okay… I don’t understand but… Have you seen the others? Is everyone else okay?” Her question had you dropping your gaze and shrugging your shoulders. You knew nothing. “It’s okay… Just… I’m glad you’re okay.” She looked around the room for a moment before heading into the recording room, and before you could question what she was doing, a loud crackle came over the intercom system. 
The way she spoke, the speech that she made… Had she thought of it on her way to the room? It sounded like a farewell, like she was saying goodbye to everyone. Did she know something that the rest of you didn’t? How much had she seen on her way here? Was everyone able to hear her? The thought had you pushing yourself up off the floor and running into the recording room, asking her with your eyes if you could say something, and she quickly took a step back for you to take her place in front of the microphone. 
“Uhm… Hi… I’m still here… I’m still alive…” Ms. Parks voice had seemed like a god send, to know that there was still someone in the school that could help, that could call the authorities, but hearing your voice… It was like hearing an angel, and that’s exactly what Suhyeok thought as his feet carried him closer to the intercom speaker, his hand reaching up to the little box in the corner of the room. “Suhyeok… Cheongsan… Onjo… If you hear this… I hope you’re okay. I’m okay… Stay safe… I’ll see you all soon I hope…” 
And then the speaker went silent, and while Suhyeoks heart had soared at the sound of your voice just a mere second ago, now the lack of it had his heart breaking and fresh tears brimming along his lower lashes. “She’s alive… Did you hear that? She’s alive…” He murmured, his hand still pressed against the speaker box, wishing that you’d just get back on and talk to him, even if you couldn’t hear his responses, he needed to hear you, to know that you were okay still, he needed that constant reassurance. “In the broadcasting room… They’re in the broadcasting room. We have to get there.” 
He was rushing towards the door, and once again, he had to be held back by the men in the room. “Let’s wait for morning to move. We won’t be able to see if anything comes at us in the dark. She’s been fine this whole time, and now she’s with Ms. Park… She’ll be fine for a couple more hours. You’ll see her again.” Cheongsans voice was strained as he helped to hold Suhyeok back, but he finally went limp, his entire body loose in Cheongsans arms. “We need to get some rest if we’re going out there… Everyone just… Try to get some sleep. We’ll move to the broadcasting room in the morning.” 
It sounded so easy when it was said… Just getting to the broadcast room, it should have been as easy as going downstairs to the next class… But it proved almost impossible considering the hallways were swarmed with zombies and even the slightest sound drew their attention. It was like walking out into a war zone and there were enemies everywhere. 
Some faces were familiar, bringing a pang of guilt to Suhyeoks chest whenever he had to fight one off. It was hard to fight any of them, knowing that just 24 hours ago these were the same people that had smiled and waved to him, these were the same people that he had conversed with in the hallways on multiple occasions, and now these same people were rushing after him with dead eyes, fueled only by their hunger. The only thing that was keeping him moving forward now was the thought of you waiting for him, and he knew he had to get to you, he had kept you waiting long enough. 
“We can’t keep going, there’s too many!” Wujin shouted as he and the rest of the guys tried to fight off the hoards. “There’s a classroom right here! Come on! We’ll just wait it out!” He screamed to Suhyeok who was still trying to push forward to get down the next set of stairs. “Come on!” He screamed, shoving back the zombied students before sliding open the classroom door, letting the girls run in and then following behind them into the room. 
“Fuck!” Suhyeok shouted, kicking back one of the desks in frustration before going over to the window. “She’s waiting for me… she called for me… She probably thinks something happened…” His fingers ran through his hair as he leaned his head against the window pane, breathing heavily from the physical exertion of just getting down one floor. “What if something happened to her while she was waiting for me…?” 
Cheongsan shook his head, patting Suhyeok on the shoulder. “I’m sure she’d rather wait a little longer to see you than to see you as a zombie. We’ll get down there, but we need to be smart about it. Okay?” Suhyeok swallowed thickly, hating the fact that Cheongsan was right, but not arguing against him because he was right. He knew that if the roles were reversed and he was the one waiting for you to come to him, he’d want you to be safe and smart with every move you made. “I’ve got a plan… let’s just wait a little longer, and then I’ll see if it works.” 
Joonyeong reluctantly tapped both of them on the shoulders, his lips pulled into a thin line as they both turned to look at him. “We’ve got a problem…” He whispered, turning his attention towards the windows that lined the wall looking out towards the hallway. “One of the windows broke… well… two of the windows broke…” Both of the men’s eyes widened as they saw the hands of the zombies, their snarls louder than ever now. The plan couldn’t wait… They had to move, and they had to move now. 
“None of them have come yet…” You mumbled, your knees folded against your chest in the corner of the room, the corner that had essentially become your own, the small space somehow making you feel safer. “Something must have happened.” 
You knew that being pessimistic wasn’t the right way to be at the moment, everyone needed to be as optimistic as possible, but sometimes a little bit of pessimism went a long way. When your mind was so filled with negativity, the slightest positive thing that happened seemed more amazing than ever. It was a shit way to look at things, but it was how you got through most days, and right now, you felt that that thought process was appropriate. “Hey, don’t think that way.” Ms. Park spoke softly in response, and even though her words told you to think differently, you could see it in her eyes, she was being just as pessimistic as you were. “I’m sure it’s hard for them to get down here… Let’s just… Hold onto hope.” 
That was the hard part though, holding onto hope, it felt like you had been holding onto it forever, your hands were growing tired, your nails were digging into your palms. Why hold on when you could just let go? “Sure… Hold onto hope… Let’s do that.” You mumbled, letting your head drop forward to rest against your knees. There was no sense in being hopeful. The lack of first responders, the lack of literally anyone coming to get you, Ms. Park, and whoever else might be left out of the school… You had given up on having hope. 
You were about to get up, head into the recording booth to have a couple minutes to yourself, the only place where you felt you could lose what was left of your sanity in peace, when a loud banging came against the window. It didn’t make sense, it looked like the end of a firehose, and while your interest was peaked to see who had thrown it, Ms. Park had immediately stood in front of you as if she were blocking you or protecting you from something. “Stay back… Okay?” She held her arm out in front of you as you nodded your head, taking a step back yourself just to be on the safe side, but then you saw a pair of shoes, and pants, and… maybe this was far fetched, but you were quite sure that a zombie student wouldn’t be able to climb down a hose ladder so well, or at all. 
And then, as if on queue, Gyeongsu appeared outside the window, his eyes wide when he saw you and Ms. Park standing there, and it took no more than a second for you both to rush to the window and throw it open, pulling him in to safety. “Y-You’re okay, right? What’s happening out there? What’s going on? Where is everyone?” You had so many questions, but he simply shook his head, leaning back out the window, much to your worry, and then shouting up to someone to come down. “There’s others with you? Is it Onjo? Cheongsan? Who all is with you?” 
But one by one, your questions were answered as everyone climbed down, being helped in by you and Ms. Park until the last person arrived. 
“Y/N…” Suhyeok whispered your name as if it were a prayer leaving his lips, his hands bloodied, reaching out to grab your face, turning your head this way and that before grabbing your hands and looking them over. “You’re okay… You’re really okay. I was so worried about you, and I wanted to look for you, I wanted to find you… Cheongsan wouldn’t le-” 
He had talked enough, and the only thing you wanted in that moment was to be held by him, to know 100% that he was real, that he had really made it, that he was okay and you were okay and you’d both be together from here on out. “I didn’t think you’d come…” You whispered, moving away from his chest to look around at everyone in the room, all of their eyes on you and Suhyeok at the moment, but there was one pair of eyes that had you stepping back and looking up at him, your eyebrows furrowing and your smile wavering. “You didn’t come back to the cafeteria… Why did you have to leave anyway… You always have to leave…” You took another step back, accidentally bumping into Wujin who grabbed onto your shoulders to steady you, but quickly dropped his hands when Suhyeok casted a glare in his direction. 
“I thought Cheongsan would have been able to get you up to the classroom, I thought you’d be okay. I didn’t… I wanted to go back and find you, but I thought you’d be safe with him. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you… I should have been.” You hated the fact that everyone was staring at you, and even though you couldn’t see them doing it, you could feel the heat of their eyes on your back and it was making you uncomfortable. “I was gonna go play some basketball after lunch… That’s why I left early… The weather was nice and, I just thought I’d do that before class…” 
You nodded your head, keeping your eyes down as you reluctantly began your walk back towards him, a pang of guilt in your chest for the assumptions that had filled your mind. “But you saved Namra… The two of you climbed in through the window together right before Cheongsan and Onjo got into the class.You were holding hands and everything.” Daesu exclaimed, and everyone in the room let out a collective groan of annoyance at his sudden urge to announce it. “Sorry…” He muttered, realizing just a second too late that he shouldn’t have said anything at all, but the damage was done and you froze in place in the middle of the room. 
“You… saved her?” You whispered, letting the words roll off your tongue as if you were testing them, tasting them, and you hated the bitter aftertaste they left in your mouth. “Y/N… jagi… listen…” He tried to speak but you shook your head faster, your eyes squeezed shut as you held your hands up, not wanting him to get close to you. “No… No, I get it… She’s worth saving. Heaven forbid something happens to the class president… You couldn’t possibly let that happen, right? Make sure she’s safe, wouldn’t want her to be alone… Just leave your girlfriend to fend for herself, by herself… No, that’s fine.” 
It felt like the room had shrunken to twice the size it once was, you were surrounded by a group of people who clearly didn’t give a single shit about what happened to you, and you didn’t want to be around them. “Where are you going? Y/N, wait!” Suhyeok called after you when he saw you walking off, but you silently flipped him off before slamming the door to the recording booth and sitting at the desk, thankful for the silence of the room. 
“Should… Should someone talk to her? I can go?” Wujin raised his hand, looking around at everyone for some sort of acceptance to his offer, but he was only met with the scrutinizing gaze of Suhyeok. “What? I mean, she clearly doesn’t want to talk to you… Me and her, we’re kind of close, and… Maybe she’ll talk to me. I’m sure you all would rather her be on talking terms with someone just in case we have to move again… At least she’d go with us…” 
Suhyeok scoffed, stepping closer to Wujin until the toes of their shoes touched, glaring down at the boy. “If she won’t talk to me, she’s not talking to anyone. I don’t want you around her… Don’t think that I don’t see the way you look at her… And I’m sure you’re hoping that because of what your stupid friend said that you’ll be able to have some sort of chance… But whatever she might be thinking, and whatever you’re thinking… It’s not true… Don’t get your hopes up. I love her, and only her… I’m not letting her go.” And with that, he moved him to the side, going straight for the recording booth and walking inside. “Jagi…” 
“I don’t want to talk right now…” You mumbled, curled up in the little desk chair, making yourself smaller so that no one could see you over the back of the chair through the booths window. “I came in here because I wanted to be alone… You’re ruining that for me.” 
Your words didn’t stop him from coming closer though, his arms practically caging you in on the chair when he placed his hands on the arm rests. “Do you really think that I left you in the cafeteria on purpose… That I knew this would happen once I was gone?” Of course you didn’t think that, no one could have known that something like this was going to happen, it was completely out of everyone’s control. “I was terrified… I didn’t know what was going on, and I wanted to get back to the cafeteria so I could save you. I couldn’t make it though… I would have died.” You winced at the thought of anything happening to him, the tension in your body slowly fading the more you listened to him talk. “I saved Namra… I did… But that’s just because I came across her on my way to the classroom. It’s not like I was looking for her… I was trying to get to safety… And I was hoping, praying… That Cheongsan had you, that he’d bring you back to the classroom, or that he at least had you somewhere safe with him and Onjo.” He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, shakily as he moved his hands from the arm rests to grab your own, lacing his fingers between yours. “When Cheongsan came back without you… I had never felt more scared than I did at that moment… I felt like shit, and I wanted to come find you, but they stopped me. I’m sorry I couldn’t come sooner. I’m sorry I let you down… But I love you, and I don’t want to leave this room, or any other room unless you're with me, unless I’m holding your hand… So please, come back out?” 
His thumb brushed lightly across the back of your hand, and you finally took the time to notice the dried blood that stained his perfect skin, the crimson blotches that covered his once crisp white button up. He had been through a lot to get here, not just him, but everyone else. You had been lucky enough to be in the safety of the broadcasting room, and you had been fortunate enough to have been found by Ms. Park. They had gone through hell just to get to this room, but they had made it, and you couldn’t forget the look in Suhyeoks eyes when he had first seen you when had climbed through the window. If he didn’t love you, his eyes wouldn’t have become glassy, his bottom lip wouldn’t have trembled when he took those final steps to close the distance between the two of you, a distance that had felt miles long instead of a couple floors away. He loved you, and you could feel it when he had wrapped his arms around you, when he had cupped your cheeks, and you could feel it now as he held your hands. “I love you… I’m sorry…” You whimpered, feeling the fresh stream of tears begin to trickle down your cheeks, the overwhelming emotions from everything that was going on were finally being processed, and all you could do was cry, but he was there, and he made quick work to wipe away each tear with steady fingers and gentle swipes of his thumb. “If we get out of here… We should go on a really nice date… Maybe a picnic if the weather is nice…” You whispered, placing your hands over his as they grazed along your cheek. 
A soft chuckle left him, vibrating his chest, and the sound was so strange, yet so welcomed at such a time that you didn’t want it to stop, you wanted to hear it for hours, it was so… soothing. “When we get out of here… I’m going to take you on the best date… I’ll go anywhere with you, just say the time and the place… As long as you’re there, I’ll be there too.” He leaned in, pressing a kiss to your lips, one that seemed to last longer than usual, but not as long as you had wanted it to. “Let’s get back out there… We’ll figure out what we’re doing, and then we’ll start planning those dates.” 
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plentyoffandoms · 9 months
Green (Part 12) (18+)
Gwi-nam x f/Reader
indicates that oral sex can be performed on a girl
Main Masterlist ♡ All Of Us Are Dead Masterlist ♡ Yoon Gwi-nam Masterlist ♡ Jelly Bracelets Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: Some swearing. Oral sex (f receiving) fingering.
Am I late to this fandom? Oh hell, yes, but the show was so good.
Gifs and photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @dramastream 2nd (photo) Google. 3rd @soledadytorturainfinita
Gwi-nam's POV
It took her a bit longer than I expected to join me for lunch, but I knew she was mad at me.
I get why, but I had to walk away from her. I had to leave her alone in that room because if I didn't, I would have fucked her.
So when she sat beside me, I was stunned, but I didn't show it. I just put my arm over her shoulder and pulled her against my side.
I leaned in to whisper into her ear. "Don't be mad. I am going to make up for it later. Now, you are going to tell your parents you are going to Sun-Hee's after school."
"Fine." I knew she was trying to stay angry, but she knows that I will have her falling apart on my tongue later.
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She was quiet as she sat with us. I know she doesn't care for Myeong-hwan. I can see it in her face every single she looks at him, but all he does is smile at her.
Like he is now. He is looking her up and down, and he actually had the nerve to lick his lips.
"So, YN." She looked at him once he said her name. "If you ever want a real man to satisfy you, you know where to find me."
The table laughed as I pretended to laugh. I felt her place her hand on my thigh and squeeze.
"And once you actually have the height of a man, maybe I will come to you, but for now, Gwi-nam is getting the job done." The table was quiet. We all know Myeong-hwan has some slight insecurities about his height.
"You fucking bitch." He started to stand, but the next few words to come out of her mouth had him stopping. "She had fun. Go see her."
"Sun-Hee." The name seemed to have an effect on him. He nodded like he knew what she was talking about it and sat down. Still glaring at her.
The bell rang to save us from any further awkward silence. She was about to get up and leave when I placed my hand on hers, which was still on my thigh.
"What are you going to tell your parents?"
"That I am going to Sun-Hee's."
"Good. Now meet me at my car after the last class."
She actually got to my car before I did. Once we were in the car, I drove us the opposite way from her place. We pulled up in front of my home.
"I didn't expect you to live here." YN said as I took her hand and walked quickly into the condos front foyer.
"You think I am just some poor slum? Nah, baby. Myeong-hwan's Dad isn't the only one with power." I said to her as we stepped into the elevator, and I hit the top floor button, and then I tapped my access card that my Dad and I have.
"You never told me what he does."
"He is a lawyer."
The rest of the elevator ride was silent. The elevator doors opened and we stepped onto the floor.
YN looked up and down, and I could see that she noticed that there were no other doors.
"We own the top two floors." I told her as I opened the door. "This is the very top floor, and it all belongs to me. My Dad has the bottom floor pretty much to himself."
"Will we be seeing him?" I shook my head no.
"He is at some dinner tonight. Won't be home until much later." The air seemed to grow thick around us the further we walked into my home.
I opened the door to my bedroom and stopped aside to let her in. I closed the door and I saw that she had jumped ever so slightly.
She was looking around my room. From the king-size bed to the floor-length closet mirrors, she is just taking it all in.
She was so preoccupied with looking around that she didn't notice that I was now right behind her.
Not until I placed my hands on her hips and leaned down to place a gentle kiss on the side of her neck.
She titled her head slightly, and I could see us in the mirror. Her eyes were closed as she enjoyed me kissing her neck.
"Get on my bed." I bit her neck, leaving another mark.
"Gwi-nam, are we?" I paused my movements and lifted my head. Her eyes were on me as she stopped talking.
"No." Was all I said. I held up her arm and snapped the green one, leaving only four left.
Indicates that oral sex can be performed on a girl.
"Now, I want you naked on my bed, legs spread." She took a step away from me as she started to take her clothes off.
I felt myself grow harder as I watched more and more of her skin show. I was palming myself through my pants, when I felt the weight of my phone. An idea popped into my head.
"I am going to capture this moment. I am going to record us."
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"Gwi-nam, no." I tried to cover myself as he took his phone out. "This is only for me. Do you really think I am going to let anyone else see this? Fuck no."
I hesitated for a moment. Not fully trusting him to not leak any of this. "On one condition?"
"What?" He asked.
"I record you going down on me."
"That is fine with me, as long as you keep the phone steady. Now get on my bed." I climbed on his massive bed, his phone pointing right at me. I leaned against the headboard with too many pillows behind me, but I didn't dare complain.
Gwi-nam handed me his phone, and I had it pointing straight at him as he got on his bed and started to crawl towards me.
My legs were closed, and I didn't put up a fight as he pried them open. We haven't even started yet, and my breathing was getting heavy.
With the way he was looking at me, how could I not? He never once took his eyes off of me.
Not when he started to kiss the inside of my thighs, nipping and biting here and there along them as he worked his way towards his destination.
I moaned softly when he he started to rub my pussy to get me wetter, if that was even possible. Gwi-nam inserted one finger as he took his first lick.
I cried out his name as he started to finger and lick me. I have never had someone go down on me before, so this is an all new experience.
He inserted two more fingers as his lips wrapped around my clit. He was finger fucking me at a brutal pace, that I dropped the phone as I screamed out his name.
My head was flung back against his headboard. My hands in his hair to keep him from moving, afraid he would keep me from finishing like he did earlier.
I was so close, and he knew it. I actually felt the asshole chuckle as I started to grind against his mouth and fingers.
"Just that YN. Fuck, come on baby, finish on my tongue. I know you are close." He removed his mouth, his finger pace slowed down, but each word was accentuated with a hard thrust of his fingers.
"Look at me, YN." I opened my eyes that I didn't realise I had closed. The moment our eyes connected, he wrapped his lips once more around my clit and sucked hard.
I cried out his name as I came for hopefully not the last time at the hands of his mouth and fingers.
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Gwi-nam's POV
The moment she cried out my name, I felt my cock twitch in my own pants and I came. My own eyes closed when I felt her squeeze around my fingers, and I continued to eat her out.
Thank goodness I noticed that she dropped the phone when she was gripping my hair, and I grabbed it with my free hand.
I caught the moment she cried out my name as I made her cum on my fingers and tongue. I caught the after effects it had on her.
Her body was still trembling from the aftershocks of the pleasure I just gave her.
"Gwi-nam, too much." She whined. I was going to say something snarky, but I decided against it when I could see she was becoming uncomfortable.
"Go get cleaned up. Your parents will be wondering where you are."
I didn't need for her to see that she made me cum in my own pants. Then she would think she was the one in charge of this.
Glittery Pink (Part 11) (18+) ♧ Red (Part 13)
Gwi-nam taglist: @thefrogqueen8 @leia2cool @skz-tua-txt-storytimes
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based-and-rinpilled · 2 years
If Dae-su were skinny you KNOW the fandom would be all over him and Wu-jin
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donleedohyun · 9 days
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choi nam-ra and y/ns instagrams 💕
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jakeshands · 1 year
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stars will fall
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pairing, park sunghoon x fem! reader
synopsis, you’ve had a crush on park sunghoon for the longest time. all you’ve ever wanted was sunghoon to notice you, or at least pick you out of the dozen other girls throwing themselves at his feet. you can’t believe it takes a zombie apocalypse for him to notice you.
genre, zombie apocalypse au, aouad au, strangers (?) to lovers, mutual pining to lovers
warnings, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, swearing, lots of death, minor character death, open/ambiguous ending, reader gets cut with a knife, lots of mentions of blood, stabbing, mentions of guns.
word count, 16.4k
author’s note, heavily inspired by all of us are dead, like there might be some similiar scenes from aouad in this fic😨 please enjoy reading this it was A Lot To Write. i also watched a the last of us gameplay while writing this…so theres some tlou influence in this fic as well. maybe i’ll write a tlou au who knows?! also this fic is heavily unedited, pls mind my mistakes Lol! this fic is for daphne, ily the hoonerz to my jake🫶🫶
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Your life is like a wave brushing against the shoreline. It’s full of routine. It’s full of gentle actions and gentle words. It’s nothing out of the ordinary. Your life isn’t remarkable; you spend your days at school and in your apartment with your mother. You spend nights eating at the chicken restaurant your friend’s parents own. You study until you pass out. Rinse and repeat.
Your life is like a steady wave brushing against the shoreline. It’s a natural occurrence. You stay in the routine you’ve known your whole life. Wake up, take a shower, have breakfast with your mom, walk with Seeun to school, sit next to Kim Sunoo and listen in on his conversations hoping you’ll hear a word about Park Sunghoon, you sit with Seeun in the cafeteria at lunch and watch Park Sunghoon, you go back to class. After school you walk home with Seeun, study at the chicken restaurant her parents own, go to the karaoke booth next door for an hour, walk back to your apartment with Seeun, and study until you pass out. Rinse and repeat.
Today is nothing out of the ordinary. You kiss your mother goodbye and wait outside your apartment for Seeun. The door next to you swings open and Yoon Seeun steps out, a white ribbon tying her hair back. “Y/N!” Seeun cheers, reaching for your hand. “Sorry I’m late. Are you ready to go? I think we’ll have enough time to make it before they start handing out detention slips.”
You hum. ���You better wish for that, Seeun. We’ve cut it close before, but never this close. C’mon, I want to at least get to school and have a few seconds to stare at Sunghoon from afar.”
Seeun giggles and you ignore her. You know what Seeun thinks of your crush, she thinks you should just confess your feelings to Sunghoon. “There’s no harm, Y/N!” Seeun’s always told you, but she just doesn’t get it. There’s so much to lose when it comes to facing someone like Park Sunghoon who was built by the hands of Earth.
Park Sunghoon is a widely-known name in the province. He’s an up-and-coming figure skater, his visuals are akin to the K-pop idols you see at university festivals, his body proportions are those of a model’s. His personality, well, that’s a part of the mystery called Park Sunghoon. His name may be widely spoken about, but no one has helpful information about Park Sunghoon. If he’s ever talked about, it’s either about his figure skating career, his looks, or his friends. Sunghoon’s never spoken to anyone outside of his family and close friends as far as you’re aware. You’ve been going to the same school as Sunghoon ever since you could remember and he’s always hung out with the same six boys.
Your crush on Sunghoon started when you were fourteen. Puberty was a crazy time for you. The girls and boys were maturing and separating into groups, it wasn’t the same anymore. You stuck with Seeun, of course, because she was the only friend you ever made. You remember the day you started liking Sunghoon with clarity. It was after school, you were at Seeun’s chicken restaurant and Sunghoon entered. He was laughing with his friends over something, and you swear you’ve never seen anyone laugh prettier than Sunghoon. It was like time had slowed as you watched Sunghoon laugh. It was then, you realized you wanted to see Park Sunghoon laugh for the rest of your life.
Too bad the world wasn’t on your side and as years passed, Sunghoon became more withdrawn and seeing him laugh became something of the past. Now, you rarely ever saw Sunghoon. The only times you were given chances to see Sunghoon was before school started and at lunchtime. You took those moments and cherished them.
You thought this year would change everything; you were assigned to sit beside Kim Sunoo, one of Park Sunghoon’s closest friends. But most of the year has passed and you haven’t said anything more than four sentences to Kim Sunoo. Darn you and your social awkwardness. Soon you’ll have to resign and admit the truth; you’re nothing more than another one of Park Sunghoon’s fangirls.
You and Seeun rush across the street and through the school’s gates hand-in-hand. Only a few minutes left until school starts and detention slips are handed out. Breathing heavily as you slow down into a walk, you glare at Seeun. “That was extremely close, See.”
Seeun rolls her eyes. “Whatever, Y/N. Let’s go find your loverboy.”
You did not get to see your loverboy that morning. You slouch in your seat that morning, pouting lightly as you drew random stars all over your textbook. You’ll always have lunchtime to stare at Sunghoon from afar and wonder what it would be like to sit next to him and listen to him laugh. Beside you, Sunoo stares out the window, sunlight washing across his face. You’ve always thought Sunoo was handsome. His visuals are sharp and fox-like, it’s no wonder he’s the most admired boy on campus behind Park Sunghoon. (He’s often referred to as the Handsome Oppa of your class.)
A chair scrapes back drawing your attention away from Sunoo. Kang Suyeon stands, her hands resting against the desk in front of her. Suyeon’s face was extremely pale and sweat dripped down the side of her face. “Excuse me, could I please go --” Suyeon couldn’t even finish her sentence because she faints and panic spreads through the classroom.
“Kim Sunoo! Kim Y/N!” The teacher gestures for you to help her lift Suyeon up. “Let’s go to the nurse’s office.” The teacher says after both of Suyeon’s arms are wrapped around your and Sunoo’s shoulders. Together, you and Sunoo struggle under Suyeon’s weight to take the fainted girl to the nurse’s office.
“Poor Suyeon,” Sunoo says gently, his eyes darting over to you, “I hope she’s okay.”
You nod slightly in response. “Me too.”
Entering the nurse’s office you freeze up -- why is Sunghoon here?
“Y/N?” Sunoo asks, looking at you questioningly. A blush spreads over your face and you stumble forward, placing Suyeon on the bed next to where another student lies, face also pale and sweating. Park Sunghoon and Sim Jaeyun stand next to the boy watching as Nurse Jeon checks whatever needs to be checked.
One look at Suyeon and Nurse Jeon glances at your teacher. “Another one?”
“What do you mean, Sooyoung?”
Nurse Jeon drags your teacher out of the office leaving you alone with Sunoo, Jaeyun, Sunghoon, and two unconscious students. Afraid to glance around the room, your eyes never leave Suyeon. Her chest rises and falls at a rapid rate, and she’s sweating more than she was in the classroom. You stare at her hands, the area around her cuticles was bleeding pretty badly. Suyeon must’ve been picking at her skin before she fainted.
“Did she also faint, Sunoo?” Jaeyun asks. “Joon also fainted. Fell right out of his seat.”
Sunoo nods. “Suyeon stood up to ask the teacher something, but fainted halfway through her sentence,” Sunoo glances at the doorway of the office and then leans across the bed Suyeon lay on, lowering his voice. “I heard a rumor a couple of days ago. Apparently, Suyeon’s pregnant.” Sunoo looks back at Suyeon, “that’s probably why she fainted.”
It’s silent for a few moments before Sunghoon snorts. “You don’t believe that bullshit rumor do you, Sunoo?”
You hear a chuckle. Looking up, you find Sunghoon grinning as his shoulders move. He was laughing and your insides curl up. You’re finally hearing the laugh you’ve been dying to hear for years.
“You’ll be eating your words soon, Sunghoon,” Sunoo scowls. “Nurse Jeon will walk back in and check Suyeonie and say she’s pregnant. You’ll owe me ten thousand won.”
Sunghoon laughs again. You really like his laugh.
Suyeon jolts awake suddenly, shattering apart the joyful mood in the room as everyone jumps back. “Suyeon --” your voice stops sharply when Suyeon grips your wrist, her fingernails digging into your skin and you cry out. You use your other hand to try and pry off Suyeon’s hands but to no avail.
Another hand appears and helps pry off Suyeon’s hand. “Jaeyun,” Sunghoon calls out, “hold her down. You too, Sunoo.” He calls for nurse Jeon after, taking your wrist into his hand as blood trails down from where Suyeon’s nails had dug into your skin and drops onto the white bedsheet. His hand is warm. “You’re hurt.” His eyes dig into yours. You feel uncomfortable beneath Sunghoon’s gaze because it doesn’t hold the same warmth that was there when he talked to Sunoo.
“Right,” you say, your voice shaking.
Sunghoon leads you over to a chair as nurse Jeon subsides Suyeon with some sort of injection. Kneeling down in front of you, Sunghoon cleans and bandages up your wrist. Pressing lightly, he looks back up at you. “Replace the bandage with a new one tomorrow morning.”
“O-Okay.” You internally curse yourself. Why did you have to be so awkward around Sunghoon?
“Y/N,” Sunoo calls out, “it’s time for us to head back.”
Nodding your head, you scramble up out of your chair and step around Sunghoon. His touch burns your skin and your heart quickens. You pinch yourself. No. You weren’t dreaming but this certainly felt like a dream.
“Are you okay, Y/N? Suyeonie was gripping you really hard,” Sunoo asks, concern shining on his face.
You smile, your cheeks burning beneath his attention. “I’m okay Sunoo, thank you for asking.”
Sunoo beams. He really does remind you of the sun. “Seatmates care for each other!” Warmth floods your chest and your cheeks burn even more. Sunoo’s sincere words circle your mind even as you settle back down in your seat next to Sunoo.
It was finally lunchtime. You watch Sunghoon from afar as he laughs with Lee Heeseung, throwing some food at the older boy. Beside you, Seeun admires the bandage Sunghoon placed on you. “Wow, this is like a relic, Y/N. I bet if you auction it off it could go for a high price. I don’t think anyone has ever been bandaged up by Sunghoon before.”
You huff and rip your wrist out of Seeun’s hands. “I forgot to say thank you to Sunghoon. I should probably go do that now because what if he thinks I’m impolite? Oh, I would never sleep at night if I knew he thought that.”
Seeun laughs. “Well, go on then, thank loverboy for bandaging you up. Gift him with a kiss while you’re at it.”
You scowl and take your eyes off Sunghoon. “Seeun, shut up.”
Seeun giggles and reaches out to pinch your cheeks. “Hey! It’s just a suggestion! And I didn’t mean on the lips, you crazy girl! The cheek would do just fine.”
You ignore Seeun and turn back around to stare at Sunghoon, only to find him gone. The table where he sits with his friends is abandoned and you slump, looking back at Seeun. “I missed my chance. Now he’s going to think I’m impolite for the rest of his life.”
Seeun laughs and rubs your back. “Y/N, I’m sure he doesn’t think that.”
You ignore Seeun and push the food in front of you around on your plate. “I’m doomed for eternity. He’ll probably tell Sunoo he thinks I’m impolite for not saying thank you to him and Sunoo will gossip about it and soon --”
You never get to finish your sentence because students rush into the cafeteria, terror plastered across their faces. Seconds later, you see the reason why they were terrified.
Zombies only ever existed in your imagination. They only ever existed in books, movies, and TV shows. Not once did you ever think you would be an active participant in a Zombie apocalypse. You couldn’t move a single muscle as you watch students around you scramble to the exit or get tackled to the ground by a hungry Zombie. Beside you, Seeun screams in terror.
The Zombies were grotesque. Their faces were mutilated; like someone had punched them over and over. Blood covered their faces, eyes were gorged out and hanging, teeth were missing, cheeks were cut open, the eyes that remained in the eyesockets were the darkest black you had ever seen, and their skin was a terrifying pale green color.
“Y/N!” Seeun screams, terrified.
You snap back into reality as the fire alarm goes off and the sprinklers turn on. You and everyone else in the cafeteria are drenched in seconds. You survey the carnage going on around you. Zombies were pouring in through every available entrance and exit. In all honesty, you believed that this would be where you would die.
You pinpoint a window, and then a table beneath it. You could stack chairs on top of the desk. Grabbing Seeun, you both slip across the wet ground, narrowly avoiding the Zombies that were once people you knew. Seeun sobs loudly behind you, shrieking whenever a Zombie strayed too close to the both of you. Your main priority was Seeun, you needed her safe.
Reaching the window, you tell Seeun to help you push a table up against the wall. Behind you, screams of terror filled the silence. You heard snarling and bones cracking, you heard other students crying out the names of their friends dying in front of their eyes. You needed to get out. You needed to find safety -- an adult. You needed an adult.
Grabbing a chair, you climb onto the table and smash open a window. Seeun climbs onto the table next to you, her sobs now muffled by the palms of her hands. You place the chair on top of the table and step onto it peering out the window. It was safe. Far safer than the cafeteria. “You first,” you tell Seeun.
“Y/N --”
“Seeun,” you cut your friend off, gripping her tightly, “I need you safe. You’re going first.”
Seeun nods her head. “Okay. Okay. Me first.” With a shaky inhale, Seeun climbs onto the chair, grips the window pane, and pulls herself out of the cafeteria. “Your turn!” She calls out and relief floods your body. Glancing behind you, you see the carnage -- it’s a sight you’ll remember for the rest of your life.
You drop down next to Seeun and grab her hand. “Let’s go to the nurse's office,” you say to Seeun. “Nurse Jeon will know what to do.” Together you both run away from the cafeteria and out into the courtyard, not expecting other places to be swarmed with Zombies -- but they were everywhere.
You begin to wonder how this was even possible -- where did the Zombie army come from? How were they able to turn that quickly? A Zombie lunges for both you and Seeun and with a quick yank, you pull the both of you away.
“Y/N!” Seeun calls out, but you ignore her. Surely Nurse Jeon is alive. She has to be. If not, maybe you and Seeun could seek refuge in the nurse’s office. You drag Seeun toward one of the entrances to the school building, but it’s immediately blocked by Zombies. You divert to another path, but come up short and terror begins to flood your body at a faster rate.
You didn’t want to die -- you couldn’t. You still had so much left to do.
But everywhere you went, there were Zombies and at every wall, Seeun sobbed louder. Anger and terror flood your veins, it blinds you, and you take Seeun down to a quieter place. Leaning against the wall, you turn to Seeun. “Seeun --”
“Y/N,” Seeun interrupts, “it’s hopeless.”
“Seeun, don’t say that,” you say, taking her other hand into yours. “I’ll look for another way in -- surely there’s a window we can climb into --”
“Y/N!” You’ve never heard Seeun scream louder. Suddenly, you’re yanked behind Seeun and watching a Zombie tackle Seeun to the ground. The world slows. There’s a loud ringing in your ears as you watch the terror occurring in front of you. Seeun’s screaming, desperately reaching for you, but you can’t hear her. You drop to your knees and crawl forward. Tears drop onto your hands. You didn’t even know you were crying. When did you start crying?
Desperately, you try to pull the Zombie off Seeun but it’s no use. You aren’t strong enough. The world is still quiet. Seeun stills beneath the Zombie, her hand falling limply to the ground. The Zombie’s eyes focus on you and you give in. This is how you die. Abruptly, there’s another hand on your shoulder that slips down to your forearm and is yanking you up onto your feet.
“Y/N!” Someone shouts right next to you. Everything slams back in focus and you finally hear everything -- you hear someone sobbing loudly but Seeun’s dead? Who is the one crying now? You touch your face. Oh, you’re the one crying.
You’re yanked forward as the Zombie pounces your way. You stumble over your feet, but the hand on your forearm keeps you steady. You focus on your savior; silver hair, long legs, and a familiar warm grip. It’s Park Sunghoon -- what was Park Sunghoon doing?
You try to say something, but all that comes out is a sob. You don’t know what is happening. One moment you were sitting in the cafeteria with Seeun, and the next you were watching her die. Your arm hangs limp in Sunghoon’s grip as he drags you through the outside of the school. Zombies and lifeless bodies litter the ground. Loud screaming and snarls fill the air and you wonder if Seeun could make it out of this alive even if you did just watch her die. Seeun can’t be dead. Sure, you saw her arm fall to the ground, but Sunghoon had pulled you away too soon.
Seeun can’t be dead. With that thought, you rip your arm out of Sunghoon’s hold causing the older boy to top in his tracks. He whirls around, eyes wide as he focuses all his attention on you. In another situation, you would be frozen beneath this kind of attention, but right now, all you want is Seeun by your side once more.
“Y/N --”
“Seeun’s not dead. I need to go back for her.” You like to think you sound more articulate and calm, but all that comes out are sobs and jumbled-up words. You watch Sunghoon’s eyes droop in sympathy. “Seeun -- she’s not -- she can’t be --”
“Y/N,” Sunghoon takes your hand. “I’m sorry. But we have to keep moving. They’re waiting for us.” He springs back into action with you following behind, sobbing even louder. You don’t even remember how you make it into the school building. Tears fill your vision and Seeun’s death is repeated in your mind. The more you watch it, the more hopelessness fills you. Seeun’s really dead. There’s no denying it anymore. Seeun’s dead and you just watched her die.
The running stops. Sunghoon bangs on a door and it slides open. You and Sunghoon step into a familiar classroom filled with unfamiliar faces. Sunghoon drops your hand and helps whoever was behind you stack the chairs back on top of the desks keeping the door shut.
Once again, ringing fills your ears and the world quietens around you. Seeun’s death is still playing in your mind. Your eyes drop down to look at your hands, and you see the blood that wasn’t there before. You wail loudly and drop to your knees, bunching up your skirt and hurriedly scrubbing off the blood from your hands. It doesn’t work. The blood won’t come off your hands and you continue to sob.
There are voices.
“...Sunghoon what the fuck….”
“....../N? Why is she here, Sunghoon? You said you were getting…..”
“......just pick up random people!”
“….is she doing? Someone stop her, Y/N……”
Hands pull your skirt away. The rubbing stops and you look up. Sunghoon’s kneeling in front of you again, his mouth poised to speak when you shriek and scramble back from Sunghoon, your butt sliding across the floor. “Don’t touch me!”
Silence rings through the room.
You finally glance around the room. Lee Heeseung. Park Jongseong. Sim Jaeyun. Nishimura Riki. Kim Sunoo. Yang Jungwon. All of Sunghoon’s friends are gathered in one room. And now you’re here. You’re here, and Seeun’s out there. Lying all alone. You’re alive and Seeun’s dead and you watched. You watched Seeun die. Hot tears stream down your face and you desperately wipe them away with the back of your hand, not caring if blood is smeared across your face.
“Y/N,” it’s Sunoo. Your sweet seatmate settles in front of you. He reaches out and guides your hand away from your face, wiping the tears himself. There’s a gentle smile on his face. “You’re safe now.”
You ignore the purposeful cough after Sunoo’s words. You can worry about safety later -- for now, you’re in a classroom that isn’t full of Zombies. “Sunoo,” your voice cracks and you lean forward, your cheek pressed to Sunoo’s chest as he wraps you into a hug. “Seeun’s dead.”
“Oh, Y/N,” Sunoo’s hand rubs your back. “I’m sorry.”
There’s a loud bang on the door and everyone in the room jumps. Sunoo squeezes you tightly, his chest not moving beneath your cheek. The silence in the room is overwhelming. Seconds pass and there’s no other bang. “Let’s get you up, Y/N, come on.” Sunoo helps you up, wiping your face with his hands again.
Sunoo helps you to a chair, and as soon as you sit down, you notice everyone in the room looking at you. Bowing your head, the tips of your ears turn red.
“Y/N,” Sunghoon says and you peer at him. “Are you okay?”
Nishimura Riki snorts. “That’s a stupid question to ask, Sunghoon.”
“What else am I supposed to ask? ‘How’s your day going so far?’”
Jaeyun snorts, clearly amused but covers it up with a cough.
Sunghoon looks back at you, but you avert your eyes, opting to stare at your shoes instead. A heavy silence settles over the group. Noises that were still unfamiliar to you floated through the open window in the classroom. Goosebumps spread over your skin as you hear heavy footsteps run down the hallway. Everything happened so fast that you’re still running the events that lead up to this moment through your head.
The cafeteria. You were watching Sunghoon. Seeun was beside you. The Zombies came and you escaped out a window with Seeun.
The back exterior wall of a building. You and Seeun. Watching Seeun die. Sunghoon appears out of nowhere and drags you with him to some kind of safety.
The classroom. You’re with Sunghoon. And Sunoo. And their friends -- the friends everyone talks about. The world is muffled around you once more and your breathing grows shallow -- how are you supposed to get home? How are you supposed to look Seeun’s parents in the eye and tell her their daughter is dead and you watched.
“Y/N?” Sunoo’s gentle fingers brush hair behind your ear. He looks concerned as he holds your chin between his fingers. “Hey, it’s okay.” It’s not okay -- you don’t think it will ever be okay because Seeun’s gone. Your best friend is gone. And you hate how her death is the only thing you can see whenever you close your eyes.
You tune back into the conversation happening beside you. Jongseong sounds exasperated. “We’ll stay here until tomorrow. We have no plan, Heeseung. And Sunghoon decided to add one more person to our party of seven.” Jongseong sounds more than exasperated, he sounds resentful. You curl into yourself even more because it wasn’t like you asked to join Sunghoon, he was the one who pulled you away from your death sentence.
“Having Y/N doesn’t mean the end of the world, Jongseong,” Jaeyun says, sighing after his sentence. “Since Sunghoon brought her here, she’s his burden.”
Burden. That’s all you were to these seven boys. A burden. And no one wants to bear the burden.
Sniffling, you wipe your nose with the sleeve of your school cardigan and stand up. The chair scrapes against the ground and all attention is pulled to you once again. You stalk over to the corner of the classroom and slide down the wall, curling up into a ball, and pressing your face against your legs desperate to sleep because when you wake up, hopefully, you’ll be back in your seat beside Sunoo with the sun shining on your face and Seeun’s familiar giggles floating through the classroom.
It’s night when you pull your face away from your legs. It’s gotten oddly quieter, the only noises are from the Zombies. Looking out into the darkened classroom, you find Jaeyun, Riki, Heeseung, and Sunoo playing a card game, using the light from the lamp outside the classroom as a way to see.
Someone drops down beside you. Park Sunghoon. He holds out half a slice of Tiramisu wordlessly. He holds the other half. You hadn’t realized how hungry you were until it was in your mouth. Instantly, you’re savoring the flavor and your taste buds are begging for more.
“How are you feeling, Y/N?” Sunghoon asks, his voice low.
You shrug. You didn’t know the answer to that question because you were feeling so much that it felt like nothing. Turning your head slightly you stare at Sunghoon, his silver hair standing out in the dark classroom. You don’t think you’ve ever seen anyone as perfect as Park Sunghoon. It was like his existence was written in the stars because no one has ever shone as brightly as he has. Sunghoon has everything anyone’s ever wanted.
“I’m sorry about Seeun,” Sunghoon says again, his eyes meeting yours.
“It’s okay,” you whisper, your finger tracing shapes on the dirty ground beneath you. Sunghoon’s uniform looks perfect like he had just put it on. His shoes, though, give it all away. They’re bloody, just like your skirt and your hands. “Can I call my mom?” You hate how your voice trembles. “I miss her. I want to hear her voice.”
“Oh,” Sunghoon glances over to his friends playing cards in the lamplight. “We don’t have any phones with us, Y/N.”
“Oh.” Your eyes burn again and you blink them away. You’re starting to grow sick of crying. “Do we know anything about this situation at all?”
Sunghoon shakes his head and his knee bumps yours. You feel the familiar warmth you felt back in the nurse’s office when Sunghoon bandaged you up.
The Nurse’s office.
“Sunghoon,” you start tentatively, his name rolling out of your mouth awkwardly. “What about Suyeon and Joon?”
Sunghoon looks at you confused.
“This morning. They both fainted and looked really pale and were sweating lots and what if they’re patient zero and one and --” Your heartbeat increases with each word you say, and it peaks as Sunghoon interrupts your sentence by grabbing your arm and peeling off your bandage.
Where there were four bloody scratches before, there was now nothing. It was as if you had never been scratched.
Your heart stills and you look up at Sunghoon who was already looking at you. “Sunghoon, I --”
A loud thud interrupts you. And another. And another. The silence in the classroom is loud. Sunghoon’s hand tightens around your wrist. Terror seeps through your blood and you adjust your position on the floor to be closer to Sunghoon.
Then, it happens all too fast; the window on the door to the classroom is smashed open and somehow, all the chairs stacked up on the table in front of the door go tumbling down onto the ground revealing a young boy. The snarling of the Zombies grows louder and the young boy, bleeding and terrified, pulls himself through the broken window of the door.
“Taki?” Nishimura Riki knows the boy. He’s looking at the unfamiliar boy with excitement, relief, and apprehension.
Turning around, the boy smiles when he spots Riki. “Riki! Hey!” He holds up his hand and waves and that’s when you, and everyone else see it. A bite. His hand is bloody and there, clear as daylight, is a bite.
Sunghoon’s hand is firmer around your wrist when he pulls you up off the ground. You keep your eyes on the scene unfolding in front of you -- Taki waving enthusiastically with a wide smile while Riki regards him in disbelief which turns into sadness.
“Taki,” Riki starts softly as Sunghoon leads you over to the rest of the group. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Riki!” Taki replies, still cheerful as ever.
The groans and snarls of Zombies grow even closer.
“Taki,” Riki says again, his voice still soft and eyes shining in the dark.
The first tear falls down Riki’s cheek. “You’re my best friend, you know that?”
“You’re mine too!” That’s when you notice it: Taki’s skin is beginning to turn green. Beside you, Heeseung and Jongseong exchange words in a low mumble.
“Sunghoon,” you whisper, “his skin. Look.”
“Y/N,” you look up at Sunghoon, his eyes rake over your face and even though you’re in the middle of imminent death, you feel warm. “Stick close.” His fingers brush over your wrist and somehow your stomach is still able to produce butterflies.
Heeseung walks closer to where Riki and Taki stand and lays a hand on Riki’s shoulder. “Riki,” Heeseung speaks, “we can’t stay here.” Behind you, a window clicks open. The tension in the room rises and you begin to feel unsettled. The groans of the Zombies are closer than ever.
“Heeseung --”
“Riki. We have to go.” Heeseung’s voice is hard and you see his hand digging into Riki’s shoulders.
“But Taki --”
“We can’t save him, Riki.”
There’s a loud snarl and that’s when you see it. One of the many Zombies crowding the door’s broken window. Flashes of Seeun’s death run through your mind and you can’t breathe. This feels all too scary and you want to escape. You want to go home. You want to be walking to school with Seeun again. You want to be fourteen and see Park Sunghoon laugh for the first time again.
“Riki? What’s going on?” Taki is confused. He doesn’t realize his skin is turning a light shade of green. He doesn’t notice the black liquid pouring out of his eyes. He doesn’t realize how black his eyes are turning. Taki steps closer as Riki and Heeseung step back.
“Taki,” Riki’s sob is heartbreaking. You hate this, you hate watching Riki have to come to terms with the fact his friend is turning into a Zombie. “You’ve been bitten.” Riki’s voice is thick as he speaks through the tears pouring down his face.
“What? No I’m not. Why are you saying these things, Riki?”
Behind you there’s movement. Glancing over your shoulder you find Yang Jungwon climbing out the window and slipping into the night.
There’s another thud and you find Taki on the ground with Heeseung gripping Riki tightly as the younger sobs loudly, adding more noise to snarling and groaning coming from the Zombies pressed up against the locked door.
In the next second, Taki is rising up from the floor and launching himself at Heeseung and Riki. Riki’s thrown out of the way and Heeseung tackles Taki down onto the floor. It’s like the Zombies are excited with the way they throw themselves at the door, eager to enter the room and take down the seven occupying the room.
There’s a flurry of movement behind you and you watch as Jongseong ushers Sunoo out the window. “You have to be careful, Sunoo,” Jongseong warns the boy, “one wrong move and you’re dead.”
Sunoo snorts. “That’s assuring, thanks, Jongseong.” And Sunoo’s gone, slipping into the night the same way Jungwon did. Suddenly, you’re being ushered forward, Jongseong’s sharp eyes slipping to you and immediate disdain creeps over his face.
“Y/N next,” Sunghoon demands from behind you.
“She’s next.” Sunghoon’s voice leaves no room for argument and Jongseong huffs. You wonder how they both could be so calm in a situation like this. Behind you, you hear Heeseung grunt and Taki, the newly turned Zombie, growl. Riki’s sobs are loud and Jaeyun’s calming words aren’t doing anything to subdue the younger.
“What do I do?” You ask hesitantly, your voice quiet under Jongseong’s gaze.
“Climb out of the window and across to the broadcasting club’s room.”
Sunghoon’s hand slips from your wrist as Jongseong pulls you harshly towards the desk in front of the window. You look at him expectantly. “What?” Jongseong asks, “do you want to die?” You steal a glance at the horde of Zombies still pushing up against the door, their arms reaching through the window. You look at Heeseung, his school uniform getting torn beneath Taki’s needy hands, Jaeyun and Riki on the ground, and Sunghoon, who is behind you frowning.
When you look back at Jongseong, there’s shock hidden in his eyes. You wonder how he was able to figure out what you were thinking. You seriously wouldn’t mind dying right now. Jongseong’s reaching out and pulling you closer to him. You’ve never been this close to him. He looks extremely handsome.
“You’re not dying Y/N,” he whispers harshly, it’s hard to hear him over the noise echoing throughout the classroom. “And if you do die, it’ll be my own hands.” You never do get to ask Jongseong what he means because he’s pushing you towards the window and forcing you out. “Hold on, Y/N, and don’t look down. You’ll know when you’re at the broadcasting room because Jungwon will be waiting for you.”
The coldness of the night seeps through your school uniform. It does nothing to make the sweat on your hands evaporate, though. The ledge is not wide enough for a school kid to be inching their way across the outside of the school building. There’s little to nothing for your hands to grab onto and you don’t heed Jongseong’s advice. Looking down was your greatest mistake.
You’re so far up, and everywhere you look there’s a Zombie walking. One wrong step and you’re dead. You’re dead, and you won’t ever see Sunghoon again. One wrong step, and you’ll see Seeun again. Pushing yourself against the cool wall, you squeeze your eyes shut as tears form again. You didn’t want to be here in this situation. How did this all even happen? How did people you know turn into bloodthirsty monsters?
Opening your eyes, you see what Jongseong had meant when he told you Jungwon would be waiting for you. Light floods through an open window and there Yang Jungwon was, with fiery red hair, peering at you as he leans out of the window.
You don’t know much about Yang Jungwon; you just know the basics. He’s class president and head of the taekwondo club. He’s very good friends with Kang Taehyun and he works at a cat cafe. He’s also Park Sunghoon’s neighbor.
You inch your way over to the broadcasting club’s room, your hands sweatier than they’ve ever been. The horror that lay beneath you kept your heart rate beating at a rapid speed and kept terror streaming through your bloodstream.
Jungwon helps you into the broadcasting room, it’s much nicer in here and you spy a few water bottles resting on the desk. Instantly, you’re reminded of how thirsty you are. “Can we drink that?” You ask, making eye contact with Sunoo who spins around on a chair, his fingers fidgeting with whatever was in his lap.
“Go for it,” Sunoo says, “I think there’s enough for the eight of us.”
Riki is the next to join the three of you with bloodshot eyes and a runny nose. Sunoo, with pitying eyes, hands Riki a tissue box and gently cards a hand through the younger boy’s hair. Riki instantly melts into Sunoo’s touch and you feel your heart tugging in despair for the boy.
Jaeyun follows after Riki also looking incredibly disheveled. He converses with Jungwon in a low voice and you begin to grow restless waiting for the remaining three boys. It hasn’t even been a full day and you’re already exhausted. You’re ready for this to all be some kind of fucked up prank because you can’t take this anymore. You want to survive to see your mom again, but you’re already tired that the thought of giving yourself to the Zombies doesn’t scare you as much anymore.
Jongseong is the next to join. He doesn’t look happy, “they forced me to go. The door is about to break down and Taki’s only just been restrained --” There’s a loud cry, silence, and then a bone-shattering thud. You, along with the five boys, crowd the window and look out into the dead night. Someone’s lying on the pavement, their limbs bent in awkward angles and your breath catches.
Riki’s the first to turn away, Jaeyun following after. Sunoo’s hand snakes around your elbow and pulls you away from the window. “Come on, Y/N, let’s go sit and wait.” You could hear the desperation in Sunoo’s voice so you comply, also desperate for some sort of distraction from the fear telling you that body was Sunghoon.
“Sunoo,” you say in a hushed voice, your knees pulled up to your chest, “I was talking to Sunghoon before. We know nothing about what’s going on but what if Suyeon and Joon were the ones who started it? Think about it, Sunoo.” You were desperate to have some kind of answer because maybe then you could figure out a way to end this all, to bring everyone infected back.
Sunoo stares at you, his face morphing through many emotions. That was one thing you always loved about Sunoo, he was always transparent about how he felt. “Y/N,” Sunoo says in amazement, “oh my god. Suyeonie. She was pale, but I thought she looked kind of green, and Joon -- they were both sweating a lot and then --” his eyes drop to your wrist that was no longer bandaged.
“Y/N,” you immediately hide your wrist from Sunoo. “Y/N, Suyeon made you bleed.” His eyes meet yours and you see the fear.
“Sunoo --”
“Heeseung!” Jungwon exclaims, hurriedly pulling the oldest through the window. Seconds later, Sunghoon also lands in the broadcasting room and his eyes immediately seek you out. His and Heeseung’s uniforms were in tatters. There were big gaping holes in their blazers and buttons missing, blood covering their pants and white blouses, and their ties had been ripped off.
“Are you okay, Heeseung? Sunghoon?” Jaeyun asks, “you aren’t hurt?”
Behind them, Jongseong slams the window shut quite loudly, and follows it up with a loud shout of “fuck!” The response from the Zombies is almost instant -- they begin to snarl and groan, moving in the direction of the window that had just been shut.
Of course -- no one pays attention to that response except for Jaeyun who furrows his eyebrows.
Jungwon hands Jongseong the last water bottle full of water. “This is all we have,” Jungwon speaks gently, “we’ll need to venture out tomorrow to find supplies. We can’t stay in here forever.”
“There was plenty of food in that classroom,” Sunoo says forlornly. “Everyone’s bags had secret snacks for nighttime studying.”
“We also need a phone,” Sunghoon speaks up, “some form of communication. We’re in the dark, we have no clue what’s going on, and,” Sunghoon cuts himself off, sighing deeply, “there may be. .Infections beyond the school.”
Everyone inhales sharply, their worst fear coming true.
Jongseong slumps down in defeat, hanging his head. “Jungwon’s right. We can’t stay here forever. We have to leave and try and reach somewhere safe, like a quarantine camp. But first, we need a phone.”
“The only information I know is that Suyeon and Joon may have started the outbreak at school, but how they got it themselves is still a mystery,” Sunghoon continues, his eyes holding yours.
“How do you know that, Hoon?” Heeseung asks, resting beside Jongseong.
“Because when they were in the infirmary they were acting weird,” Sunghoon says, “before Joon knocked himself out, he was moving weirdly and always trying to bite Jaeyun and I. I don’t know much about Suyeon, but I know when she woke up, she grabbed onto Y/N and made her bleed.”
All attention is directed back to you again.
“I bandaged her up, the scratches were pretty bad. Before Taki came, I checked her wrist. The scratches aren’t there anymore. It’s almost like she wasn’t scratched.”
The silence is too loud.
“Suyeon’s fingers were bleeding,” Sunoo says in a hushed voice, “when she scratched Y/N, her blood must’ve come into contact with Y/N’s.”
“So, Y/N’s a Zombie,” Riki says.
“What?” You croak, taken aback by the accusation. “No. I’m not.”
“We don’t know that Y/N,” Jongseong backs up Riki. Of course he does. “You could be some weird evolved Zombie for all we know.”
You scowl, hot anger surging through your veins suddenly. You don’t know where the change in mood came from. “If I were a Zombie, you’d be dead already, Jongseong.”
Jongseong scoffs. “You wouldn’t even be able to land a single finger on me. I’d take you down before you even get the chance to bite me. You’re weak compared to me, Y/N.”
All you see is red. It’s like you don’t have control of your own mind as you lunge for Jongseong ready to prove him wrong. Before you could even touch the boy, an arm wraps around your waist and holds you back. You struggle in the person’s arms, and you spit at the ground in front of Jongseong. “I’ll kill you,” your mouth is moving without your consent and spitting out words you don’t want to say. “I’ll fucking kill you.” With one last struggle, you’re pushing arms holding you back from Jongseong off you. The next thing you hear is a loud thud and a groan.
Glancing over your shoulder you see Sunghoon crumpled up on the ground, the locker that stood behind him was caved in, marking how he was flung into the metal. You stop breathing and register the silence and eyes staring at you in terror.
“I think Jongseong’s right,” Jungwon speaks up. “We can’t trust you, Y/N.”
“I’m not a Zombie,” your hands clench, fingernails pressing into your palm. “I don’t even know how I did that!”
“We can’t trust you,” Jungwon repeats. “But I don’t think we should be pushing you out to be with the Zombies,” he gestures to the recording booth. “Go in there.”
“You want me in the recording booth?”
“Just until morning. If by morning, you haven’t changed or done something weird, we’ll let you out, but, if something happens overnight, we’re leaving you here for good.” Jungwon’s tone sounds final and you can’t find it in you to rebut his idea because, if you think about it logically, it’s what’s best for both you and the seven boys.
Entering the recording room with Jungwon locking you in, it grows deathly quiet. You’re alone with your thoughts for the first time today and you don’t know what to do.
“Y/N.” You don’t know how much time has passed when Sunghoon steps into the recording room. Your head snaps up at the sound of his voice and immediately you’re spewing your apologies. You didn’t mean to throw Sunghoon into the lockers. You hope he’s not too injured, otherwise you won’t be able to sleep at night knowing you had hurt Sunghoon unintentionally.
Something of a smile appears on Sunghoon’s face as he sits in front of you. “It’s okay, Y/N, I know you didn’t mean to push me that hard.” His hand reaches for your wrist and you let him take it, his fingertips gently tracing the patch of skin that was once covered by scratches.
“Sunghoon?” You ask, not raising your voice above a whisper.
“Are you scared?”
It’s silent for a moment. The moonlight washes over Sunghoon’s face and you’ve never wanted to kiss someone this badly before. “Of you? Never,” came Sunghoon’s response, and your body burns. It burns so intensely you can’t breathe.
“Oh. I was asking if you were scared of the situation. Not me.”
Sunghoon looks up at you, his hand slipping from your wrist to hold your hand. “Oh. I meant what I said, Y/N. You don’t scare me.”
You smile softly. You don’t know how, but being with Sunghoon like this brings some sense of comfort to you. “Oh. Thank you, Sunghoon.”
Sunghoon smiles softly. It’s the first real smile you’ve seen on his face since this whole Zombie situation began. Warmth settles in your stomach and your shoulders sag, the weight you were carrying around slides off. “Are you okay, Y/N? How are you feeling?”
You snort lightly. ”That’s like the third time you’ve asked me if I was okay.”
“I ask because I care, Y/N.”
“Oh. Sunghoon, I--” you stare at Sunghoon, unblinking. Your stomach feels weird. It’s way too loud in the recording booth and you want out. You slip your hand out of Sunghoon’s and push your face into your legs. Did Sunghoon know about your feelings? Or was he being honest? You couldn’t believe that you were at the beginning of a Zombie apocalypse and still thinking about Sunghoon and how much you liked him.
“Y/N?” Sunghoon asks, sounding hesitant.
“I’m okay,” you mumble.
“Okay.” Awkward tension floats through the room. You don’t make any move to disperse the awkwardness and instead, you let it simmer.
“Right, I came in here because Sunoo told us the debate team was supposed to go on their annual school trip tomorrow, but obviously that isn’t going to happen, but in the classroom where they meet up, there’s a cupboard full of food and some water,” Sunghoon tells you and you don’t think you’ve ever heard him talk this hesitantly before.
You look back up at Sunghoon and instantly regret it because he’s so beautiful. “Oh. Okay. Do you have a plan yet? Am I even included in that plan? Because I can leave you all alone if you want. It might be easier since I’m probably a burden to you.”
Sunghoon stares at you. He stares at you for a long time that it becomes uncomfortable. “Do you think you’re a burden, Y/N?”
You shrug half-heartedly. “It’s easy to tell when I’m not wanted.”
“You’re wanted, Y/N,” Sunghoon says intently, his eyes never drifting away from yours.
You don’t say anything in response. How could that be true? It’s clear to see you’re a burden in the way the boys regard you, it’s clear to see you’re a burden in the way Jongseong talks to you, and it’s clear to see you’re a burden when you heard Jaeyun’s words.
“Y/N. .” Sunghoon says softly. You’ve never heard him speak like that before. It’s gentle like he’s coaxing a cat from underneath a car. It’s a comforting voice, one that makes you want to dive into and soak forever in. “You’re wanted.”
You scoff and look away, your heart tremors beneath your ribcage. Butterflies bloom and stick themselves to your gut. “How do I know you’re not just saying that to make me feel better?”
There’s a pause.
“Because I --” Sunghoon falters. His eyes slide away from your face and you feel your heart burn. “You should get some sleep, Y/N.”
“Right. Of course. Goodnight, Sunghoon.”
“Goodnight, Y/N. Sleep well.”
You don’t get any sleep that night.
You’re allowed out of the recording booth when you wake up. You’re still regarded with caution, but you don’t care, you’re just glad to be out of the room. Sitting on the floor next to Sunoo, you listen to the conversation happening around you. They’re discussing a way to get to the debate room without alerting any Zombies to their presence.
“I have useful information if anyone wants to hear it,” Jaeyun says, raising his hand.
“What is it, Jaeyun?” Heeseung asks. “We’ll take anything at this point.”
“I think I know how to get past the Zombies.”
Everyone leans in and listens eagerly. “Sound attracts Zombies,” Jaeyun starts to explain. “And we’re in the broadcasting room. This is where the morning school announcements are made which means there are speakers all over school connected to this exact room. So, if we play a song, all the Zombies will move to wherever that sound is coming from. It’ll give us a clear path to the debate room.”
“I love it when you speak like that, Jaeyun,” Sunghoon comments, wearing a teasing smile. Seems like someone got a goodnight's sleep, you think bitterly to yourself. You were so sure Sunghoon was going to say something last night that was going to completely change your relationship. You were proven wrong, though.
“Someone needs to stay back though, right?” Riki asks, “because who will turn off the music?”
“I’m sure we can keep it going until it stops,” Sunoo pipes up.
“Yeah, but how will it stop?” Riki presses, “there’s no timer. It would keep on playing and we’d all go crazy.”
“I don’t think any of us should separate from the group,” Jungwon says firmly. “Separation is the last thing we want to do now.”
“What song should we play?” You ask, “because I suggest Red Velvet. Playing Zimzalabim would be so funny.”
Beside you, Sunoo giggles.
“I was gonna suggest Ring Ding Dong by SHINee,” Riki says, a wicked grin appearing.
“We’re immediately vetoing that idea,” Jongseong says, scowling in Riki’s direction.
“What about classical music?” Sunghoon asks, “that shit doesn’t get too repetitive, right? It’s just a bunch of instruments playing over and over again. No lyrics, just vibes.”
“No lyrics, just vibes,” Jongseong mimics and Sunghoon whacks him in retaliation.
“Let’s try to find some music, surely they have some in here,” Jaeyun says, standing up.
“First, I need to use the toilet,” Riki announces. “Should I pee out the window?” Riki earns disgusted groans in return and a small giggle from you.
“No. No peeing out of windows,” Jongseong says firmly. “We may be in an apocalypse but that doesn’t mean we don’t do our best to remain hygienic. We need to set up some kind of toilet, maybe in the recording booth? We’re not going to use it anymore, right?”
“I sure hope not,” you mutter, folding your arms over your chest. “Because there’s no way I’m going back in there under suspicion with it smelling like shit and piss.”
“The recording booth it is,” Jungwon says, “I did boy scouts when I was younger, let me build the toilet.”
“Me too!” Sunoo pipes up, eagerly pushing himself off the ground, “I was your group leader, remember Wonie?”
Jungwon’s smile is fond as he remembers his past memories, and together he and Sunoo begin to build the make-shift toilet. All around you, everyone falls into conversation to pass the time leaving you alone with your thoughts once more.
You begin to wonder how hard you had pushed Sunghoon to make a dent in the metal lockers to the left of you. In fact, you’re 100% certain you aren’t even that strong. You’re pretty weak so for you to be able to make a permanent mark on metal terrifies and oddly intrigues you -- what more can you do? Surely the small bit of blood on Suyeon’s that infected your bloodstream carries some kind of weird mutation causing you to be this way -- you hope you get answers soon because all this uncertainty is driving you insane.
“Get a good sleep, Y/N?” Sunghoon asks, sitting down in front of you.
“Yeah. You?”
Sunghoon hums. “The best I could get.” There’s a lull in the conversation. You immediately think back to earlier in the recording booth -- you were so sure Sunghoon was going to confess, or something because the way he was looking at you, and the way he was phrasing his words, made you believe. It made you find hope in this bleak apocalypse. “How are you feeling?”
You give Sunghoon a deadpan look. “This question? Again?”
Sunghoon shrugs. “I think it’s warranted in a situation like this.”
You smile softly. “Yeah. I suppose. And I’m feeling a bit nervous because we don’t know what’s out there. I hope Jaeyun’s right. I hope this plan works. I hope --” you sigh heavily, your chin resting on your knee.
Sunghoon reaches forward and takes your hand into his. “We’ll make it, Y/N.”
“Okay,” Jungwon and Sunoo step out of the recording booth. “Who is first?”
“Y/N,” Sunghoon says loudly, “ladies first. People who need to shit go last.”
“Riki, you’re going last then!”
“Shut the fuck up Sunoo.”
It took quite a while for all seven boys to use the toilet. After numerous rock-paper-scissor games and fights, Heeseung left the recording booth with the nastiest look on his face. “When we make it to a safety zone you all better sleep with one eye open.”
“Even me?” You ask, pouting.
“They’ll call me Misogynist Heeseung.”
“Alright, Misogynist Heeseung, do the honors,” Jaeyun gestures to the booth, “go back in there and turn on the music.”
Heeseung hisses at Jaeyun and turns on his heel, taking a deep breath before entering the recording booth once more and turning on the classical music you’d found in one of the dented lockers. With the first note of Four Seasons playing, the school speakers become a target for the Zombies limping through the school grounds.
You, along with the others, watch out the window in awe. Jaeyun was right, Zombies are attracted to sound.
“It’s showtime,” Jongseong rolls his shoulders back and rolls his sleeves up. “I will do anything to make it to the room of treasures even if it means leaving you weaklings behind.”
It’s silent. Overwhelmingly silent.
“Sorry. I don’t know why I said that.”
“Yeah,” Riki hums, “we all know you’d be the first to die.”
“We’re running out of time, let’s go already,” groans Sunoo heading over to the door. “I’m opening up this damn door and running all the way to the debate room. I am about to eat Y/N/’s hair.”
You touch your hair, frowning. “Why my hair? Why not Jaeyun’s?”
Sunoo shrugs. “First name that came to mind was yours. Okay, opening the door in 3. . 2. . 1 --”
“-- WAIT --”
Sunoo wrenches open the door.
Nothing happens.
There’s a pause in the music. And then it starts all over again.
The look Sunoo gives the rest of the group is one of pure jubilation. “Last one to the debate room is Zombie bait for our next mission!” And then he’s flying out the door, Jaeyun and Jongseong shouting after him.
“Do they think the music will drown out the noise they’re making?” Jungwon asks with a shake of his head. “Stupid. Idiots. All of them are.” He steps out the door, Heeseung following behind. Sunghoon reaches for your hand and smiles down at you. Behind you, Riki groans, “keep the heart eyes to a minimum around me, please.”
“Let’s go, Y/N.”
Stepping out, you stare around you in amazement. Zombies are desperately trying to reach for the speaker, climbing and standing on top of each other to try and satiate their hunger. At the end of the hallway stood the rest of the ground. Jaeyun was holding Sunoo by his collar.
“We have to climb up two flights of stairs,” Jungwon explains quietly, but loud enough for you to all hear over the music. “Be aware of your surroundings. There might be a few Zombies who haven’t gone towards the speakers.” With one final shared look, you begin your long ascent to the room full of food and water.
You were nearing the end. Sunghoon’s hand was tightly gripping yours and you could see your final destination in sight. You realized you truly had nothing to worry about because Jaeyun’s plan was foolproof --
And then you’re being yanked back by your hair.
With a loud shriek, you go flying backward, your hand losing Sunghoon’s. Pain explodes as you land on your back harshly. Standing above you with their hand still curled in your hair is Joon. The boy from the nurse’s office. His face is bloody and there’s a long cut down the middle of his face, the sight of it makes you retch. His eyes are the darkest black you’ve ever seen.
“Sunghoon!” You cry out, desperate to get away. Your stomach churns and you wonder why Joon specifically targeted you, and how Joon was still a functioning human. Reaching up, you try to pry Joon’s hands away from your hair, but he was too strong.
Snarling, the older boy yanks your head back harder, a harsh pulsing pain beats rapidly against your skull. Is this how you die?
“Joon?” Jake sounds astonished. “You’re alive?”
You had no clue what was going on. Fear creeps into your bloodline and sets your heart alight. You struggle in Joon’s grasp and cry out, a sob wrenching itself free from your throat. Maybe you didn’t want to die. Maybe you wanted to survive because there was still some hope deep within you that everything will be okay if you make it out of this alive. (Maybe you were feeling this hope because of Park Sunghoon.)
“Of course I’m alive, idiot,” sneers Joon, his hand tightening in your hair. “Why would they kill patient zero?”
You reach up and claw at Joon’s arm, your nails snagging his skin, cutting the boy open and he begins to bleed. “You’re such a bitch, Y/N,” Joon growls, his other hand wrapping around your neck and dragging you up from the ground, your breath hitching as you struggle to breathe.
“Let Y/N go, Joon,” Sunghoon demands, his eyes only focused on you. You feel pathetic, you’re unable to do anything -- you can’t even breathe. Maybe it would’ve been better if they left you in the broadcasting room.
“Why should I let her go?” Joon’s voice was close to your ear. You could practically taste the black blood spilling out of his mouth and onto your clothed shoulder. “She’s just like me. She’s another Zombie and you’re willingly keeping her in your group?”
“Zombie or not, let go of Y/N,” Sunghoon says, his voice low, and his eyes finally looking at Joon. He steps forward and then takes another step, and another, and another -- and then Joon snarls. It’s not loud enough to be heard over the music pouring out of the speakers, and yet, all the Zombies turn and focus their deadly black eyes on the group of seven boys, with Sunghoon in the front.
Terror floods your veins and you struggle in Joon’s grasp. You couldn’t let more people fall victim to Zombies because of you. With all eyes focused on the seven boys, a chill creeps up your spine. “One move,” Joon begins, his voice threateningly low, “and you’ll join them.”
Joon lets go of you and you instantly gasp for air, your chest heaving in delight. “You don’t believe me, do you?” Joon says, a hand reaching out to grip the back of your blouse. “Y/N’s a Zombie. The moment Suyeon’s blood entered her bloodstream, Y/N began to turn.”
“We locked her in the recording booth for a night,” Jungwon says, his eyes carefully passing over every Zombie looking at them with hungry black eyes, “nothing happened. Nothing changed.”
Joon laughs. It’s loud, but the Zombies don’t move. “But something did happen, didn’t it, Y/N?” He yanks you back towards him and you shriek, desperation filling your veins again. “What happened, Y/N?” His fingers curl through your hair, brushing it away from your face gently.
“I -- I pushed Sunghoon.” You struggle to speak, fear hindering your every move, and every word. “And he dented the lockers in the broadcasting room.”
Joon hums. “That’s an oddly inhumane amount of strength, don’t you think?”
“Please let me go,” you beg.
“Do you believe me now?” Joon asks, ignoring your begging.
“Y/N’s not a zombie,” Sunghoon says, and it sounds like he truly believes it.
“Sunghoon,” you whisper, crestfallen.
“Fine, I’ll make you believe.” Without warning, Joon’s hands settle on your chest and rip your blouse apart, your eyes widen and immediately your arms come up to cover your bare torso. One hand wraps around your neck while the other produces a knife. It’s one from the kitchen in the cafeteria and you’re paralyzed by fear.
“Watch me,” Joon growls, “or I’ll kill Y/N.”
Seven sets of eyes settle on your bare body and if this was any other circumstance you would blush. You look at Sunghoon again and it’s hard to make out what he’s feeling as he stares back at you. You want to say something to him, you want to comfort him, you want to tell him to run and leave you here, but you don’t. You feel the cool touch of a blade against your abdomen, settled just beneath your bra, and then you’re being cut open, the blade digging into your skin and you cry out.
A long line is cut into your abdomen and blood flows out of the cut. It’s dark red and it matches the blood already on your hands. You collapse to the ground once Joon lets go of you and you continue to cry, the pain overwhelming. You push your hands against the wound to stop the bleeding but to no avail.
You were dying and no one was helping you. It was a picture-perfect scenario because you did nothing to help Seeun. “I’m sorry,” you whisper to the ground. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” And then, little by little, the pain lessens. Little by little, you stop bleeding. Little by little, the cut on your abdomen heals itself.
Grabbing you roughly by the hair, Joon forces you up and your hands away from your now-healed cut. “Do you believe me now?”
You look over at Sunghoon. His eyes are wide and his mouth is slightly ajar. You don’t dare look at anyone else. For the final time, Joon lets go of you and you collapse back onto the ground. Your head pounds and your upper body feels overwhelmingly hot. “I’ll be back,” Joon warns. “This is only a warning.” He snarls again, and every Zombie in the hallway trails after him, their black beady eyes never leaving the group of seven boys.
“Y/N,” Sunghoon says, darting forward. He rushes to your side, crouching down in front of you and reaching out. You quickly back away, tears pouring down your cheeks as you keep your head down and arms wrapped around yourself.
“Leave me alone Sunghoon,” you say, your voice thick with tears. “I’m a Zombie, don’t you understand?”
“Y/N, look at me,” Sunghoon says softly, he takes off his blazer and covers you with it. “Zombie or not I still want you with me.” Hesitatingly, he reaches out to brush strands of hair behind your ear. He then cups your cheek and his thumb brushes your cheek. “Come on, Y/N, I bet you’re hungry.”
“Yeah, for brains,” you mutter under your breath, angry at the world. Looking back up, you see Sunghoon smiling. “Why are you looking at me like that?” You feel shy beneath Sunghoon’s gaze.
“I’m sure that can be arranged,” Sunghoon answers, “Jongeong’s brain can be the first to get eaten.”
You reach the classroom that holds all of the debate club’s food and water for the trip they were supposed to take today. Your eyes stare at the food stacked up, and the water lying on the ground. You felt like you were in heaven.
Jaeyun’s the first to move. He darts forward, swipes the Home Run Balls, and the rest follow, squabbling over who gets what. Sunghoon nudges you. “What do you want, Y/N?”
“I don’t know,” you answer, hugging Sunghoon’s blazer tighter around you
Sunghoon smiles and steps into the cupboard. A few seconds later he reappears with a chocolate bar and water. “Here, you’ll probably need a lot of water after what happened, Y/N. And chocolate just because everyone loves chocolate.” After handing you the water and chocolate bar, Sunghoon takes some snacks for himself and leads you over to some chairs.
You both eat silently, letting the loud yet quiet voices of the others fill up the silence. You didn’t know what to say -- what were you supposed to say after a situation like that? You feel Sunghoon’s shoulder brush your’s and you instantly become aware of how close he is.
“Sunghoon?” You ask hesitantly.
Sunghoon glances over at you, humming slightly. His stare pins you to your seat. He still looks beautiful, you think to yourself, like a star. He still looks like he was hand crafted from heaven above, and he still looks so out of your league. No matter the time, no matter the place, no matter the situation, the answer will always be the same; Sunghoon will never be yours. He’s destined for things bigger than your small village, and he’s destined for someone better than you. And yet --
And yet he’s sitting next to you.
And yet his school-issued blazer is wrapped around your body.
(You remember bringing Park Sunghoon up to your mother one night. She laughs and shakes her head, finishing dishing the takeaway chicken she bought after work onto your plate. “Park Sunghoon, that boy is destined to be a star, Y/N.”
He’s out of your league is unsaid. You’re no good for him is unsaid.
“There’s no point loving someone like that, Y/N,” your mother warns gently. “He’s a star. And you know how bright they shine.”)
If this is how a star shines, you think, eyes trailing over Sunghoon, then I want him in every way possible.
“Thank you,” you say, smiling slightly.
“For what?”
You shrug and glance away from Sunghoon.
“Ah,” Sunghoon can read between the lines. He reaches for your hand and squeezes. “I’d do it again, Y/N.”
“Sunghoon?” You turn back to him. “You’d do what again?”
Sunghoon’s ears burn red. “Don’t make me say it, Y/N.”
You grip Sunghoon’s hand tightly. You don’t want to let this moment slip away like last time in the darkness of the broadcasting club’s recording booth. “Sunghoon,” you say, your eyes hold the unspoken desperation.
There’s a scrape of a chair being pushed back, and then Jongseong’s voice echoes through the room. No, you think, no, no no, this can’t be happening.
The moment is over. Sunghoon’s hand falls from your grip and you watch him slip away from you for the second time. You reach after him, but you capture nothingness.
“We need a phone,” Jongseong says, “and we need it now.”
The music flowing through the speakers shut off. An unsettling chill lingers in the room and everyone’s thinking the same thing; Joon. “We need a phone,” Jongseong repeats, “any ideas?”
Looks are shared and nothing is said. Jongseong groans, “come on. Give me something to work with here!”
“My phone,” Riki says, “it’s in Mrs. Jang’s room.”
Jaeyun snorts in amusement. “Now how did that happen, Riki?”
Riki scowls. “Apparently learning English is more important than Alice in Borderland.”
“Okay, and how far away is Mrs. Jang’s room?” Jongseong asks, looking slightly more alive ever since Riki’s announcement.
“Since we’re in the debate club’s meeting room,” Sunoo thinks aloud, “the floor beneath us.”
Jongseong looks at Riki and scowls. “And you didn’t let us know any sooner? We literally walked past her room on the way here, Riki! And Joon is probably there waiting for us!”
“No one asked,” Riki answered, “so I didn’t provide.”
“You’re going to be the reason for my death, mark my words.” Jongseong’s eyes fall on you and you feel uncomfortable. “Y/N. Joon can somehow command the Zombies to do whatever he wants, can’t you do that? Y’know, considering you’re like, half Zombie-half human or some shit like that.”
It’s a weird silence you sit in after Jongseong’s remark. “I mean. . It’s cool if you can’t though,” Jongseong chuckles awkwardly. You find you quite like this situation; Jongseong awkward beneath your bland stare, it’s a situation that should happen more often.
“Speaking of,” Heeseung pipes up, “shouldn’t we talk about what happened back there?”
“What is there to speak about?” Jungwon asks, “Y/N is a Zombie. But she’s also a human.”
“Clearly,” Heeseung responds, “we should also find Y/N a shirt, but what about Joon? How he came to be. . . That, is unknown and what he said? ‘Patient zero’? Isn’t that at least a little bit concerning?”
“Obviously Joon and Suyeon were some experiment,” Sunoo says, “gone wrong. And now everyone is paying the consequence.”
“Someone was probably trying to make a superhuman,” Jaeyun jokes, his eyes sparkling, “Y/N and Joon have enhanced strength, which is super cool, and Y/N even has enhanced healing! I would suspect Joon does too, but from his appearance. . I don’t think so.”
“Superhuman,” Jongseong mutters under his breath like it was the missing piece to a puzzle.
“Boring. Let’s talk about this later,” Riki says suddenly, “it’s getting dark. Who volunteers as tribute to go and grab my phone? It has a pink sparky case and a small little Yuuji sticker on it. From Jujutsu Kaisen. I say let Y/N go. She can self-heal and can push people off her and into lockers.” Riki winces after being on the receiving end of many glares. “Too soon for jokes?”
“It’s okay, Riki,” you wave him off, too tired to involve yourself into this conversation. “Wake me up when you make your decision, I’m feeling sleepy.”
“Right, of course,” Jaeyun hums, “obviously there are side effects. You can sleep, Y/N, we’ll make sure nothing disturbs you!”
You smile at Jaeyun, thankful.
When you come to, it’s pitch black. The only light source is a yellow-tinged light shining on Jungwon and Sunoo who are seated together and whispering to each other. The light is sourced from a flashlight, how they acquired said flashlight is unknown.
Sunoo catches your movements and beckons you over. You shuffle over to the two boy and carefully take a seat beside Sunoo, scared to wake up the sleeping bodies lying around the room. “Sleep well? Feeling any better, Y/N?” Sunoo’s words are kind, and his gaze is kinder.
“It was a good sleep. I’m feeling much more energized.”
“That’s good,” Jungwon says, “because Sunghoon’s the one who went to search for the phone.”
You stop breathing. “What?”
“He left an hour ago and he’s not back,” Jungwon informs you, the yellow-tinged light shining on Jungwon’s face makes the boy look older than he actually is. “Heeseung always says to not think of the worst, but I’m thinking of the worst right now.”
Images of Sunghoon lying on the ground in a puddle of his own blood flash through your mind. Images of Sunghoon as a Zombie flash through your mind. Images of Sunghoon with Joon’s hands wrapped around him flash through your mind. You can’t let Sunghoon slip through your grasp for the third and final time. You need Sunghoon safe and you’ve never needed anything this desperately before.
“I’ll go find him,” you say to Jungwon, your words oddly sounding like a goodbye. And a promise.
“Y/N --” Sunoo starts.
“Sunoo,” you cut him off. “Let me do this. Let me not feel like a burden for once.”
“Okay,” Sunoo whispers, “okay.”
You rise to your feet and pad over to the door. “Y/N,” Sunoo hisses through the dark, “be safe.”
You want to laugh at Sunoo’s words. Your palm touches the cool handle of the door and you gently slide it open, cold air from the hallway rushing into the room behind you. You begin to feel uneasy and goosebumps spread across your skin as you step out of the warm classroom and into the unknown. The last thing you see as you shut the classroom door is Jongseong staring at you.
You don’t know what to expect as you slowly walk down the dark hallway that’s only illuminated by the night sky. The moon and the stars hang above you, unintentionally guiding you to where Park Sunghoon lay. Keeping your hands pressed close to your chest and your eyes focused on your surroundings, you do your best to not bring attention to yourself by any means -- one noise and it’s all over for you. You wander down a familiar hallway that has become unfamiliar and you truly begin to question how this all happened; how easily your hometown succumbed to a Zombie apocalypse.
A loud bang shakes you out of your thoughts. It came from inside the classroom next to you and terror floods your senses. You hold your hands tighter against your chest and try to even out your breathing. There’s another bang and you quickly stride past the classroom, making your footfalls as quiet as possible.
Everything felt so off; not a single Zombie roaming down the hallway you were in, not a single Zombie chasing you down -- you were expecting the worst would come when you find Sunghoon. Your heart races at the thought of something bad happening to Sunghoon. You don’t want anything bad to happen to Sunghoon, he’s the only good thing you have left in your life right now.
You pad down the steps and enter the hallway Riki’s phone was supposed to be on. Here, you finally see the Zombies you were looking for. A sudden cold chill lays itself over your skin as you dare to enter the hallway crowded with Zombies.
Even though you know you shouldn’t, you hold your breath as you maneuver around the Zombies in complete silence. Sometimes, they let out random groans and it frightens you, but you keep your terrified shrieks contained within you. One single noise and you’re a goner.
You reach Ms. Jang’s office and a Zombie is blocking the door. Inhaling quietly, you step around the Zombie and reach for the cold silver doorknob. As you twist the doorknob it makes a shrill sound and you halt, not daring to move another inch. The Zombie right next to you lets out a groan and steps closer to you, their arm brushing yours and suddenly they’re latching onto your arm.
You can’t help it and cry out, ripping yourself out of the Zombie’s grasp and throwing yourself at the door. Growls fill the air and the Zombie in front of you begins to sniff, seeking out a smell. You could smell the death on the Zombie and begin to pray that this isn’t how your life ends -- you don’t want to be a Zombie because what happens then? You become Zombie and then what? Where does your soul go? Your conscious?
A tear trails down your cheek and the Zombie is stepping away, wandering back down the hallway and leaving you pressing up against the door, your hand curled around the doorknob. Without hesitation, you open the door and jump inside, letting the door shut gently behind you.
The first thing you see is Park Sunghoon lying on the ground, unresponsive -- but breathing. Immediately, you drop to your knees and shake the boy, “Sunghoon,” you whisper, not liking the odds of this situation. There’s a cut on his temple that’s bleeding. “Fuck sake. Sunghoon!” Your shaking gets more aggressive as each second passes and Sunghoon doesn’t shoot up, gasping for breath.
Desperate times call for desperate measures so you slap Sunghoon. You weren’t sure what you were expecting to get out of this action, but it certainly wakes Sunghoon up. His eyes fly open and his hand comes up to clutch his cheek. Scrambling to sit up, Sunghoon looks at you with wide eyes. “Did you just slap me?”
“What? Was I supposed to kiss you awake?”
It’s silent for a moment. “I mean. I wouldn’t have been opposed to a kiss, Y/N.”
You glare at Sunghoon and slap his bicep. “You are such an idiot! Why were you unconscious? And why are you bleeding? Sunghoon, what happened? We were -- I was worried.”
“Y/N, you -- you were worried?” Sunghoon asks, a little breathless.
You scowl and slap Sunghoon’s bicep again. “Are you even listening to me? What happened?”
“I got scared and fell over, hitting my head on the way down,” Sunghoon explains sheepishly. “I did dream of you saving me though, Y/N.”
“Dork. You’re a fucking clumsy dork, did you know that, Sunghoon?”
“A dork for you,” grins Sunghoon and you push him away, falling onto your bum and feeling hot, taken aback from Sunghoon’s sudden flirty nature.
“Consider us even, then,” you say, “you saved me and now I’m here to save you.”
Sunghoon’s smile is soft, a small dimple peeking in the curve of his cheek. “I have Riki’s phone, though, you ready to go?”
“What about your temple?” You gesture to Sunghoon’s head, “you’re bleeding, Sunghoon.”
“Don’t worry, Y/N, we’ll patch it up later. I don’t know about you, but I still feel uneasy being by ourselves and separated from the group. It’s better we get back quickly before Joon sniffs us out.”
You hum and stand up, holding out your hand for Sunghoon to take. His hand is warm in yours and you ignore the gentle squeeze he gives your hand as you pull open the door slowly. “Remember, be quiet,” you whisper to Sunghoon.
“Of course, Y/N.”
You both step out into the darkness.
The sight that awaits you both is unexpected. Suyeon’s body is sprawled out in the middle of the hallway, her eyes falling out of their sockets and her head smashed in. You immediately avert your eyes as your stomach lurches.
“Oh shit,” Sunghoon hisses, “her throat was slit. Gross. Do you think it was Joon who did this?” Sunghoon’s question is answered soon enough as Ahn Yujin steps out of the shadows, her black hair falling across her shoulders angellically, and bloody covering her hands and splattered across her face. In one of her bloodied hands, she holds a knife. “Oh shit,” Sunghoon repeats, but this time more terrified.
No words are spoken as Yujin charges towards you and as you push Sunghoon away. You weren’t going to let someone else die because of you. You willingly let Yujin’s knife enter your body as she flings her body into yours. You crash into a wall behind you and you hiss in pain, which turns into a bloody cough.
“Y/N!” Sunghoon calls out, but you ignore him.
“Yujin,” you croak, seeing humanity left in her eyes, “Yujin. Don’t do this.” You already know the stab wound is futile, you could feel your wound healing around the knife still stuck in your body. It’s a weird sensation, one you can’t describe.
Yujin twists the knife and you cry out, your hand reaching for Yujin’s hair you tug hard, momentarily taking the girl off guard. You push her away and rip the knife out of your stomach, blood splattering the ground and you hear Sunghoon gasp.
Yujin growls and charges again. You muster up all the strength you have and backhand her, flinging Yujin into the wall. There’s a loud crack and Yujin slumps to the ground, blood trailing down the wall to her slumped figure, her head hanging.
You reach for Sunghoon’s hand again. “Let’s go.” Sunghoon doesn’t hesitate and you both fly down the hallway, not caring if you were loud enough for the Zombies to find you.
To stay the other’s were surprised that you didn’t come back with just Sunghoon and Riki’s phone would be an understatement. The bloodied knife was handed off to Heeseung, and Jungwon had simply sighed, shaking his head. “We really need to get you a new top, Y/N,” Jongseong says, “maybe like a whole pack because you like ruining clothes, don’t you?”
“It’s not like I chose to be stabbed,” you huff bitterly.
In the midst of all of this, Riki falls to his knees and cries out. Instantly, you all fear the worst. “What? What happened, Riki?” Jaeyun asks, his eyes wide and his hand coming to pet Riki’s head. “Is everything okay?”
“My Yuuji sticker!” Riki cries, “it’s not here!”
Sunoo mimics strangling the boy with wild gestures and Sunghoon snorts. “That sucks, but we got a phone for a reason. Don’t let me going unconscious for a few minutes and Y/N getting stabbed by some psycho girl to all go to vain.”
“It wasn’t a few minutes, Sunghoon!” You exclaim, whacking the boy again, “it was an hour!”
“It felt like minutes to me,” Sunghoon shrugs, “though I would love to wake up to your face more often.” The silence that follows after that declaration is awkward.
“Right,” Jungwon says, ripping Riki’s phone out of the crying boy’s hands. “Let’s see what the internet is saying, shall well?” A few seconds later Jungwon is groaning, “why is everything in Japanese? Jongseong? A little help?”
“But it’s Riki’s --” Jongseong cuts himself off as he looks at the unresponsive, crying boy curled up on the ground and Jaeyun hovering beside him awkwardly. “Right.”
“Well?” Sunoo says after a few seconds of silence, “what does it say?”
“It’s loading, Sunoo, patience,” Jongseong snaps, glaring at the younger.
“Old people are so slow,” Sunoo moans.
“You brat --”
“Translate for us, Jongseong,” Jungwon cuts off the older boy, thrusting the phone into his grasp.
Jongseong’s eyes trail over the phone screen in front of him. “Well, the electricity and power and phone service is getting cut off in twenty-one hours.” A heavy silence settles over the group, “so, that means we’ll have no contact to the outside world in twenty-one hours.”
“Well that fucking sucks,” Sunghoon mumbles from next to you.
“Hurry up then, Jongseong,” Sunoo rushes, “see who is still alive. And where the nearest quarantine zone is. I want to get out of here and see my family!”
“Alright, alright,” Jongseong sighs, “get comfortable, it’s going to be a long night. Did you happen to bring a charger with you, Sunghoon? Y/N?”
The two of you share a look. “Uh. . We were supposed to?” Sunghoon replies.
“Airhead. We have two fucking airheads in this group,” Jongseong grumbles and Jungwon comforts him with a look of amusement.
Ignoring Jongseong, you take Sunghoon’s hand into yours again. “Let’s get you patch up, dork, where’s the first aid kit again, Heeseung?” After Heeseung points you in the direction of the first aid kit, and you settle onto the floor a bit away from the group with Sunghoon, you get to work on cleaning up the cut to Sunghoon’s temple.
“How clumsy are you, Sunghoon?” You mutter, slightly amused. “How were you able to hit your head that hard?”
“I get scared easily!” Sunghoon defends himself, pouting slightly. “You would too! Being all alone, surrounded by Zombies and with the threat of a murdererous weird Zombie-person running around hanging over your head!”
You snort and shake your head, tilting Sunghoon’s head to the side slightly. “But,” Sunghoon continues, his voice more softer. “Thank you. For saving me. Twice. The slap wasn’t nice, though.”
“I was desperate, okay,” You say, scowling, “and worried. And concerned -- you weren’t waking up, Sunghoon.”
“I know. And I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize Sunghoon. This might hurt.”
Sunghoon hisses and you send him a smile in apology. “You care about me, Y/N?”
“Of course I do,” you mutter, “you are all I have left. And the others.”
“But mostly me?” Sunghoon smiles a cheeky smile and you scowl, purposefully pushing down on his cut harder.
“Don’t push it, Park.”
Sunghoon reaches up and pinches your waist, making your yelp in surprise. “Sunghoon! I’m cleaning your wound! Don’t make me make it worse on purpose!”
Sunghoon laughs. It’s the laugh you’ve been dying to hear ever since you were fourteen. His smile is wide across his and his eyes crinkle up. He really shines like a star in moments like these. You can’t help but smile, it’s all soft and fond, and love is what makes your smile curve wider. He’s a star that’s shining for you.
“I like it when you laugh, Sunghoon,” you blurt.
Sunghoon holds eye contact with you for what feels like the longest time. “I like it when you smile, Y/N. And I like it when you get so focused your tongue pokes out of your mouth. And I like it when you blow your hair out of your face. And I like your eyes, especially when you’re laughing and I -- I just like you, Y/N.” Hesitancy spreads across Sunghoon’s face and he averts his eyes, cheeks turning a soft red. “I know this is all sudden but -- but you’re not a burden, Y/N, and I hope you don’t think of yourself as one. I care about you, Y/N, and I want you with me, Y/N, that what I wanted to say that night in the recording booth. If I didn’t want you with me, then I wouldn’t have pulled you away when I did.”
The cold, jarring truth strikes you. Sunghoon could’ve left you to die, but he didn’t.
“I want you with me, Y/N, all the time,” Sunghoon admits, more certain of himself now. “So, thank you. For saving me. For patching me up. For being with me.”
“How could I not?” You respond, shaking your head and laughing breathlessly, “you’re all I think about.”
“Y/N --”
“I wasn’t joking when I said you were all I had left. Seeun’s a Zombie and my mother probably is too.” Your voice quivers and you sniff, Sunghoon’s stare getting too intimate for you, so you glance at a spot over his shoulder. “Please don’t leave me either, because I don’t plan on leaving you.”
“Y/N,” Sunghoon whispers, “why would I ever leave you?”
That’s all it takes for you to dissolve into a sea of tears. Sunghoon wraps you up into his arms and holds you close to his chest, his hand gliding through your hair, over the nape of your neck, and down your back.
“Y/N,” Sunghoon cups your chin and tilts your head up, wiping your tears away, his eyes soothe you. “I know this might be a bad time, but there’s nothing better than the present. Can I kiss you? I’ve always wanted to kiss you, did you know that?”
Your heart skips a beat. All the air is knocked out of your lungs. Sunghoon is a star. He’s unbelievable. He makes wishes ceom true. “Sunghoon,” you whisper, “you don’t even have to ask.”
Sunghoon kisses you and the world explodes. His lips are warm. Everything about Sunghoon is warm. He makes you feel warm. He makes you feel special. Sunghoon makes you feel less alone. Sunghoon settles you onto his lap, an arm slipping around your waist while the other cradles the back of your head. He keeps you close to his chest as your mouths move.
Maybe suriving the apocalypse is worth it since it brought you to the exact moment; Sunghoon kissing you.
“Wait,” Sunghoon’s pulling away, sounding breathless, “you like me too, right?”
You giggle. “I like you too, dork,” and you pull him back in for a kiss.
Having a phone works wonders. Jongseong finds out where the nearest quarantine zone is, and he finds out that the apocalypse has spread throughout your small province. Jongseong also found out damning news; in forty eight hours, the school and everything around it would be blown up by bombs dropped from the skies above.
“We need to move quickly,” Jungwon addresses the group. “Today, we need to leave the school and get to the forest. From there, we’ll hopefully have some cover, and be able to reach the zone a couple hours before the bombs are expected to drop, but we have to move quickly.”
“I will move the quickest out of anyone in the group,” Sunoo proclaims confidently. “I want to get out of this hell hole.”
So with the first rays of sunlight peeking through, you and the seven boys move out of the classroom, a backpack strapped to Heeseung and Jungwon’s backs full of enough food and water to make the eight of you last the two day journey.
“At the first sign of Joon, just run,” Heeseung tells the group gravely, “we don’t have time to engage with him. He’ll be blown up shortly anyway.”
As you pass through the hallway where you were stabbed by Yujin, your hand in Sunghoon’s warm embrace, you find her body missing. You share a glance with Sunghoon but neither of you point it out the rest of the group, not wanting to unsettle the happy mood everyone was in today.
Today was full of luck. Everyone was silent and you were all able to easily slip past Zombies. The knife you hold in your free hand didn’t need to be used. Your new t-shirt was bright white and clear of blood. It made you feel good, feeling slightly clean.
You reach the school gym in no time, finding it clear of all Zombies. There, you decide to take a rest, and Jungwon decides to call Kang Taehyun. The dialing tone rings throughout the gym and it’s picked up seconds before the last dial tone rings.
“Riki?” Taehyun asks in disbelief.
“Taehyun,” Jungwon cries out, tears welling in his eyes. “You’re okay.”
“Won,” Taehyun repeats, still in disbelief. “You’re okay? Oh my god, what about the other’s --” a loud clamor takes over Taehyun’s side of the phone. You hear the familiar voices of Yeonjun, and Soobin, and Beomgyu, and Kai. The boys on Jungwon’s side of the phone all crowd around the phone and everything is a mess. (A happy mess, you think.)
After the phone call ends with promises of seeing enach other soon, Jungwon looks over at you. “Y/N? Do you have anyone to call?”
You smile and shake your head. “I have no one, Jungwon.”
“Oh, sorry I asked,” Jungwon seems a little embarrassed and you laugh him off with a wave of your hand.
“It’s okay. Thank you for asking, though.”
“You have us, Y/N,” Sunoo says with a smile. “You’ll always have us, now. Our bond is thicker than blood!”
You laugh, “thank you, Sunoo. I’m glad I have you.”
It rains that night. It pours, but Jungwon doesn’t let up. Loud thunder booms through the sky and the lightning lights up the darkness. You continue to creep around the Zombies in silence, the storm masking any loud noise you make. The storm was a blessing in disguise.
You had entered the forest a few hours ago but none of you had wanted to stop, especially as it began to rain. You all wanted to reach the quarantine zone desperately, already tired from all the running and surviving you had been doing.
Sunghoon squeezes your hand. “Are you doing okay, Y/N?” His voice was close to your ear.
You squeeze back. “Yeah!” You shout over the storm, and that’s when you somehow catch a glimpse of it. A white ribbon. Your breathe stutters and you stumble over, Sunghoon keeping you upright. “Seeun,” you breathe. She moves carelessly through the forest, stumbling over like many of the Zombies you had seen do before. You face the truth you had subconsciously been denying this whole time; Seeun’s a Zombie.
Slipping out of Sunghoon’s grasp and ignoring everyone’s loud calls, you walk over to Seeun. You need to see her one last time. You need to say your apologies one last time, and if you die trying, then so be it. You reach within an arms length distance of Seeun and watch her stumble about quietly. “I’m sorry,” you shout over the storm. “I’m sorry, Seeun.”
She turns towards you and snarls, stumbling forward and stopping in front of you. She copies the movements of the Zombie who you stood face-to-face with in front of Ms. Jang’s office. She sniffs the surrounding area of your body, and then turns away. She lets you live, like that other Zombie did.
Turning back around, your eyes meet Sunghoon’s and the sympathy he holds make tears slip down your cheeks. No one says anything when you return to the group and stick yourself to Sunghoon’s side.
The further you all went into the city you grew up in, the further reality sinks in. Zombies fill every nook and cranny, and the loneliness of the city makes your skin crawl. You all push on, and your eventually have to begin to hide and use your knife as the Zombies become more ruthless and pick up on every small sound.
You grow tired, but you still push on. With Sunghoon beside you, holding you and keeping you safe every step of the way provides you with the strength and energy to push on.
“Would you believe me if I said I was looking for you that day, Y/N?” Sunghoon asks during one of your short breaks, his finger twirling your hair.
“I don’t know. Were you?” You respond, smiling.
“Well. I was looking for any sign of an adult, and also for weapons, but when I saw you, Y/N, all I thought about was keeping you alive and safe.”
You melt against Sunghoon, your head resting on his shoulder. “I like you a lot, Sunghoon,” you whisper, “and maybe if we weren’t in a situation like this, we could be going on a date right now.”
“What kind of date?” Sunghoon asks, oddly interested.
“We’d go ice skating,” you say, “because you’re good at ice skating and I’m shit. You would help me skate, and we’d hold hands, and then we’d go eat something warm and spicy. You’ll make me laugh, and I’ll make you laugh, then you’ll take me home and kiss me goodnight.”
Sunghoon kisses you temple. He doesn’t say anything and you just bask in the silence and the warmth of Sunghoon. “That’s if either of us confessed,” Sunghoon says, “because I don’t think I would’ve ever confessed.”
“Me either,” you admit. “You felt so out of my league, and I never had your attention, so the thought of confessing frightened me.”
Sunghoon laughs and you peer up at him, perplexed. “What’s so funny?”
“You always had my attention, Y/N,” Sunghoon says, and he kisses you.
You reach the quarantine zone and you’re met with guns pointed at you. With your hands raised, you all shuffle into a line and are being tested with a thermometer device. It’s raining again and you shiver, missing the warmth of Sunghoon’s hand holding yours.
“What are you doing?” Jongseong asks the soldier.
“A colder temperature means you’re a Zombie,” the soldier informs Jongseong.
“But what if someone is sick?” Jongseong asks, “then what if you’re leaving someone out to die?”
The soldier smiles, but it isn’t a nice smile. “Would you like me to show you what happens when this thing identifies a Zombie, and then what we do after?”
Jongseong’s immediately shaking his head.
Sunghoon’s herded into the zone before you, and the smile he sends you is a sweet one. It calms you down as only thoughts of Joon’s words fill your head. You hope you’re able to pass this test. You hope you’re able to live a relatively normal with Sunghoon by your side.
But, luck runs out at some point.
A high pitched squealng sound emits from the thermometer device and the world shifts and everything happens at once.
“She’s a Zombie!” The soldier yells, raising his gun and pointing it at you.
“Y/N!” Sunghoon shouts, running to you, his arms wrapping you up as more soldiers swarm the area. “Y/N, everything will be okay, the device probably made a mistake, they just need to do it again --”
“Sunghoon.” You cut him off.
“No,” he says, “I can’t lose you, Y/N, you said you wouldn’t leave me.”
“I don’t want to leave you, Sunghoon,” you admit, “but I have to.”
“How are you so calm about this?” Sunghoon asks, his voice low, “I feel so desperate, Y/N, I feel desperate enough to kill --”
“I was expecting the worst, Hoon.”
Sunghoon stares at you. There are so many emotions flooding his face, your stomach churns. Suddenly, he’s ripped away from you and he struggles, calling out your name. “Y/N! I love you! I love you, and I’d save you again. I’d save you again and again if I had the choice.”
You did your best to keep your tears at bay. You couldn’t have them falling over now. You couldn’t cry. You had to remain strong, even with a gun pointed at your head.
Sunghoon breaks free from the soldier’s grasp and flings himself into your embrace again, clutching you close.
The rain falls harder, soaking you both to the bone.
“Y/N, I love you,” he kisses you so passionately and desperately it makes your heart break. “And I’ll come for you. I’ll find you, Y/N, I promise. I promise that once I find you, I’ll take you ice skating and catch you every time you fall.”
“Of course you will,” you laugh as the tears begin to fall. “You’ll always catch me, no matter what, Hoon.”
“And we’ll be the happiest people on earth, Y/N.”
“Of course we will, Hoon,” you say softly, cupping Sunghoon’s face, “you will always make me the happiest.”
Sunghoon’s ripped away from you and you instantly shiver, the cold overwhelming you. “I’ll find you, Y/N!” Sunghoon shouts, his words tearing your heart apart. “I promise I will!”
You watch as Sunghoon and the rest of the six boys are pulled away from view. You refuse to look at the others because it’ll only break your heart more.
A gun is pointed at your head.
You close your eyes.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper to whoever is listening. “Please forgive me.”
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author’s note, well that was wild and crazy and goofy and im sorry if the pacing seems rushed but i wrote most of this at 1/2/3am when i was tired and sad and completely delusional. there are lots of unanswered plot points like omg what happened to joon?? and suyeon?? and yujin?? why was she so crazy🤣🤣 and how did the infection start?? and did y/n really die?? and i left some of those points unanswered in case i ever decide to write a part two in the future..Gasp😨😨 anyway. i hope u enjoyed reading this mess. i hope u love it😆😆
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quack-quack-snacks · 7 months
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My Navigation and Masterlist
Pairing(s): Gwi-nam x Fem!Reader Author's Note: For the sake of fanfiction - and this applies to all of my aouad stories unless stated otherwise - we shall make it so that Gwi-nam never sexually assaulted/harassed Eun-ji and neither did his friend group because what they did WAS SA/SH and I feel like so many people gloss over that fact. They have never SA/SH anyone and are just regular bullies who just harass and beat people up normally.  Summary: Even turning into a zombie won't stop Gwi-nam from getting back to you before you wake up. Warnings: Normal AOUAD gore and violence, Gwi-nam pushing that girl to her death in the kitchen scene, I think that's it but lmk if there's any more you can find! Word Count: 6,106
One of your favorite parts of the day, because everybody is too preoccupied with their food and their friends to look at you. You always sat alone at your table, right in the middle of the lunch room. You had a great view of everybody around you from here. People-watching became something you were used to doing. 
You didn’t really have any real friends, only ones you would talk to occasionally in the halls and at the beginning of classes. You never would actually text them outside of class, and the conversations would dull after the topic of school stopped, but you liked them nonetheless. You were more of an introvert anyways so not requiring yourself to make friends outside of school was nice. No requirements or plans to attend. There was really only one person who you would actually consider your friend; the only person you would willingly get out of bed to hang out with. 
And he was currently throwing pieces of broccoli at the back of your head.
Yoon Gwi-nam. The school bully’s gopher and, unfortunately, your best friend. You’d been his friend since 7th grade before he joined the group of the bad and left you alone. You weren’t too upset since he still hung out with you outside of school and showed you his friendly affection in other ways - such as with the broccoli bits that were tangled in your hair at the moment - but it got lonely at times. You also knew he only was in their group because of how you’d gotten bullied at the beginning of freshman year and he stood up for you. From there, he also got bullied until one day it just… stopped. For the both of you. The next time you saw him, he was smirking with an arm wrapped around Myeong-hwan’s shoulder as the boy berated a timid-looking girl who had tears running down her cheeks. 
He’d explained everything after school when you’d been ignoring him and you reluctantly agreed to his actions, knowing he was doing it for your benefit as much as, if not more than, his. You didn’t like it, but you weren’t sure of any way to stop him after he’d already dug himself too deep. 
Another broccoli piece hit your head and you leaned your head down to hide your face and your smile. To everyone, you just looked like another one of Gwi-nam and Myeong-hwan’s victims but this wasn’t bullying. This was something you had been doing since the both of you were in seventh grade. It was a test to see how long you could go without getting annoyed and if it lasted more than 10 minutes then you got a beautiful reward of a nice, crisp 5 dollar bill. If you lost, you had to lose said nice, crisp 5 dollar bill. 
The constant hitting was getting on your nerves and you prepared yourself to lose $5 just until you saw students. They were acting weird, crowding around the glass wall leading to the outdoors and screaming. They banged on the door until it broke and everyone fell to the ground in a pile. You stood up to rush forward to help them but stopped halfway across the room when you saw blood.
They were… eating each other.
You stood there paralyzed as you watched and couldn’t move even as one of them started rushing towards you. Just as the bloodied student got within a foot of your face, it was suddenly launched backward by a familiar sneaker.
“Are you okay?” You heard Gwi-nam ask you and scream your name but you just stared in shock at the body that contorted on the floor before it shot back up and roared. Just as it started to charge at you, Gwi-nam yanked you as he grabbed a lunch tray and slammed it across the beast’s face. It fell to the ground and Gwi-nam grabbed your hand to drag you away from the swarm. The sprinklers had turned on from the kitchen catching on fire and suddenly everything was slippery and you could barely keep your footing.
Correction, you couldn’t keep your footing. You slipped to the ground and Gwi-nam’s hand fell from your own when he was tackled by a zombie. He only barely was able to grab another lunch tray and stick it between the beast’s teeth before it could bite him. You quickly stood up and kicked the zombie off of him, slipping while trying to lift Gwi-nam and running hand in hand towards the closing doors of the kitchen. You crouched down and ducked under the metal table before any of the ones in the room could see you. Quickly after, you were joined by two others, a boy and a girl. 
“Get out! No!” Gwi-nam whisper-yelled as he tried to force them back out but you just pulled his hands away from the boy’s hair. 
“Gwi-nam stop! They’ll hear us! Just let them in,” you whispered to him and he rolled his eyes but knew you were right. As everyone piled in, you almost yelped when your legs got pushed out into the walkway but held your hand over your mouth as you pulled your legs back in, holding your breath as you waited to see if any zombie had seen you. Luckily they hadn’t. 
Gwi-nam cursed and glared at the boy who had unintentionally, or maybe intentionally, pushed your leg out. He grabbed you by the waist, pulling you in between his legs so you were laying against his chest to make room for the two as you curled in on yourself. You were too much in shock to think about the crush you’d been harboring for him for years as the first of many tears started to fall down your cheek. A small and almost inaudible whimper escaped your lips but Gwi-nam heard it and quickly used one of his hands to cover your mouth while the other wrapped around your waist and pulled your back further into his chest as he rocked you slightly. No other sounds left you but the tears continued to fall. 
The girl across from you wasn’t as lucky. She whimpered loudly as she cried and you reached out to take her hand, trying to get her to calm down but she just cried louder. 
Gwi-nam let go of your mouth and waist to reach forward and wrap his hands around her face to cover her mouth. “Shh! Shut the fuck up!” He gritted out through his teeth quietly. His head snapped up when he heard snarling before making the quick decision to just kick her out from under the table. She screamed, attracting all of the zombies’ attention and she tried to get up and run away but they got her. You covered your mouth as your breathing quickened and clenched your eyes tightly together. Gwi-nam pulled you into his chest and your head rested in the crook of his neck. The water from the sprinklers was still dripping down the sides of the table the three of you hid under. Your clothes and hair were soaked completely and so were Gwi-nam’s. More tears fell from your eyes and you clinged to his shirt tightly. 
“Go get it,” you heard the boy from above tell the boy across from the two of you. 
“No. I won't,” he protested, whimpering when he saw the glare on his face grow. 
“You stupid little…” Gwi-nam reached forward to grab onto his hair and yanked it. 
“Stop. Please!” He begged. “Just send her! She’s crying just like the other girl was!” He suggested, thinking he was giving a good solution. 
Gwi-nam didn’t speak for a second and you heard the boy let out a sigh of relief when his hair was released. “You know what, you’re right,” you heard him say and your body tensed. He wasn’t actually going to send you out there, was he? “She is crying.”
You forced your body to relax, accepting whatever would happen to you next but tensed back up in surprise when Gwi-nam kicked the boy out into the open. 
“But she’s important.”
The boy quietly started crying when he saw the zombies running towards him and latching onto his leg. He grabbed onto your leg, pulling you with him as he begged for help. 
“Please, help!” He dragged you out from under the table and you had to bite your tongue to keep from screaming as you desperately kicked at his hands. Gwi-nam came up from behind you and dragged you away, helping you to your feet before moving the both of you to dodge a zombie approaching him from behind. He quickly pushed you down so you were climbing through the space under the metal table before following closely behind and moving out of the way just as you put another, smaller, table in between the space of the two of you and the zombie. It just barely stopped the zombie from underneath, who you realized was the girl Gwi-nam had kicked out from under the table, from biting the two of you as she reached desperately but to no avail. As the two of you took a deep breath of relief from the zombie being out of reach, you quickly tugged Gwi-nam away by the sleeve after seeing another zombie approaching from the right and pushed a moving cart in front of the undead boy, causing him to fall over and scramble to get up. You both backed up and you heard someone trying to get your attention from beside you. 
“Hey, kids. Down here. Come quick!” The older lunch lady told you and motioned for you to join her under the countertop. You let out a breath of relief as you moved towards her but it faltered when you saw the zombie you knocked over with the cart get up and rush towards you. Gwi-nam quickly grabbed your wrist and moved you out of the way as he grabbed the woman’s outreached hand and pulled her in front of him just as the zombie latched its teeth onto her neck. Her screams echoed through the small room and you let out a shaky breath as he pushed both the woman and the zombie away before rushing forward, your hands still interlocked, and trying to get to the other side of the kitchen. He stopped short and turned around to go the other direction when he saw the boy who suggested throwing you to the zombies contort his body in odd ways before getting up and scrambling towards you. Another zombie ran towards Gwi-nam but he stopped just short to avoid being the next victim of the virus, pulling you away from the zombie boy sneaking up on you from behind. Gwi-nam bent down suddenly and grabbed a knife, holding it out in front of him as he pushed you behind him and into a corner. Feeling useless, you looked around for something, anything, to help and luckily saw a butcher’s knife laying on a cutting board where lettuce pieces were scattered around on. As Gwi-nam was looking at one of the zombies on the other side of the room, the girl trapped underneath the metal table had escaped and jumped towards him before you grabbed her hair to yank her back, slashing her across the neck and getting blood scattered across your hand and face. You didn’t have any time to be disgusted or wipe yourself off when the lunch lady came up to you, now zombified, and tried to pull your arm into her mouth only for you to slash her across the face with your knife and then again across her throat, successfully making her drop to the floor in a lifeless heap. You looked over just in time to see the boy who turned the lunch lady into a zombie charge for Gwi-nam only to be thrown to the ground after he stabbed him through the neck with his own knife. Hastily, the two of you killed off the remaining zombies in the room together and breathed heavily after you finished. 
You walked over to the sink and grabbed a paper towel from a roll to your left before wetting it and wiping down your face before turning to Gwi-nam and walking over to him. It wasn’t a lot, but he had blood drops scattered along his face so you gently reached up to wipe them away and he just watched you in silence with an unknown look in his eyes as you did. 
Once you were done, you let your hand fall to your side and dropped the wipe to the side with a heavy sigh. The sound of creaking was heard to the side and the both of you looked over in fear as the gate protecting you from the horde of zombies surrounding the kitchen started to break in some areas. “We should go. I don’t think that will hold them for much longer. Especially since they know we’re in here and probably won’t back down anytime soon,” you told him and he nodded in agreement. He looked around before setting his eyes on the window of the room and pointing to it. 
“There. We can use that to leave. We definitely can’t use the kitchen entrance so I think this will be the best option,” he explained and you hummed in agreement as you both walked up to it. You saw a lever to the side and quickly unlatched it before pushing the window open and looking around outside to see if there was anything, or anyone, out there that would put either of you at risk. The sun was going down and it was harder to see but you looked over and saw a small alleyway that appeared to be empty. You quickly jumped up onto the windowsill and Gwi-nam frantically put his hands on your waist to stop you from falling, which you let out a small laugh at. You sent him a look behind your shoulder and he rolled his eyes before playfully pretending to push you forward which you flinched at but then let out a small laugh. Jumping down onto the other side of the window, you kept watch as Gwi-nam helped himself get over the sill to hop down beside you. The both of you snuck behind the alleyway and peeked behind the wall to look for any escape. By that point,  the sun had faded behind the horizon and the world was encased in darkness besides the lights that automatically turned on from the school’s lampposts. Looking around, you noticed a bike. Without looking, you lightly tapped Gwi-nam on the chest to get his attention and pointed at it. 
“Fuck, luck us,” he exclaimed quietly and looked around to see how much of a risk the path to the bike was. “All we need to do is get to the bike.”
Grabbing your hand in one of his and his knife in the other, he quickly set a path to there. You noticed zombies had realized your appearance and tried to tug him back but it was too late. Letting go of his hand, you grabbed an oncoming zombie by the shoulders and threw it to the ground behind you, helping Gwi-nam up from where he’d fallen. You both sprinted to the vehicle and you grabbed both Gwi-nam and your own knives while he hastily got on the bike, trying to get it started and going quick enough for you to jump on so the two of you could go. Unfortunately, as he started ascending the bike, the two of you noticed the chain was broken and you cursed at your luck. 
Not so lucky after all. 
Abandoning the bike, the two of you jumped off and made a run for the school’s front entrance. The bike had slowed down the zombies behind you but the ones in front of you were still a risk and you had to stab one to stop it from getting too close. You gave Gwi-nam his knife back after you two had successfully made it back into the building and closed the glass doors behind you. Letting out an exasperated groan, you yanked Gwi-nam’s hand and pulled him along as you saw more zombies chasing after you, these ones inside of the building with you. You both ran around through the corridors, getting cornered by zombies but luckily finding an open door. 
The principal’s office.
You both ran in and Gwi-nam slammed the door shut behind him. You turned around just in time for a zombie to lunge at you and you shoved its chest hard so it fell backwards. Gwi-nam grabbed one that was creeping up behind you and stabbed it a few times through the neck before throwing it over the principal’s desk where you heard it twitching and groaning before going silent. While he dealt with the another one, you handled the other two and the two of you cleared the room with great amounts of exerted effort. 
You bent forward and rested your hands on your knees as you took deep breaths in to try and regulate your breathing. “Fuck. What the fuck. This is so fucked up,” you rambled under your breath and was Gwi-nam carelessly threw his knife down onto the coffee table before resting his hands above his head to try and regulate his own breathing. 
“I hate this fucking school,” he complained and unceremoniously plopped down onto one of the soft chairs in the room. Walking over, you plopped down onto the one next to him and sighed. 
“Let’s just go to sleep for a bit, we’re both too fucking tired to think properly, let alone fight anymore. Maybe tomorrow we can try to find another way out,” you reached over to where a modern rotary phone resided and tried dialing 119 but the dead dial tone playing through showed you that it was either broken or the calling services no longer worked. You sighed in exhaustion before falling to the side and resting your head on the arm rest of the chair. You could feel Gwi-nam’s eyes on you but didn’t bother looking up at him as your eyes fell heavily closed and your breathing seemed to even out on its own. The soft hand that fell onto your hair and gently caressed it away from your face didn’t help in keeping you awake and you felt your consciousness slipping through your fingers like sand at the beach. 
The next morning, Gwi-nam woke with a start as he felt tapping on his arm and turned to see the one and only principal next to him. His hand fell away from where it limply rested atop your head and you let out a small groan of protest in your sleep which he would have thought was adorable if he wasn’t just rudely awoken by one of the last people he wanted to see. “Hey. You're Gwi-nam, right?” The principal asked him while he looked around nervously.
“What? Why?”
“How is it outside? Still the same?” He pestered and Gwi-nam groaned as he realized the situation he was still in, turning over in his seat to try and go back to sleep, now knowing neither you nor him were in any danger. 
“You can drive a car, right?” The principal asked him and he just looked up at him before shaking his head lightly. 
“I can't,” he denied. 
“Come on!” The principal complained. “I had to cover up your mess last year when you guys drove your dad's car and caused an accident!” Gwi-nam just looked around in slight embarrassment before looking back up at him questioningly. 
“Why do you ask?”
The principal reached into his pocket and retrieved a keychain with his car keys attached. “Here's my car key. It's in the parking lot. License plate, 7340,” he turned to go to his desk, opening a drawer and retrieving something from there before closing it loudly. Gwi-nam’s head snapped over to where you were still laying asleep and breathed out a sigh of relief when you didn’t even stir. “Bring it here,” the man walked over with a new pair of fresh socks in his hand and sat down on the couch beside you to put them on. 
Gwi-nam slowly sat up and leaned forward with his elbows resting on his knees. “Why?” He questioned. 
“Go to the night duty room and out the window, it's in the lot.”
Gwi-nam groaned, realizing what he was being asked to do and layed back in the chair with his feet resting on the coffee table. His head laid against the back of the cushion and his hand returned to resting on top of your head, lazily scratching your head with his fingertips. “No way.”
“You punk. Listen to your principal at once!” The man arrogantly ordered him but Gwi-nam just sat back up and looked at him in annoyance while he defied him. 
“I said no,” his eyes looked over at his knife just as the principal’s did too and they both reached forward for the object at the same time. The principal was quicker and grabbed onto it, holding it out in front of him awkwardly but threateningly. 
“Give me that,” Gwi-nam demanded before grabbing onto the principal’s wrist and wrestling him for it. “Give me that!”
“You punk!”
“I said to let go!” Gwi-nam raised his voice as he finally got the principal to let go and looked down at you briefly only to see you still sleeping peacefully on the chair. “Damn it,” he sighed quietly and waved the knife back and forth as he looked back at the principal who looked terrified. 
“Fine. Just get out of here.”
“Go with me.” Gwi-nam insisted but the man shook his head in rebuttal. 
“Why should I? You go.”
“Go with me to the car. It'd be nice to have a shield, anyway,” Gwi-nam told him while gesturing to the older man’s body as he explained the purpose he would be using him for. 
“What's wrong with you? Stay away!” The principal picked up a plant pot from beside him and held it above his head as if he was going to throw it. 
“My god. Look at you,” Gwi-nam degraded and rolled his eyes at how pathetic he looked. “All right, Mr. Principal. If this were a game, I'd be… happy to kill you… sir.”
“Stop! Stay away!” The older man begged after Gwi-nam took a step forward, his voice raising. “Why don’t you just take her!” He pointed down to where you were still sleeping peacefully, undisturbed by the loud noises coming from above around you and Gwi-nam hosted a smile for a moment before turning back to glare at his so-called principal. 
“God, why does everything suggest that?” He took another threatening step forward. “Is it so fucking hard to see that she’s important to me? I guess everyone is just too fucking dense to see it.” The principal looked worried for his own safety and suddenly Gwi-nam had wrestled him down so he was pressed against the coffee table with his chest down. “And keep it down, would you? She may be a fucking deep sleeper but anyone would wake up with a voice annoying as yours blaring in their ears.”
Suddenly, the door burst open and a familiar face popped in. 
Cheong-san looked back and forth between the two of them, his eyes falling on the sleeping girl on the couch before training back on where Gwi-nam had the principal restrained against the table. 
“Is that the principal?” He questioned, confused.
“Get this jerk off my back!” The older man protested and begged. “Get this psychopath!”
“Shh! I told you to shut the fuck up, didn’t I?” Gwi-nam grabbed his collar roughly to stop him from talking.
“What the hell, Gwi-nam?” Cheong-san asked the bully only to receive no answer but a demand instead. 
“Cheong-san. Come here and tie his arms. The bastard won't stay still.”
“Hey. What are you doing?” He questioned with his eyes blown wide in shock.
“Come and tie him up,” Gwi-nam tried again. 
“You're finished. Do you hear me? I'm expelling you! Untie me now!” The principal yelled only for Gwi-nam to shush him again and press his knife against his throat.
“Gwi-nam! Stop that!”
“Stop what? This fucking guy…” he stood up, pointing towards the helpless and pathetic man on the table before pointing the knife towards himself. “Tried to kill me. He said to go out and get his car!” He then switched the knife to his other hand and pointed his now knife free hand towards you. “And he tried to make me use her as a shield!” Gwi-nam leaned back down over the principal and pressed the knife onto his neck again. “You call yourself a principal.”
He suddenly got off of the principal and hid the knife behind his back as he saw Cheong-san bring out a phone from his pocket and start recording him.
“That's right. Good idea!” The principal praised Cheong-san’s quick thinking.
“I'm filming everything,” the boy explained. “Let go, or I'm gonna send this to the police immediately.”
“You little… I will kill you,” Gwi-nam threatened. 
“Just stop acting like human garbage. No one respects you just because you act tough.”
“I'm the new boss of this school,” Gwi-nam explained to him like it was obvious. “Don't you get it?”
“Don't make me laugh. You're just a fucking loser who will serve bullies for his entire life,” Cheong-san spat at him and Gwi-nam’s face fell to a much more intimidating and annoyed one. He let his arms fall from behind his back, the knife no longer hidden from the camera. 
“Yeah? Say that again,” Gwi-nam dared him but turned around after the principal had maneuvered himself off the table so he was near you, his leg pumped into yours and you stirred faintly which caused Gwi-nam to rush forward, slicing the side of the principal’s neck where he fell to the floor and bled out. 
He walked towards Cheong-san who lowered the phone down in shock after seeing what he just witnessed. “You fucking…” Cheong-san couldn’t finish his sentence because of his shock as Gwi-nam walked towards him slowly, wiping the blood from his knife into his red-stained white button up shirt. 
“So am I… still a loser? Are you with me or not? The phone,” Gwi-nam stuck his hand out as he demanded him to give him the phone with the video on it. 
“You just murder-”
“Give me the phone!”
Gwi-nam lunged forward, trying to slash at Cheong-san who narrowly avoided his attack. The two ran around each other and scuffled for a bit before Cheong-san got ahead and ran out of the room with the cell phone in his possession. The zombies in the hall followed after him and Gwi-nam ran after him before turning back to look at you where you were still sleeping. It amazed him how heavy of a sleeper you were, not waking up even after all of that chaos. He rushed forward, giving you a sweet kiss on your forehead before silently promising you he would be back, running out the door and softly closing it behind him before chasing after Cheong-san. 
Soon enough, the two ended up in the library. After seeing Cheong-san getting mauled off of the top of a bookshelf, Gwi-nam jumped on top of the bookshelf and yanked the shirt of the boy who pushed him off, successfully returning the favor and causing the zombies to lunge for the fallen boy. Gwi-nam chased after Cheong-san, both boys avoiding zombies whenever they came into near contact with them. The latter had jumped up onto a bookshelf but was stopped when a couple of zombies had tried to pull his leg down so he would fall. He managed to kick them off him and got onto the bookshelf but one followed him up. It miscalculated its jump and slammed into the light, bringing it down with it as it fell to the ground. Cheong-san had no time to breathe in relief as he saw Gwi-nam appear on top of another bookshelf and jump after him. They both scrambled after and away from each other, now crouching next to each other only separated by the gap of the two bookshelves and the zombies below. 
“Cut it out,” Cheong-san grit out while both of them breathed heavily.
“Give me the fucking phone,” Gwi-nam demanded and held out his hand, waiting impatiently. He was desperate to get back to you, desperate to just hold you again and finally be able to say what he’d been too much of a coward to for the past three years. Now might as well be the perfect time. 
“You killed the principal. You're a murderer.”
“You made me kill him, you shit!” Gwi-nam hissed. “You wanted proof I wasn't a coward.”
“You're insane.”
Gwi-nam slowly stood up, ready to fight and Cheong-san followed his lead. They stared into each other’s eyes for a moment before Cheong-san dashed in the other direction. Gwi-nam followed and lunged for the boy’s legs, knocking him down so he hit his head on the top of a bookshelf before falling to the floor where zombies quickly followed after and tried to take a bite of his flesh. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on who you asked, Cheong-san managed to get back up on a bookshelf only to find Gwi-nam already there. He kicked him in the stomach only to have ended up landing on his back with Cheong-san on top of him, trying to stop all of his attacks. The bookshelf rattled from the two’s fighting and from the zombies below trying to knock them over. 
Gwi-nam noticed the pulling the zombies had been doing to the bottom of his pant leg and screamed at them, “Get off me!”
Just as he managed to get the zombies off and stood up, Cheong-san pulled down the light above them and slammed it against Gwi-nam’s back. An act that seemed to have no effect. The boy grabbed Cheong-san and slammed him down against the bookshelf before forcing his head over the edge and making it so he was dangling above the zombies who reached up and tried to grab at his hair. 
“Should I save you?” Gwi-nam taunted. “What do you say? Beg for your life. Come on.”
“Screw you,” the other boy refused and Gwi-nam pulled his head up to punch him a few times, succeeding in knocking him out before searching his pants for the phone. 
Just as he found it and tried to search for the photos app, Cheong-san woke up again and hit the phone out of his reach, just barely managing to catch it in his other hand above the zombie horde who reached endlessly for a bit of his flesh. Gwi-nam angrily resorted to choking him to try and get him to either pass out again or to reluctantly give him the phone.
Neither of which happened.
Gwi-nam screamed and whimpered in agony as he found himself with the edge of the phone lodged in his eyes, screaming even more as he then found himself being pushed off of the bookshelf and into the void of death below. 
He fought for a way out, pushing the zombies away but only ending up to where he was laying against the top of a table and the zombies piled on top of him. He reached out for Cheong-san, now begging for his own life in an act of life’s cruel irony. “Damn it! Shit! Help me! Cheong-san! Fuck! Oh, please!” He begged and begged but Cheong-san only looked down at him before looking away, trying to plan for his escape. Gwi-nam cursed him silently, vowing to end his life and not let him get away with this.
“I'll kill you. I will kill you. Fuck you,” He cursed him in his head. “I'll…”
He stopped moving all together as his body gave in to the call of death, only leaving one last thought as he left the land of the living. 
Less than an hour later, Gwi-nam awoke in the same spot on the table, confused and scared as zombies still surrounded him. He looked down and pinch lightly at where he saw a bite mark had appeared on his stomach. “Oh, shit. Did I die? Am I dead?”
Suddenly zombies came running towards him after hearing the noise. He gasped and flinched back as he prepared himself to be attacked again only for the zombie to stop short after smelling him. More followed but none attacked him. They all just turned away like there was nobody there. 
“Hey!” He experimented after the zombies turned around, looking for their next prey. They all turned back to him but turned back around after not smelling fresh meat. 
A small smirk started to cover his face as he started to realize what was happening. “Aren't you gonna eat me, you zombie bastards?”
When they all growled but made no move to attack him. He let out a confused laugh before deciding to stand up, still cautious of the zombies surrounding him. When none of them tried to go after him, the fear he harbored started to dim and he gained more confidence with every step. He walked up to where a cracked mirror was and took slow steps as the memory of Cheong-san stabbing him with the edge of the phone refilled his mind. He slowly touched his eye, wincing when it stung a tiny bit but much less than he expected it to. 
“Cheong-san, you son of a bitch! I'll kill you,” he vowed before his one good eye widened in realization. “Fuck!” 
He started panicking as he thought about you being all alone before realizing he had closed the door and you were safely inside, probably still asleep from how deep of a sleeper you were. He calmed down and walked around, finding a ONE HEART club jacket and putting it on after taking off his blood-stained white button-up. 
“What the fuck?” He sighed as he put the jacket on and zipped it up. “That means…” He paused as he looked around at the zombies who were growling and running into the walls around him. “I'm God.”
He rolled his eyes at the zombies before making his way back towards the principal’s office. He opened the door quickly and entered the room before any zombies could follow up behind him. He walked over and saw you in the same position he had left you in with your head resting on the arm rest and your legs curled up. He let out a small and quiet laugh as he walked over, making sure to be quiet as he gently lifted you from the couch and gathered you in his arms so you were sitting on his lap with your head resting against the curve of his neck. You let out a small groan of protest as your eyes fluttered open slightly. 
“Gwi-nam?” You whispered out in confusion and tried to lift your head but he just gently pushed you back into his chest which you followed without any more complaint. “Where’d you go?” You asked, your words mumbling together and he cursed himself for you waking up while he was absent. 
“I just had to deal with some things, but I’m back now.”
“You should’ve woken me up,” you scolded him lightly while wrapping your arms around his torso. 
“But then you would’ve been awake and I would’ve had to listen to your dumbass scolding me,” he teased lightly and you lightly slapped the back of his arm from where you were holding him. 
He smiled softly and leaned his head on top of your own, his cheek pressed to your crown, waiting for you to go back to sleep. He wasn’t satisfied until he heard your breathing even out once more. Lifting his head up, he looked down at you with a soft gaze as you breathed in deep breaths through your nose. Every exhale would softly blow against his neck but he didn't care. He tried to suppress his emotions but couldn’t stop the love bubbling underneath his skin and threatening to escape. He leaned down and pressed a loving kiss to your forehead before leaning his head back onto yours and closing his eyes, trying to get more sleep of his own. 
“To hell with Cheong-san,” he thought to himself. “I’m never leaving you again.”
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smuttykdrama · 5 months
[Suhyeok x Bully!Hambie!Gwinam's Sister!Reader / All Of Us Are Dead]
Warnings: NONCON (Well, sort of? Suhyeok's saying no but he actually wants it?), Female Reader, Sub!Suhyeok, Dom!Reader, Smut, Degrading.
(A/N): So i just finished AOUAD and hOLY FUCK i need more Suhyeok smut. I'm a massive fucking domme so had make this idea into a fanfic!! I might make a longer one tbh, like a book on wattpad or something haha. Anyways, filth under the cut!
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"What are you smirking at, you brat, huh? Answer me.“
You moved like a predator, dangerous and calculating, and Suhyeok panted pathetically before you even touched him. You'd roughed him up a little so he was too exhausted to dare to escape your clutches.
“Nothing! None of your business, Yoon (Y/N)."
As defiant and brave as ever, Suhyeok wasn’t going to give himself up without a fight, even if he didn’t want to win that fight anyways. You'd found him alone in a classroom full of zombies, fighting for his life. Luckily, you were there to help him out of that sticky situation...and into another one. You and your psycho brother, Yoon Gwinam, had both turned into a Hambie. Conveniently, Gwinam told you that Suhyeok was yours, as long as he have Cheongsan to torment. Nightmare siblings, everyone called you.
"Lee Suhyeok. I saved you. How are you going to repay me, huh?"
You picked him up from the floor like he weighed nothing, ripping his blazer and shirt apart almost instantly, shocking him. A part of Suhyeok felt violated, but another part excited him. He'd hanged with the school bullies before, hence he knew you, and secretly liked you and your fierce attitude.
"Come on, thats enough, (Y/N). Let me go. I have to get back to the others."
Your eyes widened in anger.
"Say that again. I dare you. Do you know what fucking bullshit i had to go through to finally capture you?!"
Suhyeok accidentally moaned as you cornered him and tangled a hand in your hair, tugging on it. You basically hissed, nails leaving tracks across the tanned, unblemished skin of his chest. He gasped, attempting to push you away as you sucked on his neck harshly, making sure not to bite him...yet.
“Wha- (Y/N)..stop - nnghh..."
Suhyeok trailed off, groaning, his adams apple bobbing up and down as you traced his neck. It made you thirsty for more; to claim him as yours, to hurt him more. There was nothing more erotic than a strong fighter submitting to you completely, unable to defend himself from your advances. The truth is, ever since Suhyeok stopped talking to you, your brother and the other bullies, day by day you grew more frustrated with him. And his stupid bravery. The fact that he's not yours. That hes so perfect and good and distancing himself from you. From evil.
"Please, (Y/N). I have to help our classmates -"
Oh come on. Even when he was being violated like this, Suhyeok was thinking of others. At this point he knows he’s going to be punished for even believing that you were a nice person. Because you were a possessive freak. A weirdo. Someone who’s entire existence is frowned upon. If only he knew what it was like to be infatuated with someone until you’d either kill a person, or them.
“Don’t you get it? You’re mine. Stay out of everyone’s sight. Don’t touch them, talk to them, look at them, or even breathe in their direction. I'll kill you if you go back."
Before Suhyeok could say anything else, he choked on his next words as you peeled your panties off and picked him up, thrusting straight onto him, his cock completely filling you up. In that moment, he felt himself crumble in front of you. In this very moment, all Suhyeok wanted was to feel alive again. To forget about the damn zombies. You felt the sweet sting of him stretching you open, filling you to the brim and you know you’d never feel this with anyone else. No matter how shady and unethical and terrifying you were, Suhyeok knew you were not the kind of woman you find twice. 
“Are you fucking with me? You like this don’t you? You dirty little whore, Lee Suhyeok, enjoying being used by a filthy possessive girl like me. You want to be owned. Be thankful i haven't turned you already."
You weren’t taking your time, the way you’re fucking him into the wall—bucking your hips into his at a frantic pace and making him whine—it wasn’t for pleasure. No, he could tell by the way you’re keeping him close, not trying to change your angle to get deeper, that you wanted to possess him completely.
He finally whispered, his eyes averting from your gaze as you fucked him into oblivion. The slapping of flesh was loud, and so was the sound of Suhyeok's ever so needy moaning. And your heavenly whimpers.
"(Y/N), fuck, im yours. I'm yours, so own me."
That's what you liked to hear.
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airbendertendou · 1 month
Can you make gyeongsu x reader? Fluff or something like
AFTERNOON TiCKET! ♡ han gyeongsu
synopsis : you aren’t dating. why does everyone keep asking that?
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
a head hits your shoulder as the noise of the cafeteria echoes around you. gyeongsu’s hair tickles your neck as you converse with suhyeok. he looks to your right and smirks before continuing to eat his lunch.
you jostle your right shoulder, only smiling at the unhappy groan you receive. “you have to eat, too, you know.”
gyeongsu lets out a huff, his chilled nose brushing against your neck as he stretches. sleepy eyes barely open, only prying his mouth open just slightly. you grin, holding the food up to his mouth so he can eat.
“so,” cheongsan eyes you both, “how long will it be now? a few months or…?”
you chew on the food in your mouth, placing some in gyeongsu’s right after. “for what?”
the table goes silent as gyeongsu sits up. he yawns, taking a sip of your drink before rubbing his eyes. “what are we talking about again?”
it’s daesu who answers despite the others telling him not to speak. “you’re dating.”
the bell rings before gyeongsu can say more.
you clean off the desks, eyes bouncing to gyeongsu and cheongsan as they giggle and sweep the floor. onjo nudges you as she walks by, a sly look on her face. isak trails up beside her, a damp washcloth swinging in her hands.
you pause from your cleaning to look up at them. isak gestures to the gray hoodie you wear. “it’s official, then? this is how you tell everyone?”
your face heats immediately as you turn frantically, making sure your conversation wasn’t overheard. you pat their arms tenderly yet desperately. “shut up! shush, shhh!”
“sorry!” onjo giggles to herself as she pulls isak away. “have fun!”
gyeongsu stands behind you now, your bag and his slung over his shoulder. he looks over your figure, clad in his own hoodie with a grin. “ready to head home?”
you trek behind gyeongsu slowly, eyeing the way his empty hand swings. you ache to hold it — can feel the phantom touch of his fingers twining into your own. “date me.”
the words come out before you can stop them. gyeongsu pauses and you think you should take it back — say you hadn’t spoke at all. his head tilts and it’s so endearing you could cry.
“officially.” you pick at your nails nervously as gyeongsu stands in front of you. “be my boyfriend, please.”
gyeongsu’s mouth falls open before he snaps it back shut. he’s going to reject you, your throat closes up. you’ve ruined everything. “i— thought we were already dating.”
a confused silence bubbles around you now. gyeongsu stares at you as you stare at him. his fingers inch to yours and he grabs your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze with a smile. “the first time you held my hand on the way home. you were mine, i thought.”
you gulp, “oh.” and then you laugh, tugging him closer as your empty hand clutches onto his chest. “i think we’re stupid.”
gyeongsu deepens his voice dramatically, into a silly tone before placing his forehead to yours. “stupid in love.”
you shove him away with a grin, smile widening when he only brings you closer once more.
he’s the perfect person for this trope me thinks <3 thank you for requesting, i hope you enjoyed!! if youd like to b tagged / untagged in any aouad content, let me know! ♡
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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ksnfangz · 3 months
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Okay i have a few fic ideas that i’ve kinda started but never completed ( some may be dropped lol ) if you have one that’d you’d like to see sooner or any request pls comment or send an ask!! ( I write for enhypen , p1harmony , and txt )
Paring : Sunghoon x reader // multiple chapters
SUMMARY : Park Sunghoon and y/n l/n would never consider themselves friends… just two people who’ve been stuck together since elementary who can barely tolerate one another. But as a zombie outbreak takes over their city and school the two start to realize the true weight of their relationship.
Paring : Jake or Jongseob x reader // one shot
SUMMARY : in which a barista with a love for photography meets a girl with a picture perfect smile.
Paring : ot5 txt x reader // multiple chapters
SUMMARY : y/n is sent down to earth to protect the lives of 5 different boys in order to regain her own
Paring : Ni-ki x reader // multiple chapters
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terpsichorestyx · 9 months
hiiii!! i was wondering if u could do a aouad Su-hyeok fic where him and the reader we’re together in the broadcasting room with everyone else but she ended up getting lost when they were going to save Cheong-San? Maybe she re-finds them after the group got to the roof ?
(established relationship if that’s okay 🤗)
i really hope that makes sense (_T_)
sorry it took so long 😭 su-hyeok x f!reader
murder, zombies, blood (everything in aouad basically)
(on-Jo likes cheongsan, Nam-ra doesn’t like anyone. Also the whole rooftop thing with eun-Ji doesn’t happen at the same time. she’s already a halfbie and her friend is at the safety camp already.)
Not proofread and it’s not very good 💀👍
You both were together when it happened. Su-Hyeok had bought you flowers out of the blue, and you were laughing together outside. He had put a baby pink flower in your hair, stuffing the rest in the dark blue bag that hung on your shoulders. He was just leaning in for a kiss when you both heard a bloodcurdling scream, and saw a horde of students running in one direction infront of you. Looking to see what they were running away from, you saw a group of bloody students stumbling behind the rest. An unfortunate girl had tripped and fell, and you both watched as the group fell on top of her while ripping flesh from her skin with their teeth. You looked at Su-Hyeok in fear, and he got up holding your hand and ran through the halls, following the other students.
You both ran until you found a safe classroom and locked yourselves inside.
Gyeong-Su, Cheongsan, On-Jo, Na-Yeon, Dae-Su, Nam-Ra and Hyeon-Ju were already inside.
Since then, you all stuck together. Bad things happened, like Hyeon-Ju getting infected, zombies breaking in, and more, but you all stuck together and fought no matter how much you were hurting. Eventually, you had found a way to the broadcasting room. The water-pipe hung from the window and everybody took their turns going down. You volunteered to go last, after Su-Hyeok.
In the broadcasting room, Na-Yeon and Gyeong-Su had began arguing. Su-hyeok and Cheongsan went to make them stop, so they didn’t notice. If they did, you would’ve been with them right now. You weren’t blaming them, if anything, you blamed yourself. You had slipped. You slipped off the pipe, and luckily grabbed onto a ledge a few floors down just in time. Too scared to call for help in case you attracted the zombies, you went inside the class hoping to find the others soon later.
Su-Hyeok realised soon enough, and he was frantic. He tried climbing up the pipe to get you, but in your place were a bunch of zombies. He wanted to leave, to find you, to save you and bring you back to safety, but nobody let him. He still had hope you were alive. You were strong, he knew that. Despite the growing feeling of despair each hour he wasn’t with you, he held onto that string of hope.
You, on the other hand, were fighting. Running from class to class, hitting zombies with anything and everything you could find. You took a break in the music room, trying to stock up on food and water. Opening your bag and looking at the flowers for a second, before gently placing the food inside to not ruin the flowers. “He’ll be okay. He’s with everyone else, and he’s going to be safe.” You thought.
Your break was interrupted by a lone zombie running to the music room. Dropping your bag, you pushed a piano onto it before grabbing a bottle of water and running. You ran to the roof. Luckily, the door was unlocked and you could find refuge there.
You saw helicopters near the school before, you knew more would come soon after, so you waited.
Meanwhile, Su-Hyeok was with everyone else. They had used a drone to locate Cheongsan, but couldn’t find a trace of you. They had made their way to the music room and sat there for a while before exploring the music room for useful things. They couldn’t open the supply room door, but they saw a zombie stuck under a piano.
“Hey, What’s this?” Dae-Su said as he picked up a dark blue bag. Su-hyeok didn’t pay attention. He was caught up in his thoughts. “Is she okay? It’s almost been two days.” He thought. Dae-Su opened the bag and said “Hey! There’s food here!” Which caught Su-Hyeok’s attention. They group had been starving for hours. They all scrambled to Dae-Su to take some food. Su-Hyeok went last, but just as he was about to pick up a Soda can he saw a familiar bouquet of flowers. Wilting baby pink flowers were placed beside the food, just barely out of sight. He grabbed the bag and looked around it, finding a name tag with your name on it.
He froze. He couldn’t think of anything, nothing registered in his mind. Your bag was in the music room, bloody. You were in the music room. You left your bag here, with food and water. By choice? No. Something must have happened. The small string of hope he was holding onto was gone.
Everybody came around to gather, and they all saw your bag. Though they tried to comfort Su-Hyeok, they were all thinking the same thing. You were bitten.
After that, nothing mattered. su-hyeok felt dissociated. He was fighting, but for what?
They made a plan to go to the roof, so that the helicopters notice and save them. So they did. They fought and fought until they made it to the roof, and started banging on the doors to get in.
You were skeptical at first, but you heard Cheongsans voice. You ran to the door and pulled it open.
Everyone fled inside and closed the door behind them, and then you saw him.
He spotted you and his eyes widened in relief. He ran to you and pulled you into the tightest hug, never wanting to let you go. “I thought you were dead” said su-hyeok, holding back tears.
You didn’t say anything, you just held him closer. Sure, you would have to keep fighting, and it won’t be easy, but you were together. All of it was okay if you were together, and he wasn’t going to let you go ever again.
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jaeyunverse · 11 months
into the fandomverse | an enhypen collab call
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welcome to into the fandomverse, a collaboration project for all engenes who enjoy writing on tumblr. i recently hit 3k followers and am hosting this event in celebration of said milestone. all details about the collab are under the cut. i hope you consider joining and spread the word so that your friends can join too :’)
collab masterlist
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the general theme of the collab is that your fic should be set up in an alternate universe that already exists in a movie, show, book, game, comic, kdrama or anime. for example: harry potter x enhypen, haikyuu x enhypen, shadowhunters x enhypen etc. it really doesn’t matter what crossover or universe you choose as long as it is not problematic :)
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there are 21 slots in total i.e three for each member.
slots will be given on a first come, first serve basis so that the allotment is fair.
explicit smut is NOT allowed. implied smut is permitted ONLY for the HYUNG LINE—it goes without saying that you must be an adult if you wish to include anything nsfw in your submission.
member x reader and member x oc are the only pairings allowed. no member x member fics! remember to be inclusive of all races and body types if you are writing a x reader fic.
appearances of members other than the one you have chosen are allowed, but please make sure that the main focus of the fic is your chosen member!
your fic can include sensitive subjects as long as they are not romanticized, portrayed in bad light or represented incorrectly. also, please make sure to put proper trigger warnings above the read more cut once you post your fic.
no racism, ableism, homophobia or similar prejudices. you will be removed from the collab if you are found guilty of harboring them.
the code word is fandom. please mention it while applying for a spot so that i know you have gone through the rules.
the minimum word count is 1k. there is no maximum word count so feel free to let your imagination run free. please note that drabbles, blurbs, reactions, headcanons, series, smaus and timestamps will not be accepted. oneshots only!
plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
be respectful and kind to the other members who are a part of the collab. no hate will be tolerated.
this is not a rule but it would be nice if you had a discord account. i have made a server for easy communication and interaction between the collab members. it’s okay if you do not have an account!! i will update you through tumblr dms :’)
if you have any further queries, don't hesitate to dm me <3
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applications will be accepted through tumblr asks.
make sure to include your chosen member + fandom + the code word hidden in this post while sending in your application.
after your application has been accepted, please reblog this post to spread the message :D
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the tentative deadline for posting your entry for the collab is 30th september, 2024.
the deadline is mostly for namesake and you are free to post your submission whenever you want, but please do not take undue advantage of the time flexibility.
i understand if you want to withdraw your application from the collab but please think carefully before applying.
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HEESEUNG: @hanverse (twd) | @flwrshee (25/21) | @boyfhee (extraordinary you) | @tarcherz (ever after high)
JAY: @soobisms (saiki k.) | @junityy (before sunrise) | @lheewonz (demon slayer) | @4xiaojun (maid sama!)
JAKE: @geombyu (fire force) | @hsgwrld (business proposal) | @notthatsamkim (cinderella) | @haesbit (kim possible)
SUNGHOON: @seongclb (hp) | @soobnny (aouad) | @ijhyo (enola holmes) | @hoondrive (spiderman)
SUNOO: @invvuu (tbhk) | @redm4ri (stargirl) | @sunny-reis (the girl who fell beneath the sea) | @enheaven (vampire academy)
JUNGWON: @yjwfav (jjk) | @haknom (see you in my 19th life) | @misojunnie (10 things i hate about you) | @jaeminri (summer strike)
RIKI: @jaeyunverse (spiderman) | @cinnajun (pjo) | @jennaissantes (our beloved summer) | @tyunni (13 going on 30)
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Because The Rain Makes Rainbows... Pairing : Lee Suhyeok x F!Reader TW : spoilers for the last two episodes ; canon divergence ; fluffy ending ; I'm sorry, it's still kind of angsty in the middle, I can't help myself ; Word Count : 2.1k Request : Anonny : Can I request fluff for Su-hyeok?
To have been found during such a hectic time was a miracle, although you were quite positive that none of them had actually meant to find you at all, you just so happened to be in the room that the group of still human students seeked shelter in. You could remember it clearly, the way they all ran to you as if they knew you, as if you had been one of the missing members of their group and they had been looking for you the whole time. All of them had been so kind, so sweet, and you didn’t know any of them. 
There was one in particular who took a certain… protective stance over you, making sure that you were always safe, always guarded, whenever the group had to move, when an area was deemed unsafe. He had become your own personal bodyguard, and you didn’t even know why, but you appreciated it, and you made sure to thank him every chance you got for watching out for you. He always brushed it off, but the corners of his lips would tug up when he looked at you, when he heard you speak, and he’d quickly look away if you caught him looking. There was something, you just didn’t have the time to think of just what that something might be. 
The group that had grown smaller and smaller with each move you had to make had finally made it away from the school, but not without some of the worst losses that any of you would have to go through. Watching people that you had begun to look at as friends, and some even as best friends die at the hands of zombified students had taken a toll on everyone that was left, but you were all hell bent on getting out, so you pushed forward no matter how bad it hurt. 
“We’re almost there! Come on!” Suhyeok shouted, pushing everyone that was left forward. No one knew how much further there was to go, but his words of encouragement were the only source of reassurement that anyone had left, everyone held onto those words like they were scriptures. Almost there… Were you really almost there? No one knew, but if Suhyeok said so, it had to be right… Right?
Snarls and stumbled footsteps sounded in the distance, and Namras head shot up as she froze in the center of the street. “What is it?” Onjo asked, and you felt your own body freeze up with fear. You had known that whatever it was that was going on wouldn’t have stayed in the vicinity of the school, but it felt like you had been walking for hours, you didn’t think the zombies would have made it this far. 
She started counting off, the number going higher and higher until she urged everyone to run, and before anyone else’s feet started moving, you had sprinted off into an area that you didn’t even know, finding somewhere safe to hide as your hand covered your mouth to muffle your heavy breathing and your whimpered cries. Would this ever be over with? Would any of you actually get to somewhere that was completely safe? It didn’t seem like it, it didn’t seem like there was somewhere safe to go to. The military had already left you all for dead, had they done the same for every other citizen of Hyosan? Did they even care? 
The sound of snarling and screaming was loud, and then it went completely silent. Should you come out from where you were? Everyone else had fought it seemed… Were they gone? Had they lost the battle? Were you the only one left? Maybe they had made it, but realized that you were too weak to be in their group. They were all fighters, and when it came time to fight, you had run, you had been a coward. They didn’t need you in their group, you would only hold them back. Maybe they went on without you, it would be better if they did, it’s not like you were in any way essential to them getting to wherever they were going. You would only hold them back. 
And even though those thoughts were racing through your mind, a small part of you hoped that you would be found once again by the group of people that you had called your friends. Time seemed to tick by though, and with each passing second, that hope dwindled until it wasn’t there at all. No one was coming to save you, they had probably already forgotten about you. It was quite easy to do that considering you hadn’t made any memorable contributions to the group. You had just… been there, and now you weren’t. You hoped that they were okay though, they had gotten you this far, and you hoped that they had made it further. They deserved it, they deserved to make it. 
Four months had passed, and you still could remember that pang of gut wrenching, indescribable fear that overcame you when the lid to the dumpster had opened, and then the overwhelming sense of relief that washed over you and had tears pouring down your face when the dumpster lid was flung open. You weren’t sure how long you had been in there, maybe it had been days, or maybe it had only been hours, you couldn’t keep track, but as they lifted you up and out, your knees buckled and you collapsed onto the ground, crying until you inevitably passed out. 
You had been put into double quarantine along with the rest of the citizens of Hyosan, and while you had been there, you hadn’t seen anyone from the group you had been with. You dreaded the thought that something had happened to them, that they hadn’t made it to safety. Your mind continued to replay that moment back when you had run away. Would they have made it if they ran with you? Would you all have been found together? 
You had never stopped thinking of all of them, silently thanking them for saving you, for getting you here, but there was one person that you thought of more than anyone else. Suhyeok and his smile, the way he spoke to you, the way he stared at you, images of him filled your mind no matter what you were doing. Every waking and sleeping moment, he was there. 
The extra quarantine for Hyosan citizens had ended, but you were all only let out into a slightly larger quarantine zone, but it was better than where you had been, and you hoped that maybe you’d recognize some of the faces of the people that were walking around. Were your parents there? Had any of your family members made it? There were so many people, and you walked around the camp daily, trying to find someone, anyone that you might know. 
“Sorry… Excuse me…” You whispered, bowing your head to the tall figure that you had bumped into during one of your searches, but the person's hands grabbed onto your shoulders, and then one hand moved to slip a finger under your chin, tilting your head up to look at them. 
The sun was so bright, you could barely see, the person’s features shadowed by the blinding light that haloed behind them. “Y/N…?” It was a man’s voice, and before you could correctly place it to someone, his arms were wrapped tightly around you, practically lifting you off the ground as he spun you around. “I was so worried, but I never stopped hoping, I never stopped praying that you’d be here, that I’d find you.” He said, and when he finally put you down, your back was to the sun and you could finally take in the man who was standing in front of you, and the sight of him had tears forming in your eyes. 
“You made it…” You whispered, wrapping your arms around Suhyeok, clinging onto the coat that he was wearing. “I didn’t see you… I thought… I thought you got hurt… Is everyone else okay?” His head quickly nodded as he pulled you against his chest, his hand petting over your hair as his chin rested atop your head. “I’m sorry I ran…” 
“Shh… It’s okay…” He murmured, his hand sliding down to rub soothing circles in your back, but you could hear the raspiness in his chest, he was holding back his own tears. “We looked for you, I looked for you… But it was getting dark… I’m sorry I gave up…” He was ashamed, you could hear it in his voice, but he had no reason to be. You understood, and you were glad that he had made it, that he was safe, but he didn’t seem like that’s what he wanted to hear right now, so you held onto him, and he held onto you, the silence enough for now as you both relished in the fact that you were both there now, you were both together. 
“I never stopped thinking about you either…” You whispered, glancing up at him, and your words had that familiar smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “You saved me… I still owe you for that.” He chuckled softly, shaking his head as he looked into the distance over the top of yours. You wondered what he was thinking, what was going through his mind as that smile stayed plastered to his face, a soft hum emanating from his pursed lips and vibrating through his chest. 
“Well… There was one thing that I had been hoping to do when we got here together that day… But I can do it today, it’ll be just as good.” He mused, and your head cocked to the side as you breathed out a hushed hmm? In response. His gaze lowered to yours, his eyes like lasers as they looked directly into your own, his tongue darting across his lips before he leaned in. You didn’t even have time to react before his lips were against yours. It felt like you were melting, the heat that filled your entire body and the electricity that rushed through your veins, it was like every nerve ending along your skin was alive and highly aware of the way he held you, the way his lips moved against yours. It would be a lie to say that you hadn’t been dreaming of this moment every single night, that you hadn’t been pondering what it would feel like to have his lips against yours, and for it to finally be happening, it was far more perfect than you had ever imagined it to be. “Hey…” The word came out as a chuckle as his thumb brushed along your lower lip. You were in a daze, like your entire body had floated up to cloud nine and you were in no hurry to come back down. “I should have asked you this when I first saw you in the halls at school…” 
The sudden revelation that he had noticed you before all of this had you snapping back to reality, your eyes growing wide as you stared at him. “Y-You saw me? You knew me?” He nodded sheepishly, and you rolled your eyes as you teasingly pushed his shoulder. “Why didn’t you say hi? Why didn’t you do anything?” 
His hand awkwardly moved to the back of his neck, rubbing it quickly as he looked down at the ground. “I thought you were really pretty… But… Who cares about that. We don’t have to go to school, and you’re here now, I’m talking to you now.” You scoffed, but he was right, there was no school to go to, it had been nuked along with all the zombies and some of your friends too. No, you couldn’t think about that, no right now… This was supposed to be a good moment, a happy moment. “So…” He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he grabbed your hands, his thumb brushing along your knuckles before slipping his fingers between your own. “Do you want to go have lunch with me? We can talk while we wait in the super long line… Get to know each other?” 
You giggled lightly, nodding your head as he let go of one of your hands to stand next to you, your arms swinging as you walked towards the lunch tent. It wasn’t exactly a dream date, not even close, but you were with him, and he was with you, and for the time being you and him were safe, and that in itself made it perfect. 
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plentyoffandoms · 18 days
Gwi-nam x f/Reader (18+)
Main Masterlist ♡ All of Us Are Dead Masterlist ♡ Gwi-nam Masterlist ♡ Charm Bracelet Masterlist
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Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: Some swearing. Unprotected sex. P in v. Ball playing. Self masturbating. Creampie.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me: 1st gif: @weputthefunin-funeral
WC: 1696
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Airplane position: The giving partner sits on the floor with their legs spread open. The receiving partner sits on top of the giving partner with their back to them and their legs straight and spread wide apart.
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Ever since the final jelly bracelet was snapped, Gwi-nam and I seemed to exist talking to one another.
He became almost cold and distant and towards me, even though I tried talking to him. I wanted to continue whatever hell this was between us, but he decided that it was done.
He threw me to the side and became almost invisible to him. Which I had to say, really fucking hurt, but I showed him that it didn't bother me.
He left me alone, and I left him alone.
Other boys at school started to notice me, and I even went on a few dates with them, but it was only ever the one date.
After the first date, they would never contact me again. I soon realised that it had to be Gwi-nam, so I knew I had to confront him about it.
I found the jackass leaning against his locker, surrounded by his pathetic excuse for friends.
He saw me walking towards him with determination, and he told them to go away.
I push him against the locker, pissed off at what he is putting me through. From ignoring me to making sure I never get another date in this school.
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"Stop scaring other guys away. You're the one who pushed me away." I told him.
"I don't know what you mean." Ohh, that stupid smirk. I didn't know if I wanted to kiss it or slap it off his face.
"You're the one who ended it between us. I was perfectly fine continuing doing what we were doing, but you ended it." I told him once.
"I got you a gift." He said, ignoring me as he reached into his pocket.
"You can't just ignore me, buy me a gift and think that what you did...," I trailed off as he held up a rose-gold charm bracelet.
He gripped my wrist gently and snapped it on. I held it up to admire the bracelet. I narrowed my eyes at him. "This doesn't get you out of trouble."
"I knew you would forgive me."
"So you going to buy me charms, or is it just the bracelet?" Greedy, I know, but I deserve more for that he put me through.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me flush against his body. Our faces close, so only I can hear him.
"You will get your charms, but there is a catch." Of course there is.
"We try new sex positions, and I give you a charm signifying the sex position."
He has me intrigued. "Okay, what is the first one then?"
"Airplane? What the hell, Gwi-nam?"
"Check your email, princess." He let go of me, but not without giving me a deep, passionate kiss. Letting everyone know that I once again, belong to him.
The moment I read what positions we would be doing, my eyes bugged out of my head. He has picked out 26 different positions to try. I read the first one we will be doing.
'Airplane position: The giving partner sits on the floor with their legs spread open. The receiving partner sits on top of the giving partner with their back to them and their legs straight and spread wide apart.'
Okay, so just like reverse cowgirl, but I can make this interesting.
I text him back saying I will do it, but on one condition, he could only touch my hips and nowhere else.
I saw the dots come and go until he texted me back saying that was fine.
"Can I tell my parents I am sleeping at your place tonight?" I asked Sun-Hee, as I sat across from her in the library.
"Sure, but what are you up to?" She closed her science book and looked at me.
"I am seeing Gwi-nam."
"You sure about this?" She knew how upset I was when he cut me off.
"We talked about it." Somewhat of a lie. "He didn't think what we were doing would continue, but since we talked, it is all okay, for now anyways." I waved off her concerns.
"You just want to get fucked."
"I do, I really do and he is so good at it." He really was. I lost count at how many times he has made me cum.
"Just don't let him break your heart again." Sun-Hee gently said to me as she reached across the table and grabbed my hand in hers, and squeezed.
I squeezed her hand right back. "I won't."
After school, I told my parents that I was sleeping at Sun-Hee's, and just like before, they believed me.
"You want me to drop you off?" My Mom asked as I grabbed my overnight things.
"Yes, please, but can you drop me off at the mall? I am meeting her there first."
"Of course, dear. Just let me know when you are ready."
The before me would have hated how easily that lie fell from my lips, but the now me, well, she did not care.
There is no harm in what I am doing. No one is going to end up harmed, so having her drop me off at the mall closet to Gwi-nam place is just a win-win.
I found myself in his bedroom. Once again, his father was out doing lord knows what, but that just gave Gwi-nam and I the privacy that we so desperate need.
It has been a few weeks since I have been in his room, and I was about to take a look around to see if he changed anything, when he came up behind me and started to kiss my neck.
I tilted my head to let him have more access. I reached up behind him to hold his head in place as he found that spot that always leaves me gasping and whimpering.
He one arm stayed wrapped around my waste while the other one grabbed my boobs and started to fondle them, going back and forth between the two of them.
"Strip, and stand at the end of the bed." I did as he asked once he dropped his hands from my body. I took off my clothes as fast as I could, not wanting to waste a single moment.
There was no talking as I watched him sit on the floor at the end of his bed, spread his legs wide, and pat his lap, indicating for me to sit on him.
He gripped his cock as he guided me to sit on him, I gasped as I felt the head of his cock enter my body.
It has been to long so I have anything in my pussy, that it was hard at first to get him fully in, no matter how wet I am.
"Shit." I said through clenched teeth as I took him all the way inside of me. His hands were on my hips, and I looked into the mirror that he placed on the opposite wall from us, and I could see how his eyes were screwed shut, his mouth slightly open.
Then I remembered I also had to spread my legs wide, and I did just that. Gasping at the sight of his cock stretching my pussy.
I raised myself and slammed back down on him, the both of us letting out broken moans.
"Gwi-nam, look at us." I groaned as I watched his cock disappear into my body over and over again.
The moment his eyes open and he looked into the mirror, his hands gripped my hips harder, his hips bucking up into me as he saw his cock, soaked with my pussy juices disappearing in and out of my body.
I reached down my body, and started to rub my clit, needing to cum already.
It had been so long that I needed this. My first orgasm came fast, but I didn't stop bouncing in his lap through it.
"That's right. Use me. Use me for your pleasure." He said through gritted teeth as he felt my pussy clenched around his cock as I came.
His hand went to leave my hip, to grab my chest, but I slapped his hand away. "Remember what you agreed to." He groaned once he realised that he couldn't touch me.
But I sure as hell could touch him. I reached down between us and gently cupped his balls in my hand and started to play with them.
"Oh fuck." Gwi-nam gasped as I played with his balls and fucked myself atop of him.
I cried out his name as I came once more, my back arching, and my legs shaking from the orgasm and the bouncing.
But I didn't stop playing with his balls. He told me once before he liked when they were played with, and I was going to get him to cum.
"I need to feel you, Gwi-nam, please." He knew what I meant.
"I got you, sweetheart." My heart and pussy clenched at the nickname, knowing he is just saying it because he is in the moment.
He fucked up into me hard, and fast until he finally stilled, him filling me up with so much cum, that it started to leak out around his cock.
We didn't move. Just the two of us are trying to catch our breath. I saw him move as he reached into his discarded pants pocket and pulled out a little bag.
I got off of him, the both of us groaning at the feeling of him not being in my pussy anymore.
"Arm." I held up the arm with the bracelet on, and he undid it just for a second to slip a charm on it.
I brought it up to my face, and I could see it was Mickey and Minnie Mouse in an Airplane.
One down, 25 more charms to go.
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skullpie · 1 year
anyways is it okay if you just do some silly relationship hcs with joonyeong (aouad) and jaeheon (sweet home) separately I WILL LITERALLY CRY TEARS OF JOY
relationship hcs x
joonyeong x reader; jaeheon x reader (separate)
summary: relationship hcs for joonyeong (aouad) & jaeheon (sweet home)
warning(s): series typical warnings!
note(s): anon based on this request i think u have a type.. side eye.. can’t blame u tho uptight dorks with wire framed glasses are hot ! hope u enjoy lovely :) and ty for being my first request on this blog!! i thought i’d have to put some fics out before i got any so this is rly encouraging. i appreciate you!
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such a little nerd
definitely started out as good friends
absurdly proud of the fact that he has a partner
like… him?? he feels so special
(he is)
study dates where he actually intends to study and you distract him the whole time by begging for kisses and sitting on his lap etc
sometimes he caves, sometimes he doesn’t, he takes his academics seriously
but idk the image of you wrapping your arms around his neck and telling him to take a break with you during exams week.. lord….
“i miss my boyfriend”
“we’ve been together for the past three hours”
“but you’ve not been paying any attention to me! :(“
he does help you with work though, he thinks it’s really important
your parents adore him, they think he’s a great influence on you (even if you’re also great at school)
he’s the type to think the secretly hate him, though, so you often go over to his to spend time with each other
really enjoys going to whatever events you’re involved in
even if he doesn’t understand jack shit about any of it
remembers really specific and small details about you for sure
very eager to introduce you to people as “my girlfriend/boyfriend/partner!”
really proud of you and your relationship–does not try to hide that he’s taken
but he overall prefers private intimacy and affection
and very small, gentle forms of it at that
you can fluster him pretty easily tho
i can definitely see a friendly academic rivals to lovers situation happening
when the virus breaks out he never lets you out of his sight
cliché, but if you’re ever accused of being infected, he’s defending you with his life
when you can’t sleep he holds you, which doesn’t make you sleep but it is comforting
tries his hardest to tell you how important you are to him very often while everything is happening
first (and last) l-word is said when he decides to jump out of the barricade to save everyone (sorry ouch)
wholesome wholesome wholesome
he admires you so much
you probably meet in the elevator
he tries talking to you about his lord and savior–you think it’s really endearing how passionate he is
genuinely believes god sent you to him personally like an angel
just always smiling with you
holding hands everywhere you go
very often being mistaken for a married couple when you’re out and even by neighbors
(hyein starts telling people you’re married, and referring to you as ‘that married couple’)
likes holding your face and just admiring you, pressing little kisses to every spot he can think of
basically worships you
not the type to get flustered, per-say but he does get very hesitant and shy about certain levels of intimacy
hugging you from behind and pressing kisses to your shoulder, up your neck and to the top of your head. omg
just very traditionally romantic in the ways he shows you affection
kissing your hand, getting you flowers often, opening the car door for you, etc
biggest gentleman
when you get locked in the apartment building, he becomes bolder, or at least less hesitant about things
literally would die to protect you (and he does)
is always holding onto you in some way in low-intensity situations
the thought of you asking him to teach you how to use his sword, and he does that cute thing where when he goes to teach you, he stands behind you and holds your hands and arms to show you IM ON MY HANDS AND KNEES
forehead kisses. that’s it just forehead kisses
when either of you are given a task, he always makes sure to hold you for at least a minute or two before he leaves. in case it’s the last time (sobs)
really good friends with jisu during the lock-in
you two find comfort in each other after he’s gone (NOT LIKE THAT) ((but also maybe like that idk im not the boss of you))
662 notes · View notes
vvh0adie · 11 months
cherry die | artificial cherry
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pairing: jungkook x reader x yoongi | type: drabble | words: 2.6k | rating: 21+/M
Personal Maid, Jungkook, helps you find sexual release after spending a night with Hoseok Jung in which you can’t seem to have mind-blowing orgasms after taking his cock. You absolutely need Jungkook. But he’d do anything to satisfy you at the moment.
⇴ genre/au: angst | fluff | drama ‖ hunter x hunter inspo'd ⇴ persona: maid!jungkook | maid!yoongi | mafia daughter!reader | stoic!yoongi | protective!yoongi | eager!jungkook | nympho!reader ⇴ cw: cussing | smut ⇴ dynamic: sub!jungkook | soft dom!yoongi | switch!reader ⇴ sw: dirty talk | sex hammock | french kissing | tongue fucking | anal bead play | cunnilingus | rimming | saliva play | anal fingering | vaginal fingering | masturbation | vibrator use | crying/whining | shaking/writhing | nipple sucking | slick eating | praise kink | ass groping | body worship ⇴ a/n: My ass was supposed to be working on a AOUAD fic, but then I got a Illumi fic idea, realized it was gonna be long so made a Shizuku/Machi drabble set in the same AU as the Illumi fic. AND NOW I HAVE AN OUTLINE FOR AN EIGHT PART SERIES!!! what the fuck am i doin'?
masterlist | inbox
© vvh0adie 2022- [do not AI train/copy/repost/translate]
You’re utterly devastated that Hoseok isn’t here to sate your lustful desires. Ever since that fateful night you shared -albeit your failed assasination- you’ve tried everything to satiate the yearning you have for his cock filling you up. From fingering, to dildos, to vibrating saddle, to fuck machine. Nothing has yet to quench your thirst.
But even after all this time, you’ve persevered, wanting so desperately to experience that same ecstasy you felt when he took you like he was the only lover you’d ever known. And quite frankly he is -granted he hasn’t agreed to be your boyfriend… yet.
But you need him. Only he can make you ascend.
“Mmh~ Fuck!” you gasp, your suspended body shaking while nested in your sex hammock. You look down, catching a glimpse of brown eyes behind a curtain of pink bangs. Your brows knit and mouth agape at the wet prodding of a tongue in your rim. Your entire face hurts from biting your lip as you hold your hardened stare on the maid under you.
Pushing your legs back further, you spread wider for him to devour your sloppy ass. Dipping your fingers into your sopping cunt, you glide up to rub your clit, cooing as you feel his tongue swirl around your puckered hole. “Fuck, Jungkook, eat my ass just like that, Baby.” Flicking your fingers faster, your eyes close and your head throws back. You need to drift from here, finding yourself in Hoseok’s embrace once more. You haven’t even squirted since then and so far anal play has been the only thing really getting you off.
Your breathing is heavy. Your breasts rise and fall. Then suddenly you hitch, arching your back as Jungkook pushes a string of glass beads into your ass. Every push past your threshold makes you whine, wishing that you were being stretched out wide beyond your limits by Hoseok’s girthy cock. The feeling of his veins gliding along your ribbed walls before dumping his hot cum in your plump butt.
Once Jungkook’s knuckle hits your rim, he leans in, kissing your perineum as he begins pulling them out. You moan, rubbing deep circles into your bundle of nerves. Your lower abdomen feels tight, so you focus, trying to push from your pussy, hoping that you can grace Jungkook with your decadence.
But after three good tries, you give up on your spasming release, going for the next best thing: a regular orgasm.
Jungkook pushes your thighs back, flicking his tongue against your hole, and sucking. He eventually releases, taking small breaths while allowing strings of saliva to fall back into his mouth before slobbering all over your rim once again. The sound of sputtering fills the room, and your gaping hole twitches, wanting to be stuffed.
“Oh my goodness, Koo, you’re doing so good for me.” You gaze into his big and glossy doe-eyes full of admiration for you, his Mistress. He loves pleasing you; evident by the pool of cum leaking from his tip. He could eat you out from morning till dawn -which he’s done before- and never get sick of your taste.
Jungkook spreads the expanse of his tongue on your asshole, dragging long licks up to your perineum. Then he lightly grazes his teeth down over your swollen rim before sucking. “Ooh~ Koo, you like eating my ass don’t you, Baby?!” You brush his bangs out his face, wanting to appreciate how cute he looks under you. “Such a pretty boy, eating your mistress’s ass like this. My nasty little slut.”
Your fingers card through his hair, your thumb massaging into his temple. He shudders and hums, sending vibrations to your sensitive hole. You both moan. You’re just enough for his legs to shake as he feels his cock pump and a small orgasm ripples through his entire body.
A hand goes to his cock, feeling his hot, wet panties. He pulls them to the side, the air hitting his tip as he throbs, dribbling out cum onto the hardwood floor. You hear the squelch of his cum, afterwards looking at his worried face. “Mmh~ It’s okay, Jungkook, cum for me.” You caress his cheek, watching his face contort and his body writhe in pleasure as he continues his treat.
You love watching your maids cum from pleasing you. You’re happy they love making you feel good. Your taste alone is enough to cry in ecstasy. But unfortunately, your beloved Jungkook isn’t enough for you at the moment.
Grabbing your vibrator, you turn it on the lowest setting, changing it to pulsate in hopes that you can edge yourself to orgasm. You lay it against your clit, still jumping when the two long tremors vibrate throughout your nerves. You giggle, feeling your pussy contract around nothing, just little gushes of slick seeping out onto Jungkook’s mouth.
Your vibrator and Jungkook sucking your rim work together, creating the delusion of Hoseok ramming his massive cock into your plump pussy. You’re in a pure state of bliss: head knocked back as your hips slightly roll into the vibe.
Suddenly a knock sounds at the door. Then the chime of the keypad being unlocked. Besides Jungkook and three other maids, there’s only one other person who can open your bedroom door. And it’s definitely not your mother.
“Mistress.” His voice is calm and quaint, even as you fill the room with moans. “I’ve come to check on you.” You hear his light steps and voice getting closer as he walks down the hallway.
Turning the corner, Head Maid Yoongi, silently watches your body shake and writhe. You look at him, your lashes heavy with lust. You lick your lips to speak, but all that comes out is a particularly large moan from Jungkook finally pushing his tongue into your ass. “You haven’t come out of your room all day it seems.”
He takes his time walking up to you, hands clasped in front as he leans in to witness which one of his boys is pleasing you. When his gaze meets Jungkook’s, he smiles at the way the maid’s eyes sparkle. He’s even amazed at the man’s stamina to be going this long with you. Though, if anybody should be eating you out, it would be him. Yoongi knows how much Jungkook adores you. Worships you.
The Head Maid straightens up, rubbing the young man’s hair. “Are you pleasing our Mistress well, Jungkook?” The little maid hums against your rim, nodding his head as his tongue travels up your ass. You gasp, frantically nodding as finally taking the dildo out with a pop.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Your voice hitches, air sucking through your teeth before your mouth falls open. You watch his make out with your gaping abyss, tongue fucking and sucking as your pussy contracts around his wet taste, kissing back. “Yes, Jungkook, in my pussy. Eat -fuck- my messy cunt, Sweetie.” He wiggles his tongue into your slimy cunt and slobbering into your hole; just to suck it back up. Pushing himself deeper, he sucks hard, wanting to get closer than humanly possible to your taste and scent. Wanting to be consumed by it.
Squelching fills the air as your moans, cries and his heavy breathing mix into a symphony of desire.
Yoongi studies your face, noticing your tense brows and gaping mouth. Your wet lips swell from biting down and a thick glistening of slob rests on your bottom lip from spitting to get yourself wet.
Yoongi can tell you’re so close to orgasming, rubbing the vibe hard into your clit as your legs shake.
Grabbing the back of his underling’s head, he drags Jungkook up to suck at your clit. “Finger her ass.” You feel two fingers pump into you. They’re deep and slow, hitting your spot. White light fills your vision and the pressure in your tummy snaps, releasing your orgasm. But immediately after coming down your high, you look off to the side, not even feeling overstimulated as Jungkook continues.
Yoongi finally pulls Jungkook off, the maid licking around his lips as he catches his breath. And upon seeing your face, Jungkook’s brows tense. “Was it not to your liking?” Yoongi gives him a quaint smile, caressing his cheek. The maid leans in, taking comfort in his superior’s reassurance.
It’s not Jungkook’s fault. It’s Hoseok’s. He’s tainted you with mediocre dick. You don’t truly like his cock and you only think you like his personality -however boring it may be.
“Mistress?” You look at the man, your juices all over his face, evidence of endless dedication and love. Your little maid has done so well.
Sitting up, you grab his hands to pull him into a kiss. Your tongue works around his lips and chin, cleaning your essence from his face. He whines against your lips, causing you to grin. He’s so sweet.
And nasty too as you bend over to reach around and prod his glistening rim. He’s warm and slippery. Surely his ass would glide smoothly against your ribbed dildo if you wanted to go round two.
Dipping your fingers into his tight hole, elicits a moan into your mouth as he contracts around you, his walls wanting to suck you in further.
You continue to pump into his sopping hole, feeling his cum gliding down his balls and onto your finger before you hear it hit the floor. He gives you a muffled cry as his legs shake, fighting to stay opened for your menstrations. But you grab him by the neck, squeezing lightly to force his mouth open, so you can suck his wet taste like a girthy cock.
Jungkook whines, grabbing firmly at your thighs, his nails digging crescents into your supple skin.
After one final swirl and a kiss to the tip, you release with a little smack, licking the string of saliva that connects you from his lips. “Good boy,” you coo, your voice soft and sweet. “You made me feel so good.” You peck his swollen, pink lips. Afterwards, leaning back as one arm goes into an overhead stretch; the other brings your slick sodden middle fingers into your mouth. You lock eyes with Jungkook, humming as you suck it dry of his essence. His cheeks turn red as he tries to focus elsewhere, but his eyes land on your perky breasts.
“You’re needed with the others.”
“Oh… okay.” Jungkook sounds sad to leave. But he follows suit, walking towards the door.
“Jungkook, Baby?”
“Yes, Mistress?” His head whips to face you, causing you to giggle.
“We can play again tomorrow,” you chime, your legs widening for a hand to spread your folds, so you can finger his cum into your pussy. “Mmh~ Jungkook, feel so good, Baby.” You pull out, displaying your winking hole at him. It’s covered in copious amounts of thick oozing slick. You look divine laid out before him, and he already misses your taste, wanting desperately to crawl back and devour you all over again.
But instead, he smiles, his cheeks growing red and hurting so much that he thinks they might burst. He can’t contain his excitement anymore, quickly leaving out.
“Must you tease him like that?” You look down, watching Yoongi pick up the glass beads before taking the vibrator from your hand. He steps into the bathroom, turning on the faucet to soak them. He then comes back with a rag to clean Jungkook’s essence up.
“What? I’m telling him the truth.” But are you, though? Not that you have to as you’re his boss, but your are having sex with him and it would most definitely be common courtesy to tell him that you’re thinking about Hoseok when he fucks you.
Once done, Yoongi makes way to your bed, plopping down to stare at you. You’re wrapped in a blanket, still naked from the looks of your exposed clavicle.
“What am I going to do, Yoon?” You whine. Nothing, hopefully. He isn’t good for you. Yoongi doesn’t know much about the Jung’s, but to do the same thing for generations seems like a family who doesn’t handle change very well. And you won’t be able to change him. He knows men like Hoseok. They don’t change, not even for the stubbornness of love.
“He just fills me up so good and the way his hips move.” So it’s his hips? He has to admit that the fuck machine is ridged in that department. But surely they can do better? “And his cock is so so warm. Like even his cum is hot and thick.” Artificial cum can be warmed as well and it’s safer. “And he smells too good. And when he puts his full weig-“
“I can find a way to do that for you.”
“Mmh~ It’s okay,” you chime. But it’s not. Though Yoongi won’t try too hard to stop it because you’re too damn stubborn. So instead, all he can do is guide you and help you achieve somewhat of a success with Hoseok.
“Have you wanted a dildo closer to his penis?”
“Like a normal one?” You sit up looking at your wall of intricate assortment of silicon cocks. Some are multicolored, knotted, cum releasing, ribbed, monster inspired. But you have none that resemble a real one.
Before Hoseok, real dicks or even real-looking ones never interested your virgin pussy. They still don’t, but Hoseok’s cock is different.
You hop out the hammock, your ass jiggles with each step towards your laptop. Then you lay across the bed behind him, typing rapidly for your favorite dildo shop. After some scrolling, you find one exactly 8 inches long, 2.5 inches thick, with a golden base and mauve tip. Perfect.
You stretch over to the bedside table, retrieving your debit card. “Okay, done.” You smile, closing the laptop before crawling over to him. “Thank you,” you chime, squishing Yoongi’s cheeks as your breasts bounce in his face.
“I’ll bring it to you as soon as it arrives.” You wrap your arms around his neck, laying on top of his crown. His own circle around your hips, his hands drifting to cup your ass.
“Do you wanna play right quick?” You giggle, your tone low and sultry.
“I can’t. I have work to do.” You don’t like that answer at all, whining as you nestle into his hair. He hates making you sad. Maybe just a little touch won’t hurt?
He places a hand between your breasts, trailing down your stomach before facing his palm flush against your trimmed mound. His index finger slips past your slit, fully engulfed in your plump pussy before you feel tingling pressure on your clit.
Your moans fill the room once more, your hips bucking slightly as you cup his cheek to kiss him. Just like Jungkook, you ravage his mouth, giving him every maid’s favorite wet, sloppy tongue sucking.
He presses into your clit harder, stealing a gasp. Looking down into his black eyes, you coo at his smile as lips softly graze your nipples into hardness. Then he latches on to suck, pushing his head into your chest along with his tongue deep into your nipples, swirling in circles. “Ooh~ Yoongi, you always know how to take care of me.”
Then he releases you swollen and sensitive buds with a pop.
“It’s my pleasure to serve you, Mistress.”
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r3flrt · 2 years
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synopsis | how aouad reacts to their crush falling asleep on their shoulder ☆ pairing | aouad x gn!reader ☆ wc | 408
note | honestly imagined it happening in my head and just blurted it out on this soo yeah :) (wu-jin’s got removed for some reason it disappeared)
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☆ cheong-san
His heart would skip a beat. His face would flush and he would just stare down at your cute sleeping face, trying to keep his cool. Cheong-san is glad to be able to stare at your face. Whenever you did wake up he would just stare at you before complaining about how his shoulder hurt and he wasn’t able to move for so long. Deep down inside he’s happy and he almost says he’s joking when you apologize.
☆ su-hyeok
Su-hyeok wouldn’t know what to do. He would be talking to you on a bench and he felt you land onto his shoulder. “Are you listening to—” he turned to see you sleeping on his shoulder and his heart started beating so fast. He’d move your hair that fell in front of your face, admiring your gorgeous face. He would take his chance, kissing your forehead and rubbing your shoulder.
☆ gwi-nam
The two of you were under the bleachers, talking about the problems of school. The last time he looked over to you, you were playing with your skirt/pants, but by the time he finished his thought you were laying on his shoulder, still barley falling asleep. “Hey!” He taps your arm roughly, looking away when you pushed his hand off. “Please..let me sleep for a little while.” You yawn, placing a hand on his thigh. He’d roll his eyes and scoff, knowing he really didn’t mind.
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© r3flrt ☆ do not copy, plagiarize, repost, modify or translate my works without permission. do not recommend my works on any platform other then tumblr, especially on TikTok.
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