#art recs
metamorphesque · 1 year
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Level 1:   🌼 daisy 🌼 membership  
a letter from "Letters of Vincent van Gogh" every single day
art recommendations on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
poetry recommendations on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
access to all the previous posts (Franz Kafka’s “Letters to Milena”, “Letter to his Father”, poetry/art recs)  
Level 2:   🌻sunflower🌻 membership  
a letter from "Letters of Vincent van Gogh" every single day
a letter from Vladimir Nabokov’s “Letters to Véra” on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Sundays
art recommendations every day of the week
poetry recommendations every day of the week
monthly book recommendations
additional content related to art and literature
access to all the previous posts (Franz Kafka’s “Letters to Milena”, “Letter to his Father”,  Rilke's "Letters to a Young Poet", poetry/art recs)
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Level 3:  🌸cherry blossom membership🌸
a letter from Vladimir Nabokov’s “Letters to Véra” on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Sundays
poetry recommendations on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Sundays
art recommendations on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Sundays
access to all the previous posts (Rilke's "Letters to a Young Poet", poetry/art recs)
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vampirepunks · 4 months
So here's some evidence that the "intestines" visible in Higgs' abdomen are actually an umbilical cord
I went frame by frame through the trailer a few times and noticed that in this shot, there's a clear view of the cord emerging from a port on his side:
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(crappy screenshots ik ik bear with me)
Here's another view of that same port after the cable has been plugged into the guitar:
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If you slow it down while he unplugs it during this shot:
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It retracts back into his body. It appears to be mobile on its own and plugs itself into the guitar hands-free.
Also, shout out to twitter user @aquoolkart (they're awesome, go follow if you have twitter) for this art, captioned, "Without his red shell he looks like a BT and I wonder..." which kojima retweeted.
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kingkatsuki · 16 days
“What? You’ve got nothing to say? I think this is the first time I’ve seen you speechless, Aiku. Not even gonna call me pretty?”
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“Pretty doesn’t even begin to cover how I feel about you, sweetheart. I’d get on all fours and bark like a fuckin’ dog for you.”
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Thank you so much to @saecidal for another perfect comm. Her waitlist is currently closed, but pls keep an eye out because I promise it’s more than worth the wait💕
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eoieopda · 10 months
[visual content blog recommendations]
we see fic recs all the time, but i don’t think i’ve ever seen rec lists for visual content (gif/art/gfx/etc.) creators! they’ve been dealing with a bunch of shit lately between reposts, tumblr garbage, etc., so i wanna shout-out some favorites. thank you for keeping us fed!!
disclaimer: this is not an exhaustive list!! if you have recommendations of your own, please feel free to expand on this yourself and/or drop some of your faves in the replies for others to see. self-promo is always welcome here, too ✨ p.s. some of these are recent finds for me, so pls expect to see more of them on my blog. eta: i will be adding more as i go!!
@yooboobies — réka’s gif sets are *chef’s kiss* and the ART? omg. the talent!!! 😭 we simply have to simp.
@cordiallyfuturedwight — apart from being one of the coolest/funniest people i’ve found on army tumblr, i am a kayla stan because the niche themes for her gif sets (ex. bangtan turtlenecks series) feel like they’re made 👏🏻 for 👏🏻 me 👏🏻 even though they absolutely aren’t, lmao.
@hopeinthebox — the bts as reductress headline + incorrect bangtan series are probably my favorite pieces of content on the entire internet??? also, lizzy is absolutely gd hilarious. tags are 11/10. a blessing upon my dash.
@kimtaegis — i’m not visually artistic enough to say this in a way that makes sense, but annie’s gifs are just… stunning? like, the colors? idk about the process that goes into that, but i imagine it takes a lot of time/finesse to be this vivid.
@kithtaehyung — ryen is the renaissance man of army tumblr, fr. not only can she write (like!!!) but she’s multi-faceted and insanely creative with her graphic design. i want her to tutor me, lmao.
@raplinenthusiasts — ooohhhhh my god. the coloring of their gifs makes my brain go brrrrtttt. this bts x the office set is on my “always reblog” list; i’ll share it every time i come across it.
@heybaetae — this set in particular is on my “always reblog” list, no matter how many times i’ve done so already. also, idk how to describe this, but kelli’s gifs are just…. crispy 🤌🏻 like, so satisfying with the…. texture? filtering? contrast? i’m an idiot re: editing terms, but go peep them and you’ll know what i’m trying to say.
@kth1 — literally who could ever forget maggie’s 100 days of (member) series??? the amount of work that had to go into that? unfathomable.
@jeurias — i want to wallpaper my house and office with their gfx. i’m deadass.
@jinstronaut — emmeline has been doing her “a jin a day while he’s away” series for OVER 250 DAYS NOW. i have never been nor will i ever be able to commit to anything to this level.
@starryoong — do not get me started on starry’s paintings, sketches, etc. because i will never shut up. ever. j’adore 🫠 is also a five-star human being.
@irlvernon — my queue is probably 80% max gifs at any given time. god-tier, fr. a must-follow for carats, as far as i’m concerned.
@vcrnons — incredible gifs, lovely human, and also the writer of some of my favorite svt fics??? we stan.
@yelhsaart — i don’t have any words for how much i love their art so please imagine guttural screaming instead. asdfghjkl!!!
@hizuillu — ……breathtaking. legitimately stunning skz art. like…… i have heart palpitations.
@snug-gyu — THE USE OF COLORS. i’m always a simp for pantone-inspired sets; they just scratch an itch in the back of my brain, and BOY HOWDY, is my brain satisfied 😵‍💫
@yunwooz — again, i have no idea what i’m talking about when it comes to the gif-making process, but the colors!!! the COLORS!!! like, taking a mv that’s not super vivid/is fairly greyscale and bringing it to life? ya know????
@booskwan — you want incredible gifs? they’ve got em. you want stunning gfx? they’ve got em. seriously, idk what to tell you except “pause right here and go follow immediately”.
@haechannabelle — listen……. annabelle’s art style is 😗🤌🏻 (that’s a chef’s kiss). the use of color, and the technique, and and and — ! ALSO, i must mention that she took, like, 50 hours to compile a boycott-friendly k-pop playlist. their vibes are simply impeccable.
rev. 4/10/24
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getawayfox · 11 months
How you physically like to imagine Draco and Harry? Like, Harry grow muscular or stays on the skinny side, with or without beard, Draco with long or short hair? Im always torn...I only know that Draco needs to be tall and lanky for his short king :D
Hi Anon,
What a great question, thank you! When reading fic, I’m more than happy for the author to take me wherever they like with the physical descriptions. In my head Drarry are vague enough that I can enjoy them no matter what they look like in the fic and I love the variety of it all.
That being said, let me mention some interpretations in artworks that stole my breath away:
@fairysilk has this STUNNING study of Harry, that might be my favourite thing in the world. I know I said I don’t have a preference but if I had to pick, this is Harry.
You mentioned bearded Harry and YES. @blvnk-art ‘s Harry of course, so so so perfect. As an aside, Bianca also draws my favorite Wolfstar.
Can we also talk about my personal weakness: dad bod Harry? Just look at him, this perfection is of course by @bluebutter-art . I will never be over it.
Speaking of weaknesses - I melt when one (or both!) of them them have tattoos and/or piercings. Nobody will ever be as cool as Draco by @kryptidfox
This art by @ladypeacefulspeonies is absolutely perfect Draco, look at his hair!
Oh! And since you mentioned long haired Draco - @babooshkart absolutely nails it. Plus the intimacy of the piece is just!
Also, how about long haired Harry by @zigster-ao3 ? This art makes me weep, I’m not joking.
And while we’re at it: both?both! by @itsphantasmagoria
Let me end this already long list with this hot hot hot Draco by @alienescence (it’s the confidence, isn’t it!)
I’d love to see everyone’s favourite interpretations too if people want to share👀
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rexalogy · 21 days
remember this life changing piece?
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fandom-friday · 8 days
Next Fandom Friday is 5/31/24!
I know I'm late on this but, DON'T FORGET THERE'S ANOTHER FANDOM FRIDAY THIS WEEK! It may be the last one for a bit since I've got family coming to visit, so DON'T MISS OUT. If you've got any favorite fandom creations from this week, go ahead and drop them in my ask box! Just be sure to check the pinned rules post before submitting anything! If you're looking for any past recs to check out, you can always find them here. Thanks everyone!
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mapsofinnerspace · 8 months
The two of us, like an unfinished symphony seeking its final notes.
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I thought I'd make a little post listing some of my favorite blogs, what they offer, and what I followed for! Mostly for my own reference, but I recommend every one of them, so be sure to check them out! ((if you're on this list and would like to be removed, let me know))
rp related blogs!
@peachapartmentsrp on Tumblr -- a multifandom group rp im part of on discord! I cannot recommend it enough! It’s got a wide variety of characters, an active group, and a great community! 
An assortment of roleplay finder blogs 
@findingroleplays on Tumblr 
@rphunter on Tumblr 
@findroleplay on Tumblr 
@roleplayfinder on Tumblr 
@canonrpfinder on Tumblr -- a roleplay finger tool for canon content only 
@prpfs on Tumblr -- a roleplay partner finder tool for more problematic content 
@roleplayhonestybox on Tumblr -- A place to rant and speak about rp experiences! The good and the bad! 
Writing prompts, scenarios, and resources! 
@lavenderotpprompts on Tumblr -- writing prompts (some really incredible ones for ships and couples) 
@me-writes-prompts on Tumblr -- writing prompts (great dialogue and situation prompts!) 
@the-moon-dust-writings on Tumblr -- writing prompts (great for both ocs and ships!) 
For FE3H (fire emblem: three houses) 
@glowingbadger on Tumblr -- a mostly NSFW blog, with great chartisterization, wonderfully written smut, and they allow their reader to send little thirsts and prompts! They also have an art blog.
@yandere-sins on Tumblr -- YANDERE CONTENT! They’re an incredible writer, with really unique yandere content. As well as that! They run interactive polls about yandere content that I have a ton of fun interacting with! 
For HXH (hunter x hunter) 
@holydayaria on Tumblr -- YANDERE CONTENT! Fantastic stuff, great characterization, as well as some really cool ideas I don't see often! Very unique takes! 
@depravitycentral on Tumblr -- YANDERE CONTENT! Super good stuff, very in depth in the yandere mindset, i'm always so impressed with their writing! 
For DND (dungeons and dragons) 
@lovecoredeity on Tumblr -- fantastic character designs! Great ocs! I love to see the ocs they post, their designs and ideas inspire me a lot! 
For Vocaloid 
@ir-dr on Tumblr -- an incredible artist who posts daily! I cannot even imagine posting daily, let alone such high quality work. I’m always so impressed with their linless style and great color palettes
@emilylovescookies on Tumblr -- beautiful lineless art, fantastic colors, and one of the most cute and stylistic art styles i've seen! 
@dashingicecream on Tumblr -- has a really expressive art style, and makes some of the best WLW art! Really cute stuff, also ships a lot the same ships as me, which is a bonus! 
@noxypep on Tumblr -- another artist who makes superb WLW art! A monochrome shipper, they make some of the cutest content for the ship i’ve seen
For hxh (hunter x hunter) 
@tiucotheus on Tumblr -- makes beautiful art that is so polished and flowy! Not to mention the way they draw the characters (especially chrollo, illumi and feitan) makes them look sooo good! 
@sullenhighstar on Tumblr -- very good art! As well as super cute ship art! Their content seems to focus primarily on the phantom troupe 
@verytiredrn on Tumblr -- great art featuring the main squad of hunter x hunter! Their kurapika art especially has me in a chokehold, I cannot get enough 
For FE3H (fire emblem: three houses) 
@calamari-inari on Tumblr -- this artist does THE ferdinand von aegir art! If you’re a ferdibert fan, or just a ferdinand fan, this blog is a must follow! 
@maimais on Tumblr -- has a super cute bylethsona they pair with claude, everytime i see their work it makes my day. Super cute style, very gentle colors, and a super romantic vibe to their ship art! 
@meltypancake on Tumblr -- has a beautiful oc they ship with dimitri, and their art is so elegant and romantic! I’m always in awe of the talent they have! 
@limielle on Tumblr -- the best male!byleth x dimitri art i’ve ever seen. Their art is so romantic and expressive and flowy
For miscellaneous fandoms https://www.tumblr.com/deddo219 -- a personal friend of mine, and a fantastic artist! They draw for a wide variety of fandoms, and all of their content is beautiful. They’re open for commissions!
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
Okay well this https://www.tumblr.com/teejaystumbles/736057865087991808/a-present-for-the-king is giving me major warprize hob vibes sooooo
Long hair hob, but dream is enamored with it. He takes full control of his new prize’s hair, making sure it smells sweet and is always brushed and braided. And something about that post is also giving trans hob vibes soooo
After caring for his hair, Dream spends his time eating his prize out. sometimes hob gets so excited he has to have his hands bound or he’ll be bad and start begging and pulling at dream, trying to get his mouth where he wants it, while Dream just wants to take his time. Once he even tied hob’s hands with his own long braid so he could eat him out for hours…
Hob was appalled at first to be a prize, terrified of being degraded and used cruelly. But the king is obsessed with giving hob pleasure, with knowing every part of him and making him feel and do things he never thought he would.
Hob is starting to love his service. And when he is at his king’s mercy, it’s so good that hob is glad to be bound, if only because it gives him an excuse for why he hasn’t tried to escape in months.
AHHH here's the link to the art. Answering this one while it's still fresh because I want everyone to go n appreciate @teejaystumbles as soon as possible.
If Hob assumed that he'd be a slave to Dream’s pleasure, he was so wrong. Its the other way around. Dream dedicates every spare moment of his day to making sure that Hob is comfortable, satisfied, relaxed, and most of all, sexually sated. Everything he does feels so good, and he always looks up to meet Hob’s eyes and judge his reaction. The first time he makes Hob cum with his tongue alone, Hob knows that he's going absolutely nowhere. To have a man between his legs dedicated to making him cum - not mocking or using or degrading him - it's everything Hob has ever wanted.
So maybe this isn't the ideal way to start a new life, but Hob's heart is full of hope. His thighs are trembling, he's made a mess all over the floor. He's staying here for as long as this strange king wishes to keep him.
Forever, hopefully.
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fuckyestherest · 12 days
Creator Highlight - Week 7!
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Welcome to our Creator Highlight Week 7!
Every week, we’ll use this space to recognize the amazing individuals in our fandom who kindly use so much of their free time and creative energy to share their work with us and bring our imaginations to life via writing, art, visuals, and many other creative mediums. 
This week we want to highlight @queercontrarian, a massively talented creator for both art and fic within the fandom. Her stories are imaginative, creative, and wonderful, and her art will absolutely blow your mind–especially her Female High Lords series, which is OUTSTANDING. Her nominator (@cauldronblssd) said the following:
“Em is such a lovely and talented member of fandom. She brings so much creativity in her art, writing, and the other things she creates such as mood boards and memes. She also brings a lot of enthusiasm to all of the characters of the fandom, including ones that don’t get enough love! I especially appreciate that she brings the queer energy into the fandom, and gives us incredible art such as sapphic Feysand, female High Lord Tarquin, and ships like Azris and Tamsand. In addition, she is so supportive of other creators, and is currently working on her Eris x OC art series. She is so kind and encouraging of other writers and artists and a fun and funny person to know. I’m so glad she shares her creativity and kind heart with all of us!”
On top of being so insanely talented, she is also a one-of-a-kind friend and supporter! She is always willing to trade compliments and kind words, as well as create art to make her friends smile. 
Thank you for sharing your works with us, and for adding such an engaging, creative, and lovely art and fics to the community and fandom space! Your contributions have been so adorable, hot, and overall impeccably well done, and we hope to see much more from you for a long time to come!
Below are some of our favorite creations.
The Entire Female High Lords Series
Absolutely Literally Any Piece of Her Art, Seriously Every Single One
Court of Dreams: To The Stars Who Listen | Tamsand
put it all on me | Azris
a soft place to land | Azris
The Little Things | Tamsand
Thanks so much for bringing such incredible, creative, and lovely works, both in art and fics, to our fandom! We’re so glad you’re here! (and we can’t wait to see your Eris Week 2024 project!)
You can find more of @queercontrarian on Ao3 and Masterlist!
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wild-karrde · 9 months
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The goal of Fandom Friday: provide a place where people can shout-out their favorite creators from the week, whether it’s a piece of fan art that made you smile or a fanfic that moved you. Drop a link to your favorite creations this week into my ask box along with what you loved about it, and I will give them a shout! It doesn’t have to be Star Wars either! If it’s on another website (AO3, Twitter, etc.), please be sure to state that as well.
This happens each week, so don’t feel like you’ve got to get out everything in one week. Just keep track of them throughout the week or send me an ask whenever you find something, and I’ll drop them all on Fridays (or throughout the weekend if I get a lot). You may submit for this week until THURSDAY MORNING (I’m in the Pacific timezone). Anything received after that will roll to the next week. A summary of the weeks’ recs will get added onto this post on Saturday, so check back here for all of the awesome fics and art! And be sure to go give the creations on that list some love (and don’t just share the ask responses I put out).
This week’s submissions will start posting on Friday, September 15.
Rules and additional details under the cut! PLEASE make sure you read the rules before sending something in. If your submission violates any of the rules, I will delete it.
Please send submissions to my ask box (sending them all to one place makes wrangling them easier each week). In your ask, please include the creator’s handle, a link to their work/post (if links aren’t working for the ask, please DM me them), and what you loved about it!
Please ensure the link is to the creator’s original post and not your own reblog or repost of their work (if they’re on another platform). The idea is to drive people to visit the creator’s page!
The creation does not have to have been posted this week! It can be something older. Also, don’t worry about whether or not a rec is a repeat from a prior week. Just looking to celebrate things that made an impression on you this week, whether you’ve seen it before or not!
NSFW is alright! Just make sure you note it in the ask so I can flag appropriately! Since I’m including 18+ material, minors may not participate. 18+ posts will be tagged with NSFT/lemon/lemony lemon (trying to cover all my bases).
NO incest, underage, cl*necest, master/padawan (or similar power dynamics), dub-con/non-con/rape. Also, no H*rry Potter. There are a few others that I also won’t share due to my discomfort with them (i.e., R*xsoka), so if you’re not sure, ask. Also, many of you submit multiple works at once, and that’s fine, but if one of those works contains something that violates the rules, I will delete the entire ask, so something to be extra careful about when submitting!
If your rec involves spoilers from a show that’s currently running, please include that info in the ask so I can tag it appropriately (I will normally tag a few different ways, but I always use #<show title> spoilers if you need to filter, for example: Andor spoilers will be tagged #Andor Spoilers). I will stop tagging spoilers two weeks after the show stops airing.
You can submit GIF sets or edits, but please ensure you are submitting from the blog that actually created them. Wanted to add that caution since there’s been a lot of people stealing/reposting GIFs and edits in particular recently. So just be cautious.
Try to avoid commentary in your ask that might make others feel bad (“the only person who knows how to write XXX correctly…”). It’s important to be able to appreciate creators without making others feel bad, so let’s try to keep the commentary complimentary without being off-putting for other creators.
Self recommendations are allowed and encouraged! Shout out your own hard work! You deserve the recognition!
*Rules subject to change so PLEASE make sure you read them before sending something in. If your submission violates any of the rules, I will delete it.
**If you have any questions about any of the rules, don’t hesitate to DM me!In addition to sending me asks, I highly encourage you to go either leave a comment on and/or reblog someone’s work (tag me or use the #Fandom Friday tag if you do!). Let’s get the interaction back up on this website and show the creators that work so hard on their stuff some love!
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kingkatsuki · 1 month
〝I like a ‘good woman’.〞
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〝I really like a good woman who’s smarter than me, has a nice body, sexy, and receptive.〞
〝Yeah but where are you gonna find a woman like that, Enjin?〞
〝I’ve already found her.〞
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Thank you so so much to @mypillowpaper for bringing my self-ship with Enjin to life. I’m always so nervous to message artists for commissions, especially when it’s new character. But they were so kind, patient and courteous they put me at ease and didn’t make me feel silly! I would comm them again over and over. Please check them out and give them a follow if you’re not already, I can’t recommend them enough.
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mandos-mind-trick · 10 months
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Thank you @lightspringrain for these absolutely gorgeous prints 😍 I'm in love with them ❤️❤️❤️
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suzy-queued · 4 months
Gallavich Lovefest!
Happy Valentine's Day, friends! Here are some picks for the @gallavichthings Lovefest:
A fanart by someone else that’s between 1 and 3 years old
This artist is amazing and does all her pieces by hand. The skin tones! The hair! The warmth and love!
A one-shot by someone else that’s at least 3 years old
Slick back My Hair (You know the Devil's in There) by wehangout Hit man AU, my beloved. Crime, tension, mutual pining. Ugh. It's such an tense and satisfying story.
A WIP fic that’s been “abandoned” (not updated in more than a year) but is still worth reading
they will take me away (Work) by smallmickey This is a weird and wonderful story about Mickey and Ian in an isolated hotel. It has shades of The Shining, with just enough odd happenings to stay cool and mysterious. I love the setting and hope the author finishes it.
A meta/discussion/analysis post/video/podcast
South Side Rules This podcast hosted by @michellemisfit gives you all the episode analysis you'd ever dream of! It feels like sitting with your friends and talking about Shameless. There's tons of good content, about Ian and Mickey and about everyone else as well. Give it a listen!
A multi-chapter by someone else that’s less than a year old (and complete)
Going Off-Script by @mzshko (my ride-or-die) What an rich and multi-layered story full of pining, miscommunication, and workplace drama. Ian and Mickey both work on the set of a reality TV show, and the background shenanigans play into their emotional and well-constructed growth. I love this story so much! It's well worth a read!
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rexalogy · 1 month
found a big fat copy of HOMOCORE issue seven on archive.com while trying to research duchamps discussions of fountain. i go to work in seventeen minutes but maybe somebody else can appreciate it in the meantime. here’s “dialogues with marcel duchamp” by cabanne and the issue bundled up together neatly
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