#asaw 2024
papier-ciseaux · 4 months
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Happy ASAW 2024, here's something about community !
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bloggingboutburgers · 4 months
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This one is arguably very personal because I have no idea if other aros feel the same – but I've seen too many stories about a character being rejected where the person doing the rejecting is (accidentally or not) implied to be some sort of "bad guy" or "the one who has it easier", so I guess I had an itch to show my side.
Aromantic people and alloromantic people have such different views on what "true love" is that it's not about one or the other being "in the wrong" – it's just one big compatibility issue. All I can say is – as an aromantic, being confessed to romantically IS what leaves me heartbroken, for such reasons. Hopefully there will be a broader understanding of this in the future.
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amalgamezz · 4 months
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aro-absol · 4 months
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Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week 2024!
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aromanticofficial · 4 months
as a small reminder aro week 2024 is february 18th through the 24th
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arowitharrows · 4 months
I wish a very happy aromantic spectrum awareness week to everyone on the aromantic spectrum! To me aromanticism is an orientation, a life philosophy, a political stance and a big fuck you to heteronormative and amatonormative society and I think that's beautiful! So shout-out to all aros, your experiences are worth sharing and your aromanticism should be celebrated!
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theacecouple · 4 months
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It's official! We got the state of Kansas to formally recognize Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week this year!
February 18-24, 2024 DON'T YOU FORGET!
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rainbowpiss34 · 4 months
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i got a manicure for the first time every yesterday :33
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bevinbrand · 4 months
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Happy Arospec Awareness Week!
As always, do not copy, edit, re-post, steal, or otherwise use without permission. NO AI.
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robynochs · 4 months
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Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week! 💚🤍🖤 Celebrated the week after Valentine's Day, ASAW is a great time to learn more about aromantic identities and experiences, as well as the unique challenges aromantic individuals face.
Here's some basic information as well as links to further resources.
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What is 'Aromantic' (Aro)?
Aromantic describes people who experience little to no romantic attraction, or whose experience of romance is disconnected from normative societal expectations, due to feeling repulsed by romance, or being uninterested in romantic relationships.
They may or may not experience other types of attraction and many have any sexual orientation
Aro is a shorthand for aromantic that is also commonly used as an umbrella term for people on the aromantic spectrum
Aroace refers to someone who is on both the aromantic spectrum and the asexual spectrum
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The Aromantic Spectrum
While some aromantic people feel no romantic attraction at all, some people feel it rarely, experience it only under certain conditions, have trouble distinguishing between romantic and other types of attraction, or have some other pattern of attraction that doesn't fit the norm.
There are many different terms for these different patterns of attraction, but all fit under the broader term aromantic spectrum.
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Other Important Terms
Demiromantic - describes a person who only experiences romantic attraction after developing an emotional connection beforehand.
Grayromantic (gray aromantic) - describes a person who feels romantic attraction very rarely, weakly, unreliably or gains/loses attraction in unusual or unknown circumstances.
Queerplantonic Relationship (QPR) - relationships that don't fit into the categories of what is traditionally considered to be a friendship or a romantic relationship. They many or many not be sexual, involve living together, raising children, shared finances & life decisions, etc.
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About ASAW
Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (ASAW) is a week meant to spread awareness and acceptance of aromantic spectrum identities and the issues they face, as well as a chance for the community to celebrate its own experiences and existence.
ASAW generally occurs the first full week following Valentine's Day; it began in large part as a way for those in the aromantic community who had difficulty finding space for their experiences in such a universally romanticized event to come together and celebrate their own unique experiences.
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More Info & Resources
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Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week from Robyn Ochs and Alex Runion
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avenpt · 4 months
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Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week!! All aro-specs are valid and belong in the queer community! If anyone tells you otherwise, then they're WRONG and they can answer to us. We've got your back!
[image description: the aromantic flag colors (dark green, light green, white, gray, black) in the background with green text on top that reads "Happy Arospec Week! 2024", and the AVEN logo in the lower right corner]
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lovelessrage · 4 months
Since the most recent strike is going on during Arospec Awareness Week, anyone participating should also be speaking as loudly as possible on Palestine. If you can't donate to posts you see asking for funds, spread the word. Follow the BDS guidelines, and make as few purchases as possible outside of necessary ones.
esims for gaza
spreadsheet listing mutual aid, both for individuals and families in need
bds boycott list
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bloggingboutburgers · 4 months
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You'd think I wouldn't have to beat a dead horse but... No actually you wouldn't, seems we all very much have to beat a dead horse on the regular
Hope you've had a good aromantic spectrum awareness week, everyone 💚🤍🩶🖤 I'll be there all... the time.
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that-queer-crocheter · 4 months
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Happy aromantic spectrum awareness week from your local non-SAM loveless aplaro! Hope all my fellow aros have a great week 💚💚
[ID: A crocheted aromantic flag using the cat stitch. /end ID]
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anistarrose · 4 months
This Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week, I want to express a particular appreciation for the aros who don't often get shoutouts, or really, awareness. To start with — shoutout to aroallos, to non-split attraction model aros, and to any aros for whom aromanticism is not just a romantic orientation, but also a sexual one (or, for that matter, also a gender).
Shoutouts to loveless and lovequeer aros. And of course, shoutouts to all the aro-specs with specific labels that never make it into all the positivity posts, or into all the pride flag compilations. I can't enumerate you all without inevitably missing some facet of countless, diverse aro-spec experiences, but you all are wonderful and important parts of the community. I hope all aro-specs everywhere, at every level of visibility, are having a great week <2
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aro-sora · 4 months
“Some aros feel romantic attraction”
Very true! Let’s not forget about the aros who do feel romantic attraction and still for whatever reason don’t want a romantic relationship
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