#asmr community
mr-laveau · 2 days
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a lil doodle of half shifted david that I will never make digital but want to share, he cook
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sbewyz · 5 months
Ive been posting YV fanart so on a related note about the asmr/audio rp creators-
Its kinda wild how no one seems to give af about how many of these creators are using uncredited or AI generated art in their videos.
Considering how much (deserved) noise theres been when someone reuploads or steals these creators own audios and how i can only imagine the same people would react, if their voices were taken to make a AI version of it that was then used to make whole new videos, You would think theyd understand how disrespectful it is as another kind of creator to have your work taken without credit or permission.
Seriously, your content centers around AUDIO, do you need the AI generated frankensteins monster anime boi in your video that bad?
Or is the content YOU make just not that good that you have to rely on somebody elses to piggyback off it?
"credit to the artist" doesnt magically give credit to the artist.
"If you know who the artist is lmk so i can credit them" Im sorry, why is it now your VIEWERS job to do what you were supposed to BEFORE YOU USED THE ART IN THE FIRST PLACE?
"AI generated art" is literally just images made by scraping nonconsenting artists work.
Theres so many ways to go about getting graphics for your video that are perfectly fine and dont require you to steal somebody elses work so legitimately I do not understand this fenomenon at all.
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Lowkey, the amount of ASMRtists that are straight up 30+ has kinda eased a bit of my stress around aging. I guess I've kinda been anchored to the idea that at some point, I'd have to give up my hobbies and creative interests, or that the things I wasn't to do with my life that aren't "typical" couldn't be achieved unless I did it exceptionally young (may also be a gifted burnout/general existentialism thing but I'm not here to vent lmao).
It kinda reframed my idea of what being young actually is. I can't lie, I fell (and admitted catch myself still falling) into the category of gen z that kinda has this anxious "you turn 30 and then fucking die" mindset. But seeing people older than me, doing something like this that they love and enjoy, be it as a hobby or a career, brings me some ease. I don't stop being me once I cross the threshold out of my 20s. I don't fucking die XD And yeah, idk, thanks to pretty voiced people for showing me that.
Sjsbsksj hope this isn't stupid also-
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little-witchys-garden · 10 months
Angelica asmr has really gone off the deep end...
there are videos from her tiktok denying racial oppression, claiming feminism is evil, shaming POC, attacking pagand, denying r-pe culture, and even telling LGBTQ+ people that they should end their lives....
Mind you that Angelica was in a hateful cult once and seems she's now supporting religious cult based mentalities...
She once dabbled in Wicca and astrology but never took it seriously and now is claiming all paganism and spirituality is demonic and evil..
Mind you this isn't some messed up character she's doing... She's now making streams with very hateful bigoted people specifically cis straight men where she basically kisses their asses and praises them for saying horrible things..
Here are some of her comments I found extremely gross
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queencolondarkwing · 11 months
AngelicaASMR’s current change
This post only about any info posted as of 7/25/2023 (will update in future if needed).
Ok so I’ve been following the Angelica Asmr shit pretty closely (don’t expect me to comment on gwen gwiz too because that girl is a grifter from the start). And as a mental health worker it REALLY freaks me out for her. I worked in a rehab for awhile. For people quitting drugs, but many of them also had bipolar, ptsd, schizophrenia, and similar diagnosises (some people also had the behavior due to being in crisis as well due to loss, recent homelessness, police brutality, etc.). So I know what psychotic breaks look like. I won’t armchair diagnose anything specific because I am not her medical provider, but while I can’t say she has anything for certain - she has a history of manic episodes in the past.
As someone with ADHD, a history of sexual and religious trauma, and c-ptsd like Angelica, I can honestly see how she fell into this. As someone who is also anti-capitalist, I can see why she thinks finding community would be beneficial (not sure why she would choose the Catholic Church instead of something from less individualistic, Eastern philosophy doesn’t make sense to me personally though...) to finding growth in an online era of isolation following a personal loss in her life. It seems weird how she went from talking about her Jehovahs Witness trauma from her youth...to going full on Orthodox, but I’ll get into details on why mentally this is actually super common in a minute.
I can also see how she would become a SWERF after having done OF, since as a former sex worker myself (camming, porn, fssw) who quit doing it after being raped - I can safely say that I myself am neither pro or anti sex work. I’m pro-decriminalization to keep workers safe, but also do feel a bit sick sometimes that MOST fssw on the streets are marginalized people. It is a complicated issue with nuance that non-sex workers have no business taking a side on. However, she is very hateful recently and anti-sex in general. Which is an issue.
She originally joined OnlyFans during a manic episode. So she HAS a history of mental illness and making major life decisions during mania. 
She went from pro-lgbtq to anti-lgbtq. Deleted her old progressive videos. Claimed to be a victim of MKUltra. Started making up delusions around the Catholic Church being anti-capitalist (Catholics individually can 100% be leftists, but the Church itself is VERY Capitalist). She posted homophobic and transphobic tiktoks where she would yell practically incoherently. Lots of staring. Inability to talk without looking away and laughing (she is normally a skilled actress).  Posting WAY more frequently than ever(she reposted 3 deleted videos last night and deleted them by this morning). She posted a video and lots of shorts and is way more active on Instagram. 
 The worst breakdowns I saw working rehab mostly always cycled through 4 topics: fame/self importance, inconsistent political and religious rambling, and sex. Always. Angelica has shown inconsistent spiritual beliefs (she has been mixing up Catholic, Orthodox, politics, and other religions). She has been focusing on sex in the context of trauma and posted a short of her in a bathtub on youtube again. She has been posting and immediately deleting content that has even positive comments on it.
Some medical signs of possible mania and/or psychosis that she is exhibiting:
Paranoia, trouble talking in a clear way/rambling, withdrawing socially (posting more often/online more but also alienating from her former fans), Confused speech, trailing off/lack of focus in videos, Generally disorganized way of thinking, no sign of restraint in expressing self, racing speech, goal-directed activity (seems to have a new anti-sex work goal), distractable/trails off topic, random giggling at nothing at camera like it is a person she is conversing with...etc. Tbh the amount of red flags I’ve seen are alarming.
I hope she gets support and help. And it is one reason I can’t blame her as hard as I would most, because she seems clearly unwell.  It isn’t an excuse. At all. And I don’t blame people for not supporting her going forward, but I plan to keep an eye on the situation for now and am hoping that somehow she can pull out of this shit, because I’ve seen this shit happen to a LOT of people with hard lives. Hell, I’ve even lashed out in smaller degrees and been delusional during my own ptsd breakdowns too, but when people are as far gone as Angelica is...I don’t usually see them come back again to the same state they were in previously. I’m hoping for the best, as a former fan and as a social worker, but Idk.
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sainthowlzon · 4 months
Babe if u cant put ur age in ur bio Im gonna go out on a limb & say u shouldnt be engaging to begin with
Its all big talk about what a creator likes/dislikes in his fandom but u cant even follow his #1 rule of minors DNI
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lucydoodles · 1 year
My hyperfixation on Starline and Starline II by Gav VA goes once again brrrrrr
So here’s this particular scene from Chapter 1 with my version of Skipper filling in the pause
The Alien anatomy kills me but I put in the effort!
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yumeasmrscript · 16 days
[PART 5] Going on a date with the Wizard [M4A] [Fantasy] [Neko Listener] [First date] [Cute] [Romance]
Author notes:
I’m still alive! Been busy with a few stuff, but hopefully I managed to find the time to write part 5. Next update will be for my other medieval fantasy collab series <3
As always, you can monetize with the script, and since English isn’t my first language, feel free to make edits to the scripts to make things sound better, or if you want you can change sfx and such it’s okay too!
If you haven’t read the other parts, you can find them on my scriptbin!
Hope you will enjoy part 5, se you (hopefully) soon with part 6!
Summary: After accepting the invite from the Wizard, the day has come and you go out together! Chilling together inside a comfy and warm cafe, you watch the snow falling gently, whitening the streets outside. The snowy weather also gives the perfect opportunity to create a cute and unexpected present with magic.
[Action/things happening/Moods] Thinking
[Door opening, bell ringing, door closing]
[Happy] Here we are! I was really looking forward to this moment, since when you accepted my invite. Aaah, it feels so warm in here… it almost makes me want to stay here forever. [Chuckle]
True, my house is warm too, but we don’t have all of these amazing coffee and tea options. Or all of those sweets. In fact, now that I think about it, it’s been a while since I last bought a cake or something. [Excited] You know what? Before we leave, we could get one to bring with us, so we are settled for the next week!
I’ve been focusing so much on research for curse lifting, and you’ve been working hard to assist me with my shop, I’d say we earned it, don’t you think?
[Happy] Great! Well then, for now, let’s just sit over there. It’s near a fireplace, and it’s a little bit more secluded compared to other tables, I think… you might want some privacy, just in case.
[Relaxed] Aaah, it’s so beautiful in here. Oh, look, each table has a candle too! This one is… [pause, smelling the candle] ...vanilla, definitely vanilla. What a nice aroma… shall we light it up?
All right! [Finger snapping] It smells so good… don’t you agree? It gives you the same vibes of coming back home after a long journey. Do you… like this place? [Relaxed] It’s been so long since I last came here, it looks so different compared to last time. I can see the owner really cares about this place, it’s so much better compared to the past… Oh, anyway, I took this before sitting: it’s their menu.
[Page turning]
They have so many options! Wait, do they really serve this too?! Pecans aren’t so common here, I’m so happy they made a coffee with pecans too. [Slightly frustrated] Argh… now I really want to have this, but I swore to myself that I would have tried the limited edition one. I guess… [shyly] maybe we’ll come again here, together? It could be, like… a weekly date, or something. You know, like a treat for our hard work and an occasion to spend some “chilling-time” together.
I- [Embarrassed] Yes, I just called it “date” but- I mean- You know, it’s like-- [The more it goes on, the more it gets flustered and no sense] Going out together because- it’s… fun? I mean you don’t have to call it necessary “date” if- if you don’t want to see it as a date. Like, it’s not a “romantic” date. More like an “appointment” date? Or a colleagues date? B-because that’s something colleagues do. Or friends too. Because, yeah, we… are both colleagues and friends. And roommates. And-- friends can sometimes have these “friends date”, and… uh… [whispered] okay, this is so awkward. How do I get out of this mess I put myself in- Please, floor, just swallow me and let me disappear.
Don’t-- don’t laugh at me! [Pause] [Pretending to be offended] Yeah, I can see that you think it’s funny… [Pause] Oh, look! It’s snowing! [Whispering] And perfect timing, thank goodness.
[Chill again] It’s so beautiful from here. It’s the first snow of the year, I didn’t expect it! Though… hopefully we won’t freeze going back home later.
True, it’s enchanting nonetheless. Delicate, too… it reminds me of you, you know? [Chuckle] Now we’re fair. I can’t be the only embarrassed one. [Satisfied sigh].
So? Have you decided what you’re going to order?
[Excited] Ooh, I bet that’s super tasty! I’ll go for the limited coffee with caramel, vanilla and toasted almonds. I’ll go get them, please wait here for a moment.
[Chair moving, footsteps]
I said it without even thinking… but, it really feels like a date. A… “real” date with them… Why am I so nervous? It’s not like it’s the first time we went out together, and we always stay together at home to… [sigh] I must have looked like an idiot. It never happened to me, come on, get yourself together! Just… calm down, calm down. Behave like you always do. It’s just… a date. That’s what I had in mind when I invited them, after all. Saying it out loud, like that, though… well, at least they didn’t mind. That… that must be a good sign. I guess?.
[Pause, sigh]
They… truly look beautiful, leaning their cheek upon the hand like that, while they watch the snow with a dreamy and relaxed expression. I can’t believe how much close we’ve grown. Thinking that a little bit more than a month ago we didn’t even know each other, and now I… can’t imagine going back to my house and not finding them there. I wonder if… is it the same for them. Or maybe… [worried] they’re staying only because they need their curse lifted? We never really talked about it and… I’m not sure I want to know the answer. Not… now. I’m pretty sure, though… I can’t think of anyone else I’d wish to have close to me.
[Relaxed] Here it is, this one is yours and this is my coffee. [Sound of cups being put on the table, chair moving]
[Taking a sip]
Aaah, it feels so warm. It’s just the perfect drink for a cold and snowy day like this one. And it’s so sweet too! What about your? How is it?
[Happy] Oh, I’m glad you like it! It really looks delicious.
Are you sure? ...Well, if you insist, I’ll take up on your offer.
[Drinking] Wait a moment-- [embarrassed] isn’t this some sort of an indirect kiss?!
[Cough] [Kind of choking tone] I think it went down the wrong way- [More coughing] But... yes, it really is tasty! [Last cough, but still a slightly choking tone] Yes, yes, I’m okay. All good now, I can’t allow a coffee to take my life [Chuckle]. [Truly all better, hopeful tone] Would you... like to try mine too? Here.
Now that I think about it… this happened already, didn’t it? When they had to take the health potion and didn’t trust me enough to take a sip, so I had to take one first… I hadn’t thought much of it back then. It feels so different now, though.
So? Do you like it? [Pause] I know, right? It’s really delicious!
Are they… blushing? I wonder if they had the same thought. Oh, come on, why is it so awkward… I need to say something! Anything!
Uhm… [cheerful] Oh, have you ever made a snowman?
[Nostalgic, happy] When I was younger, I used to make snow bunny instead. It took less time and effort. I remember seeing a wizard in this village making one and giving it life thanks to his magic, for just a little while, but it was so adorable. I think that was the first time I felt attracted to magic, you know? [Chuckle]
Oh, I thought it was pretty common back then! So you’ve never seen a snow bunny coming alive and bouncing here and there? If you want, we can make one later. If it keeps coming down like this, I’m pretty sure by the time we get home, there will be a thick layer of snow.
Well, yes, it could be anything. A snow bunny, a snow man, a snow cat. [Mockingly] Do you want to make a snow cat? [Chuckle] [Pretending to be serious] No, of course I’m not making fun of you, don’t give me that look! [Laugh] [Happy, chill] But still, wouldn’t it be cute? A white, cute, snow cat. After all, today is our day off. We need to have fun and relax, and what’s a better way to have fun than making things with snow?
[Chuckle] It’s decided then.
[Excited] Oh, and… I forgot to tell you, I’ve heard about a grimoire with a lot of researches related to curse lifting, written by one of the best wizards of the past. The good news is that it uncovers a lot about curses and curse lifting, much more compared to all of the other books, so we will have a greater chance of finding a solution for your case. [Upset] The bad news is… to get it I’ll have to travel to the capital. [Slightly sad] Aw, don’t make that face. [Trying to cheer the listener] It could be your chance and I won’t be away for much. It should be just four days, the capital it’s not that far after all.
[Bittersweet] Oh, as much as I’d love for you to accompany me, I can’t let you do that. It’s getting colder and colder, it’s not the best idea to travel in this weather, plus I need someone to run the shop for me. Especially now that we’re a little bit… short on money, and unfortunately the grimoire is pretty expensive. That’s the second bad news.
[Comforting] No, no, don’t be sorry! And I don’t want your money either. It’s true that I’m buying it to help you, but it’s still something I would have eventually bought as a wizard. I’m sure you know already, but you never stop studying magic even when you’re great at spells and stuff, because when you’ve studied all the magic coming from the past, there is still so much more to uncover in the present. And before researching the present, I must study all about the past. So, don’t worry about it, okay? If you deal with the shop while I’m gone, you’re already helping a lot.
[Encouraging] Hey, it’s all right, I know you can do that. You always make perfect potions, for someone who doesn’t use magic or spells. As for the chanted amulets and spell-scrolls, I’ll deal with them in advance so you won’t have to worry. I think… we should give this grimoire a chance.
[Serious] No, I’m sorry, but… I don’t want to wait for the weather to change, I don’t want to waste precious time. I… [sad] haven’t forgotten about how you truly feel, and I promised to you that I would have worked harder. So please, let me do this. It’s not a problem for me, I assure you! And again… it’s only for four days. All right?
[Relieved sigh] Good.
[Happy] Well then, enough talking about work. Why don’t you choose a cake to bring home?
Oooh, nice, that seems delicious.
What- no, don’t you dare! [Confused, but gentle] I’m can’t let you buy it for us, I’m the one who invited you, so I’ll be the one paying for it.
Huh? What’s that look- hey, no! No, wait!
[Sound of wrist being grabbed, chuckle] Nope, I’m not going to let go of your wrist! Nu-uh. I can’t let you pay, absolutely not. The money you earned with your hard work… you’re supposed to use it for yourself, not for these things. I mean you’ve been helping so much with the shop and at home, and it’s only fair that I give you extras when we have them thanks to you. You’re still working for me, remember? And all of these money you’re saving up, you’re supposed to use them for something you like, not for… these things.
Are you sure? Sigh… [Happy, genlte] You’re always so stubborn, aren’t you? But… it makes me happy, really. Seeing that you care this much… too. Okay, let’s do this: since I’m the one who invited you to this, uh, date… my coffee and your drink too are on me. If you’re absolutely sure, I will accept your kind offer to pay for the cake to bring home. Do we have a deal?
Perfect! I’ll let you go now, and be right behind you. I’ll just grab the empty cups.
[Calling back the listener, with a “warned you” tone] Hey, only the cake.
[Sound of cups and spoons, footsteps]
Here is the rest of what we own them, and… oooh, this cake smells so good! [Excited] Shall we have a slice when we get home? Or maybe later, after dinner. Great! All right, let’s go.
[Door opening, bell ringing]
The snow it’s not going to stop soon… [worried] are you cold? I thought I saw you shivering a little bit. Hm, if you say so, okay, [Hopeful] Would it be a problem for you if we go to another place before going back home? I’d love to show you something, since it’s snowing.
[Happy] Here, come with me.
It’s pretty near, don’t worry, I wouldn’t have asked you to go there if we had to walk a lot under the snow. It’s just a minute, more or less.
[Relaxed] The village is so quiet when it’s snowing, it almost looks like a ghost town, don’t you think? But… it still brings out so much beauty. With everything quiet, everything covered in white… if only it wasn’t this cold, it would be perfect. Still, I think it’s better this snowy weather if compared to the suffocating heat of the summer. What do you think? Are you more of a winter person or a summer person?
Heh, I knew that. [Excited] Oh, we’re here!
[Happy] I’ve always loved this park, I remember once when this little lake froze, and thanks to the wizard I told you before, that made sure with his magic that the ice was stable and safe, there were kids skating on it. If you haven’t tried it yet, it’s super fun! I mean, after you go through the first struggling step of falling every few seconds. Well, that phase is also fun, but for those who watch. [Laugh]. Still, if it happens again this winter, I’d love to take you here... and skate with you. [Shyly] ...What do you think?
[Happy] Perfect! This year feels much more colder than the past one, so who knows, maybe we’ll get the chance. But... this wasn’t really the reason I brought you here, actually… come with me.
See this tree? It’s a silverleaf willow. While researching to find a remedy for your curse, I found out that this willow’s leaves are used as an ingredient for some kind of curses. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really help much with our case, but… I also found out that at the base of this willow, when it snows, if you use a specific spell, marvelous flowers can bloom. The magic helps transfer the vitality of the silver leaves to the snow that settles on them, and directly to the ground without it dispersing, thus allowing these rare flowers to blossom. Here, look:
[small pause] You first touch the silver leaves, and you let the snow melt upon your fingers. Then you touch the ground underneath, without waiting for too long, and… here the magic makes its trick. Look… it’s blooming.
[Gentle] Isn’t it beautiful? That’s the silverleaf lily. It… doesn’t really have any purpose, and it’s something that wouldn’t exist without the help of magic, but… I personally find it lovely.
I’m so happy it snowed today, so I was able to show it to you! And… here, take it.
[Happy] You know, since it’s the result of a spell, it’s not really going to wither. You can turn it into a pin for your hair, or for your clothes… I think it would look great on you either way.
Of course you can keep it! That’s… the point, after all. [Chuckle] Take it as a “thank you” for the cake. [Shyly] And, maybe also as… [small pause, slightly sad] uhm, no, never mind. I, uh… I think it’s better to go back home now. The sun will set soon, and [Cheerful again] we still have some snow bunny to make! Oh, wait, maybe you wanted to make some snow cat? [Laugh]
Okay, okay, let’s go. Let me know if you feel too cold, you can snuggle up to me if you need to.
[Gentle] Thank you for coming with me today. I really had a lot of fun, and I hope it was the same for you.
[Relieved] I’m happy to hear that, kitty. Really happy.
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frenchiefitzhere · 1 year
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Random ASMR Roleplay Title Generator
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joodeeboochoo · 8 months
What is up JBC fam! 🤙🏈🔥 Get ready to dive into the world of pure leather awesomeness with our man Logan, the ultimate stud! 🕶️💪 He's about to serve you some ASMR vibes like you've never felt before. 🎶🤤 Logan's here to show you the incredible sounds you can get from these leather gloves. From smooth rubs to epic taps, he's gonna take your tingles to the next level. 🧤🎵 So kick back, relax, and let those leather glove tingles wash over you like a wave of victory after a perfect workout! 🏋️‍♂️💦 Don't forget to smash that like button, it's just as satisfying as hitting a game-winning touchdown! 🏈👍 Get ready to get your ASMR game on with Logan and his leather glove symphony! 🤤👂💯
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bookishambience · 10 months
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aliyyaharte · 2 months
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i think its really annoying when va’s respond to confessions on here. especially when theyre just getting salty about it. like i understand wanting yo be active in your community or even your fellow va’s community but this is a place for people to confess things they dont want on main, a safe space for FANS not creators. idk i just think its really weird when va’s in the audio rp community community put their nose in fandom spaces when imo that space isnt for them. theres nothing wrong with them following the account but when they respond to things it feels really icky to me. the stuff on here isnt for you (same goes for posts with any sort of tags related to the va that they are not explicitly sent or @ in) and it is just really unhealthy for a va to see all the posts about them good and bad as well as make an unsafe fandom space if everyone is worried about their fav va seeing a post and randomly deciding they dont like it and responding to it when that post (weather it be here or in a tag) isnt for the creators.
- signed, a creator and long time fandom member
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little-witchys-garden · 10 months
Wanna know what’s sad all the asmr channels that made videos with Angelica asmr and are still following her despite the fact she’s done { lemme make a list }
Said racist ass shit
Said homophobic shit
Said horrible and Uneducated things about paganism and spirituality
Said transphobic shit
Denied rape culture
Is now saying feminism is evil and demonic
Saying woman are only made for birthing children
Told lgbt+ ppl to end their lives
Shames sex workers
Body shames and slut shames women now
Made streams with bigots where she praised them
Talked shit about Ukrainian refugees and being angry people supported the Ukrainian ppl during the war
And the list goes on
Mind you all the asmrist have made
“ pride videos “
Claim to be feminists and support equal rights in some way on their platforms
As Angelica is doing all this, they’re all suddenly silent on their activism and are still following her…
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dommmu · 2 years
I trust tumblr on this one.
Recently, a very sweet YouTuber named Gibi, who runs a channel called Gibi ASMR found out that a ton of porn videos were made of her using deepfake. The whole community is extremely upset by this, mostly because there are no concrete laws or procedures that go against deepfake pornography.
After long research, she is almost sure that a fan of hers found one of the guys that might be behind a few of these videos, but that is still not enough evidence.
Gibi absolutely does not deserve any of this. She built her whole community on the sole purpose of helping people. Please share the video around, let people hear about the situation. Help Gibi, and those who were exploited like this.
I'll link the video so everyone here can watch it.
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beatheprincess · 6 months
I've been watching some interesting ass asmr channels >.< like it's weird but in s good way plus the creativity is top notch ✅✅
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