#avatar the last air bender
aangsfrogs · 19 hours
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Aang deserves a warm cup of tea so I gave him one
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valerielxve · 1 month
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this is my son btw
original picture:
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xenogaby · 4 months
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My zukka heart can't take this😭
They've got to know what they're doing to us...
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imma-write-stuff · 3 months
Zuko reacts to dating an Airbender Reader
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Background you grew up in the earth kingdom with a family of air benders and earth benders. Your great grand father fled somewhere safe in the earth kingdom where he settled down and started a family with your great grandma.
You met Aang and the gang while they were in Ba Sing Se and had been in the Jasmine Dragon where Zuko and Iroh worked a few times.
After you join the gang and the Solar Eclipse, you met Zuko again in the Western Air Temple. You two recognized each other.
Y/N: "Lee?"
Zuko: "Um my real name is Zuko."
You were confused then after learning about the gang's side of the story you maintain caution and kinda...stay out of it.
After he join you two started talking, it was awkward cause your interactions with him was positive though nothing special.
Zuko would be shock to find out you're an airbender, you explain about your great grandfather was on his way to one of the air temples when he heard of Sozin attacking. So he fled to the deepest part of the Earth Kingdom and hide his identity as a nomad.
Zuko didn't blame him one bit. He is honestly glad you hid yourself cause he would've mistaken you as the Avatar if he known if there was survivors in the Earth Kingdom.
Zuko starts to develop a crush on you when you got your own little trip with him.
You were there when he faced Azula in the war, you and Katara had to team up to stop her after she shot Zuko.
You two started dating after the war is over. It started when you got your airbending arrow tattoos becoming an Air Nomad. Though you guys kept it a secret till many years later you two tie the knot.
Dates include trips to Emerald Island, chilling near the duck pond, flying together on your own bison and his dragon. (Thank Avatar WOTW for the date night with Jake and Neytiri.)
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snappolli-raviolli · 1 year
Going to try resuming my use of tumblr and uploading of art. This is from 2020, but I love it still.
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click23space · 2 years
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that’s it. that’s their relationship
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wickedsnack-art · 2 months
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PATREON RELEASE - Katara as the Painted Lady
Dressed as her alter ego, a Fire Nation spirit, she’s wearing clothing heavily inspired by traditional Thai clothing because much of the Fire Nation clothing seems to reference that style of clothing, and I wanted to honor that.
This piece was previously released as a Patreon exclusive in March 2023 but is now available to all! Get access to more Patreon exclusives here.
🌸 This piece is available as a print here! 🌸
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biboomerangboi · 10 months
It’s canon that like the gaang is really bad at forgetting Toph can’t see and didn’t really update her on all the stories so sometimes I amuse myself wondering what she actually knows. Like does she know Aangs bald? Or that he has tattoos? Does she know the kyoshi warriors have sick ass makeup? Does she know Katara has hair loopies? Does she ever learn that Aang was almost boiled alive in oil? At what point does Sokka tell her he’s in love with the moon?
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 months
Aang: (Pure ball of sunshine) Killing is wrong
Katara, Toph, Sokka and Zuko: (person threatens Aang.
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timeofdeathnote · 8 months
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New Fire Nation stills 🔥
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stresspizza · 1 year
Zuko x BodyGuard! Reader
Where reader explains why they have a scar over their heart to the gaang, and what it means to the fire nation.
The fire nation has a tradition. Each royal member has an option to have a body guard, which they are appointed to at the age of seven.
When they have chosen their body guard, the body guard must go through a series of challenges to prove their loyalty to their master.
The last being a brand, made by their master's firebending.
A scar made by their master meant life long commitment, meant unwavering loyalty to the royal member. They must do whatever they say, with no hesitation.
"Wow..." Katara whispers, "that's bittersweet."
You continue.
If the body guard, at any point in their life, requests to be relieved of their duties, they must cut their limb off where their scar lies. Only then can they sever their loyalty.
The gaang looked at each other, "but the scar is over your heart!" Sokka shouts.
Zuko turns his head away, "Because I missed," he says lowly, too embarrassed to look them in the eyes.
The group looks at him in disbelief, and chuckles, "you? A great fire bender? Missing?" Aang smiles. As much as Zuko was a great teacher, Aang couldn't imagine Zuko ever missing a stagnant target.
"I was seven! I was aiming for their arm and I just missed, okay?!"
The group laughs harder, and turn to you. You, who have been tenderly rubbing your scar over your heart, remembering how painful it was to look at seven-year-old Zuko worry for your well-being after his brand.
You give a soft smile, "Though this spot is a little inconvenient," you rise, walking over to Zuko. Standing in front of him, you get on one knee, and bow your head and shoulders deeply, "I wouldn't have it any other way. My loyalty, my purpose, and my life is yours, My Prince."
There is a short pause. Zuko, though you've bowed to him plenty of times, thought this one in particular felt more sincere - intimate even. The past few weeks with the gaang, you've allowed yourself to open up more. And he, even though he rightfully knew, saw your more defined personality.
As he worked through his anger, as his days being back at the palace felt more lonely, as his kisses with Mai felt forced, as his yearn for his uncle's forgiveness increased day by day...
You stood beside him through it all, without questioning his thoughts. Your patience for him was unstaggering.
And you continue to demonstrate it now, in front of the very people that distrust him.
His slouch straightened. Zuko clears his throat lightly, "Y/N, raise your head."
You raise your head, wondering what he might do.
He stands up, places one of his fists on the bottom of the other's palm, and bows his head, "I am grateful to have you beside me. Thank you for everything you've done up until now, and everything you will do in the future. I swear to you, I will become a master you will be proud of."
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 months
Interviewer: Avatar Aang, why did you run away from home? Aang: I was told I was the Avatar at like 12, and the pressure got to me so I childishly ran away. :( Ironically that ended up being the right choice, but that's a diff story. Interviewer: Fascinating. Did you take anyone with you? Aang: Of course! My best buddy, ol' pal Appa! :D Appa: Moo Interviewer: Avatar Korra, why did you run away from home? Korra: Well the first time- I don't want to talk about the second time- it was because those jerks wouldn't let me BE THE AVATAR! So I ran away to do my duties! Interviewer: Fascinating. Did you take anyone with you? Korra: Of course! Only the best girl ever, Naga! Naga: Woof
Interviewer: Avatar Kyoshi, why did you run away from home? Kyoshi: After witnessing the death of two of my loved ones. I swore to escape my sifu's control and to get revenge by any means necessary. Interviewer: Fascinating. Did you take anyone with you? Kyoshi: Of course! I took my totally 100%, platonic bestie Rangi! Mmmhmmm just friends, totally, ONLY friends. Haha. No secret longing feelings here, no siree. Rangi: Platonic???? Not by the end of this trip, not if I have anything to say about it!
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my-cabbages-gorl · 2 months
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The first kiss I drew this to capture the pent up angst of the first kiss between these two in Bewitched - it scratches SUCH an itch to see a scene come to life that has been rolling around in your brain for a while!!
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Back on my avatar bullshit
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jetsteelyourheart · 2 months
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Here fam have an old ass zutara painting I did in 2016
Wild to see how my style has changed from 2016 to now... might try something like this again
Love to all my multishippers - maybe someday I'll get back to the atla fanart and do some zuki, zukka/suzukka (whatever that ot3 is called).
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@muffinlance​ I tried. They still haven’t come into their colors or feathers and instead are literal balls of fluff!
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do I think they are fierce AND fuzzy? yes
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