#avengers endgame imagine
once-upon-a-fanfic · 2 years
What if...
You and Natasha had been in a long term relationship? When you found out she died, you were devastated. You were furious with Clint for letting her go, but you knew deep down he couldn’t have stopped her.
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temeyes · 2 months
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met my godson for the first time yesterday, and he shares a name with a certain character,,,,
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soliloquent-stark · 7 days
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hold your broken dream up high; it's the worst case scenario lullaby.
bonaparte by melody x
robert downey jr and chris evans in avengers: endgame (2019)
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tashasolar · 2 months
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 month
Well, Yn is Steve's brother and before being a supersoldier he had a relationship with someone.
He has a relationship with Wanda now but she knew about that relationship.
So imagine when Steve went to the "past" to give the stones, in this one Yn did it. Wanda is a bit insecure about it because she thinks he is gonna be with his ex again if he saw her, but he came back and Wanda never felt so happy because someone choose her, he didn't left her.
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Wanda was incredibly troubled. She was in love with you but she was dusted and you weren’t. When she came back, you were five years older. And she could tell that your heart was aching for someone. She just wasn’t sure who.
You and your brother Steve volunteered to go back in time and return the stones. You had three and so did he. You gave Steve a hug.
“Bye pal” Bucky muttered sadly.
“What Barnes?” Wanda asked him, staring at her teammate in confusion.
“Steve. He’s staying in the past. Wants to go live with Peggy” he explained.
Wanda’s face went pale. She knew you’d never go anywhere without Steve. She knew you had someone waiting for you in the past too. Her heart broke.
“Time traveling in 3…” Bruce called out.
“(y/n)!” Wanda tried to speak up.
“I-I love-!”
Boom! You and Steve were gone. Wanda’s eyes welled with tears. You were gone from her arms. The witch fell to her knees and began crying.
“Wanda? It’s okay” Sam tried to reassure her.
“No it’s not!” Wanda tried to say thru her sobs, “(y/N)’s gone and I never told them how much I…how much I…”
Bucky put a gentle hand on her shoulder. “He knew. Trust me. (y/n) felt the same way.”
“But now he’s in the past with…”
“Return trip initiating in 3…” Bruce called out again, “2…1…”
Boom! Two figures returned. One was more feminine than the other. Did you really bring your girl from the past back to the present?
The helmets came down exposing your face and Natasha’s.
“Natasha!” Bruce exclaimed, running from behind the console and hugging her gently yet tightly.
“Hey big guy” she smiles back, gently touching Bruce’s face.
Sam and Bucky approached you, trying to make sense of everything.
“Steve, well this older Steve like almost 100, traded places with Natasha.” You explained. Your eyes were drawn to the young witch, who approached you cautiously.
“I-I thought you were staying in the past. With the girl you love” she whispered as she approached you.
“Why? It’s you I love.” You state.
“You love me?” Her eyes were already filling with fresh tears.
“I love you and choose you, Wanda Maximoff” you smiled at her
Wanda cried tears of joy and jumped into your arms, wrapping her legs around your waist. She giggled and looked to your lips. You took the hint and kissed her gently. She grabbed your face and pulled you in tighter.
“I love you.” She whispered against your lips, peppering each statement with another kiss. “I love you so much!!”
Finally. Wanda Maximoff was loved. She was someone’s first choice. And best of all, she was yours and you were hers.
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lilstephenlover · 7 months
Wong: how much longer are we going to let them do that? Stephen: *rubbing the bridge of his nose* just... just give him a minute Y/N: *still pushing the doors of sanctum that are clearly labeled pull*
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auras-moonstone · 11 months
Hey girlie,
Can you write a mini story of Jack and the reader. And can you write how she met him on the set of avengers endgame. With that, the reader is already casted in her future marvel movie(like in 2022?) and during the timespan, she was filing avatar as well, so she and Jack got closer. And in her own marvel movie premiere, she comes with jack(as her date) and everyone is crazy about and interviewers are asking questions. And with the press tours as well. And can you be specific in how they met and how they got closer.
hi! 🫶🏻 sure! i love the best friends to lovers trope and i will never get tired of writing it. hope you enjoy it! 🤍
i’m only me when i’m with you — jack champion
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words: 2,971
pairing: jack champion x fem!reader
summary: y/n and jack met on the set of avengers, and then reunite on the set of avatar. they form a close friendship and eventually fall for each other.
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Y/N WAS ENERGETICALLY RUNNING AROUND THE AVENGERS SET WHEN HER BODY COLLIDED AGAINST SOMETHING. Hearing a grunt of pain, she realized it was not something, but someone. A boy around her age, with a Justin Bieber 2010 hairstyle.
“I’m so sorry!” she apologised. He stayed silent, looking at her with wide eyes. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”. The short boy shook his head frenetically, without emitting a word. “You are not okay or I didn’t hurt you?” she laughed.
“You are Y/N Y/L/N” the boy said breathlessly.
Y/N looked down, inspecting her body before laughing “Yeah, I think so. Are you okay?” she repeated.
“Yes! Yes, sorry. I’m just a big fan, you are amazing as Venus” the boy replied nervously.
Y/N smiled widely, her cheeks tainted a deep red “Thank you so much! What’s your name?”.
“Jack, Jack Champion. I’m doing a very small role at the beginning of the movie. It’s not much, but well, I’m excited”
“No matter how small the role is, it’s still a marvel movie. So, you should be proud of yourself. Congratulations” she gave him a genuine smile.
“Thank you, that’s very nice of you! I appreciate it”
Jack was called by the director, so they had to say goodbye. Sadly, it was his first and only day on set, so they didn’t see each other again until a week later.
It was the first day of filming the Avatar movie, and Y/N was very nervous. Unlike the rest of the young cast, she didn’t have to audition, the director already had her in mind for the role, so she didn’t get to meet anyone until that day. She was afraid of, not only not fitting in, but that they would think badly of her for not having to live the excruciating experience of the audition.
The pressure on her chest intensified when she saw the group laughing together, but she walked towards them nonetheless. They fell silent when they noticed noticed her, and Y/N felt like crying.
“Y/N!” the excited voice of a kid said, and the sight of a familiar face calmed her nerves a bit.
“Jack, hi! So nice to see you again” she smiled.
“You too!” Jack was utterly surprised that the girl had recognised him, and even more excited to have the opportunity to work with her. “Let me introduce you: this is Bailey, Trinity, Jamie and Britain. Guys, this is-”
“Are you kidding me? We know!” Bailey interrupted him. “It’s so nice to meet you! You are amazing!”.
“Your character Venus is so cool!” Britain said.
“Yeah, and you are very talented” Jamie complimented her.
Y/N blushed at the wave of flattery she had just received “Thank you very much guys!”.
“Can we ask you if you are going to be in any marvel movies after Endgame? Only if you can say it” Trinity asked her. Her voice was so sweet and adorable that Y/N couldn’t lie to her.
“Please don’t say anything, but yeah. I’m still going to be working with Marvel, can’t tell you what though, for now. But I promise you that when I’m allowed to say it you’ll be the first to know” Y/N smiled at her.
“Not fair! She gets privilege for being adorable?” Jack said, acting as if he were annoyed.
“Yup” Y/N said, and Trinity stuck his tongue out at Jack, making them all laugh.
Y/N was happy she fitted right in. She bonded with the young cast pretty quickly, and she had never been happier with her work. Excitement was all she felt every morning she woke up to go to the set, and sadness when the filming hours were over.
Jack and her were the ones with the closest friendship, as they spent most of their time with each other due to their characters having lots of screen time together. So comfortable around the other, they also started to spend their free time together. Their mothers literally couldn’t pull them apart, they appeared to be sticked together with glue.
“School is trash“ Jack groaned in frustration, resting his forehead on his math book.
Y/N laughed “Come on, don’t be dramatic. You better get use to it, because we have four more years of high school” she hit him with her pencil.
“Y/N/N! That hurt” he tried not to laugh while rubbing his head.
“Oh my god! Did you hear that thud? You really have nothing in there” she said motioning to his head.
“Oh you think you are hilarious, don’t you? You’ll pay for that” he said before tackling her to the floor of his living room and started to tickle her.
She let out a small scream “No! Stop it!” she said in between laughs.
“Say you’re sorry!”
“No!” she said stubbornly, trying to get him off her. She was taller than him, but his training clearly gave him an advantage.
“What is going on here?” Y/N and Jack’s mothers entered the living room.
“She called me dumb and I’m making her apologise” Jack answered.
“Jack please let go of Y/N/N” his mom told him.
“And Y/N, apologise to him” her mother said.
“I’m sorry I called you dumb, dumbass” she said. The thirteen-year old grabbed a small pillow from the couch and hit her with it “Here, let me help you with that task” she offered once they recovered from the laughing fit.
The two mothers looked at their kids with big smiles painted on their faces. “They’ll fall for each other eventually. I have a feeling”.
“Oh, most definitely” Y/N’s mom agreed.
“Sorry I called you dumb, I was joking” she told him before leaving his house.
“Y/N/N I know it was a joke, don’t worry. Besides, everyone knows I’m the smart one in our friendship” he teased.
“Literally no one believes that” Y/N said, rolling her eyes. “I have the looks and the brains”.
“I hate you” he pushed her shoulder lightly, making her laugh.
“I love you too. See you tomorrow” she waved goodby after kissing his cheek.
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“YOU ARE TELLING ME EVERYONE HAS BEEN PEEING ON THE TANK FOR YEARS AND NO ONE TOLD ME?” Y/N asked Jack in disbelief. They were on her room, she was lying on her bed, resting on her elbow and with her head on her hand while Jack laid on a made-up mattress next to her bed.
“I thought you knew! Why are you surprised, though? It’s not like you haven’t done it”
“I haven’t”
He sat up, eyeing her expression “No way. I don’t believe you. We spend hours on that tank”.
“I swear I haven’t” she told him truthfully. He furrowed his eyes “Not because I didn’t want to. I was just being respectful, but guess no one cares about manners anymore!”.
Jack laughed “And then you say I’m the dramatic one”.
“We are both the dramatic ones” she said. “I can’t believe the film is almost over. I’m going to miss working with you”.
“Don’t get all sad on me” he said, grabbing her hand. “We are still going to see each other. You’re my best friend, you are definitely not going get rid of me”.
“You promise?”
“I promise, Y/N/N. I love you” he said.
She sat up to hug him, and also to hide the blush that tainted her cheeks. “I love you too”
He looked at his watch and smiled. “Happy 15th birthday, Y/N/N”.
“Thank you, Jack” she said, hugging him even tighter.
“My mom and I got you something” he said excitingly, standing up to look for something in his bag. “Close your eyes!” she muttered an ‘okay’. “Don’t cheat!”.
“I won’t!”
“Okay” he placed a package on her hands. “Open your eyes”. It was a thin cardboard and it had the shape of a square. “You have to open it carefully”.
When she finally unwrapped the gift, she gasped at the recognisable cover. “Holy shit, Jack! You didn’t”.
“We did!”
“How?!” she said loudly. “It’s extremely rare, and the prices are also extremely high… oh god, Jack you didn’t”.
“You are worth it” he shrugged, as if it was nothing. He had no idea how fast her heart started beating when he said that.
She stared at the 1989 vinyl in awe. It wasn’t just any vinyl, it was the pink one. Being an special RSD edition, there weren’t many left. Jack knew how obsessed she was with that record—it also was her favourite album of all time—so he didn’t hesitate to buy it, nonetheless of the price.
The vinyl was special to Y/N, not because of its rareness, but because Jack got it for her.
“Thank you so much! It’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen”
Her smile was so wide and her eyes so bright that Jack swore he would buy every single thing she wanted if it meant he would get to see her like that.
That was the day Jack and Y/N knew they liked the other as more than a friend.
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THE AVATAR SHOOTING ENDED AND SOON ENOUGH Y/N BEGAN SHOOTING FOR MARVEL. She was excited of course, it was marvel, but even if it had been a year since she finished filming Avatar, she couldn’t help but miss the homey feeling that set gave her. Most of all she missed Jack. They talked and hung out, but they used to spend the whole day, every day, for years, together so it clearly wasn’t the same.
After doing lots of stunts, she finally had a break, so she went to her trailer. She threw herself to the couch—she was exhausted and her suit was beyond uncomfortable.
“Holy shit you are Venus!” the familiar voice invaded her ears. She looked at him in surprise, then stood up and jumped into her friend’s arms. “Hey…”
“I missed you” Y/N whispered against Jack’s chest.
It was funny. When they first met, also on a Marvel set, he had been a very short twelve year old with an awful haircut. Now, he was a very tall and muscular seventeen year old with very nice curly hair. She once used to tease him about being taller than him, now she had to raise her head to properly look at him. They had grown together, and their bond was one of a kind.
“Hey… what’s wrong?” he asked worried, noticing the hint of sadness in her voice.
“I guess I’ve been feeling a bit homesick, that’s all” Y/N answered in a low tone. She closed her eyes when her vision started to get blurry from the tears, she definitely did not want to see her cry over missing him.
“You go home every single day?” Jack said confused.
“Not my homesick for my house… for the Avatar set… for you” she whispered.
“I know it’s silly…” Y/N said a bit embarrassed.
“Hey, no. Look at me” Jack told her, she instantly shook her head. “Y/N, please” his heart dropped when he saw the tears in her eyes “It’s not silly. Why did you think I came here? I know exactly what you’re feeling. I miss you like crazy too. Two days a week and facetiming is not nearly enough of you for me”.
Y/N smiled softly and relaxed a bit. Between filming, finals and being homesick, she felt overwhelmed. And now, being in Jack’s arms, felt like getting the fresh air she was desperately needing. Everything was becoming too much, and if she didn’t have a contract with Marvel, she probably would have quit. Not very professional of her part, she knew it, but she felt suffocated.
They sat on the couch, Y/N’s leg over Jack’s lap and head on his shoulder, while the boy had his arm around her shoulders and rested his head against hers.
“You don’t know how much I needed this. After this movie, I’m taking a break. Only interviews for the things I filmed, nothing more” she told him.
“That’s perfect, love. That’s what you need” Jack massaged the side of her head.
“You’re making me fall asleep, I need to go in a few minutes” she laughed, looking up at him.
Their breaths hitched at the closeness. Eyes so connected they felt like they were in a trance. Y/N couldn’t believe how pretty he was, she could admire him for the rest of her life. And he was astonished by how breathtaking she was, even with puffy eyes.
“If I were to kiss you right now… would it ruin our friendship?” he asked, so low he almost couldn’t hear himself.
“Only if you don’t feel the same way that I do” Y/N whispered back.
Jack’s eyes never left hers “And what do you feel?”
“That I’ve loved you since we were fifteen”
“Then our friendship is, officially, not ruined” he smiled.
And the moment they have been waiting for two years finally came. And it was better than they have ever imagined, like their lips belonged together and now that they finally were, they couldn’t pull away. Like some magnetic force was holding them together.
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THE DAY OF THE VENUS PREMIERE ARRIVED AND Y/N WAS HAPPIER THAN EVER. Ever since she and Jack got together, six months ago, everything felt better. They weren’t a private couple, but definitely not super public. They shared pictures and tiktoks with the fans, but never talked about their relationship. So, when they walked appeared together at the red carpet, everyone was thrilled. They were definitely considered one of the “it” couples, and everyone loved them.
“Have I mentioned how gorgeous you look today?” Jack whispered in her ear as they walked towards the reporters.
“Only a hundred times” she smiled at him.
“Well, my goal is a thousand, so I have a long way to go”
“I might do the same, because you look extremely handsome. Could you stay in that suit forever? Wait- you also look very cute in your hoodies and tank tops, so scratch that. Wear whatever you want, you always look handsome” she sent him a wink. She absolutely loved complimenting him, because his cheeks always turned red and she liked being the reason why they did.
“Hi Y/N, Jack” an interviewed greeted them.
“Hi!” they both answered with big smiles.
“First of all, congratulations on Venus! That’s a big deal, having a film dedicated only to your character” the blonde woman said.
“Thank you so much! And yes, it was quite a shocker when they told me about it. I was scared at first, because we’ve entered a complete different era for the MCU and people are, with good reason, very attached to the original characters and critics can be a little harsh. But I am actually very proud of this movie and I hope the fans enjoy it”
“Do you have any more projects now that the film is over?”
“No, I’m taking a break for an indefinite amount of time. I’ve been through very emotional phases and it’s best for me to stop for a little bit. Stay at home, enjoy my family and friends… so yeah”
“I hope you are feeling better. It’s very understandable, though, you have been working non-stop for years! And you are so young”
“I am feeling much much better, thank you. You aren’t getting rid of my face, though, I still have interviews to do for Venus. And Avatar is coming soon too, so yeah! I’m actually excited for that, I miss the cast so much”
“You two worked together in Avatar, right?”
“Yes!” they both answered.
“You met there?” she questioned.
Y/N looked at Jack, telling him to respond. “Actually, no. We met on the set of Avengers Endgame!”.
The blonde interviewer’s jaw dropped “Wait what?”
“Yeah! I had a small role at the beginning. If you are a big fan, you might remember me. I’m the little boy on the bicycle who stumbles upon Ant man!”
“No way! Yes! You had a Justin Bieber haircut!” the interviewer recognized him.
Y/N chuckled, and Jack turned red “It was stylish at that moment!” he exclaimed.
“No it wasn’t! That hairstyle, thankfully, died on 2010” Y/N said.
“Whatever” he rolled his eyes while smiling. “She’s always bullying me”.
“Not true! I’m a very sweet person”
“Most of the time, yes, but you do bully me a lot”
“Stop playing the victim in front of the cameras, you aren’t fooling anyone” she laughed.
The woman smiled at their dynamic “You two are so cute! How did you get together?”
“Well, we have liked each other since we were fifteen-ish, but I guess we were too scared to ruin the friendship. Six months ago, he visited me on set, and I was feeling a bit sad because I missed him too much. We both confessed, and yeah, that’s pretty much it” she explained.
“She’s truly the best person in the world, and I’m so glad she bumped into me that day on the Avengers set” he said, a dazzling smile on his face.
“And we have to say thank you to James Cameron. He’s like our wingman” she said. “Anyways, thank you for being here and sorry for having to deal with us”.
“What? Thank you! It was so fun to interview you both. You make such a good couple and the love you have for each other is very evident. Congratulations on Venus and Avatar!”
“That was really fun” Jack said once they got away from the cameras. He leaned down to place a kiss on her lips. “You look gorgeous tonight”.
Y/N laughed “And you look annoyingly handsome”.
“Isn’t that a back-handed compliment?” he asked confused.
Y/N shrugged “It may have sounded like that, but I promise I mean it as a compliment”.
“Couldn’t you just have said ‘You look handsome’?”
“Oh so you are making your own compliments now” she laughed.
Jack shook his head “You are impossible” he laughed.
“I love you, Jack” she hugged him “Thanks for being here with me tonight”
He rested his head on top of hers “Tonight and always. I love you too, love”
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thegothcheetah · 2 years
I Need You..
[Natasha and Y/N before Vormir]
Y/N: If you die and I live, I’d have nothing..*looks at Natasha*
Y/N: It’s different for you, your family need you. You have to live, for them.
Natasha: What about you?
Y/N:*looks up at the ceiling* Nobody needs me..
Natasha: I do, I need you..
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lives-in-midgard · 8 months
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"I love you 3000"
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Steve Rogers Era Part 8 Steve in a military uniform in Endgame😍
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mcubuckyxlokisbitch · 8 months
Out of all the Time Lines
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Short Series !
Female Asgardian reader (now avenger) X TVA Loki
Chapter 1: Avengers I need your help (done)
Chapter 2: Interrogations and proclamations (done)
Chapter 3: Even Asgardians have myths (comming soon)
Chapter 4: -
Chapter 5: -
Chapter 6: -
Summary: After your Lokis death and have moved on and joined the Avengers. After the aftermath of Endgame you and the other remaining Avengers all seek shelter in the new Avengers Warehouse Pepper Potts bought as a temporary replacement while the Avengers mansion is being renovated. What happened after a very tired mission. Well, you're speechless, to say the least.
You entered the living room with the rest of the team all covered in dust, scratches and tired faces. All of you just saved another casual disaster but the aftermath was the annoying part, burning buildings, hurt people, without Tony stark it meant the clean up crew for the Avengers were the Avengers.
"Alright, what movie and what restaurant shall we engage in tonight." You say as you use your magic to teleport your sword to your room and grab the telephone on the coffee table, plopping on the couch.
"I don't know, but I am in the mood for some Mexican food," Sam said walking in and taking off his goggles.
"Yeah no we just had Mexican yesterday Sam there is no way I am eating another burrito, enchiladas, or taco for the 5th time this week." Bucky shouted as he stretched out on the loveseat next to the couch.
Scott, Thor, Wanda, Peter, Kate and Yelena walked in as they made their way to the kitchen and the living room to relax after a long day.
"Well I for one could actually go for some Phò." Wanda said while grabbing a glass of water. "Yes that actually sounds nice," you replied.
"Second it." Bucky Raised his hand and passed out on the loveseat.
"I will fiest on any of your choosing," Thor said while taking off his cape to wipe off the gunk from storm breaker.
"Phò sounds wonderful. Just make sure I get one of those spring roles. Oh and don't forget were running out of chilli sauce." Yelena shouted from the fridge.
"I just restocked." Scott threw his arms and groaned. "hah." Yelena mocked.
Peter took off his mask and rubbed his forehead combing his hair back, he had the worst migraine ever. Was this a spider sense? Why is it worse than ever?
You shouted for his attention, "Peter man of the hour, Mexican or Phò." Peter didn't answer, he was trying to hold himself on the table trying to compile himself.
"Peter?" You looked towards him. You started to get worried and walked towards him. "Peter. Did you hear me, Phò or Mexican?"
Peter looked at you and fell on his butt.
"Look kid we all are tired but at least try to make it to the couch I ain't carrying you." Same teased.
"Peter are you alright," Wanda said with a concerned face rushing towards him.
"Just tired... crazy migraine, feels like a spider sense but not ...it's the worst I've had." Peter looked at the concerned faces towards him, while he found support from your hand "Probably just tired." he chuckled.
"Well Phò it is, maybe next time Sam." You shook the phone and gave it to Scott to take the orders because he knew the team lie the back of his hand.
"Peter do you require help to get on the couch." You brought Peter back up as he tried to make his way onto the kitchen island.
"I'm fine just need water and a good meal. Imma lay by here." He groaned and slipped onto the table face on the surface.
You went to the sink to pour him a glass of water. Placed it on the counter making sure he drank every drop.
You grabbed a popcorn pack from a top shelf and brought it to the microwave as you set the time. You looked back at Peter who was getting a second refill.
You crossed your arms as you leaned back on the wall waiting for the timer on the microwave to go off. You closed you eyes resting your head as you looked up the ceiling.
"Teya what movie...Not silence of the lambs"
"Action or Comedy, Sam I don't mind..." You sighed not opening your eyes taking some shut eye before the alarm in the warehouse blares for the next emergency.
"Cassie said Gnomeo and Juliet was nice," Scott said looking through his phone.
"Bucky is scared of the Frog." You chuckled.
"In my Defense doll I only said it to make my move on you." he smirked kissing your cheek.
"Now thats a new level of low and pathetic." Sam groaned in disgust. You try reach for an aspirin on the top shelf but Bucky beat you to it.
"Here." he passed the bottle to you.
"I lift cars, I think can lift a shelf handle." you retorted to him
"We talked about this doll," he places both his arms on your shoulder.
"Right..." you breathed and dialouged dramatically " Why thank you, James, you're such a gentleman." flipping your hair.
"OH I call dibs on Robocop" Yelena raised her hand after laying out all the snacks.
"I'm letting the kid's pop culture spinner decide." Sam takes the remote from Scott and faces back to Peter. "Yo Pete what movie."
"Babylon," Peter replied from the kitchen island still rubbing his temple.
"As long as it's not Hamilton." You teased.
"Sams got it all memorized by now." Bucky continued.
"Not as much as you Buck, I heard him belting burn last night," Sam replied. The microwave beeped as you turned your back from the crowd and you grabbed a bowl to place the pack in.
"Heh well, you can say he's gonna be your right-hand man." you giggled at your cringe joke. "Get it." but no response was made, just silence from the crowd.
"Oh cmon that was fun-" you turn to see the reason of their response and froze "Ny......"
"Avengers I need your help."
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elpis-simps · 5 days
Okay, I have a headcanon that the Avengers all just do their superheroes poses and hair flips and fighting stances...
Doing normal things. And they don't even mean to do it, it's just instinct.
Nat, drops a bottle lid, and slides backwards in her iconic spider-pose, picking it up in the process.
Wanda has her hands in fighty magic position while she's walking around the Tower or compound in her pajamas.
Clint is basically miming holding a bow-and-arrow at his side, though he's not actually holding one and is just dancing with Nat and Tony. Nat is beating them by miles in just dance.
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Five years ago today Avengers: Endgame was released, marking the end of an era. Have your thoughts remained the same or have changed since then?
Some of the posters I designed in the days leading up to the opening day.
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earth616variant · 2 years
hide and seek | steve rogers ; 2
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summary | After seeing Peggy in the 70s and everything that happened, distance began to grow between you and Steve.
words | 2.4k+
genres | angst, tiny fluff
pairing | endgame!steve rogers x avenger!reader
warnings | endgame spoilers, death
note | THE SECOND PART IS FINALLY HERE! I planned to keep this one in drafts at first since I didn't really expect requests for a second part 🤣 But here it is now! Thank you so much for reading the first one. I appreciate everyone's feedback and reblogs 🤍🤍 Enjoy reading!
masterlist | series masterlist
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“Y/N, doll.”
Steve called your name since he wants to talk to you as soon as possible before anything happens again. You turned around, instantly meeting his eyes. He cannot read anything from yours as they remained empty but your jaw clenched. He can say that you are still stopping yourself from voicing anything about what happened in Peggy’s office. Steve was about to say something again when Bruce spoke, making you two turn around.
“Clint, where’s Nat?”
Bruce, you, and Steve wait for Clint’s answer. But the archer avoided your eyes and you held your breath. You tried to remain positive with your thoughts. Maybe Natasha had to do something alone–
“She’s gone.”
Your heart dropped straight to your stomach. Unconsciously, you held on to Steve’s arm, making him look at you with worry written all over his face. He sees tears instantly threatening your eyes. 
“What? What do you mean she’s gone?” Bruce broke off the silence with his denial.
The others caught up upon Clint’s alone arrival that they asked questions too. Clint, who was already devastated, had to tell everyone what he and Natasha had to do to get the stone. He told how they fought to die for it, trying not to break down into pieces in between sentences.
Tony was the one who asked everyone to take some time off and mourn near the lake. Steve held you as you two walked to your shared room in the compound. The green uniform from the 70s that he was still wearing ended up damp on the chest part. He consoles you, rubbing your back up and down while placing kisses on your hair. When you entered your room, your boyfriend lets you sit on the corner of your kingsized bed while he picks on clothes for your both to change on before going to the lakeside.
“I-I’m not going,” you whispered when he placed your clothes on the bed next to you.
Steve cocked his head to you. He was already dressed up. You were still crying but calmer now. You did not even look at him when you continued,
“You should go. I just need to be alone.”
As much as he wants to stay with you, Steve knew that you needed it. Natasha was your best friend and sister– non-blood related – after you two worked together for SHIELD. Steve nods. He leaned down to your face level. You closed your eyes, tears streaming down. He gently held your cheek, wiping the continuously flowing tears with his thumb before placing a small kiss on your forehead. You whimpered before biting your lower lip, not letting yourself express more emotions. Steve tried to look past it as he gets up.
“I’ll be at the lake, okay?” he told you before leaving the room, feeling a little skeptical.
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You fought and both your body and mind are beaten up.
You cried for everyone you lost, feeling Natasha’s presence as you stood next to your allies. You imagined standing side by side with her in this biggest battle of your life as an Avenger. 
You screamed until your throat hurts as you hit one enemy to another.
You shed tears when you saw Thor’s Mjolnir land on Steve’s hand. Maybe the tears came from joy, pride, or exhaustion. You don’t know. Your emotions are already all over the place. 
“Oh, shi–”
You were with Rocket Raccoon, shooting your blasters at every alien you see. You swore you were ready to die in the name of protecting everyone in this world. But you still felt goosebumps on your skin when you see an enormous alien approaching you. A Leviathan was ready to engulf you two in his giant mouth when suddenly it disintegrated into dust.
“What the hell happened?” he asked as he looked around.
You exhaled, tired, but it ended with a smile. “We did it. We won–”
The grin and relief on your face dropped when your eyes spotted Tony, half of his body wounded. No, no, no, no. The guns slipped from your hands as you ran in his direction. Your vision became all blurry with tears. The more it gets blurry, the slower you feel. It was like everything is happening in slow motion when you stopped moving and simply watched. You see Rhodey landing near his weak friend. Peter called his name over and over again and your heart was crushed into pieces. Pepper came. From the distance, you cannot hear anything Pepper told her husband. But to watch the couples’ solemn and last exchange, mashed whatever’s left in you. Both their hands are on his arc reactor and everyone witnessed Tony’s last breath when his palm fell. You looked around, and that’s when you noticed Steve standing next to Thor. His helmet was useless in hiding the devastated look on his face. You walked to him, approaching him with a soft touch on his back.
“Steve…” you called his name before biting your tongue to stop an incoming sob.
Your boyfriend turned around and without any wasted second, you welcomed him in your arms. No more words needed to say. Both you and Steve felt like a winner and a loser at the same time. You two teared up because of a million mixed emotions for everything you have done and went through for this moment. You knew you still have things to talk about and hopefully, you can have time to talk about it. 
But for now, a hug would be fine.
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“Thank you, Steve.”
Pepper offered a warm smile after almost everyone who came for Tony’s funeral left. Steve helped in sending the guests off as Pepper already looked tired and still have to look after Morgan. Steve nods and gave her a polite smile.
“You and Y/N should rest now too. I can manage here. Happy will help me clean up here.” she told him.
“Just don’t hesitate to give us a call if you and Morgan need anything,” he replied before they shared a short hug.
After that, Steve searched for you around the cabin. He has been worried for you as you seemed unemotional beside him earlier. You only had your arms crossed as you stared at the arc reaction flowing on the lake. Finally, he saw you near the lake, talking with Clint and Wanda. He walked to you.
“Doll, let’s go?”
You turned around and nods at him before turning back to your friends again. You hugged Clint once again and so is Wanda. 
“You can come to our house, okay?” 
You whispered to the Sokovian. Unlike Clint who has a family, Wanda is all alone and you wanted to ensure her that you and Steve are always open to welcoming her into your abode. 
“Aren’t we going to help Pepper with cleaning up?” you asked Steve while you two walk to the car.
Your boyfriend shakes his head, “Happy will stay here for a while to help her. She wants us to rest for now.”
Throughout the whole ride, you had your attention on nature outside your window. You asked Steve to roll it down because you want to take in the fresh air. He took a quick side glance at you and had a small smile watching you enjoying the breeze. The Starks’ cabin is very much hidden from the city. It took almost an hour to get out of the woods and it gave him a vacant time to think about things. Specifically, you and your relationship. You have been pretty reserved and he did not want to force you into having dialogues with him promptly. He wants to be patient and wait, hoping that the speechlessness will pass.
In the meantime, he would deal with silence as you fell asleep on the passenger seat.
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“I’m going to the shelter.”
You passed by Steve, who is brewing coffee in your kitchen. Wearing your casual clothes, you picked up your house and car keys from the foyer table.
“Do you want coffee, doll? Breakfast? I can make you a quick one–” Steve offered when you entered the kitchen.
“It’s fine.” you declined before planting a feather-like kiss on his cheek. It was too swift that he almost didn’t feel it.
Turns out it’s hard to find time to talk. Especially when one is always busy with other things. By one, Steve means you. It’s been weeks since the last battle. Tony had his funeral in his and his family’s lakeside cabin. Other Avengers was already branching out their own lives. Bruce stayed to build a new Quantum Tunnel for the stones to be returned after he rests his injured arm. You and Steve still did not talk about his last mission: returning the infinity stones. But he knows you knew about it since it was the original plan. Still, he wants to have a conversation with you.
But you became… distant. A day after the funeral, you went back to managing the orphanage you and Natasha co-founded for the kids of those who have been snapped. There were still kids left in your care and you try to reach and look for their returned parents in any way you can. You figured that maybe you can turn all your emotions and time to it.
He gulped before asking you again, “Can I visit you there later? Maybe we can have lunch together. We can eat out.” 
You paused and slowly turned at him. Steve waited for your answer but you only looked at him like you were thinking of reasons to get away from his invite. It was like a confirmation that you are, indeed, avoiding him. Steve tried to mask up his chagrin when he spoke again,
“It’s fine. You’re probably busy there, now that everyone’s back. Just let me know when you get to the shelter.” 
You replied a simple nod before turning your back again and leaving the house. During your whole solo drive to the shelter, you have this feeling of a tight knot in your stomach. You hated it. You had your knuckles gripping tight on the steering wheel. Like you wanted to go back home and stay with Steve. But you didn’t. 
You don’t know how long was the drive since you found yourself parking in front of the orphanage. One of your few staff greeted you with a wave when she spotted you inside your car. You waved back with a cheery smile. Only for it to drop when she continued watering the other plants around the home. You rested your forehead on the steering wheel, exhaling.
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“Yeah, I’m not going tomorrow. Can you manage the facility?”
You talk with Anna, your staff, through a call since you’re already on your way home. The whole day in the shelter, you were distracted by your thoughts and Steve. You cannot stop feeling awful about rejecting Steve’s efforts that you decided to go home a little early than usual. You knew that you two needed to talk and maybe you can do it as soon as you can. So you were glad when Anna expressed that she can take lead.
“Thank you, Anna.” you dropped the call with a smile.
It will be a hassle to cook this late. So you thought pizza and beer would be good even though your boyfriend cannot get drunk. You tried to calm your nerves as you turned off your headlights when you reached home. You were quiet with opening the door with the box of pizza and canned beers.
“I’m returning the stones tomorrow. Bruce already rebuilt the machine.” 
You heard Steve’s deep voice just when you stepped into the house. You remained quiet with your gentle footsteps.
“Are you bringing the shield?” 
It was Bucky. You were not surprised that he’s here as he always visits. You just never meet across since you were always busy. You were slow in your moves, careful with everything you were holding. The two old pals are probably in the kitchen.
“No, I’m leaving it to Sam. You know that I am giving up the shield.” Steve replied.
Your eyebrows crunched together as you stay still near the door. He’s giving up the shield?! You know about the returning of the infinity stones. But you didn’t know that he had other plans. So you stayed behind the walls, listening to them.
“Yeah. But have you told Y/N? You can’t leave without telling her.”
Leave?! Your heart beats faster than ever. Is he really leaving?! You felt panging pain in you. Something like shredding your heart. You felt your lips quivering as you felt like seeing red. 
“Well… She–”
Your hands almost let go of whatever you holding. Thankfully, you quickly caught it. But it caused a rustling sound and you heard the chair moving from the kitchen. You figured you will just show yourself than be caught. You appeared in the kitchen entryway and you see the two soldiers surprised to see you.
“Oh, h-hey…” You forced a smile on your face, acting like you didn’t hear anything.
They knew you heard them as you appeared upset. Bucky looked at Steve. Without any verbal communication, they understood each other. Steve immediately walked to you but you handed him the beer and pizza. He noticed the way your hands formed into a stone fist when it was emptied. 
“You’re home early, doll,” he spoke.
You nod, “I am. I thought we can have pizza and maybe drink too. But you two seemed to have it already.”
You tried to joke as you pointed to the bottled drinks on the table.
“Oh, it’s fine. It’s our last one anyway.” Bucky smiled, trying to ride along your jolly persona too. “Actually, I’m going home. So you two can–”
“No! No! Stay.” you stopped him with stern stress on the last word. “I’m going up. I’ll probably rest. I… I suddenly felt a bad headache. You guys should have the pizza and beer.”
You turned your back, shutting off once again. Steve called your name but you simply shook your head. The two men watched your back as you left. They heard your heavy, slow footsteps on the wooden staircase.
“Go talk to her,” Bucky advised before getting a slice of pizza and patting Steve’s back.
Steve nods and quickly followed your trail. Bucky took himself out of the house. Just when you heard Steve stepping on the second floor, you locked the door in the guest room. That’s where you would be staying for tonight. Your boyfriend figured it out when he sees your shared room open door. He went straight to the other room, knocking on the door.
“Doll, Y/N…” he called out softly. He heard a muffled sob and he knew that you are crying not because of that sudden headache. It took a few more knocks and calls before you answered.
“Please, leave me alone, Steve.”
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tags [for everyone who asked for the second part! tysm <3]
@nana1000night @cevansssimp @celestialeviereads @watermelanie612 @vesta-ro @feestyles @epiphany-of-a-madwoman
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b1ackoutartist · 8 months
Natasha Romanoff x reader
Kinda sad, sorry
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The room was shrouded in the muted colors of the evening, as the amber light from the setting sun streamed through the windows. Y/N sat on the couch, holding a framed picture of Natasha, her beautiful wife, taken during a family picnic they once had. The smiles in that photo seemed so distant now.
She took a deep breath and called, "Alex, Elena, come here sweethearts." The pitter-patter of small feet echoed through the hallway, followed by two wide-eyed faces looking up at her, their eyes filled with innocence and curiosity.
"Where's mommy?" Elena, with her soft curls and big green eyes resembling Natasha’s, asked, clutching her favorite toy close to her chest.
Alex, the older of the two, sensing the weight of the moment, hesitated, "Is Mommy still on her mission?"
Y/N’s heart felt as if it was being squeezed, pain radiating through her with every beat. She beckoned the kids to sit beside her and took a moment to find her voice. "Do you remember the stories Mommy would tell about heroes and sacrifices?"
Alex nodded slowly, "Like when someone does something really brave for someone else?"
"That's right," Y/N whispered, wiping away a tear that had slid down her face. "Mommy... she had to do something really brave. To make sure we all stayed safe. To make sure you and Elena and everyone else could be here."
Elena looked confused, "But when is she coming back?"
Y/N choked back her emotions, "Oh, my love, Mommy... Mommy isn't coming back. She's with the stars now, watching over us."
The room was filled with a deafening silence. Then, a sob from Alex broke it. "But I want Mommy! I need her! Why did she have to go?"
Elena, not fully grasping the depth of the situation, started crying too, mirroring her brother's pain, "I want Mommy!"
Y/N pulled them close, feeling the weight of their grief and her own crashing down on her. She kissed their heads, "I know, my loves. I want her too. Every moment. But she did it because she loved us. And she'll always be here," Y/N touched both their hearts, "right here. And in the wind, the stars, the stories we tell. She'll always be with us."
"Right here. And in the wind, the stars, the stories we tell. She'll always be with us."
"But I want her here, Momma! I want her to read to me, to sing me lullabies," Elena's voice quivered, fresh tears spilling over her cheeks.
Alex's face crumpled, his attempts at being the 'big brother' faltering, "I want to show her my drawings. I made one for her today. She promised she'd put it on the fridge."
Y/N's vision blurred, tears making everything seem distant and hazy. The weight of the situation pressed on her chest, making it hard to breathe. "I know, baby. I wish, more than anything, that she could walk through that door and hold all of us," her voice broke, the deep anguish evident.
The room was suffocated by the tangible pain and heartache. Every silent moment, every quiet sob echoed the profound loss that had taken over their lives.
Y/N drew her children closer, trying to shield them from the world's cruelty, even if just for a moment. "Listen to me, both of you," she began, her voice filled with a mix of pain and determination. "Your Mommy was the bravest person I've ever known. She loved you both more than words can describe. Every moment away from you was a sacrifice for her, but she did it to protect us, to protect the world."
Alex hiccupped, wiping his tears, "But why did she have to go? Why couldn't someone else?"
Y/N swallowed hard, "Because sometimes, our loved ones are called upon to make the hardest choices. Choices we might never understand. But we have to trust that they did it for the right reasons. And now, it's our job to remember her, to honor her memory, to make sure that her sacrifice wasn't in vain."
Elena snuggled into her, "But it hurts, Momma."
Y/N pressed a gentle kiss on her daughter's forehead, "I know, baby. It hurts me too, every single day. But we have each other, and we will get through this together."
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fandomnerd9602 · 9 months
Ok here's one I've been thinking about since endgames release. Can we get a ghost rider male reader x captain marvel?
Y/N gives Carol a ride in the Hellcycle…
Carol: thanks for the ride hot stuff
Y/N: sure that’s the only ride you wanted?
Carol: treat me to a Top Gun marathon and we’ll find out (winks)
Y/N: see you tonight, love
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