#basically i want Danny to do the cat stare when they see and hear something
bluerosefox · 1 year
Damian comes back to the manor one day with... a new school acquaintance (coughfriendcough) due to the fact they need to work on a school project together and Danny Fenton was the only one in that class that Damian would tolerate to have as a partner.
Everything about the kid seemed normal, heck very normal if a bit shy... or at least that was until the kid suddenly zero focused on a corner of the room and stared at it non blinking. Then after what felt like hours blinked once and returned to normal, chatting away like nothing happened.
....It also doesn't help that Alfred the cat... did the same thing.. at the same time as Danny.
Yeah something is... off about Damian's new friend.
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q-gorgeous · 3 years
Falling Out
Sam and Paulina are assigned as partners for a school project.
word count: 2581
for @phandom-phriend
heyo bro
“I don’t get what the big deal is.”
Sam stared at Paulina, who was standing in the middle of the hallway twirling her hair between her fingers. 
“You don’t get what the big deal is? Your boyfriend literally just beat someone up!”
Paulina scoffs. “He’s not my boyfriend! And that kid was a loser anyway. His family is just a bunch of freaks.”
Sam looked at Danny who was still laying on the floor, his breath wheezing from when it was knocked out of him. “He’s not a loser.” Sam mumbled.
“Excuse me?” Paulina looked over her nails.
“He’s not a loser!” Sam stomped up to Paulina, her face inches from the other girl’s. “He’s really nice and actually likes hearing about things I want to talk about! Unlike you.”
Tossing her hair over her shoulder, Paulina turned her nose up into the air. “That’s because all you like is that spooky ooky goth stuff. No one wants to listen to you talk about ghosts and spiders and witches.”
“He does.”
“That’s because he’s a loser.” Paulina poked a finger into Sam’s chest. “Why don’t you just drop him and this freaky goth phase and come hang out with your real friends.”
“You are not my friend.”
Paulina froze. “What?”
“I don’t know what bug crawled it’s way up your ass Paulina, but if this is how you’re going to treat people now I don’t want to be your friend anymore.”
She watched as Sam walked away from her and helped Danny off the ground. Sam whispered a few things to him and he nodded. They began to limp their way to the nurses office. 
Paulina clenched her fists together and her throat tightened. That’s fine. She didn’t need Sam. She had plenty of other friends. What did one falling out matter? She turned around and stomped her way in the opposite direction towards the cafeteria.
She didn’t need Sam Manson. 
“But Mr. Lancer!” Paulina whined, her hands resting on the top of her desk as she stood up in protest. 
“I’m sorry Ms. Sanchez, but you and Ms. Manson will be partners for this project.”
Sam raised her hand. “I’d rather do my project on my own than work with her.”
Lancer pinched the bridge of his nose. “You two are partners for this project, end of discussion.”
“But-” Both girls chorused. 
“That’s enough! Ms. Sanchez, take your seat.”
Paulina huffed and crossed her arms as she sat down. Why did Lancer have to assign her and Sam to work together? Hasn’t he figured out that they hate each other yet?
Her gaze flicked over to where Sam was sitting. She was angrily scratching something into her notebook. She paused and her eyes met Paulina’s. They stared at each other for a moment before Paulina sneered in her direction and looked away. 
Paulina sat angrily stewing in her seat until the bell rang. She grabbed her backpack and slung it over her shoulder, heading out of the classroom at a brisk pace. She was putting the combination into her locker and had just gotten it open when Sam walked up and pushed it closed. 
“What do you want, Manson?” Paulina snapped. 
Sam rolled her eyes. “We’re supposed to work on that project together, remember? When are we going to meet for it?”
“I don’t know. Why don’t you just do it on your own and write my name on it.” Paulina twisted the dial on her locker again. 
“Nu uh. If we’re forced to be partners you’re gonna help with it.”
Paulina groaned and opened her locker again. “I guess we can start working on it today after school.”
“Great. I’ll meet you at your house when school is over then.”
“What?” Paulina squawked and turned towards Sam. “Why my house?”
“I don’t want my parents thinking we’re friends again.”
Paulina just stared at her but frowned when Sam pushed the locker closed again and started walking away. She clenched her fists. As if they would ever be friends again. 
The rest of the day passed by both too quick and slow at the same time. She dreaded having Sam come over and having to talk to her so much that even though the day dragged on and on, when she was at home and a knock sounded on the door it felt like she had just been standing at her locker. 
Paulina opened the front door, a bored look on her face when her eyes met Sam’s. They stood there for a moment before Paulina waved her in. Sam stepped in, looking around and Paulina closed the door behind her. 
“So what is this project we’re supposed to be doing anyways?” Paulina led the way to the kitchen where her backpack sat on the table.
Sam sighed. “You weren’t even paying attention when he went over it?”
“I was too busy being angry at Lancer.”
Rolling her eyes, Sam set her backpack on the table and pulled some papers out. “He wants us to find a screenplay to go over. We have to read it and analyze it like we would for a book in class but he wants us to perform part of it in class.”
“I don’t know Paulina!” Sam threw her hands up in the air. “Why do they make us do anything? Now pick one from this list.” She threw a piece of paper at Paulina. “This is a list of plays I thought we would both be interested in.”
Paulina stared at Sam, stunned that she’d even consider Paulina’s interests when they clearly hated each other. Slowly, she looked down at the paper, her eyes scanning over the list. One popped out to her.
“Isn’t this one a musical? Does that count?”
Sam peered around at the paper. “I would think so. They’re basically plays, just with songs. I can’t see why it wouldn’t count.”
“Hm.” Paulina pursed her lips. “If we do this one are we gonna perform a song or a different part of the musical?” She looked over at Sam. She had a dangerous, determined look on her face.
“Only if we want to blow everyone else out of the water.”
Paulina stared for a few seconds, her cheeks heating up. Then she coughed and looked back at the paper.
“Yeah, okay. Let’s do that one.”
“Why are they all named Heather anyways?”
Sam shrugged as Paulina squinted at her copy of the script. 
They sat in the middle of the stage in the empty auditorium. The rest of their class was in the library, but Mr. Lancer had given them permission to go over their own project in the auditorium. 
“What I wanna know is why there’s always so much drama in musicals set in high schools.” Sam wrinkled her nose. “Like I know we have the A-Listers and everything but this in here is so excessive.”
“What, you don’t like drama?” Paulina rested her chin on her hand, shooting Sam a smile.
“I don’t like high schoolers killing other high schoolers.”
Paulina’s smile fell. “Oh.”
“Yeah.” Sam looked down and away. She took a deep breath and stood up with her script in her hand. “Anyways. Let’s figure out which part we want to perform for the class.”
Paulina took a look at the list of songs they had. “What about Seventeen or Shine a Light? I listened to those a couple times and they both have different tones but they seem like they’d be fun to sing.”
Sam nodded. “And there’s not much about sex in either of those. That’s another thing, why do musicals about high schoolers talk so much about sex?” She faked a gag. “I think those are good choices because some of those songs would be so embarrassing to perform in front of the class.”
Paulina frowned. “If this one has stuff in it that makes you uncomfortable why’d you include it on the list?”
Sam shrugged. “I figured it’d make Lancer squirm. He didn’t actually give any specifications on what we could pick anyways. Now let’s get started. Which part do you want?”
“Oh oh! Can I have the lead part? That is, if you didn’t want it?” Paulina started standing up from where she sat on the floor.
Sam shook her head. “You can have it if you want. Want to practice Seventeen first?”
The music started playing after Sam hit a button on her phone and it filled up the room.
Paulina took a deep breath. 
“Fine, we're damaged
Really damaged.
But that does not make us wise.
We're not special.
We're not different.
We don't choose who lives or dies.”
Paulina looked up at Sam as she sung the lyrics.
“Let’s be normal. See bad movies
Sneak a beer and watch TV.
We'll bake brownies, 
or go bowling --
Don't you want a life with me?
Can't we be seventeen?
That's all I want to do
If you could let me in.
I could be good with you.”
Paulina’s cheeks flushed but she continued singing.
“People hurt us.”
“Or they vanish…”
Goosebumps traveled over Paulina’s arms as Sam’s voice rang out towards her. 
“And you're right that really blows.
But we let go…”
Sam looked up and met Paulina’s eyes and it felt like Paulina was electrocuted. She pulled her eyes away and looked back down at her paper. They finished up the song and Paulina kept staring at her paper until Sam left out a breathless laugh.
“That was so cool! I’ve never really thought about doing theater or anything because it’s not very, you know, goth. But that was exhilarating!” 
Paulina watched as Sam laughed and smiled. She could feel herself falling in and laughed herself. 
Paulina and Sam laughed as they walked out of the school together. Their project was due in two days and they were heading to Sam’s house to practice their song a bit more. 
“I can’t wait to see Lancer’s face when we discuss what the musical is about. Do you think he’ll-”
Sam got cut off as something exploded ahead of them, sending both girls sprawling to the ground. 
Looking behind them from where she was on the ground, Paulina saw a giant animalistic ghost. It looked somewhere between a cross of a snake and a cat and it looked like it was about to shoot another blast off from it’s fangs. 
Just as the blast was launched towards Paulina, something crashed into the side of the ghost's head, sending the shot soaring into the sky instead. 
“Run! Get out of here!” Phantom shouted as he shot back at the ghost.
She stood up shakily but didn’t run away. She looked around the front of the school for Sam, where she saw the other girl in the middle of the sidewalk holding a...lipstick? With a determined look on her face. 
What was she planning to do with a tube of lipstick?
Paulina had begun inching her way over to Sam when a green blast came out of the lipstick she was holding onto. It shot into the ghost a couple of times, distracting it from Phantom’s attacks for a moment. 
It bared its teeth at Sam but Phantom punched it in the side of the head. Snarling, it batted Phantom away, sending it flying across the parking lot and it faced back towards Sam. 
Paulina felt like everything was happening in slow motion. When the ghost bared its teeth again, when another ball of ectoplasm started dripping from its fangs, when Paulina ran desperately across the parking lot and barreled Sam out of the way and onto the ground just before the blast created a crater in the ground where she stood a moment before. The ghost started snarling at them again.
“Hey ugly!” 
Phantom viciously threw another ectoblast at the ghost, stunning it before finally pulling it into his thermos. 
Paulina gasped and turned back to where Sam was still laying underneath her. 
“Sam! Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m-” Sam paused, frowning and her face flushing before she spoke again, looking over Paulina’s shoulder. “Shut up.”
Sam groaned. “That dip is making faces over there.”
Paulina turned around to see Phantom making kissy faces at them. She raised an eyebrow at him and he paused to give her a grin.
“Okay well, my job is done. Have fun you two!”
And he jumped into the air and flew away. 
“Seriously though.” Paulina crawled off of Sam and helped her up. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Why’d you do that anyways?” Her brows furrowed. “I would’ve been okay. You didn’t have to do anything.”
Paulina gaped at her. “It was about to attack you! It tried! It left a crater in the ground where you were standing! Why wouldn’t I have done anything?”
Sam looked away. “I didn’t think you cared.” She said softly.
Paulina’s stomach plummeted. “I wouldn’t have two weeks ago.” She whispered. “But then we got paired up for this project, and I realized that you’re actually very cool and that I was just really dumb in middle school.”
Sam looked at her. 
“And I think I’ve always sort of missed you. But I decided to never stop being mad so I never figured that out.”
“I guess I did the same thing too.” Sam said. “I could’ve decided to talk to you on my own and talk things out after a while but I just didn’t want to.”
“But it was my fault. I was the one being a terrible person.”
“Are you going to continue being a terrible person though?”
Paulina’s mind went back to the first time Sam’s rage had been bestowed upon her, when one of Paulina’s friends beat up one of Sam’s friends. She didn’t want to be the cause of that again. 
“Well.” Sam smiled. “That’s the important part. That you’re capable of change.” She picked up her bag from where she had dropped it during the attack. “Now come on, my mom was gonna make cookies when we got home.”
Paulina smiled back at her and held up her arm to the other girl. Sam looked at it and linked her own arm with Paulina’s. Together they walked away from the school.
Sam and Paulina’s chests rose up and down as they held their arms up into the air after performing the piece they picked from their musical. The class clapped for them and they lowered their arms and bowed.
“Very nice, Ms. Sanchez and Ms. Manson. Though, I wish you had picked something more appropriate than.” He squinted at the sheet they handed him. “Heathers the musical.”
Sam snickered. “Of course, Mr. Lancer. We’ll try to keep that in mind next time.”
Lancer gave her a look. “Yes, be sure that you do. Alright up next we have-”
Sam and Paulina walked back to their desks and sat down. Paulina shot a look to where Sam was sitting with Danny and Tucker, who were both making kissy faces at her while she swatted at them. Sam’s gaze met hers and Paulina waved at her before blowing a kiss to her across the room.
Sam’s face turned the brightest shade of red Paulina had ever seen it and she opened a folder and stuck her face inside it. Danny and Tucker were both teasing her even more, seemingly losing their mind about it. Paulina giggled at them and turned her focus back to the front of the classroom.
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orange-waterfalls · 4 years
Vampire!Reader x Markiplier Egos
ty anon for the request
Tumblr media
A/N: YES. IT'S BEEN A WHILE. HAPPY FUCKING HALLOWEEN. I absolutely remembered today is the 1 year anniversary of ahwm absolutely this is not a coincidence what are you talking about ahahahahha. I've been busy w/ school and drawing and general depression and anxiety with the current situation but I'm getting back into it! Vampire reader. That's pretty much it. Rated T, a bit of cursing, mentions of blood, mentions of fangs. A slightly suggestive phrase but that's just Illinois like there has to be at least one with him it's the law. ALSO. NEW RULE? IF I'M DOING LIKE HCS OR SMTHN I WILL DO 6 AT A TIME. I CANNOT BE WRITING 14 DIFFERENT EGOS AT ONCE I JUST CAN'T I'M SORRY. anyways enjoy!
Vampire!Reader x Egos Headcanons
Not much PDA
Not much going out in general
You have to cover your whole body when you do, unless it’s nighttime
You spend much of your time inside or in the forest
You’re basically nocturnal
You do drink blood, and you don’t need a lot of it
You drink human blood only if they give permission
You don’t kill people
You know or know of some other supernatural creatures that exist
You are friends with a werewolf. One specifically. You know the one.
You both are edgy as all hell it’s perfect!
Politely asks you not to bite him
a) because he’s not human and b) because it’ll hurt
You both are very calm and well-spoken. So. not much happens.
However, you are both, in fact, dumb bitches, so things are still entertaining
“My darling, would you like some garli-mmm nevermind...”
You go out with him sometimes on romantic moonlit walks
You don’t have to wear as much then
You make him get a pet, a black cat specifically
He loves it
You named it Darko, Dark for short, and he hates the name
Like he hates the name a lot
It is irrational how much he hates the fucking name
He calls it DA
He never explains why
When you want blood he’ll trap a deer or something
You go into the forest and drink a little of its blood
He’s surprised
“What am I, a werewolf?”
He’ll ask you about supernatural creatures, and how to defend against them
You’re pretty sure he’s an eldritch entity so you aren’t sure why he’s asking YOU
He won’t ask how you became a vampire, that seems personal
He never gets startled when you turn into a bat
He can hear your lil wingbeats from a mile away
Sometimes you’ll sleep as a bat and he just smiles at you hanging from the fan
Fine with you not interacting with others, like he does much of that…
Just likes hanging out in your fucking giant victorian mansion with you
We all know that his type is, in fact, edgy bitch
Therefore, you are perfect
Dark clothes? Check
Edgy backstory? Probably
Kinda scary? Oh absolutely
And he loves you for that!
He doesn’t want to be a vampire, but he fuckin loves your teeth
He’ll ask you to bare them and then he’ll do a happy wiggle afterwards
He loves dancing with you, slow or fast
It’s always romantic
He’s basically a god so like. Anything you ask for he’s gotchu
You said you were hungry and he fucking kidnapped someone
You said you were hungry, that was on you
You then explain that you don’t need a whole FUCKING PERSON
He then steals some blood bags from the hospital
“Oh, calm down! They have enough!”
Likes taking you out, so you go on night walks a lot.
You’re not used to social interaction, so he makes sure to steer you away from people
Unless you want to talk to them, then he starts up a conversation and lets you take over
You don’t understand people, and neither does he! It’s great.
Likes when you turn into a bat
He doesn’t know why, it just makes him happy
You made him adopt a black cat
He named it Colonel Whiskers
Loves you and your castle and your weird ass little quirks
Bite him.
You refuse for the sole reason that he is a dick.
You do get along because you both are, in fact, pretentious
You wear those silk robes around the house, and he gets mad at you
HE is the sexy mysterious one, COME ON!
At least you won’t have an edgier backstory than him…
Likes slow dancing with you
Very much enjoys your Aesthetic
Believes that he too belongs in a Victorian era castle isolated from the world
Loves the dark romance
Is a Fancy Boy
Was fully prepared to murder someone for you to drink their blood
Surprised when you said it wasn’t necessary???
Buys a horse or smthn
Asks about supernatural beings and which are immortal
He asks that a lot
He worries you sometimes.
Hates it when you turn into a bat
You’re small and you fly around and you’re fucking GROSS
He doesn’t. He doesn’t like animals very much. Besides dogs I mean.
Buys you clothes because you’ve been wearing the same shit for fucking EVER
Don’t worry, they’re all black, dark purple, or dark red
Sometimes you decide to go on a walk and he tags along
Possessive bitch
Thinks you’ll leave him if you talk to other people
He scares them or leads you away
Was fine with a black wolfdog you brought home after searching for food
Names it Phoenix, and you call it Nix for short
Is deeply in love with you, but will never say or show it
He thinks you’re wonderful!
Originally a bit mean to you
He thought YOU thought you were better than him
He saw the fangs and backed off
He asked about them and you answered, so you got along
Asked if he could be a vampire
You asked if he wanted to be immortal. He declined.
Suggested you drink his blood when you were hungry
You said it wasn’t necessary, but he pushed
Stared at you the whole time
“what’s your issue” “this is very… intimate.”
On that note: has an issue with intimacy
You’re very cold naturally, so you’d want to cuddle
He awkwardly shifts away
Once he gets more comfortable, he might cuddle with you
Loves the silk robes you own, they’re so fucking COMFY
Absolutely loves all the fancy shit you have
You teach him how to waltz and he teaches you how to tap dance
You have a very equal give and take relationship with everything, it’s great
Neither of you like social interaction
You will if you HAVE to but mostly keep to yourselves
You love Yancy's prison buddies
They love you too
Asked if you knew mothman
You couldn’t tell if he was joking
He absolutely Was Not joking
He sings to you sometimes
It echoes through the place and the Aesthetic man
Hates it when you turn into a bat
Bad. No. Stop. Scary.
A small animal flying at him is a no go
Alternatively: get him a pet dog and he will love you forever
He names it Elvis. Yeah you know why.
Overall loves you and your aesthetic, and you could tell even before you got together
Excited but doesn't show it
He's met PLENTY of supernatural creatures
Ghosts, gods, there was a thing with that werewolf one time…
(He has the scars to prove it)
But a vampire? That's new
He doesn’t live at your place because he travels a lot
He still stays there sometimes between adventures
Uncomfortable with how clean it is
You are. An immortal being. And you take the time to clean. What the fuck.
“Would YOU wanna spend eternity in a dusty ass mansion?”
His flirts are often about your fangs
You threatened to bite him and he said “promise?”
Said you could drink his blood, but you said no
“I don’t know what the fuck you got in that bloodstream”
Doesn’t do walks but takes you on adventures
If it’s a cave. And you turn into a bat.
ONLY if you turn into a bat
Sidenote: he fucking adores when you turn into a bat
He just thinks they’re neat
Uncomfortable with how soft everything you own is
NOTHING is soft in nature
Except. Like a lot of things. But don’t tell him he’ll get mad
Doesn’t really want a pet bc he’ll never be home to deal with it
He’ll be fine if you get one though
He wants to name it Nathan Drake he doesn’t care what it is
NERD(see: Uncharted)
Will never EVER wear a fucking suit
He will DIE before he wears a suit fuck you
Dislikes anything remotely fancy
Talks about the creatures he’s met
you get Bard Vibes if ya know what i mean wink wink nudge nudge he's a whore is what I'm saying here
You hang out normally mostly
He refuses to acknowledge his feelings for you
Not after the mermaid incident.
He eventually will, i promise
He’s a pirate, he doesn’t care
He’s seen sirens, ancient spirits, probably Davey Jones at some point
A vampire? Low on the list of dangerous creatures
He has a whole ship made outta wood he’s not that worried
You don't really sail with him often
When you do, you're seen as a threat to anyone and everyone
He loves that about you
Warned you not to bite him or he'd stake you
You promised not to and that was enough for him
You get along with the crew fairly well
However do NOT turn into a bat around them
They will not hesitate to shoot
You can maybe do it around Magnum and only Magnum
Doesn't like your house
He belongs to the sea
But can and will steal your sheets for himself
A pirate can have a little silk, as a treat
Offered his crew's blood to drink after a while
You declined because you don't know what the fuck kinda diseases they have
Doesn't really want a pet. He can't tell them what to do.
You bought an axolotl and he loves it a lot
Its name is Delta but he has deemed it Magnum Jr
Can't really. Fit. In any suits you have
He has to go out and get one personally tailored if he wants it
Likes dancing with you
Slow dancing. To Danny Boy.
He can't dance but that's ok he tries
You talk about land creatures and he talks about ocean creatures
So far he despises werewolves and skinwalkers
He likes spending as much time with you possible
He doesn't much like the idea of a relationship bc of his uh line of work
But he loves you
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artificialqueens · 3 years
By Your Side (Biadore) - Candy Cane
A/N: just a oneshot based off of a prompt sent in that asked for bianca finding out abt adore’s onlyfans! its not quite that tbh but the words take me where they want to go lol please enjoy!! <3 theres some other things ive been trying to work on but its slow going rn as my cat is very sick and a lot of my time and energy has been dedicated to him, but i hope to get more out soon!
It’s only been a few months into quarantine when Adore finds herself on the phone with one of her oldest friends. Like, old physically not old as in how long they’ve known each other. But to be fair, there aren’t a ton of people she’s been friends with longer than she’s been friends with Bianca. Courtney and Darienne too for that matter.
She loves Bianca. Their friendship is something precious to her, and surprisingly this is only the second phone call they’ve had since quarantine has started. They talk basically every day through texts, and that’s on top of the hours they spend going back and forth in the ABCD group chat with Courtney and Darienne. The four of them have something special, all of them realize that. There’s just something specifically between her and Bianca that Adore’s never really been able to place her finger on.
Out of the blue this morning Bianca simply… called her. Adore spends a full moment staring at the CallerID trying to figure out where the fuck this is coming from. With an uncertain frown, she answers the phone, hanging upside down off the side of her bed of course.
“So… OnlyFans? Seriously?” Bianca asks incredulously, her voice crackling over the phone speaker.
What a way to start a conversation after not hearing each other’s voices for like a month! Even though Adore can’t see her face, she can practically hear the raised eyebrow.
“Fuck you,” Adore laughs, unable to help smiling at Bianca’s playful accusations.
“Not that I’m mad, but why fucking OnlyFans? Aren’t bitches doing podcasts now?”
“I’m bored, okay? There’s not a lot to do but drink and masturbate, and drinking hasn’t really been doing it for me lately. Plus, I gotta make money somehow,” Adore grumbles through an explanation, lifting herself up and sprawling out on her bed awkwardly.
“Do I need to set up an intervention? You know I will,” Bianca says with faux seriousness, “Seriously though, if you need some help…”
Adore frowns down at her phone. She hates pity, she hates unnecessary worry, and she definitely hates burdening people with her bullshit.
“B, I’m fine, I promise,” she says earnestly, “I guess I just… I miss you. A lot. And we can’t see each other right now and it fucking sucks and I’m really lonely-”
“Come over.”
“What? I can’t, B, we’re quarantined…”
“When’s the last time you left your apartment?”
“Uhh, I dunno, maybe a month ago?’ Adore answers, unsure of where Bianca is going with this.
“Okay, that’s well over two weeks. Come hang out with me for a few days, get some human interaction, I’ve been needing it myself. I haven’t gone out or seen anyone for a few weeks now,” Bianca admits, and Adore feels suddenly giddy.
It’s been so long since she’s seen someone, since she’s even gotten a hug, and she really wants to see Bianca…
“I’ll be there tomorrow morning,” Adore agrees, not even thinking twice about it.
Bianca is everything to her. This person was one of the first to really take her seriously, to really see something in her, and Adore doesn’t know where she’d be without her. Every time something goes wrong, her first instinct is to call Bianca. Everytime something amazing happens, her first instinct is to call Bianca. They’ll spend hours talking or texting just because and Adore wouldn’t have it any other way.
They are as good together as PB&J, or peanut butter and celery, or peanut butter and pretzels… And Adore realizes she is feeling very snacky, specifically for peanut butter. With a sigh she rolls off her bed to get a snack before she starts packing for the next week.
The point is Adore loves Bianca, and Danny loves Roy. Sure maybe it’s in a different way than they should, or even once did, but it can’t be helped. It can be hidden, though. And Danny is more than fine with hiding this secret, as long as they get to have Roy in their life at all. He’s more than what Danny should ever even hope for, and yet a part of them can’t help but hope.
After spending so much time apart, Danny knows it’ll be harder now than ever to hide these feelings they’ve been harboring for Roy. They’ll try though, because sometimes the thought of this man loving them back is all that keeps them going.
Danny arrives at Roy’s beautiful new house in Palm Springs at nearly noon the next day. Which, to be fair, is very much the morning for Danny. They even woke up early to make the trip! …If ten a.m. counts as early in any book except their own.
Roy is already standing out in the driveway waiting for Danny when they get there, his arms spread wide for a hug the second Danny gets out of their car. The younger practically rocket launches themself into his arms, clinging tight to him as they savor the first hug they’ve gotten in such a long fucking time. Danny can’t help the tears that fall at finally having such warm, loving human contact, especially from this person.
They hold onto each other as tight as they can, each beyond glad to have each other’s trust in such unreliable times. Being alone for so long had hit Roy hard too. Alcohol and binge watching can really only do so much, and he’s genuinely been feeling lonely being stuck in one spot for so long. The dogs help some, but at the end of the day it really doesn’t replace human interaction, no matter how hard he wishes it did.
“I missed you, baby girl,” Roy says, and Danny can almost hear his voice waver.
“I missed you too,” Danny whispers, trying and failing to hold back a sob.
They leave Danny’s bag in the car for now, much more eager to go sit down and enjoy each other’s company. The dogs bombard the two of them the second Danny crosses the threshold, the enby leaning instantly down to kiss and coo at the babies and Roy can’t help grinning widely at the sight. He loves his babies, and he loves his baby girl.
They spend the afternoon talking and laughing and playing with the dogs. Danny clearly gets some ideas about the golf cart, and Roy is suddenly excited about the upcoming few days. It’s been a while since either of them have really had something to look forward to.
“Alright, I still need you to explain this OnlyFans thing to me,” Roy says with a smirk a few hours later, after they’ve gotten properly settled in on the couch together with the dogs.
Danny’s eyes go wide with slight panic, “Okay, grandpa, it’s like uhhh, Patreon but-”
“No, no, no!” Roy laughs, “I know what it is, I mean why that? Why not literally anything else?”
“First of all, I am sexy. Second of all, I spent a lot of time not making money masturbating, which is a fucking shame because as I said before I am sexy.”
They both crack up at that, giggling like idiots on Roy’s couch, the puppies quickly joining in, yipping at them to be a part of the excitement.
“Awww, do you two think I’m funny?” Danny coos, picking Dede up and cuddling the pup close, “Your daddy doesn’t think I’m funny!”
Roy snorts, “You’ve certainly picked up a thing or two from me.”
“Like how to be a bitter old hermit!” Danny grins sweetly.
“Exactly,” Roy laughs.
“So if I ask really nicely will this bitter old hermit make me food?” Danny asks, batting their eyelashes pleadingly.
“My original plan was to let you starve to death while you were here, but since you’re asking nicely…” Roy says teasingly, feeling an odd sense of satisfaction at the way the younger throws their head back with laughter.
Late that night, after a long night of talking and watching TV and a decent dinner, they curl up into bed together. At one point they both needed to at least be tipsy to do that, but nowadays that’s just overkill. They have progressed well beyond that point of friendship, though Roy sometimes still likes to put on a show of being annoyed, if only because of the way Danny pouts and rolls their eyes.
Tonight he just holds the thick comforter up so Danny can slide in easily with him, he’s not really interested in making either of them wait longer than they already have for cuddles. In seconds the two are holding each other tight, savoring the touch. As Roy lays there, holding Danny like the younger is his lifeline, he starts to think about the time they’ve known each other. All the ups, downs, and side-to-sides… Danny has grown up a lot over the years they’ve been friends, and it’s hard to deny that it’s changed Roy’s feelings for them.
Once his feelings to the younger were almost motherly, but now it’s closer to attraction. It’s kind of weird, at the least it’s very fucked up. Roy wants to just give in to the feelings, but he can’t. Not when he has no way of gaging Danny’s feelings for him. He can live with this secret, he’s not sure he can live without Danny’s friendship.
Danny interrupts his thoughts, their voice small and curious, “Why were you so invested in my OnlyFans?”
“Bitch, I’m trying to sleep here,” Roy groans.
“No, seriously,” Danny pouts, sitting up in bed and looking down at Roy. The moonlight streaming in from the window highlights the enby perfectly, and Roy curses his luck.
“I don’t want you renting yourself out on the corner like Bunny, now get back to sleep you dumb slut,” Roy says with all of his usual teasing heat.
Danny pouts though, clearly not satisfied, “But…”
“Sleep. Now.” Roy demands, reaching up to tug them back under the covers. Danny reluctantly gives in, and snuggles close to Roy.
Just as Roy is about to fall asleep, Danny’s voice has his eyes flying open.
“I love you,” Danny whispers.
Roy’s heart melts a little at that, “I love you too, Danny.”
Danny bites their lip nervously, “I mean like… I think…”
Roy’s heart starts to beat faster in his chest. Surely they couldn’t mean…
“You think…?” Roy asks, hoping that despite it all this person is about to say what he thinks they are.
“I think I might be… in love,” Danny says, their voice quiet and timid in a way Roy hasn’t heard in a very long time, “With you.”
This time Roy is the one to sit up in bed, staring down at Danny with pure infatuation. Those words echo around his ears, his chest, his very soul, and before he even realizes what he’s doing he’s leaning down to capture Danny’s lips in a kiss.
His lips against theirs feels so undeniably right. Their lips move slowly against each other, Danny brings a hand around to cup the back of Roy’s neck and in that moment nothing is wrong in their own little world. In that moment it’s just them and the moonlight. He thinks that he could live forever in this moment and never need anything else.
They break apart much too soon for either of their tastes, and Roy stares into those pretty eyes and murmurs, “I think I love you too.”
Danny surges forward for another kiss, this one much more desperate than the last. It’s a hot, heavy kiss that ends with Roy flat against the bed and both of Danny’s hands cupping his face as they explore each other. It’s like no kiss either of them have had before, with so many years of emotion and uncertainty between them it’s intense. Bianca and Adore have drunkenly kissed before, but this absolutely cannot compare. Danny whimpers pathetically against Roy, their hips grinding down against Roy’s thigh.
Roy lets out a shaky breath and grips at the enby’s barely covered ass. From the way Danny is squirming and moaning after only a little contact, Roy knows it’s been a while since Danny has been with someone like this. Roy hasn’t been able to get laid in a while either, rendering them both more than eager for this. Neither of them have a sexual partner in their circles right now, except maybe each other. Just this morning that would’ve been an absurd thought, and now it’s simply what makes sense.
Both of them need sexual fulfillment as much as they need emotional fulfillment, and even the thought of providing it for each other is thrilling. Roy grabs Danny’s bottom lip roughly between his teeth, sucking on it as he rubs his hands underneath Danny’s oversized tank top and over their skin. Danny whines and whimpers so deliciously in response, and Roy loves it.
Roy and Danny pull the little clothing that is off one another, each soaking in the familiar sight of the other being completely exposed. It’s nowhere near the first time they’ve seen each other like this, but it’s another one of those things where it’s simply different this time around. Because now it’s been established they love each other as much more than just friends.
Danny sucks hickeys along Roy’s collarbone, moaning roughly as Roy twists their nipples harshly, their bodies so close and warm wrapped up tight together.
“Think… Think I’m gonna get my nipples pierced,” Danny giggles breathlessly before it’s cut off in a moan of sheer pleasure when Roy pinches them even harder.
“Oh really? You’ve done a lot of slutty things, baby girl, but that is definitely up there,” Roy smirks.
Danny smiles innocently, “It would only make your job easier.”
“What? This job?” Roy asks teasingly, then trails his fingers down Danny’s stomach so they ghost over the enby’s half-hard cock.
Danny gasps, and Roy takes the opportunity to press his lips against theirs all over again, sucking their tongue into his mouth as he teases their cock. They moan and whine and squirm, their fingers gripping and squeezing at the flesh of Roy’s back frantically in response. Roy knows that that’s going to leave a mark, despite the fact that their nails are usually kept short. He doesn’t mind though, in fact it makes him harder knowing that he’s the reason Danny is reacting like this.
Danny’s head falls back against the pillow, feeling heat rush to their cheeks upon seeing the smouldering look in Roy’s eyes as they stare up at him. He’s so fucking gorgeous, all his sharpness and softness in just the right places.
“Tell me what you want,” Roy whispers roughly.
Danny inhales shakily, “Want- Wanna feel you-”
“What do you want me to do to you, Danny? Use your words…”
“Fuck me, oh God please just fuck me, holy shit,” Danny begs, squeezing their eyes shut tight and squirming underneath Roy’s tight hold.
“Shh, that’s so good, thank you,” Roy murmurs, caressing Danny’s cheek, “I’m going to fuck you so hard.”
And Danny just moans. They’ve wanted this from Roy for so long, and so many years were wasted convincing themself otherwise that this really feels like a fucking dream come true. It’s their own little fairytale, just for the two of them. Danny gets to live this fantasy with Roy, and that thought alone is almost more mind blowing than the idea of getting rammed until they can’t remember their own name.
Roy leans across to riffle through the nightstand, and turns back to Danny with lube, a condom, and a devious grin on his face. Minutes later, Danny is a whimpering, begging mess just from two of Roy’s fingers stretching them open. Roy is clearly enjoying it, whispering dirty things in their ear as he slowly tortures them with his fingers. When he slides in a third finger, Danny lets out the filthiest, most inhuman sound Roy has ever heard.
“You are just so fucking needy,” Roy says lowly, pulling out his fingers and quickly rolling the condom on.
Danny nods feverently, their eager words of agreement being almost incomprehensible. Roy grabs their tiny hips in his large hands and slides himself in. That moment is almost pure magic, the connection that had been simmering for so many years finally coming to a boil. Danny sobs from the mix of emotion and sheer pleasure, throwing their head back and forth, panting and begging for more while Roy closes his eyes and takes it all in.
Danny is incredibly warm and tight around him, and after a minute he begins to thrust shallowly, making Danny’s mindless babbling slur together. His thrusts quickly become harsher, aiming specifically for Danny’s spot, his grip on them tightens and he grabs the enby’s cock and starts to lavish it with some much needed attention.
“OhGodohGodohGodoh-” Danny rambles, pressing their face into the juncture of Roy’s neck and collarbone, inhaling his comforting, familiar scent, “So good, feels so good, don’t stop please don’t stop.”
“I’m not going to stop, shh, I’ve got you, fuck you’re so good,” Roy groans in response, his thrusts speeding up and his fingers around Danny’s cock tightening, “Are you about to cum for me? Huh?”
“Yes, fuck,” Danny rasps, “Yes yes gonna cum Roy please let me cum I’m gonna- gonna-”
Roy pumps his hand a few more times and whispers right in Danny’s ear, “Cum for me like a good girl.”
And Danny is a gonner. They moan high and long, their hips twitch rapidly and their whole body shakes with the force of their orgasm, ropes of cum covering Roy’s hand and both of their abdomens.
Danny practically goes limp in Roy’s hold, and just a few thrusts later Roy is undone as well, unable to help thrusting even harder and deeper into Danny’s body as he does. He falls on top of Danny, breathing heavy and ragged, and they hold each other tight. Danny’s arms still wrapped around Roy’s back when he carefully rolls them onto their sides so that they’re facing each other, nearly nose to nose. He gingerly pulls out of Danny, ties the condom, and throws it into the bin that he knows is next to the bed.
Roy cups their chin with his clean hand and stares into their dazed, half-lidded eyes. Danny blinks slowly, the afterglow beginning to wear off.
“I can’t believe it took us seven years,” Danny murmurs, reaching up to thread their fingers through Roy’s currently long hair.
“It was worth the wait,” Roy smiles softly, “And now we have the rest of our lives.”
“Yeah,” Danny whispers, “I get the rest of my life with you.”
Because for Roy and Danny it’s nowhere near over. For them it’s all only just begun.
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ghostgothgeek · 4 years
Blush. Chapter 5
Chapter written by @ecto-american!
Disclaimer: actual sex ed talk
FFN || AO3
God it felt like forever until he was finally leaving the bathroom again, even though the clock on the wall said it had only been about five minutes. He waited for Sam to leave and for his personal issues to figure themselves out before he swung the bathroom door open. Thankfully, nobody was there, and he sighed heavily. He was  not  looking forward to returning to the class. Maybe he should just skip.
Ugh, and risk having to do a one on one private sex education lesson with Mr. Lancer? No thanks. He’d rather get the talk from the Box Ghost. 
He dragged his feet towards the classroom. Elliot was obviously back in the class by now, probably already telling everybody what had just happened. Which was nothing, but once he spread the news to Paulina, that was all she wrote. Paulina could spread gossip so fast that it was honestly impressive. Almost a superpower. 
Danny stood in the doorframe of the class before immediately turning to leave. Fuck this.
“Hey!” Mike’s voice called out accusingly. “Come on. Can’t skip out.” God, why couldn’t the accident have fully killed him? Ghosts didn’t have to go to school. Or suffer through having to listen to the sex talk. 
Taking a deep breath, he turned to see the bane of his existence. Elliot, grinning like the cat that ate the canary, was sitting in the previously unoccupied seat that was to Danny’s left. That absolute fucker changed seats  again , and Danny avoided eye contact as he returned to his chair. Elliot watched him like a hawk. 
No sooner than he planted himself, Elliot scooted his chair closer to him. Danny refused to look at him. The other leaned into him.
“Couldn’t wait, aye?” he whispered, not even bothering to hold back a snicker. 
Danny’s eyes flickered to the front. Mike’s attention was on a student who had asked a question. He took the chance to punch Elliot in the shoulder. Hard. The exchange student’s seat jerked back a bit, and he winced as he rubbed his shoulder. Danny hoped it would bruise. Tucker nudged Danny, giving him a weird look. Danny shook his head, and he rubbed his face with his hands tiredly. He knew his face was bright red. 
“You know, girls with more experience tend to give you a better time,” Elliot’s voice refused to shut the fuck up. “So uh, ya know. You’re welcome.”
“For what?” Danny scowled. 
“Dude, Sam and I have done stuff. We’d go to her house and such, I’ve been to third base like, at least four times.”
Danny felt his hands shake with rage. God damn it, god  fucking damn it.  He knew that wasn’t true. He was there on every date, from beginning to end because he specifically didn’t trust him. And even when he stopped, Tucker was there. Nothing happened. He knew it. But how do you call a guy out like that? How do you prove that you know he’s full of shit?
“You’re full of shit,” was all Danny could find himself able to say. “And just shut the hell up about Sam already. You guys broke up. It’s over. Done. Let it go.”
Elliot gave a small hum.
“Eh, I dunno. I thought about asking her out again,” Elliot said slyly. 
Danny took a deep breath. He refused to fall into this guy’s petty crap. No, no, he wasn’t, he was just trying to test his patience.  He’s just trying to get a reaction out of you, Fenton. Don’t give him one. 
He made a point of ignoring Elliot, instead opening the Planned Parenthood booklet to the section related to Mike’s lecture. He zoned out though. None of this mattered, he wasn’t an idiot. Condoms and consent, basic stuff. Not like he planned on going out and getting wild. 
Well of course, there were some girls he wouldn’t mind getting wild with. Paulina instantly came to mind. She had an excellent body. One he had seen in a swimsuit before. And of course, it’s not like he didn’t think about it with Valerie when they were together. He liked her a lot. Plus Sam. Sam had such a nice gentle touch. And soft lips and hands. Why did he never realize that?
Danny spaced out, staring ahead at the front of the class. He wished Sam was here, next to him instead of fucking Elliot. By now, she’d likely have leaned into him, bored to tears herself. Sometimes she cuddled up into him if it was cold. It wasn’t now, but it wouldn’t be the first time he purposefully made the classroom a bit chilly for that very reason. Her hugs were always just comforting and calming. 
“Dude, taste this,” Tucker’s voice broke him from his thoughts. Danny glanced to see his friend. He had opened another condom packet, and he was holding it up to Danny. 
“Dude, it tastes really good,” Tucker insisted. “It tastes just like mint.”
“I’m not licking any condoms that you’ve already been licking,” Danny scowled. 
“Just open yours and taste it,” Tucker encouraged. Danny sighed, giving a light shrug. Well, anything to pass the time. 
He opened the condom packet. It was greasy and felt gross, and he hesitantly pressed his tongue against it. Surprisingly, Tucker was right. Not too bad.
“Huh, that does taste like mint,” he hummed in surprise. 
He put the entire, still rolled condom in his mouth. He sucked on it for a bit before spitting it back out into his hand. Danny studied Mike until Mike turned his back and Lancer was still distracted before slapping it on Elliot’s cheek. The wet condom stuck there for a second before falling to the floor. Elliot immediately turned to glare at him. He glanced to make sure the teachers were still distracted before returning the punch from earlier, hitting Danny in the upper arm. 
Danny flinched. It definitely didn’t hurt nearly as much as a ghost, but it still ached for a moment. He refused to rub his shoulder to comfort himself. This was apparently a bad move. Elliot glared at him until the next available opportunity, and he hit him again. Danny let out an irritated groan from clenched teeth. That one hurt a bit more.
“Cut it out before I kick you so hard you can be assured that you’ll never have a kid,” Danny threatened. 
“Bold of you to even assume I want children, Fenton,” Elliot replied in a hushed tone. “The best birth control is having a one year old nephew that screams all the time and constantly shits himself out of excitement whenever he hears the ice cream truck. No fucking thanks. From the looks of things, you’re the one that needs to be neutered. I can gladly help.”
Elliot shifted a bit away from him, only to raise his foot to attempt to kick him. Obviously, he only hit Danny’s side. The halfa grabbed Elliot’s foot, yanking him hard. He fell out of the seat with a surprised yelp. 
“You guys okay?” Mike’s voice called out. Upon hearing the noises, Mr. Lancer had snapped to his feet.
“You two better not be messing around,” Mr. Lancer’s voice instantly caused a wave of complete silence to fall upon the classroom. “This is an important lesson you will carry for the rest of your lives. I expect you to pay attention, or else I will assign homework or give a pop quiz on this.”
Elliot put his elbow up on the table, pulling himself up and back onto his seat. 
“I’m fine, just tilted my chair back too much,” he lied. He flashed Lancer a fake smile. The teacher didn’t look amused.
“Watch yourself, Mr. Gregor,” he warned before sitting back down. 
Mike gave a friendly smile at the class before continuing his conversation. Danny sat up a bit straighter. Of all the days to get detention, this was not the day he wanted to have to deal with that. Sure, he wasn’t on the radar now, but it wouldn’t be long. 
He felt Elliot nudge him, and he pointedly ignored it. He focused on Mike, who was answering Kwan’s inquiry about a male birth control pill. Elliot poked him. Danny did nothing.
“Hey, you mad just because I know that Sam wears pink panties?” Elliot whispered. That was enough to instantly boil his blood.
“You don’t know shit,” Danny hissed at him. 
“Oh I know all about how Sam secretly has bright pink panties,” Elliot taunted. Danny rolled his eyes. He had done Sam’s laundry before. He’s done her emergency overnight packing. They’ve gotten a bit heavy during makeouts twice. She’s stayed over for sleepovers since they were like twelve. And even if none of that happened, he doubted Sam would secretly wear pink. She didn’t care what others thought, if she wanted to wear pink, she’d just openly wear pink.
“You’re so full of crap,” Danny scowled. “They’re almost all black or purple. At least one’s dark gray with black bats all over them. You really think Sam would wear pink like, ever? Dumbass.”
Elliot stared at him, mouth slightly open. Tucker was staring at him too, with wide eyes. Danny didn’t really notice them, focusing his attention once more on Mike. He had, at some point, began writing a list of pros and cons up on the board of various birth control methods. Danny studied it for a moment. Mike glanced at the clock. He patted the box set before him on the table.
“Okay, so we’re approaching lunch, so I’m going to take a pause right now to just say that this box has some condoms, sample-size lube bottles, and some short books about gender identity that you can take as you wish,” Mike explained, holding up the items as he spoke. “There’s just some fun stickers too, and we also have a card that has the number of a therapist office we partner with. We’ll be leaving the door unlocked, so you can come in and grab it discreetly during lunch if you don’t want to in the rush to leave. I won’t be in here, I’ll actually be with Mallory in Room 105, which I understand is the uh.” Mike paused. “Room just down the hall?” The class nodded at him. “Cool. So we’ll be there if you want to ask more personal questions.”
The bell finally rang, and Danny sighed in relief. Elliot was already out of his seat, mumbling something about needing to update Paulina asap on something, out the door before Mike could even continue.
“Alrighty folks, if you wanna take some bananas with you as part of lunch too, feel free!” Mike shot a teasing smile at Danny, and the teen sunk in his seat before quickly getting to his feet and making a fast-walk for the door. “We won’t be needing them later on, so take as many as you like. And of course, feel free to take whatever you want from the box.”
As he passed by, Danny glanced into the box, a blurred colorful assortment of condoms, stickers and the sample lube bottles. He refused to stop and take one, unlike a few brave souls behind him, including Tucker for some reason, who stopped to grab anywhere from one, to a handful. Or in Tucker’s case,  two  handfuls? What? Tucker wasn’t even dating anybody right now.
He quickly turned the corner out of the classroom, and a quick glance around, he noticed he was alone. He turned invisible, and he walked back in, intangibly going through his classmates to peak into the box. Danny paused before looking around as the contents were shifted as classmates hunted for what they wanted, and finally, he grabbed two purple colored condoms, Sam’s secret favorite color. She liked to act like it was black, but he knew deep down that it was purple. He walked out, seeing the hallway become crowded, though everybody seemed wrapped up in their own business. The normal.
The halfa slipped into a janitor’s closet, turning visible. He quickly left and shut the door behind him, walking until he spied his friend. Tucker was crouched on the floor next to the lockers near the classroom they had just exited, trying to carefully put his new condom collection into his open backpack without spilling them all over the floor.
“Do you really need that many?” Danny wondered. Tucker grinned. 
“Better safe than sorry!” he told him.
“What about when you get all your tech back, it’s not gonna all fit,” Danny pointed out. Tucker gave Danny an intense, serious look. 
“I’ll find a way,” he assured him before returning to his task. He was picking up fallen condoms to stuff into his bag. 
Danny chuckled. He glanced up and into the classroom, unintentionally locking eyes with Elliot. The other was talking with Mike. About what, Danny couldn’t tell, but Elliot had immediately shot him a light smirk. Danny scowled back, crossing his arms.
“Come on, Tuck, I’m starving, and I’m not really interested in having a condom for lunch,” Danny spoke up.  And I miss Sam.  He turned to begin walking, hearing Tucker scrambling to zip his backpack newly full of condoms and rush after him.
“So uh...do you wanna talk about how come you know what kind of underwear Sam wears?” Tucker questioned. Danny stared blankly at him before he flushed, scowling. 
“Tucker, you’ve seen her underwear. You did her laundry and helped me pack her stuff before.” 
Tucker blinked, thinking on this answer for a moment. Danny stood on his tiptoes, looking for a sign of Sam coming from the other classroom. None. She was probably at her locker, and he began to walk towards it, Tucker following.
“...Yeah but I’ve never like...kept track of the colors,” Tucker said slowly. Danny could feel his cheeks turning a bit redder, but he refused to reply. “Sooo...wanna expand a little on those three makeout times that I apparently didn’t know about?”
“No,” Danny said shortly before finally spotting Sam. He sighed happily, taking a few eager steps towards her.
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pynkhues · 4 years
Hiii, so I just wanted to say I’ve been binge reading you’re work and I’m in lovvveeeeee!!!!! Also I feel like not a lot of people are writing about rio and beths past meetings so if you’re still taking in suggestions could you possibly write something we’re a teenage Annie and rio are caught smoking or something and Beth scolds them. Thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hi, anon! Thank you! You’re so, so sweet! <3 <3 <3
Unfortunately I’m not really taking prompts right now, just because I still have so many in my inbox, but I do have a little scene from my parents group au WIP that I’m working on that I thought I might share, because it kiiind of fits with what you’re requesting, haha, even if Beth doesn’t physically catch them.
A little bit of background, in my parents group au, Rio runs a bar and has a brand new baby Marcus, when Annie and a seven-year-old Ben move in to the apartment next door to him. Rio and Rhea have broken up, but are still co-parenting, but Rio’s really trying to do his days with Marcus on his own. Because he’s so proud and he won’t let Rhea or his mom or his sisters give him advice, he enrols in a parents class on the sly so he can trick his friends and family into thinking he’s a natural parent, haha. 
Meanwhile, Beth’s going through a very hairy separation from Dean with a brand new baby Jane (and her kids are similarly little - Emma’s 2, Danny’s 3 and Kenny’s 5) and is only in the new parents group because it looks good for her custody case. Rio instantly hates Beth because she’s so good at everything, haha, and thus the board is set for a ridiculous fic that I am having way too much fun writing.
Anyway, have the snippet, haha.
“Your sister ever chill?” he asks her, dropping his head to the back of Annie’s lumpy couch and rolling the joint a little between his fingers as he starts to relax. He doesn’t even know where the question comes from, just shit - - he still can’t believe they’re sisters. They don’t act nothin’ alike, don’t talk like they grew up in the same house, don’t even look like they came out of the same combination of people.
When the thought hits, he squints a little in Annie’s direction, where she’s still furiously texting who knows who, taking in her ombre bob, her dark eyes and some too-big sweater coverin’ up - - well.
A whole lot less body.
Before he can help it, he remembers Elizabeth again, on her hands and knees beside him as Nancy tried to guide them through those dumbass post-natal yoga poses, the way she’d arched her back, and he was supposed to be doing it too, and he was, but it was only so he could curve his head just so, get a better look at the shape of her as she ground her pale little hands into her yoga mat, her fingers going pink, and so what if he’d wondered if they’d look like that, twisting up in his sheets?
Maybe it’d be so what if the thought had been a passin’ one.  
He rolls his neck back, staring up at the ceiling, and rocking his hips a little on the couch, adjusting.
Pot always gets him goin’. That’s all.
He should text Dylan. She’s gotta be finishing work any minute now, and he knows it won’t take much to convince her to skip her apartment for his anyway – it’s not like she’s got all that far to come. Plus he knows she’s got some of the freaky yoga poses in her arsenal, none of that basic bitch, cat-cow pose shit from class.
“Chilling would require Beth to have an off switch,” Annie says suddenly from the other side of the couch, finally tossing her phone onto the packing boxes doubling as a coffee table still in the middle of her living room, and reaching across to pluck the joint from between his fingers. She takes a long drag, inhaling like a pro. “And trust me, I’ve spent over twenty years looking for it, and if she’s got one, it’s not in a place a sister gets to see.”
Rio snorts, but then - - damn. He can’t help the grin, rocking his neck back on the couch to look away from Annie, back out across her apartment as a few images of spots sister’s don’t get to see flick through his head. He can almost see it, her mouth open, those blue eyes wide in surprise like they get whenever he does anything right in the stupid class, that flush that creeps down her neck, her ugly-ass blouse off so he can see that colour flooding those - -  
“Oh my god,” Annie says loudly, and Rio jerks his head up to where Annie stares back at him, her mouth open as she barks on a laugh. “You’ve got a thing for Bossy Bethie.”
And shit, Rio scowls at her, shaking his head and waving a lazy hand out in her direction.
“Nah, it ain’t like that,” he says, because it’s not. It ain’t a thing, it’s all these dumbass new-parent hormones, like seeing her dote on his son with all her fresh mama curves and smells and softness just rubs up against this part of him that’s still getting the hang of having a kid at all, and making him want to - - well - - rub up on her.
“Oh, right,” Annie says, voice loaded with amusement as she passes the joint back to him, wriggling back into her side of the couch. “So you just want to take her on a one-way ticket to pound town.”
And, well, he shrugs at that, grinning as he plants the joint between his lips, taking a long, slow drag to fill up his lungs, feeling something in him loosen pleasantly. He watches Annie from the other end of the couch, wondering if she’s gonna have any feelings about him maybe-sometimes-entertaining-the-thought of fucking her sister, but before he can think anymore of it, she’s bouncing back to her feet, heading towards her kitchen and diving headfirst into her pantry.
“Well, I can tell you right now, my friend, that station is closed,” she calls, her voice muffled through the wooden door. He hears her hands grab something crinkly, her feet hit the floor again (and damn, had she climbed into the thing?) and start to make her way back, before he replies at all with a nonplussed:
Because there’d been that moment, hadn’t there? He rocks his jaw a little, running a hand back over his head. That moment when he’d sat with her eldest in the back of the classroom, Marcus still asleep in his arms, and helped the kid with that maze in the back of his activity book. The look on her face when she’d stopped Jane cryin’, when she’d seen them, it had been - -
He rubs his hand a little harder at the back of his head.
It had been something.
That was all.
A bag of Cheetos suddenly drops onto his belly as Annie clambers over the back of the couch, squirming back into her corner as she waves a Pringles can in his general direction. “That is not a frequently used trainline, if you catch my drift.”
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ayamari-no-goshi · 3 years
Verboten 4 | (T)
ff.net | AO3
Fandom: Danny Phantom (DP)
Summary:   AU. When Danny was five years old, he went missing for 2 weeks. In the years that follow, his family tried to make sense of what happened, only for the truth to be discovered years later.
Warnings: rated T for violence, mentions of death, language. Be prepared for some very weird things
Parings: Danny/Sam
Notes: originally uploaded to Ff.net. Cross-posted to AO3 and tumblr. This fic is very heavily inspired by folklore surrounding mysterious wilderness disappearances
Chapter 4
Later that night, it was officially announced at dinner that the camper’s death was the result of an unfortunate accident. However, what shocked all the students was the decision to finish out the remaining time at the camp. According to Mr. Lancer, he had contacted the other teachers at the different sites, and that was the mutual decision.
Tucker had surprisingly spoken up and demanded how their teacher managed to get through since the cell phone service issue remained unresolved. After their meeting with the police officer, he had checked with other students, who all said the same thing. Their service was poor, and they hadn’t been able to contact anyone. For the technophile, it was extremely frustrating, and he had put a lot of effort in attempting to solve the problem on his own device. He told Danny and Sam that it almost seemed like there was a weird electrical phenomenon causing the problem.
Lancer stumbled for a moment, but he eventually said the Park Rangers had let him use their landline. He then changed the topic and began explaining what the activities for the next morning would be.
“Alright, now I’m really sure something’s fishy,” Tucker whispered to his friends. “Wanna bet he was never able to contact the other teachers?”
“I’ll pass, because I think you’re right,” Danny told him as he stole a glance at some of the nearby Rangers. They had been closely watching the students since the beginning of dinner. “I don’t think the Rangers agree with that decision.”
“Yeah, and did you notice? They’ve been stone faced during this whole thing.” Sam leaned forward as she continued. “I really think something more serious happened to that poor man.”
Danny nodded. “I don’t have the slightest idea what might have happened. You’d think they come right out and say if it was an animal attack. But, that’s fairly uncommon in our state. I mean, the most dangerous animal here is a black bear, but they aren’t very common.”
“It could have been a mountain lion attack. While they supposedly haven’t been in this state for decades, there are still regular reports of them. That’s something that might be kept quiet. I mean, that was an issue in Pennsylvania with their coyotes and the Game Commission.”
“That would make sense, but you’d think they’d still say something like it was an animal attack and chalk it up to him doing something stupid to upset a bear if that was the case,” Tucker mentioned as he fiddled with his PDA. “I still can’t get a good signal.”
“I guess we need to just remain on guard,” Danny mused as the other students began to stand. His friends agreed with him as stood and went to grab one of the paper schedules which held the next day’s events.
After Danny and Tucker headed back to their cabin after then had finished freshening up for the night at the communal showers, they were met with the jocks excitedly swapping information. Dash’s grin was almost cat-like as he caught sight of the pair. “So, I guess you dweebs didn’t hear about what actually happened to that camper.”
“Other than what we were told, no,” Danny told him as he went to grab something out of his bag. “And don’t you have anything better to do than spread nasty rumors about the dead?”
Dash’s grin immediately grew larger as he continued, “It’s not a rumor. One of the band geeks was up for an early piss and saw them bring the body into camp. That guy was in pieces.”
“Wha… what!? What did you say?” Tucker stammered as he dropped his PDA.
“Are you absolutely certain that’s what he saw?” Danny demanded as he stepped in between Tucker and Dash. “The camper could have been really messed up, but if he was covered in blood, dirt, and whatever else he encountered, maybe it looked worse than it really was.”
“As much as it annoys me to admit, Fenton makes a good point,” Dash’s other friend, Lucas, mentioned as he sat on his bed. “Without seeing it for ourselves, we don’t know how bad it was, and the kid was pretty scared when he repeated it. So, let me ask you this Fenton, what do you think happened?”
“I’m surprised you care about whatever I think. But,” Danny paused for a moment, “all I know for certain is that something bad happened, and the police and rangers aren’t happy about it. But, I’m not a cop, and I’m clearly not trained in stuff like this, so my hunches are probably wrong.”
“That’s not much of an answer.”
“Unlike some people, I’m not going to jump to conclusions before I know more.” Satisfied with the stunned looks of the jocks, Danny turned to finish preparing for bed. After a moment, he realized Tucker was staring at him. “What?”
“So, where’s this Danny Fenton been all these years?” his friend whispered at him.
Danny raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“You’ve never stood up your… you know… bullies before. What changed?”
“Nothing changed, not really,” Danny replied as he climbed into bed. “It’s just I can’t tolerate people spreading rumors like this. It brings bad luck, or at least I think so, and,” he paused for a moment before lowering his voice, “you shouldn’t speak ill of the dead.”
“Did your parents drill that into you or something?”
“Not my parents, but I can’t remember who did.”
The next day, the students were kept close to camp. Most of the day was spent learning basic camping skills. Although there were plenty of grumbles from his classmates, Danny found it pretty interesting as his parents wanted to keep him as far away from the woods as possible. He spent most of the morning in a boyish wonder as was instructed on setting up tents, campfires, and basic traps.
Sam spent a good portion of the morning teasing him, but he largely ignored her. Like a lot of boys, he had an interest in camping when he was younger, so this was a chance to experience it, or at least a small portion of it. However, by the time lunch hit, his enthusiasm had been replaced by uneasiness.
In the shadows cast by the trees around the camp, he felt as if someone was watching him. It was possible it was just an animal, but as the hours passed and the feeling continued, he determined that couldn’t be the cause. Most animals didn’t spend that long watching people, unless they were hunting, but most predators wouldn’t dream of getting so close to so many people. Both Sam and Tucker seemed apprehensive as well.
“Hey, did either of you heard those weird bird calls earlier?” Sam asked while they were eating dinner.
“I don’t know how you had time to listen to birds with how much manual labor we did earlier. I’m exhausted,” Tucker whined in between bites of his food.
“We barely did anything too strenuous. You really need to get out more.” The amused smirk on Sam’s face was quickly replaced by a frown. “But, in all seriousness, something sounded wrong. I’m pretty familiar with the birds around here, but I’ve never heard something like that before.”
“Is it possible it was an exotic bird?” Danny questioned. “I mean, it is possible one escaped or someone let one go.”
Sam considered his words for a moment. “While it’s possible, I don’t think that’s the case.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s hard to explain.” She brought her hand to her chin as she tried to put her thoughts to words. “The sound didn’t sound natural. It was almost mechanical.”
“A mechanical bird? Come on, Sam! Even for you, that’s pretty out there. Am I right, dude?” Tucker playfully nudged Danny, only to realize he seemed deep in thought. “Hey, what’s wrong? Earth to Danny.”
“Gah!” The sudden motion of Tucker waving his hand in front of his face startled him. “Sorry about that. It’s just that… I… I think I know what she means”
“I don’t remember much about what happened when I went missing, but before things go hazy, I definitely remember a strange bird call. After doing some research, my parents said that calls like that are sometimes heard before unusual missing persons cases.”
“Dude! Don’t say stuff like that! I’m already freaked out enough as it is by this whole mess. Ouch! Did you really have to kick me?”
“Keep your voice down,” Sam warned him as she motioned to the side with a head nod. Danny followed the motion and noticed some of the Rangers seemed to be watching them. “I really don’t want them to pay attention to us. They’re watching us, all of us, like we’re prisoners or something. Anyways, Danny do you know anything more about that weird call?”
“My parents said it might be a type of lure, but I have no idea if that’s true or not. But, I think it was to catch my attention than anything else.” Danny shook his head. “Sam, we wouldn’t be doing this. Whatever that call was, it could have just been some weird bird.”
“Don’t you want to know?”
“Maybe? I don’t know. Look, I’ve been uneasy since we first arrived in this forest. I already told Tucker this, but talking about weird stuff like this brings bad luck. Can we put it on hold until we get out of here?”
“But Danny!” Her argument was cut short as he glared at her. She straightened up as her eyes narrowed. “As weird as everything is, I think the bigger mystery is what exactly happened to you when you went missing when you were a kid.”
“Look, I don’t know what happened,” Danny snapped. What was her problem?
“Clearly something did. What’s every going on here might be digging up some of those memories. Maybe you have a memory that could help, but you’re getting so defensive.”
“Of course I am! Would you like it if someone kept trying to make you remember something that’s probably better left forgotten?”
“Alright, alright. Chill already.”
His only response was to huff and turn away. Her stubbornness was something he both admired and occasionally hated. Whether it was petitioning her teachers to get a menu changed, rallying a protest, or badgering her friends for information, she often wouldn’t stop until she got her way. It was a big reason why he didn’t think they’d ever be able to get together.
They had discussed it the previous year, after Tucker outed their mutual attraction. Neither of them thought it would work out. Sam was too headstrong, and Danny was too reserved for it to be a functioning relationship. There was always a spark of hope, but it was situations like this that reminded him that they hadn’t changed. For the sake of their friendship, it wasn’t something they could safely consider.
Maybe when they got a little older, a little more mature, they would be able to act on their feelings, but that would have to wait. For now, he was just going to sit in an annoyed silence as he finished his… what exact was this food supposed to be anyways?
Sam actually apologized to him the next day. However, he was still too irritated to speak to her, but by the time lunch rolled around, he had forgiven her.
The morning had been spent working on more wilderness survival skills, but the Rangers surprised them by announcing that they would be leading them on a hike on the trail that surrounded the camp. It was only supposed to last a couple hours at most, but three armed Rangers would be walking with them.
Annoyed and uneasy murmurs circled through the students as they formed groups of three and four. Those groups were then lined up; one Ranger moved to the front, one went to the back, and the other moved to the center of the line. Before they began to move, the Rangers warned the entire group that, under no circumstance, was anyone to go off on their own.
Although Sam and Tucker wanted to stay away from Lancer and the jocks who were near the front of the line, Danny would not allow them to be in the very back. After everything else that happened, he would not allow himself to be in the back on the line. The warning to stay away from the very back or front still rang in his ears. Unfortunately, that didn’t last very long.
As they began their trek, several of the groups fell to the back of the line. It forced Danny and his friends to have somewhat of a distance between the few band and more nerdy students who were following close to the first Ranger and Mr. Lancer, and the popular kids and jocks who were near the back. The Ranger who was supposed to be in the middle had hung back to help keep an eye on the larger portion of students.
“I don’t like this,” Danny mentioned as Sam had them stop for a moment as she made a quick sketch of a plant off the path. “Is it just me, or is it really quiet?” He had noticed it for a while. Usually a person should be able to hear bugs, birds, leaves rustling, something, but he hadn’t noticed any noise for a while.
“These are older forests, Danny,” Sam explained as she finished her sketch. “Noises often get muffled since plants can absorb sound to some extent.”
“It doesn’t mean it’s not creepy.”
“Actually, Sam, I agree with him,” Tucker mentioned as he looked over his shoulder. “I feel like we’re being watched.”
Sam tucked her sketch book in her bag before pointing to something behind them. “I think you’re right on that, but I don’t think it’s anything out of the ordinary.”
Danny and Tucker turned to see Dash and his friends, as well as some of the popular girls approach them from down the trail. Apparently, they had been spotted as Dash wore an evil grin as he said something to Kwan as he gestured towards them. A round of laughter followed.
“Great, just our luck. Do you think we’d be able to outrun them?” Danny asked as he warily eyed the approaching group.
“Are you nuts, dude? We can’t even outrun Sam.”
“Thanks for that lovely vote of confidence, Tucker.” ==================
The coyotes and the Game Commission was an actual thing that happened. Basically, there weren’t supposed to be any coyotes in Pennsylvania, but there were farmers saying their animals were being attacked by something. One of the farmers, who lived nearby where I grew up, got permission to take a shot at creatures and ended up killing a coyote with a Game Commission tag in its ear. Twenty years later, the Game Commission has finally admitted coyotes are back in Pennsylvania, and that they can be hunted. Coyotes can attack people. While there aren’t many documented attacks, they have happened, and Pennsylvanians aren’t very happy about them popping up in towns and parks.
Mountains Lions, also known as Nittany Lions, Pumas and Cougars, are supposedly extinct in the states east of the Mississippi River (ignore Florida – it’s an exception). However, that’s another thing under debate. There have been many sightings of them throughout the years in the east, especially in the Appalachian (app-ah-lay-shin) Mountains. There is actually a picture of one found in Ohio near its border with Kentucky that was taken in 2014. I know there are recent reports in Pennsylvania and New York as well - this includes family members.
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blissfulalchemist · 4 years
“I made your favorite.” For CatRaf? 😘😘😘
Thank you for sending this in Jo! Please enjoy this little slice of life piece that I had so much fun writing!
“What day does dad come back again?” Liz asked as she hung upside down on the couch, The Old Man and the Sea in her hands as her long hair pooled to the floor beneath her, “I need to know when to get his present ready.”
Cat looked up from the stove to Liz, “You’re not going to try and deface property again are you?”
“I was joking,” she gave Liz a sideways glance, Liz changing her tune, “Well the shop owner gave me permission, not my fault it was the wrong one we needed.” Cat shook her head, turning the stove down, “Danny is the one that drew it,” Liz grumbled.
“But you let yourself take the fall for it,” she pointed out, her daughter letting out a huff, “You want to take a break from your homework for a little bit?”
Her brown eyes looked over to Catlina, narrowing slightly, “Depends,” Liz let her legs fall forward cartwheeling off the sofa, “What are you making?”
“The recipe your grandmother left for me to start,” Cat looked down re-reading the instructions making sure she understood what was written, “I feel like this doesn’t need that much paprika.”
Liz put her chin on her mom’s head, “Careful mom, you know how they can be about following the recipes. Dad had to get it from someone.”
“Hush you,” Cat said, laughing as she waved Liz off of her, “Will you start peeling the potatoes for me, please?”
Liz smiled, getting the peeler out, “You didn’t answer my question though.”
Cat hummed, “He flies in the twenty-ninth.”
“What are we going to be doing when he comes in? Are we celebrating his birthday first or Christmas? Cause I vote we get the capitalistic holiday out of the way first.”
Cat looked up to her daughter, eyes tired, “You love Christmas so don’t try to put your social justice airs on for me.” Liz scoffed mumbling to herself, “I think it’s going to be Christmas first. I don’t know what we can do for his birthday.”
Liz gave a solemn nod, “You left it to the last minute didn’t you?”
“I did not, now peel those potatoes,” Cat tied her hair up letting out a breath, “I just feel like we’ve done everything at some point for him. There’s nothing left to do that just feels special enough for him.”
Liz stopped peeling looking up, “I’ve never seen you make him any food for his birthday.” Her brow knitted together frowning, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you two make anything for each other for events that special. What’s up with that? You two cook so often you think you would have at some point in my life.”
“That….,” Cat stopped thinking it over, “No we can’t. It became a rule and after all these years of peace, we don’t need World War Three happening.”
“There was already a threat of that mom,” Liz pointed out, “And I’m sure yours and dad’s isn’t going to live up to that one.”
“Watch yourself,” Cat warned, “Just trust me, it’s better for everyone if we don’t touch that flame.”
“Mom, it's not that difficult, all you have to do is make his favorite food and be done with it.” Liz put a hand on her hip, “Besides what can be more special than doing something he would never expect from you? You say it yourself all the time, you making food is a labor of love. Why is making something for dad on his birthday any different.” She stood straighter, “In fact I find that that qualifies as more reason for you to show him that you love him.”
Cat crossed her arms, Liz was right and she hated to admit it, “There’s also one hiccup in your plan honey,” Cat turned back to the stove, “I could never make the dish to his liking. He’s so particular about it. I’ve tried and just can never seem to get it right. Even he doesn’t like it when he makes it.” She gave a heavy sigh, “No one else can make it like his mom.”
Liz rolled her eyes, “Oh so tragic that she isn’t currently staying with her for a while.” Liz held a potato up after seeing the narrowed eyes her mom gave her, “I know, I know. Watch the sarcasm. But mom seriously just ask her to teach you. Grandma isn’t going to be offended, bet she wants to teach you.”
“I want to teach your mom what?” Raf’s mom asked as she walked in setting bags on the counter, Liz rushing to help her put the groceries away.
“How to make dad’s favorite dish,” Liz said giving her mom a smile, “She wants to do something special for his birthday.”
“Oh,” the older woman said looking at Cat, “is that all?” Cat nodded, glancing between the stove and her mother in law, her grey hair falling into her eyes as she pointed to some places in the kitchen, directing Liz where to put items. “Where’s your younger brother?”
“Sketching upstairs,” Liz saw the package of sweet rolls, longing to have one, “You got him his favorites didn’t you?”
“Of course I got them for my little Cielito,” she said sweetly, handing the bag over to Liz, “Here put these in the bread box with his name on it, Loquita.” Liz muttered under her breath as she put them away, going back to peeling the potatoes. She gave a clap of her hands turning to Cat, “Now what’s this I hear about you wanting to learn how to make my most secret recipe?”
“You don’t have to. I can always come up with something else to make or do. Liz just thought it would be nice because it’s something we never really do.”
“You never cooked for my boy?” She asked a serious note in her tone.
Cat’s eyes went wide, “Oh no. That’s-that’s not what I meant at all,” she stammered, “I cook, we cook, for each other all the time we just agreed to not on special occasions. It’s just you know- it makes life easier so we aren’t trying to pass the other one up.”
“You and that damn competition of yours,” she waved off, “You know there’s no beating him. But here,” she placed her hands on Cat’s shoulders, looking her in the eye, “I will teach you.”
Cat blinked a few times, “You will?”
“Of course. I can’t have that recipe lost just because I didn’t have a daughter of my own,” Cat and Liz opened their mouths to speak, “I only taught Raf the basics. He doesn’t have the permission to learn the secret ingredient. It’s why he can’t make it properly. Gotta keep the boy humble.”
Cat and Liz looked at each other shrugging, “Can’t blame you.”
“Exactly,” she gave a single clap before pointing to Liz, “Now you. Out of the kitchen. Go and find your brother.” She turned her eyes on Cat, who shifted under the woman’s gaze, “You finish that recipe so I can see just how much my son has taught you.”
“I-. Well we don’t have to start right now,” Cat watched as Liz made her way upstairs laughing to herself.
“I have to know where to begin with you,” she pointed a finger to the skillet on the stove, “because I already know you didn’t measure out the paprika.” She turned Cat to face the stove before taking a seat at the breakfast bar, “Now show me what you got.” Cat stared at the stove trying to remember where her place was. She turned ready to ask a question, “No you can’t have any help.”
Liz came back down the stairs, Danny following behind her, “Is this a test to see how good of a teacher dad is?”
“Grandma’s actually teaching mom how to cook?” Danny asked as he made his way into his grandmother’s outstretched arms, “This oughta be fun to watch.”
“Mom,” Liz said noticing how still Catlina had become, “You were on the sixth step.”
“I said no helping,” her grandma warned, looking down to the sketch book Danny had brought with him, “What are we working on today my Cielito?” 
She took it from him, as he sat down next to her, “Something for dad since our last attempt didn’t work out.”
“Awww,” she pinched his cheek, “Your sister should have done more research, so that your art could grace this county.”
Liz got a glass of water taking a sip, “And we wonder how dad could have ever gotten his ego,” she mumbled under her breath. Cat smiled holding back her laughter.
“I heard that Liz,” she said, not looking away from her grandson.
“Grandma, if not for Liz I’d have been arrested,” Danny reminded her.
She gasped pulling him close to her, “Oh, you’re right. Your face could not survive such horrors.” She gave a smile to her granddaughter, “Thank you Liz.”
“Wessy would have gotten him out before the paperwork was even finished,” Liz joked, rolling her eyes as she sat on the other side of Danny.
“How is Wes and his wife doing lately?” She asked watching as Cat made her way through the recipe picking up a serrated knife, “You need the chef’s knife, my Lina.” Cat nodded grabbing the one from the wooden block.
“They’re doing well, mom,” Cat said chopping up some of the potatoes, “Wes got a promotion and Wren has been doing a lot of great work with the kids and starting plans for connecting music therapy to the schools. They also really enjoyed the cookies you sent over to them for Christmas.”
“Of course they did. Are their kids still doing well in school?”
“Willow always does. Same with Wyatt when Liz doesn’t rope him in to something potentially stupid,” Danny teased.
“At least I’m not taking after my namesake and pining,” Liz gave him exaggerated puppy dog eyes.
“Danny is this true,” Raf’s mom asked.
Cat looked up to Danny seeing the blush creeping up his neck, “Yeah. I didn’t know you had a crush on someone at school.”
“It’s not a crush. We’re just friends,” he argued.
“And so were your father and Wes,” grandma stated, “Now I just want to know who so I can start listing off reasons why they aren’t good enough for you.”
Liz subtly flipped the sketch book a few pages to a sketch of the girl, “He draws pictures of her.”
Danny snatched up the book holding it close to his chest, “Liz,” she stuck her tongue out at him, “that’s not funny. She’s just my friend and these are from a school project that she helped me with.” His cheeks burned as Cat held her hand out for the sketch book.
“Give it here, it’s causing too many problems now,” Danny handed it over, his mom putting it on the counter, Raf’s mom looking at it over her glasses.
“Her hair is too curly,” the three of them gave a side glance to the old woman, “We’d lose the Estrada curl that’s too perfect.”
“Mom,” Cat said laughing.
“What? We just got lucky your dad’s hair had a curl that was close enough to ours,” she said ruffling Danny’s hair, “Now it’s even more perfect.”
Cat rolled her eyes, “Grandma how come you never ask Liz,” Danny looked his sister in the eyes as she took another sip of water, “if she ever has any crushes at school?”
“Liz do you have anybody that you like at school?” Liz stayed silent shaking her head, “See there we go.”
“That’s not fair,” he pouted, Cat shaking her head as she grabbed the small measuring spoons.
“Pobrecito Cielito, Liz doesn’t need the protection that you do,” she wrapped him in her arms, stroking his hair, “You’re soft and sweet just like your mother. You need someone perfect.”
Liz looked over curious, “So then what do I need?”
She didn’t look up to Liz, “You need a Wesley.”
Cat snorted, holding back her laughter as Liz’s mouth fell open, “What’s that supposed to mean, Grandma?”
She pulled away from Danny with a sigh, “It just means that while Danny here,” she cupped his face, “is soft and precious just like your mother,” she gave a smile to Cat before turning to Liz, “While you my dear are like your father.” 
Danny laughed pointing at his sister, “You’re bossy Liz!” Liz glared, lightly punching his arm. 
“So I just need someone to boss around?” She leaned back in the chair crossing her arms in a huff, “Well that’s not happening. Never going to find someone here like that.”
“No you won’t, because,” their grandma said pointing to Liz, “you need someone that will keep you grounded but appreciate your flying. If it was just a matter of who’s the boss and who’s not then your mother and father would have never worked out.”
“I feel that is our dynamic mom,” Cat said, putting the finishing touches on the meal, “He leads I follow.”
“Wrong.” Her finger moved from point at Liz to Cat, “You remind him how to lead. Don’t think I forgot the first Thanksfighting, you held your own against him. He did relent eventually,” Cat grabbed some plates from the cupboard brow knitting together, “He did. It’s harder to see but I know it when I see it.”
Cat shook her head making plates for them all, “Well no need to question something if it’s not broken. Danny, make your grandma some coffee, there’s hot water on the stove already.” He nodded making quick work of what his mom asked of him. “Shall we eat at the breakfast bar or the table?”
“This is fine,” Raf’s mom told Catlina, taking the mug from Danny, “Thank you. We might get to cooking lessons right away.” The four of them grew silent as they ate for a few minutes, Cat’s eyes not leaving her mother in law, waiting for her reaction. She gave a small shrug with a small frown, “It’s not bad, Lina,” Cat took a breath waiting for the rest, “but could use a little work.” She turned to Danny, “Danny! Get my chef’s coat!”
“Ohhh,” Liz started smiling, her laughter intermixing with her voice, “Mom’s in for a crash course in cooking.” 
“I love how you think you’re exempt from this Loquita,” her grandma laughed, “Come. If I’m gonna teach your mom, I’m going to save time and teach you too. Two generations taken care of.” 
Liz whined looking to Catlina for help, giving her daughter a shrug, “Estrada’s are nothing short of efficient.”
“I thought that was the Rojas’,” Liz argued.
Cat rolled her eyes, “It's from both sides. Besides this was your idea and I’m sure it’ll be fun.”
The week that followed stopped being fun pretty quickly as the three generations tried to work together in the kitchen. There was no formal recipe, so both had to pay close attention without getting in the other’s way, all the while Danny got to watch eating the sweet rolls and sketching the scenes from time to time. Raf’s mom made sure there was nothing but perfection from Liz and Cat, their days getting longer as the pieces came together, their bonding feeling more like a bootcamp. Finally, two days before Rafael’s expected return Danny was finally kicked out of the kitchen and sent to his room, the time finally coming for them to learn the secret step that was tradition for only the women to know. One that wasn’t mastered until twenty four hours before Raf’s return.
That night, Cat and Liz were tasked with making a portion each to make sure it was the perfection grandma expected. The two tired as they placed their plates in front of their judges, leaning against the counters. “I’m never listening to your ideas again mom,” Liz whispered.
“I don’t know what planet you just came from,” Cat narrowed her eyes at Liz, “but this was your idea.”
“And you should know better than to listen to me,” Cat rolled her eyes at the comment watching her mother in law. Cat’s hands starting to shake as her heart thundered in her chest, Is this what it feels like to be on the TV competitions?
Raf’s mom looked to Danny, the two giving curt nods, the older woman stepping down from the chair, arms outstretched. “Mijas,” she embraced them both, “It is perfect! I am so proud of you both.” When she pulled back her eyes looked at Liz first, “Yours can use a little work but you’re still young,” she gave a pinch on Liz’s cheek. 
Cat had started to laugh as the two discussed what needed to be fixed when her phone rang. Cat ran to it, her smile spreading seeing Raf’s picture on the screen, “Raf, please tell me they gave you an earlier flight. The kids and I miss you so much. We can’t wait for you to get home!”
He was silent a moment before letting out a sigh, “I know you do Conejito, but,” Cat’s face started to fall at his hesitancy, “there’s been some delays here because of the weather.”
“Oh,” Cat said crossing her arm across her chest, “You’re just gonna be a bit later than expected which is okay. We can all wait up for you.”
He gave a small laugh, “I’d love for nothing more than to see all your faces as soon as I walk through that door, but it’s expected to be an extra day, maybe a few more depending on how this storm goes.”
“I-I see,” she turned away from everyone else hiding her disappointment, “What does it mean if it’s longer than a day? Will you be able to extend your leave?”
“I can’t this time, mi amor. Worst case is that I would only get a few hours with you all,” she could hear the pain in his voice, “Which is fine, so long as I get to see you all, but we won’t be able to do much more than have lunch.” Cat stole a glance behind her to their kids, their faces growing sadder as they put two and two together. “Look, we just have to hope for the best okay. We do that and it’s going to all work out.”
Cat nodded, “You’re right. That’s all we have to do. In the end we get to see you still and that’s what matters.”
“Exactly, and don’t worry I’ll keep you updated,” she heard him swallow hard, “Are the kids there? I want to say hi to them.” 
“Yeah, your mom is here too still,” Cat handed the phone off to them making her way up the stairs to the master bedroom, wiping the tears from her face. It just didn’t seem fair that while he was away he only got so much time to fly overseas to see them, only for a storm to hit where he was making it harder for them to see each other. She gave a sigh making sure she looked presentable before making her way back downstairs. 
The next twelve hours were slow and filled with dread as they all waited for updates on what was happening with Raf. It was Liz that spoke up first during the family’s transition to another movie, “I can’t stand to mope about any more today! I’m calling Tia Wren to come and get us.”
“And do what,” Danny asked looking up from where he laid against Cat.
Liz stood putting her hands on her hips, “Anything but what we’ve been doing. Time will move faster if we go out and do something.” She held her hand out to her younger brother, “What do you say?”
Danny looked up to Cat, giving him a nod, “Alright let’s go call them.” He jumped up following Liz to the other room.
Raf’s mom moved to sit next to Cat, putting an arm around her, “I’ll drive them there. You stay here just in case he never got a chance to update us on his arrival.” She kissed the top of Cat’s head, “You look like you could use the rest anyway.” 
“Mom,” Danny called out, “Aunt Wren and Wes want to know if it’s okay for us to stay the night there. They have something planned for dad and want us to help out.”
“Are they planning a party?” Grandma asked, “Cause if they are I will stay with you all.”
Danny nodded going back to the room, “You don’t have to do that mom. They’ll be fine with them.”
She waved off Cat’s comment, “I like planning parties and I can give them a little break too. Take the kids out to a movie or something.” Cat’s phone chimed with a text from Raf. It was a selfie of him with a sad face next to a screen with the estimated arrival date of his flight. From what Cat could gather from the picture he at least wasn’t where he was stationed at. She gave a sad laugh showing the screen to his mom. “He’s not coming in until tomorrow it looks like,” she gave a sigh, hugging Cat, “You still get a few days with him, mija.”
Liz and Danny rushed back into the room, “They said you can stay if you want grandma,” Danny said as Liz made her way up the stairs. He took in their faces, “Any word on dad?”
“Tomorrow afternoon,” Cat told him, “Sorry buddy.”
He gave a shrug, “He’s still going to be on time for the party and then we have him all to ourselves for a few days after that.” He gave Cat a hug, “It’s all going to work out mom, just you wait and see,” she gave him a kiss on the cheek before letting him rush up the stairs to pack an overnight bag.
Cat looked to Raf’s mom, “Do you know how to get there?”
She nodded, “A little and if anything I’m sure those two know how to get there.” She gave a pat on Cat’s knee as she stood to collect her things. The three of them were saying their goodbyes to Cat in the span of ten minutes reminding her to keep the party a secret as they drove away. Cat laid herself down on the couch putting another movie on to keep the silence of the house at bay finding herself falling asleep for the duration of it. She woke to an update from Raf, this time showing himself at an airport that looked more clearly to be one in the states, his face looking bored as he stared off into space, the caption reading “Why must airplane food taste worse than MREs?”. The second picture he sent was one of a golden retriever that had rolled onto their back looking up to Raf, it’s tongue hanging out “Since when does Wren let Wes out without a leash.”. 
Cat couldn’t help but laugh at the pictures, sending a selfie of her own worried face, “Well that’s a problem considering I just sent the kids to stay with him for the night.”. Raf’s response was quick as he sent his own worried face. She laughed a moment before her heart felt like it was pulling towards him, “I miss you, my love.”. His response took a little longer, the little dots staying up as he must have been deciding what to write before settling on, “I miss you too.”. 
Cat looked up to the ceiling debating what to do with the time she had. She didn’t feel like watching another movie yet and the time showed that it was too early to start getting ready for bed or even dinner. Her eyes looked to the kitchen, it wasn’t too early to start making a meal though. Cat got up making her way to the kitchen, making the dish she had perfected, readying it to be stored in the fridge, just under cooked enough for it to taste it’s best when she heated it up. 
Time was still stretching as she just decided to make her way upstairs to take a bath and relax. Another update from Raf, this time a picture of the inside of a plane, “One more layover!....I don’t know how long it will be.” a sad face emoji with a tear became its own text. She smiled settling in, asking him to hurry back to her along with a picture of her in the bath as extra incentive. She found herself getting ready for bed once the water became cold, her routine taking longer than normal making herself perfect for Raf’s return. 
By the end of it she still found herself wandering around the house settling back down on the couch getting her favorite show ready to watch, one more text from Raf coming in. This time it was a professional photo of a blue horse statue with red eyes, followed by the familiar terminal behind Raf’s smiling face, “Praise Blucifer! I am within driving distance if I have to be.” Cat laughed simply sending a kissing face emoji to him. Her mind no longer able to focus on the show as she laid there her heart racing, knowing he was just so close to her. Her eyes started to close as a slow song played during an episode, her mind already playing a scene of her and Raf together again.
The moving headlights hurt her eyes as she sat up in the now quiet house, catching the time on her dying phone, six in the morning. She yawned, stretching out her arms, hearing the faint sounds of a car door slamming shut. Cat walked to the front door of the house, smoothing out her hair, watching as a familiar silhouette passed the windows, heart racing as she wanted nothing more than to run to him. The door opened slowly, his smile meeting her first as he stepped through, Cat running into his arms as the door closed behind him. 
He lifted her easily as she buried her face into his neck, wrapping her arms and legs around him, “I missed you so much,” she said between her tears falling, kissing his cheek.
“I can’t even begin to tell you how much I missed you,” he pulled away far enough to take in her face, kissing her deeply, his arm tightening around her. “Is everyone asleep upstairs?”
Cat shook her head, “They’re all at your brother’s place,” she put her hands around his face kissing him again, “You said tomorrow afternoon, so they stayed the night.”
Raf moved them further into the house setting her on the back of the sofa, “It was going to be,” he kissed down her neck, his hands running along her legs, “I guess I must have looked so sad seeing that picture of you,” Cat started to unbutton the jacket he wore, “because someone gave up their seat to get me home faster.” 
“Well I am thankful for them,” she pulled on the lapel of his jacket bringing his lips down to hers. His hands moving under the silky pjs she wore, trails of fire forming with each touch of his fingers against her skin, as his lips moved down her neck. Cat gave a small moan parting her lips, before she started to hear Raf’s stomach start to growl. She laughed pulling away from him, “When was the last time you ate?”
“It doesn’t matter,” he tilted her chin to look her in the eye, “I can wait.”
She shook her head, “No, mi amor,” she pushed him away gently, “You need to eat or else you’ll have no energy.” She got down from the sofa making her way to the kitchen, “Besides I made your favorite,” Cat stopped at the fridge holding on to the door turning to him, “and I promise you that it’s going to be worth the interruption.”
He leaned against the counter, arms crossed, cocking an eyebrow, “Oh will it now? Cause you’ve tried in the past to make it.”
“Well I didn’t spend a week learning exactly how to make it from your mom,” she teased as she bent down grabbing the food, feeling Raf grab her hips.
“She actually taught you how to make it?”
Cat nodded, setting the food on the counter, “Liz too. Even had to make a blood oath to never tell the secret step to you or anyone else. Only our granddaughters.”
He laughed, pinning her against the counter, giving her a kiss. When she didn’t start laughing with him, he stopped, “Oh you’re serious. Even the blood oath?”
“Well Liz and I both cut ourselves at least once during the week and your mom said it counted,” she explained holding up her hand with the mostly healed cut between her thumb and forefinger. He smiled, bringing her hand to his lips.
“Well at least you and Liz survived.”
His hands started to run up her body, bringing their hips together, “I’m still going to make sure you eat dinner first,” she whispered in his ear.
He kissed up her jaw before whispering, “And what if I just want to skip straight to dessert,” he lightly bit her ear lobe while his left hand found its way into the waistband of her shorts. “There’s only so much time we truly have alone,” he said lowly, his fingers running over her lace underwear, sending small waves of pleasure through Cat. “We should take advantage of it, mi amante,” his hand left her shorts lifting her by her thighs, Cat’s legs wrapping around him on instinct. She smiled kissing down his neck, reveling in the moans he gave her as he walked them up the stairs. 
Once at the top he set her down letting her pull his jacket and shirt off before Raf had her against a wall his kisses feverish and hands rough, Cat’s trying to keep up as she fumbled with trying to loosen his pants and feeling his toned body. She wanted every part of him, making it known as she made a space big enough to rub his already hard length, his hands starting to push her towards their bedroom. The two didn’t even bother closing the door as Raf threw Cat on the bed, letting her watch as he quickly removed his pants, pulling her legs to the edge to remove her clothing. 
He brought himself onto the bed using his hips to part her legs for him as he kneeled above her taking in her body. His hands ran down her body lightly, as her breathing became heavy as his touch traced every part of her. Cat moved her hips up trying to get some kind of friction, Raf pushing them back down against the bed. She let out a small whine growing tired of him, in her mind, teasing her, pulling on the dog tags that still hung around his neck. She kissed him roughly taking advantage of the small surprise on his end to force him on his back, straddling him as she moved her lips down his neck and across his collarbone. Her hands played with the waistband of his boxers, sliding in after he gave a few breathy moans from her kissing alone, running her fingers up and down his shaft. He let out a groan, his head falling back, muttering to himself as she kissed down his torso, stopping just above hips. She gave a smirk biting her lower lip, meeting his eyes as she said, “Welcome home, my love,” she pulled his underwear down letting her tongue run along his length, “and happy late birthday.”
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What Else is There to Celebrate?
Open Heart/ Ethan x MC
Summary: Ethan and Clarissa are so late but a celebration was in order.
Author’s Note: well I was going to a Bachelorette Party story for News Years, but I’ve been binge watching Grey’s Anatomy all day so I’m holding off on that book. For day 30 (I switched days), Celebration for the 41 Days of Cheer. I’m just going to quit pretending that I know what I’m doing and quit mentioning what’s next lol.
There was a code blue in room 211 where the man started to seize. Clarissa had moved on and sprung into action helping him as soon as possible. Across the hospital Ethan was helping a patient through a diabetic shock. The clock ticking closer and closer to clock out time.
“Mr. Panabaker you’re in good hands,” she said as he was being wheeled away to the OR. Bryce and Dr. Emery to perform a temporal lobectomy once he was stabilized. Bryce had winked at her before she had to return to another patient.
Oh no, she thought, as this woman was having a heart attack. His body spazzing as she called another code blue as she tried to get him under control.  More nurses and doctors came into the room and started to help her.
“We need to schedule for an OR,” she said pointing for someone to go. The intern nodded at her before running away to get it in.
She took a deep breath and started to help as best as she could. Her eyes focused on Mrs. Shephard as they got it under control. Perfect as she looked at the clock again. Almost everyone would be off and there at the park except the one person that needed to be there.
Clarissa bit down on her thumb nail and check on her remaining patients. Including a child that had come in for an appendectomy that was healing perfectly.
“Doctor Sinclaire,” said the nurse. “Before you leave, I wanted to give this to you.”
She had produced a small present with a giant bright red bow on the top. “It’s a little uncommon but happy new year,” she said as Clarissa went to clock out. Part of her wished to go home and sleep since she’s been on her feet since four a.m. That didn’t matter as she had something to celebrate.
Finally clocking out and hugging the nurse for the present she headed out to the cat walk looking for Ethan in the crowd. He didn’t seem to be around anywhere as she just frowned. Until she saw him with Naveen down at the bottom of the steps nearest to the door as she raced down.
Getting closer she can hear them as soon as she was within ear shot.
“Come on Ethan, you know you want to,” said Naveen.
“No, we’re not going to accept that,” he said shaking his head. “Naveen we have something special planned.”
“Before you leave Doctor Sinclaire we have the paperwork about the therapy dog program that you helped set up,” said another nurse.
She took the paperwork and put into an organized accordion file before heading out with Ethan and Naveen. They only had one day off, and they were going to make it count. After all it was New Year’s Eve and they had plans.
“Come on you’ve got to come,” said Clarissa. “It won’t be a New Year’s Eve party without you.”
“If I come to your party there has a to be a time where we can sneak off together,” said Ethan staring at her for a long minute.
She had just nodded, Clarissa would have to make time for each of her friends. Why wouldn’t she spend time with her boyfriend? Even if it was a little awkward for some people. Together they had left the hospital and to the restaurant where they were hosting a party. It was the local Chinese buffet place since it was open late on new years eve.
Sighing she wondered what people would think when she showed up with the chief. With Ethan it was no surprise but with Naveen it might get people talking.
“Thank you for inviting me,” he said. “I don’t drink anymore but I will gladly toast with a Pepsi tonight.”
With that they had arrived as she started to mingle. Jackie still focusing on deciding a specialty that she really wanted to work on. She wasn’t opposing to Bryce suggesting that she should get into surgery but still skeptical.
Sienna was with Danny as her date and they weren’t separating anytime soon. Elijah had showed some of the interns one of his juggling tricks.
Finally, Naveen and Ethan talking with Aurora as she was eagerly explaining her last interesting case. Rafael talking with Zaid and Ines about something or another. Basically, everyone had gotten together well and making time for each other. It was turning out to be a good party as she watched from the sideline after meeting with everyone for a small time.
Although it was hard to ignore the long looks Ethan was casting at her from time to time. He had a Pepsi of his own in his hands. She was pretty pleased with herself to see that he had cut back from all the alcohol. Then again, he was only drinking that much because of the condition Naveen was in at the time.
“Hey,” said Ethan as he had pulled her away from the crowd. “Can we…”
“Hold on the clock,” she said pointing to a count down that the owners had put up next to their Christmas tree still standing. Clarissa put down a plate that still had some sweet and sour chicken on a nearby table.
She had taken his hand and squeezed it. Her other hand had done the same with Sienna. As they watched the clock count down.
“Take something,” said Elijah rolling past them as she took out a small box of confetti. Sienna with a blow horn. Ethan sighing and taking a hat reluctantly. Naveen had various items to throw when it came down to the time.
“Happy New Year shouted everyone in the restaurant.”
Clarissa only smiling she was happy to have all her friends around her. A few of the nurses that had arrived late hugging each other. A hand had pulled her away from the crowd and her own Sierra Mist splashed up a little before laughing. Turning to look she could only see Ethan.
Following him out she smiled at him setting the drink down before heading out into the streets. Snow piling up as a truck drove by.  They finally did sneak away as they started to walk a little down the street. Since she didn’t have a coat on neither could go very far but her sweater and vest combo keeping her somewhat warm.
“This isn’t exactly where I was planning to be on New Years Day this late,” said Ethan grumbling some.
“Hey, you were having fun,” she said as he just made a face before smiling. She had poked his chest playfully as if she had proved it herself. “I saw you talking to Zaid and Ines and Aurora. See you have some other people around besides Naveen.”
He had chucked and put his hands in his pockets, his ears and cheeks pink from the cold. Now she had really wished that she had her jacket.
“Okay I was having fun. Although I pulled you away for a reason.”
“You mean besides to get a special new year’s kiss? I mean I didn’t get that yet.” She stuck out her lower lip and batted her big green eyes up at him. Ethan had shaken his head and pressed a quick kiss to her lips. Pouting a little she just brushed up against him. “What’s the reason then?”
He had grown quiet as she turned to look at him. They had walked almost block to see the holiday lights on the Boston Common. It was still quite pretty as she pulled her puffed vest to make her slightly warmer. They could see the lights bright in the night and a light sprinkling of snow made everything magical.
“Okay it’s too cold and I can’t go much farther. I was hoping to do this at our apartment.”
Clarissa just smiled, remembering last Christmas he had given her a key and she had moved in with him. It was very romantic.
“What are you…”
He had pulled out a box from his own pocket as she just slapped a hand to her mouth hiding her gasp. Her emerald eyes grew wide as she knew what that was. Ethan had relaxed and eye’s softened as he opened the small box.
“The grounds kind of cold but, Clarissa Anne Sinclaire will you marry me?” he asked his voice sounding hopeful as he seemed to hold his breath.
Even though she wasn’t crying she could only shake her head and accepted the box putting the ring on herself. He looked a little surprised at that before throwing herself into his arms.
“I’m so glad that you didn’t make this grand, this is perfect as it is.”
With that she kissed him long, hard, and as passionate as she could. The kiss really warming them up in the freezing temperatures. As cute as it would have been to do it in front of their tree and maybe get Jenner involved, this was perfect as it was. The box holding the ring had fallen to the ground completely dismissed.
He had kissed her back with just as much passion as he had wrapped his arms around her waist. Her arms around his neck as they kept each other warm. Ethan twirled her around some before resting his forehead against hers.
“I still think in front of the tree would have been better. Plus, I could have gotten down on one knee…”
“I wouldn’t’ have wanted you to anyway. This is perfect this just looks magical.”
They had the lights in the back with a Christmas song playing in the distance. A bright crescent moon among the stars. A light dusty of snow falling from somewhere. It was magical and she wouldn’t want it any other way.
Laughing Ethan just took her hand as she admired her ring. It was simple and that’s exactly what she would have wanted.
“Now let’s head before we develop hypothermia,” said Ethan kissing her cheek once more. “Happy New Year Clarissa.”
“Happy New Year Ethan.”
With that they were off back to the restaurant. After all they had another reason to celebrate.
Tag list: @cordoniaqueensworld @universallypizzataco @riverrune  @valiantlychaoticbarbarian @hopelessromantic1352 @sharrybh20 @timmagicktoad @theeccentricbibliophile @greywitchyshots @confessionsofabrokegirl @owleyes374
@adrianadmirer  @fluffy-cat-whisper @symonde @paisleylovergirl @elainew13  @brightpinkpeppercorn​  @darley1101​ @mfackenthal​ @jlpplays1 @writerapprentice @indescribablechoices @wildsayeed​ @princess-geek​ @perriewinklenerdie​  @lilyofchoices​ @flyawayboo​ @am-i-invisible777​ @indescribablechoices​ @radlovedreamer​ @itsbrindleybinch
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ofelvie · 4 years
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joe keery. cis male. he/him.  /  elvie croft just pulled up blasting spooky boy by danny gonzalez  — that song is so them ! you know, for a twenty - four year old youtuber, i’ve heard they’re really scatterbrained, but that they make up for it by being so loyal. if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say 80s horror, buckets of halloween candy, and blurry photographs of mysterious figures in the woods. here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble ! ( sam, 23, est, she/her )
hey there demons! *ba dum tss* my name is sam and i’ll be writing elvie, a brilliant harvard law graduate who threw away any shred of credibility he ever had in order to make silly videos on the internet. more info under the cut. feel free to message me if you would like to plot!
i. stats
𝖋𝖚𝖑𝖑 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊: elvin tupelo croft
𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖋𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖘: el, elvie, the ghost guy
𝖍𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖔𝖜𝖓: salem, massachusetts 
𝖉𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖇𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖍: october 31, 1995
𝖟𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖆𝖈: scorpio
𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓: demisexual
𝖔𝖈𝖈𝖚𝖕𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓: lawyer youtuber
𝖕𝖔𝖘. 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖙𝖘: loyal, open - minded, exuberant.
𝖓𝖊𝖌. 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖙𝖘: scatterbrained, obstreperous, impulsive.
𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖞: shawn spencer, psych ; fox mulder, the x files ; stiles stilinski, teen wolf.
ii. history
elvin tupelo “elvie” croft was born in salem, massachusetts ( yes, really ) on halloween day ( yes, really ). an only child, his father is the district attorney for essex county, massachusetts while his mother owns a store in town that sells witchcraft supplies such as crystals, herbs, grimiores, etc. fun fact: she’s the descendant of an accused witch, meaning that elvie is as well.
as it turns out, beneath of the surface of the few tourist attractions that it has to offer, salem has a small town, stuck in the past vibe. it’s the sort of place where everyone knows everyone all their lives because no one ever leaves and no one ever moves in. he grew up in this...eccentric...environment, living in the same house all his life and only ever leaving to visit his grandparents in boston. 
he was five years old when he saw his first horror movie ( an apathetic teenage babysitter let him stay up long past his bedtime to watch nightmare on elm street ) and from that moment on he was HOOKED.
when he started school, two things about him became apparent: 1) he was highly intelligent and 2) he struggled greatly with tasks such as sitting still and staying focused. he was tested, and it turns out that he has a through the roof genius level iq and he also has adhd, which he was put on a few different medications for until something finally seemed to work for him.
he could have been one of those child prodigies who finished high school at the age of ten and then college at the age of fourteen, BUT his parents decided that they didn’t want him to miss out on the experience of going through school with people his own age.
as the smartest kid in class with glasses and braces and an insatiable obsession with all things horror and halloween, he…was picked on. mercilessly.
so, he didn’t really have any friends...............................at all.................................but he didn’t mind. he was perfectly content to go right home after school and spend the rest of the day reading comic books or watching horror movies or researching local urban legends and paranormal stories.
he started his youtube channel when he was a teenager and it was…trash honestly. it was basically buzzfeed unsolved if buzzfeed unsolved consisted of one ( 1 ) dorky teenager yelling at the air in the middle of abandoned house at 3am, but it turned out that people found it entertaining. his first few videos were flops, but he would soon start amassing subscribers in the hundreds, then thousands, then hundreds of thousands.
so, when he got to his senior year of high school, he was a shoe - in to be named class valedictorian ( he was ) and he was even getting ivy league offers. at the same time, his youtube channel was starting to gain momentum. his parents mainly his father were really pushing him to attend college and elvie, genius level iq and all…didn’t want to go. he wanted to focus on his youtube channel, but his dad was absolutely not having it.
he attended harvard for both his pre law and law school studies, breezed through classes, graduated with honors at the top of his class and once he passed the bar exam there were countless job offers waiting for him. elvie ignored them all and moved to los angeles so that he could finally focus on his youtube channel.
it’s been almost two years since he moved and he likes it in california!
iii. extras
his name is elvin but basically no one ever calls him that. his own parents don’t even particularly like the name. long story. most people call him elvie and some who are super close to him just call him el.
while he is the “ryan” aka the believer of his youtube series, he’s definitely NOT a scaredy cat like ryan the poor guy. in fact, all his life there’s been this running joke that HE DOESN’T SEEM TO BE SCARED OF ANYTHING, and who knows? maybe he isn’t.
has the most cartoonishly exaggerated boston accent that one could ever hope to hear, except he doesn’t seem to realize it at all. 
10/31 blaze it he’s a HUGE stoner.
he’s got jokes. stay vigilant.
he’s OBSESSED with all things horror, halloween, and 80s. he makes a lot of film references that are often so obscure that most people don’t even catch them.
he is legally permitted to practice law in the states of massachusetts and california, so basically: he’s a lawyer! however, this is not at all common knowledge because...
most people don’t know how smart he actually is because he intentionally plays dumb and he’s really good at it. being high all the time and his natural chaotic energy is quite helpful in hiding his intelligence. he just doesn’t like to be seen as smart, so the whole once - brilliant law student thing? not common knowledge whatsoever. he tries not to mention the college he attended by name at all, but if he has to then he lies and says that he went to salem state.
and yes, he has SO MUCH chaotic energy. he’s the kind of person who will stick a fork in his microwave just to see what would happen out of sheer boredom. he has two pet mexican redknee tarantulas that probably aren’t even allowed on campus named freddy and jason who he just…fucking loses track of every other day. his favorite drink is literally black coffee mixed together with a can of monster energy and 5 ( f i v e ) teaspoons of sugar. he is c h a o s. he has absolutely NO IMPULSE CONTROL whatsoever. 
he has slight Daddy Issues™. slight. when he was born, his dad was hoping that he would get a star athlete kid who would go on to follow in his footsteps and one day become a successful, respectable lawyer but instead he got…elvie. he’s never outright said that he’s disappointed but he didn’t need to. elvie’s a really difficult person to rattle but every time, without fail, he ends a phone call with his dad and he’s in a bad mood for the rest of the day. 
his car is this PIECE OF JUNK giant turquoise van that he painted to look like the mystery machine. her name is laurie strode.
even though he makes constant pop culture references about horror movies and the 80s, but outside of those areas he’s completely clueless about pop culture. like, he can recite the entire scripts of the shining and empire strikes back and ferris bueller’s day off word for word, but if someone tried to talk to him about the new post malone song or the latest marvel movie he would just stare blankly.
he has a HUGE sweet tooth. his favorite food is halloween candy and his favorite candy is black licorice disgusting i know.
he takes adderall for his adhd and he’s usually good about keeping up with it. started keeping them on his person in college because he realized that his meds were getting stolen and it’s a habit he's held onto that doesn’t really keep his shit from getting stolen.
.he’s good at…A LOT of things because he’s a really fast learner. he can play the guitar, he can draw, he did drama in high school. he just has to watch someone do something once and then he can usually immediately do it himself. this skill doesn’t extend to physical activities such as sports, however. he’s terrible at those.
he’s basically a cartoon character
iv. wanted connections
cousin  ( their grandparents would probably be from boston but otherwise anything really goes for this )
his weed dealer lmao
smoking buddies
people who don’t like him / find him annoying
has stolen his adderall
maybe someone who knows how smart he really is
exes and flings
( these are just ideas and i’m trash at coming up with these, so please don’t feel limited by what’s listed here. )
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
The Substitute Ghost - DannyMay - Day 12 History
Summary: Phantoms the teacher and you will learn, or so help me.
(spiritual successor to my fic The Lessons A Mother Gives)
“So you all want Phantom... a ghost. To give this lesson?”
Pretty well half the class nods or claps excitedly while Valerie looks like she might just crush her pencil. Danny is having a hard time not laughing but at the same time, what if they actually ask him? Like sure he’s better at duplication now but uh, it’s hella risky to have Phantom and Fenton in the same room. Though yeah, he’d honestly prefer a ghost, or half-ghost in his case, teach ghost history than his parents. Heck! They really didn’t know anything about ghost history if he was honest. Meanwhile, Danny had lived a bit of it, and ClockWork was a damn good mentor. So he knew pretty well every major and quite a few minor things, be kind of sad if the ghost king didn’t know ghost history. Danny can’t help but chuckle to himself, at least ghost history was way more eventful and interesting. Even if most aren’t for humans, or even other ghosts, to know.
Danny gets startled out of his head by Mr. Lancer, “What do you think Daniel? How much do your parents know about ghost history?”. Again Danny can’t help but chuckle before responding, “they’re scientists and hunters, not historians. It’s unlikely they know much of anything. If they do know a bunch, they never talk about it”, obviously the class likes this as most of them are grinning, even Valerie seems to nod at that. 
And honestly, even if his parents were super knowledgeable on this, he’d really rather they not be the ones to teach others. Because unlike his parents, he wasn’t biased against ghosts. It would be like having a mouse teach the history of cats; an actively cat hating mouse. Danny has had to sit through his mom being a guest teacher before and that was on something she was actually well knowledgable on. He still can’t believe how much she managed to restrain her anti-ghost crap, though if he remembers correctly, she still rubbed that class the wrong way. Heck didn’t Mr. Lancer even voice displeasure with her directly to Danny himself? Yeah, Danny’s pretty sure he did. 
So he’s not too surprised by Mr. Lancer's response, even if it means he’s going to have to figure out how to do this, “then I’m inclined to agree with the near entirety of the class. Phantom is a friendly Ghost and many of you have already met him in person”. Danny almost feels bad for Valerie as she slams her head on the desk loudly, earning glares from a good portion of the class. Pretty well everyone knows she doesn’t like ghosts nowadays, which has actually made her way more of a social outcast than even the weirdo trio. Pretty much everyone else at school is majorly pro-Phantom, though Danny thinks he might just be starting to get on little Red’s good side.
Paulina shoots up her hand, “I’ve got an idea! Why don’t we just find some ghost and get it to chase me? Phantom will always save me because why wouldn’t he?”. Even Danny glares at Paulina, because first off she shouldn’t be willing putting herself in danger and secondly, she does that to an annoying degree just to get his attention.
“No, we will not be doing that. I’m the teacher and the adult, I’ll get him”, Danny’s pretty sure he’s not the only one that catches Mr. Lancer mutter, “somehow”. Seeing as it looks like Paulina’s decided she has another idea, “well what about Fenton? Pretty sure hunters have ghost tracking stuff and Phantom shows up around him all the time?”. Danny has to force himself to not glare holes straight through her head, since that would be a bit suspicious, seeing as pretty well the whole class is looking at him questioningly now; with some even nodding thoughtfully. Seriously wishing Paulina had kept her mouth shut as he responds, “trackers aren’t that useful on Phantom unless he lets you track him. My parents get frustrated to no end over his ability to randomly become undetectable”.
He’s not about to give them actual ideas since he’s not sure if teaching a class, especially one that he’s in, is such a good idea. Though apparently, the class is choosing to ignore Mr. Lancer statement to let him get Phantom as Mikey speaks up, “we could just ask him? Just wave him down after one of his fights? It’s not like he’s never around”. Danny definitely glares at Mikey, because no, don’t stick around a fight; that shit’s dangerous. But how often does Danny actually hang around town as Phantom outside of fighting? Outside of patrolling and flying, pretty well never. Guess that does make him a bit of an elusive bastard.
Thankfully Mr. Lancer agrees that idea isn’t the best, “that’s far too dangerous, even Phantom gets hurt in those. And we all know ghosts are much more durable, so no one is to be near a fight just to talk to him”. A few people snicker, including Danny, at how Mr. Lancer glares specifically at Paulina; who, predictably, rolls her eyes.
Danny jolts a bit as Tucker kicks his chair and leans over, whispering, “dude, you should probably just bite the bullet on this one. Before someone actually does one of these dumb ideas. And pretty sure you’re not actually trying to talk them out of this, can’t say I really blame you on that though”. Danny sighs and shrugs at Tucker, he knows he’s probably right. It’s too bad he hasn’t figured out how to duplicate invisibly yet, otherwise, he could just do that and have a Phantom duplicate pretend to be thrown through the class wall. Let it stick around long enough to get asked before zipping off like he has a fight to finish.
And leaving class is out of the question, asking to go to the bathroom and then having Phantom show is just way too suspicious. Maybe he should start a blog or something, as Phantom, so people can actually contact him? Sure he’ll end up with lots of fan crap, even if that is enjoyable; it’s nice to be liked and needed you know. But it would help for situations like this, which are bound to happen again.
Blinking as he gets an idea, sure it’ll bite him in the ass a little but that’s better than someone getting themselves hurt chasing after Phantom, and he thinks it’s believable enough. Heck might even be able to use it as a way to explain Paulina calling him out earlier, “well, you all seem pretty set on this. This all stays a secret from my parents though”. Pretty well the whole class is nodding and Mr. Lancer is giving him a quizzical look while Valerie speaks up, “yeah even I don’t want them barging in or going off about ghosts”. Valerie stares Danny a bit before continuing, “what idea you got Danny. Clearly, you have one”. Danny smirks, knowing full well she’s going to be a bit pissy at him and the rest of the class is going to pester him. Flipping out his phone as he shrugs, “I’ll just call him”.
Everyone predictably gapes at him, while he pretend dials and Tucker tries damn hard to keep his laughter from being audible.
“You have his number!”
“He has a phone?”
“Why would he want a Fenton’s number?!”
Danny can’t help but snicker at the questions as he has a pretend conversation with himself. Coming up with random code words on the spot to make this seem more routine.
“No, no eggs”
“You could say weirder sure. Apparently, you’ve got a teaching job now. Well, for one day anyway”
Danny intentionally laughs, though it’s actually genuine since this is rather absurd.
“No forwarding involved. Just a teach wanting ghost history”
“As if, still a blt”
Danny mouths “when” at Mr. Lancer, who promptly starts checking the schedule and calendar.
Danny rolls his eyes and chuckles a bit, pretending he can hear Phantom eating or something on the other end, before Mr. Lancer responds a little bit frazzled, “tomorrow actually works out best”.
Danny gives a little nod before continuing the fake call,
“Oh yeah they can and do. Whole class”
“Of course”
“Dude, not even a little kid is enough of an idiot to give out your number”, Danny glares at the class hoping they get the message and don’t pester him for Phantoms’, aka his, number.
“Class six-b, a bit after ten”
“Yeah, welcome to schools, everything’s stupid early”
Snickering a bit, mentally pretending Phantom made some comment about drowning himself in the noddles he was eating, “well you get right on that then, later”.
It only takes a couple seconds after putting his phone away for some to ask, “why do you, of all people, have Phantoms’ number?”. While someone else mutters, “guess it would make sense he’d have a phone though”.
Danny rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, “non-ghost hating Fenton here. Living with people who constantly make new anti-ghost stuff and whom frequently converse with those GIW morons”. Danny can’t help but chuckle as it’s clear he needs to make this more obvious, “dudes gotta have a way to know what all the anti-ghost stuff is and does. You’re looking at it”.
Danny can tell Valerie’s not impressed as she gapes at him, “so you’re helping him and basically spying on your own family. For a ghost”. Danny rolls his eyes but can’t help but snicker, in a way he is actually spying, “he's the good guy Val. The GIW are idiots and my parents are beyond biased. They wanted me involved in the family business, they got it. Just not the way they’d planned”.
Mr. Lancer shakes his head a bit even if it’s clear he’s smiling, “well I think it goes without saying, that this conversation stays in the classroom. I’ll request that no one brings recording devices tomorrow or tries taking photos. You’re here to learn, it’s not a meet n’ greet”. While Danny’s thankful and hopes they’ll actually listen, the rest of the class groans.
Danny doesn’t even get a chance to walk out the class door before Valerie springs on him, “seriously Danny? I’d have thought you of all people would know ghost everything is dangerous. And helping a ghost? Really?”. Danny makes a point of holding himself proudly, “just walking into Fenton Works is dangerous. There’s no getting away from ghosts for a Fenton. Again, Phantom’s good. Most folks help him, I’m just a bit more helpful”.
Danny’s not sure if it’s his stance or words but Valerie just sighs and shakes her head before walking away. Though she does look over her shoulder and the pair share a slightly hurt wistful look.
Tucker slaps him on the back as they sit to eat, “dude, eggs? Forwarding? Blt? Congrats on being confusing”, Danny can’t help but snicker. Finger-gunning as he responds, “emergency ghosts or gear. Aka ghost fight or new Fenton tech. When people forward emails there’s that little “FW” symbol, like Fenton Works. And blind living town, as in no one knows about some secret or another”. Tucker looks genuinely impressed, “those, those are actually useful. Damn”. While Sam just looks utterly confused, “ok what happened now?”. Tucker slaps Danny on the back again, “Phantom’s a teacher now and-”. Tucker gets cut off by Kwan, “Fenton, dude! Phantom’s spy? That’s got to be cool! Bet you have, like, codes and shit?!”. Danny rolls his eyes while Sam tries to not look shocked, “you know the point of “spy” is to be a secret?”.
Kwan actually has the decency to look guilty and just scurries off, while Sam mouths “what?” at Danny. Leaning towards her, “Lancer wanted someone to teach ghost history and everyone was determined it’d be Phantom. The running story is, Fenton has Phantoms’ number and is keeping tabs on the Fenton’s and their gear for him”. Sam nods readily accepting this while Tucker smirks a bit. Because really, the two of them are Phantoms real little spies.
Danny, as Phantom, phases through Mr. Lancers’ ceiling, “so ghost history?”. Danny can’t help but laugh as Mr. Lancer jumps; Danny’s got to get his mischievous side out somehow. Besides this kind of crap is what ghosts do. Mr. Lancer clearly agrees as he doesn’t even give Danny shit, “yes, I imagine you know it better than any human? Though I hope it’s not too much trouble”. Danny waves him off as he comes to stand in his teachers living room, which is a bit surreal, “you’re not wrong. Heck! I’ve been at the forefront of some of it. And yeah pretty well everything any human knows is either only half the story or wildly biased”. Mr. Lancer nods with a frown, “I suspected as much”, he sips his tea before continuing, “since this is for only one class, because I don’t doubt we’ll draw negative attention if we do this for multiple days. Stick to the bigger things. Leaders, any major battles or wars, important ghosts and why they are or were important, major traditions and how they came to be, and so on”. Danny knows full well he’s going to have to omit some things, like who the current ghost king is. Though really, it’s almost sad that it isn’t obvious. He’s literally flying around with a crown and cape, that shit is pretty damn noticeable. But until someone asks or flat out calls him out, he’s not saying shit. Nodding at Mr. Lancer, “and obviously people are going to asks me stuff. But somethings with ghosts, in general, are need to know only, so there's some info I’m just not going to give”.
“I’d expect as much. Humans and ghosts don’t exactly get along. Yet anyway”
“Yeah, though I’d like for that to change. Someday maybe. Stuff like this might be a good step”, Danny’s almost sad that didn’t hit him before. People fear what they don’t know and ghosts are a pretty big unknown. Humans might be able to relate more knowing ghosts actually have their own history. He’s sure some folks just think ghosts don’t do anything other than toy with humans.
Mr. Lancer nods with a bit of a smile, “my thoughts exactly. Though I doubt you’re exactly experienced with teaching or are a historian”. Danny laughs and shakes his head, “course not! But I know a thing or two. There’s a lot of aspects to what I do. Not just here but in the Zone as well”. Mr. Lancer only gets to nod as Danny’s ghost sense goes off, “well duty calls, toddles”. Danny hardly heard Mr. Lancers “have a safe night” as he waves and flies through the wall.
Danny Phantom high-fives Danny Fenton, it was a pretty easy choice to make the clone play the role of Phantom. Since Phantom just up and disappearing suddenly isn’t exactly all that weird.
Fenton patting himself down as he leaves the bathroom, while Phantom flies and sits invisibly in the classroom.
Sitting down, Fenton’s sure he’s the only one who knows Phantom’s here. Well, until Valerie comes in, glares at her sensor before glaring at the front left corner of the room.
Mr. Lancer raises his eyebrow questioningly at Danny Fenton, so Phantom takes that as his cue to pop into visibility. Scaring the crap out of half the class and Mr. Lancer, even Valerie snickers at that; while Fenton, Phantom and Tucker smirk. Danny seriously hopes that the attention stays squarely on Phantom him as Phantom starts talking, “so obviously I’m not actually a teacher. And I’m a fly by the cuff kind of guy so don’t expect this to be structured”. Phantom, shrugging at Mr. Lancers raised eyebrow, “what? I’m not a planner”, before turning to the class and deciding to just start this before he gets bombarded with questions, “I’d figured I’d start with Pariah Dark, since you’ve all actually met him in a sense. That and he’s old”. Most of the class looks confused already, so clearly, Danny’s doing a great job here. Phantom, chuckling, “Pariah’s the guy who transported Amity into the Zone for a while. He’s one of the oldest ghosts around and once held the title of ghost king. Though he was a tyrant, ruled through power, fear and destruction of other ghosts lairs. Originally defeated by a group of, now unknown, ancient ghosts”. Danny really hopes Paulina has an actual question not a confession of love, as Phantom calls on her, “but didn’t you defeat Mr. Floaty face alone?”.
“I had a strength-enhancing suit but otherwise yes. Hopefully this time he’ll stay sealed away”, Phantom elects to move one before they ask if there’s a new king, “we do have other rulers though, some areas of the zone are kingdoms or nations. Those places all have a ruler or leader of some kind. Most have ruled their entire existence, like Pandora and Frostbite. Queen of Mythos and Leader of the FarFrozen. So there’s really no stories there. Ghosts don’t have elections or change leaders the way humans do”.
Phantom smirks as he crosses his legs, floating in the air, it’s really no surprise to him that his classmates are actually paying attention. “Queen Dora is an exception. She actually overthrew her brother, after he tried to forcefully wed a human and that human-made her see that she didn’t have to tolerate her brother’s abuse anymore. Aragon, her brother, was and still is a basket case. He trapped his whole kingdom in the dark ages and pretty much hated technology and happiness. Dora undid that though, so the kingdom of dragons is much happier now”.
Fenton can’t help but laugh a bit, only managing to school Phantoms’ expression as he overhears someone mutter, “wow, what a dick”. Phantom, tapping his chin, decides he doesn’t really care if the Observants don’t like it. He’s gonna talk about them, possibly just to bug them, “we also have another more universal governing body, kind of like checks and balances. The Observants, they watch pretty well everything every ghost does or is going to do. Acting as judge and jury, but never actually interfering. They just make others do their dirty work”.
Mr. Lancer shakes his head, “so like our government then”. Phantom nods as he points at Kwan’s raised hand, “well why didn’t they do something about that ghost king guy? Or get someone else to do something?”.
“Because they knew I would, that and Pariah wasn’t a zone or earth destroying issue. The Observants only meddle in the most extreme things. Pariah instilled fear not destruction, on ghosts. So he likely wasn’t much of a concern to them”, honestly Danny feels they really should have done something. That guy was pretty well fucking with everything, but Danny did defeat him so he can’t complain too much. Plus, if he were to ask ClockWork, he’d probably say Danny needed to become the ghost king and that had been the only way; or the least unpleasant way.
“Do you work for these guys?”, Danny can feel the mistrust and accusation in Valerie’s voice. “No, I’ve never done any work for them and I don’t work under them. Only one ghost actually works for them, but they can and will ask pretty well any ghost to do a job. I wouldn’t be too surprised if they eventually ask something of me”.
Phantom floats to the floor laughing a bit as ClockWork pops up, waving his hand at the time ghost, “yeah yeah I get it. I’ll shut the hell up. And you know I wouldn’t tell them about you, or Dan”. ClockWork still bops him on the head with his staff for good measure, “Oh I know, and yes the Observants are thoroughly bothered”. Both of them smirk as ClockWork takes his leave, Danny’s going to just assume he was about to say something stupid to the class. No clue what but that’s expected really. That or someone was about to ask something stupid, and Phantom suddenly changing positions instantly would catch them off guard enough to not ask.
Phantom turns his head back to the class, who all look a bit confused. Phantom just smirks more, “there was a visitor, nothing to worry about though. Friendly fellow”
“Can ghosts sense each other!?”, Danny’s honestly surprised it took this long for someone to ask more general ghost shit. Though Mr. Lancer glares at Mikey a bit, sighs and turns to Phantom, “you don’t have to answer that. This isn’t a q and a”. While Mr. Lancer’s right, Danny can’t really blame them. Heck, he’d probably get bombarded with questions if he actually stuck around after fights. Well, that and get shot at. Though he knows that if he really indulges the question he’ll be inviting more of them, “you’re teacher’s right, but that ability is unique to me. Anyway, that’s pretty well it for ruling ghosts. Most ghosts are loners rather than living in an established group. But we do have an overarching society. Mostly just norms everyone follows, like not destroying others lairs or making your name known to a worthy opponent. And there’s really only one real holiday, rather than the many humans observe”.
Danny can tell Valerie is suspicious of something, not sure what but still. So he calls on Dash’s raised hand before she can say something, “that must be one big holiday and party then”. And Danny catches one of the geeks' mutter, “bet is Halloween or something like it”.
Chucking Phantom addresses the Geek, who clearly didn’t expect his comment to be heard. more so than Dash, “while I have a soft spot for Halloween, it’s actually Christmas. Known as the Christmas Truce, like with humans Christmas used to be called Yule and was started by some of the first ghosts. As a way to instil unity and decrease the, at the time, near constant fighting. No fighting is allowed and ghosts all get together with friend and foe alike, for food, drink and merriment. Skulker’s renowned for his unusually good lemon Creme pie”. Danny catches a few people muttering, surprised, about how ghosts actually eat food. Danny apparently didn’t do a good enough job at distracting Valerie as she points accusingly at Phantom, while Fenton groans and mouths “here we go” at Tucker. Both Fenton and Tucker turn and mildly glad at Valerie, as she talks or more so snaps, “ignoring the idea of ghosts being “merry” and cooking in their spare time. With ghost rulers, I’m pretty sure you glanced over yourself, unless that crown is just for kicks”. Danny can tell she’s feeling smug as a couple people look at him and nod. Though Mr. Lancer looks like he wants to interject again, as Mr. Lancer remembers that Phantom warmed somethings would be off limits, so Phantom shakes his head at him.
Danny’s not about to give Valerie the satisfaction, and there’s really no good reason to not respond. People are going to keep asking, eventually, “I was wondering how long it would take for someone to call me on that. I intentionally left myself out purely to see how long it would take. I enjoy a bit of harmless mischief you know”. Smirking at Valerie’s annoyed grimace before actually answering her question, “and really the answer is why I even know all this stuff. Ghosts generally don’t know much of our history, we don’t get taught it after all. Most only know what they’ve actually been around for. Though any ghost who wants to know the publicly available bits of ghost history could do so easily, most simply see no need to”. Now Valerie’s just plain annoyed with Phantom and Tucker is trying hard not to laugh while giving Fenton discrete thumbs up. Both Danny’s smirk at Tuckers’ clear approval of dragging this out just to bug Valerie.
Phantom, shrugging exaggeratedly at the class, “I’ve been taught it because, after all, it would be pretty sad if the Ghost King didn’t know his subjects and worlds history”. Mr. Lancer’s the first to audibly react, choking on his tea a bit and staring at Phantom incredulously. Danny’s classmates are quicker to accept this as true and Valerie looks flat out pissed off. Half the class nearly shouting at him, “what!”. While Tucker and Fenton both put their heads on their respective desks in an attempt to muffle their laughter. Danny’s trying to get all his laughter out through Fenton, since he doesn’t want Phantom to look mocking. Though he can’t keep Phantom from snickering and laughing a bit as well, “that was my original reaction!”. Composing himself a bit and giving a lazy smile, that he hopes is reassuring or comforting, “but yes, I pretty much usurped Pariah from power and thus took his place as Ghost King. Even if I didn’t even know that was possible at the time”. Phantom gives Valerie the best subtle, I’m-not-a-power-hungry-asshole look he can; without making the rest of the class suspicious.
Mr. Lancer is clearly a bit frazzled, as he adjusts his tie, “that is a bit startling Mr. Phantom. But I guess you really were the best choice for this then”. Meanwhile, Star whispers at Fenton, “oh my god, you knew”. Fenton only nods while wheezing and Phantom forces himself to not comment on that.
Instead addressing the whole class, “indeed, really if you need any ghostly info I’ve probably got it. Doesn’t mean I’ll actually tell you though. And if I’m refusing to give you certain information then it’s not something you should, or want to, know”.
“You're a ghost. No reason to trust you on that”, most of the class, including Fenton, rolls their eyes at Valerie. While Danny decides to have Phantom pretty much do his job and mediate between the species, “true, I am a ghost, but that matters not. You’re coming from a place of opinion not reason. But that’s expected. Listening to what I have to say, whether you agree with it or not, is well enough. Somethings I know should not be known by others, not because it could harm ghosts, but because it could damage the timestream, reality itself, or drastically increase the chances of mass destruction”. Danny’s not sure what to make of Valerie’s facial expression, like a mixture of shock, confusion and complete annoyance.
Knowing full well he’d rather not have another incident like when the GIW tried to destroy the zone, “Further, anything that seriously damages the Ghost Zone will have the same effect on earth. Our worlds exist in duality, due to that only certain ghosts known everything. Ghosts that get along with humanity or at least don’t wish to harm humanity. In a sense part of my job is this, keeping the peace and making sure nothing serious happens to either world”.
Giving Valerie a soft smile, “I may be the Ghost King but I am also earths protector. From uniformed human actions, to truly evil ghosts, and outside forces”.
This seems to pull the rest of the class into normalcy a bit though,
“Who’s the most powerful ghost?”
“Do you have servants?”
“Can you make people knights?”
“Do you rule over Amity too?”
Mr. Lancer actually stands up at this and puts his hands up, “enough, enough. None of that has to do with history”. Phantom shrugs a bit, “well technically anything to do with me is history, or will be. My very existence was even prophesied and I’m worshiped as a god by some, I’m pretty well the only ghost worshiped by other ghosts. But I’m not here to talk about myself. So any history questions that aren’t specifically about me”. Danny does overhear a couple people muttering, “he’s a god?”, and, “just how many titles does this guy hold?”. But he doesn’t want to feed that train of thought, otherwise, this is going to take way too long. Specially if he was fully honest, which he can’t be.
“Has there been any other ghosts like the Pariah Guy? That had to be removed or sealed or whatever?”
“Are there things besides ghosts that are important? Like how the Statue of Liberty is?”
Danny’s not really surprised it’s the geeks with the questions, as Phantom responds, “yes there have been, three of which I’ve dealt with myself. Vortex, the one responsible for the really strange weather for that short while, UnderGrowth, the one responsible for all that vine and plant stuff everywhere, and the last one isn’t to be talked about”. Phantom frowns to emphasise his point before continuing, “other than that, Betrex is the only other. Betrex enslaved a large portion of humanity back in the human dark ages. Both Betrex and Vortex were dealt with originally by the Observants. And there are lots of different artifacts that are important, but most are supposed to be kept a secret so that no one uses them. But there are some I can talk about, for one Pandora’s Box is very much real. It’s used to siphon out evil energy from the zone”. Mr. Lancer looks thoroughly pleased with this which makes Phantom smirk.
“That’s the only one you’ve likely heard of though. But you have seen another one, the red crystal ball staff that circus gothica guy had. Staff Of Minds, it’s called, it can mind control ghosts. Make slaves really, it’s destroyed now”. Phantom shakes his head and chuckles, “really Freakshow has a bad habit of getting his hands on powerful ghost artifacts. He also had the Reality Gauntlet, which is what Thanos’s Infinity Gauntlet is based off of”.
The geeks in the back row look like they’re having a field day so Danny decides to be a bit of an ass, “which has also been destroyed”. Yup, the freaking out geeks look decently crushed, “but it was one of the more important artifacts. Since it created the Ghost Zone, the Reality Gauntlet can completely control all of reality. So it’s vastly more powerful than its comic book counterpart”.
Valerie is pretty much the only student that doesn’t look impressed, instead she just looks horrified, so Danny decides to make a bit of a point, Phantom looking at her while running a hand through his hair, “technically I didn’t have to destroy it but I decided it wasn’t worth the risk of someone stealing it from me. It was enough of a pain getting it away from FreakShow as it was”.
Tucker decides that’s the time to speak up, pointing at Phantom, “it did look good on you though”. Both Fenton and Phantom nod, completely agreeing. Honestly, sometimes he wishes he kept it. Sure he’d never use it for anything more than fun and to fix major fuck ups. But it really was better destroyed.
“Everything looks good on you”, Paulina barely bothers to whisper and Danny has to stop both of himselves from groaning. Valerie, however, flat out groans; though she’s eyeing Phantom a bit confused.
“The only other major items I can really talk about is the Ring of Rage and the Crown of Fire. Both of which Pariah used to strengthen himself. You need both to use either. Basically, the wearer has accesses to infinite power, but it’ll destroy the wearer if they’re not strong enough to handle the base power of the items”, Valerie looks drastically more horrified and Danny can’t blame her, she was literally wearing the ring. Phantom points at Dash, “dude, then how the heck did you even defeat him? How do you defeat infinite power?”.
Phantom smirks, “he could only access the amount his own power and body could handle. Just because you have access to infinite power, doesn’t mean you can actually use all of it. The suit I had, amplified my strength a hundredfold, which was only barely enough”.
“So this suit is stronger than the crown and ring?”
Phantom screws his face up a bit, “no, not even kind of. That suit nearly destroyed me, and it would have killed any human who used it. I destroyed that as well. The suit was a hundredfold but the crown and ring is easily, for me, over five thousand fold”. This time Danny catches Valerie actually look for the ring on him, which he is of course wearing.
Glaring at him, “you’re wearing them”. Even Mr. Lancer looks at him worried due to Valerie’s remark. Phantom smirks, “of course, they’re also known as the kings crown and rulers ring for a reason. Technically, they’re a requirement. A painful one, but still”. And this is why Danny’s glad he’s got an absurd pain tolerance. Though it clearly startles his family sometimes.
Mr. Lancer clearly wants to change the subject at this point and it’s also clear he’s cringing a bit, “well, we’re running short on time so any other important events or people?”.
“Basically all the important ghosts I can talk about are rulers so that’s a no. As for events, the blood blossom purge was a big one and the Bermuda Triangle caused a war for a good ten wars. Basically, anything that disappears there, shows up in the Ghost Zone. And it causes an issue every time. Ghosts fight over what to do, and if anyone owns the random things”.
Frowning a bit, “the Blood Blossom purge was more serious. It’s a plant that was intentionally driven to mass extinction. From pictures, it looked a lot like book burning but with plants. Still to this day, it’s basically a requirement that if anyone finds one of those flowers they have to destroy it. Not doing so is pretty much the harshest rule you could break”. Valerie smirks a bit, “those plants must be pretty harmful to you guys then”.
Phantom glares at her a bit, “in a sense. And while ghosts really don’t care about, mind or will even encourage ghost hunting gear. Anything Blood Blossom related isn’t tolerated. If, say, a human, whether hunter or not, had Blood Blossoms and was making it difficult or impossible for ghosts to destroy it. The Observants would get involved and would have no problem erasing that human from existence. Either by flat out killing them, making it so they were never born in the first place, or destroying the entire town. There’s a reason no one likes the Observants, they do not care about anyone’s existence. They see only the bigger picture, if they decide obliterating half the zone or killing off hundreds of humans is what’s best, they’ll see it gets done; unless someone makes doing that impossible”. Danny’s sure he went a little too hard there but, based on Valerie’s face, his point was made.
Tucker whispers to Fenton, “a little overboard dude”. Turning around to him a bit, “you should have heard CW’s speech. The big O’s are more than just serious about this”. Tucker and Fenton share a grimace.
Aiming to soften and lighten the mood a bit, “I’ve already had to get in their way once, so they don’t exactly like me and I don’t care for them. Even if they are needed and do their jobs exceptionally well, they just have wonky priorities”. Snickering a bit, “pretty much every ghost who knows about them intentionally bugs them. Annoying them is the original reason I even mentioned them, and they can’t do anything about. Even if there is around five thousand of them”.
Mr. Lancer shakes his head a little startled, having not expected ghosts to be quite so powerful, “I can’t say I like these guys either, Mr. Phantom”, turning to the class, “does anyone have any final questions. Questions that are actually relevant please”.
“Do you guys celebrate the creation of the Ghost Zone? And what about birthdays?”
Phantom can’t help but chuckle, “deathdays actually and yes we celebrate them. It’s up to the individual ghost how though, and before you ask, don’t ask a ghost when they’re deathday is. It’s insanely rude, and no I won’t, or more specifically can’t, tell you mine. Very few actually know when the Ghost Zone was created for sure, so no we don’t celebrate it”. Danny can tell the class is torn between finding “deathday” funny or unpleasant. Though Danny’s just impressed that Valerie actually puts her hand up this time.
“What about the existence of hal-”, Danny knows where this is going and Phantom promptly cuts her off with an ecto-gag. Because it’s way better to be a bit suspicious than having her blab about that while his human form is within easy comparison sight.
Glaring at her, “you’re being quite the trouble maker. That’s pretty well one of the number one things that are not to be talked about. So keep that to yourself unless you want to get people killed”. Thankfully, Valerie only glares as the gag dissolved while Tucker covers up his gaping mouth with his hand.
A couple people mutter, wondering what it is Valerie knows but promptly shut up at Phantoms mild glaring. “I’m not going to withhold information or keep something secret without a good reason. So don’t go questioning her about this”. Pretty well everyone nods as the bell goes off, but Mr. Lancer motions for Phantom to stick around. Which leaves Danny even more glad he’s gotten good at this.
Phantom floats, legs crossed, in the air as Mr. Lancer sits back down, “I’ll admit, I learned more than even I expected here. I don’t think I grasped just how powerful of a ghost you really are”. Phantom smirks, “yeah my small size and general light-hearted demeanour can be a bit misleading. I don’t act remotely as strong as I am and I have no interest in doing so. I only exercise major power or my position when it’s really needed”.
“You’re a very surprising fellow, Phantom. For seeming so young, you’re clearly wise. I’m glad the position of king fell on someone like you and thank you for coming in”, Mr. Lancer reads Phantoms slightly amused face before asking the question that Phantom knows he wants to, “feel up to doing this again sometime? Obviously not on a specific schedule, too risky for you”.
Phantom smiles lightly and nods, “I’ve had lots of experience with lots of things. And experience begets wisdom so to speak. But sure, I’d be up for it. Though dealing with any ghost issues comes first so don’t be surprised if I occasionally cancel or suddenly leave”.
“But of course, I wouldn’t expect anything different”, with that the two wave as Phantom phases through the ceiling.
Meanwhile, Fenton promptly gets corned by Valerie just outside of class. “question, do you know what I was talking about in there? Before I was rudely cut off by your “friend””, Danny can tell she’s unimpressed and still very much not fond of Phantom. “If what you’re thinking of involves a little girl, then yes. If the wrong people hear or find out about that the gov will destroy her. So seriously don’t”, obviously Valerie takes Fenton more seriously and nods curtly.
“All right Danny. I’ve got no problem believing you and that does make sense. Still don’t like that you’re helping a ghost. But it’s your life I guess”. Chuckling, “you don’t know the half of it”.
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montyprescottjoy · 4 years
Blood Orange
Para: Blood Orange
Who: Monty Prescott & Vitya Cristo @vityacristo
When: June 13th, 2020
Where: Vitya’s apartment 
What: Vitya gets under Monty’s skin and forces him to talk about Schuyler, both boys experience unusual feelings.
Triggers: Suicide, Drug use, Abuse 
Monty was fuming after the fight with Schuyler. The redhead had managed to press all his buttons and wound him up so tightly he'd exploded, in public, spilling his emotions where everyone could see. Nothing had been able to numb the fear and pain coursing through him. He'd smoked half a packet of cigarettes, a bottle of Jack, and three joints, and yet he was still feeling the pain but now with a sore head. He was already out of E from the fights with Nikko and he couldn't get hold of his usual supplier. Monty needed a distraction, he needed a good fuck. He also needed someone he could be honest with, or at least someone he could be around without having to go through the exhaustion of putting up his walls with. Nikko and Sam were still in Tn, Danny was in Colorado... that only left Vitya. The younger man had about as many issues as Monty himself and was in no place to judge, he was also a great lay. Monty picked up his phone with a tremor in his hand and hit call. "Yo, Vit, ya busy or got time for a fuck?" He tried to sound seductive but the emotion was heavy in his voice.
Vitya had been home a day or two, enjoying his privacy and quiet. Most of his time was spent relaxing, catching up on easy chores, like laundry. He was not a domestic person, but also did not feel well enough to go to a bar or club. The hospital had drained him. Still, when his phone began to ring, and he saw who was calling, curiosity getting the better of him. He answered, and a smile cracked onto his face. "Careful, you come around any more often, I may just need to give you your own key," he joked, holding the phone to his ear by shoulder to fold a shirt in his hand. "So, what brings you my way this time around? You fucked me, like yesterday. A great home-warming present, by the way."
Monty couldn't help the small grin that Vitya's sarcastic greeting put on his face. It was easy being around him, things weren't complicated or messy, they were just themselves and that idea alone had Monty relaxing a little. "Don't be makin' ya'self too available, ya poor ass is gonna be so sore ya wont be able ta sit for a week." He chuckled, grabbing his phone, wallet and keys. Vitya hadn't told him to fuck off, in fact it basically sounded like an invitation to him so Monty headed out in the direction of Vitya's place. "For an invalid ya took my dick like a champ, gotta see if it's a fluke or if all them needles they've been stickin' in ya really worked." Mont lied easily, covering up his own need and the small flicker of concern for his friend? fuck buddy? After finding out just how much time he'd spent in the hospital.
"Isn't that the whole point?" Vitya said back, starting to move all the clothes to his bedroom. Vitya could hear something off in Monty's voice. Something visceral was there. The words were Monty's normal, sarcastic self, but the tone felt too open. "Practice makes perfect- Also being a pillow princess is, like, easy. And we have done it enough times, you know it ain't a fluke." Vitya sat on his bed, leaning back on his hand. "Oh, when you get here, keep your clothes on. I'll handle that," Vitya said in his low, wispy tone, hoping that would convince the man on the other side that Vitya couldn't hear his different tone.
"Mm ya wanna feel it the next day, I got ya, figured ya might wanna go easy on ya crippled ass but fine we can go hard, I know exactly how ya like it." Monty didn't even try to keep his voice down as he walked across campus, all he concentrated on was keeping his tone even and teasing. "As much fun as I have poundin' ya ass we gotta get ya back ta full strength so ya can ride me hard." He taunted, more of his mind slipping from his pain and concentrating on what was in store for him as it seemed he had Vitya fooled that everything was normal. "Pillow princess puttin' in some work today, sounds good ta me, want that mouth." Monty groaned quietly as he reached the door to Vitya's apartment.
Vitya could hear the desperation growing in Monty's voice over the phone. On one hand, it was such a turn-on. Vitya loved this, being able to wind someone up, have them wrapped around his finger. But between talking to Anthony, and his latest stint with death, whatever empathy that was still buried in him was rearing it's pretty little head. "What, and have you sit and wait like a good little boy? You're too impatient for that." he teased again, keeping the conversation going. He heard Monty from the other side of the door as well as through the phone, Vitya walking over, opening it, and tugging Monty inside by the shirt collar. With a bite of his lip, he tossed the phone to the side and shoved Monty onto the couch. He took his hair, yanked it back, and with a look of complete seriousness on his face, Vitya stared Monty dead in the eye. "What happened?"
"Come on now, ya know I can still fuck ya hard even when ya ride me, I ain't waitin', an' I definitely ain't a good boy, ya know that ya filthy boy." Monty taunted, keeping focused on the conversation and begining to feel very hot and flustered, Vitya knew exactly how to get him going and his cock responded to the words quickly as blood began to rush to his groin. "Impatient hm?" Monty grinned at the surprising strength in the lanky young man as he was caught off guard before he even had a chance to knock. A pained groan escaped Monty's lips as he was manhandled. "What the fuck do ya mean what happened, I should be the one askin' you. What the fuck are ya doin'?" He seethed, brow furrowing in confusion and fists clenching ready to attack.
"I mean, why are you calling me, on the edge of a meltdown?" Vitya said back, releasing Monty's hair and standing up straight, crossing his arms. "I am going to fuck you, you're here so it's happening, but you are going to tell me why I could hear you holding back baby-tears. Like it or not, Monty, you aren't getting this-" he said, motioning to his body. "Until you tell me what happened. It was the redhead, wasn't it?"
"Fuck you, asshole." Monty yelled. He hated this, hated when people could see through his defences, hated showing any signs of vunerabilty, any clue that he was human and could be hurt. "What if I don't fucking want ya, huh, ever think of that?" He growled, standing up and begining to pace the room. He could leave, he could run back to his hiding place in his own room, Vitya wasn't stopping him, but some how he couldn't bring his feet to move more than a few steps in each direction. "It's always the fuckin' redhead." He ground out.
Vitya laughed under his breath. "That's a damn lie, you're still tenting," Vitya said, clearly as a joke and not an actual dig at Monty. He left the man pace, seeing the seething anger. He wasn't leaving, proving Vitya's idea right; this was going to be an angry, vicious fuck. He was fine with that, normally, but he was not exactly normal enough to take that. That, and Monty was somehow becoming... significant to Vitya. He wasn't sure why, but it was something. "Mind telling me what the history is? All I ever see is you, being a dick to him, him telling you off, and then his ball and chain holding him back." Vitya paused, licking his lips. "Is he an ex? Do you even have exes?"
Monty moved forward in a flash, grabbing Vitya by the hips, pressing the length of their bodies together, and capturing his soft lips in a hard kiss. It was rough and deep and unrelenting; the only way he could expel some of his feelings."Yeah well ya ass get's me all worked up." Mont tried to tease but it came out flat so instead of sounding sexual he just sounded tired. Monty rubbed a hand over his face, vision blurring when he pressed the heal of his hand to his eyes. He wanted to throw himself into Vitya's body and forget everything, take his pain out on the boy, but somehow he didn't have the strength, he craved human touch, the warmth of another body to take away his pain completely not just forget for a few moments the way Schuy had for a short time back when they had been together. It felt wrong to want that again after all he'd done to destroy what he and Schuy had tried to build. But Vitya was the same as Monty; he was broken too not some untouchable thing like Schuy; he was real. "Ex. Singular."
Vitya didn't fight it when Monty got close and kissed him. In fact, he was too shocked to react. They had kissed before, usually mid-fuck, clearly just to enhance whatever they were doing at the time, but this... This was different. When they broke apart, and Monty rubbed at his eyes with the heel of his hand, Vitya took his hands off and put them at his sides. "You'll go blind doing that," he mumbled, fixing the mess he had made of Monty's hair earlier when he grabbed it. Vitya nodded, laughing low in his chest. "Guessed that much. I take it the two of you ended things poorly, and now you see how good you had it and want it back." Vitya took a few steps away, sitting himself down on the couch to give Monty room to pace, breathe, talk, whatever he needed. "Can't say I don't relate. Not a day goes by that I don't miss home. I take it he was yours?"
The kiss had loosened some of the tension in Monty enough so that he didn't flinch away when Vitya touched his hands. Mont stretched his neck out, almost like a cat being petted, as Vitya played with his hair; it felt soothing in a way he wasn't used to, a way he hadn't felt since Schuyler. "Dunno how much of that fight ya saw but yah, fuckin' shit. Caught me cheatin', he beat the guy with a fuckin' camera then went to fuckin' Israel." Monty replied flatly, scanning the room for alcohol if only to keep his eyes from Vitya, not understanding how or why he was spilling information he never expected to share with anyone. "Dunno about home man, ain't never had one of 'em before. Ya miss the Bratva, huh?"
Vitya could see it; the starvation of touch, the blatant want of affection without saying it. Humans were social creatures, and Monty was no different. Monty was being open, so open it nearly weirded Vitya out. But this wasn’t like Benji, spilling every little detail worth telling. Monty only said what he wanted, when he wanted. Vitya pulled his legs up and under him, patting the spot next to him on the couch. This wasn’t the first time that, as a prostitute, a client needed to vent to him. But this was the first time Vitya... cared? Payed attention? Who knows. “I saw enough.” Vitya was not surprised that Monty was a cheater. The fact he admitted it was new, a spark of humility showing in Monty’s words. Vitya smiled to himself, looking down at the hand he had resting on his thigh. “Perhaps I do. Or maybe I simply miss my ponytail.” He joked. “So, if you know he is taken, and has refused you several times, why do you keep going after him? What about him is special to you?”
Monty bit is lip, looking between Vitya and the open spot on the couch, he stood still for a long moment in silence before breathing out heavily and sitting down beside the younger man. It was strange to have someone that wasn't Nikko asking and listening and allowing him to share at his own pace. Even wanting to share was so foreign. Somehow he felt it easy to share. It was still painful and confusing but he didn't feel judged or humiliated. “Miss that ponytail, fuckin' badass ponytail man." Monty chuckled. “Can't fuckin' tell ya why man, never felt shit for anyone but ma brother Nikk, scared the shit outta me, but without it I'm fuckin' terrified, dunno what I'll be without ever havin' that shit again, I don't wanna find out, I ain't a good guy, I don't wanna be ma Pops."
Vitya let Monty sit and talk at his own pace. Unlike his clients, he didn’t touch him on his back for fake comfort. When the revelation about his father came out, all made sense. Monty was a gang kid, and his dad was no better. Vitya looked him up and down, biting his lip. Yeah, they had a lot in common. “...I get that. A lot more than you know.” Vitya ran his fingers in Monty’s hair again, same way as before. “If you are that fearful that you’ll end up like him, best to look at where you are. So, example; I left the country, cut my hair, have sex for a living, and am-“ Vitya chuckles sadly. “I’m basically just waiting to die instead of fighting it. All to tell my dad to fuck off. I know I’ll never be like him because nothing can drag me back there... What do you do? Ignore other people, ignore your brother a moment; what does Montgomery do to not be his father?”
A shiver ran through Monty and a soft moan escaped his throat with his permission as Vitya ran his hands through his hair. It felt so fucking good. He felt so touch starved, not realizing it until this moment and he had to clench his fists to stop himself reaching out and grabbing onto Vitya. “Wait in’ ta die, what the fuck?” Montys eyebrows shot up in surprise and confusion, his own problems pushed to the back of his mind, refusing to concentrate on anything else, ignoring Vitya’s question.
Vitya kept his touch going, gently coaxing Monty into a more relaxed sate. He rolled his eyes at Monty's surprise at what he said. "What, did you think I was in the hospital for the fuck of it? It doesn't matter, this isn't about me. I'm fine, you aren't." Vitya moved so his legs were crossed. "I did what I could to get to where I am. I'm not happy, but I'm content. What about that redhead is keeping you from being content? Why aren't you letting go?"
Monty glared at Vitya, eyebrows still raised, “Aye figured ya went too hard on the drugs an’ booze been there done that but the fuck ya dyin’ fuckin’ explain that shit!” He growled, refusing to let it drop, though not entirely sure why. Monty rubbed a hand over his face again, clearly Vitya was not going to drop this. “Al’ight, go with the ignorin’ ma brother thing Red is the only one who ever gave half a fuck about me. Pops ain’t just some street thug, he’s mob, he’s a fuckin’ Don, an’ he don’t give a shit who he hurts ta get more power. With Red I didn’t have ta be the son of the Don or hide.” Monty responded, apparently finding the hem of his shirt endlessly fascinating so as to not look at Vityas expression. Monty couldn’t believe he was sharing his deepest feelings and was sure he would be laughed at for his pathetic admission. Then again this was Vitya... a guy who never judged just like Schuy... but unlike Schuy this guy had experiences of his own... maybe he understood Monty in a way Schuy never could.
"Yes, I am, it's a stupid heart condition. Ventricular tachycardia. Had it all my life, it will kill me, end of story." Vitya said in a snappy tone. Much like Monty's reaction to Vitya's inquiry into is emotions, this was Vitya's soft spot. This was his Schuyler, in some twisted way. Vitya got it a lot more than Monty knew. He nodded, shrugging in understanding before licking his lips. "Russia is anything but legit in it's government. The state controls everything. Kind of like a mafia. Say the wrong thing, you disappear." Vitya pet at Monty's hair, this time lower, toward his neck. "If he isn't willing to make you feel the way you want to, then maybe you should go looking somewhere else. Besides, love, romance, dating- It's shit. A messy load of shit, and if it makes you feel like this-" Vitya motioned to Monty. "-Then that just proves how much it isn't worth it."
Monty furrowed his brow, “don’t know what that is but pretty fuckin’ sure it ain’t good an’ all the booze an’ drugs ain’t helpin’. Ya said ya waitin’ ta die but man it sounds more fuckin’ like ya tryin’ ta kill ya’self!” Monty yelled, surprised by the force in his own tone. Since when did he give a shit what other people did to themselves. “Sounds like my fucking family, at least my pa is the one that makes people disappear so I ain’t goin anywhere but fuck it might be better if I did. There ain’t words ta describe how much of a prick he is.” Monty groused but relaxed again under Vityas touch. It was reassuring and yet terrifying that he seemed to be able to control Monty’s emotions this way. Yet the feeling of giving up control is was almost welcomed; he didn’t have to fight to stay in control and it gave him room to breathe. He idly wondered how Vitya had gotten out of Russia but couldn’t bring himself to ask, that seemed too much like being interested or caring. It was bad enough he’d let himself slip and ask about his illness. “It’s all bullshit. Love an’ dating an’ all that. Just made me feel fuckin’ weak an’ just waitin’ to be punched in the gut when he walked away an’ then he did walk an’ I felt like dyin’. I fuckin’ hate how he made me feel man. Never want that shit again. Never!” He ground out with a hard expression, going back to repeatedly clenching and unclenching his fists to avoid lashing out.
"They aren't, but I'm not going out with a whimper, either. Fearing it, trying to push it back, just prevents the inevitable. I want to be here for a good time, not a long time." Vitya shook his head, throwing a hand in the air as if to give up. "Maybe I am trying to kill myself, at least I am doing it on my own terms. And I'm not jumping off bridges or that dumb shit. I'm just having fun. Like, when you decked me, and cut me with your ring, I walked away because, finally, someone did it. It made that night fun, I felt alive. If I was worried about dying all the time, I never would have gone." Vitya nodded, laughing at their similarities. "My father runs the largest pharma and drug development company in Russia. I am untouchable, back home, thanks to him. I called myself the Prince of Poison in middle school. Edgy bullshit," he said with a laugh, his hand now tracing circle's in Monty's nape, twirling the hair around his fingers. His then placed his other hand on Monty's thigh, doing a similar circular pattern. "Then maybe it's time to move on. Because if he makes you feel like that, and you hate that, running after him is fucking stupid. He doesn't want you, and you don't like how he made you feel, so what's the point?"
“Then why the fuck are ya at college then? Ya plan on dyin’ so why do ya want a degree huh?” Monty snapped back, “sounds like ya plannin’ a future.” He raised an eye brow in an accusatory fashion. “I’d still have beat the shit outta ya even if I knew then ya dying, nobody gets near Nikko and I ain’t apologizing for that.” Monty shrugged, he wasn’t ashamed of loving his brother and wanting to protect him. “Prince of poison.” Monty barked out a laugh shaking his head. “Thought you were hot shit, huh?” He rolled his eyes. “Spent my time yellin’ at anyone who called me Montgomery, eventually they learned an’ just called me Prescott. Fuckin’ teachers spent all their time yellin’ at me anyway doubt they cared what ma first name was. Two older brothers went through the school before me, they saw a Prescott on their ledger an’ knew exactly what they were in for.” He snorted, remembering homeroom teachers giving him talkings to at the beginning of the year expressing their ‘sincere hope’ he wouldn’t be like his brothers. “Not so easy to get that fuck head outta my mind no matter how much I fuckin wish I could. Wanna forget it all.” He whispered, staring down at Vitya’s hand on his thigh. Vityas touch was beginning to make Monty hot again, heat pooling in his stomach and groin, especially once the hand was on his thigh. Monty leaned in and kissed at Vitya’s neck, just below his ear, nipping and sucking, “tell me us fucking doesn’t make ya feel alive. Tell me ya don’t feel like ya world is gunna implode if ya don’t cum. Tell me ya don’t hold me like ya might die if ya don’t when ya finally cum from my cock poundin’ ya ass.” He whispered, lips grazing the shell of Vitya’s ear as he spoke.
Vitya's voice caught in his throat, freezing a second. He really had no reply to that. For all his spouting about not caring about his end, Monty saw right through it and asked him the one question he coudn't answer. He just shook his head, and shrugged. "Was bored," he said quickly, knowing that wasn't enough of an answer, but hoping it would slide by as if it was. Vitya laughed with Monty, smiling and biting his lip in embarrassment. "Oh yeah, I really thought I was. It was kiddy nonsense," Vitya mumbled, his smile sticking in place as Monty recounted his formative years. Little things, like homeroom teachers, stick with the strangest people, and Monty was no different. "Did you surpass your brother's before you? I would, I'd see it as a challenge. I'm the youngest, so it would be my mission to out-do my siblings." Vitya admitted with a mischievous look in his eye. "If you forgot, you'd just do it again. Best to remember, so then you know you'll never do it again," Vitya stated back, speaking a low enough tone, as if the walls could hear. And, in a split second, the air went from a freeing open space, to clenching his chest, when Monty looked down to where his hand rested. Vitya, satisfied with all the answers Monty gave, let the man have his way with his neck, angling his head just so to give him all the freedom he needed. He let out a breathy, distracted chuckle, the hand that was calmly dancing in Monty's hair now gripping a bit tighter. "If I did, I'd be lying," Vitya whispered back, uncrossing his legs. With a seductive slowness, practiced and natural, Vitya slid one leg over Monty's legs, slotting himself in Monty's lap. He took Monty's hands and placed then on his waist, where his shirt was hiked up just enough so skin touched skin. "Don't be gentle."
"Sure bored, not thinkin' about the future at all." Monty snorted, the disbelief clear in his tone but he could read Vitya like a book the way he stumbled over the words. This would be a conversation for another day, not that he really understood why he wanted to press the issue. Monty rolled his eyes, laughing easily, feeling relaxed. "Tough guy, huh? If ya didn't look like I could break ya in two right now I'd put ya tough guy act to the test." He taunted like a school kid on the playground. "KT and Thatch are morons, not exactly hard to out do 'em. Teachers never believed me when I said I didn't cheat on exams, they always made me take 'em away from other kids with some fuckin' supervisor." He laughed remembering the first time he got 100% on a physics exam and had been accused. It had felt awful and wonderful at the same time. "Of course you wanted to make more trouble than your siblin's, you're a sucker for a bad rep aren't ya?" He chuckled, enjoying this easy banter. "Wanna forget him, all the shit I liked about him, but I'll never forget that horrible feelin' that makes my skin crawl, I'll never let myself see all that good shit in anyone again cause it ain't worth it." Monty shook his head with a deep sigh.
A hum of satisfaction escaped Monty as Vitya presented his neck, allowing Monty to have his way with him was the control he needed right now after losing his reigns on his feelings for Schuyler. Monty moaned at the tug on his hair, another flash of heat shooting through his body. "So ya don't need me to hit ya ta make ya feel alive. Don't need ta be playin' with death. Just need my cock in ya ass." He continued, biting on Vitya's lip. It wasn't a gentle nibble it was sharp aiming to cause a quick sting of pain. Monty ran his hands down the younger man's body to his ass, squeezing his butt, enjoying the feel of the muscles under his hands before forcefully pulling Vitya down so their crotches rubbed together. The pressure on his dick made Monty moan but it wasn't enough and something tripped a switch inside him so he was thinking entirely with his cock. He grabbed at Vitya's sweatpants and tore them away so he could finally get his hands on that firm, smooth bubble butt.
Vitya laughed along with Monty. "Yeah, you probably could. I'm not the most robust guy," he said, softly. It was interesting to hear more about Monty's life growing up. It sounded individual, singular proving more and more that he was not like other people. Vitya could see that 'shitty school life' was something they shared. The only contrast was Vitya being an absolute demon at his school on purpose. "I am, the worst the rep is, the more people gossip. And I do love gossip. It's politics for the powerless." Vitya, in the hope that he could say one final thing to truly get to Monty's core on his inner drama, tucked some hair behind his ear. "Then fuck him, and the high horse he rode in on." "In the end, Death fucks us all," he whispered quickly, knowing that after this, there was going to be less and less talking. Vitya gasped at Monty biting his lip, his eyes rolling a moment before he made it an actual kiss. He slid his tongue into Monty's mouth, giving him no option but to let him in. He moaned in delight as Monty touched him, taking hold of his waist and pulling him down. Vitya's eyes went wide when he felt, and heard the sound of tearing, looking back and seeing what Monty did. "Oh, I am going to make you regret that-" he said, swiftly tearing open Monty's dress shirt. His hands overtook the new open space, his hips sliding forward to grinding against him, then back into his hands again. Vitya leaned in and kissed Monty again, giving him some payback for biting his lip by doing the same. Vitya's hands went at Monty's belt, doing what we promised earlier and starting the process of getting him out of his clothes, of which there were way too many. He had done this too any times, able to get his belt out of the loops in one swift tug, palming Monty through his jeans before starting on the button. "Fuck, how are you this hard already?"
"I bet ya a scrappy little fucker when ya not right outta the hospital though." Monty chuckled, lightly punching at Vitya in a playful manner just to tease. It was rather odd talking about his childhood, especially school, but it was kinda nice, and he did always enjoy showing off how intelligent he was. "Always been in trouble? Makes sense, hell in high heals an' all that shit. But ya ain't exactly powerless though are ya? Bein' a Prince an' all." Monty retorted, rolling his eye again for effect before breaking down and laughing again. Monty nodded, feeling a sense of closure on todays Schuyler chapter. No doubt the pain would come again, it was like the tide in that sense, the way it came and went; but now the tide was out, his feelings were being forgotten in favour of losing himself in Vitya. "It fucks us all in the end but who said we can't go out fightin'" Monty murmured against Vitya's lips. A groan rumbled in Monty's chest feeling the force of the kiss and the demands of Vitya's tongue against his. Sometimes he needed to take control for himself, and sometimes he needed to give it over and somehow Vitya was able to give him both. Vitya's moans caused Monty to buck his hips up and increase the friction between them. Monty tried to laugh as Vitya ripped open his shirt, sending the buttons flying but it came out more like a whine, he couldn't deny how hot it was that even in his state Vitya could still do this. Mont kept his hands on his ass, working with him as he moved his hips, letting his hands roam the now exposed flesh. He grabbed the cheeks and pulled them, letting his finger tips graze his hole. A shiver ran through him at the efficiency of Vitya undoing his belt and jeans, it was speed that only came with practice and it served as a reminder of all the times they'd done this before and how good it was. "Fuck." Monty swore under his breath as the feel of Vitya's hand. "Ya got me this hard ya fuckin' dick." he groaned, as his head fell back.
Vitya was anything but distracted. He was laser sharp was Monty's hand groped at his ass, eventually propping as his hole, making him shiver. He bit his lip and smiled as Monty lost himself to such a simple thing as a grope through his jeans. He pushed back into his hands hoping to wake the other man up a bit. Vitya carefully undid Monty's jeans, and with seasoned hands, slid his cock free from their confines. Vitya gave a fake, innocent look. "Oh, did I?" He teased, sliding his hand up and down Monty's shaft at a delicate, slow pace. He leaned into Monty's ear, nipping the lobe a moment. "So sorry about that..." "Come on, be a good boy and open me up. Want you inside me," Vitya whispered, licked down to Monty's neck, where he promptly kissed and sucked a deep, purple hickey into existence. He even bit, just for a moment, to make sure it stuck. He began to twist his wrist as his hand slid up and down Monty's shaft, encouraging him to keep going. "Are you going to pound me into the floor, or am I gonna ride you till you whimper? Decisions, decisions..." Vitya teased even more, his free hand now joining in on his jerking of Monty's cock.
*fade to black*
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Can we see Dani and IronDad, with indignation from Vlad?
When the Avengers met Danny, they didn’t just adopt him. They adopted his cuter, shorter, funnier clone, Dani. She was easily the baby of the team, and everybody’s little sister. They were, for lack of a better phrase, her overprotective uncles and aunts.
She did everything with them. The built things with Tony, and came with him on business trips. She did experiments with Bruce, played video games with Clint, trained with Natasha, and braided Thor’s hair. She was just as part of the team as Danny was, and she had never felt more at peace.
Currently she was going to Wisconsin for some sort of business trip. Tony never cared to learn the details until the very last minute, and Dani never bothered paying attention to them. So to say that she was surprised when Vlad Masters walked in is an understatement.
“Vlad,” she growled when he walked in. She was tense like a cat, eyeing Vlad with pure hatred, just waiting to pounce. Tony had never seen her like this. He never realized that someone so small could hold so much disdain. And he knew that her past was checkered at best, all things considered, but he never stopped to wonder how bad it actually was.
Now he was getting a pretty good idea.
“Oh? Danielle? I had no idea my child would be joining us, Mr. Stark,” Vlad said cooly, somehow able to keep his composure. But Dani could see behind the mask. He was waiting.
“I’m not your kid!” She snarled.
“Dani, outside,” Tony told her. His voice was hard and on edge.
Dani stood up and stormed out, making sure to shoulder-check Vlad on her way out. Tony gave a quick, meaningless apology before following her out into the hallway. This didn’t go unnoticed by Tony as he quickly followed her.
“Dani, what is going on?” He asked. Obviously they knew each other, there was no bother asking that. And obviously there relationship was more than rocky. The only important question was why? Why did she practically spit in his face the millisecond she saw him.
“Tony, you can’t do business with him,” she said instead of answering his question. “He’s a monster.”
“He said you were his kid. What...What does he mean by that?”
“He’s the one who made me. You already know I’m Danny’s clone. That’s...Vlad is his biggest enemy.”
Tony thought about this for a moment. He could understand the contempt that Dani held towards Vlad. He needed this deal though. He needed it to help his company and also keep a closer eye on the millionaire, because Tony has been suspicious of Vlad for a while now, and now he could do something about it.
“I have a proposition for you,” he said. “You and Danny are basically my kids, and he thinks of you as his daughter because he was the one that made you.” Dani’s face grew bitter, but Tony ignored it and continued. “Hear me out. Let’s piss him off. We are in a public setting, and knows that I have the press basically under my thumb. So if we fuck around with him a little bit it’s not like anybody is going to believe him.”
“What do you have in mind?” Dani asked. She had gone from disgusted at the thought of being the in the same room as Vlad, to slightly intrigued . She would take any chance she got to mess with him.
“Ignore literally everything he says, and treat me like a father figure or whatever, I don’t care. I just want to piss him off.”
Danny thought for a moment before a big, menacing smile split her face. “Oh, I can definitely do that.”
Tony gave her an equally large grin, before clearing his throat and going back to his business self. Dani took the cue and dropped her smile, going back to looking pissed off.
Tony nodded at her and opened the door. Vlad had taken a seat in one of the chairs in front of Tony’s desk. Dani took a seat in Tiny;s chair, and Tony stood in front of Vlad, leaning against the desk so they could continue their conversation.
“Now, if everything is sorted out,’ Vlad started, “I think we should work together by-”
“-Hey Dad,” Dani interrupted. Both Tony and Vlad turned to look at her, only to see her looking at Tony with big, innocent blue eyes. “What are we having for lunch?”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, sweetums,” Tony replied. He kept on a cool face, but Dani could tell from the glimmer in his eyes that he was having a hard time holding back his laughter.
Dani nodded and pulled out her phone. She pretended to text, knowing that Vlad’s eyes were drilling into her skull.
“Right,” Vlad continued, his voice tight with irritation. “As I was saying, I think we could help each other. Now, I know you’re the biggest tech game in town, there’s no doubt about it. But I’ve got some technology I think you might be interested in.”
“I promise you, whatever you have I’ve probably already built. But go on, I guess. What do you have in store.”
“Hey, Dad,” Dani chimed in before Vlad could speak. “We’re not friends with Brooklyn anymore.”
“She said I had weird clothes.”
“Okay, Peaches.”
“Just like that? You’re not going to resolve any of this?” Vlad asked, his mind wandering away from the conversation at hand. Tony nodded.
“I don’t see why I should make my daughter be friends with someone who insults her.”
“Thanks, Dad,” Dani replied.
“Anytime, Sweetie pie.”
Vlad’s eyes flashed, and Tony noticed. And took advantage of this.
“Vlad, my friend, are you okay?” He asked, lacing a worried tone into his voice. “Your eyes are red.”
“What? Oh, are they?” Vlad said, still staring at Dani. He was trying to hold back a snarl, and it was mostly working.
“Yeah, maybe you should go to the hospital,” Tony suggested.
“Yes, perhaps. I’m sorry to close this so quickly.” His words were tight and clipped as he stood up slowly. He was stiff as he stared at Dani, who looked up at him with her tongue stuck out. Why, she had Stark wrapped around her finger, and probably the other Avengers as well. Very well. Vlad could wait as long as he needed to.
“I’m leaving town tonight so how about I give you a call to finish this meeting up?” Tony said, walking Vlad to the door.
“Very well, Stark. No later than 10:30 please.”
“Will do. Get better, Champ.”
And with that, Vlad was gone. Once they were sure he wasn’t hanging out by the door, they busted out laughing.
“Oh my god,” Dani wheezed. “Sweetums?”
“I know, I know,” Tony said. “I’m to good.”
“Yeah, okay. Whatever, Dad.”
Dani didn’t seem to notice, but Toy did. It was sincere, and it made Tony’s heart grow two sizes.
He forgot to call Vlad that night.
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emerald-eyes-8917 · 6 years
When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning...
This is a prompt fill for a kind anon with regard to Dan comforting the reader after a bad anxiety attack.  I hope this is filled the way you wanted and to anyone who can take this as a comfort, I hope it will calm you.
This will also be cross-posted to AO3 this evening so please feel free to head over and leave a kudos and a comment.
Thank you as always for reading.  :)
Title: Fear Not This Night
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Anxiety mentions, dark thoughts.
It had not been this bad in a very long time.
This feeling that the world was crashing down around her ears, that she was not good enough, that she did not deserve to be loved or wanted by anyone...
The chatter was extremely loud in her mind and did not appear to be ceasing.  
Sitting up in bed, arms wrapped around her knees, all she can do is rock back and forth, back and forth, tears streaming down her cheeks, eyes heavy with sleep but refusing to close, stomach churning and skin crawling.
Her partner lies fast asleep, his dandelion curls tousled on the pillow, breathing deep and even.
Why is he even here?  He deserves better than all of this...
She was doing her best to cry as quietly as she could so as not to wake him.  He needed his rest after the week he had and the busy schedule he had for the next month.
She couldn’t ruin it for him, and that thought alone makes her let out an especially pain-filled cry.
Much to her dismay, Danny has turned over with a sleepy groan, one arm reaching out to his right, instinctively searching for her, and when his hand lands on the pillow, finding it empty, he blinks his eyes open with a confused frown.
"Baby?  Hey... baby?  Where are you?"
She answers in a tiny voice, despite wanting to disappear into the mattress, "I'm here..."
Dan rubs his eyes, more than likely trying to focus in the darkness, before his hand finds the small of her back and moves up her back slowly in an absent-minded caress, "Hey... why are you sitting up?  Are you okay?"
"It's fine..."
A badly timed sniff and he immediately pauses.  "Baby... have you been crying?"
"No... I just feel a bit sick..."
"Really, I'm fine, go back to sleep.  I just need to think for a while and you don’t need to worry..."
Even before she has finished her sentence, Dan shuffles closer, his hands reaching out to try and wrap around her waist, his head nudging her hip as he lets out a sleepy sigh, "You don't have to play the strong card with me, at least when we are alone together.  You can tell me anything.  I want to help you and you're clearly not okay..."
When she opens her mouth, a whimper escapes her, before giving into full-on sobbing, and she clutches her hands in her hair before dragging her palms down her face, pressing her mouth to her hands to try and muffle the crying.
Immediately, Dan is sitting up beside her and has taken her into his arms, holding her close to his chest, gently but firmly with a hand behind her head, twisting into the strands.
"Oh, baby... there, there.  Just cry, just let it out..."
The words come tumbling out in a rush before she can even think to stem the flow of her thoughts, "Danny... I... I can't... it's too loud in my head.  It's just... so loud... I can't sleep... I don't deserve you... I don't deserve to be here with you..."
Dan lets out a broken exhale, "That's not true.  It's not true at all.  It's just your head playing a trick on you.  It's just your anxiety playing up.  This isn't your fault."
Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, he murmurs, "It's not your fault, baby..."
All she can do is cry, clinging to him with renewed strength, absolutely terrified that if she even let go for a moment, he would disappear forever.
Dan rocks her gently, kissing her hair and stroking her back up and down, saying her name gently and all she can do is focus on him, his breathing, his warmth and his voice.
"Here, lay down with me.  I'll try and help you back to sleep.  Come here..."
She allows him to lie her back down on the pillows beside him, his arms still wrapped around her.
As he lifts his head, raising up over her, resting on his elbow, his longer curls tickle her face and she lets out a tearful laugh as a reaction despite feeling quite overwhelmed.
Dan gives her a bemused smile that is entirely adorable to her.
She remarks quite innocently, "Your hair is so long and fluffy..."
Even in the dark, he appears quite bashful and he tips his head back to attempt to shake his curls out of his eyes, "It is becoming Muppet-like and near sentient and there's nothing I can do about it..."
"Please don't cut it, I don't could I could bear it."
The thought alone threatens to make her want to cry, but Dan leans down and nuzzles her nose, and she is immediately cocooned by his hair, "For you, baby, I wouldn't even trim it."
All at once, she is awash with comfort and the chatter in her mind has halted.  She slowly slides her arms around his waist and whispers, "Having you close like this... I think it's helping."
"It's... it's quiet now... but there’s still something there... but I don't know how long it’ll be quiet for..."
"Don't think about that now.  Just focus on my voice.  I'm right here, baby..."
He presses a kiss to her cheek, and she can only imagine that he is tasting her tears, for he kisses her cheek several times, followed by several to her nose and her forehead, featherly light and sweet, smoothing his hand through her hair, pressing his fingers to her scalp in a gentle massage.
"Close your eyes... let me kiss those tears away, baby..."
Letting out a hitched breath, she whispers his name, "Danny..."
"I'm here, baby.  It's okay... I've got you and nothing is going to hurt you while I'm here.  Nothing's going to get to you and you will be okay."
She manages to nod, her forehead creasing as a fresh wave of sobbing begins and she holds him even tighter, so tight that the thought occurs that she could actually injure his ribs.
"Don't... don't let me go, please?  I just... I just need you to hold me..."
He leans down and nuzzles her ear, whispering, "Sssshhh... it's okay, baby... I've got you.  Nothing's going to get to you.  You can hold on as tight as you want and as long as you need.  I'm right here... sssshhhh..."
The only answer she can give is a choked sob, lifting her head to kiss his shoulder and his neck, breathing him in.
Carefully, still holding her close to him, Dan rolls over onto his back, taking her with him and she immediately rests her head over his heart, the slow, deliberate thumping of his pulse the most beautiful sound she could ever hear besides his voice.
"Just breathe for me... in and out... in and out... nice and slow.  Breathe in deeply and let it out slowly... there we go.  You’re doing great..."
She obeys, following the cadence of his own breathing and the soothing sound of his voice, until she no longer felt the urge to give into crying.  The pain was still very much present at the front of her mind, but it no longer felt like a weight pressing down on her.
Dan's fingers stroke through her hair, massaging the base of her skull and scratching her scalp, "Does that feel okay?"
"Mmmmhm... more than okay."
She presses a kiss to his chest, tracing patterns across his skin that could have been numbers, initials, or a secret language.
He shifts beneath her so their legs are intertwined beneath the covers, "Your breathing sounds more even now.  Do you feel like you want to sleep?"
The prospect of falling asleep sounds inviting, but the anxious thoughts still remain, alive and breathing, so she has to admit, "Almost... I'm just afraid of having a nightmare... or waking up to the chatter again.  I just wish my brain would behave.  It's just so stupid..."
"Hey... it's not.  Sometimes our brains get stressed, and that is completely normal.  It's like chemicals and thoughts and all that shit tangled up together, and it's not your fault and it is not stupid."
"But still, I..."
"'But still' nothing, baby.  Would you think it was stupid if I broke my arm and didn't heal in a day?  Well, I mean, I probably did something stupid to break it in the first place because I'm basically a deer on two legs..."
Her giggle is quite loud and unrestrained and she has to turn her face more into his chest to quieten herself, but the shaking beneath her and the merry chuckles floating above her head are confirmation that he is laughing too.
"Oh, my God.  I love your laugh..."
As soon as she has calmed down from her giggle-fit, she lifts her head, searching for his eyes in the dark and says with all the sincerity in the world, "I love you, Danny."
Dan's smile is warm, like radiant sunshine as he leans down to give her a soft kiss, "I love you, baby.  You're going to be okay.  I'm going to help you and you will be okay."
"You promise?"
Dan kisses her again and again, whispering between kisses, "Yes... I promise... I promise..."
She rests her head back down again, bending her knee up that bit more and pressing close to him.
"You're so warm."
"Yeah, I'm hot-blooded that way.  Hot blooded, check it and see, I got a fever of a hundred and three..."
He sings a few bars of the song by Foreigner and she can't help but smile, allowing her eyes to slip closed.
"Will you sing to me some more, please?"
"Of course.  Anything you'd like to hear?"
She stretches almost cat-like, arching her spine and settled into the solid warmth of his body, "Something... nice.  From the eighties... or something you wrote with NSP.  Anything at all... I just want to hear you sing..."
"You got it.  Let me see..."
After a moment, he hums the opening melody of a song that was one of the first that she had ever heard him sing, the theme of 'The Last Unicorn'.
Softly, he starts to sing to her, his voice a soothing lullaby, banishing all the negative, draining thoughts from her mind, pushing the anxiety away and flooding golden light back into her waking dreams again.
When the last eagle flies over the last crumbling mountain And the last lion roars at the last dusty fountain In the shadow of the forest though she may be old and worn They will stare unbelieving at the last unicorn
Her body begins to unwind, his voice washing over her, his hand never ceasing the gentle stroking of her hair while his free hand covers hers that is resting on his chest, interlacing their fingers together in a hold that is gentle and true.
When the first breath of winter through the flowers is icing And you look to the north and a pale moon is rising And it seems like all is dying and would leave the world to mourn In the distance hear the laughter of the last unicorn
I'm alive, I'm alive
The images of the film's story come to her in soft, vibrant detail, of the unicorn Amalthea, Molly Gru and Schmendrick the Magician, of brave Prince Lir and the rolling waves of sparkling unicorns
In her mind’s eye, Danny was the bravest knight in the land, battling the monsters that resided in her head, shielding her from the pain.
When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning And the future has passed without even a last desperate warning Then look into the sky where through the clouds a path is torn Look and see her how she sparkles, it's the last unicorn
I'm alive, I'm alive...
Lulled into a calming, relaxing state, she hears his voice still humming the song to her, while his heartbeat beneath her ear serves as her touchstone keeping her tethered to him.
Unbeknownst even to herself, she has begun to drift off to sleep, but Dan does not stop humming or making shushing sounds, and the last thing she hears him say before succumbing to a peaceful sleep, "I love you... I love you, I love you, I love you so much that it hurts sometimes... you are my girl and I love you so much..."
A gentle pause.
He lets out a gentle chuckle when she does not answer, and only breathes deeply, sweetly, in the ambient silence, "And you're out.  Sweet dreams, my princess.  I'll be here when you wake up, tomorrow and all the days after.  I love you..."
The rest of the night passes peacefully, where she does not wake up, dreaming only of dancing with a handsome prince with a golden voice and stardust in his hair.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Kitty Boy 2 (Bianca x Adore)- Squeaky
AU where people are born with cat ears, which they lose when have sex. Those who no longer have animal features are differentiated by society as “adults”.
OR: The story of how Danny loses his ears.
Danny sometimes pretends to be a girl. He’s got a baby face and penchant for wearing skirts. With his hair up in pigtails and his soft ears, Danny easily passes as female on the streets of Azusa. It’s just easier that way. No one questions a seventeen year old girl, who’s still got her ears. Not the way they hiss and jeer at a ‘pussy boy.’
He feels disjointed from his body. Danny watches the cute boys at school, tail curling at the edges, but they never look back. One of his friends trips him down the stairs in front of his crush, and he turns into a red tomato. Fuck, he’s going to be a virgin forever, isn’t he?
It feels like there’s two version of him: there’s pathetic Danny, and there’s big voice Danny. That version is stronger and more powerful. So when he fails to get all the way on American Idol, it’s a huge blow to his already struggling self esteem.
After that, Danny spends too much time in the shower, trying to escape the world by singing songs to himself. Only there, away from everything, can he relax. But Danny can’t hide behind a tattered skirt or his shower forever. He still wants to share his voice with the world. He still wants to become something more than just another gay boy, who hasn’t lost his ears.
Danny smooths his black shirt as he waits for his number to be called. This time he’s older and…no, not wiser. Just a little less naive. He counts to ten and then pushes the door open.
“I remember you,” Paula Abdul says as he strides in. Danny’s tail curls around his jeans as he stands before the judges, sizing them up as they size him up. Simon Cowell bites his pen and stares straight at him. Shit.
Randy Jackson snaps his fingers: “Danny, wassup?”
“Nothing much,” he says even as his ears twitch. “Just trying to keep my nerves down.”
“What do you think happened last time?” Paula questions as she scribbles something down on her notepad.
“Uh, a lot. Bad song choice- one. And my nerves just…” Danny trails off as he widens his eyes and gesticulates wildly.
Him? Nervous? It’s more likely than you think.
Then he just throws his head back and sings ‘Proud Mary.’ His tail swings to the beat, and he feels every note. In his lungs. In the snap of his fingers. In the curl of his toes. It’s like Danny’s back in the shower, and all his anxiety is vanishing to the hot smoke.
Danny takes a final breath and waits for the judges to speak. His tail curls around his legs again as he comes down from the high.
“I can’t believe the voice that comes out of this body,” Paula says as Randy Jackson laughs. He flushes as he waits for Simon to say something, anything.
“You’ve got a very good voice, Danny.”
“Thank you very much, Simon.”
“You’re more confident, if that’s possible, this year.”
“I’m just trying to be myself more,” Danny explains. “Last year I was so not myself.”
Randy Jackson interrupts him: “But I thought it was a really good audition. One of the best I’ve seen all day. I was like, woah, what!”
“It’s just not expected to have that kinda voice to come out of you,” Paula repeats, and if Danny wasn’t beaming, he might have wondered what she meant by that. Unexpected because of his age? Or because he still had his ears? But then he realizes that’s three ‘yes’s, and he dosen’t care.
“I’m going to Hollywood, baby!” Danny screams, black shirt riding up, as he runs out the room with the golden ticket above his head. For once in his life, he’s not self conscious of his ears or his tail. He feels whole and ready to take on the world.
“This is what I needed,” Danny tells the camera with a wink as he waves his ticket. “A second chance.”
So then why do they treat him like he’s some sort of comedy act?
The PR people tell him straight to his face “don’t lose your ears while you’re on the show.” That’s not a problem- there’s no boy in boot camp crawling up into his bunk. Still, their words sting a little. Is that his only appeal? He’s innocent like a Jonas Brother? Should also he start wearing a purity ring around his tail to appeal to middle America?
“This is bullshit,” Danny rants to his mother on the phone. 
“Just butch it up baby, so they don’t make fun of me.”
“But…I just want to be me!”
“So be yourself. Just…” his mother sighs. “Just try to have fun?”
“I’ll try,” he sighs and holds the phone to his chest, heart twisting.
Once more, Danny is a stranger inside his own skin. When he’s practicing his songs, he tugs on his ears. Simon, aside from his first audition, doesn’t take too kindly to him. He calls him ‘grotesque’ and ‘useless,’ and all that does wonders for Danny’s self-esteem.
When he’s eliminated, Danny is more relieved than heartbroken.
“Our next guest is one of the most popular contestants on this year’s American Idol,” Ellen Degeneres announces.
When Danny walks onto the stage of the Ellen show, his heart sinks as he sees himself on the TV monitors. Oh god, they dressed him up like a preacher’s daughter. His cat ears are sleek and perky on top of his fringe, and he’s got a white collared shirt like a pilgrim. They might as well just have written ‘Chasity Kink’ over his chest. 
“Hey, Danny.”
“Hey, Ellen,” he grins, tucking his fingertips under his jeans. His tail has curled itself around his ridiculous shirt, as if to hide him from the eyes of the crowd.
“I think you’re great, and I love your voice. What do you think went wrong on American Idol? And do you have any regrets?”
“I don’t have any r-” He cuts himself off with a laugh. “Yeah, I do. I regret my first song choice. I would have put more thought into it. The one that Simon called ‘grotesque.’ I mean I liked my other two…I was having fun with it…I was being myself?”
“That’s what I love about you. You’re yourself,” Ellen says empathetically, and Danny’s heart twists in his chest even as he nods.
His tail nervously twitches, but he keeps smiling as Ellen continues to call him “un-apologetically” himself. If only he was.
Danny’s relieved when Ellen asks him to sing. Only then does his tail relax. He sways to the sweet rhythm, closes his eyes, and tries to forget everything but the words and the melody.
Angel Baby is his first escape. His ears are hidden beneath a thick, black wig. His tail is strapped to his padded thighs, tucked away just like his cock. He loves to make videos on Youtube pretending to be his “chola” persona. Then comes Violet Valentine for when he’s working the club scene. Valentine is sexy and free, in every way that Danny isn’t.
But Adore is his perfect escape.
He created her to leave Danny behind, and Adore lets him do just that. It’s not the same as the early days when he used to dress up as a girl because Adore is a queen not some little girl. She’s an illusion that everyone chooses to believe in. It’s less about gender or sexuality, although it’s that too, and more of a home. Yes, when Danny is Adore, he finally feels like he’s at ease inside himself.
So when he gets the call to be on Drag Race, Danny screams even louder than he did when he got the Hollywood ticket. Here’s the chance to show the world, really show them, who he is. Everything is a flurry of panic and heels and sparkles as he struggles to fill up a suitcase.
Before she knows it, Adore’s strutting into the workroom with a “I’m hooome”. She feels fishy and fresh in her green wig and tight, red dress.
“I’m so excited I could pee,” Adore giggles as she throws her coat over her shoulder and totters over to the one of the chairs. She’s not wearing any underwear, but she has her tail tucked away. Priorities.
Then there’s a commotion as Bendla “Terminally Delightful” Creme flutters in, Gia lands like fresh tilapia, and Laganja death drops. Adore’s known Laganja ever since she was in her first club, so to see her here? It’s nice to have a friend.
Then some other bitches arrive, whose names Adore can’t remember cause they leave five minutes later. The Rumail siren sounds, and she falls off her chair. Classic. Adore isn’t the queen of math, but she’s counts seven instead of fourteen queens.
More than anything though, she’s nervous for the first challenge. Adore ends up jumping off a platform looking like a crazy person. As she stumbles away and takes off her wig, Adore can hear audible gasps from the other girls. Oh right, she has ears.
“I still can’t believe you have them,” Laganja, of all the queens, remarks.
Adore flushes: “I’m not a prude, I’m just waiting for the right guy to show up, you know what I mean?”
“Aw, I think it’s sweet,” Bendela chimes in.
“Very purr-e. Get it…like pure?” Gia jokes and makes a clawing motion. No one laughs.
While Gia is stacked with a wardrobe of glam gowns, Adore has like…four gowns. Her tail wraps around her as she stares at all the glittering gowns that the other queens produce from their suitcases. Suddenly, her clothes from Azusa don’t seem as dazzling.
Laganja her, uh, “sister” wins the mini-challenge and gives her a box full of crap to work with. Adore may or may not have hot glued the fabric to her mannequin. Everyone’s ready, and Adore’s still trying to de-tatter her pile of tatters to form a dress. Basically, she’s a hot mess, minus the ‘hot’ part.
Somehow, Adore manages to escape the bottom two, and Kelly-What’s-Her-Face leaves. It’ll be a whole week until she sees the other seven queens.
“I don’t know if I can do this,” she confesses to Laganja as they load up into the cars. The other girl just kinda squeezes her shoulder, and Adore’s heart sinks. So much for friends.
But Adore has more to worry about then Langaja’s betrayal. Like seven new queens. There’s Courtney Act AKA drop dead gorgeous with a voice to match Adore’s. Then there’s Miss.Pack-Your-Bags-Del-Rio.
She doesn’t like Bianca from the moment she meets her. Bianca’s quick and sharp tongued, while Adore’s tripping over her tongue like she’s still learning to read. Adore can sense competition, and this bitch is fierce. But she’s also…a bitch.
Adore takes off her wig for the first time in front of her, ears wiggling free, and Bianca gives the camera a look. How can she read Adore with nothing but her eyes alone? It makes Adore’s stomach twist into a small, insecure knot, and her tail twists with it.
When she’s alone in her hotel room, worrying about everything she could have done better, Adore remembers that look. Bianca’s twisting face haunts her as she tosses and turns.
So when Bendela asks “if there’s anyone on the other team that you just wouldn’t want to work with,” Adore’s honest as fuck.
“Probably Bianca. I feel like she’s just ‘competition, competition, competition.’”
Adore, tugging on the strands of her red wig, can sense the drama stirring as the other team comes back in. Speak of the devil and Bianca will appear.
“So…what were you saying?” Bianca asks as she perches, like a black crow, across from Adore. She can hear the whirr of the cameras eagerly zoom in on her face. Fuck, Adore’s done reality TV but never like this.
“They asked me who I wouldn’t work with, and I said you, Bianca.”
“Oh, you wouldn’t?”
“The energy I get from you is very competition-”
“Well, isn’t that what we’re here for?”
“I just feel like you have a really strong personality, and our personalities would clash, and if I was the team leader, you’d sell me up the river.”
“Oh, I…what’s your name again?” Bianca quips.
Even if she’s joking, Adore doesn’t laugh like the other girls. In every dark joke, there’s a glimmer of truth. Bianca doesn’t think Adore’s serious competition.
While the cameras and conversation drift away, Adore hasn’t forgotten.
Later that night, Danny dreams that Bianca’s pulling at his tail, hard. When he tries to get away, the queen just holds him down and forcibly strokes his ears, humiliating him in front of the hungry glint of the cameras.
Danny wakes up in a cold sweat, and he’s hot with arousal. He groans as he rolls in his hotel bed, trying to ignore his flushed cock. Finally, humiliated, he shoves his hand down into his boxers. Bianca’s harsh face melts away into Roy’s.
Fuck, what is this competition doing to me? Danny thinks as he bites his bottom lip. He pants and strokes himself, tail desperately curling around his thigh. It’s not enough. Danny hates how much his stomach twists with arousal as he imagines Roy holding him down, petting him, and whispering taunting words into his ear.
Danny bites his pillow as he cums. Pathetic. Why is he thirsting over this bitch? Maybe it’s like prison where people start to look more attractive than they are. Maybe.
He feels trapped by the judges expectations. Usually, he’s free to be his punk rock self. Now, Danny has to worry about cinching up Adore for Visage and being glam for Ru Paul. The more they push, the more he wants to push back. It feels like he’s just came back from singing in front of Simon Cowell and been told that his song’s grotesque.
The last human being on earth he expects to come to his rescue is Roy.
“You’ve just got to breathe,” Roy whispers in the hallway, hand resting against Danny’s shoulder. He leans into his touch.
“Easy for you to say, you’ve got this competition on lock.”
“Do you want to borrow one of my corsets? Here, I’ll help you,” Roy says, and his whole body language has changed. He seems so human and real. It’s nothing like the competition-hungry beast in Danny’s head.
Danny nods, takes a deep breathe, and feels…ok.
Not perfect but ok.
True to his word, Roy helps him with his body shape. Maybe, just maybe, Roy might not be as evil or as cunty as he wants everyone to believe.
“You can do this,” Bianca whispers before the run way.
“Why are you being so nice to me? Are you ok?“
“I…you’re a good kid,” Bianca replies, but Adore wonders if there’s anything else. Adore can’t stay a moment longer, has to go out on stage to strut, but Adore wants to look closer, wants to know if there’s more.
Bianca wins the crown, but Adore, cliche as it may sound, feels like she’s won something better. Even when she’s not in drag, Adore has a different energy to her. Everything is open with possibility and adventure. Suddenly, the world is her stage, but she’s not listening to the ‘judges.’ She’s playing her own rules.
“Look pretty happy for a loser,” Bianca teases.
Adore only laughs. Before she might have taken the comment to heart, but outside of the competition, she can see that it is just a joke. What’s this strange glow? Confidence?
“Bitch, you know Ru’s taking half that money through taxes anyways.”
“That’s the government,” Bianca corrects with a wink as they walk back to their Uber. Adore bites her red lip as they squeeze inside. Bianca is pressed up so close to her, and Adore’s tail, strapped to her, twitches. Oh god, how is that just one touch sets her off like this?
“Whatever, I’m going to earn my money through tax free stripping and singing,” Adore giggles. She feels drunk off the LA night. The city is rushing by them, but she’s safe here, pressed up against Bianca’s side.
Adore strips off into Danny, one lash at a time. His ears twitch as he shakes off his wig and curls up into Roy’s bed. It’s so soft and warm, and it has Roy’s familiar scent. Then Roy squeaks down onto the bed and messes up his hair, hands running over his ears. Danny can’t help but purr at the sensation.
“I think you’re driving Reddit crazy looking like that,” Roy says, and his hand rests on Danny’s head. Danny looks up at him with a yawn, nose twitching, as he leans into his touch.
“Like what?”
“Like that,” Roy grumbles as he flops down next to him and then tugs at his ears. “With these.”
“Is this still Reddit we’re talking about? Or you?” Danny asks, dipping his voice lower. He scoots closer, so their thighs are touching again. Roy’s in nothing but sweats. There’s just a hint of aftershave and strong perfume, and Danny wants to bury his face into his shoulder. So he does.
“What are you doing?” Roy grumbles, but his hand betrays him as it wraps up into Danny’s hair and starts to stroke his ears. Danny’s cock twitches in his boxers at the same time as his tail. Stomach twisting, Danny starts to purr a little bit louder.
Roy’s face is just inches from his: “Feel good, hm?”
Danny, feeling bold, leans closer. Roy tastes like a shot of vodka, and he shivers. When Roy pushes him back and pins him to the bed, Danny’s sure he could drunk just from the taste of him. He can feel Roy’s bulge against his thigh. So thick and nice. When the older man pulls back, Danny whimpers with need.
“Why’d you stop?”
“Because I…” Roy flushes. “I don’t want to take anyone's ears. I….”
“Who said anything about taking them?”
Roy stiffens even as Danny crawls closer, tail wagging behind him.
“I’m giving them to you,” he purrs.
Danny wraps his legs around Roy’s waist, so he’s straddling him, and he runs his hand down his bare chest. Just the gentle brush of his fingertips made Roy moan. Danny leaned down for another kiss as he ground his hips down, his couch twitched under him.
Roy is so gentle. Nothing like he thought he would be. He’s sweet and takes his time covering his fingers with lube. By the time he’s pressing one inside of Danny, he’s hard with anticipation.
“I’m a virgin not a fucking baby; you can be a little rougher,” Danny whines.
“Calm down,” Roy whispers in his ear. “I want this to feel good for you and your virginal ass.”
“Is that your idea of sexy talk?”
Roy just kisses him quite, and Danny’s giggling against his lips. He’d never thought sex would be this normal. He’d always thought it’d be fucking wild and life changing, but this feels so perfect and natural. Danny bites back a groan as Roy squeezes in another finger inside of him. They fit so perfectly. Big and nice. 
“Any slower and we’d be going backwards,” Danny complains only because he loves the way it makes Roy’s fingers twitch in annoyance. They curve inside him and rub against that spot. 
“Shut up,” Roy groans. 
“Make me, how ‘bout that?”
Three fingers now, and Danny’s starting to feel the pain. It only turns him on more. His cock is leaking precum. His tail and toes curl in need. He feels like he’s been stretched open, and Danny loves it. 
Then Roy instructs him to get on all fours and rubs his cock against the curve of Danny’s ass. Danny whimpers at the loss of fingers, but he’s excited for more. The change of positions makes him squirm. He can’t believe this is finally happening.
“There we go,” Roy breathes as he presses the tip of his cock inside and reaches forward to rub Danny’s ears. The stimulation is everything. Oh, god, he needs to be filled up now. He wants Roy to just-
“F-fuck me,” Danny moans as Roy does just that.
Roy’s running his hands over his ears as he fucks him, and the pressure of his cock against his prostate combined with his fingers in his hair? It’s heaven. Danny’s eyes roll back from the pleasure. His cock twitches, ignored. 
“Feeling it now, baby?” Roy teases.
“O-oh, yeah,” Danny laughs and then it turns into a groan.
Roy’s speeding up his pace, and the foreign feeling of being filled up is so fucking nice. Danny just wants Roy to stay inside him. Fuck him. Take him. 
It’s the feeling of Roy pulling on his ears as he slams into his prostate that pushes him over the edge. Danny cums with a groan, spilling all over the sheets. Roy grunts as he pulls out and cums all over his back. 
“Messy,” Danny whines as he curls up on Roy’s chest, eyes fluttering shut. He yawns. 
“Exhausted after only one round? And I’m the old one?”
“You really gonna judge me if I fall asleep?”
Roy presses a soft kiss to his cheek: “Fuck, no. I’m sleeping too.”
You know what? For once in his goddamned life Danny doesn’t feel judged. He just feels…happy. He isn’t sure why he thought the ears were a big of a deal. In the morning, they’re gone, but he has something better- Roy.  
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Drama in the house of Laurent
Chapter Twelve
My name is Kitty, and I am not a troublemaker. I may be a child, but I’m not a “child".
We’re back at Isaac’s house after a pivotal afternoon. I’m not actually sure what the word “pivotal” means, but I’ve heard it used more than once today, so I’m gonna use it so I’m not left out. Doesn’t really matter because I feel like the only one who doesn’t understand what is going on. No one is really telling me anything. Why do I feel like I’m just trouble right now? I get that something happened to Danny and Isaac. That happens to Danny sometimes at home. But now… now I don’t know what is happening to anything.
I can hear people talking.
It has been about an hour since we got back to the house. Mom wouldn’t tell me anything about what is going on.
“Kitty, can you please go to the guest room?” she tells me, with fake concern for me in her eyes.
“But what am I supposed to do there? Everything else is happening out here,” I tell her.
“Just go, please? Or go play with Danny and Alex?” She basically sighs that last sentence out.
She said “please” and she looks tired. I slowly head to the guest room and brush past my father. I open my mouth to ask him what is up, but I think better of it. He looks even worse that she did. I walk to the guest room to grab the iPad and head upstairs.
Danny and Alex are in Alex’s room.
I sign onto the iPad. The door is slightly open, drat, I missed the password. I push the door open and put the right password in.
“JEEZ, Kitty!"
My head jerks up and there is a rushing of movement and sound. They’re both sitting on Alex’s bed and staring at me.
“Hi?” I squeak out.
“Knock first. We’re guests in this household.”
“I’m sorry…” my voice starts shaking.
“Danny…” Alex gives him a look and then walks over to me. “It’s okay, it wasn’t closed all the way.” He pats me on the back and immediately makes everything better. But then I stiffen up. He said “Danny”. I’m the only one who’s allowed to call him that.
“I’m sorry, I over-reacted.” He walks over to join us.
“Are you okay, Kitty Cat? I know it’s been a kinda weird afternoon."
“Well, gee. I wouldn’t know because no one tells me stuff."
They exchange looks at each other.
“And don’t go thinking I’m too young to be worried about anything." I'm not. All my teachers say I'm mature for my age and that I should take the tests to go to the next grade. And because I'm mature for my age, I know what the word "mature" means, and I know how to use it properly and that now is not the exact time I should be bringing it up, but I'm also upset. "I know things, too."
Danny gets in his I’m-uncomfortable-but-I’m-gonna-act-like-I’m-not mood and shrugs. “I think it’s something the grown-ups need to talk about. Isaac isn’t feeling very good right now. But that’s all that I know, and I don’t think it is very polite to ask for more than we need to know. It’s not really our business. Make sense?"
“Okay.” It does make sense.
“Dad just has a kidney problem. That’s all I really know,” Alex lets out.
We both look at him.
“He has a kidney problem?” Danny looks concerned and a little on edge.
“Yes, he needs a new one."
“Oh.” We’re both quiet for a second.
“He’s fine, but I think that was part of his condition or whatever."
“Is he gonna be okay?” Danny asks carefully.
“I think so. He said that your visit might be the answer."
“The answer?"
“It’s what he told me before you arrived, but I don’t know why. Are your parents doctors or something?”
“Mom is a doctor.”
“Yeah,” agrees Danny, “she’s a surgeon”.
There is a flash of hope in Alex’s eyes. “Do you think she’ll be able to help my father?"
We look at each other again. Danny turns to him and they look at each other for way too long before Danny says, “I know she’ll do whatever she can to help you.”
They look at each other a little while longer until I can tell I should probably leave the room. There are times at home when Danny is hanging out with Elle and they want me to go away, and this feels like one of those times. I leave the room and make sure the door shuts.
Heading downstairs, I can hear the grown-ups in the dining room. I go quickly to the guest room and lay on the bed. I am watching an episode of Sesame Street when Danny knocks on the open door.
“You can come in,” I say, still watching the show.
“Kitty Cat…”
“I’m sorry. I think I just did what Dad calls drama.” I know what the word means, but my parents say that I am not old enough to know what it feels like.
“Yeah. Maybe. I just don’t want…" He is still by the door but shuts it and walks over.
“I’m sorry if I interrupted anything. No matter how gross it was." I pause the show but keep my eyes on the screen.
He shifts uncomfortably and sits down on the bed. “Look, Kitty. No one needs to know anything."
“Anything what?"
“Okay, so when we get home, yeah? You don’t have to talk about Alex, okay?"
“Why not?” I am getting a little angry. He’s my friend, too.
“Because, he doesn’t really matter, okay?"
“Yes, he does. You like him."
“Yeah, okay. I maybe do. But that’s not the point. This? All of this?” He reaches his arms out and points in the direction of the room. “You have to forget about it."
“I have a really good memory.” I do. I have a really good memory.
“Yes, but you don’t need to talk about it ever again. For the rest of our lives."
“Why? It has been a cool, pivotal trip."
“What? Never mind. My point, Kitty, is that you can’t tell anyone what happened here, okay?"
“Dammit, Kitty!"
I jump up. “You’re not supposed to say that word!"
“I’ll say it if I damn well want to. See if I give a fuck."
“DANNY!” I start to walk around the bed. We aren't supposed to say bad words, and that's a really bad word.
“Kitty!” He follows me.
“Shh. We’re not supposed to interrupt the grown-ups.” I put my finger to my lips. He just shrugs but lowers his voice.
“I’m just saying don’t talk about… you know."
“You don’t want me to tell you were kissing Alex.” I jump to sit back down on the bed. I cross my arms and give him an eye roll. He flinches a bit, but I don’t really care. Maybe I didn’t see it, but I know that’s what they were doing.
He sits next to me. “Look, Kitty. Maybe you don’t understand this right now, and that is fine, and I am almost positive that you don’t get this, so don’t at me. But you cannot talk about this. It’s private. You remember what private means?"
I roll my eyes again but nod.
“Okay, so that is private between us, Alex and me, and now it’s private between you and me. But you can’t tell anyone.” He is talking, and I want to be mean to him because he’s not being very nice, but he’s talking with his eyes down. Dan only talks like that if he is really upset.
“I’m sorry, Danny.” And I really am. I’m mad, but that doesn’t mean I should be mean. In fact, my anger is slowly going away by the "being sorry" that I’m feeling. He looks like I’ve never seen him before. Ya know that person in Greek who was punished to carry the world on his shoulders for all time? Dan might not be carrying the world, but he sure does look tired.
“I know you are, and I am, too. I don’t know what’s going on right now with our families, but if we needed to know, they’ll tell us.”
He’s also really bad at lying, but I let that one go. “I just don’t want to be the ‘troublemaker’, but everyone keeps acting like I am.”
He lets out a hollow laugh, the one that Mom does whenever Dad makes a bad joke in public. “You’re not a troublemaker, they’re just grown-ups.”
“But what about Elle?” I ask the pointed question that I think is so obvious during this entire day. Why is he kissing Alex if he is also kissing Elle? Why does anyone kiss anyone? Okay, that one; I know that I don't get. Kissing mouths is gross, but Mom and Dad say that older people do it if they love each other.
He makes a face and shrugs, “there’s nothing really to talk about.”
“But you like her, right?”
“Of course I do.”
“Are you two kissing?”
“Kitty…” he gets up and then sits back down again. “Look, you don’t really get dating and stuff.” He’s right, I have no clue what he’s talking about. “Dating is what you do when you like someone a lot, kind of like what Mom and Dad did before they got married.”
“And,” he continues, “it’s a relationship that is special. It’s like being friends, but then you are more than friends. You like this person more than a friend.”
“Do you love them?”
“Yeah, I guess sometimes you really do love them.”
“Do you love Elle?” I’m full of the questions.
He thinks and then sighs a bit. “I don’t think I’m the right age to really love someone.”
“So, no.”
“I don’t know, okay?” He flops backward onto the bed and covers his head. Who knew it was so hard to be him? “I’m sorry, I just don’t know.”
"But if you're kissing her, doesn't that mean you love her?"
He sighs again. "No, Kitty. Just because two people kiss doesn't mean they love each other."
I must look very confused because he looks at me and laughs, "I'm sorry. There isn't one easy explanation to that. It's just life. You can like someone before you love them. Like is like the step to love. It's like, you like someone, and then you love someone. Like, Mom and Dad used to like each other, and then they started dating, and then somewhere in there, they started to love each other." He looks at me, and I'm kinda confused. I think it makes sense. Two people like each other and then they love each other. I just nod. He continues, "look, I guess things happen... Elle..."
“It’s okay if you don’t like her. I don’t like her.” I cut in.
He smiles at that. “Of course you don’t, Kitty. But she’s cute and funny, and- “
“And she’s a popular girl, and she's a cool cheerleader, and she's in your AP Chem class, and blah blah blah.”
“How do you know so much?”
“Because,” I expel, “she tells me this almost every time she’s over at our house, and you talk about it a lot. I mean, she's really smart, I get that, but I don't think she likes me much." She doesn't.
He’s quiet for a bit. “Well, what do Mom and Dad think of her?”
“I don’t know. How should I know? I’m six. Do you think they tell me anything?”
“I guess not.” His eyes are still closed. “I’m sorry, I guess I didn’t realize you didn’t like her that much.”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m not the one who likes her, who is dating her.”
He flops over. “We’re not dating.”
“But you just said…”
“We’re not. Okay?” His eyes bore into me, and I am just so confused.
“Okay.” Gee, teenager life is so weird. “Do you not like her anymore?”
“Of course I like her.”
“But you just said…”
“It’s complicated.” He raises his voice.
“Why?” I demand. I know what “complicated” means, but it doesn’t seem complicated to me.
“It just is.”
“If you like her, then why aren’t you dating.”
He sighs. “It is not as easy as that, and since you are not me, you don’t get it. I promise you, you will most likely understand it when you’re older, and then you can complain to me all the time.”
“Okay,” I say. But do I really get it?
“Cool. You’re a cool sister, sometimes.” He sits back up and grins.
“You’re not too bad yourself,” I say back. “But I do have a question.”
“What?” He braces for impact.
“Do you like Alex?”
He groans and heads toward the bathroom. “You’ll get it when you’re my age. Probably.” He shuts the door behind him. I flop back on the bed and go back to the iPad. I can tell our parents are still talking with Isaac, so there’s nothing else to do. There is a knock at the door.
“Hey, Kitty.” Alex is in the doorway.
“Hi. He’s just in the bathroom.”
“Cool, mind if I come in?”
I nod and he walks in.
“So, I got the new Smash Brothers game. You want to check it out?
“Yeah!” I jump up. I love video games. Especially because Danny doesn’t let me play with him all the time, and our parents give him more video game time. “Definitely.”
“Who is your main?”
“I don’t have one. But I like Luigi because he says funny stuff.”
Danny walks out of the bathroom. “Hey, man.”
“We’re going to play some Smash, you in?”
“Absolutely!” We all walk out of the guest room and climb the stairs up to Alex’s room. Alex starts his television up, and Danny helps him get the controllers. He hands one to me and one to Alex. They’re smiling at each other, and I can’t help but smile with them. We all sit down on Alex’s game as the game turns on. He has a bag of sour candies that we are passing around. It feels nice to be included in this, even though it feels like I’m always missing something.
I don’t get Danny sometimes, but he’s older. I am now terrified of being in high school. If this is what drama feels like, I can wait.
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