#there are ghosts in Wayne manor
superbat-love · 5 months
Bruce: Commissioner Gordon, I wasn’t expecting a visit this late.
Gordon: My apologies, Bruce, there are some things that I need to talk to you about regarding the Wilson case.
Bruce: No apologies needed, Commissioner. Please, have a seat. Would you like a cup of tea?
Gordon: Tea would be-
Bruce: ?
Bruce: Commissioner?
Bruce: Commissioner Gordon, is everything all right?
Gordon: Bruce, there’s a- there’s a ghost floating down your hallway…
Bruce: [turns to see a sleeping Clark floating horizontally out of his bedroom, wrapped up in his blanket]
Bruce: Oh, that’s just my great-great-granduncle Tom. He’s always haunting this hallway on Thursdays. It’s his weekly chess game, and he never got over that one loss. Poor Uncle Tom…
Bruce: Alfred, why don’t you go and see if Uncle Tom can be persuaded to haunt another hallway instead?
Alfred: Right away, Master Bruce.
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ky-landfill · 7 months
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minty364 · 5 months
DPXDC Prompt #145
Danny had a strong dislike for most of his parents inventions. Most of them would make him uncomfortable if they didn’t hurt him and his parents very much liked to hurt ghosts. Danny of course jumps at the opportunity to spend the summer at his cousin Damian’s house. Maddie didn’t tell him or Jazz a lot about her childhood but she did apparently have one more sister than Alicia and this sister was Damian’s mom. Jazz of course tags along she was going to keep her brother safe and also find and reprimand Batman if she can find him.
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ghoulisheous · 2 years
Danny is adopted by the batfamily the second he steps foot in Gotham and does a pretty good job of keeping his secret. Almost six months now!! I mean, he wasn't fully able to hide his secret. His family thinks he's a meta with a handful of powers. But he's got the halfa thing on lockdown
He just didn't take Constantine into account
Danny met the guy exactly once and knew he was clocked the second they made eye contact. The next thing he knew Bruce was gifted a book titled The Care and Maintenance of Rare Entities
With a very damning chapter in particular.
He was starting to understand why Constantine was hated in cryptid/paranormal circles. Unbearably smug man
Dinner that night was almost more awkward than his first night in the manor. But at least he has the reassurance he's supported 100% percent.
Bruce just doesn't completely understand how to approach the concept of a half-ghost son. He does, however, have a bisexual son. Is it like gay? What's the protocol here? Cake? Custom cake? With ghosts? Rainbow cake? With the inscription 'Congrats It's a Ghost' maybe? He makes sure to reassure Danny, that he'll be having a talk with Constantine about exactly how appropriate it was to out him. It should've been Danny's decision to tell them. After a long talk with Tim, Bruce was reasonably sure he knew how to handle this. He just wished he knew what kind of flag was meant for half-ghosts. Tim wasn't helpful on that front
He's a little confused but he's got the spirit.
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tofuingho · 1 year
Imagine a world where Bruce got really into the occult when his parents died.
He did all the things. He bought a Ouija board. He went to psychics. He held seances.
He never did talk to his parents.
But, sometimes he wasn't as careful as he should have been. Once, just once, when a Ouija session once again failed to reach his parents, he left the planchet on the board and never said goodbye.
How long would it take for something to come through? How long would it take for Bruce and Alfred to notice? The manor is so very big and it has so many lovely dark places to hide.
If things get moved around, who would really notice? Especially once Bruce adopts the Robins. So many children causing so much chaos at all hours of the day and night.
No, I expect that no one would notice until Duke moves in. But even then, who knows how long it would take him to notice one big humanoid shape hidden away in some long forgotten attic room.
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keimiwolf · 2 years
Damian Al Ghul knows his brother is dead. So when a cult summons the ghost king, Damien Wayne is not expecting to see a familiar face.
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1-8oo-wtfbro · 11 months
What if, people really didn’t leave the league? like, in fics and comics it’s always ppl sneaking away in the dead of night and then being hunted down. But, what if that wasn’t the case? What if, when you swore in, you (unknowingly or knowingly to you) pledged your soul to Ra’s Al Ghul, to the Al ghuls, and to the League of Assassins.
so you can run, but it always feels wrong, and you always end up back there, bc your soul it tugging you back to where it is pledged, where it’s tethered. And when you die, your soul doesn’t go to heaven or hell, but you continue to serve the al ghuls as ghosts.
Bruce doesn’t count, bc Ra’s let him go; he respected the detective too much to enslave him (he pledged to so as to get trained by the league). Jason and Cass weren’t technically part of the league, since they never formally pledged.
And because of this, the Al ghuls have this weird relationship with the occult. They can actually sense/see all ghosts, but only control the ones who are pledged to them. similar thing with magic and the occult (they have magic in their blood). they have a 6th sense for it, like it almost leaves a residue that they can sense/see.
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goldengirlgalaxy · 1 year
Clark Kent is visiting Wayne Manor for the first time. After Alfred serves the two, Clark turns to Bruce with wide eyes, points to the retreating butler's form and says:
"He doesn't have a heartbeat."
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frownyalfred · 1 year
ok look, the whole dressing up as a bat and running around beating people up thing is a little weird, but imagine what Bruce would’ve been if he just kept traveling the world, learning combat techniques from monks, stealing things, battling warlords and basically having 0 rules or coping skills. that man would’ve died at like 29 after BASE jumping off a ISIS tower somewhere without a parachute trying to rescue 36 hostages all on his own. it would’ve been so much worse.
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cookiescribble · 11 months
Just a Little Chilly (Dick Grayson x Male!Reader)
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A/N: Hello there! This is not only the very first published fic on this blog, but also my first x reader fic so please be nice <3 Also, I used Brenton Thwaites's Nightwing as a reference but this version of Dick Grayson is mainly written with my own masterpiece of headcanons in mind. Enjoy! <3
-Mod Ghost
I was reading in the library when I heard the telltale signs of Dick coming home from patrol,
The entrance to the cave opening, the sighing, the shivering—
wait a minute.
I stood up from the corner where I'd been for the past few hours while my boyfriend was out, nearly passing Tim and Jason playing chess. I guess this was one of the days they were getting along with each other. I looked between the two of them, as if they had the answer. 
“Hey, do you guys hear that?” 
Both of them turned to look at me, a bewildered expression on each of their faces.
“Huh??” Tim was the first to actually speak, staring up at me like I had three heads. 
"Hear what?" Jason happened to speak up at the same time, which made them stare at each other as if they were wondering when they became the twins from The Shining.
I sighed softly, they might have been too focused on beating each other at the game to hear the racket. Or I might not have been as focused on my book as I thought.
“Nothing, I’m gonna go find Dick. Let me know who wins.” I ruffle Tim’s hair then run off through the study and the living room to catch Dick at the bottom of the stairs. 
“Dickie!” I called, running up to him and grabbing his arm to get him to turn around. He stopped shuffling along and turned to look at me, trembling and wet with his hair plastered to his forehead.
“What happened to you??” I ask softly as I push his hair back away from his face, cupping his cheeks which nearly startled him. As if he wasn’t fully aware that I was there. 
“Huh?? Oh-I, I, uh, was f-fight-t-ing F-freeze and uh—i-it was obv-v-viously c-c-cold.” he stuttered and slurred through his words, his entire body quivering. 
“Jeez, okay, c’mon, let’s get you warmed up.” I tutted as I led him up the stairs and down the hall to his room, helping him tug his suit off as soon as the door was closed completely. Immediately, I helped him into pajamas and a hoodie, rubbing along his arms to help his body heat rise. 
“I’m not totally sold on the fact that it was just cold, my love. You’re soaking wet and your suit is, too. I’m not trying to scold you or anything, I just need to know how to take care of you.” I whispered to him, leaning up to kiss his forehead before sitting him down on his bed and grabbing a pair of my fuzzy socks to help him put them on. 
“W-Well, while I was trying to um…to bring him in, I…I…” he trailed off, letting out a long yawn.
“Shit, okay, we’ll talk about it later. Let me see if I can find Alfred, he can make something warm for you.” I hissed under my breath, noticing the signs of hypothermia as I stood up from where I was kneeling. I hoped that we’d caught it early enough that he would be okay—
I stopped in my tracks when I felt his shaking hand wrap around my wrist, turning to look at him. 
“Don’t…Don’t leave me…Please, Y/N…” He begged weakly, looking up at me with wide watery eyes. 
“Alright, move over, I’m coming. Don’t worry, I’m right here.” I spoke quietly as I immediately started opening up the blanket just enough to shuffle underneath it with him then pulling him close to me.  “Shh, it’s okay, c’mere.” 
As soon as I was underneath the covers with him, he clung to me and pressed his head against my chest while I shushed him. Considering he was taller, he was a bit scrunched but I could tell that he wanted the comfort of being close to me. I gently combed my fingers through his hair, my other arm wrapped around his back to keep him close to me. 
“I haven’t been that scared on a patrol in a long time. I couldn’t stop thinking that I was gonna die, Y/N. That I wouldn’t come back to you…”
“Hey,” I tilted his chin up, forcing him to make eye contact with me as I held him there, “You’re here, and I am not letting you out of my sight until I know that you’re okay. Got it?” 
He nodded meekly, before I let him tuck his head back against me. I took out a thermometer that I kept in a makeshift first-aid kit under the bed and stuck it under his tongue, waiting until the little device let out a soft beep. 
I slid it back out to take a look, seeing that it was 95 degrees fahrenheit. If there was any sign of hypothermia before, I was less concerned now seeing that he was warm enough to be considered normal for a human. 
It was a long time before I heard him again, and even then, his voice was soft and he sounded like he was half asleep. 
“There is a way that both of us could warm up pretty fast, if you wanted to try that, y’know…” Dick suggested, grinning from ear to ear as he peeked up at me. 
I laughed and playfully nudged him, shaking my head as I rubbed my hand over his back under his shirt to help him continue to warm up. 
“I’m not cold, Richard, but it seems like someone’s starting to feel better, huh?” I teased, unable to help the laughter that escaped. It comforted me to hear him making jokes, like he was slowly getting back to his normal self. 
“Maybe. I guess we’ll just shelf that idea for later then, but don’t think I’m about to fuhgettaboutit,” Dick drawled the end of his sentence in a thicker accent than his usual bit of New Jersey twang and I nearly started cackling as Alfred knocked and came into the room. 
“Is everything alright in here, Master Dick? Master Y/L/N?” He asked in a much more proper tone than the one Dick had just used, holding two mugs filled with something warm and sweet smelling.
“Yes, Alfred, thank you. What’s in these?” I answered before Dick could speak up, taking the Blüdhaven mug with the bisexual flag on it that I assumed was my partner’s so I could hand it over to him before taking the other one. 
“For Master Dick, I have made Egyptian Chamomile and for you, I have made English Breakfast. Made to your taste, of course.” Alfred explained, watching Dick start to drink his. “I will leave you two alone now, however, Master Bruce has requested my help in the Bat Cave. I trust that Master Dick is going to be in good hands?” Him and I made eye contact over Dick’s head as I nodded, giving Alfred a smile as he started to leave. 
“Thank you very much, Al.” 
“You’re welcome, sir.” Was the last thing he said before he closed the door again, which made me turn my attention back to the man currently sitting on top of me. 
It looked like he was going to fall asleep in his mug, his slow sips and half opened eyes giving him away.
I chuckled and kissed the top of his head, carefully taking the mug from him without spilling what was left of his tea so I could set it aside and laying back on the bed so he could be more comfortable but keeping him in the blanket burrito with me. 
As he slowly drifted off, he let his back relax to lay a bit more comfortably. “Goodnight, Dickie.” I whispered up to him, kissing just under his chin. Within 10 minutes, he was out like a light with his head on the pillow just above mine as he finally fell into a deep state of sleep.
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nerds-yearbook · 5 months
After a decade, Wayne Manor was reopened in batman 319#, cover date January, 1980. ("Never Give Up the Ghost!", Batman 319#, DC Comic Event)
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jeanlouiecastillo · 1 month
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filonikou · 1 year
The blob 2
Tim: *goes to the manor because he doesn't have food at home*
Hi, there
Alfred: *knowing why Tim is there*
Hello, Master Timothy. Go to Master Bruce until I cook you something.
Bruce:*sees Tim in the manor without prior agreement*
What are you doing here? Are you hurt? Are you okay?
Tim:*Bruce doesn't want me*
I will just go, running away in tears 
New art:
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AU where Jason becomes a ghost after his death... (I already posted something about it before, but I can't find my own post so here I go again).
He starts his period as a ghost trying to find ways to reach out to Bruce to comfort him, to tell him that he's still there, but his ability to interfere with the land of the living is very limited at first. He has to slowly learn how to do it. So all he can do is watch Bruce cover up his murder, try very hard to kill the Joker but not really do it, delete any sign of his previous existence, tarnish his memory, victim-blame him for his murder, take on another Robin, etc etc etc.
So when Jason is finally able to actually interfere, he's a vengeful spirit who just wants to haunt Bruce and drive him to self-destruction (and the side projects are to haunt Alfred and Tim too because hey, even though his focus is on Bruce, he's got the time for that too, and tormenting them might also torment Bruce by proxy).
Alternative: he still gets resurrected and retains the knowledge from his time as a ghost. (Adjusting the timing of his resurrection is needed for him to witness all those things, but it's an AU anyway). So he's ten times worse when he comes back to life. Maybe he just blows up the Batmobile, because he knows that asking anything from Bruce won't get him anywhere (that is, if he didn't manage to destroy Bruce or Batman back when he was a ghost).
Alternative: everything goes the way it goes up until UTH, but Jason becomes a ghost after the Batarang.
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yeats-nana · 2 years
Ghost living in his house: Geeeet Oouuuut...
Jason: Paaaaaay Reeeeeent
Ghost: I'm 200 yeeears oooold...
Jason: Then you're 200 years behiiiiiind on reeeeent
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distort-opia · 11 months
Aaa this is a long-standing project of mine, thank you for the interest! I have a whole tag dedicated for it and a lengthy post about the concept that I'm linking to.
The gist of it is that I want a story where through supernatural means, Bruce's psyche begins to merge with Wayne Manor and transform it. Rooms would suddenly seem colder and bigger, doors would lead to nowhere one day and disappear the next, staircases would suddenly stop in the ceiling... All of Bruce's worst fears manifesting and sucking the life out of him, but engulfing everyone else too. The Family progressively starts to notice the changes and attempts to intervene-- but the house tries to ruin them as well by confronting them with the worst they've ever thought of Bruce, their worst nightmares. The more the Manor decays and is populated by the specters of all of Bruce's grief, the more he's turning into a ghost himself, and they're all scrambling to save him while he's seemingly not hearing them at all.
...God, I have the ending in mind and everything. Two people have started making art for this thing. I don't know what the hell the blockage is in my brain that I can't just start writing this, but [clenches fist] ONE DAY.
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