#the wayne manor is haunted
superbat-love · 5 months
Bruce: Commissioner Gordon, I wasn’t expecting a visit this late.
Gordon: My apologies, Bruce, there are some things that I need to talk to you about regarding the Wilson case.
Bruce: No apologies needed, Commissioner. Please, have a seat. Would you like a cup of tea?
Gordon: Tea would be-
Bruce: ?
Bruce: Commissioner?
Bruce: Commissioner Gordon, is everything all right?
Gordon: Bruce, there’s a- there’s a ghost floating down your hallway…
Bruce: [turns to see a sleeping Clark floating horizontally out of his bedroom, wrapped up in his blanket]
Bruce: Oh, that’s just my great-great-granduncle Tom. He’s always haunting this hallway on Thursdays. It’s his weekly chess game, and he never got over that one loss. Poor Uncle Tom…
Bruce: Alfred, why don’t you go and see if Uncle Tom can be persuaded to haunt another hallway instead?
Alfred: Right away, Master Bruce.
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
“Did this place pick up a ghost when I was dead or something?”
Tim whipped his head towards Jason, who looked mildly perturbed.
“You too?!” Tim demanded.
“The ghost! I kept thinking it was a hallucination, you know? But even when I laid off of the caffeine, there’d be a fucking shadow at the edge of my vision! At night! You saw it too, right?” Tim rambled, increasingly agitated. “It even moves the fucking coffee mugs! I know where I left my favorite mug, and it sure as hell wasn’t in the sink!”
Jason blinked at him, face morphing into concern.
“Replacement, when was the last time you got some sleep?”
Tim inhaled. “Jason, I swear to god I will replace all of the shampoo in your twenty six safe houses with glitter glue if you don’t tell me whether you saw it or not.”
Jason nodded immediately. In his defense, Tim grew up to be a scary motherfucker. Diabolical little shit would have been a fucking terrifying villain.
“I knew it.”
Danny hummed. Tim was going to freak when he found his cowl three inches to the left.
He merrily avoided all of the set up cameras by simply going invisible and intangible, save for his arms that he uses to sweep the cowl to the side.
He could hear the static on the cameras. Danny grinned. Operation Gaslight, Ghostkeep, Girlboss is on.
“Tim-” Dick started, only to be cut short by Tim whirling around and jabbing a painful finger into his chest.
“You owe me this, for that Arkham comment when B went missing.”
Dick raised his hands in surrender, guilt flaring.
“Drake, what kind of pointless scheme are you getting us in, now?”
“Not now, demon brat.” Jason elbows the kid. “Just go along with it.”
“Well. I guess we were right, yeah, Tim?” Duke muttered, eyeing the moved cowl. “My ghost-sight isn’t seeing anything. Not even wind movement.”
“What’s going on, boys?”
“B, there’s a ghost in the manor.”
“He’s freaking out because it moved his coffee mug like three times.” Steph chimed in.
“Have you seen anything weird, lately?”
Danny tilted his head. “No…?”
“Not even in the house?” Jason asked.
“Shadows? Anything?” Dick asked, eye bags prominent on the normally exuberant man. Danny snickered inwardly. They’ve been up for three days trying to “catch” the ghost.
“Uh. I mean the floorboards creak sometimes? But in terms of shadows… I think I saw them outside? Kind of looked like Batman, actually. But my eyesight gets bad at night. Why?”
Danny could see in the dark just fine.
“Nothing! Let me know if you see anything, okay?”
“Uh. Sure? Maybe you guys should… get some sleep?”
The bats file out of his room.
Danny locked glowing green eyes with Tim and Dick. He did some quick thinking and contorted his ectoplasm into something more grotesque.
“Kkkhggggghkkkkeeee!!!” He screeched.
“AHHHHHHHHHH!” The two of them screamed, both bolting and throwing things at him. It was impressive how fast they backpedaled.
“That was close,” Danny muttered. He quickly scribbled on Damian’s whiteboard with conspiracy theories and dipped before the rest of the bats came thundering.
He fell into a light sleep just as Stephanie checked up on him, work done.
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little-pondhead · 7 months
Classic "promised-at-birth-to-the-Ghost-King" story, except the contract never states how, exactly, the King is to use the offered soul. Usually, one would be offered as a bride or sacrifice. But with Pariah Dark sealed away, his retainers got a little lazy in the last few millennia. They just made some generic contracts and practically handed them out like candy.
When Danny took over as king via conquest, that included all the weird and messed up soul contracts the previous retainers had signed. And since ghost magic was a thing and seemed to have it out for Danny personally, many of these contracts updated their terms and conditions as soon as that crown hit Danny's head, reflecting the new King's subconscious desires and personality.
This caused many issues with those still around to profit from these contracts. Some people lost their power, some gained more, and some were unbound and kicked to the curb. A few special people found themselves dropping dead after their less-than-ethical abilities disappeared.
Danny was unaware of the chaos he had unintentionally caused for quite a while. It was only brought to his attention when a letter arrived on his desk one day with a copy of someone's valid contract enclosed. The new changes have been highlighted, and a separate note is attached.
It seems that in exchange for blessings of near-immortality for her infant son, a mother had offered Pariah Dark both their souls in order to ensure her child's survival during harsh times. (The souls were to be collected upon death and were to be used as soldiers in the King's Army.) The mother's soul had returned to the Keep decades ago and was recently assigned to tend to the gardens, while her son seemed to have grown into a fine gentleman and was still alive. He used his mother's gifts to serve his country and loved ones well, it seemed.
At first, Danny didn't see what any of this had to do with him. If the mother was already a part of his kingdom, and the son would be eventually, why was a letter about the whole thing showing up before him?
Then he read the revised contract, which bore his magical signature. A signature that overruled the power of Pariah and binding it to him.
'...and as such, in return for the abilities stated above, [Mary Pennyworth] and [Alfred Pennyworth] will fulfill the conditions detailed below, upon pain of Ending.
[Mary Pennyworth], when returned to the Kingdom of Dark Kingdom of Stars, will work as a lieutenant in the Skeleton Army caretaker in the Gardens of Pluto.
[Alfred Pennyworth], when returned to the Kingdom of Dark Kingdom of Stars, will work as a general in the Skeleton Army caretaker of the King and his Court.
Danny had to re-read the contract several times to understand what it was saying. He now had a caretaker? What did a caretaker do? Was it like a ghost parent? Could this guy ghost-ground him??
He sighed and pressed the speed dial on his phone for Tucker. Time to find out who the hell this Alfred Pennyworth guy was, and how to break a magic contract when it wasn't even fulfilled yet.
Meanwhile, Alfred had just found the original copy of the contract amongst his mother's belongings after it glowed and drew him in. The paperwork cleared up a lot of mysteries he'd always wondered about himself, even if he disapproved of his mother's methods. Nonetheless, he smoothed out the aged paper with dark green ink, noted the fresh (sloppy, a teenager?) signature, and began preparing to meet this supposed new King and his Court.
It wouldn't hurt to make introductions before he died, after all.
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ky-landfill · 1 year
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"Dunno know why you're so worried, Bruce. Power cuts happen all the time down in the Narrows."
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distort-opia · 2 years
God, obsessed with the idea of the Wayne Manor being haunted. Being placed under a curse, and everyone in the house being able to feel it, except Bruce.
Jason hears cruel laughter and Sheila’s voice, following him down the corridors. Dick keeps seeing movement out the corner of his eye; the room is suddenly cold and he swears he can hear the cheering of a crowd, the thud of bodies hitting the ground. Both Ace and Titus whine and cower, bark and then retreat at an unseen presence; all of Damian’s pets are unsettled, scared, and Damian dreams of dying, dreams of being dead, wakes up one night with a sword in his hand in front of Bruce’s bedroom door. Tim keeps seeing his father’s face in the mirror, stained with blood, mouth moving soundlessly and forming words he’s only ever heard in a phone call.
Death, death, death. It bites at their heels, taunts them with ghosts of the people they lost, the people they used to be, the people they fear of becoming. They’ve all been drenched in it; some have been dead themselves and spat back out, and now the house has become a gaping maw that feeds on it... but the worst of it is Bruce.
They bring it up to him, but he dismisses all the signs, as if he’s blind to it all. He keeps going on patrol, keeps being Batman, but every time the Family goes down to the Cave the Batsuits are black twisting monsters within their glass cases. It’s so cold they can see their own breaths. Bruce has dark circles under his eyes, looks pallid and exhausted, feels so very far away. There’s a swarm of bats following him around, screeching and red-eyed, and the first time he sees it Dick’s heart jumps out of his chest.
They’re always behind Bruce, faces empty and devoid of emotion. Bruce seems utterly unable to see them. Thomas and Martha Wayne, blood staining their clothes, dripping down. Wherever Bruce goes, they flicker into view as well, sometimes as horrid rotten corpses and sometimes smiling and loving, ghostly arms wrapped around him from behind; and Damian’s the one to shout when the image of Alfred, neck twisted and broken and eyes wide open, peers over Bruce’s shoulder.
The Wayne family portraits keep changing from day to day, moving within their frames. Thomas and Martha Wayne look more and more full of despair, and the child Bruce in the painting keeps getting greyer, torn, skin rotting away as if he’s being devoured from the inside. It doesn’t take long for them to realize it’s all coming from Bruce. The Manor is turning into the nightmares that plague his head, becomes a nest of fear and loss and grief that never healed. They need to undo it, save Bruce before he becomes the haunted house and the ghost that haunts it, before he turns into his own grave.
After all, how much death can you take, how much grief can you fill yourself with, before you become it? How many ghosts can you preserve and chain to yourself before you join them?
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A Haunting
dannymay day 26 art/fic switch
dp x dc crossover
1905 words
Danny was so done with Skulker. It was one thing to chase him and try to catch him to hang his skiing above the mantle, but it was a totally different thing to yeet him into an alternate timeline/dimension. Danny didn’t really care which. And he was extra annoying about it too. 
Skulker had been chasing Danny through Amity when a natural portal had opened up. Danny had been distracted and Skulker had used the opportunity to grab him and throw him through the portal,
And that was it. 
And so here Danny was who knows where, who knows when, for who knew how long. Well, Clockwork knows but that’s the equivalent of no one knowing because the Ancient doesn't know how to communicate.
Maybe Danny should sick Jazz on him to teach him the importance of communication. And also sick her on Skulker to teach him that it’s rude to launch your adversaries into unknown portals.
But first things first. He was hungry and required sustenance, preferably the greasy kind. 
Invisibly and intangibly he floated down to search for some food. Just in time to miss a bat swooping down onto the roof.
Red Hood had been in the middle of…persuading one of Falcone’s members to talk when he saw a flash of green in the corner of his vision. He tossed the man aside and turned to see a crack in the sky the same color as the Lazarus pits open up above an abandoned apartment building. He could just see something falling through before the crack in the sky closed up. 
He was moving before he really thought about it.
It took him less than 5 minutes to land on the building's roof but as far as he could see there was nothing.
He hesitated for a moment before reaching up to his com.
“Oracle, I need you to pull up any feeds around the old Adam Apartments.”
“What am I looking for?”
“You’ll know when you see it.”
“What do you mean… oh. I’m patching everyone else in.”
“What is it, Oracle?” came NItghwing’s voice amidst the sounds of fighting.
“Hood spotted an anomaly over the Adam Apartments. It looked like a Lazarus Pit.
There was silence for a moment, then…
“What do you mean a Lazarus Pit!?”
“Are there any League members nearby?”
“Do we know where Talia is?”
“Are you sure Hood saw a pit?”
“Quiet! Hood tell us what happened.: came B’s voice.
“I was doing some business when I spotted a green tear in the sky. Something or someone fell out but when I got to the building I couldn’t find anything.”
“Alright, Nightwing heads over to Hood’s position and help investigate. Oracle, keep looking through any nearby cameras.  Everyone else, stick to your normal patrols and keep a lookout for any other anomalies.
A chorus of ‘yes, sirs’ and ‘will do , B’ sounded before the coms fell quiet.
After Danny had eaten, a burger he had to swipe because apparently money was different in this dimension, he decided to explore. After all, there wasn’t much he could do except wait for a natural portal to show up. He stopped a few crimes because why not. And, he had to admit, it was hilarious to spook people with his slightly more eldritch form. Though, the muttering about another bat was confusing.
After flying through the shadier parts of town he came across some large mansions. And, well, Danny had always wanted to try his hand at haunting. 
Danny had only just started exploring the mansion and he had already found out that the owners were either furries or vigilantes. Then again, this was a different dimension. Maybe everyone here had secret basements and furry costumes. Danny shouldn’t assume. Then again again, his parents had a secret basement (kind of) and he was a vigilante (kind of). So, he totally had the right to assume. And judge. Who dressed up like bats and traffic lights?
Though, it would be cool to have a whole big lair with lots of gadgets instead of just hiding things under floorboards and in walls.
At least now he knew why the criminals he scared kept muttering about bats. 
But now it was time to start haunting!
Time knew he should be in bed. Had been told repeatedly that he should go to bed. Had been  threatened that if he didn’t go to bed there would be consequences. But, well… he was technically in bed. Even if he wasn’t sleeping, or resting, he was sitting in bed. That had to count for something. Besides, he’d sleep as soon as he finished updating this case file. Maybe. He reached for his cup of coffee (decaf if anyone asked) and went to take a sip. But nothing came out. Tim frowned; he was sure he had just refilled it recently. That’s why he kept the secret coffee maker in his closet. He looked away from his computer to his cup and his frown deepened. His coffee was frozen.
Dick was staying at the manor over the weekend to help finish up a case which would probably now be delayed because of the Lazarus green anomaly that had been spotted. Oh well, that was a worry for tomorrow. Right now he was ready for a nice hot shower to relax his muscles and then a good sleep before waking up to a delicious Alfred made breakfast. 
After walking out of the shower he found his window open. Dick frowned. That was strange. He was sure the window had been closed. He shrugged, it was probably one of his siblings. He closed it and went to pull his sleepwear on. He was about to turn his lamp off when he saw that the window was open. He narrowed his eyes. He closed it again and watched it, but nothing happened. He turned towards his bed when he heard the window opening. He turned quickly but there was no one there and the window was open again.
Damien had just laid down when his door creaked open.
“Who is it?” 
No one answered. Damien huffed and got up to close the door. It was probably Drake or maybe Todd. Regardless, Damien thought as he walked back to his bed, he would find out who and would show that they shouldn't mess with an Al’ Ghul.
His door creaked open again and Damien growled as he stalked open and slammed the door closed. Before he could turn around the door creaked open.
Damien inspected the door but couldn’t see how someone would be opening it remotely. 
He closed it again and when nothing happened headed back to bed. Had just closed his eyes several minutes later when the door opened again.
Jason had debated going to his safehouse but, and he wouldn’t admit this to anyone except maybe Alfred, he was nervous. Anything related to the Pits made him nervous. He didn’t want to fall back into a murderous rage. So, he’d stay at the manor just for tonight.
He still felt a little off. The Pit felt like it was stirring, but he didn’t feel angry. It felt like the Pit was calling out to something. Jason tried to ignore it as he made his way to his room where he hung up his leather jacket. Which promptly fell down. Jason rolled his eyes and picked up, he shivered his room felt colder than usual. He hung his jacket up and turned around only to hear it fall again. He scowled. If one of his brothers had done something…. But no, the hook looked normal and his jacket was fine.
But it wouldn’t stay hung up! Everytime he hung it up it promptly fell back down.
Well fine! If it wanted to lie on the ground then it would stay there. He was going to bed.
Bruce was typing up tonight's report on the Batcomputer when the screen shut down. He frowned, The Batcomputer wasn’t supposed to randomly shut down. He turned it on but when he clicked on the report it opened up a video with some music video with some guy sign ‘never gonna give you up.’ Bruce scowled harder and clicked out and went back to the file. But this time when he tried typing no matter what keys he hit the only words that appeared on screen were the same lyrics.
He sighed. This was undoubtedly one of his kids trying to get him to go to bed. But just in case.
“Oracle, is there anything wrong with the Batcomputer?”
“Not that I can tell. Oh wait.”
Bruce tensed.
Oracle sounded like she was laughing.
“What is it?” 
“It looks like someone activated the “Rick Roll Procedure.”
“Don’t worry about, it was probably one of the boys.”
“Oracle, what’s the “Rick Roll Procedure”?
“Sorry, B. Got to go.” she signed off.
Bruce grunted. Fine, he’d go to bed, if only to please Alred.
Alfred was in the kitchen beginning preparation for tomorrow's breakfast. The scone dough was ready, all he needed to do was add the apples and then he could b=put it in the fridge to bake tomorrow. When he reached for the bowl containing the pre-cut apples his hand found nothing. He turned and saw that the bowl of apples had been moved farther away and a bag of chocolate chips had been placed near his mixing bowl. Alfred raised an eyebrow and went to retrieve the apples, but just as he reached it the bowl slid further away. 
Alfred froze. He looked around the kitchen but didn’t see any of the boys. But his eyes caught on an odd shimmer in the air near the apples.
Well then.
“Hello, there. I was unaware we had a guest. If you’ll allow me to take the apples I’ll make another batch of scones with chocolate chips.”
Nothing happened for a moment, but the bowl of apples slid towards him.
“Thank you very much.” Alfred said before returning to his work. He’d let Master Bruce know tomorrow morning that they might have a new family member soon.
The next morning at breakfast there was much glaring and staring at one another through squinted eyes trying to establish guilt.
Finally, Damian spoke up. “Alright, which of you kept childishly opening my door?”
“What are you talking about? The real question is who messed with my coat hanger?” Jason said, pointing his fork at Damian.
“Well someone kept opening my window.”
“And someone froze my coffee.”
“What are you boys talking about?” Bruce said, setting down his newspaper.
“Someone’s been messing with things around the manor and it wasn’t me,” Jason said.
“We’re being haunted!” Dick said with way too much enthusiasm.
“What?” Bruce asked, sounding somewhere between confused and concerned, a common occurrence when it came to his sons.
“Are you discussing our guest?” Alfred asked as he came in carrying two plates of scones. “It is thanks to them that we are having both apple cinnamon and chocolate chip scones.”
A clamor arose.
“What do you mean?”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“What is their purpose here?”
Alfred cleared his throat and everyone fell silent. “Perhaps, they’d like to introduce themselves?” He looked toward the back corner of the room, one eyebrow raised.
Everyone turned to stare just as a floating figure materialized. “Hi, I’m Danny, you’re resident Casper.”
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goldengirlgalaxy · 1 year
Clark Kent is visiting Wayne Manor for the first time. After Alfred serves the two, Clark turns to Bruce with wide eyes, points to the retreating butler's form and says:
"He doesn't have a heartbeat."
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damianbugs · 7 months
thinking about wayne manor. gothams biggest haunted house. now don't misunderstand, it is not haunted by anything. after all, nothing resides it in at all. except for paintings of people who have been long dead, of english country sides and blurry faces, empty bedrooms where children — maybe — slept. a perfectly kept and organised kitchen. a lonely study connected to a tunnel. in it is another tunnel and caves and tunnels and more tunnels. an entire organ system resides beneath the house that is never alive. there are rumours that the ghosts of thomas and martha wayne lurk the corridors, along with the spirit of the recently dead butler who can't stop dusting. some say there is a dead boy. and another dead boy. and another.
what they don't know is none of these people haunt the manor. wayne manor is a building that watches death and watches life be reversed and abandoned. there is no sense for a manor that keeps expecting nothing to stay. wayne manor is haunted. has always been haunted. but not by people.
there's no one left, after all.
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Maddie and Jack Fenton wind up on Batmans radar after he busts a gun smuggling operation in Gotham and finds these odd laser guns with the family name all over them. After a short investigation- aka a basic Google search - he finds out about the Fenton portal and all the stuff that's coming through. He contacts the Fentons to deactivate the portal and they refuse.
Of course, knowingly and willingly opening another dimension with the knowledge that malevolent creatures from another world might try to slaughter your neighbors has got to be consipracy to commit murder at the least. It probably jumps up to attempted homocide after the first few time that theory was proven correct.
So the Batfam show up and with Constantine on speakerphone they shut the portal down, but due to some unforseen incidents causing some of the machines to blow they breezed through the closing process and skipped a few steps in the ritual.
Namely freeing the gate guardian/sacrifice and asking for thier blessing. To be fair they didn't actually know about Phantom and they were led to believe the portal was opened through science instead of magic so they didn't think there would be a sacrifice involved.
That doesn't change the fact that Danny was now mega screwed and bound to the Batfam. Worse still is that he has to choose one of them to be his "Master" (which is a new level of done for him) before the next lunar cycle (28 days until the new moon) or the magic involved will ensure he goes from un-dead to dead-dead. It doesn't help that he's bitter over the situation and finds all his options unappealing, at least stowing away on the batjet was cool. He still wished he could move more than 50 yards away from them without being yanked back to them. Ugh.
At least he got to see Vlad taken down and arrested. That was nice. His parents getting arrested? Not so much.
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mango-sp1ce · 1 year
I want more content of Danny phantom haunting Wayne manor do you agree?
Oh most definitely! “I’ve been here since the start of time” or “oh! Cool funky house!”, I personally love both.
probably gonna follow this idea and write a small thin in like, 3-4 hours. Currently preoccupied, but I will.
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itsbansheebitch · 6 months
Made my first fanfic. Started at like 1AM ended at like 7:00AM. I'm going to bed ya'll lmao
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AU where Jason becomes a ghost after his death... (I already posted something about it before, but I can't find my own post so here I go again).
He starts his period as a ghost trying to find ways to reach out to Bruce to comfort him, to tell him that he's still there, but his ability to interfere with the land of the living is very limited at first. He has to slowly learn how to do it. So all he can do is watch Bruce cover up his murder, try very hard to kill the Joker but not really do it, delete any sign of his previous existence, tarnish his memory, victim-blame him for his murder, take on another Robin, etc etc etc.
So when Jason is finally able to actually interfere, he's a vengeful spirit who just wants to haunt Bruce and drive him to self-destruction (and the side projects are to haunt Alfred and Tim too because hey, even though his focus is on Bruce, he's got the time for that too, and tormenting them might also torment Bruce by proxy).
Alternative: he still gets resurrected and retains the knowledge from his time as a ghost. (Adjusting the timing of his resurrection is needed for him to witness all those things, but it's an AU anyway). So he's ten times worse when he comes back to life. Maybe he just blows up the Batmobile, because he knows that asking anything from Bruce won't get him anywhere (that is, if he didn't manage to destroy Bruce or Batman back when he was a ghost).
Alternative: everything goes the way it goes up until UTH, but Jason becomes a ghost after the Batarang.
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vspertilian · 8 months
anyway since it's halloween, here's your friendly reminder that wayne manor is haunted as fuck:
it’s always been haunted
bruce can’t see/hear ghosts but he can sense them when they’re in the room. you know that feeling you get when you’re in a room by yourself and someone walks in and you know they’re there without having to see them walk in.
bruce told his parents about it when he was a kid but they just told him he was imagining things
all the ghosts are previous waynes
yes, that includes the ghosts of thomas and martha
bruce refuses to admit it to himself but he knows they’re there
the ghosts were always harmless and just sort of there until thomas and martha were murdered, then the overall atmosphere of the manor became very heavy and sad
the vibe the ghosts give off varies, largely dependent on who is residing in the manor/what major events are affecting bruce's life at the time. for instance, the atmosphere is generally lighter whenever there's a batkid in residence. likewise, when bane broke bruce's spine, the atmosphere took a much darker turn.
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yeats-nana · 2 years
Ghost living in his house: Geeeet Oouuuut...
Jason: Paaaaaay Reeeeeent
Ghost: I'm 200 yeeears oooold...
Jason: Then you're 200 years behiiiiiind on reeeeent
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arcticlutra · 2 years
Bernard sat at the kitchen table, nursing a mug of tea in his hands as he watched the old butler busy with the aga. It was nice, in a way, to be sat with someone in companionable silence with not a word spoken between you. Comforting, unlike the silences he'd grown up with with his parents.
"Well, that's the cow put to bed, Alfred the Cat has been fed, and Ace and Titus are just chilling in the main snug with Cass for a bit. Any cookies left Alf?" Steph asked as she plonked herself down unceremoniously on an empty chair. She managed to pull herself up enough to fix herself a cup of tea, pouring the teapot expertly.
"Huff, really Stephanie these are custard creams, not cookies. Have I not imparted any wisdom in all the years you've known me?" Alfred complained, though passed over an open packet of biscuits with a familiar smile.
Bernard hadn't yet met the Wayne's animal handler and erstwhile groundskeeper. They'd had little cause for interaction in the week since Bernard had arrived at the Manor.
"Sorry Alf, but biscuits will always be served with gravy. S'wrong to say otherwise." She replied. "So, you're the demon's tutor then? Not much meat on you, surprised the kid hasn't eaten you up and spat you back out yet." She smirked, but not unkindly.
"Ah I've showered since then." Bernard joked back and reached over to take a biscuit. The butler had someone gotten him hooked on them in the short time he'd been there.
"Well you've lasted longer than most. Take it you've met everyone?" She asked.
" I think so, though I didn't get the name of the man in library." Bernard answered.
"Man in the library?" Steph asked, and even Alfred had paused in his duties to look at the young tutor.
"Yeah...I forgot to ask him his name. Like, late teens early twenties? Black hair and blue eyes?"
"You mean Dick?" Steph asked, her eyes almost imploring.
"No, definitely not him, too short. Had his nose in a book and smelled strongly of coffee."
Alfred and Stephanie looked to each other worryingly.
"You must have been seeing something. No one really goes into the library except for Babs and maybe Duke. The only other person who ever went in there was Tim." Steph explained.
"Oh, it could be him?"
"Mister Dowd I'm afraid that's quite impossible." Alfred explained.
"Master Timothy...master Tim..."
"Tim died two years ago, not long after his nineteenth birthday." Stephanie finished.
Bernard nearly choked on his biscuit at the news.
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max-nolastname · 2 years
if you want to propel your story from good to great it needs to a) be haunted and b) have the setting be an almost sentient character
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