#batman vs tmnt mikey
dustbunsinspace · 6 months
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Got an anon ask ‘who my least fav turtle is if Leo is my favourite’ and it made me realise I don’t draw my ACTUAL favourite turtle enough, so it might really look like that 😤
I wanted to doodles just the three recent ones but my brain went brrr, and my hand slipped and kept slipping until I got the whole orange fam (could probably still add a few more, maybe later). Anyway, MIKEY SUPREMACY ✨🧡🍊💪 (I love them all but he has a very special place in my heart).
( you can find it on Redbubble ⭐️ )
EDIT; Someone asked me who some of them are so;
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tuatara-time · 16 days
TMayNT Day 17: best Mikey (from all incarnations)!
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As soon as I saw this prompt list back in April I knew instantly that I’d be drawing Batman VS TMNT Mikey for today’s prompt. He’s got all the best traits of previous iterations combined into one charming, hilarious, ADHD package. How could you not love that?
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Shadows Entwined: Bonus (18+)
BatmanVsTmnt!Leonardo x sidekick!reader
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 - Final
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A/N: The bonus chapter to Shadows Entwined. Finally, Leo and (H/N) gets some much needed action. I hope the wait was worth it💙💙
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The reader and the turtles are 19.
Warnings: Strange warnings, walking in on someone naked, unprotected sex, being overheard.
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With a roar you jumped and kicked, your foot just barely passing by Leo’s head, his saving grace being his sudden duck, before he made a quick roll out of the way, now standing behind you. You quickly turned around, just managing to avoid his fist, grabbing a hold of his arm, pulling it over your shoulder, pulling him forward, until his weight did the work for him, making him fall over you and landing on the mat with a thud, lying on his shell, smiling at you.
“Not bad, (Y/N)”, he said, sounding very proud. “You’re getting really good at this”.
You couldn’t help but smile, helping Leo up on his feet, a blush making its way on your cheeks, shy and avoiding looking into Leo’s eyes. Even after living with him and his brothers for weeks now, his eyes still did something to you.
“You’re just saying that to be nice”, you murmured, biting your lips and looking at the ground, playing with your fingernails.
“If I wanted to be nice, I wouldn’t have told you to practice”, Leo smiled, taking a hold of your hand so you couldn’t play with it, forcing you to look at him with the move, a playful smirk on his face.
In the time you had lived with Leo and his family, certain things had changed. You and Leo had grown much closer, having an easier time making fun with each other, your friendship long ago having turned into something like a romantic relationship. Or that was at least what Leo’s brothers said, yelling at you and Leo to get a room whenever you started to look too deep into each other’s eyes. But surprisingly enough, not a lot had happened between the two of you. Kisses had been few, yet hugs had been many. You and Leo would spend everyday together, training, talking and just enjoying each other’s company, even if the other turtles and Master Splinter were around. You even meet Casey and April, forming a close friendship with the human friends of the turtles.
Honestly, the time you had spent living with the turtles had been amazing, and now as you stood with Leo in the dojo, still sweaty from your training, his hand holding yours, you could not help but feel like you had made the right decision, traveling to New York City. Obviously you missed your bat family back home, often calling your father and brother to tell them how you were doing, and yelling to Barbara whenever Donnie was talking with her on the phone, only to run away laughing as the purple clad turtle would shoo you away. That would never stop being funny to you.
Stroking your hand with his thumb, Leo’s smirk morphed into a warm smile, his eyes lingering on yours.
“I mean it, (Y/N), when I say that you’re doing good. You really are, and it’s amazing to watch”, he said, letting a warmth spread inside of your chest, continuing throughout your body. Still after so many weeks, you still weren’t sure how to react when Leo complimented you like that. All you could do was try to hide your flustered expression with a laugh and a smile.
“Don’t say that”, you giggled, giving him a playful shove with the other hand.
“Why no?”, Leo laughed, grabbing a hold of the hand you had shoved him with, pulling you closer to him, letting your hand unintentionally rest on his plastron. You looked up at his face, to find his beautiful blue eyes looking down at you, with a kind and soft expression. “It’s the truth. You’re truly getting good, (Y/N)”.
Your hand on Leo’s plastron slowly started to do small circles on the hard surface, your eyes never leaving his, not even when his other hand came to rest on your hip, his thumb doing small soft motions against your hip bone. With each soft innocent touch, you felt your confidence grow a little, enough for the next words to leave your mouth.
“Only because I got a good teacher”.
The words themselves were innocent, but to Leo, they meant something more. Not only because he mainly had been the one training you, with the help of Master Splinter every once in a while. But with your small smile, the way you were looking at him, and the feeling of your fingers against his plastron, along with your closeness to him, just did something to him. He felt a shiver run up his spine, along with what felt like small butterfly wings flapping through his stomach, and a small tingling sensation just behind his cloaca. The hand that held your hand on his plastron tightened a bit, and the hand on your waist pulled you closer to him. That move gave way to a sweet smell in the air. A sweet smell that only seemed to get stronger the more you looked at each other, and made Leo dizzy as he breathed it in. Whatever it was, he could already feel himself becoming addicted to it.
Your eyes flickered between Leo’s eyes and his lips, thinking of the last time the two of you had kissed. It had been a week ago. You had watched a movie with him and his brothers, only for them to leave for bed before you and Leo. Here the two of you had talked for a bit, keeping your voices quiet, before sharing a small tender kiss. That kiss might have turned into more, had Mikey not suddenly bounced out of his room, screaming that he had forgotten to turn off the light in the bathroom. That had left you and Leo too stunted to continue your sweet moment.
But now, as you stood before each other in the quietness of the dojo, you felt the urge to kiss him again, pulling in all of your body. Leo felt the same pull, and without hesitating, he slowly leaned down towards your face, tilting his head ever so slightly, giving your nose a very soft nudge with his beak.
You parted your lips, feeling Leo’s breath fan across your face, inching closer and closer to his own parted lips, in anticipation for his soft lips against yours once more. So close with excitement rushing over you, heat spread from you body and all the way to-.
“Aw, come on, guys!”
You and Leo pulled from each other in shock, looking to the shoji doors, where you found Raphael looking at the two of you with an exhausted expression. To him, this was a scene he had walked in on far too often, already feeling his patience getting short.
“No kissing in the dojo, remember? It was the first rule!”, Raph said, referencing the rules he, Donatello and Michelangelo had walked you and Leo though, the first day you moved in.
“We weren’t kissing”, Leo said, sounding very tired.
“No, but it very much looked like you were about to get down and dirty”, Raph said, getting ready to stretch out before his training, ignoring your flustered expression. “Are you two done here or what? I’ve been waiting hours for my turn”.
“We were just about to pack up”, Leo said, getting an eye roll from Raph.
“Sure you were”, the red clad turtle mumbled, holding on to his toes as he leaned forward, getting a good stretch through his leg.
Packing up your things, you and Leo were quick to leave the dojo, followed by Raph shutting the shoji doors behind you with a rattle.
Well, guess that was that training session.
You and Leo stood a moment in silence, unsure of what to say or do. Still after all this time, both of you did not know what to do after a kiss. Or, an almost kiss. You still found yourselves getting nervous, as if you still weren’t sure what was appropriate in your still developing, titleless relationship. You guess you could see why his brothers seemed to get irritated by the two of you…
“Uhm…”, you started, stretching the side of your neck, your eyes flickering between Leo’s and the rounded tunnel that led to your bedrooms. “I think I should go ahead and take a shower”.
“Good idea”, Leo said, kicking himself mentally the moment he dared to imagine you showering. He would be lying, if he said this was the first time that thought had made its way into his head. It had become a recurring theme after training, whenever you told him you would go shower, leaving Leo back with nothing but his wild imagination, creating scenes of you showering in his head. And oh boy, did he feel guilty for doing so. He almost panicked whenever you mentioned the shower, fearing what picture his brain would make up.
“I’ll wait for my turn”, was all Leo said, before he turned and left his bedroom, leaving you back confused by this sudden change of mood. You had very much noticed the way Leo would suddenly leave, whenever you mentioned cleaning yourself in the bathroom. There had been times where you had thought about asking Leo what was going on, but each time you had decided against it. Just like now, while you were watching Leo leave for his bedroom, before you finally made your way to the shower, located in the bathroom on the other side of the lair. You would have to ask Leo about it at another point.
Clean after a long and warm shower, you made your way to your bedroom, with a towel wrapped around your body, and a towel wrapped tightly around your hair. The cold air of the lair made goosebumps rise on your skin, as you made your way through the open space and into the warmth of your room. You mumbled small curses at yourself, for once again forgetting to bring your clothes with you to the bathroom. You still haven’t fully gotten used to the bath being so far from your room, after years in Wayne Manor with a large bathroom just a few steps away from your bed.
Unwrapping your hair, you took a quick look at your phone, seeing your father had texted you, asking if he could call later tonight when he and your brothers was done “working”. You chuckled at this, finding it amusing that your father had started to refer to his vigilante activities as his work. You texted your father back, telling him that it sounded good, before unwrapping the towel around your body, draping it over your chair, on top of the other towel. Now naked, you made your way over to your closet, opening it in order to find something to wear. Looking through your stuff, you weren’t ready when your door suddenly flung open.
“(Y/N)!”, Leo yelled out in excitement, looking at something in his hand, unaware of your naked body in front of him. His eyes were glued to the comic book in his hand. A sci fi story he had told you about long ago, with the intention of showing it to you when he found it. That sweet sci fi nerd. He would be the greatest ninja leader there is, in full control of his mind and body - until someone mentioned his favorite space captain. Normally you would find it cute, but as you stood there naked and in shock, your mouth was dry and lost for words, your eyes wide as he moved into the room, rambling on about the comic. “This is the one I told you about! I thought I lost it, but I found it…”
Leo dropped the comic when he finally looked up at you. His precious sci-fi comic, that he hadn’t been able to find for a long time, layed crumpled and folded on the floor, with his eyes wide and staring. And straight away he remembered the time in Wayne Manor, when he walked into your room without knocking, just like now, causing your instinct to kick in, and pin him to the ground. He wanted to slap himself for wanting you to do the same thing now. The thought of your naked form holding him down, did things to him that he was almost embarrassed to mention.
“I should really learn to knock”, Leo mumbled, still unable to take his eyes from you, feeling his heart pound hard in his chest, shocked nervousness keeping him frozen in place.
“You probably should”, you said, also frozen in place, not even covering yourself under Leo’s gaze. You felt his pretty blue eyes move across your body. Up your legs, over your hips, your stomach and your breast, when suddenly.
“Wow”. Leo grimaced the moment he said it. Really, dude? You see the girl you have been crushing on for several weeks now naked, and all you can say is “wow”? Pathetic. Or, that was at least what Leo thought. You smiled at his comment, feeling confidence flow through your body. The confidence you needed to move from your frozen state.
You took a few steps forward before crouching down in front of Leo, picking up the comic book, smiling up at him with every move. Leo’s breath hitched at the sight, and for a moment he wondered if he was dreaming. He watched as you stood up, handing him the colorful pages, before leaning your head to the side.
“Want to close the door, Leo?”, you asked sweetly, watching as the words caused the gears to turn in his head. He looked at you, to the comic in his hands and then back at you, before he finally realized what you were talking about. Once again he dropped the comic, heading straight for the door with hurried movements you couldn’t help but find amusing. You followed closely behind Leo, so when he turned from the door, you stood right in front of him. For a moment, the two of you looked deep into each other’s eyes, before your faces slowly came closer and closer. Both of you held your breath, taking it slow, as if you were fearing the other one would suddenly pull away. But when the sweet scent Leo had smelled on you just moments before reached his nostrils, much stronger than before, he crashed his lips to yours, your kiss much more heated then it had ever been before. Your tongues danced together as your hands found each other’s bodies, slowly exploring every inch.
When Leo suddenly pulled you flush against his plastron, you let out a small whimper like moan, causing a faint churr to vibrate from his chest, before he buried his face into the crock of your neck, placing soft kisses against your skin. Your nipples rubbed against the hard surface of his chest, and the feeling of his lips on your neck, along with his hands kneading your skin made your head spin.
Leo hummed when you pushed yourself up against his cloaca, his teeth gracing your skin, making you suck in a breath of air as you felt the core between your legs growing slick. And Leo could smell it. He felt lightheaded and sighed in delight, before he captured your lips once more, enjoying the eagerness in your kiss. You wanted him as badly as he wanted you.
The moment Leo bent down at his knees, letting his hands come to rest on the back of your thighs, it felt natural for you to jump. With your arms wrapped around his neck, you wrapped your legs around Leo’s waist with the support of his hands, your lips and tongues continuing to move together, as Leo slowly carried you towards the bed.
Crawling onto the bed by his knees, Leo carefully laid you on your back, staying on top of you as he continued to kiss you deeply. Here you started to push and pull on Leo’s mask, until he got the hint. He sat up on his knees, your legs wide open beneath him, resting over his thighs as he started to undo his mask. Once his mask was off, he placed it on your nightstand, before you started to pull at his belt with a teasing smile.
“You’re acting as if I aren’t already naked”, Leo chuckled, undoing his belt, before laying it next to his mask, turning back to the breathtaking sight in front of him. You, laying on your back with your legs open for him, you breast on full display, along with the glistening flower between your thighs, its sweet scent assaulting Leo’s nose and vision, a need pushing from behind his cloaca. “Fuck”, he let out, his hands smoothing up your thighs, inching closer and closer to your core. You watched as one of his hands came to rest on your mount, before his thumb slowly ran over your folds, picking up your slick. “Beautiful”.
“Leo”, you whimpered, lifting your hips in order to meet Leo’s touch, a shover running through your body when his thumb ran over your clit.
Noticing how you reacted under his touch, Leo ran his thumb over your clit once more, watching you squirm as he rubbed your small bundle of nerves. “Does that feel good, (Y/N)?”
“Yes”, you nodded, your reddening cheeks making the pressure in Leo’s cloaca grow stronger, watching as one of your hands came to rest on your chest, squishing your breast. “It feels good, Leo”.
Looking from your chest and down to your wet core, one of Leo’s fingers made its way between your folds, while his thumb continued its work on you. Here his finger found your entrance, before he slowly pushed his finger in, watching your lips part in pleasure, your walls hugging Leo’s finger, making him groan at the feeling.
“Holy shit, (Y/N)”, Leo groaned, already imagining how you would feel around his member, pushing him closer to his drop.
“Move your finger, Leo”, you moaned, looking down at the hand stuffed between your legs. And so Leo did, thrusting his finger in and out of you, as his thumb rubbed circles on your clit. You let your head fall back against the pillow of your bed, feeling the pleasure build up inside of you, moaning when Leo’s thick finger reached your g-spot with ease.
Leo was watching your reaction with everything he did, noticing how your fingers played with one of your nipples. And as your walls closed in around his fingers, Leo took a chance and leaned down over you, taking your other nipple into his mouth, rolling his tongue over your small bud. You moaned out loud, arching your back, your other hand coming to rest on his shoulder.
“Don’t stop, Leo”, you whimpered, your hips moving against Leo’s hand, forcing him to hold you still with the other one as he increased his speed on you. Your toes started to curl, and you let go of your chest in order to hold on to Leo’s form, as your first orgasm inched closer and closer, your sounds getting more and more desperate. And Leo just kept going faster and faster, his urge to drop taking over as he pushed you over the edge, making you cum around his fingers, your legs kicking out with your hips grinding against his hand. And the sight and sound of your orgasm was all Leo needed, his member dropping out of his cloaca, his hips bugling as he fought the urge to push himself into you.
Letting go of your nipple, Leo’s lips found yours once again, your kiss becoming feverish as you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer to you. Leo removed his hand from your dripping cunt, caressing your sides as he glided further up your body, his throbbing member touching your sensitive folds. Leo wanted to pull back, thinking that you had had enough, but when you hiked your legs around his hip and pulled him closer, he growled against you, pushing your legs further open again, grabbing a hold of his member as he lined himself up with your entrance. And when you started to grind yourself against him, Leo had no doubt in his mind. You wanted him as much as he wanted you. And with that, he pushed himself into you.
Your nails dug into Leo’s shoulders as his thick member made its way into you. You broke from the kiss, your mouth wide open as you looked into Leo’s pretty blue eyes, feeling him stretch you out. He growled at your walls feeling snug around his cock, letting his beak touch your nose, before he pried your hand from his shoulder so that he would entwine it with his hand.
“You okay?”, he asked, studying your face for any discomfort, however finding none.
“Yes”, you smiled, already sounding like you were out of breath, giving his hand a squish. “You’re just big”.
“I take that as a compliment”, Leo chuckled, bringing your entwined hands to his mouth, in order to place a firm kiss on the back of your hand. “You ready?”
You nodded, however any words you had intended to say disappeared, replaced by whimpers and moans as Leo pulled halfway out of you, before thrusting back into you, reaching deep within you once more. Your free hand clung around Leo once more, your legs falling further apart as he continued to thrust into you, sounds of pleasure emerging from the two of you.
As Leo started to increase the speed of his hips, he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck once more, letting his lips and tongue move across your skin, before carefully biting down on you, making you call out his name in bliss.
Growls came from Leo, mixed in with his churring, that only seemed to get louder. At the sound of you calling out his name, Leo pulled back to look at your face, holding onto your face with his free hand, before resting his forehead against yours, so that you could look into each other’s eyes as his thrust continued to pick up speed, the sound of your skin slapping together echoing throughout your room.
Leo parted his legs, giving himself more room before he used his new position, making it easier for him to drive into you. These knew thrusts caused the bed to creak under you, and made your bed frame hit up against your wall, even though at one point, you could have sworn that the bangs against the wall and Leo’s thrust were out of sync. But you did not have time to think about that, before Leo snuck his tongue into your mouth once again, his hand letting go of your face, so that it could reach for your clit once more, rubbing and bringing you closer to you second orgasm of the night.
“Fuck, Leo!”, you whimpered, squirming underneath him. “I’m close!”
“Me too, (Y/N)”, he groaned, feeling your walls close even further around him as he continued his sweet assault on your bundle of nerves. “Fuck, cum for me, (Y/N). Cum on my cock”.
And so you did. Your toes and knees curling, your hand squishing Leo’s hand tight, burying your face against his shoulder as you saw white spots before your eyes, intense pleasure washing over you. Leo followed closely behind you, groaning loudly as he came, removing his hand from your clit to support himself over you, panting as he unloaded himself into you.
Once the two of you had calmed down a little, Leo pulled out of you, rolling over so that he was resting next to you, pulling you closely against his platron with a kiss to your temple, before pulling your blanket over the two of you.
You and Leo had intended to cuddle up, and talk about all the sweet nothings you had always wanted to talk about. But before you could do so, your phone started ringing from your nightstand. Thinking it was your father, you sat up and looked at your phone, only to find Barbra’s number lighting up your screen. Both you and Leo looked at each other in confusion, before you picked your phone.
“Hi, Barbara”, you said when you picked up the phone, hearing Barbara snicker on the other side. “What’s up?”
“You and Leo are aware that Donnie can hear everything from his room, right?”, Brabara’s amused voice sounded on the other end. “I know because we were face timing”.
You caught Leo’s eyes, both of you staring at each other with wide eyes. “What do you mean?”, you asked into the phone, you and Leo holding your breath as you waited for an answer.
“Didn’t you hear Donnie bang on the wall?”, Barbara laughed, causing you to remember the out of sync banging between Leo’s thrusts and when the bed frame hit that wall.
“Oh my god”, you mumbled, covering your mouth while Leo face palmed.
“Well, I’m just happy that you’re enjoying yourself”, Barbara laughed. “Talk to you later, I promised Donnie I would call him back”. And before you could say anything, she hung up.
You and Leo looked at each other for a moment, before the two of you broke into laughter, falling over in the bed, wrapped up in each other’s arms. Slamming a hand against the wall, Leo called out for Donnie with a big smile, the words coming out of his mouth promising you more than you dared wish for.
“Too bad, Donnie! Me and (H/N) aren’t going anywhere any time soon!”, he yelled, pulling you closer with a mischievous smile. You giggled, wrapping your arms around him as he pulled you in for another kiss, that soon turned heated once more. And just like Leo had told Donnie, the two of you weren’t going anywhere the rest of the day.
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
Orange Chai mini comic! *jazz hands*
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Tbf, Mikey probably got it at first shot because he said chai tea once, and Leo went off on him once.
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elleafun · 19 days
Day 14 & 17!
Okay, this wasn't late like I thought it would be. Good chance the next two days will.
I don't even like Batman all that much, but I loooooved this movie! And Mikey is the best in it!
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Two birds, one stone wooh!
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Lots of love, turtley fans!
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nosleep83 · 10 months
I’ve been in the tmnt fandom for a while now and I have come to the conclusion that every version of Mikey is either a sweet baby boy or a pothead
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To clear things up a bit I made this.
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mighty-ant · 10 months
Splinter said knock you out 💥 TMNT
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bontwisty · 1 year
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Based off a request from Instagram of the other turtles trying 2012’s pizza gyozas! 2012 Mikey is filming it because boy were everyone’s reactions funny
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seagull-scribbles · 9 months
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But they’re out of their head when Splinter’s not around
<prev [6/7] next>
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snackugaki · 1 year
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part 1 
did I have to cut it there? yes. why? because I’m p-e-t-t-y, I’m petty all the time  ♪ ♫ 
but also, the image cap boo
the tags cannot contain my full power some of my really good tags got eaten by the tag limit and they’re grudges I keep in a little pile in my heart
did this silly little fan comic get away from me? ...YES
was I gonna originally stop it there? also yes but you know... I love being snide and petty but after catching covid like a week ago I’m not gonna bring any bad juju with me into next year if I can help it
I forgot how fucking neon the coloring got for awhile in the archie comics
im cryin g this was supposed to be a short’n sentimental’n sweet comic and now look at me, i played myself
look, Venus has waited a quarter of a century, she earned this
i think... what tickles me most about Venus after coming back to TMNT fandom via Rise, is that from what I can see (on tumblr), the kids love her. they love her and make versions of her in the series that came after the 90s. i look at their bios, some weren’t even born when Next Mutation was airing. (and as far as I can tell, Next Mutation didn’t really get much syndicated airtime if any) ...and they still love her. hurt me in my old little heartguts. it’s mostly my generation of tmnt fans who express distaste for her... but the new fans, they love her, they include her in their aus, they make a place for her in their childhood series. hoo h oo giv give me a moment..
if I could pop back into 1998 and tell little 13 year old snackugaki that Venus would be back, I would. all I had were Trini Kwan and Venus de Milo (not ONLY them, just for the purpose of this post) as a fighty, angry little girl. 
all my childhood idols who could fight were calm, level-headed characters who could just happen to throw a villain through a wall if they really needed to. if it wasn’t for them who knows where baby snacku fite meh! gaki would be today. going up against Rhonda Rousey for the championship belt idk, who can accurately estimate the magnitude of childhood influences, not this bitch
if you’re also in PST and wondering why I typed up this post at goddamn 3am then we’re both insomniacs, you didn’t see me, stop snitching
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joyfuladorable · 5 months
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First batch of Mikey doodle requests I asked for on twt! Practicing how to draw more iterations for a bigger piece I have in mind ^w^
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pezhead · 7 months
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Shadows Entwined: part 8
BatmanVsTmnt!Leonardo x sidekick!reader
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 / Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Bonus (18+)
A/N: We are adding some friendly drama today, ulalala.
Batman still hasn’t woken up after Arkham. Batgirl is hiding something about Donnie, and you and Leo have a moment.
Warnings: None as far as I can think of other than spelling💙
The reader and the turtles are 19.
Sometimes you wondered where on earth you would be without Alfred. Had he not been a part of your life, you weren’t sure how any of you would be able to get Bruce back home safely. And you had to admit, there was something badass about watching your father’s usually mild mannered butler drive the Batmobile out the gates of Arkham Asylum, with Bruce and Damian in the back, just in time before the police got there.
You stayed back at the asylum with Batgirl and the turtles, standing in the entrance with all the inmates groaning or unconscious on the floor, as commissioner Gordon drove up to the front door. The commissioner was stunned, staring at the inmates, shocked by their mutated state, registering only a few of the words Leonardo told him, as he explained what had transpired.
“Crime fighting mutant turtles, and a mutant snake Joker”, he sighed, rubbing his forehead, looking at the anti ooze Donatello had handed him. “I should really go on a vacation soon”.
You couldn’t blame the poor guy. He rarely had any days off, and you could only imagine how he was stressing him out. This city was never quiet, and with the still expanding addition of mutants, made it all worse for him.
With the police updated and the situation under control, all six of you made your way back to Wayne Manor. Raphael grumbled all along the way, about how he was going to punch Shredder and Ra’s al Ghul’s faces in with his bare fists.
“That’s good and all”, Leo told him over his shoulder as you jumped over the roofs. “But we have to find them first”.
Leo was right. After your visit at Arkham Asylum, you were no closer to finding either Ra’s or Shredder, nor any closer to understanding what they wanted to use Joker’s venom for. Everything was still one big mystery to all of you.
Once at Wayne Manor, you were quick to find both Alfred and Robin in the Batcave, both attending to Batman on the table. It was a scary sight. Damian looked slightly fearful, but Alfred looked as calm as ever, eyes on his pocket watch while feeling Batman’s pulse through two fingers on his neck. You felt your guts tighten, nervousness spreading throughout your body.
“Is he going to be okay?”, you asked the butler, your eyes never leaving your father’s mask covered face.
“There’s nothing to fear, Miss (H/N)”, Alfred said, shooting you a small smile. “Master Donatello was right. The master is going to be alright”.
You breathed a sigh of relief, feeling Leonardo’s comforting hand on your shoulder, his pretty blue eyes as sincere as could be, with a reassuring smile on his lips.
“When do you think he’ll wake up?”, Robin asked, worry still painted in his eyes as he took Batman’s hand in his, hoping to gain some sort of comfort.
“That is hard to say, Master Robin”, Alfred sighed, before turning towards you and the turtles. “It could very easily take some time before Batman wakes up, so in the meantime, it would probably be a good idea to show our guests the rooms they spend the night in”.
Mikey gasped, clapping his hands together with sparkles in his eyes. “Rooms?! As in, rooms with beds?! Real beds, and not just some tables in an old abandoned coffee shop?!”
You looked at Leo in confusion, raising your eyebrow as a way to ask him. “We’ve been spending the past few nights in an old abandoned coffee shop”, he sighed, trying to ignore your shocked expression and Batgirl’s giggles.
“How… accommodating”, Alfred hesitated before walking toward the exit. “Follow me gentleman, and I’ll show you to your rooms”.
The turtles looked at each other, shrugged, before following Alfred, all while Mikey skipped in his step, happy to finally be able to sleep in a soft bed once again.
As the evening went on, each of the turtles were shown to one of the many guest rooms throughout Wayne Manor. Alfred, who did not want the guys to tear up the place while he was asleep, and assigned them rooms as far away from each other as possible, first walking Mikey to his room, so he wouldn’t be able to know what halls his brothers were sleeping in.
As the four turtles made themselves at home in their momentary rooms, you stayed back in the Batcave with Barbara and Damian, watching over Bruce. All three of you, getting tired after a long night of unease, had removed your masks. You sighed as you took it off, rubbing your tired eyes, feeling a little bit of relief from taking the fabric off of your face.
Damian stayed close to your father, positioning himself on a stole, allowing him to watch over the dark knight. You sat yourself on an adjacent table, watching Barbara as she worked on the chemicals on the table in front of her. Anything that could help Bruce was appreciated, and maybe she could make something that could help him wake up.
But as you watched Barbara work, you couldn’t help but think of what Damian had asked her and Donnie, back at Arkham. “We didn’t interrupt your snugging, did we?” That comment repeated in your head, along with the way you had seen Leo smirk at Donnie when Barbara had caught Joker off guard. Your little brother was a little piece of shit sometimes, but there were times where he noticed things that you never even had thought of.
“So”, you asked, playing with the end of your left sleeve, thinking of the best way to ask. “Did you and Donnie kiss?”
Barbara almost knocked over all the glass tubes in front of her before shooting you a hard glare. Okay, maybe that had been too straightforward.
“It is questions like those that make me refuse to believe you and Damian ain’t actually related”, she retorted, turning back to the chemical balance she held by a cup.
“That was not the answer I was looking for”, you teased, leaning back onto the table, letting your head roll onto your shoulder. “But for real, did you and Donnie kiss in Arkham?”
“I have a better question for you, (Y/N)”, she said, not taking her eyes off the glass tube she now held in her hand, rotating it in circles. “Did you and Leo kiss?”
That question shocked you. Blinking a few times, you had to connect the wires in your brain.
“No”, you said, wondering how it wasn’t obvious. “My dad was there throughout the whole thing! Obviously we wouldn’t have kissed with him around”.
“So you would have kissed him if Bruce wasn’t around?”, she asked, a smirk on her lips, causing Damian to erupt in laughter. Fuck. You had fallen straight into her trap.
“That’s not what I said!”, you exclaimed, feeling yourself getting cornered.
“Well, that’s what it sounded like”, Barbara smiled. “It makes sense, I mean, didn’t he have pretty eyes?”
You blushed so hard that Damian was practically rolling on the floor, screaming about how busted you were. Your little crush on Leo was no longer so little, nor as hidden as you had thought it was.
You jumped from the table and down onto the floor, your cheeks still burning brightly red, steam practically fuming out of your ears as you started marching for the stairs. Anything to get away from those two, and the chaos that you had brought upon yourself.
“Whatever”, you grumbled. “I’m going to my room. Tell me when there’s food”.
“Say hey to Leo for me!”, Barbara yelled after you, once again making Robin laugh. It was a wonder how Bruce hadn’t woken up from all that noise yet.
Once you got to your room, you slammed the door shut behind you, before letting out a frustrated sound. Of course that was where Barbara had to turn the conversation. You should have known. You loved that girl like a sister, but her smart brains made her a horror to banter with, because she would often win… if not always.
With a sigh, you threw your mask onto your large bed, before turning towards your closet. You had now been wearing that superhero costume for what felt like days, and you were very much looking forward to wearing something else. You pulled some soft comfy closing for the closet, before shutting it and turning back towards your bed. But when you suddenly noticed that you weren’t alone in your room anymore, an unknown presence standing right beside you, your now open door casting their face in a shadow, you moved fast. You dropped the close in your hand, before kicking out the strangers legs, making them fall to the ground with a groan, before you jumped on the, pressing your forearm against their neck, only to notice a pair of pretty blue eyes staring back at you.
“Leo!”, you gasped, hurrying to stand up. “Are you okay?”
“Y- yeah, I think so”, he mumbled, rubbing his head. You took slight pity on him, before extending your hand to him, helping him up from your bedroom floor.
“I know you’re a ninja and all, but please don’t sneak up on me like that”.
“S- sorry, old habit”, he stammered. “I- I just wanted to check and see if you were okay”.
You turned your head to the side, looking questionable ast him, wondering where this sudden stammer came from. “Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
“Y- you know, after all that happened at A- Arkham, both with Scarecrow and y- your father…” Leo ceased to talk when you placed a hand on his shoulder, looking up at him.
“Are you okay, Leo?”, you asked, concern in your voice. “I’ve never heard you stammer before. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just”. He swallowed, biting his lip before he allowed himself to continue. “You’re not wearing your mask”. Oh. You turned your head, catching a glimpse of your mask, laying in the foot of your bed. Sudden nervousness washed over you, causing you to quickly remove your hand from his shoulder.
“Oh… yeah… I forgot…”, you mumbled. “Sorry about that”.
“I’m the one that should say sorry”, Leo admitted, letting out a small chuckle. “It was me that came into your room without knocking”.
You didn’t know what to say. The realization that this was the first time that Leo really saw your face, made your hands sweaty and your heart beating relentlessly, as if it tried to jump out of your ribcage. With Leo’s eyes watching your face, the only thing you felt like you could do was looking down at your feet, trying to hide your second blush in the past hour.
Leo didn’t know what came over him, because suddenly his hand was on your chin, tilting your face up towards him, letting his eyes wander across your features once more.
“You’re really pretty, (Y/N)”, Leo murmured, almost absentmindedly.
“Says the guy with the pretty eyes”, you retorted with a smile, causing Leo to chuckle lightly, momentarily avoiding your gaze. He was trying not to blush. How adorable. He licked his lip before giving it a small bit, looking back at you. Maybe you were seeing this, but you swore that he was closer to you now. The hand that still rested on your chin subconsciously tucking you towards him.
“You really think my eyes are that pretty?”, he asked, anticipation showing itself in his blue orbs.
You bit your lower lip before giving him a small nod, never dropping the intense eye contact the two of you had created with your close proximity. “If I didn’t I wouldn’t keep saying it, would I?”
Leo chuckled once more, this time not moving his eyes from yours. Then his eyes flickered down to your lips for a moment. You could only wonder what he was thinking of, but you did have a qualified guess. You would be lying if you said you hadn’t had the same thought about his lips.
Your heart skipped a beat as your faces got closer. Leo could feel your breath against his lips, making his own heart flutter. It felt wrong not to hold you in this moment, so Leo reached for your waist with his other hand, his fingertips softly gracing your side, as if he was scared it wasn’t okay. Your own fingers graced his arms, as a way to tell both you and him that it was okay.
You were so close. So close that you could almost feel Leo’s lips against your own, and as you closed your eyes, his striking blue ones were still clear in the eye of your mind. Those damn pretty eyes.
“Guys!”, a happy voice sounded from the hallway. You and Leo jumped from each other, just in time before Mikey stood in the doorway, a bright smile that soon was replaced by confusion, when he saw you and Leo’s flustered stages and your heavy breathing. You could only imagine how it looked from his perspective.
“What?”, Leo asked, fighting the blush that was forming on his face, trying his best not to sound annoyed.
“Well, I just wanted to hear if you two wanted pizza for dinner, or if we should get Alfred to cook, but if you two want to be alone…”
“Do whatever you like, Mikey”, Leo said, sounding more frustrated than he had intended. “Whatever you decide is probably good”.
“In that case!”, Mikey smiled brightly, with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Alfred said he could get everything ready in half an hour, so don’t get too busy with each other!”
You sucked in a breath of pure surprise, feeling your body stiffen at his statement. Leo too was beyond flustered by this comment.
“Mikey!”, he yelled at his little brother, as the orange clad turtle ran away with a manic laugh. Still flustered, Leo turned towards you, embarrassment written all over his face. You could only imagine how you looked. Eyes wide and limbs stiffer than wood.
“Is he always that annoying?”, you asked, looking for a way to ease the tension.
“Yes”, Leo sighed. “All day, every day”.
“Sounds like Damian”, you sighed, shaking your head with a small smile. “Come, we should probably go to the dining hall before Mikey and Damian start putting together a narrative”.
“Sounds like a good idea”, Leo said, following you out of your bedroom.
The next morning you woke up earlier than the rest of the household, before making your way to the kitchen. Here you found a sleepy Damian eating breakfast made by Alfred, trying his best to stay awake.
“Damn, what happened to you?”, you asked, pouring yourself a glass of orange juice.
“Michelangelo got the bedroom next to mine”, Damian grumbled, poking at his eggs and bacon.
“And what’s wrong with that?”, you asked. “I thought you liked Mikey after he saved father”.
“I liked him, until he started snoring”, he growled, poking a hole into the egg yoke. He stared at it for a moment, before a mischievous smile appeared on his face. “Talking about like, guess what”.
“What?”, you asked confused as Alfred served you your quick breakfast.
“I saw Donatello in the hallway last night, long after dinner”, the little demon smiled.
“So?”, you asked, taking a sip of your orange juice.
“Donnie’s guest room is on a different wing. Barbara’s guest room is opposite of mine”. You almost choked on your orange juice, coughing in order to clear your airway. Damian placed his hands behind his head with a self satisfied smile. “So maybe your questions weren’t so far off last night”.
“Have you just given me dirt on Barbara, in case she dismisses my questions about her and Donnie again?”, you asked, chest still hurting from the orange juice.
“Yes I did”, he said, poking his fork into the egg.
“You really do love to watch the world burn, don’t you?”
“Thank my grandfather for that”, he said, chewing the egg with a smile.
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the-seraph-thilio · 2 years
Just so we’re clear…
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(I would literally sell my soul for another cross over movie)
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nanaonmars · 3 months
just finished watching batman vs the teenage mutant ninja turtles and tumblr you have failed me. WHERE IS THE CONTENT. i have so many feelings about this movie and they may be incoherent but here we go. bit of a longer post so i cut it here
first of all this is probably my new favorite piece of batman media i loved almost everything about this movie.
starting the movie off strong with my wife barbara gordon. she was so funny in this movie and i loved how much of her smarts and fighting skills were shown cause she can do it allll.
bruce was a little grumpy but when he eventually came around and listened to raph’s speech and agreed that they’re a family i was like 🥹🥹 this is the batman i wanna see.
mikey and alfred’s friendship 💗💗 would love to see alfred actually using mikey’s skateboard.
speaking of mikey I LAUGHED SO HARD THE ENTIRE TIME CAUSE OF HIM 😭😭 his entire vibe killed me lmfao. he was so unserious and i love that about him.
donnie came through as usual and him and babs being the smart duo who wear purple was very nice it made me smile. also it was very cute how often he hid in his shell.
raph was impulsive as usual but he also came through like always. i didn’t expect him to be the one to give the speech but i realized it was actually very fitting.
damian was a little whitewashed unfortunately but his very obviously going through puberty voice was adorable cause he kept trying to be intimidating but i couldn’t take him seriously. i thought he would mention that ra’s was his grandfather to the turtles as a shock factor but it didn’t bother me all that much. i liked his team up with raph bc they’re both secretly softies on the inside.
leo i love you sorry i don’t have a lot to say but keep being eldest daughter coded.
i do wish the rest of the batfamily had been there cause i think it would’ve been nice to see how similar they are to each other and also just explore their dynamics but if we get a sequel maybe they can do something about that. i wanna see jason and raph team up (if jason is red hood in this universe). and maybe HOPEFULLY (not very hopeful at all 😔) we can get the ENTIREE batfamily introduced. i know it’s based on comics and stuff though so i don’t know how they would work that out i’m just rambling. oh i also think we should see splinter!! he and bruce could bond over their teenage vigilante children.
idc about everyone else but i will say ra’s saying “maybe another needs to die” in reference to jason was UNCALLED FOR.
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dysfunctional-doodle · 3 months
What is your favorite and least favorite version of all the turtles?
I feel like it’s fairly obvious who I favour the most if you read my chat fic, Too Many Turtles (I have a lot of bias, oops) but I shall break it down.
Ok so favourites:
1987: Michelangelo (come on, he’s a surfer dude and actual angel)
90’s: Donnie (the snark he has with Casey makes my day, though Mikey is still second because he genuinely has the best relationship with Donnie I love watching those two interact)
2003: Mikey, duh. Just look at my blog and my fanfics. I love this chaotic gremlin.
2007: Mikey (again! Especially after hearing about the cancelled sequel of him joining the foot, his brothers demutating, etc. I will say I am looking forward to finally getting to the 2007 plot line in my chat fic, it’s gonna be great >:) )
2012: Raph (I haven’t watched much 2012 at all, I just can’t. I don’t know why people think it’s good in all honestly aside from a few episodes, but from what I’ve seen and mostly read about Raph gets way too much abuse dude, someone give this turtle a hug)
Bayverse: Donnie, followed closely by Mikey. (Idk why but the “younger sibling energy” they give these two is actually great. And Donnie’s little stims and the fact that he licks the icing off pop tarts and puts them back in the box just about pushes him above Mikey.)
2019: Mikey (again. Come on. Have you seen him in that movie?)
Rise: Donnie, followed closely by Mikey. (For me they are both pretty much even in different ways. I love Donnie’s chaotic neutral status and Mikey got boosted quite a bit after the movie, and the rage I feel whenever I hear about hall the episodes he was the star of but then they cancelled almost all of them.)
Mutant Mayhem: Mikey (Something about seeing him sadly look through a sewer grate at the humans with that music in the background made me want to protect him forever. Also I love his effort to try and be a comedian but his jokes are…um yeah. As a second I would actually say Leo - I know, strange for me - but idk, he’s just an anxious mess.)
And now least favourites, strap in boys:
1987: uuuh Leo I suppose. Kind of a fun sponge
90’s: again, Leo (though this doesn’t mean I dislike him; I really liked how happy he got when Raph woke up and the way he guarded him before then. He’s just the least favourite.)
2003: Leo (again, the same reasoning i iterated with 90’s. I really like this Leo but compared to the other brothers…he falls a little shorter.)
2007: Leo (Patronising Asshole)
2012: OK, this one is weird. I dislike Donnie the most by far only when he is simping for April. When they let him not have this as his only character trait he’s actually fun to watch but DEAR GOD I hate him when he kept being a creep to her.
Bayverse: Leo (He insulted Mikey, he must die /jk)
2019: Um I guess Raph? I like all of them pretty much equally, don’t really have a least favourite at all.
Rise: Leo (yeah I don’t like him. Don’t get why the fandom does. Still an ass)
Mutant Mayhem: Donnie (idk why, I like everyone else much more. Don’t get me wrong, I still like him though)
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