#because Shane was taunting them
captainmaxatx · 1 month
It’s so sad that the ghoul boys died on a ghost hunt, from ghosts
And that’s why they won’t post YouTube videos anymore, because they are dead, from ghost hunting ):
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sinsandsweetness · 5 months
cw- smutty stuff, free use concept but very much consensual (Rick x reader mostly but all of the boys x reader mentioned too)
note- small blurb that’s totally not proofread, and will probably edit at another time. haven’t written in a few weeks so feeling rusty… feedback is apreciated or just general commentary ofc. have been in a really lovey, gentle, sweet smut mood lately so this is what ur getting sorry. don’t know why I’m so obsessed with reader being a form of escape but… ya. enjoy:)
Been having the filthiest thoughts about being the community free use slut. Everyone using you to relieve some stress. Yes, you read that right; everyone. You’re their perfect little plaything that will never say no. That just gets on her knees and takes it. No matter when or where.
It starts way at the beginning, with Shane and Daryl and Merle. Them taking turns dragging you to their tents, late at night when everyone else is asleep. Sometimes it’s just one of them, but other times they share. Take you at the same time and fill as many holes as they can. Leave you with the faintest blue and purple marks scattered all over your neck for the rest of the group to squint at in the morning. To gossip and whisper about over breakfast. Your berry stained lips and innocent eyes reminding them all of a pretty little doll they seem to treat you like.
And then you get to the prison, where things are tense, and discover that your… well, intimate service are needed more than ever. Acting as the only acceptable vice for the group to take their frustrations out on, in what you would describe as a relatively healthy way. At least considering the alternative. So while Rick is losing his mind and you’re already sharing a cell, he decides to try what a few of his friends have been doing right from the start. Using your pretty mouth as the escape they claim that works so well.
And he’s pleasantly surprised at the fact you’re more than willing. To let him urge you into the cell way before the sun has set. To let him drag you down to his bunk in the middle of the night where he doesn’t waste any time peeling your sleep shorts off in a mess of tangled sheets and blankets. And the whole time he’s with you, your lips burn hot as they trail down his neck and nip at newly sunburnt skin. You kiss him without thinking and your tongue tastes like toothpaste and bad decisions as it traces over his own and your hands seem to know the exact spots that have him pushing his jeans down to his ankles in almost shameful, record breaking time. But he doesn’t seem to mind because most importantly, having you right beneath him in the dim lit concrete cell, means that his mind, even just momentarily, is finally blank. For a few minutes, as long as you keep bringing your lips back to meet his, he has nothing to worry about. No crying newborn baby, no walkers, no fast spreading diseases or quarantines or mysterious unsolved murders. Nothing. Well, except the volume at which your pretty little moans are crawling their way up your chest and taunting your next door cell mates.
It’s when he finally has your legs wrapped around his waist and you’re so fucking warm and holy shit you’re wet, and your hands won’t leave his shoulders and your nails are scratching and raking down his back in the most pleasurable burn he could ever imagine… that, that is when it comes to him. When he finally fucking get’s it.
He understands exactly why every time it came to going on a run or splitting the group up, Daryl was always first to claim you as his partner. Why Shane was so obsessed with fixing some damn watch he found you so you could meet him out behind the barn or on the edge of the woods wearing nothing but a sundress and a smile, not a minute later then midnight. He even understood why Merle was acting uncharacteristically nicer to you than anyone else as he pouted and paced around his cell, begging for all kinds of attention but only really wanting the one. The one that was proving to be completely and irrationally addictive the more Rick thought about it. The more he focused on your skin under his hands and how sweet your voice sounded when you could no longer form a coherent sentence.
While he catches his breath, arms still wrapped around your waist, he can feel your legs trembling on either side of him as your hands continue to cup his face ever so gently. He doesn’t even open his eyes when you lean in to bite his lip and drag it out slowly before peppering sweet, meaningless kisses all down his jaw, neck and shoulders. It’s then, when your touch is making the back of his neck tingle and his breath hitch in his throat that he can’t help but feel like he’s been missing out. A whole year of this that the other guys have been experiencing? It doesn’t really seem fair. Not now that he’s had a taste. Now that he knows exactly why every man you’ve encountered since the world went to shit, has taken such an extreme and undeniable liking to you. Not now that he feels like he has to make up for lost time, pressing his forehead against yours and rocking himself back into you for the second time that night. You don’t object. You just spread your legs even further and pull at the damp curls at the base of his neck, silently urging him to keep on moving.
You don’t mind being used. Not really. It’s what you’re there for. To distract him from the horrors of the world and remind him that there’s still at least one thing worth living for. Even if it’s just a warm body in a shared bottom bunk. You’re there to ensure that the scowl lines on his face soften and his eyes close in pure, unfocused elation while he forces your hips even deeper into the mattress with involuntary moan that escapes your lips.
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enpr-ss · 30 days
New Etho Scuffed Set Up Fact! The man can’t zoom he just leans in.
HITW, RSR: Impulse continues to be the main character with plot armor. Rip Tango and his rage quit moments. Plobby! Etho: “I think I just got a kill on someone… not intentionally of course!” AND THEN HE KILLS JOJO. Of course he turns it into a pvp game. TIES experiencing the rage inducing TGTTOS. Tango immediately understanding the game incentivizes punching players. Jojo stealing chickens and throwing snowballs.
That one time in which they simmer’ed Jojo. And then next round she 1v4s them. Tango got one on Masky!! Incredible. Same with the blue team after. (Maybe they were throwing on purpose idk) They simmer’d her again while talking about butt burgers. Omg. The excitement in Etho’s voice when “Is it Joel?!” The first game of BB where Joel runs down Etho. FBM sitting out and just watching Boat Boys go down. Etho taunting Joel about his obsession and Joel being satisfied with the kill even he died. Classic. Impulse killing FBM fair and square and nearly 1v4ing. Tango: “Etho how did you just pronounce that?” “Correctly.” THEY ARE FACING EACH OTHER FIRST EVERYTIME LOL. Ah it’s probably a plobby thing. THEY SIMMERED FBM AND JOEL!!! BY KEEPING THEM DISTRACTED WITH ETHO’S BANTER LOL. Joel’s aggression contrasted with FBM chill is great. TANGO KILLED JOEL OMG!!! Etho throwing it all away to chase down Jojo. Impulse coming in the end nearly 1v3 (1 heart on Zeuz!)
Etho getting his revenge in RSR. Tango got 3rd!!! “Shane, Shane, Jojo’s still alive unfortunately” “Oh I shot her” casually shoots her again, she dies. And then the final dogfight between the two!!! Joel did the Phil strat of diving down a bit to get speed to go up!!!
What a stream. Tango is too hard on himself; it’s his first time at everything, and he’s not last basically after the first 3 games. Even BB and RSR. A lot of the RSR is lag, not knowing how to rocket, and the surviving the initial chaos. That’s really good improvement after only 3 hours! Can't wait to watch the other POVs of that. I honestly think that Tango won’t be 40th. Because that’s Xisuma’s spot I think lol.
I didn't know FBM and Joel had a friendly rivalry thing going on; had to hunt down that fanart lol. Sigh guess it's time to watch all of Joel's past mccs.
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Can you do Bachelors reacting to using the Farmer’s Return Scepter/any of their Warp Obelisks on the farm for the first time? I wanna know which ones would love it and which ones would get motion sickness up the wazoo lmao.
Get ready, anon. The post turned out to be a little larger than I expected 😅
Thank you for your ask) Enjoy!
Bachelors react to Farmer using Return scepter/warp obelisks for the first time:
Oh, what a wonderful morning for Elliott! Beautiful sunrise, pleasant sea breeze, magnificent! Elliott is also happy because yesterday he finally finished the last chapter of his new novel. He went out to the sandy shore to get some fresh air, and noticed the Farmer on the shore. Perfect, they were the ones he wanted to talk to about his book.
"Farmer, my dear friend, good morning! I would like to invite you to a screening of my new novel, which will be in..."
Before Elliott could finish speaking, Farmer's figure vanished from his field of vision in the blink of an eye.
Excuse me, what?
Then the Farmer appeared as quickly as they disappeared. They set crab traps on the seashore and disappeared again. And they appeared again, and disappeared again, and again...
Poor Elliott was already beginning to get motion sick at the sight of this picture, so he quickly ran up to the Farmer as they teleported back to the shore and asked him to stop for a moment.
"My friend, please dispel my doubts and tell me that you really just disappeared several times, otherwise I will think that I have lost my mind."
The Farmer reassured Elliott and pointed to their magical scepter, also mentioned for the obelisks, one of which transports the Farmer straight to the shore.
Elliott overcame his strong desire to try the magic scepter for new sensations. Maybe next time, because he recently had breakfast, and would not want his vestibular apparatus to withstand such attractions due to chaotic teleportation.
What the fuck just happened?
Looks like he shouldn't have drunk that expired beer from JojaMart. Not only did he recently have indigestion, but he also began to hallucinate. Teleporting people, bluh...
Unfortunately to him, the incident with the Farmer's teleport right in front of his face happened again, but this time - Shane is sober.
Is he out of his mind?
The next day, he quickly catches up with the Farmer and asks them to step aside so they can talk in private. Asking about those cases with teleportation, Shane expected a mockery from the young Farmer and advice to stop drinking so much alcohol.
Except the Farmer does not taunt him, but nods their head, showing Shane the golden scepter and thus confirming their words.
Shane has... mixed emotions about this.
Because he was convinced that there was nothing in the world that science could not prove.
And now, here we fucking go - magic and crap, for fuck's sakes.
Give him goddamn break.
Wow! Amazing!
Sam wanted to invite them to hang out together on the beach, but before he could even say a word, the Farmer raised the golden scepter into the air and disappeared somewhere.
The next day, he immediately finds them and asks what was that.
Return scepter? Can he try it too?
The Farmer gave him the scepter to use once, and Sam was completely shocked by what was happening. They were near his house, and now they are on the porch of the farm. That is so cool!
Now Sam doesn't stop talking about the magic scepter.
How does it work? Were they drifted from the dimensional holes, or did they get stuck in the wall? Does the scepter only transfer to the farm? Can he teleport to Zuzu City? There's a great eatery that serves the best pizza in the world and..
Oh Yoba, Sam, please...
He begs them to let him use this magic item to prank Lewis.
If the Farmer refuses, explaining that this is not a toy, then Sam will be cool with that, although he will still grumble a little about such a lost opportunity to poke the mayor.
But If the Farmer agrees... Oh ho ho, Lewis will only dream of peace now...
Unfortunately, there was so much work accumulated over the past week that Harvey had to sit with documents until late in the night. The Farmer, seeing how tired the doctor is even on weekends, offer him some help, to which he politely refuses, not wanting to pile work on an already very busy friend.
And yet, when Harvey almost fell asleep right on his desk on another weekday, the Farmer entered the clinic door, with a homemade pickles and a cup of hot coffee as a gift for a workaholic.
Harvey said they shouldn't have done it, but the Farmer insisted that at least a strong coffee would keep him on his toes.
"Oh, I forgot the truffle oil at home! I'll be back in one moment."
"Really, Farmer, you shouldn't..."
The Farmer lifted up the strange staff and vanished out of the blue.
That's it, congratulations Harv. He's finally went cuckoo, they told him many times not to overwork, but who did he listen to, what kind of doctor is he after that.
The Farmer appeared before Harvey's gaze with a bottle of the promised truffle oil.
And at that moment, Harvey chuckled softly... and fainted.
The Farmer has a very long time to bring the feeling of Harvey, to apologize to the doctor for such a sudden disappearance, to scold him for bringing himself to such a state, and to explain how the obelisks and the return scepter work.
Yeah, Harvey will have to drink something stronger than coffee after this...
Alex noticed the Farmer near the strange cylindrical buildings on the farm, and before he could call out to them, he saw how they touched one of the pillars and... disappeared!?
Surprised Pikachu face :O
Alex, forgetting everything in the world, immediately ran towards the obelisks, looking at each of them for a minute.
He decided to touch the very obelisk that they touched and... Wow! Where is he? Oh, it's Ginger Island! And the Farmer is here too.
Alex at first, excitedly, asks them what the buildings are that brought them both to the island. Not understanding Farmer's explanation, he heard one word explaining it all: magic.
Ah, ok
So, the Farmer has the ability to arrive at Ginger Island even if Willy can't bring them by boat for some reason, right? 😏
Hey, don't look at him like that, it's a boring winter in the valley and he'd love to hang out on a tropical beach.
Okay, Farmer gave him permission to use this obelisk.
"Cool, thanks! By the way, how are we going to get back to the Valley without Willy's boat?"
"Oh, I'm just using my return scepter and..."
The Farmer left the scepter at home on the farm. Oops...
Sebby went out for a smoke near a mountain lake until he heard the Farmer running straight to the door of his house. Huh, they must have gone to his mom's to buy furniture or order new farm building. Five minutes later they went outside again.
"I understand Robin, give me a minute I will come and bring the wood you needed!"
So they decide to build something, a shed or another coop? Still, Sebastian is not sure that they will have time to bring so much wood in just a one minute, before the shop is closed. Although the farm is nearby, it's not close to walk to it, and...
The Farmer has disappeared with a magical pop. Out of the blue. Like poof - and gone. Then returned a minute later, as promised, with wood for the order, and went inside the house to give Robin the necessary resources.
Sebastian was so shocked by what had happened that he dropped the cigarette from his mouth.
They went outside again and were about to raise the Return scepter into the air when Sebastian called out to them in a low voice.
"Return scepter? Cool. Can I look at it? If you don't mind, of course."
The Farmer suggested that Sebastian try using the artifact. The sensations were indescribable. The Farmer and Sebastian were enveloped in a light magical haze, he felt a pleasant tingling, and in a moment they were both at the farm.
They invited Sebastian home to talk about this artifact that interested him and drink a cup of coffee. Sebby accepted the invitation, there's nothing to do in the evening anyway.
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sahara-solaris-solace · 4 months
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Liquido, Shane Finn and Skipper (Trio Headcanons)
- Thick as Thieves.
- They considered each other like real sharks tribe like in Finding Nemo.
- They may be over the edge over people but they bond very well with sharks they encountered.
- Skipper is the mom friend who gives solid advice and scold Liquido for his recklessness. He is also the only person besides Coach Del Aqua who can put Liquido on his place in casual manner.
- Liquido is the asshole who also treat his friends as such but tone down due to the same interest and teammates who spent more time in water than earthly sentiments. These two are few of the people he can tone down his snarky ness and asshole ness.
- Shane Finn is the average joe who just hangs out with Liquido because the guy brings too much energy and enjoy extreme challenges. He also enjoys Skipper pragmatic advice and take the advice to his heart.
- They may be close but if things get rough, specifically in pure malicious, you are on your own. ( Why do you think in Depth Charge S05E03, Skipper and Shane Finn just let Liquido be punished?). Just because they are friends, they are not to coddle someone.
- Likes to taunt opposition teams but purely for rivalry. They know when to draw the line to avoid pure conflict.
- Liquido appreciates them deep down but will never say it out loud cause it will let his guard down due to his trust issues from his rough childhood.
- Shane Finn is practically the charmer who gets the ladies or guys on off days while people get intimidated with Liquido and Skipper is already taken or not that interested in hook ups.
- Enjoy grilled fish with sodas by the campfire while view ocean at night.
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midknightwritings · 2 years
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Knights and their S/O as Ghost Hunters
Synopsis : What would the members of Knights be like with their S/O if they were in Buzzfeed Unsolved ??
Era : N / A
Warning/s : Swearing
Mentioned Character/s : G/N!Reader / Tsukasa / Leo / Izumi / Arashi / Ritsu
A/N : I have no excuse for this one. I just think it’s funny af to imagine Knights in Shane and Ryan's shoes LMAO
At the end of each of their sections, I added a summary and link to a Buzzfeed Unsolved moment that sums up the dynamics I imagined the best !! I originally wanted to label who's who for Shane and Ryan but I decided against it to let you decide~ Anyways !! I totally recommend actually watching the videos because they’re so funny LMAO
Please just remember that the show focuses on unsolved mysteries and the supernatural before you watch the links !!
Tsukasa Suou :
Tsukasa’s secretly a believer in certain ideas but tries his hardest to pretend that he’s a complete skeptic and it’s honestly adorable but, at the same time, he’s really easy to tease. [ Which you do constantly. ]
He’s also the type to use logic to decipher certain phenomena and he knows his history well !! If you don’t stop him he’ll end up verbally reciting an entire history essay WAIT- IS HE RECITING A WORK CITED SECTION TOO ?! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIB-
Tsukasa always brings snacks to your investigations. He’ll try to bring a variety if you’re not into sweets and would seemingly hand them to you at random points in time. So, most of your investigations consist of the two of you sweeping an area with half empty bags of snacks in your hands.
He tries to act as your knight in shining armor but you can sometimes catch him jumping a bit in surprise if he’s caught off guard. He’d explain that he’s tense because he’s ready to protect you from danger. [ Which is true !! At the same time though, he’s also scared but he’ll never expose himself like that... ]
Tsukasa’s view on respect also extends to spirits or supernatural beings, so he’d be the one that’s stopping you from taunting them. He’ll scold you depending on what you say but if you’re friendly, then he wouldn’t say anything. Just don’t go around announcing your, or his, address and he’ll let you say whatever you want.
He wouldn’t like the idea of sleeping overnight in a haunted building but if it’s for the sake of the investigation he’ll suck it up and do it. He isn’t used to sleeping in these sort of places but he doesn’t mind as long as you’re both together. Depending on the building, he’d either unintentionally pull an all nighter to make sure you're safe or would snuggle up close to you for comfort.
You both know each other so well that you can pretty much figure out what the other truly thinks or what they would say next. So, sometimes, Tsukasa would call you out on something when he knows for a fact that you're sugarcoating your explanation / reason.
Buzzfeed Unsolved moment that represents your dynamic :
Summary of the scene : Shane tries to sugarcoat his love for a certain theory before Ryan immediately cuts him off with the actual reason, which was the fact that Shane likes the idea of someone getting eaten by crabs.
Click the timestamp to watch it: 14:38 - 14:56
Leo Tsukinaga :
Leo believes in aliens so it’s not too farfetched to say that he’s open to the idea of ghosts existing too right? He isn’t as vocal about it compared to his belief in aliens but, at the same time, he will jump if he hears a sound from the empty hallway.
You both have the goofiest dynamic ever. Always joking around, you both seemingly turn the scariest situation into something so comedic that it’s a surprise that you didn’t ruin any of the antique items with your tears from how hard you’ve both been laughing.
You’re more "grounded in reality" compared to Leo in some situations though, as he tends to come up with very fantastical explanations to certain mysteries. Though, there is the off-chance situation where one of his ideas could theoretically work.
You both have a non-spoken game where you try to scare each other throughout your investigations. Whoever scares the other the most wins !! It makes your investigations a bit more bearable but, at the same time, it desensitized you both to actual evidence when they happen. This desensitization helps you filter out possible reasons, real or supernatural, a lot better so you can think of that as a benefit !!
Leo will definitely try to befriend the spirits, saying things like;
“Ah, yes I remember Wahaha~! Hey spirits~ There’s this really cool food stall I know you’ll love near my house at-” “DON’T TELL THEM YOUR ADDRESS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”
You always bring extra notebooks and pens because if you didn’t, you’d be holding Leo back from vandalizing the area when inspiration hits [ which happens; Every. Single. Time, during an investigation. ] He always says, “but the spirits wanna have fun too~” If you couldn't bring any notebooks, or Leo finished them, you both came to an agreement that he’ll scribble on your arms instead. So yes… Now you’re basically walking around dressed up as a sheet music.
Doesn’t really mind sleeping overnight in a haunted building because he thinks of it as a sleepover~ Though, most of the time, he’s so excited that he ends up pulling an all-nighter. He’d either make you pull one too or you somehow fell asleep before he could’ve tried to persuade you. With the latter, he’d lower his voice and either snuggle close to you or gently move your head so that it's resting on his lap; and with that, he’ll gently play with your hair while humming a quiet lullaby.
Buzzfeed Unsolved moment that represents your dynamic :
Summary of the scene : Shane and Ryan laughing at the thought of someone pooping himself in his final performance before dying.
Click the timestamp to watch it : 3:28 - 4:51
Izumi Sena :
Izumi’s a skeptic who unintentionally acts like a believer, you can’t convince me otherwise. He acts all cool and brushes things off as "just the wind" but at the same time, he’s internally shitting his pants every time he’s remotely alone during your investigations. You tease him into oblivion because of this.
90% of your investigations are just you messing around with Izumi whether it’d be randomly jumpscaring him, telling him to go somewhere alone, or just pretending that you saw something to try and get a reaction out of him. [ Though, he’s numb to the last one since he knows that you’re just bullshitting at this point. ]
Izumi quietly talks to himself to psyche himself up when he’s doing a solo investigation. Just don’t bring it up to him because he WILL deny it, saying things like; “This is so~annoying and completely pointless !! None of this is scary at all !!” [ Spoiler alert : That was him psyching himself up to open the basement door. ]
He thinks that abandoned places are gross because they weren't cleaned and would complain about it for the entire duration of your investigation. Even with that though, Izumi’s the first one to dust off any debris that he notices on you and in return, you do the same for him. Assuming he didn’t dust himself off for the 30th time in the last 5 minutes.
Speaking about hating abandoned buildings, the amount of preparation you need to do if you want to sleep overnight in a haunted one is honestly more stressful than the actual sleeping itself. This is because, Izumi will absolutely not sleep on some dirty, musty old floor. You had to limit your overnight stays to haunted houses that have actual beds which decreased your choices by a lot but at least you get the bonus benefit of sharing a bed !! So free cuddles woooo~!!
When it comes to evidence though, Izumi’s skepticism kicks in at full force. He always comes up with logical explanations to certain phenomena and even provides real-world evidence to strengthen his claims.
The banter between you two is honestly hilarious because, most of the time, it’s just the two of you spitting insults at each other. You both know you don’t mean anything you actually said so none of you take anything to heart.
Buzzfeed Unsolved moment that represents your dynamic :
Summary of the scene : Ryan's exploring a dark, empty area by himself, complaining about his current predicament, before getting jumpscared by Shane who crawled out of an empty hallway in a low growl. Ryan cusses him out afterwards while Shane just laughs at him.
Click the timestamp to watch it : 12:06 - 12:54
Arashi Narukami :
Arashi leans towards the skeptic side and doesn’t really believe in the supernatural but she’s the one that tends to “protect” you during your investigations. Her teasing is more like her calling out your reactions, saying that you’re adorable rather than actually trying to jumpscare you. [ She wouldn’t stoop that low~ ]
A lot of impromptu acting. You both vibe so well together that you can both just, “get into" character and develop them on the spot, all the while bouncing ideas off each other. It’s really impressive and funny at the same time !!
She’s really good at moving around the space and would often hold your hand / tell you to mind your step if she sees something that she thinks you might trip on. Especially since it’s so dark, she helps the two of you navigate the area. Sometimes she carries you bridal style while you’re the one holding the flashlight <3
She isn’t too keen on the whole “sleeping in a haunted building” idea because it’s either dirty and abandoned, which isn’t good for both your healths, or because she’s worried for you. She doesn’t want you to be scared so, if you both decide to actually stay somewhere overnight… Firstly, it’s most likely in a haunted house with beds [ Arashi doesn’t want you to get sick because of the dust and trash laying around ], and secondly, Arashi would constantly remind you that she’ll protect you <3 You’ll fall asleep safely wrapped in her arms~
She takes every single piece of evidence with a grain of salt but at the same time, she would also joke about certain ideas and theories. [ Especially if she thinks that those said theories are dumb or just too farfetched. ]
Arashi secretly wants you to overcome your fears but, at the same time, she wouldn’t force you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with. If you do decide to go out of your comfort zone, she’s so supportive and praises you for your bravery. She’ll even pepper your face with congratulatory kisses in the end !! Since then, you'd constantly try to push yourself out of your comfort zone just for her kisses. [ Honestly, I can’t blame you cuz I’d do the same thing too~ ]
She isn’t the type to taunt the spirits into showing themselves but she’s also not the type to be friendly with them either. So, depending on how you act, she’ll purposefully be the opposite to balance things out and release any tension from the situation. Arashi wouldn’t be that extreme though, so she often reminds you to tone it down a bit~
Buzzfeed Unsolved moment that represents your dynamic :
Summary of the scene : Shane and Ryan talks about a certain crime technique from the past and explains it in a cartoonish way before breaking into overly-comical characters on the spot.
Click the timestamp to watch it : 15:22 - 16:00
Ritsu Sakuma :
Ritsu may be a vampire but he acts like the biggest skeptic out there and honestly, he will not hesitate to tease you the entire time during your investigations.
You seriously can’t catch a break with him. He’s so nonchalant about everything that, at this point, you believe that the ghosts are afraid of him and not the other way around !!
His skepticism knows no bounds, and he will always come up with the most “grounded in reality” reason for everything. "It must be the sound of shoes squeaking", "The forest is pretty loud at night~", "That's just gravity", etc; and yes, he also despises the spirit box because it’s way too loud and it hurts his ears.
Ritsu will not hesitate to fight a ghost. Every time you enter an investigation area, the first thing Ritsu announces is the fact that he’s willing to fight anything here. He also taunts them to no end saying things like, “I didn’t get a good nap before this so you definitely have a chance to give me a papercut~”
“That’s so photoshopped,” is his signature catchphrase for any visual evidence you find and if the age / texture of the photo itself proves that it’s basically impossible for it to be edited, he would say; “It looks like shit… So, I don’t care what anybody says about it.”
He will try to push you out of your comfort zone for “the sake of the investigation” by telling you to do things or go to areas that you wouldn’t possibly ever wanted to in the first place. Such requests include taunting the spirits, closing your flashlight for 5 minutes, separating from each other for a few minutes to see if anything pops up, etc.
Ritsu honestly wouldn’t mind sleeping in any haunted building. As long as he has a sleeping bag and a pillow, he’s all good to go. He’s asleep the moment he closes his eyes while you’re still rolling around trying to get comfortable. If you unintentionally wake him up from your movements, he’d just pull you in and cuddle you like a pillow. You can’t escape his grasps once that happens~
Buzzfeed Unsolved moment that represents your dynamic :
Summary of the scene : Ryan's too scared to investigate the top of the stairs and Shane's pushing him to do so, saying that the investigation will be a failure if he didn't go all the way up. Ryan's excuses starts to become comically extreme and Shane says "that's fine" to all of them... "As long as you goes all the way up."
Click the timestamp to watch it : 7:22 - 7:55
[ I'm not too sure which episode this scene was from so if you know, please let me know so I can link the original <3 ]
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wrestlingarsenal · 7 months
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TLDR - I recap a poignant short story posted in 2000 which describes seeing beautiful young Bobby Shane rassle on TV back in the homophobic 1970s.
Bobby Shane would later morph into a cocky, flamboyant bleached-blond Heel like Ric Flair or Gorgeous George. However, he began his career as a fresh young pretty boy that made all the young gays swoon. I recently stumbled across a provocative short story that references him.
The author recalls being 10 years old, watching wrestling on TV with his redneck uncles down in Georgia: Ray age 19 and Kent age 25. Uncle Kent apparently had a man-crush on babyface Bobby Shane, who was suffering on TV that night. The author notes that Kent "truly did love Bobby Shane—in fact ached blue for him." (I know that feeling.)
In the match, Bobby takes a beating from an aggressive Black heel performing the old jungle savage gimmick. I'm guessing it looked something like this:
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That's when homophobic Uncle Ray begins to taunt Uncle Kent for being queer for young Bobby Shane, which pisses Kent off because, back then, it was considered despicable and unmanly to be aroused by other men, including pro wrestlers if you can believe that. (I mean, we're SUPPOSED to be turned on by pro wrestlers, that's the whole POINT of pro wrestling. Am I right?! And who the hell WOULDN'T be attracted to young Bobby Shane?? But in the 70's, you had to keep that queer shit on the Down Low as I recall.)
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Anyway, witnessing the grappling on TV becomes too stimulating and the Drunken Uncles tag team suddenly wanted to dominate someone (hey, I get it!) So they begin to roughhouse their little nephew, giving him Indian Burns and Red Bellies, all that grab-ass shit that young men do. And then it all goes downhill from there.
Anyway there is a lot more angst and regret to the story, but this scene just felt familiar to me as a horn-dog for wrestling who grew up around the same era. I can recall the hopeless yearning for the handsome Babyface in peril (mixed with vehement denials of any queer feelings); that tawdry and violent 1970s Rasslin on TV, holding everyone's rapt attention in case something hot should happen; those horny cravings to grapple somebody triggered by watching shirtless men on TV going at it; the sloppy rough-housing on the couch or floor, knocking over lamps while giving zero shits. Been there, done that, bought the skimpy briefs.
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Trigger warnings: the original story contains homophobic, racist, and ableist slurs (including the N word and R word - which is how many people talked during the 1970s when this story takes place) and descriptions of violence. I do not condone the crude language, I do not condone frightening children or making them cry - I just felt the wrestling scene sounded familiar.
The story was posted in 2000 to the Arkansas Literary Forum, an early and short-lived attempt to use the Internet for intelligent discourse rather than just porn, gossip, and fake news (we were still idealistic 23 years ago -- it hurts me to remember how earnest we were.) The story was written by journalist Phillip Martin and is titled, "Before Bobby Shane Grew a Mustache and Became Evil."
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atwooozi · 3 months
Almost Perfect (Sebastian x Fem!Farmer) Chapter 7: The Egg Festival
Warnings: Slow burn, personal struggles, anxiety, depression, eventual smut
Summary: Angeline prepares for the Egg Festival, determined to make a good impression. The quaint festivities in Pelican Town contrast with city life.
A/N: Angeline prepares for the Egg Festival, determined to make a good impression. The quaint festivities in Pelican Town contrast with city life.
Chapter 7: The Egg Festival
Spring 14
Angeline felt like she was starting to get a grip on this whole farming thing. Sure, her body was sore all over and she had to force herself up a mountain every day just to get clean, but things were coming together. She looked over at the field and smiled. There were still some larger rocks and tree stumps, but it was such an improvement compared to when she first got here. 
She had a decent amount of crops going and she was getting money together to for some chickens. She couldn’t be sure but she felt that if her grandpa were still around he’d be proud of her progress. 
She checked the time and it was 8:00. She didn’t have time before the Egg Festival and she didn’t want to be late so she tossed her tools in her chest and made her way up to the mountain. She didn’t want to go to her first festival covered in dirt and sweat. While the people of Pelican Town might be understanding it just wasn’t the impression that Angeline wanted to give. She felt more comfortable with a bit of makeup and freshly washed hair if she was going to be out in public.
Once she was satisfied Angeline left the bath house. She had decided on a pink sundress and giving her hair a bit of a wave for the occasion. It was ten minutes until 9 and she didn’t want to be late, especially since this would be her first big event in Pelican Town. Angeline trekked down the mountain path to town square. When she made it into town she couldn’t help but smile. She thought the effort that Mayor Lewis and the rest of the towns-people put into the festival was sweet. 
She loved seeing all the baskets of hand-painted eggs and colorful pennants decorate the buildings. It felt so quaint. Nothing like the forced festive feeling she’d get in the city where there was always a sale on every major holiday. 
 Speaking of sales, Angeline made a note to stop by Pieere’s booth before taking her leave. The large bunny plush he had was taunting her to take him home.
At this point, Angeline had met most of the villagers well except for the poor farmer that was stuck up on the mountain because of the rock slide. Damn Joja, they were lucky that they didn’t kill someone. 
She got a good feel for most of them and while some were a bit rough around the edges she didn’t think anyone was awful. In fact, Haley had grown on her quite a bit since she helped her with her hair that day and Shane still scared her, but she could see that he was dealing with much harder things beyond a new person moving into town. While both could be a bit abrasive at first they were actually both pretty thoughtful in their own unique ways. At least, that’s what Angeline would tell herself when Hayley would say she smelled like grass or when Shane would tell her to fuck off. They were nice! Just a bit too honest at times.  
“Hey Ange!” Sam called all the way from the other side of town square. Angeline laughed to herself and gave a small wave, hoping that was enough to appease the blonde for a bit so she could greet a few people before settling with his friend group. 
“I see you’ve made some friends.” Robin said as she squeezed Angeline’s shoulder as she nodded towards Sam and the rest of the trio, with the addition of Victor. 
Angeline shrugged, “Honestly, I think Sam could be friends with a rock so I’m not too sure.” 
Robin laughed, “Yeah well, seeing as how Abigail and Sebby don’t run away when they see you I think it’s safe to say they’re your friends, too.” Robin looked over towards the trio and gave a small smile in their direction.
“Maybe.” Angeline shrugged. 
Angeline still felt a bit hesitant to say that she was friends with Abigail or Sebastian. They were both a bit of a mystery to her. Abigail had been nice to Angeline at the saloon but they didn’t interact much after that. Sebastian was okay the day before with his mom, but she couldn’t be sure if that was forced politeness because he was with his mom or what. 
“Maybe” Robin agreed. “Well don’t worry about me, go mingle with the young people! You can be old later.” 
Angeline smiled at Robin and waved goodbye to her, Demitrius, and Maru. Sam was practically beaming, she was surprised she didn’t go blind when she looked at him. 
“Hey farmgirl.” Alex called out, stopping Angeline in her tracks. 
Angeline changed direction from heading towards Sam, to making her way over to Alex, Haley, and Sophia. 
“Good morning you guys.” Angeline said as she smiled at the three. 
Haley sighed and smoothed out Angeline’s hair. “Morning.” She pouted at Angeline. “You need to put some product in your hair so it doesn’t get so frizzy. It’s going to get worse during the summer.” 
Sophia giggled. “Don’t worry Angeline that’s just Haley’s way of being friendly.” Sophia tugged on Haley’s elbow to get her to stop. “She nags because she cares.” 
Angeline nodded and gave a small smile. She felt awkward and unsure of what to talk about. “Are you guys enjoying the festival?” 
“Hell yeah, look at all this protein.” Alex said as he nodded towards the tables. 
Haley rolled her eyes at Alex and crossed her arms over her chest. “The flower dance is better.” 
Flower dance? Angeline was about to ask the group what the flower festival was when Victor tapped her shoulder. “Sorry to interrupt, but I think Sam is going to explode if you take any longer.” 
Angeline looked over her shoulder at Sam with Victor and he was hardly exaggerating. Sam was bouncing from foot to foot and when he noticed Angeline looking his way he gave a big wave. “Hey!”
Angeline smiled and laughed to herself as she walked over with Victor to the little group. 
“Happy Egg festival.” Angeline said with a smile. 
“Hey Ange, settle something for us.” Abigail said with her hands on her hips. “Is the egg hunt just for kids?”
Angeline thought about it for a moment and shook her head. “No, I don’t think so.” 
“She’s not giving you the full story.” Sam shook his head. “She beats Vincent and Jas every year, it kind of ruins it.” 
“She already said no!” Abigail retorted. 
Angeline frowned. “Well…I don’t think that means that Abby shouldn’t participate, b-but it is sad that Vincent and Jas haven’t won.” They were just little kids after all, it wasn’t a fair competition against someone in their twenties. 
“I’m just helping them build character or something.” Abigail pouted. 
“I don’t know, Abigail.” Victor said thoughtfully. “I mean, Maru and Sophia participate, too, but it’s more for the fun of it not sport.” 
Abigail huffed. “You guys all sound lame like my parents, right Seb?” 
Sebastian put his cigarette to his lips and turned around to blow the smoke away from the festivities as if to avoid the conversation entirely. A smart man. However, this action only irked Abigail more. “Ugh! You all suck.” Abigail frowned. “I-I’m going to hang out with Penny and Maru.” she stomped away towards the two unsuspecting girls.  
Angeline frowned. “Is she going to be okay?” Abigal didn’t run away but she did stomp away did that mean they weren’t friends? She'd have to ask Robin later. Maybe she could give her some insight on the violet haired girl.  
“Don’t worry about it.” Sebastian said as he blew some smoke out of the corner of his mouth in the opposite direction. “This happens like every other year.” 
Angeline nodded and quietly glanced up at Sebastian. She was still getting used to him talking to her. It was only a few sentences here and there, but because it felt so rare it always gave her a fluttery feeling. 
Sebastian’s voice was a nice even tone with a slight rasp that Angeline suspected was a result of his smoking or because he hardly spoke, maybe a bit of both. She wondered what caused Sebastian to finally decide that it was okay to speak to her. Was he finally comfortable enough with her or did it just become too much work for him to ignore her? It didn’t really matter why. It was just nice that she was finally allowed to take up a small bit of space in his life. 
“Ange~?” Sam said in a sing song voice as he jostled her shoulder. 
Angeline jumped a bit causing Victor and Sebastian to both glance her way. “S-sorry. What’s up, Sam?” 
“The egg hunt is starting.” Sam said as he nodded towards the town square. “You gonna join?”
“Are you?”
Sam nodded. “Yeah, I like to help Vincent.” Simply adorable. What a good older brother.
“Not much help because of all the sneezing.” Sebastian quipped as he stubbed out his cigarette. 
Sam pouted at his friend. “Yeah yeah go brood over there, you might burn in the sunlight if you’re not careful, Alucard.” He waved the shorter man away, causing Sebastian to flip him off. Angeline giggled at their interaction. She was envious of how comfortable Sam always felt she wished she could be as easy going as he was. 
“I am going to stand over there, but it’s because I’m feeling hot, not because you told me to.” Sebastian clarified as he made his way to stand under a tree. 
“Whatever you need to tell yourself, sweetheart. “ 
“Yeah, I guess I’ll try it seems like fun.”Angeline shrugged as she looked at the people crowding around the Mayor. She looked over at Victor. “Are you going to join too?” 
Victor smiled and shook his head. “Oh no, I’m no match for Abigail so I’m just going to sit this one out. Maybe next time.”
“I’ll hold you to that!” Angeline called as she made her way to where the small crowd was forming with Sam.   
Sebastian sighed as he watched Sam and the farmer. He wasn’t sure if he should consider her a friend. He started to talk to her if only it was a few words here and there, but that hardly means anything. He only spoke a bit more to Maru and that was his half-sister, so he had a hard time thinking of what to consider the girl. He liked looking at her. Especially given her outfit choice for today. That he was sure of, but he didn’t know anything about her other than the obvious. 
Sebastian glanced over at Victor and he frowned slightly. Victor seemed to have an easy time talking to Angeline. They always exchanged smiles and little pleasantries. They seemed to get along well and those two were very easily invading his friend group and pushing him out, at least, that’s how it felt. He was easily being replaced and while Sebastian would remind himself that this should be a good thing so that when he did leave Abby and Sam would adjust to his absence easier. It still sucked, his heart still hurt when he thought about it and despite telling himself that he would be okay when he left for the city he admittedly felt scared and a bit lonely.
“Is everything okay?” Victor asked, pulling Sebastian from his thoughts. 
“Yeah…” Sebastian trailed off. “I’m just tired, long night.” 
Victor nodded and left it at that. If there was one thing he appreciated about the other man was that he knew when to drop a conversation.
Sebastian put his hands in his pockets and looked towards the square as Lewis announced the winner of this years egg hunt. Much to his and most likely the rest of the town’s surprise Sophia had won and Abigail the former reigning champ had come in third. Sebastian looked over at the runner up, Angeline, and grinned a bit as he saw her celebrate with everyone else that Abby had been dethroned. Sure, it was a bit mean, but Abigail had it coming for all these years of spoiling the fun for the little kids.
“That was so fun!” Angeline said as she made her way back over to Sebastian and Victor with Sam and Abigal following behind. 
Abigail pouted and shrugged. “Yeah, I guess.” 
“No one likes a sore loser, Abigail.” Sebastian smirked. 
“Shut up!” Abigail pushed Sebastian and he chuckled. 
Angeline studied the two. She wasn’t exactly sure what their relationship was. At times Abigail seemed to cling to Sebastian but then on other days she seemed to want nothing to do with him. Maybe when you’re friends with someone for so long the boundaries blur a bit more? The exchange for whatever reason gave her a bit of a queasy feeling. Or maybe it was all the eggs? She wasn’t exactly sure.  
“So…is that it?” Angeline asked the group as she looked around to see the older residents start to pack up. 
“Basically.” Sam shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck as he was thinking. “We could…play video games at my place if you’re not ready to go home yet.” 
“I’m gonna pass.” Abigail said, “I’ve got a date with the Prairie King.”   
“Give the king my regards.” Victor bowed his head slightly. “I have some work I need to get to, so maybe another night.” 
Angeline nodded and waved Abigail and Victor off as they made their way home. 
“Samson!” Jodi called, waving her son over to where her and Vincent were. It looked like Vincent was getting restless and harder for Jodi to handle on her own. 
Sam groaned at the use of his government name. “I guess we’ll have to take a rain check. Sorry guys.” Sam jogged his way over to his family and easily scooped up the difficult Vincent. What a sweet big brother he was. 
Sebastian coughed which pulled Angeline back to reality. It was just the two of them now. Usually someone else was around to act as a buffer. She felt an urge to run after Robin or Sam one of them would could help her.
 Angeline opened her mouth to try and think of something to say. “Um…” She wished lightening would just strike her down now. Should she talk about the chicken coop? Would that be weird? Would he even care? Why was this so hard?   
“I-It’s, uh, almost frog season.” Sebastian said as if trying to help Angeline break the silence. 
The comment stopped Angeline dead in her tracks. She laughed, not because it was funny, but just so unexpected, especially from Sebastian. It felt like something that Vincent or maybe even Abigail would say. “What?” 
Sebastian frowned at Angeline’s reaction. He turned his gaze away from her, a dusting of pink covering his pale cheeks. “Nothing…” 
“N-no…I wasn’t making fun of you.” Angeline shook her head and gave Sebastian an apologetic smile. “I just wasn’t expecting that.”
Sebastian sighed and looked at Angeline, studying her expression to see if she was being honest. “Well, it’s almost frog season.They come out during the summer.” He played a bit with his long bangs. “They usually come out when it’s raining.” 
Angeline nodded as she listened. “Do you plan on catching any?” 
Sebastian shook his head and put his hands in his pockets. “No, my mom isn’t a big fan.” He pursed his lips slightly as he thought about it. “When I was a kid I tried to keep one in my room as a secret, but she got rid of it.” 
“Aww, I’m sorry that sucks.” Angeline gave him a sympathetic look. “Did the frog have a name?”
A deeper blush took over Sebastian’s face and he looked away as he debated on whether or not to tell her. “It was…” he mumbled the last part which made it difficult to hear.
“What did you say?” Angeline leaned in a bit closer. 
“Froggy” Sebastian said louder, causing Angeline to pull away. That was the loudest she had ever heard him speak. “I was seven, okay?” He defended himself as he started to fiddle with his lighter.  
Angeline giggled. “I think Froggy is a good name.” 
“Th-” Before Sebastian could get his words out Sam clapped him on the back causing him to grunt. 
“You guys are still here?” Sam asked as he rejoined the group with Vincent in tow. 
Angeline looked around and was surprised, the bustling square was now empty. Aside from the in-season flowers even the decorations were gone. 
Damn, despite being so small this town moved pretty fast. She’d have to try for the bunny plush next year, if there was a next year in her future. “Pelican Town sure moves fast.”
“That’s cuz of the flower dance!” Vincent said as he jumped in place, begging for attention. 
“Flower dance?” Angeline asked as she ruffled Vincent’s strawberry hair in greeting, getting a smile from the boy.  
 Sam groaned and Sebastian looked less enthused than usual. Haley seemed excited about it earlier. If she liked it how bad could it be?  
“It’s the worst event of the year.” Sam said as he hid his face in his hands from horror? Or was it disgust? Maybe even pain? Angeline couldn’t be too sure. “Ange, the suits they make us wear. You can’t see it. It’s too shameful.” It was embarrassment, so close!
“It can’t be that bad.” Angeline said as she looked over at Sebastian. He just shook his head. 
“It’s so much fun, Miss Angeline!” Vincent said as he stepped in front of her to get her attention. “Everyone gets all dressed up and my brother and everyone dances.”
Everyone dances? Angeline tore her attention away from Vincent and stared at both Sam and Sebastian. She couldn’t picture either of them dancing. “Really?” 
“Yes.” Sam sadly confirmed. He looked like he wanted to fall to his knees and sob. Poor guy. 
“I’d avoid it if I were you.” Sebastian said as he fiddled with a cigarette in his hands. Maybe it was an anxiety thing? He was toying with his lighter just a bit earlier. He must not have wanted to smoke in Vincent’s presence. 
“I think I need to see it for myself.” Angeline said. She didn’t want to miss Sam and Sebastian awkwardly shuffling around. It sounded too good to miss.  
Vincent nodded in agreement and tugged on Angeline’s hand. “Yeah! We can dance together!” The young boy started to spin around. “I’m gonna be the flower queen!”
Angeline smiled at Vincent and nodded. “It sounds like a plan, little man.”
Sam took himself out of his stupor and grabbed Vincent’s hand. “Well, I’m gonna bury myself in a hole. You guys have a nice night.” Sam and Vincent waved as they made their way to their house. 
“It can’t be that bad.” Angeline said. 
“It’s bad.” Sebastian said as he lit his cigarette finally. Angeline looked up at the taller moody man. She never thought smoking was attractive, in fact, she thought it was the opposite, but for some reason when he did it, it looked so, so hot? 
Objectively, Sebastian was beautiful, but did Angeline think he was hot? The thought almost scared her. She hardly knew the guy. For all she knew he could hardly stand to be around her. 
Angeline shook her head and shrugged. “I guess we’ll just have to see.” 
Sebastian nodded. “Yeah…later, happy egg festival.” He said as he made his way towards the mountain path. 
Angeline waved goodbye to Sebastian and watched as he walked away. She was surprised by how much he spoke to her today and without someone else to facilitate the conversation. It felt less forced and more natural than their usual interactions. It almost had her feeling excited. No, stop. This is a small town, he’s just being polite because he has to be. 
Angeline sighed to herself happily and made her way home. She wasn’t actually sure if she had befriended Abigail and Sebastian yet, but she was getting close or so she thought.
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toomanylegos · 5 months
If one of your characters were to have a scene where they have a rival that they’re secretly crushing on, who would it be? How would it go?
If possible, choose someone other than David because we already know how that goes for him. (Kissing his rival after slamming him into a wall 👀)
The only other person I can think of for this situation is Shane, which makes sense cause we've kinda did something like that with him before. I also thought of Simon cause of the one time we did a hate-to-love thing with him and Jude. Silas might be good for this situation too, mostly because of his personality and how I see him viewing competition.
Okay, one at a time...
Shane is a bit of a bastard when it comes to going against somebody; we both know that. Of course, this depends on the version of Shane we go with as well, but I'm not gonna get into that for the sake of being concise.
OG Shane would be more likely to treat a rivalry as healthy competition -- depending on the rival. If the rival is a friend of his parents, he'd be more cold towards them and likely engage in Alice-level antics against them, sneakily of course. If the rival is not associated with his parents, he'd forgo the antics. In either case, he'd be his usual silent and observant self which can easily be mistaken as being aloof or giving a cold shoulder. In reality, he's just studying his rival -- seeing where their strengths and weaknesses lie; watching how they improve themselves and make up for their weaknesses; calculating how he can improve himself to match or better them.
The crush would start with admiration. He'd come to admire his rival in their skills (no matter how mundane they be) and maybe even acknowledge them verbally to ask about their skills so he can learn them too. This, obviously, leads to bonding and Shane becoming more open. Eventually, this closeness leads to a very big and very gay crisis. He'd likely try to maintain a professional distance between him and his rival; continue to act as if nothing has changed and like he totally isn't thinking about how they'd feel in his arms. All the while, he has become more distracted in his daily life -- being more clumsy and less careful about injuring himself.
Shane, the "perfect soldier" who towers over his siblings and is among the most skilled members of his family, is reduced to a clumsy giant with a blushing habit whenever he faces his crush.
Simon is like a worse version of David when it comes to developing a crush on a rival. He loves competition, but hates losing. Simon would talk himself up; boast in his rival's face and try his best to talk down or sneer at them for even attempting to be on his level. And when that rival beats him? Oh boy, does he explode with jealousy and fury. He'll taunt, tease, and jeer at his rival. His rival may think Simon will do anything to win -- except one thing: cheat. If there's one thing Simon hates, it's winning unfairly. It's the one thing he won't compromise on.
Heck, if Simon gets upset enough, he may even attack the rival! However, this may be avoided if said rival returns this animosity with kindness or a level of understanding.
Simon is the runner-up in his family -- a lost cause, a lap dog, a try hard, etc. He's used to losing in everything, so he tries to prove himself in anything. If his rival -- someone he would view as an automatic enemy -- were able to level with him, he'd panic and lash out in his confusion. He doesn't understand how someone who is clearly better than him would understand how he feels and why he behaves the way he does. After realizing that though, Simon would became quiet with contemplation -- no taunting or glaring (okay maybe some glaring) but deep thinking.
Of course, when Simon asks about his rivals traits/skills after he cools down, he merely wants more data so he can take his rival down. Simon would sooner die than admit his weak points that need polishing that he definitely doesn't need his rival's insight on.
A sort of normalcy and calm will settle between the two. Simon is still harsh and rude, but he's not violent or verbally abusive. One could even say he's tentative friends with his rival -- although he'd never admit it. The more they learn about each, the closer they become. Simon doesn't even realize he has a crush until he's hit with the urge to be held by his rival; to hold their hand; to run a hand tenderly over their arm; to kiss their alluring lips.
It destroys him.
His crisis is...not pretty. What would his parents think? He can't possibly feel that way towards his enemy! Right?
Simon would shrink back. He would stop being as friendly -- talk less with them, don't smile, don't take their advice, snap at them to keep them away. If the rival pushes for answers -- catches Simon at a time when they're alone -- Simon would get defensive. He'd refuse to explain; possibly even physically shrink into himself. He doesn't want his friend to hate him...
Simon would do one of two things: he'd run or he'd take a leap of faith.
Simon is a paper man who tries his best not to crumble, but emotions have never been his strong suit...so I can see him doing both -- he'd kiss, then run in a blind panic.
Too scared to see the consequences of his actions...
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sylphicdragon · 11 months
People + The entities I associate with them
Why? because i'm bored and in a mode to theorize / think about things way to much. Ryan Bergara (Watcher & Buzzfeed unsolved) is definitely an agent of The Eye, i think everyone can agree on that. But given certain episodes (orange county jail) and things mentioned (Ricky Goldsworth and the fact he has a katana that he found on the road that doesn't get sheathed again unless it tastes blood), he definitely has some connection to The Slaughter.
Shane Madej (Watcher & Buzzfeed unsolved) while i definitely see why people link him to The Dark, it's more of a minor connection or overlap then an actual link. I see him more as an Avatar of the stranger, i mean, out of all the entities. Avatars of the stranger feel like the exact type of people (things?) to insult another avatar to their face and taunt them + their all eccentric in their own way (also he's tall and intimidating, which fits too). Granted, Shane also has a connection to The Eye due to Unsolved to a minor extent (Assissant levels) and Mystery Files (he's presenting his own cases now, like an archivist).
I don't know enough about Steven Lim (Watcher & Try Guys) to make any good guesses, based on what i have seen i could definitely see The Spiral based on vibes.
Markiplier or Mark feels like both a Spiral avatar and a Vast avatar, maybe more spiral then vast. I mean, The Spiral is insanity, Reality is not what you expect and Lies/Deceit- both of which can be seen in "Date with markiplier", "Hiest with markiplier" and both parts of "In Space with Markiplier". Darkiplier overlaps with the Web, but he's technically a different character. But anyway, in all of those there's are lot of things that make you question reality. The Vast connection feels obvious, but to the uneducated mark loves space and "In Space with Markiplier" is kind of Vast related due to the sheer number of timelines along the "There are infinite timelines and possibilities" route. Muyskerm or Bob could definitely fit within The Web or The Stranger, which this is harder to explain because it's based on vague memories from some older videos and the vibes of newer ones. (+ The whole "he's the nice one" joke fits with both) Lordminion777 or Wade is hard to pinpoint. On one hand i could see potential for The Desolation, but on the other i could also see The Lonely. But it's hard to say for sure those two and so, being a normal dude with no connection to an entity, but still fucks them up (like Adelard Dekker or Joseph Gillespie) is an option Jacksepticeye or Sean i could actually see as The Eye and The Web but not in the way you expect. When i think of Sean, i think of the connections he has with other people. He knows alot of people and uses his platform to help charity. He also tends to know alot about games and things i don't normally think about, like Lighting engines or engines games are made on like UnrealEngine.
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oxygenbefore1775 · 2 years
Loved your headcanon of the warrior ghost!
I don't know if you are doing requests but can you write one about them reacting to Ryan and Shane.
I just know Annie would be annoyed with Shane touching her stuff!
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Oh yeah, I will be happy to do that! Imma say right away that Im a proud Shaniac so i might be biased in terms if ghost proof
AoT Warriors vs Ghoul Boys
I guess it's a crossover but idc
cw: mentions of death, obscene language, mild harm (or threats to do harm)
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learns about the ghoul boys from Bertholdt who tells her about some rookies paranormal investigators
immediately tenses up - feels like this visit is gonna be rough on her
casually goes to her room in hopes that the ghoul boys won't come inside
boy was she wrong
(I guess Ryan informed Shane about the ghost that gets aggressive when their stuff is touched so naturally Shane's gonna tease the ghost)
senses that Shane is going to be a jerk - because of the way he is looking around the room in search of objects to move around
(Annie won't be able to actually harm Shane because it's gonna be a huge win for the Boogaras all over the world)
is irritated since Shane not only touches her things but also taunts her about her inability to hurt him
instead of inflicting violence, she turns the room really cold
finally decides that this is beneath her and retreats to another room that the ghoul boys have already inspected and waits out there
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is kinda reluctant to interact with the ghoul boys (he is still embarassed about the previous attempts of communication gone wrong)
decides to follow them around for a bit because they seem nice
finds it nice that Ryan is being respectful towards the ghosts and appreciates his attempts to calm Shane down
takes it upon himself to convince Shane that the ghosts are real
that's why stays behind in order to interact with the cameras and audio-recorders that the ghoul boys have set up
makes an entire speech about the ghosts' existence in front of the camera - but it turns out sounding like a muffled mess (Ryan wasn't able to make out a single word when he was listening to audio recordings later in the studio)
to seem more compelling, repeatedly closes and opens the door that's in the camera's view
is too excited and manipulates magnetic fields around him which consequently distorts the footage of the camera
the said footage is by far the most valued asset of the Boogara nation
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the moment he sees the holywater gun on Ryan - he keeps his distance from him
(ghoul boys actually know his name and invite him to a conversation)
interacts with the ghoul boys via the spirit-box but responds only to Shane's questions
once Shane's questions get progressively obnoxious, is baffled and stops answering
nudges the ghoul boys to use ouija board by incessantly tapping on it which scares the living hell out of Ryan
is dissapointed in the offering required for the seance to begin because it's just some chewing gum
still proceeds to respond to questions in the usual manner by dragging the triangular thingy across the board
gets sabotaged by Shane because he is independently moving the triangular thingy (yk Shane does is evety time with the ouija board)
gets upset, feels disrespected and stops participating in the seance
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is disinterested in Shane and his snotty remarks about the ghosts
Ryan is her prime target because his fear of ghosts amuses her
flickers Ryan's flashlight from time to time which distresses Ryan
seizes all of her Ryan tantalizing activity whenever Shane is in the vicinity - just wants Ryan to feel gas-lit
takes her sweet time with Ryan when the time comes for each of the ghoul boys to stay alone in the dark room for five minutes
tugs on Ryan's shirt during those five minutes
her real opportunity to shine comes when the ghoul boys come down into the basement
in that moment turns off all of the light-emitting devices
watches Ryan's panick setting in and giggles adorably
wants the ghoul boys to come back again sometime
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hates both of the ghoul boys
for different reasons: Shane seems like a better and funnier version of himself while Ryan seems too anxious to even be a paranormal investigator (it only makes sense to call him out about it)
in fact envies them because unlike him the ghoul boys can leave this haunted property
gadgets around Porco show readings so high that it convinces Ryan of a demonic presence in the house
when the ghoul boys (primarily Shane) ask him for a sign in order to prove the demonic presence, violently slams the door
at some point gets really mad because the ghoul boys have been taunting his fellow ghosts and feels very protective towards the other ghosts
wants to rid the house of the ghoul boys by threatening to harm them and manifesting his hatred towards them via the spirit-box
feels that he is the only one capable of protecting his fellow ghosts
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has no idea that the ghoul boys are visiting the house
is casually relaxing on the bed when the ghoul boys come in and disturb him
because Reiner frequents this room quite often, the beds and the armchairs have imprints of his body
has full-on gay panic when the ghoul boys notice those imprints and discuss them
doesn't know whether they are teasing or complimenting him
(the time comes for the ghoul boys to get ready for the sleepover in the haunted house)
gets flustered when Ryan takes one of the bedrooms where Reiner usually stays
unwilling to sacrifice his comfort even for one night, chooses to stay in this bedroom
his presence makes Ryan feel really uneasy so he couldn't sleep the whole night
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is a proud Shaniac
doesn't like Ryan's demeanor and thinks that it's irrational of a living human to believe in ghosts
(yk the first thing Shane says when entering the haunted house is "it's your chance to get on YouTube" in attempts to make the potential ghosts to cooperate)
is vane enough to try and get himself those 15 minutes of fame
is excited to use the spirit-box but this time decides to use this opportunity and starts talking about his life
"It all started with my father's cruel plan regarding my future..."
because spirit-box is unable to transmit messages for a long period of time, his speech gets cut off and it sounds like a delirious stuff
doesn't get disappointed about it because it indeed sounds really funny
hm, turns out I really like making those. shoud i start taking requests?
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
Hi !!! 😁, how are you ?
Quick question, what’s your favorite Klaroline scene ??
Hi, friend! ✨ How's it going?? Hope you're having a wonderful week!
I've been feeling so tired, I don't even know why. Just totally out of energy, you know? Just want to stay in bed watching The Morning Show. Sigh
I've been asked that a few times and I think either I don't know or my answer changes every time lol I don't know if I have *one* favorite scene. 5x11 is pretty iconic, I also love Klaus being a total puppy for Caroline in 4x07 and that forehead touch in TO 5x12 which 😭💔
Today, I think I'll go with 4x17 (I think it's 17), the whole episode basically. When Stefan asks Klaus for help with figuring out the expression triangle or whatever that was called and the three of them go snooping into Shane's office and then Klaus and Caroline get a moment in the woods while they're trying to find Bonnie. I just think that whole episode is so CHARGED and filled with not-so-subtle undertones that I'm pretty sure they wrote it (maybe even shot it) before TO had been greenlit by the network, because it's just SCREAMING Klaroline is about to happen lol I love everything, the two of them flirting before damn Stefan interrupts them, Caroline then going on a guilt-trip and lashing out cause she's mad at herself for the fact Klaus' little taunt resonated with her and she was *this* close from doing something she'd regret later before Stefan walks in on them, and then basically admitting that she does feel *something* for Klaus, even if she said 'when I thought he was worth it' because ??? When was Klaus ever worth it, Caroline? WE SEE YOU. And the fact Klaus was pissed at her cause he was hurt and YET he stayed up all night with her burying witches in the woods 😭 And then when he finally gets a chance to be close to her cause she was in a fragile state and in need of comfort, his bruised ego screams louder and then *he* is lashing out, but regretting it the SECOND Caroline stomps off lol And this is all set up for Silas to get into his head and realize that the way to toy with him is to impersonate Caroline lol
HONESTLY. I love the KC moments in that episode. ❤️ But I'll probably have a different favorite scene if you ask me tomorrow 😂
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suspiciousriver · 6 months
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At the Gas Station
The patchwork quilt is this:
a Navajo, a pal, a Ronald Reagan,
Two baritone boys, and an alcoholic.
Spanish, plaid, orange juice, white noise,
Criterion, draping my legs over Paul’s
knees and his playful tap.
Me and my friends and we’re chugging beer,
Sky shows up and she was a friend from my childhood
And she plays pool with her boyfriend
and they’re the type that Neo opens the door to.
I bought two gray rabbits at King’s Thrift
And I positioned them to touch noses.
Two black eyes and their noses kissing
on a bookcase and when I sat on the couch
I began to think of them as a camera.
I painted the one rabbit pink with flowers
and left the other one gray.
I looked to the left and their eyes were
Cold-black and chill-haunted.
This is how we taunt: with helicopters
and invisible cameras and a surveilled
Boob light.
No one believes that Paul and I were
that tight.
Zach gives me two objects:
A Gameboy and a wind-up mouth toy,
You twist it and it chatters and jumps
Downstairs. I have too many lost objects to count.
I had three chests that I kept by the door.
A trophy from my debate days.
I was neatly clipped.
He was neatly tipped.
I am too tired to talk.
It’s too dark to walk.
I’m better suited for flourescent-white, sterile,
spandex environments anyway.
I have seen this before:
Mother-rape-son. He had a right to roll
his eyes. African man with angry eyes
I’m trying to tell you:
Maybe when I look in the mirror I see a face that’s better suited for darkness, or lamps, and that scares me — the sun can be so critical.
I don’t always feel deserving of it.
Ever catch a sun ray so pure and warm it sets your heart on fire? I chase that feeling daily. I chase warmth daily.
Love is a form of knowledge,
which I think it is.
We share blue eyeliner.
You’re a thought in your own head, honey.
Will a Twisted tea fix this?
It won’t.
It’s all hidden crackhead knowledge.
These are the treats.
Every day
boiled eggs.
Castro visited Utah and the truck
newspapers. Rich!
That was genuine disgust
Because I looked like a
The Asian doctor sniffed my crotch
And said, “You’re really being released
with all of that baggage?”
Fuck you. This is why he ran.
St. George man and I ride the same
wavelength. He was trying to maintain
his sanity.
They flock around Derrick's slit neck
and I am so grief-ridden that I kicked
him. I did not want to escalate.
Is he alive? South Korea Ender’s Game dude
and his robotic voice cracked into my skull:
I am thinking about sex.
This is why I cannot sleep.
He’s 32. You’re nothing. You’re everything.
Give it to Gina: I looked trashy as hell.
Can you act black for a second?
What does Cuba represent?
Not Adrian. Not Adrienne.
Pizza gate: I am politely telling you,
I do not have that disease.
Thank you. It was Isaiah’s parakeet,
and the Bible. I am politely
asking you to show me your 7 cults.
I am asking you to FaceTime my husband
and his dirty beard and a seatbelt.
Day Two, they helped strap
me to a gurney and I was secured.
We like to drop hints: Sunglasses and something is seriously wrong
with the lifeboat. It was his ball sweat and a dog named Cujo.
My father/crack was a child. My father thinks I’m ugly.
It’s about time we met each other
for real. I resisted those journals for two years
because he Ultra-Blued his way onto my couch.
A big treat from the nice girl, pink soap.
I was smelly. I was brown. Here are your affirmation
cards: World-War-3. I should have
invited Shane(heroin)and my mother(meth)
to share the same couch. I had to snip
my chlorine hair because it was locking.
California is the deep fake. Home box office
recession. Century 16. Who can pretend to be the
most grateful for a chicken leg? I was.
me and a denim coat. Artificially intelligent
and let’s keep shit on TikTok. I met you through
MF Doom and Tupac. The world’s worst violent arm
length and fishing for work. Pork! I want to eat you.
Toasters and fake forks and that twitch.
It’s mine. I want small work. Here is the crystal cage.
Men are obsessed with my militantly tight pussy
and masked men keep shit loud. I don’t know why you don’t finger yourself
I want you! That was a real treat from Joe. I want to sever three red ties.
The blonde. The host. The pace. MINUS 3 POINTS: BACK TO JAZZ.
He lashes his own back like Jesus
and I cannot help him there.
That was her favorite hiss.
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xtruss · 1 year
How To Improve Your Trash Talk
Disrespect on the sports field can be effective—but carries risks
— May 12th 2023 |Culture | The sports page
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Sydney, Australia 🇦🇺 — February 10: Australia leg spinner Shane Keith Warne (Born: 13 September 1969 – Died: 4 March 2022) celebrates the wicket of Nasser Hussain during the First Final of the Carlton & United One Day Series at Sydney Cricket Ground on February 10th, 1999 in Sydney, Australia. (Photo by Stu Forster/Allsport/Getty Images/Hulton Archive)
Two young pretenders recently learned the value of keeping schtum. In America’s National Basketball Association Dillon Brooks, a player for the Memphis Grizzlies, labelled LeBron James, one of the sport’s greatest players, “old” after a playoff match against the Los Angeles Lakers. The 38-year-old Mr James proceeded to score 25 points in the next game of the series; Mr Brooks was ejected from the court for striking the older man’s groin. In the snooker world Hossein Vafaei, an up-and-coming Iranian player, described Ronnie O’Sullivan, a British seven-time world champion, as a nice person “when he’s asleep”. Mr O’Sullivan remained wide awake to thrash Mr Vafaei in their subsequent world-championship match.
The episodes highlight the potential pitfalls of “trash talk”—insulting or taunting opponents in an effort to throw them off their game. The trash-talkers’ failure to lift their performances to the level of their rhetoric looked foolish, especially because their humiliation came at the hands of elder statesmen. The cases seemed to provide an additional argument to people who think that displays of disrespect denigrate principles of sportsmanship. Indeed, last month a disrespectful gesture made towards an opponent, Caitlin Clark, by Angel Reese, a college-level basketball player in America, had pious pundits fulminating—and seemingly ignoring the fact that Ms Clark had made a similar gesture earlier in the season.
The flinging of jibes at sporting rivals has a long history. Cricketers call it “sledging”; football managers employ “mind games”. Basketball legends like Larry Bird and Michael Jordan excelled at it. In a match between the Chicago Bulls and the Denver Nuggets in the early 1990s, for instance, Mr Jordan won a free-throw with seconds remaining on the clock. He eyeballed Dikembe Mutombo, a Nuggets player, and quipped, “Hey Mutombo, this one’s for you, baby,” before closing his eyes and making the shot. Mr Mutombo is still asked about the moment.
Displays of bravado enhance sporting legends. But do they achieve results? Proponents of smack talk argue that it plays a crucial role in winning the mental battle inherent in competition. Shane Warne, an Australian spin-bowler and famous sledger, called it a way to gain the “psychological edge” on the cricket field. The practice was commonly misunderstood, he noted: the idea was not to be nasty, but to find a clever way to unsettle or distract. If deployed appropriately, he claimed, mind games help to tip the balance in professional sport, where differences of skill between athletes can be very small.
The science suggests that badgering opponents can be effective, but only up to a point. Research led by Karen McDermott from the University of Connecticut found that participants were distracted by trash talk from opponents they did not know. It heightened emotions like anger and shame, affecting their performance. But a study led by Jeremy Yip of Georgetown University observed that, in general, the targets of trashing felt motivated to do better. Thus, taunts carry both opportunity and risk. You may put your opponents off, but you may also provoke them to give you a hiding.
For trash-talkers-in-training, a few pointers might help. First, consider the game at hand. Studies show that smack talk is especially effective in distracting players who are engaged in actions that require creativity or fine motor skills. So it may prove more effective in games demanding high levels of concentration than in sports that require mainly strength. Cricket meets those criteria nicely, especially when the batsman is fending off a world-class spin-bowler.
Next, it is worth thinking about the timing of your comments. In some sports, particularly combat ones, athletes swear by pre-match jibes. In 2015, for example, Joanna Jedrzejczyk, a Polish mixed-martial arts fighter, claimed that pre-fight taunts laid the foundations for her victory over Carla Esparza, her American opponent, in the Ultimate Fighting Championship. And who could forget Muhammad Ali’s suggestion in 1964 that Sonny Liston was “too ugly” to be boxing’s heavyweight world champion? Ali won a celebrated victory in the subsequent fight.
But unless you can credibly claim to be “The Greatest”, it may be a bad idea to give opponents time to stew over a taunt. Take a recent example from rugby union. In 2022 Australia’s men’s team hosted their English counterparts in a three-match series. After two games, the sides were drawn. Then Suliasi Vunivalu, one of Australia’s players, promised that his team would “shut the Pommies up” in the decider. The Australians went on to lose. Courtney Lawes, England’s then captain, said Mr Vunivalu’s cockiness had been “good fuel” for his team’s preparations.
Of course, trash talk can go too far. Critics say that cricket’s sledging culture, for example, can be racist. Last year a report on the Scottish game found that on-field chat could be racially abusive. Athletes who stoop to bigotry when they insult their opponents besmirch the not-so-fine art of trash talk. As Warne implied, it should be bracing but never boorish. It is, after all, supposed to be part of the fun. ■
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thatmcgwords · 1 year
American Prison by Shane Bauer
Everyone deserves to be treated as humanely as possible
Being free obliges us to be responsible for those who are not—their well-being and their rights. ~ Shane Bauer
Mentally challenging work can be even more tiring and difficult than physical labor. ~ Shane Bauer
“Apart from being underpaid and often overworked, corrections officers were also putting themselves in danger—any of the inmates could attack them in prison or perhaps when they got out. Prisoners also tend to manipulate the guards by taunting, provoking, and insulting them. It is rather challenging to remain fair and humane in such conditions.”
Everyone deserves a chance at redemption, yes, but most of all, everyone deserves fundamental human rights, and many American private prisons fail to ensure these rights.
A person doesn't have to be good or valuable to society to deserve respect and consideration. ~ Shane Bauer
Profit can and should be a goal, but never an end in itself. ~ Shane Bauer
Scandinavian countries, for example, believe that significantly limiting a criminal’s freedom is already harsh enough; in some other countries, prisoners are stocked like goods in a stuffy warehouse with little to no personal space. And yes, we need to care about that because dehumanizing conditions change people forever, and the truth is that not for the better. What if someone was sentenced by mistake and has to endure?
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deputygonebye · 1 year
@mercyprevaild || Taken from here. 
There's a pause that follows Shane's reasoning... explanation. Whatever he thinks it is, anyway. Rick stops prodding the other man's bruised knuckles and raises his unreadable pale gaze to meet Shane's. He searches for something, an already furrowed brow only growing tighter. Then, retracting his hands, he sits back and barely refrains from taking a more protective position. His hands fall to his lap, his tongue wets his lips as he cants his head to the side.
"Y'sayin' that you did all that because..." Rick trails off, mouth gaping, struggling with his words. My feelings? They both know he's too proud, too closed off to even say it out loud. So he chooses his words a little differently, "Because... of me?"
There's a squirmy feeling in his gut, he swallows around a lump in his throat and he can't resist it, finally folds his arms over his chest. His features turn stoney, lips pursing briefly before he shakes his head.
"What in the world are you thinkin'? This isn't grade school anymore, Shane. I don't... I don't need you defending me."
Splatters of pinks and purples to tanned skin, the knuckles of Shane’s hand were looking uglier than that of the face that he repeatedly punched. Bloodied and broken - the exact number of strikes was lost after about five - another male gone off to his corner of the world crying, whimpering in pain. Shane hadn’t meant to go about and begin the assault. Rather had decided to be the peacekeeper, but all that changed once words were exchanged. Like the bullies that taunted the duo on the playground at school, the punks that pestered Rick and he down the halls of the Academy, Shane sought to make them pay for their unkindness. A temper so hot when it burned - none had ever called him the smarter of the pair - unforgiving when it came to those heavy blows. No one would get away with hurting Rick. Not while the other former officer still stood, not while Shane still had the nerve to make wrongs turn right. It was what he had promised all those years ago. When they were just kids, to both Richard and his folks, when their world became a nightmare. Shane would always look out for him.
A wince dancing across noble features, a hand almost jerked roughly out of Rick’s gentle grasp. As fingertips lightly poked bruises - the pain was sharp - warmed the skin and soothed the aches. A bearable discomfort, in the very least, any sort of hurt was grinned and welcomed. Nothing that couldn’t be gotten over, for one long and cold year, Shane had figured his best friend dead. A member to a pack of Walkers. Never to be found again, a man grieved for every day since. Not once did Shane admit to Rick how many hours he cried. Perhaps didn’t need to, for nobody else knew him as well as Rick did, tears ran down his cheeks over the loss, the death, of his friend, his brother. A heart completely shattered - he was lost. Confused, without his voice of reason, his voice of hope, Shane did the only thing he could do for all that time thereafter. He lived. He survived. He took care of his family and friends, the people that he loved and the people that Rick would’ve loved, too. Having lost him once, not ready to lose him again, since their reunion, Shane hadn��t left the other deputy’s side. Not for a moment. 
Shane muttered, flexing his fingers once his hand was released, groaning, “aw. Hell, man, you don’t need to say that twice. Grade school was a heck of a lot easier to manage than this. Hey, y’all remember that time when I hung lil’Tommy Blackwell by his ankles in the third grade? Little dude was smaller than the both of us, but, man, was he one bigoted nine year old. Rotten kid dared to call you... what in God’s name was it? Somethin’ with a ‘g’ in the name, maybe an ‘f’. I can’t remember. Anyway, he said that word to you, and before he could blink, I hoisted him up to Heaven and threatened to dunk him in the little creek by the school if he didn’t apologize. I swore our teacher Mr. Marcus was gonna beat my behind ‘til the cows came home when he saw the three of us. I knew Grandma Jean would’ve, without a doubt. Guess the angels felt pity on me that day. I didn’t get in trouble. You didn’t, either. Tom went home with a note and no recess for a whole week. Jesus... I wonder what’s happened to him.”
“Look, brother, I know you don’t. I know good and well that you don’t need me defendin’ you. I’ve seen you take down scumbags faster than I ever could. But it’s just... I can’t stand to see you get treated badly. Don’t matter who. Don’t matter where. Don’t matter what. I hate it. Cause, see, Rick, it’s just... there was a time when I thought I would never see you again. When I thought I lost you. I don’t mean to upset you, but I’d like to think you’d understand where I’m comin’ from with all this. Let me ask you somethin’, wouldn’t you do the same for me? If the tables were turned. Would you?”
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