yourdailyqueer · 11 hours
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Taylor Alxndr
Gender: Non binary (they/them)
Sexuality: Queer
DOB: 13 February 1993
Ethnicity: African American
Occupation: Activist, drag artist, singer, songwriter
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terrichienyiart · 11 months
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this is not a tutorial this is just me rambling
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bfpnola · 5 months
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please share! one of the students sent to emergency services is one of BFP’s former volunteers and my friend in real life!
— reaux (she/they)
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tboyemo · 10 months
Tapping the "your support and solidarity and care for Jews and Romani people and BIPOC should be more powerful than your hatred of nazis" sign so fucking hard rn.
Bcs u should support Jews and Romani people and BIPOC more than u hate nazis and some of u it is very clear that u couldn't give a shite about Jews and romani or BIPOC. You hate nazis but you've forgotten nazis aren't just generalised bigots or bad people and they have an ideology which targets "undesirables" and people who ate racially seen as inferior or less than. Only part of combating white supremacy and fascism is hating nazis and a lot of it is helping communities effected by white supremacy and fascism and listening to and understanding us.
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thewoodbine · 1 month
PSA: There is no such thing as a "white Jew"
There are Jews who have European backgrounds and *some* of them have benefited from eurocentrism or being white passing, but in moments of crisis or need the social tides that create white privilege have never seen Jewish people as part of that group. Whiteness is a social category which has changed with time and attitudes and, at least for now, it has never and still doesn't include Jewish people.
Continuing to use the term "white Jews" is ignorant at best and harmful at worst. Even converts once converted are othered and can no longer rely on any previous white background to save them if they are identified as Jewish.
[ Non-jews please reblog]
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nagakiba · 5 months
wanna be nice? Help a native not go homeless!
My family has gotten scammmed by white people from our bnk they want fuckin 3000 from us and theyr takin away the only thing keeping us afloat. and im telling you right now that bein poor on the rez is Not Great. So! donate to not let a native family go homeless! I am begging you.
c4sh4pp - $Chvrchmouse P4yp4l - gravereb / animuskat1@/gmail.com
I will draw stuff if u rly want me to, just DM me here or on twitter and please show proof of donation bc im not playin with more scamming.
here are my prices. i can do furries/anthro and humans.
Sketches - 10-15 Depending on complexity Sketches colored - 20 Smooth colored piece - 40
Examples below (click them for full img)
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if u want smth a lil different, we can discuss it n see what i can do.
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crazycatsiren · 2 years
I want black girls and women to be safe.
I want black girls and women to be happy.
I want black girls and women to be protected.
I want black girls and women to be loved.
I want all the best things for black girls and women.
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mushroomyhouse · 1 year
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Trans people exist in every culture and background across the world and throughout history ❤️
An illustrated print collaboration by @zandegoop and margot fink available at
❤️ mush.house/zandegoop ❤️
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mediademon · 4 months
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"I'd like to apologize. I haven't been myself lately."
American Fiction (2023) dir. Cord Jefferson
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3rdeyechakra · 6 months
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yourdailyqueer · 5 months
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Ncuti Gatwa
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay / Queer
DOB: 15 October 1992
Ethnicity: Rwandan
Nationality: British / Scottish
Occupation: Actor
Note: First black actor to lead Doctor Who as "The Doctor"
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animefeminist · 27 days
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Come write for us!
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motziedapul · 2 months
If you don't mind my sharing my own, probably less spicy POC rep in audio drama take: the AD community's tendency toward celebration of "representation" within the medium as if this rep applies to anything substancially besides queer characters is exausting. Sure, queer rep is important but so often reading "there's rep for everything!" and the cast is like, 95% white? Or, bafflingly, people claiming diversity for something that is entirely fanon? Mmh.
Hi anon!
My take is just about as spicy, honestly.
There's a tendency to value "racially ambiguous" characters played entirely by White actors over actual BIPOC characters
(usually with BIPOC actors, though I'm not as strict about this since I don't mind White actors playing BIPOC characters so long as BIPOC voice actors can play White characters and no BIPOC actors lose voice acting opportunities. And as long as more attention is given to BIPOC creators than we're getting currently).
It sometimes feels as though BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People Of Colour) characters and creators are overlooked in favour of characters who are ostensibly White but drawn by fandom as BIPOC.
I've seen a lot of support in the community from fellow audio drama people; I've felt uplifted by my fellow creators who are White, and I always appreciate and value that. And obviously some shows are just well made and part of their success is based on other factors.
But as someone who's also aware of audio drama fandom, it's easy to see how much favour is given to White Characters drawn as BIPOC in comparison to characters who are BIPOC in text, and I'm not sure why.
That's my spicy opinion. I follow a few BIPOC creators but I can only name two that have an amount of success comparable to White audio drama creators (Gabriel Urbina of W359 fame and Octavia Bray of Atypical Artists), but my knowledge is limited.
And that's not even getting into female led audio drama, but I do love the success of creators such as Lauren Shippen in the space.
I'm not here to yuck anyone's yum or blame anyone for this phenomenon, but I do think it's worth thinking about. Why I see 50 brown Jonny Simses for every canonically brown Samama Khalid. Maybe it's all a coincidence based on other factors. Maybe White characters invite more imagination in their depiction or something.
I don't mind BIPOC depictions of ostensibly White or "racially ambiguous" characters, but I'm not a big fan of if they outnumber depictions of canon BIPOC characters. I just think the latter deserve more love.
I'm no expert. Also I'm mostly in the horror space, apart from my love of Life With Leoh (a sci fi romcom). My knowledge is very limited so if anyone would like to contradict me, I welcome it (especially if it means discovering more BIPOC led shows).
I don't want this to just be about complaining, so please feel free to shout out some fantastic BIPOC led audio drama (either created by or with a majority BIPOC cast) or even share some art you've done of characters from them and I'll happily share them.
My favorites are Wolf 359 (by Gabriel Urbina) and Life with Leoh (by Octavia Bray)!
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bfpnola · 5 months
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from red stream net
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katemartinismywife · 2 months
you're the one - p.b
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☺︎ paige bueckers ☺︎ ☺︎ mini series: part one ☺︎
Summer went by incredibly fast especially when the two best friends spent every second of every day together. "This is our last morning together before you have to leave" Paige frowned looking over at the brunette. The girls couldn't sleep, so they stayed up talking about random things and memories of all the highschool games they played together.
Today Maia has to leave for summer workouts at NC State. Paige still had two more days in Minnesota before she had to leave. "I don't want to talk about that" Maia flipped her body to fully face. Slipping a smile at the brunette Paige gently smoothed a piece of hanging hair behind Maia's ear.
The two girls just stared at each other thinking about how much their lives are about to change. "You won't replace me right?" Maia asked her letting her thumb run over Paige's knuckles. "I could never"
Maia scooted over connecting their bodies. She wrapped her arms around Paige's neck and crossed the rest of their limbs together. Paige placed small kisses on Maia's neck. Maia pulled Paige back to see her face.
"I'm going to miss this pretty face" Maia smiled burning every inch of Paige's face into her memory. "You think I'm pretty awww" Paige teased inching their faces closer together. "I think you're very pretty, gorgeous even" Maia let her eyes fall to Paige's lips.
"Show me how pretty you think I am"
The brunette connected their lips placing two small kisses onto the blonde's lips. Paige hummed as Maia began to pull away. She gripped her hips pulling her closer. The kisses began to become sloppy especially when they finally let their tongues get tangled together.
Paige allows her hands to roam around Maia's body touching places she's always wanted to touch. Eventually, the two stopped once it began to get too far. Maia wanted their first time to mean something and knowing that they were both leaving soon it would be forgotten.
Paige and Maia have been in this predicament before. They were juniors in the empty basketball locker room getting too carried away. They didn't really talk about why they almost had sex, but knew they both liked each other and decided to keep it platonic.
Maia laid on Paige's chest as Paige's hands rubbed and squeezed her ass. "Pinky promise everything will stay the same" Paige whispered holding out her pinky.
"I pinky promise"
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queerism1969 · 10 months
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