#bit of a shitpost
cheesecakethots · 7 months
i love the idea of an obliviously op reader. like a reader who is just as (if not more) powerful than those at the top of the food chain, and yet has no idea about it.
you casually bump into gojo satoru on the street and- what the fuck? you passed through his infinity? huh?
while he’s stood there having a bit of a crisis you’re on your merry way to buy some snacks for yourself.
i’m specifically thinking about a reader like this in shibuya.
passing by mahito only to point and grin at him, “cool cosplay! i don’t recognise the character, but you look great!”
he giggles, placing a hand on your shoulder in an attempt to disfigure you, to turn you into some misshapen monster that’ll join the ranks of the others-
you blink at him, tilting your head a little, only to then place your hand on his shoulder too. you stare at each other for a moment.
“that was weird. see ya!” and then you leave him there oh-so-casually.
sukuna is in disbelief when he sees you- his domain should’ve wiped out everyone in the area? who the fuck are you?
and you just stroll up to him cheerfully, “man, i love your tats! where did you get them? i’m considering getting some, but-“
he lifts his palm, you should immediately burst into flames-
and then you leave him to just stand there in confusion, continuing on your way.
it’s the fact that you cannot perceive the danger you are in that makes the world around you all the less dangerous.
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boozye · 7 months
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"But I don't like sweet-
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annikasevenshots · 1 year
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Riker being impressed + Raffi being a bean about it
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kuuyandere · 8 months
Babygirl, you unlock trauma responses in me I didn't even know i had.
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writing-for-life · 4 months
Do you think the fandom has female Endless favourites (rhetorical question)?
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Everyone who tells me it has nothing to do with their looks… yeah, but no.
And then there is Dream…
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zuko-always-lies · 2 months
Zuko's Book 1 interaction with (non-Fire Nation) civilian populations:
Terrorizing the Southern Water Tribe.
Burning down Suki's village and terrorizing its population.
Threatening the leader of Senlin Village until he reveals where Team Avatar have gone (This is the spirit solstice village).
Teaming up with some pirates before turning against them.
Showing up at a tavern and teaming up with June.
Wrecking the shit out a monastery in his attempts to catch Aang
Exploiting a full-scale Fire Nation invasion in order to invade the Northern Water Tribe's most sacred space and trying to capture the Avatar there.
And he wonder's why people are always terrified and angry when he shows up? The problem isn't only the Fire Nation, Zuko. The problem is also you.
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t0p 10 picz taken m0mentz bef0re dizaster:
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juzt a rand0m thing i made 4 @noisettesgfandwifenojoke cuz yeah. l0l
alz0 there are like 2 reaz0ns 0n why Murder!granny iz ab0ut 2 beat the shit 0ut 0f stinky, mainly becauze he'z makin n0izettez café zl0wly g0 bankrupt with hiz w0rksh0p n ztuff... and becuz he called her a "bitch" f0r liking hiz frenemy [alz0 related 2 n0izette again]. l0l
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skepsies · 2 years
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no enjolras of mine would ever be caught dead at a mcdonalds but this is for a haha funny
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crypticawoo · 8 months
Closeted/inn dennial huumannkin stimboard gift for Mod Dirk onn @beforus-for-real-justice >:3 !!
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👤👥👤 👥🏳👥 👤👥👤
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edge-oftheworld · 2 months
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theowritesfiction · 2 years
Re-watching ' The Library' and I feel like the debate of Sokka's intelligence is settled when Wan Shi Tong tells Sokka 'you're not very bright, are you?'
I'm sorry, I don't know what to tell you guys, but I can't argue with an ancient, wise and powerful knowledge-hoarding spirit. I'll just have to go with Wan Shi Tong's opinion of Sokka. :(
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annikasevenshots · 1 year
i am not immune to barbie movie generators
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
writing is just putting your daydreams onto a google doc
like i still can’t do it but that’s a me problem
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creepymutelilbugger · 2 months
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op turned reblogs off but this post must live. it must live and spread malignantly .
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zuko-always-lies · 1 year
The Universe Really Doesn’t Like People Who Are Nice to Zuko...
Or at the very least being “kind to Zuko” is an action which tends to blow up in people’s faces and lead to significant negative consquences.
[To be clear, this list isn’t entirely serious, and I am not blaming Zuko for the negative consequences other people suffer after they’re kind to him.  He’s a traumatized and abused kid trying to navigate some very bad situations with little guidance, and half the time what happens to others isn’t his fault at all].
1. Ursa gets banished as a result of saving Zuko’s life.
2. Iroh spends years traveling with Zuko in order to support him. In return, Zuko often behaves very disrespectfully toward him(to be fair to Zuko, often times Iroh is acting like an idiot and deserves it).
3. Zuko’s crew loyally serves him for years, yet Zuko generally treats them like dirt (aside from a brief moment in “The Storm”).
4. The Fire Sages ally with Zuko and aid him in his attempt to capture Aang, and they all end up being imprisoned for treason. Arguably, Zhao imprisoned them/was able to justify imprisoning them since they failed to apprehend the banished prince when he returned to the Fire Nation(admittedly, this was a bit of a strench).
5. Aang saves Zuko’s life in “The Blue Spirit” and tells him that he wishes that he could be friends with him, and Zuko responds by trying to burn off his face.
6. On the other hand, the Gaang saving Zuko’s life in “The Siege of the North Part II” has no severe consequences, at least until the end of Book 2.
7. Song and her mother are very kind to Zuko (and Iroh), and they get their ostrich horse stolen for it.
8. However, the family in “Zuko Alone” suffers no negative consequences directly from their kindness toward Zuko, although their life does keep getting worse while he’s around...
9. Obviously, at the end of Book 2 Zuko repays Iroh’s kindness by betraying him and rejecting him in favor of Azula and Ozai, leading directly to Iroh’s imprisonment in Book 2.
10. Katara is very kind to Zuko in the catacombs, and of course the result is that he sides with Azula, leading to Aang’s “death.”
11. More specifically, she shows him the spirit water because she kindly offers to heal his scar, and this leads directly to Zuko sending Combustion Man after the Gaang.
12. Azula makes a sincere, if flawed, attempt to reconcile with her brother, and it leads directly to her downfall, including through Zuko (probably inadvertently) throwing her under the bus in his conversation with Ozai.
13. Ty Lee tries to kindly and supportively connect with Zuko in “The Beach,” and as a result Zuko mocks her, calls her a circus freak, and makes her cry, showing zero remorse for it.
14. Ruon Jian and Chan (reluctantly) invite Zuko (and Azula) to their party, and as result Zuko breaks Chan’s grandmother’s vase, not to mention their house ends up getting burned down and their party ruined.
15. Although Mai is flawed, she is very supportive of Zuko in Book 3. In return, she gets poorly treated by him at Ember Island. When she gives him a second chance, he ends up breaking up with her via letter!
16. When Toph goes off behind the Gaang’s back to meet Zuko and try to find a way to get him into the Gaang, he ends up accidently burning her feet, leading to the famous “why am I so bad at being good” line.
17. Mai saves Zuko’s life and helps him escape, and she gets imprisoned for it.
Obviously, there are other instances where characters are nice to Zuko and don’t suffer any serious consequences as a result. Still, the pattern suggests that generally being kind to him is a poor bet, unless you want to suffer.
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juzt wanna let y0u guyz kn0w that thiz sumz up what kind 0f artist i am. l0l
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