#bobby's pulling out all her charm
caramelcove · 2 months
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Cat distribution system had a bit of a malfunction 😬
Stay tuned for the continuation 🥰💕💞
Part 1.5
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artyandink · 14 days
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Summary: You’ve been dating Dean Winchester, which is nothing short of a fever dream. A brilliant fever dream. But when you decide to test him on how much he wants you, you don’t get the answer you expected to have.
A/N - Welcome to the Karak Chaii-verse! I had an idea to write Dean with an Indian POC, since I’m one myself. Creds to @zepskies and her brilliant Midnight Espresso-verse, and you should definitely check that out. This is a small drabble that I thought up.
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Your family had moved to the US around a year after you were born. That’s because the monsters in India were far more dangerous than in America due to the origination of them from the depths of Indian mythology, such as a rakshasa or arunasura, but you found that here was far more escalated.
At least, you’d found out when you met the Winchesters.
You came from a long line of crazy good Indian hunters, so you were already a great one yourself. Back in India, your parents would pose as part of the CBI, but you had to resort to finding someone who could make you a believable FBI badge once you turned eighteen and got into hunting solo, which was around 1997. There you met Bobby Singer, who hooked you up with what he called the ‘All-American Hunting Kit’, which consisted of an array of fake IDs and a lore book. You were glad your training, done by your dad, was done by the intensity of monsters in India rather than here, otherwise it’d be harder to get by.
On a hunt for a vampire and wraith hybrid in Grant Pass, Oregon, you came across the Winchesters, the shorter of the two having dubbed the hybrid ‘Jefferson Starships’. That man was Dean, and you were taken by his charming, goofy attitude that switched to an attractive sort of intensity when faced with imminent danger. You just didn’t expect ‘imminent danger’ to be the mother of all monsters.
Once your parents had found out that you were hanging out with the Winchesters, who were at the centre of any and all supernatural trouble in America, they sent you a thousand calls telling you to get your ass out of there before you got killed. You being you, you didn’t listen. Not when you knew that you’d get withdrawal symptoms from not seeing the million dollar smile of Dean Winchester, which quickly won you over (and his lips too, which knew damn well what they were doing).
As for Sam, you quickly saw him as your little brother figure, who also helped you manage your unruly hair by recommending the right hair products that you now had stocked up. You’d both nerd over monsters, you’d tell him about all the ones you’d encountered in India while Sam told you stories about all that he and his brother had gone through.
Which was no less than a lot. And you thought India was a harder place to live, by what your parents told you. Here there’s the friggin’ Apocalypse.
Dean was obviously your favourite Winchester. He’d told you he really liked you about two years and a half after you met amid averting eyes and stammered words as he spewed compliment after compliment, standing there in the Bunker’s kitchen like a nervous melon in his grey robe, black shorts with hot dogs on them and black undershirt with fuzzy hair.
You’d cut his nervous ramblings off by pulling him in by the lapel of his robe, lips puckered in surprise as they met yours as the tangy taste of cherry and sweet, buttery pie crust flooded your taste buds and even more so when Dean quickly took control of the kiss, hands tangling in your hair and grabbing at soft curves like his life depended on it.
One thing Dean loved about you was your cooking. Your mom had taught you a wide array of Indian dishes that you could cook, and the moment the first bite of your rajma and rice graced Dean’s mouth, it was hook, line and sinker. You’d taught him how to eat chole bhature, roti and sabzi and which masala was which so he could know what the hell did you put to make him fall for you over and over again.
You were scrolling on your YouTube shorts one day when you came across a video of a woman asking her husband what his favourite snack was to see if he’d say her or not. You didn’t look like the definition of a snack right now, with your unwashed hair tied up in a bun that your mom taught you to do with no hair tie whatsoever in grey sweatpants, Dean’s undershirt and fuzzy mismatched socks, but you decided to try it out anyway as Dean came into the bunker’s living room, approaching you from behind with a delicate yet possessive cup of your chin and a kiss to your temple.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He greeted in that low voice of his that was effortlessly seductive even when he wasn’t trying, his hand sliding down to comfortingly rub over your chest and shoulder as he passed by. “Doin’ ok?” He sat down beside you, arm around your shoulder as his fingers began to play with your hair, warm green eyes trained on you.
You nodded, setting your phone aside. “Doing alright, yeah.” Then you decided to try out the question. “Dil, what’s your favourite snack?” You called Dean dil sometimes because it meant heart in Hindi, and he had yours.
The question got a chuckle out of him as he jerked his head to the right in amusement. “Awh, sweet girl, that’s hardly fair. I’d say beef jerky, but that new thing you, uh, introduced me to really raised the bar.” His brow furrowed in thought for a moment in contrast to the large grin on his face. “The aloo whatzitsname.”
“Aloo lachha.” You corrected with a giggle, barely holding back the urge to say what the answer was.
“Yeah, that. Or, uh, pie, but that’s a dessert and not a snack. Maybe that rajma stuff, but that’s a meal.” He continued rambling on any and all snacks he’d added to his palette since meeting you, until a bout of laughter from you slowed his roll. “What? What’s so funny, huh?”
“So… your favourite snack isn’t me.” You teased with a smirk, which got the cogs in his head turning. “You failed, sorry, honey.”
The words got a raise of his eyebrow and a slow and subtle roving of his eyes down your body and a bite of his lip. To him, you looked absolutely delicious. Like the best thing at a five star restaurant.
He stood up with a low grunt, facing you before grabbing you by your hips, hoisting you up so fast that you had to wrap your sweatpant-clad legs around his waist with a small shriek. “See, baby, that’s where you’re wrong.”
He leaned forward, capturing your lips in a bruising kiss that bordered on reverence and somehow the intention to devour at the same time, which had you moaning already. His tongue slipped into your mouth, briefly getting a taste and giving you the distinct flavour of the aloo chaat you had made for lunch mixed with beer before he pulled back and nipped your bottom lip, groaning at the feeling of your fingers now tugging at his hair.
“You…” Dean paused for a breath and a low chuckle, staring at you hungrily. “You are the whole damn buffet.”
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@k-slla @hobby27 @supernatural-jackles
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wol-fica · 1 year
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parings - jennaortega x fem!reader
summary - jenna loves to praise you, and you love to do anything she asks. unfortunately, a guy tried to get in between that…
warnings - m e n, oral sex, fingering, anal sex, sixty-nine, praising, r being a downright simp
an - hey guys !
Do you ever dream up such a surreal thing that could never happen, but it surprisingly does?
Some people beg for unrealistic expectations, like a fancy new car, or a shiny rollex with your initials engraved in gold. Sometimes you get those things, most times you don’t; it’s a heavy ‘what if’.
You were one of those people, dreaming of the impossible and wishing for the utmost crazy things. But unlike others, you didn’t crave a new car or a fancy wrist watch; no, you wanted someone. 
See, you loved to be involved with movies and celebrities, tracking down what films they work on and all that jazz. You ranged from smaller, upcoming actors  like Tom Blythe, to bigger faces like Millie Bobby Brown. It was so fascinating to you, being that you valued cinematography and everything that comes with it, so your appreciation for the faces behind the wonderful characters that you love so much need the same attention. 
Naturally, crushes did form on certain actresses; how could you not fall for such an attractive person? You had such a heavy crush on Jenna Ortega, forming from her performance in The Fallout; she was just so beautiful to you. You would have little fantasies, picturing yourself dating her and just having a blast, it was perfect.
Now somehow, you actually met Jenna. It was completely an accident; you were working your normal shift at the library and she happened to stop by looking for some books. To say that you were awestruck was an understatement, but you didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable in any way so you opted to control your fangirling and stay cool when she came up to purchase the novels she chose.
To your complete and utter surprise, Jenna asked for your socials. She claimed you were ‘good looking and charming’ and she wanted to become friends of the sort. The two of you chatted in instagram dm’s constantly, until you sent your number one day and then Jenna asked you out about a month later. 
Fast forward to now, two and a half years later on the set of a movie that Jenna was acting in. She had (informally) posted you as her personal assistant, meaning you had to listen to whatever she said and asked for with no complaints, not like you would anyways.
“Excuse me! Coming through!” You shouted, running past some crew workers while holding a cup of coffee and a pastry. 
Jenna had asked you to get her some food, claiming that she was a bit peckish, and if you were quick she might share some with you. To say that you sprinted was true, harnessing your inner highschool track legs to be as fast as possible so you could deliver what she wanted.
With a shove and a slight “omph” from shouldering a door open, you hurried into the big production room. Cameras were everywhere, with large lights and wires connecting all around the large set piece. People were hurrying about, actors and their makeup teams rushing to add some last touches before they started rolling.
Jenna was sitting in her chair, a script in her hands while she lazily flipped through to review some lines. As you neared her, she looked up to meet your eyes, a smile crossing her face at the sight of you.
“I got the goods!” You said breathlessly, holding up the items.
“Did you get what I asked for?” Jenna asked, taking the pastry bag to look inside.
“Yep! A white mocha iced latte with one pump raspberry and some strawberry purée cold foam, and a unicorn cake pop!” You said enthusiastically, proud that you remembered her favorite order.
“Good girl.” Jenna praised, pulling you down by your collar so she could kiss your cheek, “I’ll let you have some when we finish this scene.”
You nodded, a blush covering your face at the subtle comment she slid in. Jenna would do that often; whenever you did something good or did what she asked, she would either say “Good girl” or “That’s my girl, just what I asked for”. It gets your brain to short circuit and your stomach to churn pleasantly everytime.
“You can sit in my chair while I work, I don’t think anyone will mind.” She said, sipping her drink with a satisfied hum as she stood up, “Tastes perfect darling.”
You smiled, doing a little fist pump for being so damn good at pleasing your girlfriend. After settling into her chair, you took out your phone to scroll through instagram. Beside you, Jenna was chatting to the director about little things they could do to make the scene better. You heard something about a line delivery, but a funny reel caught your attention and you zoned out for the rest of her conversation. 
“Baby.” Jenna’s voice called to you after a while, causing you to quickly look up.
“Yeah?” You said, eyes on her as you gave her your full attention, “Do you need something?”
Her eyes softened, her hand coming up to cup your face. The pad of her thumb brushed across your skin, rubbing gentle circles on your cheek bone.
“No, I just wanted to let you know we are on a three hour break.” 
You smiled, nodding happily, “Do you want to go to your trailer? Or for a walk? I can grab your hiking shoes!”
“No need for that, we’ll hang out in the break room.” She said, tapping your leg as a silent command to follow her, “There is lunch in there as well.”
You stood up, stretching and cracking your back with a sigh. Jenna’s hand patted your stomach, her nails scratching your skin through your hoodie before she walked away with you hot on her tail. You both made your way into the room, Jenna heading to set her stuff down while you went straight for the donuts.
“Hungry much?” She asked with a laugh, watching as you stuffed a maple glazed donut into your mouth.
“Mphmmmm.” You moaned softly, relishing the taste of the sweet treat. 
“Chew with your mouth closed, don’t you have manners?” Jenna said, coming over to you with a napkin. 
“Omf curse I do.” You said, your words muffled by the donut in your mouth.
She raised her eyebrows, pulling back from wiping your mouth to give you a look that said ‘for real?’. She shook her head when you shrugged your shoulders, reaching up to finish wiping your mouth off. 
“Always so messy.” She noted after throwing the napkin away, “You need a portable pack of Kleenex or something.”
“I usually have one in my backpack.” 
Jenna hummed and nodded, picking up a plate to put some salad on. While she added her toppings, the sound of a door opening caught your attention. Turning your body towards the door, your eyes widened at the sight of who was walking in.
It was Mason, one of Jenna’s co-actors. He was around her age, maybe a little older, with a sturdy build and charming face. Almost everyone loved him, since he was claimed to be so charming and handsome, and loads of girls have unbreakable crushes on him. You used to think he was a great guy, until he started flirting with Jenna and giving you dirty looks every time he saw you. 
Soon you picked up on the fact that he had a thing for your girlfriend, and clearly disliked you for getting to her before he did. He always shot flirtatious comments towards her and constantly made sure he was around her at work so he could talk to her, and that unfortunately made you super uncomfortable and upset about the situation.
You have never been a confrontational person, and when anyone ever disliked you or was angry, you would just duck your head and nod in submission. Jenna usually defended you, knowing that you had a tendency to just take the blunt of the aggression, but for some odd reason she never noticed how Mason treated you. 
“Jeeeenna!” Mason dragged out, a charming smile on his face as he heard towards her, “What’s up?”
“Nothing much, how are you?” She said, setting her salad down to give him her attention.
He held his arms out, signaling he wanted a hug, and leaned in to wrap his arms around her waist. His hand went a little too low for your liking, his fingertips brushing way too close to her bottom, but Jenna pulled back before he could go any farther. Your eyes narrowed in jealousy, but not a word was uttered from your lips.
“I’m great.” He said, his hands still on her arms, “Care if I join you for lunch?” 
Jenna shrugged and nodded, gesturing to the seat next to her. You watched as they both sat down, letting out an irritated puff of air when Mason sneakily scooted his chair closer. Their conversation blurred while you stared, unease bubbling up in your stomach. The way he would so subtly touch her, whether brushing his hand on hers or rubbing their knees together; it made you mad. Your emotions were begging to be let out, scratching at your throat to just go off on him, but your anxiety held you back; yet again, you were afraid. 
The thing that was irking you the most was how Jenna responded to him. Her body language was open towards him, her focus and attention almost fully on him. She was smiling, nodding and laughing at mostly everything he said. It was like she completely forgot of your existence and that made your heart ache. With a sigh, you grabbed your phone and moved to leave the room. 
“Y/N?” Jenna called to you, making you turn to meet her confused gaze, “Where are you going?”
“Gonna get some air.” You said, eyes cast down away from Mason’s condescending smirk, “Just text me if you need something.” 
With that, you exited, and Jenna didn't miss the sense of urgency in your step. A pang of hurt came from her heart, a small frown of sadness coming to her face. 
“Anyways…” Mason said, gaining her attention back, “I’ve been meaning to ask you a question.”
“What is it?” Jenna asked, her eyes locked on the door in case you came back in.
“I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner?” He asked in a hopeful tone, “A date at Providence?”
She finally turned to him, disbelief all over her face. As she stared at him, it suddenly clicked in her mind why you so abruptly left. You were insecure and upset, over the fact that Mason was flirting with her and she was doing nothing to stop it.
“No thanks. I have a girlfriend.” Jenna said, standing up to toss the rest of her salad and pursue you.
“Don’t, I’m not interested.” She interrupted, grabbing her bag and hurrying out of the room. 
She speed-walked down the hallway, eyes peering into every open door in search of you. Each time she looked for you, but didn’t see you, the feeling of dread filled up more and more. She almost gave up after about ten minutes, that was until she found you sitting outside.
You were curled up against the wall, your knees tucked into your chest while your chin rested on your arms. Jenna approached slowly, sliding down beside the wall to sit beside you. She stayed silent for a moment, staring up into the sky while listening to you breathe.
“I’m sorry.” Jenna said after a while, turning her face to you, “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“It’s fine.” You mumbled, your hair blowing in the wind while you spoke.
She pursed her lips, feeling like your response was not how you actually felt. She tracked your features, searching your eyes and finding a trace of unease inside your irises. 
“Pretty girl,” Jenna tried again, bumping her foot against yours, “Can you look at me?”
You turned your head, meeting the brown eyes that you fell so hard for. She smiled at you, her hand reaching out to interlace her fingers with your own. Her thumb rubbed your skin, warmth cascading throughout your body from the gentle gesture. 
“I want you to know,” She said, her voice full of confidence, “That no one will ever deter my love from you.” 
You couldn’t help but crack a smile, a small blush coating your cheeks at her words. Jenna giggled softly at your reaction, pulling her hand from yours to cup your cheek.
“I adore you; some stupid guy will never change that.” She murmured softly, her eyes flickering to your lips; a request.
You made the first move, unraveling your knees from your chest to push yourself towards her. She met you halfway, sighing through her nose when her lips pressed into yours. She tasted like vanilla cookies, her scent overwhelming you while you kissed her. 
Your hands went up and around her neck, hers sliding down to your waist to pull herself into your lap. She leaned into you, breaking the kiss for a breath before diving right back in. Her lips slotted into yours, her body weight pushing you against the wall while you both made out. 
“You’re beautiful.” She said between kisses, “My perfect girl.”
“Jenna-.” You started but she cut you off with a kiss.
“My good girl.” She purred, sliding her hands under your shirt to feel your skin, “My trailer is about five minutes away.” 
You nodded furiously, following her closely when she stood up. Her hand grasped yours, fingers intertwined as she pulled you along the gravel path towards the trailers. The walk took less than five minutes, equaling to three since Jenna decided to do a bit of a jog.
Once she unlocked the door and pulled you inside, she pushed you up against the wall, kicking the door shut. Her lips found yours again, her hands pulling your face down to hers to be as close as possible. The feeling of her tongue prodding at your lips set you ablaze, a moan slipping from your mouth while her warm muscle explored you. 
“Bedroom. Now.” Jenna said breathlessly, trying to tug you in the direction of her bed.
You complied, falling onto the mattress. Your clothes were practically ripped off of you, with Jenna somehow undressing herself before you even laid down on your back. She straddled your lap, her hands running along your naked body.
“I think we should try something different.” She mumbled to herself, turning around in your lap.
You opened your mouth to ask what she was up to, but was immediately shut down when she slid down so her mouth was directly above your heat. Her legs went back, knees on either side of your face; sixty-nine position, one she has been talking about doing for months on end. 
A puff of air hitting your clit made you shiver, your eyes falling shut when you felt her fingers drag through your already drenched folds. After a bit of rubbing and messing around, Jenna pushed her fingers in about an inch; a test to see if you were okay to keep going. You whimpered, your legs automatically opening wider for her to easily penetrate you. 
“I’m expecting you to do something back there.” She said sternly, still slowly pushing her fingers into you, “I don’t want to wait.”
Your eyes snapped open, immediately directing your attention to the task at hand. You gently pushed her thighs farther apart, your thumbs coming up to spread her folds open. Carefully, you pulled her onto your mouth, your tongue licking and prodding her entrance as you tasted her wetness. She moaned softly, her movements unwavering while she still fingered you. 
You whined in pleasure when she wrapped her lips around your clit, arousal flowing through your veins. Between the two of you, Jenna was definitely more experienced with sex. You loved to be of assistance to her however you could, being labeled as a “service top”, what your friend called it. 
You pushed your tongue inside of her hole, relishing in the way she moaned around your clit. You thrusted back and forth, filling her up with each push inside of her. The feeling of something spongy on your tongue made you giddy, focusing your assault on massaging that sensitive spot. 
Jenna pulled back from you to give a guttural moan, her fingers finding a faster pace to match your tongue. You could feel your orgasm rising quite quickly, and you knew Jenna’s was close behind from her velvety walls tightening on you.
You came first, your body seizing and mind going blank for a moment. Jenna stroked you through it, her other hand rubbing your thigh while you calmed down. Soon though, she followed you suit, her thighs squeezing your head as she released on your tongue. A cute little noise exited her throat, sort of a moan and an exhale; either way it was adorable. 
“Oh…” Jenna sighed, her fingers twitching inside of you.
“You good?” You asked, knowing she could either want more or be completely burnt out, “Need anything?”
She pulled her hand away from your legs, rolling over and moving until she was sat up beside you. Her eyes met yours, brown irises burrowing into your soul as she analyzed you. Her shoulders slumped slightly as she stared at you, desire pooling in her pupils.
“God…” She said, her hand reaching out to affectionately stroke your thigh, “I want you to sit on my face.”
“J-Jenna!” You stuttered, your face going red in shock.
“Please?” She asked, leaning over so she could peck your lips, “I wanna make you scream my name.”
You’re not sure when you said yes, or when Jenna flipped you both over, or when she got you sat up and over her mouth, but either way she had you where she wanted you. 
Your hands gripped the headboard, trying to not lean all of your weight onto her head in fear of hurting her, but one pull from Jenna and you were done for. She guided your hips down, her tongue licking lazily between your folds. 
A whimper exited your mouth, which turned into a satisfied moan when she finally pushed herself inside of you. The stretch felt nice, and the sensual rubbing she was doing to your thighs was pleasing to you. 
“Oh Jenna!” You moaned out, throwing your head back at the feeling of her tongue finding your sweet spot. 
One of your hands went down to wind into her hair, while her hand slid up to your chest to pinch your nipples. She groped and pulled at you, pumping her tongue in and out of you at a fast pace. Your hips started to rock back and forth, small whines slipping out everytime her teeth caught your clit. 
“Fuck…” You whispered, your eyes rolling from the pleasure between your thighs, “I…I’m close…”
Jenna hummed beneath you, causing you to cry out, and proceeded to pull your thighs farther apart and press her fingers against your other hole. She rubbed for a moment, before gently pushing two inside of you. 
The attention was too much, being that her tongue was inside of you, her fingers were inside of you, and your breasts were being squeezed so pleasantly that you practically broke down on top of her. A guttural moan erupted from your throat, your orgasm crashing down hard. Jenna helped you through it, licking and pumping until you had to push yourself off of her due to overstimulation. 
“You okay?” She asked after you settled yourself into her side, your arm lazily slinging over her waist.
“Mhm.” You nodded, burying your face into her neck for comfort. 
“You did good, pretty girl.” She praised, kissing your temple before grabbing a towel off of the side table to wipe her face with, “I’m impressed with how you ate me out earlier.”
“Don’t underestimate me, idiot.” You joked, patting her stomach, “I’m not that vanilla anymore.”
Jenna laughed, pulling you closer to her chest. She threw her blanket over the two of you, snuggling into you and intertwining her legs with yours. 
“Don’t we have to be back soon?” You asked sleepily, fighting to keep your eyes open, “They need you.”
“We have two and a half hours.” Jenna murmured, tucking her head under your chin, “And I need you right now.”
“Shhh.” She whispered, kissing your neck, “Just hold me.”
And hold her you did.
taglist: @crystal-lily-101 @tundra1029 @rainbow-love4ever  @imhungry-andtired @theafterofnevermore @k1mba @simp4thena @thenextdawn @alexkolax @annalestern @efectoangel @fall-08 @andsoigotabutterfly @littlegaybutterflysblog @sayaisrotten @deep-fried-egg @frasersgf @thispussyshouldcomew
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roosterforme · 9 months
The Curveball Part 12 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: Being reunited with Molly has Bob feeling comfortable and confident again. But navigating the holidays with their families for the first time has him yearning to make things official. The ring tucked away in the closet is on his mind more and more.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, swears, pregnancy, smut, 18+
Length: 5900 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story accompanies Batting Practice!)
Check my masterlist for more! The Curveball masterlist
Thank you to @mak-32 and @teacupsandtopgun for the beautiful banners!
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Bob felt like he had missed so much while he was away. He would have loved to dress up in one of the family baseball themed costumes for Halloween. He wished he hadn't missed the games with the Navy Waves rec league. And he was kind of devastated he hadn't been there for all of Molly's appointments, but at least she had the ultrasound images spread out for him when he got home. 
But he didn't get to see them right away, because more than anything else, he missed being with Molly. And he could tell she had missed him. She couldn't keep her eyes or hands off him. It still seemed unfathomable that he affected her as much as she affected him. But here he was, staggering inside the condo and kicking the door closed while Molly's hands worked at the zipper of his khaki pants. The exhaustion he felt over the lack of sleep he got on the carrier was nothing compared to the happiness he felt over being home.
"I get uniform time today," she whispered, lips all over his chin and jaw. "I wasn't prepared for this level of hotness after missing you for weeks and weeks, Bobby."
"I missed you, too. You got so big," he grunted, rubbing her belly through her dress. Then he felt his son kick him, and he smiled. "Mo, he knows I'm home."
She laughed, and it made Bob feel better than he had for weeks. Then she kissed his lips and pulled him toward the bedroom. "This is the most he's kicked all week. We both missed you, Daddy."
But before he let her get her hands back inside his pants, Bob gently guided her closer to their bed. "You are the only one for me. Just you and the baby." His brain flashed to a memory of Annamarie grimacing as he talked about Molly. He really wished he hadn't even spoken to her. He wanted to take it all back. But Molly still loved him. And he was never going to stop loving her. 
She was biting her lip and looking up at him as she eased her hand inside his pants, wrapped her right hand around his cock and started jerking him off. He was already hard. Her hand felt so much better than his ever did. But he cupped her cheeks in his palms and bent to kiss her lips. "I need us to go slow right now, Mo."
"Okay," she whispered, easing her hand cautiously away from him. "We can go slower."
He kissed her one more time. "I'm exhausted. When I tell you that I have barely slept since the last time I saw you, I'm not exaggerating. And besides, I want this to last as long as possible, because I need you to know that I missed being intimate with you. Not just being inside you."
Her lips parted, and she smiled softly up at him. "Slow and kind of romantic. Okay, Bobby."
"That's what I need." Bob kissed her fingers, and then she guided his hands down to pull her dress over her head. He was careful to ease the soft fabric over her belly slowly, so he didn't hurt her. And when the dress hit the floor, his lips found the little glasses charms on her piercings right away. 
He rolled them around on his tongue, one after the other, before he licked her collarbone. Molly was whimpering and whispering his name, and he kept his hands gently on her belly. "Mo. Is it possible that I missed the way you smell? And the softness of your skin?"
She ran her fingers through his hair and tugged him back to her lips for more kisses. Slowly, she worked at his buttons before tucking her hands inside the hem of his undershirt. She pulled her lips away from his and ran her nails along his abdomen until Bob was painfully hard. "The thing I missed the most is how you think before you talk, and the way you aren't fucking annoying like everyone else."
Bob laughed as Molly removed both of his shirts. When she sat on the edge of their bed, she looked up at him and unzipped his pants. "I was planning on sucking your cock as many times as you wanted me to," she whispered, slowly swirling her tongue along the bead of his precum and moaning. "Because I missed having your cum in my mouth."
"Jesus," Bob grunted. 
"But, I also missed feeling you in my pussy." She spread her legs wider, and even with her bigger bump, Bob could see that she was wet for him. "So why don't you tell me what you want." She lazily licked along his cock and sucked gently on the tip as she looked up at him. Bob could watch her do this all day, mesmerized by how pretty she looked and how good she felt at the same time. 
"I like this," he blurted, rubbing his thumb along her cheek as she giggled with her lips on him. Then she took him a little deeper, and Bob closed his eyes as her fingernails found his balls. Soon he was throbbing for her, and he pulled himself from her mouth. 
"I can keep going," she said, but he was shaking his head. 
"I wanna cum inside you, Honey."
He watched her get on her hands and knees and crawl up to the top of the bed. Her perfect ass and pussy were on display for him, and he had to stroke himself as he watched. And then she was standing on her knees and holding the top of the wooden headboard. Her thighs were spread wide, and she was smiling over her shoulder. "You better whisper sweet nothings about how much you missed me while you fuck me, Lieutenant Floyd. And I want you to fuck me good."
Bob stripped out of his shoes, socks and pants and crawled up the bed behind her. He licked along the round globe of her ass before he stood on his knees behind her with his cock rubbing against her slick pussy. He kissed her shoulder and guided himself inside, and Molly made the most delicious sounds as he thrusted deeper. "Nothing else sounds that pretty."
As Molly wiggled herself back against him, she said, "God, I missed you." 
Bob's hands found her hips as he buried his face against her neck and inhaled. "I missed you, too. Every second that I was away from you felt like a week." He let one big hand rest on her belly as he slid the other up to her tits. With a smirk he tugged gently on her piercing until she gasped. "It feels like you missed me, too."
"You know I did!" she whined, already fluttering around his cock with every one of his thrusts. "I need you!"
"Hmm," he hummed, keeping his movements slow and steady. "Love you, Honey."
He guided his fingers down her belly to her clit where he could feel himself inside her. As soon as he was touching her, Molly tightened her grip on the headboard, and then his thrusts got a little faster. She arched her back and came for him as he caressed her tattoos and told her that nobody else could compare to how lovely she is. And then she turned to kiss him over her shoulder while he came, fucking his cum deeper and deeper until his hips finally stilled. 
When he let his head come to rest on her shoulder, she took his hands in hers. And then he yawned so big and loud that she started laughing. "Oh, Bobby. You're beyond exhausted. Let's get you snuggled in bed."
He tried to protest. He tried to tell her he could stay up and get her something for lunch after he took a shower to help wake him up. But she silenced him with kiss after kiss. "We have freezer meals from your mom that I can heat up. Now climb under the covers."
Bob did as he was told with another enormous yawn. "I'm sorry, Mo."
"Stop it!" she said with another laugh as she removed his glasses. "Do you know how sweet it is that you can't get a good night's sleep without me? Very fucking sweet, Uncle Bob."
He pulled the bedding up to his shoulders and reached for her again. "Will you stay with me? At least until I fall asleep. I can't fall asleep without you."
"Of course."
After two minutes of Molly snuggled up next to him, running her fingers through his hair and whispering how big the baby was measuring, Bob was sound asleep with his arms around her.
Over the next few weeks, Bob required a number of naps and a little extra sleep each night. He was so worn out, that Molly was worried at first. So she made them sandwiches for dinner each night and tried to take care of thing as much as she could. But it was honestly adorable to her the way he would take little cat naps with her on the couch after work. And he brought home gas station flowers with him most nights. 
When she woke up alone a few days before her birthday, she quickly climbed out of bed. It was still early. Neither of them had to work today. He should have still been sound asleep. After a minute of investigating, she found Bob in the nursery, sitting on the floor in his gray sweatpants, reading. He was so handsome and sincere, it was no wonder other women were interested in him. And maybe he was onto something with his wedding band theory. 
"You okay?" she whispered, and he jumped a little before he looked up at her with a smile. 
"Yeah. Feeling good. Just thought I'd start putting this crib together." 
Molly shuffled into the room and bent to kiss his forehead. His parents had purchased the crib and dropped it off a few days ago, along with some more homemade meals and some baby boy clothes. They seemed very excited to have a grandson, and Molly was just happy they didn't hate her. 
"You slept enough?"
"Mmhmm," he hummed, gently pulling her down onto his lap. "Where do you want the crib? On this wall here or next to the window?" he asked softly as she settled against him. 
"This wall," she replied as Bob slipped his hands around her and let them rest on her belly. The baby knew his dad was there. He must have been able to hear Bob's voice, because he started to kick like crazy. "This kid is wild about you."
Bob just rubbed her bump and asked, "What are we going to do about the size of the condo?"
Molly looked around the bedroom. It wasn't huge, but it was definitely big enough. "What do you mean?"
Bob pressed his lips to her neck and snuggled against her. "If we want to have more than one kid, there won't be enough space. I was already thinking about it while I was deployed."
"You were?" Molly gasped with a laugh. She still wasn't sure she could get through just one pregnancy. "Let's just simmer down here, Cowboy Bob."
When she looked at him, he was blushing. "It was just something that I was thinking about. That's all."
Well. Now Molly was thinking about it, too.
When Bradley opened his front door and said, "Happy Thanksgiving. Oh, and happy birthday, Molly," Bob watched her roll her eyes. 
"You said them out of order. My birthday takes precedence."
"She's been like this all day," Bob told Bradley as he walked inside to find Everett wearing a paper turkey hat while he helped his mom in their kitchen. 
"I honestly don't know how you deal with her, Bob," Bradley replied loudly with a smirk, and Molly flipped him off behind her back. 
"She's a delight," he replied sincerely, earning him a chuckle from Bradley. Bob watched as Everett came running toward Molly.
"Happy birthday, Aunt Molly!" he shouted, and she smothered his face in kisses while he laughed. 
"See? He gets it! The seven year old gets it! I don't know what's wrong with the rest of you," she said as she tickled her nephew.
"She'll be a good mom," Bradley whispered before he headed into the kitchen. 
Bob had no doubt that Molly would surpass everybody's expectations, even his own which were sky high. Molly was incredible. She was a fantastic nurse, a loving aunt and sister, and she made Bob feel like he was good enough. 
"You coming, Lieutenant Floyd?" she asked, holding out her hand for him. He took it right away. Bob drank a few beers with Bradley before dinner. Then Molly fell asleep with her head on his lap until the food was on the table. 
"Mo, Honey. Your sister said we can eat now." She jolted awake, and looked up at him before scrambling to sit on his lap. 
"I just had the most horrible dream," she croaked, rubbing her ever growing bump. 
He cupped her cheeks and ran his thumbs along her soft skin. "About what?"
She swallowed hard and shook her head sadly before saying, "I had a dream that the doctor told me I had to take my piercings out because my boobs got bigger, and then I remembered that at my last appointment, he really did say that could happen." She looked like she was on the verge of tears, but Bob started laughing. "It's not funny!"
"It's kind of funny."
She looked scandalized. "I thought you loved them!"
Bob ran his fingers along her sides and gently stroked her breasts through her clothing. "I love you. And yeah, these are fun. But if you have to take them out, you can always get them pierced again later."
She kind of shrugged and slid off of his lap, and now he couldn't wait to give her the birthday gift that was waiting at home. She walked sullenly into the dining room where Bradley was cutting up the turkey while Everett ate heaping spoonfuls of cranberry sauce. 
Molly and her sister got the rest of the food ready to serve, and then her sister said, "I have an important announcement to make. Dinner is on hold until Molly opens her birthday presents, because her birthday takes precedence when it falls on Thanksgiving."
Molly bounced in place and squealed while Everett ran to the hallway closet. "Wait, so this is like a real thing?" Bob asked, looking at the woman he loved. 
"Since we were kids," her sister said with an eye roll before she pulled Molly in for a hug. "She's always been like this. She'll never change."
"Rest in peace, Bob," muttered Bradley, and Molly threw a dinner roll at him as she laughed. 
"Open it!" Everett said, handing a rather large gift to Molly. A second later, she was crying happy tears and holding a gift card to the sushi restaurant along with an enormous ten pound red gummy bear. "I picked it out!"
"Of course you did, Ev. It's perfect. A gummy bear that will take me a year to eat. It's all I ever wanted."
"Can we eat dinner now?" Bradley asked, serving fork poised over the turkey. 
"Yes," Molly said sweetly.
Later that night, when Bob carried a bag full of containers of leftovers into the condo, he whispered, "Want to open your other birthday present from me?"
She perked up right away. "I thought the thirty gas station flowers for my thirtieth birthday was my birthday present?" she asked, gesturing to all the vases full of flowers on the table. 
"I got you something else, too," he said, taking her hand and leading her to their bedroom. "Hang on. It's in the closet." Molly went to sit on the edge of the bed as Bob rooted around for the wrapped gift. His hand paused where he had hidden what was meant to be her engagement ring. When he closed his eyes, he could see it on her finger. He could see a wedding band on his own hand. His heart pleaded with him to give it to her. To at least see what she said. But he shook his head and grabbed the box instead. 
When he handed it to her, she tore into the paper right away. "I don't know what you would even get me, because I don't need anything."
"You needed that huge gummy bear."
"You're damn right, I did," she muttered as she dropped the paper to the floor and held up her gift. "Oh!"
It was a personalized jewelry box with individual spots meant for all of Molly's barbells and rings. He filled one of the spots with a set that had airplane charms. The elaborate engraving on the lid said Bob's Favorite Jewelry Collection. "Do you like it?" he asked softly. Never in a million years would he have imagined he'd have a girlfriend he could get this kind of gift for. But here he was. 
"Bobby! It's perfect!" He watched her gather up her silver barbells and her other sets before carefully placing them in the box. "Just perfect."
"Just like you."
Molly supposed this was a traditional Christmas. She hadn't had one in years, but this seemed correct. Her belly was starting to get uncomfortable at times. She had to wear a stretchy abdominal band at work and ugly orthopedic shoes. But when all five of them drove out to Bob's parent's house on Christmas Eve, Molly felt really good. Almost comfortable.
She sat in the back of the Bronco sandwiched between Everett and her sister, holding onto the pie that she and Bob had baked together. And she listened to Bob and Bradley conversing with some holiday tunes playing on the radio. 
"Only ten more weeks or so to go," her sister said, rubbing her hand on Molly's belly. "You excited?"
"Who knows," Molly sighed, resting her head on her sister's shoulder. "Kind of. Also terrified. And unprepared and also overprepared. And confused and tired. Bob had to finish setting up the nursery last week, because I started to freak out. I don't know."
"You'll do great."
"How do you know that? How?"
"Because I'll be there to help, of course."
Molly desperately wanted to roll her eyes, but she couldn't. Her sister was correct. She could learn how to mom from a pro. 
When they arrived, Bob took everyone's jackets upstairs to his old bedroom while Molly made the rounds and hugged everyone. Everett immediately went to the playroom with Piper, and Molly realized her own son would get to play in there soon. "Wild," she muttered, wrapping her hands under her belly. She and Bob had talked about baby names other than Everett, but they hadn't agreed on many. But it didn't matter; she would wear him down and get what she wanted. 
But this traditional holiday thing? It was pretty cool. There was a ton of food, Bob's sisters, a real Christmas tree, and even some gifts with her name on them. "I love it here," she told Bob after dinner. "Your parents gave me a book on parenting and a taco of the month dinner subscription that they said I didn't have to share with you. And! And! There's an ornament on the tree with my name on it!"
Bob chuckled. "Yeah. My mom loves you. She said something about how you and she really bonded while I was deployed." He wrapped his arms around her and leaned down to whisper. "I love you, and you look gorgeous in this dress."
Molly moaned in spite of herself. Her hormones were all over the place now. Sometimes she didn't want to be touched, and sometimes she was outrageously horny. At the moment, she was close to groping Bob in the living room while everyone drank eggnog and listened to Frosty the Snowman.
"I have an idea," she murmured. "Meet me upstairs in your old bedroom."
He looked at her like he wanted to tell her no. But then one eyebrow quirked up, and his greenish blue eyes glittered. "Okay."
She practically ran upstairs, and when she got into the bedroom, Molly shimmied her underwear down her legs and stepped out of them. She knelt to pick them up as Bob joined her in the nearly dark bedroom. 
As she tucked her panties into the pocket of his jeans, Bob wrapped her in his arms and kissed her. He was always careful with her belly, and he wouldn't have initiated this himself. But she wanted it. She wanted him. His hands smoothed down her dress to her butt as she tasted his mouth. "You wanna fuck me, Bobby?" she asked sweetly as his lips met the side of her neck. "You wanna make me get loud up here?"
"Mo," he grunted, and she could feel that he was hard when she placed her hand near his zipper. "Will you let me?"
She giggled softly and turned to face the dresser, bending slightly and letting her hands rest on the smooth, wooden surface. "I want you to." She rubbed herself back against him, and then she felt his hands on his zipper before he gently guided her dress up to her hips. And then he was inside her, and she moaned as his hands found her waist. 
"Honey," he groaned, thrusting until he bottomed out. Soon Molly was seeing stars in the darkness. 
"Harder, Bobby," she whined, guiding his fingers around to her clit. She bumped back against him, so close to getting that friction that she was aching for. "Yes," she gasped when his fingers rubbed her clit just right. "Yes."
He was sucking on her neck and whispering her name when the door opened, and light from the hallway filled the room. "Shit," Bob swore. Bob never swore. He pulled his glorious cock out of her pussy, and Molly wanted to give whomever opened the door a piece of her mind. 
"Oh my god!" It was her sister. Bob was hiding behind Molly, trying to pull her dress down over her butt, and her sister just kept saying, "Oh my god!"
"Sorry," Bob said miserably as he tried to zip up his jeans. "We were just...."
"I thought we were getting ready to leave! I wanted to grab our jackets." At least she was covering her eyes now, but Molly was annoyed. That was building to be a really great orgasm.
Her sister ran back down the hallway, and Bob gathered the jackets. "I guess it's time to go." After that Bob and her sister could barely look at each other.
And that carried over to the following day. And Molly didn't know how to fix the fact that her insane libido was messing up Christmas morning at her sister and Bradley's house. Bob's cheeks were flushed with pink anytime she talked to him. And Molly's sister wasn't any less obvious in her embarrassment. 
Just when Molly was going to suggest they start opening presents, her sister took Bob by the elbow, and the two of them walked out onto the back deck with their mugs of coffee.
Bob was bracing himself for the most awkward conversation of his life. This could potentially be even more mortifying than when he had to tell Molly that another woman kissed him. But as he quietly sipped his coffee as he leaned against the deck railing next to Molly's sister, he knew he had to just suck it up. He wanted her to be his sister in law. He wanted her to be his family. 
Just as he was about to speak, she turned to him and said, "Bob, I love you. I think you're great. I think you and Molly light up when you're together. I saw how miserable she was when you were gone. You're having a child together." She paused and sighed, "And now I know for a fact that the two of you won't hesitate to get physical, well, pretty much anywhere."
"Just tell me what your intentions are with Molly!" she nearly shouted before pressing her lips together. "Please."
Bob was shocked into silence. He was expecting to be scolded for having sex when and where he did, but this was something he wasn't even sure he could answer. Should he tell her about the ring? Should he tell her he bought it before he knew Molly was pregnant? Should he tell her that Molly told him not to propose to her?
He looked down at his hands and said, "I intend to spend my life with her. Raise the baby together. Buy a bigger place if we need it. Have a future." 
When he met her eyes she was chewing her lip nervously. "It's just scary for me, because sometimes I can see the same mistakes I made when I look at Molly. The way she's so physically attached to you. It was hard to watch her when you weren't here. And now she's pregnant like I was....and I know she can take care of herself. I know she can. And she could take care of a baby alone, too. She'd be better than I was, I just know it." 
Bob opened his mouth to speak, but she held up her hand. "Please. I just need to....Molly isn't the type to be concerned about bills and health insurance. When I asked her what kind she had, she told me she had the free one through her employer. She isn't the type to be worried about those kinds of things. She's the type who effortlessly makes everyone else happier to be around her. And I'm not saying she needs someone to take care of her. And I'm not saying she needs to protect herself against you like I had to do with Danny." She had tears in her eyes now as she whispered, "But I'm just surprised you haven't asked her to marry you."
Bob's heart was aching. He had the ring. He would have married Molly in the summer if he could have. But all he had was these verbal promises they had made to each other. It felt so flimsy now, talking to her sister about it. But the best he could say was, "Molly and the baby are my life. I am the kind person who thinks about things like health insurance and bills, and I'm taking care of everything. I just..." He rubbed his forehead and looked out over the backyard. "I can only go at Molly's pace. That's what I've been doing from the start. Just letting her set the pace. But I'm all in. She knows that. And maybe soon she'll be open to the idea of more."
She wrapped Bob in a hug, and then they stood silently side by side for a few minutes. When they went back in, Molly and Bradley were fighting over what they wanted to watch on TV, and Everett was eating caramel popcorn for breakfast. 
"Can we open presents now?" Everett asked.
"Yes, please!" Molly chimed in, giving up the battle for the remote in favor of all the wrapped gifts. "Bradley can open this one from me first."
Bob headed for a spot on the couch, somehow feeling a lot lighter after his conversation on the deck. Especially since Molly's sister also looked a lot less stressed out now. 
Everyone watched Bradley open his gift from Molly which turned out to be a shirt that said World's Okayest Dad. "Merry Christmas, turd," she said with a smug expression.
Bradley hooted with laughter as he bent down to retrieve another gift and handed it to Molly. When she opened it to reveal a shirt that said World's Okayest Aunt, everyone was laughing. They both put their shirts on over what they were already wearing, and Molly's was bunched up around her belly, which Bob thought looked adorable. 
Then she snuggled in at his side as they all watched Everett open up the mound of presents that Bradley got for him. It was his first year as a dad, and it looked like he had no self control at all. Bob and Molly had agreed to skip gifts for themselves and splurge on some things for the nursery instead. 
As Everett pulled a Nerf launcher out of the packaging, Molly kissed Bob's cheek and whispered, "I love you, Lieutenant Floyd. You think our family of three will look as cute as they do next year?"
"I do, Mo. I really do," he said, slowly moving his hand around on her belly until he could feel the baby kicking. "And I think we should talk more about the future."
"The future?"
"Yeah. Me and you."
"Hmm," she hummed as Everett launched some Nerf darts at Bradley who went to hide behind the tree. "Well, I have been thinking about the future more and more." She looked up at him, and he felt the baby kick. "How do you feel about wildflower meadows at sunset? And taking a double dose of your allergy medicine?"
Bob gave her a funny look. "What are we talking about now?"
"The future, Daddy. The future."
The thing that was really bothering Bob a few weeks later, was the fact that Molly kept talking about the future. She told him she was putting more of her income into savings for the baby. She asked him if their son could be a beneficiary on his pension. And before she left for work this morning, she had even asked him if would prefer a warm weather or cold weather honeymoon. 
She said the word honeymoon to him as she ate a piece of toast with peanut butter and hot sauce smeared all over it, and then she casually kissed his cheek and left for work before he could even come up with a response. What in the world was going on? He wasn't complaining, exactly. But he wanted more information. And now he was going to have to wait until he got home from work later.
Of course he was flying today. He kept messing things up in the air, and Phoenix was about to lose her cool. "Bob! I need a response faster than that! Where is Maverick?!" 
"I'm sorry!" he replied, completely exasperated. But nothing improved from there. He wanted to call Molly during his lunch break, but he just didn't have time. And now that he was finally heading for the locker room, he knew he'd need to take a shower here instead of at home. Molly didn't like him coming back to the condo smelling like jet fuel right now.
So he showered and dressed as quickly as he could before heading out into the cool January evening. He thought tonight he would just do it. He would ask what she meant about a honeymoon, and if it seemed favorable, he would get the ring and give it to her. He wanted her to have it anyway. And if she still wasn't sure, she could put it in the jewelry box with her nipple barbells until she was sure. She could put it away for as long as it took. But at least she would know that he wanted to get married.
However, when he got home, Bob nearly passed out for a different reason. Molly was sitting perched on the edge of the living room couch wearing a lacy black bra and panties. Her beautiful belly was on display, and her hands were resting softly on her thighs. "Oh good, you're home," she said with a smile, popping up and heading his way. She was stunning. And so sweet. So loving. And she looked sinful to him right now.
"Mo?" he croaked, and she wrapped her arms around his waist. 
"I have something for you," she whispered, kissing his lips. "Something I want you to see."
He wanted to talk more about a serious future with her. He wanted to ask what she meant by a honeymoon. But his brain was just buzzing as she took over his senses. His hands reached for her hips, and her smile grew. "I wanted to talk about something."
She pouted a little bit. "Can I show you what I got for you first? I had them custom made."
"Molly," he said, his voice taking on a tone of warning. "What did you mean by a honeymoon this morning?"
But she just grinned and took his hand in hers. "I think it'll be easier for me to answer that after you come take a look at this."
Bob followed her to their bedroom and let her push him down to sit on the bed. And then she stood between his splayed legs, and he kissed her belly. "Hi," he whispered to his son. "Love you."
Molly ran her fingers through his hair and he looked up to meet her eyes. "Coach Cute Glasses, I've been thinking about us."
Bob swallowed hard. "About what?"
She leaned down to press the softest kiss to his lips. "Everything. You and me and the baby. Us getting married."
"Married?" he gasped, but she was standing up straight now, and he was scrambling to reach for her hips again. 
"Mmhmm," she hummed, and Bob watched as she reached behind herself to unclasp her bra. The decadent fabric slid away from her body so slowly, his hands twitched. She said the word married. She was getting undressed. "So?" she asked. "What do you think?"
Molly shimmied a little in front of him, and her piercings caught his attention. They were new. They were pretty. Her breasts looked swollen and enticing, and she had new piercings. Ones that were just for him. 
Mrs. Floyd
The charms hanging from her perfect nipples said Mrs. Floyd. 
"Molly?" he gasped, jumping to his feet and wrapping her in his arms as she smiled nervously. "Mrs. Floyd?"
"Yeah," she whispered. "Do you want to get married?"
Bob cupped her cheeks and kissed her as he smiled. "Oh, Molly. Yeah. I want to get married." Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and laughed against his lips. He was shocked. So surprised. And now he definitely had a new favorite set of her piercings. 
"Oh!" he gasped, kissing her one last time before pulling away. He ran for the closet and shoved everything out of the way. He dug around under his duffle bag, reaching back to try to find it. 
"What's wrong?" Molly asked behind him. "What are you doing?"
"I have something for you, too," he said, and then he finally wrapped his fingers around it. When he stood with the gold and diamond ring on his palm, he held it out to her. 
"Y-You already had a ring?" she asked, looking up at him in surprise as she ran her fingers along the cluster of diamonds that looked like a flower. 
"Of course. Molly, I bought it before I knew you were pregnant. I have been wanting to give it to you since the day you told me about the baby."
And then she was crying as Bob slid the ring onto her finger. He kissed along her piercings and her pretty tits and her belly. And he kept saying, "We're getting married, Honey."
Engaged! Mrs. Floyd nips! The next chapter may be the last one! (Where have we heard that before?) Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls and everyone who bugged me to make Molly and Bob a thing.
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prowlerverse · 4 months
smiling critters x reader (valentines edition !)
disc ; lowercase intended .
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before you and dogday got together, he would usually just hang out with his friends for valentine's day since well, he had no lover!
but now that your with him, he spends all his time with you!
since of course, playcare doesn't have many places to go, he tries to find little gifts for you!
he also does little coloring dates with you.
"i appreciate you a whole bunch, did you know that?" dogday would tell you.
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catnap didn't exactly celebrate anything before you came along.
he'd usually just watch from afar to make sure his friends were safe.
but, you changed that.
the first time you both met, valentines was right around the corner, so you decided to make a paper bouquet.
at first, he ignored your calls when you tried to get his attention but he somewhat gave in.
instead of running away, he stood staring at you.
"for you," you offered. he stared at the paper in your hand. "for me?" he questioned. you nodded and smiled. he hesitantly took it and hit his face in it, shutting his eyes. "thank you."
now, it's mostly catnap who puts in a effort to make you gifts. he loves seeing your reactions and smiles. it warms his heart.
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bobby has always been a loving and caring person,especially on valentines day.
so when you both got together, valentines was the best!
you'd cuddle, talk, draw for hours, kisses here and there, a bunch of love.
sometimes, you swore her middle name was love,or, maybe it was.
bobby approached you with a heart shaped box along with a wide smile on her face.
when she got close to you, she pushed it out to you. "here! i got this for you," bobby smiled. "hmm? what is it Bobby — oh!" you opened the box to see hand written notes along with your favorite snacks. she smiled when your mouth went agape. "do you like it?" you stammered over your words for a bit.
"i love it, bobby! thank you!" you hugged her tightly and pecked her cheek, which she returned.
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picky piggy of course, is piggy but really loves to eat, and she loves to see you eat, too!
so instead of paper crafts or anything else, she cooks things for you, fruits, veggies, anything she can shape into a heart!
"lasssst one!" picky happily said as she placed a platter full of heart shaped fruit in-front of you. you smiled, then looked at her. "picky, you know you didn't have to make it all alone, you could've let me help!" picky shushed you and closed her eyes, then made eye contact with you. "No need! This is a special day, and I wanna spoil you, dig in!"
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hoppy is usually in a rush for most things, so when valentine's day comes around, she gets worried she won't make things on time, even though she always does, it's just a stress.
"hoppy, seriously, you don't have to rush," your reassured her. "take your time, okay?"
hoppy shook her head in a 'no'. "but — but what if I don't make it on — on time?" you placed your paws on hers. "you will. you always do, don't you?" you kiss her on the cheek and she nods.
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Kickin chicken sometimes lets his cool ego overrun him, so when that does happen, you lightly scold him.
"but (nameeee).."
"no buts!" you said, tugging on his charm. "don't tire yourself out. I love the gifts but I care for you more, okay?" you pulled him down for a hug.
"okay.. I'll try not to overdo it next time." kickin' mumbled, pressing kisses onto your shoulder.
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bubba is usually studying mathematics and more 'boring' stuff, that's how you view it.
other than him studying, he pushes it aside to spend time with you.
you guys don't do anything really special, his love language is quality time. he loves just being around you and spending time with you.
or, he watches after you while you play with the kids.
he loves seeing you in his sight. he loves you.
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crafty loves anything, well, crafty! that's exactly why every holiday, especially valentines, she makes a bag of things for you.
it scales to clothes, shoes, drawings, anything she can think of.
"I love it, crafty." you gasped in awe at the shirt you were holding. it had a heart transitioning between red and pink.
"you do? thank god!" crafty sighed. "I had to ask the workers for more red because we ran out! but I'm glad you like it!"
you smiled and her and she smiled back, giving you a gentle kiss.
end: this was rotting in my drafts soooo ^^
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
how to save a life - e.b
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summary: a five alarm for a skyscraper fire puts one of 118’s own in risk.
evan buckley x reader
pray 4 me this is 4k words
after maddie moved to los angeles, and doug was finally dead, buck felt like everything might finally fall into place. everything had been a mess, but he thought his life was coming together with his new self. he never thought his “new” self would be the one to solve the puzzle.
cases had calmed and his long-needed love had finally come into his life.
y/n clicked immediately when arriving as a new recruit to 118. being a trained paramedic firefighter, she was genius and quick. buck admired her, even though he hadn’t been there over a year when she came.
the two started going on calls together, the easy ones and the troublesome ones. she patched up his cuts, and he iced her bruises. the connection they had was different from most of the first responders in the system.
they knew it was against the rules as they started hanging out more and more. and the more he fell for her. he hadn’t even looked at anyone else because his eyes had become hers.
evan was charming, and speedy on responses. she looked at him with pure respect and adoration whenever he walked in. he lit up the room when he walked in and his attempts to improve himself were encouraging.
the fire between them was jumping floors and the sparks were flying, and everyone knew it. eddie, chim, hen, hell even athena knew.
y/n helped find maddie when she was taken and when chim was hurt. she had been going home with buck when chimney had been on the ground surrounded by crimson.
she hasn’t left bucks side in months, and he hasn’t left hers.
the day had been quiet, which is usually hoped for in their line of work. nothing had happened besides a few small incidents. it was reaching sunset, eddie was clearing plates away and bobby was moving his ingredients back. y/n was organizing the locker rooms, moving things around and cleaning it up.
buck came up behind her, disturbing her quiet. “you hiding from everyone?” he asks, sarcastically. he places his hands on her shoulders and turns her around.
“i’m not hiding,” she smiles. “you just like to keep your locker like it’s a hoarder's closet.”
“haven’t gotten around to it.” he drags out, leaving a soft kiss on her cheek.
he pulls back at the sound of an alarm, raising his brows. “something interesting?”
“god, i hope. i know that’s bad but i need something to keep me up.” the two run out and pull on their gear, climbing into the back of the truck.
“we got 20 stories on beverly, fire started on 7, moving up.” bobby informs through the headphones.
“do they know what started it?” buck asks.
“not yet, all they know is fires jumping floors and we’re gonna need some backup for this one.” bobby pulls out his radio as they pull up to the complex. “unit 118 requesting any units available at 1453 Beverly, backup at 1453 Beverly.”
“shit, this interesting enough for you?” y/n asks buck. he shoots her a quick smirk and looks back at the building. the team shuffles out of the truck, seeing some civilians already making their escape.
“ok, ma’am come over here and we can get you checked out, sound alright?” her sweet, relaxing voice made buck smile.
“eddie, buck, get in there and start hitting this thing. hen, get as many people out of there as you can, no elevator.” captain starts handing out orders and assigning people to places. different teams were going to different floors and the firefighters ran into the burning building. “y/n/n, get in there and start clearing out.”
“on it, sir.”
y/n and buck walked in, but eventually went their separate ways.
buck and eddie had gotten everyone on the floor out, and everyone above had been taken out. it had been hours, and the fire was still moving. it had become weaker, but was surely still there. buck and eddie had moved out, but y/n was still on the 2nd floor.
she had finally gotten the majority out. people had gone down the staircase and met up with the people who were evacuating them.
a boy in particular had been having trouble and he caught her eye. she had walked over to him to try and help him. he was scared out of his mind, barely letting her touch him to get him out. they were the last two, and had a few minutes to get out. the squeaking of the floor and the crackling of the walls was getting louder by the minute.
the boy was having trouble breathing, and he couldn’t be over 15. the heat was coming through his body, having no protection from it even through his thick clothing.
“hey, buddy, i know it’s scary but you have to try and breathe for me so we can get out of here!”
“where’s my mom?” he shouts.
“listen, we can go find her now, grab my hand and we’ll go see.” he was still hesitant, shaking away. “hey, kid. y/l/n, see?” she points to the name on her jacket. “i know you’re scared but i’m not going to let anything happen ok
“y/n… is she dead?” he asks, shakily, with tears in his eyes.
“i don’t know, buddy, but i haven’t heard anything. we aren’t giving up, cmon.” she reached out to pull him in, and the heat was drowning his body. his lungs were taking in smoke and she had to act fast.
ripping off her mask, she puts it on the boy. she covers him with a layer of her jacket. her main goal was to get this boy to his mom, and there wasn’t anything that was gonna get in her way.
she forced the boy to come down, fighting life or death. the hardwood floors began to weaken, holding the weight up by a string. the cracks were visible on the stained wood, and the smell of burning was pushed into their nose.
when walking over, the cracks on the floor thickened, and got deeper. the pieces of wood were falling. y/n had no choice. it was fight to get this boy back to his mom, or give up and let the fire eat away at them.
she heard the snapping of wood. she felt the collapse of the floor. the structure became too weak, and the tiles and rocks came falling down.
y/n's first instinct was to cover him. he had to be safe. her job was to protect the vulnerable and scared, and she can’t live with herself if she doesn’t do anything to try.
the two landed straight on the first floor in the back of the building. the leftover debris falling onto her already fragile body. the boy was pushed off to the side, hitting his head. y/n looked over. he was awake and moving, but in visible pain. she tried to get up and walk over to him, but she was barricaded down.
tables and desks and materials from the other floors had fallen onto her legs, and a piece of metal had fallen onto her abdomen. the pain was incredible. she didn’t remember feeling pain like this before. she groaned out in pain, heavily breathing.
“y-y/l/n? are you- ok?” he coughs for a few moments, struggling over his words. his eyes were fluttering. she tried to breathe and respond, but the air was getting thicker and her fight response was giving out.
“stay, here. they’re g- gonna find us. just stay awake for me, i know your head hurts.” she needs him to stay conscious. to get help, to save himself.
maybe even save her. she felt ridiculous. the person doing the saving needed to be saved.
when she looked back over, he leaned against a fallen desk. she noticed the slight rise and fall of his chest, and the cut on his temple. his arms were folded by his side.
looking over at him, she yelled as loud as she could. “help! please- buck!” she screams out in hopes that they’ll hear. “cap! anyone please…”
her head is light from all the screaming and the weight she’s carried. the spark of her fight response was blown down, and she let her eyes succumb to darkness.
“captain nash, we’re handing out a direct order, all evacuation of first responders needs to happen now. the second floor is down.” said a voice over bobby’s radio.
“we’re waiting on y/l/n,” he says. “chim, hit her and tell her to get out.”
“yes, sir.” chim pulls out his radio and switches it on the line. “y/n, gotta get out of there now!”
“y/n/n, do you copy?”
“y/n, again, do you copy?” as he asks a third time, buck makes his way over to him with eddie trailing behind. “what’s going on?” he asks.
bobby and chim exchange nervous looks, knowing that buck needs to know but also that he could make an impulsive move.
“y/n’s not responding. a complete evacuation has been called.” bobby tells buck.
“well what the hell are we doing standing around? we have to get in there!” his voice raises and he shuffles around with his helmet.
“no can do, buckley.” the feminine voice from earlier rings in. “no one in, it’s too risky. we have to stay out of the building.”
“cap cmon, you aren’t really standing back from this, right?” buck shakes his head and stands taller.
“you heard her.” bobby looks down, almost ashamed that he’s giving up. “gather the rest of 118 and we’re going to make room.”
buck stands there in shock. the anger and adrenaline flows through his veins, ready to go back in and get y/n. “are you serious? what is this shit, she would be running back in for one of us?”
“buck..” chim tells him just over a whisper, placing his hand on bucks shoulder.
buck grips his arm and shoves it off. “no! this is ridiculous, we don’t know where she is!”
the officer from before walks away, and as she’s far enough, bobby grabs more gear. “hen!” he shouts out. “stay out here and tell dispatch we need an ambulance.” he looks back over to buck. “this isn’t the first time we’ve rejected an order and it isn’t the last.”
the four walk in, hearts pounding trying to prepare themselves for what happened. a million things swim through bucks mins. maybe her radio was crushed, or she’s already out and unaccounted for. or she was already gone.
“y/n!” buck screams out over the rubble.
“LAFD, call out!” bobby shouts in front of him.
chim and eddie move big pieces away and search around for any signs of people. buck runs around frantically, stumbling over wood and metal. a clattering is heard from a distance.
“cap, listen.” chim commands.
a boys voice echoes through the high ceilings and tight floors. “he-lp, please.” he forces out.
buck immediately moves as fast as he can. he remembers her voice through the radio, saying that she was with a young kid on the second floor. second floor, the one that collapsed and left all the mess on the first floor. when the team looks up, they notice more than one hole in the roof. they saw a broken floor, and another one above it. the third floor had come down soon after the second.
“guys, over here!” they hear eddie. they rapidly make their way over to see the boy. “he’s bleeding on his head with a laceration to the temple. he’s loopy but doesn’t look much worse than the head.”
“she.. covered me over here,” he mutters. “when the floor fell in, so nothing fell right on me.”
“ok, son. can you tell us your name?” chim says, shining his light into his eyes. “he looks good, nothing to worry about too much. he’s gonna be fine.”
“j-jackson. the woman- she covered me.”
“jackson, what woman? who is she?” buck comes closer, trying to wean every answer he can get out of this boy. “hey! where did she go?”
“buck, relax. if we found him she’s not far.” bobby tries to calm him down, and buck turns around to face him.
out of the corner of his eye, buck sees the yellow reflectance on the floor. a small hand was at the end of it. he sees the swoops of y/ns hair spread out across the floor. surrounding her was a group of cinder blocks and brick.
a massive slab of wall and the body of a desk had forced itself down onto her calf, and a piece of thick pipe had landed on her abdomen. “y/n!” buck runs over, pushing any of the obstacles out of the way. “oh my god, chim, cap, get over here now!”
“y/n, hey! y/n! hey wake up! please, you have to say something!” bucks eyes fill up with moisture seeing his girl buried under rocks in a lifeless look. bobby and chim pull the chunks off her leg and eddie runs over. buck touches the sides of her face with his hands, running his finger down the ash and cut above her eye.
“baby, cmon, move!” he cries, begging her unconscious self to give him a sign.
“i can't find a pulse!” eddie spits out, ready to get her back.
“she must’ve hit her head on the way down, there’s blood in her hair.”
“shit, shit shit!” buck says, moving his arms and beginning compressions. “you’re gonna be ok, this is not the day.” he pants out, forcing these compressions.
“no! y/n/n, come back, please.”
after over a minute of compressions and watching bucks heart crumple with each push, eddie places his fingers gently back onto her neck. “checking for a pulse. it’s there! it’s weak, but it’s there.”
“hen, get a board in here and let LA general we’re en route.” bobby chimes into his radio.
the team places her onto the board, securing her neck and carrying her still body out to the ambulance. buck, in heavy tears, begins to climb into the back.
“no, buck, come this way.”
“what? no, are you kidding? i’m not leaving her!”
“they have her. she’s in good hands and they need room in there.” bobby pulls him back as they shut the doors to the vehicle.
“she could’ve died in there.” his voice cracks and fades out.
“buck, listen to me. she’s alive now. we do what we can.”
“26 year old female, slight head wound and major leg injuries, blunt trauma to the abdomen,” chim climbs out, pushing the stretcher out into the doors of the hospital. “cpr performed at scene.”
“we got her, page ortho and gen, clear trauma 2 and book and prep O.R 3…” the voice of the surgeon disappears through the chaos of the hospital. patients from all over and the specific building they were at had been piled up at the closest but best hospital in los angeles.
the waiting room had been filled with first responders. all of 118 was there, and maddie came to be with buck, who hadn’t arrived yet.
athena was the escort to the hospital, speedily driving buck and bobby over to be with their own.
y/n was one of the best. she knew that there was more to the job than just hoses and fire extinguishers. there were people, scared, innocent people having the worst day of their life. she was along every step of the way with her coworkers.
she was the most selfless person buck knew. she got him out of bed when there wasn’t anything to get out for. she made him better and there isn’t a single person buck wants more than her.
half of his heart had been ripped away when her voice didn’t come through the radio. he felt like one of his legs had lost its cast and he wasn’t sure if he would be able to walk again.
he sprints into the hospital doors, searching for the nearest person he knows. “maddie..”
“hey, come here.” she pulls him into a crushing hug and lets him sob into her shoulder.
“she looked dead, maddie. i really thought she was dead.”
“she’s not, she’s in surgery.”
“what did the doctor say?” he asks, pulling away. he almost doesn’t want to know, because it could be anything.
“she has a concussion from hitting her head when landing, and a blunt abdomen trauma from the pipe that landed on her.” she frowns and can barely make eye contact with her little brother.
“jesus christ, so she won’t be back for a bit, huh?”
“no, not for a few months at least. her x-rays showed a tibial shaft fracture in the middle,” she looked over at her pale brother. she’s known him since the moment he was born and has never seen him like this. “buck, sit down. she’s going to be ok.”
maddie leads him over to sit next to her and hen, who reassuringly rubs his shoulder. hen was sat next to chim, whose knee was bouncing under his elbow. some of the firefighters from other districts had even come to support 118. they sat for hours. it felt like years to buck, years he had to wait to see her.
after the painstaking moments of waiting, the doctor walks out. buck is the first to stand up and walk over, followed by the captain.
“she’s stable. she’s knocked out now from anesthesia and we gave her a dose of morphine for the pain. she’s gonna heal, but she’ll be out for a while. she’s gonna need a lot of time and support these next few months.”
“did she wake up at all after you took her in?” bobby asks.
“she was trying to talk a bit in the trauma room. she was able to force out a few words that one of the interns caught. she was asking for a particular person.”
“someone get Garnier down here to look at this leg, we need to get oxygen set up. Souzia, check out the back of her head to make sure that’s nothing to be worried about.” the main doctor spat out orders at his fellows.
“pushing 10mg of morphine.” another voice shouts through, standing above y/n.
“doctor B, she’s waking up a bit!” one of the interns says.
“b-buck.” she squeaks out, barely audible.
“hey, y/n?”
“w-where’s buck? i need t-to see him…”
“ok, miss, it’ll be ok. calm her down a bit and let the OR know we’re coming up.”
“buck, she wanted you.” the doctor says. they know the team by now, they come in all the time.
he didn’t really know what to say, he tried getting out words but failed.
“can we see her?” bobby questions.
“she’s in the ICU, hooked up to a lot of machines. it looks scary, but she’s ok. she’s still out like a light, it could be a while before she wakes up. i can take you to her room to keep her company.” she looks around at the team. “i can't fit you all in there. i’m usually not allowed to do this but i can sneak the five of you in.”
buck, bobby, hen, chimney, and eddie all follow her down the hall like little ducklings. they pass the rooms of people with casts and intubation. they take in the smell of antiseptics and new bandages. the sounds of beeping and hissing of tubes fills their ears and the dimming colors of the hospital in the night overwhelm their senses.
buck reaches the only room he cares about, and the sliding of the door reveals the worst sight he’s seen in a while.
her body was cleaned up and placed in a spotted gown. her leg was wrapped up and a white piece of gauze was wrapped around the top of her head like a headband. her heartbeat was stable on the machine and through fear and panic, the steady beeping brought him down a little. he walked in a little closer and shakily inhaled. one of the chairs had been pulled closer to the bed, and he sat down slowly.
“she’s not gonna break, buck.” hen’s soothing voice comes into the room. “you can touch her.” he looks up at hen with shiny eyes, glossed with tears that have yet to fall onto his red cheeks. he picks up her hand, like if he touched her fingers they’d snap. he puts his other on top of it and pulls it up to his lips, planting a sweet kiss onto her knuckles.
chim sits down on the opposite side, and hen walks over to stand near him. bobby stands at the end of the bed, holding onto the railing at the end. “you did good, y/l/n.”
“we’re gonna have to be at our best without you there.” chim jokes. “i’ll take over for your jobs on calls. you know, handling the machinery and stuff.
“chim, we’ve been over this. you are not handling the machinery.” hen laughs and a smile creeps up onto buck’s face.
“we’re gonna throw… a huge party for you when you come back.” buck says. “and everyone’s gonna be there to see you, so you gotta come back from this.”
“she will, it’s gonna take way more than this to take her out of the game.” bobby looks around. “i don’t even think the chief could if he wanted to.”
buck hides his sobs into his arm, concealing his face from the rest of the people in the room. he felt so weak, like someone had played a joke on him. it had always been y/n and buck against the world, and now it felt like they were in the center of the ring.
they all look at him with pure sadness. they’ve never seen him as such a mess. the happy, uplifting, and motivated buck was carried by y/n. they all knew it, but didn’t realize the extent until that was almost ripped away from his grasp. hen moves over and pulls him against her. the comfort of her grasp makes buck cry even harder. “i love her so much, i need her here with me.” 
“i know, it’s ok, buck.” she holds onto him and bobby and chim watch from a distance. “but she’s not going anywhere.”
buck pulls back and wipes his tears. “i know. i can’t handle seeing her like this again.”
the doctor comes back into the room, disturbing the peace between them. “sorry to interrupt, but i have to kick some of you out now.”
“buck, stay with her.” bobby says.
“i wasn’t planning on going anywhere, so.” he watches them walk away when he speaks out again. “bobby?”
“yeah kid?”
“thank you.” bobby nods and says, “keep her safe, pal.”
buck sits there for hours, fighting sleep from the last shift. his eyes threaten him by almost closing, but he sits up and doesn’t let them. his hand, that hasn’t left hers, adjusts on the bed a little as he leans forward.
“i feel ridiculous, kinda like i’m talking to myself. no offense.” he tries lightening the mood, but he still feels like he’s at the bottom. “seeing you there under all that shit was the worst moment of my life. my heart dropped and it… it was unbearable, y/n. i really thought you were dead. you looked so… you looked gone. like i was too late. but we came back for you. i’ll always come back for you.”
“you’re my safe place, y/n. i couldn’t have continued without you. coming home with you every night… you’ve made me a better person. just, meeting up with girls to have sex and forget about it. you just… you’re my person. you’ll always be my person and i’m not leaving you these next few months whether you like it or not.”
he sits back down in the chair, slightly angled to his side. he checks the time on his phone as his shines out 5:36 AM. he sighs and turns it off, shoving it away. he tries to get as comfortable as he can in his uniform. he’s stayed up with her all night, and waiting has killed him. he was drained, so he allowed himself to fall asleep after 24 hours.
he woke up in the same space, his same position, with her hand in his. it took him a minute to get his brain together.
“hey.” she speaks out, looking over.
“hey.” he grumbles back, looking over. he smiles without making eye contact, and then he looks over at her squinting eyes. “wait, oh my god, hey.”
he sits up and she laughs, “ouch.”
“yeah, be careful, but, holy shit. when did you wake up?”
“a little while ago, around 8-ish.”
“do you, like, feel ok? i don’t even know what to say.”
“other than a broken leg and my stomach hurts, i’m good.” the corners of her mouth raised. “i’m ok.”
bucks lip starts to shake a little before he bites on it to stop it. the waterworks start again out of relief. he puts his head on the bed with her hand on his forehead.
“buck, hey,” she giggles a little at how worked up he got. “don’t cry, please. i’m ok.”
“you almost died, y/n. you basically did! i was so scared, i thought.. man, your heart stopped and watching you get carried away and having to sit here an-“
her face drops a little. she never really realized the extent of what happened until he repeats it now. “i know, baby. i was scared too. i was scared you wouldn’t find me, but i’m yours. always will be.”
he stands up and kisses her again and she wipes his tears away. “well, get ready because visiting hours start at 9. people went home but they’re coming back at 8:59.”
“you should’ve seen that floor,y/n” bobby said. “the two ceilings were gone.”
“sorry, bobby, i was busy having them on top of me.” buck still holds her hand, barely being able to let it go. he lets out another sob and puts his head down. “buck! love, i’m fine!”
“i know, i know.” he says, pulling his head back up and swiping away the wetness on his face. “i’m just relieved, you have no idea.”
she places her soft hands on his cheek and looks around again. “what about that boy? i covered him and he passed out- is he ok?”
“he’s fine. jackson was able to go home already.”
she sighs. “well at least that wasn’t for nothing.”
“you did real good, y/n.” bobby says.
“you did so good, baby.” buck says, landing another kiss on her hand.
by the door, y/n hears a pair of crutches come into the room. christopher is far ahead of eddie as his adorable smile spots her. “y/n!”
“hey buddy!” she puts her arms out and he walks over to her, all the other firefighters have bright smiles. everyone loves him.
“chris!” eddie follows in, just a few beats behind. “wait for me next time, kid.”
“i’m glad you’re okay.” he says.
“thanks, i’m glad i’m ok too. now i just have to get back to work.” y/n says.
“better hurry, chim’s ready to take your place over here.” maddie says.
“i never said that!”
“chim, you’re welcome to take my role while i’m out.” she laughs and grimaces.
“take it easy, babe.” buck says, already loading his overprotection.
“it means a lot that you guys are here.”
“no where else we’d rather be.” eddie says. “someone was clearly dying to get over here.” pointing to christopher. buck looks over to y/n, who’s eyes have shut a little. she’s hiding the pain, the morphine helps, but it’s still a lot.
“i think we should let her rest a bit, we can see her again soon.” bobby says, also noticing the tiredness.
loads of, “feel better, y/n” and “see you soon”s came her way as she accepted each goodbye. the room was cleared, and the lights were still dimmed.
“go back to sleep, i’ll be here when you wake up.” buck smiles and sits back.
“thank you.”
“for what?”
“for not giving up on me.”
he leans back over her, leaving the hundredth kiss. “never in a million years.”
a/n - sorry for the medical jargon if it’s half wrong i haven’t watched greys in a while 🫠 i’m also only on season 3 dont attack me 😭
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ghosthunterbuck · 1 year
they don't call it texas hold'em for nothing
(buddie) (1.6k) (6b spec) of course i wrote poker date spec, would you expect anything less of me?
The thing that Buck forgot to consider when he agreed to Bobby’s undercover scheme is that he really, really sucks at poker. 
As in, down to three chips after as many hands sucks at poker. 
“Guess I’m all in,” Buck jokes, placing his chips in the center of the table as the blind bet. 
The woman opposite him fixes Buck with an unimpressed look. 
Eddie, sitting next to him, snorts. Buck kicks him under the table. 
The dealer slings out two cards to each of them. Buck lifts the corners of his for a peek and–
A two of hearts and a six of spades. 
The bet goes around the table until it reaches Eddie, who glances at his cards, gives Buck an unreadable look, and doubles the bet. 
The betting continues, the face up community cards are dealt, and sure enough, Buck’s fucked. His best hand is a pair of sixes, and with all but one player still in the game, he doubts that’ll win him shit. 
“Call,” Eddie says, tapping the table, and the round is over. 
Buck turns his cards over and the woman across from him snorts derisively, then flips her cards to reveal three queens. No one else at the table has her beat. No one except–
Eddie smiles innocently and drops his hand on the table, revealing a flush. “Sorry,” he says, sounding anything but. 
Buck wants to rib him, maybe lean a little dramatically into his loss, but tonight he and Eddie are strangers, and Buck no longer has a reason to be at the table. He pushes his chair back and stands. “It’s been fun,” he begins, “but–”
“You can’t leave now,” Eddie interrupts. He tilts his chin up to look directly at Buck and smirks. 
Buck tries not to let the confusion show on his face. “My, uh– my last three chips just joined your pile,” he says with a meaningful glance. 
“Of course they did. Sweetheart, you’re my good luck charm.”
It takes Buck a full fifteen seconds to pick his jaw up off the ground and try to respond. “Uh– well I–”
“C’mon,” Eddie says– no, practically purrs, “I’ll buy you a drink if you agree to stay.”
The back of Buck’s neck flushes warm and pink, but he sits back down and drags his chair a little closer to Eddie’s. “I’d be an idiot to say no to that,” he murmurs, and it feels just a little bit too true. 
Eddie slings an arm around Buck and turns his attention back to the dealer who’s been watching them with a bemused expression. “So,” he asks, “are we playing or not?”
Eddie’s an idiot. 
An absolute fucking idiot, for more reasons than one, but the biggest reason is currently leaning into his personal space drinking a tonic water that’s been dressed to appear alcoholic. 
Every time Eddie looks over, Buck’s watching him. And every time Eddie looks away, he can’t keep himself from looking right back. 
He’s going to start losing soon, which is going to defeat the entire point of their ruse. 
He needs a second to breathe. 
Eddie pulls a black card from his jacket and presses it into Buck’s hand, careful to conceal that it’s actually a gift card they’d purchased a few hours ago specifically for the purpose of pantomiming wealth. 
“Go get us a couple of drinks, will you?” he says with a wink. “I’ll have whatever you’re having.”
Buck shoots him a playful glare, an expression so small that no one else could possibly have caught it. He gets up from his chair and trails his fingers across Eddie’s shoulders and leans down to whisper in his ear. 
“You got it, asshole,” Buck says.
Eddie swears he can hear Buck’s smirk. 
The thing that Eddie forgot to consider when he agreed to Bobby’s undercover scheme is that he’s recently come to the conclusion that he’s been looking for love in all the wrong places, and that the right place has maybe been right in front of him the entire time. And the thing about that is, Eddie’s not ready to deal with it yet. 
He’s not ready to deal with it, but apparently he is just about ready to pull Buck into his lap and press his lips against the skin of his neck, because he has to forcibly restrain himself from doing just that when Buck returns with their drinks. 
“I’ll raise,” Eddie says distractedly, pushing a number of chips that he doesn’t bother to count into the center of the table. 
“Call,” the woman across from Buck says. 
Buck sets their drinks on the table, then leans into Eddie’s space until his lips brush against Eddie’s ear. 
“Our new friend is sitting at the bar,” he whispers. 
Eddie fails to suppress the shiver that runs down his spine. He’s so fucked. 
Whatever game it is they’re playing, Buck’s pretty sure he doesn’t want it to end. 
Which is a little concerning, because Eddie’s one of the most important people in his life, maybe the most important, and he really doesn’t need to go fucking that up because he’s feeling horny. 
Still, he can’t help the thrill that runs through him when he feels Eddie shiver. 
Buck leans back in his seat and tries to watch the game, but quickly becomes distracted watching Eddie instead. 
When he has a particularly good hand, his lips press together and his fingers slide ever so slightly up and down Buck’s bicep. When he’s trying to bluff his way out of losing, Eddie’s knee knocks against Buck’s, but his face doesn’t move a millimeter. When he’s trying to read another player, the corner of his lips twitches up in a way that’s starting to drive Buck just a little bit crazy. 
They’re gathering intel, not on a date. Buck has to remember that. 
Eddie glances at him and for a split second; his expression goes soft.
Buck swallows hard.
Eddie finishes the hand then stands, pulling Buck up with him.
“I think it’s about time we go celebrate, don’t you think?” he says as suggestively as he can manage without sending himself into a tailspin. 
Buck ducks his head and smiles. “Buy me another drink and we’ll see where it goes,” he says. 
“That can be arranged,” Eddie replies, doing his best not to choke on his own tongue. 
They’ve got a job to do. The only reason Buck’s flirting with him is to keep their cover. It’s not real. Eddie just has to remember it’s not real. 
It’s not a date, but if Eddie keeps looking at him like that, it’s sure as hell going to end like one. 
The worst part is, it’s not the heated looks or the whisper soft touches that are getting him anymore. No, Buck knows those are for show. It’s the warm smile Eddie keeps turning in his direction when no one seems to be looking. It’s the hand at his elbow that seems to be asking if he’s still okay with everything that’s happening. 
It’s the Eddie of it all, and Buck’s starting to realize that he doesn’t just want to sleep with his best friend. 
And that’s a problem, because he knows that for Eddie, this is all just an act. 
It’s all just an act until they reach the bar and Eddie’s eyes go wide. 
“Oh, fuck,” he says, and before Buck knows it, Eddie’s lips are on his and the entire world has frozen on its axis. 
The fucking bartender. It had to be this fucking bartender, the asshole he went out on a date with two weeks ago, then promptly ghosted because he was pretentious as fuck and Eddie had neither the time nor the energy to let him down gently. 
He wouldn’t shut up about Eddie’s job during the date, and Eddie just knows he’ll blow their cover if he realizes who he’s about to serve. 
So Eddie does the only thing he can think of, which, incidentally, is also the stupidest thing he’s ever thought of. 
He kisses Buck. 
Eddie kisses Buck and he’s pretty sure he’s never going to be able to kiss anyone else again. 
Eddie kisses him, and when Buck’s brain finally catches up, he kisses back like his life depends on it. 
Hell, maybe it does. The people they’re here to spy on are dangerous, and it’s not like Eddie’s kissing him for no reason. 
Buck wishes it was for no reason. 
He fists his hands in Eddie’s jacket and deepens the kiss. If this is the only time he’s ever going to get this, he’s not letting it go to waste. 
After what feels like forever and not nearly long enough, Eddie breaks the kiss, panting. He glances towards the bar and sees that the bartender is now focused on several patrons at the other end, giving them plenty of time to make themselves scarce. 
“What was that for?” Buck whispers, just as out of breath as Eddie. 
“The uh– I know the bartender,” Eddie replies. “Sorry about that.”
He’s not sorry at all, actually. 
“Oh,” Buck says, in a tone Eddie can’t read at all. “Okay, so–”
“Back to the mission,” Eddie says. 
Buck swallows and nods. “Right, yeah.”
Eddie has to turn away, because if he spends another second looking at Buck he’s going to do something supremely idiotic, something like kiss him a second time, except this time there won’t be a convenient bartender to excuse his actions. 
Eddie’s in love with his best friend. He’s so fucked. 
Eddie turns away and Buck closes his eyes. That kiss… whatever Buck thought he knew about their relationship has gone out the window. 
Buck’s in love with his best friend. He’s so fucked. 
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dodger-chan · 5 months
Look we all have to write the steddie flirting through DnD scene don't we?
Consider this a Christmas gift if you celebrate and something to do while everything's closed if you don't.
“How touchable are my boobs in this?”
“I think I’m falling in love with Eddie.” Steve replied. He had not meant to say that. He’d been helping Robin pick out clothes for her date with Vickie that night, and the thought had just hit him. Steve tried again. “Your boobs look great. Vickie will definitely want to slip her hands under that shirt.”
“Perfect.” Robin threw herself down on her bed next to Steve. “Let's go back a few seconds. Why do you think you’re falling for Eddie?”
“I stole one of Dustin’s old DnD manuals and I’ve been looking through it to figure out how their nerd game works. I bought my own copy of Sacred Heart. And I'm trying to read The Hobbit for the third time.”
He was forty-eight pages in, the farthest he’d made it yet. He might make it through the whole book this time, now that he’d decided he could skip the songs. 
“Oh, it’s like when you studied for the SATs with Nancy!”
“Even though I’d already taken the exam. Exactly.” Steve sighed. “It’s been going on for weeks. How did I not notice until now?”
“Because you’ve spent most of your life purposefully ignoring it when you liked a guy.” Robin ruffled his hair. “Hey, at least finding him hot isn’t news, right?”
“Yay for small victories, I guess.” Steve fixed the mess Robin had made. “But what do I do about it?”
A part of Steve had wanted to show up in his rattiest t-shirt and jeans, to do his best to blend in with the rest of the club. But it wasn’t like the other guys didn’t know who he was. And Steve wanted to find out if Eddie might like him, not some nerd that looked like him. So Steve wore a polo shirt and his best jeans. The only way he could have looked less like he belonged was if he’d pulled his letterman out from the back of his closet.
“Are you playing with us Harrington?” Eddie asked when Steve sat down at the table.
“Um, is that okay? Bobbie had a thing come up and she asked me to sub in for her.” Robin’s thing had been a second date with Vickie. At his house, so the girls could kiss without worrying about getting caught. Steve needing to spend four hours in the Wheeler basement gave them plenty of alone time, too. “I might need some help with the math, but Robs gave me a character sheet and some basic instructions.”
Eddie and his friends exchanged looks. Steve really hoped they weren’t going to tell him to get lost.
“Steve? You’re playing?” Dustin practically threw himself down the stairs when he saw Steve. “How did we finally convince you? Was it Robin? Where is she?”
“Robin’s busy. I’m her sub. If Munson’s cool with it?”
Faced with Dustin’s pleading eyes, Eddie didn’t stand a chance.
Steve mostly kept quiet at first, observing how Eddie ran the game, what strategies the kids preferred to use. Mostly he let them make the decisions and when they were in combat he hit the biggest enemy with his morningstar until it stopped moving.
It felt kind of familiar, but way less painful.
After a little while, Steve thought he had the hang of it enough to try Robin’s plan.
“Wait a second,” he stopped Mike before they attacked the mysterious cloaked figure. “Isn’t everybody’s health kind of low?”
“We don’t have time to rest and heal, Steve.” Mike was being weirdly patient with him. “The enemy has already seen us.”
“Yeah, but I could try charming him instead of fighting. Robin said her character was supposed to be charming.” She’d had this long explanation about charisma that Steve hadn’t followed but she’d summed it up as flirt with the NPCs. “If I flirt with him, maybe he’ll let us by without a fight.”
“He’s a guy, Steve,” Dustin pointed out. “Robin’s character is also a guy.”
“Gay people exist.” One of the older Hellfire members, Steve thought his name was Gareth, spoke up. He hadn’t expected any of Eddie’s friends to help him out with this. The three of them had their eyes on Eddie.
Eddie wasn’t saying anything.
“He’s seduced at least one girl in every town we’ve passed through,” Lucas explained. “Usually two or three.”
“It’s kind of a running joke,” Will added.
“He could like both.” Steve said it with a casualness he did not feel. “Some people do.”
“Buckley’s not going to be upset you made her character a little gay?” Eddie asked him.
“Nah, she won’t mind.”
“Then roll for seduction.��
Right as he rolled, another of Eddie’s friends - Steve had missed his name during introductions - bumped into the table. The dice fell onto the floor and one rolled under the sofa.
This was apparently a catastrophe.
“We won’t be able to get the die without moving it! We’ll never know what you rolled!” Dustin whined.
“Couldn’t I just roll it again?” This was, for some reason, the worst question he could have asked, as it sparked a lecture on the sacred and inviolable nature of the dice rolls.
“Have him role play it,” Jeff suggested. Eddie shot his friend a dirty look.
Steve briefly wondered if Robin had been talking with the older members of Hellfire, but that didn’t seem likely. They wouldn’t have any reason to help him out. 
“I don’t mind.”
“If that’s what you want.” Eddie shrugged. “Show us you can be as charming as your character.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m exactly as charming as Sir Dingus des Cheveux.” Steve wasn’t sure if he should be flattered or disturbed by how much Robin’s character was based on him. Though it certainly made playing him easier. “Tell me what I see.”
“I already did. Cloaked figure, no obvious weapon.”
“Yeah, that’s what I’d notice if I was looking for a fight. Can I see his hair? His face? His eyes?”
“Um, his hood is up, so no.” Right. Eddie was going to make this difficult.
“Okay so I step forward and I stand, uh, shit. It’s hard to describe.” Steve could be just as difficult. “Can we act it out?”
“Act it out?”
“I mean the NPCs are all you, right? So if you could stand in for this guy?” A lot of flirting was physical and, for Steve, automatic. He didn’t know exactly what he was doing until he was doing it. 
“Do it, Eddie.”
“I’ve always wanted to see The Hair at work.”
Eddie’s friends egged him on. Lucas nodded along with them. Dustin had grabbed a blank sheet of paper and seemed prepared to take notes. Will seemed somewhere between uncomfortable and fascinated. Only Mike looked unhappy about it, but that was just how Mike was. 
Date a guy’s sister for a year and not even saving his life could make him smile at you.
Eddie rose from his seat.
“Okay, Harrington. Charm me.”
Steve stepped forward, until he was almost close enough to touch Eddie.
“Hi,” he said, tilting his head to one side. He smiled a slightly goofy smile that he knew invited teasing. “What’s a nice boy like you doing in a dungeon like this?”
Eddie burst out laughing.
“Seriously? That’s what you’re starting with?”
“Is that you or the character laughing?” Steve asked.
“You have a beautiful laugh.” Steve spoke in character. Eddie stopped laughing, surprised. “I bet your face is just as lovely.”
“He pushes his hood back to reveal the face of a drow. The face is not lovely, but scarred. One particularly nasty scar on his right cheek creates the illusion of a smile. He says, You lose.”
“I don't know about that.” Steve stepped a little closer and lifted his hand. “May I?”
Eddie nodded.
Steve pushed Eddie's hair away from his face, lightly brushing Eddie's scars. Taking care that the back of his thumb caressed the most prominent one, the one that tugged down the corner of Eddie's lip and gave his smile a permanent look of irony.
“You have the most expressive eyes I've ever seen,” Steve murmured. Eddie pulled back.
Shit. That wasn't in character. Steve tried again.
“I think I won, but I wouldn’t want to contradict anyone with such enchanting eyes.” He dropped the smile but kept the teasing tone. “What do I lose?”
“Your life,” Eddie replied, but his heart clearly wasn't in it.
“You don't want to kill me.” Steve’s smile widened. He'd won this round as soon as Eddie had laughed. “If you’re having trouble thinking up a forfeit, can I suggest a kiss?”
“Okay, okay,” Eddie said with another laugh. “You have successfully seduced the drow. He does not attack your party, or summon reinforcements. Your one night stand allows for a long rest. Because the drow is a cleric of Loviatar, you only recover half your health.”
“Worth it.” He winked at Eddie before sitting back down at the table. “Sir Dingus had an excellent time. Is there a fantasy version of asking for a guy’s number? In case I have to sub in for Rob again?”
He didn’t want to saddle Robin’s character with a boyfriend when Robin had been using him to flirt with girls, but he didn’t want to leave Eddie with the impression that Steve moved on from people as quickly as Sir Dingus did.
“The life of an adventurer is hardly conducive to long term relationships.” That did not answer Steve’s question. “But, he tells you his name is Ghauntel Kenduis and should he see you again, he will remember yours.”
Dungeons and Dragons was not the worst way to spend an afternoon. The combat was kind of boring, and the bickering over what the party was going to do next made Steve sympathize with the guys who’d stuffed nerds into lockers. 
Okay, DnD was not his thing at all and the only thing he really enjoyed about it was getting to flirt with Eddie.
Steve slid his hand over the scars on Eddie's neck. Slowly, carefully, he brought their lips together for a kiss.
Well, Eddie’s characters, which wasn’t exactly the same thing. And after that first time, he hadn’t had to do nearly as much roleplaying. But it was still fun.
“You kept breaking character,” Eddie commented when the game was finished for the day. 
“What do you mean?” The kids had, unsurprisingly, vanished upstairs as soon as it was time to clean up. A little more surprising was that the rest of Hellfire had also cleared out, leaving Steve and Eddie alone.
“When you would flirt. You kept losing the characters. You’ve never played before, so flirting with me instead of my NPCs would be an easy mistake to make. Or…” Eddie trailed off. “Nah, you’re just bad at the game.”
“I mean, I am. And breaking character wasn’t something I tried to do on purpose.” Steve stepped close to Eddie again. Close enough to reach out and touch him. “But I kept doing it because I wanted to flirt with you.”
“Why?” Eddie asked. “I'm a freak and kind of an asshole a lot of the time. And I’m not exactly a pretty face these days.”
“Well, it turns out that weird and passionate nerds are kinda my type.” And Steve was sick of dating girls who weren't his type. “May I?”
Wordlessly, Eddie nodded.
Again, Steve pushed Eddie's hair back, tucking it behind his ear. Eddie leaned into Steve's touch.
“You really do have the most expressive eyes. I wish you didn't feel like you have to hide them.” 
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tumbleweed-writes · 3 months
Death and the Lady: Chibs Telford x Reader
An idea I've been tossing around in my head. Might continue it if anyone is interested in more.
The plan to pull any forensics team from Lodi heading to the Sons burnt warehouse and the two dead bodies in the cellar of said warehouse was a bold one. Jax was proud of himself for  coming up with a creative solution that would require no spilt blood.
He spoke quick to present his plan to his uncertain brothers. “Look, all we need for a murder is bodies and a crime scene.”
Chibs was fast to speak, not quite getting how this was any different from the prior plan they’d had to just kill some Nords and attract the attention of Lodi’s forensics team. "Ya lost me Jackie."
Jax replied the answer was so obvious. “Skeeter, guy’s got more gambling debt than he can handle. I’ll make it worth his while.”
“The cemetery guy?” Bobby questioned doubt clear in his voice.
Jax nodded his head sure of his plan. “Yeah, I give Lodi a front-page murder and we don’t stir up another shit-storm that might bite us in the ass.”
He cringed the second the words left his lips. There was only one issue that might screw up the plan. Skeeter the Sons connection to access to Charming’s nearest crematorium and one of its oldest funeral homes wasn’t in town at the moment. 
“Shit.” the statement left him.
Tig groaned, not entirely thrilled that the plan was being shifted away from his original idea or just straight up murdering some Nord or some other scumbag. “What?”
Jax cringed again, hating to admit that there was a wrench in the plan. “I just remembered, Skeeter’s not in town.”
Tig stood up again ready to jump into action on the original plan. “Alright, that settles it. We stick to my plan.”
Jax spoke again, raising his voice as another solution entered his mind. “Y/N.”
Clay furrowed his brow, the name somewhat familiar though it had been years. “She's back in town?”
Jax ran a hand through his hair, a sigh leaving him. “Yeah, she’s taken over the family business apparently. She’s back. Been back for a few months now.”
Chibs frowned totally lost on just who this Y/N was that everyone but him seemed so familiar with.
He continued to follow the conversation, his interests peaking further as Jax spoke again. “I don’t know…she’s cleaned up her act apparently. She’s worth a shot though. She’s got enough history with the club. I don’t think she’s cleaned up enough to go running her mouth if we approach her with this.”
Clay shook his head at this news not missing a chance to push back against the idea that she’d be totally useless to them. “Money talks, clean act or not. You make contact with her, get this plan on the road. Who knows, she might come in handy in the future, if she’s down to accept our gifts in exchange for a few favors. Might be smart to have a funeral director readily available. Who knows just what she has access to. From what I’ve heard her father left some debt behind and we all know her brother is off in the county nuthouse. She might be willing to play ball if we offer her some incentive to chip away at that debt.”
Chibs furrowed his brow all the further having to wonder just who this Y/N character was aside from a funeral director that his brothers all seemed to have some familiarity with. 
Chibs had been patched over in Charming for about a decade now, surely he would remember some funeral director that had some sort of wild streak that his brothers all seemed to remember? 
He mulled over the thought as the club proceeded to discuss their plans. 
He wasn’t the only one mulling over the change in plan. Jax felt his stomach twist uncertain if Y/N would be as willing to help out debt or not.
He’d heard the gossip around town and it all seemed to indicate that little miss Y/N had turned over a new leaf and had really matured from the twenty year old girl who’d been sent away by her father years before. 
Jax rubbed the back of his neck, his stomach churning at the path that lay ahead of them. 
Y/N Y/L/N was no Skeeter, but she would work in a bind.
He just hoped she was not as on the straightened arrow as it appeared.
The cemetery in Charming was actually quite massive despite the smaller town. Generations upon generations had been buried on the land. On the property sat a crematorium that was used by the few funeral homes in Charming as well as a chapel where services might be held.
One of the funeral homes that often used the on sight crematorium was Y/L/N and Sons Funeral Home.
Ironically enough, there weren’t any sons in the business…at least not anymore.
Y/N Y/L/N had taken up the mantle of her father’s business. The funeral business was something she’d fought against for so long. 
She had resented it in a way. She resented being known as the creepy kid in school because her father buried the dead. She resented the expectation that she would follow in her father’s business once her brother had clearly proven he just wasn’t stable enough. She’d resented the fact that even though she was expected to follow this path that the And Sons part of the name wouldn’t be dropped.
She had rebelled and she’d rebelled hard. Charming’s local MC had given her an environment to indulge in that rebellion. She had used the environment to cope with her personal issues and heartbreaks. She’d barely been legal the first time she’d visited the Sons clubhouse and during each visit after that she’d allowed herself to fall into the chaos of a Friday night party.
A few years of her life had been dedicated to that chaos until she’d hit rock bottom. Drinking and associating with Charming’s criminal element had been fun, until it had not been so much fun.
Her father had given her an out and she’d taken in traveling east to start anew. She’d tried to find a life outside of death, but she’d found within a few years that she did have a genuine respect for the family business.
It was all she’d ever known and she’d decided to follow her father’s footsteps on her own terms. She’d enrolled in mortuary school out east and had found work upon gaining her license.
She’d assumed she’d finally escaped both Charming and her past.
The past had a way of biting you in the ass though. She’d learned that the hard way.
The family business had been left to her and though she wanted nothing more than to remain out east she’d realized that the family business wasn’t the only thing she’d inherited from her father.
Debts and her brother were now her responsibility. So, Y/N had traveled back west, back to Charming.
She should have known the MC would come knocking eventually. Her past associates would eventually realize she was back in town.
So, it should have been no shock with the crematorium doors swung open at least one familiar face walking in the door.
She turned from the cremains she’d been sifting through the thick rubber gloves she wore making her hands feel damp with sweat.
Chibs Telford wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting, but the pretty young woman standing by a flaming cremator wasn’t at all what he’d pictured when he heard the words funeral director.
She was not dressed all in black the way he’d been picturing. To be honest he’d imagined some stuck up and possibly even creepy looking woman in a black pantsuit.
The pretty woman standing by the cremator was wearing dark wash blue jeans of all things and a black tank top. Her brow was somewhat damp with perspiration from the heat of the crematorium. Chibs took notice of the bead of sweat that traveled down her neck disappearing between the valley of ample cleavage the sight sending a jolt of lust through him. She had a nice figure; attractive curves that were complimented by the tight fit of her jeans. Her long hair was piled on top of her head fastened with a clip in an attempt to deal with the heat. He furrowed his brow as he spotted a pair of baby pink converse sneakers on her feet. 
She was less Morticia Adams than he’d been anticipating. She looked more like she should be hanging out at a farmers market or maybe having ice cream at one of the mom and pop parlors on Main Street. 
The pretty woman he’d been so unabashedly admiring finally spoke a sigh leaving her lips. She looking none too pleased by her guests. “Jackson.”
Chibs felt his heart lift the soft sweetness of her voice not what he'd been expecting at all even if she didn't sound happy.
“Hey, darlin, long time no see.” Jax replied always the flirt even when on business.
Chibs frowned a small part of him, somewhat certain he didn’t like the clear undertone of a history between his brother and this young woman. He pushed back the thought knowing it was ridiculous. 
Y/N sighed, shaking her head, her eyes studying the friends Jackson Teller had brought along. She didn’t recognize a single face other than Jax Teller’s. Though she guessed it shouldn’t be too much of a shock. She’d been away for so long.
She didn’t study her company for long, a sigh leaving her. “I’m assuming this isn’t a social call.”
Jax gave her a small sheepish smile. “Not entirely.”
“Skeeter’s not around, I’m afraid. He’s out of town, hopefully not at the racetrack.” She remarked a small frown crossing her features at the thought of her father’s associate.
Although she didn’t approve of Skeeter’s conduct at times, she knew he’d been a loyal employee to her father. He was now her loyal employee. She appreciated that loyalty despite his habits.
That loyalty hadn’t stopped him from associating with the Sons of course, but who was she to judge given her own past. 
“They really cremate bodies here?” Half Sack spoke getting close to the cremator gazing within the flames.
“Aye an sometimes we do.” Chibs spat out smacking the prospect in the back of the head before yanking him from the machinery.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, the thick Scottish brogue not entirely expected. She gazed at the owner of the accent unable to place him anywhere in her memories.
She knew her memories from that time in her life might be somewhat hazy, but she was sure she’d remember a Scottish accent in the middle of northern California.
She was certain she’d remember the man standing in front of her from the accent alone. She felt her stomach churn noticing the deep scars embedded into his cheeks. If she hadn’t remembered the accent then she definitely would have remembered the scars.
He gazed back at her his sunglasses dropping slightly, his dark eyes gazing at her, the action giving her an unexpected reaction.
She frowned, not entirely amused at the mixture of lust and curiosity that stirred up in her under his gaze.
She wasn’t that girl anymore, a voice in the back of her head scolded her. She’d grown up and changed. It had been almost ten years and she was a new person, a better person. She was no longer the biker groupie.
Jax stepped forward, breaking the spell that had seemed to wash over both Chibs and Y/N without anyone around them really taking notice. “We aren’t here to see Skeeter Darlin’. We gotta ask you a favor. I’m here to ask an old friend a small favor.”
“Favors are never small with you from what I remember. They also usually have a way of biting me right in the ass if my memory serves me right.” She replied, reluctant to pull her eyes from the Scotsman and back to her old friend.
Jax smirked, nodding his head. “Fair enough.”
He cleared his throat fast to speak again. “We need two bodies.”
“Jesus Christ, Jackson. Why are you coming to me with this? I’m not some club hangaround anymore. I’m trying to be a better person and you’re dragging me into this shit.” She snapped a groan leaving her as she took off her gloves slamming them down on the counter beside the cremains she’d previously been attending to.
Jax sighed, not entirely shocked by the reaction. He prayed he was right when he’d remarked that she wasn’t so on the straightened arrow that she wouldn’t go blabbing the information to the Charming P.D.
“I know it’s a lot to ask but…” He barely worked out before she spoke again.
“A lot to ask? You do realize when I got licensed I had to take several classes on the ethics of the funeral profession. I’m pretty sure handing out bodies to the local MC violates so many of those ethics I swore to uphold and is considered abuse of a corpse. You do realize I could lose everything if you fuck up and it leads back to me? You aren’t just asking me to let you borrow a freaking cup of sugar here, Jax.” 
Chibs twisted his lips somewhat amused by how browbeaten Jax seemed to look upon this outburst.
If the outburst had come from a less pretty woman, Chibs might feel frustration. After all, they were depending on this girl to help them out of an utter shit-storm.
A small part of him had to admire the balls she had to speak to a dangerous looking biker in that tone of voice. 
She was bold, bold and pretty were admirable traits in a woman. 
Jax reached in his kutte pocket pulling out a thick manilla envelope. “I know, I’m sorry. It’s a lot to ask, but we’re in a bind here. SAMCRO is willing to compensate you for taking the risk.”
He paused handing over the envelope feeling somewhat guilty to even bring it up. “I know your old man was struggling to keep things running towards the end. This could help alleviate some of the burdens he left behind.”
She gazed down at the envelope, part of her wanting to toss it right back in his face the other part of her wanting to toss in the cremator as a showing of just what she thought of his attempts to buy out her morals.
She cringed a the heft of the envelope her mind crossing over those burdens Jax was mentioning.
Business was steady, but her father hadn’t been in the best health towards the end. It hadn’t been easy to tackle some of the debt left behind even with steady business.
She also felt her mind flash to her older brother. Institutionalization was expensive, even on a state level.
She gazed within the envelope making up her mind knowing it might damn her soul. 
She shook her head, her jaw tight. “Two bodies?”
Jax nodded his head relieved that Clay had been right. Money talks. “Yeah, one white guy and a Mexican guy.”
She rolled her eyes, tempted to snap that this wasn’t a custom order shop and he’d get what he got and he’d be damn happy with it.
She gazed at the still flaming cremator. “I had a guy who died in a work accident….uh worked for the electric company. It’s a closed casket. He didn’t have enough of a family to give a shit and suddenly want an open casket at the last second. They’d barely even pay for me to do the embalming. Stop by the funeral home in a couple of hours and you can have him.”
She paused shifting in place, hating herself for doing any of this. “There’s a fresh burial, one of my guys just filled in the hole this morning…cheap casket. He should be fresh enough still, I’m a damn good embalmer…even with the cheap jobs.”
She gazed down at the envelope, a voice in the back of her head screaming she was completely soiling the profession she loved. She was scum. She’d been entrusted to care for these bodies and make sure they had a peaceful rest, and this was what she was doing.
She ran her thumb along the envelope, a louder voice claiming that the money would help.  The money would help ease the debt and help make sure her brother got the best care available.
Between the debt and her brother's care she was drowning.
She was at risk of losing a family business that had been there for generations. It was her legacy.
She knew she could sell the family business and pay some of those debts but that seemed like such a shameful thought. Then there was the issue of her brother. Daniel needed around the clock care and it got pricey. The money could help to keep providing that care.
Without the institution he'd be moved to being in an even worst institution as a practical ward of the state or worst kicked out of the hospital. She knew he wouldn't stay medicated on the streets and she couldn't take care of him. There was no way he could live with her in his condition. They'd gone down that road before. Her father couldn't care for Daniel and she sure as hell couldn't.
She knew she was betraying the dead by taking this money but a voice in the back of her head snapped that the dead didn't need money. She sure as hell needed the money. Selling her morals and ignoring her conscience was the one way out of tunnel of debts and uncertainty. This action would surely damn her to hell and she couldn't take a moral high ground that she was a better person now. 
It was damn hard to be the better person when you were stuck eating a diet of mostly ramen noodles and selling plasma just to barely scrape by. It was hard to be the good person when your brother needed yet another expensive medication to keep his symptoms under control. It was too hard to be the good person when you were so damn tired.
She knew she was going to hell for this, but she already felt like she was in hell half the time anyway with all the financial stress.
She sighed as Jax spoke, giving her a small grin. “Thanks Y/N. I know this is a big ask…”
“It is.” She interrupted a sigh leaving her.
She spoke again a grimace crossing her features knowing if she was damning her soul for this action she might as well fully commit. “From now on…you don’t go to Skeeter for favors. I’m your first contact.”
Chibs raised an eyebrow once again taken by the brass balls on the girl. He resisted the urge to smirk a little amused; she felt comfortable presenting this idea with as much of a fuss as she’d put up a second ago.
She spoke again, shaking her head. “You’re right, the money helps in more ways than one. I’m willing to do more favors in the future for a price…we both know I’m more reliable than Skeeter any day of the week.”
Jax grinned at the proposal. Maybe Clay had been right, having a funeral director in SAMCRO’s arsenal did hold the possibility of promise. “Of course, darlin’. You’ll be our first call. In fact we might need to borrow this crematorium later.”
“It’s done. Just call me. My number hasn’t changed.” She remarked that strange jealous feeling stirring up in Chibs’ gut again.
Her number hadn’t changed, a number Jax Teller apparently knew.
He didn’t have long to focus on the strange sense of jealousy or how it confused the hell out of him as the Sons turned to leave ready to leave and get this plan moving forward.
Chibs wasn’t pulled from his thoughts until Juice finally spoke, the man not having said anything this entire time. “I’m glad to be out of that place. It gives me the creeps.”
“Aye, the creeps.” Chibs remarked not able to focus on the environment they’d just been in the woman in that environment far more interesting. She was far from creepy.
To be honest Chibs Telford wasn't sure what to make of her. That concept puzzled him.
Juice watched as Jax sped up ahead of them before he spoke almost as though he could hear just what Chibs was thinking. “At least she’s not creepy as hell like Skeeter…I mean she's spooky given her job...but she is kind of hot…wonder what she meant by club hang around. She doesn't look like the average croweater...at least I don't get that vibe. Curious to know what that history is.”
Chibs frowned as that jealous little feeling stirred in him again. He shook it away a huff leaving him unable to stop himself from agreeing. “Aye…spooky.”
He paused shaking his head hating to admit that he was a little curious himself about just what the history surrounding Y/N was. 
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
please, could you write something were the reader is part of kipps crew and lockwood is like obsessed with her. anytime they encounter he goes out of his way to be nice to her and kipps finds it so weird because she is like is best friend or sister even. that would be so cool! also love the new things you’ve posted earlier!!!
a/n: of course! I love this idea, and thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed them :) this is a mix between the books and the show (not overly obvious though)
warnings: language female reader (few pronouns used)
part two
"Seems like we've saved you again, Tony," Kipps says smugly, crossing his arms over his chest. "Maybe if you did your research properly, we wouldn't need to come and clean up your mess."
George Karim scowls. "Not all of us can press a button and have everything we need right under our fingers."
"Besides, you didn't save us," Anthony Lockwood, the face of Lockwood and Co, says. "We had it all under control."
You break off from Kat's side, inspecting the damage around the park, and make your way over to Kipps. "If by under control, you mean you were surrounded by fourteen Wraiths with very few salt bombs or magnesium flares left to defend yourself with, then yeah, you had it under control."
"(name) -" Lockwood blinks, then plasters on that smile of his. "How nice to see you."
Against your better judgement, you smile. "You seem to be making a habit of us saving your asses. I hope it's not some excuse to see Kipps' pretty face."
Kipps, your team's supervisor, frowns at the pair in front of you. Off to the side, Bobby Vernon is instructing a few other Fittes agents, disposing of the source of the horde of Wraiths. Kat, as blank-faced as always, stands on the other side of Kipps, and Ned Shaw... Well, he's somewhere. Probably glowering at some poor child.
"No, I can assure you, Kipps' face is the last thing I want to see on a case," Lockwood says, sending a charming grin your way. "It's perhaps even scarier than the Wraiths."
You laugh softly, earning a glare from your supervisor. It's hard suppressing your smile.
"I expect we'll see you more this week, Tony," he says. "It seems that without your little Listener, you're getting even worse than before."
George bristles, fists clenching by his sides. "We were doing perfectly fine on our own. Now, if you don't mind, we'd better be on our way."
Lockwood straightens. "You're right, George. But, first, we need our pay."
"Oh, no," Kipps says. "No, see, we secured the Source, so, by DEPRAC rules, the commission is ours."
"You can't be serious," Lockwood says. "This was our case."
Kat, face void of any emotion, says, "Well, it's ours now."
George moves a step closer, knuckles white with tension, but Lockwood pulls him back, murmuring something in his ear. Angrily, Karim storms past you and out of the park.
"Best be off, Tony. Don't want to stay out too much later. I'm not sure we can be bothered saving you from more ghosts."
Lockwood ignores him, casting his gaze on you. "See you around, (name)."
You smile again. "See you, Lockwood."
And, then he's gone, striding off to catch up with George. You watch him go, curiously, until he's past the hedge line of the park and faded into the darkness of the night.
"Stop it."
You turn to Kipps, frowning. "What?"
"Stop looking at him like he's God's gift to the world," he grumbles. "He's an idiot, and he's the competition unless you've forgotten. Stay away from Lockwood - it won't end well."
Nodding, you cast his words aside immediately. It only makes you want to know him more.
"I'm serious, (name). You're like a sister to me, and I can't afford for you to get sidetracked and then hurt because of him."
Too late, you think. You have most definitely gotten sidetracked.
Shit. Shit, shit, shit.
Scrounging around in your bag, your heart is pounding and your face feels hot with embarrassment. You can't find your purse, and there's a big long queue of people behind you, waiting for their turn to order with expressions of irritation. God, you want to melt into the floor and die. Someone groans behind you, their frustration seeping into your bones.
"Oh, my god, I'm so sorry. Just give me a minute -"
"Here you go," a voice says, and an arm reaches out beside you, passing a twenty-pound note to the cashier.
You take your coffee from her hand and shuffle out of the way quickly, breathing a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much. If I can find my purse, I'll pay you back."
"No, no, you're fine." That voice... Something about it is familiar.
Looking up, your jaw goes slack. "Lockwood! Oh, hi. How are you?"
His mouth splits in a grin. "Hey. I'm good. I'd ask how you are, but judging from how red you are, I think I can guess."
"I'm so sorry you had to pay, just let me -" You begin searching in your bag again, but Lockwood's hand closes over yours, halting the movement. Sparks run up and down your arm at the touch.
"(name), it's perfectly fine. My treat."
Your worried expression softens. "I can't thank you enough, Lockwood."
"Don't worry about it." He hesitates for a moment, eyes flickering over your face. "Do you want to come back to Portland Row with me? Chat over some doughnuts, maybe?"
Despite Kipps' warning, you want to accept, but you can't, as much as it pains you.
"I'm sorry," you say. "I've got to get back - we've got a case to get to in a few hours. I was just getting some sort of caffeine to energise me beforehand."
He looks a little disappointed, but he's still smiling. "That's alright. Maybe another time?"
You grin. "Sure. And, thank you, again, Lockwood. Really. You saved me from melting into a puddle of embarrassment back there."
"It hurt to watch," he jests. "Should I prepare my gear at home, just in case Lockwood and Co have to come save you Fittes lot for once?"
Laughing, you say, "No, but thanks. No offence, but I think we're a little more qualified for this job than you are, Lockwood."
There's a pause, one in which he only looks at you, smiling. Then, "Call me Anthony."
Before you lose confidence, you knock on the pale blue door before you.
Portland Row is quiet, despite it being mid-afternoon and summertime, but you don't really mind. With the sun beating down on your back, and a warm breeze that smells faintly like cut grass, you couldn't be more relaxed even if you tried.
The door swings open, revealing the face of George Karim, who doesn't seem overly pleased to see you.
"What do you want?"
You're taken back a little by his forwardness. "Oh, I just thought I'd come nip round and pay you guys a visit. I brought a bunch of doughnuts and biscuits and stuff from Arif's." You hold the box in your hands a little higher.
"George," a voice calls - Lucy Carlyle's, judging from the pitch. "Who is it?"
"(name), you know, Fittes agent? Kipps' crew?"
"I've brought treats from Arif's," you say over George's shoulder. "I come in peace."
"Oh, for god's sake, George, let her in!"
This time, it's Lockwood - Anthony - who speaks. He opens the door wider so that he and George are standing shoulder to shoulder in the frame. His wide smile is dazzling, and, as usual, his clothes are crisp and clean, as if he put them on right away after being ironed and hasn't moved in them lest they crease.
"Hey, (name). Thanks for bringing food."
He nudges George out of the way and gestures for you to come inside, which you do albeit cautiously.
The house isn't what you expected at all. With three teenagers living there, you assumed it'd be rather modern, but the wallpaper is old, and all sorts of decor and memorabilia hang on the walls. Masks, photos, and the likes. Straight ahead, Lucy Carlyle stands on the stairs, dressed in a comfy top and shorts, and despite the tension between your agency and theirs, she smiles at you before hurrying down the stairs and disappearing into what you assume is the kitchen. George follows her, frowning.
Deftly, Lockwood takes the large box of sweet treats from your hands.
"What's the occasion?" he asks, leading you down the hall to the kitchen.
"It's just a thank you for paying for my coffee the other day," you say. "Also, I wanted to see you, and I figured George wouldn't let me within ten feet unless I brought goods."
Lockwood laughs. "Well, you're right about that."
The kitchen isn't the largest you've seen, but it's cosy. Lucy is clearing space on the table which, oddly enough, is covered in a white tablecloth full of scribbles and writing. George is boiling the kettle over to the side, four mugs set out in front of him, though one is considerably smaller than the rest.
You can't blame him for not liking you. Although Kipps is like your brother, you know that he goes too far sometimes, and he's never been particularly nice to Lockwood and his friends. You're a part of his team, so their dislike for Kipps - or George's, at least - has extended to you.
"Please, sit," Lockwood says, gesturing to one of the seats.
Smiling a little awkwardly, you sit down as he separates the contents of the box onto different plates. Lucy takes the seat next to you, plucking one of the doughnuts straight out of the box and smiling.
Lucy has never had the warmest personality, or so you've heard, but the doughnuts have seemingly put you in her good books. That eases your discomfort a little.
George sets cups of tea down on the table before sitting down himself, just as Lockwood does, too. They all take their pick of the treats, grinning and chatting away.
"So, (name)," Lockwood says. "How did your case go the other day?"
Lucy raises her eyebrows. "You're keeping tabs on Fittes now?"
"We ran into each other a couple of days ago," you explain. "We stayed and caught up for a little bit."
George frowns. "Is that why you took so long getting back from your shopping trip?"
Lockwood sips his tea. "Yeah, I suppose. Anyways, how was it?"
"Fine," you say. "Some lady was murdered by her son a few decades ago, wanted revenge on the family - you know, the usual."
"Please tell me Kipps got a little injured," George says.
"George!" Lucy hisses, but something in her eyes tells you she doesn't feel much different than he does.
"Unfortunately for you, no, he didn't. Since he's just our supervisor, he stays within an iron circle and shouts orders at us."
"Surely that must get annoying?" Lockwood says. He's watching you carefully, and you can feel your ears growing hot under his gaze. "Having to take orders from someone who can't even see what's going on."
You shrug. "Yeah, it does, but there's not much we can do about it."
"Maybe, you could work with us."
Everyone seems to freeze when Lockwood says that. You slowly look up at him from the pastry you were just reaching for, your face the definition of pure shock. Lucy, bless her, just sits with another doughnut halfway to her mouth, eyes a little wide. But George, oh, George. It takes all your strength not to laugh at the expression of unadulterated surprise, mixed with a little bit of anger, as a biscuit hangs from his mouth.
"What?" you all say simultaneously.
Lockwood only grins wider. "I think it'd be a good decision. If we have one extra agent, it means if we get overbooked, we don't end up with one agent per case and can double up. And I don't think it'd hurt for Lucy to have some female company in the house."
"You can't be serious," George says.
"I am. So, (name)?"
The words are hard to find. "Uh, I mean, shouldn't you guys all talk about this together? I don't want to just be barging in, you know? Besides, I'd need to talk to Kipps, and that'll go down about as well as a magnesium flare in a forest."
"For once," George says, "I agree with (name)."
"Oh, come on." Lockwood waves his hand nonchalantly. "She's an incredible agent, and she'd fit right in. I don't think there's much to discuss."
In all honesty, you feel flattered that Lockwood is offering you a position within his company, only because you admire him so much. Fittes, and just about all of the big agencies, are too bureaucratic, in your opinion, and extremely controlling over cases. Lockwood and Co have free rein, within the rules set out by DEPRAC, and aren't hindered by supervisors or massive amounts of paperwork, all because he had the confidence to split off and set up his own company.
"Let's not rush into any decisions," you say, standing slowly. You don't want to move too quickly and elicit the rage of Karim. "I think I should probably head off. Enjoy the food, and, uh, have a good day."
Smiling awkwardly, you make your way out of the kitchen and hurry to the front door.
Footsteps sound behind you and, as you open the door, Lockwood says, "Wait."
You turn, sighing. "Before you say anything, Lockwood -"
"Anthony, thank you for the offer, but I really think you should talk to Lucy and George first. I can't just accept without them wanting me to, and that's if I can accept."
Lockwood leans against the doorframe, looking down at you with those dark eyes of his. God, they've got you hooked.
"I will. I just - You're wasted at Fittes, stuck following the orders of someone whose Talent faded years ago."
You give him a look, but it's half-hearted. "Kipps basically raised me, alright? But I get it. Again, I appreciate it, but speak to the two of them first and then I'll consider it."
That seems to be a good enough answer. His smile is blinding. His hand briefly brushes yours, and your breath hitches.
"Give me a call in a few days," you say, "and we'll see where we're at, yeah?"
"Will do."
"I'll see you soon, Anthony."
If possible, his smile only grows brighter. "Likewise, (name)."
As you leave, you can still feel the brushing of his hand on yours, a sensation you hope will never fade.
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pink-sparkly-witch · 6 months
The One That Got Away - Epilogue
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Warnings: fluff
Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Word Count: 0.9k
A/N: That’s all folks! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.😘💖 
You can catch up here!
 My Masterlist AO3    Ko-Fi
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Dean and Y/N carried various potluck side dishes into the backyard, placing them on the long wooden table Dean had made in his spare time to accommodate his growing family.
John and Bobby were manning the grill, and Sam was playing with Miracle, the big goofball dog Dean had rescued from a burning building where his owners had sadly perished.
Jody and Mary sat at the table in the sunshine with Jess across from them, sheltering under the parasol with baby Matthew.
When the little boy saw Y/N, he gave her a big toothy smile. He wasn’t even a year old yet and had the same Winchester charm his father, uncle and grandfather had. Y/N couldn’t refuse the grabby hands and little mewls demanding she takes him from his mother’s arms and into hers.
“Hey, buddy!” Y/N smiled as she lifted Matthew and placed him on her hip. Every day his baby babbles sounded more like actual words. Although she wasn’t as versed in Matthew’s baby language as his parents were, she listened to him intently and responded whenever there was a break in his storytelling.
Today’s gathering was a double celebration. Bobby was retiring as Fire Chief at Lawrence F.D. Dean had accepted the promotion into his role and would start as the new Chief at Firehouse 3 the following week. Y/N couldn’t be prouder of her boyfriend and wouldn’t deny that him not running head-first into fires ninety percent of the time would make her life much less stressful.
“He always settles so easily with you,” Jess smiled, and Y/N glanced down to see Matthew had fallen asleep on her shoulder.
“What can I say? Kids love me,” Y/N said, giggling as Dean bent to kiss her forehead, a soft smile curving his lips upwards. The look of utter adoration that shone in his green eyes was overwhelming, and she felt her breath catch in her throat.
“Alright,” John called from the other side of the yard. “First batch of food is ready!”
“Here, let me take him so you can get something to eat. You must be starving after coming off a night shift and barely sleeping before entertaining all of us,” Jess said as she reached to take the sleeping baby from Y/N’s arms.
“It’s fine, Jess. I can survive another twenty minutes. Go, eat something hot for a change without burning your mouth!” Y/N grinned as Jess gave her a grateful smile.
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Once everyone had their fill of food and relaxed with some drinks, Y/N and Jody began clearing dishes and putting away the leftovers before promising to bring more beer and another bottle of wine from the kitchen when they were finished.
“You look happy,” Jody smiled fondly.
“I am,” Y/N nodded, unable to hide her grin.
“Is he treating you right?” The older woman asked next.
“Not just right, Jody. He makes me feel safe and loved and wanted. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”
“Good. I’m happy for you, kiddo. You deserve all of it,” Jody hugged her tightly and added, “And if he puts a toe out of line, he is a dead man!” The women chuckled, and Jody pulled back slightly. “Come on, let’s get these drinks out there and join the celebrations.”
Jody placed a cooler filled with ice, beer and a bottle of wine onto the table, and Y/N gave out clean glasses and placed the corkscrew and bottle opener next to it. John and Sam passed out the drinks, and when no one was left empty-handed and had settled into conversation, Dean stood and gathered everyone’s attention.
“As I’m sure you all know, I’m not good with words and find it hard to talk about my feelings. Today, I’m putting that aside to celebrate a great mentor, a great Chief, and an even greater man. I’ve been in Bobby’s Firehouse since I was a cocky probie, and he quickly knocked that out of me completely! He taught me all I know, and that’s why stepping into his shoes isn’t as terrifying now as it was the first time Bobby told me that one day, I’d be sitting in his seat.
“So, cheers, Bobby! Thank you for having patience with me, for mentoring me and teaching me all I know, for seeing something in me that I couldn’t, and for treating me like family. In and out of the Firehouse.” Dean said, and cries of cheers, congratulations and clinking glasses rang through the backyard. He cleared his throat, letting them know he wasn’t finished yet.
“I know we’re here to celebrate Bobby’s retirement and my promotion, but I’m hoping we might have another reason to celebrate. It’s times like this that I wish I could be more articulate and find the right words to talk about how I feel and the million things I really want to say… need to say. And I promise to try, but for now, the only words I have are the most important ones… Y/N,” Dean’s voice cracked as he got down on one knee before her and pulled out a little velvet box. “Will you marry me?”
Y/N’s hand flew to her mouth in shock, and tears flooded her eyes. This was all she’d ever wanted. All she’d dreamed about. A second chance with the one that got away.
“Yes!” she answered, a shriek of laughter coming straight after as Dean lifted her, held her in his strong embrace, and spun her around.
Tags: @acitygrownwillow @akshi8278 @ashbatz @candy-coated-misery0731 @chriszgirl92 @deans-baby-momma @deans-spinster-witch @deansbbyx @deanwanddamons @duncanhillscoffeecups @foxyjwls007 @giggles1026 @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @hoboal87 @impala67rollingthroughtown @iprobablyshipit91 @jackles010378 @jamerlynn @jc-winchester @k-slla @kazsrm67 @kmc1989 @lacilou @ladysparkles78 @leigh70 @lyarr24 @maliburenee @michecolegate @mrsjenniferwinchester @nancymcl @negans-lucille-tblr @nelachu2423 @octoberclidan @perpetualabsurdity @roseblue373 @sandlee44 @sexyvixen7 @snackles87 @spnbaby-67 @spnwoman @stixnstripesworld @stoneyggirl2 @suckitands33 @synmorite @tristanrosspada-ackles @twinkleinadiamondsky @waters-2567 @winchestergirl1720
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Love Me Like You Do~Part 2
Juice Ortiz X Reader
Clay, Jax, Opie, Bobby, Tig, Piney and Juice all arrived back at the Clubhouse, signaling for the others to join them in Chapel.
Happy and Chibs left the shop to follow. Inside, Clay hit the gavel to get started.
“Chibs, Hap, you guys remember Piney’s daughter (Y/N)?”
“Aye.” Chibs replied. Happy nodding.
“She’s back. Settling down back in Charming. She’s opening a little roadside bar on the outskirts of town. I want a protection detail on her so no one messes with her. She’ll be living there, too. Said there’s an apartment type house out back.” Piney said to the group.
“Agreed.” Everyone said.
“What cut will we take for the protection?” Clay asked.
Opie and Jax scoffed. “Really, Clay? She’s family. You expect her to pay us a fee for watching over her?”
He shrugged. “This Club is in the business of protection.”
“Then take my part. I’ll pay to protect my daughter.”
“No disrespect, Pres, but I don’t feel right asking her to do that. Like Jax said, she’s family.” Tig chimes in.
“Put it to a vote. Protection for (Y/N) free of charge?” Clay asked.
All hands went up. He sighed. He slammed the gavel down. “Any new business?”
“Things with the Irish are on track. All looks well for awhile longer.” Chibs said.
“Books are straight. Still in the black for a few more months.” Bobby replied.
Clay nodded. “Good. Meeting adjourned.”
Opie, Jax and Juice walked to the bar where the Prospect, Half-Sack, was.
“Listen, Opie’s little sister is back. I’m going to need you to go with Juice tomorrow and give her a hand with anything she needs. She’s got crews coming in but she needs things moved out.”
“Yeah. Sure.”
“I’ll go, too. Don’t have any repairs due tomorrow.” Happy said.
“Juice, do me a favor. When you help her set up the security cameras, make sure to set some up around the back facing her apartment. I want to make sure she stays safe.” Opie got close.
“Of course. I’ll see what system she wants and set it all up. I’ll make a backup location for all feeds to my laptop here, just in case.”
“One more thing. The two of you are close in age. Besides my wife and kids, she’s everything to me. Don’t try any funny business with her. Understand?”
Juice nodded. “Yeah. Got it.”
Jax stood behind them smirking. Opie slapped the Puerto Rican’s back. “Good. Now, I’ve got to get home and let Donna know to cook extra.”
As I drove to Donna and Opie’s for dinner, I couldn’t help but look around at how much things changed around Charming over the last three years. Taking note to try out the coffee shop, I turned down the little street that led to my brother’s.
As I neared the house, I seen Kenny and Ellie out front playing. When I pulled in, they instantly started yelling.
“Aunt (Y/N)!”
“We missed you!”
I hugged them both to me. “I missed you guys! My goodness y’all have grown!”
Kenny looked behind me. “Whoa. Cool car! What kind is it?”
“This my little man is a 1970 Dodge Challenger in special order Purple. My Grandpa had this restored for me for my birthday last year.”
“Can I drive it?”
“I don’t think so.”
I turned around and smiled. “Hi, Donna!”
She smiled back and held her arms out. “Hi, (Y/N). It’s good to see you again.”
“Come on. Let’s washed up. Dinner is almost ready.”
Dinner was a wonderland event. Catching up with my niece and nephew on school and sports. After dinner and dessert, I helped get Kenny and Ellie ready for bed and then joined Opie and Donna on the porch.
“It’s good to have you back. Opie hasn’t stopped smiling since he came home. Kept trying to get it out of him why but he just told me it was a surprise.”
I sat back in the rocking chair. “It’s good to be back. I can’t wait to get started on the bar tomorrow.”
“Juice will be there with Kip and Happy. Later on me and Jax will come by.”
“You still stay at home?” I asked Donna.
“Yeah. Sometimes I think about going back to work though. I usually sit here bored when Al the housework is done and kids are in school.”
I gave her a smile and leaned over. “Well, I’d like to make an offer. You can take it if you want. Discuss it with brother dearest here. I’d like to offer you a job working with me. I’d pay you $10 an hour, make your own hours around the kids. Weekends if you want and you keep all tips. Plus I have an apartment out back the kids can hang out in if you don’t have a sitter.”
She was speechless. I looked at my watch and stood. “I’ll leave you two to discuss. If you want the job, it’s yours. I’ll be up early tomorrow to get ready for everyone to show up to work. So come on by if you do.” I gave them a hug before I left, and a kiss to the side of my head from Opie.
“Thank you, sis.”
I gave him a wink before I headed off.
“Juice, we’re ready in ten.” Happy stuck his head in my dorm room.
“Yeah. Im coming.” He zipped his backpack up and slug it on his shoulder.
Juice couldn’t think of anything other than (Y/N) since he met her yesterday. His heart pounded in his chest at the thought of seeing her again. He couldn’t help but think she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. What drew him to her the most was her curves. She had curves in all the right places and she knew how to carry herself. A smile crept on his face at the thought of spending time with her setting up her security cameras and being close to her.
It didn’t take long for the three bikers to pull up to the old bar. Juice couldn’t help but eye the car that sat out front.
“Damn. If that’s her’s, little girl has style.” Happy spoke.
“As a matter of fact, Hap, it is. A birthday gift last year from Grandfather.”
(Y/N) stood on the steps, hands on her hips. Juice’s breath caught as he looked at her. She stood there in a purple sequined tank top, blue jean shorts that showed her thick legs and biker boots. Her (y/c/h) was pulled up away from her face.
“Hey, little girl.”
She smiled as she came down the steps. “Hey, Hap. Good to see you again. It’s been ages.”
Happy nodded. She then turned her attention to Juice and Kip. “You must be the Prospect, Kip. I’m (Y/N).”
“Nice to meet you.” Kip said, hands in his pockets.
“Good to see you again, Juice.” She smiled at him.
“You, too.”
“Well, let’s get inside and get started. I got coffee and donuts inside for you guys. Let me show you two what I need done then Juice and I have some business in the office.”
I waved the guys inside and gave Happy and Kip instructions to what I needed. Before they could get started, Donna walked in.
I smiled. “Does this mean you want the job?”
“I want the job. Ope and I talked about it. Making my own hours could help and the extra money would be a plus.”
I gave her a hug. “I’m so happy.” I put my hands on her shoulders. “Now, I’ve got security business to work on. Could you keep these two in line and make sure they don’t take too many coffee breaks? I need all this cleared out so we can get repairs done.”
“You got it.” Donna put her bag on the counter and started helping Kip and Happy.
I turned to Juice. “Looks like we’re together. The office is this way. It’s big enough to store all the monitors and such. I had the best security system delivered. I just have no clue on how to set everything up.” I chuckled.
Juice chuckled and smiled. “That’s what I’m here for. I can get you set up in a jiff.”
The two of us sat for a few hours, discussing every angle inside and out where to put the cameras. One on each corner on the outside, both sides of the bar for multiple angles and facing the bathrooms and in the kitchen. Lastly, he told me my dad and brother wanted one facing my apartment. I agreed.
As I watched him put up all the cameras and angle them, me looking down at the laptop every once in awhile to make sure it was set, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. The way his biceps moved under his shirt and the sweat rolling off his tan skin.
“Alright. I think that does it. Let’s go take a look at all of them.” He climbed down, bringing me from my daydreaming.
We walked back into my office and he showed my how to switch the cameras and how to back them up.
“Now, this here is where all feeds are stored. I also made a backup file that goes directly to my laptop as a precaution in case something should happen. It’s always with me at the clubhouse or my place.”
I turned to him and smiled. “Thanks, Juice. I really appreciate it.”
He gave me a breathtaking smile and looked down. “No problem.”
“(Y/N)? Jax and Opie are here with the others.” Donna said from the office door.
I gave her a nod and Juice and I walked out to the main bar. Opie was unloading bags of takeout for everyone and Jax was passing out drinks.
“Well, there’s my favorite Lass!”
“Chibsy! My favorite Scotsman!”
We hugged each other tight before we all sat down to eat. Opie brought my favorite from the Chinese place and Jax remembered my favorite beer.
“So, sis, any names for this place?”
I nodded. “Pop quiz time, big bro. Let’s see if you can guess. What’s my favorite color?”
“And my favorite gemstone that’s purple?”
“Correct. Now, where is this place sitting?”
“Outer edge of Charming?” He asked questionably.
I raised my brows and waved my hands at him.
“Amethyst Edge?”
I turned to my new favorite Puerto Rican and pointed. “Brownie points to Juicy Boy! Yes. Amethyst Edge. I was approved for the name. My business license will be in soon and all I need is a fancy schmancy sign and I’ll be set.”
“I can draw you up some designs. Find one you like I got a guy who can make it.” Happy spoke up.
“Thanks, Hap.”
The rest of the day went smoothly. The guys finished getting all the old booths and tables out, the crew was halfway finished redoing the kitchen area and me and Donna worked on a menu for food and sending out an ad in the local paper for help.
The day was winding down and everyone was heading home, promises of seeing me again the next day. As I was locking the front door, I heard my name being called.
“Hey, (Y/N). Listen, if you need anything, you know, security system wise, here’s my number. Don’t be afraid to call or anything.”
I took the paper with Juice’s number on it. “Thanks. I’ll send you a text later so you can have my number, too.”
He gave me a smile that sent a shiver down my spine. I watched as he climbed on his bike and drove away. I went to my little apartment, grabbed my pajamas and showered. Once done, I laid in my bed and grabbed my phone and the slip of paper beside it.
*Hey, it’s (Y/N)*
*Hey. Got you saved. :)*
*Awesome. See you tomorrow?*
*Yeah. I’ll be there after work.*
*Okay. See you then. Goodnight.*
*Goodnight, (Y/N)*
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fanficimagery · 2 years
La Loba
When Tara up and left Charming all those years ago- the town, Jax and the club weren't the only things left behind. She left you, her baby sister.
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Words: 5.2K Author's Note: Sons of Anarchy AU. Crossover with Mayans. Trigger Warning for brief mentions of sexual assault.
When Tara left Charming all those years ago, you had only been fifteen. She left you with your drunk of a father, but Jax Teller and his mother Gemma quickly stepped in to look after you. However, when your uncle checked in one day, he didn't like what you had to say about your living situation. So as quick as he could, he managed to get custody of you and whisked you away to Texas.
For years you longed to be back in Charming, calling Jax every weekend you could to hear about what was going on there because, though he and your sister were broken up, you still looked up to him as your big brother. But until you graduated, as you were continuously reminded by your uncle and Jax, there was nothing you could do. So, until you walked the stage and had your high school diploma in hand, you let yourself make some friends and have some fun while you were still young.
Jax, Opie and Gemma made the drive down to Texas to see you walk the stage, and then Gemma told you she already had living arrangements situated for you should you want to return to Charming. You did and you were immediately set up with a job at Teller-Morrow Automotive.
For the following couple of years, you worked your butt off keeping the garage running smoothly while Gemma made herself busy elsewhere. You became close to those within the Sons of Anarchy, keeping their secrets and helping out when asked as if you were a part of the club yourself. And if you asked any of the men, they'd say you were.
But then your sister came back to Charming, ruffling feathers within the club, and making you doubt your place with the Sons.
For as long as you can remember, Clay and Gemma were the parents you wished had been yours. But then they started to make questionable calls and you realized you had to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. It also didn't help that you had Tara whispering nothing but terrible things in your ear, but you did your best to not let her opinion cloud your judgment.
And just when you were coming to terms with everything again, AJ Weston happened.
Fortunately, you weren't sexually assaulted, but you were forced to watch them assault Gemma over and over before taking a beating that left you in the hospital for nearly a week. And through it all, your sister still tried to get you to cut ties with the club. Instead of listening, however, you pulled back into yourself and sought out Happy to teach you how to properly fight.
For a couple of years, you hardened yourself to become numb to anything and everything the club did, doing odd jobs here and there when they needed a face to blend in that wasn't male. You became the club's ace up their sleeve, much to your sister's displeasure, and did your best to stay afloat while Clay and Gemma spiraled out of control.
Life within the club became a clusterfuck- betrayal after betrayal and lie after lie piling up faster than anyone could keep up with. And in the end, several people paid the price. Piney, Bobby, Clay, Juice, Tara and Gemma. All dead.
Then when Jax took up the gavel, he thought for sure you wouldn't want anything to do with the club anymore. But the club had been a part of your life for the longest time and so long as he didn't follow in Clay's or his mother's footsteps, you were more than happy to continue being there for anything the Sons needed.
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With Jax as President and Opie as Vice President, things within the charters along the West Coast were shaken up. No one wanted war or petty fights for past grievances, so many bridges were mended. One, most importantly, being that of the bridge between the Sons and the Mayans.
Jax, Opie, and Chibs are hosting a few Mayans when you walk in behind Happy, more than ready to shower and get to work behind the bar. But first, you needed to check in with Jax and with the others, letting them know how the night went. Happy takes a seat, smirking as all eyes fall on you. You figure you must look a sight- hair wavy from the two braids you had it in all day, a Reaper hoodie that's a size too big, ripped jeans and Doc Martens. Your hands grip tight to the straps of the backpack you're wearing, and you offer Jax a nod.
"Hey, sis." Jax slowly smirks. "You good?" You give him another nod. "You win?"
Happy scoffs as if he really needed to ask that, after all he trained you, and all eyes turn towards him. "They tapped her for two matches."
Jax's amusement suddenly clears, worry in his eyes. "Two?" He glances between you and Happy, the rest of the onlookers curious as to what's going on. "Why the fuck did they tap you for two?"
You roll your eyes and slip the straps of the backpack off your shoulders. Holding the bag with one hand, you unzip the bag with the other and pull out a ziplock bag of cash. Abel and Thomas' name is written on it in black sharpie, as well as the very obvious 5K. You toss the money into Jax's lap.
"Holy shit," Opie utters. "What the hell happened?"
You grin and glance at Happy so he can tell the story. "Her first opponent had a glass jaw. One hit and she was out. The crowd wasn't too happy, so the coordinator asked if she'd fight again. Her second opponent was a dude and a little harder to take down, but our girl had a lot of rage tonight. Brought home 15K."
One of the Mayans lowly whistles. "Damn, mami. There an underground fight club we don't know about?"
The Sons all seem to hold their breath as you glance at the Mayan in question, expression going lax as you take him in. He's handsome, really handsome, what with his groomed beard and all. His hair is shaved close to the sides while the top has some length to it. And slowly, but surely, you grin and shrug at him.
"Hey guys, this is my sister-in-law YN," Jax says, introducing you. "YN, this is Bishop, Angel (the one who had spoken to you) and EZ. Creeper's at the bar with Tig." You glance at each men, nodding and grinning in greeting as they give their hellos. "You should clean up before you get behind the bar," Jax then says, easily dismissing you.
"Ribs need to be checked out. Probably wrapped," Happy mentions.
"And that's my cue," Chibs says as he stands, finishing off the last of his beer. "Come on, lass, let's go get ye naked."
You roll your eyes as Happy and Opie laugh, Jax kicking out in hopes of landing a kick to his Scottish brother.
Everyone watches as Chibs leads YN down the hallway towards the dorms and then Jax is grabbing the money to tuck inside his kutte. "Excuse YN," he says. "She doesn't talk."
"Ever?" Angel asks. Bishop and EZ are quick to slap their brother, causing him to flinch and glare at each of them.
The Sons all chuckle.
"She used to be a chatterbox," Jax says, smiling. Slowly the expression melts away. "She got kidnapped alongside Gemma by Zobelle's crew."
"Shit," Bishop swears. "We heard about that."
"Was she.. you know," EZ asks, uncomfortable. Everyone knew what had happened to the ex-president's old lady and the rage that possessed him and her son when they found out. "That why she don't talk?"
"Nah." Opie shakes his head. "They made her watch as they assaulted Gemma though, and then beat her black and blue. Stopped talking after that. She will talk sometimes, but only to those she feels at ease around."
"The physical assault was just the beginning of it all; started closing herself off. But then when Gemma killed Tara.."
"Fuck, bro," Angel exhales in realization. "Your mother killed her sister?"
"Yeah." Jax takes a long pull of his beer. "YN felt deeply betrayed, looked up to my ma like she was her own. When we found out who killed Tara, YN begged me to let her deal with it. I almost didn't, but Unser stuck his nose in my business and put a tail on me. We came up with an alibi for YN and let her deal with Gemma as she saw fit."
"And did she?" Bishop wonders, stroking his salt-n-pepper beard.
Happy smirks. "She did. Took Gemma out the way Gemma took her sister out."
"Which was how?"
Jax gulps, but pushes through the conversation. "By stabbing Gemma repeatedly in the back of the head with a barbecue fork."
"And no one suspected it was her?" Angel asks, awed.
"Nah. She's our fly on the wall. Everyone thinks she's damaged goods and we don't correct them. No one suspects the mute girl to be gathering intel."
Bishop chuckles. "That's actually kind of genius."
The men all get back to drinking, listening to Happy describe YN's fight and the fact that she's not scheduled for another for another three months. She eventually comes back out, a tight long sleeve plaid shirt taking the place of the hoodie she first wore. Tig grabs her attention, introducing her to Creeper who she grins and nods at before serving up a few shots and taking one with the two men.
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The following morning, you task the prospects and the lingering croweaters to clean up the clubhouse and have everything set up for a family breakfast before you get back with the food. And since you are the President's sister who has no urge to crawl into the lap of any Son, the croweaters readily get to work without any huffing and puffing.
Nearly half an hour later, you return to the clubhouse with bags of food. The normal round tables have been pushed aside and long rectangular tables have been brought out. Three pots of steaming coffee are sitting atop the bar, stacks of styrofoam cups, milk, creamer, and sugar placed next to them. You set the bags of food on the table, pulling out containers of barbacoa meat, beef and bean tamales that had been wrapped up in foil, a few containers of green hot sauce, a bag of cut up lemons, and a stack of still hot tortillas.
You send the prospects to start knocking on doors and waking the sleeping men before you head towards the refrigerator and pull yourself out two cans of Big Red soda. Then making your way back out to the tables in the middle of the clubhouse, you grab yourself a paper plate and start to serve yourself before the men make it nearly impossible to.
Surprisingly, most of the men are already awake and settle down around the table as you're assembling your tacos. You spread some barbacoa on a tortilla, squeeze a bit of lemon juice on the meat, then open up a bean tamale to lay atop the meat. Then you sprinkle some salt before spooning some greet hot sauce onto it all, bringing two sides of the tortilla together and taking a bite. You hum in appreciation and then crack open a can of soda before taking a sip of it.
As you glance around the table, you see the Mayans all staring at you, amusement clear in their expression.
"Damn, guera, you can throw down, huh?" Creeper muses.
You grin at him, heat flooding your cheeks before you avert your eyes back to your food. Slowly but surely, everyone starts to fill their plates. And when you fill your second taco, adding even more hot sauce than the first time, you happily eat the spicy goodness.
"I have a question," Angel says in between bites of his food. "How does a white girl throw down with barbacoa and hot sauce? None of these white boys will even look at the hot sauce."
Jax laughs. "When YN was fifteen and Tara left for college, their uncle swooped in and took YN to Texas. The uncle's wife is Hispanic and apparently breakfast tacos and Big Red was a staple there. Had it every Sunday morning and now we have it once a week here too."
"Well, if it's a staple down in Texas, now we gotta try it too," Angel says. He glances at you, winking. "Got any more of those sodas, princesa?"
You roll your eyes at the nickname, nodding. Quickly wiping your fingers off on a napkin, you stand up to go grab four more of your sodas for the men to try. And when you make it back to the table, you hand each Mayan a soda since the Sons were all coffee drinkers in the morning.
EZ and Angel like the soda drink, Creeper takes a few sips before deciding he likes it, and Bishop hands his can off to Angel after the first sip. It seems he preferred his coffee as well.
Once breakfast is over and Jax sends Chibs, Tig and Happy to work in the garage, you drag your feet over to the couch where Opie is sitting. There's plenty of space on the couch next to him, but you want a cuddle after stuffing yourself full of food. So as the men are talking, you crawl into his lap without a word, curling up there and hiding your face in the side of his neck. He merely lifts his arm to position it behind your back, used to this behavior by now.
"She good?" You hear someone ask.
You grin against Opie's neck and raise a hand, giving the room a thumb's up. He chuckles as he rubs your back. "She's fine. She likes to curl up on any available lap after eating so much."
"My lap was empty too, cariña. You could have-"
The sound of a slap resonates around the room which sends the men into a round of laughter, and when you pick your head up enough to see what's going on, Bishop is shaking his head at Angel who's rubbing the back of his head with a very disgruntled expression. You huff a laugh and go back to dozing on Opie.
The men continue to talk shop as Opie lulls you back to sleep, but then the shouting of a prospect makes you jerk back into consciousness. "Ope! Old Lady incoming."
The Mayans all fidget in their seats as a petite blonde marches into the clubhouse, heading straight towards your small group.
"Uhh.. should the girl be-"
Bishop's words trail off as Lyla comes up to Opie's side, leaning over you to press a kiss to her husband's mouth. You squirm in his lap, turning your head just enough to pucker your lips at Lyla. She laughs. "One of these days I'm actually going to kiss you and then what?" You shrug and wiggle your eyebrows. "I'll get you to finally take up our offer on that threesome sooner or later."
Your nose wrinkles and you immediately climb out of Opie's lap, scowling at her as you curl up on the opposite side of the couch. Lyla laughs and claims her husband's lap for herself as he says, "Come on, Ly. We all know white boys don't do it for SAMCRO's princess."
You narrow your eyes as Opie and Jax chuckle, chuckles turning into full blown laughter as Angel asks, "Yeah? That mean I'm still in the running then?"
"Jesus Christ," EZ mumbles, rubbing the space between his brows.
As you glance at Angel, you can't help the heating of your cheeks as he slowly smirks at you.
Lyla giggles as you blush under the stare of the Mayan and she reaches over to wrap her hand around your ankle. "I'm in a shopping mood. What do you say you go shower and we'll get out of the club's hair for a bit?"
You smile at her, grateful for the escape. But before you can get up, Jax says, "You'll need an escort. We're in good standing with everyone, but it'll give me some peace of mind."
"Don't send Tig. Or Happy," Lyla says.
"You can take EZ," Bishop speaks up, gesturing to the man in question. EZ looks so startled at being volunteered for protection detail that Creeper and Angel burst into laughter.
Glancing at EZ, you gauge his reaction to make sure he's okay with going. And when he catches you trying to size him up, he relaxes and nods. "I, uh, it's fine. Just as long as I don't have to hold anyone's purse."
His brothers continue to snicker as you flash him a grin, shaking your head in amusement. As you pass him, you squeeze his shoulder in thanks and then disappear down the hallway that leads to your dorm.
It takes you just about twenty minutes to shower and change into something suitable for the public, and then you're tossing your wallet, phone, and ID into a mini backpack that you readily strap to your back. You put on some sunglasses to shield your eyes from the intense brightness you know that awaits you outside the building, and then walk back out to the front. Clapping your hands, you grab Lyla and EZ's attention.
Jax, Bishop and Angel call out for the three of you to be careful, and then Lyla is telling EZ that you'll be driving over to Lodi since that was the only place close enough to do some decent shopping. He follows behind you and Lyla on his bike, and thankfully the drive is very short.
EZ eyes the boutique Lyla parks in front of with a critical eye and you grin at him. You were pretty sure he was expecting a mall with several stops at various clothing stores, but you and Lyla had a specific place where you did all your shopping. The owner was kind and courteous, and even pulled aside items she thought you and Lyla would like to try on, on days like today.
Walking into the spacious back room, you slip off your backpack and let it fall onto the couch that's there. EZ hesitantly takes a seat, and you smile at him, nodding that it's okay. The owner reappears within a couple of minutes, dragging two racks of clothing along with her. She tells you that she's got some shoes and accessories in as well, and Lyla tells her to bring anything and everything that she thinks they'll like. And when the owner warily glances at EZ, Lyla waves off her concern and tells her that Jax is just being a little protective this morning. She laughs and then leaves to bring back even more items.
As you go through one rack, you hear Lyla explaining to EZ that this is the only place you'll be shopping and that you'll grab lunch afterwards. And once you have a few items you want to try on in hand, you walk over to a smaller room and pull the curtain behind you so you can change in private. You and Lyla usually changed out in the open, but with EZ there you didn't want to make him uncomfortable.
The first outfit you try on are black faux leather pants that cling like a second skin, a white crop top that has two thin straps crisscrossing over your abdomen, and a cropped leather jacket. You walk out from behind the curtain and head straight for the small dais in front of a mirror, turning this way and that way to see whether or not you like it.
Lyla steps out from behind her curtain in her own outfit- a dress that leaves little to the imagination- and immediately, she says, "Yes! You're getting that outfit." You chuckle at her and then wiggle your foot for her to realize you need shoes. Her lips purse as she looks at the rack of shoes and then practically lunges for a pair of peep toe stilettos.
Shaking your head in amusement, you sit down to slip the shoes on the walk back to the dais.
"How do you girls even walk in shoes like that?" EZ asks. "I'd probably break a bone. Or three."
You meet his gaze in the mirror, smirking.
"Lots and lots of practice," Lyla answers for the both of you.
For the next hour, EZ endures outfit change after outfit change. He can't seem to comprehend how many items of clothing you and Lyla have tossed into your buy pile, but he doesn't utter a peep.
The last outfit in your pile is a pair of dark washed jean shorts, a black distressed tank top with the phases of the moon on the front of it, and a thin cream-colored cardigan whose hem falls just past your butt. When you walk out, you immediately head for a pair of dark gray suede ankle booties and zip them on before showing Lyla the final product.
When you glance at EZ, you catch him staring at your thigh. More specifically, the tattoo that nearly takes up your entire thigh of a howling wolf head and the full moon right behind it. "That's some detailed ink you got there."
You glance at Lyla and she smirks at you, nodding- encouraging you to finally speak. When Jax told the Mayans you were mute, he wasn't lying. He just failed to mention that it is selective mutism and you could speak when you were comfortable enough. And after spending these last couple of hours with EZ and Lyla, you've become comfortable. "La loba."
EZ's head snaps up at the sound of your voice, meeting your gaze as you offer him a small smile. "She-wolf?" He asks.
You subtly gulp. "It's what they.. call me in the ring."
"She's a vicious little thing when fighting," Lyla says. "It's brutal and fucking fantastic."
"Yeah?" The surprise slowly vacates his expression, and then he grins. "I'm gonna have to see you in action one of these days."
"My next match is still a few months away, but I'll let you know when and where it takes place."
"I'd like that."
You and Lyla end up with more bags than the two of you can carry, and EZ laughs as he helps the two of you load up your purchases. You treat the two of them to lunch, choosing a Mexican place since you were craving a quesadilla with some chips and salsa. You and Lyla each had a margarita, and EZ made the two of you wear sombreros so he could snap a picture of it. You asked him to send you the picture, and that was the beginning of yours and EZ's very platonic texting relationship since he was already in a relationship himself.
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Angel Reyes is sitting outside the clubhouse, sunglasses shielding his eyes as he waits for his baby brother to get his ass outside and tell him what it is they're doing for the day. The day was still young and hot, and he'd rather be anywhere than sitting still under the blistering sun rays.
Finally, EZ walks out of the clubhouse just as the sound of a motorcycle comes up from behind him. Angel turns around after seeing his brother smirk and he's surprised to see the Tacoma Killer rolling into their lot. But not only that, he apparently has SAMCRO's princess perched on the seat behind him, looking completely at ease on the bike.
Angel stands as EZ comes up behind him, whistling lowly as he pushes his sunglasses up to rest atop his head. "You knew she was coming?"
"Yeah. She's got a match tonight in the next town over. I think Bishop's thinking about putting some cash down on her."
. .
. .
The clubhouse doors bang open just as you and Happy climb off the bike, and Bishop walks down the steps. ¡Chiquitita!" You smile at him as he heads straight for you. "Are you feeling good about the fight tonight?"
You nod and readily hug the man as his arms spread wide. Glancing over his shoulder, you can't help but huff a laugh at EZ and Angel's surprised expressions.
"Did some research into her opponent," Happy says as you step back to stand by his side. "She has a decent record, but YN's is better. And she's in a good mood today so Jax is putting money down on her."
"Good, good." Bishop turns around, taking in the Reyes brothers. "I'm giving you five thousand. Bet it all on YN."
. .
. .
Angel and EZ are anxiously waiting in the front row, taking in the cage in front of them. It looks almost professional, but the sketchy individuals all around them say otherwise. Happy had directed them where to place their bets and then settled them down in a specific spot. It was going to be a bit longer before YN fought.
When the matches get underway, EZ and Angel get to witness two men's matches and one female, letting the atmosphere get the best of them and carry them away. They're shouting and cheering and enjoying every bit of violence.
"I can't believe we never knew about this, 'mano," Angel says, taking a sip of his beer. "We could have been making bank."
EZ snorts. "I don't know about that. It's too risky. Bishop is only putting down money because of a Son's word. You think he's gonna be happy if YN loses tonight?"
Angel opens his mouth to retort, but the ring announcer steps into the cage once more. He introduces one female- a blonde with her hair done up in a french braid that hangs down her back. She's around 5'8, slightly ripped, and expression lax as she hops from foot to foot in her corner of the cage as the crowd cheers for her.
As the ring announcer introduces La loba, he's surprised at the crowd's instantaneous reaction. Even more so when EZ stands and bangs his hand on the cage. The woman that steps into the cage is wearing a small silk robe with a hood covering her head, but it's open in the front so he can see the sports bra, black spandex shorts, and the tattoo of a howling wolf on her thigh. La loba. She wolf.
As she pushes the hood off and stares at her opponent, Angel swears as he sees YN. "Fuck. You knew?" He then asks his brother, seeing how excited he is.
When EZ settles down, he nods. "Yeah. Apparently, she's a vicious little thing in the ring. Lyla said it's a sight to behold."
When the fight starts, Angel seems to hold his breath as YN and her opponent bump their taped fists together. Then like a switch was flipped, both women go on the attack. Fists fly out- aimed at the head, ribs and abdomen. Forearms deflect the hits, but some are not quick enough. YN clips her opponent on the chin, briefly dazing her, and that's all the opening she needs. YN goes on the attack immediately, fists throwing punches in a flurry before she grasps onto the girl's neck. As she pulls her down until she's hunched, YN quickly drives her knee into her opponent's abdomen and chest over and over.
A bell dings and a ref throws himself between the two women before sending them to opposite corners. The crowd and EZ go wild, and Happy smugly saunters into the ring to give YN some water and to wipe her down.
"Holy shit."
"I know," EZ agrees. "That was just one round. Can you imagine the next?"
The second round is just as vicious as the first, but YN gets severely pissed off when she drops her guard and takes a hit to the face right before the bell rings. The Reyes brothers sharply suck in some air at the look YN gives her opponent, thanking their lucky stars that they're not the one in the ring with her. Again, Happy cleans up YN, taking care to clean up the small cut at YN's eyebrow and telling her something while she glares across the ring.
Then in the third round, YN lets her opponent tire herself out before delivering an uppercut to the underside of the woman's chin. It's lights out for her.
The crowd goes absolutely wild as Happy rushes into the cage, lifting YN so she's settled on one of his shoulders in victory.
The ring announcer goes through the motions of announcing the victor before reminding everyone where to collect their winnings, and then the Reyes brothers are pushing through the crowd to get to Happy and YN.
When the Reyes brothers are led to a small room, they walk in to find Happy tending to YN's cut. Her eyes meet theirs and she flashes them a smile, beckoning them further in.
"Damn, querida," Angel muses. "That was one hell of a fight. Who knew you could throw down like that."
You smirk at him. "The she-wolf title should have tipped you off, guapo."
Angel's jaw drops open, and Happy and EZ snort. "You- you talk?"
"Selective mutism, 'mano." EZ nudges his brother's shoulder. "She can talk when she feels comfortable."
"Which is mostly when there's not a lot of people around and she knows you," Happy says. "Social anxiety sucks."
You roll your eyes as Happy puts a butterfly bandage over your cut and then you turn around to get dressed. You pull on a pair of jeans and a tank top that EZ remembers you buying from that shopping trip months ago, and then slip your feet into a pair of boots. Happy hands you a leather jacket before dropping the strap of your duffel bag over your head.
"So, who's gonna let me ride with them back to the clubhouse? Bishop's throwing a party and I need a drink or three before we roll out back to Charming tomorrow afternoon."
"You can ride me- I mean with me, querida." Angel smirks.
You snort as Happy and EZ roll their eyes, knowing full well Angel messed up that line on purpose. You glance at Happy, questioning whether or not he's okay with that, and he shrugs. "You're a grown woman, hermanita. You can ride whoever you want."
This time it's your turn to roll your eyes as the Reyes brothers laugh. Then throwing caution to the wind, you grab Angel's wrist and drag him out of the room.
"Should I be worried about that?" EZ asks, chuckling.
"For your brother? Maybe." Happy shrugs. "YN is a whole lot of woman and I'm not sure Angel's prepared for that. You saw how shocked he was when she spoke to him for the first time."
"Though she won't speak when there's a large crowd around, she will drink so long as she's surrounded by someone she trusts. She's got me, you, and now your brother. He's about to realize what he's just signed up for the moment she downs a fifth shot."
EZ laughs. "Then let's get out of here. I wanna see Angel panic over a girl for once."
guera - white girl princesa - princess cariña - darling guapo - handsome
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nescaveckwriter · 6 months
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Paintbrushes And Romance
Dean x Reader
Part 4 🥰
A/N: Okay y'all this is where the magic is, it truly starts here...🥰🐞
Warnings: Some light swearing, Some Sexual Content, Anger, and that's about it🙈
It's been days, no really weeks since you've seen Dean around, Bobby told you, that he and Dean talked about what happened to you after seeing you in tears, you wouldn't say your angry at him for telling Dean, just a bit nervous, maybe even disappointed, you started falling for this man with his charming smile and now all that has gone to hell. His just going to look at you, with eyes filled with pity, thinking that your some little broken version of that 20-year old girl, well your not, your stronger because of it.
You asked for your order of vanilla latte to go, not feeling up too running into him, anger flushes your cheeks, yes your angry, at him, for meddling and not giving you the chance so that he could really get to know you, without all the drama. Thanks Julie, your voice sounded more distant, than you wanted it to. Trying to get a cab to pull over and pick you up, is clearly not in the cards for you today, well I'll just walk then, you mumbled too yourself. Throwing the empty cup into the nearest trash can. Searching for your phone in your purse, while walking, was not a good idea, you bumped into something, looking at what it was, that's when you saw him, sun shining through his hair, damnit you said underneath your breath, Dean!
Hey, he says, a small smile tugging at his perfectly, kissable lips, sorry I didn't see you, you strutter, oh its okay, I'm glad I get too see you though, his green eyes, piercing through your soul.
Well I need to go, your voice a little more shaky than anticipated. No wait! Dean says. I don't want to wait, I don't want you looking at me, like I'm going to break anytime soon, I don't want too see the damn pity in your eyes, you ruined everything ,the words roll over her lips.
His flinching at the anger in your voice, what? I haven't said a word, nor have I looked at you with pity, I wouldn't do that. I just... Deciding you heard enough of him, your heart can't take it anymore, you turn around, started walking towards the other side, swaying your hips, like your showing the irritation and anger, that's inside you. Not turning back once to see what he's doing, you wanted to, but you knew you couldn't, it would be like your heart is betraying your mind, so you just walk on.
Looking at you while you walk away, surprised look on his face. Damn this woman will be the death of me, he thinks, biting his lip, while watching you sway your hips, like some kitty cat that couldn't get her will. I'll leave her alone then, that's the right thing to do.
Hell no, you will not Dean Winchester, man up fool, he gives himself a little pep talk, before sprinting towards your direction.
Right behind you, he grabs your hand, wait he said, you flung to him, wanting to spit some fire to him, but before warning, his lips crashes to yours, it started out gently, but the closer your bodies came, the more your lips did the talking, and your tongues just along for the ride, his fingers tangled in your loose hanging hair, all while the other hand is on your lower back, pushing you closer to him. You slightly standing on your tippy toes, so he doesn't have to bent done as much, forgetting where you two finds yourself, the kiss goes deeper, neither of you can hold it anymore, the two of you needs to come up for air, breathing heavily still snug in each others arms, he is the one to break the silence first, sweetheart he says still out of breath but satisfied with himself, I don't pity you, I admire you. I've never met anyone like you, and I probably never will. Your brave and free, you are strong and a bit cheeky, he let's out a little laugh.
You look up too him, into his eyes, searching and that's when you can see it he means every single word he says... Tears burning, to spill over the edges, you can't quite seem to find the words, how much it meant, hearing him say that, thoughts racing through your mind, he doesn't wait another second, for his lips to find yours again, standing out in the open, on such a cold day, first sign of snow flakes falling but you never felt so warm in your life, you thought, getting lost in the rhythm of your dancing tongues.
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fandomtrxsh19 · 5 months
Lae'zel: Addams Family
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What seems like a serious and dark exterior hide a funny and charming center is the perfect show for Lae'zel. At first glance, she's like Wednesday. When we meet her, she's prickly, judgmental and focused. But, the more we get to know her, we see that she's loyal and sarcastic. I could totally see her singing Pulled after meeting Shadowheart.
Astarion: Chicago. 100& Chicago
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A show about a vaudeville star who commits murder and, along with her prison bestie, tries to get into the spotlight of the newspapers that's a satire on the criminal justice system and the media is right up our favorite vampire's alley. Not only is Cell Block Tango his anthem, but I could definitely see him singing "Roxie". Shout out to Caberet though, since I think Astarion's true anthem is that of "Mein Herr"
Gale: A mix of Avenue Q and Company
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Instead of a B.A in English, I could totally imagine Gale singing about a B.A in Magic.
"What do you do with a B.A. in Magic, What is my life going to be?"
Behind all the laughs, he would appreciate the story of a fresh college grad trying to go through life after graduation.
Gale has a sense of humor. We all know that, but that's not all to our favorite wizard. I could totally imagine Gale singing "Being Alive". Out of the companions, I feel like he's the Bobbie of the group. Idk why though. Ig Vibes?
Karlach: RENT, Spring Awakening and/or Shucked
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Rock and rebellious in nature, shows like RENT and Spring Awakening are about people who are in the shadows of society and the troubles they face from those in the spotlight. Songs like Totally Fucked, The Bitch of Living, La Vie Boheme, and One Song Glory show off the classic barbarian rage and rebelliousness that Karlach has due to her past. But, she isnt all angst. Nope. Songs like La Vie Boheme, Today 4 U, Independently Owned, and Woman of the World show off her positive and in the now attitude. Also, Shucked is hillarious and I feel like all those corny jokes are right up Mama K's alley.
Wyll: Classics (My Fairy Lady, Carousel, etc)
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From what I know about the Blade of Frontiers, he's a kind hearted and helpful soul. But underneath, is hiding a dark secret. Like these classic Rodgers and Hammerstein Shows, a lot of people focus on what he gives out into the world. But, underneath the spectacle often lies a dark story. (i.e Oklahoma)
Shadowheart: Hadestown
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In a lot of ways, Shadowheart is a lot like Eurydice. They're independent, headstrong, and somewhat reserved. A lyric that I think describes Shadowheart is "All I've ever known is how to hold my own". Ever since she lost her memories, she's been very determined to complete her mission. I feel like the song "Flowers" is sort of an anthem for her. If you think of another show that might fit God's favorite princess better, feel free to add on!
"Is anybody listening? I open my mouth and nothing comes out Nothing, nothing gonna wake me now"
Minthara: Sweeney Todd
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Well, the only way to get Minthara to your party is through murder and this is THE show that comes to mind when you think about murder sooooooooooooooo
I don't know enough about Jaheira and Minsc, and I cant think of anything for Halsin, so if anyone wants to add on, feel free to.
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princessasmosprincess · 11 months
Charmed, I'm Sure
Chapter 26
Summary: No human has ever avoided Asmodeus's charm. Except for you.
Pairing: Asmodeus x GN Reader/MC
Genre: Drama, angst, a bit of fluff.
Warnings: Sleep inducing magic.
Author's Note: I made it in 27 days, that's an improvement for me ;3
“I see.” Diavolo folded his hands in front of him on the dinner table as Barbatos began to serve dessert, “So that's how you managed to make it safely out of the underground labyrinth.”
Diavolo had asked for a retelling of your group’s adventure and it had taken all of dinner to explain. Solomon meticulously reported the group’s every move starting from the moment he summoned Asmo to his side, while Mammon and Levi filled in the parts before their party had met up with yours. Beel’s contribution to the conversation was mostly in the form of affirmative grunts as he stuffed his face with Barbatos’ delicious cooking. Every so often, Diavolo would ask direct questions of you or the others, listening intently all the while.
Asmo butted in when it came to the part he had played in the grand escape. His interpretation of the events was quite theatrical and self indulgent, making it seem like using his charm on Henry had been his idea all along. You met eyes with Solomon from across the table but he’d just shrugged and neither of you said anything to correct Asmo’s embellishments to the story.
“You know, now that I think about it, the whole reason we were able to escape was because of me and how stunningly beautiful I am!” Asmo tossed his hair.
“Yeah, but you were also the reason all of you ended up in the labyrinth to begin with, Asmo.” Satan said.
“Right, that's what I'm sayin'. That was terrible, and it was all YOUR fault, Asmo!” Mammon pointed at him accusingly with his dessert fork.
Asmo glared daggers at his older brother. Lies and slander. It had all been a big mistake. Helene had just been too emotional to deal with seeing Asmo’s beauty after so long that she’d lashed out. Who could blame her? He really was that gorgeous. Asmo was about to say something to defend himself when Diavolo spoke.
“You really should be careful in the castle. There are a number of items here with suspicious histories to them.” The demon prince frowned, swirling his glass of Demonus. “I can't guarantee that there aren't others in the castle who also want to get even with you, Asmodeus.”
There was something he wasn't saying, Asmo could tell, just like earlier when he’d given Asmo that odd look before he’d left your assigned room.
But Asmo didn't care, not really. He didn't have time to figure out what Diavolo’s cryptic behavior meant. That was a job for someone closer to the prince, like Lucifer. He’d simply have to wait until Lucifer decided to tell him what it all meant, if it was even relevant by then.
“It's just wrong to be this beautiful…” Asmo sighed.
After dinner, everyone thought it best to retire for the night. It had been a very long day.
“Well, time for me to get some sleep. Nighty-night, you two!” Asmo said as he patted an evening moisturizing mask into his skin, his bangs pulled back with a couple of bobby pins. He’d forwent his usual leisurely bath in favor of a quick shower. It was impressive just how efficient his nightly routine was, completing the multi-step process in only minutes.
“You're going to bed already?” Simeon asked, paging through one of the books on the side table, “It's awfully early for that.”
“Lack of sleep leads to unhealthy skin, and I don't want that! I'm sure both of you want to see me looking my best, right?” Asmo hung his silk robe on a hook before searching for something in one of the several bags he’d brought with him. “We have the dance tomorrow, remember? I may no longer be an angel but I’m still that Radiant Jewel everyone knows and loves. I have to dazzle, that’s what people are expecting and I will not disappoint.”
“Well, I suppose that means that I'll get to enjoy some peace and quiet tonight, which is much appreciated.” Simeon selected a book, Dante’s Inferno, and sat on his bed, crossing his ankles as he cracked it open on his lap.
You changed into your pajamas behind the modesty screen, “I was thinking of going to bed now, too.” By the end of dinner you’d had difficulty keeping yourself awake. Satan had even needed to poke you in the side a few times as you’d spaced out over dessert. Your body and mind were worn out from everything that had happened in the labyrinth.
“I hope you have sweet dreams, MC,” said Simeon as he dimmed the lights of the room, leaving a single magically lit candle by his bedside for a reading light.
“Thank you, I hope you do too.” You pulled back the covers on your bed.
“The sweetest dreams are the ones involving me,” Asmo tossed a wink over his shoulder at you as he turned down his own bedding. He pulled out a cobalt blue spray bottle and spritzed the sheets about a dozen times until the vapor glittered in the air as it floated down onto the bed. He took a deep breath, inhaling the fragrance, “You’ll have to tell me if something spicy happens between the two of us, it’s only fair.” He set the bottle down on the bedside table before hopping onto his bed.
The poof of the comforter under Asmo’s weight sent a bit of the fine mist swirling in your direction, you could feel it settling over your skin. It was a pleasant scent, relaxing and cozy.
Asmo slipped a pink silk sleep mask over his eyes as he nestled into the plush bedding, his back turned to you.
The bedroom door burst open.
“HEY! Look who's here...it's Mammon! And you know what that means?! You ain't gonna be gettin' ANY sleep tonight! АНАНАНА!” He made a beeline for your bed and sat, bouncing a few times.
“Mammon, it's late,” you complained, making a point to lay back onto your pillow and pulling the covers over yourself.
Simeon gave a longsuffering sigh, “Asmo, he's your brother, isn't he? Do you think you could possibly do something about him?”
Asmo gave a low growl, tipping up the corner of his sleep mask as he sent a single sticker over text to Lucifer. How that could possibly be helpful, you weren't sure.
“All right all right all right! Time for a pillow fight deathmatch with the Avatar of Greed himself!” He clawed at your sheets as if to free you from your comfy nest of blankets, while you did everything in your power to keep them around you. “LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!”
The screen of Asmo’s D.D.D. went dark and he further cocooned himself in the plush comforter.
“Mammon, please,” You debated trying a pact command on him to get him to stop, but without the use of magic it was very hit or miss whether a command would “take”. It was more like a suggestion and gentle prodding in your favor rather than full control over him, and he usually had to be paying attention and already somewhat inclined to do what you asked. Right now Mammon was neither.
“Let's get started before that ass Lucifer comes round on patrol and starts botherin' us!” He laughed mischievously, tearing the pillow from under your head.
“I'm sorry. Who did you just call an ass?” Lucifer’s dark form filled the doorway.
“Yikes!” Mammon ducked behind your bed.
Lucifer crossed the room in three strides, “You're coming to my room. Now. And tonight it's not going to be just me in there, but Diavolo as well. I have a feeling we're going to have all sorts of fun, don't you?” His eyes glowing as his hand closed tightly around Mammon’s forearm, yanking him out the door and closing it behind him.
When the room was silent once again, Asmo shifted under the covers and Simeon resumed reading his book by candlelight.
Despite that brief disruption, you could feel the tension of the day rolling off of you as you settled into your own bed, replacing your pillow and cuddling into the comforter once more, everything fading to black as your eyes slipped closed.
You drifted off to sleep in a cloud of lavender and vanilla and something herbal you couldn't quite place…
You woken up way too soon by a knock at the bedroom door.
“Come in!” Asmo sang cheerfully. He'd already been awake for a while, having completed his morning skincare routine, now putting the finishing touches on his makeup as he hummed to himself.
The door swung open and Lucifer stepped into the room.
“Good morning, Lucifer,” Simeon stretched as he woke, greeting his former brother. “You're up bright and earlier than I’m used to. That’s two days in a row.”
“With good reason,” said Lucifer, his voice gruff from the earliness of the hour but his appearance pristine, “Breakfast will begin in twenty minutes, I trust none of you will be late, especially the two of you under my charge?”
“I’m almost ready,” Asmo said, twirling once in front of the bathroom mirror. “Oh but look at them, still snoozing away. It’s like we have another Belphie on our hands.”
You were still snuggled into the comforter.
It felt like it had been no more than a few minutes since you went to bed last night. Like Lucifer had dealt with Mammon and returned right away. Confused, you tried to will your eyes to open, but they wouldn't. Your mind was awake, and you could hear everything that was going on. But you were still tired.
It wouldn't take you that long to get ready, five more minutes of sleep would be fine…
Lucifer nudged your shoulder. “MC, wake up.”
“Mmh…” You rolled over in bed and sunk deeper into the covers, not being able to find the words to answer Lucifer or send him away.
With a sigh, he knelt at your bed, leaning over your sleeping form. The lingering scent of Asmo’s pillow spray wafted over you with his movement.
“Not a morning person? Well neither am I,” Lucifer’s low voice whispering in your ear would have sounded seductive if he didn't follow it up with a mild threat, “Downstairs in twenty minutes or I’ll have Beel eat your portion of breakfast.”
It didn't matter, your eyes still wouldn't open and your limbs felt heavy and useless. You couldn't get out of bed and you didn't really want to. It was too early for this, though you didn't know what time it was. You just knew you needed to sleep longer.
Your enchanted bracelet buzzed away on your ankle, feeling like a light shock of electricity, a zap running up your leg. But you began to tune it out. You were so… So sleepy…
Lucifer sniffed the air as he stood between your bed and Asmo’s. “Is that Nightfog oil?”
“Hmm?” Asmo was busy gazing into his own eyes in the mirror. “Oh, yes it is. It’s in that new pillow spray I got from Savonne,” he indicated the spray bottle on the bedside table, “Doesn't it just smell lovely?”
Lucifer gave an exasperated sigh, “Asmodeus, you can't use Nightfog oil around humans, not without taking extreme care. It’s too potent.”
“What? How was I supposed to know?” Asmo squeaked.
“You would know if you paid attention in Applied Magical Potions last semester,” Lucifer picked up the glass bottle and squinted to read the ingredients list. There was no warning label. He would have to inform Diavolo so the oversight could be corrected. “It can cause somnolence, and in large doses, prolonged sleep. You only used it on your own bed, correct?”
“Huh?” Asmo didn't realize he was gripping the edge of the countertop so tightly until he heard a faint pop sound and looked down to see the cracks spiderwebbing from his fingertips across the surface. He pushed off from the counter and went to dig in his makeup bag for some nail polish to fix a chipped nail. “Yes, I… It wasn't a very large dose, I just sprayed it a few times on the sheets.”
“They had no direct contact with it?”
Asmo shook his head, avoiding Lucifer’s eye as he twisted open the bottle of pink nail polish, trying to hide the slight tremor in his voice, “Th-they should be ok then, right?”
Lucifer shook you a bit harder to see if you would stir. “Direct contact or ingestion is when Nightfog oil is at its most…” He chose his words carefully, noticing Asmo’s anxiety, “Efficacious. The fact that it’s been diluted with other ingredients is also good but…” You just continued to sleep, now snoring lightly.
“Oh dear,” Simeon came to your bedside. “Is there something we can do? I would offer to give them a blessing but I don’t think that would be wise to do within the Demon Lord’s castle.”
“No, it wouldn't be.” Lucifer scrubbed his face with his hand. This was the last thing he wanted to be dealing with right now, especially at this hour. He waved toward the bed behind him, “We have to remove the stimuli. Strip the sheets and pillows from Asmo’s bed and have the little Ds come collect them. They’ll need to be replaced.” He got up and threw open the window while Simeon dealt with the bedding.
Asmo chewed on his lip as he watched from the bathroom doorway as Lucifer performed a spell to neutralize and expel the remaining scent. A light breeze rustled the sheets of your bed.
Lucifer moved to wake you again, rather aggressively if his body language was anything to go by, when Simeon laid a hand on his shoulder and took his place, kneeling by your side.
“MC, dear,” He brushed your hair out of your face, “It’s time to wake up.”
At Simeon’s caress, you began to stir. He helped you to sit up in bed as you stretched and woke.
“Nightfog oil, huh.” You grumbled, rubbing your tired eyes.
Asmo’s shoulders sagged in relief, as did Lucifer’s.
You swung your legs over the side of the bed and reached down to massage your calf, the shock from your bracelet only just beginning to fade.
“Crisis averted.” Lucifer shot Asmo a pointed look, “I think we can forgo punishment this time since it seems to have been an accident. The last thing I need is for Diavolo to complain that I’m being too hard on you again.”
“Again?” Asmo asked.
He picked up the bottle of pillow spray, ignoring Asmo’s question, “However, I'm confiscating this so you don’t accidentally put MC under a hundred years’ restless sleep.” He slipped it into his pocket with a wry smile as the clock tower chimed a quarter to the hour. Lucifer caught your eye, “Fifteen minutes.” And swept out the door.
You stood and stumbled your way to the bathroom to get ready, nearly bumping into Asmo.
Something strange crossed over Asmo’s face, but it was gone as soon as it came, “Oh my,” He giggled nervously as he took in your bed head and bleary, dark rimmed eyes, glaring right at him.
With a quick nod, he shoved a jar of eye cream into your hands and hurried after Lucifer.
The magic eye cream Asmo let you borrow made you look well-rested, but you were practically falling asleep at the breakfast table.
When Diavolo caught you yawning as you filled your plate, he recommended Assam tea and personally poured you a cup. You were sure you saw Lucifer laughing behind his hand when he saw your reaction to your first sip, but he hid it well, falling back into polite conversation before you could call him out.
You’d only been able to choke down the bitter tea once you added copious amounts of honey (of the non-poisonous variety, Mammon wouldn't pass you the jar until he’d made sure of that, despite Barbatos informing him he'd only set the table with human-safe options) and milk to it. The tea did give you a little caffeine buzz and helped you feel more alert, but sleep’s siren call still tempted you in the recesses of your mind.
“All right, it's time to explain what we have planned for day two of our retreat.” Lucifer said, standing at the head of the breakfast table once everyone had finished eating.
“A scavenger hunt, right?” said Simeon.
“Yes, we'll be having a scavenger hunt.” Lucifer confirmed. “Each group will be given riddles to solve. Each riddle hints at one of the works of art or historical items here in the castle. Once you figure out the answer, you find and take a picture of the item in question. The things you learned during yesterday's tour of the castle should come in handy as you try solving your riddles.” He passed out itemized lists to everyone.
“We're doing this in groups, huh? In that case, I'm groupin' up with MC.” Mammon reached for your hand.
“Why don't we just say that the groups will be made up of the same people you share a room with?” Diavolo suggested.
Mammon growled, there was no arguing with the prince, not while Lucifer was there. He stomped away to join his group as everyone left the table, lists in hand.
Simeon helped you up from your chair, while Asmo hovered at a distance, waiting as the other groups dispersed in random directions.
“Since you actually got to finish the tour yesterday, Simeon, you’ll have to lead.” You said.
“Of course, I’d be happy to,” said Simeon. He scanned down the list thoughtfully. “Hm, Let’s start with the difficult things first.” He chose a riddle at the bottom of the list and read it through a few times. “The answer to this one is… The enchanted moondial in the back garden.”
“Alright,” Asmo gave a mock salute and took off, not waiting for either of you.
With a shrug, you took Simeon’s offered hand and the two of you followed after him.
Cross-posted on AO3
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