#body shaming tw
According to BMI I'm overweight and this is me, so like, question BMI! (Not that being fat is a bad thing)
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
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Every now and again, I remember this meme (usually after seeing this exact situation) and I always want to spread it.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 10 months
My mom was really getting on my case about how much weight I’d been gaining. She came to me, looked me dead in the eyes, and seriously suggested that I try participating in “No Eat November”.
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mintmatcha · 1 month
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transgeoffrickly · 4 months
i can't stop thinking about this person i saw on reddit who said over the course of their 22-year relationship, they gained some weight, and so their SO's response to this completely normal and exceedingly common thing was to tell them to their face they'd "gotten too fat" and start sleeping in the guest bedroom. and instead of leaving this person, they decided to lose the weight and when they lost it back the SO moved back into the bedroom and started engaging in the relationship again. person said that this was totally acceptable and not SO's fault because he has OCD and was also raised by his parents to believe being fat is bad.
hey babes sorry you're allowing yourself to be trampled because you don't have a single modicum of self-respect but don't post that shit like it's normal
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raraeavesmoriendi · 8 months
hot take, but I think, perhaps in the spirit of “if you don’t want to raise a queer child, don’t have children,” we should also start saying “if you don’t want to date a fat person, don’t date.”
because bodies are subject to change for a plethora of reasons, and thin/straight-sized people are such conformist little cowards about it.
I’m tired of reading the same post fifty times of “weeehh my partner’s weight shifted outside my narrow standards, how do I justify treating them differently until I either shame them into being uncomfortable and insecure or break up with them ;A;”
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dxntloseurhead · 1 year
new person in the tag to block: @/cocobeam
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newsfromstolenland · 10 months
Ivy Snitzer is sharing how appearing in “Shallow Hal” led to some dark days for her.
In an interview with The Guardian, Snitzer talked about having been a 20-year-old aspiring actress when she worked as the body double for Gwyneth Paltrow in the 2001 film in which Paltrow portrayed an obese woman.
While Snitzer said the cast and crew “treated me like I really mattered, like they couldn’t make the movie without me” and she was made to “feel really comfortable,” she said “it didn’t occur to me that the film would be seen by millions of people.”
What followed was people accusing her of promoting obesity and approaching her on the street, she said.
Full article (tw for fatphobia, body shaming, and eating disorders)
Tagging: @allthecanadianpolitics
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i like to pretend BMI stands for Bullshit Meaningless Index to make fun of it
I love that, this will be the official definition from now on!
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
Bodily autonomy extends to people doing things with their bodies that you, personally, do not like.
One thing I am very tired of seeing is people spreading the idea that certain procedures or bodily adornments should be outlawed simply because they don't think it's "right." For example, I saw a person spreading a person's nose job result around, saying it should be illegal to do this procedure. But we have no idea why this person got it. You can absolutely criticize beauty culture without resorting to spreading peoples' image without consent, or shaming individuals who recieve certain procedures. Additionally, you can encourage individuals to reflect on their choices and why they want certain things, but you cannot expect them to ultimately conform to what you think is best.
We can advance the idea that all bodies are worthy inherently and no matter what, but we ought to continue to do so regardless of if that body has had changes made to it. "Your body, your choice" as an ideology extends to making choices others don't like.
Again: When you don't own your body, you own nothing.
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brettdoesdiscourse · 3 months
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Ah, yes. Ableism and body shaming in the same shitty take. We've got it all here it seems.
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libraryfag · 7 months
watched the first 2 eps of drag race season 7
trixie and katya are so small- it's so weird to see them with hair! but its adorable how they're already like defending each other
I wasn't expecting katya to be doing so badly earlier on- but i also didn't realise how athletic she was
i HATE HATE HATE the critiques why are they so fucking mean to these girls. i understand all the complaints about what it's done to the drag community.
i especially LOATHE how much hate the queens get for 'looking like a man' as if the entire POINT of drag is being gnc. Violet was so right when she called Michelle Visage out for critiquing her body
speaking of violet she's so hot both in and out of drag omg. but it did kinda rub me wrong when she was bragging about having the skinniest waist on dr. like the body shaming in this show guys. it isn't even like this was made in 2008. this was 2015. what the fuck.
what is with Roop's evil laugh between ad breaks lol
is the 'pit crew' just some guys or are they the actual crew. i really hope it's the later because Based. More people should sexualise backstage crew people actually.
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indiaalphawhiskey · 1 year
Why is lizzo posting those pics? She should start a diet.
I’m only answering this to make myself perfectly clear: you will not fucking fat shame or body shame a single person to me or on my page ever.
Get off the internet and put work into healing the drastic self-hatred that pushes you to find whatever dregs are left of your self-worth through anonymously insulting anyone who doesn’t fit the patriarchy’s definition of beauty. Please.
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usefulquotes7 · 3 days
And when I mention my weight to these girls, they always go "but you're not fat?!" and YES. EXACTLY. YOU'RE SO CLOSE. None of these girls are actually fat. And the actual fat people shouldn't have to listen to how other women are so afraid of looking like them and how ugly they think they are and how much they despise and fear being fat, so please shut your mouth holes about fat unless you actually face fatphobia
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faggot-friday · 9 days
my mum when i eat more than 1 meal a day: wow… how can you fit all that in you 🤣🤣 not even gonna exercise it off you’ll get FAT 🤣🤣
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