#body shaming
support · 5 years
Everything okay?
If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you are not alone.  
If you are in the United States, please try:
National Eating Disorders Association (support, resources, treatment options)
If you are outside the United States, visit IASP to find help lines related to eating disorders for your country. 
For self-help courses on body image and general peer support, please try Koko. 
If you need some inspiration and comfort on your dashboard, follow Post It Forward on Tumblr.
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cannibalchicken · 9 months
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theconcealedweapon · 2 years
People who lose weight because they're sick receive compliments.
People are afraid to quit smoking because it may cause them to gain weight.
Society's hatred of fat people has nothing to do with promoting health. It's not even close.
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gayvampyr · 9 months
if you guys want to be better allies to fat people you need to get comfortable with the idea of being fat. stop saying things like "fat looks good on other people but on me it's gross". stop treating fat bodies like they're disgusting or lesser than skinny bodies, or acting like there are "good bodies" and "bad bodies". don't limit your respect or decency to fat people based on how their fat is distributed or whether they're attractive to you. stop using other people's fat bodies as a comparison to yours, or as "inspiration" to exercise more or "eat healthier". stop assuming you know anything about fat people or their habits before even speaking to them and making judgements on the assumptions you've made. learn to treat fatness as the neutral state it is. because even if you think your fatphobia is directed toward or limited to only yourself, you still hold onto the core belief that fat bodies are gross, subhuman, and unworthy of love or acceptance, and the fat people around you can hear you when you say things like this. they know how you truly feel, even when you tack on "-but on me" at the end. unlearn these thought patterns and take skinniness off its pedestal.
👁️ skinny people are required to reblog or donate money to me so i can afford a meal and clothing 👁️
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
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Every now and again, I remember this meme (usually after seeing this exact situation) and I always want to spread it.
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zivazivc · 1 month
I was just watching World Tour again. 😏 And was thinking about how the Funk Trolls switch between walking on two legs and four legs. Do you think baby Les ever tried to walk with four legs? Maybe Hed's dad discouraged it or something.
Love all your art and characters. 💕
Do they switch? I don't actually remember that. I kinda thought that half of them walk on two and half of them walk on all fours. But maybe there's a percentage that can do both, kind of like how some people can use both their left and rights hands to write.
But even so, Les isn't shaped enough like a funk troll for walking on fours to be natural for him, and his dad is two-legged too. (Maybe Flea can do it, I never drew his parents but I imagine his funk mom walking on fours.) ...But from how horrible Hed's dad was to him, yeah, I can totally imagine him discouraging something like that. Guy is a rancid piece of shit and he put that kid through so much... :((
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transfaguette · 1 year
especially when it comes to women having facial hair there are a surprising amount of "feminists" who are just offended by the proposition that some women don't see their facial hair as tragic. Their feelings do not matter because every woman with facial hair should just wish it didn't exist and "automatically" separate themselves from whatever insults they use. You literally do not have a feminist argument to stand on with this. It is still body shaming and it is still bad.
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odinsblog · 2 years
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Weird how transphobia and racism keep showing up at the same parties together.
After reducing the entire movie down to (Amandla’s) “excessive cleavage,” Lena somehow manages to unironically recommend that everyone go see Jennifer’s Body, a movie best known for it’s lack of cleavage. Like, at this point just say you hate Black people and gtfo.
Other relevant tweets that hit the nail on the head:
Finally, someone brave enough to come for truly the most powerful and over represented group - queer, Black women.
"I don't want anything more to come out of this... But now I will post this video which will 100% guarantee that more will come out of this, rather than, say, reply privately”
“I don’t want this person who has more social power than me to think that it’s fucking okay to do something like this.” <<image of Elizabeth Eckford being harassed by white women>>
Social power didn’t have a thing to do with this. It was a DM not a public exchange. This film critic brought “social power” into this by making it public over social media. Just a typical Karen/white tears situation.
It was a direct message? How is she display her “social power” if she came to you directly and privately? YOU made it public. 🤡
Here are more shots of what the characters wear throughout the film. (Also cannot stress enough that there’s not even any nudity in this movie, let alone a sex scene or anything resembling an ad for cleavage.)
Lord, if you're hearing this, I'm down for the worst day of my life being someone sending me a soft jab in a DM.
Let’s put the context behind the response. (video)
It needs to be noted that Lena Wilson apparently has some history of shitting on films with Black leads or mostly Black casts. This is a good example of white feminism™ that body shames, objectifies, sexualizes & polices Black people’s bodies; and seeks to replace privileged straight white male gatekeepers with privileged cis gay white gatekeepers. And when called out on her racialized misogyny, Lena retreats back to the familiar position of “powerless” white woman who was “attacked” and “victimized” for no reason. (Hint: this is a good example of weaponizing white femininity against BIPoC).
As much as Wilson likes to tell everyone she attained her “success” by hard work and pulling herself up by her own bootstraps, please remember that her mommy and daddy are prominent industry insiders. So her life hack, her secret sauce is just more of the same old “nepotism & being born into a privileged wealthy white family” that keeps journalism and Hollywood so disproportionately white.
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I cannot stress enough how increasingly damaging social media, but especially apps like TikTok and Twitter are for your self image. Every single week there’s a new part of your body that you should erase. Your cheeks are too full, your arms have fat on them, when you smile your face moves, and on and on. Even when you avoid those encouraging it, you’re surrounded by those discussing it. Please consider whether the temporary moments of enjoyment are worth the constant barrage of hatred spewed at your body on these apps. It’s not normal, and it’s not healthy. You deserve to be loved fully. You deserve to enjoy life without constant nonsense telling you to change. You are enough.
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 2 months
Nightmare, how do you deal with all those kitties
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Nightmare: by calling them mean names because they don't understand anyway
Nightmare: speaking of demeaning nicknames, this fat little shit won't stay on the scale- the vet needs to know how much you weigh, Killer
Vet: this is unprofessional but can i please pet your cat
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crippled-peeper · 11 months
the difference between a superficial surgical scar and a self harm scar is actually slim to none and you often can’t tell a scar is self-harm or not just by looking at it. like. the separating of scars into different camps of “self inflicted” and “not self inflicted” as a way to moralize them will never work because you cannot tell
I have a throat scar from a disc replacement surgery but people do sometimes assume it’s from a suicide attempt due to my history
It doesn’t matter what it is. It’s my body and I can’t shapeshift. whether I survived doing it to myself or needed it to live is absolutely irrelevant. leave scarred people alone
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rapeculturerealities · 7 months
(5) Large study shows high BMI not associated with serious top-surgery complications
A group of researchers at Johns Hopkins published a study on November 1 (Hassan et al, Association of High Body Mass Index With Postoperative Complications After Chest Masculinization Surgery) that looks at complication rates in transgender and nonbinary patients undergoing chest masculinization surgery (often called top surgery).
The conclusion was that “Chest masculinization surgery [CMS] remains a safe option for TGNB patients and may be safe to perform in patients with higher BMI.
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chubbymuffinclub · 7 months
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Dear Society, Thank You For Showing Your True Colors. As A Plus Size Women In Today’s World We ( All Plus Size Women) Will Never Understand Your Reason For Body Shaming Us Or The Cyper Bullying, However What We Do Know Is We Will Show Off Our Bodies And Be Confident In Them Untill God Calls Us Home. No We Will Not Back Down And Allow You To Force Us To Hate Ourselves. Self Love & Confidence Will Always Win!
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candywife333 · 7 months
Only Here for the Food
Summary: I am having Jungkook's baby. That's right bitches, you heard me right. We had a one night stand and now I am going to make him pay in cash and chocolate doughnuts-- currency of the gods. No emotions, just mucho dinero. That's the motto for today. There's no way he can fall in love with a virtual freeloader right? Let's all pray that he doesn't for my sake and yours.
chubby reader x idol (loaded) jungkook
Disclaimer: This character of Jungkook is not a representation of the real life Jungkook. Keep in mind this is all fiction.
Mini- series
(haven't decided on how many parts. I guess however many it takes me to get my thoughts across)
Part -2 link
"Um, excuse me, jungkook"? Jungkook scrunched his eyebrows into little squiggly lines at the hurried voice of his studio manager. "Yes, manager-nim, what exactly is the problem?"
"I don't know how exactly to put this Jungkook, but there is a heavily pregnant girl out in the waiting room with all the members. She is telling everyone that she is pregnant with your child, from a one night stand. She is sitting there eating cold ranch Doritos and demanding that we get her tiramisu and alfredo fettucini from the cafe below".
Jungkook's right eye brow twitched in anger and disbelief, who the hell was this impudent, audacious thot? He slept with many girls, and he never failed to use protection. There could simply be no way that she was pregnant with his child.
He ventured down to the waiting room to see who the hell this girl was. As he entered the room, he saw a panicking Namjoon pacing the room as he usually does when he is agitated. Namjoon caught sight of him and took him in front a heavily pregnant girl.
The girl looked like she was literally 15, dressed in a calf length baby pink flared cotton dress with a fuzzy white oversized cardigan, oversized pearl earrings, cream-white kitten heels , and a blindingly white ribbon tied to her hair in a ponytail. She looked like she had stumbled off the set of my little pony and the care bears.
She smiled as she stretched her body and protruding belly over the entire couch, making Jimin and Taehyung sit up to avoid her limbs sprawled out on the couch. The mysterious girl grinned lazily, "Hey Jungkook! Remember me from the hotel down the road two months ago? We met in the karoake bar. My name is Y/N, if that rings a bell at all". Jungkook stood there, eyebrows furrowed, quivering with indignation, "Who the hell do you thing you are? Barging into my waiting room? Who even let you inside the premises of HYBE"!
Y/N merely yawned at his furious voice, "ummm, I don't know. I think this man with really wide shoulders and thick lips. He talked about preserving lineage or something really fancy. He left me here when I said your name, as though he was electrocuted". She smirked, lips slanted upwards into a diabolical slant, eyes glinting with mischief, "I don't know why he would be surprised? Considering you had no qualms sexing me up that day when you had too much to drink. Mind you, I was also drunk that day and neither of us used protection". She shrugged her shoulders, "That is how we ended up in this predicament. You can check CCTV footage if you are still questioning it. The love motel would've stored it".
A sharp hiss resounded through the room. All the members heard the sordid tale and stared at Jungkook in disdain. Their youngest member was used to getting his way and it wasn't out of character for him to suddenly find a girl he liked and on whim sleep with her. Y/N blinked quietly and then quietly stated, "I don't need anything from you except child support. We can negotiate it together between the two of us, or between your lawyer and me. The only extra thing I demand is a box of chocolate donuts , freshly baked bread, a tiramisu cake, and a pound of strawberry cheesecake from my favorite bakery delivered to my doorstep every month. In case you are wondering, yes, to clarify, this is part of the child support".
All the members' jaws collectively dropped in shock at what she had just said. Jungkook gritted his teeth, agonized at the prospect of dealing with this girl for the rest of his mortal life. She interrupted, "Oh right, first let's do a paternity test like how they do it in the movies. Just to be sure. So you know, that it is your baby. Granted, you are the first person I actually had sex with". Jungkook squinted his eyes, jaw locked in anger ," Are you telling me, that you have never had sex before? That you don't go around waiting to trap random idols in this manner?"
Y/N shrugged nonchalantly, "Believe what you will, dude. I have had sex before, but I have only taken things up my mouth and been eaten up like a three course meal", she winked shamelessly, "if you catch my drift". She continued, as Jungkook and the rest of the members were paralyzed at her bold statements, " The time with you was the first time I took it up my kitty cat. You were going to shove your lochness monster up my snuffleupagus also, but I had to stop you". Not believing all that he was hearing, Namjoon fell onto the couch stiffly, unmoving, eyes fixed on Y/N as though he were in a coma.
Jungkook had his hand on his forehead. This entire ordeal was a nightmare. What the fuck had he done to bring this upon himself? As his head floated towards the wall for support, Y/N quipped, "if you are going to hurt yourself by banging you head against the wall, just make sure to write the child support into your will. I don't want to get in between you and death, but where my bag is concerned, I unfortunately have to intervene".
She proceeded to twirl her hands in her hair as a worker came in and handed her a plate of tiramisu. She sat upright and start devouring it. In between bites, as she stuffed herself to death she uttered, "Just so you know, I love the color pink and can occupy myself with yarn and a sewing kit for hours. Wanted to give you an FYI in case you needed to take me on a trip or something".
Jungkook eyes filled with tiny flames , he seethed , "Why would anyone take you anywhere you bitch? Isn't already too much, the fact that I will be paying child support to your ugly over distended ass? Women get pregnant, but you look like a mammoth, not a mother to be". Y/N merely blinked, staring at him resolutely as she continued to eat simultaneously, "Well, I mean you fucked and put a baby into me, so you must have liked my over distended ugly ass at some point throughout the night right? That is why I am telling you, you tried to put it my ass. I just couldn't take it no matter how much I tried. You know what they say, the attempt is what matters, not the result. At least I tried".
The rest of the members started choking, trying to suppress their laughter as she continued , eating with gusto enough to make Jin's mouth water as he entered the room to see what the noise was about. She chomped on the tiramisu as though it were here last meal, getting coffee and cream all over her lips, "I can get a participation award for trying to take it up my ass right? Anyways, I found out you were in Korea because I keep seeing shorts on youtube about when you leave and enter the country. They always say amusing stuff like, Jungkook left Korea and later on, now he has safely landed, as though they thought you were going to die or something. Like, millions of people fly everyday, but you don't see articles like, so and so from Daejeon got on the flight and now is safely back".
Yoongi was trying so hard not to laugh. This girl might be idiotic and a thot, but she was hella funny. Like he was wheezing as though he had asthma right now. Jungkook got in front of y/N , ready to yeet her off the couch. Y/N sat there and stared up at him blankly, "just so you know, if you manhandle me, I will sue you for assault. If you know what is good for you, you won't put your beautiful vascular manicured hands on me. Don't underestimate a girl with an appetite and an indomitable spirit".
She got up gracefully , " You called me a bitch. Well I think you are a conniving kerfuffle who does not know how to keep his business clean. Everybody knows not to do hanky panky without a rubber, and you clearly did not care that night". She handed him a slip of paper, " Here is my number and address, when you need to send desserts to my house and call me for a meeting with your lawyer for the paternity test. Toodles! Talk to you later! I have a doctor's appointment to attend".
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everyone has the right to complain about their body and feel insecure about their appearance because everyone gets shit on in one way or another BUT there's a difference between getting bullied for something and living in a world that's literally not designed to accommodate your body
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Thin does not automatically equate to an eating disorder and you should refrain from throwing those accusations around
I was watching a video on a girl awhile ago and she struggled to gain weight and a lot of the comments weren't taking it seriously as in they didn't see it as a problem. And a couple people were saying things like "you know she throws up her food."
Even if someone looks pretty thin, it doesn't necessarily mean that an eating disorder is the reason why
There are individuals with a fast metabolism or those that have medical conditions like marfan syndrome or whatever the reason is
But some people throw anorexia or bulimia around because they're jealous of the person or as a "joke" and it's not okay
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