#brain broke head empty uh. have this
mamawasatesttube · 5 months
in tim's whole conga line of back-to-back losses, have we even considered that right before kon dies, ted kord ALSO kicks the bucket? devastating. whos next, tony hawk??? perish the thought!!!
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
(Oh My) Bunny-Baby 🔞
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In which Jungkook had long lost hope to find someone sweet as you.
Tags/Warnings: Bunny Hybrid!Jungkook, Bunny Hybrid!Reader, strangers to lovers, major fluff, romance, Flirting, they're in love, also very horny towards the end oops, car sex, sloppy handjob, lots of... fluids, squirting aka champagne confetti wink wink, multiple orgasms, some aftercare?, idk it's something
Length: oneshot, I'll count later
There is no taglist for this fic.
-> You can request drabbles if you want.
"Come on in- just, be a little quiet, I've got my new coworker over." Jimin chuckles, making Jungkook look at him scandalized- since Jimin, technically, has a girlfriend.
"Ah no, not like that." He waves off, walking in after they both taken off their shoes. "A waterpipe broke in her bedroom, so now she's crashing on my couch for the time being." He explains, putting a finger to his lips as they enter the living room area, where Jungkook spots your body underneath a blanket, clearly asleep.
What peaks his attention though, are the very obvious bunny ears on your head, only partially covered by your hair.
Bunny hybrids aren't common at all, nowadays, due to them ending up mixing with humans more often than not- so much so, that until now, Jungkook has never met another 'pure' bunny hybrid of the opposite sex before, ever. "Just sit down there- she sleeps like a rock, so don't worry too much about waking her." Jimin laughs, easily sitting down in a seat across from where you sleep, while Jungkook carefully takes the spot next to where your head is resting. From here, he's got an even better view of you- and you're just.. so cute.
Though he feels himself short-circuiting the moment you move, nose scrunching up a bit as you move your leg, blanket now slipping a little to reveal the softest looking bunny tail he's ever seen. That, combined with your ear twitching while you dream, makes him wonder about things he never really thought of before. He absentmindedly reaches to touch his own ear, trying to see if they're just as soft as yours look. Are they? He's not sure. He's so close to you he could just see for himself, especially when you move a little more, head leaning against his thigh, ears laying over it- but he knows how much he hates having his ears touched constantly, so he doesn't.
That would just be rude.
"Do you know a cheap place where she can stay? Sine my partner is a wolf hybrid, you know.." Jimin wonders, sighing. "Here, that's the sketches by the way." He offers, giving a few papers to Jungkook who takes them. "Oh! Or, since you're both the same species, maybe she could stay with you? You still have the pull-out couch right?"
"Yeah!" Jungkook answers, while you seem to finally wake up, slowly sitting upright, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
"Great!" Jimin misunderstands the rabbit boy's answer. "Hey, bunny? Jungkookie over here has an empty couch you can stay on." He tells you, who's ears slowly stand up, before you look over at the shoulder of the other bunny hybrid- head slowly lifting to look at the wide open eyes of the buck next to you. "He's easy to be around, don't worry." Jimin jokes.
"Oh?" You wonder, noticing Jungkook's black ears turned towards you as well, giving you all information you need for the moment. "Tha's nice of you." You slur sleepily, yawning before you stretch. "Thank you." You smile, and Jungkook is officially without any brain activity at all for the moment.
Especially when you lean your head to the side a bit, ears flopping over, still clearly drowsy from sleep.
"Uh.. yeah!" Jungkook snaps out of it, ripping his eyes away from you, though he hears you giggle a little to yourself, causing his tail to wiggle without his control of it. He honestly didn't mean to agree to something like this- hell, his apartment isn't even remotely tidied up, there's probably dishes in the sink and his laundry all over the place- but in some odd way, he also can't pass up the opportunity of a lifetime, basically; because you're so pretty, and-
wait, he doesn't even know if you have a boyfriend. Do you? And if you do, why is he not helping you out in a time like this? He knows he would've offered you to stay at his home right away if something was up. That's just common sense.
"I'll go get my stuff.." You mumble, slowly getting up to stretch one last time- bunny tail wiggling around as you groan, giving Jungkook pretty much whiplash from the sight alone, before you walk away into the bathroom, probably to shower and wake up properly.
"She's cute, huh?" Jimin teases, catching Jungkook staring after you. "Doesn't have a boyfriend from what I know. And she's a bunny too." He wiggles his eyebrows, while Jungkook shakes his head.
"So?" He huffs. "Doesn't mean we're like.. destined or something. I'm just gonna help her out- and after that, we'll go back to being strangers anyways." He simply says, shrugging it off. After all, he's tried relationships before- and they all somehow always failed because of him in some way, making him believe that at this point, he just isn't fit for simple relationships.
He can't help his instincts, and neither can he help his.. needs either.
So when he takes the sketches home to work on, and helps carry your bag for you- he doesn't get his hopes up for something changing, because down the line, maybe that'll protect him from the inevitable heartbreak when you leave just like he fears you will.
Just like everyone else did before.
Inside his apartment, you're clearly finally properly awake now, curiously following him as he shows you around, before he leaves you in his small living room to fetch some sheets and blankets for you to put on the couch.
It's clear that he lives alone, apartment a bit.. lifeless almost, not much screaming home at you from what you can see. Apart from a sweater thrown over a chair at the open kitchenette, and a few dishes in the sink, it looks like any ordinary single-guy household.
Interesting. Especially the fact that his home only smells of himself and no one else. Doesn't he have a partner?
That wouldn't make sense. He's basically the perfect buck.
"It's a bit.. uh, I know this will look like it's broken but it's not-" He defends, rubbing the back of his neck after he put the blankets and sheets on one side of the couch, leaning down to pull on the lower edge of the front of the couch. "-it's just.. urgh- old!" He grits, using a good amount of strength to pull out the part that snaps back up into place, ultimately turning the small couch into a bed with good amount of space on it.
You can't help but stare wide eyed however, not at the furniture- but rather the clear display of strength of his, arms showing off their muscles even while covered mostly by his plain white t-shirt. You can't help it- after all, it's instincts.
Snapping out of it when you notice him looking at you in question, you shake those thoughts off for the moment, hands behind your back while you sway on your legs a little. "Uh.. I didn't listen, sorry. What did you say?" You ask, caught a bit in your staring contest between you and his thighs having multiplied twice their size from the way he's sitting on his heels on the floor.
"I asked if you.. if that blanket is enough, or if you want a thicker one?" He offers. "I have a spare one with feather filling if you'd like.." He wonders, and you nod instantly.
You like thick blankets and bedding a lot- it makes for great nesting material, and gives you a sense of comfort while asleep.
He smiles in a friendly manner, before he fetches said blanket, taking a bit longer to put a cover over it, before he brings it to the couch you're already on all fours on, tucking the sheets into the corners properly, and he can't help but watch you a little. He himself doesn't really nest, and since he's never met a female bunny hybrid before, he's never actually seen one making a nest, except for in movies and TV shows. So, seeing you so naturally do it, makes him wonder.
How much of what he heard and seen about female bunny hybrids is actually true- and how much is just romanticized fiction?
After all, he as a male bunny hybrid is often watered down to nothing but a good lover in bed- but once those people get into an actual relationship, and realize that it's not just fun and games but a need of his that he'd have fulfilled every day of the week if possible, he quickly becomes too much to handle.
And so, most of the time, everything always falls apart because he's too needy. Too demanding. Too high maintenance. Too tough to.. satiate.
"Here." He carefully offers the bedding to you, and you smile, happily taking it with a 'thank you' from your side. He's a bit awkward now- unsure if you'd like him to stay or not. "Do you… should I leave?" He asks, unsure.
"No?" You answer, shaking your head. "This is your home after all. Why should you leave?" You giggle, unaware of Jungkook's inner troubles with the whole situation. He sits down on the edge of the bed so he stays out of the way, while you position some pillows and the other blanket how you want, eventually settling on the thick feather-filled quilt, hugging it it as you look at him arms and legs wrapped around the thick fluffy bedding.
"I.. uhm, I've never actually met a doe before, so I'm not sure how to really act." He admits, and you nod, lips parted in an 'o'-shape as you realize his dilemma.
"That's fine." You simply say. "We're kinda rare after all, I only ever really met another buck like.. a few years back? And he was an asshole, so you're already doing a lot better than him!" You joke, though he can spot some truth behind your words, worrying him what might've happened in the past. "So, Jiminie gave you sketches, right?" You ask, and he nods, happy over the finally flowing conversation. "What's that about?" You ask.
"I'm a tattoo artist." He says, pulling up the sleeve of his white shirt way over his shoulder, showing off his inked arm, making you lean closer to gain a better look, ears fully turned towards him now in interest. "I designed all of them myself, for example." He offers, chuckling when you tilt your head to look at something in a different angle.
"Oh, they're so cool!" You praise, before leaning back again. "I wanna have a tattoo too, but, I don't know.. people told me I shouldn't, cause it wouldn't suit me.." You mumble, leaning back into the comfort of the bedding.
"I mean, it depends what you'd want?" He shrugs. "I could for sure come up with something more delicate maybe?" He wonders, mind already trying to imagine some art underneath your skin right now.
"Heh, you wanna mark me up?" You flirt boldly, catching him off guard at your innuendo. "I'm just kidding. You're cute!" You compliment, before you curl up in your little nest once more. "...though.." you mumble, looking at him dangerously from underneath your lashes.
...though?" He asks, breathes out almost carefully.
"Though I wouldn't mind you cuddling me, to be honest." You giggle into the quilt, cheeks tinted softly. "You look like you give great cuddles." You say, and he laughs a bit bashfully to himself.
"I mean- maybe?" He shrugs, unsure. He's not really.. cuddled much before, every touch of his always having been taken as either an invitation or demand even when it wasn't either- so at some point in his life, he just stopped even thinking about it. What would make you different from them?
And what does he really have to lose, down the line?
You're Jimin's coworker. If you and Jungkook don't work out, there's no awkwardness really, to be fair. You'd just part ways, and that would be it, and since you're both clearly adults, nothing speaks against it.
"Shouldn't we.. maybe get to know each other more?" He wonders carefully, testing the waters. And your next words make him wonder if you could really truly be a new start for him.
"Why? It's only cuddling." You huff. "It's not like I wanna go to phase two just because you touch me." You joke.
And while he does smile at it, it's not a joke to him.
It's much more than that.
"Heeh, whatcha cooking?" You ask, dipping underneath his arm to catch a glimpse at the pot he's stirring, making him instinctively reach out to pull you back so you don't look inside and hurt yourself.
"Ramen- but it's spicy, so you might not like it." He chuckles, remembering how you told him last night at a movie you watched together that you don't tolerate spicy things very well. Most buny hybrids dont- but he grew up with it, so maybe that's why he can stomach it very well.
The movie you watched yesterday had only been background noise to be honest, because you were rather occupied getting to know each other better, just like Jungkook had suggested. He now knows that you moved here after a bad relationship break up lead to you wanting a new fresh start somewhere else, while you learned that Jungkook used to work at an internet Cafe for a while until he could finally land a spot at Min Yoongis tattoo studio.
You've warmed up to each other quite quickly- and not just over shared life experiences and problems you'd laugh over together.
"But I'm hungry." You tell him, looking upwards at his face that's watching you as well. "Can I use your kitchen to make myself something?" You wonder, and he smiles, laughing.
"I can cook one extra. I have a mild chicken one in here- would you like that?" He asks, and you nod, reaching for it- though he's holding it too far away. "I said I'm making it." He jokingly scolds. "You go wait, it'll take maybe twenty minutes or so." He explains, though you just turn around and...
Hug him?
"Heeh, you're so warm!" You giggle, unable to really resist at least trying to hug him once- when a hand sets itself onto your back, holding you close while he continues cooking. He just smells so nice, and he is so nice in general that you just involuntarily get attached already.
You're a bunny hybrid after all. You crave affection, need attention.. and much more than that, but this part, you've learned to control. It throws people off how clingy and needy you are, it's something you learned the hard way- and you're hoping that you won't screw it up with Jungkook.
Cause you really like him already. Might go as far as to say you've got a terrible crush.
"Am I bothering you?" You ask meekly but he shakes his head, a surprised expression on his face.
"No, I'd tell you if you did." He answers, and at that, your eyes sparkle in wonder, head resting against his chest. Words like that mean the world to you- because thar means you won't just unknowingly make him uncomfortable until he gets rid of you. He'll tell you first, so you can change.
"Thank you." You simply say-
And he wonders what you must've experienced in the past to be so grateful of simple communication like that.
"So, you're staying with Jungkook now?" Namjoon, a bear hybrid across from you asks- and you nod.
"Hmhm, he's really nice." You compliment, and Jungkook feels his cheeks start to get hotter at your praise. He's got a terrible problem and it's only four days in of you both knowing each other-
Because his body is clearly reacting to your scent being all over his apartment and all over him.
He can't help it, it's quite frankly embarrassing how often he has to shower and try and relieve himself somewhat quietly so you won't notice- ache in his body now worse than ever before, with you as a doe so close around him all the time. You're clearly in your prime, and so is he- bodies communicating that desire constantly without either of your control.
And unbeknownst to him, you're very aware of his dilemma. He's not exactly as quiet as he thinks he is.
In that department, you pride yourself in being a lot more secretive- he probably hasn't even noticed that you got yourself off right in your nest in the living room, because you, compared to him, can be quiet.
Well, but he knows. Because while you might not make much sound, your scent left on your bedding speaks louder than you could ever scream. And it's torture.
"So, you both?" Jimin raises his brows suggestively, making Jungkook shakes his head bashfully. "Heh, why not? You're already so cute together!" He whines, always so passionate about his best friend finally finding that special someone.
Namjoon sighs and scolds the younger friend, before he looks at you. "I'm sorry, he can be a bit too bold sometimes." He says, and you just wave it off.
"No its fine, I understand." You say, before going back to eating.
You're awfully quiet the rest of the night, seemingly rather low on energy. It's something Jungkook notices with slight worry, fearing you might be coming down with something- unaware that it's both your social batteries running low, and also the fact that, naturally, bunny hybrids tend to kind of shrink in on themselves if they're without affection for too long.
And for you, it's been a long time since someone cared for you in a more intimate way.
But he doesn't connect the dots yet, rather offers to go home with you a bit earlier, to get you into bed so you can rest properly.
You're surprisingly visiting often and regularly, even after returning to your now renovated home.
You seek him out actively, ask often for his opinion on things or if he wants to hang out- and he's thriving, energy at an all time high. It's something that everyone at the tattoo shop notices too, constantly picking on the rabbit hybrid- but he couldn't care less.
Because last night, you told him you liked him. Like, liked him a lot. You got a crush on him.
And it makes him all giddy with excitement, causes him to whistle as he cleans up his workspace to finally go home and welcome you back to his apartment for some takeout and cuddles- because that's something that you do often as well.
It's like the only quality sleep he has these days is only when he sleeps together with you. And not even in a sexual sense whatsoever.
You gently turn him whenever he falls into a bad position during his sleep that makes him snore- instead of telling him that he's annoying and disrupting your rest. You cling onto him, you're nuzzling into his neck, you scent him- and he loves every second of it, soaks up your affectionate attention like a sponge.
You're just so cute, and perfect for him- he can't help but fall for you. And knowing that you did too- just makes it all feel like a fairytale come true.
Though, in his car, things don't go quite as.. tame as he expected it to.
Not that he complains.
You're on his lap in the driver's seat as he'd parked his car at an empty parking lot out of sight of the main road, clinging to him, kissing him just as eagerly as he does you. It's desperate, open mouths stealing each other's breath away, his teasing bites to your lip making you whimper. "Please-" you softly cry, looking at him with pleading eyes. "-I'm starving.!" You complain, and he laughs.
The moment you're both in the backseat of his car, he wastes no time- using the sweater and shirt he pulls off his upper body in one go to throw them against the door so your head is supported, before he leans down to kiss you again. He can't get enough, not of you, and not of this moment-
Because down the line, he's equally as touch-starved as you are.
There's no time nor need for words as his hands push beneath your clothes, exploring what he finds beneath with eager palms, skin warm to the touch. You're squirming in place, needy for more than he gives right now- and he decides that patience can go fuck itself, because he needs you.
The moment he unveils your lower body to his eyes is the moment he just knows he can't control himself, hand instantly reaching between your legs to play with you, get you ready. "How have you been like this, huh?" He chuckles, jokes, as you squirm and roll your hips into his hand. "Poor baby, suffering in silence when I'm right here." He breathes out, sensitive core so desperate you don't need much to come undone for the first time.
While you catch your breath, he uses that time to search for a condom in his car- finding one in his wallet, thankfully, before he covers his length that you're already reaching for.
"Next time." He reassures your disappointed face as you realize he's not gonna let you return the favor. "Right now I need you." He instead explains, before he guides the head of his cock through your folds, collecting your wetness before he finally pushes inside.
Your head is finally empty, no thoughts rushing any longer, the only thing on your mind the feeling of him filling you up.
You don't care if you're needy, or clingy, or too demanding- right now you want all he has to offer, as your legs wrap around him, pulling him closer.
And closer he gets, leaning down to capture your lips once more before his hips start to move.
The sounds you make must be nothing shy of pornographic, but you don't spare any mind to it- instead letting your eyes roll back as he picks up his pace, testing your limits to see what you need, and what you can take. And much to his personal pleasure, it seems like you're a perfect fit-
Not just in any other way already.
Your tail must be soaked in your slick at this point, ring of foamy white decorating the base of his length as he keeps up his rhythm, skin smacking against skin loudly in the small space of the car. Any bystander outside probably knows exactly what's going on-
And he couldn't care less.
An almost growling sound escapes him when he feels you clench in your upcoming orgasm, thighs trembling against his body as you cry out, white hot pleasure making you blind and deaf for a second, while his hips stutter, one final push all it takes for him to snap-
As he pulls out your soaked cunt, pulling the condom off to instead close your legs and bring himself to his finish that way, white strings of cum covering your naked front, even up to your shirt that he's pushed way up high to reveal your bouncing chest to his eyes.
He's breathing heavily together with you, as he notices the scene he finds himself in.
The windows of the car are all fogged up, and it's stuffy inside, smell of sex filling the entirety of the space, leather of the seats squeaking slightly as he adjusts his position. Your most recent experience of pleasure covers his thighs and seats, but he doesn't mind, he can only laugh to himself absolutely starstruck.
He's never experience something like this before.
He's never had any sexual encounter where he felt this satisfied after, no lingering appetite left for the moment, as he helps you out of your shirt to use it to wipe your body somewhat clean- his cum having stained the fabric already anyways.
The second he notices you shivering he helps you into a sitting position after cleaning you between your legs too- or at least drying your skin, before he wipes the seats. "I uh.." you mumble, staring at the mess you've made. "...that's new." You say, and he laughs, looking at you with eyes full of stars.
"I know." He answers, making you beam back with an equally love-filled gaze, shy laughter breaking the awkward aftermath of your first time.
And that's when he knew-
You're it for him.
For now and forever.
"Jungkoooook~?" You sing, hanging somewhat upside down off his bed- when he walks into the bedroom, freshly showered.
"Whaaaaat~?" He parrots back in a similar tone, walking to the closet to get a shirt and pants.
"Do you love me?" You wonder, and he laughs, slipping the shirt over his head.
"Of course." He instantly answers without thinking.
"Do you really love me?" You ask, and he turns around now, looking at you with suspicion.
"...You're gonna ask me to drive you to that one specific place where they sell those giant milkshakes again, aren't you?" He accuses, and you giggle.
"I mean, do you reeeaaally love me?" You jokingly ask, and at that he squats down in front of you to kiss your upside-down lips with a smile.
"Of course I do." He answers. "So much so that I'll drive you there, even though you're gonna have a stomachache from all the food again."
"That was once!" You call out as he puts on his sweatpants having now sat up. "Or maybe twice.. okay if we count last Tuesday maybe three times but that-"
"Doesn't count, I know." He finishes his sentence for you, closing the closet before he leans his hands on the bed, lips catching yours to shut you up for a second.
But as he leans back to look at you, there's a new desire in your eyes.
"You know.. now that I think of it.." you mumble quietly, hands toying with the strings of his sweats. "I'm hungry for something else.." you bat your lashes at him, and he smirks at that, leaning his head to the side while he watches your lips.
"I wonder what that might be." He grins, licking his lips as you lean onto your back, his body now crawling over you.
"Guess you better find out." You tell him, hands already pulling down the hem of his pants slowly.
"Guess I have to." He shrugs, letting you undress him, trip to the far away diner long forgotten.
Because who needs to eat out when you've got the best dinner at home?
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steddiecameraroll · 5 months
“Is that a pie?” Steve questions as he plops down next to Eddie at the small cafe table.
“Banana cream,” he smiles wide, a small dollop of whipped cream on his upper lip. “Want some?”
“Why do you have an entire pie? And yes, I do.” Eddie grabs one of the plastic silverware packs resting on the table, and flicks it to Steve.
“Why not?” He shrugs like it’s painfully obvious.
“Fair.” Steve pops the fork through the plastic while Eddie pushes the pie between them.
“How’s work?” Eddie asks while Steve takes his first bite.
“Mmmmm, holy shit that hits the spot.” Steve moans as his eyes roll in the back of his head in absolute pleasure.
“That’s wh’t sh’ said,” Eddie mumbles through a bite.
“What?” Steve opens his eyes, catching Eddie with a fading blush on his cheeks.
“Uh, that’s-that’s what she said?” He ends his sentence in a question as if he began to doubt himself toward the end.
“Well,” Steve replies casually before dipping his fork back into the pie. “I have also been someone who’s said that, from time to time. So it’s also what he said.” Steve raises his eyebrows before shoving his fork into his mouth.
Eddie stares in confusion, letting Steve’s words roll around in his brain. Steve watches as Eddie clearly tries to piece a puzzle together in his mind.
Just as Steve is going to give the man a break and change the subject, Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up and his mouth drops open. A sly smirk spreads across Steve’s face and he taps Eddie’s chin with two fingers.
“You might wanna close that or you’re gonna catch flies, pretty boy.”
Robin comes from around the corner and plops into the empty seat across from Eddie, inspecting the half eaten pie.
“What’s wrong with him?” She motions to Eddie as she dips her finger into the whipped cream.
“I broke him.” Steve smiles with a twinge of self satisfaction.
“How?” She grabs another packet of silverware and rips it open trying to free the fork. “Wait…don’t answer that. It has something to do with this pie doesn’t it?”
“And the noises I make,” Steve leans back and crosses his legs.
“Ew,” she scrunches her face before diving her fork into the middle of the pie.
“Can I…? Do you…?” Eddie doesn’t even recognize Robin’s presence.
“Jesus, he’s pathetic,” Robin says with her mouth full.
“Are you offering to help?” Steve says with a smidge of condescension.
Eddie nods eagerly.
“Bring the pie,” Steve slides his chair out abruptly and stands up, moving quickly to the parking lot.
Eddie slams the cover over the pie and scrambles behind Steve.
“HEY! I was eating that, you perverts.” Robin throws her arms up in frustration.
coffee? ☕️🍩💕
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meangirls-imagines · 3 months
Can u do a Karen imagine where she is made to go to tutoring with nerdy fem!reader but they don't study just make out and sex the whole time?
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Study Break?
WARNINGS: smut, oral (karen receiving), fingering (karen receiving)
Never in a million years did Y/N imagine herself in the position she was currently in.
Karen Shetty was currently writhing in pleasure underneath her. Textbooks and notes abandoned off to the side.
"Fuck baby. Just like that. Doing s'good."
Wait. Let's start from the beginning.
Mr. Smith had pulled Y/N to the side as the class emptied, kids rushing to lunch.
"Y/N. I need a favor." Y/N looked at her history teacher confused. "Okay? What is this favor if you don't mind me asking." He exhaled deeply.
"I need you to tutor Karen Shetty."
After arguing for almost 10 minutes with the man, Y/N reluctantly agreed with the promise of 2 sets of free extra credit points. She grumbled to herself as she walked to the cafeteria, dropping her stuff on the lunch table.
Damian decided to bite. "Everything okay, Y/N?" The girl groaned and banged her head on the table. "I have to tutor." Janis looked at the girl confused. "I thought you loved tutoring people?" Y/N sat up straight, stealing a few of the girl's fries.
"It's Karen Shetty."
Janis and Damian cringed, feeling for the girl. Y/N groaned at the pair's reaction. "Don't do that! You're making it worse." Damian reached across the table, rubbing Y/N's hand in sympathy. "I'll pray for you girl. She asked me how to spell orange one time. I get it."
Janis cleared her throat loudly as the conversation ceased, the girl in question approaching the table. Karen smiled at the three. "Hi. Y/N, right?" Y/N nodded. "Mr. Smith told me that you were gonna tutor me? I was wondering where you wanted to meet."
Y/N thought for a second. "You can meet me at mine if you want. Let's say like 6?" The girl nodded, smiling at Y/N before going back to Regina and Gretchen. Janis rubbed Y/N's back. "Good luck buddy."
6 o'clock came way faster than Y/N wanted and Karen was getting dropped off by Regina. Y/N let the girl in, leading her to her bedroom.
Karen was fascinated as she walked into Y/N's room. "You're room is cool." Y/N smiled at the girl. "Thanks. Um, did you want like a snack or anything?" Karen shook her head. "No, I'm fine." Y/N nodded.
"Let's get started, shall we?"
After about 45 minutes of studying, Y/N called for a break. Karen sighed and flopped back on Y/N's bed, the girl giggling from her desk chair.
"You're starting to get it. Some people learn at a slower pace. And that's okay." Karen sighed. Y/N got up and walked to her bed, sitting near the foot of it. Karen sat up. "Have you ever kissed a girl?"
Y/N froze. "Uh, what?"
Karen giggled, scooting closer to Y/N. "Have you ever kissed a girl?" Y/N blushed. "Uh, no. Have you?" Karen nodded. "Yeah. A lot of girls. Do you wanna be kissed by a girl?" Y/N blushed deeper. "I mean, it would be nice. But no girl at our school wants to kiss me."
Karen scooted closer. "What if I told you, I wanted to kiss you?" Y/N shook her head. "Then I would tell you that wasn't cool to mess-" She was cut off by Karen pressing her lips to hers.
Karen's lips were soft. And they tasted like candy. Y/N cupped Karen's face as she deepened the kiss. Karen pushed Y/N back to the head of the bed, straddling her in the process.
The two continued kissing for a while before Karen broke the kiss off. "I don't wanna go farther if you don't want to." Y/N smiled at the girl's worry and kissed her softly. "I want this. But I have no idea what I'm doing."
Karen smirked. "Don't worry, I'll show you."
After a very thorough, demonstration from Karen, it was Y/N's turn to make the girl feel good.
Which leads us to where we are now, Y/N's head between Karen's thighs.
Y/N was a fast learner, thank god and had already brought Karen to her climax twice already, wanting to go for the three-peat.
Karen's brain was almost mush, all she was capable of doing was spewing slurred praise at Y/N. Y/N was definitely already wrapped around the plastic's finger and was totally okay with that.
Y/N pulled away, allowing her fingers to take the place where her mouth just was, Karen pulling her up to sloppily kiss her. "God baby, you're making me feel so good. Such a fast learner." Y/N smirked, speeding her thrusts up a little. "I had a great teacher." She leaned in, kissing Karen's neck gently, smiling when she felt a gush of wetness ooze onto her hand.
Karen was getting close and Y/N could tell. In the short lesson she got from the plastic, she had a very specific sweet spot on her neck. Y/N decided to use that to her advantage and she sunk her teeth into said spot gently.
Karen came with a loud moan, Y/N helped her ride out her high, before pulling her soaked fingers out and bringing them to her mouth. Karen whimpered at the sight of Y/N sucking her cum off of her fingers.
Y/N smirked and gently kissed Karen once more, sliding her tongue in her mouth for the girl to taste herself. The two laid there for a few moments before Karen's phone buzzed. Karen groaned and sat up, reading the notification.
It was Regina informing her that she was on the way to pick her up. Karen sighed and kissed Y/N again, getting up and retrieving her clothes off the floor and getting dressed.
Once fully dressed again, she sat on the edge of the bed, gently pushing sweaty locks out of Y/N's face. "You were incredible. I really wanna do this again, but I wanna take you out on a date first, is that okay?" Y/N smiled sleepily at the girl. "Just tell me when and where and I'm all yours."
Karen smiled at the girl, leaning down and kissing Y/N softly. "Tomorrow? 6?" Y/N nodded and kissed Karen again, watching the girl leave to meet Regina.
Regina could tell something happened by the giddy smile on Karen's face as she got into the jeep. "You guys fucked, didn't you?" Karen didn't even try to deny it.
"Yeah. We did." The blonde nodded. "Did you ask her out?" Karen nodded. Regina smirked.
"Good. Now I can instill the fear of God in her."
"Gina, no!"
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billiedeansbitch · 4 months
𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 (𝐬𝐟𝐰)
(𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
Note: this one's been sitting in my drafts for so long now I don't actually remember anymore what was going to be ending because I left it like halfway but uh, I stirred my brain for something and came up with some angsty shit you're welcome. (And it's smut free! Yay!)
Warning/s: grief and loss.
You pushed your chair gently as possible but you were tired, exhausted and drained, so it scraped the floor, the sound scratching your ears. You winced and muttered an apology half-heartedly for the noise. You felt her gaze lift from her plate to look at you. “Are you done?” she asked, still watching you. You hummed and nodded, bringing your plate to the sink. Words ceased to exist after that. 
When you returned to the kitchen table she was done as well. You watched her pick up her plate and deposit it to the sink, you helped her around cleaning the kitchen, both of you moving in silence and keeping your way out of each other but as you wiped away the table and she was tucking the chairs back in, you felt her warmth against you.
You didn’t look or react. Keeping it all in a tight lid jar.  You resume to wipe the table until the faint marks disappear to your heart’s content. She didn’t say anything either. She was first to withdraw, though her hand fleetingly brushed the small of your back and you turned. You turned to look at her, you couldn’t resist the temptation nor you had the will to just ignore it.
That at least you let yourself to devour. And despite the constant arguments these days, you still couldn’t wait for the moment where your eyes met.
Your heart was hammering against your chest. You felt as though you were about to faint, there was sadness in her eyes, nervously fidgeting with the ring on her finger. “I’ll be in the study if you need me.” 
You gave her a nod. You saw her eyes slowly falter from looking at you down to her feet, ashamed. “Wait” you wanted to say however your lips remained pressed together. She left, taking small steps to slow down, waiting, still waiting for you to say something and silently hoping but you didn’t until she was closing the door of her study and paused, just thinking, she should leave it half opened remembering how you always stick your head in just to check for her. The fond and bittersweet memory rendered her helpless from all the guilt.
It was a little later, maybe past ten o’clock when you abruptly awoke to the sound of shuffling, the vague noises from the television stopped, the room was dim without the vibrant colours from the screen. “You fell asleep,” the voice said, unsurprised, it knew…she knew and she paused whatever she was doing in her study to check on you.
You hummed, rubbing the sleep off of your eyes. You felt her hand on your shoulder, silently asking you to get up. You had half a mind to hold her hand right there, to savour the feeling of her touch and kiss it. Kiss all the pain away. But you decided against it, afraid it would be too much. So you stood up. 
It felt cold–your hands, you looked at them, and they were empty. So lonely and empty. It broke your heart. You wanted to hold her hand but she was so far away, walking in front of you. 
When was it going to end?
She called your name softly as you unconsciously sank deeper into the abyss of your unending thoughts. Your name, not my darling, my sweetheart, or my love. Once more, your heart broke. You miss it, the way she would affectionately call you names, drawing the biggest grin on your lips and you would leap into her arms, burying your face into her neck. You miss her.
“Yes?” you looked up to see her undoing the pins in her hair, her blouse was half open and untucked from her skirt. It reminded you of the bliss as you two ran around the house, going after each other barely having any clothes on and giggling like girls once you cornered her–you knew for a fact she let you and not because you were swift and strong enough to pin a 6’3” woman with a body mass twice as yours were–and then you’d kiss her and she’d kiss you back, both breathless in the end with smiles on your faces.
She asked if the set of pyjamas she laid for you on the bed were to your liking. Your cheeks warmed, and you told her it was perfect. Little by little, you reminded yourself, everything would be better.
You sucked in a breath, fingers automatically unzipping your dress from the back but getting stuck halfway. It was little inconveniences like this one that really felt like the last straw after a particularly having a bad day that struck a nerve, “The fuck is your problem!” you muttered, trying to pull the tab down but it won’t slide.
Larissa saw you getting upset over it. It was one of your downsides—getting easily frustrated over the most mundane things when you couldn’t do it right the first time—she interfered, tapping on your shoulder and telling you to turn around before your head could explode in anger.
She smoothly pulled it all the way down, her eyes following the path of skin it revealed, she longed to feel you with her lips. 
Larissa stayed there for a moment, unable to retract herself from you. She thought that maybe if she kept herself close to you, like this, her sadness would melt away, that her longing for you would shrink even just by an inch. Her arms ached to hold you. She wanted to kiss you. Fill you in with so many kisses until you decided it was enough. She missed you.
And you missed her so much—that, perhaps, was actually your last straw. You broke down, tears spilling from your eyes that you tried so badly to conceal with your hands on your face. The little sobs came, the shaking of your breath and light twitches of your shoulders.
She pulled you in her arms, gently giving you time to resist. You showed none and willingly buried your face on her chest.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” the words repeated again and again, broken in between with sobs and sharp intake of breaths.
“I’m sorry we lost the baby.” 
It stung like a freshly cut wound for Larissa. She never blamed you, she never breathed out a word about the loss of your child, not a single one. She sat in this awful gown after the procedure was done, unblinking. Not a twitch of emotion or a tear. She somehow turned cold and completely shut the world down. It all changed, she changed. 
And she blamed herself.
Every time she’d see your face she was reminded of how hopeful you were, how full of life and physically vibrating with happiness when you found out she was pregnant. She should have waited for at least a month to tell you Incase this didn’t work out like the others but she had a feeling. She had this hope, something she didn’t feel before so she told you and it felt so fucking stupid of her.
“We could try again,” you said, kneeling in front of her, holding her hands in her lap, “He’ll answer our prayers. He will. I know he will.” But she had had enough of it, she no longer believed.
“Larissa, please say something. Tell me anything.”
“I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m done.” she wiped the lone tear from her cheek, and stood up. It hadn’t been a week since she was released from the hospital, her body had not recovered from the loss. It still felt like it was there–the little flutter. It was making her insane. 
“Where are you going?”
"To work. I'm not going to sit around crying all day. I told you I'm done."
That day, it felt like you lost her more than anything.
She pushed you away and you let her. Now you danced around each other, with intensified longing behind your eyes, your fingers twitching to touch, craving to reignite the fading memories of what you two once were. 
She held you tight against her, giving into the needs of her body, of her soul. She let herself heal as the warmth engulfed the dead parts of her. 
Little by little, she hoped it would get better.
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justmeinadaze · 8 months
Children of the Night Part 2 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Shhhhhhhhh my angsty brain has entered the chat :P.
Warnings: Vampire Daddy Eddie/ Human (kinda switch) Steve/ Human Sub Fem Reader, SMUT, daddy kink (cause Im me), voyeurism (kinda; Eddie watches his baby girl and baby boy play), FLUFF, Steve talks about how he and Eddie first got together and their matching tattoos, ANGST (Sooooo much angst), Reader gets hurt (Shot) and the boys have to do sudo surgery to help her, blood drinking is mentioned in a bit of detail, reader touches on her rough childhood (brief), mentions of homophobia from their town and Steve's parents as well as some people online, Eddie waking up in the upside down is mentioned near the end.
Certain events from the show are mentioned (the deaths) but in this AU they'd happen in 2003 not 1986. I think that's everything.
Word count: 6110
When you woke up the next afternoon, Steve was missing and Eddie was fast asleep on his back beside you. Your eyes took a moment to fully take him in as you scanned the tattoos on his bare chest. He had a few mundane ones but a couple struck your attention. Near his heart was a month and a year; March 2003. Along one of his left ribs were lyrics from a song you knew fairly well; “You’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be” along with the initials S.H. and the year 2002.
Getting out of bed, you went on the hunt for Steve and found him in their kitchen washing dishes. 
“Hey, Y/N.”
“Hi, Steve.”
The man softly smiles along with you as you reiterate each other’s names. 
“Are you hungry? I can make you a sandwich.” When you nod he begins heading towards the fridge before pausing to face you again. “Um, full disclosure, Eddie’s blood that he snacks on is in here as well. It’s not…like…open or anything but I thought I should tell you just in case it makes you uncomfortable or…”
“Oh, no. It’s ok. I don’t mind.” Grinning at your answer, he pulls out everything he needs and places it on the counter. “If he has blood in the fridge then why does he feed on you? Is it different?”
“Uh, kind of. Think about it kind of like how we humans snack between meals.” His gentle honey eyes glance your way before he continues. “Plus, he doesn’t feel comfortable taking a lot from me. He’s afraid of doing real damage. What he does take isn’t enough to be long lasting.”
“He seems to really care about you. How long have you two been together?”
Steve chuckles as he continues to focus on the task in front of him. “I like how you just found out vampires are real but your first question to me is about our relationship.”
“Hm. Like vampires, a non-toxic relationship always seemed like a fairy tale.”
His eyes met yours before sliding over your food and you flash him a polite smirk as you thank him. 
“Eddie and I have been together for a little over three years. We technically grew up together but didn’t get to know each other till his third senior year of high school. He failed a lot.”, he laughs under his breath. 
“Three years…2002?” Steve gives you a quizzical look as he nods. “He has a tattoo with lyrics, initials, and that year. Are you S.H.?”
Raising his tank top, he shows you his own tattoo on his left rib. 
“I’d give up forever to touch you. E.M. 2002.”
“The first time I made a move, this song was randomly playing on the radio. Eddie kept talking about how corny it was. I told him I thought it was romantic and the fucker laughed at me so of course I had to kiss him.” You giggled at his story as he took your empty plate and placed it in the sink. “After I thought I lost him, I got this tattoo.”
His face fell at the memory and your heart broke for him. Trying not to dwell, he quickly cleared his throat and tried to shift focus. 
“Enough about me. Tell me more about you.”
“I mean you already know the bulk of me.”
“I know about Mina. I feel like I don’t know much about Y/N.”
“There isn’t much to tell. I’ve lived here my whole life. It’s pretty much been me and my best friend… I don’t have a lot of friends or family. I have a brother but…that’s a long story.”
“What about your parents?”
“Gone. My father died when I was young and my mother is in jail.” Steve’s head tilts at your confession, not in judgement but in understanding. “Are your parents still around?”
“Uh no. They were kind of out of my life long before we moved here. We grew up in a small town before we moved here and when rumors started to spread that I was ‘fucking the freak’ they cut me off and pushed me out.”
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry, Steve. What about Eddie’s parents?”
The watch on his wrist beeps as he glances towards the window. 
“He’ll be up soon so you can ask him that yourself.”
“What are you doing?”, Eddie asked as he came back into his room. 
You wanted to give them some time alone and allow the long-haired boy to eat without you gawking at him so you hid out in their bedroom and did some work on their computer. 
“Hey. I hope it’s ok, I wanted to do some quick checks on your site since I wasn’t able to moderate last night.” Pulling up an extra chair, he sat beside you as his eyes scanned the screen in front of you. “So like cursing and some of these lewd sentences Steve doesn’t care about but things like this where people threaten to hurt others or… these homophobic comments.” Your eyes glance his way as a low growl rumbles from his chest. “I’m sorry.”
Eddie blinks as if coming back into the moment.
“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you—”
“No, I meant…sorry you have deal with ignorance like this.”
“I don’t care if it’s directed at me. I’ve dealt with it my whole life but… he deserves better.”
“Steve told me about his parents not approving of you two; that the town you came from called you a—”
“Freak. Yeah. I was always a bit different than people there; the nerd who played D&D whose father was arrested.” Your palm comfortingly rubs his shoulder and he sighs in pleasure at the action. “He told me your mother was arrested. May I ask what for?”
“Parental neglect.”
His eyes met yours as you both read each other. Two people in this world who understood what it was like to grow up a certain way; to be a part of a club no child should ever be a part of. 
Managing a smile, you turn your attention back to the monitor to continue what you were doing before. Cold fingers run through your hair, gently petting your head as your eyes flutter closed. 
“You can ask me questions now if you want to, sweetheart.”
Swiveling around in your chair to face him, you hang your head and he can’t help but look at you with confusion. 
“I don’t want to hurt you or make you uncomfortable.”
“Hey.” He lifts up chin and gives you what he hopes is a comforting smile. “I’m telling you it’s alright.”
At that moment, Steve walks in, handing him a black mug that blocks out its contents, and takes a seat on the bed across from where you two were sitting. 
“What does the tattoo on your chest mean? The 2003?”
On impulse his hand hovers over it through his shirt as he tenderly grins at you. 
“That’s when I died. When my…human heart stopped beating. Steve says I’m too dramatic.”, he chuckles trying to lighten the mood. 
“He is.”
“You two got together a year before he died? Steve…”
“We’ll save that particular story for another time, honey.”
“Are there other vampires?”
“Um, I’m not going to lie we aren’t sure. We’ve tried doing research but can’t seem to find much of anything. Same with our friends.”
“You have friends?” They both laugh at your question making you giggle to. “Sorry. I just meant that you both seem like you spend a lot of time alone.”
“That’s fair. One of our closest friends set up the stream for us and does some AV Club tech mumbo jumbo to reroute the feed so no one can find us.”
“Why did you guys decide to stream what you do?”
“Money.”, they answer at the same time.
“When we left our hometown, we left with nothing. We still need a roof, I need to eat food, and he needs to be safe.”, Steve explained. 
“Ok, so, you need a roof but no coffin. I imagine because it’s now nighttime, sunlight is a no go?”
“That is correct. Um, silver seems to hurt a fucking lot and crosses. I heal pretty quickly and I’ve been able to heal him. It’s just those little bites though. Thankfully, we’ve never had to try bigger wounds.”
“Can you transform like Dracula?”
“Uh…I’m not sure you want to see that but yes. It’s not like one of those cute little black bats or anything. I shift into the bats that bit me.”
“That’s how you were turned?” Eddie nods. “Is that…is that what your scars are?”
“Another time, Y/N.”
“Steve…I told her it was ok to ask and will there ever be a good time to tell that story?”
“Jesus fucking Christ. Again, why the fuck do I even bother? You never listen.”
Eddie rolls his eyes and watches him stomp out of the room. 
“And I’M the drama queen.”, he jokes. 
“No, I understand. He lost the man he loved for a time. I can’t imagine what that does to someone.”
“Have you ever been in love, princess?”
“The way you guys are no. I thought I was once but…”
“It wasn’t with that douchebag right?”
“No.”, you nervously chuckle. “No. I think with John I thought it was better to go through what he put me through than be alone. I hate being alone.”
“Yeah…I know the feeling.”
“Eddie, did you kill him? John.”
The boy’s jaw clenched as looked away from you. “Yes.”
“What—What did you do with him?”
“It’s better if you don’t know, Y/N.”
“Is that normal for you? Killing people.”
Something in the atmosphere changed as the vampire beside you began breathing heavier. 
“Is that what you think I am? Some fucking monster that just hunts people and murders them for their blood?!”
“Eddie.”, Steve tried to comfort him as he powerwalked back into the room when he heard his partners voice raise. “Baby, everything’s ok.”
“I’m NOT a monster. If anything he was for hurting you!”
“Eddie, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for my question to come out that way. I just…I’m learning. I know you were protecting me. I don’t blame you.”
The man pushes Steve back and vanishes out of the room as he runs out the front door. Sighing, he puts his hands on his hips as he hangs his head. 
“I told him I didn’t want to hurt him. He insisted I ask questions.”
“I know, honey. Eddie’s always been the kind of person that doesn’t know how strong he actually is. Because of that, he overestimates how much he can handle. I on the other hand know what I can and can’t. I’ve already had the worst day of my life so I imagine nothing can be heavier than that.” His eyes glance your way before continuing. 
“He’s tried to explain to me before the feelings he gets but it’s hard without feeling them myself. Depending on the emotion, he says it can physically hurt. I imagine whatever he sensed the other night… it was bad for him to kill your boyfriend.”
“When he brought me here, you said you knew he killed him because you knew him.”
“Eddie’s like a knight in shining armor. If he senses someone he cares deeply for is in danger he’ll…he’ll do what needs to be done.”
“Did he do that for you?”
“Come on, Y/N. Let me drive you home.”
You couldn’t sleep at all that night, tossing and turning till you finally just gave up. Taking a seat at your own computer, you decided to do some research of your own.  
“E.M. +mysterious death+ S.H.”
A few things came up at first but nothing really stood out until you landed on small publication from a tiny news station in Indiana. 
“City mogul’s son Steve Harrington missing; 2 of towns prominent citizens murdered!”
“S.H.”, you mumbled to yourself as you continued to read.
“Police found the bodies of two young men brutally murdered outside of the Forest Hills Trailer Park this past Wednesday, June 15, 2003. The boys had recently graduated from Hawkins High School and it is unknown at this time what they were doing in the area as that was not their place of residence. 
Wayne Munson, fugitive Eddie Munson’s uncle, told our reporters that it wasn’t uncommon for people to come and harass him but there is no proof that is why they were there. Further analysis of the crime scene found the young Harrington’s DNA mixed with the others but his location at this time is undetermined.”
“E.M.”, you sigh, clicking the hyper link on his name. 
There he was. A picture of a younger Eddie with a group of boys wearing a shirt that read “Hellfire” in front of what looked to be a high school cafeteria wall. He looked a bit different than he did now. As he bit his bottom lip flashing the rock & roll symbol with his hands, he seemed happy. Nothing in his demeanor that you saw matched the headline that followed. 
“Eddie Munson Wanted for Murder of Young Girl.”
“Edward Munson is the prime suspect in the murder of young Hawkins High Cheerleading Senior Chrissy Cunningham who was violently butchered in the younger Munson’s residence before he fled the scene. Munson is wanted and possibly armed so proceed with caution! Call Chief Powell if you notice anything suspicious.”
There were more articles underneath discussing the case as new murders piled up and Eddie was blamed for every one of them. 
“I’m not a monster.” Eddie had insisted and you believed him but obviously something happened. 
Knocking on your front door gave you pause and you hastily turned off your monitor before running to answer it. 
“Arthur. How can I help you?”
“Where is my brother?”, he snarled.
“I don’t know. I haven’t seen John in two days.”
“Bullshit! He said he was coming over here to talk to you but he never came back home.” Shoving his shoulder into the door, he pushed past you to look around your house. 
“Arthur, get the fuck out! I told you he’s not here! I don’t know where he is!”
“Oh you don’t? How did you get that black eye, Y/N?”
“A souvenir he gave me before he fucking left.”
“Problem?” You jumped 3ft in the air when another man entered your house but this one you didn’t mind. Steve squared his shoulders as he placed himself in front of you. “I think she’s made it perfectly clear that he’s not here.”
“And who the fuck are you?”
“That’s none of your fucking business. Now…leave.”
Arthur strides forward till he’s face to face with the man in front of you as they stare each other down. 
“It’s my business if you did something to him. If that whore is fucking you and John found out he would have made sure that neither of you were heard from again.”
“Get. Out.” Steve’s voice startled you. In all the time you had known him, you had never heard him be so authoritative. “This is my final warning.”
They stared at each other for another few seconds before Arthur bumped his shoulder with his own and stomped out the door. The man’s demeanor in front of you instantly deflated as he turned to check on you.
“Are you alright? Eddie sensed something and—”
Your lips cut him off as they crashed to his own. It took a moment for his brain to catch up with what was happening but when it did, he fully embraced it as his palms came up to cup your face and hold you close. As you pulled away, his thumbs caress your cheek tenderly as he smiles. 
It all happens so fast. 
There’s a loud bang and a sudden sting that pierces your side. Your hands shoot out to grab his biceps as the sound of growling and screaming fills the room. 
Your knees buckle as he catches you and once again you hear the familiar sound of their heated words. 
“We have to get her back to our house! Come on!”
“No! She needs to go to a hospital!”
“If she goes to hospital, Steve, she WILL die! This isn’t a debate.” You wince when your roughly lifted into arms and the wind blows through your hair as you’re placed down on something hard. “Ok, princess. We’ll be right back.”
As soon as you start to cry, you feel a palm moving your hair out of your face. 
“No! We have to get the bullet out first. Fucking hell! I still think she should be at a hospital. We don’t even know if you can heal a wound like this!”
“You can yell at me fucking later! Do whatever you have to do!”
“Eddie?” The vampire kneels beside you as he tries to dry the tears that are falling down your face. “I-I don’t think… you’re a monster.”
“Baby, don’t worry about that right now, okay?”
“I’m sorry. I like you both a lot…fuck…I think I could have been…a-a good Mina to your stream.”, you laugh weakly. 
“I’m coming! Ok, shit. Roll her on to her side and hold her still. I need her still, Eddie. Y/N, bite down on this ok, honey. I’m not going to lie; this is really going to fucking hurt.”
You take the wooden spoon he hands you and place it between your teeth as the long-haired boy holds you firmly in his grasp. You had never felt anything this bad before. As Steve dug into your wound, you bit down so hard on the material in your mouth you thought it would break. 
“I know. I know, baby. You’re almost through this!”, he soothed through gritted teeth as he focused on the task in front of him. 
You tried so hard to stay still but every synapse in your brain was telling you to run from the thing causing you this much pain. Eddie’s grip tightened as he held you in place while he squeezed his eyes shut. The truth was he could feel your hurt and Steve’s panic which was tearing him apart. That mixed with the delicious smell of your blood on their table was making things even harder for him. 
“Got it! Go, Ed.”
He released you from his hold, quickly yanked off his shirt, and reached for the butcher knife to cut a line along his chest. Steve placed you gently on his lap as the vampire positioned your head towards the wound.
“Come on, sweetheart. I need you to drink.”
A little bit of his blood dripped onto your lower lip and your eyes widened at the taste. It was the most delicious thing you had ever had in your life. Your mouth opened wider as your limp arm tangled around his neck, bringing him closer to you as you did what he commanded. 
“Fuck…is…is it working, Steve?”, Eddie moaned. 
The man nodded as his eyes remained studiously on your back as he watched it gradually begin to heal. The metalhead’s fingers threaded through your hair as he held you to him.
“Baby, you-you may have to pull her…away when its time because…fuck this feels so fucking good.”
“Ok…Ok, Y/N. You’re good. Let’s not push it.” As Steve reached for you, the metalhead growled like a dog with you try to take away its toy. “Eddie…I have to take her. We don’t know what too much of your blood can do.”
To his surprise, it was his partner that pull your hair, tugging you back so his lips could mingle with your now stained ones. Your own palms cupped his cheek as his tongue invaded your mouth making you moan at the feeling. You didn’t think anything of it when his kisses travelled to your neck. 
“Eddie. No.”, Steve warned but his boyfriend didn’t hear. He was so wrapped in your taste and smell as he continued to move. 
Abruptly, he hissed and dropped you to the floor as he ran out of the house. 
“Wh-What happened?”
“Come on, honey. Let’s get you into the shower.”, Steve deflects as he put the little silver cross in his pocket and lifts you into his arms.
With your knees under your chin, you sat in the warm water and allowed Steve to clean you. He originally planned on leaving you alone but you begged him to sit with you. Rolling up his sleeves, he placed himself on the floor facing you as he washed the blood from your skin.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” As you nod your head, his fingers gently reach under your chin, and turn you to look at him. “Can you verbally answer me?”
“I’m ok. I’m… No, you won’t believe me.”
“Baby, I’m in love with a vampire. You’d be surprised what I believe.”, he jokes; softly grinning when you laugh. 
“I’m…more in shock that…Arthur tried to kill me. I… I knew John was….you know…John but. I just never thought either of them would hurt me like that. I-If it wasn’t for you two…I wouldn’t be here.”
“Shhh, hey, everything’s alright. You’re safe now. Nothing like that is ever going to happen to you again. I’m sorry I couldn’t…protect you…but thankfully Eddie got there in time to keep things from getting worse.”
“Steve, what are you taking about? You did protect me. I was so scared but I felt safer when you showed up. You also just kept me from dying so I’d say you did more than protect.” Your eyes scanned him over as you politely smiled before getting to his feet and helping you out of the tub. “I feel like I should tell you something.”
“Some other time, pretty girl.”
After pulling one of their shirts over your head, he goes on the hunt for shorts so you would feel less exposed. 
“Steve Harrington.” The man freezes in place as he listens to you speak. “Eddie Munson. Two boys from Indiana who went missing. One around March 2003 and the other a few months later.”
“Steve?” Eddie was suddenly in their bedroom doorway with a concerned look on his face. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong? I felt you in pain.”
“Wanted for murder of three kids including a high school cheerleader.” The vampire swiveled his head in your direction as his eyes narrowed. “I-I found some articles online. There were also two boys murdered outside of…Wayne Munson’s trailer the night Steve disappeared.”
“I know you didn’t kill those kids—”
“The first 3, no. The two a few months later—”
“Shut up, Eddie.”, Steve huffs. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Then leave and I’ll tell her.”
“No.”, the man responds curtly as he kicks back into gear and finds a pair of boxers, tossing them in your direction. “I don’t feel comfortable leaving you alone with her right now.”
“Excuse me?”, the vampire snarled as his posture straightened. “I just helped save her life.”
“You also were about to drain her and I’m not going to let you do that! She deserves better!”
“You keep saying that like living with me is a chore, Steven. Like you’re in prison or hell.”
“We’re both in fucking hell, Edward. That’s what this is.”, he gestures around him. 
“You can leave any time you want to, babe.”
“Don’t you do that! After everything I do for you and everything we’ve been through, don’t condescend to me!”
“What do you want from me?! Do you want me to go back where I came from? Act like I didn’t fucking crawl to get back to you.”
Steve’s fist raised and you gasped as he smacked the vampire in the face. 
“You don’t get to do that. I was there to, Eddie.”, he sighs as he comes to sit on the edge of the bed. “I’m tired. All the running, hiding, and fighting…worrying. If you bite her, all of that becomes her burden to. And god forbid we ever need to run again, I don’t want her to experience what I did. To know that empty feeling I experienced when I thought you were gone.”
Dropping the shorts he handed you to the floor, you went to sit beside him and tenderly ran your fingers through his hair. 
“Even before we began talking, I watched you take care of him. I’ve never seen a love like that before. My parents hated each other and all my exes were trash. Steve… you deserve to feel good to. You deserve to have a good life. Let me…help you.”
With your hand on his cheek, you turned him to face you, bringing his lips back to yours. 
“It’s ok, baby. You can use me. Let go.”, you whispered when you felt him holding back. 
Steve glanced towards Eddie who smiled in return before grabbing the desk chair and placing himself in front of you both. 
“Go ahead, sweetheart. Daddy can take care of himself tonight. Take control. Show Y/N what King Steve Harrington could do.”
Something flashed in the boy’s gaze when it shifted back to you; something more dominate you had never seen from him before in their previous streams. Pushing you back towards the pillows, his kisses came at a much more hectic and stronger pace. 
Your fingers tugged at his shirt and he quickly pulled it off, groaning into your lips as your palm ran down his chest. His own hand caressed your thighs, slowly tracing your skin till his digits found their way between your folds. 
“Please. Touch me, Steve. Can you feel how wet I am for you?”
Heavily sighing, his eyes locked with yours as his middle finger slid into your entrance.
“Fuck me. Honey, your so fucking tight.” As he slowly moved his finger, his thumb began circling your clit causing your eyes to roll as you moaned. “She’s just fucking clinging to me, Daddy. Shit.”
Eddie stifled a groan of his own as he palmed the bulge in his jeans. 
“Yeah? Why don’t you put another finger in there? Give her taste of what she’s in for.”
“Can I taste you?”, you plead.
Watching with eager eyes, you wait as he leans back to push off his pants and hastily gets to his knees, pumping his cock in his hand as he brings it to your lips. 
“Jesus, Steve. You’re so fucking big.” Your tongue darts out to lick the precum from his tip and the whimper he makes has you clenching, desperately needing him to put his fingers back into your needy hole. 
“Say it again.”
“Your cock is so big. It’s gonna stretch me open.” 
“Fuck—yeah I am, baby. Open your mouth.” You do as he instructs, opening your mouth wide as you stick out your tongue. “Good girl, Y/N.”
Thrusting his hips, his length moves between the opening making him mewl as he lifts up your shirt and kneads your breast with his hand. Hearing someone spit, he glances towards Eddie right as he was bending over his dick, allowing a glob of drool to land on the tip before stroking it along himself. 
Steve couldn’t take it anymore as he turned your head towards him and fully pushed his cock down your throat. While one hand petted your hair, the other returned to your cunt as he slid two of his fingers inside of you and pumped them at a fast pace. You were barely able to catch any form of breath as you whimpered and your throat constricted around him. 
“Goddamn it. Yes! Come on, baby. Cum. Cum for me.”
As his fingers curled inside of you, you moaned loudly as he held your head still while the dam broke and you came. 
Steve’s eyes were wild with lust as he pulled back and passionately kisses your lips as you gradually came down from your high. 
“Come on, Y/N.”, he murmured. “Let’s give Daddy a good show.”
You allowed him to take control as he moved you around till you both were facing Eddie with you on your hands and knees. The wheels of the desk chair rumbled along the floor as the vampire scooted till he was level with your face. His cold fingers grazed you skin as he helped you take of your shirt before caressing your cheek. 
“You both look so beautiful like this. God, I wish you two could smell and feel how I do. You’re right, princess. He needed this. All that fucking testosterone of being in control just radiating from him and the scent of your cunt just begging for him. Fuck me.”
While Eddie talked Steve positioned himself behind your body, mewling as he guided himself into you. The metalhead grinned as he watched your eyebrows scrunch together as he began stroking his cock again at the sight. 
“I know, baby. You can take it. G-Good girl. Look at Daddy, sweetheart. Fuck, you’re so pretty. How does she feel, Steve?” The man had both eyes closed while his hands took hold of your waist as he did small thrusts inside you. “Steve Harrington, I asked you something.”
“Tight…warm…fuck…”, he grunted. 
“What about you, baby girl?”
“Full. He-He’s so deep. Agh!”, you whine as Steve roughly smacks his hips against yours. “Can I kiss you, please?”
Nodding his head, his fingers tangle in your hair as he leans forward allowing you to taste his lips. You groan as the man behind picks up his rhythm at the sight, thrusting into you with purpose as he hits your sensitive spot over and over. 
“Don’t take your eyes of me.”, Eddie commands as he leans back and continues stroking his dick in front you. 
Steve leaned his chest onto you to your back, reaching under your body to play with your nipples and massage your tits in his large palms. 
“You feel so good, Y/N. So fucking wet and tight. Fuck. You take me so well, pretty girl. I knew—mmm—I knew from the first moment we talked to you…”
“W-What, baby? What did you know? Tell me, please.”
“You’re different.”, he grunted in your ear. “You don’t deserve the bullshit you’ve been through.”
Your arm reached around his neck and tilted his head so you could kiss his lips.
“I don’t ever have to worry about that again right, Steve? I’m safe with you two.”
“Fuck.”, the man growled as he pushed up onto his knees, tugging back on your hair to bring you with him. “Yeah, honey. You’re safe.”
“Jesus, it’s been—mmph—its been awhile since I’ve seen dominate Steve.”
You don’t see it but the man smirks at his vampire boyfriend as he thrusts faster into you, clinging to your body as his fingers come down to rub your clit. 
“Cum, baby. Please. I need to feel you squeeze my dick the way you squeezed my fingers. Make sure y-you keep your eyes on Daddy when you do, pretty girl.”
You did as you were told, staring into Eddie’s beautiful brown eyes as you moaned Steve’s name till you were blinded by white and nearly collapsed in his arms. 
“Yes! Good girl. Such a good, beautiful girl. Where can I cum, honey?”
“In-Inside. Please.”, you mumbled. 
Steve glanced towards Eddie who nodded in approval and with a few more rough pumps you felt him coat your insides.
“Shit. Come here, big boy.”
After carefully pulling out of you, you watched with half lidded eyes as Steve dutifully jumped down in front of him and took his partners cock into his mouth. Eddie groaned as his movements began choppy and he came down the boy’s throat.
Eddie coughs before his eyes shoot open and he sits up from his spot on the cold concrete. 
“Dustin? Henderson?!” Panic sets in as the silence around him become deafening. “S-Steve?”
Slowly, he wobbled to his feet taking in the upside down around him. All the bats were dead and there was none of the thunder or rumbles that had been there before. He groaned as his arms gripped his stomach. He was in an immense amount of pain. It wasn’t like a physical pain but something could almost feel in his soul. 
“Steve?” The metalhead turned in every direction but didn’t see the man he loved anywhere. 
“I miss you so much. I feel so lost without you, baby.”
“Steve!? I’m here! I’m right here!” Hobbling towards his trailer, he began to hear faint music. 
“And all I can taste is this moment And all I can breathe is your life And sooner or later, it's over I just don't wanna miss you tonight.”
Something in the atmosphere changed and Eddie felt it immediately. 
The man’s eyes went black, his mind filling with Steve as he ran almost violently through the wall of his home and jumped through the gate in the roof onto the floor of the dark trailer below.
Your eyes shot open as you gasped awake.
“Well, that’s new.”, Eddie said sarcastically as he scanned you over. 
“Hey, honey. You’re okay. Here drink this.”, Steve cooed as he hurried back into the bedroom with a bottle of water. “You’re safe, remember. It was just a nightmare.”
“No…it wasn’t.” Your eyes met with the vampires as he sighed and turned towards Steve. “She just experienced one of my memories.”
“How do you know that?”, he asked. 
“I felt it. It was the same way I felt…when I woke up and…”
The other man held up his hand to silence him. “Maybe she drank enough of your blood for that to happen? I mean I’m not surprised if drinking your blood can heal, who knows what else it can do.”
“Or your dick is just that amazing.”
Steve rolled his eyes as he smirked in his boyfriend’s direction. It took them a moment to realize you had started crying as you wrapped your arms around Eddie’s neck. 
“I’m so sorry you went through that. Waking up alone like that in that scary place and then feeling what you felt.” After you let him go, he kissed your forehead and Steve climbed in beside you. “There’s a lot I don’t know, huh.”
They both nodded and you did that same before laying down flat in their bed once more. 
“While you were asleep I cleaned you but I wasn’t sure if you needed anything else. Do you need anything?”
“No, Steve. Thank you.”
Turning off the light beside the bed, he rolled back over to be met with your awaiting arms as you circled them around his waist and rested your head on his chest. When you absently raised your arm in the air, they both seemed confused until you found Eddie’s wrist and tugged his own limbs around your hip. 
“Thank you both for what you did today.”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
As your eyes drift shut again, you feel the vampire move as he reaches over to caress Steve’s cheek and in return the man leans into it as he kisses his palm. 
“I’m sorry for what I said about how you could leave if you wanted to. Sometimes I forget that pain you went through without me since I was knocked out for most of it. Feeling her dream…my memory…when I woke up, Steve, it was the first thing I felt…your grief. I can understand you not wanting her to feel that.”
“Taking care of you isn’t chore for me. I like looking out for you but I know a lot of that is panic. I work so hard to keep things the same because if they are then I know the outcome. Honestly, she scares me. Like you I like Y/N a lot but it’s been a while since we’ve been vulnerable like this, Eddie. Tonight, we got lucky but what if other bad things happen?”
“Then like tonight, I’ll handle it. You’re not alone anymore, sweetheart. We can do anything together right?” Steve’s exhales before he nods. “One day at a time, baby. Let’s just focus on the positive…like me getting to watch my two beautiful babes go at it.”
Eddie sticks out his tongue making the man chuckle. 
“The three of us will have to talk about that part more but IS it ok if I’m her Daddy to?”
“Yeah, yeah of course, honey. As long as you and she are comfortable with it. Baby girl doesn’t know what she’s in for when it comes to you.”
“Well, she’ll find out soon enough.”
Part 1 Here
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leiawritesstories · 3 months
Familiar Feeling
written for @throneofglassmicrofics using the prompts "Fight or Flight" and "Daylight"
a continuation of Familiar Stranger
Word count: 698
Warnings: some angst, soft ending :)
Tucked into a cozy brick storefront at the corner of Main Street and Fifth Street was Mistward, Aelin's favorite bakery in her hometown. She'd been a regular customer there since she was a child, and the warm, cinnamon-tinged air wrapped around her like one of Emrys the baker's hugs every time she pushed open the bright blue front door. She stood in line behind an adorable older couple, waiting to step up to the counter and order the chocolate hazelnut croissant and iced latte that had been her staple for years, when the bells on the front door chimed and all six foot four of Rowan Whitethorn ducked into the suddenly-too-small space.
Her chattering brain went silent, along with the hum of the bakery ambience, as her eyes crashed into his with all the force of the Pacific during a winter storm. Her spine flashed hot and then cold, a surge of adrenaline kicking her fight or flight instinct into high gear, and she was all but poised to take off like an Olympic sprinter when a warm, soft voice broke through the haze.
"Aelin, dear!" Emrys caught her shaking hands, his dark eyes crinkling with his sunny smile. "I've missed you."
She beamed and hugged him, his comforting scent of sugar and spices grounding her. "I've missed you too, Emrys."
He flicked a single, sharp glance at the man who remained frozen just inside the doorway. "Something tells me he's missed you as well."
"He doesn't get to miss me." Only a whisper, but sharper than a razor blade.
Emrys simply nodded. "I'll get your usual, dear. On the house today."
She thanked him and, carefully avoiding Rowan's presence, crossed the bakery and sat down at a weathered wooden table next to the expansive bay windows. Warm golden sunlight spilled across the old, smooth-worn oak surface, early summer daylight breaking through the morning fog, and she brushed her fingers across the tabletop, drawing in the hint of warmth.
Her coffee and croissant were set gently on the table, and she glanced up to find Rowan beside her table, nudging her plate towards her, a steaming mug in his free hand. "Emrys had me bring this for you. My name is Rowan."
"I..." Her brows wrinkled in confusion. "I'm Aelin."
"Lovely to meet you, Aelin." He dipped his head at the empty seat across from her. "May I?"
Reining in her flight instinct, she nodded. "Why did you just introduce yourself to me as if we don't know each other?"
Shadows flickered across his face. "You said we were strangers." He set down his mug--Americano, one sugar, the same coffee he'd been drinking since they were sixteen. "So I did what any stranger would do when he sees a beautiful woman."
A long-buried, achingly familiar feeling tugged on Aelin's heart at the sincerity in Rowan's words. "Okay." She sipped from her coffee, willing the beverage to give her strength. "Why are you here, Rowan? I thought you promised to never come back."
"We both know I could never stay away." Deep green met sunlit turquoise again, both stares open, searching. "Aelin, I...I was every kind of idiot, and you're right. I should have tried to--I should have tried."
Slowly, she nodded. "I was...in a difficult place, mentally and emotionally, and I've made a lot of progress since then, but I know now that nothing would have changed." She twisted the hammered gold band around her right forefinger. "I come home every summer."
"I know." He laughed sheepishly at her incredulous expression, a coral flush dusting his cheeks. "Uh...I might have asked my mom to tell me if you came back."
"You little snoop," she teased, and the mischievous humor that glinted in her eyes warmed his heart like a shot of pure sunlight.
His fleeting grin washed over her like the tide. "I could never let you go, Ae."
She reached across the table and laid her hands atop his, stilling his tapping fingers. "Then don't."
Her figure was framed in a golden wash of daylight as she leaned across the table and touched her lips to his, softer than the brush of morning mist against his skin.
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cloveroctobers · 1 year
DECEMBER DRABBLES — 5. Carmy Berzatto x black! Reader 🌨️
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Synopsis; We love a girlfriend who can’t cook but tries to do something sweet for her chef boyfriend.
A/N: this is for my sisters that can’t cook for shit but try their hardest. I feel for y’all…let me shut up like I’m really out here actually cooking full meals lmao! but will that stop me from acting like I’m on a chopped segment? No. + I just started rewatching this series and realized I missed out on a lot the first round lol.
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PROMPT: #22. “I wanted to make you a holiday dinner, but I forgot I can’t cook.”
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Fresh flakes fell from Carmen Berzatto’s straggly hair as he lightly shook it, entering his apartment at the late hour.
He sniffed mainly to stop his nose running from the frigid air, as he tossed his black wool coat onto a coat hook and that’s when he smelled something faint but not so pleasant.
Using the wall for leverage, he kicked off his work shoes and went by the front door, heading straight to the kitchen. He expected to see leftover pans still in his sink from a spinach frittata he took the time to make for breakfast two days ago but…found it clean. The blue eyed man scratched at his brow, trying to rack his brain on when he got around to doing that, until his eyes focused on something wrapped sitting on the stove.
Carmen gripped the aluminum, pulling at its edges to see what appeared to be a sweet potato pie. The only thing that looked wrong was it’s evident shape, the crust also was too thick, uneven and not flaky. He couldn’t speak for the taste and desserts wasn’t his specialty but Carmen Berzatto was positive that he did not make this monstrosity.
Who the fuck’s been in his apartment?
As soon at that thought whipped through his mind, he shifted his body to his cramped living space. Something green slid across the counter towards him and into the sink, revealing to be wrapped in a red bow at its stems with one single bell attached.
Frowning, Carmy plucked up the plant to bring up to his eyesight and took in its earthy scent of the mistletoe. That’s when his eyes moved back to his living room to see her standing in his line of vision, stretching with her arms raised up above her head, followed by a small yawn that escaped her heart-shaped lips.
Her braided ponytail swayed as she got her stretch out and smiled as they settled on Carmy. Carmy was still at a lost of words at the woman who stepped forward to place her hands on the opposite counter. The elegance in her steps and the fitted white attire that brought out her melanin made Carmy lick his bottom lip.
How could he forget her?
His girlfriend.
Carmy’s got used to coming home to a empty apartment and couldn’t find enjoyment in that. He didn’t share this space with anyone and was barely inside of it himself. It was just a place that held things he gained over his years of life but no longer felt a connection to?
“What do you have there, Mr. Berzatto?” A playful glint was written in her dark eyes as she leaned against the counter.
Not leaving much to the imagination but Carmy certainly wasn’t complaining.
“Uh, mistletoe?”
“I think I’m owed a kiss then.”
Carmy’s face lifted with small smile lines in his cheeks as he made his way over to the woman who turned to him, ready. Her bare arms locked across his shoulders, intertwining behind his head as he peered into her eyes and breathed in her warm scent of: fresh roasted marshmallows, violets, and plums.
A kiss followed next, with Carmy’s cold tatted fingers resting dangerously low on her spine.
“Welcome home,” She breathed once they broke apart, making Carmy’s heart began to drum.
He’s not sure he’s ever felt like this before, not towards anyone. Especially when he didn’t have many long-lasting girlfriends in his life. It was never a priority or interest for him, especially once he went away to school. Sure he had a few one-night stands in culinary school and ghosted a few others that showed interest in him before but they never equated to this feeling right here.
Fuzzy yet comfortable tossed into a box with a pretty red ribbon on top. Is this what home looks like? Carmy found himself caressing the fullness of her round face to make sure that she was real and that he wasn’t dreaming again. It took him mere seconds to realize that it wasn’t, since the dreams he had were never this serene.
“It’s good to have you here,” Carmy said bringing her into his chest, not caring if she heard how loud his heart was beating with her in his arms, “were you waiting up all this time for me?”
He felt her hand caress his back, squeezing herself as close as possible to his frame, “mmm I don’t know how long really. I went out with the girls and ran into three of my co-workers at the club. They also took a trip up here? Surprisingly it didn’t mess the vibe up too much but I actually got tired of the club scene really quick and knew I rather spend my time here.”
Carmy believed that.
He knew the stories of how she spent her early twenties modeling internationally to get through college. She often told Carmy that the American clubs had nothing on the ones overseas and Carmy took her word for it. He didn’t have much free-time when it came to the culinary arts and even when he did, he stuck to bars. That was more his speed than anything.
“Did you sleep here?” Carmy further quizzed, his round eyes met the famous chocolate Sherpa blanket tossed to the side on his couch and the boots leaned over on the floor, “Ah shit, you should have called me, I would have been here a lot sooner.”
He couldn’t predict that but it was nice that he said it. From the outside point of view, the relationship didn’t make much sense to those that knew about Carmy’s relationship. He was the owner of a growing business, so time was always limited and she was still a part-time model and teacher’s aide…in Philadelphia.
It’s only been a couple of months since Carmy got into this relationship and long-distance was certainly a thing but it worked for them; that’s all that really mattered.
“It’s fine, Carm-Parm,” she leaned back to look into his blues, “I wanted to make you a holiday dinner, but I forgot I can’t cook.”
Carmy dipped his head, “so that’s what that was back there on the stove?”
“Oh no, that’s the final result.” She informed the man, “it was much worse before that. I even sent texts to Sugar for input and got no response but I know she read it. Then after getting my dad involved, he immediately called me to tell me that I am a embarrassment to our Sudanese culture.”
Carmy winced at that as she twisted her lips around before sighing as he replied, “that’s fucked up, you think he meant it?”
“Well of course! The first time he put me in the kitchen with my aunties, we were making Ful Medames—it’s almost like a bean dip. My job was to take care of the most important part, the beans! After they’ve been soaked over night you’re supposed to mash them…I got glass all in the beans and burned the boiled eggs.” She informed Carmy who awkwardly used one hand to scratch at the back of his head.
There were plenty of times that she offered to grab Carmy something, even if she was off in another state and now he understood why. However he was sure there had to be something out there that his girlfriend could make.
“Let’s try that pie then,” Carmy decided, watching as the dark skinned woman perked up at that.
It was after midnight and a midnight snack never hurt nobody—
Says the man with the messed up stomach.
She led him back into the kitchen, leaving him to do the honors as she pulled out the bowl of most-likely spiked eggnog to set on the counter closest to the stove. Carmy grabbed a paper plate, a knife, and began slicing himself a piece of pie to place into the microwave.
Gracefully she moved around Carmen in the kitchen for glasses, then she scooped the egg nog into two cups while they waited for the sweet potato pie.
“Cheers!” She bounced on her toes, tapping the goblet glass against her boyfriend’s before taking a large gulp.
The part about being a cook is that you have to make good judgment calls and be open to trying new things.
So Carmy sipped just in time the microwave signaled that the pie was ready, “I can see that your mission with this nog is to get completely fucked up.”
She laughed and sent a wink the man’s way who blew air from his mouth as the rum shook his insides. Placing the glass to the side, Carmy yanked the microwave open and peered at the pie. The color was always beautiful to look at as he placed the plate onto the counter and thanked the woman beside him who held out a fork.
Leaning against the counter, Carmy inhaled the dessert and pressed his fork down into it. The crust immediately crumbled like sand underneath the pressure but he kept going until he got enough onto the fork.
Here goes nothing.
He took his time savoring the multiple flavors he was picking up on this pie. Personally he didn’t care for pies much but again, he was open. The pie was so sweet yet he could taste a small hint of tartness, possibly orange juice? He wasn’t sure if that was a common thing for these pies or not but it wasn’t horrible flavor wise, just a tad too sweet for his liking.
“Be real with me, Chef.”
“Presentation could be better,” Carmy started in which the woman nodded her head in agreement, “but it’s not bad. Just a little too sweet…what kind of sugar did you use?”
“Dark brown sugar and granulated sugar to have some balance in there.”
“Okay, I see where you were going with that,” Carmy wiped at his lips holding his hands up for a high-five, their hands interlocking, “next time you might want to use less measurements.”
“Measurements?” She titled her head to the side, “a real chef doesn’t use measurements, they eye it.”
Sure if the dish turns out to be a winner and you remember the measurements exactly without it being on paper, have at it.
She took Carmen’s silence as a response, making her pout slightly before she rolled that off her shoulders. Carmy laughed, holding his arms out to pull the woman back into his embrace, his lips pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“I liked the eggnog.” Carmy whispered, making her scoff.
Her hands went to rub at his back again, before lifting her head to place a open-mouthed kiss to his neck. Carmy almost crumbled just like her pie crust back there, feeling his arms tighten around her in that moment.
“Have you eaten, Carmy?”
That was usually his question for her…but he found himself thinking about it.
“Yeah…much earlier with the crew.”
She hummed as she stepped back, her hand holding onto Carmy’s much cooler one.
“Did I forget to mention that you look…stunning in that outfit tonight?” Carmy said, analyzing the corset, pearl studded mini skirt, and her long legs.
She made him spin her underneath his arm just to rest with her back against his front.
He needed to be closer. Much closer.
“Why, Thank you, chef.” Her voice was sultry as she spoke, “why don’t you see if you can enjoy the holiday dinner underneath it instead?”
That was all the invitation Carmen needed. He was quick unraveling his arm from around her frame just to spin her back around to face him. He preferred being face to face with his girl and she knew that, letting out a squeal as his hands went to her ass, lifting her up and against his hips.
Her hands gripped his jaw as he looked up at her, his eyes darkening like snowfall hitting the night pavement, awaiting her sweet mouth again but knew she would be teasing after his food review. However that didn’t stop him from leading the way back to his bedroom, thrilled to get those stockings off and be reminded why she might be his new favorite holiday.
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Continue along with my December anthology prompts here.
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pepperonidk · 2 years
i. the gentle indifference of the world || all my love
"I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world." - The Stranger; Albert Camus
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Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x f!Reader Summary:  He's cool, smart, attractive... and completely out of your league. But that won't stop you from falling head over heels for him. Warnings: none Word Count: (i’ll be right by ur side till) 3005 A/N: i've rewritten this chapter like 6 times bc i was so nervous but uh it's finally out in the world heyooo. can anyone guess what anime this was based off?
take a look at my pinned post to see how to join the aml taglist! back to library || next chapter
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If you had listened to the rational voice in your head when your dad broke the news to you, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
If you had started making a list of things to pack, if you had called either of your two best friends immediately after, if you decided to be sane for 12 minutes, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
However, hindsight is 20/20, but in terms of foresight? You shouldn’t be allowed near the driver’s seat of any vehicle. Because instead of making any of the simple rational decisions after your father mentioned the possibility of moving across the country, you chose to sit down at your desk and write a letter. Fountain pen in hand and a candle burning beside you, for 12 minutes you were a character in a Jane Austen novel. Probably Lydia Bennett of all people, but a Jane Austen character nonetheless.
And that letter was how you found yourself in this situation – mortified and surrounded by whispers and stares, but worst of all, the icy glare of Jeon Wonwoo was fixed on the pretty pink card in your hands.
A simple “no thanks,” and that was it, but why did it feel like time stopped? One word was enough to crumble your fragile heart and you froze right in place. It wasn’t until you felt a pair of arms wrap around you that you began to breathe again, and blood rushed back into your brain enough for you to see Wonwoo turn the corner and disappear.
Once you finally felt your heartbeat return to normal, you looked around to see the empty classroom you were in and you let out a sigh.
“You ready to tell us what just happened?” one concerned voice asked. Seokmin’s voice was always gentle, always cheerful, usually loud, but the softness in his tone this time tipped you over the edge and you felt the sting of fresh tears in your eyes. He knelt down to look you in the eye as your other friend, Mingyu, helped you to sit at a desk.
Another sigh and you finally began to explain. “My dad said we might be moving in a couple of weeks,” you started, feeling your heart sink at the looks of hurt on your friends’ faces. “So I guess part of me panicked and I decided to tell Wonwoo how I felt.”
Now it was Mingyu’s turn to let out a sigh. The ever rational, ever charming Mingyu, who could see the end of any problem. His sigh was not out of pity, but out of frustration. “You know you could’ve called us right? We could’ve talked this through, came up with a better way to do this.” You knew that Mingyu and Seokmin would not have let you go through with the idea if you had called, but you appreciated the fact that he didn’t say that.
“I know,” you began to argue. “But I don’t know, part of me… hoped he would say yes.” You didn’t miss the way Mingyu and Seokmin’s eyes went wide as you mumbled the end of your sentence. “At least anything but whatever the hell happened today.”
You knew Mingyu was holding himself back. In his head he runs through every scenario before he acts, actually somewhat calculating underneath his laid-back exterior. He knew this was the most likely scenario, but he would never tell you that, so he lets out a sigh instead and turns his attention to the math equations written on the whiteboard. 
Seokmin on the other hand was a reactor. His heart was on his sleeve and his anger at seeing his best friend upset was clear in his furrowed eyebrows and shaky voice. “I just don’t get why you keep wasting your time on him,” he confessed. “He’s too dense for his own good and he’s not particularly nice either. He’s smart academically, but stupid in every other way. He’s really not worth it.”
Mingyu turned around, surprised at Seokmin’s outburst. “Seokmin,” he called out. “Aren’t you friends with him?”
Seokmin scoffed in response. “What about it?” he answered back. “You guys are stupid too, but we’re still friends.” A beat of silence passed as the three of you stared at each other, unblinking, before laughter broke the stillness. It was moments like this that made you pause to appreciate the two boys you called your best friends. Although life had its ups and downs, the downs never lasted long, not when you had two loving friends to pull you right back up.
You stood up, a renewed sense of pride and determination filling you up. “You’re right Seokmin,” you exclaimed and Seokmin gave you a thumbs up in return. “Boys are stupid.” Mingyu and Seokmin shared a shocked look.
“Well that’s not–” Seokmin began to protest.
“I’m not stupid,” Mingyu started a little too loudly and boldly. “I wouldn’t have turned you down.” 
He finished his sentence softly as he watched you walk out of the classroom door. Seokmin placed a comforting arm around Mingyu’s shoulders. “I wouldn’t have turned you down either Mingyu,” he teased as Mingyu shoved him to the side.
Despite your renewed sense of pride, the quietness of your study period left you too much time to think and you found yourself lost in a sense of nostalgia as you sat at a table in the library.
The first time you met Wonwoo was still painted clear as day in your mind. 
You were a freshman searching for solace amidst the chaos of high school on the first day and you had found yourself in the library. Until now, it was a place of peace for you, but especially so on that first day. 
Running your fingers along the aisles of books, you found one that you wanted to read. The Stranger, by Albert Camus, sitting right at the top shelf, pushed just a little too far back for you to be able to wiggle it out. You let out a sigh, and rolled up your sleeve, embarrassed that your next plan of attack was to climb the shelf to be able to reach the book. You braced yourself, shutting your eyes and taking a deep breath, when a baritone chuckle snapped you out of your thoughts. 
You had opened your eyes to see an arm  reaching past you to grab a book off the shelf– your book. In your head you cursed his long legs and arms, but as you met eyes with the boy, you felt your heart sink down to your toes and shoot right back up and suddenly you didn’t want to read a book that was so nihilist anymore. Meursault may not have found it, but love suddenly became something that mattered.
He handed the book in your direction and you had to force your attention to his words and away from his face. “Were you trying to get this?” he asked.
“Huh?” you blinked before looking down at the book you were no longer interested in. “Oh, yeah, I was but, I don’t know if I want to read it anymore.”
He hummed and nodded in response as he inspected the book. “The Stranger,” He read. “Is it good?” 
“Yeah, if you’re into stories about life having no meaning,” you explained, suddenly flustered at the way he seemed to take your words seriously.
“I see,” he replied. “Then do you think life has no meaning? It seemed like you wanted this book pretty badly.” The weight of his question startled you as you tried to stammer out a response but before you could get anything significant out, his watch beeped and he was already turning his back to you. “Thanks for the book recommendation,” he called back, waving the book in the air.
That day, Wonwoo stole not only your book, but your affections. 
For the next four years of your life, you found yourself loving him from a distance. You’d see him in the hallways, in class, but you could never bring yourself to say anything to him and you resigned yourself to this distance. It was lonely, but it was safe, and that was good enough for you… until today.
Now, after breaking that distance, you wished you never did. It was easier to never know how he felt about you, to be in love with the memory you had of him rather than be crushed by reality. 
The final bell finally rang and you were more than ready to head home. Outside the quiet bubble of the library, the school was cheering, the drumline playing in the main hall and everyone shouting cheers to the football team, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to celebrate your senior homecoming game with the rest of the school. Instead you found Seokmin and Mingyu and made your way home.
“Welcome home!” 
The sound of your father’s voice filled you with warmth as soon as he opened the door, the joy in his greeting briefly making you forget the events of the day. He wrapped you in a tight embrace, still smelling of spices from his day spent at the restaurant, and led you and your friends into the house. 
Once inside, your dad gave your friends a confused look. “Isn’t tonight your last homecoming game? Shouldn’t you be at the game?” He questioned as the three of you kicked off your shoes and set your backpacks down by the door.
Seokmin looked over to you as he answered, “Nah,” he replied with an easy smile. “The real party is here.” Your dad let out a hearty laugh in response, which the three of you mirrored. 
“I had made way too much dinner for just the two of us, so it’s perfect that you guys are here,” your dad put his arms around Seokmin and Mingyu who cheered in response.
“Well, once I found out you were making the world’s best lasagna, how could I not invite myself over?” Mingyu said. The way your dad beamed back at Mingyu made both you and Seokmin chuckle. Mingyu was both an extremely talented chef as well as an extremely talented eater, and your dad absolutely adored him for it. He was always welcome to the family dinner.
“Careful, dad,” you chimed in. “Between Mingyu and Seokmin, there might not be any left for the two of us.” Your dad laughed in response as Mingyu rolled his eyes and Seokmin nodded. As you settled into the table, you realized your dad wasn’t exaggerating at all when he said he made way too much dinner. The table was lined with lasagna, roasts, vegetables, and lots of side dishes, enough for a feast. “What’s the occasion dad?” You asked as you looked around the table, trying to decide what to eat first. 
Your dad set his silverware down before explaining. “Well,” he began. “To be honest, I felt somewhat bad.” 
“About what?” you asked, your mouth full of lasagna. 
Your dad chuckled as he continued, passing you a napkin. “As I’m sure you’ve explained to your friends,” he gestured to Mingyu and Seokmin. “I accepted the offer to help start the new restaurant. I thought about it some more, and I felt bad that you would have to uproot your whole life right at the end of high school.”
You looked at him, urging him to continue.
“So I contacted my friend from college, the one I meet with for lunch sometimes, and he said that his son also goes to the same school as you and since they have a spare room, he’s offering to take you in for the year.” 
“No shit,” Mingyu exclaimed in response as Seokmin nudged him under the table, giving him a look reminding him to keep his foul language to himself, but your dad just laughed it off.
“That means I get to stay right?” You squealed. “I don’t have to leave?”
“Yes, that’s true,” your dad confirmed. “But it’s only for the year. At the end of your school year, you can move up with me, or if everything goes really well, I’ll be back home early.” He let out a sigh of relief at seeing the way the three of your faces lit up. Ever since you were little, you, Mingyu and Seokmin had been inseparable. You would walk to school and back home together, you would have sleepovers and every meal was spent together. Your dad felt that tearing you away from them right before you would have to separate for college anyway was cruel. 
He cleared his throat as he continued. “I know the situation isn’t ideal, and that you’ll probably miss me so so so much,” he teased. “But I know you’ll be in good hands while I’m away.” He smiled fondly at the two boys sitting around the table who were looking at you with nothing but adoration in their eyes.
The rest of dinner went by quietly. Polite talk here and there, but an overwhelming effort to avoid discussing your father’s move, which was at the end of the week, settled among the four of you. It wasn’t until after dinner, after Seokmin had to go home, that you finally got to process your feelings with Mingyu who stayed behind to help clean up.
“Gyu, you really didn’t have to stay,” You sighed as you leaned against the counter beside him as he turned on the faucet in the sink. “I don’t mind doing the dishes.”
He gave you the same winning smile that he gave your father earlier. “Please,” he began. “It’s the least I could do… you’ve had a long day.” He cocked his eyebrow at you, reminding you of the unopened note that now lay on top of your desk in your room. “How are you feeling?”
You grabbed a dish towel, helping Mingyu dry the dishes he washed, not wanting to meet his eyes. “Like a salad.” Mingyu turned to you with a confused chuckle, waiting for you to elaborate. “I feel so many things right now but I can’t really condense it all into one thing.”
Mingyu hummed thoughtfully before continuing. “Okay, well what’s the lettuce right now? The biggest thing you’re feeling.”
“Hmm…” you thought. “Sad, that my dad is leaving. I’ve never been away from him that long.” 
“Okay, what about the chicken?” You couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, appreciating the way Mingyu ran with your simile.
“The chicken… Happy.” You finally gave Mingyu a small smile. “Happy that I get to stay here with you and Seokmin.”
Mingyu smiled back at you. “I’m happy about that too. How are we supposed to be a trio if it’s just me and Seokmin?” 
You rolled your eyes playfully as you swatted his arm with the dish towel. “Gyu, you and Seokmin have enough personality for 13 people. I’m sure you would have found a way.”
He pouted in return, rubbing his arm where you swatted him before slipping back into a smile. “Not true, but whatever,” he relented. He was glad that the trio would remain a trio, but it got him thinking about what the future holds for the three of you. College was never really something you all had discussed in depth. Mostly just vague hypotheticals about what decorations to get for the apartment you’ll share and the kind of classes you’ll all take together. But in every future he could imagine, the three of you were always together.
After that night, the rest of the week passed by in a messy and teary blur, with Mingyu and Seokmin coming over every day to help you pack. Well, “help” was a strong word. They mostly sat on your bed and looked through your knick knacks while asking for snacks. They were also very unhelpful at trying to convince you to “Marie Kondo” your room, as they called it.
Seokmin tried convincing you that maybe you should leave your giant stuffed avocado behind, to which you adamantly argued against because he won it for you at the school carnival last year. Mingyu asked why you still kept your report card from fifth grade in a treasure chest, to which you responded by showing him the teacher’s notes, “Had to separate her from Mingyu and Seokmin. They distract each other and draw pictures on their math homework. Always laughing and smiling in class :)”
Going through your whole room with them was a lot less embarrassing than you had expected, and by the end of the week, you were ready to go with only the essentials packed. Mingyu and Seokmin came to see you off, helping your dad pack your things into the car and they each gave you a big hug before letting you go.
Your dad laughed at the scene, watching the three of you get teary eyed even though you would still see each other every day at school. But when he finally drove off and saw you looking wistfully out the window, he felt a pang in his chest and it reminded him how much he’s going to miss you as well. 
The drive was fun as it always was with your dad, but as he parked in front of a huge house in a very wealthy neighborhood, the grin on your face grew even more. The homes in this neighborhood were much bigger than your own, and you figured you should enjoy yourself while you’re here. Your dad took your hand as the two of you walked to the front door of his college buddy’s home, telling you a silly story about their adventures together in university.
“Oh, I’m so excited you get to meet him,” your dad exclaimed as he rang the bell. “I heard his son is actually in your grade, so maybe you already know him.”
You looked at your dad curiously. “What’s his name?” 
But before your dad could respond, the door swung open to reveal none other than–
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faretheeoscar · 5 months
Imperfectly, perfect Christmas
Pairing: Santiago Garcia x gn! reader
--Warnings: non, just pure fluff-
A/N: English is not my first language so I'm sorry if there’s any mistakes.
Proofread by my girls: @mandodinstuff & @lauraispunk
Word count: 700ish~
Happy Holidays! 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄
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Amidst the twinkling lights of your early celebration of Christmas you and Santiago have planned before you went home to your family to celebrate the holidays, Santiago, besides prepping his house and decorated it all over, he wanted another way to express his love for you, so he embarked on a heartfelt mission: to bake a batch of cookies for his beloved, intending to surprise you trying to make this day more memorable, you've always teased him about his cooking skills, but he wanted to try to do something extra for you, since you were always so attentive towards him and filled his life with love.With a cherished family recipe in hand and a mix of ingredients settled down on the kitchen counter Santiago armed himself with an apron and a whisk and ventured into the world of baking something he has never tried before, but if he succeeded in it, it'll make the perfect Christmas present for you.
Engrossed in the art of mixing flour, sugar, and spices, trying to follow every step on his Abuela's perfectly handwritten recipe as precise as he could ,Santiago was immersed in a vision of your delighted expression upon tasting his homemade treats and also getting lost in the nostalgia of the sweet scent that the mixing of the ingredients brought to him immediately sending his brain towards his childhood memories.However, amidst the holiday tunes he put up on the speakers and all the kitchen bustle, Santiago's attention faltered momentarily. The sudden beep of the oven timer broke his concentration, and he hurriedly checked on the cookies, only to find them slightly more golden (to not say completely burn) than anticipated.
With a sigh, Santiago realized his grand baking plan had failed tremendously. Determined not to disappoint you, and with his goal in mind to still surprise and make the evening somehow different for the both of you when you came home, he dashed to the nearest store, only to get there and found all racks empty and the only thing available for him on seeking solace were the pre-made cookie houses on display.
Racing back home, Santiago carefully arranged the store-bought cookie house on a platter, adorning it with twinkling lights and festive decorations, hoping it would make up for his baking misadventure.
The doorbell chimed, signaling your arrival, he opened the door and your nostrils were immediately filled with the characteristic smell of gingerbread cookies, the house was fully decorated with lights in a romantic setting.
"Santiago, what's all this?" You chuckled as you took of your coat and saw all the decorations and all the effort he made for your early Christmas celebration, although your attention quickly went to the beautiful cookie house.” Amor, this is absolutely stunning! Did you make all of this?"
Santiago scratched the back of his head and immediately blushed when you asked him what he most dreaded knowing you would tease him about it "Well, I tried. But, uh, not exactly…"
"Not exactly? What happened, Chef Santiago? Did the cookies rebel against your culinary skills?" You teased him while hugging him by the waist earning a playful roll of eyes from him
"It was a slight… mishap in the kitchen. They got a bit too crispy." Santiago said sheepishly as he caressed your cheek softly.
"So, you're telling me this marvelous creation is the result of an 'oopsie' in the oven?"
Santiago chuckled at your words and shrugged a little "I might have underestimated the timer a tad."
“It’s okay, honey, thanks for the effort anyways and thanks to “Mr Wilton ready to build” for saving the day” you laughed softly taking a look once again at the pre built gingerbread house kit at the table
“Merry Christmas Santi”
"Sort of Merry Christmas, corazón" he chuckled and gave you a chaste kiss on your lips.
As the evening unfolded, giggles and warmth filled the room as you and Santiago enjoyed the store-bought cookie house, relishing the imperfectly perfect moment and the thoughtful gesture that embodied Santiago's love for you.
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Quirk: Unkown
Warnings for this chapter: None 🤷‍♀️
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Chapter 3: Why a hero?
"Why did you let her go?" Mom sobbed, swiping her hands over her eyes. As soon as you had left, the waterworks broke out, triggering her body. Deep anger stabbed her sides, as did your withering trust in her, sensing the betrayel you felt.
"She wanted a chance," Dad rubbed her back soothingly. He felt a speck of pride in a pool of regret; It didn't sound like his daughter passed the exam, and her confidence was broken. "I know you didn't want her to, but she's a determined kid."
"She could get herself injured- or even killed!"
"...I know," Dad nodded to himself, eyes watering. He was surer than sure that you were capable, but the nagging thoughts never left.
Heroes were stuck in a difficult gamble, and they were held responsible for many things. It wasn't easy; the career took years of experience and skill, and heroes still died. Plus, they couldn't save everyone.
'What's the point?' Your mother had wracked her brain with the same question over and over.
"There's a bright side to this, too. She could really help people..." Dad tried, earning a sniffle and shake of the head from his wife. "...I'm sorry for going behind your back."
Mom looked at him, lip trembling.
Not even a moment later, her eyes widened and her body contracted. With a groan she gingerly touched her temple as Dad grasped her other hand in deep worry.
"This is a bit much on you," he apologized. "I'll bring Dr. Cooper in-"
"Ah, it's fine," she seethed and waved a hand. "Just go. Make sure y/n doesn't get run over or something."
Sleep came easy the night before, and you found yourself blinking it from your eyes the next morning. Groggily you sat up and reached for your phone, droopy eyed.
9:26 am
You grumbled and stood up to walk out into the kitchen. Dad was nowhere to be found.
'Probably still asleep,' you thought, rummaging around the cabinets and fridge on a hunt for breakfast. 'Nothing much. I'll pop by the store...' Usually some cereal or a protein bar would be filling, but they were all eaten now.
You left a text for Dad, telling him that you would be back soon, not expecting a reply just yet. With a breezy change of clothing, you took some cash and went out into the city.
The sound of cars and light conversation met your ears; It was comforting. And as you walked, some birds flew overhead, darting sideways at every sudden sound and movement. You could sense their simple hunger and strained caution.
That was another aspect about your quirk- you could pick up what other living things were feeling. With people you were close with, like your Dad, their emotions are more pronounced and easier to detect, especially if you are physically close to them.
But sometimes you wished you didn't have this quirk.
It was helpful when your friend cut himself with knife on accident, and you ran straight to him with a bandage, but you could feel the stinging pain in your own palm. It was pure agony at 5 years old.
Similar scenarios would occur every now and then, but you learned how to get rid of the feelings that weren't yours.
Ding, ding.
You walked into a little corner store with some snacks, far from empty this morning. A few squeals from small children and faint words floated around the building as you scanned the shelves.
Granola bars, candy, instant noodles...
"Oh-uh, sorry!"
A voice sounded beside you, making you flinch slightly as your shoulder connected with another.
"My bad," you ducked your head respectfully, rising again to see the skinny... green haired...
"Hey! You're from the practical exam, right?" You peered at the boy curiously, a yellow pack slung over his shoulder. He waved his hands in the air while trying to form words.
"Oh yes," he grinned nervously. "I'm Izuku Midoriya. What a coincidence! We must live near eachother..."
"Yeah," you replied, eyeing him as you selected some packaged noodles. "I'm y/n l/n."
Midoriya hummed.
"Uh, what's your quirk?" He asked shyly, rubbing his arm with a finger. You pursed your lips.
"I'm actually not sure," you replied, slightly embarrassed. "It's not documented properly; there's not a lot of official info on it, either..."
A few beeps from the register up front struck the tense air.
"...why did you apply?" Midoriya asked, earning an odd expression from you. "Uh- I didn't mean for that to come off as rude! I just wanted to know- like-"
"It's fine," you rolled your eyes with a soft smile, returning to thought. "I guess I'm doing it for my folks, y'know?" Nothing else came to mind.
Really? Why, though? Why try at all? What motive are you set on?
"Why did you apply?" You dusted off the unease, watching as the boy tensed up. He rubbed the back of his neck while a wavering doubt and unsure wave brushed your shoulders.
"To..." He sighed, staring at the shelf. "...to make people feel safe." He smiled at you with wide, round eyes. You grinned half heartedly.
"That's a good reason."
Deku hadda grab some treats for his mom's sweet tooth.
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Will the Wise
pairing: Steve Harrington x Female Byers!Reader
genre: follows show plot lines, but will diverge from canon, obviously
WC: 6.2K
warnings: cursing, billy being billy, the very last part of this is a bit graphic mentions of blood, throwing up, deformed bodies (its not for the faint of heart basically)
summary: well aren’t you getting a bit cozy with Harrington. also will is going through some shit. also where the hell did Jonathan fuck off to?
A/N: ALL PARTS UNDER THE TAG -The Byers Harrington Story-
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many thank yous to @alecmores​, my proof reader. they are the reason i don’t sound like an idiot. also they said this was their favorite👀
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The ringing felt like it lasted forever, when in actuality, it was only two rings before someone picked up.
“Hey, sorry to bother-” “You need a ride home?” “Yeah. No one is answering the home phone and Bob doesn’t leave until later. I just wanted to see if the offer was still-” “Oh, actually I have last-minute plans. Sorry,” Steve hissed in apology.
Disappointment seeped in, “oh, okay. I’ll try-”
His abrupt laughter on the other end stopped your sentence short, “I’m kidding, Byers. I’ll be there in ten minutes,” and then he hung up.
“Uh, Steve Harrington is asking for you up front,” Randy, a senior who works with you, mentioned when he walked into the break room.
Gathering up your things, you state “Thanks, Randy. See you tomorrow?” he nodded his head at you and you left the small room.
With your coat, school bag, and books in hand, you headed up front to see Bob seated behind the counter, and just as you turned the corner, Steve’s back was the first thing you saw. The fabric of his jacket pulled against his wide shoulders and shifted at the muscle on his biceps. The ends of his hair caressing his neck, a couple of pieces tucked behind his ear as they curled upward, just an inch from tickling the skin.
Letting out a jagged breath, you continued your walk forward and stood beside Bob at the counter, “so, I’ll see you later, Bob?”
You saw Steve turn around at the sound of your voice, but you didn’t want to notice him just yet. You needed a moment to compose yourself.
“We’ll see, Joyce hasn’t been answering the phone.”
“Yep, that’s why I had to call in my chauffeur. Isn’t that right, Harrington?” pushing the joking tone hard onto the words.
Steve turned his charming smile onto both you and Bob, just the simple pull of his lips threw your heart off rhythm, “At your service, Byers.”
‘He has no idea, does he?’ the intense effect he inflicts on you, something he does with just breathing, or even looking in your direction.
“Uh, well, hope to see you tonight, Bob,” you gave a wave as your final goodbye.
Steve walked out the door first but waited until you left to release his hold on it. He then rushed to the passenger side of his car and threw the door open for you, “Miss Byers,” he continued to play up the chauffeur role.
You grinned, “Thank you, Mr. Harrington,” and you slid into the leather seat.
You took those two seconds to just admire him as he jogged in front of the car to his side but snapped back to reality with a shake of your brain. ‘He and Nancy are still together, I think’ ‘They just fought, all couples have fights’ ‘That doesn’t mean they just broke up, or did they?’ ‘Nancy couldn’t say-’
“Got any plans for the upcoming weekend?” Steve making light conversation stopped the train of thoughts. 
“Uh, not at the moment. Might just catch up on reading, or clean my room. We’ll see where the day takes me,” it took a minute to walk away from the noisy thoughts.
Looking from outside the front windshield staring down the highway, to sneaking a glance at Steve as he distracted himself with the empty road, his hands fiddling with the steering wheel. His beauty was too distracting for your brain, you whipped your head to the forest speeding past the maroon car, the blurriness and stillness allowing for your mind to wander. You kept your head tilted towards the window, your arm going to rest near the glass with your fist smushing into your cheek.
With your mind slowly leaving reality, you almost missed the next sentence that Steve spoke into the quiet car, “Would you be down to hang out with me?”
You thought your heart stopped beating for five seconds, your eyes widening at the forest. You didn’t say anything back right away, you didn’t even know what you could say. Steve was taking the initiative with this friendship and asking you himself if you wanted to spend time over the weekend, you thought this was a dream for a moment.
“If you’re free, of course. I don’t want to disrupt your reading or fall cleaning,” the grin evident in his voice.
Your brain started to catch up, “and what- what would we do, if we hung out,” the flirtiness seeping into your words, unintentionally you might add.
The boyish grin made another appearance, “whatever we feel like doing. What if I just want to be out of the house and bother you this weekend? How does that sound?”
‘Dangerous territory’ is a reminder for yourself.
“Well, if you do want to come over, you’ll just watch me clean. My room’s a mess, and if I don’t clean it up now, it’s going to get worse and affect my mood,” trying to keep this from sounding anything other than friends hanging out.
A grin appeared at your reply, “let's say I do come over to your house and keep you company while you clean, how would- how would Jonathan feel?” he was hesitant at the end.
“Uh-”, yeah, the two of them are still estranged, “I can see what he’s up to this weekend. If you do want to hang out and be bored for however long you stay.”
“Of course, I want to hang out with my friend, we’ve barely hung out since summer, and that was work,” a breathy laugh followed.
The word stung as usual, but it was the unabashed truth of your relationship, “yeah, feel like that’s a bit on me,” a sullen reply.
“Uh, work, school, family stuff. Also still getting used to being friends with-” “Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington?” Steve replied in a bored voice.
You nodded your head. Those were all truths used to cover the only other truth you couldn’t say aloud. That you had feelings for Steve, duh.
The slow drive up to your house brought the conversation to its end. The two of you sat in his car for a few moments, the engine still running to keep the chill at bay. Not knowing if the whole conversation was at its end, you slowly reached for your bag and books. You tried to savor these next few seconds before you left the car.
“Hey,” his voice called out, “is it okay if I call Saturday morning? I do want to hang out with you, plus I don’t have many friends these days and I don’t want to be home,” he revealed the last part quietly.
A beat passed for a moment. You forgot about your bag and books, instead turning slightly in the seat to face Steve, your left knee resting near the gear shift, “do you miss…being King Steve?” a quiet question, “you were the most popular dude in school, girls practically drooled when you walked down the halls, and all the guys wanted to be associated with you. And it seems you mostly hang out with Nancy or sometimes you’ll talk with me, don’t you miss Tommy and Carol? Don’t you miss your normal?”
His head leaned on his shoulder to look at you and then he copied your posture, his body turned with his right knee sitting near the shift.
“Sometimes yeah. I miss the attention at moments, but I was lonely. Sure, I was friends with Tommy and Carol, but they were assholes and self-absorbed. Plus that Billy dude is Tommy’s new friend basically, I’m easily replaceable,” he scoffed.
‘Not to me’, you wanted to voice.
He continued, “but slowly I just was getting tired of being ‘The King.’ I didn’t even really care about the title, I was just happy to be noticed by people. But I’m glad I was there that night.”
A furrowed brow at the statement, “The night we had to fight an inter-dimensional monster? Why? You could still be living your normal life if you stayed away?”
“Yeah, but my normal life was miserable, even if I didn’t voluntarily choose to notice it. And, as it might sound, it helped me notice you and Jonathan in a different light. I based my thoughts on what my parents have told me about your family. But you guys, you’re a close family. Always there for each other, I wish I had even a sliver of that. And I get to be your friend, so I think everything worked pretty well.”
He smiled at you, the boyish grin mixed with a light warmth, it almost made you feel like the sun was shining directly upon you. The corners of your lips followed in his action, a tiny grin appearing along your chapped lips, “Yeah, I���m- I’m glad we became friends too.”
Another quiet bubble between the two of you.
“Well…” you broke the space first, “I should head inside. Uh, you can call around ten Saturday morning, is that okay?”
With a grin, he nodded his answer, “See you tomorrow, Byers.”
“See ya, Harrington.”
And something in the way the two of you used the other's last name made your heart speed up. It felt different this time, like a potential future something.
‘Dangerous territory’
By the time you woke up from school the following day, Jonathan had already left the house. If he was in such a rush, why didn’t he bother waking you up? Very rude of him, also, what was he in such a rush for in the first place? After your little moment of annoyance towards Jonathan for leaving you in the dust, you got cleaned up and dressed for the day. Walking to the kitchen to see Joyce on the phone, “Did he get any of my messages from yesterday? Did you give-” she was pacing the small space while the other person, probably Flo on the other side talked, “No, no, I need Hopper. Just tell him to call me the second he gets in. Please. Thank you,” and she hung up.
“Mom,” She turned around to look at you, “you okay?” “Yeah, I’m fine, honey. Hopper’s just not returning my calls,” she faked a smile.
“Okay… well, could you take me to school? Jonathan hurried out for some reason.”
Just before she replied you heard feet padding down the hallway, “Hey. How you feeling, sleepyhead?” Her attention was stolen by Will, “any better?”
“Mmm-mmm,” he murmured as he sat in a chair.
“Same as last night? Still weird?”
“What happened last night?” you were out of the loop.
Joyce was focused on checking Will’s temperature with her hand before replying, “oh, he had an episode yesterday at school,” she got up to look for the thermometer.
Looking at Will he shrunk into himself a bit. You crouched down and placed your hands on his knees for support, “you had an episode? Was it- was it the Upside Down again?” you whispered the last part.
He shook his head no, and your brows furrowed, confusion evident on your face. Before you could ask him another question Joyce came back to check his temperature, “Honey, why don’t you see if a friend could take you?”
“Or I could stay home and watch over Will with you.” “No, you’re going to school,” a firm reply.
Sighing out, you turned to the landline. You tried Robin’s place, but no answer. Eddie’s, no answer, and those were your only two friends. “Why don’t you try Steve,” Will sang his name with a teasing tone. With a roll of your eyes, you turned back to the phone, but with a shakiness to your hand. Breathing out, you dialed the Harrington number just like yesterday and waited for a voice.
After four rings you were about to end the call when it suddenly was picked up, “Harrington residence,” and it wasn’t Steve's voice.
“Uh, hi Mr. Harrington. I was wondering if Steve was there?”
He sighed, “yes, he’s home. May I ask who’s calling at seven-thirty in the morning?”
“(Y/n) Byers, I’m a friend of Steve’s.”
His voice was pulled from the phone, but you could faintly hear him calling for Steve and your name being said.
“Well, this is a pleasant surprise. Need another ride?”
You cringed to yourself, “actually yeah.”
“Taking the chauffeuring seriously I see.”
“Sorry. Jonathan left super early and my mom has to stay home with Will, and Rob-”
“(Y/n), it’s okay. Be there in ten to fifteen minutes, okay?” “Yeah, meet you outside.”
You hung up with a smile then turned back to Joyce and Will. Joyce was looking intently at the thermometer that showed Will’s temperature, “is it a fever?” you asked.
“No. Uh, actually, it’s a cold,” she said perplexed, “do you feel cold?” she asked Will.
“No,” he answered, “just a little out of it. Like I haven’t really woken up yet.”
You and Joyce both shared a look of concern at what Will just told the both of you, “you promised no doctor,” he told Joyce.
“And I meant it. No doctor. You know what? I’m gonna run you a nice bath and it’ll warm you up and hopefully get you feeling better. How’s that sound? Okay,” and she left to start the bath.
“Will,” you took Joyce’s seat, “if you start to feel weird, like extra weird, tell mom and just have her take you to the doctor.”
“But-” “I know, but this is something we might not be able to fix with just a warm bath and medicine. Just please- just-”
“Okay,” his small voice answered. You took that moment to gaze at his face, taking in his features. From his dark circles to the moisture gathering under his hair. You wanted him to get the help he needs for this, but you knew not to push it further now. 
With a kiss on his forehead goodbye, you gathered your things and headed outside to wait for Steve.
“Should I start expecting more calls from you in the coming days?”
His teasing voice greeted you when you slid into your seat.
He was wearing the usual outfit, his denim Levi's that hugged his thighs, a collared polo that pulled against his chest, and his light blue jacket. His hair was done also, as usual, loose strands near the front almost kissing his forehead, your fingers twitched, but you clenched them shut into a fist.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what caused Jonathan to rush off,” you let out in an exasperated reply. 
“Hey, I don’t mind,” he turned to smile at you.
“But you have your own things-”
“I said it’s fine, (Y/n). It allows us to hang out together,” he shushed your concerns, “did you ask Jonathan about his weekend plans? Or ask if it’s cool for me to come over?”
“No, I was fast asleep by the time he got home. He’s been acting weird lately and I haven’t had the time to talk with him about it. I’m a bit worried,” you fidgeted with your nails.
While staring down at your nails, picking at the skin in a mindless action, Steve’s hand settled over yours. His larger, warmer palm settled over your smaller fist stopping your actions from continuing. You bore your eyes into his hand, your breathing at the same pace, but your heart jackhammering inside.
“Jonathan is fine. He’s always-” Steve stopped his sentence short when he realized the direction it was headed.
He took his hand away after that, you missed the warmth he brought, “you’re probably right. Jonathan’s always up to something,” trying to save Steve from his mistake.
Silence followed after. Neither of you knew what new topic of discussion would be best, you had one on your mind, you being an idiot went for the topic that was top two for ‘not the best’, “Parents are back I hear,” you tried a joking tone. It didn’t land.
“Yep,” he popped the ‘p’, “came back a few minutes after I got home from dropping you off.”
“Happy to see them?” You don’t know why you’re continuing this topic.
“Ecstatic,” he lied, sarcasm dripping over the word like honey.
With your bottom lip pulled between your teeth, you made a swift glance at Steve. His jaw was tense, his head leaned towards the window with a hand rubbing his chin. You slumped into the seat, wishing to make yourself small at this moment. You fully know not to bring this topic up when you can, because you know it’s something Steve likes to avoid and when you avoid something it means ‘don’t ask’. You would have asked about Nancy, but that was one you wanted to avoid.
“Need a ride to work after school?” Thankfully, Steve changed it.
You huff a sigh, “if I can’t find Jonathan, then probably. You wouldn’t mind?”
“Not at all, if it keeps me from going straight home, I’m completely fine with it,” he assured.
You allowed for the silence and the radio to fill the car for a few minutes. The silence wasn’t uncomfortable this time, at least not severely. The air felt tense, it suggested that both of you wanted to say something, but the other was too afraid to speak or say the wrong thing. You were afraid your big mouth would slip something out. 
When the idea of just asking Steve if he liked Star Wars or whatever popped up, he opened his mouth first, “How’s Will doing?”
You stuttered, “Uh, he’s uh,” you weren’t sure if Will was okay with you talking about his current state. So you just settled on, “he has bad days.” You thought back to this morning and Monday night when he slept in your room.
“Does the doctor know anything?” Steve was trying to understand what you meant.
“Uh, he has…episodes. Of being in the Upside Down.”
Out of your periphery, you could see Steve opening and closing his mouth like a fish, trying to find the right response to that, “uh, well…”
“Steve, can we change topics?” “Oh! Yeah, one hundred percent!” he chuckled nervously. Now the silence tensed completely. You worried that if you even moved an inch it would make it worse. Luckily your saving grace was seeing the school coming into view, quiet sighs of relief leaving the both of you. In a hurry to grab your bag and books, your hands collide with Steve’s as he makes a reach for them beside your legs, your hand pulling back like he was a hot poker.
“What are you doing?” “Grabbing your books, duh.”
As you were going to protest, he grabbed them and left his seat, leaving you flabbergasted for a moment. In those few seconds Steve made his way to your side and threw open the door startling you, “(Y/n), come on.”
Steve didn’t hand the books to you when entering the school and he didn’t depart from you right away, he carried the textbooks and walked with you to your locker. ‘He’s probably looking for Nancy, that’s all’ a swift kick to yourself.
“If you still need that ride to work, just meet me at my car. All right?” He stated.
With a nod of your head, he released the books into your care and left down the hall. You watched for a few seconds as he left and you could see the slightly hunched look on his shoulders. With a look to your left, you noted that Nancy wasn’t anywhere in sight. A loud thudding against the lockers stole your attention, “Hey pretty lady,” a sleazy voice drawled.
Cigarette smell overloaded your senses, it was like being hit with the air of a casino. And the shiver that brought goosebumps along your arms made you feel uneasy like you could be walking right into a bear trap. With a slow turning of your body, you were assaulted by the sight of the new boy, Billy, the one Steve mentioned yesterday. His blonde mullet was in curled ringlets that framed his face, a rat stache forming on his upper lip. His piercing blue eyes dragged themselves over your face and then your body, and not discreetly. He made it feel as if you were under a microscope, he was the observer and you were the subject, it made you want to squirm.
“You’re (Y/n), right? (Y/n) Byers?” He was asking for your name as if he didn’t already ask around the school.
“Yeah, that’s me, unless there’s maliciously another (Y/n) Byers in little old Hawkins,” you tried throwing a joke mixed with the annoyance of his presence.
A Cheshire grin appeared on his lips, his tongue poking at one of the corners, “Not that I know of.” Another pass of his eyes raked your body, “So, how would you like to go on a date with me?”
He leaned in closer, his lips a breath away from touching your ear, “I can show you a much better time than Harrington.”
You jerked away from Billy, a look of disgust on full display. You fully knew what this was now, he was just trying to get at Steve, get his perv hands onto a girl that had some type of relation with Steve. He was trying to prove some type of point. It made you feel like a toy or a trophy, “No thanks. I’m sure your dick would be jealous that your hand has a new relationship. Don’t want to be a homewrecker.”
With a slamming of your locker, you walked away from Billy. The heat of his stare could have left holes in your shoulder blades. The whispers in the halls sounded like they were directly inside your head, everyone watching and gossiping.
You made a beeline for the bathroom, any place away from unwanted attention.
“I hate boys, Eddie. Fucking idiots!”
“Babe, I do too, but we’re sadly attracted towards them,” a puff of smoke was released.
With your elbows digging into the cool metal of the table, your hands covered your face and you tugged them down resulting in your face looking horrid. Eddie was seated across from you, his curly hair blowing with the wind. A cigarette was placed between his lips and smoke would plume out with every exhale.
Once lunch rolled around you hurried outside the brick building and rushed into the dense forest. Robin also wasn’t present at school, but you knew she wasn’t connected to whatever reason Jonathan and Nancy skipped. So it was either your loneliness in the library, sitting with Steve causing more eyes to land on you, or hanging out with Eddie. The answer was obvious.
“Billy fucking Hargrove, that douchebag asked me out, just so he could hold it over Steve’s head.”
“Yeah, very gross-”
You interrupted Eddie, “it’s not like I would have said yes anyway. He creeps me out, just looking at girls as conquests, prizes to be won and then thrown onto shelves to never be touched again.”
“Well,” Eddie cleared his throat, “you know who else used to do that type of thing?”
“I know- I know that Steve used to-” you huffed, “but I personally know that he’s not the same anymore. He’s dating Nancy-”
“Uh, actually, I think they broke up,” Eddie stopped your rambling.
It felt like you physically stopped in your tracks, or you abruptly slammed into someone’s back. It throws you off balance with reality having this confirmation being thrown your way, sure you’ve been thinking about it ever since you heard their argument, and they haven’t been seen together for two days now. But, Steve never mentioned it, or he’s living in denial right now, or they’re just going through a rocky patch right now and taking a break. Giving the others their needed space before getting back together, many couples do things like that.
“Yeah, I heard they had some fight,” Eddie confirmed the gossip.
“Well… they’re probably just on a break, you know. Lots of couples fight and then spend time apart.” “That’s called a breakup, (Y/n). They fight and it usually leads to the end of that relationship, plus why do you care so much if they stay together? Aren’t you in love with Steve?” You choked on your spit, “In love! I never- I- Who,” nervous giggles spilled, “I never said the L word.”
“But it was implied,” Eddie teased.
“When was it ever implied?”
A smirk grew on his chapped lips and you knew it was a bad sign, “Oh, I like to think it was implied when you wanted to kiss me twice.”
Your mouth was agape with shock, “First off! I was intoxicated both times, and second I don’t know why my brain keeps warping you into Steve.”
“Because you lov-” he was singing, annoyingly you might add.
“No! No!” you tried to cut him off.
“(Y/n) Byers loves Ste-” 
A hand over his mouth muffled his screech.
With no Jonathan at school, today meant another ride from Steve. With the bell ringing and signaling the end of classes, you waded through the crowded halls for a quick book drop-off at your locker. With all your books switched out and finished homework put away, you closed the metal door, excited for the weekend.
“(Y/n),” whipping around, you were faced with Steve who was leaning against your neighbor's locker.
“I thought I was meeting you in the parking lot?”
“Yeah, but I noticed Jonathan wasn’t here today, so I decided to just meet you here.”
He looked a bit hesitant when saying Jonathan’s name, he knew something, “Ah, okay. Well, I think I’m gonna call out today actually, I was gonna help my mom with Will. So I just need to call work before we leave, okay?” He gave a nod accompanied by a tight-lipped smile. He definitely knew something, and it was bothering him. You wondered if Billy mentioned this morning when he tried to ask you out, or if it had something to do with either Jonathan or Nancy. You wanted to ask, ask if he and Nancy did break up and if they did, were they gonna get back together. But you chose not to, for your own sanity, better to not know certain truths.
So, with a call from the payphone outside of school, a forced cough, and one annoyed James (a twenty-something co-worker), you and Steve headed off to his BMW. Between the short distance from the payphone and his car, the daggers being thrown your way didn’t stop for one second. Everyone who was in the vicinity watched the both of you head off, the whispers and gossip already spreading like wildfires. You kept your stride forward and head down, not wanting to entertain anyone at this moment, just wishing to be home right now and watching over Will. But once your hand touched the door handle you lifted your head and caught the direct glare of Billy Hargrove who was leaning against his car hood. You gulped and threw yourself inside the car. With shaking hands, you fasten your seatbelt and release a shaky breath.
“You okay?” Steve’s concern shone through.
“Uh, yeah. Might just need a nap when I get home,” not wanting to mention Billy’s stare or anyone else for that matter.
After a moment of Steve hesitating he finally pulled out of the lot, leaving the school behind for two days.
“So, you think I can still come over and hang out, sorry, watch you clean your room?” a cheeky grin.
“If you so desperately want to.”
“I do.”
A tingly feeling grew within you with just those two words, ‘dangerous territory’ another reminder.
Once Steve dropped you off, you went to check on Will in his room. You were shocked once you entered your home, drawings taped to every surface, forming something that you couldn’t see right now. So, choosing to ignore that you hurried to check on Will in his room and you stopped in your tracks at the sight before you. Together he and Joyce were asleep in his bed, Joyce was cuddling him with her back facing the door. She was holding Will tight against her chest with one arm thrown over his torso and the other resting still in his hair. A small smile tugged your lips at the display. With quiet retreating steps, you walked to your room and worked on a bit of cleaning so it was less messy when Steve came over tomorrow, trying to work around the taped pieces of paper.
After about two hours of light cleaning, you headed to the kitchen to get a snack when the sudden noise of loud pounding on the front door made you jump. With hurried steps, you reached the door and unlocked it, when you threw it open Mike was standing on the porch.
“Hey,” he sighed.
“Hi, Mike. What are-”
He cut you off, “Is Will here?”
“Uh,” a quick look inside the house, “You know what. Now is not a really good time.”
“Is he okay?” He was deeply concerned for Will at this moment.
You sighed, “Yeah,” you walked outside the threshold and closed the door, “You know, he’s…he’s just not feeling real well.”
You walked closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, “He’s laying down,” with the hand on his shoulder you used that to turn his body in the direction of his bike, “So, I’ll tell you stopped by, okay?”
Just as you turned and headed back to the door, Mike spoke up, “It’s about the shadow monster, isn’t it?”
You turned your attention back to him, “What shadow monster?”
“In the Upside Down.”
“Mom. Mom, wake up.”
Once Mike told you about the shadow monster you invited him inside and rushed to wake your mom and Will. Will had slowly developed a sweat in his sleep, his bangs sticking to his forehead and the front of his gray shirt was damp with sweat. Joyce woke up with a confused look across her face, so you pulled her into the hallway, leaving Mike with Will.
“Mike knows something about the shadow monster,” and just that sentence made her rush to the landline and dial for Hopper. With you following just on her heels, you paced the living room, your nails being chewed between your teeth. With a huff, she recalled the number. As she was doing that you looked at the drawings that you assumed came from Will while you were at school today. With some still sitting on a nearby table, you grabbed a page along with a roll of tape and walked around the house trying to see if there were any empty spaces in need of filling. None in the kitchen, or the living room, the hall was complete, so you went to check Jonathan’s room. With slow-moving eyes over the space, you paid attention to any free spots, and one caught your eye, on the wall opposite his bed. With it taped up, you walked back into the kitchen where Joyce was sitting at the table, hands stressing at her temples.
Her head jerked up at your quiet voice, “Hoppers not answering?”
A sigh, “No. I’m both annoyed and worried, I even called the station, but no one knows where he is.”
“I’m sure he’s fine, mom. He’s always fine,” you tried to comfort her.
She worried at her lips, the anxiety making itself present in her eyes, “I’m gonna check up on Will and Mike, okay?”
She nodded her head absentmindedly.
With a final look at her, you left the kitchen and headed down the hall. You pressed an ear against Will’s closed bedroom door, trying to make out just a sentence of their conversation. Not being able to hear much on your side, you slowly opened the door just a crack. With just an eye being able to peek inside you saw at the moment you opened the door Mike grabbed onto Will’s hand that rested on his thigh, and told him with such sincerity about something involving their conversation, “We won’t let him.” Mike was looking directly at Will, a deep intensity to his words and the way he held himself, and the way he gripped Will’s hand. Will was breathing harshly, his body gave a slight shake as he looked at something in the corner of his room, his eyes both blank but fearful.
At that moment you made yourself present with a gentle rap of knuckles against the wood door. The boys looked up and Mike removed his hand from Will’s in a hurry. Your heart broke with just that small reflex.
“Everything alright?” your voice was just an octave above a whisper.
They looked at each other, having a silent conversation with just their eyes. They looked hesitant in telling you something, so you decided for them, “Why don’t we head to bed early? Mike, I can get a sleeping bag, if you want to sleep in here?”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s fine.”
You grabbed a rolled-up sleeping bag from a cabinet in the hall and handed it to Mike. He went to the side near Will’s desk and laid out the bundle. You took Mike’s spot next to Will and reached for his hand.
“Will, if you want, I could sleep in here tonight.”
You made the offer to him, but it was one you needed to ask for yourself, and hope he said yes. You had to keep him safe.
He didn’t give a verbal answer, just a slow nod of his head once. So with that, the both of you crawled into his bed, Will facing his desk, facing Mike on the floor. You were now the big spoon, the protector of the two of you, the first line of defense when danger came.
With an arm thrown over his fragile body, you tugged him close to your chest, your chin digging into his hair. You inhaled his scent, wanting to make sure you remembered every little detail about Will.
It was everywhere.
The walls, the ceiling, handprints spotted everywhere, footprints leading in different directions. It was everywhere in the room. Its scent invaded the air, the metallic smell assaulting your nostrils, burning the scent into your mind. The wet feeling of it coated your hands, streaks of it stained your chest, and spots dotted your face. Your hair was matted against your temple, a mixture of sweat from running until you almost collapsed and blood that seeped from an open wound. Your clothes had cuts and holes in your shirt and pants, the claws that clung to you with a fierceness, a predator clinging to its prey.
Bodies covered the floor.
Mangled and shredded, limbs bent and broken in different ways. Faces crushed in, eyes popped out, mouths hang open in an endless cry for help. Skin ripped from muscle, muscle ripped from the bone.
The bile rising from your stomach burned the lining of your throat.
A hand raised to your mouth to shush your cries of anguish, but then the taste and feeling of blood made it worse. Your body shook like an earthquake, the fear and anxiety pooling over the edge and you had no time to work through any of it.
A quiet, choked voice echoed through the room.
You twirled in different directions, trying to pinpoint the one person still breathing in this lifeless room. You rushed from person to person, each dead and deformed face staring back at you, it was like the room was taunting you at this point.
“(Y/n), help,” the voice cried out, so broken.
With one last push of will, you saw movement in a far corner, the shuffling of a body, the titling of a head, the limp wave of a hand. You hurried through the bodies, almost slipping on the blood, and fell to your knees beside the still-breathing body.
“Will,” you cried out, tears forming within your eyes.
His body was intact, nothing broken on the outside, the inside could be a different story. His skin was pale, and sweat droplets traveled down his skin mixing with the blood that streaked his cheek.
Your hands rested on the side of his head, your forehead resting against his. Your breaths mixed between the two of you, your tears dropping and landing on his nose or his cheeks.
“You’re alive,” you exhaled the words like a prayer.
Then a tight sensation caught you by surprise. You pulled away from Will and saw his hands holding your wrist in an iron grasp, if he held any tighter he might break your bones.
“Will?” fright seeped into the way you spoke his name.
“It’s all your fault,” he hissed the words.
“Every single one of them is dead, because of you.”
You tried tugging your wrist from his hold, but it was no use, “I don’t- I don’t understand.”
“Your friends, your family. Every single person you love is dead, and it’s because of you.”
“No, no. It’s not- that’s not true.”
“Oh, but it is, (Y/n).”
Will, but it wasn’t Will, lifted himself closer to your face. His features twisted and pinched, he looked nothing like the selfless boy who you would protect with your life. He looked like a monster who captured his prey in an unsuspecting trap.
“Just you wait and see, (Y/n). In due time, we’ll meet again.”
taglist: @heartyhope / @preciousbabypeter / @dessmxsworld / @piper3113 / @animiacorn / @burn1ngw00d / @drxwstxrkxy / @m-rae23 / @noisyeggsmoneystatesman / @yournan69 / @thats-s0-ravenn / @ameliabs-world / @mayonesavegana / @gracella0709 / @gengen64​ / @alecmores​ / @choclate32 / @stvrdustalexx​ / @redheadedfangirl​ / @agustdeeyaa​ / @yappydoo​/ @liberhoe / @hehehehannahthings / @ladybug0095 /
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do-it-for-the-fandom · 10 months
Fic prompt: After the fight in 4x23, Kate is injured in some way and hospitalized. Castle is contacted and rushes to her side. 🥹
His mind was a storm, clouded and dark, a million possibilities spinning like a hurricane.
He had known this wouldn't end well: that's why he had walked away.
It's your life. You can throw it away if you want but I'm not gonna stick around and watch you. So this is, uh... over.
It was an empty threat though, wasn't it?
I'm done.
But they both knew he wasn't.
Stupidly, he had hoped the empty threat would be enough to save her.
Stupidly, he had hoped that she would realise what she was losing, that she would rush after him and apologise, confess that she loved him too.
Stupidly, he had hoped that this wouldn't end in exactly the way he dreaded it would.
But when he turned his phone on after Alexis' graduation only to find several dozen missed calls - Ryan, Esposito, Gates - he knew that he had been naïve.
He dialled into his voicemail, clicked on the most recent message and held his phone to his ear. Gates' voice, heavy with sorrow, sounded quietly through the speaker and shattered his heart into tiny pieces.
He had remained composed long enough to kiss his daughter goodbye, to remind her to have a good time with her friends. To stay safe; always stay safe.
After a torturously long drive to the hospital, impossibly slow elevator ride up to the fifth floor and the too-long trek down a seemingly never-ending corridor, he finally arrived at her room.
He burst through the door, eyes searching frantically for her; hidden behind the half-drawn.
She was bruised and bloody, hands bandaged and arm in a sling; but she was alive. And for the first time since Gates' solemn voice broke the news of her hospitalization, he felt like he could breathe.
"I didn't think you would come," she said meekly.
Teary, hazel eyes looked up at him; so tired, so broken. All the fire and anger from before had vanished, there was nothing left but the empty shell of her.
"I'm still mad."
"I know."
He stayed still, as if his feet were glued to the ground. His mind was shouting - go to her - wanting nothing more than to hold her, to place his hand over her chest and feel the steady rhythm of her heart beating under his palm, to reassure himself that she really was okay. But she looked so fragile, and he was so scared of causing her any more pain.
"I'm sorry," she whispered shakily, so quiet he almost missed it. "I'm so sorry, Castle."
"Tell me it's over," he whispered back, hopeful.
She shook her head. "He got away."
"Tell me it's over," he repeated, firmer.
He didn't care about Maddox, didn't care about the case: he was giving her one more chance. One more chance to walk away from the case before he would really have to make the decision to walk away from her.
"I'm here, Kate." Right here, for four years. "But I need this to be over."
She rose, gingerly, from the bed and he rushed toward her, placing a supporting hand under her elbow.
She looked up, into his eyes and touched her freed hand to his face.
"I promise you, I'm done." She closed her eyes and took a deep, shaking breath. "I don't want to lose you over this."
She tilted her head and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.
"I love you, Castle," she whispered into his mouth. "Forgive me? Please. I'm so sorry. I love you."
For a moment his brain battled with his heart, unsure if he could really trust the words that spilled so freely from her lips. But that moment was short-lived and before he knew it, he was kissing her back; a tender, reverent kiss.
Because when it came to Kate Beckett, he knew his heart would always win.
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miss-writes-a-lot · 8 months
Need//Dabihawks quirkless au// cW: references to abuse, suicidal ideation (brief), angst, hurt/comfort
Keigo called Touya late one night during a horrible typhoon, a sobbing mess.
He couldn't quite understand much of what he blubbered into the phone, but he did manage to make out three simple words that made his heart drop a twenty story height:
"I want out."
To be frank, when Keigo said that Touya did not take it as he wanted to grab all of his things and move out of his house that night in the middle of the pouring rain, though it was much better than the alternative running round in his head while he sped through hail.
When he kicked in the door, he found Keigo packing. His golden eyes were red and his cheeks were tear stained, but he moved with determination, with intent. He didn't even stop to let Touya know what happened.
And Touya didn't ask. In fact, the only thing he did ask was "Where do you need me?"
Together, they packed Keigo's things into whatever empty box or grocery bag was left in the house. They didn't fold, wrap, or roll up anything. They didn't give a damn about whether the house they bought wasn't ready for another week. They could've given less of a fuck if their frantic packing left holes in the walls or drawers ripped from their sockets.
They threw all of things into whatever fit whether they could or not and, once they had completely erased Keigo's existence from the house in under two hours, they piled it all onto the bed of Touya's truck and sped away in silence.
They death gripped each other's hands for the entire drive. They didn't even let go when Touya went to pick the lock to their new house. (It was very difficult to get the door open).
When all was said and done; when Touya and Keigo – both sopping wet and exhausted – staggered into the house and crashed onto the staging couch left in the living rooms left by the realtors, Keigo broke down into sobs.
He wailed louder than Touya ever heard him – if he ever heard him cry that hard at all. It shook the walls and rattled Touya's ribcage as he let his tears stain Touya's chest.
And all Touya could do was hold onto him for dear life until he stopped.
He doesn't remember when exactly he fell asleep. He hadn't planned to. For the first hour that Keigo cried, he forced his brain to stay awake to ensure that he would still be holding Keigo when and if the morning came the next day.
The only thing he knew was that he had fallen asleep, and when he had woken up, Keigo was gone, with only his impression left in the couch and mud covered boots it left at the foot of it.
Touya bolted up, head whipping around in fifty different directions.
"Kei?" He called, getting up to urgently search the property, "Keigo!"
"In here!" Keigo chirped from the kitchen…happily?
Touya sighed, relieved. He jogged from the living room into the kitchen, his worry reinstilled instead at the sight in front of him.
Keigo was at the stove, humming away while eight different things cooked and burned on the stove top. There were groceries covering the countertops. Some of them were knocked over and spilled on the floor, though he wasn't sure if Keigo noticed or not.
He carefully approached, anxiously taking in the scene. "Uh, Angel?"
Keigo whipped around, a faux serene smile stretching uncomfortably across his face. "Morning!"
"What's all this?"
"Hm? Oh! I got up early to get some groceries and I thought I would make you breakfast!"
"You…didn't have to."
Keigo just waved him off, "It's fine! Sit down! It'll be ready soon!"
Touya sighed through his nose. He walked fully into the kitchen. He picked up the scattered things across the ground and carefully placed them on the counters as he floated by the stove tops, shutting them off one by one until he got to Keigo.
He gently reached for the spatula Keigo held with one hand, switched off the final flame with the other, and turned Keigo toward him, lightly putting his hands on his shoulders.
"Can we…can we talk about what happened last night?"
The smile fell from Keigo's face, eyes shooting open on genuine fear that made Touya's heart clench.
"Nevermind, we don't have to–"
"No! It's…it's fine. We…we should probably talk, yeah."
"Do you wanna talk here or…?"
Keigo anxiously grabbed his arm, rubbing it up and down, "Um…can we sit down, or something?"
Touya nodded, "Yeah, of course."
They took each other's hands. Touya led the way to the staged kitchen table. He pulled his chair closer to Keigo's as they sat down.
They didn't say anything for a good three minutes, much like the previous night. Touya didn't try to force or coax anything out of Keigo, and for the first time in a while, Keigo didn't feel the need to spit out a stream of faux consciousness to fill the silence or have an answer prepared and out there.
They just sat there, hand in hand and in somewhat uncomfortable silence.
Keigo gave Touya's hand a hard squeeze before speaking.
"Um, I'm sorry about – about what happened last night, with the phone call and–"
"Hey, hey," Touya shook his head, cupping his cheek, "Don't apologize for that. You obviously needed me, and you know I'm always gonna be there when you do."
Keigo avoided Touya's eyes, looking all around the room while his hand continued to rub up and down his preoccupied arm. "I just…I thought I could make it, you know? I thought I could make it to the end of the week and then I'd never have to see them again. Clean break! But then…"
He carded a hand through this disheveled hair, "I got into a fight with my mom again. It was a stupid, stupid fight. And then my dad came in, and we just started screamin' at each other again and then he–"
Keigo winced. He turned his head up to the ceiling, desperately blinking back tears. Touya squeezed his hand tighter as he gnawed at the inside of his cheek.
"This is so fucking stupid–"
"No, no. It's fucking stupid, Kei. They were hurting you."
"I'm 23 and I still couldn't do it, Tou. I couldn't stand up to him – I couldn't do anything. It was like I was a kid again and I…," Keigo's gaze fell down to his lap, "I couldn't do it…"
Touya sucked his teeth. He pulled Keigo into his embrace. The second his arms wrapped around Keigo's, he felt him starting to cry again.
"I wouldn't care if you were fucking 50. What they did – what they're doing to you," he gripped Keigo's shirt, "it's fucked up. That's it. It's fucked up and you have every right to be pissed and sad and whatever else you're feelin' right now. Just because they kept telling you they couldn't, doesn't make it true."
Keigo let out a shuddering breath, "I can't take it anymore, Touya. I can't do it alone, I can't –"
"And you won't, okay? You won't. We're far away from them now, and if they even try to come near you, I won't fucking let 'em."
"I'm scared, Touya."
Touya pressed a kiss to his temple, "I know, Kei, I know. But you're not alone, okay? I'm gonna be here. I'm gonna be here no matter what. I'm not gonna let them hurt you again, you hear? Never again."
Keigo nodded. He sobbed loudly into Touya's shoulder as Touya gently ran his fingers through his hair, whispering soft reassurances into his ear.
With each wail, Touya tried not to tremble or cry himself but God, he hated it.
He hated how much the decimated any and all self worth Keigo had been trying to recover. He hated how he didn't see the signs sooner, how he didn't get Keigo out of that house sooner so he didn't have to go through all of this hell by himself every time he went home.
He hated a million things but he couldn't dwell on those things anymore. What could have been was just that, and as much as he wanted Keigo to scream at him for all of his failures, Keigo needed him.
And if all he needed him for was to sit there quietly while he fell apart in his arms, then he'd do it.
At least then, he'd be there to help pick the pieces and start again.
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huffle-dork · 1 month
Swap Across the CrystalVerse Chapter 24: Many Roads Diverge
Read Swapboys | Crystal’s AUs| Many Roads Diverge
Read SITCV | SATCV Masterpost | AO3 Link
Bro lands in the living room again. It's night outside. The room is empty, with no sounds at all to tell him people are nearby. 
Bro hurries to his feet and looks around with his fists up- expecting a fight. Only to be met with... silence. He blinks and then rubs at his head. "...fucking hell... this is messing with my brain- what is happening??" He whispers to himself.
The silence stretches onwards.
"H...hello?" He calls out in the house. "Is... a-anyone there?"
No answer. 
But... the lights are on upstairs. He can see it coming from down the staircase.
"...okay..." Bro whispers to himself. "... I might be making the 'white-guy-in-a-horror-movie' clique move here but... gotta start somewhere I guess?" He hurries up the stairs.
There are several doors upstairs. They look like bedrooms, maybe a bathroom, but he doesn't need to check them all. The door closest to the stairs is slightly ajar. 
And a spray of red liquid spilled across the floor, a distinct coppery smell in the air.
Bro freezes as he sees the red and ends up staggering back a little. "H-Holy shit..." He whispers, looking dumbfounded and even a little bit sick as he covers his mouth.
A voice comes from that room, sounding muffled. "Is... is someone there?" it calls. He recognizes Chase's voice from the past two times he'd been in this house. "Hello? I-is it safe?"
Bro looks up and then seems- hesitant. Is he... in the same place again or is... this time different? He's not sure... but- what if he needs help. He swallows and then steps forward, trying to avoid the red. "I... I think so? Are... are you okay?"
"Y-yeah! Luckily." 
Bro peers into the ajar bedroom door and sees... 
Four. Dead. Bodies. 
All four of his friends, in the same appearances of the last two times, sprawled on the floor, dead. 
Bro gasps loudly and staggers back at seeing the bodies, putting a hand over his mouth and finding the nearest wall to fall against. What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck?! 
The wardrobe doors rattle. Someone is inside. "You're not... the guy, are you?" says Chase's voice. "Y-you don't... sound the same... But... w-well I guess if this is a trick, I've already ruined it." He laughs darkly.
Bro’s so shaken he doesn't even know how to respond to Chase. He's honestly trying not to throw up.
"Hello?" The wardrobe door opens slightly. A sliver of Chase's face is visible, pale. "You... A-are you supposed to be here? I-I mean... I thought... you'd be part of the police I called... But you're not."
Bro's voice is shaky as he replies, "I... I'm a h-hero technically but I.. uh... n-no I ... don't think I'm supposed to be here." He swallows nervously, "What.. what happened?"
"I-I don't know... it's all a blur, really." Chase pushes the wardrobe door open the rest of the way, staring down at the bodies. "We were hanging out when I saw someone outside. So I called the police, but then the guy broke inside a-and started going crazy. We all ran upstairs and blocked ourselves in here, but... it wasn't enough. I-I was a coward and hid, even through all the noise." He shakes his head sadly.
"You've been... hiding this whole time?" Bro asks quietly. "..you haven't left that closet? Through... all of that?"
Chase nods. "I-I know... I probably should have done something." He shivers a little. "But I was... frozen."
"...you don't seem surprised to see them all... dead." Bro says with a suspicious tone in his voice.
"Of course not!" Chase stares at him, shocked. "I could fucking hear the gunshots! I-I peeked out for a bit, but th-they weren't moving, a-and none of them came to check on me, so I—" He shivers again, stronger this time. "I... I-I don't want to talk about it. I-I want to get out of here. I c-can't stand seeing them like... like this." His voice sounds choked up.
Bro quickly changes his tune and hurries over to him. "O-Okay okay... sorry let's just...g-get you outside- c'mon..." He gently tries to lead him out of the room.
"Th-thanks." Chase follows Bro quietly, avoiding looking at the bodies as they leave the room and start heading for the staircase. "I... like I said, I called the police. Th-they could be here soon. We should wait for them. H-how did you find this place? It's... out in the middle of nowhere."
Bro messes with his hair, "...excellent question I'm... still trying to figure that out myself. But uh... i... I can wait with you..."
"Thanks." Chase nodded. They reached the living room and he sat down on the sofa. "But... s-sorry, I think I'm just really confused. What do you mean? You... don't know how you got here?"
"Kinda? It's... complicated and confusing and... y-you're going through a lot so I... I don't wanna make it worse." Bro says, holding his arm and rubbing it.
"W-well... maybe it can distract me," Chase says, giving a small, weak smile.
Bro lets out a small snort of a laugh and shakes his head. "...I'm... you- from another universe. And usually to get into universes we use a device but.. it got broken so now... there's these weird rips? In the air? They only seem to affect me but... this is the 3rd time ive wound up in this cabin? But... each time is different and... I don't know why I keep coming back here... or why I'm here at all."
"...huh." Chase blinks. "O...kay. I think... I'm not really processing that. But... I mean... I've played video games where there are a lot of routes that are slightly different depending on your choices. Maybe... it's like that? Maybe... instead of appearing in a new game altogether, you're appearing in a different route in one game?"
".... that's the best way I can think of all this to be honest-" Bro says with a sigh, finally going to sit down on one the couches. "..I guess that makes sense. When I came here before... it... it wasn't like this. It wasn't this bad... i... I'm so sorry Chase..." He takes a shaky breath and shakes his head. "But, if this is just... going through routes then... maybe I can find one where... none of this happens. Maybe even one where I can find Jackie or Alt..." 
"Jackie and Alt...? Friends of yours?" Chase asks. "I-I have a Jackie... well. I mean." He glances up towards the ceiling. "L-let's not talk about that."
"Yeah... my best mate and my brother... I.. I don't know where they are or what they're going through but... we all fell through the same rips. I..I hope they're okay..." Bro says sadly.
"Hmm. Yeah... maybe you'll find them." Chase nods. "Maybe." 
Silence fell for a while. Awkward, sad silence. 
Until... Chase inhales sharply, glancing towards the basement door. "What? Chase, you said a 'rip,' right? Like... that?" He points towards the door. Just in front of it, a small black rift is taking form.
Bro gets to his feet quickly and then his eyes widen as he sees the rip. "... y-yeah... yeah that's it." 
Bro shakily swallows again and then tries to smile at Chase. "... guess that means it's time for me to go..."
Chase nods. "Good luck, then." 
Bro smiles sadly at Chase and pats his shoulder. "Sorry I couldn't stay..." 
Bro walks closer. The rift grows bigger—but before he can reach it, something happens that hadn't yet. 
Someone else comes out of the rip in space-time. It's a man, with brown hair, wearing a black T-shirt. A green scarf is wound tightly around his neck, and a white eye-patch hides his right eye. His body shivers with static as he steps out of the rift and into the living room. He glances around for a moment, and then looks directly at Bro. "What the fuck has happened here, Chase?" Anti asks.
Bro staggers back as he takes in who is coming out and then stares at him with wide eyes and a slack jaw. "A...Anti!?" He pushes his hair back and then laughs breathlessly, "How...? W-What are you doing here?!"
"An...ti...?" Chase repeats, eyes wide—and then narrowed into a glare. 
"What am I doing here?! I'm checking to see what the fuck is causing all these rifts to appear!" Anti gestures back at the rift behind him. "Reality is already fucking paper-thin here, there's a dozen of these in this universe's alternate versions—What the fuck?! Please tell me you didn't do anything. Please tell me you got sucked in and aren't causing this."
Bro staggers back and waves his hands, "W-We got stuck! We were- we got tricked by an Anti in the last universe! He messed with the TRVLR and was using it to bring us to him and h-he broke it! He said he's gonna destory other universes but we have no way to find him! I've been stuck in a loop here and I... I don't know where Jackie or Alt or e-even Mag is!"
"Huh. Well... fuck." Anti pauses, brows furrowing as he thinks. "I think I can help with finding your friends and that cat-themed fucker, at least. The rest... we'll have to talk about later." He jerks his head back to the rift. "Go on through. You'll be in pitch black, but you won't go through to another world. Not until I'm there.”
Bro looks relieved as he nods. "T-Thanks Anti... so glad we ran into you..." He starts to go towards the rift-
“And you." Anti glares at Chase. "Stay right where you are." 
"Wh--" Chase's eyes widen. "I-I don't know who you think you are, b-but I've been through a lot, all my friends just--" 
"Yeah. No. I'm not falling for that." Anti grins. "You think I can't recognize myself? Especially one as despicable as you?" 
Chase takes a step backwards. His expression shifts for a moment, become something nasty and unpleasant.
Bro stops when Anti and Chase talk. His eyes widen as he looks at Chase. "Wait- what? You... you're-" He pales and backs away. "...you tricked me."
Chase--no. This world's Anti smiles a cruel smile, twisting Chase's features. "Oh, it's not your fault. I'm just too good at this, especially in something that fits as well as this."
Bro's eyes glow with anger and he bares his teeth and looks ready to fly at Chase and punch him. "You fucker! You killed all of them! You absolute fucking-!"
Anti grabs Bro from behind. "Don't." He scowls at the other Anti. "I get it. I want to fucking kill him. But apparently we're not supposed to divert the course of worlds too much." 
"So sad." The other Anti gives a little wave, still smiling. Anti growls, a bit of green light escaping from beneath his eye-patch. Just like Bro, he looks about ready to attack this guy. But he holds himself back. "Besides, Chase. The sooner we leave, the sooner we find your friends. They're in alternate worlds like this—and in some of those alternate worlds, this guy is still a bit trigger-happy. We got to get to them fast." 
Bro growls angrily at the other Anti but lets himself be grabbed by Anti. He doesn't take his eyes off him but nods towards the rift. "...Okay... okay yeah- l-let's go find them then." He shudders, thinking of getting to another timeline and seeing... Jackie and Alt in that horrible pile. He hurries towards the rift.
Anti makes sure that Bro leaves first before turning back to the other one, still in Chase's body. 
"In most of these worlds, you don't win," he whispers. 
The other Anti shrugs. "I've won here. That's enough." 
"For now." Anti stares at him for a moment more... then turns and walks through the rift.
Jackie lands in the living room again. It's night outside. The room is empty, but he can hear footsteps in the kitchen area.
Jackie catches himself as he falls and looks around expectantly. Then deflates when nothing looks different. He sighs heavily and pushes himself up, "Welp... so much for that..." He mutters. Then, he perks up and curiously goes towards the kitchen.
He walks into the kitchen area, which is connected to the dining room. 
A man is opening up one of the dining room windows. A man wearing a red hoodie... that is absolutely soaked in blood. The man turns at the sound of Jackie's footsteps... and he sees his own face. 
"Oh, fucking hell," the other him curses under his breath, then glares at him. "You. Don't fucking ruin this. Or I'll kill you." The man reaches for something leaning against the wall, picking it up. That's... that's an axe. Usually used for chopping wood, but the blood on its blade tells a different story.
Jackieboy staggers back with wide eyes and goes white. He stumbles, hardly able to say a word. He tumbles into the door of the kitchen and cowers away, feeling sick by the sight and the smell of all the blood. "i..I-i...!"
"Why do you look like this one?" the man with his face asks, more talking to himself than Jackie. "That's strange. He doesn't have any relatives in his memories." He chuckles, an amused grin on his face as Jackie stumbles backwards. He turns to face him. "Look. I've just had... a lot of difficulty. So I'm running low on patience. Tell me who you are and how you got here. Quickly. You don't want to annoy me."
"I-I'm Jackie! Jackie M-Mann...!" Jackieboy blurts out, "I.. I dunno how there was a r-rip in the air and it's b-black and it o-only sucks me in but i... I thought it was just a ghost- they s-said it was only a ghost-!" He's panicking. "P-Please don't kill me- I... I have a family b-back home..! I...I just need to find a way h-home I.. I didn't mean to come here...!" 
The man stares at him with a blank expression. Then he suddenly laughs. "A ghost...? Well, I was a ghost. Up until about ten minutes ago. Now I'm alive again." He flexes his fingers, looking down at his hands with joy. Then he looks up again. "You have no idea how much I struggled getting here. Any one of them would've fit better, I'm sure of it. Live and let live, I suppose. But you don't care, do you? You're too scared to care." He jerks his head to the side. "Get out of my sight."
Jackieboy squeaks in response, looking white as a ghost. He quickly nods and runs as fast as he can towards the door. He doesn't know or care about what he means. He can't let himself die here...!
The door is locked.
Jackieboy chokes on a panicked sob and tries to turn the knob, banging against the door in a desperate attempt to get it open.
No good. It might as well have been a wall. 
"Having difficulty back there?" the man's voice calls from the kitchen. "I said to get out of my sight."
"I...! I'm t-trying!" Jackieboy sobs, desperately throwing himself against the door. When thet doesn't work he hurries to try to find that clock that he used to break the window earlier...!
There it is! Right on the table where it was last time. 
The man laughs. "Try harder~" he says in a singsong voice. A scraping sound comes from the kitchen. No doubt that axe, grinding against something. 
Jackieboy looks towards the kitchen, feeling his blood replaced with ice as the murderer sings towards him. He chucks the clock at the window with all his might.
It hits the side of the window instead of the center where the glass would be weakest and bounces back. 
Footsteps. They're coming closer but the man is still just out of sight.
Jackieboy panics and almost trips over himself and he runs towards the closest room he can find- it looks like some sort of bathroom. He quickly goes in and tries to see if he can lock the door, breathing heavily.
Yes, the door locks. There's a deadbolt that slides shut. He's safe. 
Jackie quickly deadbolts the door and staggers back away from it, scared out of his mind.
The footsteps walk into the living room. "Hmmm," the man's voice says. "Not up the stairs. The basement door is open, he wouldn't be stupid enough to leave it like that, would he? So..." 
Jackieboy hears the mad man walking around and commenting like its some sick game of hide and seek. He holds a hand over his mouth and crouches down, hyperventilating and crying and trying to control his shaking.
And then the footsteps approach the bathroom door. "Did you notice something in there? There's no window." He laughs. "Odd, isn't it? Most bathrooms have a window, but I just couldn't figure out how to make it work. So that's basically just a box in there."
Jackie freezes as he takes in his words and looks around. Oh... shit- did he just fuck up...? He chokes on a sob and curls up as small as possible.
"You don't have to be too scared," the man says. "I'm not coming in there. Yet. I have stuff to take care of. But you're not going to come out. The door opens outward, you know, it's very easy to block. So just sit tight, alright?" He laughs. 
Jackie is shaking and quietly sobbing as he pulls out his phone. If this crazy psycho is gonna kill him... he has to say goodbye to Zara. He's not gonna let himself die without her knowing- she has to know. He hates that he might not see her face again but... he's alone. He has no idea where Bro or Alt is and... He tries to see if he can make the call- 
"I'll be back later. We can catch up then. Maybe you'll come up with something to persuade me in the meantime. I've been known to go easy on people if they make it--what?" His voice turns away from the door, like something caught his attention. "The fuck is that?"
Then, Jackie snaps his head towards the door, curling up small.
"Who the fuck are you?!" The man shouts. 
"I think the better question is, 'what are you?'" a voice says. "I'd ask you the same, but I already know who, and what, you are. A m̷̛oņ̷s̨̧t̀͟er̕." 
"What the f--?!" 
There's a thumping sound against the nearby wall. The man shrieks angrily, almost animalistic, and then, suddenly, the thumping and the shrieking stops. 
Jackie clutches his phone tight to his chest and listens to everything happening with bated breath. He cries out and covers himself as the thumping and screaming starts. He stays curled up for as long as he can.
Someone knocks gently on the bathroom door. "You can come out," the voice says, not harshly, but not exactly gently, either. "I took care of him for now."
Jackie jumps as the knock happens and stares at the door with wide eyes. "...h...how do I k-know this isnt a t-trick so you can just k-kill me...?" he tries to bite out with anger but his fear damages the bite.
A moment passes in silence. 
"I guess you don't," the voice says. "Personally, I don't think I sound anything like that guy--not while he's stuck in that body--but I guess you don't know his capabilities, maybe he can mimic voices." 
A pause. 
"I'll come in, then. Be prepared." 
There's a sound of static, and a flurry of green and black pixels, and suddenly there's a man crouched on the ground in front of him. He's wearing a long-sleeved black shirt with the phases of the moon on it, and has a green scarf loosely wrapped around his neck. His right eye is covered by a white eye-patch. 
"Well?" he asks. "Does it still seem like a trick? Because I'll leave if it does. You can come out when you want."
Jackie screams in Anti's face as he appears in front of him and tries to scramble up the wall. 
"Okay okay!" Anti immediately disappears. His voice comes from the other side of the door. "Can never expect people's reactions, but I should've fucking realized... fucking... He's not gonna be out forever, so can you please process this quickly?"
Jackie breathes heavily and clutches over his heart, trying to take it all in. "I... I know you- You're the Anti from... t-the first universe we ever went to...!" He scrambles to his feet and goes to unlock the door, looking out with wide eyes. "H..How are you here?!"
"I'm... who?" Anti blinks, confused. "The first universe you... Did you meet some other version of me? Because I have no idea who you are. But, as for how I'm here... that fucking thing." He points behind him, where a black rift has opened up in front of one of the front windows. "Fucking rifts showing up. Not a good sign."
Jackie looks confused, "Uh... y-yeah...! We meet like... god... its been over a year now since?? How do you-" He shakes his head, "N-Nevermind! If you have a way to get me out of here p-please do!"
"Right." Anti nods. "Go through the rift. You'll be in pitch black for a moment before I join you. Afterwards, we're going to have to stop by other worlds to find three other people out of place like you."
"M-My friends! O-Okay good... okay... yeah. T-Thank you." Jackie says, putting his phone away and rubbing at his tear-stained face. He doesn't hesitate to run towards the rift- only sparing one last glance at the killer's body and Anti before jumping in.
Anti also glances at the unconscious figure. He gives this other Anti--in the body of this world's Jackie--a look of disgust before hopping through afterwards. 
Magnificent lands in the living room yet again. It's night outside. 
Magnificent snarls as he pushes himself up, wiping himself off. He looks at his surrounding with confused anger. "The fuck is going on??" He asks himself. 
The room is empty, but a glowing red light comes from the open doorway to the basement.
Mag sees the red light and seems... fixated on it. Like a cat finding something it wants. He prowls forward towards the basement. 
The red light comes from down the staircase, from the hallway in the basement. And with it... more of that dark power. It's stronger. And that faint, lighter current underneath is nowhere to be found.
Magnificent’s eyes shine with that power hungry light as he feels the power below. He teleports to get closer-
This is the same basement hallway from before, but now lit by a red glow coming from the middle door on the right. It slowly opens further and out walks the same Marvin from the last two times. But something is different. Maybe in the way he’s standing? He turns and starts to walk down the hall, but stops when he sees Magnificent standing there. 
“Well… you’re definitely not supposed to be here,” he says.
Mag looks at him with a curious head tilt then giggles, “I would think so too… but I keep ending up back here. But something is different this time…” He prowls closer, eyes alight with hunger.
Marvin's eyes narrow. Red light dances around his hands. "Don't get closer," he growls. "This is your only chance."
Magnificent laughs, “And what could you possibly do to me?” He smirks cockily.
Marvin tilts his head. "Oh? You want to see? Fine, then." 
Suddenly, he's behind Magnificent, throwing a blast of red magic at him.
Magnificent gasps and then yells out as the blast hits him. “Why you little-!” He snarls then turns around to try to blast purple black magic fire at him.
The blast hits Marvin dead-on and he stumbles back, patting out the fire on his outfit. "I don't want to sound like a child, but you did start it," he chuckles, setting up a translucent red shield in front of him. 
Magnificent snorts and rolls his eyes. 
Red light flickers through the hallway and a whip of red light lashes out at Mag's legs.
Mag easily teleports out of the whips of light and zigzags across the hall in quick flashes before charging at the shield with lightning to try to shatter it.
The shield breaks in two and Marvin stumbles back, scowling. His eyes flash red, and the lights in the hallway suddenly go out, plunging the basement into pure darkness.
Magnificent falters for a second, looking around in confusion. He tries to reach out where he thought he saw Marvin last.
But Marvin isn't there. Instead, Magnificent touches something else. It's soft and covered in cloth, with some warm liquid staining it.
Magnificent recoils back and shakes off his hand in disgust. He then does the smarter thing of lighting fire in his hand so he can see.
The light of the fire reflects off the glassy eyes of a dead body sitting in a chair. And there are three more, all slumped over. Somehow, Magnificent is no longer in a hallway, but in a small room, empty except for four bodies, all of whom he recognizes from the last two times he arrived in this cabin.
Magnificent can’t stop the involuntary gasp that escapes his mouth as he sees where he is and takes in all the bodies. He stumbles back- too surprised to stop himself. “What… what the hell?!”
Marvin laughs. It sounds muffled--coming from behind the room's closed door. "I'll assume you can usually teleport and ward the door," he says. "I wonder if you'll be able to magic your way out of talking with the police. Well... I'm not curious enough to stick around and see." His voice drifts away.
“What?!” Magnificent snarls, “you’re not pinning this mess on me, coward!” He tries to teleport out- maybe he was bluffing about the wards!
It feels like he just ran into a wall, his power bouncing back.
Magnificent staggers back and growls like a feral animal. He throws magic to try to destroy the door.
The magic cracks the wood, causing it to splinter and shudder--and after a moment, catch fire. It didn't happen right away, proving there must have been some magic in there, but eventually, it burns.
Magnificent grins and then tries to kick down the door to escape.
The door falls into burning firewood and Mag is able to run into the hallway. 
Marvin has walked away, towards the basement staircase. He spins around at the sound of the doors breaking, eyes wide. Scowling, he turns back around and hurries up the stairs.
Magnificent bares his teeth and runs after Marvin, "Get back here!"
"Fuck you!" Marvin shouts, sending a bolt of red light over his shoulder.
Magnificent dodges the light and shoots his own to try to take out Marvin’s leg.
Marvin shrieks and falls when he's almost to the top of the staircase, hitting his head on the edge of one of the stairs. He's dazed for a moment, then, suddenly, laughs. "Oh yeah! That's what pain is!" He scrambles up the rest of the stairs on hands and knees, reaching the open doorway at the top.
Magnificent tilts his head in mild confusion before teleporting in front of Marvin and going to step on his hand. "You little bitch-" Magnificent spits. "You thought you could get away from me? Pin me for your gruesome murders? I think the fuck not!"
Marvin shrieks again as Magnificent steps on his hand, then looks up, grinning. "So you're gonna kill me?" he giggles. "Go on. I'll hop into you next." His other hand grabs onto Mag's ankle, sending a shock of red magic up his leg.
Magnificent jolts slightly from the magic but seems unphased. He grins wide and manic and laughs, "Oh no- I'm not gonna kill you! I'm just gonna take some of the power for myself~" He goes to snatch Marvin up by the wrist and attempts to drain him.
Marvin's eyes widen as he starts to feel his power drain--and then, before Magnificent can get too much, he feels the power yanked out of his hands. Marvin scowls--and suddenly he isn't on the floor any more, he's standing up behind Magnificent, trying to plunge a knife into his back.
Magnificent's eyes widen as he feels the snag and then before he can even react there's a sharp pain in his back that has him yelling out. He staggers and tries to catch himself on the wall next to the stairs- trying not to fall down them too. 
Marvin pulls the knife free, flicking blood from the narrow blade, and goes in for a second stab.
Magnificent is so dazed with pain he doesn't expect the second stab- and the pain and pressure of it makes Mag lose his footing and fall down the stairs- his vision momentarily whiting out as he crashes back to the basement floor.
And in the basement hallway, a small black rip starts to form. 
Marvin rushes down the stairs, clutching the knife tight, but skids to a hall when he sees the rift. "Huh? What the fuck?" He shakes his head, ignoring it, and goes for a third stab on Magnificent while he's down.
Magnificent is dazed but... surprisingly not down?? Guess its his suppressed feelings of pain from being mostly dark magic. His eyes open and see Marvin approaching him but he lunges back and skids back on the hall floor. He bares his teeth like a feral cat before ignoring all better judgement and lunging to try to claw at Marvin's throat. 
Now, he only wants blood.
Marvin shrieks. Not expecting that, he falls back, Mag's claws digging into his neck-- 
And suddenly, a bolt of static and glitches shoots out of the rift, forming a person that drags Mag back from Marvin. "Can't leave you alone in any world, huh?!" Anti bites out. 
Magnificent makes a choked noise of confusion and hisses, "You?! Why are you here?!!" 
"Chase! You want to punch this fucker's lights out?!"
"Oh it'd be my fucking pleasure~!" Bro says with a big grin. He cracks his knuckles and then grabs Mag by the front of his shirt and punches him as hard as he can. "That's for working with the fucker who stranded us here, bitch!" 
Mag's eyes roll up and he crashes to the ground, out cold.
Marvin scrambles to his feet as soon as possible, clutching his throat to stem the bleeding. He gives Bro and Anti confused looks, then turns and hurries up the stairs, heading for the cabin's first aid kit. 
Anti glares after him. "I don't feel bad for that fucking thing inside him, but that Marvin... he didn't seem so bad." A pause. "Better than mine. Better than this fucker." He kicks Mag in the side. 
"Yeah jesus... Mag went for his fucking throat god-!" Bro shakes his head.
"let's hope he lives. Maybe the shock of this will loosen that thing's hold." Anti says.
Bro looks sadly towards the stairs. "I hope he's okay too..." He sighs and grabs Mag and throws him over his shoulder, "Man I've done this a lot this adventure..."
Anti laughs. "Fucker doesn't give you any other choice, does he?" He shakes his head. "Alright. Two more to go. Back in the black space." He jerks his head towards the rift. "Hope you're not too tired of carrying him."
"Nah he weighs pretty much nothing." Bro shrugs. He hurries over to the rift.
"Good." Anti makes sure that Bro and Mag go through first before heading through himself. 
Alt lands in the living room yet again. The outside is pitch black, and the floor under his feet seems strangely tilted. Something about this place seems slightly off in comparison to the last two times. Like the details haven't quite filled in...
And then, in a snap, that strange feeling is gone, and it's just the normal living room. Outside the sky is the pink-orange color of a sunrise.
Alt staggers as he lands in the living room, looking around the strangely tilting floor and feeling a sense of dread curl around his throat. Then, he blinks and its all gone. He grips at his wounded arm and looks around in confusion.
Footsteps come from behind one of the closed door. It jolts for a moment, locked, and then Jameson manages to open it and stumbles out, shirt stained with blood. His attention immediately goes to the windows. Relief floods his face when he sees the sun. Then he notices Alt. "Wh--" he starts to say, and then his words are suddenly overtaken by coughing.
Alt glitches back in surprise and staggers away from Jameson with a slight bit of fear. But that’s overtaken by concern as he sees him cough. “H-Hey… are you… okay?” He asks, warily noting all the blood on his shirt.
He stares at Alt for a moment, hesitant. Then nods. "Not... hurt," he says in a hoarse voice, then coughs some more. He asks in shaky sign language, Can you understand this?
Alt nods, "Y-Yeah I can speak sign... please don't overwork yourself..."
Jameson nods again, relieved. I don't know how you got here, but we need to leave. He stumbles forward, slowly heading for the front door. Terrible things have happened.
Alt looks confused, "T-Terrible how? How... did you get that blood on you if you're not hurt?" He glitches back and warily holds out a hand towards Jameson, magic faintly sparking. "How can I trust you...? W-When I was here last... y-you were-!"
Jameson blinks, confused. 
I've never seen you before, he says slowly. It doesn't matter. Terrible things. He shudders. My friends are dead. He keeps going across the room, reaching the door and trying to open it. 
It's stuck, seemingly locked. 
Alt's eyes widen, "D-Dead...? A-All of them?? W-What about Marvin and Chase I..." He stops himself and shakes his head, holding a hand against his chest. "...each time I'm here... it's different. A different person possessed... different people hurt and no one remembers the time before... but... how? and...why?" He whispers. 
Then he looks back to Jameson and glitches over, trying to see if he can help with the door. As he tries he asks, "I... I know it might be painful but... c-can you tell me how? How did... all this happen?"
Jameson's expression flickers into... something else. Is it annoyance? He looks away too quickly for Alt to really process as he digs into his pockets and pulls out a ring of keys, which he hands to Alt. 
Alt blinks at Jameson and takes the keys, looking confused. "...you had the keys? ...huh..." 
Yes, but they weren't useful while we were in outer space, were they? Jameson says. 
"Oh.. right-" Alt says, blushing slightly.
Maybe the annoyance was a trick of his mind, because now Alt can only see sadness on Jameson’s face. I'm not sure. Suddenly, the cabin was surrounded by nothing. This creature came after us. It used our bodies, made us attack each other. He shivers. I... He trails off. It's over now, though. I think.
Alt gives Jameson a wary glance. "Nothing huh... that... happened last time too... when you were..." He hesitates, then goes to try to unlock the door.
It takes Alt a couple tries to figure out which of the keys fit the lock, but eventually, he finds the right one and unlocks the front door. 
Jameson opens up the door, sheer relief on his face. "Freedom..." he whispers, and staggers out.
Alt is still wary of Jameson though, despite everything. He's not sure how much of anything he can trust right now. In fact... how can he be sure that the others are dead...? He looks back towards the cabin, unsure.
Jameson looks back at Alt. He tilts his head, puzzled. If you want to look around in there, be my guest, he says. I'm getting out of here. He looks around. Though... I guess I can't drive.
Alt startles out of his thoughts and looks back at Jameson. He slowly nods, "Uh... I'm sorry I... I can't either. Are we... far from a town?"
Very far. Jameson nods. The nearest town is F-O-L-A-S-U-L. It takes an hour and a half to drive. So it will take a while to walk. But I'd rather do that then stay here.
Alt nods, "H-Have you called anyone to try to come help...? I... I don't think I have enough magic to help... get that far."
Jameson hesitates. I could try to call the police... it wasn't working before. He reaches into his pocket and takes out a phone, tapping at its screen. 
And Alt feels a tug behind him. A rift has already opened up.
Alt blinks and looks behind him then balks at the rift, "W-What?? Already? H-"
Jameson looks back at him--then notices the rift in surprise. "That's not supposed to be here..." he says in a hoarse voice. "What is it? Do you know?"
"I...I'm not so sure... A... tear in the universe I guess..." Alt says shakily, gripping at his bleeding arm. "I-It's been keeping me in a loop here- dropping me in this cabin but...seeing different things. I... I dunno how to stop it."
"Well... I don't, either," Jameson says. "Never seen that before. Though... somehow, it reminds me of that hole in the ground..." He shakes his head. The rift's pull is increasing steadily.
"H-Hole in the ground?" Alt asks, glancing back at Jameson. It's... strange- besides his Dr. J... he doesn't meet a lot of Jameson who actually talk...
"Looks like you're caught in that gravity," Jameson says. He gives Alt a smile and a wave. "So long. Nice meeting you for a moment." 
That smile... it's strangely cruel, not fitting his face at all. Wait a moment-- 
But before Alt could do anything about it, the rift's pull becomes too much.
Alt's eyes widen and he shouts out, attempting to reach out to Jameson. Why? He's... not sure- because he was tricked?! Out of concern for who's trapped behind that smile? ...it doesn't matter, he's once again sucked into the darkness.
Alt lands in the living room yet, yet again. The sky outside is dark, and a man wearing glasses is sitting on the sofa. He jumps up, spinning around--more blood. More splatters and sprays of blood on his shirt. 
"Wh-where did you come from?!" he stammers. "Are you--real? No, i-it shouldn't affect me! Should it?"
Alt shakes out his head and almost cries out in frustration at seeing the same room again. Then, he sighs and glitches out his shoulders and looks at Henrik with exhaustion. "I'm real. My name is Alt- I... keep getting put into the cabin and... I don't know why." He registers the blood and holds his own wound again. "...are you... hurt? Or... i-is that from something else?"
"S-Something else," Schneep says slowly. "I--I--" He laughs manically. "Oh, I-I was expecting to hear people coming! The police were called, they should be coming, with their sirens. You appearing out of nowhere--what bad luck for both of us." 
Hold on... Schneep has always had a German accent, no matter the world they visited. He had one the last time Alt saw him in this cabin. But... now... He sounds slightly Irish.
Alt glitches back with wide eyes. He can immediately tell something is off by Schneep's laughter. The lack of an accent only adds to his fear. 
"...y-you're not Schneep-"
“Depends on what you mean by that.” Schneep smiles a wide, cruel smile—the same smile Alt saw on Jameson’s face. “It’s his body. But he no longer lives here. Not primarily, at least. I’m sure he’s still watching.” He’s holding his hands behind his back in a very distinct manner. “But what’s it to you, sudden visitor? You’re not a friend of his. You would be in his memories.”
Alt stumbles back and holds out a hand that glitches and sparks with his magic. "I... I've helped him before- against you. But I... I guess that was a-another timeline... w-where are the others? They stopped you last time!"
Schneep--or the thing inside him--laughs again. "They were too late. Not strong enough." He takes his hands out from his back, revealing he is holding a sharp kitchen knife in one. "I got rid of the one with the blood, but this is the same sort of blade that ended them all." 
"Y-You... you killed them?" Alt breathes out in horror. 
Scheep spins the knife. "But it doesn't have to end you, too. Why not get out of here while I'm in a good mood? Quickly. I'm not a patient person." 
Alt’s eyes spark green with anger as he bares his teeth, "You fucker! They didn't deserve that- none of them did! W-Why?! J-Just so you can pilot around a body that's not even yours without them getting in the way?!"
"Don't be ridiculous--it's more than that," Schneep's voice says dismissively. "I needed death. I needed the power of their lives to fully make this mine. Though... it didn't have to be him. In fact, it probably would've been easier if it was someone else." He grins. "But it worked out in the end." 
"It's not even your life, fucker! You just took Schneep's away from him! And took all his friends!" Alt shouts back, glitches and magic sparking in the air around his- reacting to his anger. 
He points the knife at Alt. "So... what will you do now?" he whispers.
Alt shudders a bit as the knife is pointed at him and he freezes for a second. But... he thinks about the brief glimpses he had of the others... thinking about their lives being tragically cut short and... the anger is overwhelming. 
Green light sparks in his eyes as he growls at the thing in Schneep. "...I'm not letting you think you've won this. I'm gonna make sure you can't hurt anyone else-!" He then glitches in a bunch of fast moves to throw Schneep off before trying to send a bolt of electricity right to his face.
Schneep's eyes widen and he cries out, staggering backwards and falling over the coffee table as little bits of lightning dance among his hair. He quickly gets to his feet. "Wasn't expecting that," he giggles. "That hurt. Oh, I forgot what pain was. From this perspective." He flips the knife in his grip and throws it at Alt.
Alt glares at him and before he can retort he's stabbed in the leg by the knife hitting his upper calf. He cries out and falls slightly but catches himself. He rips the knife out, biting back a squeak of pain before he tosses it away. "...n-now you don't have a weapon- dumbass. But I do-!" He sends out a blast of soundwaves to throw him off his feet.
Schneep staggers backwards again, clapping his hands over his ears—and this time fully toppling over when he hits the table, legs flying in the air. It might have been funny under other circumstances, but not now, not as he growls menacingly and starts to get back up with murder in his eyes.
Alt meets his glare with bravery and determination bright in his eyes. He glitches his own knife made of magic in his hands and glitches around again before trying to slash at Schneep-
And Schneep screams as it slashes across his chest. He collapses to the floor once more. "N-no more, no more, please," he gasps. "I—I d-do not know who you are—I-I do not want to fight, please—" 
His eyes... they're clear once more. And pained, as they look up at Alt.
Alt stands over Schneep with cold green glowing eyes. But, once he registers Schneep's pleas, his expression softens. "...Hen..?"
Schneep shivers, curling up and clutching the slash across his chest. "You--you must run," he breathes. "G-get out of here. I-I do not want to--" He shudders.
Alt glitches down to kneel down by Schneep and looks at him with sympathy, "C-C'mon Henrik! You can fight this! He was convinced you were gone- you still have a chance! Don't let this fucker take your body from you!"
"I-I—" He squeezes his eyes closed. "Please—h-help me."
Alt leans closer, "I can try... d-do you know of any way to beat it back? " He asks quietly, putting a hand on Schneep's shoulder.
"Y-yes... I know a way." Then he opens his eyes and grins. "Is that what you want to hear?" 
His hand darts out and grabs Alt by the front of the shirt, pulling him forward—into the path of another knife that comes out of nowhere. 
Alt's breath hitches in surprise- and he shouts out as he's stabbed in his shoulder but quickly pushes Schneep back and glitches away. He then staggers and leans up against a wall, biting back the pain. "M-Motherfucker-!"
The thing inside Schneep laughs, standing up again. "You're too late," he says. "This body is mine now. And soon, a body is all you'll be." 
He lunges forward-- And then a black rift opens up beside him and a glitching green figure slams him to the side.
Alt scrambles back, curling up to try to protect himself- Then, he blinks up and his eyes widen as he sees another glitching figure. "W-Wha??"
Schneep shrieks in surprise, struggling. A glitchy hand reaches into the side of his head. His eyes suddenly widen and he collapses to the floor. 
The glitchy figure solidifies into a man with an eye-patch and a loose green scarf. He looks at Alt--and then back to the rift, where someone else is stepping out. "This is one of your friends, then?" he asks, pointing at Alt.
Alt glitches to his feet with wide eyes, "A-Anti?! How... How did you...?" He then steps back and looks at Anti with confusion. "Wha... I... You don't... remember me?" He tries to hide the hurt that wants to peek through his words. 
But then someone is stumbling out of the rift, face red and patchy and incredibly pale. He looks like he's been crying. But his tired eyes and red jacket are a dead giveaway of who it is. 
Alt's eyes widen. "Jackie...?" 
Jackie chokes on a sob and runs towards Alt and then grips onto him tight like he's a lifeline. "Alt! Oh my god... t-thank god I..." He dissolves into terrified tears and Alt quickly holds him, trying not to show his discomfort of Jackie aggravating his wounds. 
"I-I'm happy to see you too Jackie..." Alt says quickly, rubbing his back. He then looks back at Anti and looks between the two. "I... H-How did you two find me? How... are you here? I... I thought you couldn't travel through dimensions..."
"How do you know that?" Anti mutters. "Eh, I can figure how you do. But you're right, normally I can't. That makes things different." He points to the rift. "They're opening up all over this world, and all the alternate ones like it. Probably cause reality is already so weak here. But... they do make travel easier. Normally they would spit you out somewhere random, but I'm not exactly normal." He grins. "Now. There are still two more of you guys out there. We need to find them." 
His smile drops as he takes in the two of them and their states. "Not right away, if you two need time. But probably soon."
Alt looks back at the rift with knitted eyebrows. "... Right... the tears... I guess that makes sense..." He pats Jackie's back and pushes him back a little, "Hey dude... try to breathe, okay?" 
Jackie nods shakily and rubs at his eyes. "Y-Yeah yeah I.. I'm cool-" He mumbles, his voice breaking a bit. 
Alt smiles sadly- and that's when Jackie sees the fresh stab wound on Alt's shoulder- and his arm and his leg...! "H-Holy fuck dude! You're really hurt!" 
Alt shakes his hands and gives a tight smile, "It's good! It's good! I've had worse! We should... focus on finding Bro and Mag now- before the tears get even worse..." He looks back at the body of Schneep and shivers, "...this was already a terrible t-timeline to see..." 
"There are good ones," Anti mutters. "You've just got fucking terrible luck, I think." 
Alt tries to smile at Anti but it falls short, "Y-Yeah... I know..." 
Anti gestured back at the rift. "Now... if you're ready, step on through. You'll be somewhere pitch black for a moment before I go through, too."
Alt sighs and grabs Jackie's hand. "We can stick together now, okay?" 
Jackie laughs wetly and nods, "Y-Yeah... thank god." 
Alt chuckles and leads them both into the rift- sparing one last glance at the fallen body of Schneep and looking... conflicted. Then he turns the darkness and walks through.
Anti waits for them to go through before following.
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[[2:23 am]]
"Jiminie" a whisper.
"Mm?" His voice uncharacteristically deep.
"I can't sleep"
I hated doing this. I hated waking him up for something like this. Especially after being hurtful to him at breakfast this morning. Especially after deliberately not coming home in time for dinner so he'd have to eat alone. Especially because he didn't owe me anything. His presence in my life was essentially temporary. He was my roommate. Till he found a better place to move into.
Me, on the other hand, I knew I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon with the state my bank account was in.
But that wasn't the point.
The point was that the walls of my room had started squeezing in on me.
My heart felt heavy.
Heck, my eyes felt heavy.
And there was no reason. That was the worst part, there was no reason.
His lashes fluttered and he slowly opened his sleepy eyes.
"You can't sleep?" He repeated, mumbling.
"I'm sorry."
He shook his head and scooted to the side, patting the place that was warm from where he lay on it seconds ago. "C'mere."
Tears pricked my eyes as I settled under his weighted blanket and tried to calm my racing, aching heart.
"You're not sleepy?" His soft whisper brushed onto my ear.
"I'm sleepy," I nodded, "but I can't sleep"
The next moment, his arm was flung over my waist and butterflies of comfort were being traced onto my shirt.
"Why were you grumpy today?" He yawned.
I shrugged. "I wish I knew Min" my voice broke softly.
He patted my back, "There there, don't cry. You can sleep here"
I blinked slowly, just focusing on how his lids would droop every other blink, and how his voice told me how hard he was trying to stay awake. That's when his fingers intertwined with mine and he tugged my hand to place it over his heart. Almost immediately, the steady thrum of his heartbeat vibrated against my palm.
It was beautiful. How was that little thing keeping him alive, keeping him right here, so close to me. So safe for me.
"You'll leave too someday won't you?"
His eyes shot open. "Nuh uh. I'm staying here till we can both afford a bigger place"
"I don't think I can" I whispered.
The hand that was resting on my waist slowly went upto my hair, brushing through it and rubbing my scalp oh so gently.
"One day you will."
"I don't think I can live with the empty promise of these imaginary one days anymore Mini" tears broke past my lashes.
"Heyy" Jimin cooed, alarmed at the way my brain was working at 3 am.
"I'm stuck."
"Well, i can sit with you till you figure out a way to unstuck yourself"
"You're precious to me."
He was precious to me too.
I'd tell him as much, when I got half as brave as him.
A beat of silence passed.
"I won't leave." He said firmly
"Pinky promise?"
His pinky found mine in the semi darkness and linked with it.
"Pinky promise."
I sighed.
He was reassurance.
He was comfort.
He was forgiveness and acceptance and all the fancy words I'd never know with my highschool degree.
He was Jimin.
And me?
I was a mess. I was emotional every other week. I had a bleak future and no cushion to fall back on. I worked two minimum wage jobs and cried seeing stray puppies.
And I was tucked under Jimin's chin, with my hand over his heartbeat, and his thumb wiping my tears.
I was precious to him. He'd sit with me till I unstuck myself.
He wouldn't leave.
He was precious to me.
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