#brownie bites
fullcravings · 3 months
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Protein Brownie Bites
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eat-love-eat · 1 year
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Chocolate Caramel Brownie Bites
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iceycube · 2 months
Brownies! 🧑‍🍳🧑‍🍳
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Little brownie bites where every piece is a corner piece, recipe yields 48
2 Eggs
100 g Sugar
150 g Brown sugar
130 g melted butter
100 g Flour
40 g Cocoa powder
1 g Coffee grounds (unused. So like, fresh from the bag) (optional. Enhances the flavor of the cocoa, but if you can't have caffeine just leave it out)
1 g Baking powder
1 g Salt
5 g vanilla sugar (or 2 teaspoon vanilla extract)
100 g rough chopped Chocolate
Butter for the form
How to:
Chop your chocolate and melt your butter
In a medium sized bowl you add flour, cocoa, vanilla sugar, salt, coffee, and baking powder (if you use vanilla extract you whisk it in with the butter)
In a bigger bowl add your eggs and sugars. Whisk until fluffy and pale
Add melted butter and whisk in quickly
Sift flour and stuff into egg-sugar-butter fluff and stir in with a spatula
Add chocolate and fold it in
Preheat oven to 180 C convection
Butter two mini-muffin trays and add one teaspoon of batter to each depression.
Bake at 175 C for 9 minutes, turn trays around and switch places and bake for another 2-3 minutes. If they turn out slightly underbaked they bacome more chewy while slightly overbaked is more cakey.
Cool completely in the trays before carefully and gently trying to get them out. I have found that turning each brownie 90 degrees in the depression will let them pop out almost easily. Otherwise get yourself a tiny flat plastic knife and gently lift them out.
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Can be frozen in a freezer bag. Delicious both frozen and thawed
Try adding chopped hazelnuts or nougat instead of chopped chocolate. Maybe if they're to look fancy sprinkle some hazel flakes over before baking.
Or serve with Sarah Bernhard cream (under the cut) and fruits and caramelized nuts
Experiment with the ratio of brown sugar to normal sugar. More normal sugar gives a cakey brownie while more brown sugar gives a chewy brownie.
Sarah Bernhard cream
150 g chocolate (any color)
500 ml whipping cream
How to:
Chop chocolate and put in a heat proof bowl
Bring cream to a boil. Either stir constantly or do not touch it at all. If you stir occasionally it will burn.
Pour boiling cream on the chocolate and whisk
When it has cooled a bit whisk again and cover with cling film and refrigerate 12-24 hours
Next day: whisk to soft whipped cream consistency. This goes way faster than with regular cream, so be alert.
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brunchbinch · 8 months
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Chocolate covered cherry brownie bombs
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illiteraterainbow · 9 months
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Chocolate Zucchini Brownie Bites No one will be the wiser when you sneak 2 1/2 cups of grated zucchini into these chocolaty brownie bites. 2 tablespoons ground flax meal, 2.5 cups finely grated zucchini, 1/2 cup butter softened, 6 tablespoons water, 6 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1.5 cups white sugar, 2 cups self-rising flour, cooking spray
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ellishailey · 11 months
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Chocolate Zucchini Brownie Bites No one will be the wiser when you sneak 2 1/2 cups of grated zucchini into these chocolaty brownie bites.
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shaniamathews · 1 year
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Brownie - Brownie Bites with Sea Salt These brownie bites are a step up from store-bought ones and have the ideal sea salt finish. They are not too dense or cake-like.
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fullcravings · 4 months
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V/GF No-Bake Brownie Bites
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somewhatdelicious · 1 year
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Brownie bites
Made some pretty dainty brownies using my trusted recipe : https://somewhatdelicious.tumblr.com/post/50977519218
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cooking-and-coping · 2 years
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Making the Oreo brownie cups I reblogged a while ago ^^
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We’re short on time so we’re using Ghirardelli boxed brownies
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Mixing :3
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All mixed!!
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In the tin!
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Oreos in! Now to cover them with the rest of the batter!
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All done! I’ll reblog with a picture of them naked later!
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alliluyevas · 2 years
starting girl scout cookie discourse. if you’ve had girl scout cookies from both bakeries, do you prefer little brownie bakers (tagalongs, samoas) or abc bakers (peanut butter patties, caramel delites). also is your preference the same as the girl scout cookie you grew up with?
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fulgurbugs · 6 months
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their asses got made into gingerbread
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climbdraws · 5 days
made some chocolate banana brownies they're soooo good
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sassykinzonline · 4 months
kiba, thinking he would be Super Funny, asked me if i "eat naruto's ass with a fork and knife too" since he apparently thinks im a stiff
i told him naruto's ass was a finger food
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patronusgpig · 2 years
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Too stinkin’ cute
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onthevirgooftears · 11 months
not to be insane or anything but it really pisses me off when people say whit killed arei 💀 it is objectively never that serious but everytime i see someone come up with a theory or whatever it just shows such a fundamental misunderstanding of his character and not that I'm a veteran or anything but i just wanted to right some wrongs.
whit is not a killer. he exists in a sphere of kindness and prosperity and nothing else. people only think he's suspicious because we've been dispositioned to think every 'nice' character in danganronpa is secretly evil. whit does not have a facade, he's truly and 100% a good person.
looking back at some of his character defining moments it's so striking that he was one of the only people to give his kindness to the two people who were at the time not very nice people themselves. its striking that he doesn't reveal charles' secret in the first trial until he feels as though charles is comfortable enough for everyone to know and how he does the same thing with david in the second trial because it simply isn't his secret to tell.
he extends kindness to those who probably don't deserve it and actively is willing to put aside his own personal grievances in order to comfort someone when they’re in need. like, it's insane to me that you can look at all of that say "yep 💀 that guys definitely the killer!" HES A GOOD PERSON like literally what more do i have to say.
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