#bucky x gn!reader
ivybucky · 9 months
First Time - b.b. x gn!reader
Summary: You have a habit of calling people by cute nicknames or monikers, and Bucky isn't sure why it made him feel so good.
a/n: I'm breaking my hiatus finally!!! this is just a cute lil fic somewhat based on first time by hozier without the thought-provoking underlying angst. 1.9k
Content/Warnings: tfaws!Bucky, fluff, pining, tfaws fight scenes, zemo mention, multiple Sam appearances, references to fights/violence, use of y/n, use of the nickname doll when referring to the reader, friends to lovers? (let me know if i'm forgetting anything)
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Believe it or not, Bucky Barnes tried to not think about his past. 
Though his efforts to make amends were a work-in-progress, and his name was brought up in the press more often than he preferred, Bucky Barnes tried to think about his past as little as possible. 
The first time you called him James was the first time he had liked the way it sounded. You had smiled at him, sweet and welcoming, as Sam introduced the two of you.
“It’s nice to meet you, James.” God, did it fall off your tongue in the nicest way. “Thank you for looking after birdbrain over here.” You giggled at Sam’s distant-sounding protest.
Bucky cracked a sideways smile, not being able to stop himself. “You can call me Bucky, doll.”
Your smile morphed into a sort of smirk, cheeks warming at the nickname he gave you. “Is that what you prefer?”
He hadn’t given it much thought anymore. He knew James as the person who enlisted in the military, the person who fell from the train following Captain America into the throws of war. James was the person who was Hydra’s plaything, the assassin, the monster he was so desperate to forget. Bucky was the charmer, the best friend of Steve Rogers, the swing dancer who had a habit of punching bullies(justified obviously). 
Now, he didn’t feel like either. Going by Bucky was the easiest option, since it was the part of him he was desperate to gain back. Talking to you however, he didn’t think he cared what he was called anymore. 
He gave you a soft grin, one that may have held a bit more meaning than flirtation. “I don’t mind either, you can call me whatever you want.”
The first time you called him by any kind of nickname was the day they went to Madripoor.
“Sammy! Buck!” You called their names as you waved big at them from the small airport hangar. 
Bucky tried to slow his heart as the pair walked closer to you. Sam let out a chuckle next to him, a teasing smile thrown his way. “Hope you don’t mind the extra company, Buck.”
With a frown and a grumble, Bucky widened his gait, the toe of his shoe catching on Sam’s, causing him to trip up momentarily. “Don’t call me that.”
He reached you first, allowing his smile wider further than before. “Hi Y/N, what’re you doin’ here?”
You placed a gentle hand on his left shoulder, rubbing back and forth. “It’s good to see you too,” you chuckled. “Sam told me what you guys are doing with Zemo. He thought I might be able to provide some kind of help, right Sam?”
Sam walked up with somehow both a smirk and scowl on his face and pulled you into a quick hug. “That’s right, though I might’ve invited you along so that I’m not the only one putting up with his old ass.”
Bucky scoffed, trying to ignore the lack of warmth from your otherwise occupied hands. “Are you sure about this, doll? This is probably gonna end with all of us on a watch list.”
You nudged his shoulder, your own smirk gracing your features. “As if I wasn’t on one already.”
The boys both chuckled, before Sam spoke up. “Speaking of watchlists, he’s here.”
Boarding the private jet that Zemo just happened to have, Bucky tried to keep his eyes on you the whole time, even as you sat in the leather seat between him and the window. 
“I’m sorry, I’m just fascinated by this - I don’t know what to call it,” your brows furrowed at the sentence, at the faint smirk that rested on Zemo’s face. “But this part seems important. Who is Nakajima?”
Bucky was out of his seat in an instant, metal fingers gripped tightly around his throat. Zemo’s face wiped itself of any amusement. Bucky spoke into his ear low and gruff, but it could easily be heard throughout the plane cabin. “You touch that again and I’ll kill you.” 
He snatched the notebook back into his and heavily sat back down into his seat, hand wound tight around the small journal
Your fingers reached across his lap and wrapped around his clenched metal fist, thumb rubbing soothingly over the back of his hand. “Just ignore him, sweetheart. You and I both know nothing that man says is worth anything.” 
Bucky looked down at your joined hands, then glanced up at you with a small smile. He gave your hand a couple of squeezes, and tried to focus back on the words being said throughout the rest of the plane ride. 
The first time you called him “baby” was during their fight with John Walker. 
Madripoor and Latvia had been filled with silent stares, small smiles, and soft words . Fleeting “friendly” touches ensued as well - Bucky’s hand on your back drawing small circles, your gentle grasp of his hand or arm when he clenched his fist.
Bucky talked to you about Yori, about his too soft mattress, about his too shitty of a therapist, his want to get a cat. You told him about meeting Sam, your agency background, your agreement that he should totally get a cat. And now, you just wished you could have that again.
Walker was too strong, landing solid hits on both Sam and Bucky that could easily start slowing them down. He had lifted the shield over their bodies too many times, clearly holding on to the same psychotic fury he had when he killed the Flagsmasher.
To this point, you stood frozen in watch. You weren’t there when the fight started, and between Sam and John’s current focus on Bucky, you weren’t sure which side needed the most aid.
John had flung Bucky into a nearby metal utility pole for Christ’s sake, and a cry wretched itself from your lips. You ran to his side as he laid on the ground unconscious, metal arm cackling with untamed electricity. 
“Bucky,” you murmured as you checked his spine for any breaks. You could hear his breath, as shuddered as it was after an impact like that. You moved him to lay on his back, palm pressed to his cheek. “Bucky, honey, come on, wake up.”
You tapped his cheek a couple of times in slight panic, other hand unconsciously combing his hair back. A couple of moments passed before he groaned and huffed out a cough. “Bucky,” you sighed a breath of relief, eyes near tearing up as the tension left your body. “Are you hurt, baby?”
He sat up with a grimace, another groan leaving his lips. “What the fuck?”
“He took the serum,” your hands had yet to leave his face. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
He looked up at you with a wincing smile, still bright enough to make your heart stutter. “I’m okay, sweetheart.” The red gracing your cheeks could be easily based on the intensity of the fight, but it was unsaid knowledge that wasn’t the case. He touched the hand holding his cheek as you swept a thumb back and forth. A grunt from the fight crashed them both back to reality. “He’s gonna kill Sam.”
You stood up, pulling him with you by his metal arm. Bucky swung his arm around to recalibrate before jogging forward. “We gotta get the shield. Be careful, don’t let him pin you.”
The first time you kissed him was in Louisiana. 
You giggled from the picnic table as you watched Bucky dodge Sam’s nephews, cake in hand, as they tried to tackle him for his arm, as well as when several of the children pleading to hang off of it.
He sat next to you on the bench of the table, shoulder pressing into yours as you basked in Sam and Sarah’s storytelling. Bucky shared some bittersweet stories about Steve, drawing smiles from everyone listening. Each laugh had you leaning into him a bit more, but a complaint could not be heard, especially when your hands brushed under the table.
The evening continued on like that into the early night. Bucky entertained the masses, looking a lot like the charmer he used to be. Sam reminisced with his community, taking many photos with his local family. 
You sat on the pier, leaning back against the wooden bench as the sun set over the water’s horizon. You could faintly hear laughter behind you on the dock mixed with the sound of the stereo’s music drifting over. A smile grew on your face as a presence made its way towards you, shoes scuffing against the wooden slats. A soft hand rested on your shoulder and sent warmth through your body. “Care for some company, doll?”
You flashed Bucky a smile that had him weak as you turned back to him and patted the space next to him. He sat down close, thigh pressed against yours, shoulder to shoulder yet again. 
“What’re you gonna do now, Buck? You think you’re gonna stick around?” 
He sighed, staring down at his metal hand in contempt. “I don’t know,” his hand clenched in his lap. “I’ve been following orders for a long time now. Might be good for me to work with someone, not for. Even if birdbrain has a habit of getting on my nerves.”
You reached across his lap and gently unfurled his fingers. He wished the pressure he felt against the metal was more tangible for once, more definitive. “You should do whatever makes you feel the most free, sweetheart.” You slipped both of your hands around his, rubbing small circles with your thumb. “Whether that be with Sam or doing something else. You deserve it.”
Bucky’s eyes drifted over your face and observed its features - the small smile that curled around your lips, the kindness in your eyes. “And what about you?” he spoke softly. “Will you stay?”
You looked up to him and searched his eyes with a hopeful grin. “Are you asking?” you chuckled, using one of your hands to comb his hair back behind his ear, thumb resting on his cheek. “If I’m needed, I’ll stay.”
Bucky puffed out a breath that he didn’t realize he was holding. “Well ya know,” he threw a bright smile in your direction. “Sam’s gonna need you here so he doesn’t lose his mind.”
You chuckled, leaning a little bit closer.  “And you? Do you need me?”
Bucky took in the space between you, the way your breaths mingled, foreheads near touching. “Yeah, baby,” he allowed himself to fully lean in. “I need you.”
You kissing him was like coming up for air, or finding water in the middle of the desert. It was salvation, it was required for him to have in order to survive. Your lips were soft, tasting faintly of the beer you had earlier. His mouth moved against yours like a magnet following them wherever they went. His hand drifted to your waist, moving you somewhat into his lap as you both smiled into the kiss. When you finally broke apart, it was only for the need for oxygen to fill your lungs. 
You giggled from above him, heads pressed together. Your hands locked themselves around his shoulders in an embrace that forced him to stay where he could feel the pant of your breath across his skin, not that he was complaining. “I guess I’ll stay then.”
Please reblog and comment! It's my first fic in *two fucking years* and i need to know that this is still good lol
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lostgirlmuseum · 8 months
Pulse 💗
Summary: Bucky can hear your heartbeat through the wall, and he can tell everything isn’t alright.
Pairing: Bucky x gn!Reader
Words: 600 (exactly 600, holy moly)
Warnings: None really, just mentions of anxiety and adhd. Wrote this within an hour, sorry if its bad
A/N: Self indulgent fic alert! This goes out to all my peeps who struggle with ADHD/anxiety. It sucks, but hang in there!
Divider credit: @saradika
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Knock. Knock. Knock.
“Come in,” you called, not looking up from the papers on your desk.
A brief second passed, and the door creaked open. A cautious Bucky peeked his head in.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asked.
You suddenly became aware of your leg bouncing 70 miles an hour, and forced yourself to stop. 
“Yes, why?” You replied, ignoring the urge to get up and walk around.
“Well, I—” he hesitated, and brought his hand to rub the back of his neck, “I was passing by and I heard your heartbeat going really fast—super hearing and all that,” he awkwardly chuckled.
“120,” you stated, glancing at your watch.
“My heart rate is 120 right now.”
“That’s pretty high for just sitting,” he responded, having a hard time hiding his concern.
“Well, y’know, anxiety,” you breathily laughed, but it wasn’t that funny.
“What are you anxious about? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Nothing.” You sighed, lowering your pen and facing him. At this point he was now in your room, perched in front of your door.
“Doesn’t seem like nothing.”
“Seriously, I’m kinda freaking out over nothing right now.”
“C’mon, you’re always telling me I’m valid for having concerns, you are too.”
“No, I mean there is literally no singular thing I’m anxious about right now—it’s just physical anxiety, the general feeling that I’m going crazy, or dying, I don’t know, both I guess. That sounds so dramatic. I really am fine. I mean, I’m not fine, but I am, yeah?” You rambled on and on, and cursed yourself when you noticed your leg had started bouncing again.
“I don’t think you’re okay, do you want me to bring you to Dr. Cho?”
“That’s sweet of you, but I don’t think there’s much she can do. The worst of this should pass in thirty minutes anyway, it’s just my meds.”
You could tell Bucky wanted to ask more, but wasn’t sure if it was polite.
“I have ADD. ADHD, whatever you want to call it. So I take medicine so I can focus on certain tasks, like these reports. And it does help me focus, but it’s also a stimulant, so it also gives me a lot of anxiety, which is totally awesome!” You scoffed.
“Why do you keep stopping your leg from bouncing?”
“I don’t know, I don’t want to annoy you.”
“If bouncing your leg makes you feel better, it doesn’t bother me.”
“I feel like I’m embarrassing myself,” you whined. 
You looked at your watch.
“Oh, look at that, 126!”
“Do you—would…would a hug be something that would help you? Calm you down?” He offered, casually putting his arms out for emphasis.
“Sure, Bucky,” you smiled, and stood up to meet him halfway. You knew it wouldn’t fix it, but it certainly couldn’t hurt.
Bucky wrapped you in a big embrace, and you were shocked by how warm and teddy-like it was. You gave a small sigh, and rested your face in his neck, knowing you weren’t going to be the first to let go.
He held onto you for longer than you expected, just calmly swaying together in your room. 
To your dismay, he eventually let go of you. You were about to thank him and return to your work, but he gently grabbed your wrist and brought your watch to his sight. 
“107. Good, but I think we can do better than that,” he sweetly smiled, and wrapped you back up into his arms. 
“It might take a while.” You mumbled into his shirt.
“As long as it takes.” He cooed.
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A/N: Should be either A) studying for a history exam I have tmw, or B) writing my stupid essay that the rough draft is due tmw, but I wrote this instead bc I’m procrastinating  HELP ME
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buckrecs · 11 months
𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙧𝙚𝙘 : 𝙅𝙪𝙡𝙮 ~ 𝙎𝙚𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧
masterlist | monthly fic rec masterlist
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Puppy Eyes by @coffee-with-bucky
look at me by @aquariusbarnes
The Pull of Gravity by @navybrat817 (shifter au)
The Rejects by @/navybrat817
A Little Less Restless by @majestyeverlasting
The Sleepover by @littleredwolf
An Ol’ Fashioned Notion of Wartime and Whisky by @rookthorne
Honeyed Words of a She by @/rookthorne (mob!reader)
A Stroke of Luck by @/rookthorne (lumberjack!bucky)
Serenity by @/rookthorne (Mafia!reader)
A Clover’s Intuition by @/rookthorne (lumberjack!bucky)
Ducks on Plaster by @lovelybarnes
the great shirt debate by @rocketrhap3000
Barbie by @buckyalpine
Imagine | 2 by @noctumbra (chubby!bucky)
Don’t Tell Bucky by @lives-in-midgard
closer by @eviesaurusrex
bucky getting used to modern crap by @bucky-bucket-barnes
Around My Neck by @mcu1shots
These Hands Are Meant To Hold by @vanderlustwords
Timeless by @antiquarianfics
You Have A Girlfriend? by @/antiquarianfics
Something to Smile About by @jobean12-blog
Found Waldo by @lovelybarnes
Unchained Melody by @delusionalvenusian
valentine by @softlyspector
The Way We Were by @avintagekiss24
Midnight Escapades by @kiritella
Stunt Double by @/kiritella
Sleep and Cuddles by @/kiritella
Flowers And Things by @espinosaurusrexex
Little Mermaid by @buckyarchives
cuppa coffee by @irndad
A touch of color by @starrysebastians
Smooth Criminal by @redgillan (officer!bucky)
Verbal Fight by @espinosaurusrexex
Tommy’s Party by @bucknastysbabe (college au)
Rescue You by @writing-for-marvel
not my one by @stxrvel (steve x reader)
Imagine by @/buckyalpine
One Night by @/buckyalpine
ours by @trashywormeateroffics
give me a minute by @amayatheowl
Seasons Change & I Carry You With Me by @/vanderlustwords
The Truth Is; I’m A Liar by @imtryingmyfuckingbest
Better Than Us by @/antiquarianfics
The Rain Will Always Gonna Come if You’re Standing With Me by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
Love Me… by @/kiritella
You could never hurt me by @theeleggymeggy
braid my hair, honey by @witchywithwhiskey
finally by @adrinktostopyourthirst (spy!reader)
cherry blossom by @noctumbra (librarian!bucky)
virgin mob bucky by @/buckyalpine
Take the edge off by @bitsandbobsandstuff
Hayloft by @wienerbarnes (40s au)
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ace-of-gay · 1 year
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Extra itty bitty
Stucky x little reader
Warnings: age regression, paci, bottle, nursery,
Little names like little star, baby etc. The title daddy for bucky and dada for steve as the caregivers. Little reader is in a newborn mindset, age regression can be voluntary or involuntary if you dont understand i suggest either not reading it or educating yourself on the subject
Dont like it dont read it.
You are responsible for your own media consumption especially after a warning.
No hate will be tolerated, all hate will be deleted or even blocked
No pronouns weight or skin color mentioned
Edited to the best of my ability
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Bucky and Steve encouraged your age regression knowing it’d help you in the long run.
They’ve seen you smol from six to one and occasionally younger but never as young as you are today, from Impending stress and being stuck big for a couple of weeks they knew at some point you were going to be extra smol and possibly very emotional but they were prepared for anything.
Anything in all regards so when they woke up thus morning to you buried into Bucky's side, mouth agape and paci fallen somewhere between your body and his.
Seeing you little and all cuddled up to one of your daddies stole their hearts, they both absolutely cherished it so very much.
Bucky tried to get up carefully not to nudge or shift you but the slightest feeling of movement woke you up with a gasp, before your chin started to wobble and a wail broke from you.
Eyes clenched shut, arms haphazardly flailing outward to find such comfort you had before.
It clicked quickly to both of them that you weren’t just smol, you felt tiny, equal to a newborn.
Bucky out of fear of hurting you hesitated eyes big in shock, he was prepared but he had no idea how to care for you in a newborn mindset, if you’re going to have bigger needs or if your likes and dislikes would be the same.
In the few seconds he was in shock Steve had crossed the room to Bucky’s side of the bed, softly cooing to help calm you, picking you up making sure to support your head he smiles to himself, swaying side to side to soothe you.
"Hey little star, did daddy’s startle you while getting up hmm? That’s okay, he didn't mean too"
Swaying with you, your head on his shoulder, eyes closed, on hand clutching your dadas shirt and the other clasped around three of his fingers.
"Hey button I’m gonna need my hand back?"
Bucky chuckles feeling much more aware of the situation and what he needs to do, he goes and grabs a paci and a lovie with a rattle in its head.
Bucky helped unwrap your hand from Steve’s and replace it with the lovie, touching the paci nib to your lips you instantly take it.
They both head out to the living room where seats himself and you on the couch, while Bucky finds his way to the kitchen.
You lean back a little to look at him, he grins back at you "you’re just the cutest" he announces before giving you scattered kisses across your nose and cheek, causing you to trill and coo behind you paci, dropping your lovie you pat both hands against his chest causing him to scatter kisses again followed by another trill and happy screech.
He calms you down and taps the button of your paci "give dada kiss?" you stare at him with no idea what hes saying  until he taps his lips and you realize.
Basically falling forward you tap the button of your paci against his lips giving him a paci kiss.
Just a moment later Bucky walks in with a warm bottle of milk you instantly know what it is and you open your mouth dropping your paci.
Being passed from Steve to Bucky’s lap he lays you across his lap with your head layed in the crook of his elbow, giving you the bottle to feed from, your eyes close, giving your bottle all your attention until Bucky rubs your tummy and pulls the bottle away for a moment, "hey there little firecracker you should slow down before you get a tummy ache" and giving you back the bottle.
Eventually finished and having opened your eyes once more Bucky takes the bottle placing on the side table and helping you to sit facing him, pressing your body to his he pats your back to make sure there’s no extra bubbles in your tummy to upset it.
Grabbing your lovie he shakes it in front of you catching your attention, the clicking rattling mesmerizing you.
Steve walks back in wearing day clothes taking you and your lovie into his arms giving you a kiss before doing as Bucky was and shaking the lovie and than tapping its smile against you nose making a kissy sound, he does this several times over when you give your lovie a kiss back squealing in joy.
you take the lovie from him shaking it wildly before shoving it against your face causing him to laugh. Bucky returns in his own day clothes, watching you, trill and coo in delight, its now time for you to be changed.
They both make their way to your little room where you keep all your stuffies, little clothes, toys etc.
Bucky shuffles through the closet keeping in mind your favorite color and your activities of the day and choses your outfit accordingly.
Helping you out of your night clothes into day clothes freshening you up for the day.
They both sit down on the floor with you in Bucky’s lap.
Steve going through the toys, they play with you until your eyes begin to droop again, deciding its best to lay you down after you fall asleep, Steve goes to dim the lights and turn on the star projector.
Bucky swaying back and forth soothing you to sleep he sets you down in your bed in your little room, giving you a paci, tucking you in and last but not least to turn on the baby monitor.
They leave the room to go about their day as you nap, going about the routine multiple times making sure you completely happy.
They love being your daddy and dada even when something they don’t expect shows up.
Im new to writing this young but its as valid as any regression age and deserves more representation
Im drawing a stuffy every day this month, as a reason/ goal to make it through the month because January is hard for me every year.
If youd like me to draw one of your stuffies let me know and id be happy to! For example heres my first three, 1 is mine, 2 is a friends and 3 is another friends
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ru-xia · 1 year
Bucky: Are you an idiot!? Why the fuck would you go out there!? Do you want to be killed!?
Y/n: So what if I am an idiot!? You do the same thing!
Bucky: It’s different when I get out there!
Y/n: Oh really!? How is it different!?
Bucky: Because you're not allowed to get injured!
Y/n: And you are!?
Bucky: Yes!
Y/n: That's absolutely stupid!
Sam: So how long does this normally last?
Steve completely done with the bullshit: They'll be back to normal after they've fucked it out of their systems.
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kikixreverie · 2 years
Do you think Bucky would like a very soft and lovely dom reader? I would really focus on his pleasure and I'm more into praise than degradation 🥰 I want to give him the best orgasms of his life and hear my man say “fuck, you’re going to make me cum so fucking hard”
Oh 100%, he'd absolutely melt the minute reader starts praising and being all sweet on him. I hope you enjoy this short blurb of sub!bucky filth <3
Word count... 420 ;)
Also this is gn!reader since no pronouns or body desc were used.
"You're doing so good, Bucky, so patient for me." You praised, giving his cock another painfully slow, lazy stroke, your lower lip caught between your teeth as you teased your thumb across the slit, earning a shiver from the man below you.
He lifted his hips to meet your hand as you stroked him again, head thrown back against the bed, barely able to keep his eyes open.
You'd been teasing him all day, using every opportunity you've had to make him feel good, and now you'd been edging him for almost an hour, and he didn't think he could feel so fucking good.
Over and over again you'd dragged him to the edge, pushing closer and closer to ecstasy, either with your hands or your mouth, and each time, he'd gotten more sensitive than he'd ever thought possible, so in-tune to every touch, every brush of your fingers or swipe of your tongue, even just your hand on his thigh was driving him dizzy.
"God, please-" He groaned, his chest heaving, unable to focus on the simple task of forming a sentence, instead every word that came to mind was your name, and how he wanted to chant it like a prayer.
You stroked him again, this time leaning closer kissing the tip of his cock, his breath catching in his throat, biting back a wanton moan when you kitten licked him, "Please what, honey? What does my pretty Buck need?"
"I need you. Fuck, need you so bad, need to be inside you." He breathed, eyes fluttering closed with every stroke.
When you didn't respond, he opened his eyes and met your gaze, blush dusting his cheeks, and he licked his lips as he drank in the sight of you, leant over his weeping cock, a sweet smirk gracing your lips.
He groaned when you released his cock, but quickly felt his heart thump in his chest as he watched you slide your underwear down your legs, before crawling towards him, and straddling his hips.
Metal and flesh hands instantly landed on your skin, his left holding your hip as his right slid to the small of your back, breathless and drunk on your touch.
You leaned down to press your lips to his, kissing him deeply, before sitting up just enough to finally sink down onto his cock, the both of you letting out a deep, satisfied moan.
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thornsnvultures · 1 year
CHANGE with bucky? Maybe reader notices he's favoring one side or limping (ignoring his injuries as usual)
[ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 ] ― sender notices something different about receiver ( injury / haircut / tattoo / piercing / etc )
♡ sorry this took so long, hope you like it ♡
☆ bucky x gn!reader, light hurt/comfort ☆
"Sup, jerk."
"Hey, loser."
Bucky ransacks the communal kitchen after passing through the living room. The rustling of plastic bags and the clinking of ice tell you you weren't seeing things when Bucky walked into the Compound living area with an extra lean to his step.
"Bring me a can of soda, please, Buck?"
He sighs knowing he's been caught and the fridge opens and closes one more time before he waddles into view. You pat the pillow leaning up on the arm rest and lift a warning brow.
Bucky rolls his eyes. He may have gotten out of going to medical, waving away his pain from Steve, but he knows better than to fight with you. So he sits and, when you give him a pointed look, puts his feet up, icing his sore knee.
Satisfied with his reclined pose and the cold can you popped open you go back to the game you were playing when Bucky walked in. Watching you play these games always makes Bucky tired. There's so much going on on screen, too busy for his brain to process after a busy mission. He doesn't get why you play to decompress, but that's fine. Everyone has their own way to cope.
You pause the game when Bucky starts to doze off, his head resting on his shoulder, left arm hanging off the side of the couch like dead weight.
Careful of his fluffy sock covered feet -- you had gotten him and Steve matching pairs for the holidays -- you lean over and pull his arm up, draping it over his chest before pulling the blanket hanging off the back of the couch over his sleeping form.
"Night, jerk."
Bucky turns in towards the back of the couch, the ice pack sliding off his knee. You lean over to adjust it and hear him grumble in his sleep, "Love you, loser."
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stardropsandrain · 1 year
Bucky Headcanons
Warnings; mention of scars
Please do enjoy
Bucky would be a shy boyfriend, not very open to pda. But when you two were alone he'd constantly want to be with you. He's still afraid to loose you, especially after Steve
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He loves mudane tasks, especially when he can be near you while doing them
Cooking? He's either perched on a bar stool watching, helping you, or standing with his arms around you
Folding laundry? If you're okay with it, you're on his lap. If not? He's right next to you, folding clothes with you
Watching TV? If you're up to it you're curled around each other. He prefers being the big spoon, the subconscious need to protect you taking form in cuddles. But sometimes he needs the comfort of his lover at his back, the safe feeling he has in your arms is like no other
He loves to sleep with his head on your chest, heart beat lulling him to sleep while keeping him grounded, letting him know this is real. You're real
On the flip side he loves to have you on his chest, especially if your curled up. He loves to hold you on his chest, placing chaste, but loving, kisses to your forehead
Speaking of kisses, at first, his favourite kisses are soft, gentle, loving ones along his jaw. Once he gets more acclimated to you, he loves kisses on his shoulder scar. The first time you did it, he jumped, he never liked the ugly, scarred skin. He hated how it looked and didn't want you near something so disgusting. When he pushed you away you looked at him sadly causing him to mumble a soft 'Don't go near that.' You only smiled and kissed his jaw 'it's beautiful Buck, your beautiful.' He melted on the spot. From then on you'd ask before you did it eventually he let you have a kiss pass
Kissing you right next to your mouth. He thinks it's intimate but not too much so. When you get closer he loves kissing any scars you have, where ever they may be. If you happen to have none he loves kissing your shoulder blades, he has no idea why. Maybe it's because it's a place people rarely see. It's a place that's all for him and he loves finally having something that's his and his only
If you stay at home, he hates going on missions and many times has almost asked Sam or Sarah to watch over you in his absence 'Go on sarge, I'll be okay. I'll be here when you get back. I promise' he'll grumble softly but after a while longer of convincing, he caves and says goodbye, kissing the corner of your mouth
When he comes back he immediately has you in his arms. Sometimes you tease him gently but sometimes you don't. It depends on how he is at the time. Some missions are tiring and he wants to come back to his lover. Finding amusement in their teases. Other times he's completely drained and wants silents nights with his lover with soft kisses
If you work for Fury or were a former Avenger. He hates seeing you go on missions without him, and especially if you're completely alone. His biting his nails counting the seconds until you arrive. It's endearing but definitely not good for him. It takes a few missions and reassurances, but soon he comes to accept it as just another, while definitely not minor, inconvenience
Gods forbid it, but if you come home injured he loses it. It's a mix of 'I should've been there I'm so sorry I wasn't there' and 'who was it? I'll find them.' 'Bucky it's just a little scratch' he frowns and kisses your wounds gently if he's able to, or allowed
At the end of either day he just wants to have a mundane night. Cooking, cleaning, watching movies or shows while eating. Then going to bed, cuddled up on your bed (not the floor)
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A/N; Part of my many hcs for this amazing man.
Good riddance and stay safe🖤🖤🖤
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actuallybarb · 2 years
Glow in the Dark
bucky barnes x gn!reader
a/n: this is just something i wrote really quick cuz i needed a mental hug from one of my faves <3 hopefully someone else finds comfort in it too
warnings: depression, established relationship, suicidal thoughts —nothing explicit is said or talked about, but if you’re worried about it then pls don’t read, take care of yourself first bb
word count: 350-ish
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“Wanting to die is really shitty.”
The words came out muffled as you tucked yourself deeper under the covers. Bucky was still brushing his teeth in the bathroom connected to your room, but his super soldier hearing made your voice loud and clear.
He set his toothbrush down and flicked off the light, then gently joined you on the bed.
“Definitely not my favorite pastime.”
You let go of some of the duvet so he could join you in your cocoon. He looked blurry due to your lack of glasses, but there was no mistaking the ice blue eyes looking back at you fondly.
“I swear, you’re like a cat, even your eyes glow in the dark.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said with a smile. He nudged his knee against yours. “How can I help?”
You sighed through your nose. “Just hold me.”
He happily obliged. You leaned into him, and he wrapped both of his arms around you, readjusting so you laid on his chest instead of your side. His heartbeat helped calm your nerves, but a weight still pressed on your lungs — one you knew wasn’t going away any time soon.
A few minutes of silence passed, filled only with the sound of his hand gently rubbing up and down your back, his callouses catching on the cotton t-shirt you wore.
“We’ll go for a walk when we wake up,” he said, breaking the silence. “No alarms, just wake up when we want. We’ll go for a walk to the cafe across the park, get some food in us. Then we’ll come back and watch some Master Chef. Maybe take a nap. Then we’ll invite Sam—“ you squirmed slightly, “—okay, no Sam. But we’ll do dinner, either I cook or we order out, and we’ll watch a movie. Or two. The night might be young, you never know.” He pressed a kiss to your head. “Sound good?”
You pressed yourself into the hollow between his neck and shoulder. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” He squeezed you gently, using his arms to help ground you, then his hands kept up their ministrations on your back. “You’re gonna be okay. Promise.”
And maybe your brain didn’t agree. But who were you to argue with him?
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outoftheseine · 5 months
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his strut, lord forgive me | some fics might have 18+ content so minors do not interact. | more will be added!
main masterlist | part 1 | part 2
break free • bucky barnes x fem!reader
↳ by @james-bucky (angst, violence, comfort, smut)
honey girl • dbf!bucky barnes x fem!reader
↳ by @violentdelightsandviolentends (age gap, soulmate au, smut, angst, fluff)
taken • bucky barnes x reader
↳ by @antiquarianfics (angst, violence, kidnapping)
public affair | public display • bucky barnes x reader
↳ by @kaznejis
you are mine, sunshine • grumpy!bodyguard!bucky barnes x sunshine!fem!reader
↳ by @theeleggymeggy
i never thought you'd happen to me | part 2 | part 3 • bucky barnes x curvy!reader
↳ by @nickfowlerrr (slight angst, mostly fluff, smut, luv itt)
against all odds | part 2 • bucky barnes x reader
↳ by @bossbtch1
you found me • bucky barnes x reader
↳ by @samthemarvelfan (slight angst, fluff)
cry baby • bucky barnes x fem!reader
↳ by @buckymorelikefuckme (smut, friends to lovers)
secret injury • bucky barnes x reader
↳ by @lives-in-midgard
the collection • tfatws!bucky barnes x fem!reader
↳ by @theeleggymeggy
better knock • bucky barnes x reader
↳ by @buckysouvenir (flufff, implied smut)
suffocate me with your love • bucky barnes x reader
↳ by @rocketrhap3000 (angst with happy ending, self-esteem problems)
always • bucky barnes x reader
↳ by @nickfowlerrr (angst with happy ending)
contaminated • bucky barnes x agent!reader
↳ by @adrinktostopyourthirst (fluff)
finally • bucky barnes x spy!reader
↳ by @adrinktostopyourthirst (smut, fluff, angst)
curiosity killed the cat • mafia!bucky barnes x fem!reader
↳ by @queers-gambit (angst, kidnapping, mean!bucky)
help me • bucky barnes x reader
↳ by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky (angst, bucky's ptsd, comfort)
his everything • bucky barnes x fem!reader
↳ by @likeahorribledream (angst, fluff and insecure bucky)
the way he loves • bucky barnes x widow!reader
↳ by @lovelybarnes (aahh so fluffy so sweet)
patience • grumpy!bucky barnes x sunshine!reader
↳ by @sageandravens
it's called: freefall • bucky barnes x reader
↳ by @kikixreverie
baking for bucky • bucky barnes x reader
↳ by @itsplumwriter (so fluff, i wish i can bake for bucky too)
wrapped in affection • bucky barnes x reader
↳ by @aikaterini-drag (very fluffy)
the signal • bucky barnes x fem!reader
↳ by @lostgirlmuseum (angst, a misunderstanding)
first time • bucky barnes x gn!reader
↳ by @ivybucky
i was born ready • bucky barnes x reader
↳ by @whatthetumblfck (angst, kidnapping, ptsd?)
babysitting duty • bucky barnes x girlfriend!fem!reader
↳ by @nicoline1998enilocin (fluff)
here's looking at you, kid • boxer!bucky barnes x reader
↳ by @cryonme (angst, violence, tw: abuse)
knight in shining motorcycle • bucky barnes x fem!reader
↳ by @queen-of-the-avengers (almost sa, slight angst, comfort)
verity • bucky barnes x fem!reader
↳ by @cosmicbucky (angst, fluff, friends to lovers)
let it be known • mob!bucky barnes x bf!fem!reader
↳ by @kinanabinks
harvest heart • bucky barnes x fem!reader
↳ by @eloquentreverie (verry fluffy)
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ofstarsandvibranium · 1 month
A Day in the Life...
Fandom: Marvel (Actor AU)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x GN!Reader
Summary: You're hired to be famous actor, Bucky Barnes' social media manager. This is probably the best and worst job you've ever gotten because Bucky gives you free reign of his social media but also...you may or may not be crushing on Bucky aka your boss. Based off my imagine here.
A/N: this is 3,180 words because i refused to break it up into parts. anyway, ENJOY!
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You press record and begin to narrate, "A Day in the Life of a Social Media Manager for a Super Big and Popular Actor *Working Title*"
You face the camera to you and continue to speak, "Bucky had some morning meetings but I wasn't allowed to film. So now here he is doing his daily workout."
You pan the camera to him and he says, "Hi," with a shy smile.
You snort, stopping the recording, "What?"
"This is..." he gestures to you and your work phone, "awkward."
"Then don't make it awkward! And hey, you said I had free reign! I asked your followers what they'd like to see and they say they want a glimpse of your daily life."
His brows furrow, "Didn't you just say this is a day in the life of a social media manager?"
You shrug, "The poll was tied to seeing your daily life and my daily life working for you. So I just decided to put the two together. Anyway, the title is a work in progress. We'll see how this does and go from there. Anyway, just ignore me. I'm not even here."
Bucky gets back to his work out. He has an outdoor and indoor set up. Because the weather was nice, he decided to do his workout outside...shirtless.
He goes to the lifting station, picking up some weights. You begin to narrate again, but this time in a Steve Irwin impression, "Right. Now watch as the esteemed actor gets ready to work out his arms in preparation for an awesome movie that I'm not allowed to mention."
Bucky lets out a chuckle, dropping the weights and looking back at you, "You filming a nature documentary now?" he rests his hands on his hips and smirks at you in a way that makes you want to melt.
You give a playful yet dramatic sigh, dropping your filming arm down, "Are you this difficult with your directors, Barnes?"
He shakes his head, "Nah. None of my directors have been as dorky as you."
You stick your tongue out at him, "Fine. I'll leave you to your workout."
"No, hey, I was joking! Don't leave me!"
You shake your head, "It's fine, Bucky. I'll leave you to it. I'll chalk up some other videos we could do. Also, the getty images from last night's premiere are up. Did you want to look through them before I post?"
He shakes his head, "I trust your judgement." he turns around, his bare back facing you. You stay and watch as he do a few arm curls and immediately rush back into his home.
"Get it together, Y/N," you mumble to yourself, leaving your boss to his workout.
During Bucky's fitting for New York's Fashion Week, you were allowed to take some behind the scenes pictures. You have a few candid ones of Bucky standing in front of a mirror, his stylist fixing his collar, and him looking at the different shoe options.
Then you included some goofy ones where he copies a pose of a mannequin, a selfie of you two showing of your shoe choices (his being very fancy and yours being your regular sneakers), and then a selfie of him wearing a pair of sunglasses without a lens.
You posted all of them after fashion week was over and his Instagram followers were LOVING it.
bbarnesfan: STAHP. he's so adorable.
xbucky-muncher: he went from serious to dork. get you a man who can do both.
notyouraveragebuckyfan: ok but him and his social media manager are so cute together???
bbarnesfan replies: they're literally bucky's employee. don't be weird.
notyouraveragebuckyfan replies: i'm just saying! they seem like they have great chemistry! have you seen the tiktoks and reels of them together?
"How come you put the candids and the selfies all in one post?" Bucky asks as he looks through the latest post you made.
You're scrolling through the analytics of the last tiktok you two made, one where he guesses if one of his characters said a specific line or it's made up.
You take note of the demographics, the comments, etc. to be mindful of for the next posts you make.
Without looking up from your laptop, you answer, "It shows people the different sides of you. How you take things seriously but you can also have fun with it."
He hums, "Lots of people think we look cute together." He says this in hopes of getting some sort of reaction from you.
You continue to work, not looking back at them, "Don't pay attention to those comments. The internet will make up all kinds of stuff."
Bucky's shoulders sag a bit as he replies, "Yeah. You're right."
You'd been working for him for almost a year now. He doesn't see you every day like he did when you first were hired on. Now you only come over twice a week to go over analytics with his team and to shoot some content. Most of the time, you work from your place and Bucky's been feeling more lonely ever since.
Your presence brightened his day and you provided a breath of fresh air on his busier days. He genuinely enjoyed your company and liked making content with you. He liked learning more about you, having meals together, and just being with you. He thought that maybe there was something there between you, but then he'd be reminded that you're his employee and he's your boss. It can't work out.
But there were some glimpsed of hope. You'd look at Bucky a certain way or make a comment that seemed a little more flirty. It had to mean something, right? But whenever Bucky tried to push a little more, you'd pull away and he hated it. It was so complicated.
He wanted you as more than an employee but his team clocked him on his feelings and told him not to fuck it up because you've helped Bucky's image immensely.
He can't fuck this up, not matter how much his heart yearns for more.
"Hello, hello!" you greet Bucky, handing him his coffee as he lets you into his home. You've been working for him for over a year. It's one out of the two days you come over to do work with him.
His stylist, Michael, was nice enough to bring some clothes over for a TikTok video that you had which was "My Social Media Manager Picks Out My Next Event Outfit".
The next event that Bucky needs to make an appearance in is his friend, Nat's, movie premiere. The dress code is very formal so it's no surprise to see various kinds of formal wear.
What does surprise you is that you see a rack of clothes that you know wouldn't be for Bucky.
"Um...what's this?"
He grins widely at you, "Clothes for you to choose from."
Your brows shoot up in surprise, "Excuse me?"
"You said you've always wanted to go to one right? You're coming with me."
"As your social media manager?"
"You're not working the event. You're going as my plus one."
"You don't have to, but I was hoping to bring you as, ya know, a thank you for all the amazing work you've done for me this past year."
You can't help but snort, "Bucky, c'mon, did all of your usuals reject you or something?"
"You're the only person I've asked right now. Come on, Y/N, please?"
You want to. You really, really want to. But these past few months, you and Bucky have been toeing the line between a work relationship and something more. You're not sure if going as his plus one to the premiere is a good idea, especially since even more people have been commenting on your chemistry.
But Bucky's looking at you with those gorgeous blue eyes and he's pouting and he looks so cute, so how could you say no?
"I'll think about it," you reply and it seems to appease Bucky because he smiles again and says, "Okay. But I really do hope you'll go. It'll be fun, plus you've met Nat. She thinks you're cool."
You scoff, "There's no way Natasha Romanoff, the hottest and most popular actress right now, thinks I'm cool."
He shrugs, "Everyone thinks you're cool. It's hard to not like you, Y/N, trust me," he gives you a wink and it makes your cheeks warm up, "Anyway, so let's see what we got."
You wordlessly nod, going over to set up your work phone to begin filming.
You think you did really well with picking out Bucky's outfit. It was a royal blue velvet jacket with a black bow tie, and black slacks. Even Michael was impressed with your choice.
Even though you weren't working tonight, you still took some pictures and clips just in case. You took a video of the reveal of your look tonight and can't help but feel bubbly inside when Bucky wouldn't stop looking at you.
To distract yourself, you decided to take candids of Bucky getting his hair done after you were finished getting ready. He kept making funny faces at you, making you laugh.
After you both were ready, you took some mirror selfies, obviously, and sent them to Bucky afterwards.
You're in the car on the way to the premiere when you get a bunch of texts and notifications from people:
Pietro: good luck tonight! use protection! ;D
Carol: since when are you dating bucky barnes???
You unlock your phone but see a notification that Bucky tagged you in a post you didn't know he was going to make.
It was the mirror selfies you two took, with the caption: got the most gorgeous date on my arm tonight.
You immediately turn to Bucky, eyes narrowing, "James Buchanan Barnes."
"...I don't like how you just used my government name like that."
"Why would you post those selfies of us?!"
He shrugs, "Because we look great."
"And the caption?"
"It's true. You're gorgeous."
You groan and pinch the bridge of your nose, "Your publicist and manager are gonna kill me."
"No, they won't."
"They hired me to make sure your online presence is good and won't jeopardize your career."
"Nothing's gonna happen, Y/N."
"People already assume we're together because of how well we work together. It was fine to let them speculate because but that post will make things even worse."
"People will think I'm a gold digger? That I got this job because we're sleeping together? I don't know! The internet makes up all kinds of fucked up reasons and I won't be able to get work ever again!"
"But is it so bad that people think we're together?"
"For you, it won't be bad. For me, it could be. So, please, Bucky, delete those photos before even more people see it."
Bucky's jaw clenches and mumbles out, "Fine. I'm sorry," he takes out his phone and you watch as he deletes the photos off his instagram. Tonight was supposed to be fun, but you're sure you just ruined it.
The entire night was awkward. Bucky did his best to still include you in conversations he had with friends and colleagues, but you felt the tension between you two. You did your best to enjoy it as much as you can. You saw Nat for a brief moment where you hugged her and congratulate her. She said she wanted to chat later but you didn't really expect much. This is her premiere and she has other priorities.
She proved you wrong, however, during the after party where she pulled you to an area for more privacy.
"Hey, how are you?"
"Um, good. A little overwhelmed, but, uh, tonight's been...fun."
She tilts her head and narrows her eyes at you, just like her character did in the movie, and you can't help but let the truth spill, "I freaked out on Bucky on the way here. He posted pictures of us that insinuate we're together and I don't want it to result in me getting fired and potentially never getting a job like this ever again."
"Yeah, I saw that before he deleted it. You guys looked cute. Also, are you two not dating?"
"What? No! He's literally my boss!"
She shrugs, "Could've fooled me. Anyway, there's something clearly going on between you two, right?"
"I, uh, I don't know what to say. Do I have feelings for him? Yes. But will I act on them? No. Again, he's my boss, I'm his employee. I really like this job too, so I can't risk anything."
"I feel like there's a 'but' coming."
"...but he's so amazingly funny, smart, hot, understanding, compassionate, and I just love spending time with him. It's so fucked, Nat.
She nods in understanding, "I know, hon. I'm gonna say the most cliche thing ever, but listen to your heart. I'm sure you'll find another job just as fun as this one, but to be with someone you click so well with? That doesn't come often."
"Hey, you okay?" Bucky comes up from behind, placing a hand on your hip and looking at you with concern.
Nat flashes him a smile, "Just wanted to catch up with them, but I've hogged up your date long enough, Barnes." she turns back to you, "Think about what I said, okay? Enjoy the rest of your night and thanks for coming," she hugs you and heads back out to the party.
Bucky nods to her and stands in front of you, "Did you want to stay longer or are you ready to go?"
"I think I'm ready to go for the night."
"Alright." you follow him out to the front where you wait for the driver to pick you guys up. He stands beside you with his hands in his pockets, wearing that gorgeous outfit you chose.
"I'm sorry again about the pictures."
"Thank you, I'm sorry I attacked you like that."
He shakes his head, "Don't be. I get why you did. But, um, we're good?"
You nod, "Yeah, Bucky, we're good."
"Good," he gives you a shy smile and then points at the upcoming car, "Our ride's here." As soon as the SUV pulls up, he opens the door for you and lets you go in first. He follows and the drive home is in silence.
You're working in your little alcove at Bucky's when he approaches you, "Hey, I need to talk to you about something."
You turn in your chair and look up at him, "This doesn't sound good."
"It's good and bad."
"Um, okay?" you clasp your hands together in your lap in anxiousness.
"So...I'm hiring a different social media manager."
Your heart drops, "Wh-What? But-But I thought I was doing well. Your team said I was doing a good job. What happened?"
"You are, but lemme also add that there's another job already waiting for you."
"Bucky, I'm so confused right now. Are you firing me? Or contracting me to someone else?"
"I'm firing you because I can't date an employee."
You straighten up at his statement, "Excuse me?"
Bucky steps closer to you, reaching out and grabbing your hand, "It's just...shit, Y/N, you gotta know how I feel about you right?"
You bite your lip in nervousness, "Maybe."
He lets out a long sigh and run a hand through his cropped hair, "Listen, I like you. A lot. That's the real reason I wanted you to come with me to the premiere. I love spending time with you and I've been so much happier since you've started working for me. To be honest, I didn't know how much longer I could keep myself from wanting to be with you. So to still make sure your professionalism was in tact, I reached out to Nat to see if she was in need of an amazing social media manager and, luckily, she was."
"I'm gonna work for Nat? Nat wants me to work for her?"
Bucky nods, "She does. So you'll be working for her which means I'm not longer your boss. Which means...will you go on a date with me?"
Fuck it. Fuck it all. You held in your feelings for Bucky for so long and now you've been given a loophole to be with him.
"I like you too, Bucky. So much, I didn't say anything, obviously, because I wanted to remain professional, but fuck did you make it hard to not fall for you."
Bucky snickers with a smirk, "I can say the same thing about you." His thumb caresses the back of your hand and it feels so right.
"Have you actually hired someone to take over for me?"
"Not officially, but I have some applicants already. Why? Do you know someone?"
You nod, "I do. She just graduated college with a degree in communications with a concentration in social media. I can have her send in an application, but I one hundred percent vouch for her. She's done great work."
"Alright. I trust you, but I don't think I can find anyone who works as well as you do."
"I fucking hope not. Or else you might leave me for them!"
"Never," Bucky replies confidently with a softness in his voice and adoration in his eyes.
"So...about that date..."
"Come with me to work for a popular actor!" Kamala narrates her latest TikTok.
"So Bucky is working on a new movie with Natasha Romanoff so for promo we're filming a bunch of different content!" Nat and Bucky wave at the camera.
"After filming all of that, they're off to a photoshoot. Here are some of the potential outfits they can wear." the camera pans to several racks of clothing.
"There's a lunch break and here's my lunch versus Bucky's lunch," Kamala's plate is pasta while Bucky's roast chicken, "The boss needs to bulk up for another role so he needs a lot of protein."
"And that's all that I can show you for today. Until next time, bye!"
You scroll to the comments and they're immediately flooded with"
you're not y/n???
wait, did y/n quit?! did bucky fire them?! no!
what happened to y/n?!
and so on.
You snort and show Bucky, who was cuddling you from behind, "I told you people would notice."
He peers over your shoulder to look at your phone, "Kamala actually had an idea for that."
"A Day in the Life of an Actor's Social Media Manager. Part...whatever. So we're doing more promo stuff for Bucky and Nat's new movie. But this time I'm also working with Nat's social media manager, Y/N! We're doing a What's in the Box Challenge and here's a clip of Bucky freaking out."
"Also look at Bucky and Y/N. They're so cute together. And yes, guys, they're totally dating now which is why Y/N no longer works for Bucky. ANYWAY..."
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lostgirlmuseum · 7 months
howdy howdy cadence, I saw you’re taking requests and I wanted to send in some love and ideas 💕💕💕💕
If you feel comfortable, could you write a story about the reader and Bucky navigating intimacy (non sexual or sexual kind, up to you) after his years with hydra? It doesn’t have to be smut, it’s all up to you! I really love how you wrote Give Me a Sign, and I think you’d write that scenario really well.
enjoy your break!!! 💕
AHHH You are so sweet River Ilysmmm💕💕💕💕 I absolutely loved this request, and I hope I did it justice
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I Like You (A Lot)
Pairing: Bucky x GN!Reader
Summary: You can't help but notice the way Bucky becomes uncomfortable around you, and you help him find peace in your touch.
Words: 1.3k
Warnings: No use of Y/N, reader is briefly described as having hair that is long enough to be tucked, fluff, teeniest bit of angst(?), pls kindly let me know if I'm missing anything
A/N: I hope you like it my loves!
(@saradika for dividers)
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“This is me,” you said, stopping in front of your building door. 
“It’s cute.” Bucky nodded, and stuck his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket.
You and Bucky had been friends for a couple years now, and worked together at the compound for even longer. But it wasn’t until last week that Bucky finally found the guts to ask you on a first date. He took you to a cute retro styled diner, then to explore some cute bookshops, and ended the night with a walk around town. Not to mention he even brought you flowers when he came to pick you up, and those were currently soaking in a vase in your kitchen.
“I had a really great time tonight.” You smiled.
“Me too.” He avoided your eyes and kept his gaze on the sidewalk. He gently swayed back and forth.
“Really.” Bucky assured you, giving you a quick shy smile before bringing his gaze back to the ground.
You were waiting for him to make a move, ask to come in, do something at all, but he just stood there, subtly rocking from foot to foot. After another couple awkward moments of you waiting for him to hug or kiss you, you gave up and filled the silence. 
“Um, did you want to come in? I was thinking we could maybe watch a movie.”
“Yeah. I mean, only if you want. No pressure.” 
You fidgeted with the gloves on your hands, carefully tugging each finger off before sliding it back on. 
“Okay,” he eventually answered, voice somewhat quiet.
You suppressed your giddy smile and led him to your apartment. After toeing off your boots, stuffing your gloves in your coat pockets, and placing your coat on the hanger, you began to walk to the kitchen.
“Take a seat on the couch, I’m going to make some popcorn. You can cue up a movie.” 
“What did you want to watch?” Bucky’s voice flowed through the doorway separating the kitchen from the living room.
“Anything, up to you,” you called, grabbing a popcorn bag from the pantry.
“Sam has been saying I need to watch ‘Inception’, have you heard of it?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his question.
“I’ve seen it, it’s a pretty popular movie. Total mindfuck, but I’d love to see it again. Is that what you want to watch?”
“If that’s okay with you.”
“Absolutely. Find out where it's streaming and pull it up.”
A couple minutes and a freshly popped bag of popcorn later, you placed the bowl on the coffee table and sat next to Bucky on the couch.
At first you were a couple of inches away from him, but after he pressed play on the movie, you slowly started to migrate closer to him. You started by putting your leg up on the ottoman, and oops! It brushed against his leg! But you started to feel self-conscious when he moved his leg a little to the left to not touch yours. As the couch cushions began to sink slightly at the weight, you found yourself sitting closer to Bucky’s side.
You were debating whether to pull the classic “yawn, stretch your arm, and rest it behind their head” move, but your heart stopped when you noticed Bucky tense beside you. And you knew it wasn’t the movie that was bothering him.
You silently grabbed the TV remote and paused the movie. You sat up a bit straighter, and scooched a bit away from Bucky to give him some distance, as well as face him.
He hummed in question, and met your gaze.
 “I’m going to ask you a question, and please be honest with me.” You didn’t give him a chance to respond. You took a deep breath and asked, “Am I making you uncomfortable?”
“No,” his answer came quickly, and seemed honest enough, but you were skeptical. 
“Are you sure? Because everytime I get close to you, you get really tense. And it’s completely okay if you want me to give you some space, I just need you to tell me that.”
Bucky sighed.
“It’s not that I don’t like you close to me, it’s just…I don’t know, it’s uncomfortable, but not in the way that it feels bad. It’s just really unfamiliar to me. I don’t have a lot of experience with stuff like this, and my body can’t help but respond to it with fear. I know, I know it’s stupid.” He rested his head back on the pillow and looked at the ceiling. 
“It’s not stupid.”
“I feel stupid. I wish I could be the perfect guy for you, I really do. I’m sorry I’m so awkward,” he cringed, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I wanted tonight to be perfect, but clearly I’m fucking it all up.”
“Bucky, you haven’t fucked anything up.” You urged him to look at you and reminded yourself not to place a hand on his knee. “I know your past has been cruel to you. I need you to know that you are safe here with me, and I’m happy as long as you’re happy. I don’t want to push you into anything you’re not ready for. I’m in no rush.”
“I want to be close to you. I just don’t know how. But I want to try.”
At those last words, he carefully placed his right hand over yours.
“Oh Bucky,” you giggled, finding his effort endearing. You clasped his right hand with both of yours and soothingly rubbed your thumb over the ridges of his hand. You slowly brought his knuckles to your lips. “Is this too much?”
He swallowed and shook his head ‘no’.
“Can I see your other hand?”
“What do you mean ‘why?’” You asked, and let go of his hand.
“It’s not flesh, remember?”
“Of course I know that, Bucky. It’s still a part of you.”
Hesitantly, he showed you his left hand. You saw the scrunch in his brows as you placed your hand in his, and interlocked your fingers. After giving his metal hand a quick kiss, you unlocked your fingers, and carefully brought his palm to your cheek.
“Is this okay?”
“It doesn’t scare you?” He shook his head in disbelief. 
“No. It’s a piece of you. And I trust you. I always have, I always will. I like you a lot, Bucky Barnes.”
You slowly removed your hand from his, and you smiled at the way he kept his hand cupping your cheek. 
“I like you a lot, too. Have for a while.” He huskily whispered, carefully gliding his hand to tuck a strand of hair that had fallen behind your ear. 
“Oh yeah? How long?” You asked, leaning further into his palm.
His cold hand left your warm skin and he looked up and smiled as if remembering.
“Remember that mission in Munich two years ago? The one where we found all the stolen weapons and then got gelato after? Since then.”
You beamed. 
“Can I try something?”
He softly nodded and let you guide him to lay down on the couch to where his head was resting in your lap. You warned him that you were going to put your hands in his hair, and he gave a soft hum of understanding. He tensed at first, but quickly relaxed as you drew your fingers through his hair, drawing soothing patterns into his scalp.
“This is okay? Not too much?” 
“S’ good.” He slurred, and allowed himself to close his eyes.
You noticed the crease in his brows had smoothed. 
“I like your touch,” he whispered. “I like you.”
“That’s a relief,” you joked, and continued your motions. 
A lazy smile made its way onto his face as you brought a thumb to the bridge of his nose, and started to stroke the spot between his eyebrows. 
“Please don’t stop.” He hummed.
“For you? Never.”
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Thank you for reading/liking/reblogging/commenting/following!!!
If you liked it, please let me know!
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hobis-hope94 · 2 years
to everyone of my readers who read my marvel fics: i no longer write for marvel as i’m not as into it as i used to be. some are still up there but if you come across any of my series, i won’t be fixing the links & will delete the master list soon. sorry i’m not writing for marvel anymore 💜
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ace-of-gay · 1 year
ok so Stucky’s little struggles with sensory issues & recently their hair has been bothering them because the length is causing the hair to touch their neck & shoulders. so Stucky takes them to get their hair cut at a salon. this causes a tantrum because salons can be very overwhelming. Stucky of course isn’t mad at their little because they understand that it is just too much sensory stimulation for their little & it’s hard to process that especially in little space. afterwards, their little feels so much better with their haircut.
I just had to do this over the weekend. I have thick curly hair & especially with what I do, it was beginning to become too much. it was hard to manage, causing sensory issues, & giving me gender dysphoria. I actually cut it myself because I’m a broke college student 😂 it didn’t turn out too bad. it is definitely shorter than I intended but it’s just hair & it’ll grow back so it doesn’t bother me.
anyways I would love to see you write this
Too long
Stucky x little neurodivergent reader
Word count: 1,506 words.
Warnings: Reader is sensory averse, mentions of barbershops, scissors, slight meltdown'ish behavior, sensory issues, hair combing/ brushing meaning physical contact, etc.
Age regression is a coping mechanism, if your not knowledgeable and uncomfortable of the topic either read up on it or ignore please <3
No gender, weight, ethnicity or hair type mentioned, reader is at least slightly able bodied in this
Gn reader
90% edited to the best of my ability
Dont like it dont read it especially when theres warnings
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It’d been a year and a half of you letting your hair grow out, the goal was a year potentially two if it wasn’t too bad but your hair grows fast and the weight of it being different now from when you had it cut is definitely a feeling that can make you turn on goals.
You made the goal a week after the haircut having already forgotten the burden of it touching your neck and covering your ears.
Hats were now impossible unless you tied it up but than there’d be an uneven feeling against the top of your head and that was not a desired sensation you’d wish to put yourself through.
There weren’t any safe hairstyles that you were able to comfortably do without them tugging on sections or it feeling uneven no matter the help you got from either of your carers.
Steve at shield for a business related event meant you were left with Bucky for the day, he tried his best to implement brushing your hair as a routine part of your day but the tug and pull hurt so had you’d whimper and writher in your spot if someone was brushing it for you often leading to you getting upset and telling them they’re doing it wrong even though they were just as gentle as you were, you would take over and do your very best but no matter how easy it was to get the brush through your hair it still hurt and the bristles and teeth of brushes and combs hurt so bad and felt like rakes in you scalp, currently you were sitting on the counter top infront of the mirror as Bucky carefully brushed and combed your hair.
Your face turned down in a winced frown, tears threating to spill from your glossy eyes, "bubby please stop, hurts bad, i try now" you whimpered trying your very best to keep from taking your painful frustration out on him, he could hear you slipping, "alrighty little bee, I’m going to make a snack for us, ill be right back, just shout of you need me"
you hated brushing your hair so much that you would help Bucky with his so he wouldn't feel the pain you felt.
It was always such an intimate and gentle thing for him, on stressful days where he felt stuck in a mindset that wasn't comfortable he would ask if you’d like to help him do his hair, often leading to him sitting on the floor in front of you how you do with him, carefully working your way through his hair.
He refrained from telling you that the pain and discomfort was probably just a sensory issue possibly allodynia, he feared if you knew it would make you feel lonely and not understood in the struggle.
Gliding the brush through your hair it would get through but it was a struggle.
Once so far into the struggle and pain it became a ticking time bomb for lashing out, a grumble as you tug one last time with no success, you take the brush from your hair, a broken sob taking it in both hand "j-jus stop hurtin mee please hurts so bad i gon break you, i hate youu!" followed by you throwing the offending brush to the floor, getting down from the counter you open Steve and Bucky’s hair styling kit, taking out the scissors and grabbing a chunk of your hair.
Bucky heard the ruckus and knew what was coming, making his way to the bathroom as quickly as he could while keeping a calm composure, he wished with all his heart that he could help you how you do him.
rounding the corner into the bathroom to see you holding the scissors in one hand and some hair in the other, tears burning trails into your cheeks.
"Hey honey bee, lets not do that, sharp objects are dangerous, can you please hand me the scissors precious? "Your  trembly little hands slowly move to carefully hand Bucky the scissors that he sets aside out of reach, pulling you into a hug.
"I know it hurts baby, do you want to research some sensory friendly hairstyles and talk to Stevie about going to the barber tomorrow?  Does that sound okay?"
Reluctantly nodding into his chest he places a feather light kiss to the top of your head, you definitely weren't paying complete attention because normally you wouldn't even consider the barber shop but he carries on for the time being, picking you up taking you to relax in the living room, no more brushing for today.
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Steve waking in you hurriedly set your sippy down to go greet him at the door, bouncing on your toes waiting for him to take off his jacket and set his keys down, with every bounce you could feel the ends hit the sides of your face, neck, and your ears, quickly shaking your head to get the feeling to stop and you halt your excited stim, "dada i get haircut tomorrow please?" Still having convinced yourself that its an at home haircut.
Bucky had already briefed him on the decisions of today and the hope for tomorrow over text, also letting him know that youre not exactlyaware it was for a barbershop haircut but alas it was necessary.
"I don’t see why not little bee, has bubby helped you decide what style you want?" Nodding you take his hand pulling him to the couch to show him the picture Bucky saved.
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The next day came quickly with you excited for your sensory freedom from pain and discomfort, it finally dawned on you where youre getting the haircut because of your comfort stuffy being safely tucked away in your bag, your hand in both Bucky’s and Steve’s about to walk out of the house when you stopped, terror in your eyes, they dont let go but instead hold slightly tighter onto your hands for what came next, you dropped all of your weight to the floor, there was no way a stranger in a loud building was getting near you with a pair of scissors.
Managing to tear your hands from theirs you sprint off to your playroom hiding in the back of your closet with your comfort stuffie.
They knew this was coming, its no suprise youre terrified,  you only ever acted out when you were uncomfortable or scared so soothing you was the bis step "Baby i know you dont like salons, i promise daddy wouldn't take you to a bad place, its a sensory safe salon, no music, just us and two workers, does that sound okay?" Bucky soothed through the door It honestly did, it sounded much better than a normal barber shop.
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you wearily walk into the hair salon for your appointment and like bucky had stated it was a very sensory safe environment which relieved some of the worry.
Being called over you sit in the chair as Bucky shows the hairdresser your choice Steve hands you your comfort stuffie "youre okay baby, i know its scary but we'll be just over there and we wont let anything bad happen to you" you nod and take a few breaths with him and than heads back over to the wait area.
"Quite the change, you’re gonna look amazing, the stylist cheers"
Going forth and doing your hair as decided the stylist makes sure to be as gentle as possible, knowing that your hair is an issue for you she makes the haircut go as quick and smoothly as possible, last in the process she picks up the comb and in that moment you clench your eyes shut taking deep breaths, holding tightly onto your stuffy, the comb easily glides through your hair a breath of relief. the change brought you much comfort, your hair no longer touching you face, neck or ears, brushing no longer feeling like a metal hose clamp to its tightest position and ripping your hair from your delicate scalp, now it felt like nothing, it was perfect.
The hair stylist unclips the cape cover and lets you head over to you daddies, a big grin upon your face, you shake your head rapidly, it felt like wind in the trees, ease and comfort, Bucky went to pay while you show Steve your new hair, "you look so good little love", bucky joins you both with a smile, "you did so good baby im so proud of you".
Stepping out into the slight breeze it felt so good and freeing.
The next while would feel amazing, being able to go about your days with fewer stressors, Bucky loves seeing you start your days with less discomfort and irritation from your hair being an issue, in all aspects its just hair, it doesn't depict who you are its grows back and it can be once again cut, and when that time comes youre certainnext time wont be so scary now that youve found a safe place.
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Thank you so much lovely for requesting such a wonderful idea, i really hope this does your idea justice <3
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ru-xia · 2 years
Y/n: Your eyes really are blue, huh? Like really blue...
Bucky: Is that bad...?
Y/n: What? No! No, it's not bad! It's a good thing!
Bucky: Really?
Y/n: Really.
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imtryingbuck · 1 month
That time of the month.
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x gn!Reader
Summary: Bucky supports his partner when it’s their time of the month
Word count: 413
Warnings: fluff. angst. period pains. Super short sorry.
A/N: thank you for request 🤍
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Bucky frowned when he walked in the bedroom he shared with his partner of two years, on the bed laid the love of his life tossing and turning clutching their stomach for dear life.
“Love? Y/n what’s wrong?” He asked kneeling gently on the bed.
“Oh love, would you like some pain killers?”
“P-please” Bucky being the perfect gentleman that he is jumped up and rushed out of the bedroom and into the bathroom to search for the pain killers. When he returns he had two capsules in his hand and in the other a nice cold glass of water.
“Take these love”
“Thank you Buck” Not even five minutes later with the help of him running his fingers through your hair you fell asleep.
Bucky knew how bad your periods were each month and each month he wished he could take that pain away from you. Sending Wanda a text message asking if she could come in to watch over you as you slept. He had a solo mission he needed to go on.
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When you woke up you was shocked to see the huge bouquet of flowers neatly placed on the bedside table. “Buck?”
“Hi my pretty love, how are you feeling?”
“It doesn’t hurt as much now”
“Here, sit up so I can put these on you” doing as he says, you shuffle up against the headboard he places a heating pad on your back and your hot water bottle that was snuggly covered in a soft panda cover. “I’ve been busy whilst you’ve been in dreamland” he informs you.
“Yeah? Doing what?”
“Well I went and got you some flowers, then I went and got you all your favourite snacks, and yes I got you some cookie dough ice cream too.”
“Buck, you didn’t have to”
“Of course I do, I can’t let my favourite person in the world suffer. I also got you some more pads as you was running out”
“I love you”
“I love you too smelly bum, come on we’re going to have a lazy day and have some snuggles” he says taking his shoes off and getting into the bed next to you - making sure to bring the very large bag of snacks.
Though he couldn’t take your pain away, he could hopefully make the experience more pleasant even by doing the most simplest of things. And after all Bucky would move mountains for his partner if they asked him to.
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @capsbestgirl77
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