#but danny asks if they have any siblings….. he knows they said they were part of a batch? but he doesn’t know how….
villainsidestep · 2 months
fawniel thoughts hour….
#gideon shut the hell up challenge#u can tell we are trying so hard to write smth bc we keep thinking up situations. but anyway#them just laying together asking a bunch of 20 questions type things#(he asks their favorite color and they laugh bc shouldn’t their ~number one fan~ know that already? and he gets embarrassed#and is like I MEAN I /DID/…. but that info is old !!! and I want to hear it from u ☺️)#(fawn says blue and he’s like 👀 oh really… any favorite shade…. and they’re like hm!! 😌 guess u will never know)#but danny asks if they have any siblings….. he knows they said they were part of a batch? but he doesn’t know how….#(​‘tank babies?’ fawn suggests bc he’s trying to come up w a nicer way to say it but can’t and he does an embarrassed little laugh bc yeah)#fawn who has only ever lied to the rangers abt it (they grew up on a farm and had a large family sure but ‘no one worth mentioning’?)#(not ashamed of their siblings but scared to talk abt them. to show any sort of weakness. ric would have pried; he always does.)#and yet. sitting here w him now. not sidestep (either one) and herald. just fawn and danny. they tell him#and it’s hard to explain how you can know someone without ever Knowing them. how u can have names when all u have are pictures and feelings#but they manage. and when they’re done danny says that he’s sorry for their loss. the first time they’re ever heard it.#probs the first time they’ve ever genuinely Acknowledged it since they were recycled. and fawn says yeah. says thank you. says I’m sorry.#oh u thought we were done w siblings ?? sike . ocean and sunny u will always be canon 2 me
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corpsebasil · 1 year
Karma Part 4 aka the FINALE
with his life in your hands, it’s up to you to be with the masked killer you’ve grown to love
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He held onto you, glaring with a ferocity you’d never seen before at Detective Bailey and Quinn.
Quinn, who was back from the dead, and Bailey, who was… You glanced up at Ethan’s face, examining his features for any resemblance. Ethan’s father. Ethan stood between you and the others, Sam and Tara both armed with bricks. They’d been stunned to realize Ethan was a Ghostface—more so when they realized you knew. But in your hurried explanations, that he’d defended you, hadn’t killed anyone else, their hate turned into uncomfortable apprehension.
“That bitch,” Quinn was saying, pointing her knife at you. “should’ve been my kill. I had her, E. Where the hell do you get off attacking me?”
“I told you to leave her alone.” He argued, still keeping one arm around you as he glared at his sister. He hadn’t worn the costume; he’d burned it, actually, right after the two of you had… “She’s mine. You can’t take her away from me. Not this one, one thing in my life that’s worth a damn.”
“She’s a girl, Ethan.” Quinn growled, still glaring at you. “What did that little slut do to change your mind? Did she spread her—”
“Shut up, Quinn.” Ethan’s tone was lethal. “You want her, you can go through me.”
Tara was backing away, passing a brick into your hand as you stood stock still, watching the two siblings trade verbal blows. You had goosebumps across your skin; Quinn, the girl you’d done makeup with before school, the girl with whom you’d had a Dunkin tradition on Sunday mornings, had tried to kill you? You two weren’t extremely close, but you thought that she’d liked you, at a minimum.
“Why Quinn?” You asked, voice raw as you stared at the ginger. “What did I ever do to you?”
“You were never supposed to be involved.” Detective Bailey cut his daughter off, casting his steely gaze to your own. You shrank underneath the weight of his stare. “Here’s the deal, young lady. Get out now, leave Ethan to us, and you can live. Doesn’t that sound fair?”
Your eyes cut to Ethan’s. His gaze was pained as he looked at you; when he slowly nodded his head, you balked.
“They can do whatever they want to me.” He murmured, brown eyes scanning your face. “As long as you’re safe.”
“No,” you shook your head, eyes widening. “no, E, I’m not gonna—”
“Let them have him.” Sam ordered you, and you glanced over, horror filling your expression. “He deserves it. Get out of here, Y/N.”
“I won’t.” You snapped, staring at your friend. “How could you ask me that? What if I asked you to leave Danny?” You spun to Tara, her own expression twisted. “Or Chad?”
“Chad is dead.” She said, voice tight.
“We don’t both have to lose people today.” You pleaded, looping your arms tighter around Ethan. “You can fuck yourself.” You told Quinn, and her expression promised violence. “And you.” You looked to Bailey, glaring harder. “You’re the most pathetic excuse for a father I’ve ever met.”
“You had your chance.” Bailey said, and nodded to Quinn, who lunged.
Sam and Tara swung with their bricks as Ethan hauled you away, your breath hitching as he tugged you back, back, back, your heart rate spiking to a dangerous level. And then Quinn, god knows how, was there, having had escaped Sam and Tara, and shouted a curse at the two of you.
“Join your bitch in hell.” Quinn snarled and slashed out.
Your world shrank to pinpoint.
You screamed, screamed, as the blade tore through Ethan’s abdomen. He staggered backwards, choking on a gasp, and dropped to the floor. You couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t breathe as the boy you were in love with clutched as his middle, blood seeping rapidly out of the wound.
“Fuck you.” Quinn said, pointing her knife at you.
“Fuck you.” You spat back, and swung your brick.
You barely felt the impact.
She fell to the ground, teeth knocked out, but you didn’t stop. You felt insane—utterly insane as you slammed the makeshift weapon home over and over and over. You didn’t realize you were keening, tears running hot down your face, until someone grabbed your collar and yanked you away.
“No!” You gasped, the brick falling from your bloodied fingers, and Sam smacked you across the face so fast and violent your teeth cut into your cheek.
“Calm down.” She ordered, shaking you by the shoulders when she faced you. “Calm the fuck down. She’s dead. Christ.”
“Ethan—” You choked out, pointing, and Sam’s concerned stare turned hateful as she looked at him. “Sam please.” You begged, fighting her grasp so you could move towards him. He was laying flat on his back now, face screwed up with pain, his hand trembling against his wound. “Please please. I won’t ask you for anything else. Just help me.” She followed your eyes to the closest exit. If you could just get him to the hallway, maybe you could somehow break out. “Please I cant live without—”
“God, fine.” She snapped, letting go of you to help lift him. You had no idea where Bailey or Tara was but, based on the fact that you’d just bashed his daughter’s skull in with a brick and his son had betrayed him, you weren’t sure if he was going to stick around.
The two of you moved to Ethan, lifting him by the shoulders and tugging him towards the hall. A moan of pain left his lips and you choked back a sob, tears filling your eyes as you looked down at him. You were muttering reassurances, trying to convince the both of you it was okay, when Sam left to find her sister.
You kept him tucked in the corner of the hall, as far away from the fight as you could manage, as you slowly peeled up his shirt. You almost gagged. Short of his guts hanging out the wound was devastating, and you saw the tears in his eyes as he trembled.
“Baby,” you touched his face, his sleepy eyes moving to your own. “baby what do I do? I don’t know how to—”
“Duct tape.” He hissed through clenched teeth. “My backpack. Use the—the duct tape.”
You dove for his backpack, rummaging through it until you found the desired material. You yanked off a strip and began taping his abdomen shut, trying not to retch when his cries of pain met your ears. You were crying steadily now, your hands shaking, when there was finally nothing left to tape up.
“Can you—” Ethan swallowed, his speech slurring as he panted. “Just, stay with me? I just…want to be with you when..”
“No.” You shook your head, sliding onto the ground beside him and looping an arm over his chest. You pressed your face against his neck, squeezing your eyes shut. “I’m not leaving you. I cant.”
“You know I love you, Y/N.” He murmured, and you choked back a sob, your lips pressing kisses against his neck and shoulder. And then you tensed, hearing the click of a gun, and turned.
“Isn’t this a pretty picture.” Detective Bailey mused, gun at his side. “A real Romeo and Juliet story.” He pointed the gun at Ethan and you practically snarled at the man, shielding his body the best you could with your own. “You threw it all away on some girl.” He sneered, glaring at his son, who gripped your arm as hard as he could.
“Y/N, go.” Ethan breathed, wincing as he fought to prop himself up.
“You wanna kill him?” You asked, glaring at his father. How such an amazing boy came out of him, you had no idea. “Shoot me first.”
“Whatever the lady wants.” He replied, aiming for your head, and you stared with defiance as Ethan gasped, your ears vaguely picking up his begging protests.
The gunshot went off.
Bailey lurched to the side, dropping to the ground, as Sam stood before you, a gun of her own pointed at the bastard’s head. You were panting, heart racing, sure you were seconds away from following your boyfriend into death.
“He talks too much.” Sam muttered, and looked to you, concern filling her eyes. “Y/N, get up.”
“Y/N, he’s not going to make it we need to—”
You felt feral. Absolutely wild as you glared at her, your grip on his hand, the hand that had reached out to hold yours during your execution, tightening.
“Help him. Help him and I’ll come with you.” You felt miserable as you laid your head back on his shoulder, your mouth quivering as you held him as tight as you dared with his injuries. “Ethan, come on. Stay awake for me.”
He grunted in response, turning his head to kiss your own, and Sam made a sound of both annoyance and defeat.
“Seriously? We need to—”
Doors burst open somewhere and you tensed, watching as officers entered the room led by Danny. You could’ve sobbed in relief as you saw medics entering, Sam immediately directing them your way. You murmured the updates to Ethan, whose eyes were closed, before you stilled. He was completely cold.
“E?” You whispered, sitting up. Without your presence his head lolled to the side; Ethan’s skin had gone pale and, when you picked up his hand, it felt limp in your own. “Ethan?” Your vision went white.
You were vaguely aware of the medics moving around you as you stared, ears ringing, at the boy that you loved. The boy that was dead.
“Sweetheart?” Fingers snapped in front of your face and you blinked slowly. “Sweetheart, come on. Let’s get you out of here.”
You pointed at Ethan—no, tried to point, because your body refused to move. You just stared. Stared and stared, as hands gripped you under the arms and lifted you. And then Danny was scooping you up, your eyes never leaving Ethan as the medic closest to him pressed her fingers to his neck, another examining the duct tape.
You turned away.
It had been four months since the theater attack.
Four months since you’d had to fight for anything—since you’d needed to fight. But now you stood in your apartment, breathing deeply, the weapon at your side clenched tight in your hand.
Your enemy stood hardly ten feet away, glaring back at you with just as much ferocity. His dark eyes never left your own as you spoke, forcing as much bravado as you could into your tone.
“I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire.”
The boy snorted, his eyes lighting up with wry amusement.
“Your new empire?”
“Don’t make me kill you.”
“Y/N, my allegiance is to the Republic. To Democracy!
You clicked the button on your battery-operated lightsaber at the same time as Ethan, and tried not to laugh.
“If you’re not with me, then you’re my enemy.”
“Only a Sith deals in absolutes.” He snapped back, taking a step forward. “I will do what I must—”
“AHHH!” You shrieked, charging, before Ethan had hardly gotten the last word out. He yelped as you tossed away your lightsaber and jumped on him, toppling the both of you to the ground.
“Hey, hey!” He protested, rolling you onto the living-room floor. He pinned your arms with his hands and shook his head, staring at you with disbelief. “You had another line. One more line. You always do that.”
“Next time I’ll be Obi-Wan.” You giggled, squirming around in his grasp.
“You’re a mess, you know that?” He asked, rolling his eyes, and moved off. “Can we watch the trilogy next? I wanna see Kylo Ren.”
“Ugh.” You groaned, reluctantly moving to your feet as he went to make popcorn in your kitchen. “Can we watch something else? What about a Barbie movie?”
“Absolutely not.” Ethan scoffed, turning to give you a comically disturbed look. “You tortured me last week with that marathon.”
“It was only, like, the best ones.”
“It was seven hours. Seven hours of singing and dresses and—”
“Ethaaan.” You whined, dashing over to wrap your arms around his waist. “Don’t you love me?”
“Then what’s one more Barbie movie?”
“Dear God.” He rubbed his eyes as you hugged him tighter, turning your head to press kisses to his chest. “Fine. Fine. But I’m picking it out.”
“You always give in.”
“I cant resist you.”
You smiled as he ran his hand over your cheek and kissed you, his other hand slipping into your hair to tug your head back. You let out a sigh as you sank into him, your fingers moving to run along his waist, then under his shirt and— You stiffened and he moved back.
“What’s wrong?”
You blinked a few times. Then you lifted the material of his shirt up, eyes running across the long, slightly raised scar on his abdomen. You ran a hand over your mouth and dropped his shirt, avoiding his eyes when he tugged you straight back into his arms.
“I’m fine, now. Remember?” He jostled you a tiny bit, a calm smile still on his face. “I’m fine, Y/N.”
It had taken weeks of therapy. Many, many times where you forced yourself to hang out with your friends. And way too many nights sleeping in a hospital chair, waiting for Ethan to recover.
The doctors said that it was a miracle he’d survived. That he must’ve been holding on to something—that he was a fighter. And now that he was healed physically, the both of you were doing your best to heal mentally, as well.
“Y/N?” Ethan cupped your face and looked at you, eyes scanning your own. “Together, remember? We get through this together?”
“Yeah.” You swallowed, ignoring the tightness in your chest. “Always.”
“Then let’s go watch a damn princess movie.” He smirked at you as you let out a trembling laugh, then you squeaked as he planted aggressive kisses all over your face, not freeing you until you were wiggling away from him. “Love you.” Ethan said, pulling you close, and kissed you again.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 11 months
I Don’t Believe You Care
Y’all are my beta readers XD if you see any errors please let me know. I’m going to post this on AO3 later.
Part one here
The scolding that Bruce gave Damian was the gentlest either of them had ever received, but it did cow Damian enough that he behaved while meeting Cass and Stephanie. It helped that they were sweet, Stephanie was a bit energetic and overwhelming but Cass was quiet and seemed to understand them better. She helped reign in the over-enthusiastic family friend and Danny was glad to have her as a sister. She didn’t speak much, she communicated in signs that he didn’t understand but he thought that he could learn in time, and he wanted to. When he told her so she smiled and Steph squealed, insisting loudly and brightly that they would be happy to teach him!
He couldn’t help but feel relieved that when Alfred asked Stephanie if she would be staying for dinner she joked that she should actually spend some time at home for once. It seemed like she didn’t live here, though they knew of her identity as Spoiler and her involvement with the bats, all her noise and movement wouldn’t be a consistent presence around the house. Not that Danny didn’t like her! He just thought he’d like her best in relatively small doses before she could overwhelm him.
He would ask Cass to teach him when Steph wasn’t here, it might be just slightly trickier, but he could use the excuse of letting the two friends spend the time they had together. And maybe Tim could help him practice? He must know how to communicate with his sibling after all, and Danny could already tell he and Tim were going to get along.
He was even more glad that Steph had gone when Dick arrived because as the man came barrelling in like a hurricane Danny didn’t want to think of how much chaos and noise they would be together! For all his practice in social graces they really should have prepared him for this chaos, crowds, and friendly contact. But the compound had been short sighted and ill prepared in such regards.
Dick was the worst, Danny was almost jealous of Damian who could snarl and squirm and draw a knife on the man when Dick tried to hug him. Danny put on a smile and forced a laugh and pretended that his instinctual reaction to being held like this didn’t make him want to bite and rend. He knew that Dick meant well, or at least he thought so, the man was honestly famously good natured and cared for his family. Danny wanted to be on his good side, and couldn’t bring himself to actually say he didn’t want to be touched, or at least wasn’t used to it. The sudden, quick, and broad movements Dick favoured with his dramatics made Danny want to flinch though he had better self control then that!
He dodged hugs as gracefully as he could for the rest of the night and managed to sit him and Damian between Bruce and Tim for dinner, with Danny sitting next to Tim of course. The food was good, and everyone in the family was very welcoming, but by the end of it Danny was exhausted.
He was good at this sort of thing, trained to charm, and redirect apparently effortlessly, but the thing was it wasn’t effortless, and these sorts of situations were harder to simulate then battle. Danny had done a good job, he could tell that he had them charmed, and had them warming up to Damian too actually, but he also knew that he was drooping. He should hide his fatigue, but he was still human, he yawned.
“You’ve had a long day young masters,” Alfred said, instantly picking up on the mood, he was an impressive man and they both knew it. “Now that you’ve eaten why don’t you go settle in your rooms and get some rest? I took the liberty of going to buy you some pajamas and basics that should fit the two of you. I’m sure Master Bruce will be happy to take you both out to buy clothes more suited to your taste tomorrow,” he added.
“I think that’s a good idea, don’t you Damian,” Danny asked, glancing over at his brother.
“I’m not tired,” Damian harrumphed, of course he wouldn’t admit defeat. “But I would like to see where we will be staying,” He added. No doubt he’d thoroughly check security and for any potential surveillance before he slept. Danny wasn’t going to bother.
“Very good young Masters,” Alfred said with a nod, pausing to look back at Dick. “Will you be staying the night as well?” He asked the older man, who gave a rueful smile and shook his head.
“I’m needed in Bludhaven, I was able to come for the day on such short notice but I couldn’t get more time off. I’ll schedule a proper vacation as soon as possible so I can come back and visit!” He said giving Danyal and Damian an encouraging smile, and Danny did a good job of looking disappointed that Dick was leaving even though he was glad to have some time to get his feet under him before more of the family would be under the same roof once more. Maybe he hadn’t been as subtle as he thought about dodging Dick’s affection though, because he didn’t try to hug either of the boys goodbye.
He bid their siblings farewell and followed Alfred up to his bedroom, seeing Damian into his first and then going into his own. He was quick to brush his teeth and change into the comfortable, soft pajamas they’d been bought which did fit perfectly. Unfortunately when he flopped down into bed, regardless of how exhausted he was, he couldn’t sleep. He kept replaying the events of the day, how he did, how he could have done better, what he had learned about the family and what it meant.
After maybe an hour once things had gone quiet on the other side of the wall and he thought Damian was asleep Danny sighed and got up. He opened his window and climbed out, he braced his feet on the sill and shoved off, jumping unnaturally high for a human to grab on the edge of the roof and drag himself up onto it. He scrambled up gracefully and silently, finding a comfortable place to lay, looking up at the sky. He stayed there, zoning out for a while before he heard a soft thump on the roof near him.
“How did you get up here?” Bruce asked, dressed as Batman this time, Danny glanced over and gave him a small smile.
“You can’t really see the stars here,” he said, looking back up at the sky. “I won’t miss much about the compound, but I’ll miss the stars.”
“Not settling in particularly well?” Batman asked, sitting down on the ridge of the roof, a respectable distance between them.
“Oh I’ll be alright,” Danny said with a shrug. “They always raised me to be your heir after all, Damian will have more trouble than me. Want some advice?”
“Hm,” Batman said, an affirmative sound.
“Take him to a zoo, buy him art supplies. He’ll deny he cares about such things, but I know him better then anyone and he does. Once he realizes he really can be himself out here, that’ll help start undoing the brainwashing.”
“How are you so insightful about the situation? You can’t have avoided the brain washing.” Batman asked, and Danny shrugged. “What about you?”
“What about me?” Danny asked, glancing over just for a moment.
“How do I bond with you?” Bruce asked, and Danny laughed.
“You don’t have to. I don’t need to be won over or convinced. Our grandfather is a violent fool who only cares for himself, teaching me to recognize manipulation showed me what he really was years ago. If you turned me away entirely I still wouldn’t go back to the league.” He said with a wry smile.
“Hm,” Batman sounded unimpressed. “You’re still my son. I’d like to bond with you?”
Danny sighed, not sure why Batman was being stubborn when his energy was best spent elsewhere. He sat up and looked over at Batman, tilting his head slightly. “I don’t need you,” He said somewhat bluntly. “Damian does, give him your focus. If you truly want you can buy me an instrument, and books on astronomy.”
Batman nodded thoughtfully and Danny lay back down, there was a few moments of quiet between them before B spoke up again. “How did you get up here?” He asked again and Danny sighed.
“I guess you have to know eventually,” He murmured. “Part of the reason we’re both here is because Grandfather couldn’t decide who he wanted to be his heir, it was always supposed to be Damian but something happened and suddenly I was a much more attractive choice.”
“What happened?” B prompted after a moment.
“You know about the Pits? Most people dunked in it come back less, in the mind usually, sometimes less human, feral and monstrous. But rarely, once in the blue moon, someone comes back more.” Danny glanced over at Batman, and when he blinked he let his eyes flash green, glowing with the vile waters the kept Ra’s limping along. He could have explained more about the ways that he was different now, but he didn’t want to let on more then he had to at this point. He wasn’t naive enough to trust Bruce just because they shared blood, so he simply said; “I came back More, and I mean, I’m still a trained assassin, I probably could still have gotten up here even if I hadn’t.”
“But seemingly being chosen by Lazarus made me seem like a better option to grandfather, and your… complicated feelings towards empowered people is well known. So they didn’t know if you’d like me anymore.” His eyes faded back to blue and he looked up at the sky again, he couldn’t read Bruce’s expression under the cowl anyway. “It took a lot of subtle work to convince them to send us both so you could ‘decide which of us you wanted’.”
“Do you expect me to choose one of you?” Bruce asked, unreadable as ever.
“No, not really, you clearly like having many children. Damian still thinks now that you have a biological heir you’ll turn your adopted children away, but that’s grandfather talking and he’s a fool. If you do choose one then choose Damian, I’ll be fine on my own but he needs the help navigating this world. He’s strong, he’s clever, he’s more observant than me, he’ll make a good detective. He’ll be more loyal than me once you win him over too. He’ll be harder to break of the bad habits, I’ve never been as good at killing as him, but once he learns the way you do things I think he’ll be a good Robin.” Danny said, pulling up his knees and wrapping his arms around them, it was a bit chilly on the roof.
Batman hummed and nodded, which was good, if he had continued to push Danny would have had to bring up Jason. He knew that Jason was alive of course, but Bruce didn’t and Danyal would say he was more likely to end up like Jason if he had to but that was a last resort.
“Well I want you to know that both of you are very welcome here. And neither of you have to be Robin, or anything that you don’t want to be. I’ll support you in whatever you want to do, and you being a meta doesn’t change that at all. Both of you have a home here,” Bruce assured.
Danny nodded and gave Bruce a smile before standing up and smiling. “That’s good to hear,” He said, while not believing it at all. Bruce couldn’t and shouldn’t offer such unconditional support after just meeting them. “I should get back inside, it’s getting cold, and I am tired,” He said, wandering over the edge of the roof and stepping off, twisting around to grab the edge and swung off and back through the window before closing the window and brushing himself off so he wouldn’t get to much dirt in his sheets before crawling into bed.
He wasn’t fully asleep before the door to his room opened just enough for Damian to slip inside, he wasn’t surprised, Damian and he weren’t as independent from each other as they acted like they were. “You should have locked your door and blocked it somehow. We cannot trust the mongrels Father has taken in,” he hissed at Danny.
“Damian, shut up and get over here,” Danny mumbled sleepily, not bothering to open his eyes as he lifted the blankets on the other side of the bed. He heard a scoff and waited as Damian did whatever he needed to to feel like the room was secure and then came over to slide into bed next to Danny. Danny held out his arm, they didn’t exactly cuddle even when like this, but Damian liked to hold Danny’s wrist and feel his pulse. He had done it when they were younger but he had stopped for a while, it had only started up again after he had watched Danny die, it was understandable.
Damian wrapped one hand around Danny’s wrist, seeking out his pulse and tucked the other arm under his pillow, no doubt stashing a knife there. “None of them are going to hurt us Dami. They’re used to having multiple siblings, they probably compete, but other then one notable exception we’ve never heard of any of them trying to kill each other have we?”
“You don’t know that, Father’s has never had a biological child before, they must recognize we’re more of a threat then the others,” Damian argued in hushed tones.
“They won’t, we haven’t even proven ourselves yet. We could be incompetent.”
“We’re not!” Damian objected, his voice raising just a little and Danny hushed him softly.
“No, we’re not, but they don’t know that. I would suggest we keep out heads down for at least a month, we learned what we could about them from a distance but we should observe them. We’ve never been out of the compound except on missions, we have a lot to learn and whoever does end up his heir will have to be able to pretend to be normal. I intend to take Tim up on the lessons on popular media, perhaps it isn’t practical, but what about when we inevitably have to interact with people our own age at parties? What about interviews?
“We don’t want to reflect badly on father and if we don’t know Anything about such thing, or have any hobbies, or anything of the sort people will assume he treats us poorly.” Danny murmured and Damian harumphed, even without opening his eyes Danny could tell Damian was gritting his teeth.
“Why should we care what the uncultured masses think?” He hissed furiously and Danny cracked a small smile.
“Because father does. As the Bat his reputation is half of his weapon, and his identity as Bruce Wayne is carefully crafted to both divert suspicion from him being Batman and to make people like him. Father understands well how ones image is a tool, and being a good father is part of his image as Bruce Wayne, we will have to play into it if we want to succeed.” Danyal explained as gently as he could, he didn’t believe all of what he was saying really, or at least the way that he was framing it. He was framing it in the way he thought was best to make Damian start giving the outside world a chance, and hoping that when he did give it a chance he would find he liked it.
It was quiet for a long time which was good, it meant that Damian was properly considering what Danny had to say. He was nearly asleep before Damian spoke again, rousing Danny from his half doze. “Alright, knowing these ‘siblings’ patterns would help, and I can concede the point on the importance of reputation,” He said stiffly.
Danyal had to suppress a smile at his brother’s tone. “Good. And try to remember that unlike Mother and Grandfather batman has a rule against killing. Anything you do you must make sure it is never tracked back to us, especially because he’s not going to suddenly stop caring about them because we share his blood. If he finds out we hurt one of them it would absolutely ruin our chances, or be a huge set back at the very least,” He added, again trying to gently steer his brother in the direction he wanted. He was being manipulative, but it was the way he knew that worked.
“Father should know better then to develop such misplaced attachments,” Damian grumbled but then after a moment of silence he sighed and nodded. “All of our missions have had to be done in secret anyway, with time and planning we’ll manage.”
Well, it had bought them time and that had been Danyal’s goal so he nodded as well. “Good, now sleep Ahki, we’ve both had a long day and I’m tired.”
Damian let out a soft hum and that was all, he kept hold of Danny’s wrist even as he fell asleep, as he always did. Danny liked it too, the physical reminder that Damian was there, that they were safely together. He didn’t think that either of them would have to sneak out before dawn to make sure they weren’t caught and punished for such childish behaviour, he truly felt like they could rest.
Part three
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petite-phthora · 4 months
Shouldn’t have digital evidence when you have a family of hackers
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 14]
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Part 1
Text in italics and in-between ' means it is said in sign language
'For example.'
If an entire scene is written in italics, that means that that scene is a flashback.
When Jason glances at where Danny and Ellie were, he sees nothing. He’s too relieved to really care much about how they got out of here so quickly.
He’ll ask Danny about it later.
“Red Hood.”
“Bitch.” Is his response.
Jason is slightly disappointed, but entirely unsurprised, by the lack of reaction he gets.
“Who were they?”
“What were those civilians doing on the roof?”
“Where did they even go?”
“Just some informants for a case I’ve been working on.” Jason says, not giving anything about them away.
“Which case?”
“Did they attack you?”
“Yeah, who took a bite out of your arm? And more importantly, how did you taste?”
“Steph, I don’t think now’s the time—”
‘Medical assistance?’
Jason follows the Bats’ gazes towards his injured arm. He resists the urge to hide it and instead crosses his arms, trying to play it off.
“No, this is from… a cat.”
“A cat?”
“Yes. A stray cat. Bit me.”
“Tch. It’s obvious Todd is incompetent when it comes to caring for animals. For it to attack you like that you must have done quite poorly. What did you do to it?” Damien glares at him in an accusatory way.
“I didn’t do shit, Demon Brat. I was just scanning the street when it bit me outta nowhere.”
“Well, excuse me if I don’t believe you, Todd. You clearly must have cornered, threatened, or hurt it in some way for it to react—"
“Yeah, yeah.” Jason cuts him off and rolls his eyes, even though none of them can see it through the helmet. The energy is there.
“Animals hate me, and I can’t take care of them for shit. Now, can we move on to why you’re all here on my turf?” Jason stares them all down.
Before anyone else can speak up, Dick starts talking.
“Can’t an elder brother just visit his younger sibling every once in a while?” Dick asks with a totally innocent grin.
Dick shrugs. “Worth a shot.”
“While we originally came here to interrogate you about your involvement in the disappearance of the Joker, these imbeciles wanted to use the encounter as a way to simultaneously confront you about your new… beloved” Damian says, gesturing towards the others sounding completely done and unimpressed.
‘Got them flowers?’
“So how was the dinner? And the observatory? Do they like the stars? What’s their name? Hobbies? Age? Appearance? Interests?”
“Are they hot?”
“Seeing as you picked up a bouquet of sweet peas in costume, and didn’t take a detour to your apartment or safehouse before your location started glitching, I have to ask. Are you dating a civilian as Red Hood?” Babs speaks up over the comms.
Tim stays suspiciously silent, not asking any questions. Jason cuts them all off.
“Where the hell did you even get this information from?”
“Tim snitched.”
“Drake mentioned it.”
“Timmy told us.”
“Red Robin informed us about your outing.”
“I hacked some cams to see you pick up the flowers, but Tim was the one to say you were on a date at the time.”
Tim raises his finger and opens his mouth as if he’s about to speak up and defend himself. He then stops, seemingly considering something before dropping his hand back down and just shrugging.
“If you didn’t want anyone to know you shouldn’t have gone out as Red Hood when getting the flowers and taking them out to dinner.
“Besides, I tried to respect your privacy and redirect everyone somewhere else to keep them off your back. But they interrogated me, and I’m sorry.” He says, not sounding sorry at all. “It just… slipped out.”
“You didn’t try that hard—"
Tim shushes Steph and cuts her off.
“Besides! Babs also stalked you! Through the cameras! And, I didn’t say that much. I just told them you were on a date.”
Jason glares at them all through the visor of his helmet. Meanwhile, Dick crosses his arms and pouts.
“Yeah, Timbers—” “No real names.” “— wouldn’t tell us anything! He used his lack of sleep against us.”
“So Timmy, I need you to tell me everything. Pretty please?”
Tim raises his finger and opens his mouth as if he’s about to speak up. Then his eyes roll into the back of his head and he starts falling backward.
Dick yelps and manages to catch him before he falls onto the ground and hits his head.
“Damn it, Tim!” He whines. “Passing out like that should not have been the power move that it is.”
“He can fall asleep after this?!” Steph’s incredulous voice pipes up.
Dick’s gaze moves from Tim over to where Steph was previously half-dying due to Tim’s monstrosity of a drink. She’s standing by now, clutching the mug in a death grip. She’s twitching every now and again, her foot tapping the floor rapidly.
“Ehm, Steph? You okay?”
“Mhmm, think I’m having a stroke”
“Oh, that’s not good—”
Dick cuts himself off as Steph starts to stumble. He moves closer to catch her in case she falls as well, but luckily she manages to save herself from falling, clumsily moving to sit down on the floor instead.
Once seated, she lets her back hit the floor. She also lets go of the mug, letting it spill onto and roll around the floor of the cave.
“Y’know, I think I’m just gonna stay here for a bit. Maybe do some stalactite gazing. It’s riveting stuff, I tell you!”
Dick lets out a small sigh and nods a little.
“You do you, boo”
He gets a thumbs-up in response.
“Why are you actually here?” He cuts them off, already done with their bullshit. “Don’t start the bullshit about the ‘date’ again. Either talk business or leave.”
He privately notes the lack of green in his vision.
They all glance at each other before Batman steps forward and speaks up.
“What is your involvement in the disappearance of the Joker.”
“I don’t have anything to do with the Joker’s disappearance” Jason vehemently denies, arms still crossed.
“Are you sure about that?” Babs’ voice pipes up over the comms.
A hologram forms above Batman’s gauntlet computer. The hologram shows a picture of Jason in his Red Hood costume without his helmet grinning at the camera. He’s holding up the camera selfie style and seems to be in one of the alleys of Crime Alley.
The most intriguing part of the picture is the figure next to Jason on the ground. There, in clear view, lies the dead body of the Joker. His head seems to be caved in in a way that shows he most likely died on impact, hit by something that had a lot of force.
Jason pauses at the sight of one of his most precious keepsakes.
“Of course you hacked my phone” He scoffs, clearly unhappy.
Jason turns back to look at the Bats and watches their reactions to the revelation the Joker is most certainly dead. Dick seems to have some sort of weight lifted off of his shoulders. Cass doesn’t give anything away.
Damian is unimpressed, scoffing at the hologram and likely already mentally criticizing the technique. Steph seems to be more relaxed, “Damn, Jason, this totally looks like that one Grant Gustin next to the grave meme,” while Tim seems to be having some kind of world-shattering epiphany.
He then eyes Batman’s tense posture. Jason shifts slightly, getting ready to fight if it comes to it.
“Red Hood. Did you kill the Joker?” Batman grinds out slowly, pinning Jason with a soul-piercing stare. Jason carefully eyes Batman’s tightened fists before locking eyes with him again.
“No,” Jason answers honestly.
Jason and Batman are locked in a stare-down, neither speaking another word. The tense silence goes on for a few seconds before it’s broken by Dick casually putting his arm around Jason’s shoulders in a friendly gesture.
“Welp. Seems like he didn’t do it, B. If he says he didn’t, I believe him.” Dick speaks up.
Jason and Batman both untense a little, the moment broken. Jason lets out a small grumble and shrugs Dick’s arm off his shoulders. Dick lets him with a smile.
“Wait, so you just found his body dead in a ditch somewhere? I called it!” Steph pipes up.
She holds her hand up for a high-five. Cass gives her one.
Jason shrugs nonchalantly “You could say that.”
“You may not have killed him, but it’s clear you’re covering for the actual murderer. Who is it and why are you protecting them?” Batman asks, not letting it go.
“You may not believe me, B, but it was just a freak accident as far as I could tell.”
If you call a meta one-punching the Joker in self-defense a ‘freak accident’.
It’s not like Danny meant to do it. Ergo: accident.
“Nothing more, nothing less. I found him like that. All I did was get rid of the body and wipe some cams. Not that those would have been much helpful if let unwiped anyway.” He shrugs, unconcerned.
“Do you know what caused the files to become corrupted this way? I’ve seen corrupted files before, but this is something else…” Babs says over the comms, tone curious.
“Nah, they were like that even before I wiped them. Might have something to do with whatever took the fucker out. Don’t know though, and I don’t care.I’m just glad the city’s finally rid of that bastard.”
“Amen to that!”
Batman’s glare moves over from Jason to Tim, who meets his gaze headfirst and just gives him an unimpressed stare in return.
“You gotta be honest, B. There’s not really anyone gonna be missing him…”
“Now, if that’s all. I gotta go. I’ve got some work to do, cases to solve, groceries to buy. Y’know, not everyone has the freedom to walk around dressed as furries beating up bad guys 24/7. Some of us have a life.” Jason cuts in.
“And since when are you the one to have a life outside of being a vigilante?”
“Oh, you know, since somewhere around the time my gruesome murder was finally avenged,” Jason says sarcastically.
“Who knew that that would be something that would make it feel like a weight is lifted off of your shoulders and that it would finally bring some peace into your life?
“Let me know if you find the guy who did it, okay? Feel like this was a great service to the community and it deserves a nice reward. Might bake ‘em a cake or something. Maybe some cookies… ” Jason pretends to think.
“Where’s the body?” Batman asks, ignoring Jason’s sarcasm.
“And when are you going to introduce us to your new partner?” Dick chimes in as well.
“Not telling you, and never if I can help it. Now, goodbye.” Jason grinds out before leaving.
Jason turns and runs to the edge of the building, making his way over to the next building and leaving the Bats behind on the roof. As he gets farther away from the other vigilantes, the last thing he hears is Steph speaking up.
“Is it just me or did that conversation involve a lot less… green-eyed rage than I expected?”
Now, it’s time to plan that next date…
@i-always-say-yea @uraniumwizard @why-must-i-be-like-this @griffinthing @i23432i @imsotiredfanficlovertm
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Crimson Lace (Part 3)
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x fem!reader
Summary: You have trouble placing a finger on where you know him from, until he invites you in
Warnings: nothing except pure fluff! (saving the dirty stuff for later)
A/n: We are most definitely calling Danny a brother in this so istg if there are any Danny antis, back the fuck off. Please and thank you. Also I'm sorry that this one is shorter than the previous parts but I've struggled writing this one.
Throughout the whole night, messages between you and Jake seemed to never stop. You had learnt that he was born in Michigan, has four siblings, one of which is his twin.
It had reached 4am when you felt your body start to protest against the lack of sleep. You could feel your eyes burning slightly and you reluctantly started your goodnight message.
You: i hate to stop our conversation but i can feel myself about to fall asleep Jake: getting bored of me that quickly, huh?
You smiled at the message and rolled your eyes before responding.
You: we have lectures tomorrow and i'm not up for letting u copy my notes Jake: i would never! but in all seriousness, i'm starting to feel the burn as well You: i'll see u in the morning jake Jake: sleep tight, angel
You plugged your phone on to charge and allowed your mind to switch off and slip into a state of unconsciousness.
The next morning, you were actually happy to get up and go to classes for once . The thought of seeing Jake filled your heart with joy and slight nervousness. Jumping out of bed, you shivered at the slight chill in your room and you decided to get in the shower before heading to your first lecture.
You got into the lecture with enough time to spare , setting up all of your things and smiling to yourself. Suddenly, while you're lost in thought, Jake jumps at you, causing you to let a a small yelp and nearly fall off the seat. He laughs loudly and quickly apologises when he sees your glare.
"I couldn't help it" he says shrugging and sits down next to you. He hands you a takeaway cup, sealed with a lid. You frown at him as you take it and put it down on your desk to take the lid off and look at it.
"I thought you'd appreciate it" he said and you nod and look around before quickly kissing his cheek.
"Thank you" you replied quietly, and you spot a red tint on his cheeks. You use the cup to warm up your cold hands while you watch Jake fondly, as he unpacks his bag as well.
"You may not be proud to know that I forgot my charger again and I didn't charge my laptop last night" he said cautiously but with a smile on his face and you rolled your eyes and reached into your bag. Pulling out your charger, you held it out to him but swiped it back quickly before he could take it.
"Don't forget to give it back..." You told him and he snatched it out of your hand.
"I won't, don't worry" he gave you a boyish grin before plugging the charger into his own laptop. The door slammed open and in a fraction of a second the professor had already set up the lesson and had started rambling on about the next book that was going to be studied.
It was halfway through the lecture that Jake started to get comfortable and rested his hand on your thigh and you willed yourself to avoid looking at his face or down at where his hand was placed. Out of your peripheral, you saw a blush paint its way across Jake's face almost like watercolor paint on a canvas.
As soon as the lecture was over Jake abruptly stood up and you nearly jumped at the sudden movement.
"Do you wanna come over? To work on the project of course..." He asked and you giggled and nodded. He paused for a second before speaking again.
"Actually maybe not...I think my brother is home..." he said and you frowned and shrugged.
"I don't mind, we're just working on the project. Right?" I said smirking at him and his cheeks became flushed and he nodded in agreement.
"Yeah of course..." he mumbled before starting to walk out of the lecture hall with you closely following him.
The short walk was filled with small talk and playful comments, and before you knew it, the pair of you had arrived at the dorm door. Jake opened it, and the scene that met your eyes surprised you. Two tall men were frozen in place, looking towards you and Jake. They dropped their arms, clearly playfighting around, and you caught the curly headed one give Jake a look.
Jake let out a small playful groan. "I didn't know you were both going to be here," He said, moving into the kitchen to place his bag on the table, and you copied his actions.
"Don't act too happy to see both of us here" the curly-haired boy said sarcastically.
Jake turned to look at you with an apologetic look on his face and you just smiled at him awkwardly.
"That one there..." he said pointing at the boy that had just spoken, "is Danny." Danny smiled and gave a small wave, dropping the pillow that he was holding in order to look less threatening. You smiled and waved back in return.
"The other dickhead is Sammy," Jake said and Sammy looked at Jake with a shocked look and chucked the pillow he was previously using at him but Jake managed to duck in time. You laughed a little and Jake rolled his eyes. He grabbed both of your bags in one hand before grabbing your hand and walking towards his room.
"We're gonna work in my room instead" he mumbled. You heard the two boys in the living room gasp loudly.
"Keep the door open and keep two feet apart at all times" Sam shouted and you giggled as you followed Jake into his bedroom, the door being shut behind you by Jake.
You settled on sitting in a beanbag on the floor and opened up your laptop to start working. You bent your knees slightly to act as a desk and started to get comfy.
"Shit I forgot to ask, do you want a drink or anything?" Jake asked softly and you thought for a second and asked for some water. He nodded his head and walked back out of the room and into the kitchen. You heard some rustling around and quiet murmurs from the boys but decided to ignore them and start working.
A few minutes later, Jake walked back into the room and shut the door carefully while keeping an eye on both drinks. He didn't take his eyes off your drink until you had taken it out of his care and put it on the floor next to you as he placed his on a coaster on his desk.
"I'm sorry about them, I only thought Danny would be home...he's the more peaceful one out of the two" he said, muttering the last part under his breath and you laughed quietly and shrugged.
"It's okay, they won't interrupt us right?" you asked and he shook his head.
"They know not to come into my room in case y'know..." he trailed off at the end as he referred to his online activities and you smiled and nodded.
"Were those your brothers?" Jake nodded.
"Yeah. Neither of them are my twin though. " He said and you watched as a small smile appeared on his face while he was thinking about the final brother. He soon snapped out of his thoughts and logged into his computer and within 10 minutes, you were both focused on the project and had divided up the work equally.
An hour later, you looked at the time in the corner of your screen and stretched out a little and looked up at Jake, his eyes not leaving his screen. You allowed yourself to admire how his face lit up from the light and you could feel a warm sensation take over your body. A thought popped into your head and you smirked at the idea.
You stood up and nearly groaned as your muscles stretched but walked over to where Jake was sitting in his chair at his desk. You went behind him and bent down and slid your hands over his shoulders and rested them on his chest. He took one of his hands off of the keyboard and placed it on top of yours.
He lifted his head to look at you and smiled. You moved to stand next to him, still holding his hand.
"I was thinking..." you started and he looked at you with raised eyebrows.
"Oh that's never a good thing" he said and you hit his chest and let go of his hand. He picked up his mug and lifted it to his lips to take a sip.
"I wanna watch you do your livestream later" you rushed.
"You...what?" Jake said, almost choking on his tea and you cocked your head and smiled innocently at him.
"I want to watch, is that okay?" you answered and he nodded quickly in response, his cheeks turning a deep red.
"That's more than okay, angel" he muttered before continuing to drink his tea. "You just make sure you stay silent, don't want others online knowing" he said and you agreed and sat back down in the beanbag smirking knowingly to yourself.
taglist: @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @takenbythemadness @godly-sinsx @ignite-my-fire @gretasfallingsky @sanguinebats @livkiszka @literal-dead-leaf @jakeygvf21 @freefallthoughts @threadofstars @samssymmetricalstache @mackalah @carlyfleet @gvfpal @klarxtr @welllauragvf @jaketsguitar @violet-hayes @stardustjake @i-love-gvf @spark-my-nature @hellowgoodbye @dannys-dream @gvfmarge @dannywagnerschoppedhair @edgingthedarkness
Here's the taglist if you wanna join!
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kobol1 · 2 years
@stealingyourbones @gilbirda look at what you've made me do! Look at what you've inspired! :D
Infinite Realms Green Lantern Corps Phantom au.
Hal to Watchtower "I've arrived at the location the power ring was last picked up on the scanners I'm in a small city named Amity Park Illinois"
Hal located the building that his power ring is directing him to. A house with a sign that says Fenton Works In bright neon.
As Hal walks up to knock at the front door he sees a ufo-looking contraption on the roof Hal mutters "there's no way that thing is legal to have in a residential area".
A red-headed young woman in her early twenties answered the front door to Fenton Works. Hal's ring recognizes her as Jasmine Madeline Fenton the person the power had been looking for. Hal's ring also recognized that her young brother Daniel James Fenton is also home Madeline Walker Fenton and Jackson James Fenton are not present Hal's ring whispers to him. Good Hal thinks less people to deal with this should be an easy in and out mission.
"So you're Earth's new Green Lantern that the ring has chosen" Jazz looked at Green Lantern Hal Jordan who stood on the front porch of Fenton Works. Jazz had just arrived back home from Gotham after taking some mandatory vacation time from Arkham Asylum. Jazz looked at Hal in his civilian disguise that probably was just his everyday clothes. She mentioned that they should probably talk about this inside. Jazz invited Hal in.
"This is about the Green Lantern ring that came flying through the wall at me isn't it." Jazz said aloud. Hal nodded in yes motion as he moved to walk in.
"Are sure you also aren't here for Danny?" asked Jazz as she stepped aside as the Justice League member walked in through the front door. They headed over to the living room and sat down on the couch. "Why would I be here for your younger brother," Hal asked Jazz in confusion. "Oh, you didn't know Danny had been chosen by a Green Lantern ring back when he was 16" Jazz replied to the Lantern's question. Hal's ring discreetly tells him that there is no record of Danny James Fenton being a part of the Corps.
"Danny! get down here" Jazz yelled upstairs. A groggy sleepy 18-year-old Danny comes down the stairs and into the living room "Jazz you know I just got back from a long-ass patrol Vakta was being a hard ass again I barely got any sleep you know how she is when she's like that. Whoever said you can sleep when you are dead is a filthy liar". Danny stopped in front of the couch sleepily rubbing at his eyes. Hal noticed the Emerald Green ring on his right hand that his power ring was having trouble properly identifying without a more thorough scan according to his ring it was a power ring of some kind.
Danny finally noticed the other person in the room "Oh hey you must be Jason Jazzys boyfriend, Jazz keeps talking about you a lot whenever she calls home, from the way she likes to talk about you I thought you would be a lot younger". "Danny no this isn't Jason" a red-faced Jazz replied, this is Green Lantern Hal Jordan.
Danny cuts Jazz off to say irritatedly "the same Hal Jordan that belongs to the Justice League the same League that ignored our calls for help 4 years ago". "Danny! be nice," Jazz says "maybe now that the Justice League is finally here" Danny has more to say but is cut off by Hal stopping the argument the two siblings were about to have.
Hal jumps in saying that "I am here because your sister Jasmine was chosen by her Green Lantern ring to be Earth's next Green Lantern and you also apparently where chosen by a power ring".
Danny answers Hal "uh you're a little too late for me I've already been contacted by the Green Lantern Corps back when I was 16". Hal answers back by saying that there's no record of you or your power ring back on Oa. Danny replies to Hal " It was the Green Lantern Corps that patrols the Infinite Realms that got intouch with me, my sector is Infinite Realms sector 4348247".
Hal just stares at Danny in confusion. "Uhh hey kid you don't mind if I scan your power ring do you"? Hal asks. "Sure go ahead and scan my ring if that will make you believe me" Danny answers back sarcastically to Hal's question.
Hal chooses to ignore Danny's sarcasm the poor kid looks dead on his feet, and as he scans Danny's ring the results confirm that Danny has an authentic Green Lantern ring and is a member of a Corps called the Infinite Realms Green Lantern Corps. Hal asks for more information and the ring replies that it is unable to access classified information.
Suddenly Hal receives a message directly from the Guardians back on Oa that Green Lantern Hal Jordan Green Lantern Jasmine Madeline Fenton and IRGLC Daniel James Fenton Phantom are to report to Oa immediately. Danny just presses his head into his hands and groans out that it was supposed to be his day off.
So here's a little Snippet of a Danny Phantom Green Lantern Au that I wrote on my notes app on my phone.
Sorry about any spelling and grammar mistakes I wrote this with no sleep. Kek
Feel free to leave a comment and reblog! :D
Masterlist here!
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yetanothergreyjedi · 1 year
Ghosts of Our Pasts
DP x DC crossover
Damian Wayne and Danny Fenton siblings AU
Parts 1 & 2 Part 3.
Part 4
He looked more like Bruce than Damian did, which felt right for the brother that had died leaving the assassins.
Danyal's stance was not a League of Assassin's stance. It could be that he was trying not to look openly hostile, but if Dick was honest, it reminded him most of Wonder Woman. Danyal stood like he might throw himself into the air with no expectation of gravity pushing him back down. Interesting, but de-escalation first.
"Richard Grayson," Dick introduced himself with a wave, "But you can call me Dick."
Danyal's lips did the little twitch that everyone's lips did when he told them his nickname. Daynal didn't relax yet though.
"Hi, Dick, I'm Danny."
"I'm Tim, but we established that... and you know Damian..."
The silence stretched.
"Well, if that's all you guys wanted..." Danny took a few steps backwards deeper into the alley, never letting any of them out of view.
"I should have gone with you." Damian said. It was an apology; though someone who didn't know him might not realize. "...I did not understand, not until I came here..."
Danny closed his eyes, looking away for the first time, clearly internalizing something in Damian's words. With every second, he seemed to realize that no attack was coming, and none was going to come.
"Maybe we should go back to the coffee shop?" Tim suggested, good. A neutral, public place would ease at least some of the tension.
Danny grimaced, a hand coming to rub the back of his neck. "Yeah, I sorta... I need to head back there..."
"Okay, cool," Dick said, as if the tension still didn't require tools to cut.
The walk back was an awkward mess of everyone trying to stay in Danny’s eyeline despite the crowd and him pretending he wasn't nervous when he couldn't see them. Dick had already decided that if Danny ran again, he was going to make sure they let him run. Chasing would only make him trust them less, and Danny wasn't a criminal (probably).
He gave them all an unreadable look as they re-entered the coffee shop. Dick wasn't sure what to make of it until an older bald man declared, "Mr. Fenton!"
"Sorry, Mr. Lancer..." Danny said, every bit a sheepish high-schooler. He sat down at the table he'd been at before the chase as the older man began a lecture about safety in big cities and staying with the group. Well... that complicated things.
The barista called Tim's drink.
"Are you good, man?" Tucker asked as soon as Lancer's attention went back to focusing on the group as a whole and not just their table.
"I think so, Tuck, but, uh... this... I don’t know, I don't think the just chilling plan is gonna work..."
"Is this related to Gotham? I thought she gave you permission?"
"She didn't just give me permission, Sam, she welcomed me... I know why now... its just complicated..."
"So... is that why the Wayne's were chasing you?" It was said like a joke.
Sam's eyes widened when he answered. "Yeah,"
Tucker stuttered out a confused mix of excited syllables, "Does that mean we get to meet—"
"Their just people, Tucker." Sam reminded, "Spoiled rich kids who at least manage to cause a scene at every other gala, so they get to rank slightly higher than all the other rich kids, because at least their not boring."
"Sam!" Tuckers exclamation caught Lancer's attention. The teacher called on them to restate what he had said. Sam guessed correctly, Tucker and Danny did not, and so the lecture started over.
Danny patiently waited for the lecture to end before whispering, "You guys know how I'm adopted..."
"So..." Danny gestured to the group of siblings that appeared to be arguing over... napkins? What were they doing?
"Wait, you know the Wayne's? Why didn't you ever say something?" Tucker exclaimed.
"Uh... well, the League of Assassins stuff..."
"Uh huh,"
"Actually, thats a bad way to explain it... my biological father is Batman."
"The Batman?!" For all of her 'people are just people' talk, Sam was too excited.
"Yes, and I can't fully explain all this without getting into identity stuff."
"Danny, Danny, Danny, first of all fair, but second, how far off is Wes?"
Danny tried very hard to not react to that. Which apparently was the same as saying yes, so he shushed them before they could start.
"I don't know how he connects to the League. This is more secret than mine, okay?"
They sobered, argued that phantom was equally important, but Danny didn't budge. So they excepted it as a weird obsession thing and agreed.
"Wait so, how did you not end up a Wayne kid?"
"The assassins have access to ectoplasm and I traded some for my parents to hide me."
"I hate that that tracks."
"To be fair, I didn't understand how actually messed up it was until later."
"Wait, so is Batman apart of..."
"I don't know, I thought he was. But the fact that I'm not stabbed right now is a good sign."
"You say that like you were planning on letting yourself get stabbed..."
Danny sighed, "It would be easier to fake my death... or like, actually die for a few days, than to resist and have them realize I'd require ending."
"Great." Sam said with forced cheer. "How are we modifying the vacation plans?"
Part 5
Tag list:
Next part is finished but is a bit short, I will not post 5 until I have 6 written and 6 is being mean to me.
Edit: Part six bit me, so it's in time out. But the draft is finished.
@spectralstardustandphantomnights @avelnfear @idfk-man10 @blackroserelina @candeartist422 @mur-ururu @luer-mirin @insufferablecatenthusiast @skulld3mort-1fan @alonedustspeck @voidbornposts @meira-3919 @marshmelloe @aethernorwood @mimilikey @undead-essence @cloudminder @markus209 @everything163 @latheevening226 @roman4517 @moobloomrights @battybatbat @lumosfeather18581 @werv @ahyesanerd @pyramaniac @lexdamo @princessbelix @bun-fish @deeannthepan @edgyboi10000 @thatrandomsarahchick @busterkeel @aconitewolfsbane @spoopyspoony @bright-shade @spidey29phangirl @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @keimiwolf @u-a-wizard-jamie @gay-puff @bicerise @itshype @blackfoxsposts @icanneverdecide @lolottes @chubbypotato @jovialherringtacoghost @saltyladynightmare
@pastalavistamf @mysoulspiralbound @mj-arts-n-stuff @andaspoonfulofangst-whoops @apointlessbox
Apparently there is a mention cap on posts, who knew! I will see about the best way to add anyone else.
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alexandthensome · 1 year
Who You Gonna Call?
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Chapter 1: Something Strange DC x DP Fic based off this post
Warnings: Major Character Death, Strong Language, Depictions of Violence
Rating: Mature
Author’s Note: For those who have been waiting for forever I apologize for how long it took me to crank out this one chapter this is my first time writing a Fic so any constructive criticism helps, also thank you soo much for the support ❤️. Update On Chapter 2 of “Who You Gonna Call?” It’s knots done jut need to finish a few final touches should be posted by Friday of Next Week
When you think about it, peace will never be the outcome. Not for him, not anymore.
Not while his Parents lay dead at his feet, not while his sister sobbed helplessly; never again will Danny Fenton ever know a peaceful life.
But he’s okay with that; he’s come to terms with how things stood and knew there wasn’t much left to figure out besides where he will go now.
He never thought he’d have to plan a life without his parents, never suspected that this family vacation would be the last.
Nor did he expect his sister to go from “Annoying Older Sibling.” To “My Only Living Family Member.” in less than a day.
This was inevitable with his line of work, but he never expected his life to be this crazy, at least not so soon.
For him, being half ghost used to feel like a gift, something he could use to help the people he cared about the most. Now it was a curse, a cancerous infection slowly seeping into everything he held close.
Because of his “gift.” everyone and everything he knew was gone, replaced by this empty confusing nothingness, all their hopes and dreams for him nothing more than lost memories.
His parents were gone, taken from him in some brutal twist of fate by some psychopathic clown they call “The Joker.” to be completely honest, Danny was feeling anger beyond rational thought every time he thought about him.
And the worst part about this was that everything everything that happened was all a ploy, some sort of elaborate trick to lure Batman to his hideout, and The Fenton’s were nothing more than pawns in The Joker’s scheme to kill him.
Not only did he kill his parents, but he did it with a smile as he made Danny watch, laughing at his suffering until he got what he wanted.
Danny was taken to the police station and asked to state what he experienced while begging held hostage by the Joker, but all he could do was stare blankly at the wall.
As he got interviewed by the police, news anchors, and other journalists, all he could think about was how he everyone down. His frustration was building up under the surface, and he felt sick.
“How could I let this happen.” he thought. 
His mind raced, his fingers felt numb, his chest heaved as if something was blocking his airway, and he felt like everything around him was closing in. The walls began to spin, and he could feel his throat closing up, tears welling in his eyes.
Jazz noticed his strange behaviour and tried her best to get him to calm him down, but the panic had already set in.
They were alone, he let this happen, and there was nothing he could do to fix this. Nothing at all
Dozens of forced statements later, Danny was drained.
Despite being the “Hero.” he was, he couldn’t help but feel so incredibly useless. They kept asking him the same questions repeatedly until the words melted into nothingness, his brain felt like swiss cheese, and he thought he would pass out at any second.
Jazz had to handle all of the legal proceedings, taking her parent’s estate, medical bills, funeral expenses, and everything else; She was overwhelmed, to say the least.
She had no idea what to do once they were done with the police, they had nowhere to go, and beyond that, they had nobody to help them.
Her head was swimming, and for a split second, she broke; Danny noticed his sister sobbing and went in to hug her.
“I’m sorry this happened, Jazz, really I am. I wish I could trade my life for theirs; I would,” he said, tears streaming down his face.
“Hey, I know this everything is so crazy, but don’t blame yourself for what happened. There’s nothing more you could’ve done, okay?” she replied, rubbing his head to soothe him.
“but I let everyone down. I’m the reason they’re dead; if I don’t do something to avenge them, then-” he said rapidly, beginning to panic again.
“Enough, no more vengeance, no more self-blame. You’re just a kid. Nobody should’ve put that responsibility on you-.” she tried to explain, reaching out to touch his shoulder.
“That doesn’t matter anymore, Jazz. I’m not a kid anymore; I think I need to go for a walk and clear my head,” he said, pushing her off his and heading towards the door.
Jazz called out for him, but he was gone before she could get a word out.
As he walked the streets of Gotham City, he felt angry; at the world and at himself; he even felt anger towards his parents for suggesting this stupid trip. He wanted nothing more than to change the way things are right now, be somewhere different, and do something right for once.
He didn’t know what to do with himself; he walked around aimlessly for what felt like hours, looking for something, anything to do. He needed someone save; he wanted something to fight, anything in the world that would take his mind off things for a second.
all of a sudden, a blue mist leaves his mouth
“Finally.” he thought to himself
He changed into his ghost form quickly, and he waited. The tension in the air is thick, and he slowly looks around, hoping to see whatever is watching him.
“Don’t you know this place isn’t safe after dark?”
Danny looked around, trying to see where the voice came from,
“If I were you, I’d just turn around and head back home.”
“And why should I listen to you, wise and powerful shadow man?” Danny replied sarcastically
suddenly, he saw something jump from the fire escape down to the ground in front of him. He didn’t expect him to make that fall, let alone get up that easily.
He stood there frozen as the figure approached him, wearing a red helmet, a leather jacket, black pants, and a shirt with a red bat.
“I’ve heard of you before; you’re Red Hood, right?” Danny asked nonchalantly, trying to cut the tension of the situation
“In the flesh, and you’re that ghost kid “Phantom.” right?” he replied as he stepped closer to Danny, cornering him into a wall.
“Uh, Yep, in the flesh.” He said with a nervous chuckle
Danny was terrified; after the last couple of days he’s had, he didn’t want to take any chances with any more of the heroes or villains in Gotham.
Red Hood had him backed to a wall, his hand on the right side of Danny’s face.
“What’s your deal anyways, ghost boy? You want to run around being a vigilante, too?” he said, leaning in. 
“I-I’ve been a vigilante since the 9th grade,” he stuttered. “And for the record, I don’t need your permission to do anything, so why would you expect me to ask for it?.”
“Because if you don’t, I get to kick your ass and have you arrested for breaking curfew.” He replied
Danny chucked, “finally.”, he thought, “a reason to punch someone in the face.”
“respectfully, I’d like to see you try,” he said, cockiness radiating from his voice.
“fine, it is your funeral.”
@blackrabbitt3t @nedwec @blackstar-gazer @baykitthings @real-danny-phantom @hungrymentor @the-lokes @dizzydreamerzzz @phantom-phrases @sheep567 @lenoryt13 @theauthorandtheartist
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joshsindigostreak · 7 days
Running Through the Garden
“Periwinkle: Early and sincere friendships, tender recollections.” - Language of Flowers
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Werewolf!Danny Wagner x Werewolf!OC
Danny Wagner knew, no matter what path he walked in life it would always lead back to what he was born to do: lead his Pack for not only his generation, but his future children’s generation as well. He didn’t talk about it, but it was in the back of his mind at all times. A ticking clock to his destiny. He thought going to college with his best friend Sam would take his mind off of it, but all it took was a Full Moon, round golden eyes, and a flash of auburn fur to remind him that he can’t keep running from it forever. But would she be willing to run with him?
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Authors Note: Hello! This is the prologue to Danny’s story, and the final piece to the ISHIYE universe puzzle. I hope y’all enjoy going on Danny’s journey with me! ❤️
*Set in the ISHIYE universe but can be read independently. It’ll run the closest to O, Pioneers but it’ll be different enough to where you can still read it by itself if you prefer. There will be cross references from the other fics but I promise it won’t be confusing.
Word Count: 3,057
Warnings: Descriptions of bodily transformations, slight body horror if you squint, language, descriptions of blood and anima death.
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His best friend's hand was resting over the center console, ready to take everything that rested in Danny’s pockets and keep them safe for the night. He gently placed his wallet, cellphone, and half of a granola bar in Sam’s hand. 
Sam gave pause at the granola, but packed it all silently in the small bag he always kept everything in. Out of pure muscle memory, he reached into the bag and fished out a small velvet drawstring pouch. He pulled it open and offered it to Danny, letting him put any and all jewelry he had on at the moment inside; another possession that Sam would guard all night. 
“It’s getting darker earlier, I don’t want you cutting it close again,” Danny said softly from the passenger seat. 
Sam gave his best friend a look, and the side of his mouth slid up into a smile, “Daniel, I probably know the sunset times better than you do. I’ve got plenty of time to get back to the house.” 
“I know but traffic can be a bitch sometimes and I don’t want to worry about whether you’re indoors when it’s all…happening.” 
Every month, the same nerves creeped up on the young Wolf, and he wondered if they were just a permanent feature to his biology. The build up to sundown was arguably the worst part for him now, even if the physical part never got any easier. It was the same kind of anxiety one would get in middle school; not knowing if they were going to be chosen to read aloud next. Even with the windows up, he could hear every leaf rustle in the early fall wind. Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the familiar trailhead that he always took. Well, to him it was a trailhead. To anyone beside him and Sam, it was just a narrow gap between a few trees on the side of the road. One probably wouldn’t even notice it if they weren’t looking for it. But the two friends always recognized the young Maple lazily leaning across the gap to its larger, and older sibling. 
Sam dramatically extended his arm to expose his watch on his wrist, “it's 6:57 PM, and sunset is scheduled for 7;46 PM, on the dot.” 
Danny always admired Sam’s confidence. He had the type of confidence that often blurred with arrogance, depending on who you asked.  When it came to Danny’s schedule, he took it more seriously than his own independent studies, which was saying something. He had spreadsheet after spreadsheet about weather patterns and sunrise/sunset times. Danny didn’t even have to look to know that there was an already worn out farmers almanac in the glovebox. Every year Sam would read the new one cover to cover, highlighting everything he found useful, his messy scrawl filling the margins with observations and reminders, all while tabbed with color coded sticky notes for quick reference. 
They rarely verbalized the sentence, ‘I love you,’ but this was one of the many ways Sam showed it. One could always know if Sam cared about them if he revealed he read up on anything you were interested in, or in Danny’s case, his species. The one convenient thing about Sam coming from a family of bloodline hunters was that he had plenty of literature at his disposal on whatever non-human species that caught his eye. The drawback was that most of the books in his house were written by other hunters, and thus were a little biased against other creatures. Sam had to unlearn a lot in the past few years, but he did so without question; because it was for Danny. 
“That's still cutting it close,” Danny warned. 
Sam smiled, wanting to lighten the mood for his friend, and held up three fingers like a boy scout, “I promise I will get back to the Manor as quickly as I can and get all the doors bolted shut from the inside and the curtains drawn, just in case. I’ll even break a few traffic laws, just for you.” 
Danny stared at him, trying not to smile, but Sam was infectious, and the corners of his mouth tilted up anyway. Before he could reply, his skin was starting to itch. He still had plenty of time to get into the woods, but those first few physical symptoms were like a ticking clock, and the anxiety crept back in. If he was starting to feel the pull of the Moon, the other Wolves in the area were too, and he wanted Sam home and in the Kiszka Fortress until sunrise. 
He glanced out the window again, before turning back to Sam, “I need to get going.” 
Sam’s expression sobered a little and he nodded, “I’ll see you in the morning?”
“Bright and early as usual,” the Wolf replied as he opened the car door and started to get out, 
Just as he was about to shut the door, Sam called out, “don’t eat too much deer tonight. It always fucks up your stomach the next day and you regret it.” 
It was a futile request, as Danny didn’t have much control once the Wolf took over, but he appreciated the sentiment anyway, “I’ll keep that in mind, Sam.” With that he shut the door, and backed up a few feet so Sam could drive off. 
The young scholar gave his best friend one of his classic closed mouth smiles, the slightest bit of worry crept into his large Sanpaku eyes, but he kept his promise and pulled his car away from the side of the road and sped off. 
Once Sam’s car was out of sight, Danny sighed and turned towards the woods. He began the slow walk into the trees. With each step, his skin got itchier and itcher, letting him know his body was preparing for its monthly ritual. The daylight was disappearing with each passing minute, and while there was still time, he started walking faster to get to his usual clearing.
After ducking under some low branches, and taking a few turns, said clearing came into view. It wasn’t massive, or much of anything, but it was a big enough space where he could strip down and get ready for what he was born to do. 
As he stripped, the nocturnal animals started to stir, ready for their own nights to begin. The birds were quieting down, but the insects were singing their songs as it was their stage now. A few stray fireflies started to twinkle around the edge of the clearing, as if they were waiting for him too. 
He folded his clothes as neatly as he could and walked them over to a small rock pile by a Red Oak. It was set up in such a way that he could safely hide his clothes until the next morning, and not worry about animals getting into them. Wolves are always taught to not shift while wearing anything. His mother always reminded him of how much of a waste of clothing it was, and that she wasn’t going to be buying him new jeans every month because he got lazy. 
Once everything was secured and hid away, he walked back to the center of the clearing. His gums were starting to feel weird, and his teeth felt wobbly. Not too much longer now. He looked up through the trees, seeing a tiny bit of fading orange sky. The hue turned into a grayish purple as he stared. The sun was bidding his farewell, holding the door open for the moon. 
The young Wolf took a few deep breaths through his nose, and tilted his head from side to side to crack his neck a couple times. He flexed his hands at his sides, knowing that he only had a few more minutes of being Danny, the humanoid lycanthrope, before surrendering to the Wolf within. They called themselves Wolves because they indeed fully transformed into the canines, It wasn’t like the movies where they would look like some weird hybrid. No once the night took over they looked just like any other wolf in the forest. Blending in with the wildlife was one of the main reasons their species remained safe from endangerment, but also kept humans ignorant to their existence. To humans Werewolves were urban legends and folklore, and they were determined to keep it that way. 
Finally, the sky was dark and the only light was provided from the precious Moon. She wasn’t directly above him just yet, but her presence was just as strong. Danny closed his eyes for a second, silently thanking her for all the blessings She bestows on his kind. Wolves weren’t religious in the way humans were, but there was a supernatural connection to nature and the Moon that was very real, and an intrinsic part of their lives. Some packs paid their respects more than others, and he happened to be born into one that never went a Full Moon without giving Her proper acknowledgement. 
He couldn’t see it obviously, but he knew as he opened his eyes that streaks of gold were invading his hazel irises. Instinctively he knelt down to the soft earth, crunching a few leaves beneath his knees. His body felt like it was vibrating now, and with a final sigh he surrendered to himself. It was time. 
The first snap of bone always knocked the breath out of him. 
It was his left wrist. 
It always started with the wrists.
His skeleton began to warp and ripple under his skin, and he fell forward to rest on his crooked arms. The pain was familiar like an old toxic friend. He begrudgingly welcomed it as he tried his best to relax. Stiffening up made it hurt even worse. 
The last thing Danny saw before the Wolf took over was his hands shrinking down and sprouting black fur. 
After a few tense moments, the sound of a Wolf’s howl joined in with the insects. 
It was time to Run.  
Two crows were cawing in the tree above him, and their calls roused him from sleep.  Every muscle in his body felt like jello, and he had at least a dozen different aches in his body. The grass beneath him was soft and dewy, and the chilly air provided a little comfort to his sore muscles. He kept his eyes closed for a little while longer, wanting a few extra minutes before he had to get up and make his way back to the side of the road. 
But after a few moments, Danny rolled over on his back, flexing his wrists and stretching his arms. His eyes fluttered open, and the sky was just shades of pink and purple, letting him know that it was a little after daybreak, and that he had time to get back to his clothes. He slowly sat up and looked around, recognizing the field he was in. This was a common place for him to wake up, and he always figured the Wolf liked laying down on the soft grass before ending the night. After one last look around to make sure he was alone, Danny stood up and turned back to the woods.
The walk back to the clearing didn’t take long, and when Danny arrived at his little safe spot he was already fantasizing about the shower he was going to take as soon as he got home. He quickly fetched his clothes and shook everything out to make sure no dirt or bugs were still clinging to the various fabrics. The feeling of normalcy crept up as he finished tying his shoes. With one last look at the clearing he turned towards the trail he knew like the back of his hand and started to make his way towards the edge of the woods near the road. 
By the time he stepped out of the trees the sun had fully risen, and the soft morning light gently touched on his freckled face. The first thing the Wolf spotted was his best friend's car, parked in the same exact spot it had been parked the previous night. Sam was sitting in the driver’s seat, his long hair pulled up into a messy bun, sipping what Danny knew to be medium roasted coffee from a thermos and a book propped up against the steering wheel. 
As he nearly jogged over to the car, Sam spotted him out of the corner of his eye and turned, giving him a warm smile as he yanked the door open and plopped into the seat a little harder than intended. There was a comfortable silence in that car, as neither one of them were morning people and didn’t need to fill the seconds with mindless chatter. No, the two friends could sit next to each other without speaking a word and be happy. 
Sam reached down to the cup holder and pulled up another thermos, another batch of coffee he made just for Danny. After having the same routine for over a decade, he knew exactly what Danny wanted the mornings after a Full Moon. He liked a lot of sugar in his coffee to get most of the taste of the wild out of his mouth, with a splash of cream for texture. As he handed it over to his best friend, his large sleepy eyes focused on Danny’s face. 
Danny took the thermos quickly, immediately unscrewing the lid and taking a large gulp, not caring if it was too hot or not. He felt Sam’s eyes on him as he turned to his left. One thing about Sam’s eyes is that they never stopped analyzing anything. Even if he never shared what he was thinking about,  you knew he was lost in thought, picking apart whatever was on his mind. 
“...what?” Danny questioned. 
“You have…umm..some…,” he brought a finger up to his mouth and pointed to the side, indicating Danny had something on his face. 
Danny pulled down the sun visor and looked in the mirror, only to find he had a large stain of blood from the side of his mouth, down his jaw and onto his neck.
“Oh god,” he sighed in annoyance. 
Before the Wolf could do anything about it, Sam was already reaching into the center console for the small pack of wet wipes he stored in there, just for situations like this. Danny gladly took it from him and instantly went to scrub the blood off his face. 
“I hope it was only one deer last night and not your usual three,” Sam chided while taking another sip of his coffee. 
Danny rolled his eyes slightly as he yanked a second wipe to clean up his neck, “yeah whatever.” 
“I’m just saying don’t come complaining to me when you’re stuck in the bathroom all afternoon…”
Whatever else Sam was rambling about, Danny didn’t hear it. Instead the memories of the night before started flashing through his mind’s eye. 
The Wolf was sprinting through the trees, sniffing out the scent of a male deer that ran away from him.  Dodging rocks and jumping over logs to not lose the scent trail. 
The Wolf eventually caught his prey and sank his teeth into the deer’s neck. Danny didn’t particularly like remembering what it felt like to eat raw animals but it was just part of who he was. 
He remembered trotting through the trees afterwards, stopping to sniff the night air and lick his chops. As the Wolf tried to find another scent to chase, he caught a slight sweet smell on the breeze. A familiar and addicting sweet smell. The Wolf instantly turned in the direction it came from, and took off into the fog. The scent wasn’t following any pattern, and the source of it was clearly darting around randomly in the woods. 
Finally, the scent became strong enough that it almost overwhelmed the Wolf, and he ducked beneath a branch to come out to a small pond. The Full Moon shone overhead, Her reflection clear and bright on the water's surface. He looked around, sniffing even harder when his large golden eyes landed on...her. 
A large Red Wolf was about thirty feet to his right, standing at the pond's edge, staring at him with her own equally large green eyes. His paw lifted up to take a step, but before it could land in the grass the She-Wolf took off and rounded the pond, stopping for a moment on the other side, directly across the water from the young Wolf. She looked so familiar to him, her rusty red fur was beautiful in the light, rippling in the wind, and sharply contrasting to the dark woods behind her. 
They stared at each other for who knows how long, her gaze nearly defiant, before a distant howl from another wolf sounded, and before the Wolf could react, the She-Wolf darted into the trees, her fluffy tail the last he saw before she was swallowed by darkness. 
The wolf followed her path around the pond, and stopped where she had stood. He tried to follow the scent again, but the way it snaked around the trees and went in nonsensical patterns made it clear she didn’t want him to know where she went. 
Danny got the last bit of blood off his neck as he slowly sat back in his seat. Sam was still trying to fill him in on some journal he had finally gotten his hands on. As much as he loved listening to his best friend telling him anything and everything about his interests, Danny was too caught up in his thoughts to care at the moment. 
Red fur on a Wolf was rare, and he had only seen it in person on a handful of Wolves in his life. Those green eyes as well, that looked right through him, unintimidated by the presence of a future Alpha. The last time he had seen such a combination was in his last year of college. When he was still seeing-
Ivy Phillips
The first girl he ever gave his heart to, and the same girl who broke it.
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Tag List:  @roving-blade , @readyforthegarden , @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine , @wideminded-dreamer , @runwayblues , @wildbluesorbit , @llightmyllovee , @rhythm-of-space , @sacredthefran , @writingcold , @alwaysonthemend , @wetkleenex-gvf , @josh-iamyour-mama , @lightsofthe-living-gvf , @gvfcinema , @sacredthethreadgvf , @losfacedevil , @jakekiszkasbuttsweat , @shutupdevvie , @hearts-hunger , @gretavanfleetposts , @ascendingtostardust , @mackalah , @andromeda-raine-gvf , @jake-kiszkas-smirk , @gracev0609 , @sacredjake , @earthlysorrows , @gvfpal , @myownparadise96 , @itsafullmoon , @gvfmelbourne, @twistedmelodies , @that-witchy-pan , @gold-mines-melting , @texas-bbq-pringles , @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface , @sadiechar , @char289 , @stardustvanfleet , @sunfl0wer-power , @holdingup-fallingsky , @bladenotblaze , @gretavanlace , @lipstickitty ,
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thebubblesareevil · 2 years
Accidental acquisition pt 2
(Familiar faces)
Convincing Zatanna was the easy part, Giovanni decided to wait until Danny had healed a bit more to broach the subject with him. A week after his arrival he approached Danny about his plan.
“You want to what?!”
“Adopt you. I understand you are not in a situation where you can, nor should you, return home. You have been summoned to a whole new dimension, by my daughter no less, and don’t have anything to establish yourself with. Now it would take some work, but between my magic and my connections with the justice league me adopting you should be do able.” He said with an optimistic look on his face
Danny looked at him t like he was crazy “and what does your daughter think about this?” He laughed
“Zatanna is quite excited at the prospect of a sibling.”
“Look I really appreciate the offer, i really do, but I think you’re forgetting, I’m DEAD”
Giovanni gave him a look that clearly said he was not amused. “In your own words “only half” which I would like for you to explain at some point” Danny goes to comment but Giovanni stops him. “In your own time of course, I won’t push you.” He gives Danny a tender look “I know this is a big decision, so how about a trial run for now. Stay with us for the next month, that’s how long our contract at this location will be, and if you decide you absolutely don’t want to come with us then we will go our separate ways, however if you decide you want to come with us you are more than welcome.”
Danny thought about what was being offered, on the one hand if he stayed he had a chance at a family, on the other hand he would be free to go wherever he pleased, there was a whole new world out there. Danny sighed “I’ll stay for the month and we’ll see what happens. I won’t make any promises though.”
And so began a month of getting to know the two magicians. In the morning Giovanni would make breakfast before they would go over everything that needed to be done that day. Zatanna did online classes after breakfast while Danny would help Giovanni set up for the show that night. After she was done with classes, Giovanni would work with her practicing his magic, it was always so fun. They didn’t do shows every night though. On nights where they were free the three would go exploring the town, going into obscure shops and (despite what Giovanni claimed) occasionally getting lost along the way. Danny loved those nights. A little over a week after the talk though Zatanna started to act strange. She would go into the prop room and just stay in there for at least a half hour at a time. Danny started to get suspicious when he realized she had taken the book used to summon him with her. He thought things were going well and couldn’t help but feel a little betrayed, however when he confronted her she was surprised. She made him promise not to tell her dad and dragged him into the prop room. He was confused as she started rummaging around the room before she exclaimed “aha gotcha!” And to Danny’s surprise and elation she pulled out a VERY familiar tiny green dog. When he saw Danny he went crazy until she dropped him and tackled Danny. “CUJO! Down boy!” Danny laughed as he was viciously licked to death.
“You know him!?” Zatanna asked, a huge smile on her face as she rubbed cujo’s belly
“Know him? He’s the reason i started dating my ex, technically he’s also the reason we broke up. But she was more of a cat person anyway so we’re cool.” He paused “is this why you’ve been bringing the book in here? To find out more about cujo?” Zatanna looked a little embarrassed
“We’ll I knew he wasn’t a normal dog, obviously, but I wasn’t sure if he needed anything, what do you even feed a glowing green dog.” Danny laughed and said “this”
Slowly his hand began to glow and a glowing green goo like substance started to secrete from Danny hand. Cujo immediately began licking at the substance. “What is THAT?”
“It’s ectoplasm, the ghost zone is full of it, stronger ghost don’t need as much of it as others, it can form naturally in the atmosphere from ambient emotion in the atmosphere” he explained “it’s a kind of fuel for ghosts, some ghosts go right to the source and suck the emotion out of humans. You should avoid them at all cost.” He paused “because I’m half alive my living half creates pure ectoplasm to fuel my ghost half, while my ghost half heals my human half and keeps my from fully dying.” Zatanna started to look confused.
“If ghosts are fueled by ectoplasm in the air, then why are there not more ghosts like cujo running around?”
“Oh that’s an easy one!” He grinned “most ghosts that you see are only shades, ghosts who have not entered the infinite realms and been bathed in ectoplasm. The realms are filled with pure ectoplasm which the ghosts absorb and use to get stronger. Ghosts in the mortal realm only really come into contact with weak remnants of emotion, like… jello!” Zatanna let’s out a snort
“Don’t laugh I’m serious. Think of the infinite realms as a solid fully formed block of jello, but like those weird 60s jellos because there is a LOT of weird stuff in there, it’s completely undiluted and filling. The mortal realm is more like… jello water where you added way too much water and no matter how long you put it in the fridge it won’t solidify.” Zatanna smiles
“You’re really passionate about this huh?” She asks as she lifts up a content cujo.
“Yeah, I guess I am. I’ll admit it’s nice to talk about this to someone who will actually listen. My parents didn’t… get it. They thought everything thing about ghosts were evil. My friends tried but they never really saw me turning into a half-ghost as being more than me getting cool powers. My sister… Jazz she always tried her best to understand. She would listen to me talk for hours about the other ghosts. At first I thought she was just indulging me, but then one day I saw her just… hanging out with kitty. Talking like she was a perfectly normal living person. It was nice.”
Zatanna lays a hand on Danny’s shoulder “I know I’m no substitute but, I’d love to learn more about the infinite realms, and in exchange I’ll teach you more about magic! Deal?” Danny stared at her extended hand and then looked at the happy cujo sitting in her arms before grasping her hand. “Deal. But we’re gonna have to tell your dad about cujo. I know from experience he won’t stay hidden for much longer. It’s best to rip off the bandage now then to have it ripped to shreds when he jumps on stage with you.”
Zatanna laughs “I guess you’re right”
Giovanni was incredibly reluctant to invite the green dog into the family but one look at his children’s happy faces and he placed a glamour on the puppy and made a bed for him next to Danny’s place on the couch (he tried to refuse but Danny insisted he wouldn’t take his bed if he wasn’t dying)
Giovanni didn’t truly bond with cujo until after a show 3 days later when a couple of boys started flirting with his kids and had their ankles bitten for their efforts (neither teen was amused). Giovanni got him a collection of dog toys and was even brought into his magic act.
But all things must end and the month was quickly drawing to a close. Giovanni had been planning a night out to celebrate their time together no matter what Danny decided. Everything was going well, he had sent Zatanna out to grab a few last minute supplies before they left at the end of the week. She hadn’t returned, he paced back and forth, worried he was overreacting he cast a tracking spell. According to the spell she was still at the theater. After telling Danny to wait at the hotel he rushed to the theater to check on his daughter. What he found was a nightmare, his daughter was bound to the stage with her mouth covered she was unable to utter a spell to save herself, she seemed to be in a daze. Wizard walked across the stage.
“Welcome one and all to the final performance of the great Giovanni Zatara!” He laughed as Giovanni moved to attack “now now I wouldn’t be so rash, wouldn’t want anything to happen to your precious daughter, now would we?” Flames exploded around Zatanna.
“Now shall we have some fun?” Wizard attacked
The fight was difficult but Giovanni earned his place on the justice league for a reason and he managed to gain the advantage. Just as he was making his move to subdue Wizard, in a last ditch effort he threw an enchanted spell at Zatanna, it never hit. A green barrier appeared in front of Zatanna and the flames vanished, the ground coated in ice. From behind wizard a figure rose from the ground, a hooded cloak bathed in stars donning is form. He suddenly vanished and immediately reappeared in front of wizard. An uttered in a voice that promised nothing but death
D̷͉̗̖̩̻͔̎̉͜o̴͖̿̂̕͝n̷̡̖͖̫̞͉̥̜̐̽̽̿̌͝’̵̡̡̼̭̣̗͙̪́͛͊t̷̠̮̗̋̈́̓̀̄ ̶͚̋̚̚e̶̪̭̮̺͒͋̂̆͒̍̋̏͘v̵̯̖̈́̽̈́̆ě̶̛̻̳̍̍͑̈́̀͘͝r̵̡̰̣̰͙͉̙̾͜ ̶͇̣̘̮͈̰̬̦̳͒͗̄͘ţ̸͔̣̬̮̬͈̞͊̌́͛̇̆͝͠͠ͅó̸̪͉͒̋̃͑̔̀̕͘ů̶̳͇̗̹͙̤̈́͂̔̀̚͝ͅĉ̴̪̟̼̗̝͌̆̅̆͂̂̅͜h̸͍̖͕̞͇͚͂̎̈́̕ ̸̼̣̗̰͉̲̈͊ͅt̶̨̖̖͖͉̘͐̚h̴̨̨̺̗͉̗͈̣͛̆̔̎̀̊͝͝ẹ̴͔̮̠̺̳̠̇ṃ̷̡̞̫̻̉̓͐̅́̒̃̾͝ ̴̰̈́͐̕ã̵͇̔̊̚g̷̤͈̦͓͇͚̈́̈̀̃͗̐̊͋͠ͅȧ̷̡̩̻̗͌͂̌͆̇̊̚̕͜ͅi̶̢͚̦̞̪͋͐͆͜ň̵̡̡̢͉͚̩̯̭
Wizard collapsed to the floor shaking, Giovanni took the opportunity for what it was and subdued Wizard, placing him in a deep sleep. He turned back to the figure only to witness a bright ring of light travel down his body, revealing none other than Danny rushing towards Zatanna to make sure she was okay.
When she didn’t move he looked towards Giovanni with a scared look in his eye, “don’t worry Danny she’s just in a hypnotic sleep. We should be able to wake he with no side effects” Danny relax just a fraction as he worked. After Zatanna woke she jumped up in surprise “wizard is-!”
“Don’t worry, Danny and I managed to stop him, everyone is okay.” Zatanna looked relieved “sorry dad, I should have been more careful, he managed to sneak up on me while I was get the supplies for-” she stopped, motioning to a rather confused Danny.
“It’s okay, even villains get lucky every now and again. I’m just happy you’re safe.” The three of them headed back to the apartment together.
That night Danny knocked on Giovanni’s door, holding cujo close to his chest. Giovanni tiredly opens the door “can we talk?” He was instantly awake
“Of course, is everything okay? Is it about what happened today? You weren’t hurt were you?”
Danny gave a soft smile “No it’s not that.” He hesitated tightening his hold on the green pup
“Is it really okay? If I want to stay with you? To be apart of your family” Giovanni’s heart nearly burst with joy. He wrapped his arms around the two ghost holding them close.
“Of course, Zatanna and I would love for you to stay with us.” If his shirt got a little damp Giovanni didn’t say anything. “Why don’t you go get some sleep? Since you’re going to be joining us we’ll need to get some extra supplies tomorrow”
Danny smiled and the two of them headed back to bed. Giovanni on the other hand pulled out his league communicator, he had work to do.
Next day Giovanni jumped out of his bed and rushed towards the sound shouting and the smell of smoke. When he looked towards the small en-suite kitchen he saw his children arguing over a smoking pan. Giovanni couldn’t suppress the smile on he face as he forced a cough and the two turned to face him. He immediately put out the budding fire “anyone up for waffles?” The day went like usual with the only exception that at the end of the day Giovanni sent Danny to the lobby to get their check out information.
When he returned to their rooms he was greeted with a room filled with floating candles and Giovanni and Zatanna in the middle of the room holding a cake that said “welcome to the family” Danny nearly teared up before bursting out laughing as cujo tackled the cake.
One month later Giovanni signed the last of the adoption papers and Danny Fenton became Danny Fenton-Zatara. That night Danny called him dad for the first time.
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blackacre13 · 9 months
can you please continue the teacher/student au?
Part 39 is here: Part FORTY below!
“Well,” a deep voice laughed on the line. “It’s not a date night so this isn’t about the best spot for a whiskey and you refuse to take my advice on women so what do I owe the pleasure?”
Lou raised an eyebrow, but she was grinning. The brunette swatted her, but Lou had already caught sight of her blushing cheeks.
“Danny,” she hissed, through gritted teeth. “I need your help.”
“So you’ve called the superior Ocean. I’m afraid I’ll need to hear you—“
“Cut the shit,” Debbie sighed, looking at Lou with eyes full of worry. “I need your help. I need my big brother.”
“I can be at your place in twenty.”
“I fucked up,” Debbie whispered, falling against the blonde as Lou cradled her, combing through her hair. “He can ruin my life, but I won’t let him ruin hers.”
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Siblings were fascinating to Lou. Especially when you could observe them at once. And entertaining, when you only knew one of them and had to take that one’s word when they described the one who you didn’t know.
The only things that Lou knew about Danny Ocean included the fact that he was attached to the hip to someone she thought Debbie had called Rusty? But that couldn’t be correct for a grown ass man. She also knew that Debbie’s initial date with her, that allegedly hadn’t truly been a date at all, but a TA welcome dinner, and the drink recommendation had also come from the older sibling. And now as Debbie opened the front door to let him in, the older Ocean immediately scooping her into a bear hug, him shooting a wink over his sister’s head at Lou, she could see his hair and eyes matched Debbie’s.
She expected Debbie to push him off with an eye-roll and a mention of getting back to business, but she clung to her brother, savoring the embrace for a long time until he spoke over her head.
“She’s not usually much of a higher,” he smirked, but he kissed her forehead before he let her go, just in time for Debbie to smack his shoulder and call him an oaf. “So this is the famous Ms. Miller. Sorry Debs has you under her spell, kid.”
Lou wasn’t sure how to respond, but Debbie was closing the door and rushing to her side immediately as if she had to defend the blonde’s honor, her hand sliding into Lou’s.
“You can cut the big brother teasing shit. This is bad,” Debbie sighed. “And whatever cradle robbing, does she call you professor in bed shit you’re planning on spewing, you can just skip. I meant it. This is big. And Lou—Lou is—“
“I know, Strawdebby,” Danny smiled, ruffling her hair before he took a seat in Debbie’s arm chair, carefully moving the stack of graded papers that currently sat there in a heap and placing them on the coffee table.
Lou tucked the nickname away for later.
“And it really is a pleasure to meet you, Lou. Sorry you got dragged into all this Becker shit when you should be partying and having fun every night. Best years of your life, right?” Danny grinned.
Debbie was pulling Lou towards the couch, sorry evident on her face.
“You think Dr. Ocean lets her TA have fun every night?” Lou grinned. She immediately regretted calling her Dr. Ocean. It was just habit when it came to separating their professional and personal relationship. But Debbie had already hinted at the name/power dynamic jokes and she didn’t want Debbie to think she was giving Danny permission to crack jokes at either of their expenses.
Regardless, he didn’t take the bait. He knew the stakes were too high.
“Tell everything,” he said instead, his face sincere. Lou and Debbie went over their history over the past few months. From Lou’s first class to her interview to her welcome dinner and beyond. Thankfully, leaving out any details that a big brother would find unsavory and would absolutely make Lou turn purple.
Debbie was practically shaking by the time they were done, and wordlessly, Lou swept her closer, letting her rest her head on Lou’s shoulder as Lou traced circles with her finger on the brunette’s slacks.
“You love her,” Danny spoke softly. It wasn’t a tease. In fact, it looked like awe and pride.
“No shit, Sherlock,” Debbie rolled her eyes. But her guard was down. Especially with Lou cradling her for support.
“Hold onto this one, Deb,” Danny smiled, his eyes traveling over to Lou. She supposed he wasn’t used to seeing Debbie this vulnerable or soft. “She’s good for you.”
“That’s the plan, Danny,” she sighed. “That’s why I need you. All the Claude bullshit. I don’t give a fuck about tenure or career or my courseload—“
“Debs,” Lou protested softly, but she waved the thought away.
“This is about her. Protecting her future,” Debbie whispered. “I love her.”
“I love you,” Debbie spoke turning to the blonde. “I hope you know I do. But as much as I love you and I love us, nothing is worth jeopardizing your future.”
Lou wanted to say that Debbie was her future. Because she was. But she also knew that both of them wanted her to keep pursuing her dreams. She knew Debbie wanted the world for her.
“Don’t even get me started about this Becker prick,” Danny grumbled. “I knew he was trouble from the start.”
“Well, what’s done is done,” Debbie hissed. “I hate that he’s a part of my history and that there’s only so much I can control in the present. But I’ll be damned if he destroys Lou’s future.”
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crazycatgirl420 · 9 months
First Lines
I'm not sure if this is the first line of the whole fic or the first line of the part I'm currently working on so...since I don't actually know the rules I'll just do whichever feels right for it Kay? Cool.
1) Ellie sat on a stool on the stage, a simple black dress shimmering under the light. She was supposed to sing some sad love song tonight but all she could think about was the death of Robin the Second. Looking at the crowd of Gotham Citizens she wondered if they even knew yet.
This one is still a draft but it's teenage singer Danielle in an dp×DC universe. The song that inspired the first chapter was actually a cover of the Beatles song Blackbird.
2) Sam wasn't related to her by blood, but Grandma Ida had always loved her for who she was. Sam would never truly worry about money, though she had spent most of her savings on her car and the apartment, because Grandma wouldn't let Sam go hungry or cold. A thousand dollars would be sent to Sam's bank account evey month, and had been since she was a baby.
The next chapter of Gotham's Black Rose is a bit of a struggle for me right now, it takes place after they've moved to Gotham, about them settling in and finding their footing in a new city, and Sam does some reflection on her relationship with her adopted Grandma.
3) "Father, Grandfather, Uncles," Danny greeted as he walked into the dinning room and sat down. The adults all looked at him, but Danny just smiled.
"Who let a kid in here?" - "Uncles?" - "Father?" - "Who are you?"
They all spoke at once but Danny waited for them to quiet down before he spoke up.
"Daniel Bertinelli, or Constantine if you check magical lineage, or Wayne if you ask for my mother's biological father's last name."
"I've got a kid?" The blond Constantine dropped his cigarette.
"...Helena Bertinelli is my daughter?" Bruce Wayne stared at the table as if the wood would make any of this easier.
The next part of The Fine Print where 'everyone' finds out they've had children they didn't know about.
4) Gotham was not a good city to be homeless in, Danny learned. It was cold at night, and rained at least once a week, and he never knew here he was going to sleep.
My Project R fic is not doing too well, I'm not sure why or what to do with it.
5) When Paulina imagined her Graduation from High School, she never would've pictured this for herself. She was Eighteen, turning Nineteen this summer. She thought she'd be dating Dash or Star, that she'd be taking photos and going out to dinner with either of them or maybe the cheer team would meet up.
Of course she never would've predicted Phantom. Couldn't have imagined Fenton. And you can't predict an unexpected baby. That's what makes them unexpected.
But here she was. Kneeling on the grass of the football field, blue Graduation gown the only thing protecting her JJ House designer dress from stains, and her heels starting to sink into the dirt.
"Grad-u-lates Pauli," Ellie said, carefully, with a toothy smile and her happy bright blue eyes. Her little arms went up, hands grabbing at the air. "Uppies?"
It's a Paulina/Danny raise baby Danielle in Gotham fic idk if it's going to go anywhere but I find it cute to think about.
6) Soul dreams were a safe place, at least they were usually. A neutral place where souls met to bring each other into their lives. How the soul dream took shape depended on who was asleep first, and was still asleep when the other joined them.
I hit a self doubt wall with my first soulmate fic, I wanted to analyze Jazz's sense of responsibility towards Danny and her tendency to treating him as a child even while acknowledging he's a teenager. I also wanted to analyze Dick's relationships with his own siblings once I picked him as Jazz's soulmate for this fic. I'm not sure if I should go back to my notes and try again or if I should give up on it entirely for a different soulmate fic.
7) I'm not sure if cleaning the Fenton house was a good idea anymore. Jasmine Fenton sat on the couch in front of me, her hands clasped together and a strange look on her face.
My self instert fic has hit a wall so hard I decided I am going to change it completely. I tried I struggled and I had no idea what I was doing. Here's the last I had for it as it is now though.
Okay! So there's my 7 current WIPs sorta. I haven't had the heart to actually remove anything from my list of projects even though I'm done trying to write for some of them. I did my best though! And I'm proud of what I learn every time I try something new.
I think I'm supposed to tag other people to play too so I guess I'll tag @faeriekit @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 @evandarya @spooky-fm @p0ssym1lker
Okay I'm not brave enough to tag more people in a silly game, maybe next time. I'd like to thank @weirdfishy for tagging me, sorry it took me so long to make play too! This was fun once I stopped over thinking it.
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No Comfort in Demonic Possession
Summary - Part 26 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic), Reader x Bobby (father-figure), Andre (OG Character) x Reader (best friends)
Series Masterlist | Masterlist 
A/N: I just want to apologise in advance for any future delays in the chapters or scheduling. I will try my best to keep up; however, my university semester returns soon and so I will have a little less time on my hands, especially once my assessments start piling up.
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You stand on the curb scanning the traffic frantically for a cab while listening to the dial tone on your phone. After way too many rings for your liking, Sam finally picks up.
“Hey, Y/N. What’s up? Dean piss you off already?”
“I don’t have time for your sibling rivalry right now, Sam. A demon took Dean. I gotta get him back. It’s all my fault it was a trap. I should’ve seen it. I’m so stupid.”
“Enough! If a demon took Dean we don’t have time for the guilt and blame game. Tell me everything, I’m on my way.”
A taxi finally drives past so you wave your arm out to get the driver’s attention. When the taxi driver pulls over you tell him the name of the hotel where you and Dean were staying and get in. You can hear Sam moving around and packing in the background but you continue knowing he can multitask. 
“We were investigating the chapel and we split up. We thought it would be fine. We thought it was a spirit that was after recently married men. At least that’s the information Andre gave us, but now I’m starting to think he’s been possessed since he called me a few days ago. It really would explain a lot. I just can’t believe I led us right into a trap.”
“Hey, you didn’t know. How could you? It’s gonna be okay, I promise. Just tell me what else happened.”
“When I was casing the chapel for EMF I got cornered by a demon who claimed she’s been tracking me since before I lost the baby. She said her boss wanted it, she was quite specific about wanting the Winchester heir. I never even thought about it that way, it was just our baby. But now I just have a thousand more questions that need answers before I can even consider trying again. I know you’ve got demon blood, but Dean?”
“We’ll figure it out. What do you know about Dean getting taken?”
“We split up and I haven’t heard from him. He’s not answering his phone. The demon said someone had him. I sent him straight into a trap.”
“There is no way you could have known. And Dean’s a damn good hunter too, he knows what he’s doing. And I promise even if it was a trap he won’t blame you. I guarantee he’s way more worried about you right now and is fighting his way back to you. In the meantime, just do what you can. Check on your friends and keep working. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Dean’s strong, he’s gonna be alright. We’ll find him, I promise. Just be careful and stay safe.”
“Thanks, Sam, I’ll be careful,” you say and then you hang up. 
As soon as the driver pulls up in front of your hotel you hand him a $50 note and jump out. You impatiently wait for the elevator, tapping your fingers on your thigh as you watch the little illuminated numbers count down to one. The second the doors slide open you slip in and press the number 12 and the close doors button. After what feels like an eternity the doors finally slide open again and you rush down the hall to Andre and Danny’s room and knock loudly and continuously, impatience and fear overtaking all of your senses. After a few seconds, the door swings open to reveal Danny. Relief washes over you briefly as you push your way into the room looking for Andre. 
“Are you okay?” Danny asks.
“Is Andre here?”
“He’s in the shower, why?”
“He hasn’t got any tattoos by any chance? One like this?” you ask as you lift your pant leg to show him the anti-possession tattoo on your ankle. 
“No, why? He told me a little about what you guys used to do, is he alright?”
“I think he may have been possessed by a demon, I’m not sure for how long or if he still is. I need to make sure he’s okay … Because it’s all my fault.”
“Yeah, demons can take over human vessels and make them do and say things that they normally wouldn’t. I think a demon is or was using him to get me here. But I promise I can exorcise it and he’ll be back to himself without any complications.”
“How can I help? How do we tell if he’s possessed?”
“Easiest is holy water, but I’m guessing you don’t have any of that on hand, so if he’s possessed he will flinch at the name of God. Just act natural and get him to come out here. If he is possessed I’ll exorcise the demon and he’ll be fine.”
While Danny goes into the ensuite to lure his boyfriend out you search the kitchenette for salt, you only find a few single-serve sachets, you just hope it’s enough. Then you pull out your phone and scroll through your files for the copy of the exorcism Sam gave you. Just as you find it Danny and Andre come into the room. 
“Cristo,” you say firmly as they walk in. When he doesn’t flinch you breathe a small sigh of relief. But you’re not entirely convinced so you turn back to the kitchen and fill a glass with water and then with your back still to them, you tip one of the salt sachets into the water. You swirl it around a few times and then turn back to the boys and hand the glass to Danny. He gives you a sceptical look so you subtly nod your head towards Andre and he holds the glass up to Andre’s lips to encourage him to drink it. You both watch him cautiously while he drinks it but his only reaction is to scrunch up his face in disgust. 
“I’ll have a glass sans the salt now if you please,” Andre says. Then he adds, “I’m not possessed anymore. The filthy bitch smoked out while I was in the shower.”
You nod and then show off your ankle tattoo again, “I told you to get one of these a long time ago.”
Andre nods with a grimace, “Yeah, you’re right. I think Danny and I have our afternoon plans sorted. Time to find a tattoo parlour. Are you good, where’s Dean?”
“He’s … following up on the case you uhh … the demon sent us. I’m gonna go meet up with him now. Do you mind if I borrow your car? I can drop you off at a tattoo shop on the way.”
“We can walk. There should be one on the boulevard. So, yeah, feel free to borrow the van,” Andre says as he walks over and hands you the keys. “I was conscious in there you know … I’m sorry about everything that was said. I wasn’t in control.”
“In control or not, I know how you feel about my choice of partner, the demon didn’t make that up. All things considered, it could’ve been much worse. Just make sure you both get that tattoo. You don’t have to hunt or want any part of this life but at least be smart and protect yourselves.”
They both nod and you walk out and make your way down to the car park to their hired van. On your way, you send Sam a quick text to say that your friends are safe and no longer possessed so you’re going to start looking for Dean. 
As you sit in the driver’s seat you realise you don’t even know where to start looking. All you have is the guy’s name from the marriage certificate earlier, but that’s also all Dean had when he left the chapel. Hopeless, depressing thoughts start to nibble their way into your heart and mind. In an effort to dispel them, you turn on the engine and just start driving. You know you won’t find anything sitting here in the hotel car park, the least you can do is drive around and try to find Baby. Even if the demons took him elsewhere it’s the best chance you have at retracing his steps and tracking them down. 
You spend the next hour driving up and down streets and through every hotel and motel car park you can find but unfortunately, there’s no sign of that beautiful Impala anywhere. With your heart racing and mind wandering to the darkest thoughts you pull over. Taking a few deep breaths you try to ground yourself and focus on the task at hand. 
You’re a hunter! You were a hunter before Dean and you can do this on your own now too. You’re good at your job, you can find him. 
Then after a few minutes of hyping yourself up, it’s like a lightbulb explodes in your head. You kick yourself for not thinking of it sooner rather than wasting time driving around endlessly. You pull out your phone and try to track the GPS on his phone. You wait a few seconds for it to ping, but nothing happens. In desperation, you try to call him again, but it goes straight to his voicemail. In a fit of frustration, you throw your phone onto the passenger seat and slam your hands on the steering wheel. Taking a few more deep breaths you try to calm yourself down and hype yourself up again. 
Come on, Y/N! Pull it together! Sam’s still hours out and Dean needs you! Dean wouldn’t give up if it was you, he’ll be fighting to get back right now, so keep fighting for him. 
Once you finish your pep talk you put the car back in drive and start towards the hotel hoping you can come up with a plan before you get there. By the time you park the van back in its allotted bay your only plan is to treat this like any other case and start back at the top. 
Back in your room you pull out your laptop and start researching Cooper Gary from that girl’s marriage certificate. That’s the last thing you know Dean was doing so it seems like the only place you can start. You figure he would’ve taken the hands-on approach and gone door to door asking about him (forcefully if necessary) but that’s never been your style if you can avoid it. It’s not that you’re conflict-adverse, I mean you’re dating Dean Winchester for Christ’s sake, almost every day includes conflict. You just prefer not to bring too much attention to yourself in public in an attempt to keep the difficult and awkward questions to a minimum and keep innocent minds innocent. 
As you scroll through the results that come up for Cooper Gary you reach out for the stuffed bunny sitting on the bed beside you and squeeze it close to your chest. It gives you the slightest comfort but really only serves to make your heart ache even more for the man that gave it to you. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Tag list: (Leave a like or comment on this post or let me know below if you want to be added to the tag list for this series)
@bitchwitch1981, @muhahaha303, @justrealizedimmascifygurl, @mcdowell-123, @leigh70, @marvelsmarauder, @losa12308, @tapedeck-hearts, @luvjaida, @peachtxa, @ambearsstuff, @shadow-of-a-cloud, @slut-for-buck, @iprobablyshipit91, @sassy-pelican, @fallenlilangel99, @heavenlyhopeful0, @nelachu2423
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britcision · 1 year
Y’know what friends? I’m feeling mean today 😈 so for WIP Wednesday, once again we are reeeeeal close to the next chapter, and I’m going to give you just the scene I’m currently working on
Just the littlest bit to tide you all over
It’s something we’ve all been waiting for
Tag list:
@welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikoyuii @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop @trickerdi @mayoota-blog @xysidhe @idkmrpianoman @little-apricot-the-writer @chaoticmistake @the-legal-shipper @bun-fish @aroranorth-west @demon-cat-goes-woof @eonic @onyxlightdragon @larks-and-katydids @peachesandcreamfemboy @jesus-camp-the-sequel @may-rbi @arandomturd @viyatrix @stargirl1331 @idfk-man10
“Y’know, after all this excitement someone might be tempted to call the rest of the gala quiet,” Jason remarked with a soft chuckle, following Danny from the dining room to the main hall.
Danny shot him a wicked grin over one shoulder other hand checking a likely door.
“Why, were you hoping for a quiet night?” He teased and Jason grinned, shaking his head.
“And miss Sam’s well earned explosion? No fuckin’ way. Hang on, there’s a closet a little further down that’ll be a little easier to get discovered in,” he said quickly, pulling ahead to lead Danny to another, more obvious door that was visible from the main hall.
“Oh, do the others have their party clothes hidden in the other one?“ Danny asked with a smirk, clearly enjoying the way Jason’s step stuttered for a moment.
It was Jason’s turn to look back, a long, slow look was much more calculating. Assessing. Danny just shrugged.
“I’m not saying anything to anyone. Wild coincidence how many of your siblings have been touched by death though. Almost as many as the Gotham vigilantes.”
He might not have guessed by that alone-alone (Gotham was a dangerous city), but it wasn’t like Jason would know to call him on it. This might be his Robin reveal biting him in the ass.
Still, it wasn’t like Danny wouldn’t meet Bruce and Batman eventually. His family were nosey shits - tonight proved that. Better that Danny knew what he was dealing with.
Stomping the part of him that felt bad firmly down, Jason tugged Danny into a broom closet barely big enough to hold them.
Not like the bats would feel bad about sticking their noses in, and it’s not like he’d told Danny. Danny worked it out himself.
Not like they’d have had a chance in hell of hiding it if the Ghost King really could sense everyone who’d died. It wasn’t gonna be the biggest news on any day of the week that involved Danny.
Danny was still watching him, the faintest brush of amused-concerned-we good? sliding across his senses. Jason snickered and reached out to ruffle his hair.
“Yeah, there’s probably at least one set of party clothes back there. But they’re not the ones we want walking in on us, right?” He asked, pulling the door carefully almost shut behind them.
Danny settled, grin broadening again as he reached up to ruffle Jason’s hair back.
“Not that I don’t think they’re dramatic enough, but it’s way less suspicious if we’re exposed to all and sundry,” he agreed with a much to charming wink, and set about unbuttoning his shirt.
Jason hesitated for the barest second more, calculating again… but this time for a much better reason. His own little imp of mischief raised its head.
“Think anyone would notice if we swapped ties?” He asked with a sudden grin, tugging his blue tie loose. Loved the way Danny’s face lit up with manic glee as he tugged his own off and tossed it over.
“They’re not the exact same colour but close enough if we were “distracted”,” he agreed with a cackle, taking Jason’s tie and stuffing it into his jacket pocket.
Jason hooked Danny’s over a mop and began working at his own buttons. Stopped. He could undo them nice and neat. He could also…
He wasn’t against flashing a little skin for the rest of the evening.
Taking both sides of the shirt in hand, he yanked hard enough that Danny had to dodge a button shooting out at him. And abandon his own undressing to clap both hands over his mouth against laughter.
“Did you just fucking rip your shirt open like a caveman?!” He hissed in delighted glee once the giggles subsided. Jason smirked, completely sure the impressed look in his eyes was real.
Nothing else there to see, right?
“Not according to anyone else at this party, there’s not a soul in that room that won’t believe you ripped it off me after that display,” he pointed out smugly, and Danny had to stifle a cackle by shoving most of his fist in his mouth.
It felt good to be actively doing something after being sidelined for the entire attack. Good to see any traces of that worry, of that all too familiar burning rage in Danny’s face.
No one else should ever have to feel like that. Not for Jason.
Now, laughing until he couldn’t breathe and had to sag against Jason’s chest for support? That he was extremely comfortable with.
Steadying his shaking king, Jason hummed thoughtfully and ran his hands through Danny’s hair a few more times. It was already wild and unruly, so the step from there to sex hair wasn’t all that far.
Danny gave him a gentle jab with his elbow before straightening, tugging his own shirt open with nary a care for the last two buttons. Then he paused, reaching for his belt.
“So how far are you comfortable with this going?” He asked innocently, too innocently. In that sweet, butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-my-mouth tone Jason had already learned to suspect.
If Jason Todd had one weakness, he’d never backed down from a dare in his life. Why start now.
“I’ve never seen anyone arrested at a gala for indecent exposure,” he replied in his own best innocent voice, the one used when Bruce caught him hiding the bodies.
Danny snickered and pulled his belt off, kicking his trousers… yep, all the way down and off his legs, and in case any of his nosey bastard siblings were curious the boxers or briefs question was answered.
Not that any of them would be surprised, given the cut of Danny’s pants. Briefs today at least, but Jason very deliberately was not going to speculate.
“You don’t have to match,” Danny assured him quickly, still grinning as he picked up his pants to hang them artfully over an upturned bucket, “can’t have the man of the hour kicked out of his own party.”
Suddenly the closet felt a lot smaller. A lot warmer. A lot harder to breathe. Because. Yeah. That’s what they were doing.
They were staging a fucking sex scene, on their third hangout in their lives, and Danny had fucking said that.
Even the heady knot of tension suddenly in Jason’s gut couldn’t stand a chance against the wave of snickering.
It gave him a moment of distance, to catch his breath and remember why they were doing this, and tug his own belt open. Unbutton his pants, mind very firmly fixed on Bruce’s reaction.
“Danny, never fucking say that to me again unless you want me to streak through this hall,” he said as seriously as he could, loving the way Danny’s eyes darted down and then back up to his face.
He would love absolutely nothing more than to get kicked out of his own party… any night but tonight. Tonight, he had no fucking intention of missing out on Sam going nuclear.
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npcemi · 1 year
Welcome to my Meet Cute where Jason is a hopeless romantic whose inner voice is essentially a Jane Austen novel. Part 2
just a little fun fact. I am totally head cannon Jason looking like his Gotham Knights model, mostly I think it's funnier. Totally not because it made my Redhood crush a little more intense......
“Danny I still can’t believe you literally made it sound like I have a kink for criminals to a Wanye of all people, a hot one at that!” Jazz whined to Danny as Danny, Sam, Kitty, and her were sitting around looking for a cheap condo for sale in Gotham. They were all going to be there through Danny's Ph.D. and whatever remains of Jazz's master’s program, possibly even her doctorate. So that was at least ten years. They had made the excuse to their parents about equity, but realistically they wanted to be able to rogue proof the place. They were going to Gotham after all.
“Jazz, you wouldn’t have liked him, he’s some spoiled rich socialite,” Danny argued.
“Did you see his muscles under his suit, I know you could!” Jazz gushed, Kitty and Sam started to giggle, knowing Danny a little too well.
“One, I would never look at another Man, Johnny is the jealous type, and Two, those were totally dumb gym bro muscles. You need someone who can fight. Not someone you could beat in a fight.” Danny said both contradicting himself and drawing attention to the fact that the Fenton siblings' prolonged and extensive exposure to ectoplasm had changed them significantly. Danny being half ghost obviously was the most changed. However, Jazz’s changes were more subtle. Fangs, eyes a little greener, a little stronger, and a little faster. While the physical changes were the most outwardly obvious, it was the mental changes that were the most significant.
Jazz’s need to analyze and understand people was border lining on an obsession. Both siblings were protective of their family unit. Which encompassed their parents, Tucker, and all of Danny’s partners. This included Sam Danny's high school sweetheart, Ember who both Danny and Sam held a hidden flame, Kitty, who was dating Danny, Johnny, and Ember, and Johnny who was dating Kitty and Danny. The unit also included Danny's clone daughter Danielle “Elle” Phantom who is obsessed with exploration and often roamed the earth in search of the next cool place or people she could meet. She would often send postcards.
Danny and Jazz were both territorial, nobody entered their haunt without permission. Neither would admit it, but this is also the reason they were looking at buying. It was bad enough that they would have to share the building with strangers, but to be beholden to a landlord. That was unacceptable. Their haunt was theirs. They were also more combative. Both as a way of protecting, but also as a way of socializing. Jazz was already looking forward to seeing what the Gotham MMA gyms were like.
“Danny, you can’t just scare off any potential boyfriends.”
“I never even tried to scare him. I just informed him that you clearly have a type!”
“Danny!” Jazz sighed
“Jazz!” Danny exclaimed. His sister sighed again trying to redirect the conversation to the task at hand. “Okay let's go over what our requirements are again.” She said,
“A closet we can turn into a semi-permanent ghost portal,” Danny said,
“The ability to install our own security system and a place for my garden,” Sam added.
“And a way to soundproof the bedrooms,” Kitty added with a bit more enthusiasm than expected. Danny and Sam blushed as Jazz groaned not wanting to be reminded that her little brother somehow had a more productive sex life than her.
“What? Ember is rather loud.” Danny and Sam nodded sagely at Kitty’s comment.
“And when Danny is with Johnny even I need ear plugs, I mean I totally get it, Johnny is a man who can really…” Kitty was cut off by Jazz who found something that may be perfect for the group. She was also thankful for the timing of her find. Jazz asked the group to hear her out on her Idea.
“Danny, our parents made us 12.5% owners each in Fenton works right?” Danny nodded his confirmation.
“Okay, I think we should expand Fenton works and found the anthropological branch which would be headquartered in Gotham!” Jazz looked out to see three confused faces.
“There’s this warehouse in between the Bowery, Park Row and Robinson park. It’s perfect, close to the only real hub of nature in the city for Sam, we can also add a garden to the roof. We can obviously set up whatever security we want and have enough room for all seven of us!”
“Seven?” Sam asked.
“You mean Elle gets her own room when she visits?” Danny asked and responded with a resounding yes,
“And that’s not even the best part. The warehouse, the whole thing, the land it’s on is only three hundred and fifty thousand dollars.” Jazz knew it was technically a little over budget, but between the tax benefits from counting it as a Fenton Works purchase and the fact Danny could grab as many one Kg gold bars from the Keep as he needed, the whole thing was easy to buy and very much worth it.
“Ok, I’m sold, call the realtor,” Danny said, already opening a portal to the ghost zone.
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An Early Start - Chapter 20 - Danny Phantom
Ao3: Here | Masterpost: Here
Ao3 Description: The accident that turns Danny half-ghost happens when he is four years old and leaves him trapped in the Ghost Zone. Clockwork finds him and takes him in to raise. But what happens when Clockwork sends Danny back to the human-world ten years later when a permanent portal appears?
Chapter 20:
One day Danny came home a bit later than normal after school, opting to hang out with Sam and Tucker for a few hours before the three of them had to split for the day. But the moment he stepped through the front door, his mother bombarded him. “Danny!” She exclaimed. “I have great news!” Danny stumbled as he took a step back, nearly falling down but being caught by the wall. He glanced over to his sister who was glowering next to their smiling father. “I got an invitation to a mother-son science symposium in Florida! Doesn’t that sound fun?”
Danny looked back to his sister. Even after all this time their parents still didn’t know sign language, and settled on relying on Jazz to translate. Jazz, on her part, has finally grown quite proficient at it. “Do I have to?” He asked, even though they both knew the answer.
“This will suck for both of us,” Jazz signed back. “I’m doomed to special family alone time with dad.”
“Now don’t just leave us in the dark,” Maddie said excitedly. “How excited is Danny?”
The siblings exchanged glances. “Sooo, excited.” Jazz spoke dryly.
“Well,” Maddie said. “Packs your bags. They’re sending a private jet, just for us!”
When Danny went up to his room, Jazz followed.
“What’s gotten into her?” Danny asked before turning to pull his suitcase out of his closet.
“From what I overheard she found an old picture of you and her, and randomly decided she missed the old times.” Jazz scoffed. “She wants to play mom again or something, I don’t know. That letter just happened to come at the right time.”
“Or wrong the wrong time.” Danny said, turning back around.
“Yeah,” Jazz agreed, huffing out a bitter laugh. “Good luck, little brother.”
"You too," Danny replied. "With dad I mean."
Before they left, Jack gave Maddie a belt he called the “Fenton Spector Deflector”. He guaranteed it would repel and weaken any ghost.
“Make sure to stay away from that thing.” Jazz whispered to Danny.
Danny snorted and nodded. Obviously.
Danny listened to his portable CD player and stared out the window of the taxi on the way to the airport. He’s never been on a plane, at least that he could remember, but he knew what they were and he wasn’t looking forward to being trapped in one for the next few hours. He flinched when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Danny pulled down his headphones.
“What are you listening to?” His mother asked.
Now, Danny was aware that his parents loved him and his sister. This, he didn’t doubt. But they loved their work more, and even after they thought they killed him, even after all these years, they never let up. They were his parents but they never took part in raising him... and they didn’t realize that. Danny popped open his CD player to show her the album.
“Ember McLain?” She said. “That’s that new alternative popstar I’ve heard on the radio recently, isn’t it?” Danny closed the CD player and nodded. He was about to put his headphones back on when she spoke again. “How’s school? Have you adjusted well?” Danny refrained from heaving out a heavy sigh and gave her a thumbs up, but it seemed she didn’t take the hint. “How about your friends? What were their names again?”
Danny reached into his pocket and pulled out his notebook. It was almost filled, he’d need to get a new one soon. Sam and Tucker. He wrote.
“Sam and Tucker, right!” His mother said. “How are they doing? Are they treating you well?” Danny nodded. Then his mother leaned in conspiratorially, and Danny leaned back. “What about any crushes?”
Crushes? Danny has never heard this term before. He asked, What is crushes?
His mother laughed and sat back. “If you don’t want to talk about your crushes then just say so. No need to pretend you don’t know what they are, silly!”
It was the very first time someone has laughed at Danny for asking what something is. It made him feel worse about himself. He pulled his headphones back on, lifted up his hood, and looked back out the window. They didn’t talk again until they were on the plane.
“Come on, Mr. Pouty Pants,” his mother said lightly. “This weekend is supposed to be about us. Those ‘Dalv’ people sent this private jet just for us! How perfect is that?”
Danny gripped harder onto his portable CD player. Right now, it was the only thing grounding him. He was with his mother, in an airplane which was way more enclosed than he imagined, on his way away from Amity Park. It was all he could do to not completely fall apart. Still, he kept his expression carefully neutral and swallowed his feelings. He didn’t make eye contact with her as he provided another thumbs up.
This time, his mother could sense his hostility and she sighed. “Forget it, Danny. Just look out the window at that warm, sunny Florida coastline.”
Above them, the intercom came on. “Folks, this is your captain speaking. If you look out the window to your left, you’ll see the cold, bleak Colorado Rockies.” Danny didn’t know much about the layout of the human world but he was pretty sure Florida and Colorado had two different names for a reason. The captain continued to speak. “And if you look out the window to your right side, you’ll see me! Bailing out of the plane before it careens out of control and crashes.”
Danny and his mother jumped to their feet and ran to the window just in time to see the pilot parachuting into the sky. They immediately ran to the cockpit. The plane began to spiral into a nosedive and his mother tried to take over the controls, but they would not budge. “How do we get out of this?” His mother pleaded under her breath.
This is not how Danny wanted his mother to find out he was half-ghost. In fact, never finding out at all would be preferable. But, if he didn’t do anything they would crash, so he had to risk it. Danny transformed and placed his hands on his mother’s shoulders, attempting to overshadow her to take control of the plane. But the moment he touched her a surge of pain, unlike anything he’s felt in many years, went and surged through his body. Danny stumbled back and fell to the floor with a forced transformation back to his human half. His mother heard him stumble and ran to his aid, placing a hand on his head. “Danny, you okay?” She asked. Reflexively Danny slapped her hand away, but she didn’t notice because her eyes were on something else. “Danny, parachutes. Let’s go!”
As they jumped out of the plane, Danny found the briefest amusement at the fact that he knew what a parachute was but hadn’t known what a dressing room was. But his discontent returned when they caught up with their pilot who revealed himself as a ghost. “Folks, at this time I’d like to inform you that you’ve been the victims of a cruel hoax.” Their pilot said. “Thank you for flying air evil plot!” With that, he cackled and flew back to the plane. Danny crossed his arms.
“Oh, come on, Danny. Don’t be so glum. Look at the view!” His mother chirped. For once, Danny did not enjoy being in the sky. Not like this. They landed in a dense forest and his mother pulled out a machete from her boot. Danny put his headphones back on, it was the one item not lost to the plane, and ignored whatever his mother had to say. At the moment he was done trying to be polite.
Danny silently followed behind his mother as she cleared away shrubbery. Part of him wanted to just fly home. The problem with that, besides the obvious, which was that he couldn’t leave his mother behind, despite his feelings about her he still needed to protect her, is that he had no idea how to get home. Danny didn’t know how long they walked before they broke free of the forest and found themselves in front of a large mountain chalet. He pulled down his headphones. Moments later, a horn honked.
Then, all at once, this entire ordeal suddenly made sense. Did Vlad really need to concoct such a convoluted plan? Danny pointedly did not make eye contact with him as he pulled up in a golf cart. “Why Maddie and Danny Fenton.” Vlad said.
“Vlad Masters?” Maddie gasped.
Vlad smiled. Way too big in Danny’s opinion. “Oh, what an amazing, unexpected, and totally unplanned surprise.” Then, to his mother’s obliviousness which could rival his father’s at the moment, Danny watched Vlad hold up two baskets with their names on it. “Personalized gift baskets?” His mother merely joyously laughed and took her basket, taking a seat next to Vlad on the golf cart. Danny scowled and silently took the last remaining seat, pulling his headphones back on.
For Danny, he really didn’t want to resent Vlad, but the man was making it really difficult, so Danny kept to himself as they made their way to the house. They entered the building and Danny stuffed his hands in his pockets as he took a seat, looking around at the taxidermy he promised himself he’d never tell Sam about. His eyes happened to glance over to a mirror just as Vlad was looking into it. ‘dalV’, the embroidery on the robe Vlad was wearing read. Danny felt like an idiot.
“So,” Vlad said, turning away from the mirror. “What brings you two to these parts?”
“You’ll never believe it,” Maddie said. “We were on our way to this symposium…” Danny stopped listening just then because seriously? She still thought that was real? He always knew she was the much more capable and intelligent of his two parents but now he was starting to have his doubts.
Danny tuned back in as Vlad said, “Maddie, I’m so glad you’re here. It gives me the chance to apologize for Jack’s behavior at our college reunion.” He put a hand on Maddie’s shoulder to pull her away from a book she'd picked up. “And,” Vlad continued. “To show you how sympathetic I am towards your son’s predicament.” Danny watched as Vlad turned to face him, like they weren’t already very well acquainted, and lifted his hands to sign, “I learned sign language, just for you.”
Danny could only deadpan at that sickly sweet smile on Vlad’s face. He was very aware of the fact that Vlad learned this not out of sympathy for him, but to gain brownie points with his mother. It only reiterated what Danny realized during their initial encounter. Vlad just wanted a family. However, the way he’s decided to go about it is completely backwards, and he won’t let go of his lifelong grudge against Jack Fenton. Danny raised his hands to sign back a very hard truth he knew Vlad would never suspect. “She doesn’t know sign,” he replied. “She never bothered to learn. She has Jazz translate everything for me.”
Vlad faltered. For the first time since they arrived, Vlad’s carefully constructed persona slipped momentarily from surprise. But, if he was one thing, it was graceful, and his carefully constructed persona slipped right back into place. “Well, nevertheless,” he spoke, turning back to Maddie. “If Jack hadn’t been so weak, perhaps that possession never would’ve happened.”
Maddie took it in stride as she walked over to a bookshelf. “Now, Vlad, Jack may be a bumbler but he means well.”
“I know, Maddie,” Vlad sighed wistfully. “And I’ve forgiven him for many things. Causing the accident that ruined my life, stealing you, the backwash incident…”
Danny watched this whole interaction from the chair he sat in, carefully analyzing Vlad’s behavior. He wondered if the sympathetic way in which Vlad spoke came naturally, or if he had to practice it.
Maddie paused and spun around. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up.” Her voice faltered. “What was that?”
Vlad played perfectly oblivious. “Causing the accident that ruined my life?”
“N-no after that.” Maddie fumbled.
“The… backwash incident?”
Danny could tell that even his mother was finally taking notice of Vlad’s faux behavior.
“No!” She snapped. “In. The. Middle!”
Then Danny watched as even Vlad realized she was beginning to catch on. His decision with this knowledge was to just go all in. “Oh, the stealing you part? Ah, you always could see right through me.” He dropped to one knee and clasped his hands together. “Oh, Maddie, I’m just going to come right out with it.” He placed a longing hand on his chest. “Please, dump Jack and stay here. You and Danny both can. What do you say?”
Really, truly, Danny wondered if Vlad actually thought that was going to work, or if he was just desperate. The answer was probably both.
Maddie scowled and in an instant, she turned on her heel and stomped out of the room, throwing back a, “Come on, Danny. We’re leaving.”
As they made their way outside, Vlad called out, “Mark my words, Maddie. Nobody says no to Vlad Masters. You will rue the day that you spurned my affection!”
Danny turned to get one last glance at him. For a moment, they made eye contact, and Danny quickly looked away. If he could just talk to him. If he could just make Vlad see reason, like Ember or Johnny. But, Danny knew this one would be much more difficult. Like Danny, Vlad wasn’t just a ghost, he was alive, too. With that came much more complex emotions and drive, especially someone who’s held a grudge for twenty years. But, in a way, Danny could still see himself in Vlad; that crushing loneliness. The want to simply fit in, find a place where you belong. If he could just find a way to convey that without being met with hostility…
Danny sat at a campfire his mother built while she set up camp. In a way, he knew his mother wanted something similar. She wanted to be a mom. She just… also didn’t want to be a mom; she didn’t want the responsibilities that came with it, just the relationship. Danny couldn’t help but feel his own form of resentfulness too at this, though he did not wish her any harm like Vlad did his father. Danny simply was not interested in a relationship with her. She finished setting up her makeshift tent and brought out two sleeping bags, which were previously dehydrated into pill capsules, and sat down next to him.
“Fenton jerky?” She offered, pulling a strip out of her pocket. Danny shook his head. She sighed. “Danny, this weekend certainly isn’t turning out like I planned, but we’re spending it together, and that just means the world to me.” She reached down and touched his hand. Danny had forgotten about the Spector Deflector until the next moment when another indescribable shock of pain flared through his entire body. Danny quickly pulled his hand away and stood up. He was not in the mood to deal with this right now. So, he grabbed his sleeping bag and pulled it to the other side of the campsite. His mother took the hint and pulled her own sleeping bag into her makeshift tent. “Goodnight, Danny. I love you.” She tried. Danny ignored her.
Danny’s plan was to wait until she fell asleep before returning to Vlad’s to talk. It didn’t take long for his plan to come to him.
A large ghost bear with four arms appeared right before Danny and he knew this was the ghost of the bear that Vlad turned into a rug. Well, this works too. Danny let the bear take him.
As he lay slung over the bear's shoulder on the way back to the chalet, Danny thought about what he was going to say. He thought back to the way Vlad faltered when he told him Maddie never bothered to learn sign language. Well, if that truth made Vlad falter, then maybe it was in both of their best interests for Danny to tell the rest of the truth. The bear arrived back to the house and it brought Danny back to the room they were in before, throwing him back into the chair he occupied previously, but this time surrounded by the growling ghosts of the rest of the taxidermy animals.
“Does this mean we can finally talk?” Danny asked, slipping easily back into ghost speak now that his mother wasn’t around.
“Talk?” Vlad inquired from where he stood a few feet away. He was in his ghost form.
“Yeah,” Danny replied. “Talk. It doesn’t have to be this way.”
“And what way would that be, dear boy?” Vlad asked, holding his arms behind his back and tilting his head. He was trying to feign curiosity but Danny could tell he was genuinely curious despite himself. He knew Vlad had a different perception of how this night was supposed to go.
“We can still be friends.” Danny tried, standing up and turning into Phantom, to match Vlad’s own ghostly form. “This… resentment that you feel. It doesn’t have to rule your life.”
“This resentment,” Vlad snapped. “Is completely founded! Your father ruined my life, and yours too! The real question is, why don’t you feel it too?!”
“I do.” Danny answered evenly. “I don’t know exactly what happened to you twenty years ago but for me, it wasn’t just my dad.”
“For me, my mom is just as much to blame. I was four years old but I remember that day like it was yesterday. I think… even though it was the day I died, it was also the day I began to live.”
Vlad’s scowl slipped off his face and Danny wondered if he was aware of it. Cautiously, Vlad asked, “What are you saying, Daniel?”
Danny glided across the room, past the ghost animals, past Vlad, and sat on the couch near the fireplace. “I’m saying,” Danny said. “Let’s talk.”
Vlad tensed up. For a moment Danny thought that he’d lost him again, but then Vlad glided over to the couch too, and sat on the opposite end. “Fine.” He said. “Let us talk.”
So, Danny pulled his knees up, glared into the fire and said, “Tell me what happened, what really happened, twenty years ago.”
“What do I get in return?” Vlad asked skeptically.
“I’ll tell you exactly what happened to me.” Danny replied.
Danny didn’t look at Vlad as the man contemplated this, but he eventually sighed and gave in. “Very well. It happened in college. The three of us were friends…” Danny listened to Vlad’s story, at some point pulling his gaze away from the fireplace to look at the man. Vlad told him how the accident happened, how Jack, both too overzealous and also not paying attention, caused his accident, and the subsequent years in the hospital. Danny learned that Vlad’s transformation wasn’t instantaneous like his was, how it came to him little by little as he slowly died. He told Danny about when he finally left the hospital, how he went to search for Maddie, only for salt to be poured in the wound when he learned that Jack had taken her too. Danny was silent when Vlad finished his tale, taking it in and mulling it over in his mind. When he did speak up, he spoke slowly, carefully.
“Do you really love her?” Danny asked. “Or do you love the idea of her?... Or do you just hate that my father took that from you too?”
Vlad didn’t reply. Instead, he looked like he tried to be angry with that accusation but couldn’t quite muster it up. “It’s your turn.” He said instead. “The deal was I told you my tale, exactly how it happened, and you do the same.”
Danny stared at the man, studied him. Vlad’s eyes were hard to read as Plasmius but his expression wasn’t, and he looked vulnerable. “I’ll tell you, if you want. But… well, you won’t like it. It’ll shatter the perception you’ve had for twenty years.”
“Try me.” Vlad said. Danny knew he was only pretending to be ready.
But, he kept his word and regaled his own tale. “I was four, and I was hungry…” Danny did not leave out a single detail. He talked about his sister’s late morning, how she hadn’t had time to make him lunch, and how she always made him lunch because his parents, both of them, always forgot about him. He spoke of his trip to the lab, how his parents did not notice him even as he spoke up. Then he talked about his final mistake of climbing onto that stool, and the button being pressed.
“But Jack was the one who pressed the button, right?” Vlad asked.
Danny shook his head. “They both did, at the same time.” Danny explained. “They both held it and counted down.” Danny could still remember the feeling of his veins on fire. “It was the worst pain I’ve ever felt,” he whispered, and looked up at Vlad. “A pain I’m sure you remember, too.” Vlad didn’t say anything so Danny continued. “The portal didn’t work for long, but I was sent to the Ghost Zone, where I was trapped for ten years.”
“And that’s how you became Clockwork’s Ward.” Vlad finished for him.
Danny nodded. “He found me shortly after I arrived and took me in. He raised me. I came back ten years later because he asked me to, when my parents completed their portal.”
Vlad was silent for a long time. Danny did not interrupt his thoughts, he knew it was a lot to take in. It felt like hours passed before Vlad spoke again, or rather whispered, “But Maddie would never…” He spoke up. “Surely after such a devastating incident she has changed after all these years. This must be some kind of trick.” He was getting defensive again. Danny expected this, and remained calm.
“No,” Danny said. “She hasn’t. At first it seemed like it. My parents took me to all my appointments, protected me from reporters, and made sure I was okay. I really thought things would be different this time. But, when everything died down, and I settled in, they went right back to their lab. I can go days without seeing either of them. They promised they would learn sign language for me but they haven’t.”
“But that’s preposterous!” Vlad exclaimed. “Maddie has always been such a kindhearted soul!”
“I don’t doubt my parents love me, and my sister, but they just love their work more, and nothing will change that.”
That statement seemed to be the final nail in the coffin. Danny watched the devastation grow on Vlad’s face as his entire worldview shattered. Danny felt guilt gnaw in his own chest but he pushed it down because right now wasn’t the time. “I just can’t believe…” Then abruptly he turned to Danny. “I cannot let you leave.” Vlad said quickly.
Taken aback, Danny replied. “I have to.”
“But why?!” Vlad exclaimed. “It is too dangerous for you in that house! We are two of a kind. We must stick together!”
Danny's shoulders relaxed in understanding and he replied gently, “I’m sorry, but I have to make sure no one in Amity Park gets hurt, both humans and ghosts alike. I can’t do that if I’m not there.”
“Daniel,” Vlad said. “I still cannot bring myself to find harm for your mother. So, even when I kill your father, you will still be in danger.”
Danny stilled, and gaped. Even… wait... even after all of that? Killing Jack Fenton was still his motivation? Overwhelming loneliness like Danny hasn’t felt in a long time welled up inside of him, spilling over with the added addition of despair. “Vlad…”
“Stay here with me, my boy. We will show everyone who has ever crossed us!”
Danny wiped away a tear before it fell as devastation settled in his chest. “I won’t join you.” He whispered.
Vlad froze. “What?”
Danny wrapped his arms around himself and looked down. “Even… after all this. Revenge and power is still your motivation? I’m… sorry Vlad. I wish we could be friends but… I don’t want to hurt anybody. I don’t want to rule.”
“You can’t possibly-“
A resounding knock cut him off. Moments later they heard the front door open and Maddie call out, “Vlad? I need your help! I can’t find Danny!”
The two halfas made eye contact. Then, just as Danny transformed back into his human half, Vlad turned intangible. “Take the copter home. Until next time, little badger.” With that, Vlad disappeared. The last thing Danny saw before he did was the devastation on the man's face, the same kind Danny felt in his chest.
Nothing felt resolved, and nothing felt okay.
Ao3 Notes: Chapter 20?!?! 5 more chapters left y'all!
Thank you so, so much for reading and have a wonderful day/night! <3
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