#but idk we’ll see
silksongeveryday · 11 months
Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 130
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fandomfairyuniverse · 5 months
You know at this rate we’re going to get the whole Phaya-actually-drowns-and-needs-cpr thing that’s in the trailer before they actually get together and if that happens I might just have to fly to Thailand and demand compensation from Saint himself
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bkdks · 1 year
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seeing mahoro and katsuma in the last chapter watching the war on tv and knowing they are cheering on bkdk makes me emotional, that’s their dads your honor!!!
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neithrain · 2 years
Hawke Learning Tevene from Fenris
I like to think when Hawke gives Fenris the Blade of Mercy and asks him about the Imperium, they might also be curious about the language as well
They’ve only heard him speak it a few times, usually in a bout of intense emotion, but can’t help but be drawn to it
If they ask him to start teaching them, Fenris is initially puzzled
“Why would you want to learn it?”
(Diplomatic) If Hawke wants to do it simply because it’s Fenris’ native language and he’s special to them (whether friend or lover), he’s flattered even if he doesn’t quite agree with placing such sentimentality on languages
(Sarcastic) If they want to be able to fuck with him on a whole other and far more personal level, Fenris would roll his eyes but chuckle and agree to it simply for the tomfoolery alone, because then he gets to fuck with them too
(Blunt) They actually want to learn Tevene for practical use in case they’re ever in the Imperium. While Fenris doesn’t have as much fun or affection with this prospect, he respects the commitment to practicality and accepts
Once he begins actually teaching Hawke Tevene, Fenris is almost in paradise after feeling like a fool while being taught how to read
It doesn’t matter how patient Hawke is with him, it hurts seeing everyone else around him simply glance at a sign and understand it in a second while he has to stop and sound it out like a child
Yes, he knows it isn’t his fault he was never taught before, but it’s a massive blow to his ego nonetheless
When teaching Hawke Tevene though, it’s nice to feel in control and knowledgeable to some extent again
He teaches them via dialogue and focuses on common things they see every day (furniture, food, etc.)
Or at least he tries to
We all know sarcastic Hawke wants to learn curse words first and foremost
“You shit on my tongue” was a weird one to explain though
Fenris…. isn’t the best teacher ever as well
And not for lack of intelligence or good intent at all
It’s just that he never learned the language like a foreigner, he absorbed and acquired it all as a native would
If he corrects Hawke on something and Hawke asks why it’s like that instead, he can’t give them an answer
He never learned why the language has certain rules, that’s just the way it is for him
There’s a reason language teachers have to be trained you guys
He’s extremely patient though, and never gives Hawke anything harsher than constructive criticism
Their accent is abysmal? So is his accent when he speaks Qunlat, he can’t judge
They constantly mess up on verb conjugation and use the wrong tense? It’s not the end of the world, he can still understand what they’re trying to say
He respects their pace as well
Whether they only have one training session per week or almost every single day, he’s willing to help
In between the pure shitshow that is Hawke’s life, it’s a relief to have something consistently normal for both of them
Well… as normal as anything can be with Hawke at least
Eventually, after a while, Hawke can actually carry simple conversations with Fenris in Tevene, and by Act 3, they’re half or almost fluent
If the subject becomes too complicated however, they do give up and go back to the Common Tongue for the sake of simplicity
Still though, it’s always enough for them to crack jokes with each other or complain without the other companions understanding
They also use it in battle sometimes
Being able to shout to each other in combat without their enemies understanding gives them more of an advantage than you think
“You take the one on the left, I’ve got the right!”
“Behind you!”
“I need healing!”
(Mage Hawke) “I’m casting fireball, get the fuck out of the way!”
(Romanced) Lessons kind of go on pause for a bit in Act 2 because… yeah
But when Hawke and Fenris start speaking to each other again and ignore what happened, he continues teaching them Tevene
He’s not going to stop helping them learn just because of a complicated relationship
And besides, even if he would never admit it… It’s a comfort for him to be able to speak his native language again, especially with someone he actually trusts and feels safe with
Once they get back together in Act 3 though, this changes
He calls them “Amatus” sometimes in very private moments
I like to think since the entire game is Varric telling the story, we never see Fenris call Hawke this because it was only ever said in moments of intimacy between them that no one else saw
Also Fenris ends up being surprisingly romantic in Tevene
It shouldn’t have shocked Hawke so much since he outright called them beautiful/handsome when they flirted with him, but it still catches them off guard
They memorize all sorts of compliments and flirtations from him
If they can flirt with him back though, they get a shy smile and even a hint of blush from him
He’s just very proud but also flattered okay it’s a lot more positive emotions than he’s used to
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fleshdyke · 10 months
url change jumpscare
i know its so weird bc ive been parotcardsroxy since the beginning of time. but it feels right
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mildmayfoxe · 2 years
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i still have a ton to do before sunday for my market but i powered through after work today & printed the final color of my ok ok’s & then even whipped out a little banner for my table
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confier-boyfriend · 4 months
Someone bought me valentines things, so that’s something. We’ll see what it is when it’s delivered.
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dreambaited · 10 months
tommy is not even a real person to me i hope people on here stop talking about him now so i can be free and he can break bread with doxxers and slur slingers
i love chommy but yeah i am a dteamolo if he’s gonna be a freak he can go kick rocks
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alphinias · 1 year
Hey! I'm not sure if it was you but were you the one who made a spreadsheet with all the release dates (incl promo, trailer etc) of the previous obx seasons? I'm trying to find it but can't see it anywhere! Just want to analyse it to see what we can expect as s3 edges closer 😬
I definitely have my little scribbled calculations but i don’t think I’ve posted any of it because it’s not neat enough to make sense to anyone but me.
I think this sounds like something lara posted? @whitetrashjj
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szczylpierdolony · 2 years
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finished my embroidery project last night :)
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Pomni and Gummigoo reunite in TADC!
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silksongeveryday · 11 months
Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 139
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Requested by @/zelda-has-no-braincells !
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(for real this time lol)
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notherpuppet · 4 months
Husk and Alastor have a battle of wits, drinking, and jazz. AKA how I think Husk found out about Al’s situation.
Music: JK Sax’s cover of Tones and I “Dance Monkey”
I’m not a talented enough musician so I couldn’t make the music that was in my head lol but dance monkey fits pretty well.
Alastor: Husker, is that all you got? Hahaha, take another shot!
Husk: You ain’t on a sadist’s leash, you can’t know-it-all. Can’t know what I been through, if you ain’t at a beck and call!
Alastor: Ha! I win this spat with ease, looks like you’ve hit the wall. Cuz Jokes on you, I know that too, I know it all!
Husk: You…what?
Al: Perhaps, I’ve had too much to drink this time. Do yourself a favor, banish this night from your mind.
Husk: U-understood.
Al: Hm, good.
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spoopdeedoop · 1 month
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navysealt4t · 11 months
i have been having a weird mental health episode recently .
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superherokisser · 1 year
good morning everyone :) i think i’m getting a cold
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