#but it also kinda sounds like nature too and idk i like got a little bit um magical at that part cuz i was driving down a big hill
hecksupremechips · 1 month
Come back home when you have some sense
You can throw your life away just not at my expense
You’re not the son I raised
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#jhariah#this one just rawrrfrrr#and then uh another line thats like ‘tell me did you raise a man?’#nice#im just listening to the new album to cope with nasty sickness and feeling out of it#god this album is really good it has every emotion in there like this song for example just the part where they scream the chorus its like#hnnnghhh#hm some other moments from the album im liking a lot uhhh i love re: concerns a lot#the part where hes like reading off the complaints and then the part where hes just screaming and its like BAM BAM BAM BAAAM#sasuke is so good and the bit at the end where its like ‘i just want you to know im so so...’#like hes gonna say sorry but cant seem to say the word for whatever reason and i know nothing about sasuke#but i has to imagine the fan girlies are eating gravel over that one lol it gets me#and theres just that like spooky echoing afterwards#the intro to fire4fun goes SOOOOOOOO hard i was losing my shit its awesome#the entirety of trust ceremony is giving me big feelings but specifically that part towards the end where its all quiet and you hear#its like whistling i think? like a marching band is coming in maybe#but it also kinda sounds like nature too and idk i like got a little bit um magical at that part cuz i was driving down a big hill#and it had been raining but there was a clearing in the clouds and the sun was bright and like at this particular hill#you can just see everything like the land stretches for miles theres trees hills the river farms all that shit#and idk with the extreme stress and depression ive been feeling its hard to have these moments where life seems worth it#and its hard to really feel anything anymore or to feel in the moment but idk i was just going down that hill seeing everything and it was#very majestic so yeah that song is definitely gonna have the same effect as pin eye for me#which i must mention pin eye again its still OOOOGHH very good it came at a pretty good time for me#yeah basically this album is uhhhh whats keeping me somewhat grounded rn i recommend 👍
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likedovesinthewindd · 11 months
Hii I little angsty request but could you do one where reader comforts hobie after his Canon event?
Somthing where reader keeps rambling because she doesnt know how else to fill the silence and they end up having the- "do you want me to shut up" "No" "do you want me to leave?" "...no"- conversation
ok so in the movie itself it doesn't really go into detail ab what hobie's canon event is exactly, and a lot of theories talk about it being him killing a police captain. then there's also the shot that shows him throwing away his suit. in the comics he kills president osborne and reveals his identity so that could also be it but idk!! maybe i didn't catch it but i left it as ambiguous so that you could kinda go with whatever.
hobie brown x fem! reader
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warning: mentions of death, ingury
wc: ±1400
a/n: this was slow-cooking in my damn drafts but i finally got it done.
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The pelts of rain that fall against your bedroom door in their uncoordinated rhythm does little to lull you back to sleep as you thrash around in the sheets, your mind torturing you with the recurring thoughts of 'what if?'
What if he got hurt? What if he's lying somewhere, bleeding out and slipping right through your fingers? What if he was already dead, killed in cold blood by one of the many people against him and the message he so fearlessly and shamelessly carries with him.
You turn around in bed once again, willing the thoughts away as you try to focus on something less pessimistic.
You haven't heard from Hobie in days, haven't seen him even longer ago. It wasn't uncommon for him to dissappear like this—you almost expected it from him considering what he did—but it's never been this long before. The longest he's been gone was four days. It's been ten today.
You knew he could take care of himself, and you knew he could protect himself well. Hell, you've both heard and seen what happened to the people that underestimated him. But you still worried, it was in your nature to worry about him every time he left you. He knew this, and he'd do his best to reassure you in his own laid-back, almost cocky way.
"You worry too much, love. 'll be back before you knowit, yeah?" was what he'd always say, leaving you with a kiss to the forehead. You couldn't exactly remember what he said when he left days ago.
At that, your mind whirred back to life, the what if's and gruesome scenarios plaguing you for the umpteenth time this day alone. Before these thoughts could once again pull you into a depreciating hole of anxiety and stress, you shot out of bed, the cold air at once causing goosebumps along the expanse of your arms
You had to do something; move around, clean your room, watch TV, fold laundry, anything to get your mind off of things, even if only for a little while. You decided to make your way to the kitchen, make yourself something to eat, considering you've been too on edge to stomach anything truly filling.
The soothing voice of Billie Holiday filled the kitchen from the old record player, as you absent-mindedly stirred at the pot of pasta, the pan next to it simmering with sauce. Your reverie was broken by the sound of your bedroom window being slid open, followed by the thud of boots and a loud sigh.
Your heart sunk down to the soles of your feet, as you quietly yet excitedly made your way to your bedroom. There he stood, pulling at his mask, the rest of him soaked from the heavy downpour. He pulled the mask from his face, and once his eyes met yours, you knew something was wrong.
You made your way over to him, your socked feet trying to avoid the small puddle his boots had made as you took his cold hands in yours. He took a second to look down at where your hands connected, and released another tired sigh. "Bee?" you asked, trying to get him to look at you. He looked up at you with sullen eyes.
"Are you hungry?" you asked softly. You didn't ask him where he was, or what he was doing. He wasn't going to give you a real answer anyway. Not right now, at least. You didn't pry at that part of his life, although the various news reports and newspaper articles kept you more than informed most of the time. That was if they weren't being filtered through by the regime of the higher ups, them not very keen on telling the story how it really is. Much more interested in keeping their hands seemingly clean, and painting him as the bad guy; the wannabe hero trying to further worsen the state of the already near-apocalyptic nation.
He only nodded at you question, and you nodded along with him, already seeing that it was going to be one of those nights; where he much rather preferred you did all the talking, while he mulled over whatever event had occurred.
"Go take a shower, I'll finish up the food," you said softly, leaving him and returning to the kitchen. After a while he emerged from the bedroom, changed into dry clothes as he made his way to the kitchen table. He sat by the island quietly, watching you cook and listening to you as you talked about what you'd been up to. He didn't miss the small "I missed you, bee. You had me worried," thrown in.
It wasn't long till the both of you sat in your small living room after finishing your food. You could see he wasn't really hungry, but he ate just to give you some peace of mind. The sound of Billie Holiday was by now traded for Amy Winehouse, her beautifully gruff voice mixing perfectly with the sound of the rain that still pelted against the windows.
"—I knew she was only joking, but I was still scared as hell. You know how easily I get stressed out," you rambled on about whatever stupid story you could think of, anything to fill the deafening silence between the two of you. You, by now, were on your third story already, and you could feel how irritating you probably were. You were trying to get him to react, to snicker, laugh, make one of his sarcastic remarks, anything to tell you he was alright. You could see he wasn't alright, though.
He looked so tired, like something was eating at him, and it killed you to see him like this. It was obvious that whatever had happened was not just one of those nights, but something much more serious.
You followed his line of sight, where he had been staring at the coffee table with a blank stare, eyes trained on the cover of a newspaper you had bought.
"Do you want me to shut up?" you asked quietly, at your wits end. He finally looked at you, shaking his head slowly. "No," he added, voice gruff and deep from no use. You nodded, moving closer to him and placing your hand on his leg, giving it a light squeeze.
"I decided to buy one today, when I passed the convenience store 'round the corner from work," you started, "yeah...haven't read one in ages. There's actually an article about you in there, don't know how they managed to get that printed," you laughed weakly. "They called you 'Spiderpunk', I know how much you hate that," you added quietly, your resolve crumbling when the only thing you got out of him was a scoff. Usually he'd go on a tangent about how much he hated the term, but tonight he was so quiet, so sullen it actually unnerved you.
"I'm here if you want to talk, you know that, right?" you asked, and he gave you a nod. "Perhaps not right now, but when you're ready, I'll be here. I'll always be here. Even if we end up never talking about it, it's fine." For a moment his face faltered, looking as though he desperately wanted to talk to you about whatever happened, but the words got stuck in his throat, making him swallow dryly.
"D'you want me to leave? Give you some space?" you asked again, and when his eyes met yours, you could see every hidden emotion in them, every unsaid word he so desperately wanted to utter to you. The sight made your heart clench. How badly you wanted to wrap your arms around him, make him forget, but if he wanted distance, it was what you'd give him.
Once again it was just the sound of Amy Winehouse and the downpour filling the small room, along with Hobie's deep and steady breaths against your collarbones.
"No, stay a bit," he said, and you nodded once again. You moved impossibly closer to him, finally wrapping your arms around his neck and engulfing him in an embrace. He accepted your affection, responding by wrapping his long arms around your waist and practically pulling you into his lap, placing his head on your shoulder and letting out another exhausted sigh.
He can only hold her, miss Winehouse sang.
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neteyamm · 1 year
untitled bc yeah
pairing jake sully x na’vi!reader (female coded)
warning(s) nsfw, minors dni, oral, kinda na’vi heat?
author note this was literally going to be in a fanfic i was writing, but then, i like scrapped it and wrote this in thirty minutes. lol, is kitty offensive? jake’s great great great grandparents x20 was gen z. think on that. this is actually like crack? like crack wit smut? idk. enjoy i guess. jake’s pussy whipped, sooo. lol accidental third person? well, its third person limited, bc it’s jake pov? that happened accidentally tho. soz <33 unedited … yeah <33 my descriptions are actually shit and i think i gave jake adhd? lowercase very much not intended. i spent too much words on fucking silk. that had no reason being there :) it was fun tho. somehow past tense but not? idk not edited so yeah. enjoy again ig.
that small area, filled with overgrown trees, bushes and plants, lush greens and illuminating purples, had already been claimed before jake stumbled into it. it was hard to find, and it had been a mistake on his part in finding it, he’d took a tumble from the tall trees, fell through some pretty hard branches, and landed before the slender covered entrance. at first, jake thought he was looking at cloth, that somehow the na’vi had created silk fabric. he’d touch it, shocked and slightly excited, only to feel as if he’d touched a spiderweb. the silk, he’d realized, was natural — made from a bug larvae, most likely. jake had pushed the silk aside to the reveal small area. the ground was the most softest marsh he’d ever stepped on, nearly tickling his feet when he dragged them. the plants, the bushes, the trees, everything was alive and glowing, the ground tracking his footprints, it was nothing short of amazing.
he’d turned to leave, wondering if neytiri had ever been here, when his ears perks up. the tall tale sound of a hiss. it sounds like bees in someone’s throat, and escapes in a bone-chilling sound that even now, as a true na’vi and could very much make the sound himself, leaves him nervous and admittedly a little weak in the knees. he could remember when meeting the clans with tsu’tey and neytiri, asking them to fight the humans, he would steel himself when hearing it. there were so many different sounding hisses, and yet jake thinks his clan took the cake for the scariest ones.
he shakes his head. the point being, the sound makes his hairs stand and his tail to swish nervously. he turns, looking up to see a na’vi woman, an omaticayan, squatting in one of the lower branches covered in illuminated moss. she holds a dagger carved from their newest hometree, after many months of searching, tsu’tey found one suitable for their many people. she hisses again, defensive, and he smells it then. it’s like a light switch goes off in his mind. the reason he hadn’t seen neytiri, or any of the unmated women, it was the change of the tide — they called it — and when that happens, unmated na’vi women go into heat.
it’s also the reason he hadn’t seen tsu’tey all day. it makes sense now, he honestly thought they were avoiding him. he wants to slap himself now. how disrespectful of him to stumble into a woman’s marked territory, during her heat no less. he holds his hands up and walks backward, barely withholding a flinch when she hisses again.
“uh, sorry, ma’am. so sorry, didn’t mean to … what’s the word? hm, uh, embark? no, definitely not the word. uh. sorry to invade your territory?” he backs away slowly, least he accidentally starts a chase he did not want. “i’m just gonna—”
“are you mated, toruk makto?” compared to her hiss, her voice is quiet nice, hm, like honey he thinks, smooth sounding, sweet tasting, almost like her scent—he snaps out of it. her words correlate in his mind.
he honestly forgot he was the toruk makto for a moment. the war had been months ago, and despite the fact that many people won’t let him forget that he was the sixth, it was easy to forget when people got over the awe. got over the awe and saw that he was really just a clumsy guy, with a too big heart, a little too smart mouthed, and great enough warrior. he takes pride in being the head warrior, just beneath tsu’tey.
“was that a question, toruk makto?”
“no?” he looks around for a moment, before back to the woman. he noticed it then, she was actually quite beautiful. huh. her hair wasn’t braided, and from the slight waves, he assumed she’d just taken them down. oh, he abruptly looks away. she wore the customary loincloth, yet only a single beaded necklace, with tiny beads extending from it like dripping water, covered her nipples.
“do you want a mate?”
now that he thinks of it. he hadn’t really been looking for someone to mate with forever. once he realized neytiri was destined for tsu’tey, and they had some odd partnership going on between them—he got over that crush painstakingly slow. not to mention, tsu’tey could be scary, and jake didn’t want to mess up his position as the next olo’eyktan. no, no, jake wasn’t looking for anyone, despite the obvious looks he was receiving. he looked back to the woman, she was staring at him with clear eyes. wait. . . was she offering?
“what’s your name?” he questioned, dropping his hands when realized he still hand them up like a idiot.
“(name) te tshaka de mo’at’ite,” she says, confidently. he blinks. now, why has he heard that name before? oh, oh! the mystery woman! he remembers it clear as day now. the younger sister of the three sisters, the deceased one, the next tsahik one, and the mysterious one. that’s what, he couldn’t even remember the dead avatar driver’s name now, had said, anyway. the avatar driver had thought he was being funny, until grace practically kicked his ass and nearly cut him off.
jake couldn’t for the life of him remember seeing her, he could remember hearing her name being called, her voice talking, but she was never in sight. “neytiri’s sister?”
“yes, neytiri is my older sister by a single cycle,” she grits her teeth, a hand briefly pushing at her lower belly. “you did not answer my question, toruk makto. do you want a mate?”
“uh, are you sure this isn’t your heat talking?” jake couldn’t help but wonder. what if it was someone else that barged in, would she say the same?
“i have seen you—”
“you have?” jake raises a brow.
“i have watched you—”
“you have?” jake raises both brows.
“i have followed you—”
“you have?” jake couldn’t help the voice crack or raise in pitch. he never noticed anyone following him. oh man, this shouldn’t be as flattering as he’s taking it.
“i decided that i will have you,” she finishes, not an ounce concerned with just how odd she sounds. she is confident, jake will give her that, to outright tell someone that you will have them is ballsy.
“you will?”
“I will. I am glad it was you who stumbled upon my thicket. otherwise, i would have injuried them.”
well, that settles it. jake always liked a woman who could kill him, and well, (name) looks fierce and ready to kill him. besides, jake’s a simple man, someone willingly to be with him? forever? hah, if his old buddies from earth could see him now. they were always saying jake would never find a girl or guy, he wasn’t the best at flirting.
“well, here i am, have me?” he understands his old buddies, now. he cringes, by eywa, did i really say that?
(name) gives a rich laugh, it causes a shiver to run down his spine, and he only has half a second to catch the lunging woman. they tumble through the soft marsh, nearly sinking into it as she settles quite contently on his lap. she brings her quene around, and jake does the same, watching in morbid fascination as the tendrils coil and link around the other.
it only takes a second for their minds to connect, emotions bursting full and richly around their interlinked minds. there’s no love there, not yet at least, but its overwhelming, heartwarming and thrilling all at once. he could feel her brushing against his mind, squeezing around his brain, settling into the missing blanks, melting into the crevices and nooks. it feels good, it feels right, and he’s suddenly heavily aware of the stabbing pain in her lower belly. amazing how she kept a clear mind with that amount of pain, geez.
he wonders, briefly, if this would have felt more special if they took things slow. but then, he’s struck by unbridled lust, and forgets his wonderings. well, it’s been years since he’s last did anything, really, and her scent was starting to coat the air thickly.
“so,” jake starts awkwardly. does this count as a one night stand, we just met, and now we’re about— his thoughts blank when she grabs his hands, pressing them against her tits. the beads dig into his skin for a moment, but they’re easily removed, and suddenly it’s skin on skin contact. he squeezes, instinctively really, and draws out a breathy whimper from (name). his eyes widens briefly, and he feels like inexperienced teenage boy again with his fast he hardens.
she must have felt him, there’s no way she hadn’t, her hips move upwards slightly, then back down. it’s his turn to whimper at the friction of the cloth and the pressure of her weight on him, practically suffocating his cock. he decides, last minute, to give her perky nipples a little twist and he savors her sounds. she really did sound good, like — his eyes caught the silk curtain swaying gently — like honey dripping onto silk.
her scent rolls around his nose, strong, thick, and heady. he rolls them over without a second thought, hands sliding down to her loincloth. his eyes meet her’s, and he raises a brow. “may i?”
she twists her hips a little, impatience nudges against his mind, “please,” she purrs, litreally, it starts in her chest and settles in her throat. like a cat. like a kitty. oh, he shudders.
he makes easy work to untie the strings, the cloth falling away aimlessly, and that is all it takes for her arousal to truly be smelt. he gulps, swallows harshly, gulps again. shit, is it hot? why does it feel like his control is breaking? her inner thighs were glistening and as she happily, and proudly spreads her legs, he couldn’t help the groan of utter pain. his cock throb painfully, his chest ache painfully, this has to be a crime. he’d never once in his life seen a cunt so pretty.
his mouth waters, and he swallows again, least he starts drooling everywhere. he knows that wouldn’t be an appetizing sight. he shakes his head, back on track. he clenches his fingers, before scooting himself back, settling on his belly, and eye level with this beautiful, beautiful cunt.
“pretty,” he unconsciously mutters, mesmerized. her pink bud peeking out between her puffy lips, his eyes catching sight of tiny droplets sliding down and disappearing into the marsh below them. “god, such a pretty pussy.” it felt wrong to call upon eywa, what if she heard? what if she saw? he doesn’t think the mother goddess needs to see this.
“hurry, jake,” she whines above him, twisting her hips again, and his eyes tracks the movements. she’s practically waving her cunt in his face. he groans.
“patience, kitty,” he mutters, debating if he should eat or finger, hm. shit, he really wants to taste her. “you want me to touch you?”
“yes, please,” she whispers, sounding shy all of a sudden. he chuckles at that, barely dodging the thump from her tail against his face.
jake uses his index and thumb to spread her puffy lips, his eyes flutter, his breathing is caught, he could die right here, he could die a happy man right here, right now. jake can’t even call it glistening anymore, she’s practically a river, so wet, dripping and dripping, her pretty hole clenching around nothing.
he leans forward, flattening his tongue, and giving her a generous swipe. her taste melts on his tongue, heady and sweet all at once, he swallows like a man starved and does it again. his tongue nudging against her hole, catching the juices that exit. “ooh, fuck, you taste so good, babygirl,” he groans. he really feels like praying.
“j-jake,” her whimpers and mewls were like music to his ears, and the moment she grips his hair, his hips jerk and he has no choice but to eat her like a man straved. he slurps as much of her juices as he could, before turning his attention to her neglected bud, swirling around the engorged bud slowly, eyes fluttering open to watch the way her body responded.
he swirls on the left side, her belly clenches. he swirls on the right side, her thighs shudder against his head, a true moan ripped from her throat. “so pretty, you moan so prettily,” he grins against her cunt and attacks that spot with vengence.
he uses his free hand to wrap around her thigh, prying it open as they begin to close around his head. she shudders above him, fingers tightening around his hair, pretty sounds trembling from her lips. he swirls and slurps, sucks and nips, and he could only feel himself growing harder by the second. “j-jake—haah!—m’gonna cum!” she warns, spreading her legs a little wider and practically shoving her cunt into his face, and he happily takes advantage of it.
he wraps his arms underneath her thighs, hands settling on her hips in soft grip, locking her in place as he brings her closer and closer to her release. she’s not quiet anymore, sounds ringing above them, her mind is blissful against his — thinking of nothing but the strings of pleasure. it only takes a well placed swipe of his tongue, a tiny nip of his fangs and—
“j-jake—m’cumming!” she cums with a sequel, thighs nearly locking around his head, but he grabs them in time. he’d seen what a na’vi women’s thighs could do to a head. he happily licks up the steady trail of white leaking from her hole, listening to her soft whimpers and satisfied purrs.
“good, kitty?” he asks, propping up on his elbows to get a good look at her. he nearly starts kicking his feet at the satisfied expression on her beautiful face.
“mhm, very good, jake,” she grins, fangs on display, and goddamnit, he’s going to burst from that image alone.
“you want some more, pretty girl?”
her cheeks bloom like anemones, eyes casting downwards, and her grin turning shy. she’s so fucking cute, it hurts, really. “i need your cock, jake.”
“oh?” he raised a brow, condescendingly, “you need it?” she nods, eagerly. “if you didn’t need it, babygirl, would you want it?”
“yes,” she shudders, “please, jake.”
“hm, let me see,” he mutters, dragging himself onto his hunches. he chuckles when she props up on her elbows eagerly, watching his fingers untie his loincloth with lustful eyes. he sighs when the cool air hits his cock, the tip an angered magenta and leaking clear pre-cum. air sucks through his teeth when she reaches forward, grabbing his cock in a tight grasp. “careful, kitty, don’t hold too tight for me, yeah?”
she leans down, mouth dropping open, and he stops her, index underneath her chin. “later, pretty girl,” he promises.
her lips pout, slick from spit and brusied from biting, “but, you—”
he gives a quiet tut, “i’ll train your pretty throat for me, later. right now,” he grabs her waist, forcing her on to her back. she gives a startled look, pretty eyes wide, and mouth popping open. “i need to fuck your fat cunt, until the only thing you remember is my name, hm?”
she shudders, hands reaching for his. “please,” she begs prettily.
ugh, he hopes na’vi can’t have heart attacks.
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hrryshoney · 1 year
i don’t wanna be your friend, i wanna kiss your neck
matty healy x reader
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A/N: here’s a matty sick!fic for you. i’m a sucker for friends to lovers, so sorry to be annoying but here’s that! maybe switching povs, i’m tired so give me a break.
warnings: kinda suggestive maybe if you squint real hard, matty’s in loveeee but readers oblivious, matty’s a little shit. religion? kind of? not really at all, but talks of God is in there. bad writing, idk n idc.
prompt: “can you kiss me? i’m sure i’ll feel wayy better if you do,”
edit: pt. 2 now posted here
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You and Matty were friends. Well, maybe best friends. You definitely thought so. You’d been beside him for as long as you can remember. So, you think you’ve earned that title.
Besides him being your, talented, smart, funny, witty and incredibly good-looking friend, he was also your insufferable rockstar friend. The cocky, arrogant one. The one who would tease you until you could feel your face get hot.
And, the one with the weak immune system, apparently.
“Darling?” You heard his call from his bedroom. He had rung your phone at promptly 7:30 AM earlier today. Telling you how he was positively dying, and how you must come over and take care of me, angel. You really must.
“Yes, your Royal Highness?” You say teasingly with a roll of your eyes, walking into his room. He looked positively pathetic. Lying down, wrapped in his white comforter.
Matty pouts a bit at that. “I’m being serious, yeah? Don’t make fun of me, this is awful.”
“Mhm, I can imagine.” You give a little pout, a feigned wave of sympathy. “Did ya need something?”
“How about some empathy?” He scoffs at you, all in good nature of course. Matty needs to get that final banter in. Anything to rile you up, even when he’s sick.
“We all get sick, Matty.” You roll your eyes with a giggle. “I know how you feel, trust me.” You move to sit on the edge of the bed. He unravels his hands to reach out for you, but you move farther away.
“What’s with that, then? Don’t love me anymore? Hm?” He maneuvers his body to be closer to yours.
“Don’t be stupid, I’m not trying to get sick.” You ignore the butterflies that roll in your stomach from his grin. From the use of the word ‘love’. Of course you’ve said it to each other before. You’ve known him for almost 10 years, and he’s your best friend. But you can’t help but wish for it in a different context.
“Wouldn’t get sick for me, love?” He laughs and lays back, a little cough accompanied by it.
“Do ya want some water? Cough doesn’t sound too hot.”
“I sound hot without the cough though, right?” He winks, and you cast your gaze to the floor. You let out an unconvincing laugh. It doesn’t get easier as time passes, that’s for sure.
“You’re corny, Healy.” Your lame response feels bitter on the tongue. “Seriously, do you need anything? If not, I’ll go back to the living room and get some work in.”
He gets a gleam in his eye, and his lip quirks up. Whatever comes out of his mouth won’t be good, you just know it. So, you mentally prepare yourself.
“Can you kiss me? I’m sure I’ll feel way better if you do.” He gives that signature smirk of his, like he’s enjoying this all too much. His eyes trace from yours, to your lips, and then back up. You definitely weren’t prepared for that, though.
You feel the heat spread all over your body. Why am I friends with him, again? You glare at him. “Funny.” You say monotonous, unwavering.
“Hey, I’m being serious, darling. The offer is there.” He shrugs noncommittally. Is he joking? Like, seriously?
You never let your hopes get too high. You brush off all his flirting as jokes. He’s got supermodels and singers knocking at his door. You never thought you would genuinely be his type. Just friendly banter.
“Okay, Matty.” You brush it off once again. You don’t want your mind to wander there. Wander there like it had so many sleepless nights. Lying in bed, panting, thinking of him.
“Then come plant one on me, won’t ya?” He taps against his lips with his pointer finger, the biggest smile on his face. You wonder, is this all a joke to him?
“You ask all your friends to kiss you when your sick?” You deflect quickly, not wanting to deal with this.
“Only the pretty girls who are my best friends that come over at eight in the morning for me.” He shrugs with an easy smirk. He really is a little shit. “‘Sides, not even that sick. Don’t think you’d catch a bug from a little peck.”
“Oh, no? Thought you were ‘positively dying, darling. It’s dreadful, innit?’?” You lower your voice a few tones and put on a bad british accent to mock him.
He feigns offense with his gasp. “I do not sound like that! You’re kidding, that’s blasphemous.”
“Ah, yes. Because you’re so holy?” You let out a laugh.
“Mhm, I can have you crying out to God if you give me a kiss?” The look on his face is vile. You want to kiss it away. Smack it away. Do anything then have it taunt you like this, really. You move in your spot on the bed.
“Maybe the fever is getting to your head, Matty.” There’s only so many more poor deflections you can make. He has to notice.
“Awh, you think so?” He pouts in faux sympathy, moving closer. You feel dizzy. You scooch back on the bed.
“Yeah- yeah, think so.”
He smirks. That bastard and his smirk. “Right, what a shame, terrible, really.” He’s up close and personal now. Right next to you. Hand on your face. He brushes a stray piece of hair to the back of your head. You two are looking at each other now. All eye contact.
“I- Matty.” You breathe out. This is all too much right now.
“Yes, what?” Matty sounds annoyed. Obviously wanting to have kissed you before you moved your neck back.
“Don’t think we can- think we should, you know. Don’t wanna ruin anything.”
He sighs. “Who made those shit rules up, huh? Maybe I wanna ruin our friendship? Ruin you, yeah?” His head falls into the crook of your neck, you feel his hot breath. “Think we should just stop with the bullshit. Wouldn’t mind being something other than friends.”
“Matty-“ “Y/N?” He interrupts your unheard sentence.
“Do ya like me? I’m being serious now, angel. Honest, do you fancy me or no?” You’re getting whiplash from this conversation. How is this happening. Why now? How, now?
“I- Matty, I think you know the answer.” you furrow your brows at him and pout. He has to be fucking with you, right?
“Maybe I wanna hear you say it?” He smirks, again. You’re sick of that smirk. You really do wanna kiss it off.
“Jesus, yes, I like you. Of course I do, Matty.”
“Hm, good. That’s good. ‘Cause I like you too, angel.” He gives a grin that makes him glow. A grin that is the personification of happiness. Matty leans in.
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01zfan · 4 months
BRO BRO BRO BRO BRO I need something, SOMETHING with this in it. Which member would praise you during sex with something like "come on mama's, finish it mama's, need help mama's?" It's giving eunseok,sungchan, and anton
Sungchan just bc I see him calling his s/o mama's in a sexual and romantic way
And anton, it's just the jersey boy in him that I hear saying it
i am a sungchan calling his s/o mama ENTHUSIAST. i think i’ve written something where he says it but yup i can totally see it. he’ll use it as a term of endearment outside of bed like if he sees you eyeing some of his food he’ll say “you want some mama?” before offering you basically all of it. now in the bed…it would be sexual and kind of teasing! like if he sees you struggling to take his dick or if you’re squirming from being teased he’ll hit you with the “can you take it mama’s?” or “what’s wrong mama’s?” while being completely unfazed by the nickname sungchan’s personality is naturally teasing but also really attentive so i feel like mama is the perfect middle ground for him. it’s not too kinky like mommy is although he’s probably working up to that. but calling you mamas kinda gives you a little more authority in bed? it’s not as subby as being called baby so sungchan probably calls you that to give you some control in bed too. if you’re three rounds deep in the night and you seem absolutely drained sungchan will touch you gently and ask you “you got another in you mama?”…suddenly you got three more rounds left in you!
more under the cut!
i feel like eunseok says it purely to tease. he knows the proximity of the word to mommy and absolutely uses that to his advantage. when he calls you mamas you do your best to ignore it but you can stop the heat from blossoming across your face every time he calls you that. eunseok who smiles into the kiss after calling you mamas because he sees how shy it makes you…asks you ”does it feel good mamas?” as he has you laid out on the bed taking his fingers. eunseok sees that you hear him and you nod meekly while whimpering. if sungchan calls you mamas to give you authority eunseok uses it to be even more dominant in bed. like an ironic, ‘you can’t even handle being called mamas how can you handle being a dom?’ sort of way. debate!eunseok starts calling you that after seeing how you react to him telling you “good job mamas” at a competition. anything that’ll make you go mute and look at him bewildered he’ll do it because he’s an absolute menace.
now idk if i can see anton saying mamas…i can hear it in his really soft and sweet voice but i don’t know what situation he’d say it in. maybe when it finally did slip out of his mouth you both would be a little shocked you would just smile and move on, silently letting anton know you like the little nickname. in bed you would moan just a little louder when anton would whisper the nickname in your ear and nod your head eagerly if he asked you a question.
i can see shotaro calling his significant other mamas too! like idk y’all maybe im extra delusional when it comes to shotaro but he definitely called you mamas from the jump. very much a term of endearment but with shotaro everything sounds like he’s flirting and the worst part is that he knows it too. LOVES to call you mama’s when you’re all fucked out underneath him. he will absolutely play coy being like “everything alright mama’s?” while you are obviously NOT alright. i can see him using mama’s teasingly but also as encouragement like if you’re throwing it back on him or riding him. he’d LOVE calling you that while you’re the one on top. “you got it mama’s” or “feels good mama.” he wants to make you feel like you got it and of course it goes straight to your head because he’s just so good at motivating you to keep taking it.
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rzyraffek · 9 months
hey I hope this doesn’t sound like a weird request but could u like slashers (preferably Michael Myers, Jason, maybe Billy loomis or Stu?, and the Sinclair brothers) kidnapping “adopting” reader? Like them kind yknow unaliving (Child) readers family then like having to like care for reader???? Idk if it makes sense but it came to me in a dream about me being a kid and Michael myers becoming my dad 😭
This request is such a cute idea!!! I made so much content about perent!slasher and kid!y/n cuz its way more entertaining for me to write!! Authors note at the end!
They/them, sfw, Request open
Slashers trying to be decent dad figures
Jason Voorhees
First of all, why on earth would your perent take you all the way here??? Your a smal baby and this is dangerous! Not only cuz jason is here, but wolfs? Boars? Huge forest AND lake???
So basically he didnt expect a child here
When he was in one of cabins he heard crying from bathroom, after few seconds of planing a murder he realised that is a child crying
His heart skipped a beat and he kinda begun to panic. HUH??? A CHILD? EEE eee oh god the whole backyard is covered in blood... oh no did I scare them?? Oh no
Dude gets more spooked than a child
After they got along he kinda makes them live in his cabin, he spends good portion of time just hanging around
Y/n gets used to their new mute friend and learns their own ways to understand him
Dude is that type of dad who will let y/n paint his nails and he will dress up in cute outfits just to make his kid happy
100% checks under their bed for monsters (and closet too!)
Wants to teach them all about nature! Which plants are good, how to find animals to eat, how to avoid humans
He dodges the topic of slaughtering y/n perents... where are they?? Ermmm idk didnt see them
Micheal Myers
Dude is pretty passive when it comes to kids
He exists, they exists, but as far as kids don't bother him, he won't bother them
But oh lourd..... your his little girl/boi/kid and he is going to do everything to keep it that way
He sees it differently than others, he helped you, took you away from those horrible people (no matter if y/n past perents were bad or good people) why would you want to leave? Or miss them?
But no matter how he feels, he is still Micheal, he won't be very cuddly or clingy. Then y/n needs comforting he will sit next to them, let them talk, tbh he is okay with them giving him some physical attention but he won't hug them back
Steals dolls, figurines, crayons for y/n
He never gets rid of his stalker nature, he is always there, watching, making sure there's noone in their way. Noone bothering or looking at y/n. He sometimes watches them sleep, just looking, he is the only monster in their closet
Huge fan of stickers btw
After good few months he takes off his mask when with y/n! He knows they accept him and love him! I mean his face is as emotionless as its owner but it still matters(at least now you know where he is staring at)
Billy and Stu
Dudes probably were like "eeeerr billy? That *instert y/n perents name* eee you didn't tell me they had a kid?" "the WHAT"
*stu giving y/n chocolates while billy panics in room next to it wondering wtf to do with y/n*
"We can't just keep it! Who is going to take care of it?"
They kept you btw, Billy will say that they did that only so you don't go and call police but they got really attached
Stu is the fun dad while Billy is the serious dad
"Hi baby we bought you happy meal" "child did you do your homework"
Billy rages over monopoli and stu cheats in uno
Sinclair brothers
"Lester who tf is in your truck?" "Eeee I found it?"
Vince lets y/n sleep in his bed when they have nightmares. He also really wants y/n to do arts like him😊
Lester just vibes, you like cars kid? Let's go on car trip! You like wildlife? I know where deers at!
Bo teaches y/n how to shoot while they are way too young to even hold a gun
Y/n will be extremely spoiled btw
None of them know how to cook full meal
Lester will call y/n buddy, pal, kiddo
Bo will call them child, goblin, spawn on satan, little princes(or a prince)
Vincent will see them as little creature and a baby
Vincent let's y/n play and decorate his hair, they also make wax figurines together and play with dog. He is more like older shy brother than a father figure but if you want you can work with this
Bo lets y/n sleep on him and draw on his arms, he also hopes y/n never grows up cuz they are tiny and cute. He also sometimes gives them his hat
Lester loves showing of his skull collection and driving around forest, just talking. He also enjoys lisening to y/n monologues while he is working
All of them get little heart attack when they hear y/n swear. All bets on Bo accidentally saying bad word next to y/n and them just repeating it
Bo and lester love to just put you on their shoulder! And vince just pickes y/n up like sack of potatos (but gently)
Tickle fights with Vince
Arm wrestling with Lester who pretends that y/n is too strong and lets them win
All x reader tags are here only to reach bigger audience! Im sorry if there's any misstypes or anything weird! I kinda wrote it in rush cuz I feel bad for making yall wait for requests so long! I should make this hc list longer but I am very tired. Goodnight
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inmyheadimobsessed · 1 year
Love Me Hard, Touch Me Deep
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pairing: scotty ✘ black!reader
summary: given scotty's skittish nature, her stance on talking about anything remotely sexual was in no way surprising. when a drinking game makes you privy to the extent of her inexperience, you reassure her, letting her know you're ready when she is. things ensue when she suddenly informs you that she is.
word count: 10.1k
contains: smut (18+), masturbation, light teasing, fingering, use of toys (dildo, vibrator), tribbing, oral (scotty's a munch), praise!kink, first-time sex, servicebottom!scotty, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, semi possessive!scotty, crying, squirting, fluff
tags: @verachii @szalipcombo @rxcently @coolestgay @widowmakker @fetchyourlife @blackgcomica @shurisbbymama @bestfriend491 @simp4iwaizumi @mocha-aya @shinsousliya @bratydoll @shuriswifereal @shuriri4life @shuris-whore @letitias-fav @axailslink @chidinma @xoxo-dede @yvxmpire @generallysapphic @ventingfanfics @mbakuetshurisprincess @quintessencewrites
divider by: @firefly-graphics
note: my first time writing scotty smut, who's excited? she's long as hell for absolutely no reason, but i had a blast. i feel like i should say this even though it should be obvious, but i’m not mentally sound so... yeah. consider this an unofficial pt. 2 to go easy on me. same reader, same scotty. at least that's how i imagined it, but both parts can be standalones. that gif kinda does something to me a little bit idk. this is also a combination of a few different requests i got, so if you see something you sent in, just know i saw your stuff! i just couldn't choose. anywho, hope youse enjoy this filth <333
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Soft snores and a head on your chest greeted you as you opened your eyes. Scotty was wrapped around your body like a koala in a tree. She'd slept that way the entire night, breathing in all of you as she dreamt. It was adorable, and waking her seemed cruel. But you had to get to work, the manager at your new job was in no way as lenient as your last. She held you tight, nuzzling closer and you sighed before patting her head. “Babe, you gotta get up or we'll both be late for work.”
Scotty stirred only slightly, but her eyes refused to open. Fighting your smile was impossible. It heated your heart seeing her so comfortable with you, in your bed and in your space. Four months ago you would've never thought this possible. Four months ago you had to console Scotty every other day.
You leaned down, kissing her cheek gently as you rubbed your hands up and down her sides. A quiet whine escaped her and you grinned, she would be awake soon.
Unsticking yourself from her had proven to be a difficult task in the past, when she slept, Scotty clung to you for dear life. It was difficult, but it was doable. Resisting fingers peeled away from your abdomen as you rolled her on her back. You straddled her, knees digging into your mattress on either side of her waist.
Your lips connected with her cheek again, teeth grazing her warm neck, moving lower and lower with each peck. The heat raying off her skin pulled you in closer, warming your insides as you pulled her shirt up, revealing her stomach. Wet lips licked and sucked at her skin, and she shuddered beneath your touch.
Scotty moaned above you, tugging on your hair and halting your descent.
“Good morning.” Her groggy voice was honey coating you, thick and smooth. The thump between your thighs picked up when she pulled you up to her lips, kissing you long and deep. “Sorry about my morning breath, I just needed to kiss you.”
You kissed her again and she giggled. “Morning breath be damned. You can have these lips whenever you want.”
“Yeah?” Another kiss, this one lingering a little.
“Mhmm,” And another. “I have another pair of lips dying to become acquainted with you too.”
When you pulled away, you watched her eyes bolden, just as you’d hoped they would and your laugh was immediate. Scotty cleared her throat awkwardly with a blush, pressing her back against the headboard. “D-Don’t you have to shower? Don’t want to um, be late.”
You mirrored her, sitting up to let the covers fall from your body as you rose to your feet. Eyes were on you as you stretched, wanting eyes. Intense and firey, just as they were the day you met.
You glanced over your shoulder at her, and there they were; big brown eyes studying your hips intently. You’d slept only in your underwear and a tank top, just as you always did when she spent the night. Miles of skin exposed to the air and to your girlfriend, and it was evident she loved the sight of you.
“Do you want to join me?” You gestured to the bathroom, mind trailing to the steaming water that would soon be embracing you. You hadn't experienced any trouble with it since Scotty worked her magic, but she made it a point to check every time she was over.
You were facing her now, and you smirked. Her eyes were locked on your braless boobs in your top, staring unabashedly at your hard nipples. “Did you hear me? Or were you too busy checking me out like usual?”
“What?” She questioned with a swallow.
“Do you want to join me in the shower?”
She flushed at your question, shying away as if she wasn't drooling over your ass only seconds ago. “Oh um, that's alright. You go ahead without me. I’ll have a shower after you.”
“Or you could just join me, babe.” She shook her head again, insisting on letting you enjoy your shower alone. This was a routine, and you knew not to push, you knew when to accept defeat.
Despite her being well acquainted with your bed, and her newfound security in your relationship, seeing you fully naked still made Scotty uneasy. Apologies were issued each time she accidentally caught sight of you in your underwear, and she always offered to leave the room.
You would protest, but she did it anyway, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. It was more endearing than anything. She had not been open about her sexual history, and you never pried. When Scotty was ready, she'd come to you, and you made sure you left room for her to know that, for her to understand time was on her side in that regard.
Seeing her flush at the sight of your bare skin turned you on more than it should though. The thought made your pussy pulse as you stepped into the shower. Before you could stop them, fingers hovered over your heat, pushing through your sticky folds as the warm water adorned you. You rubbed your clit with your thumb, wincing when the shower steam brushed the sensitive nub.
Gentle pumps lubricated your digits as two entered your hole with ease and you flung your head back. In and out, you circled your clit, then pushed back inside the tight space.
“Fuck.” Eyes shut, and back flush against the shower wall, your volume increased as your thrusts gained speed. Bliss consumed you, toying with your impending orgasm. You bucked into yourself, nudging your g-spot with a sharp cry. A long exhale anchored you and your toes began to curl as you slowly climbed a ladder of ecstasy.
All thoughts ran to Scotty as you pleasured yourself. Scotty in her flannels. Scotty wearing only a sports bra and sweats as she fixed your garbage disposal. The way she gripped your thigh on the tube, firm and tight, aware you belonged to her only. “Shit, oh fuck…”
Your slick mingled with the water as you rode your own digits, tweaking and pulling on your right nipple. Scotty was very protective of you. She was quick to yell at a stranger for bumping into you on the street that one time. He was bigger, taller; he towered over her thin frame. But she refused to relent, insistent on defending your honor. Discovering that side of her got you all hot and bothered, the images of her all in his face slipping into your fantasies as you massaged your leaking pussy.
Your profane screams filled the bathroom, ringing in your ears and making you wetter. Fingers scissored your hole, nice and wide and you bit your lip. You imagined Scotty’s fingers working you, imagined her hungry lips nibbling on your earlobe as she whispered dirty words to you.
Your pussy clenched around your digits tight and you dove deeper into yourself. Reaching for the shower head, you propped a leg up on the tub’s edge and brought it to your center. Powerful streams of steaming water met your pulsating clit and your legs wobbled. “Oh yes! Mmm fuck!”
The water was harsh against your cunt, flowing heavy and steady. It felt so good you got lost in the feeling.
“Oh, Scotty.” Shallow breaths huffed her name again and again, chest bouncing under water droplets. You wanted her mouth on you, needed her tongue inside of you. Wet thrusts brought your orgasm closer, taking you higher each time you brushed your special spot. The visual in your mind of your girlfriend's mouth on your cunt, sucking passionately, was the last thing you saw before the stars and sparkles appeared behind your lids.
The showerhead fell from your grip as you came with a scream you knew she heard. An intense orgasm coursed through your quaking body, filling you to the brim. Cum trickled down the inside of your thigh, nice and warm like the water and you smiled. You were floating, thoughts still buzzing with all the sexy things your girlfriend did as you rode it out. You steadied your breathing, squeezing your nipple one last time before retrieving the hose and beginning your shower.
“Scotty, baby can you hand me a towel?” Your head poked out the bathroom door and she was on her feet within seconds. As she approached, you allowed the door to creek open just enough for her to catch a glimpse of your wet skin and identically pierced nipples.
Eyelashes batted innocently at her as she handed you the fluffy cloth. Scotty was having a hard time ripping her eyes away from your droplet-drenched figure, her eyes fanned you up and down before she cleared her throat. “Uh sorry. I can wait in the living room until you're dressed.”
Slowly, the cracked door widened to showcase you in all your nude glory, purple towel bunched in your hands.
“If that's what you wanna do.” Soft and sultry were your words, evidently sucking the air from her lungs as she stammered. Scotty had not met your gaze once, eyes locked on your chest, falling lower with each breath. You began drying your skin in front of her with a smirk, pretending to be oblivious to your effect on her.
When you exited the bathroom, your shoulder brushed hers and you swore you felt each muscle in her arm tense. Damp curls hung around your neck as you bent over to lotion your legs, giving her a full view of your ass and folds. She was staring, her watchful gaze was one you were accustomed to, even with your back turned. You were wet again, and she was aware of it.
A soft moan climbed your throat as you slathered the lotion on your chest and on your breasts, and you watched the sound shock her entire body through the mirror.
Scotty shook her head behind you, desperate for the action to do away with the image of your naked body. “Gonna get off- I mean get in the shower. I’m gonna take a s-shower now.”
You smiled at her, wearing not a fragment of shame, and nodded. “Okay, babe. Have fun.”
You imagine her slamming her back against the door once it closed, chest heaving anxiously from what she'd just witnessed. Once dressed, you slicked your hair into a low puff and moved to the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee.
Fifteen minutes later, she emerged from your bedroom, fully clothed, a shy smile tugging on the corners of her lips. “Hi.”
“Hi, babe. Made you coffee, and lunch.” You shoved her lunchbox and thermos toward her and she beamed. She pulled you in for a kiss, tongues dancing and sparks flying. Her whimper was adorable when you grabbed her hands, placing them on your hips. “I like when you touch me here.”
She huffed, clearly flustered, but she pulled you in anyway, fingers indenting your flesh. “Mhmm.”
You pulled away, getting lost in her eyes and she blushed. “We should get going. I'm already late.”
“I have to give Dean a ride.” The two of you shuffled out the front door just as Dean was exiting his and he rolled his eyes.
“God, I was starting to think I’d have to take the bus. And you know I can't do that anymore.” He stated simply, shoving himself between the two of you as he often did and grabbing your hands.
You spared a glance at your girlfriend, confused and she chuckled. “He got banned for a month.”
“Banned from the bus?”
Dean tugged the both of you down the stairwell as he spoke. “Yeah, I joked about wanting to wank the guy next to me off and I guess he told the driver. Now I can't get on for a month.”
His words stopped you in your tracks, and you gawked at him. “What? It's not like I did it. Anyway, you two coming over tomorrow night? Me and Freddie are having a thing.”
“You're always having a thing.” Scotty retorted, stealing the words right from your mouth.
“Oh come on, you two can keep your tits out of each other's mouths for one night to hang with friends right? Don't think I didn't hear you this morning. Oh, Scotty! Yes, Scotty! It was kinda hot, I can't lie, I listened through the walls. Obviously.”
Your smile dissipated and you found Scotty's eyes. She fumbled for her keys, unlocking her van frantically. Usually, you harbored no shame about pleasuring yourself to the thought of your girlfriend, she was hot, and your body reacted to said hotness. But you were aware of how wary the idea of sex made her, and having Dean bring it up so casually made your cheeks heat.
“Oh don't tell me you two are one of those kiss-and-don't-tell pairs. Babe if you didn't want to tell on yourselves, you wouldn't be so–”
Scotty cut him off, and you noted the twinge of annoyance in her voice. “We’ll be there Dean.”
“Oh good!” He climbed into the van and you waited for the door to shut before you approached her.
Her eyes fixed on her work boots, fiddling away with those fingers. “I'm sorry.”
“And what are you apologizing for?”
She looked at you, eyes brimming with remorse. “Dean doesn’t really have a filter as I'm sure you know by now. Sorry if he made you feel–”
“Baby, stop apologizing. You did nothing wrong, Dean’s gonna be Dean, let's face it. It's fine.” You kissed her cheek and she relaxed a little.
Scotty grabbed your fingers, lacing them with hers and you beamed. “Sorry he thought we were…”
“Do I have to ban you from saying that word? I want it out of your vocabulary. You aren't sorry.” You scolded and she giggled.
“Okay, okay. You sure you don't want a ride?”
You shook your head before kissing her hand. “You aren't driving all the way across the city to drop me off at work Vivienne. Now go.”
Her giddy little smile made you melt as she strutted to the van. “Wait!” She ran back, smacking her lips to yours and you laughed into the kiss. “Okay, bye! Love you, have a good day.”
“Bye baby, love you too.”
Coming home after a long day called for two things: a glass of wine and your vibrator. After changing into some comfy clothes, you retrieved the already open bottle of Chardonnay, filling the glass all the way to the top. You took a big swig, trotting back to your room and ridding your body of your shorts. Cool air hit your already-wet lips as you brought the fully charged vibrator to your yearning clit.
At the push of a button, the device buzzed on, splashing your slick all over your inner thighs. The wand slid up and down your achy cunt, making you whine from the strong vibrations. You only needed a quick release, Scotty would be over soon. Scotty. For the second time that day, you conjured her likeness in your mind to help yourself get off. Thinking about how she gawked at your naked body that morning made you moan, loud and long. You craved her touch. “Mmm.”
You upped the speed, switching the bright pink toy to its highest setting, making your sore clit tremble.
You were coming soon after, creating a large mess in your sheets and all over your vibrator. Bringing the toy to your lips, you sucked it off like always. That’s when you saw her. Scotty was watching you from the doorway, biting her lip and eyeing you hungrily. It made your heart jump, the thought that she could be so stealthy in the dark. You held her stare, swirling your tongue around the head of your vibrator. Your juices tasted amazing in your mouth and you turned it back on. If she wanted to watch, you would give her a show.
You couldn't help but cry out when the pulse pressed back onto your clit. It felt amazing, but it was too soon. You ground into it, hips shaking all the while as your second climax approached rapidly. Gone were your plans of prolonging the spill. This one was fast and hard, and you groaned, finding her eyes in the dark again.
“I know you're there baby.” You called out between shaky breaths.
Scotty shuffled, debating if she should enter the room or bolt. When your bedroom light flicked on, you got her answer. She strode in, head hanging, and sat at the edge of the bed. “I'm sorry.”
“What did we say about that word? I'm not mad at you babe if that's what you're thinking.”
Hopeful eyes flicked to yours as you scooted down the bed to join her. “You're not?”
“No.” You shook your head, kissing her cheek softly and she sighed.
“It's just, I came in and all the lights were out and I figured you were asleep and I didn't wanna wake you. I was just gonna crawl in beside you, but then you weren't asleep, you were… and I didn't want to interrupt, but then I couldn't look away and I felt bad for watching and I know you said not to apologize, but I'm sorry babe, I am. I invaded your privacy and that’s not okay.”
You were smiling before you could stop yourself and she looked puzzled. “I like an audience sometimes.”
Her eyebrows shot up and you shrugged. Pulling her in for a hug. The tension left her body when she entered your embrace, molding into you perfectly.
“We can talk about it, if you want. Or we can just watch Tv until we fall asleep.”
“Tv. I don't think I'm ready to, to um…”
You gripped her hands. “And that's alright. Go make some popcorn while I get cleaned up?”
Scotty nodded, hopping onto her feet and darting to the kitchen. You shook your head at her cuteness, smiling as you stripped your sheets.
“Okay, okay. Take a shot if you've ever been walked in on.”
Freddie butted in, “Full sex or just like, a wank?”
“Both.” Dean confirmed and everyone in the room took a shot. Everyone but your girlfriend who sat smiling shyly next to you on the floor.
The room erupted into laughter and you huffed a small one of your own. “If you've ever walked in on someone?”
Scotty was zoned out, and you nudged her playfully to take her shot, just to see her flush nervously. It was priceless, but she downed it like a pro. That was new.
Freddie pointed to you to ask a question as he poured everyone a third shot. “Um… take a shot if you’ve done it in a public place.”
Laughter again, followed by winces and coughs. Once again, everyone’s shot glass was empty, except for Scotty’s. She seemed unbothered most of the night, ignoring all the shots you were downing next to her, while she hadn't moved past her first one. A lot of your suspicions were being confirmed as the game trudged on. "This one's for the ladies! You guys ever done it up the butt? Because I tried it and I have to say, not that bad."
A chorus of cackles broke out as you eyed Scotty fiddling with her shoe laces, laughing smiling faintly to herself.
You knew she was inexperienced, but the questions let you know the extent. It was all very cute, the way she encouraged everyone and laughed along with the group.
“Take a shot if you've had sex with someone in the past twenty-four hours.” Dean beamed, and you knew instantly his question was intended for Scotty and yourself. Neither of you drank, you glanced at her and she blushed.
Dean’s eyes moved to the two of you and he scoffed. “You're not playing the game right. You're supposed to drink.”
“Only if you've done the thing,” Scotty responded harshly, but no one other than you picked up on it.
“Yeah. And you two have, you can't lie. I heard you.” Every pair of eyes in the room were on you at his confession.
You sat up on your knees, needing to shift the subject. “Well, you heard wrong. Next question.”
“No, he didn't because I heard it too.” Freddie was notorious for sticking his nose where it didn't belong. “If you two weren't fucking, what was all that? And now that it's being mentioned, Scotty's taken only one shot, while her lovely girlfriend has taken them all. And now neither of them has taken this one. What is that about?”
Scotty shifted next to you, you could tell she was getting antsy. “Are we gonna continue the game or what?”
“Hmm, no. I'm definitely pissed right now and I've decided this thing,” Freddie’s fingers gestured between you and Scotty. “Is more interesting than this game.”
Everyone remained silent as he paced around. You were very close to grabbing your girlfriend and leaving the flat entirely.
“Moans and screams coming from your place every morning, including today, and yet neither of you drank. Were you just wanking or…”
“And if I was?”
He tapped his chin with a laugh. “Then I’d have to ask what we're all thinking. Have you two even had sex?”
You found Scotty's gaze, her eyes darting around the room frantically. She opened her mouth to speak, but you squeezed her hand, trying to let her know she didn't have to reply. It was clear everyone else had already figured out the answer though, and all you wanted to do was soothe her.
“Oh my god! You haven't, have ya? How long have you been together now?”
Dean chimed in, “Four months in two weeks. As your matchmaker, I must know your anniversary.” He wasn't helping.
“Four months and you haven't shagged? What are you waiting for? Is Scotty a virgin or something?” His question was meant to be rhetorical, but realization soon sank in. The silence in the room was louder than ever and you watched everyone come to the same conclusion as Freddie.
He chuckled mischievously. “Bloody hell. Well I'm not surprised because obviously, but wow I just–”
“Will you shut the fuck up, Freddie? You don't have to be a dick every day of your goddamn life you know.”
Your outburst startled Scotty, fueled by alcohol and anger. That was the first time all night that you noticed she was uncomfortable, the first time you’d seen her ashamed of all the things she hadn't done. The look lasted only but a second, but you caught it, and you despised that she was made to feel that way.
“I'm just saying four months is really really long, especially for people in a relationship. I shagged Dean first night I met him.”
“That's true,” Dean interjected and you rolled your eyes.
You huffed furiously, seeing only red. All attempts at suppressing your urge to strangle the blonde boy in front of you were failing. “And I'm just saying, you should be more worried about that diagnosis you got a few days ago. Chlamydia was it?”
A universal gasp hugged the room and his sly little smirk disappeared immediately. “Yeah, that's what I fucking thought you fucking dickhead.”
“He also had crabs last month. I keep telling him he can't shag everyone, he never listens.” Dean's statement was the icing on top and you wore a smirk of your own.
You grabbed Scotty’s hand, pulled her to her feet, and headed to the door. “We’re leaving. Freddie, fuck you. I hope you get hit by a truck.”
Once the two of you were in the hallway, Scotty stood against the wall as you paced in frustration. She tracked your steps, face scrunched in an unreadable way.
“I really hate that prick.”
“Are you going to break up with me now that you know I’ve never been with a woman?” She was close to tears. Drying them as frequently as you did let you know when to expect them. You were at her side in seconds, rubbing her back as you tried to calm her.
“Baby what? Break up with you? Are you mad? Sorry but you're kinda stuck with me, if you haven't noticed.” You bumped her shoulder.
She sniffled before letting out a giggle. “It's not like I don't want to. I do, especially with you. I really, really do. I just–”
“Oh do you? You really do?” You smirked and she blushed.
“Stop. I'm being serious. I'm just super nervous I'll do it wrong. And I don't wanna disappoint you. You're used to experienced women I'm sure, but all you have now is me.”
“Vivienne Scott, what have I told you about talking down about yourself? I won't let you say one more bad word about my favorite person, so you need to stop.”
“There's that word again,” You glared at her and she reacted with a shy smile. “And as for your inexperience, I don't care. I'm ready when you are. If you decide you want to, we'll go slow, as slow as you like. If you decide you never want to have sex, that works for me too. I love you so fucking much, nothing else matters baby. All I need is you, all I want is you and your perfect self.”
You kissed her and she smiled into it, delighted by your reassuring words. “You mean it?”
“Absolutely my love. There's nothing wrong with you, and I will kill Freddie with my bare fucking hands for making you feel that way.”
Her smile grew, eyes twinkling happily in front of you. “And I'll help you hide the body.”
A laugh erupted at her remark, because she was clearly serious; she always found new ways to surprise you.
Grace and Frankie played on the screen as you lay cuddled up with Scotty in your bed. She was snuggled into your chest, stuck to you like glue as you rubbed her back lovingly. The day after your anniversary had been a relaxing one, with you two lounging around your place for most of it. Tonight though, she seemed particularly fidgety, climbing atop you and nuzzling her head under your chin.
“You good?” You asked, looking down at her body on yours, and she only hummed. “You're so cute.”
A few minutes ticked by before she squirmed again, rubbing her face into your cleavage. Scotty was touchy, but not this touchy. Her behavior raised your brow as you questioned her again. “Baby, are you okay?”
“Just had a long day.” An inadequate response, seeing as you’d spent the entire day with her, but you let it go. Most days were long for her, and maybe encapsulating you was a newly discovered way of dealing with that. You shifted your attention back to the Tv, laughing as the episode stretched on.
Soft lips placed little pecks along your jaw, lowering to your neck and you sighed. Letting your eyes flicker shut allowed for better enjoyment of her mouth on your skin, basking in this rare spurt of initiative. “If you wanna kiss, Scotty, all you had to do was say so.”
She sat up, holding your face between her palms. “I want to kiss.”
You grinned and pulled her in by her throat. “Come here.”
Starving lips crashed onto each other, meshing and sucking as tongues wrestled. Scotty was sitting up on your lap now, yanking your face closer as if she wanted to swallow you. She slung her arms around your neck, scooting closer so her crotch was pressed up against your stomach as she wrapped her legs around you.
The kiss grew hot and heavy, and she moaned desperately into your mouth. It wasn't unusual, considering you'd had many heated make-out sessions prior. You pulled away, wet lips connecting with her throat, nibbling slightly. She whined directly into your ear, and you felt it slither inside you. An excited tongue licked your neck before teeth nipped your lobe.
“Oh!” The action jarred you, but you moaned all the same. Scotty had never displayed such feverish behavior before, she seemed on edge, wound up — and she called on you in her time of need. Her hips bucked into your abdomen and you froze.
Fingers found your hair and she tugged on your curls, lips ghosting over yours as she blew her words into your mouth. “I’m ready.”
“What?” Your heartbeat raced with your flying pulse when she spoke.
She enjoyed kissing your neck, so you threw your head back, allowing her to gain better access. “Want to do more than kiss.”
You found her eyes abruptly, searching her face for any signs of hesitation. “Are you sure? I don't want you to feel like you have to. Kissing is enough for me, I promise.”
“Yes. I'm sure, I want you.”
You nodded, crashing your lips to hers. It was a hard kiss, a hungry kiss, and you could tell she loved it. “What do you want, baby? Tell me.”
“Wanna make you feel good.”
You kissed her again, loving the feeling of her eager lips on yours. “Yeah? You wanna make me feel good?”
“Yes.” Her reply was quick as she reached for the hem of your tank top.
You giggled, pulling it over your head to help her speed up the process, and your boobs fell free moments later. Scotty was in awe at the sight of them, reaching hesitantly to cup the one on the left. “Can I?”
You gave her permission, pulling her hand the rest of the way with a grin. She traced the star shape of the jewelry there, still holding back. “I love these.”
You shuddered when the pads of two fingers brushed your nipple and you let a moan slip. Her eyes sparkled at the sound, prideful being the one to cause it. A soft pinch to your left evoked another cry, and she reached for the right, repeating her action. Scotty’s legs were still tight around your waist, core still pressed up against your stomach and you felt her sticky wetness leaking through her underwear.
She dipped her head, eyes still trained on yours as she pulled a bud into her mouth and wrapped her tongue around it. Light sucks on your delicate breast overwhelmed you. You were unaware of how much you missed that feeling as the blissful sensation rushed through you.
“Does that feel good?” Her tongue swirled around your erect nipple and your fingers dug into her scalp with each lick. Your response was a hum, encouraging her to keep going. Scotty switched to the other, sucking hard and leaving her spit all over your breast. It was heavenly; Scotty was extremely good at what she was doing.
Each of your whimpers amped her up, and you could tell she was enjoying herself. You grabbed her left hand, dragging it down to your center and her fingers hovered over your throbbing heat.
“You feel that baby?” Her mouth hung open, eyes dazed and twinkling. “That's where I want you, right… here. Are you okay with that?” She nodded and you guided her hand up and down your clothed clit. Scotty's head hit your shoulder with a jagged exhale. Rushed, shallow breaths escaped you as her hand continued. You needed her now, and you were going to have her.
“Sit up for a second.” She got off you with a groan and you smiled, pulling your panties to your ankles and kicking them across the room.
You sat back on the bed, sprawling your legs and exposing your cunt fully to Scotty for the first time. Her little whine at the image made you smirk, begging you to continue. “Gonna show you how I touch myself thinking of you.”
Skilled fingers dipped into your wetness, sliding directly over your clit. The contact made you whimper and you kept going. Rubbing circles on your soaked bud increased your moans gradually. You locked eyes with your girlfriend who was salivating at the sight of you: legs open and fingers in your pussy.
“See how wet I am for you Scotty?” You threw your head back as you huffed her name and attacked your clit ferociously. The notion of her just simply watching you dampened your glistening folds even more.
You beckoned her forward with your free hand, breaking her out of her trance. You reached for her hand, shoving two of her fingers into your mouth. Feeling your warm tongue around her digits made her entire body shiver. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth, barely able to hold your seductive gaze as you continued.
When her fingertips brushed your clit, she all about melted. “Do you feel how wet I am for you Scotty?”
She nodded, and you let her fingers replace your own. Scotty’s pace was slower than yours, less practiced, but still able to make you thrash.
“Is this good?” The hope in her voice was adorable, turning you on even more.
“Fuck baby that's perfect. Just like that.”
She arranged herself between your legs, digits massaging your sensitive clit with precision. Her determination and focus were sexy on their own, but when coupled with the desire to please you, they were transcendent. Her lips peppered kisses on your stomach and she massaged your dripping pussy, your grunts fueling her. “Shit, keep going. That’s it!”
Fingertips brushed your entrance and when you jumped, she halted, nervous eyes darting around wildly. “No, no. It's okay, that was good. Need your fingers inside me.”
Once again, you assisted her digits, allowing her to sink two deep into your hole. She created a quick pace for herself, it was nice, but not quite what you needed.
“Like this?”
“No, let me show you,” You positioned her hand where you needed it most. “There you go, keep doing it like that, fuck!”
She caught onto your preferred tempo rather quickly and her thrusts were unstoppable, making you scream your throat raw. Wails mixed with the sloshing sounds her digits created as they pumped and stretched you over and over, dragging you closer to the edge. “So good at it babe, perfect!”
When she bumped your g-spot hard and firm, curses flew out of you this way and that. Your eyes stayed open long enough to catch the satisfied smirk on her face. Scotty loved what she was doing to you, reveled in the way your body responded to her.
Her other hand found your clit again, recreating the rhythm you’d taught her and she swiped two fingers around in a circle, pressing in every few seconds. You had no sense of self, simply only craving a release. Each stroke, each pump, had you clutching your silk pillows as Scotty built you up to knock you down.
“Baby, I'm so close! Make me come please!”
Her thrusts picked up, slamming into your pussy harder than before and your cries were endless.
“I love being the one to make you feel this good.” She bit her lip, watching your pierced nipples bounce as she spoke. You entranced her and she wasn't afraid to show it.
With one last thrust, you bucked into her fingers and your orgasm crashed onto you like a wave, wiping you out and pulling you all the way under. “Mmm Scotty! Yes, you make me feel amazing!”
Her fingers were soon coated in your cum, spilling out of you in thick streams. The climax was your most intense yet and you knew it had everything to do with the emotions wrapped up in the sex, the emotions you had wrapped up in your girlfriend.
She was still inside you, still rubbing your clit as your heaving muscles clamped around her digits. It was too much and not enough all at once, and your lack of energy prohibited you from letting her know. All you could muster were pleading whines as she continued fucking you through your orgasm, smearing your cum everywhere.
“B-Baby I–” Dry lips helped you utter shaky words and her eyes were on your face immediately.
“You want me to stop?” She quizzed and you nodded.
Scotty slid her fingers out of you gently as ever, examining them and the sticky cum coating them. She wanted to suck them, her curiosity about the taste clear as day and you giggled at her bashfulness.
Fighting your exhaustion, you pushed yourself forward and out of the pillows, inching toward her. You guided her fingers through her lips and she let you. She moaned when your flavor hit her taste buds, slamming her eyes shut to enjoy it fully.
“Well?” You awaited her final conclusion with a smirk and she matched it.
Her immediate giggle afterward was too cute. “I like it.”
“Yeah? You want more?” Her nod was frantic and giddy. You eased back onto the mattress, finally coming down from your climax and needing her all over again. Your legs flew open once more, feeling your hot release rolling out down your pussy lips. Ankles gripped in your fists exposed every inch of the mess she helped create and once again, Scotty was mesmerized by the sight of you. “Come taste me, baby.”
She leaned in to kiss you deeply before descending to your cunt.
Silky lips placed a kiss on your tired clit with a hum, the vibrations traveling up your outstretched legs. Soon her tongue was on your wet flesh and you shrieked. Scotty's mouth wrapped around your clit like a starved animal, slurping ravenously. Her tongue, magic materialized. “Oh god, fuck! Yes, Scotty, you're doing that so well!”
She hummed again devouring your pussy fully with each slurp and your moans boomed out of you uncontrollably. Your fingers were in her hair, messing it up even more as her tongue fucked you. She seemed particularly fond of your clit, refusing to leave it unattended for too long. “You taste so good, babe.”
Her words caused you to grind harder into her face, smudging your juices all over her. For it to be her first time eating pussy, she was shockingly skilled, knowing exactly where to focus her attention. A velvet tongue entered your hole, and your back sprung up. You pulled at your nipples with each of her thrusts, spiking your pleasure upward. “Good girl, my good girl. So good at eating my pussy baby.”
Not once had she come up for air, fully immersed in every bit of your folds. You were close again, humping her mouth and tongue. “Oh fuck, how are you so good at that?”
Your head flew back and she pulled you closer by your hips, drilling her face impossibly deeper into your heated wetness. Scotty’s own moans were driving you insane; she was getting off on the act of consuming your cunt. The way her hips bucked and jerked into the mattress confirmed that.
“I’ll do anything to please you.”
God, she knew exactly what to say to rev you up. Her words were enough to knock you straight into your second orgasm. You came with shaking legs and a scream of her name, but she refused to remove her mouth from your core.
She sucked you still, grunting and gulping despite your squirming. Each lick caused you to shudder above her as she lost herself in your depths. When she shoved a finger inside, you bit down on your cheek until it bled. Pleasure thrummed in your veins, even though your body needed her to stop, your brain refused to let her and you felt another release underway.
“Scotty wait please…” Wiggling from her grasp was useless; she refused to relent, slurping harder, licking deeper.
“Mine.” It came out muffled, and it floated up to your ears. A sleepy smile formed on your lips as your third orgasm of the night washed over you. It didn't hit you as hard as the first two, but it made you loopy all the same. Finally, she removed her face from between your quivering thighs, face soaked in three loads of cum.
You could barely see her through slanted eyes, but your slick reflected under the lights. She kissed your lips, tender and slow, and you sucked her tongue. Your own juices were on you now and you understood her refusal to let up. “You look so gorgeous with my cum on your face.”
“I do?” Her pretty eyes studied your spent figure curiously and you nodded. “I got a little carried away, you taste so good.”
“It's okay baby. You did amazing for me, you were perfect.” You huffed an exhale, watching her try to hide her blush.
It dawned on you that Scotty still had her clothes on and you frowned. “Take everything off. Your turn.”
“You sure you're not too tired? We don't have to focus on me.”
You shook your head, resisting the sleep threatening to whisk you away. There was no way you'd be going to bed without having made Scotty come at least twice.
She pulled her shirt off while you yanked on her underwear. Scotty stood, leaving you alone on the bed for seconds that felt like forever as she stripped. Once her underwear was off, she was left only in her sports bra as she climbed toward you.
“You want this on or off?” You questioned and she shrugged, so you pulled it over her head.
She was stark naked above you and looking as sheepish as ever. You flipped her so you were on top then you kissed her lips. “You're stunning.”
Your lips pecked her chest, slowly moving towards her nipple. It was in your mouth soon after and your fingers found her clit. Her cry was immediate as you massaged her drenched folds. “Can I touch you here, Scotty? Is this okay?”
Her approval came before you could blink and you continued. “Fuck, you're this wet for me pretty girl?”
“Yes, always.” You quirked your eyebrow at her confession. Always.
Her nipple was back in your mouth again as you worked her soft clit with the pads of your fingers. Scotty's whines filled the room, bouncing off your walls and ringing in both your ears. Her chest heaved under you, causing your teeth to grip lightly on her nipple to steady her.
“Aghh!” Her whimpers came hushed and shallow, and your pace picked up, thrashing around in her wetness. “More, I need more.”
You kissed her neck swiftly, then her lips, fingers still working her. “What do you need, angel?”
“Your, your mouth.” A devious grin plastered on your lips as you placed her legs on your shoulders before diving into her midsts. You almost passed out at the taste of her, head going loopy as you licked her throbbing bud. You spit on her already leaking cunt, rubbing it in with your tongue and she moaned.
“Feelsogood!” Her words jumbled together as she shouted. Languid licks to her clit had her legs shuddering from their place on your shoulders as she rolled her nipples between her fingers.
She was a moaning mess as your mouth continued its attack on her gorgeous pussy, slurping up everything she secreted. “Are you gonna come for me, angel?”
Her babbles were intended to be an answer, but you needed her to respond with words.
“Say it. Tell me you're going to come for me, be a good girl and come for me.”
Scotty nodded, eyes shut when your tongue grazed her tight hole. She wasn't ready for that yet, and you knew it. “I'm going to come for you!”
Your fingers flicked her clit again and again until it was swollen, and she tensed. “That's it, baby, there you go, go on and come for me.”
Her screech was thunderous, startling even herself. You kissed her ankle and watched her toes curl, her entire body trembling as you lowered her legs back onto the bed with care.
Weak arms pulled you down onto a sweaty chest, kissing you with the utmost passion.
“Thank you.” She managed and you kissed her forehead sweetly.
“You deserve it.”
While Scotty was recovering from her first orgasm with you, you reached over to your nightstand, pulling out a few things you’d had handy for a while. Nothing too extreme: two dildos, the bigger one of the two obviously for you, your vibrator, and some lube.
She watched you intently as you laid everything out, eyes going wide at the larger toy. Familiarity flashed in her eyes when she saw your trusty pink vibrator and you grinned. “Wanna try it?”
Scotty shook her head, “Wanna watch you again.”
“So bad.” You positioned yourself in front of her, getting comfortable, allowing your pussy to bloom like a flower for your girlfriend. The toy was buzzing within seconds and you slithered it through your cum drenched lips.
“Oooh, fuck…” The words dragged out of you as the tip brushed your most sensitive, swollen spot. The ache was magnificent as you let it tread through your wetness. Scotty's eyes were glued to you, watching the tremors work you, small splashes flicking into the air. Her breast was cupped in her hand and she slowly tugged on her nipples. Fingers found her own clit and she winced, gaze never leaving you.
Her confidence in pleasuring herself to the sight of you only made you hornier as you upped the setting and you began to twitch breathlessly. “Yeah baby, play with your pussy for me. I like that.”
She followed your instructions, kneading her tits and stroking her clit. “Gonna come just from looking at you, shit.”
And you weren't lying, you felt your climax in your bones, building up and preparing to spill. “Fuck! Fuck Fuck!”
“Are you close, baby?” Scotty questioned, peering at you through slitted eyes. Her fingers were working overtime to bring about her release, and you could tell she was not new to the deed.
You nodded, slinging your head back. “Yeah.”
Before she could respond, your scream jumped out of you and the vibrator fell from your palm onto the cover. You let your body tumble to the edge of the bed, gasping for air as you heard Scotty cry out seconds later. She came down to join you, just as sweaty, just as breathless and she gripped your side.
“You touch yourself like that often Vivienne?”
She tried hiding her face in your bare chest, but you wouldn't allow it, tickling her until she answered. “Sometimes. When I'm thinking about you.”
“Ah. I see. Well, you looked absolutely stunning showing off for me like that.” You pecked her lips and she giggled. Scotty sat up, grabbing the dildos curiously, but her focus could not be ripped from the big one.
“You put this inside you?!”
Your laugh settled your post-orgasm high. “I want you to put it inside me.”
“Really?” The glimmer in her eyes announced her excitement at your request. You kicked the lube towards her, too tired to move from your spot and she clapped giddily.
She lathered the lube onto the toy and positioned it at your slit, moving in slowly. “Is that good for you?”
“Oh fuck! Just a little faster angel.” Scotty nodded, thrusting it in and out at a quicker speed and your mewls carried. Your entire pussy was sore, but you just couldn't get enough of her. Lust was the only thing keeping you going.
The way it moved captured her attention, and she refused to tear her eyes from your dripping hole stretched around the dildo. She nudged that special spot, leaning down to kiss you, eating your whimper in the process. Your squishing picked up with her movement and her thumb found your clit. You loved the way she was learning your body and what you liked, it made you clench around the thick toy, bucking onto it slightly.
“So good at it babe, perfect.” She hummed at your praise, fucking into you with longer and deeper strokes.
You wailed loudly, meeting each thrust, both nipples in hand.
“Want you to be mine. All mine” She bit her lip, still assaulting your clit as you struggled for words.
Her possessive tone would be the thing to do you in, you were sure of it. “Mmm, fuck baby I’m yours!”
“You promise? Please promise.” Slam after slam on your g-spot and you were close to tears.
All you saw was white behind your eyes, pussy clamping tight around the toy buried deep inside you as you came hard and swift. “Yesyesyesyesyes! I'm yours, Scotty! All yours!”
She slid it out of you with a soft pop and a squish, pulling on strings of cum oozing out of you.
“I wanna try it.” She admitted timidly and you forced yourself to sit up.
You grabbed the smaller yellow one, holding it out for her. “This one's for you.”
Scotty shook her head, “No. I want this one. I can handle it.”
“Baby I don't know, don't want you in too much pain.”
“It's okay.” She reassured, and you smiled.
“I won't hurt you, angel, I'll never hurt you. I’ll go slow.” Your dildo was at Scotty’s eager entrance — ready to intrude. Copious amounts of lube dripped from it as the tip pushed through her tight hole, brushing her walls. Her eyes were shut, and she squeezed your hand. You were still a tad hesitant about it, but she insisted.
It entered her with surprising ease and you couldn't fight your grin. “So proud of you, you're doing amazing. Are you okay?”
Frantic nods answered your question and she urged you to move. She adjusted quite well to the size and you pushed in deeper. Scotty was writhing desperately as you fucked her at a reasonable tempo. Her body reacted well to you and your encouraging touches. You pressed a wet kiss to her waist as the thrusts grew rapid, endless moans egging you on. “Don’t stop!”
“This good for you pretty girl?” Your lips were on her stomach, licking and pecking to soothe and she squirmed.
“Mhmm.” You looked up at her drooling mouth; Scotty was on cloud nine, relishing in the sensation of being wide open for you and you alone. She ground into the dildo, her wet cunt meeting every last one of your pumps. A greedy little thing, and responsive too, crying out each time your knuckle would nudge her swollen clit in the process of you fucking her.
When she hissed in pain, you slowed down, not wanting to hurt her. “Easy baby, easy.”
Scotty’s wetness sloshed and splashed all over your comforter and you loved the image of everything seeping out of her pretty, puffy pussy. It made your own clit twitch as you pressed it up against the bed.
“Your pussy is so pretty, baby. Say it, tell me your pussy is pretty.” Strokes dug deep, making her cream all around the base.
She groaned, unable to say the words, bucking into the toy harder instead. You were having none of it. Scotty needed to praise herself, you needed her to believe the things you said to her. “If you wanna come, you gotta say it. Isn't your pussy pretty?”
She bobbed her head, shutting her eyes tight as her back shot off the bed. “I-It is, it's p-pretty.”
“What's pretty, angel? I need to hear it.” Her clit jumped and you giggled.
“My p-pussy.”
“Oh yes it is, look at how well you’re taking this big thing, the prettiest ever. All stretched out for me.” You lowered your mouth to her clit, sucking faintly on the bud as the toy pushed up against her bundle of nerves and her cry was the loudest you’d ever heard.
“Baby I-I can’t.” She was shaking and you needed to calm her. You slowed your pace, whispering encouragements into her tummy as you kissed it. She came quickly, begging you to remove the dildo, and you obliged without a beat of hesitation. It was a lot for her, but she handled it fantastically, and your pride buzzed inside your sternum.
You kissed your way up her body lovingly until you reached her lips. “I love you so much you know that? God, you’re so perfect. Do you know how well you did for me?”
She bustled beneath your song of praise, finally opening her eyes to look at you. “I love you. I just want to make you happy.”
A weak smile greeted you and you kissed her tenderly. “You think you can give me just one more tonight angel?”
Scotty was anxious to please, so she agreed wholeheartedly.
“I’ll do all the work.” You spread her legs, slinging your right leg over her left, scooting closer until your clits kissed. The two of you grunted in unison at the sudden connection. Scotty rolled her hips impatiently, and you chuckled as you copied her movements. Cum glazed both your pussies as you ground into her, mixing your multiple releases. The squelching noises created by your colliding cunts rivaled your moans and mewls. You looked down at where you two were connected, stripes of slick meshing to create more.
Scotty rested her tired head against your shoulder, opening her mouth to pull your nipple between her lips. When you gasped, she hummed around it, bucking into you harder. You steadied her hips, rocking against her delicate bud with force. The impact buzzed through your body, blurring your vision with each grind. Your screams floated up to the ceiling, clinging to the walls as Scotty's piled on top. At this point, the entire building was aware of the fantastic sex you two were having, and neither of you cared.
You felt hot tears sting your chest, rolling between your boobs as Scotty cried from the all-consuming ecstasy. She looked at you, eyes boring holes into your soul as you rode her pussy. “I love you.”
You reached back for your vibrator, licking it a little before slipping it between both of your sopping cunts. Scotty yelled when you switched it on, shaking her head vigorously.
“Too much, too much!” But she leaned into the feeling anyway, pleasure close to rendering her unconscious as she wept.
“I know angel, fuck! J-Just one more. Can you do that for m-me?” Your breathing turned hysterical, and you moved the vibrator in tandem with your thrusts only slightly. Scotty was evidently overwhelmed, she was barely hanging on, only trying to make you proud of her. And you were proud, exceedingly so.
You wiped her flowing tears, caressing her face with the utmost love and compassion.
She nodded, pushing into the pink toy harder and screaming louder. “I’ll do anything for you. I love you so much.”
When you turned up the setting she squirted onto your pussy, and the act made you do the same. Everything was soaked: your legs, the bed, your vibrator. She delivered a voice-cracking scream before falling backward and you collapsed on top of her, chests heaving rapidly. Spasming bodies exhaled loudly, attempting to rediscover coherence. Both your eyes flickered to the Tv as the Are You Still Watching screen popped up on your Netflix, and a string of laughter erupted from you. You pulled her face in, kissing her for the hundredth time and she kissed you back.
You stayed that way for a while, stacked on top of each other, admiring the other's fucked out features. Neither of you wanted to move.
“Too tired to change the sheets and clean up. Let’s sleep on the couch.” She nodded in agreement and you climbed off the drenched bed exhaustedly. Scotty grabbed pillows and a cozy blanket before placing her hand in yours and letting you lead her to the living room.
Once you were snuggled and swaddled, you kissed her cheek and she giggled. “You did so good, baby. You said you’d be nervous, but you did amazing.”
“You made me feel comfortable.” She shrugged and you pulled her closer, planting yet another kiss on her face, then her head.
She nestled into you with a sigh. “I love you.”
“I love you so much Scotty, so so much.” You cooed into her ear and your words were enough to send her to dreamland.
Impatient lips on your naked chest pulled you out of your sleep and you moaned on command. When your eyes opened, you were met with hot lips indulging in your bare nipples. Your body was still extremely weak from the night’s activities and your stomach fluttered just from the thought.
Sex with Scotty had been more amazing than you could've hoped, and when her fingers brushed your folds, you were pulled back into the memories of just how intense it all was.
“Angel, what are you doing?” You hummed, allowing her to continue defiling you.
She looked up at you, letting your nipple go. “Something I wanted to do, but we didn't get a chance to last night.”
“Really? What's that?”
She groaned, growing skittish as she always did. Scotty had a hard time articulating her words sometimes, especially when it involved anything sexual, and you always caught wind of her struggles. You never pushed, but this time was different than the ones prior.
“You have to tell me what you want Scotty. I need to learn what you like.”
She blushed before opening her mouth, “I want you to sit on my face.”
Her sentence sparked a thrill in you, those words foreign and illicit coming from her lips, and they absolutely electrified your system. “That's what you want?”
You nodded in approval, allowing her to settle under you before you mounted her, positioning your needy cunt over her mouth. Hovering instead of sitting seemed more appropriate; it was her first time and you refused to overwhelm her.
That precaution was tossed out the window instantaneously as your girlfriend yanked your lower half down flat against her mouth, tongue darting directly into your hole. “Oh my god!”
It was only, you glanced at the clock on the wall, seven in the morning and you were already being devoured entirely. She fucked you with her tongue, licking your walls and sending you to new heights. Your neck craned backward as you cried her name, her little hums of approval letting you know she loved the sound of it falling from your lips.
Her tongue in your hole made your body jerk, and you gripped the couch’s arm for support. Scotty kneaded your ass as she ate you out, moaning along with you.
You felt frail on top of her, bones and pussy still aching terribly. But she was enjoying herself, and you be damned if you put a stop to that. Your clit pulsed with every lick and you cursed, pressing harder into her face.
“You're too good at that, oh fuck!” She smiled against your cunt, and you shook your head at her recently unveiled cocky-ness.
That familiar buzz started climbing your insides, clawing its way up and you knew you were close. “Close baby.”
Sucking and smacking echoed throughout your quiet loft as your girlfriend demolished and consumed your leaking pussy, juices rolling down her face like tears.
“Tell me you're mine again.” If her tone was any indication, this was a command more so than a kind request. It was the hottest thing she'd ever said, and it made your head spin uncontrollably. Scotty was sexiest when she was confident.
You looked down at her, gripping and grinding into her face harshly. “Fuck baby, I'm yours! I belong to you!”
Her hungry moans of enjoyment rocketed through your core, setting your climax free with a long throaty babble. “Scotty!”
She sucked on your clit still, ignoring your whining and your cum dribbling out of you. You had no choice but to ride your orgasm out with her tongue deep inside you, it was clear she had no plans to let you go.
“Baby, b-baby p-please!” You bucked into her mouth involuntarily, your body's only defense against the unyielding sensation.
Eventually, she let go of your hips, freeing you to slide down her chest and sit in her lap as she licked her lips. She blushed when she met your eye line and your smile broke free.
“You really like doing that, huh?”
A nod was all you were awarded and you grinned.
Your eyes studied her expression, filling with concern as you watched her intently. "How are you feeling? I know last night was a lot. Are you okay baby? Not in any pain?"
"A little sore, but I feel good. Really good. Loved being with you like... like that." Her smile was soft and genuine, so you nodded.
“Join me in the shower?” You requested breathlessly.
Her head bobbed. “Sure.”
Of course, the first time she agreed to join you would be after the first time you had sex, it was poetic really, everything about her was. This was no new discovery, you'd always known Scotty was something comprised of pretty words and big feelings. It's what you loved most about her.
You made her strip the bed and throw in a load of laundry before bathing under the warm water. Your legs wobbled as you stepped into the tub, but she steadied you, climbing in right behind you.
She kissed your neck, your shoulder blades, lowering her lips to your hips, and sucked. Steamy water blurred your vision as you watched her kneel before you. Scotty lifted your shaky leg onto the side of the tub and got in between. At first glance, it looked as though she was attempting to wash your cum-streaked legs, but she never moved for the soap, or the washcloth. Instead, she kissed your inner thigh, making her way back to your weary cunt.
“Can I?” Doe eyes peered up at your dazed expression, you’d unintentionally created a monster, but how could you deny her? It would be cruel to even think about it.
“You're insatiable, oh my god.” Fingers laced in her hair, pushing her mouth where it yearned to be as you pressed into the shower wall — her name nefariously profane on your tongue.
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randomblack-girl · 1 year
I knew this guy with Uranus conjunct Mars in the 8th house and "it" was huge 😟
Siren in the 6th house have nice bodies
I feel like Jupiter in the first house wanna be thick so badly or they are but they usually have nice bodies
I might have already said this but chiron in the 6th house might have body insecurities or health issues the type to grow up fat then start eating healthy as they grow up or maybe they had bad skin and got into skincare
I hate to say it but it's true pisces placements do be lying especially ones related to the 3rd house/Mercury a friend of mine with Neptune in her first house admitted to lying for fun and an old friend of mine with Neptune in the 3rd house said she'd lie so people wouldn't know stuff about her (Scorpio rising) but I hate saying this because I have pisces/Neptune influence over my chart and I'm not a liar, but it is some of them.
There's definitely a connection between pisces/Neptune people and fishes, mermaids, etc my friend who has Neptune in the first house said she wants a little mermaid birthday party. They do look really good in a mermaid aesthetic, it's giving:
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As a Scorpio rising I keep attracting Scorpio moons!!! And I love Gemini risings as a gemini moon and idk bout y'all but I get along better with people with similar placements to mine bc yk people be saying opposites attract...
What's y'all experience with Saturn in the 8th house men? Like what's going on down there? I'm curious 😭😭 I keep meeting guys with that placement I also don't know how to read this placement really, a lot of them seem kinda traumatized and closed off
People with Venus badly aspecting their asc usually think they're unattractive, it's sad
Ok so I have pisces Venus conjunct Uranus in a composite chart with this guy and we like each other but we live in different countries but he literally set the standard for my future bf 😭
On the list of hot voices is mars in the 2nd house. This guy ik has Capricorn mars in the second house and he sounds so smart and like a gentleman but hot at the same time. I also noticed he talks really slowly? Idk but I like it 😋. Sirene, Saturn, and Neptune also aspect his Mercury and neptune is in his 3rd house he has a pisces mercury too. I think pisces/neptune might make your voice nice, I have Neptune aspecting my Mercury and I've been told my voice is soothing. Ok I think Pluto makes a voice hot too because I'm noticing it's Venus, mars, and Neptune that keeps showing up in people's charts who have nice/attractive voices. Saturn can make them sound more mature and Jupiter can make them sound funny/be funny. Jupiter voices also sound deep and pisces/Neptune influence makes someone good with their words/poetic.
Idk if I'd say Scorpios look sexy/mysterious but I do try 😭😭 it's so hard though bc that's not who I am naturally I'm trying to just be myself though, I do notice I am just more reserved/quiet but that's when I'm not around friends or people I actually wanna talk to (Virgo 11th house) bc I don't really become friends with just anybody
I've noticed the connections I've had where the composite chart rising was Scorpio be deep/seem deep I love these relationships as a Scorpio/Pluto dom!!! I feel like we click and can talk about deep things like trauma easily
Idk the thing about tauruses and food is kinda right bc one thing about me...imma eat 😭 and I have a friend who's a Taurus moon who loves food
Let me tell you, having my Aphrodite and Lilith in Virgo and a pisces Venus the one thing I'm gonna do...is wear green, crystals, seashells, blue, etc ITS GONNA EAT EVERYTIME idc same with black but in terms of color? It's gonna be green, blue, and sometimes white (I'm still scared to wear white) but I love white too and omg don't get me started on grey and brown!!!! Or MATCHING SETS!? bye I want some juicy couture so bad!!! I love neutrals as much as I hate so say it bc it seems so basic but they're so easy to pair up and they look good together. But I'm trying to get into color and my favorites so far are green, orange, pink?, And blue also neutrals are easy because most likely it's gonna look good. Color can be complicated it's the same with patterns which is why I have a lot of basic tops now 😭.
Another thing I'm gonna do is wear tight clothes or crop tops 😋 and I honestly find it hard to not wear that or shirts that show cleavage now that I got a sewing machine I make everything a lil bit lower 💅🏾 and I love waist beads!! Emphasis on the stomach
And one time someone said "don't you think Tionna (me) looks good in comfy clothes" which is very interesting because taurus placements do look good in comfy clothes
Btw that picture came from Pinterest!
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Where There's a Will, Right?: Dante x Male Reader
SUMMARY:      After Dante’s successful defeat of Argosax, he’s been ever-so-slightly more talkative than before; at least, that’s what you think. Both Trish and Lady noticed that Dante’s mood hasn’t improved and, if anything, he has only become more distant. Upon telling them that they’re wrong, they both tell you something that sends your mind reeling. 
MINORS DNI--Seriously, go away >:[
BEGINNING NOTES: ✨Dom/Top Dante* x Male Sub/Bottom Reader *Takes place between DMC 2 and 4 on the timeline; meaning Dante’s a bit angstier than normal--kinda Vergil-esc but he gets closer to normal at the end. ✨Unestablished relationship but everyone (including Dante) knows that you have a thing for him ✨The reader lives at the shop ✨Mentioned dark topics (nothing in depth but Dante having been suicidal is mentioned a few times) 🍊🍊🍊 ✨Fluff ✨Angst (? kinda) ✨Smut; Dante’s first time--the reader’s body count is not specified but it is implied you aren’t a virgin--meaning he is very sensitive to your touches. ✨Biting--draws blood and enjoys it. ✨Rougher--It’s not great but I wanted to try writing something a bit rougher, experimentation if you will.\ ✨Oral--Dante receiving ✨Reader gets emotional afterwards; like sad fluffy stuff. 🍊🍊🍊 ✨A little self-indulgent. I could’ve written this as G/N (and if anyone wants a re-write, I can totally do so) but I wanted something a bit gayer than normal smh ✨I know absolutely dick-diddly about motorcycles, so you best believe I just googled all of it lmao ✨Not used to writing Trish or Lady so they might be a bit OOC; if anyone has any better ideas for how they should sound (if they sound off) please let me know! I want to try and use them more often. ✨The reader uses Revenant (as per usual) and Ifrit. How can you use those wonderful gauntlets? You are just stubborn or strong enough to resist their demonic nature; idk just let me have this lmao. Demons are from DMC 1, 2, and/or 4 (Also I didn’t really feel like writing too much combat since “Bound by Blood” is so combat heavy, kinda got bored with it lmaoooo). ✨THIS IS NOT A PREQUEL TO “Deep Regret” THAT FIC. IS STILL IN THE WORKS (AND IS REALLY ANGSTY LMAO)
     “Really?” Trish leaned against the wall of the garage, watching both Lady and you work, “You sure we’re talking about the same Dante?”
     “What?” you set down the socket wrench and looked over at her, “Don’t believe me?”
     “No, not in the slightest,” she mindlessly looked at her nails as she continued, “I don’t think I’ve heard Dante say more than five words at once in years and you’re telling me--”
     “That he and I talk all the time?” You stood up, wiping your hands on your jeans, "I mean, we do live together-- what's so hard to believe?"
     Lady laughed, catching your attention, “Well, Dante’s not exactly the talking type anymore,” the raven-haired woman turned from the workbench, “Can’t say I blame her, hun.”
     “But that’s where you guys are wrong,” you sighed, “I mean, he’s not super talkative but we can hold a conversation for a good while,” you walked over to the stairs, grabbing your open beer on the way, and sat down with a huff, “You’re telling me that he doesn’t talk to you when you are on a job or anything?”
     Lady shook her head, “Do you know how rare it is for him to even say “hello” anymore?”
     “Bah,” you made a dismissive flick of your hand, “You two are full of shit, there is no way he’s that quiet.”
     Trish said something under her breath as she crouched down to check the work you'd done.
     “Huh?” You cupped your ear in a joking manner, “I’m getting deaf in my old age, Trish--you gotta speak up.”
     “I said,” she stood up and turned to look at you, “Maybe it is because Dante loves you.”
     Beer shot out your nose as you choked on it, going wide-eyed feeling flustered beyond belief. 
     “You can’t tell me you don’t have a thing for him,” the blonde walked over to Lady’s workbench, pushing up on the edge and sitting on the tabletop.
     “I do not!” 
     Lady shook her head, “It is painfully obvious that you have a crush on him,” she leaned her side on the bench, facing you, “I’m sure he knows, too.”
     “How is it obvious?! I mean--” You pursed your lips knowing you just dug your own grave.
     The women shared a laugh before Trish answered, “The two of you are practically joined at the hip.”
     Lady then jumped in, “He won't do anything without telling or asking you first.”
     "You're the only one allowed in his room."
     "And the only one that can use his weapons without him getting pissed, especially Rebellion."
     “Dante stares at your ass a lot.”
     Once again, you choked on your drink.
     Lady laughed at Trish’s comment with a shrug, “Can't fault him for that, you do have a nice ass.”
     The sound of the roller garage door being lifted caught everyone’s attention. In the doorway stood the very topic of the conversation with a few bags of groceries in his arms.
     “Welcome home, Dante!" You shot him a warm smile, "How'd shopping go?"
     Dante stared at you then at the women, “Why are they here?” His voice was cold and flat, his typical way of speaking nowadays. 
     “Oh!” Your voice was semi-cheery as you stood up, tossing the beer bottle in the nearby trash, “They stopped by right after you left. Asked to use the workshop for a bit.”
     He stared at them for a few more seconds before walking through the garage, past you, and into the shop.
     Lady grumbled to herself before sticking out a hand, gesturing at where he’d gone, “See! I told you!”
     “You two are looking too deep into it. Dante doesn’t,” you shrugged, “you know…”
     “Bullshit!” Lady pinched the bridge of her nose, “I swear-- if the two of you don’t hook up soon, I’m going to--”
     A quiet sound of a door being cracked open cut her off. Dante looked at you and quietly mumbled, “You coming?"
     “Huh? I-- Yeah,” you smiled at him, “I gotta finish the oil change and I’ll be in, okay?”
     He said nothing and shut the door. 
     Trish slid off the bench with a sigh, “Come on, let’s give the lover boys their room.”
     “Try not to break ol’ Dante," Lady jested as she picked up her tool bag, "He’s not as spry as he used to be."
      You flipped her off and she stuck out her tongue in return. As they left you meandered back to Dante’s bike, you couldn’t help but mull over what the girls said.
     “There’s no way that they are right,” your brow furrowed, “Dante is-- well, Dante. He’s a ladykiller, not into men… right? I mean, he has a mountain of bikini girl magazines-- ” 
     Lost in your thoughts, your hand slipped and you dropped the open bottle of oil, “Son of a fucking bitch!” 
     You snatched the bottle as quickly as possible but the damage was already done; over half of the contents were now in a black pool on the floor. A dejected grumble left your lips as you laid on your back, staring at the ceiling of the garage with a forearm resting across your forehead.
     “Everything okay?”
     “Hmm?” You tilted your head up slightly and saw that Dante was standing right at your feet, “Yeah… Just my good ol’ butterfingers…” Your head hit the concrete again as you sighed and looked at the mess, defeated. 
     His eyes trailed over to the oil on the floor before he wandered off. You propped yourself up on your elbows and saw Dante had grabbed the cat litter.
     “You don’t have to--” He looked at you for a moment before dumping the litter on the spill, “Thanks, I-- Sorry, that was like a brand new bottle,” you leaned up in a sitting position, “I promise I’ll clean it up and replace the bottle.”
     “It’s fine,” Dante stuck out a hand, helping you up. 
     As you got to your feet, you fell into him a bit and found yourself leaning on his chest. Your face instantly became hot as you froze. Strangely, Dante made no move to push you off of him or remove you, he just stood there and waited for you to do so yourself
     “Sorry, I didn’t mean to invade your space, hah…”
     Dante didn’t say anything, but rather, he grabbed your hand and pulled you inside the shop. On his desk was a box of fresh hot pizza and a few cold unopened beers. 
     Which in hindsight, you aren’t sure how he got the pizza. He didn’t have it when he entered the garage. Unless he got it delivered at the exact moment he got back… Or he had already stopped back in the foyer of the shop only to come around back to “interrupt” your conversation--but there’s no way he would do that, right?
     “So,” you grabbed a slice and sat on the edge of his desk, “What’s the special occasion?”
     “ ‘was hungry,” he grabbed a slice for himself and sat in his desk chair, putting his boots up on the tabletop.
     A look of shock spread across your face, “Really?"
     “It’s just,” you shook your head, “I’m just glad that you’re eating, is all," you smiled warmly, "It's nice."
     The red devil stared at you for a moment before continuing to eat. 
     Ever since defeating Nelo Angelo, Dante’s “human” habits had gradually deteriorated. He wouldn’t sleep, bathe, or even eat; any and all self-care was put on the back burner. You had to force the poor man to take care of himself--which is much easier said than done. 
     At one point, things got so bad that Trish acted more human than Dante. There was a small ray of hope, however; since Argosax’s defeat, Dante had begun to regain some small bits of life. He’d been bathing more often, eating every once in a while, and even smiling again. Most importantly, however, Dante hadn’t tried to off himself in almost six months which was a victory in and of itself for the tormented man; this, by extension, made you feel a little more at ease that the chance of you coming home to Dante on the cusp of death had slimmed significantly.
     “Hey,” you pursed your lips and waited for him to look at you in acknowledgment, “Do you care if I turn on some music?”
     He shrugged, "Don’t care."
     You hopped off the desk edge and waltzed over to the "well-loved" machine. Hitting a random track--and praying to god it worked--you went back to your resting spot against Dante's desk. The two of you sat and ate together, listening to the jukebox and enjoying the quiet company. 
     A loud knocking at the front door of the Devil May Cry woke you up. You must've fallen asleep downstairs. Across from you, in the middle of the room, was the coffee table with a TV that had been playing a DVD’s menu screen for only god knows how long. You were on your side and resting on the floor, in front of one of the couches… Even though there was an open couch adjacent to this one. 
     A large blanket was draped over you and onto the furniture behind you. That's when you heard a  snore and realized why you weren't on the couch. Dante was fast asleep and face down against the coffee-colored pleather. Goosebumps ran up your spine as you realized that his arm was across your chest, his fingers loosely grabbing the fabric of your shirt. Carefully, you slipped away from the sleeping devil and let out a soft groaning yawn as you stretched. 
     Another set of knocks. 
     You sighed and stood up, walking over to the door, opening it. 
     “Ah, good morning Mr. Morrison,” you smiled tiredly at the man, welcoming him into the shop.
     “You know, you make me feel old when you call me tha--” he stopped and stared at Dante, who was still asleep on the couch.
     A small huff of a laugh came from your nose as you whispered to Morrison, “I know. Shocking right?”
     His volume matched yours in return, “That would be an understatement," he turned to you, “Sorry to wake you but I have a job for the two of you that requires immediate attention,” he held out a manila folder.
     “What is it?” A flat voice asked, making both Morrison and you jump.
     After the two of you took a moment to calm down from the unexpected voice, the broker walked over to Dante and handed him the file, “Huge swarm invaded a nearby city--didn’t even have time to evacuate.”
     You walked over to Dante, peering over the edge of the file. He noticed your interest and scooched over to one side, allowing you to sit beside him. As you attempted to read, you found yourself leaning towards your partner, squinting harshly at the small text. Dante moved closer to you causing your sides to touch; which, despite how many times he’s been this close (and closer) to you, never failed to make your heart race. 
     As the two of you looked at the file, you couldn’t help but remember what the ladies had said yesterday; how stony he is to them compared to how acted with you. Dante might be a bit cold but he has his sweet moments--even if it’s him sharing paperwork filled with pictures of hundreds of demons and a destroyed cityscape.
     You whispered to Dante, “So, wanna do it?”
     His eyes flicked to you before he looked over the file once more, “Fine.”
     “Sweet!” With a jovial smile, you grabbed the paperwork. Your eyes flicked up at Morrison who moved to the edge of Dante’s desk, leaning on it with a lit cigar--as per usual, “We’ll take it!”
     The broker shook his head with a small smile, “I’m beginning to think you enjoy these types of jobs.”
     “Actually,” you stood up and walked over to him, “I do. Don’t have to worry about destroying things," you handed him the file which he grabbed.
     He laughed softly and shook his head, taking a puff of his cigar, “You two are quite the pair.”
     You tilted your head in confusion; that’s when you felt an exhale of air on the back of your neck, making your hair stand on end.
     “We takin' the bike?” Dante’s voice was low and his warm breath lightly tickled your ear.
     “Y-yeah,” you turned your head to the side and were only inches away from the sultry devil.
     His turquoise eyes locked onto your gaze for a few seconds before he gave a flat, “Ok,” and went upstairs to get changed. 
     Once the youngest son of Sparda was upstairs, Morrison laughed as he stood up from the desk, “I’ll let the city know you're on the way. You two be careful,” he nodded goodbye and headed for the door before stopping, turning his head over his shoulder to you, “Don’t forget that there is still a lot of people trapped and--”
     “And we should try and help them, don’t worry,” you winked at him, “Dante and I got this.”
     Morrison opened his mouth but said nothing; instead, he continued out the door whistling a tune to himself. 
     You raised a brow at the odd action but decided it was not worth dwelling on. 
     Humming to yourself, you made your way up to your room. One of the spare bedrooms of (The) Devil May Cry that you were “only staying in for a few months”... that was over a decade ago. A smile tugged at your lips as you reminisced about a time long since passed. 
     Rain quietly beat on the roof of (The) Devil May Cry as the well-loved jukebox played quietly in the background. It had been exactly a year since Dante had officially named the shop and begun to take jobs as a demon hunter. Sitting at the large wooden desk was said devil hunter without a shirt on, only opting to wear his pants and boots. His arms were placed neatly on the top of his desk with his head resting on them, facing down at the tabletop, snoring happily. A half-eaten pizza and several empty beers were scattered about, painting the same old scene that he partook in night after night. 
     That’s when you showed up in his life. 
     You burst into the shop, stumbling and out of breath; leaning against the door, holding it shut. 
     “We’re closed,” Dante didn’t even open his eyes. 
     Before you could reply, obnoxious loud banging and shouting could be heard from the other side of the door. Dante raised a brow and tiredly looked up at you, curious as to what was pursuing you so fervently. The shirtless young man’s ears twitched as he made out what was on the other side of the large wooden door; it wasn’t demons or devils, it was humans. A mob of what sounded like fifteen to twenty people that were spouting off insults that ranged from vaguely rude statements to flat-out death threats. 
     Dante sighed, standing up from his desk with a huff. Casually, he grabbed Force Edge from the wall it was resting against, walking over to you. 
     You, of course, were terrified, debating if it was better to take your chances outside. Bursting into some random dude’s shop was dumb but you didn’t expect a smoking hot white-haired man (who was possibly the owner) to approach you with a massive gothic sword. 
     He flicked his hand telling you to move off to the side, which you fearfully obliged. With a warm, soft, friendly feeling, he smiled at you revealing his oddly sharp teeth, “You’re gonna owe me for this,” your face instantly became flushed in embarrassment.
     Dante opened the door wide open and stepped out of the shop, the large blade resting on his shoulder. As he slowly went down each stair, the mob backed up away from him, “I’m only gonna say this once,” his voice was cold, loud, and angry, the complete opposite of what you’d just heard, “Get lost.”
     One of the group’s men decided to act tough and approached Dante, “And if we don’t? What are you gonna--!”
     The red devil grabbed the man by the face and held him up, not phased by the man’s struggling, “You know, I hate people like you,” his fingers tightened, “People that just don’t know how to listen.”
     Muffled complaints came from the man as Dante’s fingers tightened further before tossing him at the others, knocking several of them over. They helped each other stand back up but none of them moved to leave. 
     “Now scram,” Dante’s brow furrowed, “Last chance before you really start pissin’ me off.”
     With that final warning, the group ran like the wind and disappeared. A small laugh came from the red devil as he re-entered the shop. 
     “So,” Dante set Force Edge back where it was, “What is a guy like you doin’ being chased by a mob at this hour, huh?” He leaned against the edge of his desk, folding his arms. 
     “I uh,” your face became hotter and hotter as you looked at the smiling man, calling him stunning was an understatement. It didn’t help that he was lightly soaked from the rain which was dripping down his body, emphasizing his physique, “I just pissed off the wrong folks, that’s all.”
     “Uh-huh,” Dante pushed off his desk and wandered over to you, “That why you smell like gunpowder, blood, and demons? Or’s that some sort of weird cologne?”
     You froze.
     “You know," he continued, "it’s not every day I get to meet someone in the same line of work as me,” he now stood in front of you, his hands stuck in his pockets and a casual tilt to his posture. 
     “I-- What?”
     Dante’s smile widened, “You’re a demon hunter, right?” 
     Your expression said it all, making the young man laugh.
     “Now,” he turned from you striding over to the corner of the room, “as payment for waking me up from my nap,” the white-haired man stood near one of the couches, grabbing his black long-sleeve shirt off the back, “You’re gonna take me with you to finish your hunt.”
     As he slid the tight fabric over his body, all you could do was stare. Not only was watching him get dressed semi-erotic, but, the idea that you’d finally met someone else who enjoyed demon hunting like you do was enough to send shivers down your spine.
     “That’s what you were doing right?” The red-clad man raised a brow as he slid on his vest, buckling the straps.
     You blinked back into existence with a nod, “Yeah, you sure you want to come with? It isn’t exactly a small job, and,” you avoided his gaze, “it’s not only demons.”
     “There are cultists, too--I know,” Dante slid on his gloves, “Figured that out the moment I saw ‘em outside,” he tossed his coat on, adjusting the lapels.
     He meandered over to the same sword from earlier, placing it on his back, “So,” he raised a brow, “We doin’ this or what?”
     You smiled sheepishly, “Sure.”
     “Ah… Almost forgot,” Dante turned around and opened a desk drawer, grabbing his keys, “Here, catch,” he tossed you a box of shells, “Those work?”
     “Really-- I- Yeah, why are you..?”
     Dante began to walk out the door, you right behind him, “Can’t do all the work myself, babe,” he turned to you with a smile.
     After he locked the door, you led him to a building that was right outside of Red Grave; it was an old abandoned apartment complex. The two of you made quick work of the job; given, it was half-finished from your earlier attack.
     Despite not even knowing each other’s names, the two of you fought together quite well. Neither of you got in each other’s way. When you did interact, it was damn near perfectly choreographed; as if you’d known each other for a long time.
     “You know,” Dante dodged a Death Scissors, “You’re pretty good at this.”
     “Oh yeah?” A small amount of playful sarcasm loomed over your words, “I’m still not impressed with you,” you ducked underneath a Frost’s attack and shot it right in the small of its back, “mister white-haired stranger.”
     “Eh,” he used Force Edge to slice three Abyss in half, “Had to leave you something to fight.”
     Both of you shared a laugh and stood in the middle of the room, looking around at the carnage. Dante turned to see a cultist trying to escape. The red devil pointed Ebony up and shot the human, much to your dismay.
     “Hey,” you shoved his shoulder, “You stole my final kill.”
     “Oh,” he holstered Ebony and turned to you, “Didn’t see your name on ‘em, sorry.”
     You playfully rolled your eyes and sighed, “Thanks for your help,” you avoided his eyes, which were trained on your face, “I appreciate it.”
     “No problem,” Dante smiled, “This was fun, been a long time since I’ve had a partner to work with,” he stretched his arms upwards, cracking his shoulders, “Lady’s been off doing her own thing lately.”
     “Lady?” You raised a brow, suspicious of the red devil’s seemingly fake person.
     “She’s an old friend,” Dante and you began to descend back down the building’s stairs. It wasn’t until the two of you got outside before he spoke again, “Hey, so,” his voice was quieter than before, “You work by yourself all the time or?”
     “Yeah,” you sighed and placed a hand on the back of your neck, “Never been able to find someone who’d join me on a hunt.”
     “Well,” Dante put his hands in his pockets, “If you want, I’ve got an open spot at my shop...”
     “Mhm, haven’t had a partner in a while and could use the company.”
     You laughed.
     “I don’t even know your name and you are offering me a job?”
     The red devil stuck out his hand, “Name’s Dante.”
     You smiled and shook his hand, “Well, Dante, I think I’ll take up that job offer,” you sheepishly turned your head away and mumbled, “I think I could use some company, too.”
     “You coming?” 
     A sudden flat voice from your doorway made you jump with a loud startled shout. Quickly, you turned around to see Dante, fully geared up, and leaning against your doorframe with his arms neatly folded.
     “I- Yeah, sorry,” you shook your head, “Just lost in thought.”
     Dante stood up, saying nothing, and headed back downstairs into the garage. 
     With pursed lips, you continued to get ready; that’s when it hit you. Dante must've been standing there for quite some time, watching you; you who was standing in bagging half falling off underwear the entire time. Your face became hot, the idea of Dante seeing you this exposed was enough to make your mind reel. Shaking off the growing hot feeling, you shoved yourself into your hunting gear; which included Dante’s Ifrit and your shotgun, Revenant.
     Upon reaching the garage, you saw that Dante had already started the bike and was waiting outside for you to join him. Although you weren’t sure, you swear it looked like he was smiling at you; only hinted at by small creases in his cheeks. You joined him in the alley with a stuck-out hand, waiting for Rebellion, which he gave you. As you slid the sword on your back, you flashed a wide smile and playful wink at Dante. Then you mounted the back of the bike and a heavy wave of embarrassment filled your face as you firmly placed your hands on Dante’s waist. 
     Without a word, Dante kicked up the stand and you were off. As you held onto him, you couldn’t help but lean further onto his body, your face against his back. His cologne was that of lemongrass, lavender, and a light dusting of patchouli. You took a deep inhale, sighing longingly at the comforting scent; which didn’t go unnoticed by the white-haired hunter. 
     The two of you arrived shortly at the nearby city. Once both of you dismounted the bike, Dante stuck his hand out--mimicking what you’d done earlier. With a smirk, you pulled Rebellion off your back and held it out in front of you, blade facing down and your fingers tightly wrapped around the grip. The red devil grabbed the sword, making sure to just barely ghost your hand with his in the process. 
     A bright blush adorned your face as you gave him a small content laugh and looked at the less-then-happy scene before you. To say that the place was crawling with demons would’ve been an understatement. 
     An irritated long groan came from you as you slumped forward, “Those pictures must’ve been old; this is so much worse,” you looked over at Dante who was staring at you, “Wanna call in the ladies?”
     “No,” he turned from you and began to walk toward the city.
     With a baffled sigh, you shook your head and jogged to catch up to him, walking right beside him.
     When the two of you got to the edge of the zone, a large platoon of soldiers was along the city’s edge. As expected, the two of you were approached by the armed people and questioned as to why you were there. 
     You sighed softly, “We were hired by the city to come in and exterminate the infestation.”
     A mixture of various “bullshit”s and “no way”s were heard throughout the platoon. A greatly unamused Dante slyly reached down and grabbed one of your fingers with one of his, a sign he used when he wanted to move forwards.
     “Just stay out of our way,” you shoved past the soldiers, Dante right beside you. Before you got too far, you stopped and turned to the men, “Wait about thirty minutes and start sweeping this end of the city for survivors, continuing further inwards; we’ll have most of the demons cleared out for you.”
     Once more there were various forms of ill-natured or overly skeptical comments from the crowd; but, after all these years of hunting, it was expected at this point. The two of you just continued onwards, Dante’s finger still wrapped around one of yours.
     It didn’t take long for you to encounter a horde. At first, you were excited and readied Ifrit; however, Dante has taken up to not allowing you to fight anything more than Misras or Frosts. Today was no different.
     You vocalized your irritation (as you had done many times before) but it always fell on deaf ears, Dante simply didn’t care. Things came to a head when you were nearly finished with the job and the red devil had been nearly gutted by a group of demons but he still wouldn’t let you fight.
     “Dante,” you furrowed your brow as the two of you walked on, “Could you at least let me kill something? I’m getting bored with fighting small fries and playing cheerleader.”
     The red devil stopped and looked over at you, but said nothing.
     “Come on,” you made your best puppy dog eyes and stuck out your lip in a pouty manner, “Please?”
     “I can handle it,” he turned to continue on the path, “You are a human; humans are fragile.”
     “Excuse me?” You walked beside him, “You forget you’re human, too?” 
     “I can heal within seconds,” he glared at you from the corner of his eye, “You can’t.”
     You moved your jaw in thought, mulling over things before speaking again, “Yes, but that doesn’t mean you should push yourself like this,” the red devil’s head turned slightly, indicating he was listening, “Just ‘cause you can heal…” You reached out and lightly grabbed his bicep, “I’m your partner, remember? I’m here to help you.”
     Dante stopped and pivoted to look at you. His brow was slightly upturned and his eyes held an odd unplaceable emotion, “I know.”
     A small sad tilt decorated your brow as you lightly squeezed his arm before letting go. You had an inkling as to why he acted this way but had never been able to be sure; hell would have to freeze over before you’d get a clear answer from the red-clad half-breed.
     The two of you entered the center of the city where the demons seemed to have come from. In the middle of the large leveled area was a large mass of sorts. Both of you knew exactly what it was, the start of a demon nest.
     Almost as if on cue, an insurmountably large quantity of demons revealed themselves. The two of you split apart. Finally, you were able to fight something decent and were relishing in it. Your targets were, for the most part, Blades and Gladiuses; which wasn’t that big of a challenge but it is better than nothing. A smile shot across your face as you got to have some fun with Ifrit for the first time in years.
     In the complete opposite of an over-strained Dante trying to deal with several Plasmas and Blitzes.
     You had nearly finished up your half (well more like two-thirds) of the horde and destroyed the budding nest before you noticed Dante struggling. Quickly, you killed the last of your targets and rushed over to help the red devil, who had just been thrown through a building. 
     “Dante!” You kneeled down by him, “Hey, you alright?”
     “I’m… fine,” his voice was strained as he tried to sit upright, only to bare his teeth with a grimace.
     “Stay here, I’ll take care of this,” you stood up but found that your wrist was ensnared by Dante’s grasp.
     “No,” he attempted to stand again.
     “Dante, I can handle them,” you tugged your hand away, “Let go of me, please.”
     His expression was blank as his fingers only tightened around you.
     “Dante…” Now, you are starting to get irritated.
     “I can handle them, just let me do it,” he stood up and you saw that his ribcage had concaved, clearly broken.
     “No Dante-- You are in no condition to fight right now,” you pursed your lips, “I can finish this,” giving him one last chance to let go.
     “No, I am fine.”
     “Goddamnit Dante!” You snapped at him and yanked your hands out of Ifrit’s gauntlets, removing Dante’s grip on you, “You’re always protecting everyone else, so please, for once in your life,” you stalked over to Rebellion, which had been stuck in the ground nearby when Dante attempted to stop himself, grabbed it tightly and turned back to him, “Let me protect you.”
     His eyes widened, showing a mixture of confusion and anger, but you didn’t give him a chance to refuse. You had already gone off and were slaying the rest of the demons using Rebellion. If Dante wanted you to stop, he could have recalled his sword; he should’ve recalled the blade but, for some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to.
     Although you were still concerned for Dante, you couldn’t deny that you were having the time of your life. You'd only been allowed to use Rebellion one other time on the field, which was shortly after being hired at the DMC. The feeling of wielding such a mighty blade was insurmountable; not only that, but the frictionless feeling of slicing through demons was damn near erotic. A wide smile spread across your face as you finished off the final few demons, pinning the final Plasma down into the ground using the blade. 
     “You could’ve gotten hurt.”
     “You’re just jealous that I got more kills than you,” with a playful shake of your head and a small laugh, you pulled Rebellion back out of the ground and turned around. Dante had healed and was giving you quite the venomous glare, your expression dropped, “What?”
     He aggressively grabbed the sword from your hand, placed it on his back, and turned to walk back the way you came, “We’re leaving.”
     You bent down and picked up Ifrit, sliding the fiery devil’s gauntlets back on, “Huh? We haven’t done our sweep back--”
     “Now!” His voice was much angrier than you’d heard in a long time, so you remained silent and followed behind him. 
     The walk and ride back to the shop were eerily quiet. Neither of you said a word, not even to the soldiers that you passed in the city. During the bike ride, you did your best not to latch onto the red devil and held onto the bike itself--which wasn't exactly comfortable or easy, but you were pissed off and didn't care.
     As the two of you entered the shop, you had thought about saying something to the devil but weren’t going to give him that satisfaction; no, you just silently went up to your room and slammed the door behind you. Leaving him in the foyer, alone.
     Doing your best to ignore the guilty feeling in your gut, you hopped in a quick shower and took a small unintentional cat nap on your bed right after. Around an hour later, you woke up and groggily wandered downstairs to get a glass of water--and to see where Dante had gone. As you looked around, you pursed your lips in confusion. Dante typically after a job would just get drunk at his desk or on the couch but he was nowhere to be found. It was rare for him to actually go to his room; but, then again, it is even rarer for the two of you to have a disagreement or fight like this. A sigh left your lips as you traversed back to your room. A small amount of regret lingered at the edges of your mind for using such harsh words at the poor devil.
     Mindlessly, you had wandered to stand in front of his room and stood there with your hand up, ready to knock. After a minute you decided to put your hand back down, hoping that maybe he’d be the one to come to you and apologize for once. With a heavy sigh, you entered your room and turned the light on, then nearly had a heart attack. 
     There, sitting silently on the edge of your bed, was Dante in his boxers and a long-sleeve black baggy shirt. His forearms were resting on his legs--one of which was bouncing nervously, his hands intertwined as he mindlessly twisted and played with his fingers, and his gaze fixated on the floor.
     “Uh… Dante? Everything okay?” You shut the door, set your glass of water down, and slowly walked over to the bed, sitting beside him. 
     “You remember why I hired you?” His voice was soft and sad, something was wrong.
     You shook your head, confused at the seemingly out-of-nowhere question, “Huh?”
     “Do you remember why I hired you?”
     “Because you said you needed company..?”
     His lips twitched at the answer; however, he said nothing and just stared at the floorboards in front of him.
     “Dante?” You gently and cautiously grabbed his forearm, making his leg stop bouncing.
     His voice became even softer, becoming barely audible, “Do you regret it?”
     Your brow softened as your fingers gripped him tighter, “Dante…” 
     His brow furrowed as he moved his jaw for a second before giving you a sad huffed laugh, “I wouldn’t blame you if--”
     “Stop,” you stood up and moved to stand in front of him, then knelt between his legs, “Look at me,” his eyes coyly met yours as you grabbed both his hands, “I have never regretted anything I’ve done with you, nor will I ever.”
     A small quiver found its way to Dante’s lip, “Why?”
     “What do you mean why?” You gave him a bittersweet smile, “I like being with you, Dante.”
     He opened his mouth but no sound came out, only a crack and a small whimper as tears filled his eyes. Then you did what you should’ve done the moment he started talking, you stood up and enveloped him in a tight hug. Dante quickly wrapped himself around you. The red devil’s fingers dug into your back and grabbed generous handfuls of your shirt. 
     Half-formed sentences and choked-up versions of “I’m sorry” are all that he could manage through the unwavering barrage of tears. All you could do was hold him tight and tell him that everything’s okay--that he doesn’t have to apologize, not for breaking down like this. Gently, you kneaded against his shoulder blades and placed one hand in his hair, petting him. You noticed his hair was wet; which, not only meant that’s where he was when you were searching for him but, this was the first time he'd taken a real shower in nearly three weeks. It seemed like a lifetime had passed before his tears began to slow, eventually boiling down to just small hiccups. 
     However, his hold on you didn’t loosen, if anything, it got tighter. You had placed the side of your face against the top of his head and quietly hummed, hoping to comfort him.
     “Hey…” Dante’s voice was thick and quiet, a hint of nervousness ghosted his words.
     “Would it be okay to stay like this? Just for a little longer…” He waited with bated breath for your response.
     “Mnmm… How about this,” you pulled back from him, making him hesitantly release you. A small warm smile tugged at your lips as you straddled his lap and re-wrapped yourself around him with your legs around his middle, “This okay?”
     Through your shirt, you could feel Dante hum with a small smile, “Mhm,” his arms regrafted themselves to your body as he pushed his head into your body.
     The two of you sat together for nearly two hours, Dante softly purring against your skin as you lightly rubbed his back and played with his hair. If the front door hadn’t opened, the two of you would’ve stayed linked together for much longer. 
     “I’ll get it,” you slid off his lap but were stopped by Dante grabbing your wrist.
     “Do you have to?” His expression was oddly shy, which sent a sharp pang of love through your heart.
     “Join me?” You smiled as you pulled him up. A small surprised laugh left your mouth as you felt him lace your fingers together.
     A bright smile adorned your face as the two of you made your way downstairs and found Morrison standing in the foyer.
     “Afternoon, Mr. Morrison!” You waved with a small happy noise but realized that he was staring with wide eyes. 
     “I’m not… interrupting, am I..?”
     You stared at him in confusion before you realized how the two of you looked; both of you were semi-disheveled, only in underwear and a shirt, and Dante’s hand was in yours, “No! No- not at all! We-- It’s not what it--”
     “You are," Dante released your hand, moving further into the room, “but it is my fault for not locking the door. What’s up?”
     A sputtered confused noise left your lips as your face became unbearably hot, mortified at what Dante was implying.
     Morrison laughed, “Blunt as always, huh Dante?” 
     “Why bother lying about it,” Dante leaned against his desk, arms folded casually.
     The broker shook his head with a smile, “I’m just here to drop off payment from the job earlier,” he handed Dante a thick envelope, “The client was impressed with how quickly the two of you worked--made sure to get it to you just as fast and added a little extra cash, too.”
     “Oh? Really?” Dante opened the packet and counted the cash quickly, “Huh… Thanks, Morrison.”
     Morrison did a double-take, taken aback at not only Dante’s words but, Dante’s willingness to talk, “No problem, Dante…” The broker looked over to you with a raised brow before turning to leave, “Sorry for interrupting, I’ll lock the door on the way out. Goodnight you two.”
     “ ‘Night, Mr. Morrison!” Your voice was sweet but still had a lingering sense of embarrassment to it. 
     Dante opened the top desk drawer and tossed the money in it, smiling.
     With a sudden nervousness, you approached the pants-less devil and joined him near the desk, “So… What was Morrison interrupting, Dante?”
     His turquoise eyes slowly moved up to meet yours, a heavy odd feeling behind them. 
     Your face became even hotter as you swallowed hard, “Dante..?”
     “We were sitting together,” small creases formed on his cheeks as he smiled wider, “Why? Did you have something else in mind?”
     Another loud set of sputtered discombobulated noises came from you, unsure how to respond to such a loaded question. 
     A dark chuckle came from Dante as he meandered over to you, slowly inching you towards the wall behind his desk, then placing a hand beside your head, “Something wrong?”
     “No, I--,” you closed your eyes and shook your head, trying to keep yourself from spontaneously combusting in embarrassment, “I’m f-fine.”
     He lifted a brow and placed his free hand on your cheek, running his fingers gently across your skin, “I dunno, you seem rather feverish… You’re not sick, are you?”
     “I’m just a little warm, that’s all,” you let out a half-hearted laugh, doing your best to ignore the pounding in your chest.
     The red devil wasn’t satisfied with this answer and moved his face closer, putting his nose right beside yours, and made half-lidded eye contact, “I don’t believe you.”
     Bit by bit, you leaned closer to him, placing your lips as close as you could without touching his. The two of you hovered for a moment before Dante pulled away and turned to look to his right, “Do you mind?”
     You mimicked Dante's action in confusion and saw Trish standing in the shop. 
     “Lady forgot a few things in the garage,” Trish raised a brow and addressed you, “You believe us now?”
     “Trish!” Dante’s face was bright red, “Seriously?”
     “What?” She placed a hand on her hip, “You do love him, don’t you?”
     Dante mumbled something you didn’t quite catch before his voice returned to the previous volume, “Can you leave? You’re kinda killing the moment.”
     “Just make sure that you two can work in the morning, we have a contract to do.”
     She gave you a wide smirk and a wink, “Have fun.”
     The two of you waited for the garage door to shut before Dante sighed, “Guess the moment’s kinda ruined, huh?” 
     He sheepishly turned to you, to which you grabbed his shirt and yanked his lips down to meet yours. A surprised muffled grunt came from the red devil as he placed his hand over yours, his thumb slowly running over your skin and removing you from his shirt. Gradually, he regained control over the situation and pushed you back against the wall. His lips were broiling and desperately pushing against yours, almost painfully so. 
     Dante grabbed the sides of your hips, picking you up slightly, so he could pin you against the wall using only his body and a knee that he had placed between your legs. Your hands frantically grabbed at his body, eventually settling for one hand in his hair and the other groping at his upper back. His hands wandered all over your body, sliding underneath your shirt and touching as much as you as he could. 
     Eventually, you managed to wrap your legs around his middle and his hands slipped down to support you from underneath your thighs. You cupped his face in both your hands to deepen the fervorous kissing. The red devil bit lightly at your lips, asking to enter your mouth. At first, you didn’t let him and playfully denied him entrance. Dante wanted to taste you and wasn’t taking no for an answer, forcing his tongue inside. His tongue was hot and he wanted nothing more than to explore every bit of your mouth, to devour as much as he could. The unexpectedly long appendage made you jolt and gag slightly in surprise, which made Dante smirk with a small amount of pride. 
     Only once you were both out of breath did the two of you separate, leaving you with labored breathing and hazy loving smiles. 
     Your thumbs gently rubbed the stubble that decorated his jawline, “Dante, do you really..?”
     He meekly smiled and mumbled, avoiding your eyes in embarrassment, “You think I’d treat anyone else like you..?”
     You placed a soft kiss on his forehead, “I love you… So much”
     A soft huffed laugh came from his nose.
     He placed a small kiss on the side of the base of your neck, “Never thought I’d hear you say that.”
     You laughed softly, “Dante,” he looked up at you and you ran a hand through his hair, “You want to know something?”
     “Hmm?” He began to purr and melt into your touch. 
     “Although, there’s obviously more a more emotional aspect now,” you broke eye contact and turned away to avoid his gaze, “When we first met if you had asked me to… ya know… I would’ve,” your face was completely on fire as you regretted opening your mouth.
     “Oh?” Using one hand to support you, he used a hand to turn your face to his, “What was that now?”
     Your voice was high-pitched and cracked from embarrassment, “N-nothing!” 
     He had a sultry smirk tugging at his lips as he ran his thumb over your trembling lips, “You know, I thought about asking for that--instead of joining your hunt.”
     “You-- you did?” Your face only became hotter with each word.
     “Mhm,” Dante put his lips above yours again, “Not every day a smoking hot, sopping wet, guy busts into my shop.”
     The two of you connected lips again and Dante’s hands gripped the sides of your thighs harshly, his nails digging into you, and dipped your ass lower to meet his growing heat. A small growl came from the back of the red devil’s throat as he ground his hips against you. Your hands grabbed his shoulders as you let out a small moan from the friction of Dante’s grinding. In response, Dante began to roll his hips harshly against you, shoving you against the wall with each thrust. Your hips jolted from the sudden rough movements and you broke from the kiss, letting out a low hissing groan. Dante, however, wasn’t done tasting you and immediately placed his lips back over yours; making sure to devour each one of your sweet noises. 
     He turned around and began to support you using only one hand again. With his free hand, he moved his mother’s photo to the desk drawer, closing it softly, and then swept his arm across his desk, throwing everything else off the top--making an absolute mess of the already cluttered shop. 
     Dante dropped you onto the desk and broke the kiss. Quickly, he removed your shirt and began to bite at whatever he could, making you squirm from the sudden, almost animalistic, aggression. His teeth broke through your skin and Dante excitedly lapped up the crimson lines, letting out a continuous lowly growl. A sharp loud gasp left your mouth as you arched your back towards him in response to him biting your neck; still drawing blood as he did for the other marks. Your fingers dug into him only further encouraging him to do it again.
     However, you weren’t about to let Dante have all the fun. You kneaded your way down his torso and to the edge of his boxers. Coyly, you palmed over his bulge with widening eyes. Of course, it was easy to tell that Dante had a nice dick from how visible it is through his pants but you didn’t expect it to get that much bigger.
     The sultry devil caught onto your sudden surprise and let out a small breathy laugh against your neck, “What’s the matter, babe?” He ran his tongue along one of the bleeding marks, “Surely you knew..?”
     “I,” your mind was blank, “I thought you were a shower, not a grower,” you let out a half-huff half-laugh noise through your nose.
     “Oh, just you wait,” a small seductive laugh came from him as he leaned back up to look you in the eyes, “Still not quite there yet.”
     You rolled your eyes and casually draped your arms over his shoulders, “You know, just cause it’s big doesn’t mean anything if you don’t know how to use it,” you let out a playful low laugh, staring at him with half-lidded eyes. 
     Dante leaned in, “Oh, don’t worry,” he kissed you again, “I know exactly what you like,” smiling happily. 
     The two of you exchanged loud pecking kisses, “Mhm, sure you do.” 
     He stopped and left his lips right above yours, his breath ghosting your kiss-swollen lips, “I can hear things, you know…” 
     Your eye went wide, “Wh-what are you--”
     “Every night, in your room,” he moved to kiss right behind your jaw, whispering against your skin giving you goosebumps, “Begging for me, saying my name,” he ran his tongue along the shell of your ear, “You’re much louder than you think, babe,” Dante gently bit your ear before he leaned back up to meet your gaze. 
     All you could do was stare back. Admittedly, it had crossed your mind a few times over the years that Dante might be able to hear you but you figured that he would’ve said something by now; especially with how long it’s been since you moved in. The idea that Dante had been listening to you for so long made your entire body hot and threw you for a loop.
     Through all your discombobulated noises, you finally managed to sputter out, “Why didn’t you tell..?”
     “Because,” he leaned in, intensifying his eye contact, “I get off listening to you,” he kissed your jawline, “I love hearing you come undone.”
     A shiver ran up your spine as you completely froze. 
     The red devil noticed your change in expression and began to panic, “I didn’t upset you--!”
     You yanked him down to your mouth, kissing him harshly once more. As you did, your hands ran up his shirt and began to grope at his pecs, eliciting a moan from the white-haired devil. Your nails ran down his body leaving loving irritated red skin, making him groan much louder.
     He broke off from the kiss and quickly pulled his shirt up and over his head, tossing it in a random direction in the shop. When he looked back at you, his heart skipped a beat at the face you were making. Although you were obviously already flustered, your face had turned darker by tenfold and your eyes were wide; staring directly at Dante’s bare body.
     “What?” He smiled with a tilt of his head and hips, “Like what you see?”
     You coyly reached out to touch his chest again, Dante watching you intently. Softly, you kneaded against him and whispered, “You’re gorgeous, you know that?”
     Now it was his turn to become red in the face, “H-huh?”
     “I said,” your voice returned to normal volume, “You’re gorgeous, Dante…”
     He stared at you. Although the red devil plays the confident type, his self-esteem was rather poor, and, to be quite frank, he hated how he looked most days; being reminded of his dead brother every time he looked in a mirror. However, hearing you say something so simple and, yet, so impactful made his head spin and his heart wrench.
     You leaned in and placed a string of gentle kisses along his collarbones. As you did, you could hear him purring ever-so-slightly and were able to feel the vibrations through your lips. Eventually, Dante snapped out of his stupor, he slipped his hands into your underwear and found purchase on your ass, groping and kneading against you harshly. Next, you placed kisses up his neck and placed a long kiss against his Adam’s apple, pushing against it slightly; eliciting a groan from Dante. 
     Now back up at his lips, you connected with him once again. The red devil leaned you back onto the barren desk, without breaking the kiss, and pulled your hips tight to his. Once you were fully laid back, Dante moved down your jaw all the way down to your chest with soft kisses. A loud hiss left your mouth as you felt him bite down on one of your nipples, tugging on it slightly--doing his best to make sure he didn’t give you an accidental piercing. 
     “Fuck… Dante,” you ran your hands through his hair and looked down at him, he was already staring back at you; something was different, “Hey,” he released his bite, “You-- You alright?”
     His brow twitched in confusion and he tilted his head, his gaze thinned.
     “Your uh… eyes are--” You pursed your lips, his eyes had become a vibrant burning red-orange
     “Oh- Oh!” Dante laughed softly, “Don’t worry about that,” his voice was quiet, seemingly shy, “I’m just excited, that’s all.”
     You smiled at him and placed a hand on his cheek, thumbing over his flushed skin. He moved back up to you and stared down at you. His eyes are the exact same as when he uses his Devil Trigger except for his pupils, which are heavily dilated. It was a chilling reminder of how dangerous Dante really is, how much stronger than you he is.
     “Are you sure you are alright with me-- with us-- doing this?” His brow was upturned and his voice was filled with a unquenchable lust that made your entire body hot.
     “Of course,” you gave him a long drawn-out kiss and bit his lower lip, slowly pulling on it, “I wouldn't have it any other way,” you felt him shift his hips slightly and whispered against his lips, “I want you, please, Dante.”
     He nodded and took a deep breath, leaning back up. 
     Before he could do anything, you sat up and pushed him away lightly with your fingertips on his chest. A sultry smirk tugged at your lips as you slowly slid down to your knees, placing the occasional kiss along his abdomen. 
     Dante’s breath hitched upon realizing what you were doing, “You don’t have to- ah~” He let out a small groan at the feeling of your lips against his still-clothed cock. 
     You looked up at him and placed a few more kisses down his trapped shaft, feeling him twitch against you. With almost painfully slow movements you kissed back up his shaft then slid your fingers behind the band of his boxers, pulling them down. His cock sprung up proudly, already dribbling pre-cum. 
     With a small smirk, you looked up at him and ran your tongue up the underside of his dick, making sure to lap up the small bits of milky fluid. His eyes broke from yours and were staring upwards.
     “Dante,” you stopped, making him look back down at you, “Look at me, please,” you leaned back in closer to his body, whispering against his sensitive flesh, “I want to see if you are enjoying what I am doing or not”
     He swallowed hard and let out a shaky breath, “I don’t know how long I… If I watch you.”
     You smiled and let out a sultry laugh, placing a kiss on the underside of his tip, “That’s fine, as long as I get to watch you cum.”
     The red devil’s face was bright red, not only from your words but from, watching you give his slit small kitten licks. You made your way down his shaft with slow kisses again, reveling in how much he was squirming from your touch. Once down to his base, you moved to the side--between his cock and the meat of his thigh--and bit down on him, leaving a loving dark mark. All the while Dante was groaning quietly as he bit his lower lip, attempting to stifle his vulnerable noises. In fact, he was biting down so hard that blood had begun to trickle down his chin.
     After you felt the mark was dark enough, you placed several kisses on his balls and curled your tongue around his shaft, moving from the very base all the way back up. Slowly, you placed your lips around his cockhead and made sure to watch as Dante released his lower lip, unable to contain himself any longer. Bit by bit you took his length into your mouth, to the best of your ability; it’s not every day you suck an eight-inch cock after all. 
     Unhurriedly you bobbed your head up and down, making sure to savor his taste and the lewd mewls that he was making. You used one hand to play with his balls, making him buck his hips at the unexpected touch. Cautiously, he placed a hand on the back of your head, his fingers just barely ghosting against you. Noticing his hesitation, you used your free hand to push his palm harder against you. As you worked yourself into a rhythm, you noticed that he was moving his hips gently into you, making you take him in ever-so-slightly deeper with each intake. 
     You placed your free hand on your own dick and began to stroke yourself at the sight of Dante towering above you. He was breathing heavily with half-lidded eyes and was moaning sweet praises; such as “Holy shit” or “Goddamnit”. 
     After a while, you moved back to kiss down his shaft and his balls. Carefully, you licked his sack and took one of his balls into your mouth very gently sucking on it.
     Dante put his hands against the wall, pushing up, and arched his back as he let out a loud unfiltered moan, "Fuckin~~! God~" His fingers clawed through the wallpaper, all he wanted was to grab you and fuck into the back of your throat, but he needed to be careful and have patience; the last thing he wants is to hurt you.
     As you released his ball, you lightly ran your teeth against the skin, making him let out another loud moan. You flattened your tongue and ran it up between his balls, making sure to go slowly between them, all the way back to his tip only to generously give his slit more kitten licks. 
     Once again, you returned to bobbing up and down on his cock, moving a bit faster this time. One of your hands began to fondle his balls again whilst the other wrapped around to hold the back side of his thighs; encouraging him to thrust harder into your face. The red devil caught on quickly to the idea and placed both his hands on the back of your head and began to thrust his hips into you. 
     Admittedly, it was perhaps a bad idea to encourage him to face-fuck you since he managed to make you deep-throat him; something you weren’t able to do. Tears sprung to the corners of your eyes at the feeling. All you could do was wrap both your arms around his thighs and hold on for dear life, hoping he didn’t get any rougher. 
     Thankfully, it didn’t take Dante long to reach his peak. Your eyes met with his and he let out a thunderous whining moan as his fingers dug into the back of your head, pushing his cock as far into your mouth as he could. As expected, his cum didn’t taste the greatest--caused by his diet or lack-there-of, it was very salty and rather bitter. On top of that, he was choking you and pushing rather hard into the back of your throat but that didn’t matter much; you got what you’ve been lusting after for so long. 
     The look on his face alone made it worth the probable sore throat in the morning. He was disheveled with his hair falling in front of his face, some of which was stuck to the thin layer of sweat on his brow. His eyes were heavy and even more dilated than before. A dark red stain adorned his lower lip from his own smeared blood. Heavy labored breaths left his ajar lips, giving you a good look at his sharp teeth. You could tell that he wanted you, that he wasn’t done with you yet; which is exactly what you’d hoped for. 
     You felt him pet the back of your head as you removed his cock from your mouth. With heavy eyes of your own, you looked up at him with your mouth hung open slightly and breathing heavily. He noticed the tears that had finally run down your face and thumbed them off your cheeks, cupping your face in his hands. 
     Without breaking eye contact, you leaned against one of his hands and took his thumb into your mouth, biting it softly. 
     Dante’s voice was soft, “Can we do more?”
     With a smirk, you let go of his finger and stood up, placing a hand on his chest, “You sure you’re up for it?”
     The red devil picked you up, placing his head between your neck and shoulder, whispering in a low dark tone, “My room or yours?”
     A shiver ran up your spine, “E-either one’s fine-!”
     Dante bit down softly over one of the marks he made earlier in an attempt to satiate some of his growing desires, internally he felt himself becoming increasingly impatient. After a minute of thought, he went upstairs with you still in his arms and kissing your marred skin. Dante decided to use his room; after all, he knows where his lube is--plus he doesn’t have to worry about ruining your bedding, bed, or room in the heat of the moment. 
     He supported you with one arm as he futzed with the doorknob. You grabbed his face and moved it to yours, kissing him once again. Dante’s kisses were much less innocent and sweet this time; this time, they were overtly lustful and sinful. He wanted to indulge both himself and you in these unholy urges, to make you feel as good as he does; which, come hell or high water, is exactly what he’s going to do. 
     Finally, he got the door open and pushed it open using your back. Your hands made their way up to his hair, grabbing handfuls of it as he placed both his hands on your ass, pulling you as tight to him as he could. The only light in the room was provided by the sunset that was peaking through the blinds on his window; which poured directly onto the bed. He brought you both to the foot of his bed and laid you down, moving his kisses down your neck and to your shoulder. 
     When Dante leaned up the sight before him is one that will be immortalized in his jumbled mind. You were a hazy mess and were sprawled out on the untidy sheets. The sunlight gave your body a golden glow and only emphasized how beautiful you are to him. You looked heavenly, angelic almost. A small amount of pity sat at the edge of Dante’s mind, pity at how he is going to stain your pure and holy nature; how this devil is going to destroy you.
     He grabbed one of your hands and kissed the back of it, placing genteel warm kisses up your arm and stopping on your shoulder. His breath was hot and tickled your ear as he whispered to you, “I love you,” he placed a long kiss on the side of your neck, “So damned much…”
     Before you could speak, he placed a soft peck on your lips and stood up, moving over to his bedside table. You scooched up further onto the bed and Dante climbed onto it, a bottle of lube now in hand, sitting on his knees. To say he looked stunning was an understatement. You weren’t sure if he looked heavenly or if he looked demonic; perhaps he is both a devil and an angel wrapped up in a half-human shell. The sunlight made him appear god-like; between the sheer definition of his frame and the orange eyes that were trained on you, he looked surreal. Said eyes were flicking all over your body, absorbing every bit of you that he could, but he was hesitant; what if he messes things up?
     After a few minutes, you sat up and placed a hand on his bicep, “Hey, you okay? We can stop if you don’t want to do more, Dante.”
     He shook his head, “No, I want this, I want you. I just--” his gaze broke from yours and mumbled, just barely audible, “I’m nervous.”
     You gave him a gentle smile, thumbing over his arm, “You’re doing great, Dante,” you leaned the top of your head against his chest, closing your eyes, “Besides, that’s supposed to be my line.”
     He let out a warm laugh and placed his hands on your back, kneading against you. 
     After a moment, Dante leaned you back down and slid his hands into your underwear. He pulled your last bit of clothing off and tossed it somewhere within the messy room, then he took his own off; leaving you both completely exposed. The red devil then paused in thought for a moment before carefully turning you over onto your stomach.
     You peered over your shoulder at Dante. He was staring at your bare form, biting his lip. A small groan left your mouth as you felt him place his warm hands on your ass, kneading. After a moment, you heard him shuffle around and then he sat for a moment. A sharp gasp came from you as you felt him smack your ass then aggressively grabbed the slowly redding side. Dante’s lip twitched into a smirk as he did it again, hearing you let out another moan. 
     He put both hands back down and groped at your ass, listening to your whimpering beneath him. Admittedly, he wanted to continue teasing you but he was losing grip on his own emotions; fighting back an urge to Trigger. So, he let go of your tender flesh and grabbed the bottle of lube. Instinctively, you put your ass up a bit; laying in a downward dog position. Dante split apart your cheeks and applied a generous amount of lube before slowly running his finger around your hole. 
     A small buck of your hips back told Dante you wanted him to hurry up so he slid one finger inside you. You buried your face into the bedding in hopes to suppress your voice but were quickly pulled back up by Dante’s hand carefully around your throat. 
     Through a strained growl, Dante confidently huffed, “I want to hear everything, and,” he leaned down, slowly adding a second finger, and whispered in your ear, “I don’t want you to fake anything.” He kissed the back of your neck, “I want your real reactions, ‘kay?”
     Quickly you nodded, laying your head to the side and letting out a quiet groan as you felt his fingers fuck into you faster. Dante curled his fingers towards himself and felt you jolt forwards as you let out a guttural groan. So, he repeated the action and, when you repeated the same response, he continued to do it faster and faster. 
     Dante added more lube and slid in a third digit and saw that your brow furrowed a bit, grimacing slightly; however, you didn’t tell him to stop so he pushed it in further. As he played with your hole, he noticed you had begun to practically ride his hand. Mindlessly he opened his mouth and began to play with his teeth using his tongue, he found himself distantly regretting waiting so long and wished he had been able to gratify these taboo feelings sooner. 
     “Dante,” you stared at him from the corner of your eyes, “I want you,” you felt his fingers quicken, making you moan, “Please, Dante.”
     The red devil shifted his jaw in thought, still playing with your ass. He wanted to watch you squirm underneath him longer but he couldn’t deny that he was also growing increasingly desperate. With a small sigh, he removed his fingers and gently coaxed you to turn over; laying belly up. 
     Slowly, he ran a hand down your middle and gently thumbed over your aching cock, and the pre-cum that decorated the tip. You whimpered from the unexpected feeling of your long-neglected arousal. Dante leaned back to sit his butt on his heels and, using some lube, stroked himself to the sight before him. 
     Once fully slicked up, Dante aligned himself with your hole. A devilish smirk tugged at his lips as he teased you, running his tip along your hole; he wanted to hear you beg as he had heard in secret for so many years. 
     “Please Dante,” you pursed your lips and rolled your hips, “Please, I can’t-- Please~!”
     With a low growl, he pushed his tip inside and you let out a sharp gasp at the feeling. 
     Bit by bit Dante entered your body. You were doing your best not to tighten your body around the unfamiliar feeling. Admittedly, it made your whole body tingle in delight; never had you had such a large partner--living or plastic--making this quite a new and thrilling experience. It took nearly a minute for Dante to finally be fully inside and both of you were already on edge. You reached up for Dante’s head, pulling him down for a kiss. Your legs rested on the outsides of his hips, allowing him to bend down fully to kiss you. The kisses were slow, loud, sloppy kisses; both of you were a mess.
     Dante sat back up, holding you around your thighs, and ever-so-slightly pulled back then pushed back inside. He continued these small careful movements for some time. 
     “More, please, Dante,” you spoke between heavy breaths, “I don’t want you to hold back,” you flashed him a warm sultry smile, “Do whatever you want with me, Daddy~” You added a playful wink to the end and laughed as his eyes went wide with embarrassment.
     Your laughter quickly died down when you felt him quickly pull out over half his length and jab it right back in eliciting you to let out a loud unfiltered moan, “Do whatever I want, huh?” He gave you a dark full-teeth smile, you felt your stomach drop in a fearful arousal type of way.
     Dante pulled out almost the whole way and, once again, slammed right back inside. You let out another sharp moan and arched your back at the feeling. The red devil repeated this action until all you could hear in the shop was his balls hitting your ass and you spouting out random jibberish; singing the devil’s praises. 
     You went to jack yourself off but were stopped by Dante’s hand grabbing your wrist. Without slowing down, Dante leaned down and looked you dead in the eye, “You only get to cum when I say you can, babe.”
     Dante yanked you up to sit on his lap, making hard deep hard jackrabbit thrusts right into your prostate. As he did that, he also had begun to bite over your skin again and his hands hand found their way to your ass; groping it hard. You wrapped your arms around him and held on to him, leaving deep scratches on his upper back. His lips met with yours again for more sloppy wet kisses, his hands slowly traveled to underneath your thighs. 
     In one swift motion, he had both of you up off the bed and you pushed against his wall. His thrusts had slowed to a moderate pace but were still short, only pulling out two or three inches. You decided to give him a taste of his own medicine and bit down on his shoulder. Dante let out a loud sharp unfiltered moan and his fingers dug into your skin, clawing into your thighs. 
     Once you felt the mark was deep enough, you placed a few more; making sure to mar up each side, and with each bite, you got another frantic moan. You leaned back to admire your work and felt him start making longer, more drawn-out movements, purposefully teasing. 
     Now resting his head against the side of your neck, he placed a few kisses, “I don’t remember saying you could bite me, babe.”
     “Whatcha gonna do about it, hm?” 
     Dante pulled out of you and the next thing you knew you were being pushed face down into the floor, his hand grasping the back of your head tightly. He re-inserted himself inside you and began to fuck you even harder than before; pulling out to the very tip and slamming into you. Using his other hand, he took one of your arms and held it behind you, pinning it to your back. Your free hand was stretched in front of you and you were gripping the floor with your fingertips, desperately trying to ground yourself. 
     Admittedly, you were on cloud nine as you felt him continuously re-penetrate your hole. Your legs felt weak and you began to, unknowingly, drop your hips down; which caught Dante’s attention. The red devil pulled himself back out and took you to the bed, laying you face up. He remained on his feet and re-inserted himself, then yanked your legs up and over his shoulders. All you could do was grip the bedding tightly and continue to babble random moaning phrases to him, egging him on further. 
     This pose didn’t last long, Dante removed your legs and leaned down to you. He gave you a long impassioned kiss before resting his forehead against your chest. One of his hands grabbed yours, intertwining your fingers, and the other found purchase on your cock. With each jab inwards, he jerked your dick in rhythm with his hips. Your free hand gripped his hair, holding him into your chest. 
     Dante’s voice was ragged and low, almost desperate sounding, “I don’t know how much longer I…”
     “Cum inside me, Dante,” you didn’t even need to hear the rest, you knew that he wanted to know what to do. 
     He moved his head to rest between your neck and shoulder then picked up his pace tenfold, in both his hips and his hand. Your body arched tightly against his and your fingers clasped even tighter around his hand and his hair. It only took a few more short sharp jabs for him to reach his climax, spilling himself deep inside you. Dante’s teeth sunk deep into your skin, breaking it once again, and creating a vice grip on you. 
     The hot feeling from his cum quickly spread throughout your body as his pace around your cock sped up, the combination of the two soon brought you to your own peak, “Fuck, Dante~!” Your voice was loud and semi-whiney and you pushed your head against his. 
     A gentle purr could be heard from him at the sound of your orgasm, despite him still having his teeth sunk into you. You gently ran your fingers through his hair and felt as if you were going to cry. The two of you laid connected for a few minutes, just enjoying the feeling of being so close.
     Dante carefully removed his bite, making you let out a hiss in pain, and released your hand from his. He leaned up and gently removed his cock from your body, making a shiver run up your spine. With a happy content huff, he relaxed back down on you and propped himself up by resting his forearms on your chest. A warm smile and half-lidded eyes adorned his face as he placed a soft innocent kiss on your cheek and then rested his chest on his arms, staring at you.
     Your hands slowly ran up his biceps and rested on his shoulders, mimicking his smile with one of your own. As you thumbed over his skin, you couldn’t help but think about how much you truly cared about Dante. Wandering thoughts devolved to the memories of coming home to a near-dead Dante laying on the bathroom floor; which only further darkened to the idea that it could always happen and, someday, you might not make it home in time to--
     “Hey,” Dante’s soft voice pulled you from your thoughts. His smile was gone and his brow was creased, “What’s wrong?”
     A tremble found its way to your lips as you stared at him and you realized that you had several tears running down your face. Unable to spit out what you were thinking, you spoke with a small crack in your voice, “Can you come closer?”
     He gave you a small sweet smile with a happy huff, “Here.”
     Dante stood up, picked you up, and placed you on the bed--laying you the correct way. The red devil then slid onto the bed next to you, placing his head on your chest. He laid with his body half on top of you and wrapped his arms around your middle, allowing you to do the same. Although you typically would’ve immediately gone to wash up after such a strenuous event, you couldn’t bring yourself to let go of him. A loud robust purring filled the room as both of you relished in the feeling of holding one another.
     You placed a soft long kiss against the top of his head, lingering against him for some time before whispering sweetly against his disheveled hair, “I love you, Dante; you know that, right?”
     The red devil turned his head to look at you better and placed a soft kiss against your lips, “I love you too babe,” he placed his head back on your chest, nuzzling into your hard, his arms wrapping tighter around you, “So damned much.”
ENDING NOTES: ;skfajfjlkdsjafkldj this wasn’t supposed to be this long--it’s 22 pages in docs; how the fuck-- This was supposed to be a short Dante smut fic, what happened lmaooo 🍊🍊🍊 Quick thing: If you are curious as to why I think a younger Dante would have issues with how he looks; it is because it reminds him of Vergil (Vergil has the same issue when his hair is down, thinking he looks like his brother--I mean, they are twins after all).  🍊🍊🍊 You know, I have written quite a bit of smut, right? So you’d think that I would stop laughing and getting embarrassed over writing words like “nipple” or “balls” but no, I fucking still giggle to myself like a fucking idiot when I write those words like… wtf is wrong with me smh Like I sit here typing one letter at a time all flustered when writing those two words specifically even though I just wrote about Dante fingerings the reader or like the reader linking Dante’s pre-cum like wtf is wrong with me lmaooo
Want to see more like this? Want to read my work quicker and several stories that are not on Tumblr? Check this out on my AO3 (Linked here)
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dykedvonte · 1 month
I am making grabby hands and begging for more of your lovely Benny HC’s pleeeeease
Okie Dokie!!! Kinda long so under the cut it is
Benny is baby-faced and mid-20s. I like the idea he was so roped into House's offer because he was and still is kinda young and impressionable. His lobes aren't fully cooked yet and it shows.
Short and just now getting stout. Being a wastelander means you stay kinda lean and now he takes a lot of opportunities to fill out and look bigger.
Weirdly naive. He can spot a lie/lair from a mile away but if you somehow can charm your way past that intuition he's all too trusting with you on personal matters. All boot riders are like this actually as they rarely are wary of someone considered their own.
Moves like a lizard, very still one moment and then fast/jittery the next. He's not very predictable outside of being a backstabber.
A hand talker who can't keep still or quiet for long. Gets bored easily which is why he never was the casino desk man.
Was just called Gecko before but mainly for his eyes and not the aforementioned behavior. Very cold and sharp like a Mojave golden Gecko but also pretty.
All his smiles are practiced. There's a certain menace his natural smile has, too many teeth, too big, too wild, too mocking. Kinda like a dog barring his teeth and combined with his eyes it's rather intimidating. All the fake smiles are coy and rather closed lip.
Doesn't like using guns but it gives him an edge. Likes to get in close and feel like he's earned the kill during a fight but he's got an image now...
Not religious and doesn't get organized religion. Part of House's doing as House of course would explain it as something superfluous but Benny's own opinions are more "If a god was real why would he make life suck this much ass"
Maria means nothing to him but is part of his image. Following the point below, what he got from House is like a uniform for him, even if he doesn't want to go back to it, it is physically comforting.
Got to choose his name from a list House gave him. Chairmen had the most things altered about them. Treats his name like a title more than anything, interestingly enough.
If he ever defected he would join the followers. They share a lot of viewpoints and he'd act as a spokesman vs anything else. He is a likable guy, just not a guy you can get close to while keeping a "likable" opinion of him.
Doesn't sleep that much. Not much to do with the plans he has but he is a wastelander at heart. The city while secure isn't what he's fully used to still and the lights/sounds keep him up
Emotionally repressed and doesn't know it. Has a hard time actually connecting with most people cause he struggles with determining if a relationship is serious. People are friends or FWB and little else cause it's never been important to his or the Chairmens' prosperity.
Follows Boot-Rider customs discreetly and says Chairmen shit for show. A lot of the family would tell you a big reason Boot-Rider traditions aren't gone is that he won't let them die even if they gotta be silent about them.
He's eerily people smart. Intelligence is subjective here as he's not book smart but he gets people he knows what they want to hear even if he doesn't genuinely believe it. The comic knows he pays attention to what makes people vulnerable and he's like idk FNV Heather Chandler. Not introspective at all though.
My last point for now is: Violent. Maybe a better word is intense but he lacks inhibition and temperament control in a lot of aspects. If he's forced a direction he kinda just runs wild even if he was taking it slow before. He has hard opinions and makes plans with a sense of finality to them and doesn't act until that's achievable. Like I'm sorry but he gets mean at you and whatever he say to Yes-Man about the khans must be crazy with how YM talks about them. He is so willing to get his hands dirty, I can imagine he misses being able to get messy.
This is not organized at all but these are major ways I see Benny. He's like borderline an oxymoron who avoids it by small margins. Everything about him can be explained even though we don't get a lot of personal info about him, we know his habits. He's a guy who has such a detailed facade you can't tell what his actual face is most of the time and when he does show it, it's only in very specific and wild scenarios it can be hard to say it's how he'd really be. I'll just say the opening of the comic with him fluctuating from motionlessly looking at Vegas, to calmly talking to Swank, to rage and settling on something almost like commercial charm when talking about murdering what is basically a family member is just so indicative of what Benny is and how I tend to characterize him in my head.
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gachapains · 4 months
Chapter 8 Love and DeepSpace thoughts!!!!
Spoiler and speculation and screenshots below
So we've come to the point where it just says "coming soon" and it's not level locked so that means that was this games " season finale " AND MANNN just some thoughts
Xavier confirmed Lumiere (though we all kinda knew)
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My hunch is Xavier is some kinda of alien or super natural being from DeepSpace. Definitely a more shady person he's leading on too.
Xavier also mentioned something about no contact I wanna know what our connection is with him
Jeremiah seemed to know of us and was really?? Honored and shocked to be in our presence?? Why??? Is it because of the aethercore, does he already know us, or something else I dunno??
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Rafayel being a merman just kinda checks, there were signs for sure.
Rafayel is either evil or on our side, he definitely sold us out in some way or another
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That person Rafayel is talking to at the end had a highly detailed model which means he's gunna be important, he didn't sound like Caleb but he kinda looked like him... That's just my speculation though
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What the fuck is Zayne defrosting??? OR FROSTING??? IDK??? It looked like it had a protocore so maybe some kind of monster??
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I wanna know more about Zayne, I feel like we got bits and pieces for Xavier, we flat out got told Rafayel is a merman and is into some shady stuff. But Zayne we got very very little.
Also the eye, I hate this thing sci-fi looking ass
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If the developers are gunna pull a Mr. Love Queen's Choice and make us some sort of pivotal part to this, the world is in some sort of danger. MC definitely seems to be capable but in the last chapter she was just careless so I'm curious to see if she remains a strong person or if she's gunna turn into a damsel in distress.
Anyway those are just my thoughts. Really excited for the future of this game. It's probably gunna be a month or two before the next chapter comes out. Those who played MLQC will know the pain of having to wait a long ass time for more story 🫠 (I only played like the first chapter of Hoyoverse's Otome game so idk if was the same deal.)
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Being Nekoma’s Emo Manager
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Nekoma x Fem! Manager (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: probably swearing 🤷🏻‍♀️ idk if that’s even a warning
AN: this is an anon request! I realized I had it labeled from Spooky Anon but it wasn’t signed from Spooky anon 😅 so idk who it’s from.
*aggressively hits G note on piano and stares into your soul*
If you unaware of the song that made an entire generation, please google it
Also I will not argue this point because I have both age and vintage Emo on my side 😌
Now for a mini history lesson, the Emo I’m going to be referring to today was popular from the late 90s to late 2000s and into the 2010s
This means heavy black eyeliner, hair that defied gravity, neckties being used as anything but neckties
Black with hints of accent colors such as, but not limited too, pinks, orange, white, etc.
The days when TRL and MTV were the way to “stream” new music and hot topic was the source of all band t-shirts
Now that I’ve covered a small history lesson, let’s strap in shall we!
So get your check board belts and fingerless gloves ready kids!
Because it’s time to get EMOtional 😂
N E Ways- let’s just say, you classified yourself as an “Emo kid”
It wasn’t super unheard of to be different fashionably in school but you, well you were definitely a sight
Your hair was teased to the rafters, bows of every color along with skulls littered your hair
Your eye liner was the blackest black, and you skin looked like you hadn’t seen sun in decades 😅
You wore fishnet tights with vans or perhaps another skateboarding shoe
You looked pretty intimidating to most people who didn’t know you
I mean, your style doesn’t exactly scream approachable
However, the people who did know you, knew that your style of “dark and brooding” didn’t measure up AT ALL to your personality
You were a complete sunshine ☀️
A literal sweetheart and absolute Angel!
Unfortunately a lot of kids didn’t get to know you ☹️
But luckily, there was one guy who didn’t care about looks
He really didn’t care about much actually 👀
And that happened to be our favorite setter Kenma!
Because Kenma honestly does not care about looks or superficial things like that
Actually, when you first got teamed up with Kenma to work on a project, a lot of kids thought it was a strange combo
But somehow, you two managed to make it work and in fact, you got the best grade in the class
After that, you and Kenma became partners for every project
There was just something he enjoyed about you
Probably your weird similarity to Hinata honestly 😏
Soon you and Kenma started hanging out after school
You both loved video games as well as had similar styles in music
Look at me and tell me Kenma wouldn’t be into Emo rock 👁️👄👁️
Fall out boy, Paramore, Taking Back Sunday, THE USED!!!!
Anyways, soon Kuroo joins and he’s confused about your friendship with Kenma
Like you and Kenma are complete opposites but you get along super well
Eventually Kuroo starts taking a liking to you as well
Kuroo has natural Emo hair so it’s fate 💅
Kuroo soon figures out why Kenma enjoys your company as you are a literal dark ball of sunshine
Eventually you start accompanying out kitty cats to practice in order to hang out with Kuroo and Kenma
Upon entering the gym, everyone stares at you
You low key kinda scare the first years, Inuoka and Shibayama
Yaku and Kai are super interested as in why you are there
Yamamoto is just dead because there’s a girl in the gym 🙄
And Lev, well Lev can’t keep his mouth shut
“Hey you’re that weird chick that wears black and has crazy hair. I’ve heard a lot about you!” Lev screams
Yaku please 😌
“LEV SHUT UP!” Kuroo yells as Yaku kicks him
You just giggle, a sound nobody was expecting, as you say, “I’m Yn! I guess I kind of do get a little bit of a reputation but I promise, I’m not evil or something!”
“She’s actually kind of cute in a different way,” Kai says as Fukunaga and Yaku nodd in agreement.
Soon, you are coming to every practice and helping where you can
Setting up chairs, filling water balls, handing out towels
The boys quickly adore you and soon you just naturally become apart of the team
Kuroo officially asks you the teams manager which you gladly accept
It’s hard finding a club with your specific tastes and since you could still express your style and personality, volleyball club seemed perfect!
You enjoyed playing music, listening to music and writing which were all supported by Nekoma
Our progressive Kings 👑
Honestly they were so supportive of their Emo scene queen!
They loved when you added little touches of red to your outfits and even made a hair bow that specifically said “Nekoma” on it 🥹
Of course, they were still boys so they all found you super cute and adorable
Yamamoto was your personal body guard for everything
It didn’t matter what, he always walked you to every class and if anyone made any comments about you, he would challenge them to a “rumble”
Language you later learned, was picked up from Karasuno 🙄
You had heard about Karasuno and you were honestly so excited to meet them!
Kenma had told you about Karasuno’s tiny middle blocker
On the way to training camp, our sweet boys let you play the music
Honestly Coach Nekomata was way into it 😂
He was such a hip coach and he knew you kids were into some weird stuff
Please he was too 🤚🏻
Anyways, he’s just happy you bring so much joy to the team
And honestly you match Nekoma’s cat-like mysterious vibes
So when you showed up, the other teams just kind of stared at you
Obviously you kinda stood out like a sore thumb Yn, sorry to say
But don’t worry, Yamamoto is on the case 🫡
You rn 👉🏻😐
You just roll your eyes and smile, bowing to the teams and greeting them
Almost instantly, they melted 🥰
Because like how are you both adorable and scary???
Literally Emo culture mkay
“Come on Yn, let’s go,” Kenma says as you wave and walk away
Eventually you get introduced to all the teams, including Karasuno
You end up making eye contact with Hinata several times as he observes you
Finally, he makes his move
“Hi there! I really like your style! I see your friends with Kenma and the pretty girl manager for Nekoma! I’m Shoyo Hinata and I’m a middle blocker!” He shouts
You smile back and greet him, “Kenma had told me so much about you! It’s so great time finally meet you!”
Kuroo and Daichi watch you both and shake their heads
“Boy short stuff really can make friends with anyone can’t he?”
“You new manager looks super sweet and outgoing, albeit a little interesting,” Daichi says as Kuroo nods
Soon you and Hinata, and by consequence Bokuto, become besties
Honestly you really enjoy hanging out with Akaashi but we won’t tell Bokuto that 😶
You share your knowledge as well as your unique style of cheering with the boys
You wrote cute little cheers and even inspirational poetry to share with the boys
Bokuto and Hinata loved your fancy words : D
And even when Bokuto went into his own Emo modes, the teams knew exactly who to call!
“YN HALPPPP!” Akaashi would silently communicate to you with his eyes
“Bokuto would you like to listen to some music or maybe we can talk about your feelings?” You say as you rub his back
“I could use a hug,” Bokuto 🥺
You 👉🏻😌🥰 of course-
Akaashi doesn’t get it, Nekoma doesn’t get it but they appreciate it!!
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linabirb · 5 months
INMF ENG Translyrics
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i totally didn't forget to post these
so inmf won in the poll i've made and!! here it is! i will most likely post the purge march later since it got the second place
(actually maybe it's for the best that ily got the last place bc tbh.. i don't think my translation of it is that unique or interesting? :'D)
uhhh you can suggest songs to translate?? if you want??
i will talk about it more in the notes but yes i tried to make the lyrics closer to the original jp version. official eng translation scares me and i can talk about it for hours but i am probably not supposed to use my linguistics major privileges for this
i hope it's not too similar to the other inmf translations?^^'' i've tried to make it sound unique but idk idk..
Ah yes, you see, I knew I'm gonna win
That's how it's always been all this time
I was born under a lucky star
That's why no matter what everything will be mine
My gentle sting is enough to control them all
Can't get enough, this is so exciting!
But if you envy me and wish to run away
Better listen to what I've got to say
You know what's gonna happen to you, right?
Don't you, don't you
Know it's not my fault?
I could never be wrong, I never make mistakes after all
Do you see it?
Come on and bring it
Bring all that honey to me
And worship me forever
Don't you, don't you
Know it's not my fault?
You wanted to forgive me, it's true, I've seen it all
Glad to hear it, I can't help it
Go take a look at me and say how pitiful I am
(You know it's not my fault
You know it's not my fault)
Sorry, sorry
It hurts, doesn't it?
I swear, I didn't mean to wound you so bad
You're just a little annoying and I promise that's all
So we're even and now I can leave you alone
My gentle sting is enough to control them all
Can't get enough, this is so exciting!
But if you envy me and wish to run away
Better listen to what I've got to say
I've told you about the consequences, right?
Don't you, don't you
Know it's not my fault?
I could never be wrong, I never make mistakes after all
Do you see it?
Come on and bring it
Bring all that honey to me
And worship me forever
Don't you, don't you
Know it's not my fault?
You wanted to forgive me, it's true, I've seen it all
Glad to hear it, I can't help it
Go take a look at me and say how pitiful I am!
Hold on a minute
Let's imagine, hey, what if
I'm really guilty, so what am I supposed to do from now on?
Tell me, tell me
That you won't hate me
What happened after all that pain, it doesn't matter at all
Just wait a little, you know it's not my fault
You get it, right? Actually, maybe you're the one in the wrong
Glad to hear it, I can't help it
Go take a look at me and say how pitiful I am
(You know it's not my fault
You know it's not my fault)
Ah yes, you see, I knew I'm gonna win
That's how it's always been all this time
I was born under a lucky star
That's why no matter what everything will be mine
Translation notes:
You know how like. You know the official eng translation is going to be fun to read (or painful. depends on how much you care about the character) when it literally hits you with the very first sentence being translated in a weird way. I respect the queen bee symbolism, but like.. Maybe it's just me, but "I told you I'm queen" and "I knew it! See? I win!" give off very different vibes to me?
The original mentions Muu being talented, but I went with "I was born under a lucky star", kind of like a reference to her being pretty, rich, popular, all of that, and her "natural talent" can count as that too.
I overall tried to make these lyrics sound more.. maybe playful? Maybe more like a teenage girl? I didn't really want to make Muu sound like a villain, so I kinda. Made this translation more soft compared to the official one, maybe?
"You know it's not my fault" is also kinda supposed to be sort of like.. Muu is sort of going "Don't you know it's not my fault?" in the beginning of the chorus, but then she sounds more assertive and goes "No, actually, you KNOW it's not my fault". That was my vision.
"You wanted to forgive me, it's true, I've seen it all" is kind of a fun fourth wall thing. If I'm not wrong, the original mentions everyone wanting to forgive her as well, but here I also kinda. Made a little reference to the voting system. As a treat <3
THE ORIGINAL DOESN'T MENTION MUU "DOING THIS JUST BECAUSE SHE'S BORED"?? I THINK?? Instead, the original mentions someone who Muu ended up hurting doing something to offend or annoy her, so i tried to include that. AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE ARE JUST THE SAME MUU. The original makes so much more sense, since it's like. an eye for an eye and all that stuff..
"What happened after all that pain, it doesn't matter at all" just a reference to "After Pain" just like in the original and in the official translation!
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phoenixcatch7 · 4 months
Every so often I dip into transformers fanfic (specifically bayverse) just because the concept of giant shape-shifting mechanical immortal robots just slaps so hard. All of the fics get so close but never quite scratch the itch I want, so here.
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Cybertronian Sam Witwicky, vessel of the Allspark
A seeker, naturally, but I haven't decided on alts yet. Or a name (I like Rubicon, because of the doorway/point of no return/on a knifes edge between two worlds meaning and.. Also because the Allspark kinda looks like a rubics cube lmao)(but it doesn't sound quite right and I'd like to lean more into the idea of sacrifice maybe?)(or maybe something celestial or mythical for the space/alien/spark=stars metaphor... Apollo?).
I haven't seen it done, but I really like the idea of the Allspark using its own material to create the cybertronian body, given the total lack of actual resources it has (and needs). This would give Sam a very unique bronze/gold protoform instead of the usual grey/black metal, and eyes/optics the colour of sparks. The feather horn things were meant to be a lot smaller, but that was the smallest they got! And idk, I've grown to like them. A little nod to his organic origins. And the circles are supposed to be extra eyes. The boots I was delighted to find, they blend so well with the body and make it look like he's not bare lol. Because hero forge isn't quite that free with design (yet), please imagine a couple wheels by his ankles he can drop down to rollerblade on.
I had a ton of fun with the colours, I think it's my best one from scratch yet! It was so hard to keep from adding too much detail or clothing, and I did struggle with the sheer bulk of a typical cybertronian build. The pauldrons and scarf help with that, but he's intended to be pretty slight compared to the average anyway. In every continuity they're so, so bulky ToT. I might tinker with the proportions now I've finished the model! The spear... Well I'm a sucker for staffs, but it's not a cybertronian weapon unless it can slice or shoot something, preferably while transforming into something else. This one is also a laser gun, very energy intensive if you're not hooked into an infinite power source lmao. He's got a few emergency cannons in his arms, because... Why not?
Man, now I've made him, I want to write something for him so much... Must resist, must resist...
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bingoboingobongo · 1 year
task force 141 + christmas songs
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John "Soap" MacTavish, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Type: Fluff, headcanons
Warnings: explicit language
A/N: the order is kinda whack i wrote these as i thought of them. also i have two tests tmmrw halp
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yes ghost's favorite christmas song is last christmas by wham! it's been confirmed
i mean can you blame him?
to ghost, it's everything he loves about music mixed with a christmas song he can relate to (sort of)
he likes the sort of mellow but still peppy nature of the song (especially compared to artists like mariah carey who he thinks is too peppy and michael buble who he thinks is too mellow)
it's the sorta song you can absent-mindedly sing to while you're working which he enjoys
plus the drums and the cymbals (?) really get him in the festive mood
whenever he listens to it he'll tap his foot/nod to the rhythm or lipsync under the mask (another benefit of keeping his face covered)
ofc your chances of seeing him do this in front of the team are slim to none
but when he's alone (either with you or just in his room or smthing) he'll pull out a little shimmy when the song starts getting good
he also likes the sort of sad undertone to the lyrics
he feels like it adds depth and makes it relatable
kyle "gaz" garrick:
alright hear me out on this one because i actually really love this hc
so first, i can totally see gaz being a fan of tyler, the creator when he was younger, but then being less invested as he grew up
but he went to see the grinch (2018) in theaters on christmas day with his family and that was when he first heard the song
off topic but i also hc that gaz has a younger sister and brother
and they're like considerably younger, like they're children
idk what his canon family situation is like but idc bc this is what's canon now bc i said so
so yeah that's why they went to watch the movie
and i mean what's not to love about this song
he really likes the rap/hip hop twist on a classic christmas song
and let's be real the whole soundtrack slaps like gaz was definitely listening to it on repeat for the entire holiday season that year
when gaz hears this song he definitely starts grooving, clapping, singing along
i mean it's not like he has a choice the song is actually so good i love it so much
like he's just so in love with the way tyler, the creator was able to reinvent an old song and give it such a good beat and like completely change up the cadence but still make it sound good
and yes he lives for the ending scream
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
guys i mean this is just fact atp
and don't say that this isn't a christmas song because that is rudy's biggest pet peeve and he will fight you about it
because according to him it came out during the holiday season and it's a movie with amazing visuals of snow and winter and the main character literally has ice powers so therefore it's a winter movie
sometimes the rest of the team will try and come up with other movie soundtracks that would therefore qualify as christmas music according to his standards
this always pisses rudy off and he'll insist it's different
i think the best part is that rudy watched frozen 2 by himself
i mean he was a big fan of frozen he wanted to see the sequel can u blame him
in his opinion the plot was a little weaker than the first but the soundtrack gave the original a serious run for it's money
and of course before this came out his favorite christmas song was let it go (and yes he also got mad when people said it wasn't a christmas song)
he likes the panic! at the disco version over the idina menzel version because he says it makes him feel more seen
nobody really knows what he means by that
you guys just assume it's because it's a male singer
rudy will also sing this song out loud any chance he gets
he's a decent singer don't get me wrong but that song's got some high notes rudy just can't hit
he swears that one time he was able to hit every single one but he was alone when it happened
usually though he can hit a solid majority (and he always geeks out when he does)
and yes, he will insist on watching frozen and frozen 2 during the holiday season and yes he will sing during every song
john "soap" mactavish:
honestly same, soap, same
soap's a firm believer that not only is this song the best christmas song out there, it should be the face of christmas instead of mariah carey's all i want for christmas is you
people have tried pointing out that all i want for christmas is you isn't necessarily the face of christmas but he insists it is and insists that title is undeserved
he says he hates it because it's overplayed but everyone else is 99% sure there's something more
your theory is that one of his exes really liked all i want for christmas is you and then it ruined the song for him
but now onto sleigh ride
soap believes it's the epitome of everything christmas
it's festive, it's peppy, it's got great vocals
he really likes the instrumentals and it's honestly his favorite part
the snaps, the piano, the flute/whistling, the trumpets (?)
whatever it is he's in love and he thinks that it really just sells the cheeriness of christmas
he also lives for the 'ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ding-dong-dings"
he will sing those out loud all day any day
he also tries to do mariah carey's whistle notes every time and not once has he ever gotten it
beyond that he also just sucks at singing
but honestly he just seems so happy singing that it sorta cancels out the way he's making everyone's ears bleed
he also does a little head wiggle and shimmy combo to dance to this song
and he does that little like dance and point at the parts of the song right before the beat "drops"
john price
alright so the first time he listened to this song was after christmas one year when his nephew said he wasn't cool
so he figured this song would make him cool
the efficacy of that tactic is still being debated
i mean don't get me wrong pentatonix fucking slaps
but also the acapella version of anything is not a very orthodox way of making yourself cool
needless to say his nephew was not impressed when the next christmas came around
price doesn't care though because he actually fell in love with the song after listening to it for so long
he's very much in awe of the way all their voices can come together and make it sound there's actually instruments and stuff
like he will rave about it for so long whenever the song comes on
whenever it plays he sings along but he doesn't try and beat box
that's bc one time he did that in front of gaz and laswell and gaz had to leave the room while laswell stared at him in shock
it's been his secret life mission to get insanely good at beatboxing and then show them someday ever since then
progress is not going well
also you can bet he has this song memorized to the tee
and yes he'll chastise people if they put the wrong gift to the wrong day
unlike his beatboxing, price's singing is actually pretty good so at least it gives the team something nice to listen to
alejandro vargas:
ok i feel like at first his favorite song was baby it's cold outside by idina menzel and michael buble
and then rudy pointed out the creepy undertones and it ruined the song for him
also he was distraught when he found out
and then this song took over as number one in his heart
for starters, he's just a massive fan of michael buble
also he once got front row tickets to a michael buble concert but he couldn't go last minute because he got called on a mission and he's still salty about it
he likes the way michael buble rewrote the lyrics to be more fitting for guys
also he likes the sorta relaxed almost lazy rhythm of the song
he insists it makes it sexier
nobody knows what that means or why it matters but he's very persistent about it
and god damn alejandro's singing voice is actually good fr
like it gives michael buble but if michael buble was a smoker and did country songs
but honestly the gravel in alejandro's voice works really well when he's singing
and lord knows he sings this song whenever it comes on
it's not obnoxious tho so it's nice to listen to
he doesn't really dance but he'll jokingly offer you a slow dance to this song
he considers this the classiest christmas songs and says it's only for people with real taste in music
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l4deeznuts · 8 months
tw abuse n just overall talk of shitty parents and shitty behavior
so before i begin i want to say i will be saying headcanon way too much lmao
and i also wanted to say i headcanon younger nick being an awful person. i love him he’s my fave l4d survivor but we cannot ignore the fact that he is canonically a textbook criminal and a fucking asshole. so let’s face it when he was younger he was probably scum
so i headcanon him being a disgusting man boy, then a douchebag, and then as he ventures into the apocalypse his icy heart melts
so anyways i headcanon nick’s parents similar to matilda’s parents only worse
i imagine his dad a sleezy jerk who owns a trashy strip club, drinks like a fish and does party drugs, beats on his wife and kids, constantly cheats on his wife, etc
his mom also a drinker, narcissistic, kinda mentally unstable, and a total spitfire
however even tho his mom was a pos she still had her maternal moments with her children
i headcanon her to be kind of a complex character tbh.. i feel like she naturally was just an unpleasant person, probably due to being raised in a toxic environment, but nick’s dad made her so much worse
growing up she was the type to genuinely love and comfort nick and her other kids, especially after their father would do fucked up shit, she never neglected them (always made sure they were fed, clean, healthy, educated, etc) but the next day if they were to, let’s say, break a glass on accident she would flip the fuck out and probably back hand them, then call them the r word and useless. she was that kind of mother.
his dad a pos because that’s exactly how his own dad was. nick is definitely that person who just.. comes from a literal bloodline of terrible people.. one where literally no one stood a chance
i headcanon that the reason why nick’s marriage didn’t last was because of him. he treated her like shit, just like how his father treated his mother. not to the same extent, i don’t think he would beat a woman, but i think he would be the type to be too rough for comfort (ex. grab her by the arm roughly)
i think he would be the type to just not support her, sometimes talk down on her, and when fighting get in her face. he may have loved her, but he didn’t respect her and was a shitty husband to her. i also wouldn’t be surprised if he struggled with infidelity just like how his dad did
but i dont think his wife was a submissive one. i think she had a little bit of his mother in her. she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind, put him in his place, smack him upside the head, etc
i think his wife after a while fell into depression (we all know when nick hears a witch he will sometimes say “sounds like my ex wife”) but was kind of scared to leave him? even though he never genuinely physically harmed her, she has seen him definitely physically harm men before.. so even though she didn’t think he would ever harm her per se, she knew what he was capable of and of course it made her nervous. but i think after a while she would gain the strength to leave. he probably did not take it well and it probably was not 100% a civil divorce, but after a while he would accept it and move on
basically his marriage was just a repeat of his parents’, just not as bad as theirs was
i feel like as nick got older and matured he realized a bit how disgusting he was. i feel like he would probably try to reach out to his ex to apologize, she hears him out and thanks him, is happy and proud of how much he has changed, but she still wants nothing to do with him (as she should)
and honestly i feel like this would be one of the catalysts of his character redemption
i have so many fucking headcanons for the characters and lore that i should just start writing a big ass fanfic lolol idk i luv l4d
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