#but really i also just wanted to play around w this sort of coloring style bc its been FOREVER since ive used it
liquidstar · 3 months
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and now for something stupid
#but really i also just wanted to play around w this sort of coloring style bc its been FOREVER since ive used it#and i think i can make it look better now#AND i think i can make more sillay stuff like this and not have it take as long w cleaning up lines#anyway now you all understand the terrible dynamic between these three#phobo's infodump text is just copypasted from the wikipedia page for knives.#julliet ALSO uses knives is the thing so hes actually mansplaining < JOKE#he just wants to share. even if it gives her a headache. but he wouldnt mansplain he doesnt have it in him. hes ok with felonies tho#but julis life hasnt known peace since she was told to take care of the newbies#and shes ALSO a newbie (just slightly less so) so really this is probably just tartarus hazing her#theyd take one look at the two disorganized unserious overeager newbies and think ''you know what would be fucking hilarious''#and pass them onto the neurotic slightly-less-newbie who takes everything as seriously as possible. disaster combination.#i cannot stress enough that this is a group of bandits and murderers theyre NOT above hazing.#deimos actually is doing the best job at it since he is stealing as we speak#i mean hes not supposed to do it to his teammates but still. on the right track#as for the dynamic between deimos and phobos themselves its like. theyre just bros. theyre both pretty similar in personality#except deimos is kinda more mean and cynical while phobos can be kinda. dense and naive despite literally where hes at in life#but most of the time theyre basically beavis and butthead#i would also like to stress that juli is not being homophobic she just already cannot stand these guys and cant believe the audacity#but. complete misunderstanding. karma for stealing wallets ig#this will never be cleared up by anyone ever#but again thats not their dynamic they are just beavis and butthead. and i guess that makes juli daria LOL#finn's ocs#finn's art
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boydepartment · 1 year
Dating him
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✉️Jeongin would’ve never asked you out if Han wasn’t stupid enough to accidentally tell you that you had a crush on him. The second Jeongin knew you liked him he was giddy and ready to start bumping up the charm. He’d be super dorky but in the most charming way possible. Jeongin ended up asking you out when you two were already eating lunch together.
“What if this was a date. What would you say to that?”
“You heard me.”
✉️Jeongin is a total sweetheart but also a total gremlin when it comes to being romantic. He’s like those sour patch kid commercials. At one point he’s teasing you over how you got your new shoes dirty, then he’s giving you an extra pair of his wild ass shoes.
✉️Whenever he’s playing video games with the boys and it ends in an argument, he usually relies on you to take his side. Even if he’s wrong, just to get on Felix or Seungmin’s nerves you’ll agree with your boyfriend.
“Okay and? I don’t have to agree w him.”
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✉️Your photography skills have DEFINITELY improved after dating him. He asks you to take photos for him and with him all the time. You absolutely love it. It even led you to doing photography on the side :,)
✉️Sometimes you do have to reassure him though with how amazing he is. Jeongin is really hard on himself especially with who he has around him, so he’s thankful he can relax around you. He doesn’t have to constantly be on top of himself around you. Jeongin loves that. He loves you.
✉️You don’t usually sleep at the dorm however, he does love going on overnight trips to random places. Whether it be an amusement park, or waterpark. He loves to walk with you in public and admire you.
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✉️One time you wanted to try out a new hobby. So you tried to start crocheting! You made a ton of ugly beanies and a ton of ugly bags. Jeongin was your #1 fan tho, anything you make, he will wear. And he WILL show it off
“My partner made this!!! You can’t have it.”
✉️You would’ve thought that he wouldn’t want to share his clothes. Since they’re all fairly unique and expensive you thought he wouldn’t let you touch them. YOU WERE SO WRONG. Jeongin’s favorite thing to do is style you in different clothes. In HIS clothes.
✉️Quiet times involve you guys building little models together and sometimes legos. You really love the Lego sets that are themed, like the Star Wars or Harry Potter sets. He likes messing with them when you’re not looking so it works out
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💌Jeongin’s love is special, it’s youthful and filled with banter. It’s sort of like the color yellow. Yellow is loud and can be annoying but it’s so warm and reminds you of summer.
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braxlrose · 10 months
eye color: dark brown
hair color: black
hairstyle: butterfly haircut
clothing style: comfy, oversized, dark colors
makeup style: natural
height: 5’5
nationality/ethnicity: mexican
gender: female
3 adjectives that describe you: caring, funny, loud
are you more of the quiet type or the outgoing type: quiet at first but very talkative and outgoing once you get to know me
do you play an instrument: electric guitar and piano
what’s your type in guys: sweet, caring, good fashion sense, funny
which languages do you speak: i’m fluent in english and spanish but i know a little french as well
3 bands you like to listen to: tv girl, the cure, deftones
a/n: just so everybody knows, this is who I think people would fit best w/ personality and style wise. If you get someone you didn't want, that doesn't mean anything and this is just for fun!! This is also going to be written kind of like fanfiction.
you're matched up with...
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The first time Tom saw you up on stage playing guitar, he just felt something. He didn't know what is what at first because he had never felt like this before. And he was usually into girls who were your opposite (style wise). After your show, he met you backstage because him and the rest of the band were playing at the same place you were and he was so shy. To his fans, he liked to make people think he was this Don Juan, but in reality he was usually at a loss for words around gorgeous women like yourself.
He kept rubbing the back of his neck and stuttering over his words the entire time talking to you. He ended up giving you his number to call him but he was totally sure that he screwed it up with you, there was no way you were gonna ever talk to him again.
That's what he thought until he got a call and looked at his phone and saw a random number appear. You were pretty worried about calling him because you weren't totally sure if he was into you but once he answered you guys got to talking and he finally had asked you out to dinner. And it sounded extremely fancy.
And you'd be right. It was. He even came to pick you up in a limo. And as surprised as you might've been, he was a complete gentleman. He opened the car and restaurant door for you, pulled out your seat, and wouldn't even let you pay a dime.
That night was perfect though, even though you didn't get to the deeper stuff about him, it was really nice. you were able to see stuff that not every girl got to see. He was so sweet and funny, you couldn't imagine yourself anywhere else. He even got you a present, it was a gorgeous bracelet and it looked like it cost a lot. Tom wasn't too sure about getting you it because he didn't want to seem like he was desperate, but you were just so pretty and apparently "pretty girls deserve pretty things."
He brought you home after your date and kissed you goodnight. He didn't even try anything either. Which in his mind showed that he was really into you and didn't want to rush things, but in your mind it was that he didn't want to touch you. Which resulted in a few awkward texts and calls but you two eventually got it sorted out.
He's literally one of the best boyfriends out there. You always thought that he was just going to go out with you for a week or so and then find a new girl but he was nothing like that. He gave you massages and kisses and brought you snacks all the time. You two played guitar together and practiced with each other whenever you could. He also really liked you because you got along great with Bill.
Your band and his band would hang out a lot whenever you guys could and you always had so much fun hanging with him and his friends. He never made you feel unwanted or unsatisfied 😏
The first time you two have sex, he was really gentle. He didn't know what you liked yet, so he just kind of stuck to the basics, but it was very sweet. He kissed your entire body and made you feel like the only girl in the whole world. And he's really good at aftercare. Like I mentioned before, he gives great massages. But once you two talked about things you liked and didn't like, he was a lot more dominant and you two tried tons of stuff 😉
Whenever you two were out together he'd always have his arm draped over your shoulder or around your waist.
Fan girls went fucking crazy. They were so mad that Tom had a long term girlfriend, and they would send you hate mail and yell stuff at you whenever you two were out. Tom would try his best to get them away from you and make sure you were okay. And he would always reassure you that you were the only one he wanted.
Tom will literally never stop asking you to teach him naughty words in Spanish. Like he's learned so many and so many phrases from you that he'll start saying them in interviews and to other people. He says stuff to the band all the time and they are just like "🤨..was?"
Tom was reluctant to say "I love you" for a while because he was scared and worried that it would ruin your relationship but after he did he felt sooo much better.
He finds it hilarious that he's like 8 inches taller than you so he'll just come up behind you and pick you up sometimes to freak you out 😭.
you two are sooooo cute together ♥️
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gorgugplushie · 5 months
Nobody asked but i cant stop thinking abt it so
Fabian - canonically doesn't know what mobile games are, much less actual videogames. He sort of sees them as pointless (why do quests and adventures in a videogame when he could just do them in real life?) Of course the bad kids pull him into their gaming sessions, though he spends most of them asking what the controls are again and raising an eyebrow at their shenanigans. Ragh sits him down and makes him play some sport based video games which he does enjoy, he can get really into it if you give him time (he yells so so loud) he also gets into ddr style games bc he likes beating the other bdkds at them. Videogames are a good excuse to hang but he'd rather go out and play football irl.
Kristen - coming from a heavily sheltered and what i assume monitored family, kristen probablyyy isnt all that into videogames. At most i think she'd have some mobile games like idk candy crush on her phone, like fabian she'd get confused and spend her in game time running around and just watching the others play, she goes along w the others shenanigans v easily tho and loves doing silly bits while playing.
Riz - Riz is the type to play window games on their families shared computer for hours on end. Stuff like sudoku, pinballs, or solitaire. He'd love those games like the nancy drew mystery ones, or those games where you find items like I Spy. The only downside is he gets unhealthily fixated and will spend 3 days getting to lvl 100+ on Tetris if you let him, obsessed w 100% games and making funny number go up. Surprisingly good at rhythm games.
Adaine - into open world games, like fallout or outerwilds. Will spend days writing and churning out backstory and lore for her in game character. Veryyy picky and wants every decision to be true to their newest ocs backstory, will spend a solid hour on the character creation screen. She also loves more violent shooting games, although playing online with strangers gives her anxiety and she cannn get gamer rage, she'll get fixated on getting stuff like headshots and Winning and Being a good teammate that she'll start shaking and have to step away from playing for a bit. Single player fighting games w blood where she can turn her brain off and just fight are more cathartic for her. I feel like she ends up doing insane shit in them like saw and hack off limbs and go full dark story mode route and then regret it so so much and lie awake at night not sleeping bc of it and delete the save file. Its her dark secret shell take to the grave.
Fig - plays a large range of games, mainly more colorful and silly goofy ones she can play with the badkids. Shes sort of a little nuisance in games tho, she will troll and grief a lil bc she finds it funny. In singleplayer games she does love being a huge stinker and do silly stuff like pickpocket and get caught or accidentally set a bomb off in the middle of a cutscene or glitch her character to a-pose, she does a bunch of shit and laughs and doesn't take it seriously at all. Like adaine she also gets gamer rage. she gets them both banded from online for a month bc they team up to cast a spell on someone thru the screen. LOVESS shit like guitar hero and skater games sooo much, also into those wwe type games. Cant stomach horror at all but will make the rest of the kids sit down and play horror games w her so they can laugh and scream together.
Gorgug - he tends to like more older games, say in the style of star fox/loz and stuff. His parents gave him and older gaming system when he was younger n he still has it around and collects games for it, its seeing a lot more use than it originally did bc now he has friends to play with. The type of guy to still carry their ds around. I feel like hed also modify and rom hack stuff for his friends. He likes going to the arcade in person and playing there than sitting in front of a computer.
Ayda - yes im including her shes a gamer girl in my heart. I feel like she loves life sims/complex puzzle games, stuff like slime rancher, portal, animal crossing. She has 1000+ hours into a single sims save file. She spends hours and hours building and working on the most elaborate farming system for whatever new sim shes getting invested in. She especially loves organizing in games, she gets a bit antsy playing more survival based games with the bad kids because they leave their systems so unorganized (shes def the type to redo the entire base from top to bottom in dont starve while the rest die off screen). neat and orderly decoration is soo fun for her and the bad kids try not to step on her turf too much. refuses to play multiplayer if it's with anyone else but the badkids, but if anyone would start a gaming channel its her. will do obscenely gay cutesy stuff w fig n game. They build their own little base and junk and pretend to hosts weddings n stuff. Shes also very into speed running and breaking games with glitches to figure out how they work.
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andrevasims · 1 year
Sims Tag
Tagged by @ho3sferatu​! Thanks ^_^
Readmore’d cause it gets a bit long :P
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
Probably fright, cause the animation is so funny like they have time to pause and check their pulse before dropping dead
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
I can tell this is aimed at TS4 haha I had to google Alpha CC to check I knew what it meant - So semi-realistic? I mean obviously I lean towards Maxis Match, but if I like how something looks I’ll use it even if it’s not from the same style.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
No, that actually happened to Klothilde because she kept eating fish and it takes so long for them to eat fish that she got fat after eating it once lol - But TS2 fat meshes aren’t even really fat, so it doesn’t make much difference to me heh
4. Do you use move objects?
Only for placing deco things, cause I don’t want to end up placing a chair or something that’s actually inaccessible and not find out until after I’ve built everything else around where I placed it
5. Favorite mod?
No Red Pause Lines, cause it’s 500x more annoying if I have to crop that out every time I take a screenshot
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
University, I pretty much got all the TS2 stuff as it came out heh
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
aLIVE, but I think about it more like how a TV show says “We’re live” or something since that’s where the game actually progresses in time
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Cirrus! There’s some close seconds, but Cirrus actually has history in my game versus just being a face I liked, and the way her parents’ genetics created the little side smirk she has that I don’t think I could recreate in CAS
9. Have you made a simself?
I did when I was 13 - I was exactly at that age where child sims felt too young to represent myself, but teen sims felt too old. I went with a child sim just for the proportions lol but yeah that was the last time I was interested in making a simself.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
Well to keep it TS2 themed, I think it’d be something like this:
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11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Um black? That’s always the default color I pick when doing any sort of dress up game
12. Favorite EA hair?
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It’s the only hair I’ve never fully replaced with a default, I just do a texture default
13. Favorite life stage?
Adult I guess, they just have the most stuff available to do
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Both, I like building but I like to play the lots I build. And when I’m playing, I think of what kind of builds would be fun to play, and so the gameplay also inspires my building.
15. Are you a CC creator?
Kind of? I’ve made clothing recolors, makeup, hair recolors, etc. but I haven’t done anything besides sharing lots/sims in a while.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
Not particularly, I have mutuals that I always like seeing on my dash/activity but I’m not the most talkative person on tumblr lol
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
2 of course ^_^
18. Do you have any sims merch?
No? lol
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
Technically yeah, it’s my “personal” YT account but 90% of my videos are of The Sims.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I used to do more semi-realistic CC, just based on what I’d accumulated and liked the look of at the time. I still have a lot of that CC in my Downloads, I just don’t use it as often anymore as more recently downloaded Maxis match stuff.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
idk, I think I have one but I’ve never shared anything for TS4 so it’s kinda useless lol
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Ooh that’s a tough one, @platinumaspiration​ comes to mind cause I really love how bright/colorful a lot of their CC is and I like a lot of the clothing/hair styles :)
23. How long have you had a simblr?
2012.............. lol
Here is the 1st post I ever made on here, it’s for TS3 and has way more straightness than my game has had in years lmao
24. How do you edit your pictures?
I explained it here sort of a few years ago, but I have a newer version of Photoscape and I don’t have access to Photoshop anymore. I still do the highlight/shadow tweaking stuff, but I use Photoscape to do that now.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
Well obviously that’s not a question for TS2 lol but something that both TS3 and TS4 have that would’ve been cool in TS2 is careers that you can actually play/interact with instead of the sim disappearing for 8 hours.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
Nightlife, I love everything about the themes/aesthetic/gameplay, it has objects/features I use more than any other EP to this day, it’s just exactly my style.
Tagging: @krabbysims​​ @potentialfate-sims​​ @aondaneedles​​ @simmer-until-tender​​! Feel free to ignore if you’ve done it already haha
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pawtistics · 2 years
SUNKISS tell me abt yr ocs *wags tail
HII YAAAY HI <33 IM VERY EXCITED ABT THIS ive been fixating on them very much recently but augh which ones to CHOOSE !! i think ill go w lyla + co since i Just. posted her
IM DOING THIS ENTIRELY BY MEMORY N JUST FOR FUN so i might not get the more nuanced details but Hi. SO!! the story focuses mainly on saige and lyla!! Saige is lyla’s bf!! He iz a bigender butch bisexual ^u^ He/they. Lyla is a transfem xenogender femme lesbian who uses she/doll/🍓/🫐!! ANDDD also saige has a younger sibling Mylo who uses xe/xir :3 i havent decided xir specific identity but xe’s in a very lesbian relationship and i 🧡 xir partners .. i will not get into them unless asked cuz they dont play a huge role here . Potential sequel material ig 💗🧡💛💚💙💜
Saige + mylo have Shitty parents and thats a whole thing but one of the main parts of the story is !! this lil game that they play as a coping mechanism — where theyve kind of assigned each other a signature creature and will . Joke around in that space?? refer to each other as such? It’s . a nice family thing just for them alone IM ALWAYS VERY BAD AT EXPLAINING IT EVERY TIME 💔 but .. siblings :] Saige is a ghost n mylo is an alien
Lyla and saige r pitted against each other (← used lightly) @ school cuz of their “opposite aesthetics” Which they rlly rlly dont ….get?!?! Whats opposite abt them . Something something that meme where it says u have more in common w someone who wears all pink/all black than someone w a “plain” style. YKNOW.,,, and so they get to talking a bit more and i haven’t decided how they begin dating yet but they do and i love them so fuckin much 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Lyla , after being accepted by mylo ofc, gets her own gimmick and becomes the princess :D BUT UHJNKBJG. Eventually she realizes shes nonbinary n sort of goes spiraling :[ Saige n lyla r both autistic BTW (probably all the others too ❤️ but this is whats important Naow). And lyla doesnt like change a whole lot, she doesnt want things to be Different with this family that she has now, despite not feeling very comfortable w the princess label anymore ,,and shes not very comfortable in her identity as a whole INCLUDING da autism
it’s !!! a journey for sure but lyla is so unconditionally loved n supported and she really comes into her own and accepts her passions and interests and weird gender feelings !!!! Starts dressing up VERY cool as well which is highly important 💛💛 she loves fun fruit patterns (SPECIAL INTEREST - i have to learn so many fruit facts on her behalf im working on it.)
saige gets the means to move out nd takes mylo w him. eventually lyla joins them :3 even more eventually, when xe’s ready, mylo moves out w all the support in the WORLD from the lovebirds. And then theyre having this conversation,, like
It turns out saige’s ghost gimmick was 99% based on his dissociation that they didn’t really know was a Thing, but therapy n support n time away from parents he’s a lot better now! ♡ i havent decided his new gimmick, but it’s different ♡♡
lyla’s gimmick has shifted to like,, a mixture of things instead of one Solid identity and it makes her so much happier, very freeing, very Fun and indicative of the things she loves!!!!!!!!!!!! Fruit bat ..vampire..funny little colorful friend :] YOUKNOW!! ❤️❤️💙💙 goddd i love her so much shes ymmbaby
AND THEN MYLO. MYLO was the ONLY one to stick to xir og gimmick. Xe’s adored neon green xir whole fucking life. (OH N both sibs r punk ofc it isn’t all abt fashion but in those terms saige is more casual and mylo goes ALL OUT .) so they get to talking, joking, as mylo is moving out — this tender lil heartfelt conversation where saige is kind of awed and feeling fond,, like,,,, how did you do it? how did you keep such a strong sense of self all that tiem (even back there)? AND MYLO CITES having rlly supportive lesbian parents . And it takes a second for the couple to process but they really really cry Whbjbhjgmfk .. !!!!!! ITS JUST SO . I HEART THEM
theyre so ❣️💖💕💖💗💗💖 THANK U BTW !!! AWAWA
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New ‘Do
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Summary: Reader has a sort of fettish for Spencer's new haircut, and Spencer then explains to the team and reader how he could tell.
CW: talk of hair fettish (obvi lol), describing sexual things, kissing, talk of sex, hair-pulling
AN: hey guys!! So I know this is my second blurby one shot in a row, but idc lol im lazy. i hope you enjoyyy <33
Reader's POV:
Spencer Reid and his hair will officially be the death of me.
Something about the way he styled it always got to me.
During our various sexual encounters, I would always tug his head back with his hair. And of course, he fucking loved it, which only fueled my..fettish for his hair even further.
That's why when he said that he was going to chop off his chestnut locks, I couldn't help but protest.
"But Spencer! I love your long hair!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air dramatically as he chuckled, walking into the kitchen of our apartment to grab a water bottle. He had just told me the news, and I felt like a part of me was going to go missing. I don't care how dramatic I sounded.. It was the truth and only the truth.
"Y/n, I'm just chopping off a few inches! It's gone on to be too long since my last cut.. I look like a nerdy Jesus." he said, opening his water bottle as I crossed my arms in front of my chest.
I walked closer to him, running my fingers through his hair as he took a sip from his water. I looked at his beautiful locks as though they had hypnotized me. "But it's so pretty...I love it. I love to tug on it! Spence, how am I supposed to play with it?" I whined, and Spencer sighed, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he put his hands on my waist.
"Baby, I promise you'll be able to play with my hair once I get it cut. I just need it out of my face for work."
"Then put it in a little bun!" I squeaked, my hands still tangled in his curls. Truthfully, I knew what I was doing was childish, but something about his longer hair made my whole body light into a beautiful flame.
Spencer rolled his eyes jokingly, pulling me to him for a heated kiss to nicely say, shut up. After a moment, he pulled away, leaning his forehead on mine before kissing the tip of my nose.
"I'm getting it cut tomorrow. End of story. So say goodbye to my 'Jesus Reid' haircut," he said, cupping my jaw with his right hand, as he ran his thumb gently along my lips. I sighed in defeat, tugging on Spencer's hair slightly as a whine slipped past his lips.
That's when I got an idea.
I tugged his head all the way back, littering kisses on his neck and sucking on the soft tissue of his skin lightly. Spencer whimpered softly, the sound and his hair woven between my fingers making fire burn course through my veins.
"Aren't you gonna miss me yanking on it?" I asked innocently, showing off my best puppy eyes before I kissed the column of his throat.
"You'll be able to yank on my new hair." he stated simply, gripping my hips with more power.
"But it won't be the same!" I groaned, throwing my arms loosely around his neck. Spencer laughed once more at my dramatics.
"Y/n, I'm getting my haircut tomorrow. There's nothing you can do about it! Now, we have the whole night ahead of us, and if you want to get one last yank on my hair, I suggest we begin now." he said smugly, and I giggled bashfully; following Spencer to the bedroom to begin our fun 'adventures'.
Let's just say: he and I didn't get much sleep that night.
The next morning, I awoke to Spencer shutting our apartment door as quietly as possible.
That's when it hit me.
He got his haircut!
I hopped out of bed, rushing into the living room to find Spencer. His beautiful hair had obviously been cut a few inches shorter, giving him a sort of prince look.
And I swear to all things holy, my heart stopped beating.
I felt heat flood throughout my body as he turned around, his hair sort of messy-- although extremely charming.
I walked up to him, running my fingers through it as he laughed.
"Well good morning to you too." he greeted, planting his hands on my waist before asking me a quick, "How do you like it? I think I'll change it soon but it's good enough for now."
"No!" I squeaked, feeling my cheeks warm up as I pulled him to me, kissing his lips fervently as I whimpered against him.
Spencer was about to put his hands on my face before we heard an incessant ringing from his bag.
"Fuck," he breathed, kissing my lips softly before fishing for his phone that was hidden away in his satchel. He retrieved it, flashing me the screen to show me who was calling. Damn it! It was Hotch. 
Spencer answered it, holding the phone up to his ear as I made my way to him, beginning to suck on his neck and collar bones as he spoke. "O-Okay, yes I-I'll tell her. A-alright. Bye."
He hung up, groaning softly when I sucked on the sweet spot of his neck. "Y-Y/n, we have a case, baby."
I sighed, kissing my way up to his lips.
"So I'm guessing you like my hair?" he chuckled, and I nodded fervently, biting my bottom lip. 
Spencer smiled, bending his neck down a bit to lightly kiss my lips, before telling me we had to go as soon as possible.
I reluctantly agreed, wanting more from him but turned around and walked back to our bedroom as I began to get ready.
A few minutes later, we each grabbed our things and headed out the door to the BAU jet to do the briefing of the case.
Oh, boy.
This was going to be a long one.
We had made it on the jet, the team's reactions to Spencer's haircut full of hilarity.
JJ was the first to say something, who did a swift, "Well, hello."
Spencer had pressed his lips into a thin line, a confused look on his face as he looked around; seeing the team member's stare.
Hotch was next to say something, in which he furrowed his bushy eyebrows together to prompt the question that made the whole team burst out laughing: "What, did you join a boyband or something?"
Spencer's eyebrows crinkled together as he spouted, "W- No."
"Awe, come on guys I love it." I said, taking a hold of Spencer's hand under the table as he smiled at me, his cheeks a light pink.
"That's because you're in love with him, pretty girl." Derek teased, flashing a toothy grin at me as I felt my face get warm.
The team laughed a bit more, agreeing with Derek's sentence before Hotch began the briefing.
Our case was based in Boise, Idaho.. Apparently, a serial killer had been revealed to have been posting his murders on the Internet, accumulating quite a collection of fans in the process.
Now, we were about an hour into the plane ride, and I tried distracting myself with my book, but I just couldn't.
I couldn't stop myself from staring.
He was so addicting to look at.
He noticed my gaze on him as he looked back at me. 
"What?" he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
"I think Y/n likes your new hair, Reid." Emily said, causing the others that weren't asleep to look up from what they were doing to joing in on the conversation.
"Ooh, I think pretty girl has a hair fettish," Derek chuckled, poking me in the ribs as I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Wh-! I do not!" I exclaimed, feeling a blush color my face.
"No, I think you do." JJ smirked, laughing with Emily.
Thank God, Rossi's asleep.
"She definitely does," Spencer piped up, his face and tone completely innocent.. As though he was about to state one of his fun facts. Which I guess in a way this was a fun fact.. Fun for everyone else except me.
I looked at him incredulously, hitting his chest lightly.
"How do you figure?" I asked, crossing my arms in front of my chest, daring him to say another word.
"Well when I got home this morning from the parlour and you saw me, you did this thing you do when you are about to orgasm," he explained, beginning to talk with his hands.
"Oh, what does she do, boy genius?" Emily asked, leaning over to get in on the fun. I could not believe what I was hearing.
"Her breathing gets heavy and she has to hold onto something.. Usually that 'something' is my hair, but when she first saw me she gripped the back of the couch. Then she was kissing me alot and running her fingers through my hair. She whimpered a little bit too, which is something she also does when she is about to-"
"O-kay! Can we stop talking about me and orgasms?" I asked, hiding behind my hands in embarrassment.
"You asked me how I knew you had a fettish and I explained." Spencer said in a sing-song tune, the team member's laughing which eventually woke Rossi up.
"Wh-what are we laughing at?" he asked in a dazed state, his eyes barely open.
"I don't think you want to know," Hotch said, arching an eyebrow as he looked back down at his case files.
"No, I want to know." he shrugged, nodding his head. 
My eyes grew wide at Derek's response:
"Apparently, when Prettygirl is about to have an orgasm she whimpers. Oh, and she also has a hair fettish...Specifically with Spencer's hair."
"Dio mio! I did not want to know that!" Rossi cried, making me slap myself in the face as I groaned in embarrassment.
"Oh my God!" I exclaimed, cringing as I realized that Derek had practically told my grandfather about my sex life. "I'm going to get more coffee."
"Ooh, can you get me some?" Spencer asked.
"No." I said simply over my shoulder, throwing Spencer a pointed look.
I poured myself another cup of much needed coffee before Spencer walked up beside me.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I was just explaining facts to the team." he said softly, and I began to feel bad for making him think I was angry at him.
"Spence, it's okay, really," I laughed, and I saw a wave of relief wash over his features. I kissed him gently, tugging on his hair as he whimpered. "I guess I could always just tell the team that you whine and beg when I pull your hair." I whispered, untangling my fingers from his hair as I kissed him softly on the lips, Spencer's face a bright red.
"I must really like your new 'do, Spence."
And with that, I walked away, smirking at Spencer immediately throwing the washroom open, locking the door behind him.
He didn't open it until fifteen minutes later.
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Scarred: Part 1
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Seriously Miu, it’s not a problem. Trust me.
Miu: Oh, and how do YOU know that!? What if everyone laughs at me!? What if they think I’m hideous.
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It’s honestly amazing that you’re worried about it this much. The Miu I know has self-confidence in spades, especially when it comes to her body.
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What are you guys doing?
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Oh, we all agreed to go and meet up at the lake today and play around together. I just got finished changing late.
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But...Miu’s worried about coming out in her bikini.
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Miu Iruma? Worried about flaunting her body in a tight bikini?
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I know, right? That’s what I was worried about...But I also understand why...
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How many people know about it?
Miu: Keebo’s seen it...Shuichi knows about it...I think Gonta might too...
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You’ll be fine...I promise. It’s just me and Kuripa here and we won’t judge.
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Unless you grew a second belly button or something.
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*Kaede nudges him.
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What? That’s not natural no matter how you conceive it.
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You aren’t helping!
Miu: Ok...Fine, I’m coming out...
*Miu leaves her room.
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...Well what?
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You...want a compliment? Or something?
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You’re...not bothered?
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By what?
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This shit!
*Miu points at all her burn scars.
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Oh that! Didn’t really notice.
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You didn’t?
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Who cares? Everyone’s got ‘em.
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So unless you got those from doing battle with Gorgon the Destroyer, I have no reason to care.
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For some reason I feel kinda offended.
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Look, point is, no one should have any reason to care.
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And if anyone starts on you, just let me know. I’ll knock their lights out.
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See? Nothing to worry about.
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Hm...I guess...Hehe...
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Yeah! I knew it! Haha! Even burnt food can be delicious, so what makes my bod any different?
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That’s more like it.
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Anyway, why aren’t you wearing a swimsuit Kurafto?
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I’m not coming.
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Why not?
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Don’t wanna.
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Nope! That’s not gonna fly! At least come and supervise us supervisor.
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What!? Hey, lemme go-!
*Before he can protest, Kaede and Miu drag Kuripa out of the lodgings and through the forest to the lake.
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I hope you both know I could pick you both up and carry you back without breaking a sweat, right?
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Yeah, but you won’t.
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Try me bitch.
*Despite his complaints, Kuripa goes along with it for the sake of being nice.
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Hey guys! We’re here.
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Nyeh! Finally! What kept you?
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I took a while to change. And Miu was a bit worried about coming out.
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Huh? Why-
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*Tenko cuts herself off as she notices Miu’s bodily scars.
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Ah. Those from Miu’s car accident, yes?
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Most of ‘em are gone, but they were pretty deep. Do I...look bad?
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Not at all! In fact, you look pretty damn metal!
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N-Not you Keebo...
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Psh! What’s with the floaty? I’d hardly call that a swimsuit.
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For your information, I need this to stay afloat in the water. I’m wearing it out of necessity, not style.
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I have inner tubes and rafts available for you two as well if you would like them. Ryoma and Shuichi are using them right now, but I’m sure they’ll give you a turn.
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Did someone mention my name?
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There’s the man of the hour. Hmhm...
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Ah-!? Hey-!
*Kuripa grabs Kaede by the shoulders and pushes her towards him.
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Well? What do you think?
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*Kaede smacks Kuripa, who smarmily backs away.
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Don’t listen to him Shuichi. Just say it looks great and don’t make a big production out of it.
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Y-Yeah. It looks great. Blue’s a good color on you. 
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Hehehe. You look fine yourself. Very neat and tidy.
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Wow...way to make us all feel single...
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You really need to learn some common decency.
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I was talking to Miu, not you.
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Alright, forget that! What’s on the agenda for today?
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We’ve got water volleyball set up early. If you wanna go for a swim, that’s fine an’ all, but you should totally join our game later.
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We were going to sort out teams as well. Kaede, could you be on a team with me, and Kaito?
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Of course! Not to brag, but I was a pretty mean volleyball player in middle school!
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Sure pal. Whatever you say.
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*Himiko, after dipping her head under the water, surfaces and beams.
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The water’s so clear!
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*Tenko shudders, unable to take in how pretty she is.
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Here. This is the one you like, right?
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Bitchin’! Thanks dude!
*Kuripa, under the shade of a parasol, takes a nap on top of a towel. Keebo hands Miu a cold slushy.
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There’s no sand or sun, but with the way this looks, you’d think we were at the beach.
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This is the good life, I’ll tell ya.
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Hey guys.
*Himiko and Tenko go up to them. She indicates to the sleeping Kuripa.
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You thinking what I’m thinking?
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What’s that?
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Well, this might not be the beach, but we’ve got a lot of gravel and dirt around here. Think we could make ourselves a sand sculpture?
*Miu stands up.
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We’re in.
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Gah! Dammit!
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Hah. Better luck next time.
*In the game of volleyball, Team Kaito, Shuichi and Kaede get absolutely wrecked by Team Kirumi and Ryoma.
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We really need to rework these teams to be a little more fair. 
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Fair? There’s two of us and three of you.
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Yeah, but with how skilled you both are, we might as well have been playing against three or four!
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Look, just be lucky you weren’t playing against Gonta.
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That would be pretty challenging. Hey, maybe we can get Kuripa to be on our team in that case?
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Hm...I’m not sure about our chances against Kurafto-san.
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Yeah, he’s definitely scary.
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Really? I think he’s pretty cute when he’s sleeping.
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When he wakes up, I’m gonna make him join our team.
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*Meanwhile, Maki decides to dive under the water. 
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*Gonta, who is also diving, waves his hand to call her over. Maki notices and swims over to him.
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*Gonta points to some pond froth, with a mother frog next to her baby tadpoles.
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*Maki can’t hold back a smile in the face of Gonta’s innocent excitement.
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[1 hour later...]
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*Kuripa eventually stirs awake from his nap, and opens his eyes to see all the kids surrounding him.
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Crap! He’s awake.
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Did you have a nice nap Kuripa-nii?
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Alright, what did you guys do?
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Take a look.
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*Kuripa looks down to see that the gang have buried him in dirt and sand, having shaped it to look like a mermaid sitting on a seashell.
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Hm...How about that.
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Kurafto look very pretty.
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*Kirumi tries to stifle her laughter. As does Tenko, but she fails horribly.
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You like it?
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Hm...yeah...it’s pretty great...
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for a bunch of DAMN KIDS!
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*Everyone scarpers with Shuichi’s shout.
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GET BACK HERE YOU BRATS! I’m gonna put you all in the obituary section!
*Kuripa bursts out of the ground and chases the group, all who try to run away from him. However, he runs out of breath very quickly.
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*pant!* *pant!* I’ll bet you guys think you’re REAL funny.
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Bitch, we’re hilarious.
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*sigh* Like hell you are...
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What’s the point of hanging around if you’re not even gonna play around with us?
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I wouldn’t have come if those two hadn’t dragged me along. I’m here to work, not play.
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Since when have you ever taken your work seriously?
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Look, I just have a lot on my mind after the day before. Can I not just rest? I don’t even have a swimsuit on me.
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Then why don’t you swim in your underwear?
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Fuck THAT! Not when I’m with you! You’re like...12!?
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I’m 16! Come on, just give in to peer pressure!
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Get your hands off me!
*Himiko grabs Kuripa’s shirt and sweater vest. Kaito also grasps it.
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Come on! Just have some fun with us!
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Uh, guys? I don’t think you should be doing that...
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What’s gotten into you today!?
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We wanna have fun with you Kuripa-nii!
*They successfully get Kuripa shirt off.
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There you go-
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*As soon as they see him however, they both freeze.
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S-SURE! Sorry!
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*Kuripa’s body is riddled with burns, scars, cuts and bruises, and his skin is a dark shade from physical trauma. He snatches his clothes back from Kaito, and gives him a disturbing look.
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You really are just a bunch of degenerate brats, you know that? See if I ever do you any more favours.
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Sorry man...W-We got carried away...
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Sorry...We’re really sorry.
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*He puts his clothes back on.
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There are some things that just aren’t ok, ok?
*With nothing more to say, Kuripa leaves.
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What...was that about?
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Those were no car accident wounds...
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I feel like we just saw something that we weren’t meant to see...
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The hillbilly: Music and life in Appalachia
Day 1
When Tr’thl’ia first learned that the ship would be getting humans from a region on Earth that the humans called “Appalachia”, xe were confused. They had only ever met humans that came from cities near coasts, and had heard of what those humans referred to as “Hillbillies” in almost a derogatory tone. xe took it upon xemself to learn about what kind of humans would be joining xem. As xe read, xey started to understand why other humans had been critical of those from that area. Xe read about how that are hadn’t really been very populous due to the terrain, and also learned that because of the lack of infrastructure in that area, many humans that lived there did not get a lot of education due to many families being in poverty, mainly due to the only jobs in those areas being in the coal mines or other jobs that depended on coal. Xe read about events such as the Coal Wars, specifically about the Battle of Blair Mountain, which made xem shudder with sorrow for the lives that were lost. Xe also read about families such as the Hatfield's and McCoy's, which reinforced the stereotype of humans from there being violent and uneducated. Xe resigned xemself to dealing with constant fights and dealing with whomever started each one.
Day 2
When John McKannon walked onboard the G.U.R.V(Galactic Union Research Vessel) Frailing with the others from the mountains, he was surprised to see Security Officer Tr’thl’ia standing there, waiting with what looked like dread and disdain.
“Hello, my name is-” 
“I know who you are, Hillbilly.” Tr’thl’ia stated.” Just know this about my ship. I will not tolerate violence on this ship. If any of you or your friends cause trouble onboard, you will be shot out the airlock mid warp. do you understand?”
“Yes Xir,” John simply replied. What in the absolute fuck was xer problem?
Day 3
The day went, much to xis suprise, without physical incident. There was an incident around the second meal of the day that involved one of the hillbillies, Amos, and one of the other humans, Mike, from a place called “Florida”, in which Mike did some sort of odd whooping noise with their hand over their mouth and bounced around, which xe would later learn is a type of “racial” slur against those of First Nations descent. This caused Amos to start charging toward Mike before being stopped by John. Tr’thl’ia was confused by this, as the research that xe did before hand showed by all accounts that John shouldn’t have stopped Amos and instead should have even joined into the fight.
In the evening, or what could be considered evening on the ship, Tr’thl’ia was making xis rounds when xe heard a sound that xe had never heard before. It was rythmic, strumming sound along with beats that xe could not place, and it seemed to be coming from the rec area of the Hillbillies( they were given their own area as the captain was advised to by Tr’thl’ia). As xe drew closer xe could start to make out words:
My old mistress promised me                                                                                  When she died she’d set me free/                                                                           Lived so long her head went bald,                                                                           I don’t believe she gon’ die at all!                                      
more of the strumming and thudding sounds.
You take yours, and I’ll take mine,                                                                           We’ll go fishing in the summer time!/                                                                       You get a line, and I’ll get a pole,                                                                            and We’ll run down to the fishin’ hole!
Xe was at the threshold of the doorway to their rec room, and saw something that was suprising to xem. All of the hillbillies, save John and Amos were surrounding those two. John was strumming an object in their hands that looked like a disk with a stick on it, and Amos looked to be stomping. Xe let an audible gasp that drew the attention of everyone in the room.
“Are you alright?” John asked.
Yes, I w-was just investigating the source of the noise that I had heard. What were you doing with that object to get that sound?” Tr’thl’ia asked in amazement.
“This? this is a banjo, which is an instrument from Earth that was based on an instrument from Africa. And the noise that you heard is an old tune called ‘Hook and Line’. It’s a song that’s been played in our mountains for years.”John replied.
And those thuds that I heard?”
“That is a type of dance known as ‘Buck Dancing’. It is a dance that is similar to tap dancing , but where tap dancing is more involved with the front of the foot, buck dancing uses the whole of it to act almost as a set of drums for mountain bluegrass.” Amos answered.
“Ah, so is it a form of war chant, or ritual?” Asked tr’thl’ia.
“It is neither, it is a form of entertainment that is popular in the Appalachians due to it being very cheap, and it is good for social bonding.” 
“So that explains why you are all around. But why did Mike make that odd sound towards you, and why did that upset you?”
Amos turned red at that question, looking like he was about to cry , and John cut in for him, speaking in a soft, but firm tone. “He did it because he is a racist piece of shit, that’s why. Amos is Native American. His people where some of the first in the region, and were deeply persecuted back in the day for both their culture and skin color. Many were made to leave the area in an event known as the Trail of Tears. But some of those people did not wish to go on the Trail of Tears, and instead retreated deep into the mountains, for safety. Even still, many people nowadays hold deep prejudices against his people, and others like them. That’s why many of his people hid in those mountains, and joined communities of those that hid there as well for various reasons.”
“I understand now why you had a reaction like that, but why don’t other humans like people from your area? You seem like people that are very accepting from what you have told me.” Tr’thl’ia questioned.
“Because they are not as accepting as they seem. They came from privileged homes, homes with food on the table, parents who were home all the time to be able to answer questions, to help them learned. They are jealous that they do not have the drive to be able to get out of tough situations, like we do. Many of those you see here among us are from families that are broken and poor, with one or both parents gone at any given time. Many of us had days where we wouldn’t eat, because we wanted our younger siblings to be able to have a meal. Hell, many of us are working here TO support our families back home, to fight to keep food on the table. We fight a lot, as you probably have read, because we have to, because we have no other choice but to fight over resources as simple as food. That fighting, brings us together, the struggle brings people in our communities together, as we have all shared that struggle at least once.” John picks up his water glass and takes a sip. “We all here had to work to get out of those hills, for if we didn’t nobody would help us get out. We would all be dead within twenty years.”
Tr’thl’ia listened to the words that John was saying, and really thought them over and began to feel a bit of remorse for the way xe had greeted them earlier.
“I’m sorry,” Tr’thl’ia said softly, “ for the way I greeted you when you came aboard. I was biased by what the other humans had said about your people, and what they would be like, without giving me context as to why you may have to be that way. I didn’t realize that you would have to struggle that much to get out of that area, I thought that you would have all of the resources that you need to do what ever you wanted to do for a job, and that it was your own fault for not leaving.”
John cracked a warm smile at that. “You have no need to apologize for that. Many people have that same reaction to us. What matters is that you have the balls to accept that you were in the wrong and have tried to make some sort of amends. Now, where were we?”
You take hook, I’ll take line,                                                                                     We’ll go fishin’ in the summer time!
(If you made it this far down the story, Thank you! This is my first post, so it is probably a bit rough, but I hope you enjoyed it. Name of the tune mentioned in the story is ‘Hook and Line’ and if you want a good example of both the song and Buck Dancing, check out  Clifton Hicks - Hook and Line (dance accompaniment)! He is very talented and also has many videos on the history of the banjo and the afro-carribean roots of it. He also does lessons on older styles of playing such as Overhand(Frailing, clawhammer) and two finger picking. Thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoy!)
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fruitcoops · 3 years
I was watching this video w Megan Rapinoe & Sue Bird (tumblr won’t let me link but it’s from 2 days ago on GQ- they ask each other questions but it’s like quiz style?) and didn’t know if you would want to do something similar for coops? Some of the stuff they said/how they acted reminded me of coops’ dynamic
Anon, this video was the perfect way to spend an evening. Both these women are my role models and they’re unbelievably cute together--go check out the video here if you have the chance! Their dynamic is a lot like how I imagine Coops, too! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
“Hey, Lions, we’re back!” Sirius waved at the camera and tapped a short stack on notecards on his thighs. “I’m Captain Sirius Black of the Gryffindor Lions and I’m here with my fiancé, Remus Lupin, to do another couple game.”
“The response to our last few interviews was incredible and we had a great time,” Remus continued. “Miss Marlene McKinnon was kind enough to drag us back in here to answer even more questions!”
“Do you want to go first?”
“Sure.” Remus cleared his throat and pulled the first card. “What are my parents’ first names?”
“Hope and Lyall.”
“Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. What’s my hidden talent?”
“You can sing.”
“Does that count? I feel like most people know that now.”
“Hmm.” Sirius thought for a moment, drumming his fingers on his knees. “You can cook really well.”
“Thank you, baby. What’s my favorite accessory?”
Sirius brightened. “Your watch!”
“Yes!” Remus held it up to the camera—it was simple and elegant, with a leather band and a small face. He wore it with the clock against the inside of his wrist, just above his pulse point. “What is my dream travel destination or vacation?”
“Oh, that’s tough.” Sirius bit his lip in thought. “Seattle? Paris?”
“I do want to go to Seattle, but I’ve always wanted to go to Montreal,” Remus said. “You’ve seen my hometown, but I’ve never been to yours.”
Sirius frowned. “Really?”
“Really. What am I most afraid of?”
“I think…I think you’re most afraid of not being useful,” Sirius said after a moment. “For six years, your job was all about helping people, and it’s not now.”
Remus raised his eyebrows at the camera. “I was going to say the dentist’s office. Goddamn.”
“Sorry,” Sirius laughed. “Yeah, you don’t like medical facilities.”
“I mean, you weren’t wrong about the useful thing,” Remus said. “You still get a point for that. What’s my favorite music, song, or artist to listen to before a game?”
“You don’t have one.”
“That was quick. Half a bonus point for speed. When was our first date and what did we do?”
“Our first official date was just after All-Stars and we went to Sid’s, but we had been together for about three months at that point and just hung out at each other’s houses.”
Remus grinned. “Do you remember what day it was?”
“January 28th.” Sirius gave him a look. “I know for a fact you don’t know what day it was.”
“January 28th.”
“You only know that because I just said it!” Sirius smacked him playfully with his cards. “Next question.”
“What’s my favorite movie and TV show?”
“Jurassic Park and Avatar: The Last Airbender.”
He whistled the first part of the theme song as Sirius did the hand motions. “What’s my shoe size?”
“Oh, god,” Sirius muttered, staring down at the floor. “Eleven? Eleven and a half? You have smaller feet than I do, but not by much.”
“I’m a size ten.”
“Are you really?”
Remus pulled one sneaker off and handed it to him with a laugh. “Check for yourself. Oh, I’d love to know the answer to this one. How do you know when I’m mad at you?”
Sirius tossed his shoe back with a snort. “You make faces.”
Remus seemed surprised. “Do I?”
“Yeah. You’ve got a very expressive face and the second you’re pissed, it’s written all over it. It’s like—” Sirius pursed his lips and scrunched his nose slightly. “I can’t really do it, but anytime I see that I’m like, ‘oh, shit, what did I do?’ Also, you stop calling me baby.”
“That’s what I was going to say. What’s my favorite city to play in?”
“Not Florida.”
“Not fucking Florida,” Remus agreed with a grin.
“Gryffindor for sure.”
“Where was I born?” He gave Sirius a teasing look. “Do you know this time, or should I get my mom on the line?”
Sirius stuck his tongue out. “Madison, Wisconsin.”
Remus glanced at the camera. “We got asked this question in an interview a few months ago and he had to call my mom afterward because he forgot.”
“She made fun of me the whole time,” Sirius pouted.
“What is my favorite food? Oh, you’ll get this one for sure.” Sirius hesitated and Remus’ eyes widened. “Really?”
“I’m a little torn. It’s either my grilled cheese or your dad’s turkey-cranberry thing. Actually, I don’t think you know what your favorite food is.”
Remus nodded slowly. “That’s a really good point. My first thought was grilled cheese, but my dad makes the best postgame sandwiches. I’ll give you that. What’s my favorite hobby?”
“What did I want to be when I was a kid?”
“A librarian, until you started playing hockey.”
Remus leaned over and high-fived him. “You’re on a roll, baby. What was my jersey number in college?”
“Number six.”
“The transition was so fucking easy,” Remus laughed. “Coach literally came up to me a month before practices started and went ‘hey, what was your old number?’ and I told him, and he looked down at his clipboard and went, ‘cool.’. I got my jersey two weeks later.”
“Is this your last question?”
“It is, indeed. What’s my full birth name?”
“Remus Jehosephat Lupin.”
“That is incorrect.”
“Close enough. It’s Remus John Lupin, which I find endlessly funny.”
“Why is it funny?” Marlene asked off-screen. Remus hid his face behind his notecards as Sirius laughed.
“Because it’s such a basic middle name! I love Hope and Lyall with my entire heart and they’re wonderful people, but they named their sons Remus and Julian and then I think they got stuck. Like, you’ve got these two very uncommon first names and they sort of went ‘fuck it. John and Michael. We’re done.’ It’s just so funny.”
“Whereas your parents went the extra mile and gave you and Reg goddamn supervillain names,” Remus snorted. “The drama of it all, my god.”
“Alright, alright, my turn.” Sirius leaned his elbows on his knees. “What is my favorite color?”
“How do I like my coffee?”
Remus hissed between his teeth. “Ah, shit, you always make the coffee. With a lot of sugar, right? It’s black with sugar?”
“It can’t be black if it has sugar in it,” Sirius laughed. “But yes, I do put sugar in my coffee. What are three things I never leave the house without?”
“Keys, wallet, phone.”
“My favorite TV show?”
“Why are you going through these so fast? Uh, Avatar.”
“Did I ever have a job that wasn’t playing hockey?”
“Nope.” Remus frowned. “Were you allowed to get a job as a kid?”
“I was not. What’s my favorite ice cream flavor?”
“Cookies and cream.”
Sirius made a buzzer noise. “Incorrect.”
“Is it chocolate?”
“Yep. You get half a point for that. What’s the first meal I ever cooked for you?”
Remus gave him a look. “You don’t remember what you cooked for me, do you?”
“Refresh my memory?”
“No way!” He punched him lightly on the arm. “I’m not falling for my own tricks. Next question.”
“It’s kind of a repeat from earlier. How do you know when I’m mad at you?”
Remus fiddled with the edges of his cards. “You act all weird and Captain-y, and then you get quiet. Just cranky vibes all around.”
“Cranky vibes,” Sirius laughed. “Good to know. What are my favorite movie-watching snacks?”
“Popcorn and…Sweet Tarts?”
“Yes!” Sirius gave him a high-five. “Do you know what I like on my popcorn?”
“Butter and enough salt to kill a Victorian child.”
“Bonus point! What is—oh, shit!” He nearly fumbled the cards onto the floor. “What is my favorite movie of all time?”
“Indiana Jones.”
“Which one?”
“The one with Marian, because she reminds you of me.” Remus looked over at the camera. “I really don’t like snakes.”
“What is the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning?”
“Oh, I think this requires a demonstration. C’mere.”
“Does it really?” Sirius sighed as he laid down next to him.
“For sure.” Remus cuddled into his side and laid his head on his shoulder. “Alright, the key to a true Sirius Black wake-up is getting all four limbs wrapped around the other person like you’re trying to suffocate them with affection.”
“And then,” Remus continued with a grin. “I go, ‘honey, wake up’—”
“You absolutely do not.”
“In my head, that’s what I say. It’s very sweet. To answer the question, the first thing Sirius does is this.” He buried his face in Sirius’ chest and groaned loudly, then dissolved into snickering as Sirius’ chest began to shake with suppressed laughter. “Stop it, you’re ruining the demonstration!”
“You forgot the part where I have to peel you off me with pliers and grease,” Sirius teased as they stood up, dusting themselves off. The camera crew applauded and they both bowed. “Alright, where were we? What am I most scared of?”
“Losing your friends and family,” Remus said. “Also, spiders and most bugs.”
“You forgot one.”
“Which one? The dish soap bubbles?”
“Losing you.”
A vibrant blush tinted Remus’ cheeks and ears, and he floundered for words. “Oh.”
“You still get the points, though,” Sirius said mildly. “What city do I like playing in the most?”
Remus paused for a moment longer, then shook his head to clear his thoughts. “Uh, Gryffindor. You like the crowd.”
“I do.” Sirius smiled at the camera. “To all the fans out there: you are incredible and there is nothing like skating out with everybody roaring so loud the windows shake. Who is my biggest hockey influence?”
“Now, or when you were younger?”
“It’s Dumo, right?”
Sirius nodded. “On and off the ice. What’s my proudest career moment?”
“Hmm, I wonder,” Remus said sarcastically. “Could it possibly be winning the Stanley Cup?”
“Just maybe,” Sirius laughed. “What’s my most famous celly, and which one’s my favorite?”
Remus grinned. “Lightning McQueen.”
“I hate it when you call it that.” Despite his words, Sirius was smiling. “It’s supposed to be cool!”
“Can you elaborate?” Marlene asked.
“I mean, most people who have seen him play know what I’m talking about,” Remus said, gesturing to the camera. “But Sirius’ famous celly is a double fist pump, and I call it the Lightning McQueen because it’s like ka-chow! It’s also his favorite one, though he dances when we’re skating alone or with a couple of the guys.”
“Shhh, they aren’t supposed to know that!” Sirius covered Remus’ mouth with his notecard. “This is the very last one. What is my biggest pet peeve?”
“When I leave my socks laying around the house.”
“Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner! That drives me fucking bonkers. Marley, who won?”
“It wasn’t a competition,” she said off-screen. “Just a Q & A.”
“Who got the most right?” Remus asked.
“You two are hopeless,” she muttered. There were a few beats of silence. “Remus won, with sixteen and a half out of seventeen. Sirius, you had fifteen and a half.”
“No.” Sirius groaned and dropped his head into his hands as Remus whooped.
“Hell yes!”
“My bonus points let you win.” He shook his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe this.”
Remus faced the camera with a victorious smile. “Thanks for joining us to witness my landslide victory—”
“It was one point.”
“And make sure to like and subscribe for more Lion Pride content! See you around, Lions.” They both mock-saluted, and the video ended.
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beomglocks · 4 years
teacher’s pet ; c.yj
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pairing: teacher!yeonjun x (of age) student!y/n (fem)
plot: honestly no plot just y/n thirsting
w/c: 1.6K
warnings & other: teasing, cock blocking, implied cheating, very suggestive, teacher x student (student is of age, i repeat student is of age), insp by teacher’s pet by melanie martinez, this is a repost so its revised, 
"don't care bout grades, just call me your lady"
you figure he's looking at you again. you sigh dramatically, looking up to catch him. his gaze doesn't falter, boy does it not falter. his sharp, feline-like eyes bore deep into your soul, almost wanting to tell you something but instead you see his eyes dart down to your lips. you decided to go for a gloss over your natural lip color as to not draw too much attention to yourself by wearing any sort of color.
today you weren't thinking much when you styled yourself. a simple hairstyle, cute but simple. and of course, a skirt that was definitely violating dress code. if you bent down anyone could see up, even if they weren't trying. it's not like you wanted that to happen, it just happened to be your kind of style and aesthetic you were going for today. you definitely didn't want mr. choi looking up your skirt, oh that would be so scandalous.
taking notice that he was now looking at your lips, you bit them seductively. well, that's what he thought at least. you did it so sensually that anyone would've mistaken it for seductive, right? he gulped.
he cleared his throat and forced himself to drag his eyes away from you, "hello class, let's not waste any time and start the lesson."
just like that any sexual tension between you two dissipated. if there were three things mr. choi yeonjun was good at, it was 1. english, 2. looking devilishly handsome and 3. pretending to be stoic. you say pretending because you can see right through him.
the way he tries to look anywhere but you, the way he fumbles with the marker in his hand, the way his adam apple moves because he's swallowing a bit too much for a normal person. you sigh, softly this time, satisfied with his reaction towards you today. even if was just 5 minutes of sexual tension. you know he won't acknowledge you for the rest of today's class.
throughout the rest of the hour you have in mr. choi's english class, you daydream. not a rare occurrence seeing as english is most certainly not your favorite subject. thankfully mr. choi doesn't scold you like he does other students. you look down at your notebook, gently nibbling on the cap of your blue pen. it's open to a random page but there are scribbles of your name with mr. choi's inside arrowed hearts.
a bit cliche you think to yourself but who doesn't love him. he's one of the many good looking teachers at bighit academy, super lenient and nice to pretty much everyone. fresh out of college so of course, he had all the high school seniors fawning over him. you smiled to yourself while drawing a cute anime version of your teacher, wasn't hard seeing as he already looked straight out of one.
the bell for your next period rings through your thoughts and you wonder if you really spent the whole hour fantasizing about your hot teacher. you pack your bag slower than other students, your friends aren't in your class so it's not like you have to wait on anyone.
you fix your skirt when you get up, ready to leave and you're almost out the door when you hear mr. choi call out to you. you smile to yourself but wipe it away when you turn around. "yes sir?" you answer innocently. he sighs and motions you over to his desk.
"you need to... pay more attention in class y/n," he furrows his thick brows as if that wasn't really what he wanted to say but went with it anyway. you're not standing in front of his desk, you stand right beside him, watching his folded hands over his crotch as he moves his swivel chair side to side.
"sir," you smile sweetly at him. he looks up at you this time but not before letting his eyes roam your body. you, of course, notice this. "if you wanted more attention from me you could've just asked." you giggle.
his ears turn red because he knows that you know he meant 'paying attention to the lesson' not 'paying attention to him'. he goes to correct you but you swiftly drop your bookbag and sit on his desk. your rest your legs so that one is on top of the other and you know your panties are slightly showing because that seems to be what yeonjun is focusing on at the moment.
"r-right," he mutters. he clears his throat and, for the second time today, tries to drag his eyes away from the obvious. you smile at him again and this time he completely looks away from you, opting in admiring the outdoors from the window by his desk.
"mr. choi, y/n." he corrects firmly.
"you look really good with pink hair, i think it suits you well," you say ignoring his correction. you slowly drag your foot up his inner leg, seeing as his legs are spread, just barely stopping at his clothed crotch. "it makes you look cute, i wonder what sparked the change." you pout.
he wants to look at you because he thinks you're actually really cute when you pout and he can hear it in your voice. he also can't ignore your foot dangerously close to his dick. he doesn't want to give in to you or give you any kind of satisfaction so he chooses to ignore you and continue looking outside.
you narrow your eyes at him when he doesn't answer you but you can see him holding back a moan as you gently run your foot up and down his thigh. "blonde hair on you looked really hot," you continue. "the boldness of your hair made everyone take notice to you even more sir. i was beginning to get jealous." he turns his head back to you and raises his brow in question and amusement. he eyes you while bringing up a hand to run it through his freshly dyed strands.
you watch him closely as he sighs. "y/n you..you need to focus on your grades. they are dropping significantly in this class..." you don't show your disappointment about him seemingly ignoring your previous statement instead you let him continue. "did you already forget your promise to me, hm? or is it because i haven't been acknowledging your advances lately?" he puts a hand on your thigh to stop you from using your foot to entice him further and it all but makes you bite your lip harshly. "sir..."
"y/n... don't think i don't know that you've been purposefully failing your tests just to get my attention. you're a smart girl but you're doing all this for what? for me to fuck you? was the punishment i gave you last week not enough?" he bites his lip as he plays with the length of your skirt.
this is the choi yeonjun you wanted to bring out. the one who spoke vulgarly to you, the who had "taught you a lesson" last week after class. you liked the yeonjun that forgot he had a profession in teaching, forgot he had an entire girlfriend outside of class. teacher yeonjun was cute, he could act clueless and bashful towards you because you had an effect on him.
but he liked it when he had an effect on you.
"what did you promise me baby?" he asks sweetly. his caresses your thigh with his hand the same way you did his. he's challenging you but you know it. "i promised that i would get grades and in turn, you'd reward me," you breathe out. you're hyperaware of his hand inching closer and close to your private area and it's driving you crazy.
"right but you haven't been getting good grades lately and i've been lenient by still giving you what you want," he stops and thinks to himself. "we can't have that, sweetheart." you watch as he gets out of his seat and leans over you, caging you with his arms on his either side of your body.
"yeonjun," you wrap your arms around his neck wanting to go in for a kiss but are interrupted by a knock on the door.
yeonjun moves away from you, fixing his hair. you pout as you look towards the door and see your next period teacher, mr. choi beomgyu. "mr. c," you smile at him as if you weren't just about to make out with the teacher in front of you. beomgyu is one of yeonjun's best friends in and outside of work so he knows all about whatever is going on with you two.
"you're 10 minutes late to my class y/n," he sighs leaning on the door frame. he looks over at yeonjun who is looking at him with boredom written all over his face. "i came to see if something was wrong but i guess not."
you hear yeonjun grunt as he flops back down on his chair to start grading papers and actually get stuff done. "have a nice day mr. choi," you get off his desk and run your hand down his chest flirtatiously. he looks up at you with an unreadable expression, watching you sway your hips as you walk towards beomgyu to be escorted to his class.
you figure you'll leave yeonjun a little parting gift so with him still looking at you, you grab beomgyu's hand. "thank you for coming to get me mr. c," you look up him through your lashes. he's a little caught off guard by your flirting and just nods, clearing his throat.
before you and beomgyu walk away hand in hand, you turn around and to your satisfaction yeonjun looks very annoyed.
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maxismatchccworld · 4 years
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To keep it short. All wishes are under the cut. 
You have a wish? Read here how to get it added.
Thank you for doing this! I would love to see solar glass - the glass roofs from basegame, modded to act like the solar roof tiles from Eco Lifestyle.
I would love to see a mesh edit of the fireplace from EL, with the weird rocks replaced by the wood from the SE fireplaces! Bonus points if there's also a version without the weird box and shelf (so just the main fireplace body and chimney).
Hi there! First off, I love your blog and I think the Super Secret Simblr Wishlist is a really sweet idea! I’ve got a build mode submission for the wishlist that I’ve been looking for for a long time; I’d really love a wig stand with some hairstyles that can go on top if possible. I’ve seen it done by alpha creators but the only MM one I found, the download link no longer works and it broke my heart
Fantastic idea. Let's give it a shot! I would love to see if a creator could and would be able to create a maxis-match classic Ballet Workout Set. Including two simple Tutu's one classic short the other one long. A classic leotard, wrap top, wrap skirt, ankle leg warmers as well as a pair of thigh high ones. All in classic ballet colors black, white and pink. ;) Nothing fancy! If the creator wants some examples what I mean I could provide pics. But that would be so dope! ❤️
#SSSWish I'm half Filipino, but I hardly see any Filipino content in the Sims Community. I would love to own a Maxis Match Barong or Maria Clara dress for formal events in the game. I think it would be a great way to add more representation in the game, especially when I know there are a handful of PilAms and Pinoy players. Thanks for hearing me out, and thanks for all the work you do to make this games playable. I really enjoy all your hard work!
i love this idea! i’ve been wishing for a long, straight hair for male sims - like a conversion of CfHair LongStraight. thanks for reading n__n
#SSSWishlist hello! I would love if cc creators can consider making more patterns for Kimono/Yukata (traditional Japanese clothing). I find the in-game versions kinda bland, and there are not many floral Kimonos even though its commonly seen in Japanese festivals. Would appreciate if there's Japanese hairstyle cc with big flowerly accessory to pair with the Kimono too! Same for the male Yukatas, just not floral print maybe. If it's not too much, children's version is also appreciated!
#SSSWishlist Thank you so much for doing this! I've a small request for a mod that allows every destination (specifically the newer lots like Onsens and/or Rental lots) to be an option for dating location under "Ask XX on a Date"
For the SSS Wishlist, I would Love to see a set of three to four hairstyles, all with the same texture. Something like long hair down, a ponytail, and an updo, all with the same wavy or curly or straight texture, all with the same bangs or whatever. Just something that could be used to look like my sims change hairstyle now and them.
I would love to see some moth cc? Like wings and antennae? any colors are fine but I just think it'd be really cool!
#SSSWish: deco fidget toys like cubes and tangles (at4s has a great fidget spinner but there are so many more types out there)
Sorry I wasn’t to sure where to put the hashtag #SSSWish or where to submit the wish.
My wish is to have more swatches for the snowboard and skis. If there could be more LED designs, interesting designs and the swatches for kids for T-E boards. It would be great.
The other wish would be to have more Kimono designs in Maxis Match and/or recolors with more patterns. There are so many patterns that I have seen while looking at real life kimonos and there are so many patterns, styles and colors that are missing in the game.
#SSSWish Hi! And thank you for this great and sweet idea! I wish for a special piece of CC: a long wavy ginger hair based on LoL's Miss Fortune character. I have a pic to send to show exactly what i wish for... It's my dream hair for my sims! Thank you again for this idea. That's super kind ^^
This seems like a fun idea! What I have been wanting for ages (like since TS2 era ages) is a hair style that completely covers one eye, like Violet at the start of The Incredibles. Most of the peekaboo bangs hairs I've seen are a little *too* stylish and I mostly just want one where someone is clearly trying to cover up half their face with it.
That sound like a great idea! It’d be great if someone was interested in a more fantasy/medieval recolor of joliebean’s after dark top. I really like it by most of the colors are very bright. #SSSWish
Hi! I never send asks so I hope this is the right way to do #SSSwishlist . I would be over the moon if someone could create the Zimmermann 'Carnaby Embroidered Bird Dress' in black. I've had my eye on it for such a long time but I'm too poor to commission it lol. Hope this is ok! :)
Hello, not sure if I'm sending this the proper way, but I have a request for the SSSWish? So, there's still no ways of writing books off-grid that I know of, so I think a journal or typewriter or, I don't know, even a magical computer working on batteries would be great, I would just really love to write and publish books off-grid... Also, I think this is a very sweet idea, and thank you for this chance to make requests!
I would love to see snowy escape kotatsu recolors ! #SSSWish
I love this wishlist idea! I'd like to see the Miles Edgeworth suit by Lunar Eclipse on MTS for Sims 2 converted for Sims 4 very much.
I would love to see more horse poses with tack. Severinka’s horses are beautiful but it drives me crazy, posing sims on horseback with the illusion of tack (bridles, saddles, etc) I would love to see some Severinka shaped tack be made. Poses would be a bonus!
SSSWishlist: cc hair inspired by marlo thomas' iconic hair from the 1966-71 tv show That Girl. or really any cc of her wardrobe on that show
 #SSSWish I would love the more door from GF without the windows and maybe in a few more neutral swatches.
The Simblr Wishlist is such a sweet idea, thank you for this! I would love to see a cc hair based on Osamu Dazai’s from Bungou Stray Dogs! It’s such a pretty hair and I think it would translate perfectly into The Sims ♡
#SSSWish This is an amazing idea! I'd love to see some powerpuff cc, like HIM's dress or Mojo's hat. There are lots of dresses and hairs for the girls (and the rowdyruffs) but I can't find anything that really fits with the other characters. Thank you!!
For the wishlist, any sort of Sailor Scouts themed stuff! Not like stuff from the show but stuff that a fan would have!
#SSSWish - I would love to see a someone put together clothing that accurately reflects the Starfleet uniforms seen on the television shows, "Star Trek: The Next Generation" (collar version), "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" (colored shoulders) or the later movie uniforms (grey shoulders w/ colored undershirt). I've seen people asking for these uniforms for quite some time now, and I think, if done well, they could be a popular download. A separate chest combadge accessory would be nice too.
#ssswish this is such an amazing and fun idea! I’d love to see some cut pixie hair cuts (especially with an undercut)!
Hey there, that #SSSWish thing is a super cool idea! I do have a wish too - I would love to see the EL utility jumpsuit converted for male framed sims. It can be unlocked by creating an override and unchecking the frame restrictions in S4S, but then the body changes to a female frame. So if anybody out there could do that properly, I'd be extremely grateful :3
#SSSWish i've been looking all over for a version of a torc to use in my historical plays-- it's an old celtic type of necklace, made of iron, sort of twisted into a collar around the neck... i've seen sims 3 versions of one floating around, so if someone would even be so kind as to convert one of those to the sims 4 i would be so happy!!!
#SSSWish I would love to see any kind of MM D&D adventurer type clothing. Literally anything like top, pants, accessories, shoes. There is so much of it in alpha but so rare in MM. <3
#SSSWish Thank you for this awesome idea that brings the community closer during these not so good times :) I wish someone could separate the skirt from the Snowy Escape school uniform and make it stand-alone !
#SSSWish id love to see some tanline cc?
Hello im a jennifer lopez fan, and i was wondering if someone could make cc clothes (like a dress, two piece suit or whatever) with her iconic jungle print pattern?? Like in green swatch and red swatch and maybe plain black / white?? Hope it's not too much to ask! #SSSwish
Hi, for the SSSWishList I would love it if someone were to either convert or create a more dainty engagement ring type ring for the masculine frame, kind of like the rings glitterberrysims has made for feminine frames, like her pearl antique ring for example. I’ve always wanted more pretty and delicate rings for my male sims but i can never find any that truly work with the masculine frame without most of the ring being absorbed by their fingers lol
Super secret simblr wish! This is such a cool idea. I've been looking for Some haircuts with a mix of curly/wavy- epically mid-length ones. Also A decades challenge- appropriate camera. It feels a bit weird to have my sims whip out there cells to take a picture- I mean I did all this work to make you look like your in the 1910s and now THIS? Sorry for my rant lol. Thank you if anyone actually does any of these!
requesting some recolors of the toddler sp clothing! specifically that butterfly top hehe
I love the idea of the SSSWishlist! I can never find a counter/island set that matches the wood tones of ATS4's Irish Pub bar, I'd be so happy to have some.
I'd love to see more high-waisted, 1950's style clothes like circle skirts for SSSWish!
I hope someone can make a small mod that allows sims to browse for baby names on the computer. And maybe they could gain moodlets from it, like "I love these names" or "All these are terrible names for a baby"? #SSSwishlist
I’d really like to see some more MM earrings that feature multiple earrings. Maybe with some mix and match or something, I only know some basic like ringlets that have several so I’d really like some different kinds.
#ssswish I would love to see Fire Emblem: Three Houses inspired CC, primarily hairstyles! There are some really unique looks in that game and it would be great to have something a little different to give our Sims.
Hi! I'd love to add to the #SSSWish for any cc creator to maybe make a few more frames for our ingame photos, maybe some frames where we can put more than one photo like the Moschino frame, I love having a wall full of photos of my household but there aren't many options. Thanks for having this adorable idea!
For the #SSSWish I'd love to see some eyebrow piercings that look like small naturally growing horns/spikes, kind of like the spikes the Zygerrians in Star Wars have but over the eyebrow rather than on the chin/forehead. Been looking for CC like that and just haven't been able to find any yet, so would be really thankful if anyone could make it.
#SSSWish I'd love to see anything women's wrestling related. Hairs, poses, attires, a small wrestling lot or merchandise. It'd be fun to see what people come up with.
SSSWish - I would love to see some feminine cc made for the masculine frame! For example skirts, dresses, blouses and make up:)
HI! I'd love to see a heterochromia skin detail/tattoo of WildlyMiniatureSandwich's little sad eyes! They're my favorite! I'd do it myself but it comes out a mess. I'd prefer it in the acne skin detail or dimple skin detail if possible!
1. A new Maxis Match sofa or sectional set with a high backrest that people could actually lean on huhu. (or at least a recolor of RAVASHEEN’s Sofa, So Good Sectional.) 2. A Maxis Match version of Wondymoon’s Titanium tall wardrobe with mirrors attached to it. This is my dream wardrobe.
#SSSWish I really would like some more basic clothes for toddlers
#SSSWish I'd like more modest wedding dresses where the arms are covered.
I’m not sure that I have done this right and I hope I have. If not, I am very sorry. First off, I love this blog and thank you for doing this. I would really like it if someone did a MM hair for Lisbeth Salander (the style from the Rooney Mara version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo). I think that it would be a super cool piece of CC! Thank you so much again for doing this! Happy holidays!
I am always looking for more kids/toddler CC. and would love if there was something similar to the 7785 pattern by simplicity! This pattern is from the 1970’s.
Here is a link to the pattern i have in mind!
I wish for a lightning scar for my sim, like lightning hit on his neck and left a Lichtenberg figure
#SSSWish Hi! Something I would really like in my game is little mannequins with unfinished/already finished clothes on it (kind of like if your sim was working on making clothes for themselves and wanted to put it around their workshop)
#SSSWish I would love to see super glamorous toddler/child cc. Kind of like if they were a part of a super rich and famous family and had to go to a gala or something.
#SSSWish -- I would absolutely die for some D&D build/buy items. For example: dice clutter, DM screens, maybe even a map? I'm not sure how intensive that kind of thing would be. TIA!!
I would really like some more island living inspired cc! Or poses with two women, a toddler, and a baby (newborn, older, whatevs). Either or is absolutely okay!
#SSSWishlist i know i already saw some people here ask for more yukata/kimono swatches here and i would like the say i really do think we need them (not just for the adults but the younger ages too, id like for the toddlers kimono not to have the hifu? vest as well but that sounds more complicated). 
BUT for my wish i would like to see some proper tabi socks in the game, for all ages + genders, and also for the geta sandals to be made available for children and toddlers. Im not sure how difficult that would be for the tabi + geta but i think they would be a good to have since the kids always get left behind.
AF to CF Conversion
Hello. Wishing for a conversion of this dress…
…from AF to CF. Here is the link to the original. There is already a Toddler version, too!
Thank you!
1950s Style Hair(s) For Men
Wishing for some 1950s style hair for male sims, not as exaggerated as typical sims style. I’ve included four examples. What you choose to make (if anything) is creator’s choice. Thank you!
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I was wondering if anybody could make a structured corset top that has a v shaped lower torso, kinda like the ones you would see on tiktok? and if possible, maybe a tonya harding inspired ponytail with the puffy bangs? thank you!!!
I saw a request for feminine cc for masculine frames so I'm going to ask the opposite, so uhh feminine frame suits. I do not like seeing the crunchy chest from the base game suits. 😂
I would love anything dark academia for the chillier months- maybe a turtleneck sweater with a pinafore or plaid dress on top, or a blazer/sweater combo, etc. Obviously these are just ideas, but I think it would be so nice to see more of this kind of thing in custom content!
Thanks for reading (’:
I’d like someone to make a few generic maxis match tattoos, any styles but that looks more comicish than the ones I see around, that even claim to be MM. EA gave us very few choices and they don’t exactly go together (like using the ones from IL with BG ones just don’t quite work). Thanks in advance if someone picks out. ♥
Hello there! this idea is amazing, thank you :3 my request for the #SSSWish would be some cute cat and/or mouse ears for human sims that are not on a hairband or part of a hair. I’m thinking a hat or an earring accessory thing that goes on top of the sim’s head anime catgirl style :D I hope it’s not too much to ask :)
Hey there! Could somebody make some more long male hairstyles, like 80s rocker type ones? One of my favorite sims is supposed to be like an 80s rocker dude, and I have a really hard time finding hair for him. Long mullets would be welcome, and long rocker hair would be welcome too. Thanks!
Tumblr media
#SSSWish A dress similar to this would be so beautiful and versatile :)  I also think it would go really well with the new snowy escape aesthetic. If its possible I think it would look best with the same back, but a plain/simple front instead of the collar and detail shown on the front in the image. Merry Christmas!!!
So, there's still no ways of writing books off-grid that I know of, so I think a journal or typewriter or, I don't know, even a magical computer working on batteries would be great, I would just really love to write and publish books off-grid... Also, I think this is a very sweet idea, and thank you for this chance to make requests!
Hi SSSWishlist! Burberry CC! Skirts, scarves anything! For adults or kids or even pets, just all things Burberry!
Maxis Match Sweater Vest Acc/Top Inspired by House of Sunny's Suburban Knit
or anything kind of close/inspired by House of Sunny (maybe the Hockney dress/landscape knit?) bc I cannot afford it on my own, so putting it on my sims would be a sense of wish fulfilment. However, just in general, a maxis match accessory sweater vest
Hello :) I hope a CC creator can make it happen. I would love to see some maxis match eyelashes that are laptop friendly. I know pikypikachu already has created it but the final product it's not my cup of tea. I just want more designs if possible.
Hi! Thanks for hosting the SSSWishlist! My wish is a little vague, but I'd really like to see some feminine clothing tailored specifically to the male frame. I know there aren't hard limits on what sims can wear most of the time, but I just wanna see some catering to gnc/trans sims! 🧡
 I'd love to see more decorative kawaii plushies to put around my sim's room! The only ones I can ever find are for toddlers so I'd love to see some non-function ones that just look cute!
My wish would be for a recolor of https://www.patreon.com/posts/marcia-by-40546842 this hair in a peachy pink color for my sim self! Thanks so much!
More dance mods that aren't just poses. :D
I’d really like some ballet outfits for children through ya. A leotard with a simple wrap chiffon skirt in various colorways would be amazing!
I’d really really love a set of witcher school medallions - the versions from the games, not the series.
US-Style Military Uniforms
HI. Hoping for the US military dress uniforms incl. hats, maybe based around the StrangerVille dress uniforms. Since it’s MM anyway, I’m not looking for anything elaborate or “patriotic” just something to evoke the Navy and Marines, esp., primarily for storytelling purposes. If anyone has concerns this would not be used to depict or celebrate war nor as a political statement, etc.
My Super Secret Wish is a mod, or even a tweak of an existing mod, that stops toddlers from shying away from hugs they ask for during the “Check Toddler” interaction. It is *so* irritating to see a toddler respond to a❓with a ❤️ and open arms then step back, often with a 💔, and push the adult away. I’ve tried to stop it with MCCC but no luck.
One of my favorite parts of the game is creating a restaurant or a vet clinic, but the employees are impossible to keep satisfied and they all eventually quit. It would be nice if there was a way to keep them permanently satisfied, or at least make it easier. There is a mod for this but it is extremely outdated and doesn't work anymore. If anyone could update it or make a new one that would be great! 😁
I would LOVE for someone to edit the Get Famous button down female 3 quarter sleeve shirt with headphones around the neck and remove the headphones and ID badge. I don’t make CC so maybe this is too big an ask?
Edits of the eco lifestyle windows without those chunks of metal. i know it’s been done, but the version that i’ve saw online has a weird shadow. :(
Hey, it's about the #SSSWishlist , i don't know if it's possible but a mod that makes cats and dogs stop meowing and barking would be nice beceause i like using the kalino animals for exemple but the barking and meowing ruin the immersion. Thank you in advance if someone is doing it ^^
Hello, thanks you for this good idea.
I would like a mod that allows to rent a house instead of buying it.
It will be great if is not just for vacation or students in University.
#SSS Wish: I don't think I've seen much hanfu sims4 cc so it would be cool if someone can make some! ziseviolet is a tumblr with a lot of hanfu designs and could serve as a great resource.
Hi there! Thanks for doing this, it’s a wonderful idea!! I was hoping someone could create an edit of the Snowy Escape female shirt with the turtle neck underneath and open/unbuttoned shirt, here is a link. If they could make it so that the turtle neck and shirt can be different colours, like having the turtle neck have an option under accessories to change colours that overrides the original turtleneck’s colour would be amazing! Maybe they could throw in more colours and designs, like 90’s or plaid, that would be perfect
Thank you so much!
I would love to see more CAS stuff with simlish logos/writing! T-shirts (especially with the moschino tee mesh), sweaters, sweatpants, accessories… anything you’d like as long as you keep it simlish. Maybe even make more Harnocks stuff with the Henry Puffer logos that MLys released?
For the SSWishlist, could I request some more clean and chic looking booths? I absolutely adore putting in booths as many places as possible in my builds, but I don't come across much CC using it. Some bench like booths for lil cafes would be ideal <3
#SSSWish I know it's very specific for a wish, but I hope someone can manage to create a long silk nightgown or wrap dress, with an orange stylized koi fish pattern on a light green background. I can't find the tile (at storytiles) I've seen it on, but it was just so gorgeous.. I wish I had one irl.
#SSSWish I hope I'm not the only one, but I wish for some more clothes for my elder sims, cozy-looking grandma & grandpa clothes.
#SSSWish it's such a good idea, thank you! I really wish for a high waisted A-line skirt, with only une button placed on the side, with denim and coloured w polka dots swatches <3
#SSSWishlist I would love Padme's lake dress from Episode II of Star Wars, it's so flowy and beautiful and it would be so pretty to see in game!
how about more enby clothing, hairstyles??? we lacking
Dear #SSSWishlist, I think we need more hairstyles for alternative boys, specially more dyed short hairs, or at least masculine dyed hairstyles. I think our eboys, soft boys, scene boys and all the rest are lacking soooooo much... :(
#SSSWish- Rings that work for guys that also aren't super bulky. Most I'm finding are huge or don't work on guys at all/well. Thank you❤
modthesims.inforecolors for plasticbox's functional tea pot
hi! I love this little tea pot, but I’d love to have it in a variety of more vibrant recolors, including pink, aqua and yellow <3 thank you!
#SSSWishlist I like to give my aliens sims that space suit (that came with gtw?) in all their outfits but I would like more variation. I haven't found any recolours or different style space suits that match the in game ones so I would really like if someone made some. Thank you!
#SSSWish Recolors of CrypticSim's Maddy Palette eyeshadow!
#SSSW: So you know how some creators of CC hairs include an accessory with multiple swatches to better match the outfits you put your Sims in? I'd love to have an overlay like that for EA hair accessories too. No particular hairs in mind, I'd be happy with anything that comes up. If any creator decides to do this-- thank you so much!!
#SSSWish i would love a version of the snowy escape masc frame snowboarders sweater (the first swatch is red white and black with some text on it) that works for femme frames - i am dying to put my femme frame sims in it but the distortion around the neck ruins it for me T.T thank youu!!
#SSSWish - My wish is for any kind of run-down, beat-up, grungy, punky, build/buy items. Wallpapers/floors, items, anything! Everything I find is alpha, and having it in MM would be *chef's kiss*. Thank you in advance, so so so so much!
Hi ! There is quite a few things I’d like, but I narrowed it down to three “small” things:
- An accessory top with a high neckline and no sleeves - just to hide cleavage - maybe with some lace at the edge ? and several grey and pastel colors please.
- Some accessory prints for shirts, like those tukete has, maybe some aimed at kids and toddlers too ?
- Makeup for kids. Some people let their kids wear makeup in real life, but adult cc makeup don’t look right on kids, so if anyone is interested in trying… I’d like eye-shadow and lipstick, with some discreet options (but you can go all out too of course).
There you go, thanks everyone and happy holidays !!! 😊💕
#SSSWish (I think this is where I request things??) A high waisted conversion of those base game rose jeans. They’re super pretty, but I never use them bc of how low riding they are 😭
I would be eternally grateful if a posemaker could make a CAS pose very similar to Shai Hulud’s ‘Profound Hatred of Man’ artwork (image link below), only with the hands further apart on the chest. I’ve had an edit in mind for ages but haven’t found a pose that looks even remotely similar to that. Thanks in advance if anyone decides to grant this wish! https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61HuYY-zJBL._SX342_QL70_ML2_.jpg
Hello! I found your blog a while ago and fell head over heels in love with it, so let me say thank you for all this wonderful hard work you do! For my wish I would love anything maxis match Attack on Titan but if I could only have one thing it would be a maxis match version of Levi Ackerman's hair since we have nothing like that in game. Thanks in advance, and happy holidays!
I would love some recolours of the Nifty Knitting knittable Cable Knit Rug. It’s one of my favourites but the colour swatches in-game are limited. Thanks a whole bunch.
I really want a pair of a-bit-over-the-ankle boots that are slightly open around the leg with a relatively thick, medium length heel. Much like the ones Korean female idols wear during their performances. I have searched everywhere but haven't found a pair that look right. Glittery ones would be perfect but I can easily recolor them myself. Thank you! 😊
My #SSSWish would be a wedding veil that is not in the hat accessory section! I’d love to be able to have my sims wear eg a flower crown and a veil at the same time; but with the beocreations veils (which are the best ones I’ve found) you can’t do that because they are part of the same category. Thank you!
Now that Snowy Escape is out, I'd love to see some Japanese street fashion, hair styles, and accessories! There is a fair amount of stuff out there, but it's almost all alpha, unfortunately #SSSWish
Thanks for doing this, I really hope for more Lolita styles clothes / clockpunk oufits that are maxis matches and even more male fantasy outfits!
Love this blog and this idea! I'd like to submit a request for a set of cool-neutral eyeshadows, opaque, matte, covering the top lid. I wear this daily IRL and haven't quite found a dupe :)
#SSSWishlist - Oh hello! I hope I'm doing this right!! I would just be tickled pink if someone was able to make a MM picture of the Stanley Cup. I have a hard time finding any hockey CC and I would just be over the moon if someone was able to do this. Thank you! Best wishes! Happy holidays! <3
Hello! i’m not sure if its just my game bugging but the male child tiny living hair is broken and i don’t know where to start on fixing it. i tried to find a fix online but found nothing. in my game the hairline for that hair is so bad and its unfortunate cause it used to be my fav child hair. if someone that mods or makes cc could fix it or make a default replacement, i would forever be grateful.
This is such a nice idea, thanks for thinking of it! I really love the toddler bed that came with Eco Living and would love it if it were made into a single bed for children, preferably separated. Thank you!
Well then, may i bring in a #SSSWish of a very odd hairstyle... A high, side ponytail, with messy bangs if possible? Just one of those weird things i can do in real life, but seems near impossible ingame! Thanks to anyone who even considers making it, because i feel it's kind of an absurd idea in the first place.
I would love to see some creative and cool alien CC, specially genetics CC. <3 Thanks for doing this.
Hey!!! I have a #SSSWISH!!!! so is it possible for anyone to make more floor futons for sleeping? especially for toddlers? they really should have come with snowy escape!
#SSSWish I love to take family photos of my sims to put up around the house but I hate that I have to add a random sim to my household to take the picture. My wish is for a mod that allows you to select a sim that's in a pose and make them take a picture without having to come out of their pose and go to the camera. I would be forever grateful for whoever manages to pull this off!
#SSSWish thank you for doing this! I'd love to see some recolours of the tiny living rug, w different patterns too
#SSSWish I really need some simmer make this true: "Feminine" clothes for males. Dresses, skirts, make ups... I dont really care. I just dont want to skip the "masculine" label in the CAS to put them some cool clothes that doesnt fit good enough. Also, the clothes that are done for women, to do swatches for all genders. That would be amazing, thanks for this.
#SSSWish. First of all, thanks for all you work, this idea is brilliant. Second thing, I've been searching for Suits inspired in Harry Styles x Gucci like fancies with flower and all, and most important, FOR WOMEN. I will be really pleased if this idea comes to reality. Thanks!
Hello, I'm from Spain and I think we have a super rich culture so, maybe a Spanish simmer (or worlwide) would be please to do some Flamenca dresses, os something related tu Andalusian Aesthetic. Thank u! I love ur content #SSSWish.
Hi, first of all I love this idea and your blog! 💕 my request is an override for one (or more) of the super ugly City Living blouses - I haven’t seen one and they’re just the worst haha.
Could someone make a mod that gives all base game and DLC showers the option to chose "sing in the shower" like the City Living shower has already? Thanks so much!! #SSSWish
i do the wishlist thing here, right? i guess the thing i'd want the most in the game is ferrets, but that's probably very unlikely haha. the next thing would probably be more trait slots. there are mods that let you add traits in-game, but i'd like to just have that option in CAS, yknow? anyway, cheers, have a good one #SSSWish
Hi!! this is a long shot but i was hoping someone could make the bb missed opportunity #39? It’s a little stuffed puppy with a sweater and I’m distraught it wasn’t included in nifty knitting. Thank you!! <3
I have a wish which is very specific, but I’d be so happy to see it done. I would really love to see Ransom’s coat with a scarf from Knives Out recreated in sims (it’s this one, I’m not sure on how to add the picture here: https://www.pinterest.ru/pin/76350156171255013/). I really hope someone will like this idea. And thanks for creating such an amazing event!!!
#SSSWish I'd love to have pandasamacc's rocking horse retextured (and recolored if possible) so they'd look more maxis match!
#SSSWish I's like to see a wall art that is just a handle bar on an angle so you could out it in stairway walls. Metal colors, black and white and light, medium and dark woods.
What I would really like is just something cute for boys! Toddler or child is fine, but little boys get so little love in the community – it can be a hairstyle, an outfit, some bedding recolors with trucks and animals and such, even just a set of a few ��boys getting into trouble’ poses. The sky is the limit!
Hello! This #SSSWish is such a fun idea~ Personally, I'd love if someone updated the Plantsims mods that have broken over the numerous updates. Like, G1G2's Revamped Plantsims, Triplis' Plantsim Interactions, and Simonch8's No Cooldown & Trait mods. I've always loved Plantsims since Sims 2 & 3 days, but my knowledge of modding (and especially updating mods) is near nonexistent, so I can't do this myself. It would be awesome if someone could do it so the community could enjoy Plantsims again~!
#ssswish i use both alpha and maxis match but im lacking on maxis match clothes that are really my style, is it possible for anyone to make like some really trendy tik tok clothes????
#SSSWish I'd love to see a subtle body blush in the skin details section that also tints lips slightly! 🥰 I feel like body blushes really makes the sims look more alive but they're so difficult to find in maxis match!
#SSSWish My wish is deco objects, anything from paintings to plushies, of Kirby the Nintendo character. I’m trying to make a Sim home for me and my sisters, one of whom adores Kirby, but I can find almost nothing Kirby-related. Other characters from the franchise such as Waddle Dee would be great too.
Anything The Outer Worlds related would be cool! The characters outfits, hair, traits, furniture, really just anything lol
I wish for weerbesu to add an option to UI Cheats mod to right click on a collection in the collectables tab to complete it. #SSSWish
#ssswish more like victorian cc for the decades challenge for categories that are neglected like kid, toddlers, swimwear, cold weather, etc.
#ssswish i would really love if someone could convert the snowy escape kids outfit with the blouse and pants to adult.
I would serious love if someone could make a flipped version of the Luxury Party Rectangles Bracelet for the right wrist! (It's the one that looks like staggered bars wrapped around the wrist and reminds me of a gauntlet.) #SSSWish.
#ssswish  i have 2 wishes if that is ok. first, i was hoping someone could make some nature prints like the framed botanical prints from cottage garden stuff, but with butterflies? or fruit/veg, birds, other bugs, anything really. my second wish is for someone to make a windsor style rocking chair out of the cats and dogs bench, if that is possible. i know that brazenlotus made an armchair from the bench if that helps?
I’d like to se a no-jealousy lot trait. A no-jealousy club perk would be nice too.
i’d love to see some demonia trinity’s or thigh high chunky platforms! 
How about an Elvis pompadour style or similar male hair that are short on top but longer in the back (not slickback long like Get Famous, just not tapered or shaved)?? :)
Hello! Thanks for this beautiful and sweet initiative! I have 2 requests: 1- Shop/selling/store cc that is a real maxis match. I’d like store furniture, packaging and proper showcases for selling goods, or clothes, or food that really match maxis content (think about a herbalist store, tech store or a country fashion store)
2- Start thinking about translate mods: I am an italian simmer and i really love how maxis turned the game in my language…it’s sooo funny!! they did such a great work and I really would like to see some awesome mods in other languages. I offer my help with italian translation to everyone!!
#SSSWish I will love a messy up bun without bangs ! ❤️ and a full body kawaii tattoos in colors, balck and with too 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Thanks!! Hope someone will be interested!!
#SSSWish I am a major occult fan and would absolutely die for new functional cc wands for my RoM Witches! I have heard they are hard to make but I figured I would see if anyone was willing to try.
I would love some cc for Journey to Batuu. I know most people hate the pack, but I'm a Star Wars fan so I love it. I would love some recolours of the clothes or some new Star Wars themed clothes that could be worn in Batuu. Thank you :)
Hello! It would be amazing if someone can update GrayCurse's Sims RANDOM TRAIT & ASPIRATION MOD or make something similar. #SSSWish
Hi! This is probably not a small ask, but can someone please update teanmoon's Darker Loading Screen Mod V2 wich includes darker launcher, loading screen and world selection screen. #SSSWish
#SSSWish Hello! I would really love it if a talented someone was able to make a Twilight werewolf shoulder tattoo ^^ Thank you!
I really love the new kotatsu table, and while not surprised, I was disappointed to find out that toddlers couldn't use it. It got me thinking, what if someone could make a floor cushion that functioned as a high chair? #SSSWish
Matching unisex high school sports (jersey/shorts) uniforms for teens. Can maybe use red & white spa day shirt as base for shirt?
#ssswish This is such a lovely idea! There are so many fun wishes! What I’d like to have (and I think would also be useful for other Simmers) is a wedding themed recolor of the “large pile of presents.” I usually put one of those piles in my wedding venue so that the bride and groom can “open presents” together. But the colors that are on the original are not what you usually see on presents at weddings. (I usually opt for the one that is mostly purple, since purple and lavender are my favorite colors.) What I’d like to have are recolors in white, white/gold, and white/silver. Maybe some white/pastels (especially lavender, pink and blue. The white/pastel recolors would also be nice for having a party that you call a “baby shower” especially if yellow and light green were also available. That kind of party isn’t in the game, but it should be!)
#SSSWish... Floor tiles that match the sidewalks!
#ssswish I love this idea and I appreciate you coordinating it! I would like to submit a wish please. I would like to ask if someone can convert the geta sandals from Snowy Escape to toddler and children please. Thank you to those who attempt it!
i LOVE THE IDEA OF A HOLIDAYS THEMED WISHLIST. I think it be nice to have a kids/nursery cc pack, with a toddler bed wivh look like a crib.
I would ❤️ love ❤️ a messy bun/pony tail with roots/compatible with a roots accessory; I’m obsessed with grown out hair 🙈
#SSSWish Hi! this is a great idea and i'd love to make a wish - i've been looking for a preset of full lips for male sims, specifically for Black male sims, that dont have that little bow in the middle of the top lip, if that makes sense! i've seen many of that sort for women, or for more 'white' looking sims, but never quite for black men! thank you and happy holidays!
#SSSWish I would really like it if someone could convert the floor-length dressing gown from Vintage Glamour for masculine frames!
Hi, hope I’m doing this right! I was hoping for something Ori and the Blind Forest/Will of the Wisps themed, something to get over how the games completely broke my heart. Maybe some plushies of some of the game’s characters I can put into rooms? I’d be fine with whatever, this is just a really cool thing you’re doing! <3
could someone make a short wall height version of the curtains from cats and dogs please?
I'd love to see anything based on Native American culture(s). Representation would be nice 💖 Thank you!
For the #SSSWishlist, I really just want to see someone recreate Geordi La Forge’s VISOR from Star Trek: The Next Generation. I think it’d look great and we can never have enough futuristic (and nerdy) cc!
I don’t see the #SSSwish I submitted on your public list (I forgot to use the hashtag before) so I’m submitting it again. I would love to see a mod, or tweak of an existing mod, that stops toddlers from pulling away from a hug after they asked for one in response to a Check Toddler. The toddler will hold up its arms with a ❤️ in the speech bubble then step back and refuse the hug, and the relationship takes a hit. I tried MCCC’s tuner to stop it but it didn’t work.
i would love some…chinese cc haha! With snowy escape there’s more build items that can be used, I’ve noticed there tends to be a lot of Japanese inspired cc even before that pack, but not a lot of things from other parts of Asia, especially ancient cultures or cultural items like instruments (decor), clothing, furniture (lohan beds), etc. I’ve gone looking but most of what I’ve found is locked behind chinese-only forums and is usually alpha…I just think it would be cool to see some mm stuff from other places esp as fandoms get more globalized
#SSSWish oh, please, i really want to see the "EA-faces replacement" that random townies get.. i'm from the sims 2 community and it's very strange to me that you put up with THESE faces.. ;; i want them (faces) to be more.."beautiful"?.. so yeah, it's my wish. i hope it's ok?
hi! #SSSWISH for a Carmen Sandiego (the 2019 netflix version) triangle choker? would love to see it in form!
#SSSWish I would love a down hairstyle using the same textures as either the rainbow ponytail from Get Famous or the rainbow top knot from Snowy Escape.
I just want a maxis match ragnarok loki’s hair
Just the Snowy escape bangs as accessories.
For #SSSwishlist, I would love to see someone recreating the Ikea’s Odger Chair in Maxis Match style, as it is one of my favorite chairs and it’s a shame that it’s not available in virtual form yet!
#SSSWish 🤗Thank you for implementing this idea, I'd been hoping that someone would do something like this for a long time. I wonder, would anyone like to try their hand at making a maxis match feather boa or a fur wrap around? They would be perfect for classy elderly (or sims in general).
I would love to see a conversion of the "Rustic stool" from Jungle Adventure from arm chair to dining chair.
I have a historical save, where I would love to use this.
#SSSwish I don't know if you're still taking these, but I really want a neck tattoo of feathery wings wrapping around the neck like a choker. That sounds specific but any style is really okay. Neck tattoos are so difficult to make!
Hi all i have in my sims4 wish list it more traditions for holidays! specially if they’re could be some snowy escape holiday traditions like visit a shrine or go skiing or something. really any new gameplay mods i love thank you all for your beautiful hard work #SSSWish
#SSSWishlist it would be really awesome to see a creator make a maxis match version of Urban Outfitters’ Joaquin sofa and armchair set, I think those look fantastic and will make a great addition to the game
#SSSWish: CC inspired in violet evergarden (anime) like Violet Evergarden or Luculia Marlborough hairstyles or even some of the clothes used on the anime. Merry Christmas!
#SSSWish I’d love to see a TS4 conversion of an old fave or two from TS2 – the tennis dress that came with the Apartment Life EP and the women’s nerdy cute sweater vest over untucked blouse from FreeTime (just the top preferred over the full outfit with the skirt) are the things I’ve been missing most, but anyone who wants to convert clothes from either of those two EPs or H&M stuff will make me super excited, they all had a lot of nice things.
This is an absolutely fantastic idea! I haven't been able to look around lately but I noticed that most rings/hand accessories aren't compatible with SkinDetail eyelashes. My wish is exactly hand accessories, specifically wedding rings, which don't conflict with SkinDetail eyelashes. It may be helpful to know that plumbobteasociety managed it in their RRS pack. Lastly, you guys rock!
#SSSWish If anyone is also interested, maxis match recolors of the folowing would be awesome!: Peace Maker's rockers with canvas seating like the Bamba rocker and Ddaeng Sims' Contemporary Pergola
For the SSSW, as a disabled simmer, I would like to see either a trait if possible or even just some CAS or Build/Buy items that are for disabled sims so I can that aspect into my save.
#SSSWish: I think it would be amazing if someone converted some of the YA-elder clothes from the sims 3 store ragtime in the big easy set (especially the vieux carre and big band swing dresses). Thanks :)
#SSSWish I'd like to see a deco pair of crutches that lean against the wall, if someone wants to make them :)
#SSSWish, Hello thank you for doing this! I would love to see more school uniforms. Particularly K-drama style uniform tops that have variations, such as blazers and the types of ties ( e.g. ribbons, bows, regular ties, loose ties, no ties etc. ), cardigans, vests, half-zips, blouses, button downs and crewnecks ( just some examples ) for sims that like to show off their own style at school, despite the uniform.
#SSSWish I'd love to see some riding pants ( jodhpurs ) and competition blazers for my equestrian sims.
#SSSWish: hey ho! my wish isn't all too specific but it would be awesome to see more maxis match historic or traditional clothing from all over the world (although preferably asia - varrying from everywhere) as well as build objects. please, remember, asia does not only consist of the east. thank you for your time!
Hiii thank you for doing this! Here are my two wishes:
1) This curly Rey hair from the lovely Shellanin on Twitter 
Tumblr media
2) A maxismatch bow necklace where it’s like a choker with a big bow at the back of the neck….Think Marie’s bow from Aristocats, but for humans!
#SSSWish a lip overlay or face overlay with specular mapping?
I would love to see a lobster claws accessory for hands made from Larry the lobster mascot from the Discover University Pack. Similar to HIM from the Powerpuff Girls.#SSSWish
Hi, I know this may be a super longshot because the venn diagram for the average simmer and this particular thing is probably two circles, but… it would be kind of neat for someone to make some MMA-styled gloves, for example here:
and here
#SSSWish I'd really like a hair based on Ardyn Izunia from Final Fantasy ❤️
#SSSWish i would love to see the tray from tiny living separated :) also i just want to say thank you for coming up with this secret santa!
#SSSWish, I would like more Star Wars cc, especially if it’s for Padme, Anakin, or Obi-Wan!!
Hello! Thank you for doing this! Something I am wishing for this year is a mm edit of a hair with a different colored underlayer (kinda like simpliciaty-cc's salem hair). I would love to have something like that in the game! #SSSWish
#SSSWish: Deco books with Simlish covers. Please and thank you if someone fulfills this. ^_^
I have another #SSSWish (if you don't mind). I don't know if it already exists but a mod which adds more family relationship options to CAS or the Sim menu. Like grandparents, cousins, step- and half-siblings, step-parents, etc. It would be easier instead of having to create additional Sims just to create diverse relationships.
#SSSWish Hi this is such an amazing idea! I would love a skintone set in s4simomo's V2 hair palette.
I would love to see some more truly alien clothing options for the aliens, the males especially. I sometimes like to dress mine up in complete different outfits for their alien and disguise forms. When I want to give there alien form a totally authentic feel, but a different outfit in every category, I have so much trouble dressing up the males. So some new alien options would be wonderful.
#SSSWish Ballerina outfits/clothes. SOOOOOO many ballerina poses but I can't find a lot of black swan type ballerina dresses (tutu dresses or skirts).
#SSSWish - Pet based holiday traditions would be wonderful! 'Take dog for walk', 'Adopt a pet', 'Brush your pet' for something like a 'national dog/cat day' :0c
I would love to have the "Easy Machine from Fred's PC Hut" computer from TS3 for Sims 4.
#SSSWish - hello! i would like to wish for a mod/fuctional lot trait which makes live in restaurants possible without the need of an additional lot. just everything packed into a single lot like littlemssam's live in business mod. that would be absolutely fantastic. best regards!
I wish for a formal dresses that looks good on plus size sims.
dear #ssswish i'm hoping for a family inspired poses. Maybe something like two parents, 1 or 2 children and a toddler. i'm unable to post links sadly, but if you look up @moonlitmjn on pinterest they've got a board called 'pose inspiration' that has a lot of inspiration for poses. happy holidays!
#SSSWish It would be amazing to see either teen/university age clutter items: open book stacks, piles of highlighters, simlish monster drinks, boxes of cheese-its that fell over cause you fell asleep at your desk…
Hello, I’ve found so many talented builders in this community (sadly not including myself) and I’m really wishing for a 30x20 lot to go on the island in Windenburg that’s sorta a tiny house cottage (?)… one to two bedrooms would be awesome, I’m personally okay with both cc usage and cc free builds. Thank u so very much in advance (:
#SSSWish i would love to see the little toy that’s on the eco lifestyle toddler beds as a stand-alone item :~) thank you for making this opportunity possible btw! happy holidays !!
Hi! Could someone please make more long messy male hairstyles, preferably curly or wavy? Think rocker/grunge styles. Its for my favorite sim and I would really appreciate it! Thank you in advance and I can’t wait to see what you come up with
Can somebody make some maxis match dreads for male sims? I see a lot of shaved sides for men or female dreads with clips and baby hairs, but I would love for some regular full head male dreads not too short and not to long!! #SSSWish
Ok so I hope this is the right place to ask my request on the wishlist? I read all the instructions and here but I couldn't find anything specific... I'm sorry if I'm too dumb... so what I want is a conversion of this from TS2 to TS4 modthesims. info/ download. php?t=324116 it is a window... thank you!
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crystalnet · 3 years
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Current X-book Mood-Ring Guide
There are an awful lot of X-books on the shelves right now. They are most of my monthly haul. No joke it is at least 12 books at this point. So, in order to cope with that, I’ve organized all the books into one of four different categories, aka “booster-pack” themes. Click through if you want to jump aboard the best X-men run since Morrison before the boat pushes off for the Hellfire Gala this summer! These are the 4 categories:
-Mainline Blue/Gold-style 
-Jr. Mutants Academy 
-2nd-Wave Krakoa Niche (aka “the good stuff”)
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#1. Mainline Blue/Gold-style
Mood-color/vibe: Actually 90s-style Blue/Gold and like bright primary colors (but also muddy-ass colors from X-factor). 
Books included: X-men, Excalibur, Marauders, X-force
Typical Pokemon: Scott Summers, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Betsy Braddock, Kate Pride, Beast, Black Tom, Storm, Bishop, Emma Frost, Rogue, Gambit, Jubilee, Kid Omega, Domino, a Pyro, Iceman, Avalanche. Rare drops: Apocalypse, X-23, Synch, Darwin, Kid Cable, Fantomex (in that Giant-Sized!)
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These be the books for someone who wants those direct, mainline, core-members-style lineups. On the main book (adjective/word-play-less X-men) Hickman/Yu have worked wonders with their run, but it hasn’t been a stable team, instead focusing on Scott and his adventures dealing with some of the more prominent threats to Krakoa. 
So it’s essentially been a revolving door of a book with Cyclops sometimes leading assaults against major problems and sometimes just being a dad to teenagers from the future, and it’s been generally great. 
Meanwhile, the teams we find on the other 3 books could basically be a main X-men team if you just throw Jean/Scott/Logan onto them (except for X-force because Logan is usually on that one, actually, and Jean sort of is..)
X-force: Wolverine usually, Kid Omega, Beast, Jean (quitting?/back-up), Domino sorta, Sage, Black Tom Cassidy, Colossus once? Forge sorta. [Lot’s of backup or sometimes-members on this team but kinda centers on Beast, Omega, Wolverine and Jean or Domino]
Excalibur: Betsy Braddock, Rogue, Jubilee, Gambit, Avalanche, baby/dragon Shogo, Apocalypse (honorary, mia)
Marauders: Kate Pride, Storm, Emma Frost, a Pyro, Iceman, Bishop
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On X-force, you get a little Morrison-homage energy going on what with Beast being sus, Quentin Quire having a character arc and dating a cuckoo and then all the body-horror. This one hasn’t been amazing and the art sometimes has issues for me but it’s been a solid expansion on Krakoa-Era lore. 
On Marauders, you get a book centered on Kate Pride and the Hellfire Club. It’s been aight but I’m not the biggest Kate fan. Definitely has heart and the art has been beautiful. 
Excalibur started a little weird for me... I lack the references or attachment to Otherworld or Davis/Moore-era Excalibur so I don’t think I’m even really the target demo, but I will say it recently, post-X of Swords-- which it set up single-handedly basically [along w/ one ish of X-men]-- has gotten more interesting in recent months. The Betsy + Kwannon stuff was great! And Howard did great with Apocalypse before he went off to another dimension. (points off for iffy color-palettes sometimes). 
#2. Jr. Mutants Academy
Mood-color/vibe: Pastel
Books: New Mutants, X-factor, Children of the Atom, Cable
Common Pokemon: Magik, Cable, Rachel Summers, Doug, Warlock, Armor, Boom Boom, Scout, Dani, Warpath, Karma, Glob, Beak, Daken, Eye-boy, North Star, Rachael, Prodigy those Children of the Atom kids, Magma, Rahne, and a lot of lil kid mutants runnin’ around in Akademos/the Wild Hunt area of Krakoa whose names I don’t know yet.
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This is the junior-crew club. New Mutants would be in the Blue/Gold books practically due to being part of the first wave of post-HoX/DoX books, but its basically been 3 different books/teams over its run and along w/ Children/Cable/X-Factor, it feels like there a whole handful of books offering up junior-crew shenanigans specifically. 
So New Mutants has been all over the place, starting with a lineup of OG Claremont era New Muties, then focusing on a team consisting of Glob, Armor and Boom Boom (perpetual...”young adult” I guess?), now settling on a new team under Vita Ayala with Magik and Warpath heading up a squad of young ‘uns (beautiful art on the recent stretch). Hopefully it’s settling into its self now, because I can see longevity for this new squad... maybe. 
I still have to read the 2nd issue of Children of the Atom,  but am intrigued by it. X-factor meanwhile seems to be focusing on queer representation with people like Prodigy, Daken, North Star and Rachel on the same group together. Polaris started out the lead of that title only to be plucked out by Duggan (or the fanbase) for the main X-team coming up. This honestly makes sense, because even though she isn’t drawn this way, shouldn’t Polaris be considerably older than someone like Rachel? Eh. 
Also, in issue #4 of X-factor we had a beautiful homage to the Academy X mutants, with several cameos, so it seems like Marvel is intentionally using these junior-crew books to acknowledge all the various junior-crews, whether it be OG Claremont kids, Generation X people, the kids intro’d under Morrison and Whedon, or even the dang ‘ol Academy X ones, they seem to all be getting at least some representation in some book. 
Also Cable owns. Didn’t know I’d like the Kid-Cable guy until this book and his appearances in the main title, but now it’s confirmed. Him dating Esme, Kid Omega dating Phoebe? These crazy telepaths! Anyway, I hope Duggan’s main-team book is more like Cable than Marauders, in terms of pacing and characterization, but they both have beautiful art!
New mutants: Karma, Magik, Mirage, Scout, Warlock, Warpath and Wolfsbane
X-factor: Daken, Eye-boy, Polaris (quit?), North Star, Rachael, Prodigy
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#3. 2nd-gen Krakoa Niche aka “the good stuff”
mood-color/vibe: purples, metaphysical/cosmic pallets, tertiary colors
books included: Hellions, S.W.O.R.D., Way of X
common Pokemon: I mean they’re basically all rare drops
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This is the good stuff! Who would have thought. And when I think about it,  Way of X and S.W.O.R.D., as part of the second wave of Krakoa-era books that started with Cable, both address some of the core issues and ideas that the whole HoX/DoX mini kicked off better than-- or at least more directly-- the other books. So I guess the non X-men, first-wave Krakoa books feel “mainline” in terms of their team lineups, but in terms of content, these newer ones almost feel more relevant by design. S.W.O.R.D. focuses on the cosmic context of the mutants post-Krakoa and Way is Kurt’s first spot-light moment in the era and is expressly concerned with Kurt’s addressing of the deeper moral quandaries that a people who have conquered death will be faced with. I mean, it's expressly about religion and like, spirituality-- a very tall order, but first issue pulled it off super deftly.
Also Hellions is better than it has any business being! Read this if you want savagely dark humor and some very obscure mutants + Havok/Psylocke/Sinister. But if I had to reccomend one, it’d be a tie b/w S.W.O.R.D and Way. First issue of Way was exceptional and got right into things and Kurt’s very well-written and will surely prove a meditative lead for a book like this, whereas S.W.O.R.D is epic in scale while still have sick character moments/dialogue. Manifold had a great issue or two and is now my favorite new mutant, even in the context of a somehow-actually-good King in Black tie-in. Damn! And everything going on b/w Magneto and Fabian Cortez (who was made to argue for why mutants should be allowed to murder “flatscans”/humans to the whole Krakoan council this week whilst naked. It’s fantastic. Hell, even the Snark-War sounds...interesting? What’s happening to me. 
S.W.O.R.D.: Fabian Cortez, Magneto, Abigail Brand, Peeper, Manifold, Wiz-Kid, Mentallo, Fenzy
Children of the Atom: Cherub, Marvel Guy, Cyclops-Lass (?), Gimmick, Daycrawler
Hellions: Havok, Psylocke, Empath, Orphan-Maker, Nanny, Wild Child, Sinister, Greycrow
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#4. Cetera
Mood-color/vibe: colorless, “normal” element
Books included: Fallen Angels (complete 6-ish mini), All the damn Wolverine books, the uh Sword of X “guidebook” and the new Peach Momoko Demon Days books and whatever X-men Legends is.
These are titles which are either complete or don’t fit in with other things or in Demon Days or the X-men Legends’ books’ case, I think don’t even occur in-universe. And per usual of course there are multiple Wolverine books... the main one seems fine. 
Anyway all-in-all, these books are doing weirdly well. Mutants as a concept shouldn't be able to be spread this thin story-telling wise, but the books don’t really feel redundant and most are filling a specific niche or purpose. I may be dropping some of the first-wave Blue/Gold style books (Marauders and X-force I'll probably just check in on from time-to-time), but S.W.O.R.D., Way, the main book under Hickman or Duggan and Hellions all have me verrrrrry satisfied. Even standard stories in the Krakoa era feel special, and that speaks to the power of Hickman’s vision. Hellfire Gala, here we come. 
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nostalgiaruinedme · 3 years
Hey I love your fics and writing style and well since I've been meaning to start writing fics I wanted to ask you if you have some advice you'd give.
Ohhh advice? Sure, I can do that! I shall bestow all of my knowledge upon you now, but you gotta look below the cut. Shhhh, it's a secret~
Okay really I just knew this was going to be a really long post and didn't want to clog up everyone's dash lol. ONTO WRITING ADVICE
I kind of live by these rules in writing:
1. Know the rules before you break them 2. ANYTHING can be inspiration 3. Remember the doll 4. Use your resources 5. Don’t hold yourself back 6. Practice 7. Enjoy yourself!!
1. Know the rules before you break them
Pay attention in English class (or whichever class for the language you're writing in) and learn the grammar!! I don't always have perfect grammar in my fics and sometimes I consciously choose to ignore grammar rules to make it more impactful, but you HAVE to know the rules before you break them. Study those grammar lessons! Learn how to use the fun punctuation, like semi colons and em dashes and en dashes and all that good stuff. I know they're scary, but they're a lot of fun too.
ALSO PLEASE USE PARAGRAPH BREAKS IM BEGGING that's like, a HUGE problem I see with a lot of new writers. Paragraph breaks are not optional!! Change 'em when the main topic of the paragraph switches or when a new character is speaking. Overdoing it with paragraph breaks is better than underdoing it, I promise.
2. ANYTHING can be inspiration
Have you ever played Story Cubes?
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If you haven’t, it’s essentially this game where you roll the cubes, they each land on a different image, and you gotta tell a story that uses all of those pictures. Some are literally just a question mark or a speech bubble and that’s what you have to use. Me and my siblings used to play the game a lot. And you know what? Some of those stories are the most creative ones we’ve ever come up with. When I say anything can be inspiration for a story or a character, I mean ANYTHING!
I based my Donnie design off of the vintage globes and journals I have in my bedroom.
My little sister threw a pillow at me and it inspired a funny scene I wanted to write in another fic
I designed two OCs off of Mars and Pluto and an ENTIRE 40,000 word fanfiction based off of a space documentary I watched
My NaNoWriMo story last year was based off of the concept of shadows and how cool I thought it’d be if they could talk
Me and my friend made an entire dystopian original story commenting on our world today. It was first inspired by a crack self insert Death Note RP we had at 13 years old. Not kidding.
Literally anything can be inspiration. Challenge your mind!! The best ideas come out of completely ordinary and unexpected opportunities, in my experience. You don’t need one of those super detailed and crazy expensive prompt books (though they are fun) to write a great story. Use music, use a color, use the sky, use your favorite food, use anything! Just find inspiration!
3. Remember the Doll
Remember Mulan?
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We never got to see the Huns destroy the village and we didn’t get to see them kill anyone there either. But by showing that doll there, the animators took an entire battle full of death and destruction and summed it all up in one, heartbreaking moment. You don’t need to spend ten pages writing about how horrifying the bad guy was and listing everything he did from start to finish, nor do you need to write an analysis on why she’s bad. All you need to do is show one or two very meaningful ways they impacted the world... and you can do that with something as simple as a doll lying on the ground in a burning village.
Because the doll is there; the little girl is not.
There’s a quote that sums this up really well, and I have it written on the dry erase board by my desk.
“You don't write about the horrors of war. No. You write about a kid's burnt socks lying in the road.”                     - Richard Price
And adding onto that, try to write more about what’s there, not what isn’t. Mulan didn’t say ANYTHING about the girl in that scene, but by showing what was there, it told us a story about what wasn’t. Focus on what is in the scene and it will tell your reader about what isn’t.
I do think writing a balance is good though, so I try and keep it around a 3/1 ratio of what is there vs what isn’t. Remember this is art though, not math; you can change the formula as you please just to make it feel right. It all depends on the scene and what you want.
4. Use Your Resources
You know how, in the artist community, there’s this sort of stigma around using references? And some artists have to make posts reminding others that there’s nothing wrong with using references and you even should use them?
It’s the same concept in writing!
There is NOTHING wrong with looking to other writers’ work or keep a thesaurus constantly open or bookmarking a reference page of other words to use than “said”. Nothing wrong with it at all! When I write, I always have two tabs open: my writing document and thesaurus.com. I have a folder on my computer bookmarks of ways to describe a smile and a body language dictionary. Before I write fanfic, I watch a “best moments of *character*” compilation video on Youtube to remind myself of how they speak. I watch fight scenes from The 100 or Avatar or Marvel while I write my own battles!
There are SO MANY resources out there for you to reference. Use them! And if you need some to start with, shoot me an ask. I have a ton.
5. Don’t Hold Yourself Back
One of the scariest parts of writing is the thought of “what will people think?” Creative writing is EXTREMELY personal, and you’re going to find a lot of you inside your work, including the thoughts you didn’t want anyone to know about. 
People will discover how often you think about love. People will discover how dark your mind can get. People will discover the morals you hold that even you didn’t know about. They’ll discover that the person you swore you’ve moved on from is still on your mind. They’ll discover that the pain you swore you got over still hurts you.
“you can tell the deepest truths with the lies of fiction”                     - Isabel Allende
This thought scared me a lot, and still does. I’ve let go of and forgotten about so many story ideas because they were just a little too personal. I could write it and not publish it, but what if someone still sees? Writing, like all art, comes right from the heart and reveals a lot about a person. That paranoia of being known kept me from writing so much.
But I promise you, your most powerful stories are going to be the most personal ones.
I wrote Hated Resemblance based on my thoughts about myself, and I wrote Dagger From the Mirror based on thoughts about myself too. A lot of it is dark, most is painful, and all of it is scary to show the world. But I wrote it anyways and it’s created something pretty amazing.
Hell, even now I’m wondering if I should post that lil anecdote, but I think it’s the best way to make this part of my point stronger. See? Writing about things that affect you is the best way to make them impactful, even for something as simple as advice.
And even if you want to write about light and happy stories- you’re still going to have to get personal.
This all got pretty deep but my point is this: Don’t hold yourself back. Write what you feel you need to and it don’t worry about what anyone will think. Don’t hide that one sentence because you’re scared who will read it because you’re scared to be known so deeply. Add it in even when it’s scary. 
That’s something I’m still learning how to do, and it’s a slow process that has taken years... but it’s worth it, I promise.
“Write what disturbs you, what you fear, what you have not been willing to speak about. Be willing to be split open.”                     - Natalie Goldberg
6. Practice
I started writing in 1st grade. I’ve written regularly since then, and this is my word count every month this year:
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Most of that is fanfiction. Some are just random thoughts, some are really thought out posts or answers to your questions, and some are made up of original stories. That total words written number is since November.
You don’t have to write this much every month, I promise, I just don’t really have any other hobbies lol. My point is that practice is really really really important. Write a paragraph or even just a sentence every day. You’re gonna improve so quickly, I promise.
“Write every day. Writing is a muscle that gets stronger with use.”                     - Abbi Glines
But take breaks too!!! Don’t overwork yourself. Burn out is a real thing and you shouldn’t force yourself to write just because you’re scared you don’t write enough! Write at a pace that’s comfortable for you. There will always be writers out there who write more than you and even more writers who write less than you. That’s okay. Everyone has a pace they’re comfortable with, and you just gotta find yours. As long as you’re writing consistently, the numbers don’t matter too much. 50 words a day or 5000 are both good!
7. Enjoy Yourself!!
You’re here to have fun!
No matter what you’re writing (angst, romance, fix-it, AUs, hurt/comfort, fluff, ANYTHING), remember that fic writing is supposed to be fun!! You’re not getting paid to do this. On one hand, that sucks, but on the other hand it gives you the amazing opportunity to write literally whatever you want! Find projects you’re enthusiastic about, meet other writers, do collabs, make playlists for your story, create over powered OCs for the hell of it, ignore plot holes and write without regard to canon, or write the most realistic and in-depth canon-compliant book ever. Create the most self indulgent story you can think of! 
Have fun. This is your story and you get to write the rules. Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise.
Oh yeah, and one more thing. Be proud of yourself. You can get all of the comments and feedback in the world, but if you’re not proud of what you wrote, it’s gonna be hard to look back on it with joy. Be proud no matter how many reads it gets—you made it!
“I think I did pretty well, considering I started out with nothing but a bunch of blank paper.”                     - Steve Martin
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beelieveinfandom · 3 years
Convo from the 18+ discord about a very silly star wars crossover I wanted to share.
gremgeous the gem pillar Just had a GREAT idea for a star wars crossover Just dipper visiting the star wars universe for whatever reason (multiverse vacation maybe? Idk. Dipper maybe dusted off that old portal in a fit of nostalgia or smth) and palpatine finds him and tries to tempt alcor to his side by offering him power Standard stuff for the sith really Except Well If you offer a demon unspecified power, in what form are they going to take it if not in the one who is offering's soul? Biggest and best tasting power boost there is, really! And then maybe he takes over the empty shell of a body afterwards which may or may not grant him force acess and alcor has a grand old time making a mess out of running the republic (or at least running lose in the senate) This is like... early prequals or pre-preauals era maybe. When palpafucker is still undercover and being all covert and unsuspicious and stuff I call this.... "palpatines penechance for grand speeches and unspecific ominous statements to try and seem all powerful and cool and dramatic fuck him over" Or in shorter terms ... . "There's a demon lose in the senate" And it basically runs like that one john mullaney bit With a side dashing of that one journak 3 thing where bill posesses a guy, messes with a roman army and then makes a guys head explode Also like nobody knows who alcor is or that hes even there bc theres no demons or dream demons in star wars (that i know of) so he gets the run of the place Even moreso than back home in gravity falls bc no one knows magic, its all "force this" and "force that" Dippered probably spends a lot of time nerding out over the different alien species since they dont have those back in his dimension (theyve got aliens but theyre different kinds) and also about the laser swords (just like the one Grunkle Ford made for them all (Ford, Dipper, Mabel, Stan, Soos, Grenda, Candy, Grendas boyfriend, Pacifica, and even waddles and gompers)  back in 2017! Good times, good times.)
swbeeworm oh this sounds like fun
gremgeous the gem pillar Right???
swbeeworm if i was familiar enough with the star wars universe to write anything in it i'd give this a shot
gremgeous the gem pillar right???
swbeeworm like i know star wars?? but i don't know star wars n i have to know something to be confident in writing it
gremgeous the gem pillar Sadly everything i know comes from time travel fixit and semi-salty pro-jedi meta
swbeeworm but just.... the sheer chaotic potential of this...
gremgeous the gem pillar Gosh yes....... Oh its be so good..........
swbeeworm oh mood it would be
gremgeous the gem pillar @Abigor u like star wars too gimme ur thooooughts When ur awake and have them to give
swbeeworm ugh i should. probably not be awake, i have stuff to do tomorrow n i have a headache but this is fun to think about
gremgeous the gem pillar I had another thing thats fun to think abt too Clone wars era, alcors there and everyon thinks hes a brand new sith player b/c gold eyes
swbeeworm just the shenanigans. the bullshittery. the sheer what-le-fuck reactions of everyone from the senate to the jedi to the people ooooooooo
gremgeous the gem pillar YES!!! Exactly.
gremgeous the gem pillar Oooooh jedi can do mind things i wonder what alcor wpuld feel like to them
swbeeworm my first instinctive responses were: 1) constant Screaming and a whirlwind mishmash of colors/concepts/etc that makes everyone who 'looks' too long start bleeding thru the nose/eyes 2) wii music on loop and these are VERY different prompts to have back to back but that's what i got
gremgeous the gem pillar AKDHSGGSHD I LOVE IT Oh what if its both at the same time Ajdhegdhdj what rven is the music like in star wars anyway
swbeeworm the fkin,,,, cantina music
gremgeous the gem pillar Like how would they react when confronted w wii music
swbeeworm is the equivalent i would think
gremgeous the gem pillar Do they even have the same sorts of instruments do they even know what electronic music is
swbeeworm just. that spawned another Thought imagine that the cantina music from That One Scene is the sw-equivalent of the wii music and just.  just imagine that same scene playing but with wii music on loop in the background
gremgeous the gem pillar Gosh "wii music on loop" i love it AODHDHSHSJD
swbeeworm it would probably FIT they have the same vibe
gremgeous the gem pillar Im crying Mits so good
swbeeworm sdjlksdafj i saw a post the other day that was talking abt the music there n how it kept playing on loop n the poster joked that it might have been like,, the john mulaney salt-pepper-diner-story situation which is only tangentially related to this topic but i had to recall it
gremgeous the gem pillar AJSHH i love that Gosh ok i feel like take 1 would fit with the new sith in town scenario And take 2 fits with theres a demon lose in the senate
swbeeworm sfsdkfjh yES
gremgeous the gem pillar But how FUCKING HILARIOUS would it be if in the senate story its the former, and in the oh so serious sith story its the wii music on loop im akdhsjdvsjdhsjbd
swbeeworm ASLDJSLKFJ plEASE take 1: gritty, serious, angst, deadly miscommunications--and fucking wii music on loop take 2: lighthearted, cracky, shenanigans and bullshittery--and fucking bleeding out the eyes if you try n read the guy talk about dissonance
gremgeous the gem pillar "Big scary sith! Look at the yellow eyes! What dastardly plots cpuld he be thinking/partaking in....." [Hard cut to alcor pov/inside alcors head] wii music plays as he stares off into space during a supposedly very important meeting
gremgeous the gem pillar OH I DO LOVE THE DISSONANCE Gsjdgysgsvsjgd wheeze its so good i love it
swbeeworm me tooooo .....for the sith one. would ppl see blue fire n think lightning
gremgeous the gem pillar Theyd probably think its some other secret sith technique
swbeeworm fair enough
gremgeous the gem pillar Everyone thinks one of the other sith lines that was supposedly wiped out had it since this sith deffs aint the line of bane- even the cirrent sith wanna know where alcors popped in from "Lightning was the bane line specialty.... guess where ever this kids guys from fire was theirs"
swbeeworm= adjlsdfkjlfkjf the shenanigans n bullshittery one imagine alcor-as-palpatine just. going incorporeal, still visible but not able to be touched, and the jedi go from "what the fuck is going on"  to "why the fuck is he  a force ghost"
gremgeous the gem pillar AJSGSHSGSHSA
swbeeworm alcor, who'd done it only bc his ~ornate robes~ had got so caught/tangled on something he could only get free by phasing through it: ??????
gremgeous the gem pillar wheeze Alcor: how the fuck did this guy move around in these AJDHSGDH ALCOR NOT KNOWING ABOUT THE SITH- SHOWS UP TO THE SENATE IN THE SITH ROBES
swbeeworm asdlkjsfkjsdfdf
swbeeworm a fASHION STATEMENT YES alcor: :blobsweats: alcor: what the FUCK is a sith alcor: and why do they have better style than the jedi
gremgeous the gem pillar WHEEZE He doesnt know jack shit abt the jedi or anything hes just vibing!!!!!!
swbeeworm yesssssss
swbeeworm alcor: no listen. listen. i picked these space robes out of my space wardrobe because they looked cool, not because i'm part of some. some space cult ljflskdajfslkdfjsd
swbeeworm that's even better
gremgeous the gem pillar space cult im HOWLING
swbeeworm you KNOW he'd be so excited at being in space this DORK
gremgeous the gem pillar Ph gosh imagine it starts out all dark and serious and angsty and creepy in the whole beginning exchange But as soon as the day after alcor takes up palps role hits it takes a sharp turn into crack terriotry
gremgeous the gem pillar OH HE WOULD
swbeeworm yESSSS
gremgeous the gem pillar Alcor takes one look at dooku and is like "youre the only one aroynd here with any sort of fashion sense" "And its HORRIBLE"
swbeeworm sljflskdjfsd
gremgeous the gem pillar Just roasts him And by extension everyone else too
swbeeworm dooku has NO IDEA what's going on but at this point ""palpatine"" or whatever's taken over him is ten minutes into a rant abt the layers on layers of boring robes jedi wear and at this point he'll take the backhanded compliment about his own style
gremgeous the gem pillar Akehdsjfssksgsjd
swbeeworm just to shut him up
gremgeous the gem pillar AKDHDJDGDJDHD Alco goes on a 30 minute rant on why suits are SO much more professional
swbeeworm snaps "palpatine" into a suit and goes "...except maybe for this guy idk if anything could make him look good"
gremgeous the gem pillar And its more of a backhanded insukt than a backhanded compliment but anything to shut the guy up, right?
swbeeworm how much we roasting palpatine here
gremgeous the gem pillar To a blackened crisp
swbeeworm as it should be
gremgeous the gem pillar Its better than his wrinkly old rasin look anyday
swbeeworm lskjdlsakjfdf agreed
gremgeous the gem pillar Be hard NOT to improve on that honestly But the dude sinks so low i bet hed somehow manage it
swbeeworm --alcor getting fed up w palpatine's body and just. showing up to the senate meetings, full alcor, eyes n his normal face n everything, in palpatine's robes, and when someone rightfully asks him who the hell is he, he just deadpans "i'd think by this point you'd recognize your own chancellor" and just straight insists he's palpatine (and has the knowledge to back it up) every time someone sputters
gremgeous the gem pillar Also i included the bit abt the journal 3 thing bc my saga of alcor repeating bill's patterns, behaviors, and ideas unknowlingly and without awareness that that is what he is doing shall continue >:3c
swbeeworm because at this point it's less about blending in and more about trolling the whole senate and being as distracting as possible  because with everyone paying attention to his trolling theyre less likely to notice the bills for clone rights n abolishing slavery n such that he's pushing thru in the background misdirection at its finest
gremgeous the gem pillar I was gonna say a thing abt alcor replacing palps b4 the election and so they did elect alcor to chancelorhoood But it might be funnier if he took him over AFTER abd still says that bit abt recognizing their own chancellor Oh gosh in that secind scenario it would be hilarious if the jedi are all  :blobglare: @alcor except for obi-wan who is all like "i am looking away" bc at least THIS guy (whiever the hell he is) has stopped being such a creep abt anakin
swbeeworm the jedi are sent in to figure out wtf is going on and. they, unfortunately, bewilderingly, confirm that this is the same person as the chancellor who'd been showing up recently??? same wii music/bleeding effect??
swbeeworm alcor, finding appointments with some random jedi kid on palpatine's calendar: wtf why is this creep trying to meet with a kid alone, yeah how about i cancel that
gremgeous the gem pillar AKDJDJD Alcor, looking at palpatibes planner: "every day i am more and more glad that i ate thig guys soul" "Like i knew it was oily but im suprised i havent got an upset stomach from it yet"
swbeeworm sjlskdfjsdf alcor the next day, after finding stuff abt the order 66 chip things, gagging: "i spoke too soon"
gremgeous the gem pillar Obi-wan to the council: hmm? Yes this is totally the chancellor, i know this because of all the previous meetings and close relationship he has had with my padawan which you allowed and helped facillitate- "Palpatine":[has a completley different body type, height, and face. Plus he actually has hair and is maybe even floating a little but its hard to be sure in those black and gold robes- and with a completely different voice] oh, yeah, totally, Im the chancellor and i totally know who this guy and that kid is yup yup yup-
gremgeous the gem pillar [UGLY LAUGHTER] AkdjskkdkdjsysAODJSJEUEIEIIEF
swbeeworm ASDKAFDF "palpatine": [grins with very sharp teeth at a nervous senator] council: "okay that is NOT normal" obi-wan, deadpan: "i'm sorry, it sounds like you're discriminating against non-human beings? that's not very jedi of you now is it"
gremgeous the gem pillar ALDHDJDHD Wait wait no what if its "This is completely normal behavior. I, as a human, know this for certain" "I can do this too, but i dont, because it is impolite, but hes the chancellor he can do whatever he wants"
swbeeworm asldksajflksdfjsdf;jsdf yes yes beautiful
gremgeous the gem pillar Alcor and obi-wan team up to be passive agressive at everyone who allowed palps and anakin to hang out ABOUT them letting an unsupervised minor chill w a suoer duper old guy Shoulda had a chaperone at LEAST Butalso
swbeeworm the other humans on the council: "uh, actually-" obi-wan: [manages to sip tea (which he shouldn't even have access to in a council meeting btw) with an aggressively polite smile and silent Threat] the other humans: "....um."
gremgeous the gem pillar "Thats not very jedi of you now is it" AODHSJSIDHALSVD IM HOWLING I LOVE IT THE SASS wheeze*
swbeeworm i live for obi-wan sass it gives me LIFE
gremgeous the gem pillar SAME oh its so good Love that one post where obj-wan is on tatooine and calls all the force ghosts to view his powperpoint presentation about how letting palps have acess to analin was a bad idea as hed been saying all along-
swbeeworm u need to know i wrote this with the "that's not very plus ultra of you" meme, which is a bnha offshoot of the "that's not very cash money of you" meme, in my head on repeat
gremgeous the gem pillar Ph him terrorizing all the people palpatine had in his pocket...... Ok this is veering into even MORE crack territory but at some poibt alcor replaces, uh, whats the dudes name, palps second in command - mess something-or-other? - with a nightmare Not just ANY nightmare But a DIFFERENT nightmare each day
gremgeous the gem pillar They took it upon themselves to go on rotation They couldn't decide who should go when alcor proposed the idea so its everyone One at a time They dont even look REMOTELY human Or like anything the galaxy has ever known or seen And theres no "secretive supernatural species" excuse for them to fall back on here lmao
swbeeworm random dude: "what is that???" alcor, cheerful: "that's my assistant" rd: "is that--is that supposed to be a sheep?" alcor: "no they're my assistant" nightmare: [sound that, if you ignore the reverb and microphone-screeching and kazoo effects, might be a "baaa"] alcor: [smiles aggressively wider with sharp teeth] rd: [sweats nervously]
gremgeous the gem pillar ALDJDKSIEJEHAJWJWHEI Obi-wan: i am still l :eyes:king away Anakin: oooh, the wool is so soft master. Come feel it! Obi-wan: really? Ooh youre right The council: ....
swbeeworm rd: "okay but this is a DIFFERENT one than yesterday right?? right???" alcor: "i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about :)" obi-wan, still with tea he should not have, this time with space whiskey mixed in: "sir i think you might be seeing things, they are clearly the same individual as yesterday"
gremgeous the gem pillar Mace: ...hrm it is quite soft- The rest of the council: ??? When did he get-
swbeeworm obi-wan looking mace dead in the eye and chugging his spiked tea which is more whiskey than tea at this point: "how dare you accuse me of lying.  me, after everything i've done for this council.  i am betrayed.  heartbroken.  never shall trust again.  i am leaving until i recover" -and promptly fucks off on a vacation with anakin
gremgeous the gem pillar The jedi start getting a LOT more missions about busting slave rings and giving aid in the outer rim - plus some more dimplomacy docused ones in regards to solving teeaties instead of putting down rebellions
-alcor shows up on the vacation with zero explanation and obi-wan at this point is like "fuck it why not" -a nightmare takes his place in palpatine's robes in the senate for the week they're gone
gremgeous the gem pillar ALSJSHDJDJSKDHEE Weirdly enough some of the more corrupt senators go missing after that week No one knows what hapoebed to them but the robes the "chancellor" wore that week have some awfully suspicious stains WAIT WAIT WHAT IF ITS NOT A NIGHTMARE WHAT IF ITS GOMPERS alcor didn't even ASK gompers to be there he was planning to not even warn anyone n just vanish but gompers just SHOWED UP the nightmares were the ones who put the robes on him
gremgeous the gem pillar Alcor doesn't even KNOW gomoers is there He gets back after the week and is like "what the heck" The nightmares are pretty proud of themselves for that one
swbeeworm the nightmares, collectively: "this is gonna be HILARIOUS" alcor, halfway across the galaxy, sees a newsfeed of a senate meeting with gompers in the robes in his place, and spits his drink clear across the room
he's only mad because he didn't think of it in the first place
gremgeous the gem pillar wheeze Hes proud of them
swbeeworm he IS
gremgeous the gem pillar Its so HILARIOUS
swbeeworm i pity anyone trying to read this mess later but i hope we at least make them laugh once
gremgeous the gem pillar Same Its such a joy Alcor teaches anakin the secret to mabel juice
swbeeworm oh no
gremgeous the gem pillar Only the children thank him The minders.... not so much
swbeeworm alcor: "okay so what i'm hearing is, the adult jedi have been making Stupid Decisions and not paying as much attention to the kids, as evidenced by them letting that one kid have meetings one on one with the creepy older guy i stopped putting effort into impersonating a month ago. so, clearly what needs to happen is something that forces the adults to pay attention to the kids and start keeping a closer eye on them, but it can't be something that actually hurts the kids because then i'd feel bad" alcor: "...." alcor: :blobamused:
gremgeous the gem pillar akdhdjsgshsjhdsjdjdj
swbeeworm alcor in a totally not suspicious trench coat and sunglasses: "hey. hey, kid. you wanna try some mabel juice?"
gremgeous the gem pillar AKDJDJDJDLFKFIFJIF WHEEZE "With the creepy older guy i stopped putting effort into impersonating a month ago" ALDJDBDJDJDDHDHDJDJDJDJDJDJDJSJDJEJEJE
gremgeous the gem pillar AKSJSHDJDJF
swbeeworm star wars kids: "mr chancellor why are you wearing that" alcor: "because i think it's funny" kids: "it isn't" alcor: "look do you want the juice or not"
swbeeworm i am having WAY too much fun with this ldjsldkfjdsf;
gremgeous the gem pillar "Were not supposed to take drugs from strangersl" "Its not- just take it!"
Hooooh man thats so funny Oh gosh Alcor uses a different time/date system
Than the star wars one
swbeeworm ooooooo yes
gremgeous the gem pillar Nit super sure where im going with this but.... Pretty sure he woukdnt know the star wars one At all Maybe the in-umuverse knockoff calendar maybe Hes wnough of a nerd to have that memorized But the star wars proper one
No, no i dont think he knows that one
swbeeworm nope no chance
gremgeous the gem pillar Omg yes
gremgeous the gem pillar Well its a good thing we have this..... and the mistaken sith version too :blobamused:
swbeeworm i have 1 scene i can think of that actually almost made my friend cry and i have 1 au scene of a different au of mine where a character who canonically dies and gets brought back to life...doesn't come back (which is extra angst bc this is a Ghost Seeing Fic) and both of these i wrote at like 3-4am
swbeeworm SDFJKSDLFSJf YES :blobamused:
gremgeous the gem pillar Alcor: "you know, i usually save this one for the kids who followed the stranger with the nice candy into the alleyway and end up as sacrifices but I feel like you could benefit from it too"
swbeeworm alcor: "no talking to suspicious ppl" anakin: "except you right?" alcor: "....in any other situation i'd say no but if i say that you're just gonna up and leave (i see that grin thanks very much) so in this one singular personal case it is fine that you trust my very suspicious self"
gremgeous the gem pillar AKSJSJDJJD "My very suspicious self" Aksjdhdd
swbeeworm obi-wan, straight up knocking back shots now: "the man has a point anakin"
gremgeous the gem pillar Haha nice Obi-wan is taking notes Hes also re-inventing alcoholic mabel juice He weaseled the recipie out of the kids
swbeeworm asldfkjsdlkfjd imagine if somehow SIDIOUS CAME BACK and tries to take back over the senate but everyone at this point is used to alcor and one of two things happens: 1) they assume this is alcor messing with them with a clone/double (they don't know how he'd do it but at this point given his "assistants", the goat that somehow made more eloquent speeches than the "human", and the other things involved, they wouldn't put it past him) and just ignore him 2) they look between the real palpatine who'd been pushing thru some very sketchy bills, and between alcor who's been sneaking through law after law protecting all kinds of sentients, and they turn back to palpatine and go "how dare you impersonate the chancellor" and kick him out
swbeeworm at this point he deserves it tbh
gremgeous the gem pillar AKDJDJDHFDJDJDJD Ok i preffer him dead and gone and forgotten in favor of alcor (its what he deserves) but oh those are hilarious
swbeeworm agreed to both counts alsdjalsdk
gremgeous the gem pillar ESPECIALLY if the senate chooses to keep alcor over palps XD Ph man we can work that into him being dead and gone too- alcor starts dispersing the power and the other half of the senate w bail and padme are like "yeah seems legit" along w obi-wan The jedi only put like, a token effort into investigating and are more put out by trying to figure out what happened to the real palpatine and all his past shady dealings than exposing the current "palpatine" for a fake
swbeeworm palpatine: "excuse me?? i am the chancellor of this republic" councilmembers, with the same deadpan as alcor's been pulling on them all year: "sir, i think you're confused. this is the chancellor" [points to alcor, in palpatine's robes from his closet, making no attempt to hide his lack of resemblance to palpatine, with a nightmare at his side wearing a small top hat that proclaims its position as "chancellor's assistant"] palpatine: [screams of frustration]
gremgeous the gem pillar Once they reaize the shift in mission assignments can be attributed to new palp
swbeeworm yesss this
gremgeous the gem pillar I wanna say maul gets the joy and pleasure of offibg palpatine the second time in that version
swbeeworm FINALLY they get a chance to pull one back over on someone, pass along the suffering a little bit
swbeeworm oh definitely
oh shit we've been at this for an hour
gremgeous the gem pillar Maul comes back and offs palps and evrryone is jist like "Maul!!! How?!?" And completley ignore the palpatibe corpse 2.0 Ajdhhd so we have Niiiight book
Also from a tumblr post the phrase "your pal friendpatine" is hilarious and i think yall shoukd enjoy it too As is "SOMEHOW... MAUL RETURNS" Both taken from the same post lol Okokok so switchibg tracks for a bit Revisiting Some groundwork for the mistaken sith version Alcor is there..... because al-v was there first, made friends with the droid army mid clone war, and caled his dad in to help Which puts alcors initial point of contact as the separost foot soldiers
gremgeous the gem pillar No matter what the dominant language alcor has most recently been using OH OH OH ALCOR WITH ACESS TO OTHER UNIVERSE SLANG CONFUSING ALL THE SENATE WITH HIS NONSENSICAL PHRASES AND IDIOMS AND SLANG/PROFANITY LIKE "over the moon" AND "hot belgian waffles" AND "fuck" "Palpatine": [drops paperwork he JUST spent so much time disorganizing (as in putting in a dissaray)] FUCK Senator: .... sir, what is a 'fuck' "Palpatine": ......... im not explaining that to you Or conversley he makes smth up Alcor, upon realizing the most common swear word is "kriff': yeaht hats stupid im not saying that Alcor mercilessly roasting the star wars profanity And how stupid they all sound. This one is great for the al-v and alcor make friend w a droid army and maybe-sorta steal them while massivelt confusing and mystifying everyone along the way, bc why not add a language barrier on top of all the other assumptions and misunderstandings >:D But also at the same time it would make sense for him to have got thw local language in an infodump somewhere along the line (maybe an older version) if its located in a different galaxy but the same universe........... but also what if theyre just suoer far away so he didnt get priority acess...... or even if he traveled back in time ............. [Shrug] idk Mwanwhile inexplicably having the same language is hilarious in the demon lose in the senate ons but also imagine alcor pretending to be palpatine while unable to speak the common tongue lolol I know it wouldnt work (he has to be able to understand palpatine on some level to take MASSIVE advantage of him and eat his soul) but it is hilarious to think abt the shenanigans............ OH GOSH ALCOR TAKING CONTROL OF THE SENAT BUT BEING UNABLE TO R E A D AKDBSKSKJFF Okokok Imagine the basic/english language inexplicably being the same structure w a few different words and concepts...... when spoken And completley different when written down SO ALCOR CAN SPEAK BUT HE CANT READ Meanwhile in mistaken for a sith land alcor either doesnt have any knowledge of the local language or else gets a SUPER OLD AND POSSIBLE DEAD LANGUAGE in an infodump (to help feed the misunderstandings and rumors and future clashes w the sith and the jedi hehhehheh) bc semi-omniscience is not total omniscience and so is not everything and, once again, is not very helpful But ill leave off for tonight on the thought of alcor, lose in the senate, in the seat of the chancellor, lord of all paperwork for the galactic republic....... and able to read NONE of it And barely understands it too (demons are not ones for politics, Brian the Organ Duck and his 200 year sucessful presidency run aside) (his is soemthing of the exception, not the rule.) Meanwhile all those humanitarian aid bills and the like are all being passed by bail and padmes group all over the place bc their strange and inexplicable source of resistance was devoured like, a week ago Not ones to look a gift horse in ths mouth until AFTER they get what they want the group passes a ton of bills without delay - and manages to break up a few monopolies along the way Now im not saying that "palpatine" suddenly acting off and the bills facing a lot less resistance is a noticeable coincidence...... and around the same time he stops asking after anakin ............... but im totally saying they notice it and realize its probably, absolutely, not a coincidence and theyre not going to say anything bc they like this new "palpatine" better. Despite all the other mindbending weirdness and mindfuckery going on there The jedi are only mad abt alcor bc a few of their own started bleeding from the eyes nose and ears when they tried to investigate initially so theyre a little ticked off abt that, which, fair.
Also the blantant lying and lack of trying on alcors part is a little insulting to them as a whole ("does he think we'll really fall for that") and is slightly concerning to them ("who the heck is this, someone is inpersonating the chancellor of the ENTIRE REPUBLIC-" Which is, admittedly, a little concern worthy)  but if the council is honest (or some of the council anyway) with themselves its pretty much the darn best entertainmnt theyve had in a good long while, headaches aside, sot ehyll focus more on the okd palpatines dissapernace and dealings than the new "palpatine" so long as he doesnt start doing anything ACTIVELY damaging to the republic. A little mischief doesnt technically count as harm- and hey theys preffer to find the og chancellor b4 upsetting and potnetially causing the new one to do smth drastic by attsmpting to out him (not that alcor would, its so much funnier to deny everything to their faces while blatantly lying but they dont know that. So caution (and stress) it is)
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dirtyrottenraskel · 3 years
my take on yueki's personalities
notes / personality
cocky (but also like understated confidence - r e g a l af) 
kind of a nerd
maybe a little entitled, and a little bratty and suki loves to indulge her or to rile her up depending on her mood
seems soft but made of steel
strong sense of duty
socially intelligent - can be manipulative and suki (the dork) thinks it is so hot 
aloof queen bee typa beat
supportive, both in ur day to day and in going after your big moral life goals 
deep water - steady and powerful, often underestimated
untold depths, private yet surprisingly nurturing - master of deflecting away from herself
political nerd - well read, and when she has someone she trusts not to take advantage of her, she goes OFF 
distrusting of most people, has been used and ignored and underestimated her whole life
patient - homegirl knows how to play the long game
excellent at pai sho / chess 
she and suki have epic battles of wits - dif types of strategy but both are really into it and get a little too competitive (multiple board games have had to be replaced over the years)
loves travel bc wasn’t allowed to much, esp when she was sick 
was super repressed growing up - never let her be herself or really have any sort of independence
used to sneak out and wander around in rebellion and casually sabotage plans and decisions she didn’t agree with 
introverted, many opinions but keeps them to herself, discreet but well spoken
weaponizes secrets and information - doesn’t often use it but...she could
definitlyyyyy worries and overthinks and re-evaluates - worries ab social politics a lot
obsessive about picking things - wants it to be perfect
shes growing into her confidence as a leader
prefers quite intimate places
incredibly romantic
classic lit
planner for the future - visionary
kind / sweet / gentle - yes, but that’s also her “front” to a degree (seriously, i feel like she gets painted as so sweet and submissive and one dimensional by the fandom a lot of times and it freakin kills me)
INFJ-T (The Advocate) ((yes this is from 16p which i know is not super accurate but u can still catch her overall vibes from it ya know)
sensitive/reluctant to open up/perfectionist/prone to burnout/not a fan of the ordinary
friendships / relationships
(<> indicates that they’re one of her best friends)
sokka - puppy love crushes, laugh ab it now, get into deep late night talks about responsibilities and leading, water tribe culture, prank wars (no one believes sokka when he says yue is a mean prank master (expect suki comes to see it in action lol))
katara - <> badass women friendship, totally would go to matches and protests together, tough girl shit, waterbending practice/duels - start of cautious, but then get rough in a good way bc they trust each other, they do water tribe food adventures together
toph - indulges her chaos, bonding over stupid royal upbringings, odd yet weirdly endearing pair
zuko - both sort of standoffish gay royals, but once they come to see that they are friends - take up similar spaces though, so only hang out in a group or rarely by themselves, they do hang out at like political parties and stuff when they get more comfortable together
aang - <> he has an impressive world view, yue is super studied and well read, so she and aang nerd out over past cultures together, and also their peace keeping nature, they have tea together often - usually after she and katara wipe the floor w/ each other
clothing / aesthetic:
blues and pale colors
classy and understated wealth
like those cute feminine button down shirts
like cold weather classy
complicated braids
sort of soft girl aesthetic?
pleated skirts !!!
i feel like she would wear ethically sourced fur (i don’t wear fur but idk how to get it in an ethical way - maybe it’s just fake??)
knit sweaters and skinny jeans and heeled ankle boots
light academia !!!
hella funky earrings - to mark her native pride and also cuz gay
from my readings, tattoos have a lot of cultural significance for Inuit women, and so i feel like yue would totally have some (when she comes of age ofc) 
notes / personality 
also very strategic 
more spontaneous tho - will totally calculate the odds in a spilt second in her head and then just go for it
like still a careful planner, but willing to say fuck it, yolo if it seems right 
reflects on her mistakes, but more in like a healthy way - unless it was a leadership mistake, then it eats her up inside - worries more ab keeping her girls safe and making the right call
likes lively places
total bashful romantic
manages the present and the short term - realist
loves to do lists 
a little punch happy - loves to make violent threats, but also does it out of excitement and she’s just a really physical person tbh
steady, can come off as stubborn and abrasive but she really just wants what’s best for everyone she loves
harsh on herself and worries about her girls a lot 
always ends up in the oddest situations 
totally would kick someone’s ass for being racist/sexist/homophobic/etc 
dedicated to her training and her regime 
not a great cook, but she can manage 
would drink monsters 
has a weird relationship with femininity - took her awhile to reconcile strength and toughness and being assertive and aggressive with also wanting to feel pretty and feminine and embracing being a girl and how those things can coincide and amplify each other
abandonment issues - parents absent/dead 
was imprisoned - obvi she had several almost successful escape attempts, but she got really close to breaking 
was incredibly independent really early, grew up really fast and tries to make up for that now by sometimes being reckless 
tough/assertive/woman of action 
dry sense of humor/sarcastic - not good at nickname/pun humor tho
stubborn/judgmental/difficult to relax/difficulty expressing emotions/too selfless 
friendships / relationships
(<> indicates that they’re one of her best friends)
sokka - <>  man they’re like platonic soulmates - she beat him up, and now they spar all the time, totally funny and crack jokes all the time, go skating together, they do shitty art together, and then show their lovers after zuko and yue come back from their high society mixers, broke her out of prison, m/f friendship !!! 
katara - also sparring buddies (suki will throw down at any literally moment (and tbh so will katara)), not close but will hang in a group - go to each other for advice 
toph - <> listen these two wreak havoc together, they help each other out a lot, i feel like they’re shopping buddies (similar enough style to frequent the same shops) toph knows suki won’t judge her for wanting to feel pretty and suki knows toph will be honest, they are both blunt sarcastic assholes and get along like a house on fire 
zuko - <> shows zuko how to like,,,enjoy things (and how to let go of some of that pressure to be always right and the adult and in charge bc they were raised with so much responsibility on their shoulders even tho they were just kids)? she is also super protective of him (once she trusts him), one of the only ppl who can match suki fully in hand to hand combat, both do the Disappointed Parent Look when the group falls into chaos, but by themselves, the two of them end up in hijinks
aang- suki enjoys his optimism and they’re just chill bros, they love exploring abandoned placed together 
clothing / aesthetic
sporty and skater mixed 
ripped jeans, crewnecks, vans 
green and yellow and dark red 
gym clothes/athleisure - lifting style gym clothes - cut off t-shirts and bike shorts
skirts too, likes to play into femininity
she’s a gold jewelry kinda girl - but stuff that won’t hinder her movements 
necklaces that end in the hollow of her throat & occasionally rings
definitely cuffs all of her jeans (it’s just bisexual culture ya know)
so many crop tops - some came like that, some were more of a diy project
yueki’s relationship!!!
nerd/jock solidarity 
feel the burden of responsibility and the weight on their shoulders 
they create a safe space between them, full of trust and warmth and vulnerability 
yue will read suki sappy passages from poetry books while suki polishes her fans 
they slow dance in the kitchen a lot 
they get good at ordering takeout - and they have some weird decision making process that only they understand - bc neither of them are great cooks 
yue would feel jealous of suki and sokka, if it weren’t for how stupid in love sokka was with zuko and yue can see that suki really only has eyes for her 
yue is taller than suki and it amuses her to no end to pick suki up and carry her away from a fight (we all know suki could get away if she wanted to, but when ur hot tall sexy gf throws u over her shoulder,,,,,,u don’t complain)
joke they’ve adopted kataang and zukka, bc they’re all dummies, but in reality every last one of them is stupid LMAO 
they love to do each other’s hair and it’s like super intimate and really cute 
sometimes it’s these epic elaborate hairstyles and then at other times, they try to see how many ponytails they can fit on suki’s head and how many little braid yue can do 
they travel EVERYWHERE 
since yue is royalty and suki is her body guard,,,, well i mean, they totally have to see these kingdoms they are doing trade deals with in person 
it helps that they're friends with a lot of them 
they stay over in everything from camping so they can stargaze to ritzy hotels with hot tubs in the bathroom 
yue gives suki rocks she finds on all their travels and suki lines them up on their mantle around the pictures of them in increasingly weird locations 
suki loves guarding yue’s meetings bc she gets to watch her absolutely rip a new one into misogynistic old men and it never fails to bring her joy 
While yue doesn’t love getting attacked, the ruthless efficiency suki defends her with is like,,,,,stupid attractive 
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