#but that’s okay
teddy06 · 2 days
Inside of you there are two wolves:
one who is the youngest child who was half raised by their siblings and constantly trying to meet expectations set by said older siblings accomplishments that sees Ponyboy Curtis and goes 'I'm him'
The other is the child whose mother opened a home daycare before they were two and had to help raise other people's kids by the age of seven, and has constantly taken on the role of parent/older sibling with their younger friends who sees Darrel Curtis and goes 'I'm him'
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snapdragonshoard · 2 months
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skumhuu · 7 months
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✨👑 Throne 👑✨ pages 9-10
< • >
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midnigtartist · 7 months
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Faerûn is going to eat her alive
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frostiecake · 2 months
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Lil doodle, and a lil headcanon
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letsgolando-4 · 3 months
Posting my edits on tumblr because TikTok has beef with umg now :p
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izzyfizzyxx08 · 10 months
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Old but unshared sketches I did 🥲
Have no idea if I’ll make more
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literallybreadsticks · 4 months
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Wireglasses in the Splatoon artstyle and kAyOSs in the Coroika artstyle
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I just want to take a minute to appreciate all the people who are sitting here on tumblr with me having a simultaneous aneurisms about the underworld saga
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empirearchives · 28 days
Napoleon’s reforms
As it is Napoleon’s death day (May 5th), I decided to make a collection of some of my posts with Napoleon’s reforms. This is not an exhaustive list of all of Napoleon’s reforms, just what I’ve been able to post about thus far, and I plan to dedicate many more posts to the subject.
Abolition of torture
British renunciation of the title “King of France”
Cadaster (land registry)
Canned food
Central Vaccine Committee & the Society for the Extinction of Smallpox
Child labor laws
Citizen cooks & the Society for the Encouragement of National Industy
Concordat of 1801
Constitution of 1799 (universal suffrage)
Freedom of religion
Grand Sanhedrin
Imperial nobility
Legal impact (list of law codes)
Legal impact (part 2)
Metric system
Napoleonic Code in Bavaria
Paris Bourse
Paris Fire Brigade
Paris Health Council
Père Lachaise Cemetery
Prison reforms and changes
Reforms in Italy (undone during the Restoration)
Regulations limiting pollution
Restoration of universities
Rumford soup kitchens
Sewers and Sanitation
Smallpox vaccine
Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts Brussels
Sorbonne university
Sugar beet industry & trade
Sugar (part 2)
Switzerland (Napoleon’s impact in the country)
Tax collection system
Treaty of Campo Formio
Unification of the Italian peninsula
Water policies
Women artists in Napoleonic France
Women writers in Napoleonic France
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panicky-pansexual · 29 days
IT’S HIS DAY🗣️🗣️‼️‼️
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the-crimson · 9 months
Ok I have thoughtsssss on the Dapper lore we just got.
I 100% believe the feds are coercing Dapper to mass produce these op health swap/regen potions for them - for a number of reasons.
First off, we need to go back to the convo Dapper had with Bad a week? Ago about keeping secrets. This was before Dapper started acting really weird and secretive. During that conversation, Dapper - to me - felt scared. At the time I assumed it was because they were afraid Bad would be upset at them for keeping secrets but now I think it was because Dapper was terrified of the secret he was keeping, that the Feds have commanded them to figure out a way of mass producing this Soul Vulture potion. It was only after Bad assured Dapper that he trusts them that Dapper started going all in on this mystery. She had gotten permission/reassurance from her dad that he believes in her and trusts her to do the right thing.
Now why would the federation ask an egg to do their dirty work? Easy. The eggs are so much more vulnerable that the players. The federation most likely created them so they probably have actual leverage or sway of some kind over the eggs but also think about what Dapper has to lose? Pomme, Ramon, Richas, all of their siblings in addition to threats to imprison or hurt Bad and Baghera. There is so much leverage the Feds have over Dapper it’d be easy to black mail him into compliance. Additionally, no one would expect the eggs to turn like this. The eggs are incredibly loyal and most hate the federation as much as their parents. It would be easy to get the egg to work for the feds without tipping off any of the islanders.
Even more damningly, Dapper is the most knowledgeable person on the island when it comes to mobs and has extensive knowledge of create machines. Dapper is the perfect person to learn how to mass produce the Soul Vulture’s corrupted form that produces the hearts necessary to make the potion in addition to building a create machine to mass produce the potion itself. Dapper has the perfect combination of knowledge that makes them the only person for this job.
On top of all of that, Dapper has Soul Vultures in the lab (thank you Minecraft subtitles XD). Soul Vultures are only found in the nether. We know the Feds have access to spawn eggs for nether mobs thanks to the mob Dapper asked for in the Zoo project and the only other way would be going into the nether yourself which we know thanks to Forever’s portal is incredibly dangerous and chaotic. I highly doubt Dapper was making solo trips into the nether this whole time trying to find the Soul Vulture without Bad finding out. It’s much more likely to me that the federation gave Dapper spawn eggs - or even the mobs themselves- so that Dapper could breed them and experiment on them.
Then on top of all of this, Dapper has been blatantly lying to Bad’s face because what else can she do? Dapper knows they aren’t fooling Bad but what are they supposed to do? They are being black mailed and can’t tell anyone without the feds threatening to take away everyone Dapper loves. Of course the only thing they can do is lie knowing Bad will see right through it and hope that Bad won’t interfere (or will and help Dapper get out of this) I thought the bald face lying was so odd but Dapper being black mailed makes everything make sense because at that point, lying was all Dapper could do even if there was no way anyone would believe them.
But there you have it. That’s all the evidence I can think of off the top of my head just from memory. Hopefully we’ll get a stream tomorrow but until then, I cry T-T
(I can’t remember if the Soul Vulture was the second spawn egg the feds gave Dapper/Bad for the zoo but if that is the case, then the feds gave Dapper the egg knowing what it could be used for and the black mail scheme unfolds the same)
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chasingthestarss · 1 month
Me *to my sane friend: that sounds like something Regulus would do
My friend: Who?
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honeybeefae · 1 month
Also I feel like I wanna share my new hyperfixation with you
The ghoul from the Fallout Series
That ghoul
The cowboy ghoul
I am down bad™️
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ahhmazing123 · 3 months
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So I wanted to wait until this was done.. but because my computer decided to die, I’m probably never gunna finish it. But because I’m literally too proud of the rendering that was happening- I’m posting it anyways 🤭
(This is from that one scene in the commentary vids. The potential was too good to pass up !! )
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the-last-butter · 1 year
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When I heard that Kaeya n Klee were getting skins in the same patch I thought they’d be matching like Jean and Barbara’s were… but no matter I made them matchy fits for both their skins
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