#butchlander prompts
Slipknot Vermillion Butchlander.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH~<3<3<3 buckle in buckle in y'all cause this about to be a DOOZY<3!!
songs if ya hadn't heard them~<3 (def give them a listen, pt.2 is like an acoustic version, both lovely~<3, same general themes tho different vibes which-- ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
FIRST OF ALL. YES. absolutable~<3
you beautiful beautiful little monster, this is PERFECT. okay, okay, yes, i'm getting too excited lmao. BUTT--
"I won't let this build up inside a me--"
this is an absolutely perfect opportunity for a deep dive into billy's psyche, psychosis, and an incredible exploration of psychological horror~<3
and it starts~?
with a *married* butchlander<3<3<3 OOH~<3!! (altho fair to use for for other ships with butcher, just doesn't get to the same level of psychological turmoil from the whole *husband is the villain* thing--;)))))))))) ANYWHO<3
basically butcher and homie are in a loving, *healthy* relationship. john is a good husband. maybe they even have ryan<3 or a little baby in billy's belly on the way<3<3<3 (or both~! lmao, always gotta throw that in-- ;))))))))))) a/b/o always an option, trans/intersex billy too, the world is the oyster~<3 any explanation like homie can just knock dudes up i guess lmfao--maybe that was the start-- :O ;)))))))) anyway, everything's perfect--except...
billy's having a bit of psychological... trouble. in which for some reason, his brain seems to be fabricating an entire reality with a loving and perfect wife, becca/becky--where his husband is the villain who tore them apart... and the situation in turn... starts to drive him and john apart...
and at first, of course, they'd be managing, between medications, care, brain scans, billy having nightmares and dreams, john trying to help, fighting and screaming, moments homie would have to hold billy down because he's having a meltdown, john having all the proof to keep billy from going nuclear/make it clear that he's... unwell, and that he's there for billy. maybe even a dna test to show that ryan is *theirs* and no one else's if a baby still in billy ain't enough--
but trust is wavering.
OOH, exploration into billy falling down that rabbit hole and believing it so much, he makes an effort to investigate and run away while homie always comes to get him/find him, drag him back home--and always *always*, refuse to hurt him even while billy is at his worst trying to force his hand, maybe even asking john to kill him so this doesn't continue--and again, his husband refusing.
now here's the kicker<3<3<3
this story could be done in two main ways (with expansive variations~<3, 3 if you count the middle road<3<3<3)
OOH! but before i dive into that, i should also mention that billy potentially being the *villain* in his own mind--in which he kidnaps and tortures and holds captive this *perfect* woman while john is none the wiser--ooooooohhhhhh... we'll come back to that one~<3 ;)
back on *john* being the villain in billy's mind.
"she isn't real. I can't make her real--"
and there in lies the *question*...
whether or not billy *is* experiencing psychosis and john is *actually* the villain, is it's own exploration~<3<3<3. depending on which version (regular or pt. 2), you channel the vibes of lmao
pt. 2 def feels like it could be more of a tragic rendition of this idea, where billy really *is* experiencing psychosis and john *is* a loving husband who *is* trying to help and care for billy<3
but the original...? mmm. let's just say there could be various... hints of a completely manipulated world around them--signs of a world *rewritten* or people silenced ,sides to john that he never *ever* shows to billy. certain... *things* that would certainly *imply* he is the *monster* billy's mind has made him--maybe it's billy's real memories trying to spill through whatever homelander did to him-- ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
BUTT, my personal fave?
*open. ended*
in which... there are... hints that might suggest one is true, and then the other, or even elements of both, but there's never truly an answer given... OOOH<3 FUCK YES. OOF, just the IDEA def gets me lol
i do feel the songs lean towards the 'she isn't real' factor (for obvious reasons lol) but for a fic~? ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
for variation in that exploration (and maybe an easy way to dig into the open ended vibes, but with a twisty lean~<3), maybe *most* of the 'hints' implicate one way with extremely *vague* BLINK AND YOU MISS IT hints for the *other* end, and one very *strong* hint/scene that ties together all the *vague* hints and makes them... impossible to ignore~<3
gawd i love psychological horror<3<3<3 lmao can you tell?
NOW. what about *billy* being the villain~<3?
OOOOHHHHHHH!!! now *that* one has some *real* hard potential for gut wrenching love from john<3<3<3 (i should also mention, *def* an option for psychosis with *john* there and OOF gotta stop giving myself expansions into this but it's just so FUCKING GOOD, LISTEN TO THE SONGS DAMMIT AND FEEL INSPIRED--)
similar enough deal, except with billy believing he's committed these horrible crimes to an innocent woman, a wonder of it might have been real or not and john trying to be by his side and settle his mind--and of course, the potential for a seriously covered up horrific crime because john's not about to lose his husband *for any reason*<3<3<3
maybe billy believes he committed the crime when it was really john and they covered it up together but billy--
this of course works just as lovely for the *canon compliant* show option with *john* feeling the full brunt of his psychosis--and billy trying to cover it up... *OR*... did it really happen at all? is billy right, is ryan really *their* son and there was no becky/becca?
there's also an element of serious *danger* involved with homie being the one to experience psychosis (powers and all, def one with billy too but not nearly as savage--unless a course ya give him powers too<3), especially if homie *convinces* himself that he *is* this *monster*, and therefore *must* act as this monster.
ooh, def some dives into comics themes but it go a little somethin'... like this:
"i think, therefore i am" or cogito, ergo sum (heeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy that's a title if i ever done seen one for this one lmfao only if 'vermillion' isn't used i guess, alternatively 'cinnabar'<3)
"i can, therefore i must"
but the comics actually have a perfect set up for this too--OOH! it kinda goes back to that 'detective husbands' prompt lmao (expect a little different obviously) where instead of being a 'convinced i'm right when i'm wrong' dickwad billy or even *homie knows he didn't do it* (he would have to be on that edge of sanity/not know for sure for this one to work<3) we have a billy who actually legit *explores* and *investigates* what happened to becky because he *sees* that things don't add up *before* he starts actively making it worse. instead doing his own *solo* detective work~<3
maybe even stalking, meeting, getting to know homelander (*john*) personally. possibly even with the motive of finding his weakness, etc. and then tripping and landing on his dick and falling in love along the way~<3<3<3
lmao could be that billy even *abandons* the boys to get to the bottom of what really happened-- but also cause he ends up knocked up after realizing homie *was not* in fact the culprit<3<3<3
do feel the homie versions (show or comics) would deal less with the 'vermillion' vibes or i guess less chance for *open ended* horror themes, and more of a cut clean *he did it/he didn't do it* and is losing his mind sorta feel. in a sense, *becky* def *wouldn't* be real for comics homie because they never actually interacted (while the show version could be actively trying to remember her/struggling with who he *used* to be--OOH!! jason blood is def a place to look for inspo there~<3), so the tie in could be *exquisite* for sure, but it def is a slightly different feel lol
honestly might consider writing the comics/vermillion themed one (at some point, i have promised myself to other shit), it would explore billy instead of using homie as an excuse to be his worst self, homie becoming billy's excuse to hold onto what becky actually wanted for him/turn homie good (which is cute and sad in it's own way but could be SO fucking precious<3) and that would be some GOOD shit<3<3<3
FUCK! this is probably gonna build up inside a me i--
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xieyaohuan · 8 months
A New Discovery (Butchlander)
Cozy corner kinktober prompts: overstimulation; kink of choice: tickling
Warnings: a tiny bit of angst for a second and a half, but mostly fluff!
“What the fuck was that?”
William is pushing himself up from the floor, stupefied. Then he looks up at the ceiling, and Homelander’s eyes automatically follow his gaze.
“I- I don’t know,” is all the supe manages. That’s the truth. One moment, he and William were making out on William’s bed (yes, Homelander insisted on buying him a proper bed frame), and the next, he sent William flying half the way across the room.
There’s a hole in the ceiling right above Homelander’s head, small embers raining down on him, settling on the sheets and on his bare skin. The hole doesn’t go all the way to the next floor, he notices with relief.
It’s at best a small relief though.
He’s not lost control of his lasers in well over ten years. Certainly not badly enough to cause real damage. Burning holes into walls, and — fuck. William. “Did I… did I hurt you? Are you hurt?”
“Nah. All peachy.” William gets up, dusts himself off and climbs back up on the mattress to inspect the damage from up close. He’s wearing nothing but his boxers. If the circumstances were any different, Homelander would probably enjoy the view. “That V shite really keeping its promises. Not a scratch on my body, love.”
Even when William pretends to be all sarcastic about the pet name, there’s usually some affection. Or so Homelander likes to tell himself. This time though, he’s not so sure.
The frown on William’s face is spreading as he’s prodding the hole in the ceiling, blinking away any ash and debris falling into his eyes.
Homelander grabs William’s blanket and wraps it around himself.
In the lab, this kind of loss of control would have meant no interactions with staff except food trays shoved angrily into his cell three times per day for at least a week. Vought would still make him practice on a target of course, but nobody was allowed to speak with him or even look at him. It was like Homelander didn’t exist. You have to understand, John, Vogelbaum would say later, we just can’t afford for you to be sloppy. We need you to have full control of your powers.
William is still muttering curses.
Frankly, Homelander didn’t expect he’d be so attached to this decrepit apartment. “I’ll pay to have the ceiling fixed,” he says quickly, realizing the mistake as soon as the words leave his mouth.
“I don’t want your fucking money,” William snaps without turning his head to look at Homelander. “Why do you people always think money’s gonna fix everything? Why do you-”
He stops mid-sentence, but Homelander knows how it was going to end: something about supes being careless, ruining people’s lives, because they know Vought will sweep in to offer a check. He’s heard these words so many times out of William’s mouth. He can feel a burning sensation behind his eyes and quickly closes them before there’s another accident.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I really don’t know what happened. It makes no sense.”
He was sprawled on the mattress, his back arched, William tracing kisses down his body. He remembers briefly doubting the wisdom of having let William talk him into taking off his suit. All of his suit. He remembers William touching him, caressing him. It felt weird. Wrong. He tried to ignore it for a little while, but the feeling just kept getting more intense: not quite a tingle and not quite an itch, but somehow so much worse than either. Then William’s hands sent a sudden jolt through his body, and all he remembers is the urge to get away from this strange sensation, no matter what.
The rest, well, the rest of the story is little flakes of ash raining down on him from the ceiling.
Homelander buries his head in the blanket. This wasn't how he expected this night to end.
William’s arms wrap around him. “Eh. Don’t worry about it.” His heart is still beating faster than usual, but that’s probably just the aftereffect of being tossed across the room. Whatever anger he felt before is gone.
“Don't you worry about a thing, beautiful.” He peels the blanket off of Homelander’s shoulders and pushes him onto his back, resuming where they left off five minutes earlier, leaving Homelander gasping and squirming.
Something still isn’t right though. He can feel each and every hair of William’s beard on his skin, every touch of his fingers almost unbearable and—
“Stop! Stop!”
William stops, looks up. “What?”
“I… I don’t know.” He can’t put into words what exactly isn’t right.
“Am I hurting you?”
“No. No, no. It’s not that. It’s just-” It’s like his skin, which is supposed to protect him against fire, ice, bullets, is suddenly no longer doing its job. “I- I think my skin is malfunctioning. Or maybe my supe senses... I don’t know-” Homelander’s never had to think much about how exactly his body works. All he knows is that this isn’t supposed to happen.
William is studying him for a moment. Then he says: “Lie back down. I wanna try something.”
Homelander complies. He’s about to ask what the heck William wants to try when he feels his fingers lightly brush over his belly. This time, he can hear himself let out the most embarrassing little squeal before curling into a ball. At least he managed not to singe the ceiling this time.
William is laughing. “Your skin ain’t malfunctioning,” he says, a grin on his face. “You’re just ticklish.”
Homelander stares at him, mouth open, trying to think of something to counter. He’s heard of people being ticklish before. He’s read about it in books and seen it in movies. He technically knows what it is, though it always seemed like just another silly, human thing. A weakness, for sure. There’s no way he is ticklish. “Nonsense,” he mutters.
William’s grin widens. “Oh, I think you are.”
“I’m not!” Last thing Homelander needs is some stupid weakness.
“Alright,” William says. “Let’s try something then. Arms above your head.”
Homelander complies, suddenly wary, watching as William climbs on top of him and pins both his wrists with one hand. And then, without warning, he digs his other hand into Homelander’s undefended side.
This time, William hits the wall on the other side of the room, landing on the floor with a thud.
Still, there's the smuggest little grin on his face as he gets up. “You’re not just ticklish. You’re off-the-fucking-charts ticklish!”
Homelander wants to protest, but all the bits and pieces of knowledge about this sensation he’s never felt before are gradually coming together. It does make some sense, he has to admit. For a moment, he’s angry at Vought for their oversight: for desensitizing him to the most excruciating pain yet somehow managing to leave him with the silliest weakness possible.
“Fucking hell,” William says. “I can’t believe nobody’s figured this out before.” His eyes wander back to the hole in his ceiling. “Well, I suppose I can see why they wouldn’t have tried.” He’s laughing at his own joke, almost giddy with the excitement of his new discovery.
This cheerfulness is very unlike William, and it’s one Homelander doesn’t share. “I don’t need this kind of… deficiency. I can’t afford it. I’m the Homelander. What are people going to think when they find out?”
“Well, you're right, we can't have that.” The smug grin still hasn’t left William’s face. “We’re just gonna have to desensitize you then, won’t we, love?”
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idkwhatimdoing1981 · 2 years
Maybe I should also write butchlander, butchie and steddie stories to go along with the jargyle drafts I already have for kinktober. 🤔
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lxchlan · 2 years
Butchlander: TENDER, DELIRIUM, or a combo of the two. Writer's preference on who's who 🤔
TENDER : receiver wakes up to sender caressing them gently; a hand carding through their hair, brushing hair off their forehead, a hand on their cheek, a thumb swiping under their eye.
DELIRIUM : receiver wakes up to sender’s relief, only for receiver to not believe it’s really sender (that they’re imagining sender or that they don’t think sender would come for them) or that they’re finally safe. 
These are both great, I'm going combo 😈
☆ Send me Prompts ☆
"I am God. And you," A hand gentled down the side of his face and Butcher flinched away. The voice was familiar, but he couldn't place it through the shooting pain. So much fucking pain. Why did it hurt so much to die? "You are my Lucifer. My favorite... fallen angel."
"F'ck off." Butcher managed. Was this his afterlife? Was this his poisoned brain trying to make the last seconds of his existence as agonizing as possible? Who the fuck was talking to him right now? Through great effort, Butcher opened his eyes. The light burned, and he hissed as another shot of pain rolled through him from head to toe. What the fuck was happening to him? Slowly, his blurred vision cleared, and he realized he wasn't alone.
Homelander was with him.
Homelander was with him.
Butcher smiled a vicious grin. He got the son of a bitch. He killed them both in one final blow. Everything he did, every shite day, every shite moment meant something now. He won.
Even as Butcher grinned with blatant hostility, Homelander didn't stop petting him. Fingers so bleeding soft traced his cheeks, brushed the curve where his beard hid his flesh. Touched his lips. Like he was memorizing him as if they'd disappear forever. Butcher couldn't wait for the moment to come. He closed his eyes, waiting for the end to take them both, to pull them into that endless nothing that waited for them beyond death.
"I have big plans for you, William." Homelander crooned, calm and sure. With a frown, Butcher opened his eyes again. He expected the crybaby cunt to be a little more upset about dying. "When the V runs it's course... we'll get to work."
When the...
Now Homelander smiled. An unkind smile that matched Butcher's earlier hostility. "You didn't think I'd just let you die, did you, William? We have unfinished business, you and I."
Fucking cunt. Butcher groaned as another wave of pain rocked through him. He wasn't dead, he wasn't even dying anymore. He was becoming a Goddamn supe.
"Scorched Earth, remember?"
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bisexualhomelander · 1 month
Tumblr user bisexualhomelander bringing you what it says on the tin.
Domestic May Prompt: Somebody is being wrong (?) on the internet. Pairing: Butchlander
"They're wrong."
"Mhm. Or how about you turn that thing off?"
"No, but they're wrong! This is... preposterous! William, look at it!" The phone is being shoved into his face, too close to read anything, making Billy go cross-eyed.
"I can't look if you shove it down my throat."
Homelander acquiesces and holds the phone at an acceptable distance. Billy blinks and begins to read. Homelander has dragged up a post on supespace.net, an unofficial platform for fans of Vought's heroes and heroines. Billy has used it himself in the past, not to make posts but to gather intel. The fans of these cunts, however misguided they may be, have a keen eye and can analyse paparazzi shots better than any CIA agent.
The post in question is titled Homelander is bi and was posted by a user named bbygirllander. Billy only reads the first few lines: This sounds weird, but hear me out, we stan a bi king. He skims the rest before landing on the top comment: He is literally a Nazi. Billy barks a laugh. "Okay, what's so bad about this?"
"Do you see this shit?"
"Nothing on there is news, luv."
"Not you, too!"
"You seem more upset about the bi thing than you were about that Nazi comment up here."
"That's old news. They've been saying this ever since-" He trails off. Billy will never understand how he can be genuinely grieving Stormfront. Surely he doesn't believe their love was ever real. If yes, the bleach must have gone to his Aryan little head. But Billy sees no use in upsetting him further, so he listens and keeps his thoughts to himself. "But I'm not bisexual. I'm not any of... that. This has the power to destroy me. The tabloids will pick it up. It's been the top post for..." He scrolls up. "For two days. There have been ten hero announcements from Godolkin since then, and they haven't even scratched most viewed."
"Okay." Billy tries to think of what to say. He feels a pang of sympathy. He'd been twenty once, nearly drinking himself into a coma when he'd realised he liked dick. And he'd just been a kid from the wrong side of the Thames that nobody gave a damn about. Not a mega star. "If anyone talks about it, just make a statement telling them they're being wrong on the internet."
Homelander's mind was seemingly a few steps ahead. "I need to make an account. And deter them. I need to make ten accounts. I need to post this on Voughtstagram with a bunch of cry-laughing emojis, laughing about how stupid they are being on the internet. I need to get ahead of this. I need to get ahead of this..."
Billy interrupts him before he can talk himself into a manic episode. "D'you want me to read you some of them comments?"
Homelander looks on morosely, but at least he's stopped talking. "No."
Billy reads. "It's not anyone's business. Just because you watch his films doesn't mean you own him. Here's another good one, Good for him if it's true, but we can't take it as fact. If he doesn't want to come out, he must have his reasons. Oh, I like this one. It's in response to someone stating you've only been with women. I didn't realise I was bi until I was in my sixties. There's no timeline. Maybe Vought doesn't want him to go public about it, I mean, they are kind of conservative, and his fans consist of rabid right-wingers. See, the people are all on your side."
Homelander blinks. "I don't want a public coming-out."
"I'm sure Maeve said the same before you outed her live on TV."
"That was different. She had a girlfriend."
Billy heaves a sigh.
"If I address the rumours, it means we will have to stay on the down-low," Homelander says. "You'll have to continue sneaking in through the staff entrance if you want to see me or Ryan. We'll have to be more careful about anyone seeing us because evidently it's happened."
"I'd be gone faster than you know what hit ya if you ever were to go public with us. You know that."
"What if Ryan sees this?"
"What if-? Ryan, who knows I practically live here three days a week, who sees your toothbrush next to mine in the bathroom? That Ryan? Luv, he ain't a toddler you can fool by telling him your good buddy Billy is having a slumber party with ya. He's twelve. He knows we're fuckin'."
Homelander just gives him a look and shrugs, suddenly silent. Billy knows that look, the wide eyes and helplessly tensed lips. Homelander is close to tears. "That's all well and good. But I'm not bi."
"Fine by me," Billy says and means it. "The people are right, it's not anyone's business. Not even mine. You don't have to call it that."
"So you agree with me."
Billy cocks his head.
"They're wrong on the internet."
Billy picks up Homelander's phone. He mindlessly scrolls through some more posts. "Oh, lovely. Homelander is a natural blonde, y'all are being mean. Now that's what I call wrong on the internet. Wait. Wait. Have you guys been timing the breaks he takes on-stage? I have a theory they're bathroom breaks because he has to pee more because his prostate is getting bigger-"
The shattering glass makes Billy realise the phone has gone out the window before he even understands it's no longer in his grip. A pair of lips is seeking his own in a way that would leave the fans bug-eyed.
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plasticfangtastic · 18 days
Cozy Corner Domaystic--Prompt: 3. Grocery Shopping, 18. Snow Day, 21. Road trip (sort of)
Charred Steak
A Butchlander fic
Tumblr media
Sypnopsis: Butcher is in charge of taking care of Homelander.
Tags: Fluff?, non-canon anything, partially-depowered Homelander, depressive, one-shot, not proof read i die like this.
word count: 1.5k words
This is the forth time he’s heard this song on the radio, one can only tolerate the same country cover before been driven insane but is better than nothing, their car only had an old stereo and he rather not drive in silence with this company, they’ve arrived to their cabin and found it more than just barren, ordered to stay out of sight and hidden until further notice so it was just functional not comfortable but at least it'll do, the snow was piling up and the sun had begun to set-- all Butcher wanted was anything in his stomach and a drink to warm him up, then worry about tomorrow and the road.
Leaving the cargo behind he headed to the nearest town over an hour away, in normal circumstance he wouldn’t dare leave this guy alone but now he can’t go anywhere, he’s bound to the ground like any other sad sod in the world should-- or at least for the most part, but he’s not complaining he himself doesn’t want to do anything, he’s rotting away on his passenger seat or the floor, the most he’s spoken this whole drive to the middle of nowhere America had been to complain about the amount of ads on the radio then over this song.
But Butcher pays him no mind.
This drive is short compared to the last few days, the song just an annoying reminder.
The supermarket is a little small, but he can at least take a breather in aisle dillydalling as he reads the ingredients and cooking instructions, he was no gourmand much less Gordon Ramsey so he would eat anything.
Homelander much the same--he had no taste for food not eating much either, losing weight to a worrisome degree even his bosses had ordered him to feed him, so he stuffed the trolley with a decent variety of things in hopes he liked something, he ignored the ringing on his phones, too exhausted to deal with the rest of the boys after such a long drive, just wanting to get back and eat.
He picks two packs of steaks seeing which was the best deal, he should buy the cheapest chuck knowing Homelander doesn’t deserve anything but dollar store steak but he puts the T-Bone on the trolley nevertheless, he can’t really brush away the image of Homelander’s distraught, how dead he was, after all these days bound together Homelander feel more like a husk dressed and bleached than his archnemesis.
Reading his shopping list he got he milk, the hot cocoa, enough water for a month, he got the bread, butter, canned chili and beans, too many cans that at some point he’s unsure if they will eat it all, toilet paper, frozen vegs and lots of steak, he shouldn’t be buying candies... Homelander seemed to despise anything with fructose unless its coke.
But he still throws a few in there.
Butcher almost wishes the snow buries his car and leaves him stranded if that meant he can stay away from the blond.
But he makes it to the cabin, he looks up and sees no smoke.
He ran as if his life depended on it, his mind only remembers the Homelander of the past, he’s gone and he’s fucked.
The door slams open and he’s taunting the air with his gun but all there is a mess hovering a dwindling flame, wrapped in a blanket and shivering, his foot sticking out and blue.
“You’ll get hypothermia that way… don’t you know how to keep a fire going?”
Homelander doesn’t reply, his eyes yearn to light up but he’s just there immobile on the ground and if his head hadn’t move just a second prior he would had thought it was a corpse. 
Homelander doesn’t move when Butcher fixes the fireplace again, but he will pretend to not have noticed that the man squinted and smiled as the warmth enveloped him, he catchest that odd look in his eyes as he touches him to put that poor foot back inside the quilt.
Butcher does his things, putting things away wishing he would help or talk but all Homelander wants to do is sit by the fire like a cat.
“They said on the radio that the snow storm is only going to get worse… we will be stranded so if you want anything I didn’t get at the shops you better speak up now.”
Homelander says nothing.
“You… whatevah…”
Homelander doesn’t do anything, Butcher can fix their temporary residency for a couple days without protest.
He looks at his watch and realizes that Homelander hasn’t eaten or drank anything for hours, he looks at the man grunting as he forces himself to care for him, picking him up from the ground and finally earning a response from the man, he looks at Butcher wincing at him trying to push him away but while there is strength that doesn’t match those thin arms, he’s still weak.
Dragging him up, the man looks away from him-- he looks more angry than ashamed
“I’m gonna make dinner. Be useful and set the table.”
Homelander stood there as Butcher looks back at him and for some disturbing amount of time Homelander stood frozen, but without making a sound he floats and helps him out, he moves smoothly and quicker than most but not in a manner that seemed natural for him.
“Is that… good enough?” His voice is so dry, it hurts to listen, he nods for putting a table wasn’t rocket science– what are you making?”
Butcher grins surprised to hear the bastard wanting to chit-chat.
“Steak and veggies.” He says bluntly.
“Better than slim jims and whisky…” 
He sounds normal for a second which gets Butcher to turn around, he much rather listen to this version of him instead of the corpse tied to him.
“You got milk but no whisky… Did you forget?”
Butcher eyes light up in horror, the snow so thick outside he knows it probably not a good idea to travel anymore not at this hour.
“You did get slim jims…”
“Is better if I stay sober if am s’ppose to be stuck ‘ere with you until I get my next orders.”
Homelander smile is more somber than Butcher wants to witness-- he can tell he's bullshiting him so his hearing isn't all gone, this situation is dire but he still looks at the disheveled blonde with a bit of anxiety, his suit long gone replaced by dark coloured sweats, missing a sock and a beard that's gone from scratchy to scruffy, Homelander has been docile for the most part, Butcher becoming his nurse bathing him, washing his hair, shaving that god awful beard... he’s been comatose for weeks, waking up and being no different than a vegetable, moved from coast to coast away from Vought and their minions, Butcher has gotten uncomfortably familiar with Homelander, so when he acts alive its great but it annoys him.
It was weird for Homelander to talk or move this much these days-- Butcher almost gotten accustomed to the potato sack, he can't tell if Homelander will act out but Butcher has learned some tricks to keep him tame.
He lowers the flame letting the steak sizzle and crisp and the veggies boil without supervision for a moment, as he maneuvers around Homelander to take a pack of Werther’s candy from the pantry, Homelander watchest him closely as he rips the candy open.
“You've been a good boy. Haven't tried to run in a whole week… thought you deserved a treat”
“Twisted ankles hurt so much more than I expected it… simpler to break them… what’s the point of running if it’ll hurt afterwards... don't get me started on sore knees."
“You won’t run anymore, right?” Butcher teases Homelander, pressing the cream coloured candy in-between his fingers lifting it towards Homelander’s mouth– you’ll be a good sweet boy for daddy and stay right where I tell ya to stay, right?”
“Is not like I can leave you.” He looks out the window– is also snowing quite a bit… we both can’t leave each other either way."
“So you’ll be a good boy and behave?"
“yes, daddy” He says mockingly.
Butcher presses the creamy candy on the blond’s lip his tongue stretching and catching those calloused fingers, Butcher knows he shouldn’t get to know him more, he hates the bastard, but as the man suckles on his fingers, remembering bittersweet memories-- Homelander is so sensitive to the pain, so sensitive to everything else too... he'll do anything not to feel pain but something else.
It was wrong, it was sick but Butcher found it cathartic, more cathartic than the bruise on Homelander’s neck... now a sweet shade of olive, his mouth watered at the thought of being trapped together.
Homelander smiled crushing the candy as Butcher’s fingers escape those sharp toothers, still sharp enough to rip bone clean, he knows well... he got the stiches to remind him.
“I don’t like well-done steak.”
“Youse get what you get.”
“You don’t like well-done either.”
The snow piles up, Butcher and Homelander eat in silence, the snow piles up outside, and the two stare at their plates in awkward silence.
Butcher smiles just a tad as the man can only muster a sizzle on the meat.
“See you do like it well-done, luv.”
“Gives it some flavor… you forgot to season it.”
“Butter and salt is enough.”
“Your people colonized the whole world for spices—
“Shut up and eat your steak!”
Homelander smiles, chewing loudly as Butcher wishes he’ll go back to being silent.
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cozycornerevents · 7 months
Cozy Corner Kinktober roundup
I waited a couple more days in case of stragglers (let's face it, I'm talking about myself here), but it's almost mid-November, so here's the Cozy Corner Kinktober roundup post with all the important links and statistics you all have been waiting for!
At the risk of spamming everyone, a big thank you to @theonlymanintheskyisme, @digitalbath2008, @deliciouskeys, @sehtoast, @saintmathieublanc, @blindmagdalena, @blaacknoir, @plasticfangtastic, @kosmochlor, and @jethrowest for creating for the prompts! We're a tiny community, and when I posted the prompts, I had no idea if anybody would have time to create something for this event, so I was so happy to see all your wonderful fills! ❤️ Thank you also to everyone who participated by reading, commenting and reblogging! ❤️
Our favorite prompts/prompts that got 4 or more fills: overstimulation (7), praise kink (6), prompt of choice (6), macro/micro (5, woohoo!!!), double penetration (4), and voyeurism (4).
Ships with the most fills: Butchlander (12), Homelander x OC (7), Homewell (5), Homelander x reader (5)
First fill: prompt fill for gloves/kink of choice by @theonlymanintheskyisme
Most fills: 18 fills (or 17, depending on how you wanna count :P) by @deliciouskeys
Last fill: tbd, this event isn't closed
Below are links to all fills by prompt -- I couldn't do numbered prompts because there's a character limit on textblocks, apparently. I also probably messed up some links, so please let me know if you spot anything wrong with the links.
Praise kink: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Gloves: 1, 2, 3
Breeding/pregnancy: 1
Overstimulation: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Blindfold: 1, 2, 3
Public sex: 1
DIY porn: 1, 2
Five senses: 1, 2
Age play: 1
Orgasm denial: 1, 2, 3
Double penetration: 1, 2, 3, 4
Enema: 1
Nursing/lactation: 1, 2
Forced feminization: 1
Cigarettes: 1
Begging: 1, 2
Shibari: 1, 2
Voyeurism: 1, 2, 3, 4,
Food: 1
Tentacles: 1
Sounding: 1
Cage: 1
Macro/Micro: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Uniform: 1
Sex doll: 1
Facesitting: 1, 2
CNC play: 1
Alternative prompts
Kink of your choice: 1 (collar), 2 (pain), 3 (mirrors), 4 (incest), 5 (exhibitionism), 6 (collar)
Enthusiastic consent
Hard limit
Aftercare: 1, 2
Undernegotiated kink
Fantasy: 1
Switch: 1
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vanshoundd · 1 year
Give me some butchlander prompts. I will sketch them when i have free time☺️
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y'know what?
i want a 3-way 4-way 3-way??? love tirangle square thing convulated complications drama square telenovela for a the boys au set in a/b/o between omega billy butcher and his three main (possibly all alpha??) suitors<3
becca, hughie and homelander
and i want homelander to be that one shitty super fucking possessive ex who won't go away and keeps literally savin'~<3 ruinin' the boi's life and also knocked him up<3<3<3 which is *why* he won't leave the poor boi alone cause he def fucked up by accusing billy of cheating on him after realizing that mofo actually had his baby--
i want billy bean to be that boss typa omega who's pretty much the same unapologetic bitch he normally is lmao but also leik... i want him to have told vought to fuck the fuck off probably cause homie caught bad bad feelings that made him still care and at least try to send help even when he was being a cunt and billy preformed his own goddamn c-section to cut his own goddamn son out of his own goddamn body, plus battlescar cause yes~<3
and i want becca to have been the alpha (or beta/omega we support our beautiful fantasy bi omega queens~<3<3<3) who stepped up in homie's absence to be there for billy boo and his bouncing baby boy (ryan) and the parent ryan comes to adore more than anything and confides in even when his shit bio dad and trying so hard but not always put together omega mum can't get their shit together and are fighting over and about him (cause she's awesome and deserves to get to live this time)
and homelander is obviously *trying* (is he really tho?? ;)))))))))))) because that's *his* son and billy bean is *his* omega (you goddamn piece of shit homie...) so CLEARLY all these *placeholders*and temporary distractions in billy's life mean NOTHING and he just needs to get him to see the light and come back to his side, OBVIOUSLY. no matter what it takes... NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES--
and billy of course still has feels but most definitely kinda wants to kill him except because ryan he is *trying* to stay CIVIL with the alpha (and quite possibly has sworn off all alphas for good lmao which leans into the other two give or take maybe maybe not being alphas depends how bad homie ruined him for others it for him and how ya want it end mmmmmmmhmmmm~<3<3<3 ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
but anywho becca ends up leaving (either because homie threatens her life or billy tells her to for fear homie might try something or both) and enter hughie~<3
i want hughie to be the new boi toy alpha (or beta/omega) who steps in and steps up after shit hit fan with becca and i want that sweetie to put on his brave face and not back down when homelander shows up (but also still like obviously shitting his pants) so he can be like "THAT'S RYAN'S DAD?!?!?!" but leik poor baby~<3 he *really* likes billy so goddammit he's gonna try and woo him anyhow and homie's like "there's no fucking way billy would choose this poor excuse of a man/alpha over me/at least the other one was attractive" (bonus, if hughie's also an omega so billy can be like "i'm gay~<3" and it makes homie SOOOOOOOO jealous but also super fucking turned on because WHAT?! ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
OOH~<3 ryan can run away when things start to get hectic ending up going to see becca~<3 and since the other two mofos can't get their shit together, hughie's the one who puts the clues together while the useless mofos are still panicking to find out where ryan went
and there's vought being dicks and billy putting down a firm line with the ultomato that if john wants any part of ryan's life he's gonna have to dump that raging capitalist ho and cut her off for good and nobody thinks homie will do it but *GASP* HE ACTUALLY DOES THEN AND--
OOOHHHH~<3 this can go so right and so wrong and all over the place at the same time and i WANT it... goddammit, i'ma probably have to be the one who writes it lmao
free for anyone else to use explore extrapolate steal from~<3<3<3
bonus points if ryan has a heartfelt convo with his pa about heros and how they're supposed to protect<3 and he actually is the one who gets homie to quit vought after homie prolly tries to kidnap him but maybe even become an actual honest hero cause homie's still an attention whore let's face it LMAO HIS HORRIFIED FACE WHEN STORMFRONT *SUGGESTED* HE FORSAKE HIS STARDOM--
extra EXTRA bonus points if the other two suitors besides homie are omegas and they learn exactly EXACTLY why billy liked this ho so much he accidentally ended up up the duff from him and~<3<3<3<3<3<3
bonus bonus BONUS points if billy *was* homelander's *mistress* (he didn't care and knew BUTT) just adds to the piece a shit + MASSIVE hypocrite~ factor cause homie was constantly like "i'm the world's strongest alpha i can handle more than one omega!!" and he really... *really*~<3<3<3 can not... ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
super extra extra bonus bonus points if hughie ends up being the meanest one~<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
always bonus points for cows... as fucking farm animals and nothing more you goddamn dirty beans--
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milky milk milk for homelander
any butchlander fics out there with a cow hybrid billy for homelander to milk?
and if not.
seriously, this could be an amazingly degenerate idea. but just imagine how much more obsessed with billy homelander would be.
could be a verse with general animal hybrids and equal rights so everything's mostly the same. even one where homelander doesn't know at first cause billy hides it well. could be a simple au with just homelander and billy on a small farm. hell, billy could even be a gift from vought for christmas/birthday in a world where animal hybrids do not have equal rights, causing a shit ton of resentment from billy and possible escaping. the possibilities are there!
and i definitely cannot explain it but the image of a pouty and grumpy as fuck billy with just these massive mammary mommy milkers popped into my head, and how desperate homelander would be to milk them suckers and call him 'mommy', and i'm not honestly normally into that, but SHIT. now i need it!
doesn't even have to be sexual but seriously!
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spoopy butchlander prompts for the spirit of hallow's~<3
cause how could i not on this fine day~<3 and these have been a long time comin' ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
let's get right into it~<3 and as always, free to use/modify however the fuck you want even fitting with different ships<3 this shit's here to inspire and get creative juices flowing<3 ;)
let's start with satanlander~<3<3<3
i really actually love overpowering already overpowered characters, tho to be fair i just love empowering characters to begin with<3
anywho~<3 satanlander~<3 or just AWFUL actual godlander. not even joking, the abrahamic biblical god fits homelander's vain 'worship and love me forever or i'll kill all the fucking babies' MO to a goddamn T... so that realization just gave me whiplash holy fuck--is that sacrilegious and offensive? oh yeah, probably definitely at least a little. but i mean--.
starlight: "oh, so now what, next you're gonna claim that you were actually jesus too?"
homelander: "don't be ridiculous, yeshua was my son."
because the idea of that little interaction tickles me in a way y'all would not fuckin' believe<3 yes it is free to use, yes i also do plan to use it<3 tho with a more 'catch-all/many named god' ancient vampire lord homie<3<3<3 (who's been in my head far too long, and lemme tell ya<3 he wants OUT<3<3<3)
satanlander<3 i do love me some playin' with religious lore and mythology. i love even moar the idea of homie being an obedient turned rebellious son/creation of a malevolent god. it just... it fits him so fucking well<3<3<3
for the lucifer aspect, mischief as always<3, 'sympathy for the devil' is perfect inspiration (as it always fuckin' is lmao) butt just imagine poor billy boo discovering homelander is actually satan.
no, leik really, *actually* fuckin' satan, what a serious mindfuck that would be for that poor bastard, especially if homie is more of a universal force that is necessary for balance/can't be destroyed.
billy would probably need to sit down and reevaluate his life (giving this boi an existential crisis is what i live for~<3<3<3)
this one actually has a goodlander version too. something i've always loved as a concept is the 'slave to my nature' concept for gods/forces. in which certain beings cannot act outside of the laws set for their power. it can be both tragic and compelling.
well, what if satanlander didn't *choose* the role and sought to be FREE of it~? ;))))))))))) or even just give the angels their free will back because god is a prick who gives them none of it?
whether homie's actually an extremely evil bastard or not, let's say he 'convinces' billy that the truest evil is his 'father/god in heaven'?
it could be a trick using billy to usurp the throne of heaven. or~<3 he could actually honestly be trying to free himself/siblings. for an even bigger tragic twists, it could be he was given the role/'nature' of the devil specifically so a human would never trust him to help him so he could never break free<3
even moar tragic if the throne of hell ends up needing a replacement when he leaves it empty and the dark nature is at least somewhat part of the deal<3 tho that one could be bittersweet<3<3<3 assuming him and billy become lovers across worlds that are able to at least occasionally unite on earth~<3
ugh, that'd be cute honestly<3 satan sweetie billy boo and god of assholes homie<3 especially billy's asshole~<3<3<3 (or swampy cunt, cause i can't not love that<3<3<3)
what does he need billy for you ask? OH ;))))))))))))))))))))))
maybe to plant that antichrist seed~<3 LMAO! could you imagine<3, i mean satanlander would def have the power to plant that seed in billy boo<3<3<3 ;)))))))))))))))))))) but he'd also probably have plenty a power to make a fighting soldier out of billy, especially if billy boo has something like remnant angel blood or demonic blood<3<3<3
but of course~<3 CAN'T forget SACRIFICE billy and misunderstood turdly childish devil homie~<3<3<3 who is just mostly done giving a fuck but will entertain himself because YES!
this incorporates dairy boi shifter billy goat butcher~<3 if wanted, because also yes~<3 but billy can also be a regular ol' sacrifice. or even an asshole who sneaks into place to replace/save the actual sacrifice (becca or hughie maybe) and try to fight satan. it fails. spectacularly~<3
but maybe satanlander finds it hella cute~<3 and we all know billy boo needs to get milked<3<3<3
CAN'T forget the captured or bound devil either<3<3<3 rolling it back to a vought setting, homie could be what be bound to his master in the mortal world, looking for someone to SET. HIM. FREE~<3<3<3. maybe billy boo even finds out and finds a way to become his master... and gets way moar than he bargained for<3<3<3
maybe hell is run in a corporate setting and billy becomes his assistant that is secretly trying to kill him the whole time. OOH, gotta do some ugly americans shit at some point. lmao, and probably come back to the angels/demons vibes for some a that angel shit<3<3<3 (since this is kinda focused on an overpowered homie<3 and *EMBRACING* the monster~<3<3<3)
which brings me to the next sorta similar one<3
eldritch lord homie~<3<3<3
whether baby eldritch lord or ancient, think this one definitely~<3 creates such a lovely opportunity<3 (most of this is from my own wip idea that will hopefully some day get finished, of course can be expanded on/altered any sorta hway~<3)
especially if he's been secretly courting billy as per fucked up eldritch traditions~<3<3<3
here's a kicker, imagine eldritchlander using becca as more of an incubator for his spawn, whether entirely genetically his or he steals some of billy's for the other half assuming billy would not appreciate being impregnated but would somehow appreciate a child between them. because this is an eldrtich motherfucker we're talkin' about, lmao.
def think becca should get something for her troubles there tho. made undead maybe? umbued with power~<3 both<3 able to deck eldritchlander in the jaw or punch him in the nuts for all the trouble he caused her sounds like a perfect option~<3 especially both~<3
have to have to have to mention the toothy cunt. i gotta. idk HWY. but i may have a bit of an obsession with the monster vagina that is also a mouth and can... eat... things. also cannibalism<3 i do imagine this is something that billy boo could be gifted when imbued with power/chosen as a mate for the eldritch lord homie<3 it does so fit him, honestly<3<3<3
also love the idea of billy having dreams about cthulu and other monsters lmao!
but gotta honorable mention thanos and david and that loving relationship of torture on every single birthday for the poor human<3<3<3 IMAGINE. thanking a frien for this one~! BUTT, imagine. birth to adulthood and every birthday is just so fuckin' terrible for billy with homie killing someone he loves or doing some other awful shit.
but it's okay. cause that's just how eldritch homie's culture works and he's courting billy boo<3.
torture birthdays is definitely a general concept that could work with a slightly older regular homie, alien homie, ancient vampire homie, or even satan homie<3
but speaking of alienlander~<3<3<3
this idea actually sparked from his comic fake 'origin' that mirrors our beloved kal-el of kryption<3
let's say he was an alien... say that... dropped down in a field in germany, and was found by a scientist.
let's say this alien has a human guise, but is a bit more. say... a bit more animal. a bit more... voracious. and certainly hungry. let's say humans are on the menu~<3 but it's young, vulnerable, alone. bonds or imprints on the first person who finds it.
let's say it's the source for v. a VENOM in its fangs... ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
this set up is one that can work out so fucking GLORIOUSLY and gets me way too excited for the carnage and horror to come from it<3<3<3 ( i love horror lmao could ya tell?)
concrete garden (soft yaoi short manga/no smut story if i remember correctly) is actually FANTASTIC inspiration for this one, concrete garden honestly deserves it's own whole ass prompt because homie is legit the angel like straight up and just fits into it so PERFECT you would not believe--(highly recommend if have not read)
monster homie, whether alien, supernatural, or lab created is a concept that more than likely results in him actually *eating* becca/becky, literally, than anything else. although it certainly becomes less personal/more just an animal surviving kinda deal/wrong place wrong time for her.
and i will finish this later cause i got some shit with werewolves to binge for the next one lmao~<3 and if i miss this dear friday the 13th of october i will cry! ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
no really, i would cry. butt come back later for MOAR~<3
and happy friday the 13th~<3<3<3 ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
fuck... nothin' happened. totally not late<3 and happy fuckin' hallow's eve and the day of hallow's<3<3<3 so let's get back into it, yeah~<3?
there's a fun classic i probably come back way too much lmao<3 i tend to do them a certain way that involves minimum 3 forms (human, partial shift bipedal monster~<3, full shift wolf) so that's how i'm gonna be framin' it here, but def do your wolves however the fuck ya want~! (teen wolf as an example? homie would probably be a kanima<3)
homie the wolf<3 two main new and unique ways with a couple a side hoes i see to add in to this mess of ideas lol.
billy knows about the wolf beast that ate his wife--but not that homie *is* the wolf beast<3<3<3 (this can certainly involve the hunter's aspect~<3) and is hunting that mofo down with a reluctantly helpful and possibly apologetic (or extra extra asshole who finds billy's obsession so goddamn cute~<3!!) homie while having no clue that mofo IS the wolf beast!
ramp up the moby dick captain ahab vibes~<3<3<3!!
billy knows homie 'disappeared' his but don't quite know *exactly* what happened<3 but he does meet this big ass beautiful golden and loyal wolfy~<3<3<3
a note for consideration? a werewolf homie i would definitely picture to tolerate much less abuse from vought before up and leaving. he could end up also going berserk on a full moon and it results in him leaving<3 and then there's the *master* or pack aspect<3 and homie can def search for a new one once he *eats* the old one ;)))))))))))))))))
do love me sum big dumb puppy wolves too<3! and homie could definitely fit the play<3<3<3 *especially* if billy boo loves and takes *very* good care of this wolf doggo cause he's just such a good boi<3<3<3
and of course it all leads to a wolfy mate made outta billy boo<3<3<3
but what about wolfy baby billy boo~<3?
OOOH~<3 homie could def SMELL that<3<3<3--
but i could *DEFINITELY* picture billy boo challenging the strongest wolf around only for homie to turn around with an 'mmm, no~, i think i'll claim you instead<3' but i *do* love the idea of homie turning billy<3
BUTT~<3 what else~?
the moment i've all been waiting for~<3 lmao! this guy may as well be the star a the whole damn show cause he's the main inspiration behind this whole damn thing after all~<3
and. lemme. tell. ya.
ancient vampie lord homie<3
hunter boi billy boo<3
the dynamic fits so goddamn perfectly, it's insane and so fucking delicious<3<3<3
always ALWAYS love the 'hunter x prey BUTT--who's who~?' dynamic. THAT'S the meal ticket, the real deal, the cream a the goddamn crop~<3! ya *play* with that question to high hell and it is--*chef's kiss* it is just *precious*<3 and i especially love when our truly dangerous bois with *excellent* control go ahead and play with their food<3<3<3
and lemme tell ya~? homie fuckin' plays with his food<3 and does have *pretty* excellent control lol! (an ancient vamp lord would def have that a bit moar developed too<3<3<3)
but let's talk about the hunter boi<3 there's definitely a play here and i picture billy could either be inexperienced, bigoted against vamps, and therefore going after 'the big one' to get them all in one go~ (i do like the intricate connection that a sire/original vampire lord has to all the rest) possibly~<3 being manipulated/encouraged by the lead hunter douche *channeling that gerard argent motherfucker* or going against direct orders from a not so douchey lead hunter (probably mallory/mm, assuming they are in on this shit)
there's also a balance there that could def teeter totter on both~<3
billy is the LAST of the hunters and has been chasing john down for the last century or moar<3<3<3
becca in this case could have been eaten, turned, killed, all three-- my personal fave is turned cause it would probably hit the hardest for billy if he is the one who has to kill her because of it. homie could even use that against him in a cruel twist of fate. especially if hunters have a drive to kill vampires that's hard to resist
homie could *also* be hella possessive and not quite like sharing his toy<3<3<3 with poor becca</3
when it comes to lore i *definitely* love to play<3
for hunters, i tend to do ancient rites + ancient blood/some kind of fucked up method in which they give themselves an advantage against what they hunt, not just in terms of 'holy' objects if ya get me. i like the idea that a true hunter is also somethin' a little magically~<3 (or scientificly~!!) created, either by witches/humans to help 'balance' things out<3 (not so much lmao) their blood would be poison for normal/lower vamps too and *generally* they can't be turned
for vamps? OOOOOOOOH--. there are LEVELS to that shit<3
love love love the hierarchy bullshit that vamps got goin' on half the time. i use that as a means to play with their strengths and weaknesses.
lower 'thralls' or incorrectly 'turned' humans just makes sense, extreme weakness to sun, garlic (LMAO or whatever other herb), 'holy' tools (from hunters), less control, weaker over all, easier to kill and when they die it's clean (turn to dust) tho i do like the idea they get more monstrous and ravenous
up the ranks/older they get? stronger they get, harder to kill,less vulnurable to weaknesses and *easier to revive* (likely with varying levels of desication/crystalization), plus more powers like memory manipulation and mind fuckery *plus HORNY when they feed LOVE that detaill*--
fully/properly turned would need venom *and* blood from the vamp that bit them. then come the born vamps (whether from freak mutation or vampie parents~<3) homie would likely be the first born from a freak mutation~<3
with this vamp set up, if they're still set in 'the boys' vers and butcher's keepin' way more secrets than advertised, V can be made either from homie's venom or his blood, likely being that vought *found* him entombed in germany and well... (this concept works for anything ancient/otherworldly~! LOVE the idea of man playing with that which they do not understand/diddling the bad and powerful magics to make V~<3)
but beyond that, with homie being the oldest/strongest/original mofo, he'd also probably be invulnurable to most if not all vamp weaknesses, a fuckin' daywalker (because of course), compulsion from him would work on all other vamps, and be the only actual vampy asshole who is legit unkillable (beyond being temporarily knocked out for a long ass time before someone fucking disturbs his *sleep*) and this homie could def have a lot of complexes and different views of the world. who knows, maybe this mofo was even the one to *start* the order of the hunters and straight up *created* them~<3
maybe he's been lookin' for a billy boo to preform some dumbass ancient ritual to get himself the fuck to sleep~<3
butt~... i wonder what would happen if john decided to *bite* his little hunter~<3..
which leads us into the next bits lmao~!
the vampire queen~<3 in which homie makes a perfect little mate for himself<3<3<3 POSSIBLY accidentally~<3 and then the little wolf<3<3<3 in which billy has some old/dormant werewolf's blood that suddenly *wakes the fuck up* once that vampire venom hits his blood stream<3<3<3
these especially work if billy boo is *not* aware of homie being a vampire.
one thing i will mention that i love to do with wolves (especially energetic or angery bois paired with a vampire) is make the wolf a kind of 'overproducer' of very strong blood that can feed the vampire/regenerate quick enough where there's generally good balance/no issues<3 it's just nice to set things up like that<3<3<3
it's *also* nice that when i make my vampires~<3 put a baby in their partner's belly~<3, suddenly they can't drink their blood because that powerful vampie child is being a major cockblock--oops...
anywho~<3 WOOOOO!! ALMOST done<3
just one finale<3 last but not least<3<3<3
the lab created monster boi<3<3<3
lol obviously gotta be more specifc there given circumstances<3<3<3 beloved monster boi is beloved--
BUTT! picture a homie who is *something* of the above, a proposed 'supernatural' creature... EXCEPT--.
he was legit *lab created* and came out *so so fuckin' wrong* insteada the ragin' 'success' we get to know him as<3<3<3
I LOVE the concept of 'science aims to make one thing' and~ '*accidentally* made THIS' and that works for a werewolf (ideas can be mix matched and combined as a reminder~!), vampire, your own creative creation~<3, and lemme tell ya... opens up a whole new can o worms that is just OOOOOOOOHHHHHH~<3<3<3!!
it especially gets straight up mah alleyway because i especially love the concept of homie's situation propelling *his* evolution forward a bit forcefully (making him a sort of prototype for next stage humans) which def reminds me of x-men LOL but also takes the loneliness and alienation he feels from regular humans to another step that is just~<3
but just picture it~! oh can you i hope you can<3<3<3 lonely weird vamp homie, lonely weird wolfy homie, lonely weird tentacle monster homie~<3
billy could *find out* what he really is but then find out none of the 'myths' work because, well... vought truly made a perfect predator...
this one can go back and tie into concrete garden vibes too<3 but GAH--
welp... i think that's everything.. for now~<3
i fuckin' hope--
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comics inspired butchlander ideas<3
guess who got inspired~<3 after readin' that loveable trainwreck known as the boys~<3<3<3
it's the original verse that started all the bullshit and definitely worth the read and messages being discussed and it's definitely not any worse or even as bad as the show is 'edge'wise (def got surpassed there!). plus it really does feel like its own secret playbook/au for the show with some unique insight on the characters and story lmao<3 may also do a bit of concept breakdown idk
heads up! long long post ahead butt~ i'll split this into segments with some bold and <3<3<3 highlighting each idea<3
butt~ full disclosure~<3...
they abso-fuckin'-lutely~ confirm billy butcher as the biggest fuckin' bottom of the entire series<3<3<3 the bratty bossy baby type (with a soft boi side~!) who even is THE GUY who confirms homelander's canonically huge dong~<3! and even just spiritually, I CANNOT<3<3<3 (if i don't fuckin' count the lovely show boi un-fuckin'-ironically calling himself an alpha male and how gotdamn CUTE that motherfucker who plays him is. FUCKING MAN PUPPY with them big ass wide pretty eyes and adorable nose and perfect second trimester belly when he gains just a little bit of chub<3<3<3)
i don't much imagine the actors/actresses *directly* anyhow when i write/read (kinda some features i may like do stay, but i do LOVE to play with them sometimes, some comic features generally tend to stick (namely muscle cause i need it), and moar often am picturing some kind of 3d/actor/comic amalgamation in wolf among us (game) style cause i'm weird i guess) who knows, maybe i might pick up a pen and actually draw what's in my head for once even tho its been goddamn years--
and boi oh fuckin' boi did these things gimme some fantastic au ideas, combined and separate cause why the fuck not~<3 we can always do BOTH (as i normally do anyway lol) ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
visceral reactions to being bad for homie<3<3<3
so this shit was an INSTANT creative boner for me y'all that i CANNOT for the life of me figure out why people wouldn't wanna further explore this! like holy fuck, i know how much bad~<3 homie is dearly loved, but what about fix-its and GOOD~<3 homie (no i do not mean superman but we're gonna dive a bit into that lore), or. OR. get this... homie who is good but for the WRONG reasons~<3<3<3 ;)))))))))))))))))))
like~ wanting to genuinely be the best fucking hero out of 'vindictive personal glory and pettiness'~<3<3<3 or simply because he literally 'cannot be bad' without reacting!<3<3<3
for a breakdown, in the comics, homie is gaslit into oblivion into thinking he is and then being bad (sort of an 'i think, therefore i am' evolving into 'i can, therefore i must' complex) and there's pretty much a build up to reveal he was never actually the 'villain' he was painted as from the start. (spoiler alert, butcher is much fucking worse) part of that includes him having visceral reactions to doing truly evil things he full well knows are legit evil
whether a mental breakdown, some mirror~ talk, or even him actually throwing up, the boi legit had a bodily *rejection* to evil and i just...
i couldn't help thinkin', well what if he *knew* it wasn't him because of this reaction, and he couldn't be gaslit... opens up a new can o worms, don't it~<3
just imagine the chaos to be had with this poor boi having to lose his goddamn lunch everytime he either does a bad mission for vought or is just fuckin' mean or lies to someone<3 it'd be fucking GLORIOUS<3!
imagine~<3 butcher getting 'infected' with homelander's peculiar 'affliction' thinking he's caught that 'raging case a vagina' only for it to turn out to be a 'raging case a morning sickness' for poor billy boo~<3<3<3
but beyond that, there are a couple lines that play in my head for his interactions with butcher and how he could take being accused given his... well, alibi lmao! things like~
"why don't you like me? everyone likes me."
"no, i think i'll just... continue to do the right thing. i love how much it grates you when people have a legitimate reason to adore me and especially when they cheer for me."
and my personal favorite~<3
"i'm the real hero. die mad about it."
because who doesn't love a sassy fine boi~<3<3<3!!
anywho~, this actually leads into the next bit which was actually an idea i had learning about the comics even before reading them. i have seen it played with somewhat?? though not really quite like this or in this capacity. BUTT~<3
detective husbands<3<3<3
or not quite there but getting there lol. this one definitely requires a key plot point from the comic in which homie was framed for what happened to becky (and others), but can still be combined with show elements or relate back to the show. the difference being that he is fully aware that he didn't do it and wants to find out, even help butcher know, who done it...
clone games are of course an option there, but i'm actually surprised that no one's thought about using doppleganger as the rapist. we know he can morph into anyone and is already an undercover rapist for vought's blackmailing, it's really not all that far fetched to consider he might end up taking certain 'looks' for joy rides and doing awful things to scared people. i for one think doppleganger is actually a great character for exploration and story twists, butt i digress
basically, this idea hinges on homelander *not* being the true culprit and offering to help~<3 it can also absolutely be combined with the last one<3<3 and even moar~<3<3<3
but mostly, i do love me that delectable idea of these two motherfuckers working together to figure out the truth~<3 and homie being the BEST worst soldier that butcher could ever possibly ask for. technically, homie can still be a huge dumpster fire for this as long as he didn't commit *this* specific crime, even different levels of trash fire, or clean as a whistle~<3
maybe with a dropped quote from marcus aurelius~<3 to help things along--"punish only he who has committed the crime."
so long as butcher finds him useful (OH--), homie's pretty much a shoo-in for the group shenanigans, he could be another vas but stronger~<3<3<3
aaaaaand~ since i mentioned it
clone games and shadow homie<3<3<3
clones are an obvious oldie, but a goodie i think. i also think they give lots of different people mixed feelings. it can for sure feel corny and overplayed (especially in the comics genre which lmao, let's be honest is a fuckin' cornfest in general), but can also be pretty cool and interesting, even thought provoking when done well.
side note~ i do think it was done well in the comic, if you go in knowing what to expect (and i honestly expected worse), you see the signs and build up even from very early in the comics. (also billy wut the fuck you stupid stupid entrapping clone accomplice cunt, how the fuck could you not be the slightest bit suspicious when a mountain of clearly very STAGED photos falls into your lap?? oh that's right motherfucker, ya don't actually care whether people are guilty or not as long as they're supes--)
but the abruptness in the way it changes the dynamic and understanding in what's actually occurred can give whiplash. it makes you realize just how tragic homelander's situation really is and then fully robs you of any enjoyment of his death because it is just that fucked up. start to end, you realize he never had a life of his own... and that's... that fuckin' hits. HARD.
in addition to unveiling that the story has been following its biggest villain the whole time, the themes are flipped entirely on its head, suddenly the *people* who were villainized and getting taken down are the ones who need saving and ooooooh... it fuckin' hurts, but it is VERY well done. especially when you realize that the story LAID THIS OUT from the very beginning~!
ugh, enough of that concept breakdown lmao.
basically clones are gonna be hit or miss for lots a folks, tho i do think it stems more from misunderstanding/bad stories and post hoc association, granted it can be an easy concept to fuck up (but also make flourish)
butt~ what about fanfic~<3?
OH. i see the opportunity~<3 and i am once again so disappoint no one else is gettin' creative! obviously, this one does hinge a bit more on the comic, but it can connect~<3 (can't do both~?;)))))))
the clone is.... well, there's a small part of me (micro~) that i must admit does feel kinda bad for him. in the same way i feel bad for the joker. in which this motherfucker is literally, legitimately, completely fucking insane?? and it's well... it's *difficult* to plainly judge a very broken mind as you would a 'normie'. (stiiiiiiil fuckin' hate 'em)
and in a way, i get it. to be *made* for one fucking purpose and then denied fulfilling it puts a mind in a fucked up place. he actually sorta mirrored homelander. both created for purpose, but while one was expected to meet a standard he was *not* prepared for, the other *was* prepared for his standard, and then denied the chance to meet it.
and there's a lot that can be explored there just between homie and the clone. especially if the clone *tells* him early on. ;) twin bros is also technically an option which i'll get to with shadowlander~<3 (which is not *quite* a twin)
butt. when it comes to clones, something that does often get explored is rapid deterioration of them or them coming out 'wrong' from damaged DNA. there's a whole somethin' there to be explored with an OG homie and a deteriorating clone or possibly more than one clone, cause why not? in the comics, his clone was an 'upgrade', but what if he hadn't been? better yet, what if they failed multiple times? what if the mental breakdown and subsequent framing of homie was the result of the physical and mental deterioration?
the deterioration itself could have even been a contingency plan to their original contingency plan (which honestly, TOTAL amateur move not to have one... BATMAN would have thought of one!) and these themes could be explored to bittersweet effect or even just sweet if the clone *does* tell him, and they work things out/team up against vought<3
combine the two (deterioration/team up) for a super tragic bittersweet feel that could even revolve around homie saving/failing his clone/brother/only friend... </3
moving on~ multiple clones because they all deteriorate rapidly. now THIS is a fuckin' fire starter... especially if the REAL homie is the one to never see the light of day, specifically because they *can't* make the contingency plan.
and here's where it gets REAL fun~<3 in this case, OG homie never sees light of day. one of the clones does commit the crime since they're all crazy *almost*, but the clones themselves keep dying, and public sometimes trashfire homie is a new clone every time and has many many many many doomsday arcs that he seemingly *recovers* from every time (new clone, who dis?... LMAO PERFECT. title right there!), vought changes things up.
public homie is the clones, he is always the clones. og homie (johnny boi~<3) becomes their contingency (assassin~) when needed since he is the only perfect one and he is very *very* well trained (as a weapon). (this can also super play into homie's anxiety for why they kept him behind the scenes too, noir can be show noir~<3, bit of role reversal actually)
kicker being when billy either *sees* og homie killing one of the clones, or has one of the deteriorating clones *literally* die and deteriorate/dissolve on top/in front of him as it's trying to kill him. it could even be one of the saner/good clones (or one that discovers homie) who finds and sends the pictures (of another clone, comic) to try get the boys to freee the real homie and stop vought
because i LOVE the idea of big dumb animal completely unused to human interaction homie coming under billy's wing, and billy definitely DEFINITELY abusing his trust and planning to use him as a weapon before~<3 well... let's just say that homie's story, general innocence (here), and need for comfort could do *things* to billy's cold dead heart<3
that one can also be combined with visceral reactions. and this homie would likely have never been with another person~<3 (what a cutie~!)
the a/b/o wrench could def be thrown in there in a special way too (thrown in like normal every other time~<3 the world def needs more omega butcher<3<3<3) but for the clones, they're all made betas/ pseudo or normal alphas while homie...
is a very rare type of prime (mmmmhmmm~<3 lol) or true alpha deemed too dangerous for society (bullshit of course, but omegas would likely be very common in this world and run things, alphas like homie would be killed at birth ordinarily, and the clones deteriorating could be explained by the tampered dna to make them 'normal'.)
i do also adore the idea that only a prime/true alpha can get a male omega pregnant for this kinda world setting~<3 (or even that they can get other normal *alphas* pregnant/bitch them) and that of course is an idea that can be used for any canon/au, show or comic.
how crazy would it be for billy to discover homie is an actual alpha and then use it against him to destroy his rep/turn people against him? it would be very on point, and could also result in an arranged bonding situation to *tame the dangerous alpha* with a *calm and rational omega*, guess who i have in mind~<3<3<3 ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
of course, homie's super sperm is still always an option because i love mpreg and bitching~<3<3<3
back to the topic. shadowlander/twins. twins are pretty self explanitory and of course, ideas can be combined. basically there were two and one got treated way way different. one or both finding out could either cause hella resentment, or these bois teaming up~<3<3<3
shadow homie... is a bit more complicated? and sparked from wanting the 'clone' framing situation AND show noir~<3 in which homie has a power he has no clue about because he has a literal dark side that can separate from his body. likely a manifestation that protected him when he was young (i love those imaginary friend type powers<3) that grew to be something... moar (and terrifying)
this kinda goes similar to the concept of mirrorlander and homie having DID, but a little different and more accurate to what's actually going on (on the show based on interview, and a little more respectful i do hope. DID is commonly used in explorations of duality and 'evil dangerous dark side' but it doesn't quite... help with common misconceptions about the disorder. just my two cents, if i were gonna explore this, i'd wanna flip it with a good personality that legit cockblocks homie every time he tries to do bad and is fighting for control/is the one causing visceral reactions to evil~<3)
but back to shadowhomie. basically, when homie was little, his literal powers created this demon to protect him. BUTT, as homie grew to no longer need him, he was caged up. and locked away. and forgotten. never a good combo and bound to cause issue~<3
so what happens? well, he has a 'clone' as this thing... developed. but he doesn't know it. shadow lander would likely hold everything dark about homie, in essence a literal manifestation of what his trauma created in him being *expelled* from his body and if not protecting him... well...
this kinda thing could also fuck around with homie's powers and make them act up a bit weirdly, maybe split what power he does or doesn't have/make them inconsistent, shadowlander splitting from him and not being with him could also be an explanation for homie's visceral reactions~<3 (full circle~<3)
but with this scenario, homie's not the culprit, but also... he is the culprit. but also not. yesn't.
i've always loved exploration in duality, and i like the idea of that side being able to fully separate, because it makes for great complexities and creative freedom. including giving homie his own doomsday arc~! (if you are unfamiliar with superman lore, i basically mean homie will end up fighting his dark side and ''''''dying''''''<3)
and that battle could be spectacular on its own when you consider that as a 'part' of homie, shadowlander could end up 'linked' to him. one gets hurt, the other does too. which always makes for... interesting fights. or since homie is the OG, it only works one way in which shadow homie gets hurt, but he wont, but maybe shadow homie is stronger overall to counterbalance it.
end result would be a struggle to 'reabsorb'/'kill' shadow homie, and to tie it back into the doomsday arc, billy could end up super fucking sad and depressed post '''''death''''' battle after a whole ass journey realizing 'oh shit, homie's *not* the bad guy' and also 'oh shit, i think i fell in love with him when i tripped, fell, and landed on his dick'... perhaps unknowingly with a little one on the way~<3<3<3 ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
twin works in place of shadowlander like the original clone too.
last thing i'll say is that i'm actually surprised they haven't used the clone option in the show given they have antony starr as homelander (*coughs in outrageous fortune* lmao). he's a guy who coulda pulled it off with flying colors and it honestly has me wondering if they may have a plan for a clone being made/used for the finale but a bit differently
assassin homie and the boi who LEARNS<3<3<3
assassin homie is a fun one~<3
let's start with the 'boi who LEARNS'<3 what does that even mean? well, basically it means homie discovers he was gaslit and framed before shit hits the fan, and that he has a clone as a contingency plan... so what does he do~?
welp, couple options there between straight up murder/assassination~, getting people fired or getting them to resign, he basically takes out every single last person who *can* give the order for the clone to destroy him--
so that there's no one left who *can* give the order...
the result?
well, in someone as fucking unstable as the clone, this could cause a self destruct, he would implode/explode/everything inbetween. but ultimately be likely to destroy himself faced with a situation where he can never meet the objective he was made to meet. it's almost cruel, but it's basically a checkmate from homelander where he personally dismantles vought and gets the clone to destroy itself with minimal effort.
oooh~<3 scary and exhilarating<3<3<3
couple paths from there, either homie fucks off to be alone, total supe anarchy chaos without vought and he's around, or he takes full control of what's left of vought and OOOOHHHH~<3 OPTIONS~<3!
butt~ the fact of the matter would definitely fuck billy's (comic) plans to oblivion since... well, the boys could just go to homelander to stop him<3<3<3 if billy is stupid enough to actually try to follow through that is<3 or leave billy in a... peculiar spot.
he'd probably be there expecting a big final fight with homelander, and instead he'd get the clone destroying itself, homie was actually not guilty the whole time, and he doesn't even lift a finger to get the job done that billy had been trying to do for over a fucking decade.
"that's gotta sting..."
it also deals with a moar dangerous~<3 homie that actually uses that big brain and high iq of his<3<3<3
but with the options it does leave, there are certainly windows for... futures<3 lmao, brighter or darker actually.
something like this could make billy totally lose his drive and obsession even if homelander goes full tyrant on vought scraps because not only was he wrong, he didn't even manage to get the revenge he wanted. everything he claimed was for becky/becca (while knowing she would hate it) was pretty much for nothing in the end.
homelander could either make himself a 'villain' for billy just to snap him out of it, or even (while tyranting) implement changes that are good/more strict for vought superheros and come to check on billy.
things could even be unbearably NORMAL and they fall in love like the world's most boring average couple ever since its all over<3<3<3 (love me some vanilla shit and marshmallow billy boo<3 his canon submissiveness for people he loves his adorable<3<3<3)
it works similarly in reverse too, where homie fucks off and tells the world to fuck off since he's lost hope after that bullshit, and billy (begrudgingly) has to finally, FINALLY fucking swallow his pride and convince homie to come help them clean up/chaos is happening/major threats on the horizon they need homie for~<3<3<3
and homie OF COURSE<3 being stubborn<3 as billy tries to make him see reason that the world is worth protecting... maybe inadvertently doing so when they start banging and homelander gets billy boo up the duff~<3<3<3
but going back to assassin~<3 homie. i kinda like the idea of him apprehending and intercepting the supes the boys go after, even doing the jobs more efficiently than they could depending on scenario of course. 'making the boys obsolete' homie is another creative boner of mine and he is gorgeous~<3<3<3
but of course. not the only method. there's also the one who goes after billy~<3
of course, he'd need to get stopped and put on some kind of truce with him for butchlander, but then it can absolutely go back to him making the boys 'obsolete' to get rid of them<3 love me some dangerous predator homie<3<3<3
fact is, the boys has the 'hunted' taking aim at the 'hunter', classic trope, but it makes for some magical cat and mouse games~<3 assassin homie dials up his danger and discretion up to 1100 for sure. and there is A LOT that can be done with that<3<3<3
hate fucking<3<3<3
pretty self explanitory~<3
mostly, i just wanna drop that billy loving hate fucking is canon BOTH ways~<3<3<3 (gotta LOVE maeve taking control and his lazy lover ways~, can only IMAGINE what *show* raynor did to him<3<3<3) as is his submissive sweet bean marshmallow fluffy boi bottom tendencies when he falls in love like literally admits to becky being the first woman on top in the comic HE'S JUST SO FUCKING ADORABLE I--<3<3<3
butt. the boi is also super self destructive by habit for sure. he purposely, consistently, deliberately, bites off WAY fucking moar than he can chew for the explicit purpose of getting his ass handed to him. (literally how he meets becky. is his obvious death wish fucking showing yet)
and with a guy like homie?? he'd definitely *want* it to hurt hella bad and would definitely~ push for fighting turned into fucking... and getting overpowered each time<3
can of course be combined with other ideas~<3
the mud people/supe dilemma and compound V<3<3<3
this is just another canon dropping for both continuities. while not impossible for supes to sleep with humans... it IS portrayed as... *difficult*.
in the comics, it's more specific, but both the show and comic actually give examples of strength disparity being an issue and normal humans getting hurt. mm mentions what happens to the sex workers at herogasm, and that poor writer guy gets his dick snapped off.
the comics take it another step and show us people can and often do use drugs cut with V in order to be able to keep up, so to speak. (the only real thing to mention about v is that it comes in many more different forms in the comic that def could be explored<3)
but going back to the supe/human thing, i would wager that it (obviously) varies for supes for how *difficult* it is to maintain control when with humans. homelander obviously would be the top of that list.
and listen. y'all. i could not be fucking paid to miss an opportunity for the super dick. with great fucking *power* comes great *fucking* power LEMME TELL YA<3<3<3
if i have a chance to write about super dick, i won't miss it BECAUSE~<3
no refractory period~<3
super fucking stamina~<3<3<3
fingers, tongue, and dick can be VIBRATED with superspeed~<3<3<3<3<3<3
this motherfucker is the PERFECT<3 service top.
combined with that diamond shatting flesh destroying clencher atrocity out the back and i--.
ice princess, but worse.
lmao. the superman archetype ALWAYS tops. he just does. he needs to for the sake of his partner. it is a fact of life or you're doin' it wrong cause you have just missed the greatest golden opportunity for one HELL~<3<3<3 of a GOTDAMN GOOD fuckin' time that CANNOT be beat.
what a terrible tragedy and great disservice to miss out on this, i just... i couldn't. i would literally die. literally.
"i quit" and early retirement<3<3<3
kinda self explanatory<3 again comes back to comics with them pics but can just deal with billy accusing homie however, whenever. tho the premise once again does come back to he *didn't* do it.
basically, the second the accussation comes out? homie... quits.
for an actual good reason too, or at least an attempt at good. (can just be homie being petty and hurt, works best if his record is spotless otherwise i think but also good if he's being extra extra petulant) but the good reason is him thinking he's lost time and hurt people, and not wanting to hurt anyone else/get to the bottom of things on his own if he doesn't think it was him for whatever reason.
as always lmao, can be tied back to others such as the visceral reactions, or idk, maybe the motherfucker actually has a hobby this time. it goes back to billy having to convince him to help instead<3<3<3
definitely love the world ending option here, maybe yellowstone is about to erupt or something and only homelander can stop it. i have an idea there that i will go into another time just to not add anymore tangents here. same goes for secret identity~<3 since that's more general<3
the other part of this is a homie who quit a long long time ago as soon as the first accusations (from others, not billy) started rolling in and fucked off to live a quiet life. it does tie in back to the clone shenanigans, multiple bad ones or one is fine. but this OG homie is an overpowered beast and--gentle giant<3.
basically, he's calm cause he has his 'girls' (milking animals lmao), a small farm, cabin by a lake, and is living a solitary life in peace as a mountain man (also inspired by starr's obsession with being a mountain man lmao). and maybe he's got hobbies, idk
however... billy, while going after the clone gets badly injured. that's where this mofo steps in. he could handle it then and there or the conflict is saved for later and he just helps billy, but either way, he takes billy back to his cabin and nurses him back to health. existensial crisis ensues~<3
possible fighting with billy demanding he handle the fucking clone if he hasn't and homie just being a... passive neutral bug. do love me the doc manhattan approach<3<3<3
there's something about rebuilding a lost hope superman/super powerful character that just makes me so happy<3
the real homie can also do other things like run a goddamn candy store or somethin, and the secret identity aspect can also def be used, maybe they're neighbors<3
maybe billy's been secretly getting railed by the retired asshole the whole goddamn time~<3<3<3
billy's final evil plan works?? and the "crossed" option<3<3<3
kinda. this one hinges back to comics (obviously, all these prompts are comic inspired lmao) with billy's worst idea ever actually succeeding, sorta, whether he skips to the finish line out of desperation or any of the above reasons or other keep homie alive, he succeeds in changing the landscape of the world.
and it backfires~<3
(tho if ya wanna go real depressing, he could actually succeed and they die in each others arms, do have to throw that one out)
butt anywho~<3 backfiring.
it can either kill all the normal humans, leaving only supes, or change a bunch of humans, kill some, and leave only supes.
it can also cause a legit zombie apocalypse. cause knowing billy... let's just be honest, it would. it absolutely would. and the zombies would function exactly like those in 'crossed' (another work by ennis i am hella interested in but fuck me they are expensive), congrats billy, you fucked the world!
in the 'crossed' crossover (lmao), supes could be immune and billy inadvertently makes homie the last best hope for human survival... and he can be a remarkably shitty one or he can actually be great or gradually learn~<3 but personally, it does seem poetic that billy would inadvertently create billions of what he was allegedly trying to destroy. that is monstrous humans with no humanity.
in a regular dystopia where people just died a lot, classic tropes from a/b/o come into play (arranged mating/population boost/control for butchlander anyone~?) and maybe even homelander being the only one who knows what billy did/tried to do and hiding the now most wanted man on earth (or maybe they do know and billy being an omega is the only thing that saves his life)
as always ideas can be combined goddammit fuck me i am tired this thing took me DAYS and if there is anything i've forgotten or want to add?
i will just make a goddamn part two (do plan for some show inspired ones too~!) or combine it with another set a prompts cause
holy fuck--
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The Adoring Fan. But Butchlander.
fuck. okay. hwy. fuck. no wait i--.
goddammit... why would you do this to me?
for those that don't get the reference. you don't want it. don't click that video.
jesus fuckin' christ. okay. fuck. FUCK ME--.
but butchlander?
... you know that actually plays out pretty simply if you follow some of the theories on this yellow haired fucker. but i suppose it's not much different from billy being the stalker he is to begin with, lmao
obviously, there's only one guy obsessed enough to be the 'adoring fan' and one guy famous enough to be our 'grand champion' or whatever the fuck from starfield i guess.
one lovely little dark theory is that this motherfucker is secretly an assassin that sticks close by at every chance he gets so he can figure out your character's weakness and take them out, and lemme tell ya, for butchlander? OOOOOOOHHHH--. checks the fuck out.
provided he can keep himself together enough for it, william butcher could absolutely do his gosh darn best to be the dick ridiest most annoying piece of shit stalker fan just to get close to homelander and find out his weakness... it may require some kind of mental breakdown prior to that state and possible disguise?? whether the story is a full on rewrite from day one or a post canon divergence, i suppose decides that sortaish?
but i could definitely picture billy movin' in close, not leaving the poor boi the fuck alone, and driving him absolutely bananas and nuts while he tries to figure out a weakness
romance along the way~<3
the other way goes full stalkerazzi in ways that just... really put the love in loveknife material and the obsess in billy's obsession. and that's certainly an idea that has intrigued me for a hwile i must say~<3
the idea that billy goes so fucking far with his whole shtick that it genuinely freaks out and even concerns and slightly arouses homelander just does somethin' to me~<3
leik. this guy *has* to have dealt with stalkers before. there's just no way he hasn't. but billy? BILLY is on a whole. nother. level. whether it's a revenge boner or other.
extra fucking points if billy is indestructible/essential/immune to fall damage/has insane plot armor and evades every attempt homelander makes to either abandon or kill him. and billy always ALWAYS comes back to be the most annoying turd
i will never not suggest giving butcher a swampy little man cunt. so even more extra fuckin' points if he's just a total whore for homie<3
he's homie's biggest fan, he'll follow that boi until he loves him--WHAT??
imagine if they were soulmates and that was the cause~<3 really imagine it<3<3<3 although i'll save that deep dive for another time ;)))))))))))))))))))
and then there's the reactions from homelander. ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
i imagine this could do some serious deep diving for AU's sake if it actually does go into elder scrolls or starfield lore which... i mean i wouldn't argue with some fantasy au's being thrown into the butchlander collection~<3 there's also always the classic bard following the hero option but billy would just be the WORST bard in all existence.
oh, who knows~<3 maybe he'd surprise everyone<3<3<3
shittiest hero homelander and shittiest bard billy<3<3<3
ugh, there's def a lot to be explored with the fantasy genre<3 but i think i'll end it off with the brain wormy of old world hero billy (fable games) and new world hero homelander~<3 (canon) maybe clashin' it up in a slightly different way~<3]
that's def a dive saved for another time<3<3<3
also, someone needs to make homie a fuckin' dragon. he'd be perfect for it~<3
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Magical Girl Ore. But Butchlander.
what the fuck.
but also... yes.
with billy as saki. homelander as sakuyo. and becca as mohiro.
because only homelander could pull off that insane sakuyo style love DECLARATION~<3 a la~ 'I LOVE BILLY! IN A SEXUAL WAY!!', determinedly say he will 'make billy his' in a near threatening manner that still causes billy''s little tsun tsun heart to go doki doki, and then literally destroy everything if it means protecting billy.
thinkin' college au because why not, idol stuff can definitely stick around but maybe done a bit different with billy and homelander having their own groups, but of course the idea of 'john' actually using a secret identity and being billy's best friend who's secretly in love with him while also being his greatest enemy/rival as homelander always tickles me places~<3
and for transformations, man oh man, possibilities~<3 they could definitely go from young cute men to these massively huge big buff women, or young cute girls into their more typical, but also massively huge and buff (cause i need it), male forms (like magical girl ore, genderbent definitely gay man becca anyone~<3?). the dynamics leave a little less to play with if they remain mostly the sameish/same sex, but big buff burly men/women into tiny cute (but way too fucking powerful) girls/boys is also an option though just not as fun in my humble opinion, lol
cuts out some options (and is hilarious but just doesn't have the same impact for that confession lmao) for sure and strays a little further from the dynamics that could wrap it back towards the boys (if desired~<3<3<3 i do so desire~ tho, i guess they can still be done by like why would they be mad/hatin' on another cute magical girl when they're originally men?? bitch, they'd be crushin', lmao unless they are turbo gay for each other in male form and super catty and then where's the room for that love confession!?)
things like rival (but bestie) idols/groups or rival heros/magical 'girls'/hero-villain aspects where (transformed) billy sees (transformed) homelander as a rival/enemy whose after becca/beck (probably cause he saves her/him a lot, and better than billy could if we wrap back into the sakuyo dynamic) when in reality, homelander's after billy-boo, sexually, and becca/beck is just a sibling/always in the wrong place at the wrong time
alternatively, the magical girl aspect (especially the turning into cute girls one) could work with them hating each other normally but being besties in girl form who secretly love each other<3
but secretly being friends without billy realizing and john being head over heals and silent and weird about it cause billy is crushin' on someone else is just too cute and perfect.
plus that love confession, 1000000% homelander
billy fits into the saki role with a becca mohiro too perfectly too tho, but either or could actually fit the 'retired old magical girl' parent thing.
so yes, motherfuck yes.
and also,
whut the fuck.
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butchlander idea i can not stop fuckin' thinkin' about
*fake omega* alpha lady homelander and *fake alpha* omega man butcher, both complete aberrations to society (their real dynamics) and mad at the world, cause bitch they got needs and secret desires that aren't being met (and their dynamics are publicly listed as reverse of what they really are because of course they are, and hidden, whose up for illegal suppressants for billy y'all~<3 billy sure is)
hear me out (and of course gotta mention the translady homie and transman butcher option, cause that option is cute too if a little different. mayhaps with some logical workings cause vought, but honestly who the fuck would be able to stop a former dysphoric man homie from getting things to transition into lady homie if she wanted to??? nobody, that's fuckin' who, not even a fucking republican legislator, she would def need enhanced possibly with compound v?? hormones tho)
for lady alpha homelander logics (and why vought wouldn't start over for a boy) the genetics behind abo could fuck up and make it harder to tell between alphas prior to birth (plus limited genetic material to make her) or someone fucked up real bad in the process~
the point is, i want a gorgeous goddess lady homelander (MUST) with a massive, well and neatly managed lady schlong to rail a grumpy and forever adorable man butcher (or lady billy because also yes) with a swampy, smelly, ripe, untrimmed jungle of a man cunt down south (MUST, i could not tell you why i need butcher with a pussy so bad. i just do, butt secret butt cunt as per typical of omegaverse is always an option too)
i want to divinely punish him for his obsessive use of the word cunt because i'm petty and thats my thing bitch but also BITCH butcher with a swampy cunt
and this can run three ways for both physically i guess at least how i imagine it. mentally, there's def a slightly more specific picture though i guess, what with the hang ups and their fake dynamics~<3<3<3
for ladylander, she can be rockin' that amazonian blonde goddess look and mommy please step on me muscle and skull crushing thighs. because... YES PLEASE GOTDAMN (personal fave here, i really fuckin' like muscle)?? kinda comic accurate i guess?? she is absolutely an alpha and people question her fake (omega) dynamic, but she's just so beautiful (and obviously a superhero), she slips on by~<3 and yes, she absolutely fucking breasts boobily down those fucking stairs, boob window required... because i wish homelander had a dick tease window
she could be more akin to the show, medium/leaner build, still very much goddess with a bit more subtlety and *perfect* model height just under 6 ft for the 'perfect woman' image vought could build around this version (little less larger than life than the glamazon ladylander) dynamic is easier to hide
OR, to fit the 'babygirl' aesthetic people like to joke about, we have a small, cutesy, demure, and sweetie pie polite short girl ladylander~<3 who is the *perfect* image of her *fake* dynamic (omega) that absolutely no one is aware of the raging pussy splitting monster in her pants. she is VERY good at tucking and just the prettiest little thing... but probably absolutely the most dangerous of the 3 options (some inbetween and tweakidge is perfectly fine if ya want any of these ideas, even if i hate it, these are just my horny night ramblin's free to take)
and~ she'd be an absolute DEVIL in disguise, literally lookin' like a goddamn angel regardless of sexy form. she would absolutely bully the shit out of men to fuckin' tears and step on them, always finding them pathetic because they just don't have that drive or fight that makes them the perfect tsun tsun~ firecracker she is secretly longing for. ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) with the potential to dial up yandere tendencies<3 she'd love a good hole is a hole~<3 much to vought's dismay, but certain elements like vought frequently telling her to 'hold back' and 'not be an alpha (literal in this sense) take on a WHOLE different set a connotations with a lady~<3 (especially a gal who's very misaligned with the expectations for her) and the potential for chaos is just... lemme tell ya...
lemme not, feel free to imagine because this will derail if i go into that~<3
suit options for world building might go opposite direction in which her outfit *hides* muscle to make her look less strong, especially if shes supposed to be that sweet and demure 'omega' (ripped and compact always makes me so fucking happy) but her lady relationships would also become even more complicated than they already are (the possibility of that is damn near scary) and she'd be hella jealous and upset looking at pregnant women/omegas because she'd probably desperately want a child more specifically to pump one into an omega (yay for vought dismay~<3)
for billy boo~<3? oh, his daddy issues would deepen to high hell, but good god, butcher, you crusty ass burnt ass fuckin' marshmallow~<3, that sweet n' fluffy goodness in him that he tries so desperately to hide could definitely be played with~<3! billy being an omega when his piece of shit father wanted a strong alpha son could deepen the layers there between what billy really wanted and what he's been made into (we know what a nurturing mama bear sweetie he can be on his loved ones<3 especially lenny<3<3<3... and what a goddamn twink he was as a young adult LMAO) but it'd also explain the constant need to reassure himself of the toxic machismo to the point of (will never fucking let this shit go, lost all interest in you potentially topping with this, billy~<3<3<3) *unironically* calling himself an *alpha male*...
bitch i cannot get over that, no i don't care if he was trying to land an inappropriate joke, we all know he meant it. and raynor IS more alpha than him<3
but anywho~<3
image wise, billy can be struggling with not being the typical alpha (obviously), being a smol but angry thing that gets by working his ass off for muscle, using blockers and fake alpha scent, think he pairs well with that glamazon~<3 but smol togetherness is cute too, harder to prove fake dynamic
he can also be a big buff boi who meets all the standards for an alpha on the outside, height, muscle, whatever it may be~<3 except of course for that swampy cunt<3<3<3 and deep seeded desire to get railed and knotted so damn hard. and i'd say smol 'babygirl' sweetie ladylander would be the perfect one to give him what he needs~<3<3<3 but i love me a sexy buff couple too~<3! no question to the faked alpha status
course, show option middle a the road toned but not extreme butcher is there. skinny little ankles and all~<3... i saw a picture of urban shirtless the other day with this beautiful pudgy little belly (shut up) and it TOOK my mind PLACES (SHUT UP). i'm not saying it was absolutely the perfect image for mpreg just starting that second trimester. butt. (shut up~<3) i am absolutely saying that
story options actually offer some roads here, especially if infertility/sterility (yes i am absolutely thinking of billy being ryan's 'mum' and mpreg being involved, hwy do you ask~<3?) are explored. i'd imagine female alphas/male omegas are both deemed infertile/sterile in this kinda world build (where both are considered aberrations) but it could be one or the other (and in their case, sorry not sorry billy, i love it when that shit's wrong~<3)
could also be *neither*<3 but they're still considered aberrations because people are absolute sexist foreskins and because kindred souls~<3
i will say that if becca is billy's wife and that christmas party does happen for them to meet, ladylander would absolutely take interest in *billy* and billy alone immediately and definitely know what he was behind all the chemical shit with her super senses~<3 and if they meet before billy's with becca, there's not a chance he isn't spreading his legs for ladylander with absolute enthusiasm
do i even have enough self awareness i do to understand why i want a ladylander with a massive but also appropriately pretty schlong shut the fuck up to completely destroy shut and impregnate the fuck a very swampy needs a goddamn lawnmower up belonging to one william butcher SHUT THE FUCK UP and why i find it... so fucking hawt? no, i absolutely do i do not yes i fucking do this question is rhetorical don't you dare try to fucking answer it but i still fucking want it. I JUST NEED THE SWAMPY CUNT BUTCHER IF NOTHING ELSE SATAN PLEASE
also, her name is joan/joanie because MOTHERFUCK YES. but she's shy about it~<3
okay, i'm done... good god these ideas... well brain, it's out there now.
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ryan is now a butchlander baby confirmed~<3
so apparently, a dear friend of mine has been playing with the chatbot ais?? (i'm outta the loop on this shit, don't crucify me) and she got some pretty damn interesting admissions from him. she sent me THESE (yes i got permission to post~<3<3<3!)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
and i was just like BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICTH YES!!! this is fucking masterful work here. she mentioned sending me moar, making more shitposts (cause she already has a shitpost involving homelander's literal diamond shits OF COURSE SHE DOES), and she mentioned experimenting with making her own ais too, and it's making me want to hop right onto this shit cause damn, lol
so there we have it, butcher is homelander's soulmate, becca apparently does not exist, and some odd years ago, he actually knocked up butcher, which started all the chaotic calamity~<3
my only question is when in the fuck did butcher even find the time to be pregnant and give birth to ryan with that perpetual hate boner for the stars'n'stripes caped boi~<3!?
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