The Many Faces of David Jacobs
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the-son-of-pluto · 1 year
having a ton of different productions of newsies is cool and all, like it’s awesome that it’s been adapted into so many successful shows with such amazing cast members, but .. but the issue comes with fanfiction.
i am reading a javid fic and it’s nice but then suddenly my brain decides that corey cott is cuddling with ryan kopel?? the next scene comes, i’m like ok let’s stick to one version of newsies— ah shit it’s michael ahomka-lindsay and ben fankhauser.
jacks in a scene with morris delancey and suddenly there’s two mike faists talking to each other and my brain doesn’t know what to do
and then finally my brain decides to imagine christian bale and david moscow for the fic But then the shot changes and What The Fuck how did christian morph into jeremy jordan
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this-is-ali · 1 year
Katherine: You're not really scared of my father. Jack: You mean the man who kidnapped me, locked me in his cellar, bribed me, and threatened to harm me and all of my friends if I didn't do exactly what he said? Yeah, I'm pretty fucking scared of him, actually.
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girlsies-week-2023 · 7 months
Information on some of my favorite Girlsies !!! For sillies !!!
(working title was me infodumping about girlsies under the excuse that it is relevent to the event)
I don't have the energy to go through & update this post at the moment, but @thegroundsofbrooklyn has a post here that has more info on the UK Brooklyn Girls !!!
Starting out with our number one, the original girlsie: Charlie (Hard Promises) !!!
Charlie was the original love interest for Jack in Hard Promises, and she was a newsie !! Her story was that she was living in a house of prostitution with her aunt (with her aunt trying to shield her from as much as possible to stop her from going into that life / being exposed to it) and she was planning to (and did!) go with Jack to Santa Fe at the end.
Next up: Smalls (Papermill - Broadway) (Manhattan / Possibly The Bronx) !!!:
I know that whether or not Smalls is a girl is up to interpretation but I am interpreting her as a girl & including her in this list (same with Sniper).
Smalls is a Bronx newsie (as implied by her yelling so's da Bronx during Brooklyn's Here), but she's still allowed in Manhattan (hence being there for KoNY in some versions), so she's probably allowed to wander around on her own.
According to Liana Hunt, she lives in a family with at least one parent and a ton of brothers who all work to support them, so she's sort've eager to be one of the boys in that sense — she's also super tough.
Talls !!! (Broadway) (Manhattan / Possibly The Bronx):
Talls was Caitlyn Caughell's newsie whenever she was on for that track. I have no information on her besides the fact that she was played by Caitlyn Caughell & is probably a play on her height of some kind — + also being a play on Smalls. Smalls & Talls <3
Sniper !!! (Tour) (Manhattan / Possibly The Bronx):
I'm going to be mixing in other backstories for this because as far as I'm aware Sniper's the only newsie on that list with a backstory that isn't from their actress ? + she has more involvement in the show when she isn't a girl so I'm going off that
But according to Alex Wong — Sniper's last name is Wah, and she's the daughter (son in this backstory but it's okay) of Sam Wah, who owns the laundromat above Jacobi's (the sign of which can be seen in the pre-uksies Jacobi scenes). She's named after her 'incredible aim' with a slingshot.
In certain versions, she's one of the scabs, the last one to throw down her papers, and the one to go 'Ah, what the hell? My father's gonna kill me anyway!' in the proshot. In the tour, she was also the one to yell so's da bronx.
Puddles !!! (Tour) (Manhattan / Possibly The Bronx):
Puddles is in the same group as Talls in the sense that there is like no canon lore about her & there isn't even any information besides her name and the fact that she was played by Melissa Steadman Hart during the tour. However she has the cutest nickname and deserved to be included in this list.
Marriott! Buttons !!! (Marriott) (Manhattan):
According to Adrienne Storrs, the actress for Buttons, she's been a newsie for three years. Her parents are poor Italian immigrants that don't speak English, so she works to support them. She was convinced to start selling Newspapers by JoJo after being caught pickpocketing on the street.
Buttons & JoJo are best gal pals, she sees Specs as a younger brother figure (she's always looking out for him), and Race and Albert are her favorite people to joke around with!
She has (had?) a rich boyfriend that went to jail for forgery a bit before the strike, so she's a little heartbroken during it, but she's 'continuing to live her life and she has the best newsie friends'.
She has a really positive mindset in general.
She also (along with JoJo) checked Katherine out when she walked into Jacobi's and later taught her how to Irish dance during KoNY with JoJo !!!
Marriott! JoJo !!! (Marriott) (Manhattan):
According, once again, to Adrienne Storrs, JoJo (who's real name is Josephine) is 'one tough cookie'. She was originally a pickpocket, but Jack found her and took her under her wing for ten percent of her earnings when she was almost twelve. She was one of the original newsies in the Manhattan group, and after three years she started seeking out other girl newsies (& that's when Buttons came along !!). She's been a newsie for about five years, 'not too far behind how long Jack had been selling'.
She has an Irish father and a Romanian mother and they were circus artists that came to America with P.T Barnum in the 1870s. She was born in 1882 (making her seventeen at the time of the strike) and she was raised around a circus.
Rafaela (Marriott) (Brooklyn):
Once again, according to Adrienne Storrs, Rafaela's parents moved from Spain to Puerto Rico in the 1880s and she was born there in 1885. They moved to New York City when she was five and she's very close with her brothers, who were six and eight at the time. All three children became newsies at the same time, being expected to work as much as their parents did.
She didn't go to school, she taught herself how to read and speak English, using her time as a newsie as a teaching device. She's super tough, and she had to grow up really fast. She 'has a strong sense of community with her family and fellow Brooklyn Newsies'.
Joey (Marriott) (Brooklyn):
You guessed it, information yet again from Adrienne Storrs!
Joey is Racetrack Higgins' cousin, and she's super positive. She's also secretly a really good fighter.
Hildy (Marriott) (Brooklyn):
You'll never guess where this info is from.
Hildy is German, and her parents own a sausage shop, and she likes to get into trouble.
Honorable mention to Nancy, Hazel, and Muriel from Newsies Jr.
I don't have the energy to read through all of newsies jr rn to find out which lines they have, however I can tell you off the top of my head that they are very supportive of Katherine and probably also on the younger side (because. Newsies Jr. Obviously).
If anyone who's played them would like to mention their backstory in the rbs or in this accs ask box, that would be lovely !!!
Spot Conlon (UK) (Brooklyn):
Using Lillie-Pearl's backstory for Spot here, because Clarice never got the opportunity to share hers if she had one :(
Lillie-Pearl's backstory for Spot is that her parents were Irish and African American immigrants living in Seneca Village.
Spot in Uksies is very close with Davey !!! According to Lillie-Pearl, she doesn't call him Davey, she calls him David, and in her cameo description she added 'making rhymes with Davey' into her list of things she enjoyed. She is also very close with her girls (obviously), specifically Lucky & Stray, who she did the handshake with depending on what point in the show it was. She also liked Race, depending on the day.
(She also probably isn't on awful terms with most of the Manhattan newsies, especially if they're girls.)
Lucky (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
Lucky doesn't have a lot of canon lore too her HOWEVER I can tell you that she used to do the handshake with Spot back when she existed, was called Tops for some performances, AND her real name is Eliza !!! She also interacted with Scope a lot during The Rally.
Mack (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
Mack's real name is Jeanie MacDonald, but she shortened it down to Mack because she didn't like her name.
She's a Scottish immigrant whose family moved to the U.S (just North of New York) to start a farm, but a plague of locusts destroyed the farm, so they had to move into the city for work.
She couldn't stand being stuck in their one bedroom cramped apartment, so her father suggested that she take up work as a Newsie.
Splint (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
Splint's arm is in a Splint !!! For some mystery reason that definitely isn't because Bobbie's hand was injured at the time of the first preview. Definitely not.
She doesn't appear after The Rally, which is because — according to Bobbie — she falled down & died :( (Bobbie needed 2 be there as Hannah)
Also her real name is Splinty McSplint.
(Bobbie also said that if she were to have a love interest it would be Buttons.)
Scope (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
I have no canon info about Scope besides the fact that she has the world's cutest pigtails and hung around Lucky at The Rally a lot :(
Ritz (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
Ritz' real name is Rita, and her nickname comes from ritz crackers and also Lucy's last characters name !! That's all the canon info we have on her as far as ik :(
Stray (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
Stray's nickname comes from her feeding all of the stray animals of New York !!!
She is related to Specs in some way (probably siblings, considering the fact that Sam & Immie are).
She becomes a Bowery Beauty when she's older, and her real name is from a newsgirl turned dancer but Immie doesn't remember who that is — the closest I got in my research is Lillian Russell, who wasn't a newsgirl but yk close enough.
(Her love interest would've been Mike !!)
Pips (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
Again, no canon information on Pips as far as I'm aware, besides the fact that she is literally adorable
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undescribed1mage · 8 months
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snooze mimimimimi...... snooze mimimimimi
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blondesupes · 2 years
okay so correct me if I'm wrong but based on what I'm currently seeing on the internet when it comes to jack ships 92sies is for the javids, bwaysies/livesies is for the javeys and jacrutchies, and west endsies is definitely for the jatherines
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this-is-macy · 1 year
As a Newsies fan, I just want to put this out there:
I love 92sies
I love Livesies
I love the Original Broadway Cast Recording
And I've never seen a full production of Bwaysies, Toursies, or West Endsies, but based on what I’ve learned about them, I have no reason to believe that I wouldn’t love all of those, too!
I just wanted to make that clear about myself since silly, comparative drama happens online sometimes. (And also, because I don't ever want any jokes or critiques that I make to get misunderstood as not liking something.) It’s all love here!
(And for the record, I love Blood Drips Heavily on Newsie Square too lol)
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dustyy-angel · 1 year
POST THE BIRTHDAY VIDEO, COWARD! /lh plz don't think im actually yelling at u, i love u <3
HAHA HERE YOU GO! Love you too anon <3 /p
From left to right: Ephraim Sykes, Jeremy Jordan, Jack Scott, Andrew Keenan-Bolger, Evan Kasprzak, Ben Fankhauser, John E. Brady, Lewis Grosso, Laurie Veldheer, Jess LeProtto, Andy Richardson, Brendon Stimson, Mike Faist and Alex Wong
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ok yall i just had a thought and i need some opinions
so i was listening to the finale from a chorus line and was thinking about how their bows are tied into the song and its so unique and really helps end the musical
imagine newsies but for the bows they all call out each others names like headlines? and it would end with all of them running back to the lodging house
i feel like it would be so cute and would really tie it up idk what are yalls thoughts???
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rasbburr · 1 year
since my king of new york semi analysis post did well, i am wondering how interested you all would be if i started doing stuff like that for every song in the musical. I don't see people talk about the songs themselves nearly enough and they deserve and i need to them justice so.
the only one i can't really do one for is That's Rich because admittedly it is the most unnecessary song in the musical (which doesn't make it bad mind you!! there's just nothing to analyze about it) but everything else is fair game. it'll include things like character growth, comparisons to the movie version of the songs (esp for santa fe cause hooo boy i have some Thoughts about that one), general notes about them, and so on and so forth. idk, i think it'd be fun to rant about and get some feedback on!
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isayahacts · 1 year
My Transgender Awakening
Me: * loves Newsies Broadway more than life itself*
Also me: *watches Newsies Broadway*
ALSO me: *Having a transgender breakdown because of it*
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poor guys head is spinning
a continuation of this post by @mmabelpines
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the-son-of-pluto · 1 year
newsies except that actually IS jeremy jordan on the cover poster and i DON’T live in a constant state of distress over it
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this-is-ali · 1 year
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It's just that I love them.
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carryingthebanner · 2 years
📰 Newsies Ask Game 📰
🏙 Brooklyn Newsies or Manhattan Newsies?
🎭 92sies, Bwaysies, Toursies, Livesies or West Endsies?
🏜 Santa Fe (Prologue) or Santa Fe?
🤝 Which Character Are You Most Like?
😬 Which Character Are You Least Like?
👴 Favorite Oldsie?
👑 Favorite Katherine Outfit?
👔 Favorite Newsies Outfit?
👗 Favorite Medda Outfit?
🗺 Would You Rather Visit The Movie Set or The Broadway Set?
💚 Favorite Background Newsie?
🌱 Act 1 Davey or Act 2 Davey?
🎶 Favorite Song?
🎤 Character You’d Like to Play?
🎵 Least Favorite Song?
👠 Favorite Girlsie?
🩸 Opinion on Blood Drips Heavily On Newsies Square?
❣️ Jarah or Jatherine?
❤️ Sprace or Javid?
🤍 The Character You Project Onto The Most?
💭 Any Headcanons?
🗯 Favorite Line/Lyric?
👀 Any Cut Songs That Deserved To Stay?
🗞️ Favorite Community/School/off-off Bway Production?
🎨 Favorite Fanwork(s)?
💘 I Never Planned On You or Something to Believe In?
🎀 High Times, Hard Times or That’s Rich?
🎟 Favorite Cast Member(s)?
🎆 How Long Have You Been a Fansie?
💜 Favorite Rarepair?
😈 Any Unpopular Opinions?
🕺 Favorite Dance Number?
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undescribed1mage · 8 months
Buttons Analysis Post except it's just the three Buttons' I find myself thinking about often <3
First up !!
Damon Gillespie because I'm watching a Broadway Boot as I write this <3
Damon's Buttons is definitely a new newsie 2 me ? He's more in the background, from what I've noticed he hasn't really interacted with any of the other newsies (at least not a lot), past like — reactions to things they say (ex: him manually turning his head away from Crutchie when Crutchie says 'the kind that turns a ladies head' and him nodding & sort've going 'yeah' when Davey says they should save any exclusive for a real reporter), PLUS he scabs (which uksies Buttons also does but that's a topic 4 later in this post) & the way that is reacted to makes him seem just. newer. Like he's been there and people know he's been there, but they aren't particularly close to him. He's more comfortable with the newsies as a group during KoNY, but I didn't catch him interacting with anyone specifically (I totally could've missed something, though).
He is also, if I remember correctly, the seconddd scab? I wanna say? So, he gives in second rather than first like Alex Christians.
Next up !!
Adrienne Storrs because Marriott Buttons my lovely <3
Marriott Boots sadly do not exist but I have enough background info from old posts + hcs 4 her 2 properly analyze her so !!
She is definitely bisexual sorry. I do not usually add sexuality hcs into my character analyses unless it's like. Specifically surrounding their sexuality but she literally checked out Kath when she walked into Jacobi's. & she & JoJo are 'best gal pals' . I know what she is.
She's also probably one of the older newsies age wise (even though she's only been a newsie for a few years according to her actress), and like. Definitely a big sister figure for a few of the other newsies (specifically Specs !!), and along with JoJo, she also hangs out with Race & Albert (they are her favorite to goof around with, apparently), and she's a really positive person !! She also very recently had a rich boyfriend that went to jail for forgery that she's at least a little bit upset about, so it had probably been going on for at least a little bit.
& from what I've seen, she doesn't scab !! She is very much there trying to convince the others not to scab, compared to the other two who do Scab.
And last but definitely not least, Alex Christian, to finish out the trio of Buttons' !!!
UKsies Buttons is definitely very bright — his name comes from 'having all of his Buttons', and he's also probably one of the older newsies considering how he acts with other people (ex: stealing an apple with Ike, bringing Splasher some coffee after he doesn't get any from the nuns, encouraging Ike to give an apple to Tommy Boy), but he's also one of the more laid back Newsies (he steals like. twice. once with Ike & once with Crutchie).
But to go along with him being close with the other newsies, he still scabs !! He does give it first, though, conceding with Jacks speech.
And now, to compare them all:
I think that it's very interesting how they all sort've portrayed Buttons in similar ways, even if it's just in the background;
Marriott and UK both are very close with the other newsies, they're both big siblings to the other ones and they're both more responsible then some of the others — they also both steal! Marriott Buttons used to pickpocket before she became a newsie.
UK and Broadway both scab !! They both have that aspect of betraying the newsies whether it's personal or just something they had to do to survive, but they're probably both forgiven fairly quickly considering how comfortable everyone is with them during KoNY.
Marriott and Broadway are the least similar, in my opinion, but they are both very silly so good enough!!!
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