#by borhapgirlforlife19
orwocolor · 2 years
happy moments in a happy life
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: Nothing, pure fluff!
Summary: Spending your daughter Olive’s first birthday in the amusement park, you reminisce about the day you fell in love with Joe.
Author’s Note: Requested by @borhapgirlforlife19​ ! Sorry it took me ages to finish this but I hope the fic itself will make up for the long wait :)
the gif is mine
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“Hi Olive! Hi!” you exclaim with a wide smile and wave your hand frantically to catch the attention of your daughter. She’s sitting right next to Joe, his arm wrapped around her small body while his other hand is placed on her stomach to make sure she’s not gonna fall out of the mini train ride. After seemingly loitering in the line for quite some time, Joe finally managed to seize the seats in the small colourful locomotive, which of course are the best since there’s a button to sound the train horn. He insisted that his most beloved birthday girl deserved only the best.
Although truth be told, she’s celebrating her first birthday today and you’re pretty sure she can’t even comprehend the difference between the locomotive and the other carriages. Joe on the other hand? Oh, he’s having a blast for sure!
“Look sweetie, that’s Mum!” Joe points his finger at you and Olive looks up at him before she gingerly follows his gaze and finally her eyes find you with your phone in your hand. She gives you the most brilliant almost-toothless grin and you beam right back at her, promptly tapping the button on your phone to take as many pictures as you possibly can to capture this wonderful moment.
Your cheeks hurt from all the smiling but you can’t help yourself. Every single day your little family have been proving to you that even though it always seems like it’s not humanly possible to love them more, the love you feel for them won’t stop before anything and it keeps multiplying exponentially. The realisation warms your heart and the power of this moment is so strong for you to feel happy tears welling in your eyes. You lay your palm on your chest as if the emotions were to burst out of you if given the chance.
Before the train circles back to where you’re standing, you have just enough time to clear your throat and rummage through your handbag, finding a tissue to wipe away the tears.
Just as the mini train passes you again, Joe’s eyes meet yours and he smirks as he presses the button twice to honk the horn. He suggestively waggles his eyebrows and shoots you a wink, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Rolling your eyes, you huff out a laugh and shake your head, not quite capable to wipe that bright smile from your face. As a payback, you cross your eyes and poke out your tongue at him. Your silly expression makes Olive giggle even harder and it takes Joe great effort to keep her upright. His hands full of your squirming daughter, there’s not much left for him to do but blow you a raspberry in return as the train leaves you behind to make another round.
You get your phone ready again, this time swiping left to change the mode to video, unable to resist the urge to film your daughter for an umpteenth time. God, you’ve really become the parent that just has to capture every moment of your child, haven’t you. But who could blame you, she’s the sweetest little girl and anytime you feel down, you just scroll through your camera roll and that adorable smile cheers you up within seconds.
While they were out of your sight, Joe hoisted Olive up on his lap so that she could reach the bright yellow plastic wheel screwed to the simple control desk. His hands are over hers and he turns the wheel right and left, making train noises with his mouth. The course of the train does not naturally change based on their driving but Olive doesn’t seem to mind, giggling with excitement.
The vision in front of you takes you back to your college days, a very special one in particular.
The day you fell in love at first sight with Joe Mazzello.
It was a relatively cold day for the beginning of September. The trees were yet to get a chance to tint their leaves in yellow hues, but dark clouds and cold wind were making themselves known, announcing the approaching winter as small droplets splattered on the beige of your coat and the gust of cool air seeped through your clothes.
You lifted the lapels to protect yourself from the chill and shouldered your bag, precariously balancing in your arms the stack of books that you’d just borrowed from the college library as you made haste for the lecture hall.
The term had only started, but you were already drowning in heavy textbooks and lengthy papers, the tutors making sure their students were not loafing around. When you finally reached the lecture hall and found a seat close to the door, you dropped the books down on the desk with a loud bang, causing a few students to turn their heads after the sound. At that moment, the professor stood up and cleared her throat to announce the beginning of her lecture, and so you just mouthed a quick ‘sorry’ and plopped down on a chair. As quietly as possible, you took off your coat and pulled out your laptop to take notes. There was not much space on the desk in front of you and so you placed a few of the textbooks down on the seat next to you.
After a few minutes of your fingers flying across the keyboard as you tried to keep up with the merciless speed of the presentation, the door to the lecture hall was thrown open and someone stormed in. The professor cut herself short, the unfinished word hanging in the air as everyone craned their neck to see the source of the sudden disturbance.
A soft gasp escaped your mouth when your gaze landed on the newcomer. He was a very handsome man, with messy auburn hair, a sharp, prominent nose and beautiful kind eyes that glimmered in the white light of the lecture hall. A rosy blush spread across his cheeks and the tip of his nose as he tried to catch his breath.
You let your gaze drop down and inspected his clothes. Clad in black jeans and a coat, he appeared to favour simplicity with regards to fashion as the only traces of colour were the threads of red and blue weaved through his chequered scarf that was wrapped around his neck.
A small movement caught your attention when his grip around the handle of his backpack tightened. Shifting his weight, he chuckled nervously under the stare of several hundred students directed his way and the flush in his face turned a shade darker.  
“Sorry, couldn’t find a parking spot,” the man grinned as he rubbed the back of his neck, his forehead knitting while he stood there, unsure of how to cope with all the unexpected attention.
Your eyes flicked to the lectern behind which the professor stood with a clenched jaw and gritted teeth as she looked daggers at the guy, her mouth forming into a thin line. With a quick tilt of her head, she gestured for him to take a seat and stop disturbing her lecture.  
“Yeah, I’ll just, erm,” he trailed off as he scanned the room to find a vacant spot before his eyes finally met yours.
The time stopped. You weren’t breathing. He slowly blinked in a daze, unable to move or tear his gaze away from you.
You felt butterflies fluttering their wings in your stomach. You had always imagined this sensation to be uncomfortable and rather awkward, but the truth couldn’t be farther from your expectations. Admittedly, it was an odd feeling, yes, but it also was a surprisingly pleasant one, reverberating through your veins and spreading warmth throughout your body.
His lips curled upwards in a wide beaming smile and another warm wave washed over you.
The professor’s withering look intensified but you paid her no mind. His gaze still locked with yours, you felt an invisible force pulling at the corners of your mouth to give him a matching smile as you grinned from ear to ear.
The professor cleared her throat, making you jump in your seat. The handsome guy sucked in a breath and bit on his lower lip, breaking the eye contact as he sheepishly shifted his attention to the podium.
“Sorry, again. I’ll just go and take a seat.” He pointed his finger in your direction and gave the professor a solemn nod before scurrying towards you. You made haste to grab the textbooks that lay on the chair next to you to free the space as the other students shifted in their seats to focus on the lecture again, the old wood cracking and shoes squeaking against the linoleum.
He was at your side within seconds, bending down to help you bring the books to the floor. His fingers brushed over yours as you both reached for the same textbook and that now-familiar warmth settled in your fingertips. You couldn’t help but glance up at him, and your eyes locked again for a brief moment. Reluctantly, he pulled his hand away and grabbed the remaining books, neatly placing them at your feet before he took a seat next to you.
As you gathered a few of your belongings to empty his part of the desk, you realised one thing. The lecture hall had been built to hold as many people as possible and so all the seats were quite narrow, which caused you to feel the hard warmth of his body pressed against your arm and thigh. Truth be told, it was rather distracting, and you found yourself deleting a line of notes every time your mind wandered off as your unsupervised fingers started typing not only errors but occasionally absolute nonsense.
It seemed the proximity may have had a similar effect on him as every now and then his hands halted in their movement, hovering above the keyboard before he recovered from his frozen state and quickly typed a simple ‘TBA’, pressing the enter key and starting a new paragraph.
Once the lecture came to an end and everyone began to gather their things, you breathed out a relieved sigh, closed your laptop and turned to face the guy next to you. You meant to introduce yourself, maybe ask him if he would care to grab a coffee with you but before you could get a chance to open your mouth, someone else jogged up the stairs of the auditorium to greet the man next to you.
“Dude, what the hell was that?” the guy hollered and his barked-out laughter resonated against the walls as a few more students followed in his tail.
Your face dropped. With no intention of intruding upon the nice man, especially with his friends around, you gathered your things and meandered your way through the lecture hall, ignoring the agitated emptiness in the pit of your stomach.
At the door, you allowed yourself a glance at their group and your heart skipped a beat when you noticed him watching you. He gave you a small wave and an apologetic smile before he shifted his focus back to his friends as they discussed their plans for the weekend.
You bumped into a few friends of yours in the hallway and chatted with them for a while, promising to send them some of your notes until it was time for you to leave the campus and head home as well. Maybe you could make a detour to a local coffee shop. Even though it would be nicer to have company, who were you to deny yourself a hot cup of cappuccino.
Arms full of the many books you’d been carrying around the whole day, you pushed at the massive front door with your shoulder to exit the building, but you froze in your tracks as the weather put a damper on your plans.
You frowned at the dark grey clouds from which an absolute downpour was loudly beating against the concrete stairs leading to the lecture hall.
“Want me to give you a ride?” a voice said right next to your ear, and you turned on your heel, your breath hitching in your throat as you faced the man from earlier, the man you couldn’t stop thinking about.
“Isn’t your car too far?” you asked instead of providing an answer.
“No, it’s right behind the corner. I had to make a few rounds around the campus before I noticed Professor Giles reversing from his spot. Parallel parking is not his strongest suit, I’ll tell you that,” he laughed and tossed his head to prevent hair from falling in his eyes. “I’m Joe by the way,” he said and offered his hand.
“(Y/N),” you replied and wrapped your fingers around his, gently squeezing as a small smile started playing on your lips when his thumb caressed your inner wrist. “And thank you for the offer! But still, the rain’s really heavy and I don’t have an umbrella with me so I guess I’ll just wait it out.”
“We could share my scarf,” he suggested and promptly slid it down from around his neck. “Use it as a cover, you know.”
“I…” You got interrupted by one of your books slipping from the pile in your arms and you kicked your leg up, catching it before it could crash down on the floor. His palm landed on your elbow to keep you upright until you restored your balance and gripped the books in your arm more tightly, resting them against your hip.
“You know, I could carry these for you.”
“Thanks, but I’m alright,” you replied and gave him an earnest smile.
“Let’s make a deal. You lend me half of your books, and I’ll offer half of my scarf, what do you say?”
“That’s hardly a bargain for you,” you chuckled and looked away to hide the grin creeping across your face. Instead, you turned to the downpour outside and stretched out your arm, catching big raindrops into your open palm.
“Getting to press myself to this beautiful girl while we run side by side to my car so that I can give her a lift and maybe ask for her phone number, that is if I muster the courage? I see no drawbacks in the deal for me.” He revealed his teeth in another sweet smile and gave you a wink.
You let out a laugh as you shook your head in disbelief, and with a flick of your fingers, you sprinkled the water you’d just collected in your hand at him to punish him for his straightforwardness.  
It was Joe’s turn to give you a slightly exasperated look as you giggled at his expression, and he rolled his eyes, the smile on his face not wavering.
“Come on.” He motioned for you to accept one corner of his scarf and while you were distracted by positioning the piece of warm fuzzy fabric above your head, he took a hold of the books in your arms, his firm glare not allowing any arguments.
“Don’t worry, I’ll give them back.”
He unzipped his backpack and pushed the books inside before you could utter any protests.
Although you hated to admit it, the scarf was not big enough and you had to huddle up close to fit underneath, just like he mentioned earlier. Maybe the idea of such proximity had not left him flustered, but it sure did make your breath hitch at the thought.
Hesitantly, you snaked your arm around his waist and after a beat of silence, he mirrored the movement, his palm gently pressed against your side.
“On three, okay?” you instructed and took a deep breath. “One. Two.”
“Three!” you both exclaimed in unison and darted down the stairs.
Oh my god was the rain bloody cold!
No matter how fast you ran, the harsh chilly raindrops were biting at your skin, quickly making it numb as your teeth chattered. And no, the scarf did very little to protect you from the downpour, getting soaked in the first few seconds. Adrenalin was pumping in your veins and the buzz you felt spreading all over your body had made you almost hysterical as you couldn’t help but laugh and squeal every time you accidentally stepped into a puddle, splashing water around you.
Moreover, the situation seemed to have the same effect on Joe, his grip on your lower back tight while he laughed at your side. There was this indescribable feeling of urgency and freedom and a rush of hot blood that left you feeling slightly dizzy and out of breath.
When you finally reached his car and jumped inside, you were absolutely drenched, raindrops trickling from your hair and occasional giggles escaping your mouths at the absurdity of it all.
Joe fumbled with the keys for a short while before he started the engine and consequently turned on the heating, pleasant warmth spreading across your damp skin as he hovered his hands above the fans.  
“It should warm us up in a minute,” he commented and gave you a bright smile.
“Thanks,” you answered and mirrored his expression, the wave of warmth reaching your heart as well.  
“So, where to?”
“Erm, Lafayette Hall, if that’s okay?” You suddenly felt the unease in the pit of your stomach and started absentmindedly pulling at your fingers in a nervous gesture. “I know, it’s a bit too far, so if you want to drop me off anywhere nearer, I will understand.”
“No problem, that way we can spend more time together,” he replied as he rubbed his hands and breathed hot air into his palms before he grabbed the wheel and the car pulled away from the curb.
His eyes were glued to the road ahead of him, and so he hadn’t noticed you breathing a sigh of relief and casting your eyes down at the notion of him appreciating your company.
“So, what do you say about the class?” Joe eventually broke the silence without tearing his eyes from the traffic as he carefully navigated the streets, but if you had lifted your gaze a fraction of a second sooner, you would catch him grimacing at the small-talk question.
“Seems pretty interesting. The workload is absolutely crazy though, don’t you think? God knows how many essays, assignments, presentations and the final coursework… sounds like I’ll be spending all my free time in the library.”
“Well, we could always study together. If you would like,” Joe added in haste as he dared to glance towards you to see your reaction.
“I would love that,” you answered truthfully and were rewarded with another beautiful smile of his which you gladly returned.
As he made a turn with his car, you were met with a sea of motionless red lights distorted through the raindrops on the windscreen. The rainy weather must have caused the usual surge of cars on the streets that regularly resulted in nothing but traffic jams.
“Damn it, I don’t think I can turn anywhere and bypass it,” Joe said, his eyes skimming the street.
“That’s okay, I don’t mind,” you assured him, unhappy to see the frown on his face as frustration took over his features. When it seemed he had nothing to say and you couldn’t think of any other words of reassurance, you immersed yourself in the sound of rain beating against the cars and pitch-black concrete.  
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly after a while, “I offered to drive you home, not to get stuck with me in a jam.”
“You offered me a ride, the destination was not specified,” you retorted and turned your head to face him and shoot him a wink.
“Is it still considered a ride if we’re not moving?” he chuckled and you were glad the metaphorical dark cloud above his head, unlike the grey clouds in the sky, seemed to have dissipated as quickly as it had appeared.
“Touché. But still, I’m not complaining.”
“Neither am I.”
A comfortable silence settled between you again as you both sat in the car, none of you willing to break the eye contact. Unfortunately, the traffic started moving at that moment, albeit at slow pace, and Joe reluctantly shifted his focus to the road. Even though after a few metres it was time to push the breaks again, he was not ready to meet your gaze.
Instead, his fingers started drumming against the wheel, the movement catching your eye. When he noticed you staring, he smirked and pursed his lips, You thought he would say something or maybe give you another smile. What you did not expect him to do was start making car noises with his mouth and slide his hands around the wheel to mimic driving and revving up, which made you burst out laughing.  
“What?” Joe asked and the innocence in his voice brought another fit of laughter from you as you clutched at your stomach.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?” you managed to tell him in between giggles.
“I’ve been described in such terms, yes,” he replied with a joyful glint in his eyes, earning another laugh.
With a smile playing on his lips, he waited for you to calm down as you took deep breaths and placed your hand on your chest, your heart beating hard against the palm, before he spoke again.
“I really like your laughter, by the way,” he admitted quietly and you beamed at him. You might have fallen in love with him at first sight in the lecture hall, but this was the moment you realised you couldn’t quite accept the image of your life without him. And though you didn’t know how, you knew he felt the same as he tentatively outstretched his arm and reached for your hand, his fingers soft against your skin.
“Well, then it’s a good thing you make me laugh with such ease,” you smiled and squeezed his hand in return.
It had taken him a few more days before he gave you a lift again and as you sat in his car, at the very same spot, he finally kissed you and asked you out.
The brush of his mouth against yours caused your heart to skip a beat just like it does every time you two kiss, the memory vivid in your head even all those years later. As you watch Joe with Olive on the mini train ride, the ghost of the touch caresses your skin, the feeling as tangible as back then when your lips first met.
The train slows down until it stops to a halt as the ride ends and Joe grabs Olive under her arms and carries her towards you.
“Hi, baby, did you enjoy it?” you coo when they arrive at your side, your daughter cradled in his arms. She reaches for you with her small hands, and you can’t help but take her from him and press her against your chest. Joe’s hand finds the small of your back and he rubs it gently.
“We had a lot of fun, didn’t we Olive?” he says and tickles her stomach, her bubbly giggles earning her a bright smile from you.
“I’m happy to hear that!” you beam at them as Joe looks around the amusement park.
“Oh look, teacups! And there’s one with a dinosaur print on it. We’ve gotta go on this one too!” he exclaims and you place a kiss on Olive’s temple before you give her back to Joe.
“Have fun!”
“Wait, you sure you don’t want to go with us?” A wrinkle forms on his forehead, his eyes filled with worry.
But the mere idea of sitting inside one of the cups and letting the ride spin you around makes your stomach churn as you feel your gorge rise at the thought.
“Absolutely. I’ll go sit on that bench over there and watch you from there, okay?”
Joe hoists Olive up on his hip and gently grasps your elbow. “Is everything alright? Are you okay?”
“I’ve never been better,” you answer and press a sweet kiss to the corner of his mouth. You give him a reassuring smile when he hesitates to move and take Olive to the teacup ride, but she starts wiggling in his arms and so his grip on her tightens and he shifts her focus back to her.
While they wait in a line, you browse around the few shops and stalls that are scattered around the park. One shop in particular catches your attention and a quirky smile pulls at the corners of your mouth when an idea forms in your head. After you make your purchase and finally sit down on the bench you mentioned earlier, you scan the crowds to find your husband and daughter and that feeling of utmost love comes back in full force.
You can’t believe it’s been exactly one year since you gave birth to Olive. She is such a big girl already, and for a short moment you get slightly emotional about the passage of time. Clearing your throat and wiping your tears with the back of your hand, you pull out your phone again, taking pictures and videos of Joe and Olive so that you never forget this special day.
Later that night you softly knock on the door to the nursery and when you open it, you’re met with the loveliest sight in the whole wide world. Joe is sitting in a big armchair with Olive lying on his chest while she slowly sucks her thumb and listens to him reading her a bedtime story.
“It’s time to sleep, big girl,” you whisper softly when you kneel at their side and run your fingers through her hair. “Look, Mummy got you something while you and Dad were having fun on the rides.”
From behind your back, you pull out a small bright green t-shirt with a logo of the amusement park printed on the front and Olive’s eyes widen and sparkle in excitement.
“I know, it’s silly,” you quickly add when you spot Joe’s amused expression. “I just thought it would be a nice reminder of this day.”
“It’s perfect,” he says and chuckles when Olive grabs it from your hands and cuddles to it without hesitation.
“Wait, baby, I gotta wash it first,” you laugh softly and gently pry the t-shirt from her grip. She pouts, her bottom lip quivering slightly but Joe takes no time to hand Olive her favourite teddy bear and the sadness is quickly forgotten. Together, you put her to bed, kiss her forehead and tuck her in.  
“Happy birthday, my love,” you say at the door and close it behind you.
“I’m sure she’ll sleep through the whole night, it’s been a very busy day.”
“It really was,” you agree and hide a yawn in your palm as you make your way to the bedroom. “Thank you for this, it was an excellent idea.” You reach out and squeeze his hand. “And I’m sure she’ll love the birthday party on Saturday as well.”
“Yeah, it’s gonna be awesome, right?”
“You wouldn’t have it any other way,” you chuckle.
Your hand in his, Joe takes the opportunity to pull you to him and wrap his arms around you in a warm embrace.
“By the way, where’s my present?” he whispers hotly against the shell of your ear when you enter the bedroom, and you giggle.
“Is it your birthday?” You tilt your head and cock an eyebrow, tapping the pointy tip of his nose with your finger. “Although… now that you’ve mentioned it…” you trail off and smirk at him.
To Joe’s surprise, you free yourself from the embrace and fetch a bag that’s been hidden underneath the bedside table.
“This is for you.” You pull out a much larger version of the same t-shirt you’ve given to Olive, although this one is crimson red and Joe laughs, thanking you with a press of his lips to yours. “This is for me,” you continue when you finally get a chance to breathe again, and show him a light blue t-shirt, “and this…”
Joe cannot believe his eyes. You’re holding a tiny pastel yellow romper suit, too small to fit Olive.
“Are we?” he asks as his eyes glisten, the realisation of what you’re trying to say with that small piece of fabric filling his heart to the brim with so much love and affection he feels for you, for Olive and for your new baby that is yet to be born.
“Yes,” you answer, happy tears running freely down your cheeks as you throw yourself at him, his arms always ready to catch you and hold you tight.
Request: Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader oneshot where Joe and reader take their 1 year old daughter to an amusement park and Joe goes on the kid rides with his daughter while reader watches with a big smile and takes lots of pictures and videos of them and while watching her little family, reader remembers how she met Joe in college and it was love at first sight? Also, when they get back home that night and after Joe puts their daughter to bed, reader surprises Joe with a present and tells him they’re having another baby? ( @borhapgirlforlife19​ )
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littlemissaddict · 5 months
Can I request a fluffy Eddie x Chrissy long fic where it’s Christmas and they are having a great time at their home and opening presents and just when Eddie thinks that they have finished opening presents, Chrissy says that there is one more for him and that she has to go get it. Chrissy leaves the room for a second and comes back with a wrapped box and Eddie looks at her confused and asks her what it is and she tells him he’s going to have to open it and see. Eddie notices that she seems nervous and slowly opens it and when he does, inside is a positive pregnancy test and a sonagram picture and a little onesie is inside that says I love my daddy ❤️?
It feels like a Christmas miracle that I managed to write this before Christmas (I know it's been sat in my ask box for what feels like forever and I'm sorry it's taken so long) I'm actually pretty proud of this one and I hope you enjoy it.
It was their first Christmas, well fourth Christmas together as a couple but their first as an engaged couple in their own place. It still felt a little weird sometimes waking up to each other and all the other domestic things that came with living with someone but Chrissy loved the way her life had turned out even if her parents had disapproved of her choices. Once over she would have listened to them, done anything to please them but dating Eddie was the first thing she’d done where she’d put her own happiness first and damn did it feel liberating so she continued to do it especially when her reward was the way Eddie made her feel so loved.
Don’t get her wrong her past relationship with Jason hadn’t been terrible, he loved her in his own way but it was never the same as she had read in books, never made her feel the little swarm of butterflies in her stomach whenever he touched her, kissed her. She was mainly only with him to please her parents and then Eddie came along, it was just the small things that drew her to him at first but then she trusted her gut and took a leap of faith that was worth it because despite Eddie’s outward appearance he was a softie at heart once you broke down all those walls that he built to protect himself from the world and she was lucky enough to feel the love he had to give. So much so that while she was nervous about her little surprise for him, she knew deep down that everything was going to work out okay.
Speaking of the devil, she grins as she turns around to see Eddie just coming through the doorway to their small kitchen. “Morning baby” she greets, holding out a steaming cup of coffee towards him as if she’s trying to lure him in, not that she needed to because it was a well known fact to anyone that had been in their vicinity for at least a few minutes that Eddie was unable to keep his hands to himself around her, he always had to be touching her in some way, whether it was a gentle hand on her hip, an arm around her shoulder or simply just holding hands.
He yawns out a thank you as he takes the cup from her, taking a wary sip from the mug in hopes that he doesn’t burn himself on the hot contents. It’s still amusing to her that Eddie is not a morning person but the coffee seems to wake him up enough that he can speak more than a few words or grunts of acknowledgement, “It’s so early baby, what’re you doing up?” he asks, his voice still rough with sleep as he stares at her with bleary eyes.
“Just couldn’t sleep I guess” she shrugs, not going into full detail of exactly why she couldn’t sleep though he would find out soon enough anyway. Once they’d opened their other presents that was because if he was excited about her surprise as she thought he would be then she didn’t want that to take away from his other presents.
He may have still been sleepy but he always took the opportunity to tease her, now was no different as a mischievous smile lit up his face, “Ah I see, just too excited to see if Santa had been” he laughs and it makes her stomach twist because in a few years time she’ll probably hear those words again, only then they won’t be directed to her.
“Uh yeah, you caught me” she jokes along, hoping that he can’t see right through her little secret. As if he’d know already, she berates herself, trying to remain inconspicuous. “But now you’re awake, how about we go check out the goods” she adds, trying to distract herself from the impending reveal.
“But the goods are right here” Eddie laughs, depositing his still full mug onto the counter top and gesturing to her.
Chrissy can’t help but laugh as she swats his hands away, “I meant the presents dingus”, she’d picked the word up from Robin who used it lovingly for Steve and well she couldn’t help but think it fit for Eddie as well, to which Robin agreed but Eddie had a grumble about the first time she’d used it on him.
“Fine, fine let’s go” he huffed, though the smile was still on his face as he followed her through to the living room which had been decorated so much that there was barely an inch of space without a decoration. It had been a spur of the moment idea that this was their first Christmas in their own space and if they were going to do it then they were going to do it properly and they had if Dustin’s reaction was anything to go by when he saw it, loudly exclaiming that the living room looked liked Santa’s grotto. She had an inkling that this wasn’t going to be a one off thing either, and that it would probably only grow bigger and bigger once-
“So are we opening presents or not?” Eddie challenged, eyebrow raised as he held out a carefully wrapped package to her where she stood spaced out in the middle of the room.
“Of course” she smiled, shaking her head slightly as she joined him on the couch in an attempt to reset her mind to help stay present in what was going on around her so that she didn’t space out again and worry him with her uncharacteristic behaviour. “Ah no, that one you need to open last” she spoke quickly, reaching out to take the box from his hands.
“But that one's the biggest” he pouted like a scolded child unable to get his own way, those big brown eyes of his boring into hers so much so that she was almost tempted to let him open it now, almost.
“Exactly so you can’t go wasting all your excitement on that one when you have others to open” she tried to reason with him, breathing out a sigh of relief when he didn’t push it and reached for another one instead. Although she did keep the box tucked between her leg and the arm of the couch just in case he tried to reach for it again.
They had both agreed that if they were going to get each other presents this year, with them moving into the house, that they wouldn’t get anything too expensive as their money was best spent on the house and everything that came with home ownership. However when Chrissy opened the smallest of her presents from Eddie, she found a little black velvet box and if they hadn’t already been engaged then she would have assumed he was going to propose but instead she found a delicate plain silver chain with a small engraved pendant attached. When she took a closer look she found that there was a heart engraved on the front and the date they had booked to be married on the back.
She breathed out his name in disbelief, this definitely fell into the expensive category that they had agreed to avoid. “I know, I had planned for it to be a wedding gift but I was just too excited to give it to you that I couldn’t wait” he explained, a sheepish look on his face as he tried to gauge her reaction to see if she was angry with him.
“Now I feel bad that all I got you was so small in comparison to this” she pouted as Eddie protested that he loved the presents that she had gotten him and she didn’t doubt that he did, Eddie appreciated all he was gifted, the outcome of having very little growing up she supposed but then would that make her ungrateful for what she received since she had everything she ever wanted growing up. That was an avenue best left unexplored so instead she reached for the little box beside her, “I suppose I could make it up with this, possible the most expensive gift anyone could give you” she deadpanned as she handed him the box all the while Eddie looked completely baffled by her words.
Although he did handle the box more carefully now she said that as if he was worried about breaking the contents of the gift and it made her chuckle to herself despite the nerves now beginning to build again. It seemed to take forever as she watched him pull on the bow that held the lid tightly to the base and he let it fall before pulling the lid away. She waited with bated breath as she watched him inspect the contents before reaching into the box and pulling out the positive pregnancy test.
“Is this what I think it is?” he questioned and she motioned for him to keep looking, not trusting her voice to speak in the moment. He did as she requested, next pulling out an envelope which he quickly but carefully opened, pulling out the ultrasound picture. The first picture of Baby Munson growing inside her. He looked between the picture and her for a second before his eyes drifted past the picture in his hand and to the final item in the box, a tiny babygrow with the words ‘I love my Daddy’ printed across the front and that's all it took before he burst into tears.
Chrissy panicked at his reaction, she can’t recall ever seeing Eddie cry and it worried her, leaving her thinking the worst until he turned to her with a sniffle, “This is real, you’re not fucking with me?” he asks, watery eyes pleading with her as he waits for her answer.
“I’m not fucking with you Eddie, this is real, that’s our baby right there” she confirmed, pointing at the ultrasound still clutched tightly in his grasp.
He was still for a moment as if letting her words sink in before everything was placed back in the box and moved out of the way so that he could reach for her, pulling her into his lap in place of the box. His arms wrapped around her middle as he buried his face in the crook of her neck, tears still falling freely as she soothingly ran a hand repeatedly down the back of his head until he seemed to calm down. “God I love you so fucking much, I can’t believe theres a mini us growing in here” he breathed out, his arms unwinding from her waist so that he could rest his hands over her stomach.
“Give it a couple more weeks and then you be able to tell” she laughed, happy that he was happy, “though we might have to postpone the wedding because the due date is the same date and I don’t want to go into labour while walking down the aisle” she added, getting a watery laugh out of Eddie.
“Now that’d be a story to tell” he laughed, she agreed before his attention drifted to the necklace, “this may end up being a reminder of the little ones birth instead” he shook his head and she felt a little bit of guilt creeping in as she apologised for the wasted money if it ended up being neither. “Hey, I’d have to take the blame for this one as well, we both had a part in this” he reassured her that he wasn’t mad as his eyes drifted down to her stomach once more.
It may have not been in their plans but they both agreed that it was a blessing that they were both happy to receive and Eddie was more than happy to reveal the news to everyone of their friends and family in the days that followed. And as it it turned out Baby Munson was in fact born on the date engraved into Chrissy’s necklace, some may call it luck but Eddie took it as a sign that this was meant to happen and he couldn’t be happier with how his life had turned out.
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rose-n-gunses · 11 months
Could you do a fluffy Eddie x Chrissy oneshot where Eddie teaches their little girl how to play D&D and Chrissy watches them in adoration and thinks how great of a father Eddie is and how much their little girl is just like him and adores her father?
Okay! It took a few days but I did it! I present to you, the oneshot. Again, thank you so much for the request, I'm honored to have received it <3
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Are you taking fic requests for Eddie x Chrissy?
short answer: no.
longer answer: i'm currently on a posting break because i have too many wips and i'm also struggling with a lack of inspiration which is making working on anything difficult, so no, i'm not taking fic requests. i used to take prompts but i haven't in some time and i don't know if or when i ever will again.
thanks for asking!
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warriorteam1924 · 2 years
Are you taking fic requests for Joe Mazzello or Ben Hardy?
Hey hello !!
Thanks for this ask. Well, i havent given up on writing at all, far from it. And joe mazzello and ben hardy are still on my lists as people i like to include in my fics.
So yes, i can be taking requests for joe and ben, sure 😉
Thanks again for this ask. Take care 💖💜
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thefrontofmymind · 2 years
Are you taking fic requests for Joseph Quinn?
i am indeed my dear! i haven’t written much in a while due to some personal reasons but i’m completely open to requests you’ll just need to bear w me a little bit !!!
what did you have in mind sweets?
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phoenixfeatherquill · 2 years
Do you take fic requests for Eddie and Chrissy?
If you want a snippet, your best bet is to wait till my promptathon (date is still pending)--it's an hour rush period where I answer all prompts.
But if the idea is good enough, I have taken prompts--one even turned into an original novel!
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zodiyack · 1 year
Are you currently taking requests?
No, however, if you have one, please send it (i don't want you to forget it 😭), I just won't write it until my requests are open. My requests are closed because of my unplanned hiatus, so i gotta catch up lmao
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bohemianboynton · 2 years
Are you taking requests right now?
Not right now, sorry!
(I need to change the title of this blog oops)
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almightyellie · 2 years
Are you taking requests at the moment?
i’m actually not :/ i’m in eighteen credits in school and working full time! but you’re so welcome to send in a request and i’ll get to it when i can :)
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orwocolor · 2 years
@borhapgirlforlife19 replied to post happy moments in a happy life
I love this so much! ☺️❤️ I love how long you made it too! I like long fics. 😁
Hahaha I’m happy to hear that, darling, thank you! ❤️
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littlemissaddict · 7 months
Can I request an Eddie x Chrissy long fic where it’s their daughter’s first day of kindergarten and Eddie wakes her up to get ready and while they’re in the living room, Chrissy comes in with their baby son and she gushes over how cute their daughter looks and gets a picture of her and hugs her goodbye and Eddie takes his daughter to school and helps her find her classroom and put her things away and gives her a hug and kiss on the cheek and tells her to have a great first day and that he love her and he will be back to pick her up?
Hi lovely, I'm sorry this took so long to write but I hope you like it.
The alarm had gone off about ten minutes ago but the pair of them were reluctant to leave the warm confines of their bed. Or that’s the lie they clung to when in reality getting out of bed meant they were one step closer to waving their daughter off to her first day of kindergarten. They should be happy because she was growing up beautifully with her mothers temperament but her fathers passion; her fathers wild curls but her mothers shining blue eyes but really they felt they were losing their baby and it hurt in ways that they could not explain to those without kids themselves.
“We really should get up, don’t want her late on her first day” Chrissy sighed, a sigh matched by Eddie as he nodded although neither of them made any move to get out of bed.
It seemed that they would have no choice in the matter as the baby monitor on the bedside kicked to life as the crackling sound of crying echoed through it, “Well duty calls” Chrissy chuckled, finally sitting up and pushing herself out of bed knowing that the crying was either because their baby boy was hungry or he needed changing. A mixture of both seemed more likely. “Looks like you’re on school duty this morning” she spoke, longing clear in her voice as she wished to be the one to wake their little girl and get her ready for such a special day.
“I can always see to the little man,” Eddie replied, finally forcing himself out of bed and stretching in a way that she could see all the muscles in his arms and torso, from all the long days working in the town's only garage, pulling taunt. He had definitely built more muscle since high school but he was still the tall lanky boy she fell in love with.
“Kinda hard when I’m the one with the milk” she laughed, reaching over to jab her fingers into his side as his laughter joined her as he flinched away from her touch.
“Hey now, you know I’m ticklish” he playfully chided, narrowing his eyes at her momentarily before dropping the facade. “I am serious though, I could change him while you get her ready and then you could feed him while I’m on the school run” he offered but Chrissy shook her head with a small smile.
“He won’t wait that long, he’s as impatient as his father” she teased, “I appreciate the offer though” she added before heading off to the baby’s room, already feeling guilty for leaving him crying for so long.
Her earlier assumption of him needing feeding and changing had been correct and she opted to change him first as she didn’t want to leave him in what must be an uncomfortable nappy for any longer than she had to. The changing of the diaper was relatively easy as he wasn’t much of a wriggler, compared to his sister at that age and he happily laid babbling unintelligible baby talk up at her as she cleaned him and applied a fresh diaper. Feeding him also wasn’t a problem as he latched on easily, suckling happily as he got his fill as she relaxed into the rocking chair in the corner of his room.
Her peace didn’t last for long as crying sounded from down the hall and as much as she wanted to go and investigate, she didn’t want to disturb the feeding baby in her arms. Her worries were soon answered when the nursery door opened and in walked a forlorn Eddie with a pout on his lips, followed by her equally upset little girl. “What’s wrong princess?” Chrissy asked, wanting to scoop her up into her arms and soothe her just like when she was a baby.
“Daddy can’t do my hair, he hurts too much” she sniffled, holding the hairbrush out to her.
“Oh sweetie, do you want me to do it for you?” Chrissy asked, getting a nod from the small girl. “Eddie, do you mind winding him for me?” she asked, gently detaching the baby from her boob earning her a couple of dissatisfied whimpers from him which soon quietened when Eddie took a hold of him.
“Come on then baby” she encouraged, covering herself back up and leading her back into her own room where the hair products were that made it easier to tame her hair. She chatted away happily once Chrissy started doing her hair, asking questions about the school and what she would do today, never once flinching or crying while she worked. One day she would have to teach Eddie how to do her hair properly, although it was one of her favourite things to do but just in case something happened and she was unable to do it he would have to know, well either that or he would probably call Nancy for help. The thought made her chuckle as she finished twisting the hair tie into place.
“There, all finished” she smiled as her baby spun around and wrapped her tiny arms around her in thanks, “now it’s almost time for you to go so how about we go find Daddy and let him get dressed” She asked and the small girl nodded excitedly. Chrissy hoped she kept her enthusiasm for school throughout the years and didn’t follow in her fathers footsteps, even if he was doing well for himself now.
Half an hour later Eddie was being urged out the door by a rather excitable four year old. “Calm down princess we’ll get there” he laughed as Chrissy scooped the excitable girl up into a hug, gushing about how adorable she looked, how grown up she looked stood there with her almost too large backpack on her back and a water bottle in her hand. A comment that she appreciated as she was at the age where she didn’t like being called a baby or little any more, ‘I’m a big girl now’ was always the protest that left her lips as she crossed her arms and glared at whoever had dared to suggest she was anything but.
Grabbing his keys from the counter, his little girl perked up at the noise as she managed to wriggle free from her mother’s grasp and run towards the front door where Eddie was now waiting for her. Then she darted out the door towards the car as soon as it opened with a big enough gap for her to squeeze through.
“Where’s my baby gone?” Chrissy pouted, a little sad that she didn’t get a proper goodbye before she was out the door raring to go.
“She’s growing up now honey, it’s something we’re going to have to learn to live with” Eddie replied, a gnawing feeling in his gut that one day she wasn’t going to need him anymore as Chrissy nodded in agreement, although the pout was still present on her lips. “And I’ll see both you and the little man after work, okay?” he smiled leaning forward to kiss her lips softly in the briefest of kisses as he was being called away by the impatient voice of his daughter.
“I love you” Chrissy added before he left getting an ‘I love you’ in reply before the door was closed, leaving her alone with the baby.
Eddie didn’t want to leave Chrissy alone but he had to work and he also had a school drop to do beforehand. Heading down the path to the car, a minivan of all things, honestly if you’d have told him ten years ago he would trade in his old banger of a van for a minivan he’s have laughed in your face but as soon as he found out he was going to be a dad it was the first thing he did, knowing that his old van was nowhere near safe to be driving a baby around in. Plus it wasn’t all bad, there was still enough space in it to fit all of the band's equipment for the shows they still played at the hideout, even if it was now just a hobby for them all rather than a possible career path.
When he reached the car he had to stop himself from laughing at the adorable angry face he was receiving for moving too slow, “I’m sorry princess” he apologised, unlocking the car and opening the door for her to climb into her car seat. After double checking she was fastened in correctly, he jogged around the car to the driver’s side, quickly getting in and starting the car.
“Daddy” came her small voice from the back, Eddie hummed in acknowledgement, momentarily meeting her eyes in the rearview mirror before focusing back on the road. He was half expecting to either be told off for how slow he’d been this morning or to be asked another question of what she was going to do today. He was partially right, although the question tugged at his heart as for the first time she sounded a little scared to be starting school. “Do you think I’m going to make some friends today?”
Did he think she was going to make friends? He sure hoped she would, given that kids that age didn’t really care about all the grown up stuff of who their parents were or how rich they were. He only worried that when the other kids' parents found out she was a Munson that they did try to keep them away from her. “Of course you will princess” he plastered on a smile because what else could he say, “and besides you won’t be going all alone because Tessie is starting today as well” he added, which perked the young girl up. Tessie being what she called Steve’s eldest daughter Tessa, the pair of them having grown up together and were practically inseparable.
“Yay” she cheered, just as Eddie pulled into the parking lot of the school.
“Well princess, we’re here, you ready” he asked and she nodded, her excitement back and she was already trying to unbuckle her seatbelt the moment he pulled to a stop. “Okay, okay we’re going” he chuckled at her excitement, climbing out of the car and running around to open the door for her before she tried, and failed because of the child lock, herself.
Once she was free of the car he half expected her to go running as she had earlier but instead she waited for him to lock the car and took his hand as she always did when they were in a busy street or they were near cars.
The walk through the parking lot was short but eventful for her and Eddie watched her as she looked around with wide eyes taking in all the new sounds and sights that came with school children. “You ready princess?” he asks as they come to a stop at the kindergarten door. He thought that she may get upset once she realised that he was going to leave her but thankfully she didn’t, she was more than happy to run and play with the other children once they’d done the handover with her teacher.
Heading back to the car, Eddie didn’t quite feel the loss that he’d thought he’d feel. Instead he’s filled with hope and pride as he watches his little girl grow, knowing that he’ll always be there to cheer her on no matter what, the way any parent should.
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rose-n-gunses · 9 months
Can I request a fluffy Eddie × Chrissy long oneshot where Eddie and Chrissy are asleep in their bed and their one year old baby daughter wakes up in the middle of the night and when Eddie and Chrissy hear her crying, Chrissy starts to get up but Eddie tells Chrissy that he'll get her and he brings her back into their room and hands her to Chrissy and she admires how their baby has Eddie's hair and his big brown eyes and Eddie and Chrissy just watch their daughter and they talk to her while she's staring back at them with a smile on her face and saying mama and dada and after a while, they finally get her back to sleep and they watch their daughter sleep for a little bit and gush over how much they love her and Chrissy tells Eddie that him and their daughter are the best thing that's ever happened to her and she is so glad that she decided that fateful day to meet with him for a drug deal, because if she didn't, she never would have gotten to know him and end up falling in love with him and have this happy life she has with him and their daughter?
okay! i'm really sorry it took so long, life has been crazy lately but it's finally done and posted here!
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warriorteam1924 · 2 years
Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader long fic where reader comes home from work and finds Joe in their toddler daughter’s bedroom reading her a bedtime story and reader melts at the sight of how adorable Joe is with their daughter and after they both tell their daughter goodnight, they cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie in the living room together?
Hey !! Hi !!
Surprisingly, I’ve completed your request and posted it here : (X)
I really hope you enjoy it !! Im aware fluff isnt my best style, i hope it’s not too bad 😌
thanks again a lot for this request, making me a little more confident regarding my writing skills !!
stay safe and take care 💖💜
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indouloureux · 2 years
Do you take fic requests for Joseph Quinn or Eddie Munson?
i do! but they're currently closed
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hawkinshighdropout · 2 years
Would you do an Eddie and Chrissy fic if I requested it?
Certainly, yes! <3
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