#joe mazzello fluff
deanscroissant · 1 year
yearning for your love (pat murray x gender!neutral reader)
requested by: @lizardaddams
a/n: i’m literally so sorry that this took me since FEBRUARY to finish?? but honestly thank you for understanding why it took so long. anywho, i hope whoever reads this enjoys it!
requests are closed
warnings: cussing, fluff
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Studying abroad was one of the best experiences of your life. You were majoring in Language Studies in Barcelona to become a Translator & Interpreter. You have a passion for traveling, so you figured going that route was your best choice. But your boyfriend (Mr. 'Uptight' Pat Murray) was concerned about you going abroad. You two had been dating for a year, and when you decided to study abroad for the summer, Pat was devastated. He was sick to his stomach when you told him. He was furious at first, but when you explained to him how important this was for you, he changed his heart.
The day you left was emotional--especially for your family, friends, and Pat. Maintaining a distance relationship for three months while balancing school was hard for you. But somehow, you two were still going strong. It made your relationship more robust than ever.
It was now August, and classes ended in two days. You had just finished your last exam for the semester and couldn't wait to jump back on the plane to see your loved ones. Your friends and family knew you were returning today, but Pat was out of the loop. He knew you weren't coming back until the end of the month. You begged everyone not to tell him anything because you wanted to surprise him at the game. Pat talked about this game for the past couple of weeks and wants you here today to hear your voice in the crowd cheering him and his team on. The guys were also disappointed that you couldn't make it to be their cheerleader. Your support always gave him the most incredible luck (as he would say), but he or the team weren't doing so hot without you here. He texted you that a few minutes after you got off the plane. He tried to be discreet because the guys didn't know you were dating. It wasn't like you two were hiding it from them. You just felt there was no need to unless someone asked you if you were in a relationship. With Pat, he doesn't let anyone know his business unless he's cool with them. He'll tell the guys or whenever you decide to say it to them.
While waiting for your reply, Pat was daydreaming on his phone when Vinnie popped up behind his shoulder, startling the redhead. "The fuck, Vinnie?!"
"Who are you texting there, bud?" He asked before reaching to grab his phone but failed when Pat snatched it away before he could. "Piss off, Vin." He sneered, rolling his eyes as he put his phone back in his sports bag.
"Now you know I can't do that, Pat." Vinnie pouted jokingly, sitting down next to him. "Are you cheating on me?"
Pat tried to ignore Vinnie by focusing on the game, but when he glanced back at him, he cracked a smile. Vinnie hollered excitedly at the action, glad he could still make his friend smile at his shenanigans. As Vinnie walked away to annoy someone else, Pat turned his attention back to the bleachers to find you, only to feel another hit of sadness--forgetting that you were on the other side of the world. He was getting ready to grab his phone again when Ty returned to the dugout. "Murray, you're up!"
It felt like you would never make it to his game, which was pissing you off as time passed. You were waiting for your taxi to show up. Your parents had called one for you an hour ago, but you gave them hell once they showed up late. You weren't usually this rude and cranky, but only having one meal and 2 hours of sleep made you this way. Plane rides made you extremely nervous, especially how you were going to surprise Pat. But that plan was ruined when you just knew there wouldn't be any time left to do so.
You wanted to fight the cab driver once he got to the field. However, it was apparent that the game had ended, and the D-Backs had won. You threw your faire on the front seat and grabbed your things before hastily leaving the car. Searching the crowd for Pat, you instantly spotted him. He was so happy that it made you smile and forget about the hell you went through the past few hours. Unfortunately, you didn't realize Pat's dad was standing beside you to greet you. You kind of just blocked him out, and without thinking, you hopped over the fence and booked it toward him. "PAT!" you shouted.
He was hugging Zapata as you were getting closer. His voice was astronomically loud, and you could hear his conversation, "I'm sorry I threw that so hard! I could have really hurt you!" but he stopped talking when he saw you approaching. He immediately shoved Zapata off him and ran to you, "Y/N!"
Once you two got close, you leaped onto him, wrapping your legs around his waist. Pat wrapped his arms around your waist, buried his face into your neck, and held you tight to him, caressing your head, back, and anywhere his hands could touch you. "Long time no see, honey." He said softly into your ear. You promised you were going to melt even faster in the blazing heat. They both had waited for this moment for so long and hoped that you wouldn't be separated like this again.
"I missed you so much, baby," you said once you pulled away to look at what you would call a beautiful face. Instead, you grabbed it between your hands and smashed your lips into his.
Palacco and Tree just so happened to turn around when they saw you two being intimate, which shocked the hell out of them. "Oh my..." Palacco gasped and looked at Tree, who had the same reaction. "Pat and Y/n are dating?!" Tree exclaimed.
Vinnie jumped and hooted before turning to Ty with his hand out, "Pay up, loser!"
Dells' eyebrows furrowed while watching you two. "How in the hell did we miss that?"
"I don't know," Ty said through gritted teeth as he handed Vinnie his last few bucks from his pocket. "But I'm going to murder them both!"
The guys agreed with Ty and marched over to you and Pat. You two were already laughing since you were the only one who could see them and told Pat what they were saying (because you're an expert at reading lips). You're going to have a ball listening to them harassing you both with a bunch of questions.
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rossmccallsqueen · 1 year
Alone - Joe Mazzello x Reader (smut)
Summary: You were feeling a bit lonely lately, but Joe knows how to fix it. 
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: SMUT. Also some angst. mentions of anxiety and depression, but there is a good ending i promise!
*pls dont read if under 18. srsly please no under 18!!!*
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For you, it had been a long day. A long week, in fact. The only solution you could think of when you were by yourself is taking a long hot shower. You need to feel the steam deep in your soul, relaxing you from the inside out. You had not seen much of your fiance during the week, he was on set most of the day and you were usually asleep by the time he got home. It did not leave a lot of time for the two of you to spend together, and you didn’t want to cause him any issues during his work when you could handle your stress on your own. It couldn’t be as hard as everyone says it is, you were a big girl and could handle your own problems. 
Not that you were not grateful for the fact that because of the pandemic, your job was almost entirely remote and you could work from anywhere. That meant that you could follow your love wherever he went. That is what the two of you always wanted, to travel the world together. You always said that the most important thing was that the two of you were together, and as long as you had the other you would be fine. But after a few months, it had become a lot of being alone. The apartment they set up for you seemed empty, there weren’t a lot of decorations on the walls and the only thing that made it different from the base apartment was the few pictures and memories that you thought to bring with you this time. 
You knew that picking up your whole apartment back home and taking it with you every time didn’t make sense since you would be back there at some time anyway, but you just wished that your current abode felt like it had more life and love in it. As the water dripped down your back, you thought about Valentine's Day coming up. Joe had tried asking the director to make sure they ended on time that day but you didn’t necessarily believe that he would make it possible. The only light that was on in the bathroom besides the fan lighting from the shower, was the moon through the window. The lights were on in your bedroom outside, so you felt okay enough to have minimal lighting. Lots of bright light just made you more anxious when you were stressed and tired, so mood lighting for the shower it would be. 
The work that you did would make your hands hurt a lot at the end of the day, so most days you couldn’t even shower by yourself. You had tried when you got in, but for now, it was just standing in the hot water and hoping it did enough. It was still only around ten at night, which you considered late due to having to get up early for work with timezones. You were so in your own thoughts that you didn’t even hear the front door open. 
“Hello? Y/N? Are you home?” You heard Joe shouting. 
“I’m in here.” You said, but not very loudly. You just couldn’t make yourself be louder, you didn’t have the energy in you. 
“Are you okay?” He sounded like he was outside the door now. You turned and looked and there he was. You almost didn’t want him to find you like this. He helped you with so many things, you didn’t know if you could actually function without him. He helped you do basic everyday things, like making the bed and folding all of the laundry whenever it needed to be done. He would always make dinner, as long as you could help point him in the right direction. He even did things he knew you could do, but he could always sense when you just couldn’t do them yourself. When you didn’t answer, he opened the bathroom door fully and saw you standing in the shower by yourself, just letting the water fall all around you. 
“Hey, you.” He said, his face softening. You could see the relief he felt in his entire body once he laid eyes on you again. You felt the same in yourself when your shoulders relaxed just enough to where you felt better. It was like seeing him was instant serotonin 
“Rough day?” He asked, waiting for your response. You just nodded back at him. 
He gave you a gentle smile and started taking off his clothes after a long day. The shower door opened and you briefly felt a cold burst of air. The shower had become your own personal sauna and you did not like the cold one bit. His arms wrapped around you and you knew then it was your favorite place to be. His fingers gently grazed your back, a sensation you couldn’t quite describe but it was one that gave you immense comfort. When you could finally stand up on your own again you slightly pulled away so that you could look at him. 
“Just let me help you okay? I’m here.” He grabbed your shampoo off the shelf, and you turned around so that he could wash your hair. It was so gentle you almost couldn’t feel him doing anything. He ensured that getting the knots out didn’t hurt you, and when the suds were completely out of your hair you felt like a whole new person. You could only feel you and him, the feeling of your body touching his felt like home. 
“I’m always alone.” You finally said.
“I’m right here love, you aren’t alone.” 
“For now, until you’re gone before we wake up and don’t see you until it’s time to go to bed again. I just need to feel you again.” You could feel it in your bones, but at the same time, you felt bad as you didn’t want to make him think you didn’t love him. 
“I know nothing I say can change what it's been like lately, but you are my number one priority. Everything else comes second, it’s important to me that you know that okay? I’m only filming one scene tomorrow. Do you think you could call in tomorrow?” You had never heard truer words come from someone. 
“My love, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. I’ve had a whole day planned for us for quite some time now.” You could feel panic set into your body. You knew it was soon, but you had completely lost track of the days. Everything felt like it was blending together, and you couldn’t even remember what you ate for breakfast the day before. Joe always thought of everything you didn’t, it was hard to remember a time when you didn’t have each other. He could tell you were panicking a little, and pressed the front of his body into the back of yours until he could feel your heartbeat start to slow again. He finished helping you and showered himself, and when you walked out into your room he already had your diffuser going, along with the heating pad you never went anywhere without, and a cup of tea next to each of your bedsides. 
“How did you do all this?” You asked, you didn’t even hear him until he started calling your name and came into the bathroom looking for you. 
“Because I know you better than I know myself.” 
“I love you.” He kissed you gently, before helping you get into bed and then going around to the other side and curling up behind you. You didn’t bother putting on any clothes after you were dried off, the two of you barely ever slept with any on anyway. Joe always joked that they just got in the way of things, and it took too much time to take them back off. You loved the feeling of clean sheets and the way your and Joe’s bodies fit together so nicely. You could be completely intertwined with each other and it would never be close enough. His fingers began tracing patterns all around your back, ever so slightly touching the surface, and the way he was doing this sent shivers through your nerves in a way that felt so good. 
“You know for our wedding I was thinking we could have one of the guys perform the ceremony. It would feel more personal for us.” He spoke softly into your ear.
“You know I think Brian is ordained, we should ask him.” You replied, pressing your body into Joe just so. 
“You want me to ask Brian May to marry us? The Brian May?” Joe seemed a little shocked.
“Joe he was there when you proposed. He just texted you this morning, I do not think it is that far off.” You could feel him smile, like he knew you were right. 
“I’ll ask him tomorrow. What do you want my dear?” He knew you were one of those girls that had their wedding planned out since they were ten years old, but you knew weddings were about what both of you wanted and you wanted yours to be about the life that you shared together. Your wedding wasn’t going to be very big, neither of you wanted a huge affair, you just wanted the people you loved you. Lots of people also made you overwhelmed and it was supposed to be the best day you’ve ever had. 
“I want raspberry filling in the cake,” You told him. 
“I think we can have that arranged.” He squeezed you tightly and helped you turn over so that you were looking at each other now instead. Your faces were mere inches from each other and he leaned in to place a kiss on your forehead. You quickly brought his lips down to yours and kissed him with enough pressure that invited him in closer to you. You wrapped your leg around his body, so he could feel just how damp you were. He brought his hand around to the back of your head so you could feel the hunger in his kiss. It wasn’t rough, no, but it felt needed. You just wanted to feel one another. You wanted to be relaxed so that every inch of your body felt like it was satisfied, and you would do everything in your power to make sure that Joe felt the same. 
You began to feel his hand roam to other parts of your body, cupping your bum so he could bring you closer. You felt him against you, hard and wanting every part of you. His lips began going elsewhere, placing kisses everywhere around your neck, your collarbone, and all the way down to your clit. Joe placed you on your back, bum up on a pillow, and arms raised above your head. They would soon find their way down to his hair like they usually did, as the sensation overwhelmed your body and you didn’t know what to do with them. 
You knew the rule, you were not supposed to move your hands from above your head. Except for when Joe’s tongue began licking at your clit. He went slowly at first, and you needed him to go much quicker. Your hips bucked up into his face, and he used his hands to push you down into the mattress. One of his hands left your thigh and ran up your side to your breast. Your nipple was so sensitive, as soon as you felt his hand on it you felt like you could feel it everywhere in your body. You couldn’t help but move your hands and your fingers laced through his hair, trying to send him the signal that you needed your release and you needed it now.
“Joe I swear to god if you don't..!” The groan that escaped his lips matched the ferocity of his nails when he squeezed your breast. He edged you again and again, getting you just to the point where you would go over the edge and then he would slow down. Each time he did so your hips moved involuntarily, wanting so badly to finish. Without warning, he began kissing his way up your body to your mouth, the taste of you still on his lips. You could move your hands again, cupping the sides of his face like you never wanted to let him go. 
“Can I?” He asked, forgetting how to use your words you nodded ‘yes’ at him and he flipped you over onto your stomach. Once you felt comfortable, he brought your ass into the hair, with it situated perfectly in front of his dick. He gently scratched up and down your back, making you relax into the bed and reach for something to hold onto as you knew you would need it in a second. He leaned over and kissed the small of your back before getting back up and getting himself ready. He took his dick in his hand and rubbed it up and down your wetness, getting it wet and making you even wetter. Once he felt you were good to go, he eased himself in and you could feel every inch of him. Joe’s hands gripped your ass and began thrusting into you, bringing you onto him over and over. The speed that he was going was something completely new. He maneuvered his hand around you bringing his finger to your clit sending you into overdrive. The feeling was almost too much, but you could feel yourself getting close. 
The moans escaping you seemed to give him a new sense of power, snapping his hips in quick motions and hitting the spot you wanted. Combined with the motion on your clit you squeezed around him, feeling yourself cum, and any support you had been giving yourself went away and you collapsed onto the bed. You yelled out, and Joe adjusted so his hips could somehow move even faster. You had never felt him move so hard, but you were loving whatever it turned on in him. The feeling it was giving you was the best thing you had ever felt, and you never wanted it to end. He leaned over and whispered, “I love you” into your ear and one final time he snapped and you knew he had finished too. 
You could feel both of you relax, and since you had collapsed on your stomach Joe laid to the side that your head was facing which was to your right. Joe reached over and brushed the hair out of your face, and nothing could take away the joy that you felt at that moment. There was no pain or the outside world, just the two of you. 
“I promise you, you will never be alone, ever again.”
if you’ve read this far, thank you! if you’ve been following me since the OG borhap era and you’re still here, THANK YOU! I’m back yall. 
also im starting a new taglist so please let me know if you would like to be on it!
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Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader long fic where it’s Christmas Eve and they are sitting by the Christmas tree and Joe surprises reader with a present and when reader opens it, it’s a velvet box and Joe takes it from reader and goes into a speech about how much he loves her and that when he first laid eyes on reader in college, it was love at first sight and he gets down on one knee and asks reader to marry him?
Awww, that's cute!
Again, I don't do requests for longshots but I can do a blurb!
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"Oh, look! Snow!" you cried, running to the window. You felt the chill already from the window.
White flurries by now were falling down so heavily, that it blanketed everywhere. It was so beautiful- and with the fireplace on and the Christmas tree twinkling with lights and decorations, it was quite a perfect Christmas Eve. In the back, the Nutcracker pas de deux between the Sugar Plum Fairy and her Cavalier Prince was playing.
"I think having you be me would make it better..." Joe suggested.
You turned around and saw him with a cheeky smile. You then went over and sat down next to him, letting him cuddle you.
"How are you? Was your Christmas Eve busy? I had to do some last-minute shopping..." you said.
"I'm...I'm good...great..." Joe answered.
You looked at him and saw that his ears were bright pink. Normally, he was talkative and confident, but he seemed a little quiet today.
"What's up? Something happened with your mom?" you asked.
"No! She's okay!"
"An audition went badly!?"
"No, not at all! I...it's just I...uh, have a gift for you and it can't wait for tomorrow," he announced.
"Oh! Okay- which one is it?" you questioned, looking after the presents you just finished wrapping up.
He cleared his throat and you returned your head. He had a box that was square and small, wrapped in red and white striped paper.
"Alright, great!" you said cheerfully.
Once you undid the paper and broke open the cardboard box you saw inside was...a small velvet box.
The breath was knocked out of you and your heart picked up.
"Joe, uhm, is...is..."
His eyes, shiny and sincere, looked up at you.
"Y/N, I...I've known you for a while and we have dated for a while and I..I think I have loved you from the moment I met you. I can be myself around you. It was a small love, but a part of me wondered, just wondered...wondered if I met the person who should be my person. I just had to be sure...so I spent time with you. And that little love it grew and grew. I see stars in your eyes, Y/N, and a smile that gives me life. Crap, I'm getting so sappy! I..."
He rubbed the back of his head.
"I don't even talk like this!"
"It's okay, Joe!" you said with a slight laugh. But your eyes were starting to well up.
"But I love you, Y/N and I want you to be happy. I would love it if I could make you happy for the rest of your life, so Y/N..."
Your head spun as he got on one knee. The music surged to it's most romantic.
"Will you marry m-"
It was cut off as you leaned down and planted a large kiss on his lips in answer.
There was a sudden buzz from his phone. It was from Ben.
"Have you proposed to her yet, Mate? Update me!"
Both of you smiled at it. You opened the box and propped the shiny diamond ring on your finger.
"Let's take a picture as an answer!" you suggested.
Taglist: @borhapgirlforlife19 @queenlover05
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orwocolor · 2 years
happy moments in a happy life
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: Nothing, pure fluff!
Summary: Spending your daughter Olive’s first birthday in the amusement park, you reminisce about the day you fell in love with Joe.
Author’s Note: Requested by @borhapgirlforlife19​ ! Sorry it took me ages to finish this but I hope the fic itself will make up for the long wait :)
the gif is mine
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“Hi Olive! Hi!” you exclaim with a wide smile and wave your hand frantically to catch the attention of your daughter. She’s sitting right next to Joe, his arm wrapped around her small body while his other hand is placed on her stomach to make sure she’s not gonna fall out of the mini train ride. After seemingly loitering in the line for quite some time, Joe finally managed to seize the seats in the small colourful locomotive, which of course are the best since there’s a button to sound the train horn. He insisted that his most beloved birthday girl deserved only the best.
Although truth be told, she’s celebrating her first birthday today and you’re pretty sure she can’t even comprehend the difference between the locomotive and the other carriages. Joe on the other hand? Oh, he’s having a blast for sure!
“Look sweetie, that’s Mum!” Joe points his finger at you and Olive looks up at him before she gingerly follows his gaze and finally her eyes find you with your phone in your hand. She gives you the most brilliant almost-toothless grin and you beam right back at her, promptly tapping the button on your phone to take as many pictures as you possibly can to capture this wonderful moment.
Your cheeks hurt from all the smiling but you can’t help yourself. Every single day your little family have been proving to you that even though it always seems like it’s not humanly possible to love them more, the love you feel for them won’t stop before anything and it keeps multiplying exponentially. The realisation warms your heart and the power of this moment is so strong for you to feel happy tears welling in your eyes. You lay your palm on your chest as if the emotions were to burst out of you if given the chance.
Before the train circles back to where you’re standing, you have just enough time to clear your throat and rummage through your handbag, finding a tissue to wipe away the tears.
Just as the mini train passes you again, Joe’s eyes meet yours and he smirks as he presses the button twice to honk the horn. He suggestively waggles his eyebrows and shoots you a wink, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Rolling your eyes, you huff out a laugh and shake your head, not quite capable to wipe that bright smile from your face. As a payback, you cross your eyes and poke out your tongue at him. Your silly expression makes Olive giggle even harder and it takes Joe great effort to keep her upright. His hands full of your squirming daughter, there’s not much left for him to do but blow you a raspberry in return as the train leaves you behind to make another round.
You get your phone ready again, this time swiping left to change the mode to video, unable to resist the urge to film your daughter for an umpteenth time. God, you’ve really become the parent that just has to capture every moment of your child, haven’t you. But who could blame you, she’s the sweetest little girl and anytime you feel down, you just scroll through your camera roll and that adorable smile cheers you up within seconds.
While they were out of your sight, Joe hoisted Olive up on his lap so that she could reach the bright yellow plastic wheel screwed to the simple control desk. His hands are over hers and he turns the wheel right and left, making train noises with his mouth. The course of the train does not naturally change based on their driving but Olive doesn’t seem to mind, giggling with excitement.
The vision in front of you takes you back to your college days, a very special one in particular.
The day you fell in love at first sight with Joe Mazzello.
It was a relatively cold day for the beginning of September. The trees were yet to get a chance to tint their leaves in yellow hues, but dark clouds and cold wind were making themselves known, announcing the approaching winter as small droplets splattered on the beige of your coat and the gust of cool air seeped through your clothes.
You lifted the lapels to protect yourself from the chill and shouldered your bag, precariously balancing in your arms the stack of books that you’d just borrowed from the college library as you made haste for the lecture hall.
The term had only started, but you were already drowning in heavy textbooks and lengthy papers, the tutors making sure their students were not loafing around. When you finally reached the lecture hall and found a seat close to the door, you dropped the books down on the desk with a loud bang, causing a few students to turn their heads after the sound. At that moment, the professor stood up and cleared her throat to announce the beginning of her lecture, and so you just mouthed a quick ‘sorry’ and plopped down on a chair. As quietly as possible, you took off your coat and pulled out your laptop to take notes. There was not much space on the desk in front of you and so you placed a few of the textbooks down on the seat next to you.
After a few minutes of your fingers flying across the keyboard as you tried to keep up with the merciless speed of the presentation, the door to the lecture hall was thrown open and someone stormed in. The professor cut herself short, the unfinished word hanging in the air as everyone craned their neck to see the source of the sudden disturbance.
A soft gasp escaped your mouth when your gaze landed on the newcomer. He was a very handsome man, with messy auburn hair, a sharp, prominent nose and beautiful kind eyes that glimmered in the white light of the lecture hall. A rosy blush spread across his cheeks and the tip of his nose as he tried to catch his breath.
You let your gaze drop down and inspected his clothes. Clad in black jeans and a coat, he appeared to favour simplicity with regards to fashion as the only traces of colour were the threads of red and blue weaved through his chequered scarf that was wrapped around his neck.
A small movement caught your attention when his grip around the handle of his backpack tightened. Shifting his weight, he chuckled nervously under the stare of several hundred students directed his way and the flush in his face turned a shade darker.  
“Sorry, couldn’t find a parking spot,” the man grinned as he rubbed the back of his neck, his forehead knitting while he stood there, unsure of how to cope with all the unexpected attention.
Your eyes flicked to the lectern behind which the professor stood with a clenched jaw and gritted teeth as she looked daggers at the guy, her mouth forming into a thin line. With a quick tilt of her head, she gestured for him to take a seat and stop disturbing her lecture.  
“Yeah, I’ll just, erm,” he trailed off as he scanned the room to find a vacant spot before his eyes finally met yours.
The time stopped. You weren’t breathing. He slowly blinked in a daze, unable to move or tear his gaze away from you.
You felt butterflies fluttering their wings in your stomach. You had always imagined this sensation to be uncomfortable and rather awkward, but the truth couldn’t be farther from your expectations. Admittedly, it was an odd feeling, yes, but it also was a surprisingly pleasant one, reverberating through your veins and spreading warmth throughout your body.
His lips curled upwards in a wide beaming smile and another warm wave washed over you.
The professor’s withering look intensified but you paid her no mind. His gaze still locked with yours, you felt an invisible force pulling at the corners of your mouth to give him a matching smile as you grinned from ear to ear.
The professor cleared her throat, making you jump in your seat. The handsome guy sucked in a breath and bit on his lower lip, breaking the eye contact as he sheepishly shifted his attention to the podium.
“Sorry, again. I’ll just go and take a seat.” He pointed his finger in your direction and gave the professor a solemn nod before scurrying towards you. You made haste to grab the textbooks that lay on the chair next to you to free the space as the other students shifted in their seats to focus on the lecture again, the old wood cracking and shoes squeaking against the linoleum.
He was at your side within seconds, bending down to help you bring the books to the floor. His fingers brushed over yours as you both reached for the same textbook and that now-familiar warmth settled in your fingertips. You couldn’t help but glance up at him, and your eyes locked again for a brief moment. Reluctantly, he pulled his hand away and grabbed the remaining books, neatly placing them at your feet before he took a seat next to you.
As you gathered a few of your belongings to empty his part of the desk, you realised one thing. The lecture hall had been built to hold as many people as possible and so all the seats were quite narrow, which caused you to feel the hard warmth of his body pressed against your arm and thigh. Truth be told, it was rather distracting, and you found yourself deleting a line of notes every time your mind wandered off as your unsupervised fingers started typing not only errors but occasionally absolute nonsense.
It seemed the proximity may have had a similar effect on him as every now and then his hands halted in their movement, hovering above the keyboard before he recovered from his frozen state and quickly typed a simple ‘TBA’, pressing the enter key and starting a new paragraph.
Once the lecture came to an end and everyone began to gather their things, you breathed out a relieved sigh, closed your laptop and turned to face the guy next to you. You meant to introduce yourself, maybe ask him if he would care to grab a coffee with you but before you could get a chance to open your mouth, someone else jogged up the stairs of the auditorium to greet the man next to you.
“Dude, what the hell was that?” the guy hollered and his barked-out laughter resonated against the walls as a few more students followed in his tail.
Your face dropped. With no intention of intruding upon the nice man, especially with his friends around, you gathered your things and meandered your way through the lecture hall, ignoring the agitated emptiness in the pit of your stomach.
At the door, you allowed yourself a glance at their group and your heart skipped a beat when you noticed him watching you. He gave you a small wave and an apologetic smile before he shifted his focus back to his friends as they discussed their plans for the weekend.
You bumped into a few friends of yours in the hallway and chatted with them for a while, promising to send them some of your notes until it was time for you to leave the campus and head home as well. Maybe you could make a detour to a local coffee shop. Even though it would be nicer to have company, who were you to deny yourself a hot cup of cappuccino.
Arms full of the many books you’d been carrying around the whole day, you pushed at the massive front door with your shoulder to exit the building, but you froze in your tracks as the weather put a damper on your plans.
You frowned at the dark grey clouds from which an absolute downpour was loudly beating against the concrete stairs leading to the lecture hall.
“Want me to give you a ride?” a voice said right next to your ear, and you turned on your heel, your breath hitching in your throat as you faced the man from earlier, the man you couldn’t stop thinking about.
“Isn’t your car too far?” you asked instead of providing an answer.
“No, it’s right behind the corner. I had to make a few rounds around the campus before I noticed Professor Giles reversing from his spot. Parallel parking is not his strongest suit, I’ll tell you that,” he laughed and tossed his head to prevent hair from falling in his eyes. “I’m Joe by the way,” he said and offered his hand.
“(Y/N),” you replied and wrapped your fingers around his, gently squeezing as a small smile started playing on your lips when his thumb caressed your inner wrist. “And thank you for the offer! But still, the rain’s really heavy and I don’t have an umbrella with me so I guess I’ll just wait it out.”
“We could share my scarf,” he suggested and promptly slid it down from around his neck. “Use it as a cover, you know.”
“I…” You got interrupted by one of your books slipping from the pile in your arms and you kicked your leg up, catching it before it could crash down on the floor. His palm landed on your elbow to keep you upright until you restored your balance and gripped the books in your arm more tightly, resting them against your hip.
“You know, I could carry these for you.”
“Thanks, but I’m alright,” you replied and gave him an earnest smile.
“Let’s make a deal. You lend me half of your books, and I’ll offer half of my scarf, what do you say?”
“That’s hardly a bargain for you,” you chuckled and looked away to hide the grin creeping across your face. Instead, you turned to the downpour outside and stretched out your arm, catching big raindrops into your open palm.
“Getting to press myself to this beautiful girl while we run side by side to my car so that I can give her a lift and maybe ask for her phone number, that is if I muster the courage? I see no drawbacks in the deal for me.” He revealed his teeth in another sweet smile and gave you a wink.
You let out a laugh as you shook your head in disbelief, and with a flick of your fingers, you sprinkled the water you’d just collected in your hand at him to punish him for his straightforwardness.  
It was Joe’s turn to give you a slightly exasperated look as you giggled at his expression, and he rolled his eyes, the smile on his face not wavering.
“Come on.” He motioned for you to accept one corner of his scarf and while you were distracted by positioning the piece of warm fuzzy fabric above your head, he took a hold of the books in your arms, his firm glare not allowing any arguments.
“Don’t worry, I’ll give them back.”
He unzipped his backpack and pushed the books inside before you could utter any protests.
Although you hated to admit it, the scarf was not big enough and you had to huddle up close to fit underneath, just like he mentioned earlier. Maybe the idea of such proximity had not left him flustered, but it sure did make your breath hitch at the thought.
Hesitantly, you snaked your arm around his waist and after a beat of silence, he mirrored the movement, his palm gently pressed against your side.
“On three, okay?” you instructed and took a deep breath. “One. Two.”
“Three!” you both exclaimed in unison and darted down the stairs.
Oh my god was the rain bloody cold!
No matter how fast you ran, the harsh chilly raindrops were biting at your skin, quickly making it numb as your teeth chattered. And no, the scarf did very little to protect you from the downpour, getting soaked in the first few seconds. Adrenalin was pumping in your veins and the buzz you felt spreading all over your body had made you almost hysterical as you couldn’t help but laugh and squeal every time you accidentally stepped into a puddle, splashing water around you.
Moreover, the situation seemed to have the same effect on Joe, his grip on your lower back tight while he laughed at your side. There was this indescribable feeling of urgency and freedom and a rush of hot blood that left you feeling slightly dizzy and out of breath.
When you finally reached his car and jumped inside, you were absolutely drenched, raindrops trickling from your hair and occasional giggles escaping your mouths at the absurdity of it all.
Joe fumbled with the keys for a short while before he started the engine and consequently turned on the heating, pleasant warmth spreading across your damp skin as he hovered his hands above the fans.  
“It should warm us up in a minute,” he commented and gave you a bright smile.
“Thanks,” you answered and mirrored his expression, the wave of warmth reaching your heart as well.  
“So, where to?”
“Erm, Lafayette Hall, if that’s okay?” You suddenly felt the unease in the pit of your stomach and started absentmindedly pulling at your fingers in a nervous gesture. “I know, it’s a bit too far, so if you want to drop me off anywhere nearer, I will understand.”
“No problem, that way we can spend more time together,” he replied as he rubbed his hands and breathed hot air into his palms before he grabbed the wheel and the car pulled away from the curb.
His eyes were glued to the road ahead of him, and so he hadn’t noticed you breathing a sigh of relief and casting your eyes down at the notion of him appreciating your company.
“So, what do you say about the class?” Joe eventually broke the silence without tearing his eyes from the traffic as he carefully navigated the streets, but if you had lifted your gaze a fraction of a second sooner, you would catch him grimacing at the small-talk question.
“Seems pretty interesting. The workload is absolutely crazy though, don’t you think? God knows how many essays, assignments, presentations and the final coursework… sounds like I’ll be spending all my free time in the library.”
“Well, we could always study together. If you would like,” Joe added in haste as he dared to glance towards you to see your reaction.
“I would love that,” you answered truthfully and were rewarded with another beautiful smile of his which you gladly returned.
As he made a turn with his car, you were met with a sea of motionless red lights distorted through the raindrops on the windscreen. The rainy weather must have caused the usual surge of cars on the streets that regularly resulted in nothing but traffic jams.
“Damn it, I don’t think I can turn anywhere and bypass it,” Joe said, his eyes skimming the street.
“That’s okay, I don’t mind,” you assured him, unhappy to see the frown on his face as frustration took over his features. When it seemed he had nothing to say and you couldn’t think of any other words of reassurance, you immersed yourself in the sound of rain beating against the cars and pitch-black concrete.  
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly after a while, “I offered to drive you home, not to get stuck with me in a jam.”
“You offered me a ride, the destination was not specified,” you retorted and turned your head to face him and shoot him a wink.
“Is it still considered a ride if we’re not moving?” he chuckled and you were glad the metaphorical dark cloud above his head, unlike the grey clouds in the sky, seemed to have dissipated as quickly as it had appeared.
“Touché. But still, I’m not complaining.”
“Neither am I.”
A comfortable silence settled between you again as you both sat in the car, none of you willing to break the eye contact. Unfortunately, the traffic started moving at that moment, albeit at slow pace, and Joe reluctantly shifted his focus to the road. Even though after a few metres it was time to push the breaks again, he was not ready to meet your gaze.
Instead, his fingers started drumming against the wheel, the movement catching your eye. When he noticed you staring, he smirked and pursed his lips, You thought he would say something or maybe give you another smile. What you did not expect him to do was start making car noises with his mouth and slide his hands around the wheel to mimic driving and revving up, which made you burst out laughing.  
“What?” Joe asked and the innocence in his voice brought another fit of laughter from you as you clutched at your stomach.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?” you managed to tell him in between giggles.
“I’ve been described in such terms, yes,” he replied with a joyful glint in his eyes, earning another laugh.
With a smile playing on his lips, he waited for you to calm down as you took deep breaths and placed your hand on your chest, your heart beating hard against the palm, before he spoke again.
“I really like your laughter, by the way,” he admitted quietly and you beamed at him. You might have fallen in love with him at first sight in the lecture hall, but this was the moment you realised you couldn’t quite accept the image of your life without him. And though you didn’t know how, you knew he felt the same as he tentatively outstretched his arm and reached for your hand, his fingers soft against your skin.
“Well, then it’s a good thing you make me laugh with such ease,” you smiled and squeezed his hand in return.
It had taken him a few more days before he gave you a lift again and as you sat in his car, at the very same spot, he finally kissed you and asked you out.
The brush of his mouth against yours caused your heart to skip a beat just like it does every time you two kiss, the memory vivid in your head even all those years later. As you watch Joe with Olive on the mini train ride, the ghost of the touch caresses your skin, the feeling as tangible as back then when your lips first met.
The train slows down until it stops to a halt as the ride ends and Joe grabs Olive under her arms and carries her towards you.
“Hi, baby, did you enjoy it?” you coo when they arrive at your side, your daughter cradled in his arms. She reaches for you with her small hands, and you can’t help but take her from him and press her against your chest. Joe’s hand finds the small of your back and he rubs it gently.
“We had a lot of fun, didn’t we Olive?” he says and tickles her stomach, her bubbly giggles earning her a bright smile from you.
“I’m happy to hear that!” you beam at them as Joe looks around the amusement park.
“Oh look, teacups! And there’s one with a dinosaur print on it. We’ve gotta go on this one too!” he exclaims and you place a kiss on Olive’s temple before you give her back to Joe.
“Have fun!”
“Wait, you sure you don’t want to go with us?” A wrinkle forms on his forehead, his eyes filled with worry.
But the mere idea of sitting inside one of the cups and letting the ride spin you around makes your stomach churn as you feel your gorge rise at the thought.
“Absolutely. I’ll go sit on that bench over there and watch you from there, okay?”
Joe hoists Olive up on his hip and gently grasps your elbow. “Is everything alright? Are you okay?”
“I’ve never been better,” you answer and press a sweet kiss to the corner of his mouth. You give him a reassuring smile when he hesitates to move and take Olive to the teacup ride, but she starts wiggling in his arms and so his grip on her tightens and he shifts her focus back to her.
While they wait in a line, you browse around the few shops and stalls that are scattered around the park. One shop in particular catches your attention and a quirky smile pulls at the corners of your mouth when an idea forms in your head. After you make your purchase and finally sit down on the bench you mentioned earlier, you scan the crowds to find your husband and daughter and that feeling of utmost love comes back in full force.
You can’t believe it’s been exactly one year since you gave birth to Olive. She is such a big girl already, and for a short moment you get slightly emotional about the passage of time. Clearing your throat and wiping your tears with the back of your hand, you pull out your phone again, taking pictures and videos of Joe and Olive so that you never forget this special day.
Later that night you softly knock on the door to the nursery and when you open it, you’re met with the loveliest sight in the whole wide world. Joe is sitting in a big armchair with Olive lying on his chest while she slowly sucks her thumb and listens to him reading her a bedtime story.
“It’s time to sleep, big girl,” you whisper softly when you kneel at their side and run your fingers through her hair. “Look, Mummy got you something while you and Dad were having fun on the rides.”
From behind your back, you pull out a small bright green t-shirt with a logo of the amusement park printed on the front and Olive’s eyes widen and sparkle in excitement.
“I know, it’s silly,” you quickly add when you spot Joe’s amused expression. “I just thought it would be a nice reminder of this day.”
“It’s perfect,” he says and chuckles when Olive grabs it from your hands and cuddles to it without hesitation.
“Wait, baby, I gotta wash it first,” you laugh softly and gently pry the t-shirt from her grip. She pouts, her bottom lip quivering slightly but Joe takes no time to hand Olive her favourite teddy bear and the sadness is quickly forgotten. Together, you put her to bed, kiss her forehead and tuck her in.  
“Happy birthday, my love,” you say at the door and close it behind you.
“I’m sure she’ll sleep through the whole night, it’s been a very busy day.”
“It really was,” you agree and hide a yawn in your palm as you make your way to the bedroom. “Thank you for this, it was an excellent idea.” You reach out and squeeze his hand. “And I’m sure she’ll love the birthday party on Saturday as well.”
“Yeah, it’s gonna be awesome, right?”
“You wouldn’t have it any other way,” you chuckle.
Your hand in his, Joe takes the opportunity to pull you to him and wrap his arms around you in a warm embrace.
“By the way, where’s my present?” he whispers hotly against the shell of your ear when you enter the bedroom, and you giggle.
“Is it your birthday?” You tilt your head and cock an eyebrow, tapping the pointy tip of his nose with your finger. “Although… now that you’ve mentioned it…” you trail off and smirk at him.
To Joe’s surprise, you free yourself from the embrace and fetch a bag that’s been hidden underneath the bedside table.
“This is for you.” You pull out a much larger version of the same t-shirt you’ve given to Olive, although this one is crimson red and Joe laughs, thanking you with a press of his lips to yours. “This is for me,” you continue when you finally get a chance to breathe again, and show him a light blue t-shirt, “and this…”
Joe cannot believe his eyes. You’re holding a tiny pastel yellow romper suit, too small to fit Olive.
“Are we?” he asks as his eyes glisten, the realisation of what you’re trying to say with that small piece of fabric filling his heart to the brim with so much love and affection he feels for you, for Olive and for your new baby that is yet to be born.
“Yes,” you answer, happy tears running freely down your cheeks as you throw yourself at him, his arms always ready to catch you and hold you tight.
Request: Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader oneshot where Joe and reader take their 1 year old daughter to an amusement park and Joe goes on the kid rides with his daughter while reader watches with a big smile and takes lots of pictures and videos of them and while watching her little family, reader remembers how she met Joe in college and it was love at first sight? Also, when they get back home that night and after Joe puts their daughter to bed, reader surprises Joe with a present and tells him they’re having another baby? ( @borhapgirlforlife19​ )
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simphq · 11 months
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So i an absolutely obsessed with Queen and the film Bohemian Rhapsody. I love the cast and so I decided to write a Joe Mazzello story. Feel free to add some ideas if you would like to!! So Here is the backstory and first chapter!
• Your Roger Taylors child
• the story is set around the filming of bohemian rhapsody
•most focused on the real life experience than their ‘online life’
•if you have any ideas lmk 😁
•Thanks for reading x
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Therealy/n Glad to be on set x
View all 12,364 comments
Benhardy we look fantastic 😏
Mrgwilymlee Love it when your on set ❤️
joe_mazzello you should come on to set more!
therealy/n @joe_mazzello ill see what i can do 😁
Brianmayforreal the boys looked amazing today! Bri
Rogertaylorofficial the boys worked really hard today and it was wonderful to have you on set today my darling.
ramimalek who is the handsome man at the end i wonder??
Benhardy @ramimalek me duhh 🙄
Therealy/n @benhardy in your dreams blondy
Lucyboynton1 i wish i was on set today 😭
Therealy/n @lucyboynton1 ugh me too i felt lonely without my other half today 😢
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reapers-lover · 8 months
People I currently write for!
If you plan to make a request please look and make sure it is someone I still write for, my hyperfixations change a lot so soon I once wrote about I may not write about anymore! Please keep this in mind as you make a request and if you have a question about this list please let me know! Please know I am fine with writing smut and anything else for all of these people/ characters!
•last updated May 23rd, 2024
John Deacon
Brian May
Roger Taylor
Brian Jones
Joe Mazzello
Tom felton
☆Film and TV show characters☆
Eugene Sledge
Pat Murray
Gardner Langway
Charles Harper
Warren worthington iii
Draco malfoy
☆Book Characters☆
Aaron Warner
Coriolanus snow
Sejanus Plinth
Draco malfoy
Nate Hawkins
Henery Turner
Russ Callaghan
Grayson Hawthorne
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The Present Race
Fandom: RPF, American Actor RPF, British Actor RPF, Bohemian Rhapsody Cast
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Female Reader
Characters: Joe Mazzello, Female Reader, Gwilym Lee, Ben Hardy, Original Female Character, Original Child Character, Rami Malek,
Word Count: 1100// Rating: Gen
Summary: It's time for a birthday but who will win first place in the present race?
Tags/ Warnings: Tooth Rotting Fluff, Kids, Babies, Birthday Parties, Borhap Cast, Friends, Established Relationship, Requested Fic, Request
Notes: working my way through requests. They're now closed till after halloween challenge
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REQUEST - @borhapgirlforlife19
Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello × fem. reader oneshot where it's their daughter's first Birthday and they have a party at their house with Joe's family, reader's family, and the Borhap cast there? Also, Joe sits on the floor opening her gifts with his daughter beside him and she helps Joe tear off the wrapping paper and she lights up when he shows her the gifts and everybody takes pictures and gushes over how adorable she is?
‘Oh open mine first,’ Rami said grabbing a sleek square parcel off of the floor and handing it to Joe. He was sitting on the floor of the lounge, piles of presents around him and his daughter, Ellie, in between his legs. She was watching everyone excitedly though she didn’t quite understand the reason they were all gathered around was for her. It was her first birthday and though Joe and Y/N hadn’t gone all out with a massive birthday party they had invited their close friends around for dinner and cake to celebrate. 
‘Oh yeah put us all to shame,’ Ben chuckled as Joe took it off his friend. 
‘Yeah, get in first and hope we can’t outdo right Rami?’ Gwilym said with a smile. 
‘What can I say,’ he shrugged, ‘there’s a reason he picked me to be godfather.’ 
‘We picked,’ Y/N said coming to sit down beside Rami on the couch. 
‘Shall we just get our coat, Ben?’ Gwilym said with a chuckle. 
‘Think we better had mate,’ Ben chuckled. 
Before anyone could say anything else Ellie made a frustrated noise. She had been sitting looking up at Joe who was unknowingly holding the present just out of her grasp. Joe noticed her and said, ‘oh sorry honey.’
He placed the package on the floor where she immediately started to paw at it grasping the neat wrapping in her chubby grip. With a giggle of excitement, she yanked at it squealing as chunks of it started to come off in her hand. 
‘Be careful mate,’ Ben said, ‘she might have your hand off.’
‘She’s got good taste,’ Rami said. Soon enough Joe started helping her and they pulled off all the wrapping paper until it was completely unwrapped. It was a small shoe box which once Joe opened revealed a tiny pair of trainers. 
‘Are those trainers?’ Ben asked.
‘Not just any they’re bloody Gucci,’ Gwilym said with a whistle. 
‘Nice,’ Joe said, ‘I mean she will one hundred per cent kick them off after five minutes but they’re pretty neat.’ 
‘Oh they’ll be on the floor of any store we go to within seconds but they’re pretty cute I must say,’ Y/N said.
As if to prove her parent’s point Ellie took that opportune moment to grab one of the shoes in her scrunched-up fist and launch it out towards where the boys were sitting though it somehow went backwards clunking Joe on the head. 
‘Ouch,’ Joe said which only made her giggle. 
‘Well that was worth it even if she won’t wear them,’ Rami laughed. 
‘Yeah very funny,’ Joe grumbled. His moaning wasn’t taken notice of for long though as Ellie was up off her bottom and crawling towards the neat pile of presents a little way out of her reach. She grabbed out for one but Joe merely leaned forward and took it out of her reach. 
‘Dada,’ she grumbled though her pout seemed to retreat as he placed it in front of her. She immediately started tugging the paper off. 
‘I guess we’re not allowed to know who this one is off are we El,’ Y/N chuckled. 
‘It’s me,’ Gwilym said as Ellie continued to ravage what was now showing to be a big box. The box was brightly coloured something that seemed to get the baby’s attention immediately. 
‘What is it?’ Rami asked peering over Ellie’s head which was blocking his view. 
‘This pull-along toy thing,’ Gwilym said, ‘it’s a caterpillar you pull along. Meant to help with walking and stuff. And it’s good for motor skills and-’
‘And you did pages of research right Gwil?’ Joe chuckled. 
‘Well you gotta get it right, right?’ he asked, a little tinge of pink now across his cheeks and nose.
‘Well if not just throw cash at it right?’ Ben said. 
‘Hey just because that’s what you do with all the girls in your life,’ Rami said holding his hands up and making a laugh ring out around the room. Even Ellie giggled along oblivious to the joke she’d missed. 
‘It’s lovely Gwil,’ Y/N said looking at the ornate wooden toy her daughter had seemingly lost all interest in as it was discarded with the shoes as she headed back to the other present that was laying just out of her reach. 
‘Looks like she’s not too fussed,’ Rami said. 
‘That’s because our girl has taste,’ Ben said sliding off of the couch until he was sitting in a similar position to Joe, legs splayed around the present that was in front of him. Ellie crawled to it, pulling herself up on the large box as she got there. She stood wobbling slightly. 
‘What do you think El?’ Ben said, ‘should we open it?’ 
‘Open,’ she giggled banging on the box with her chubby fist. 
‘You don’t have to tell me twice,’ Ben said pulling wrapping paper off the box with little help from Ellie. 
‘What is it?’ Gwilym said. 
‘A baby drumkit,’ Rami said.
‘Oh great,’ Y/N said. 
‘Yeah thanks man,’ Joe said as Ben opened the box and pulled it out. It was a plastic stand with individual sections that could be played. Buttons and knobs for turning. Bright lights and things to fiddle with littered the small console. 
‘Hey,’ Ben said, ‘it’s our job to make sure she drives you up the wall. Besides, it’s not just a drumkit. It’s a complete set of musical instruments in one handy console.’ 
As if that was her cue Ellie started banging on some of the buttons making it whizz to life. A sickly-sweet voice rang out saying, ‘dog!’ which was then followed by a woof. Ben moved around, his hand on Ellie’s side keeping her upright as she started to smash the buttons under her fingers. A cacophony of animal noises rang out around the room not waiting for the machine to finish speaking before it was announcing the next one. 
‘Am I back in the running for best present then?’ Rami said looking between his friends. 
‘Let’s see how long it takes the batteries to run out before we make a decision huh?’ Joe chuckled. 
‘You like it El?’ Ben said looking into the baby’s round hazel eyes. She nodded, ‘gizza kiss then,’  Ben said placing his cheek in front of her as two chunky fists slapped him roughly in the face before drool-covered lips placed a kiss on his cheek. 
‘Now there’s a review we can’t compete with,’ Gwilym said. 
‘What did you expect?’ Y/N laughed, ‘Ben’s got a way with women.’ 
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Can I request a fluffy John Deacon x fem. reader long fic where reader is home alone with their 2 year old daughter while John is on tour and while tucking the little girl into bed, their daughter tells reader how much she misses John and reader assures their daughter that her dad will be home very soon and that he loves them both so much and the next day on Christmas, John surprises them by coming home early?
pairings: John deacon x fem!reader summary: ^^^^^ warnings: none
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John had been on tour for almost 2 months now, leaving you with your two year old daughter. He was away quite a bit and as much as you wanted him to be around more for you and your daughter, you knew it payed the bills and made him happy.
John and the rest of Queen were touring to support their new album 'A Night At The Opera'
but it was Christmas tomorrow and your daughter was begging for her father
"I miss him" she sniffled
"I know you do, sweetie. I do too. but it's what he needs to do." you smiled down at her.
you slipped her blanket over her small body. kissing her on her forehead.
"I want him now. it's christmas" she cried sadly
"I know, Honey, he wished he could be here too. he wants you to know he loves you very much and can't wait to see you in April" you told her lovingly
"too long!" she whined
"I know, honey. but he's doing this because he loves us. ok? he loves you very much. time will fly by and he'll be home as soon as you know it. ok?" you spoke softly
"I promise" you put out your pinky for her
you kissed her again before walking to the door a turning off the light
"Merry christmas, Honey" you shut the door, sighing as you looked down
"Mommy!" you heard you daughter yell as she ran into your room
"Mommy, wake up! Christmas!" she yelled
"I'm up, sweetie" you yawned as she crawled on your bed, shaking you
"presents!" she screamed cheerfully
"alrighty, let's go" you hopped out of bed and picked her up, taking her downstairs to your living room, where your tree was set up with the presents sitting underneath it neatly
you put her down and sat down as she ran to the gifts. she sat down next the them and picked one up, ripping it open, finding a pink bear with bow around it's neck.
she gasped and held on to it tightly
"I love it!" she beamed
"open that one!" you pointed to the one with red wrapping paper
"okay!" she giggled
she picked it up and opened it. her face lighting up as she saw a doll of a baby.
she thanked you and went to her room, to put it with the rest of her dolls.
there was a knock on the door. assuming it with your parents or something, you went to open it.
John stood in front of you with a grin and a bag in his handcas you opened the door
"John!" you wrapped your arms around him "why aren't you in America?"
"we leave on the 27th" he stated
"Mommy!" you heard your daughter call
"she's missed you so much" you told John
"did you?" he asked as he walked in.
"of course I did, John"
"honey, guess who's here!" you called out for your daughter
"I'll get her" you said
"I love you" he kissed you
"I love you too" you smiled. going up to your 2 year old
"who's here?" she questioned
"just wait" you picked her up, going down to the living room where her dad stood waiting for her. you put her down and she ran to him
"Dada!" she yelled happily
"hey, sweetie" he greeted, picking her up
"your tour?" she asked
"I'm here with you and mommy for a few days" he explained simply
she cheered and looked at his bag
"you bet!" he kissed her cheek
she got out of his arms and got the present, immediately playing with it
you looked down at your daughter playing on the ground, smiling at her
you walked to the kitchen, going to make yourself a coffee
"you think I forgot about you?" Johns voice said from behind you, you smiled as you turned the kettle on
he walked to you, passing you a box from behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder.
you rolled your eyes as you opened the white box, seeing a beautiful necklace and pair of earrings comfortably laying in it.
"they're beautiful, John" you admitted
"I know, I saw them in the window and just thought of you, I knew I had to get them" he replied softly,
you took the necklace out of the box, letting John take it from your hands, moving your hair out of the way and putting it around your neck.
You turned to face him
"Merry Christmas, My love" he rubbed your arms.
"Merry Christmas, Deaky" you smiled, pulling his in for a gentle kiss.
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hit me with a "jumping into your partner's arms" from list one with pat murray DARE YOU
regan's 1k follower celebration
it’s been a hot minute since i thought about our angry boy, i love it
pairing: pat murray x reader!
prompt: jumping into your partner's arms
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It’s like you can feel the tension in Pat’s shoulders from all the way over here in the stands.
It couldn’t be more of a cliche. Bottom of the ninth, two outs, bases loaded, and the D-Backs are down by one…and Pat is up to bat. The entire ballpark is on edge, but you can tell your firecracker of a boyfriend is just moments away from exploding…exactly how he explodes all depends on the outcome of his at-bat.
The pitcher winds up, and Pat swings, missing and earning a stiiiiiiirike from the ump and a groan from the dugout.
You shoot the boys a glare, annoyed at their lack of faith in their teammate. Pat grumbles to himself as he grips the bat impossibly harder.
The second pitch comes, he swings, and once again, the ball hits the catcher’s glove.
You watch as Pat rests his head against the bat, the anger rolling off of his body in waves. You hate that he’s in this position. Especially since you know that he can hit. You’ve seen him do it plenty of times. But when he gets in these high pressure situations, he psyches himself out…and his teammates don’t exactly help.
“Murray!” you shout, getting his attention. You look him right in the eyes. “You got this.”
It seems to ease his tension a little bit, and he responds with several nods before turning back to the task at hand.
He takes his stance, and you grip the edges of the bleacher as the pitcher winds up.
The ball is sent clear above the heads of the infielders and keeps going, floating just out of reach of the outfielders as well.
You leap to your feet, screaming with excitement, and the crowd around you joins suit. A shocked Pat freezes for a moment before suddenly remembering he’s supposed to run. You watch as one by one the boys run home, before Pat eventually begins to round third base.
You climb down from the bleachers and book it for the fence, managing to launch yourself over the metal with ease.
As Pat runs across home plate, you fling yourself at him, and he manages to catch you. You wrap your legs around his waist as you cling to him, showering his face and neck with kisses.
“I’m so fucking proud of you,” you mumble against his skin, and he squeezes you tighter.
“You’re my lucky charm, baby,” he says before planting a searing kiss on your lips.
Your feet find the ground once again, and you grip the fabric of Pat’s uniform as you lean in close.
“I can think of a good way to celebrate,” you tease, biting your lip suggestively. Pat lets out a groan, his forehead coming to rest on yours.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
You practically drag Pat by the wrist towards your car, both of you ignoring the calls of his teammates behind you.
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last updated on 05/19/2023
Henry Cavill Masterlist
Bold stories or chapters are SMUT/NSFW
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Chibs Telford (Sons of Anarchy)
Chibs x plus-size reader (18+ throught, minors DNI!!)
A new job
Boys will be boys
Party at the clubhouse
Late night
Dress down
Car troubles
Part of the business
Better offer
A New Home
Maybe baby
Oh so horrible
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Sebastian Stan
Sebastian x Anna (OFC) Series
The universe can be a bitch  Part 1  Part 2
What happens in New York…  Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5 Part 6  Part 7
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Morning kisses (Ben Hardy fluff)
You win an Oscar (Ben Hardy fluff)
Joe’s daughter (Joe Mazzello fluff)
BoRap Cast
Unexpectedly expecting (Ben Hardy x reader)
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9   Part 10  Part 11   Part 12   Part 13   Part 14 (unfinished)
Prove it to me (Ben Hardy x plus-size reader)
My new favorite t-shirt (Ben Hardy x plus-size reader)
PRESSing matters (Ben Hardy x reader)
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9   Part 10  Part 11
At the BAFTAs after party (main story)
- Gwil Part
- Joe Part
- Ben Part
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Alex Hogh Andersen
Temporary Roommate (Alex x Reader)
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13
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The gift (Hvitserk x OC x Magrethe)
My AO3 account
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Hello There!
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My loves,
my name is Ronnie and i try to write. I write for some specific franchises and characters because I'm a tad bit uncultured and I have not watched a lot of stuff. This post will be a list of people I write for and you can request fics. I only write OC and x readers though. I am very sorry if that is not what you are interested in.
the people in italics are those I prefer to write the most about right now (bc I'm just a girl and I have phases ok?) and those in bold are the people I have a request in my inbox so works for them are basically coming soon
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Any of the Marauders!
Any of the Daisy Jones and the Six girls!
DJATS; Eddie Roundtree, Warren Rojas
Kingsman; Eggsy, Roxy
Celebrities?; Tom Blyth, Taron Egerton, Taylor Swift, Florence Pugh, Joe Mazzello, Hailee Steinfeld, Suki Waterhouse, Josh Whitehouse, Maya Hawke, Joseph Quinn, Joe Keery
Stranger Things; Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Chrissy Cunningham
misc; tom blyth's!billy the kid, eloise bridgerton, razzle dingley, brian may, roger taylor, paris geller, rory gilmore, lorelai gilmore, jess mariano
Any Spiderverse Character!!
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this list is not limited, if you have any request about the marvel or star wars universe send it around.
I do not write rpf (real people fiction) smut! The celebrity members list only includes fluff and light angst! I am not sure if I will be writing smut in general.
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deanscroissant · 1 year
Reunited…and It Feels so Good
Joe Mazzello x fem!reader
requested by: @borhapgirlforlife19 (i hope you like it, hun xx)
warnings (im terrible at these): mentions of smut but nothing that deep (twss), lots of fluff, and a tiny bit of angst.
a/n: my first joe fic in a year or so 😬 i took a brief hiatus from writing in general so pls be gentle with me. im getting back into the swing of thangs. 😁 i hope you guys enjoy!
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It's a special day today because someone is celebrating a birthday: your husband Joe of six years.
You couldn't wait to celebrate it with him because he's been gone for a long time—half of the year just about. But having him home safe and sound with his family has been such a relief. You missed Joe, but not as much as your four-year-old daughter Jade (Jay Jay, as you and Joe, would call her). That girl loves her father more than anyone in the world. Sometimes it'll make you a tad bit jealous when she shows more attention to him than you, but the thought goes away when you see them playing and laughing together.
She wanted to sleep with you two last night, but Joe wanted to spend some alone time with you. So instead, he decided to lay with her in her room until she fell asleep. Joe felt terrible, but his attention was entirely on her the whole day. Not that you both mind it; he just missed you and wanted to show you how much he did.
You looked over at him and smiled softly. Joe was sleeping peacefully. His under eyes showed how exhausted he was. Without waking him, you slowly removed the covers and left the bed. You tipped toed to the other side of the room to look for your night clothes, where Joe threw them, then quietly left the room, closing the door behind you.
You figured Jay Jay was asleep because it was almost seven a.m., but the sound of hard plastic and animated mouth sounds flowing through her cracked door told you otherwise. You softly giggled while opening her door wider. She was fully awake on her floor, playing with her Barbie dolls that she recently got from your parents last week. Her precious green-hazel eyes averted to you, and they lit up as she leaped off the floor and into your arms.
"Hi, princess," you said, smiling while hugging her back and kissing her temple. "You're up early…as always." you chuckled as you tickled her side, her giggles filling the air.
She calmed down and said, "I wanted to play Barbie with daddy when he wakes up. I was just waiting for him." He did promise her that he'll play all day with her. But, unfortunately, he didn't get the memo when she wanted to start bright and early. "Well, I think daddy needs to sleep a little longer."
"Why?" She pouted while moving her unkempt hair from her eyes. You began walking to the living room to sit her down with you to explain why.
"Because we need to surprise him. It's his birthday!"
Her eyes widen as she lets out a gasp, "Really?! I have to make him something!" She slides off the couch and runs back toward her room but stops before going further. "Wait! Mommy, you can make breakfast for daddy. Don't make him cereal. Make eggs and waffles for him, okay? And bacon!"
You couldn't help but laugh at the little diva toddler. "Yes, ma'am, I got it. Thank you for telling me."
She gives you a cheeky smile before running off, following to get off the couch to start Joe's birthday breakfast. Jade returned with her supplies and paper and asked you to help her put her things on the table. Once she got in the chair, you resumed back to cooking.
Joe eventually woke up when the smell of his favorite waffles hit his nose: Chocolate chip. Also, the sound of his daughter's laughter abrupted his sleeping. Hearing her laugh made his heart warm. He was so happy to wake up at home with his family instead of in a small rental apartment that gave him restless nights. He felt awful for missing half of the year without seeing Jay Jay, but he knew he could make it up to her soon enough.
He got out of bed to use the bathroom and brush his teeth before joining his family. Jay Jay was drawing while you made the next batch of waffles when Joe stopped in the living room to admire you both. Joe sometimes can't believe he has a family of his own, which he wanted for a long time—way before he met you. When he got to know you more, he was happy that you were on the same page as him wanting to start one someday. You were perfect for him and his daughter. Joe couldn't think of anyone better to be his wife and the mother of his children.
Jay Jay's attention turned to the movement she saw from the corner of her eye. Her hazel-green orbs met the same set staring back at her—gasping in surprise at the sight of her father. "Daddy!" she screeched, jumping from the chair and running into his embrace when he got down to her level to embrace her back. "Good morning, baby girl!" He pecks her cheek before picking her up.
"Happy Birthday!" she said with glee, her little arms stretched out, making Joe grin even harder.
"Well, thank you, Jay Jay. I appreciate it!" He gives her cheek some more kisses, which sends her into a fit of giggles. Joe has yet to shave his beard that he had to grow for the project he worked on, only because hearing Jay Jay laugh hysterically gives him a dopamine rush when he gives her kisses. You started to laugh while listening to them as you began whisking the eggs. Jade had a contagious laugh, and it was hard not to laugh with her. It was one of the cutest things about her.
Joe places her back down, and she grabs his hand (well, two of his fingers) to lead him to the table, "I made a gift for your birthday, daddy." She climbs back in her chair while Joe sits beside her, propping his arm on the back of the chair she was in to look at what she crafted for him. She picks up her handmade card buried underneath a pile of gold and red glitter, blowing off the excess before handing it to him carefully. Joe's mouth agape dramatically at the crafty card made from printer paper. "For me? You shouldn't have!”
With a cheeky smile, he opens it and laughs when more glitter spills out. 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY,' it says across the paper, written in marker with each word in different colors. Below it was stick figures of you, Joe, and Jay Jay standing outside our house surrounded by trees and hearts. It made Joe's heart swell. "Oh my gosh, thank you, baby girl! It's so beautiful!" He says while pulling her into his lap and kissing her cheek. Her small hands tried to pry his head away as another round of giggles escaped her mouth.
"You're welcome!" she says in between laughs. Joe could do this all day and never get tired of it. Jade returned to drawing, and Joe put the homemade card on the fridge. You had just finished the eggs and got ready to set the plates when Joe came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing gently on your neck. "And good morning to you, gorgeous."
You had wished Joe happy birthday around midnight after doing "late night activities" with him, which led to another round after you teased him about getting old and not being able to do that "thing" you always loved him to do.
Proving you wrong was an understatement.
"Good morning, birthday boy." you smiled, turning your head to kiss his lips before finishing up what you were doing. "How did you sleep?"
"I slept like a baby, thanks for asking. I missed that bed so much." He sighed as he placed his cold hands under your shirt, rubbing your warm tummy. "And I missed you laying next to me."
"Aww. Likewise, babe." You cooed, now placing a stack of waffles on Joe's plate. "I was asking if you were still interested in going out today. That's if you're too tired to."
"Well, I did want to go eat pizza for lunch, then come back home and enjoy the rest of my day with you beautiful humans." He tightens his arms around you, burying his face in your neck as you roll your eyes. "By that, you mean let your four-year-old boss you around all day."
"You know it." he chuckled, "You guys are my birthday gift."
"Oh, you are such a sap," you teased, turning around to peck his lips. "This is the only thing I'll ask you to do today: Will you help Jay Jay clean the table, please?"
"Yeah, right. Let's see how long it will take for you to ask me to do something else. I bet five minutes." He teased back before turning around to help little Jade with the table. You giggled when you saw a trail of glitter coming from the table to the fridge where he put the card. "You're probably right because you left a trail of fairy dust behind." you pointed out on the floor, and Joe looked down, a laugh escaping between his lips. "I did no such thing!"
"Yes you did, daddy!" Jay Jay giggles as she runs back to her room to put her stuff away. Joe fake gasped at her. "Not Jay Jay ratting me out."
"She's an angel, unlike you." you poked out your tongue, making Joe scoff. "Who said I was?"
Another giggle came out as you returned to finishing Joe's plate. You wanted to surprise Joe by putting whipped cream and sprinkles on his waffles. You set the table once it was clean, pouring everyone's favorite morning drink with the delicious dish you were about to demolish.
Joe marveled at the sweet breakfast treat before him, his smile resembling Jay Jay's on Christmas. "Oh, I'm just getting spoiled left and right today." He said. Jade walked back in and gasped. "Oh my gosh, Mommy, these look amazing!"
"They do, huh?" Joe said, pulling you into his side and looking up at you. "I think she did a pretty good job. Thank you, honey." You grinned and kissed his cheek. "Anything for you, babes."
Joe felt content now that he was home, even though he got home a few days ago. It doesn't steer away from the fact that he missed so much time away from his family. He missed birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. So he did feel a little guilty that he was celebrating his birthday. But if it meant he could return home to his beautiful girls, he wasn't complaining.
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rossmccallsqueen · 1 year
I have a Joe imagine being posted tomorrow. I know it’s my first in a long time. I’m sorry I’ve been gone so long guys, but I’m starting to feel like me again ❤️
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what about a fic with Joe mazzello where your like...."huh babe yknow this other actor named joseph quinn in st4 sort of looks like your portrayal of John" and teasing him about it
Yes! You can bet I can take advantage of our new Tumblr Sexy man Joseph Quinn and his physical similarities to Joe!!!
(I swear, they need to play brothers someday!!!)
So first, let's make this a headcanon. And secondly, let's make the reader gender neutral.
TW: Swearing, but pretty fluffy and that's about it.
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So Joseph was upstairs playing video games while you were downstairs.
One plus about your relationship is that you recognized the need for space and appreciation for different interests :)
As he was pressing a button to make Mario jump for a coin he heard the distinct sound of a riffing guitar with some thunder downstairs. But today was a hot summer's day with the crickets lazily chirping as the bright sun faded. Not one dark cloud in the sky.
Hearing more, it was Master of Puppets by Metallica. He shrugged it off and kept playing.
He cursed when he lost his last life, unable to hear your footsteps up.
"Babe! Babe! You got to see this!" You said with urgency. Your eyes were wide with excitement more than panic.
"Y/N, what is it?" he asked, turning to look at you. His red hair messy from a whole day inside.
"Come downstairs...there's a guy on the new season of Stranger Things who looks like you!" you explained.
He follows down in curiosity. You pause and rewind the episode, muttering "blah blah blah skip skip skip show us Eddie!"
You then paused right on a frame of the Eddie in question.
"His hair is too long, sweetie!" Joe objected.
You whipped out your phone and pulled out a picture of your Joe as Deaky.
He blinked and his eyes darted from the phone to the tv to the phone and back again.
"H...Holy shit..." he mumbled.
"And wait until you see him without the wig!" you added on. You reached down on your phone and searched up a photo.
"The guy who plays him, get this, he's named Joe too!"
"Yes," you pulled up a photo of the other Joe in the phone and shoved it to the present Joe's face.
"And he looks like this!" you cried.
Joseph Mazzello's eyes went big at the sight and he began nodding in appreciation. Similar reddish hair. Similar face structure. Similar foreheads.
"Huh...his eyes are darker, and the bulb of his nose is rounder, I think," you said, you took Joe's face in your hands and "examined" it, much to his amusement.
"Maybe my mom doesn't have a secret about John Deacon but his father!" he joked. Both of you giggled.
"I'll let you know, he's everywhere on the internet. Buzzfeed, Tumblr, Twitter, Insta, and Facebook even. They're mad about him and his character in Stranger Things." you explained
Joe put his hands on his hips
"They could have cast me!"
"But what about your new movie?" you asked with a laugh.
"That's not the point!"
Both of you giggled and he placed his hands around your waist.
"Then, I better watch out if he gets near you." he teased. "I know you got a type now! He better not steal you away from me!"
"Not in a million years!" you insisted.
You gave him a kiss on the tip of his nose. "But he's not my Joe. My Joe is funny and multi-talented, and smart, and adorable, and not to mention pretty dark sexy..."
"Sexy, eh?" he returned with a kiss on the lips.
Taglist: @queenlover05@yourlocalmusicalprostitute @0x0spunky-monkey0x0
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orwocolor · 2 years
Ooooooooh the fic is almost finished! I truly apologise for taking ages to write something but hopefully 12k of words will make it up to you :)
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warriorteam1924 · 2 years
This is what dreams are made of
Joe Mazzello x FemReader
Author’s note : Hi my beauties. This piece is very special because it was actually a request…. I know pure fluff isn’t really my style, but I hope I didn’t do it too badly. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks in advance for the feedback (honest and real feedback of course, otherwise this doesn’t make sense at all) Also, I remind you English is not my mother tongue, sorry for the mistakes…. Also please note i’m absolutely lame regarding kids stories so i took inspiration from here (X)
@borhapgirlforlife19​ who requested : I hope you like it…. thank you for sending this request ^^
Request from @borhapgirlforlife19 : Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader long fic where reader comes home from work and finds Joe in their toddler daughter’s bedroom reading her a bedtime story and reader melts at the sight of how adorable Joe is with their daughter and after they both tell their daughter goodnight, they cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie in the living room together?
Warnings : my style that is not appreciated by all lol but on the piece, this is mostly fluff….
Summary : the end of the day with a bedtime story....
Words count : 1,944 words words
Permanent tag list : @reavenedges-lies  @thosequeenboys @born-to-lose @orionis8689 @queenlover05​ (please communicate with me regarding your desire to be kept on this list or not ^^ thank you)
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It had been another long day at work. And of course, to add to your pain, the traffic to get back home was absolutely horrible. Sure, there was no need to be upset at anyone, the roads needed a refreshment and the workers did the best they could. Yet, it was in these cases that you considered more and more the option to work from home. After all, there was a special space at home that you had been working from during the pandemic, there was no reason not to use this home office more often.
 And it would give you more time to spend with your family.
 Yes, it was a small family, with Joe, you, your daughter and the dogs. But you couldn’t be prouder. This was what many people could dream of.
 You eventually reached our street and hastily parked in front of your house. You grabbed your belongings and quietly opened the door. It was quite late, you noticed as you glanced at your watch, you did not want to take the risk of awakening your daughter if she was already sleeping.
 Your dogs welcomed you, with their tails swinging, almost leading to a silly samba like butt dance. You leaned forwards to pet them properly and they seemed happy to see you back home.
 “Where is daddy?”, you gently asked them, petting their heads.
 They both looked at the stairs, letting you know Joe was probably upstairs.
 “Thanks.”, you said, winking at them.
 You quietly went upstairs, and you started to hear Joe’s voice coming from your daughter’s bedroom. You took your shoes off, leaving them in the middle of the corridor, to make sure you would walk very silently towards the bedroom.
 Joe was making sure to properly tuck your daughter under her covers. You sweetly smiled as you recalled how Joe had made sure to convince her to get a set of bed linens with dinosaurs on them. As a result, she was sleeping amongst pterodactyls and other stegosauruses.
 “So, are you ready for the story?”, Joe asked as he sat on the edge of the bed.
 You didn’t hear your daughter answer so you came closer, leaning on the door frame, making sure you’d witness this precious moment. You saw your kid frankly nod.
 “So, this is a special story today. An old friend of mine said it to me a long time ago, I hope I can recall it properly.”, your husband pretended he was trying to recall the story.
 You saw your daughter get deeper in her pillow, very attentive to the beginning of the tale.
 “Once upon a time, there was a young fisherman. One day he accidentally caught a mermaid in his net.
 Legends say if you catch a mermaid, she must grant a wish if you let her go…. What do you think, did he let her go?”, Joe asked your daughter.
 “Oh, if he wanted a wish, he surely did.”, she replied with a firm nod.
 “Correct….”, Joe carried on. “And the fisherman was really quick to make one:
 ‘I wish the girl I like would love me forever,’ he said.”, the father carried on his story, making sure he was changing his voice to pretend the fisherman was talking.
 “And the mermaid asked: ‘Why do you like her?’, her tail slightly swinging in the blue sea.”, the father carried on his story, this time, taking a more feminine voice, making your daughter smile.
 “The fisherman replied: ‘Because she is the prettiest girl in the land.’ as he was staring at the mermaid with pride.”, Joe stated with a very manly voice.
 “The mermaid thought for a while and handed the boy a magical ring.
 ‘Give this ring to the girl you want to spend the rest of your life with,’ she said, ‘but you must wait one full year from today before it will work.’, the mermaid warned.”, Joe narrated.
 Your daughter was frowning, very attentive to the story.
 “The man took the ring, and on his way home, he passed a homeless young woman.
 ‘Please, sir,’ she said, ‘Can you spare something to eat? I will work for you in return.’, the homeless woman said.”, Joe introduced his new protagonist with a new voice as well.
 “The fisherman didn’t have much, but he agreed to share his food with her if she helped him put away his nets. They shared his food, and the woman left while the man crawled into bed and dreamed of his love.
 Every day for a month, the young woman would help him with the nets, and he would share his food. Then one day, she was not there. The fisherman was worried, went to look for her, and found her asleep in his fishing shed.”, your husband carried on his narration very seriously.
 Your daughter seemed saddened by the turn of the story, and you had to admit you were wondering where this story would lead.
 “The fisherman was ashamed that he never thought about where the young woman would sleep. He woke her up, let her sleep by his fire, and then added a room to his home for her.
 ‘You can sleep here for the next 11 months,’ he told her. ‘But then my wife will move in, and you will have to leave.’, he warned her.”, Joe carried on with his fisherman’s voice.
 Again, you noticed your daughter was frowning, her little hands grabbing the edge of the covers that were covering her.
 “Yet, the next day, the young woman was not waiting to help with his nets, and the fisherman was angry.
 ‘I gave her food and a room,’ he said, ‘and this is how she repays me?’, the man said furiously.”, Joe stated with an angry voice.
 “The fisherman dropped the nets and burst angrily through his front door.
 The man couldn’t believe his eyes. His little home had never been so clean. His bed was washed and made, there was a pile of chopped wood by the fire, and a pot of stew waited for him on the fire. It was as if a fairy had done it all in a twinkling of an eye.”
 “What happened next?”, your daughter asked vividly.
 “Well, the man felt very ashamed. The young woman had worked hard all day and made his home more lovely than he ever had. Of course, he soothed and even if she hadn’t seen his fury, he apologized to her all the same.
 They ate together, and the young woman left for her room while the boy crawled into his clean bed and dreamed of his love.”, Joe said, with a little sigh in his voice.
 “As the months passed, the man would ask the young woman to stay and talk before they both went to sleep in their rooms. They shared stories of their families, and the fisherman spoke every night of his love.”, Joe carried on.”
 “And then one morning, the fisherman awoke to find the young woman waiting by the door with her things under her arm.”, your husband nodded.
 “Oh, no?!!”, your daughter replied.
 “So, the fisherman asked, ‘What are you doing?’, as the young woman was standing by the door.
 ‘It is time for you to marry your love,’ she said, ‘So I must go.’, she sighed.”, Joe stated with his feminine voice.
 “Noooooo….”, your daughter whispered, saying no with her face.”
 “The man hadn’t realized a full year had passed. He grabbed the ring and ran to the village to find his love. When he found her, he saw that she looked exactly the same, but he no longer felt the same way.”, Joe sweetly smiled.
 “Did he love the young woman?”, your kid vividly asked.
 “Well, all I know is he ran back to his home and chased after her. And he soon found her.”
 You saw your daughter suddenly tense, making you smile as you were still witnessing the scene by the door.
 “The fisherman stood before the young woman, but she spoke first: ‘Did you find your love?’ she asked.”, Joe questioned in his feminine voice.
 “And the fisherman replied. ‘Yes and no….I found an ordinary girl in the village, but now that I am with you, I know I have found my love.’, he confessed.”, Joe smiled.
 “He was in love with her !!”, your daughter said with a wide smile.
 “Correct. And she was also in love with him. And so, he gave he his ring, and they spent the rest of their lives together…. The end.”, Joe announced with a very gentle voice.
 “Mommy, do you think I’ll meet a mermaid as well one day?”, your daughter suddenly asked you.
 Joe turned to see you, his cheeks reddening very quickly. You smiled and stepped inside.
 “Well, I’m sure you will. But probably not tonight. Dad told you a lovely story and it’s now time to sleep?”, you replied with a smile.
 Joe leant to kiss your daughter on her forehead and you came closer to kiss her as well.
 “Goodnight, sweetheart.”, you said, with a faint smile on your lips.
 “And sweet dreams.”, Joe added as he turned off the light and closed the door.
 You walked down the stairs and you collapsed on the sofa after this long day. The dogs were quietly sleeping on their beds. Joe brought snacks for the two of you and you couldn’t be more thankful.
 “That was an interesting story you had there….”, you said with a sweet smile in between sipping your drink.
 “Well, when you’re a dad, you must know a few stories. But nothing will make me give my source away. Never. Ever.”, he affirmed.
 “This one was from Travis, right?,” you smiled.
 “Damnit.”, Joe pretended to be upset.
 You laughed but came closer to put a soft kiss on his lips.
 “Yes, it’s easy to kiss me to calm me down….”, he joked. “Do you fancy a movie tonight, before going to bed? I don’t have a nice story for you I’m afraid.”, he carried on, more seriously.
 “A movie will do. And since you’ve been treating me like a goddess, of course, you choose what you fancy.”, you said.
 “Oh, nice. I actually had something in mind…. Let me put the DVD. I’m sure you’ll like it.”
 “Joe, I love you. And I love your tastes regarding many things. Don’t you worry.”, you caressed his thigh as he came close to you to cuddle in front of the TV.
 You frowned as you didn’t recognize the introduction and soon tears began to appear in your eyes. You turned to Joe to kiss him once again.
 “Oh, my gosh Joe. What is this?”, you asked.
 “I asked a friend to make a better video from our wedding day. You know, a better edition, better sound and all. This way, we can enjoy whenever we want.”, he smiled at you.
 You didn’t know what to do. Look at your husband or look at the screen as you were seeing your younger self dancing with your young husband.
 “Oh, Joe, I love you so so much.”, you melted in his arms.
 “And I love you more.”, he replied, kissing your head.
 The two of you almost merged one onto the other and you spent the rest of the evening watching the DVD, pausing it to recall precious moments from this special day.
 Yes, the day had been long and tiring. But you knew it was all fine because in the end, you’d get to be with your family and nothing could bring you more happiness. This was what your dreams were made of. 
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