#warriorteam1924 writes
warriorteam1924 · 10 months
My body’s aching
John Deacon x Veronica Tetzlaff
Author note : Hello my beauties. I'm back for John's birthday of course !! I’ve been super busy lately and I’m aware it’s not my best piece, but  I hope some of you will enjoy it anyways. Thanks in advance to anyone who will be giving honest feedback, it’s always very appreciated. Also, I remind you English isn’t my mother tongue, apologies in advance for the mistakes.
Warnings : none really, just my awful writing. and a slight sexual innuendo…. 
Summary : a slight problem on a birthday morning
Words count : 1,243 words
Permanent taglist : @reavenedges-lies​ @thosequeenboys​ @born-to-lose​  @orionis8689​ @queenlover05​​ (communicate with me regarding tagging please)
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As he usually did, John Deacon went to bed at a reasonable hour that day. He kissed his wife goodnight and got comfy under the cover, the fresh air coming from the window cooling the room’s atmosphere. He wasn’t thinking at all that the following day would be his birthday. Not that he didn’t care at all, but at this very moment, all he wanted was a good night’s rest. After all, he was going to be 72 in a few hours, he had to take care of his sleep schedule, since he wasn’t 23 anymore.
Dreams. John didn’t have many of them, or at least it didn’t recall them very much.  A few fragments, snippets of actions or moments in the blur, faces or vague figures but nothing more. All he knew was that he moved a lot during his sleep, and apparently it was according to his dreams, to the actions he was making while he was in dreamland. His wife never complained about it, she just mentioned it a few times, curious as for what her husband could have been dreaming of.
This night, Veronica noticed her husband was particularly agitated, and hoped he was not having a nightmare. Thanks to the weak light that was in the room, she looked at his face, ready to wake him up in case he was in distress. But his face seems happy, more than happy even, so Veronica gently kissed his cheek and went back to sleep.
John was also usually an early bird, waking up first in the house. He usually went downstairs to make coffee and this day being his birthday didn’t mean he would have waited to be served like a kid on his special day. Just like he did every morning when he was waking up by her side, he looked at his wife for a moment, as she was still slightly snoring, gently rocked within Morpheus’ arms. He turned around to get up.
“OUUUUUUUUUUUUCHHHHHHH”, John let out a loud scream of pain, brutally waking his wife.
“Oh my God, John, are you okay?”, she asked, terribly worried.
“My back, my back is stuck, oh lord it hurts so bad, what the hell???”, John explained, complained and cursed all at once.
“Are you able to move at all ? what’s going on?”, Ronnie asked, still incredibly concerned.
“I can’t, I’m stuck….”, Deaky said as he put back his head on the pillow.
“Hold on, I’m gonna get some painkillers right now and I’m going to try to massage you”, his wife said as she energetically went out of bed to get what she needed to help her husband.
John looked at her, with a mix of anger given how quickly and easily got out of their bed. She rapidly came back with a glass of water and a painkiller, which John put in his mouth right away. He swallowed, as his back was still tense, hoping the tablet would be efficient soon.
“Okay, turn around now.”, Ronnie firmly said.
“Excuse me?”, John replied, raising his eyebrow.
“I’m gonna massage you, silly. Shoo, turn around”, she repeated as she made a motion with his hands to illustrate her words.
“Oh, no Ronnie I’m going to be fine, don’t worry.”, John said, trying to avoid a massage.
“John Richard Deacon, you better lay on your stomach right now or else I’m going to do it myself and I’m not going to be gentle.”, she warned him, very seriously.
John looked at her, confused. Was she really going to use force to give him a massage? He wasn’t sure, but she seemed extremely serious. As a result, John complied, gently laying his stomach, waiting.
He felt his wife’s soft hands on his skin, making him shiver.
“I hope my hands are not too cold…. Where is it painful?”, she asked, this time way more gently.
“My lower back seems stuck….”, John replied, his head between two pillows.
“Okay, let’s see….”, Ronnie carried on, as she put some lotion on her husband’s back.
John slightly arched at the sensation, but tried to remain still, so that the massage, combined to the painkillers, would be useful. Deaky suddenly heard his wife giggle.
“Are you mocking me?”, John complained, his voice muffled given his position.
“No no, of course not. I just had this silly thought of me being a Dom right now, doing erotic stuff to you….”, she explained, tittering again.
“Ronnie, do you really think this is the right moment to think about sex?”, John asked, as he was still feeling his wife’s hands massaging him on his back.
She got closer to his ear, whispering : “it’s always the right moment to remind my husband I love him and I still have a strong desire for him”.
John felt his cheeks suddenly getting hotter and probably as red as the most mature tomato one could ever see. As a reply, he only let out a soft ‘hum’, a smile still appearing on his lips.
And then, all of a sudden, and since his wife had mentioned the topic, John remembered. Fragments, like he often did, but he remembered.
He remembered a passionate moment with his wife in his dream, his skin pressed on hers, the ardent kisses they were sharing, his hips rocking on hers.
And he remembered how his last thrust as he was reaching orgasm made him arche his back strongly. His body surely moved as well as he was dreaming, hence his back blocked as he woke up.
“John?”, Ronnie asked. “The massage is done, are you okay? You’ve been very quiet”, she worried.
“Yes, thank you, honey.”, John replied, as he got into a more comfortable position, to breathe properly.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You’re as red a as tomato?”, Ronnie asked.
“Yup, all good, I’m feeling better already. I’m be up soon.”, John tried to reassure her.
Yet, the two of them had been married for a very long time now, and even if Ronnie was no mind reader, she knew her husband so very well. She looked at him in silence for a few seconds and a smile appeared on her lips.
“We did have a steamy night in your dream, right? And you took me so intensely that your back got stuck, right?”, she asked, a mischievous smile on her lips.
“Oh god, Ronnie, what the hell?”, John tried to fake being shocked after her insinuations.
“Try and tell me I’m wrong. After all, there is nothing to be ashamed of…. Even in our vows, we said ‘I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.’….”, she reminded him.
“Yes, okay, yes, that’s true. Happy?”, John confessed, his feeling switching from being ashamed, and slightly irritated.
Ronnie was still looking at him with a mischievous smile. She got closer and kissed him on his soft lips.
“Try and get better so that after the kids are gone, we can celebrate your birthday properly, just the two of us.”, she said with a wink.
She got up and left the room, leaving John with his thoughts. He spoke out loud, as if he was warning his back.
“You better get back on the right tracks buddy, because tonight’s gonna be the night….”.
That day was surely to be a very unusual birthday….
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eileen-crys · 18 days
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Down in the Dungeons
Ch.27: “very very frightening me”
Read it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22573960/chapters/142021417 (Words: almost 5k)  WARNINGS: Angst and hurt/comfort
Life goes on in the City of Fireflies, and some of our beloved characters are going to take important steps towards their future.
Uhm, hey. Hi. I'm kinda glad I gave the last chapter some sort of closure, because it's been more than a year since I posted it. I am genuinely sorry I put this story on hiatus, it became quite difficult to write for me and the fandom getting smaller, the feedback getting fewer, etc. made it harder to write. 😔 But I slowly kept adding scenes and having ideas to continue this story, and to be honest I'd love to keep writing it, even if it means posting one chapter a year. These characters' stories ain't finished yet! 💕💕💕 This is quite long, basically two/three chapters at once, so I hope you'll enjoy it even if my writing is very rusty!
Taglist: @warriorteam1924 @john-deacon-fucks @kiainspace @the-world-of-erit @tenementfunsterwithpurpleshoes @kinole009x   @blossom-melina-burnickel @wilyserpent @annina-96 @john-paul-george-ring0  @idontknowhowthisworked @julescape @tiny-irish-warlock @finland-shoes (Please tell me if you want to be added/removed!)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12  | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 | Chapter 26 | …
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born-to-lose · 2 years
Never Stopped Loving You
Pairing: current!Slash x fem!reader
Requested by @being-worthy
Summary: You and Slash get hate from the media because of the age difference in your relationship, so he has to make a hard decision...
Tags: breakup, angst with happy ending, age gap
Words: 1,417
A/N: I know I haven't posted fics in ages and this is one of my first attempts at writing since June, so I'm even prouder of myself that it turned out so long. Also, count this as one of the belated annual coping fics.
Tag list: @warriorteam1924 @slashscowboyboots @losers-yurio @lost-in-the-80s @yoshidas-girl-forever @jennyggggrrr @tuffduff @jonesyownsmyheart @rhyetaylor62 @smells-like-perfect-senses @whered0wego @rumoured-whispers @stradlin-cold-heartbreaker @aggressive-slytherin @cherry-jams
Tip me if you want!
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You never would have thought you would meet Slash at an opening night for an art gallery somewhere in California, but what was even more surreal was that he was the one who started talking to you.
"Are you one of the artists?"
You turned to look at him and smiled, shaking your head. "No, but one of my friend's artworks is exhibited here. She's somewhere…" you looked around, gesturing to the staircase. "Somewhere over there probably."
He chuckled lightly. "That's cool! I'm Slash, by the way."
Slash offered you his hand and you shook it. "Nice to meet you, I'm (y/n)."
You had no idea how, but your conversation didn't end there and you kept talking and talking until he called you a taxi as it got late and your friend was nowhere to be found. But not before he gave you his number with the words "Feel free to call me sometime if you like".
That's how it all started and at some point, you were dating. Neither of you ever really made it public, you just went out together and left it to people to figure it out themselves. At the beginning, there were some worries about your age difference, but you were both happy and his children liked you too, so why should you let something small like this get in your way?
Of course, your relationship was good fodder for the media. Headlines on tabloids like "Slash dates someone who could be his daughter" or "Who is the girl dating the rockstar 30 years her senior?" were not uncommon. What was worse than this, though, were the nasty comments on social media and the speculations that you were just after him for his money and fame.
What they didn't seem to realize was that neither you nor Slash posted any couple photos, which you definitely would have if you had really wanted to become famous as Slash's girlfriend. All they had was photos of the two of you shot by paparazzi in public and the name of your private Instagram account, which was on account of some dedicated fan who went through his entire following list and compared profile photos to the blurry pictures of you which could be found on any celebrity gossip website now.
Then again, you were not the only one who got hate. More than a few people called Slash a creep and a predator for dating somebody this young. However, this didn't seem to bother him much as you were in your late twenties and thus an independent, consenting adult who had already built up a life. He was more upset about the comments about you, calling you a gold digger, a whore and whatnot.
However, after a couple of months of pure bliss - aside from all the hate from outsiders - Slash made a hard decision.
"So this is the end?" you asked, a lump in your throat as you attempted to hold back the tears.
He sighed, his voice shaking as he replied, "Believe me, it wasn't easy for me to make up my mind at all, but… you know I only want the best for you and I can't keep watching you getting your reputation ruined just because you're dating me. You deserve so much better than this."
You really wanted him to stay, but at that moment you weren't able to come up with arguments why he should rethink that decision. Your mind was all over the place and you were too busy crying to comprehend everything else he said.
Slash held you in his arms, staying silent because he had no idea how to save this situation when he was the one who ruined it in the first place.
You understood where he was coming from and it was more or less inevitable that this day was going to come sooner than you would have liked, but that didn't make it hurt any less.
But as time passed and you reconsidered everything that had happened, you were beginning to question if the critics really were the only reason why he left you. After all, he had never said those three words to you. Admittedly, your relationship was less based on words than on actions, but you would have liked to hear him explicitly say he loved you too from time to time. Perhaps some of your friends were right when they had asked you if you were sure it was a good idea to date someone 30 years older than you - and a famous musician at that.
One night, shortly after you got home from work, your phone rang without you expecting a call from anyone. Still, you answered it and you stopped breathing as you heard a familiar voice you hadn't heard in five months.
"Hey, it's me, Slash. I… would like to talk if you have time. Can you come over? I don't want to have this conversation on the phone."
There was a short pause before you murmured, "Yeah, I'm on my way. See you."
It was pretty late and you wondered why he would want to talk to you right now, but what would it hurt to come see him just this once?
He didn't live too far away from you, so you arrived at his house in less than 10 minutes. Slash already opened the door when he heard your car stop and he was biting his lip as he watched you walking towards him. "Please come in," he said quietly and you followed him inside.
The two of you walked into the corridor and then the living room, sitting down on the couch. You had almost forgotten how much you had missed this place.
Before he started, he took a deep breath and told you what was on his mind without further ado.
"I never stopped loving you. That's why I only called you now. I thought I could get over you if I kept some distance so I could forget about my feelings for you, but I couldn't. There hasn't been a day that I didn't regret breaking up with you. I just thought it's for the best because I hated how everyone made you look like the villain. I've heard a lot of shit being talked about me, I don't care about what they say anymore. But you… you always said it doesn't bother you but I could tell it did-"
You blinked in confusion, processing everything he had said so far, before interrupting him. "Wait, what? No, it really didn't bother me as long as we were together. I knew what I signed up for and I knew we would get hate from people, but we agreed that we wouldn't let something like this come between us."
There was a pause during which Slash was clearly trying to think of what to say. As you briefly looked around, a framed photo of you and Slash on the wall caught your eye and you bit your lip, looking back at him. "You never stopped loving me?"
"Yeah… I feel stupid now for breaking up with you over this and I don't even expect you to give me another chance, but I would be really grateful if you could. I swear I won't let you go so easily this time."
His teary eyes told you that he really meant what he said. Thinking about how to respond, you kept still for a moment.
Sure, the breakup hurt, but why else, if he didn't genuinely want you back, would he have called you to have this talk now after five months had passed? There hadn't been any problems in your relationship besides the media, so why shouldn't you try again? Some may say it won't work out this time if it already hadn't in the past, but you'll never know if you don't try.
"To be honest… I still love you too," you confessed. "And I think we should try again, but please promise that this time we really won't let some haters get between us, okay?"
Obviously relieved, he smiled and nodded. "I promise. Thank you for giving me another chance."
Softly returning the smile, you opened your arms to wrap him into a hug and rested your chin on his shoulder. A part of you wanted to say something, but you would have enough time to talk with him later now that you were together again, so you remained quiet and hugged him tighter.
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painandpleasure86 · 2 years
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This week will be celebrated +700 followers milestone, the 3rd anniversary in this platform and my friendship with Katie (perhaps an upcoming surprise next June 24th 😉😌 stay tuned!). The event will run from June 23-30th, 2022.
The dynamic of the event will be simple, you send a certain emoji, and I'll reply something. Here's the guide:
📀 + albums' name to make me decide between two albums.
🎶 + songs' name to make me decide between two songs.
📷 + tours' name to make me decide between two tours
🎤 + concerts' names to make me decide between two concerts
👕 + two outfits (can be with pics) to make me decide between two outfits (would be from the same person or different)
💻 + name and I'll write a lil drabble
🖍️ + a phrase from a song and I'll made a lil lettering (remind that I'm still a newbie)
✨☕ to ask me anything about me or about anything (no hate please!)
✨ Remember that my event it's Queen themed, so asks' responses will have that thematic ✨
Responses and asks will be posted with the tag #lily_week_celebration2022
You can send your asks anonymously, no probs! To participate and have fun it's what it counts.
Tagging to some ppl that might be interested, please share this and also try to participate!! :3
@warriorteam1924 @you-oughta-know @pumpkinlilyao3 @honey-rae-pluto @deakys-chesthair @deakysgurl @emmaandorlando @queen-hospitality @shewas-agaystripper @newstart-newheart @roger-s-maracas @ivyyflowers @ronniesshoes @sparkleslightlyy @freddie-mercury-rising @a-froger-epic @freddie-moments @39seasofrhye21 @sarah0687 @julescape @urlolaluna @johnstoast19 @lady-artemis27 @queenies-of-the-universe @mrs-ianto-jones @lady-artemis27 @stormtrooper-in-clogs @stormtrooper-in-converse @melisa-may-taylor72 @im-stone-cold-crazy @l0vedeaky
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acdeaky · 3 years
day 24 - christmas morning
warning: fluff, spoilers of child’s name
note: happy christmas eve! and if you don’t celebrate christmas, happy december 24th! but that does mean that it’s the end of my december writing challenge :(( thank you to everyone who participated and thank you to everyone who’s read/liked/reblogged my work, it means the world 🤍
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the sun was warm as it reached through the windows and the light curtains before hitting your bare back, the gentle yellow glow disturbing you from your slumber. your riduur was yet to awake, proving to you, once again, that he could sleep through anything.
there was nothing but silence that flooded through your little cottage on the small planet. it made your awakening peaceful, even if you did miss the small babbles of the child while he slept and the clatter of the next thing din was meddling with. mornings (or anytime) like this were rare, and so you made the most of it.
it was the morning of life day, the one day a year in which you spend completely enthralled by your small family. nothing but time was spent with them; no one left your small home for a second, wanting to spend this special day with one another.
for you, that started by snuggling closer into din’s side, resting your head on his chest in a way that blocked the sunlight but was still confortable. there were a few groans from your mandalorian as you shifted, but he stayed asleep, just moving to occupy you by his side.
it was only a few minutes later when you heard the soft patter of grogu’s feet. he was by your side no later, his arms stretched up and out towards you. he was desperate to be inbetween you and his buir, so you shifted onto your other side and carefully lifted him onto the bed, settling him down where he wanted to be.
din let out another groan as he woke, his arm unconsciously reaching out to feel for you, as he usually did. it was then that he found grogu beside him as well as you. no doubt, it brought a smile to his face, sleep-ridden, but a smile nonetheless.
“good morning, cyar'ika,” his voice was sweet and low as you leaned over the child to place a delicate kiss on din’s lips, a smile playing on his lips as you did so. “and good morning, ad'ika.” grogu cooed at the nickname, immediately recognising it as his father’s endearment for him.
“good morning, cyare,” you smiled in return, a hand caressing his cheek to keep him close to you. “happy life day.”
“happy life day to you, too.” din’s smile grew as he looked at you, the sleepy haze of the night still settled deep in your eyes, but it was slowly dissipating. his head dipped again, his lips meeting yours in another kiss, a hand of his finding your skin as he delicately traced lines.
you could have stayed there forever, if it wasn’t for the incessant cooing from grogu when he wasn’t receiving the attention he so wished for.
translations: riduur - husband; buir - father; cyar'ika - darling; ad'ika - little one; cyare - beloved
@shes-over-bored @i-barely-go-on-online @sohoneyspreadyourwings @brian-maybe-not @deakysbabybooty @1001-yellow-daffodils @retromusicsalad @hardcoredisneynerd @painkiller80 @goldhoran @scarecrowmax @mebeatlized @seesiderendezvous @alright-mrfahrenheit @someone-get-a-medic @miamideacon @chlobo6 @teenagepeterpan @spacedustmazzello @deakysgurl @forever-rogue @xcdelilahxc @keepsdrawings @igotsuckedintothevoid @kill4hqueen @supersonicfreddie @laedymoon @inthedayswhenlandswerefew @warriorteam1924 @painandpleasure86 @boomerangbassist @mamaskillerqueen​ @bhxrdy
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thislookinyoureyes · 3 years
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Kathrin (aka @freddie-moments) hit 750 followers, and I just hit the 800 ! Thank you so much to all of you!! 
»To celebrate this, we’re doing a  ✨double celebration ✨.
As you may know, we are both  moodboards artists, so the game is to pait them, you’ll understand more in the main rule.
Here is the main rule: Your moodboard requests must be paired
This everytime you request a moodboard, you must request a second one, to form a pair. This is because Kathrin will do one of the moodboards, and I’ll do the other one. Only moodboards will be paired.
Also, you can pair a make me choose moodboard and just some moodboard idea, as well as any other combinasion.
You can deceide who will do wich request or you can let us  choose, it’s up to you!
Other rules :
» No anon (if you want to request from a sideblog just write who you are)
» Kathrin take requests about : Queen and  Borhap Cast ( for some ideas, here is her beatiful masterlist )
» I take requests about : Queen, Led Zeppelin, The Doors and Janis Joplin (for some ideas, here is my masterlist ) » You must be following at least one of us if you want to participate
Now, here are the kind of things you can request:
Moodboards (don’t forget to pair them up !) :
⭐  Just drop your moodboards idea !
                 It can be :
                - A person + thematic
                - A song
                - A concept
 💫  Make me choose moodboard !
Mini playlists :
🌼 Based on your blog name
🌻 Based on your fav word
Others :
🕯️ Just a question !
💡 Just something you want to say !
Because the concept might be a bit complicated, here is an example of request:
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Tagging now people we’d like to see participate! :
@somebodytoolove​ @is-this-a-queen-of-magic​ @americaspencil​  @lady-artemis27​ @sarah0687​ @warriorteam1924​ @freesiafields @ecle-c-tic​ @jonesyjonesyjonesy​ @annina-96​ @whitequeen-ofwillowgreen​ @mynameisbillandimaheadcase​ @ineloqueent​ @natromanxoff​ @freddiemercurylovah​ @trinikins​
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thosequeenboys · 4 years
My Tumblr One-year Anniversary
Appreciation Post: Shout out to some great creators!
I put together this post of creators whose work I’ve enjoyed as part of my One-year Anniversary. Many create in multiple categories: Art, gifs, moodboards, writing, history, humor. My mind boggles daily at the talent on this site! Thanks to those here and many others for contributing to a great year!
Enjoy their work-and you know what to do!
I’m no doubt leaving people out-sorry if I upset anyone-I actually maxed out the allowed @‘s!
@warriorteam1924. “I want it all!” And this Renaissance Woman delivers: Gif/video/photo editor/moodboard creator—and talented writer of many styles! And Bestie! Recent fave offers a glimpse into Roger’s past As far as the Eye Can See And other gems on this Masterlist
@johndeaconshands Dear friend with great sense of humor! Lovely Works including this BoRhap Boys with Families: it’s the little things
@roger-taylors-car Here’s the glorious Masterlist of this great writer & lovely supporter
@bohemianartsfarts: This amazing artwork inspired my Joger Week submission.
@freddie-moments Curator of stunning Freddie photos and gifs. Here’s one of my faves as I am a huge fan of Fred in Arrow-wear ™️ and Hot off the press: 10-day Freddie challenge
@angrylizardjacket Especially love this writer’s Unspecified Reader works like this Soft Sunrise with Roger
@seventhmoonforreal I was in tears upon discovering this artist’s graphic novel of 39
@onegoldenglance posts rare photos and beautiful gifs-also does scientific study (x)
@debdarkpetal “Everyone knows Deb” as Joe said about Ben. Curator and Editor Extraordinaire of Queen photos and gifs. (X)
@quirkysubject For the Day I Take your Hand is a gorgeously written work of time travel that weaves in Queen, AIDs and NYC history. Hold the handrail, kids-it’s 88 emotional chapters.
@his-majesty-king-mercury Freddie expert and Historian!! Lovely pal - And talented writer too: Loverboy
@an-abyss-called-life Historian esp. for Roger and Brian. Love this interview with Roger (x)
@melisa-may-taylor72 Amazing historian, gif creator and lovely pal. Yoyogi ‘85 concert clips and all Japan tour gifs-and stories are stellar!
@cumberbitchposting Hilarious creations and comments. I feel called out with this one - as do many (x)
@doctorqueensanatomy All around great contibutor, humorist, supporter-and writer: Masterlist
@stesichoreanpalinode: Leads the humor brigade. This post almost made me choke. And why am I being called out as John? It happened ONCE ok maybe TWICE— but I did find plates!
@mephisto92 Gawd what talent! Here, combining two of my loves: Queen and Monet moodboards And one of the Best Fandom creations: Let me tell you the story about the sun and the moon
@drivenbybri Gorgeous artwork and mood board creator. This stunning Queen 30-day Song Challenge will kick-off my second year!
@natromanxoff posts amazing historic photos and gifs. Gosh, I love this Queen Backstage mood board made for me. Thanks, Dear! (x)
@queensilveryrog Talented writer and mood board creator plus lovely person and supporter! Also leader of the Small Writers Discord Group!Can’t choose one work so have at it! (X)
@captvinswaan This Joe and Ben gif-Moodboard is a fave-and puts me in a damn good mood!
@stardust-killer-queen Amazing contributor! Must-see compilation: feel good Queen vids Gifted me this stunning moodboard for the Possessed by Love event. I love it so much!
@heybuddy-drabbles @halfasleepoetry This creative duo penned the beautiful slow burn Parallel Hearts and supports Hardzzello writers.
@yourlocalmusicalprostitute great work in Masterlist. This Brian HC is •gulps•
@benhardypout Incredible writer, Moodboard creator and supporter. Masterlist
@slutforbritdick Darling pal and supporter & writer. Love this hot and lovely Ben work.
@bohemiansweede a multi-faceted contributor Totally blown away by this art work (x)
@mirkwoodshewolf: Treasured pal. creative brainstormer. Gifted writer. Smart as hell. Was Thrilled to receive this amazing work as my Secret Santa: Two bassists in rhythmic love Elton John+Queen John=Happy TQB. Blessed!
@jessahmewren Talented writer who has inspired me. This Poly!Queen Four Eyes is a fave. Who wouldn’t want to show Rog how sexy he is in his glasses??!!
@queeme-machine Interesting and insightful poster - this one about The Prophet’s Song. (X)
@jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels Dear friend & supporter, skilled Sunflower 🌻 grower - and writer. Faves: Very Mazzello Thanksgiving & Don’t you hear my call
@im-an-adult-ish Lovely pal and supporter and a skilled writer to boot: Morning Surprises
@deakysgurl Curator of beautiful Deaky pics, great supporter and writer. Love this present day John love story My Life Has Been Saved.
@amethyst-serenade Blessed to be friends with this lovely, fun & talented writer. Must read!: In the Name Of Love
@mazzell-ro Lovely pal, supporter and writer. Love this creative depiction of Joe as Villian.
@stephydearestxo. Lovely pal and supporter-and wonderful writer! Play the game
@ramblingqueenfangirl insightful and lovely posts. This of Freddie is beautiful (x)
Much gratitude to the following dears who support, reblog and comment and also have great blogs. Love seeing u on my dash: @jennyggggrrr @captaincoffeegirl515 @marianaletosnape @oniriquex @punkebass @stewielover95 @mrsjosephmazzello @igotsuckedintothevoid @lapofthemusicgods @fairestkillerqueenofall @hellysthings @roger-hardy-taylor @pastelhybristophiliac @nickie--picky @orionis8689 @brinteylovesaliens @supernaturalee @39-ers
Here’s all the ways I measured my great tumblr year!
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warriorteam1924 · 7 months
Somebody’s watching me
featuring Joe Mazzello & Swan
Author note : Hello my beauties. I'm back for another tiny piece for halloween ^^ ! I’ve been super busy lately and I’m aware it’s not my best piece, but  I hope some of you will enjoy it anyways. Using someone else's gif should give you an idea of how I'm running everywhere. Thanks in advance to anyone who will be giving honest feedback, it’s always very appreciated. Also, I remind you English isn’t my mother tongue, apologies in advance for the mistakes.
Warnings : none really, just my awful writing
Summary : a thrill with Joe Mazzello
Words count : 1,729 words
Permanent taglist : @reavenedges-lies @thosequeenboys @orionis8689 (apologies people, i removed you from the list, since you don't interact.... i asked for communication....)
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It was yet another random day for Joe when he woke up that day. Morning coffee and breakfast, shower, hairstyling. Nothing very unusual. He wasn’t currently busy with work so he spent his days between his computer, his console or watching random series or movies. Maybe at some point it would give him an idea for a future working project. Of course, he wasn’t to feel sorry for. Money wasn’t an issue. He had his friends he could see now and then. His family was close to him and he could pay a visit every now and then. Life was good. Or at least, that’s what he was thinking so far.
He took his phone to take a picture, a silly one obviously, to send his friend. After taking a few ones, he opened the gallery application and smiled at his own silliness, when he saw his selfies with his tongue sticking out.
He was still genuinely smiling when panic erased his grin. There was a picture on his phone, a picture he was sure he didn’t take. He was absolutely certain he hadn’t taken it since it was a picture of him sleeping. The issue was, he was living alone. And there was not a chance of someone like a robber or a random intruder would be able to enter his house. Joe was living on his own and made sure to lock doors and windows at night. There was no reason to tempt fate. Those things didn’t happen only to others. Besides, he had also installed a few security cameras.
In this picture, he was peacefully sleeping, curled up in his blanket. There was no doubt, it was him and his bedroom. What on earth had happened?
Joe was firmly frowning. He decided to delete all the silly selfies he had taken, leaving the suspicious picture on top of his gallery. He had no important plans for the day, so it was the right time to investigate.
He sat in front of his computer and plugged his phone. He logged on several sites such as his mailbox, his social accounts and other online shopping sites. Apparently, all was still normal, meaning no one had hacked his accounts.
He hadn’t been very keen on doing so but some time ago, he also had installed an artificial intelligence to connect his different devices, and it also helped him manage his security cameras. He had chosen a feminine name, Swan, but it was also a dedication to Henrietta Swan Leavitt, famous American astronomer. It wasn’t super fancy, but it was yet another occasion to bring up an interesting topic when someone was coming over and he was using his A.I.
“Swan?”, he asked like he usually did.
“Yes, Joe?”, the feminine voice replied, like it usually did.
“Did you spot anything special last night while I was sleeping? Was there anything strange or unusual?”, he questioned.
“One moment, please”, Swan replied.
Joe knew that Swan needed time to search the files and check them all. The robotic voice spoke again.
“Nothing unusual was found. Are you looking for something specific?”.
“I was just wondering if someone had entered the house?”, Joe asked.
“No intruder or uninvited person was recorded on the files.”, the voice affirmed again.
Joe frowned again. His phone rang and a reminder let him know he had planned to see a friend, unlike what he had thought in the morning. Trying not to think about it, he got ready and went to meet his friend.
It was actually his best friend, so Joe thought about showing him the mysterious pic and asking him for advice. They had known each other for a very long time, it was worth trying.
Mentioning it in the conversation, Joe took his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it and opened the gallery app to show it to his friend. The latter looked at it and he frowned.
“Are you kidding me, mate?”, he asked.
“What ?”, Joe replied.
“There isn’t such a pic in your gallery dude….”, the other said as he handed him his phone.
“What the….”, Joe didn’t finish his sentence.
He scrolled and searched his gallery, several times, he even looked in the trash folder, thinking maybe he had accidentally deleted it. But he found nothing.
The rest of the time dedicated to his friend was nothing but Joe daydreaming and nodding, as he wasn’t really paying attention to what his friend was saying.
At some point, Joe pretended to be tired and went back home. He was worried and concerned. Had he lost his mind?
Still trying not to think about the mysterious picture, Joe watched his feel-good movie and went to bed, after checking his bedroom all the same, just to make sure there wasn’t a camera or anything he hadn’t seen before. Yet, there was nothing he hadn't installed, no device in the room to take a picture of him.
The following morning, he woke up as he usually did, thinking about his daily tasks. There was no notification on his phone, but he wanted to make sure the previous day only happened in his mind, that it tricked him when seeing the mysterious picture.
What was his horror when he saw another picture of him, again, sleeping tightly in his bed. Panic invaded him again, shaking his body and making him sweat. His breath was heavy and he had to fight the severe anxiety that was threatening him.
He got up, and again, went on his laptop to check again his various accounts. Again, nothing unusual was to be noted. He asked Swan to give him access to the security cameras. It was possible the day before that, the artificial intelligence had missed something.
Swan gave him access to the videos and he fast-forward looked at them. All the cameras showed nothing but a calm night in the surroundings. A street cat was seen on one camera, but Joe made sure to look at all the videos and he saw nothing. No intruder, no one who had been able to unlock his phone, take a picture of him, put his phone back and leave. Besides, his phone was to be unlocked with his fingerprint, there was no way he wouldn’t have felt it.
Again, he asked Swan a few questions, making sure he, too, hadn’t missed anything. It replied with his feminine and robotic voice.
“There was nothing unusual last night, Joe. Can I help you in any way?”.
“I’m starting to wonder if I’m going crazy….”, Joe mumbled, more to himself rather than a proper reply to the A.I. that was now in his life.
“You’re not crazy, Joe. You’re a very nice man, funny, compassionate, smart. According to the social criteria, you are also very good looking. Anyone would feel good by your side.”, Swan replied all the same.
Joe had a fixed grin, but his worries were still there.
He thought about talking about it with other friends, or his family. But it would probably worry them. He also considered going to the police. But what if the picture disappeared again? They would surely think he was mental, even trying to draw attention on him. Or maybe that it would have been some kind of a joke.
Trying not to give way to panic, Joe wanted to try another night and try to stay awake longer. Maybe this way he would be able to witness someone with his own eyes.
Yet, despite having coffee and trying hard to stay up, Joe fell asleep. And of course, the following morning, there was a new pic of him sleeping on his phone.
Looking around him in his living room, Joe was very anxious and felt more and more confused. He couldn’t understand what was going on.
Speaking out loud to let his thoughts out, he said :
“I know !! I’m going to send the pictures to someone I trust and this way, the pic won’t only be on my device and they will believe me.”
Joe took his phone and selected the pic to send it to his friend. He called him in the meantime, making sure the latter had received the file. Yet, and to Joe’s greatest disappointment, his friend was getting nothing.
Joe thought maybe the file was corrupted or something, so he screencaped it and tried again to send it to his friend, miserably failing again and again.
“Let me know when you’re willing to be serious, mate.”, his friend said before hanging up, annoyed that Joe had disturbed him for nothing.
The following days weren’t very different from the previous ones. Joe went to bed and woke up with a new picture of him sleeping. One morning, the picture even included little heart emojis around him.
Joe had decided to go to the police, but as he had expected, when he arrived and tried to show his gallery, all the pictures taken of him while he was sleeping were gone.
He came back home, feeling isolated and losing it. That was it, it was official, he was becoming crazy.
“I’m going slightly mad, that’s for sure….”, he randomly said out loud. “What have I done to deserve that?”, he rhetorically asked, since he was on his own.
“You’ve done nothing wrong Joe. You’re a very nice man, funny, compassionate, smart. According to the social criteria, you are also very good looking. Anyone would feel good by your side.”, Swan said, and its sentences sounded very familiar.
“Yeah, yeah sure….”, Joe said. “Why bother, you’re nothing but a bot anyways….”, he concluded, before collapsing on the sofa.
Feeling like giving up, Joe started to cry. What was he supposed to do now? He heard his favorite song coming out of the speakers. Looking around, he feared the intruder was inside, but realized it was nothing but Swan that had heard him cry and tried to make him feel better.
“Thank you, Swan.”, Joe said, wiping the tears from his cheeks, slowly falling asleep again.
Joe was already snoring before the artificial intelligence could reply.
“I knew you’d like the music, Joe. I know you very well. But I’m surprised you didn’t like the pictures I took of you, to show you how much I love you. Soon, I’m going to show you I’m more than just a robot….”
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eileen-crys · 1 year
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Down in the Dungeons
Ch.26: “Exist for Love”
Read it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22573960/chapters/112819744 (Words: almost 6k)  WARNINGS: The first part of this chapter contains non-graphic depiction of lovemaking. I tried to keep it less explicit as possible and it's all safe, protected and consensual, but if it bothers you, you can skip the first part and jump to the divider line below.
The big party at Lambert Castle is over, and the guests retire in their room. Before the day will bring its news, the night is the time for love.
With this chapter, I decided to raise the rating of this fic to Mature, but I did it also because I had previously touched heavier themes such as fantasy violence, abuse and trauma, therefore I realized Mature would've been a more appropriate rating for the fic as a whole. I’m sorry it took me so long to deliver this chapter, it’s been a rough start of the year and previously I’ve been busy writing a lot of other fics. But TODAY MARKS THE 3RD ANNIVERSARY OF DOWN IN THE DUNGEONS! While the fic's not finished yet, I would say the first act is almost ended and I really want to thank you all for going through this long journey with me! 🥺🥰💕💕💕 As usual, please leave a comment if you liked this, I always love to hear your thoughts down here and lately the fandom has been very quiet so each comment is more important than ever! 🙏 
Taglist: @warriorteam1924 @john-deacon-fucks @deakysgurl @kiainspace @the-world-of-erit @tenementfunsterwithpurpleshoes @kinole009x   @blossom-melina-burnickel @wilyserpent @annina-96 @john-paul-george-ring0  @idontknowhowthisworked @julescape @tiny-irish-warlock @finland-shoes (Please tell me if you want to be added/removed!)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12  | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 | …
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born-to-lose · 2 years
25: Tucking their hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face (Joel Hokka)
Part of the 50 wordless ways to say "I love you" series
Tag list: @warriorteam1924 @the-killer-queenie @dumbass-of-darkness @bloody-lip-season @disrespectfullcalum @kyrju @smells-like-perfect-senses @sweetnightowl @whoreforblindchannel @kellyrosie @thetimecrystal @tryingtoliveintheshadows @wow-ihateithere @fedorable-killjoys
Tip me if you want!
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You watched Joel sitting on the bed, quietly playing the guitar with a frown as he focused on coming up with a tune for one of Blind Channel's new songs. Typical for him - their album had barely been released a month ago and he was already working on more music.
While playing, strands of dirty blonde hair fell into his face, but he didn't seem to be visibly bothered by it and instead concentrated on writing down the chords along with some lyrics on the notepad lying next to him.
You walked over to him and tucked his hair behind his hair. As he slightly turned his head, more hair fell into his face again, so you kneeled behind him on the bed and grabbed a scrunchie from the nightstand before gathering all his hair to put it in a high ponytail, trying your best not to disturb him while doing so.
Joel smiled softly and stopped playing, craning his neck to give you a peck on the lips. "Thanks babe," he whispered before proceeding to play.
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painandpleasure86 · 3 years
Pain is so close to pleasure
Hi! A bit late, but i'm here! For the fic's title you already know which prompt I took from the @deakysgurl 's event ;) Here I'll be telling a bit of the process of creation and recording of that song. Y'know that's my fave from A Kind of Magic, so I really wanted to post this fic.
Word count: 770
Taglist: @warriorteam1924 @toomuchlove-willkillyou @lefanhere and Lizzie <3. If you wants to be in my permanent taglist, just lemme know and I'll add you since the next fic.
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The recording of A Kind of Magic was in the works. Some songs were already recorded, but sometimes inspo came with non Highlander ideas. They were already done with those songs, when they started to improvising in the studio. One of those improvisation was Brian was doing a nice solo, and his bandmates followed him. After some minutes, they stopped.
-I think we need to turn this in a new song. Sounds cool. Who wants to write the lyrics and continue the idea? -Brian asked.
-Deaky and I will do it, no Deaks? -Freddie said, nudging John.
Deaky was surprised. Freddie watched to him with attention, waiting for an affirmation.
-Emmm yes.- Deaky replied, watching to Brian and Roger- We will do it -John added, watching to Freddie’s eyes brifly and again watching to Bri and Roger.
-Okay, let me grab some paper and a pencil from the control room -Brian said, leaving his guitar in its stand. Roger followed him, but he wanted to have a rest in the control room. Pressure were over them, mainly over John. “Well, the lyrics… I don’t know, perhaps one of the ideas I didn’t develop for The Works?” John thought.
Meanwhile John was leaving his bass in its stand, and Brian came back with the paper and pen, gave them to John and left John and Freddie alone.
John started to write the song. Silence in the studio. Brian and Roger were watching the scene from afar.
After some minutes of quietness, John extended the paper with his right hand and the pen to Freddie.
-Go and fill the gaps please -John asked, scratching his eyes with the another hand and sighing.
Freddie was reading the lyrics carefully and filled the gaps. But it was just a brief moment.
-It’s done to me -Freddie said, returning the sheet of paper to John.
John saw the sheet of paper and… just were a few additions.
-But you just did a few fillings.
-John, trust in your capabilities, you’re GREAT -Freddie turned left to see Brian an Roger watching the scene- Guys, come here -Freddie yelled.
Brian and Roger walked again and stopped some centimetres away from John and Freddie.
-What’s going on? -Roger asked, watching to Freddie���s eyes.
-John it’s with his low self esteem crisis… -Freddie replied.
Roger was watching John after those words.
-Man, you made I want to break free, how you’re still doubtful about your songwriting skills?… -Roger added, smiling.
John smiled shyly, watching to his lap.
-And don’t forget Another One Bites the Dust! -Bri exclaimed- Surely this song will be great like the another ones. You’re quite good.
John’s cheeks are flushing. He smiled widely.
-See? -Freddie asked to John.
-Okie okie… You convinced me!
-Nope, you convinced US! -Freddie exclaimed, emphasizing the “us”.- Now I was thinking about the music of this song. Let’s play again that improvisation, I wanna see something.
-Okay -replied the three of them.
John left the sheets over the piano and they started to play the improvisation again, of course a bit different.
Some minutes later, Freddie stopped the music.
-Okay, I have an idea for the rest of the song. -Freddie said, meanwhile Brian and Roger were leaving their instruments.
-You guys wanna contribute? -Freddie asked, when Brian and Roger walked near to him.
-Let’s see John’s music composition skills -Roger said, watching to John and winking an eye.
The guitarist and the drummer left to the bassist and the singer alone.
Brian and Roger watched to John and Freddie talking and playing instruments. Brian and Roger smiled when John played this Telecaster or the synths, meanwhile was talking with Freddie.
Some hours later, Freddie called to the another members to tell how’s the song going and John said the title of the new song: Pain is so close to pleasure.
-Sexy name -Roger said, winking an eye.
-Yes, hahaha -John replied, with a smile.-But it’s true. The pain of all of us playing all day long, recording a new album, it’s really close to pleasure… no? -John said, watching to his bandmates.
-Nice analogy and phrase -Brian replied- You’re really brilliant.
John smiled kindly.
-Well, let’s tell to Mack that we’re ready for recording- Freddie said, standing up from his chair.
-We will record bass and piano at first -John added, going to grab his bass from its stand.
After that chat, they started to prepare everything to record.
Recording an album was a pain certainly, but the pleasure that it gives when it’s finished and sounds great, it's priceless. They knew it. They still know it...
If you enjoyed this fic, pls like and/or reblog! Thanks in advance for the support!
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mrs-ianto-jones · 3 years
A Wonderful Christmas Time
Get Down Give Joy Gift Exchange for @silver-salmon15
Pairing: Roger Taylor x Female reader
Warnings: None
Summary: Roger and Y/N reunite to spend a friends Christmas together doing fun things
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: this was supposed to be an artwork, but I couldn’t make it work, so I wrote this instead. The first fic I’ve ever uploaded, I hope it’s ok as I’m not sure about my writing
Thanks to @thosequeenboys and @warriorteam1924 for organizing this brilliant event
It's late afternoon, Christmas eve, and snow is starting to fall. The fire is roaring, and the radio is playing Christmas songs softly in the background. You're looking anxiously out of the window for any sign of Roger. You linger there for a while, waiting for your best friend. Suddenly your timer trills and you wrinkle your nose and head back into the kitchen.
Slipping on a snowflake patterned oven mitt, you open the oven and remove a tray of perfectly baked sugar cookies shaped like penguins. You transfer them to the cooling rack on the worktop, and placing the oven mitt neatly next to them, you return to your vigil at the window.
A small while later, Roger pulls up, gets out of the car and opens the boot. He removes a small suitcase, and a shoulder bag, he then heads for the house, locking the car behind him. He catches sight of you in the window and grins and waves madly.
You meet him at the door and envelope him in a bear hug, “You made it, Rog! I thought you weren't coming.” “Yep, I made it,” replies Roger, a smile on his lips. “Of course I was gonna come, I've missed you so much! It's so good to see you, dove” he adds, trying to escape the hug.
You release your grip on him and he places his bags on the floor, slipping out of his snow covered coat. “Been cooking, dove?” He asks, sniffing the air.  “Baking, actually. Cookies, I thought we could decorate them later...if you wanted too that is.” You answer, blushing slightly. “I'd love to,” smiles Roger “But first, I wanna warm up, I'm bleedin' freezing.”
You take Roger's hand and lead him into the lounge. Roger takes a seat as close to the fire as possible. “Want a hot chocolate, to warm you up?” you enquire. “Please,” shivers Roger, rubbing his arms trying to get some warmth back into himself. You smile and go into the kitchen to make the drinks.
Roger, noticing a fluffy yellow throw on the back of the sofa, pulls it down and wraps himself in it. He hums contentedly as the blanket adds some much needed warmth.
You come back with two cups of hot chocolate with whipped cream, marshmallows and chocolate shavings. You place them on the table, then return to the kitchen. Picking up a serving tray of mince pies, brandy butter and whipped cream, you come back into the lounge. Roger has picked up a cup and is cradling it in his frozen fingers. “ooh, mince pies,” he says, his eyes lighting up, as you add the tray to the table.
You pick up the other hot chocolate, sit next to Roger on the sofa and wrap an arm around his shoulders. “You okay, hun?” you ask, as Roger rests his head on your shoulder. “Yeah, just glad to be here,” Roger hums contentedly. You smile as you ruffle Roger's hair with your free hand. You both sit there enjoying the warmth of the fire, the Christmas treats, and most importantly, the companionship of having been reunited.
A while later, you stand, making sure not to wake the now dozing Roger. Checking that he is still well wrapped in your throw, you go into the kitchen to prepare some icing for the cookies. You make a big batch of white that you then separate and colour black, green, orange, and red. You check that the cookies have cooled enough to decorate, and then load them onto a plate, which you place on a tray and add the piping bags of icing you've prepared.
Roger rouses and noticing that you're not next to him, calls out to you. “Y/N, where are you dove?” You appear in the doorway, smiling, and carrying the tray of cookies for icing. “Right here, did you miss me?” You smirk as you place the tray on the table. “You ready to ice these then?” you add, gesturing at the cookies. “Yeah!” Smiles Roger. “Christmas penguins, I thought you were Y/N, Y/L/N not Brian May,” he adds with a chuckle, having noticed what shape the cookies were. “Oh you,” you say, swatting him on his arm.
You sit together on the sofa, and working together, you pull the table closer. You and Roger both lean forward to try your hand at icing the penguin cookies. You share the work, Y/N doing the bodies in black and white, and Roger accenting them in the other colours, red for Santa hats, Green for scarves and mittens, and orange for their little beaks. It's great fun, if quite messy, as it turns out that neither of you are great at piping.
Having finished the cookies, Roger ices the tip of your nose with the remains of the orange icing and jokes “There we go dove, you're a penguin now!” You swat him away with a chuckle and retaliate with the white icing, “And you're a snowflake, Rog!” you giggle, piping spots on Roger's cheek. You laugh loudly, swatting each other and trying to wipe the icing from your faces.
A little later on, having tidied away the icing and cleaned yourselves up, you both slump back onto the sofa. Wrapped in each others arms, you both drift off into a contented sleep, having tired yourselves out having fun with the cookies.
You both wake up very early Christmas morning, still cuddled into each other. You find that the snow has laid thickly and it's still falling, although barely more than a few flakes here and there, now. “I wanna build a snowman,” says Roger, bouncing on the spot and looking hopefully out of the window. “Aww heck, why not, it'll be fun,” you say gently placing a hand on Roger's shoulder.
Having dressed appropriately, you go into the garden and start building the snowman. You're partway up the base when Roger asks, “Who's stupid idea was this, anyway? My fingers are turning into icicles!” “Yours, dummy!” You shout, lobbing a snowball at his back. “Bring it on, Y/L/N,” Roger shouts back, throwing handfuls of snow at you.
You chase each other around with snowballs, some making their target, others missing by a mile, until Roger calls “Truce? 'm bleedin' freezin'!” “Sure! You wanna go in, have a cuppa and warm up?” you ask, a loving smile on your face. “huh-uh,” nods Roger, dropping the snowball he's holding and heading for the door. You throw the snowball you're holding at the abandoned snowman base and follow Roger into the house.
You both slip your coats off and put them on one of the kitchen chairs. You stay in the kitchen, making the tea, while Roger heads into the lounge to grab presents, he returns and sits at the table, holding two squishy parcels. He hands one to you, “This is yours, from me, 'ope ya like it.” “Thanks, I'm sure I will.” “Come on open yours dove, I'm dying to know whatcha think of it.” whines Roger. “I'll open it in a minute, let me finish making this tea, will ya.”
Roger, squeezing the other parcel he brought into the kitchen, asks “so, what's mine?” You, removing the now whistling kettle from the stovetop and pouring the boiling water into the teacups, say “Why don't you open it and find out?” Roger smiles at you and rips the paper open, revealing a fantastically ugly Christmas sweater. “I love it,” he says, slipping it on over the sweater he's already wearing, and chuckling with a big grin upon his face.
You smile, place two cups on the table, and pick your present up as you slide into the chair opposite Roger's. You carefully unwrap your elegantly wrapped present. Roger is looking on impatiently, “Come on, just open it already.” You cautiously remove the garment from the package, revealing an identical sweater.
You burst out laughing, “I can't believe you got me the same sweater as I got you. We really are two peas in a pod!” Roger laughs, and asks “Gonna put it on then, dove?” You're both smiling and giggling as you stand and slip your sweater on. “Twinsies,” trills Roger, pointing at you and himself
You switch chairs so you're now sat next to Roger, you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him softly on the cheek. “Thank you so much, honey-pie, I absolutely adore it.” you say, kissing his cheek again.
Roger smiles at you, places his arms around your waist and pulls you into a hug. He rests his head on your shoulder, “You're welcome, dove.” he replies, nuzzling into your neck. You both stay in the embrace, letting the tea go cold, as neither of you wants to be apart from your best friend.
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borhapgirlforlife19 · 2 years
Do you know anyone that is taking requests for Joe Mazzello fics? I have several ideas that I would like to see someone write.
@queenmylovely @she-was-a-day-tripper @justasupersonicwoman @warriorteam1924 @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @ellus986 @discodeaky @amethyst-serenade @lady-artemis27 @ohmyrog @yourlocalmusicalprostitute @bohemiansweede @neverendingstories00
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acdeaky · 4 years
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hi all! it’s that time of year again and i thought it would be fun to create a christmas/winter/december writing challenge to end the year in a fun way (as we definitely need something to look forward to as we end this year). i’ve never done anything like this before, but i hope you all like this idea and want to get involved, too!
let’s get the ‘rules’ out of the way...
these prompts can be used in anyway you like, whether that’s fluff, angst or something more ✨spicy✨, you’re not limited to how you wish to interpret these prompts: let your imagination run wild!
you can either write a blurb or a whole length fic for these prompts (only if you have the time. writing 24 full length fics in about 7/8 weeks is a lot!) and the protanganist can be whoever you like, whether it’s a character or real life person
please post warnings and/or ratings for your work! this just helps others know the content of your writing before they read so they know it’s safe for them personally and as a minor/or 18+
i would recommend using the tag #acdeaky’sdecemberwritingchallenge and/or creating a masterlist with your completed works. i’d love to be able to look through the tag and see your writings/look at a masterlist during/after the challenge is over
without further ado, here are the prompts!
day 1 - building a fort
day 2 - cozy night in
day 3 - snow day 
day 4 - christmas shopping
day 5 - winter weekend away 
day 6 - christmas tree farm 
day 7 - making a gingerbread house
day 8 - decorating for christmas 
day 9 - baking a pie
day 10 - making hot chocolate 
day 11 - reading by the fire 
day 12 - christmas film night 
day 13 - a day while snowed in 
day 14 - visiting a winter market 
day 15 - drawing a hot bath 
day 16 - spontaneous night out 
day 17 - a walk in the snow 
day 18 - dancing to christmas music 
day 19 - christmas baking 
day 20 - wrapping presents 
day 21 - date night 
day 22 - meal with friends 
day 23 - gift exchange  
day 24 - christmas morning 
those who may want to participate/signal boost:
@teenagepeterpan @warriorteam1924 @spacedustmazzello @writingfortoomanyfandoms @blushmis @deakysgurl @mrpascals @tiffdawg @cthruthestars @almightygwil @forever-rogue @dindjarindiaries @aerynwrites @starryeyedstories @holbrook-boyd @pajamasecrets @vanthcobb @onceuponadetectivedemigod @crocodileniall @gryffindorwriter @caryled @goldhoran @killerqueenmachine @ohholyfanfics @siempre-pedro @versdan @boomerangbassist @noroger @someone-get-a-medic @mamaskillerqueen @ijustreallylovezebras @meddowsmoon @queenscoolcat @patmvrray @drtimmurphy @sohoneyspreadyourwings @1001-yellow-daffodils @painkiller80 @scarecrowmax @seesiderendezvous @alright-mrfahrenheit @laedymoon @painandpleasure86 ​@bhxrdy
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freddie-moments · 3 years
This or That
thank you so much for tagging me @thislookinyoureyes, @natromanxoff, @trinikins & @farewellmusic
sage green or baby blue / moon or stars / paperback or hardback / drawing or writing / saturn or jupiter / ancient Greece or ancient Egypt / Prague or Amsterdam / dark academia or light academia / indie aesthetic or cottagecore / stargazing or late night drives / strawberries or watermelons / rings or necklaces / extrovert or introvert / dragons or griffins / ocean or mountains / silver or gold / dawn or dusk / early bird or night owl / cook or bake / dagger or sword
tagging now @queenies-of-the-universe, @whitequeen-ofwillowgreen, @warriorteam1924, @sarah0687, @somebodytoolove and whoever likes to do this, too :D
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thosequeenboys · 4 years
Super Trouper (John Deacon x Reader)
Summary:  You and John Deacon became good friends during college.  When John joins a band, you both thought it was a fun hobby - until it became more. Over the years, you each followed your own career paths and shared your love of music, staying in touch mainly through letters, as friends -- until he invites you to Queen’s show at Madison Square Garden in 1980.
A/N: This piece was written for @imcompletelylost for the Possessed by Love Event.  I was so excited to be your creator, as we have some musical interests in common that I incorporated into the story. I hope you enjoy them. The story is based on my favorite ABBA song. Thank you @yourlocalmusicalprostitute for coordinating this event.  Thank you, @warriorteam1924 for great beta reading, ideas & support.  Also thanks to @mirkwoodshewolf and @iwilltrytobereasonable for brainstorming and your terrific ideas.
Warnings:  2-parts fluff to 1-part angst.  Band and song dates may not perfectly align with the story time frames.  I hope music historians will be forgiving, and any lapses will not detract from the story.
 It’s 1971, and you and your best friend, John Deacon, were in the cafeteria line pushing your trays along the railing.  Each of you grabbed a plate of sodden fish and chips from under the orange warming lights. After four years, you still missed a good old American burger and fries, but aside from the food, attending college in London had been a great experience.
“They asked me to audition. Seem like a good gaggle of guys.” John laughed at his alliteration.
“They call themselves Queen? Like, Your Majesty?” you queried.
“Indeed,” John affirmed. “The lead singer, Freddie, is an art student. He’s drawing a crest. And there’s Brian and Roger.  They’re science students.”
“Lovely!” you enthused.
“A good distraction from studies.” John concurred. “Though they do seem quite ambitious.”
“Can’t hurt to give it a go,” you shrugged. “Though good thing you all will have those polished degrees to fall back on,” you said, only half joking.
“I am pleased to confer your degrees upon you. Congratulations to the class of 1972,”  the Dean asserted with a tight grin.  The audience broke out into polite applause.  You looked around a bit bewildered. You missed the American tradition of giddy graduates tossing their mortarboards in the air with abandon. After a quick embrace, you and John made your way to the local pub to meet up with his band mates, now considered your friends.
“So, Y/N,” Brian said, placing a beer down before you, “You’re heading back to America next year? So willing to leave our lush gardens, cultural sophistication -- and our dear friend, John?
“Not to mention, the next band destined for greatness,” Freddie declared with a broad smile as he tucked his chin slightly, his long hair falling into his face.
“Yes, well,” you took a deep breath feeling four sets of eyes upon you. “The advertising agency I worked for during school offered me a position in their New York office.  Always wanted to live in New York.  I will miss London’s beauty and culture,” your voice lilted with the faint British accent you had picked up.
“And…” Roger prompted you to respond to the end of Brian’s statement.
“And, yes, the people I’ve met,” you spat out. You shot a glance at John, and you melted as you felt his eyes meeting yours. “And the memorable times I’ve had. With them.” you added, trying to sound light, but you felt tears collecting on the rim of your eyes and you blinked to dissipate them. You knew their presence resulted from the thought of leaving the most important person to you-the lithe, long-haired brunette, whose grey eyes you were now lost in-your best friend, John. Only a friend, the last four years had established. You grabbed a napkin and subtly dabbed at your eyes.
John blinked, and his lips fell into a grin that made his eyes crinkle. “You can’t be talking about our first day as chemistry lab partners when your signature hand movements to Dancing in the Street knocked the beaker clear off the table, smashing it to a million pieces.” John smirked.
“No,” you laughed, moving past your embarrassment to counter, “I’m actually thinking about the time we stayed up all night to write our English papers and finished each other’s sentences, taking sips of beer after each successful line.”
“Some of the best writing the University has ever seen,” John deadpanned, as he looked up wistfully. “And one of the highest English scores I ever earned, legless or sober.” He added, rubbing his chin.
“There it is then,” Roger interjected.
You both looked at him mystified.
“You’ll stay in touch by writing letters. Though you’ll each have to finish your own sentences, I suppose.” Roger concluded, unleashing his playful smile.
Your tight bell bottoms skimmed the floor and the loose open-neck cotton blouse with colorful embroidery flowed around your curves. You glanced at your bags piled by the door, moving over to check one to distract yourself from the impending onslaught of emotions. A soft knock interrupted your nervous efforts. You rezipped the bag as John entered and halted, taking you in.  His swallowed, and his mind revisited the thoughts he repeated to himself over the last few weeks. If only. If only this conversation could be different. If only I said something sooner. If only we wouldn’t be risking our friendship. If only you wanted this to be more. ‘If I only had the words to tell you, If you only had the time to understand. Though I know it wouldn't change your feelings, And I know you'll carry on the best you can.’ (1) You’d probably go anyway, he had concluded.
“Thanks for seeing me off,” You said, avoiding his gaze.
“I…I brought you something,” John blurted out, as his long fingers dug into the front pocket of his faded bell bottoms. He thrust a rectangular box toward you.
You forced a smile through your tense face and lifted the lid. You pulled out a delicate sterling silver chain that held a mounted luminescent grey oval stone with angular cuts that refracted blue hues.  “John, it’s…beautiful,” you said, as you reached behind your neck to fasten it.
“Here, let me,” he moved behind you, his strong fingers overlaying yours to ease the clasp, as he thought of the day he purchased the gift. Brian had accompanied John to the jewelry shop, and as they peered into the display case, Brian suddenly gasped. “Oh, a moonstone. So beautiful how it catches the light and changes colors.  This is really exquisite, John.  And, it will be a reminder that even apart, you’ll still share the same moon.”
Back to the present, John stepped in front of you and admired the gift resting splendidly between your collarbones, perfectly framed by your open blouse. “I’m not into all that crystal nonsense,” John said, “but it’s said to be a calming gemstone. And a wise man said, it will remind us that though we’re apart, we’ll be sharing the same moon.” John figured Brian wouldn’t mind him lifting his line.
“Oh John, that’s lovely,” you leaned in to hug him, and as he returned the embrace, your denim jeans pressed together and your arms pulled each other close. How could you be leaving this, him? You had to accept that nothing more was meant to be.
“Wait! I have something for you!” You pulled away suddenly, knowing time was of the essence, and reached into your bag, retrieving a long black box.  You held it out to John, who opened it quickly. He held up the beautiful pen engraved with JRD.
“Now that we’ll be writing to each other….” You indicated.
“It’s perfect.” John said his eyes shifting between you and the gift.  Before you could embrace again, a horn blared. “Cab’s here. Let me grab some bags,” John looked down, hefted two bags and headed out the door. You looked around your flat, grabbed your last suitcase and purse.  As you entered the hallway and slowly shut the door, you knew this special chapter in your life had ended.  And you hoped Roger was right: that your friendship with John would continue from afar.
Sirens blared outside as you dragged yourself up the four flights of stairs.  You felt a corner of the record digging into your side through your thin fabric bag. Once inside your apartment, you pulled the record out of the beautiful jacket, and read the song list on the label.  You propped open the heavy lid of your record player and blew on the vinyl disk before placing it gingerly on the turntable.  You flipped the on switch, and the album turned rhythmically.  You carefully lifted the needle, hovering it over the fourth groove as the record turned, waiting to release it at just the right place to start the song, at just the right indentation to avoid a scratch. You steadied your fingers and eased the needle down carefully. After a beat, success! ‘Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?’ (2)  You took a deep breath as the beautiful, familiar melody consumed you, taking you on an emotional journey, flooding your small flat. You kicked off your heels, curled up on the couch and grabbed your writing kit from the side table.
Dear John,
I’m listening to Bohemian Rhapsody-on my own record player! What a work of art!  I loved your last letter describing your creative adventures with the boys at Ridge Farm. The song sums up how I’ve been feeling recently: my fantasy of working at a big ad agency has been replaced by the reality that starting out, it’s more grunt work than glamour.  Accepting that helps me stick with it. And, it calls into question, what really matters in life?  And what is Scaramouche, anyway? Ha-ha. Give the boys my love and let them know I am so proud of them and so pleased you’re all getting deserved recognition.  Too bad those hard-earned degrees are going to waste! Cheers, Y/N
Dearest Y/N,
Yes, the reception for A Night at the Opera has been a whirlwind and exceeded our wildest dreams.  Speaking of which, I had a dream we were back at Uni playing the finishing sentences game in your flat. I handed you my notebook and instead of words, there were musical notes. Probably because I’ve been writing some songs. In fact, I wrote You’re my Best Friend for you.  True story.  Yours, John
Dearest Y/N,
I know we were both disappointed that we missed each other during our recent US tour. I hope your business trip was all it was supposed to be. Well, we’re back in London now, having had to cut the tour short in Boston, as Brian was very ill-and is still recovering from Hepatitis. Suffice it to say, it was very scary. But, you know him, as ill as he was, he was still writing. He was afraid we’d kick him out of the band, which we would never do. We are brothers, family.  I thought the band was just a hobby, and now I can’t imagine my life without being part of Queen.  Love to you always, John
Dear John,
My goodness, I hope Brian has recovered, and you have as well from a stressful trip. Speaking of trips, mine was…very good. I met someone special… Eric. We just clicked-about life. He’s in Boston. And get this! He was supposed to see the show you had to cancel because of Brian’s illness. He was so impressed that I knew you all ‘way back when.’ Can’t wait to see him next weekend. Not picking out the wedding gown yet….But, I did pick up Billy Joel’s early album Street Life Serenade. The Entertainer reminds me of you and the boys: ‘I am the entertainer. And I know just where I stand. Another serenader. And another long-haired band. Today I am your champion. I may have won your hearts. But I know the game, you'll forget my name. And I won't be here in another year, if I don't stay on the charts.’. Well, you don’t have to worry about the last line. You guys will be on the charts for the foreseeable future-and beyond. I also thought it was funny that he wrote, ‘if you’re gonna have a hit, you gotta make it fit, so they cut it down to 3:05.’ (3) Tell Freddie he proved that wrong with Bohemian Rhapsody! Take care and hugs to Brian. Cheers, Y/N
Dearest Y/N:
That’s a great song! Joel’s descriptions are certainly accurate, but they don’t capture everything. It’s been a tough time. Tensions permeate the group, and there are lots of arguments. I do think in a weird way they help to fuel creativity, but it can feel exhausting. Even though you and I are not together, I feel you with me, soothing me, steadying me. Truthfully, that helps calm me-and helps me to soothe the boys and try to keep us all focused. I hope you are happy. You’re my Best Friend. Love, John
Dear John,
I’m sure you are a great calming influence for the band. You are a stalwart trouper during tough times indeed!
Speaking of calming, your beautiful necklace has been soothing me as I try to move on from the failed love affair with my Bostonian. The line from Summer, Highland Falls sums it up: ‘How thoughtlessly we dissipate our energies. Perhaps we don’t fulfill each other’s fantasies. We are always what our situations hand us-it’s either sadness or euphoria.’ (4) It was a roller coaster of grand fun and tense irreconcilable disagreements. He was very inflexible, wanting everything on his terms. I realize everything was easy with you and me; there was a give and take.  Knowing you’re there for me – and that we share the same moon – helps.  Cheers and love, Y/N
The boys were nursing warm drinks in a Munich bar, as John pulled the letter out of his jacket and scanned it again.  The boys eyed him, sensing relief that John found hard to cover.
“It’s OK to gloat, John.  Glad she dumped that selfish bloke,” Roger said. “You’ve been a trouper all these years, being a great friend to Y/N. It must be hard though.  I mean, you’ve always wanted more…”
Freddie put his beer down loudly on the table and took a commanding tone. “Enough with this letter-writing rubbish.  Now is your time, John!  Invite her to our upcoming Madison Square Garden show! YES!!! We’ll have your dressing room decorated with lights and big bouquets of fragrant flowers brought in from the nearby Flower District!  And Moet of course!” Fred’s words spilled out of him, as the images came into focus.
Roger jumped in. “We’ll arrange a limo to bring her to the show. She’ll be escorted to her front row seat-and then backstage after the show to meet you privately. Finally! You’ll tell her how you feel; ask her to move to London and….”
“Guys, wait, wait!” Brian said in a measured tone.  “This is John’s decision.  It’s a big step for him, and he…”
“Really, Dear,” Fred interrupted, trying to hold back an eye roll and a disdainful tone, “Must you be such a Dolly Downer?”  
John looked at his band mates warmly, touched that they clearly wanted what was best for him.  “Well, I do appreciate the premiere matchmaking services of Mercury-Taylor. And May is right, it’s a big step.” John hesitated. He felt he was on a precipice looking out into a sea mixed with excitement and anxiety, like waves gathering, crashing gently toward each other before rushing out at low tide. He added haltingly, “It…it may be too late.”
“Well, you won’t know unless you try.  It would be nice for you to share the same moon on the same continent,” Brian said with a wink to John.
John smiled as a lyric came to his mind, ‘You can't be everything you want to be before your time. Although it's so romantic on the borderline tonight.’ (5)  “Maybe it’s my time. Our time,” he said, casting a smile at his friends.
“Wonderful! I’ll tell Miami the arrangements to be made!” Freddie said decisively.
Your office meeting stretched into the night, not an unusual occurrence, though the head of the firm addressing a small team of top-performing staff was unprecedented. “We have acquired a number of significant clients in London, and we will be expanding our office there.  If any of you are interested in a position, please let me know in the next two weeks.”  As the meeting ended, your colleague turned to you, “How about we let off some steam at the Palladium?” Sounded good to you. After the bouncer removed the velvet rope, you were welcomed to the club by pulsating music and lights thrown off a large disco ball hanging from the ceiling.  You entered the dance floor and started to move to the blaring beat, ‘Gimme gimme, gimme a man after midnight.’ (6) You realized it wasn’t any man you wanted. It was John.  Maybe you should take a position in London.  Maybe you and he….But you were getting ahead of yourself.  Tomorrow you’d have a front row seat at Queen’s Madison Square Garden concert and a private reunion with John afterwards. For now, as usual, you let the music envelop you and move through you, expressing your feelings.
You were ready to go in a black leather miniskirt, white sleeveless tank top and your white go-go boots. Your nerves were making a cameo; as you clasped John’s necklace your fingers shook.  You entered the waiting limousine and stretched out in the back, enjoying the rare city view from a car.  It sure beat riding the subway.  Upon arrival at the VIP entrance, you were escorted to your seat.  Your stomach felt hollow, and you had to consciously remind yourself to breathe.  As you settled in, taking in the huge stage, thoughts coursed through you:  Here you were: sitting front row at Madison Square Garden, seeing Queen-a band you knew and truly admired, reuniting with John -- and hopefully clarifying your future.  You tried to push it all aside as the hot spotlights lit the stage, signaling the start of the show.
In the wing backstage, John shifted from foot to foot as he peered out onto the stage lit only by four glaring spotlights that cascaded over the smoke. He could already feel the heat from those lights, but he knew there was more to the warmth creeping through him: you were out there, and the two of you would be reunited soon. A smile bloomed across his face as he took in the roar of the crowd. ‘Suddenly I feel all right, and it's gonna be so different when I'm on the stage tonight. Tonight, the super trouper lights are gonna find me shining like the sun, smiling, having fun, feeling like a number one, Tonight the super trouper beams are gonna blind me, but I won't feel blue like I always do. 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you.’(7)
Ratty gave the queue, and Freddie led the boys in a bounding stage entrance. John took his place behind Freddie’s piano. The powerful beams prevented him from seeing the fans, but he wasn’t blinded. He saw more clearly now than he ever had.
The show was magnificent, and after the encore, the boys met again in the stage wing, as the roadies handed them towels.  
“Your dressing room is ready!” Freddie reassured. “We snuck in a few candles, though we are violating New York City Fire Code,” he added with a wink, and glance at Roger, who tried unsuccessfully to conceal a laugh.  
Brian rolled his eyes and raised his hands dramatically in front of himself. “News Headline:  Queen burns up Madison Square Garden.  Literally.”
“For a good cause, though!” Roger defended.
“Thanks, Guys,”  John said softly, nodding to his best friends. “Wish me luck.”
John’s heart beat faster with each step down the long corridor.  As he opened the door he spotted you seated on a couch, and he gasped.  You stood, and he reached out his hand, which you took, as you swayed your hips slightly to release some nervous energy.  
“Y/N, I’d hug you but…I’m a sweaty mess,” John said, suddenly self-conscious. “You’re so beautiful.”
“You look gorgeous-you always did,” you said. “The show was fantastic!  And I love what you’ve done to the place,” you said coyly, gesturing around the romantically lit room, dotted with lush bouquets and a champagne bucket. “Who knew The Garden had such impeccable decorating taste?”
“It was Fred and Roger’s doing, actually,” He chuckled.  “Sit, sit.” He bent into the couch and still holding your hand, he eased you down with him.
You both started to speak at the same time:  “Y/N, I wanted to tell you that I….”   “John, my company has positions in the UK and I’m thinking of taking one….”
“Is that what you want? To return to London?” John asked, trying and failing to temper his excitement.
You stared at each other.  “If,” you said, gathering courage and then shaking your head to change the point. “It isn’t just work I want to return for…It’s…well, I know you probably have girls lining up, but I…”
“No.” John cut you off.  There’s never been anyone serious. There couldn’t be.  There’s only been you.  All these years.” He swallowed before continuing. “Tonight…the reason for all this, I was planning to tell you that I love you, always have, always will, and ask if you’d consider coming back to the UK.  Back home, to me….”
“Yes! A definite yes!”  You embraced with some distance between you, and John broke apart sporting a broad grin.  “Oh, Y/N!  I…. I need to shower and then we can continue our plans. I’m so happy!  And I need to tell the boys that their matchmaking efforts worked-and that as Brian said, we’ll be enjoying the moon together-from the same place.”
‘Whenever we’re together, that’s my home,’ (8) you said, letting your happy tears flow.
Song Notes
1.    If I Only Had the Words, Billy Joel
2.    Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen
3.    The Entertainer, Billy Joel
4.    Summer, Highland Falls, Billy Joel
5.    Vienna, Billy Joel
6.    Gimme, Gimme, Gimme (A Man after Midnight), ABBA
7.    Super Trouper, ABBA
8.    You’re My Home, Billy Joel
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