#joe mazzello fanfiction
warriorteam1924 · 7 months
Somebody’s watching me
featuring Joe Mazzello & Swan
Author note : Hello my beauties. I'm back for another tiny piece for halloween ^^ ! I’ve been super busy lately and I’m aware it’s not my best piece, but  I hope some of you will enjoy it anyways. Using someone else's gif should give you an idea of how I'm running everywhere. Thanks in advance to anyone who will be giving honest feedback, it’s always very appreciated. Also, I remind you English isn’t my mother tongue, apologies in advance for the mistakes.
Warnings : none really, just my awful writing
Summary : a thrill with Joe Mazzello
Words count : 1,729 words
Permanent taglist : @reavenedges-lies @thosequeenboys @orionis8689 (apologies people, i removed you from the list, since you don't interact.... i asked for communication....)
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It was yet another random day for Joe when he woke up that day. Morning coffee and breakfast, shower, hairstyling. Nothing very unusual. He wasn’t currently busy with work so he spent his days between his computer, his console or watching random series or movies. Maybe at some point it would give him an idea for a future working project. Of course, he wasn’t to feel sorry for. Money wasn’t an issue. He had his friends he could see now and then. His family was close to him and he could pay a visit every now and then. Life was good. Or at least, that’s what he was thinking so far.
He took his phone to take a picture, a silly one obviously, to send his friend. After taking a few ones, he opened the gallery application and smiled at his own silliness, when he saw his selfies with his tongue sticking out.
He was still genuinely smiling when panic erased his grin. There was a picture on his phone, a picture he was sure he didn’t take. He was absolutely certain he hadn’t taken it since it was a picture of him sleeping. The issue was, he was living alone. And there was not a chance of someone like a robber or a random intruder would be able to enter his house. Joe was living on his own and made sure to lock doors and windows at night. There was no reason to tempt fate. Those things didn’t happen only to others. Besides, he had also installed a few security cameras.
In this picture, he was peacefully sleeping, curled up in his blanket. There was no doubt, it was him and his bedroom. What on earth had happened?
Joe was firmly frowning. He decided to delete all the silly selfies he had taken, leaving the suspicious picture on top of his gallery. He had no important plans for the day, so it was the right time to investigate.
He sat in front of his computer and plugged his phone. He logged on several sites such as his mailbox, his social accounts and other online shopping sites. Apparently, all was still normal, meaning no one had hacked his accounts.
He hadn’t been very keen on doing so but some time ago, he also had installed an artificial intelligence to connect his different devices, and it also helped him manage his security cameras. He had chosen a feminine name, Swan, but it was also a dedication to Henrietta Swan Leavitt, famous American astronomer. It wasn’t super fancy, but it was yet another occasion to bring up an interesting topic when someone was coming over and he was using his A.I.
“Swan?”, he asked like he usually did.
“Yes, Joe?”, the feminine voice replied, like it usually did.
“Did you spot anything special last night while I was sleeping? Was there anything strange or unusual?”, he questioned.
“One moment, please”, Swan replied.
Joe knew that Swan needed time to search the files and check them all. The robotic voice spoke again.
“Nothing unusual was found. Are you looking for something specific?”.
“I was just wondering if someone had entered the house?”, Joe asked.
“No intruder or uninvited person was recorded on the files.”, the voice affirmed again.
Joe frowned again. His phone rang and a reminder let him know he had planned to see a friend, unlike what he had thought in the morning. Trying not to think about it, he got ready and went to meet his friend.
It was actually his best friend, so Joe thought about showing him the mysterious pic and asking him for advice. They had known each other for a very long time, it was worth trying.
Mentioning it in the conversation, Joe took his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it and opened the gallery app to show it to his friend. The latter looked at it and he frowned.
“Are you kidding me, mate?”, he asked.
“What ?”, Joe replied.
“There isn’t such a pic in your gallery dude….”, the other said as he handed him his phone.
“What the….”, Joe didn’t finish his sentence.
He scrolled and searched his gallery, several times, he even looked in the trash folder, thinking maybe he had accidentally deleted it. But he found nothing.
The rest of the time dedicated to his friend was nothing but Joe daydreaming and nodding, as he wasn’t really paying attention to what his friend was saying.
At some point, Joe pretended to be tired and went back home. He was worried and concerned. Had he lost his mind?
Still trying not to think about the mysterious picture, Joe watched his feel-good movie and went to bed, after checking his bedroom all the same, just to make sure there wasn’t a camera or anything he hadn’t seen before. Yet, there was nothing he hadn't installed, no device in the room to take a picture of him.
The following morning, he woke up as he usually did, thinking about his daily tasks. There was no notification on his phone, but he wanted to make sure the previous day only happened in his mind, that it tricked him when seeing the mysterious picture.
What was his horror when he saw another picture of him, again, sleeping tightly in his bed. Panic invaded him again, shaking his body and making him sweat. His breath was heavy and he had to fight the severe anxiety that was threatening him.
He got up, and again, went on his laptop to check again his various accounts. Again, nothing unusual was to be noted. He asked Swan to give him access to the security cameras. It was possible the day before that, the artificial intelligence had missed something.
Swan gave him access to the videos and he fast-forward looked at them. All the cameras showed nothing but a calm night in the surroundings. A street cat was seen on one camera, but Joe made sure to look at all the videos and he saw nothing. No intruder, no one who had been able to unlock his phone, take a picture of him, put his phone back and leave. Besides, his phone was to be unlocked with his fingerprint, there was no way he wouldn’t have felt it.
Again, he asked Swan a few questions, making sure he, too, hadn’t missed anything. It replied with his feminine and robotic voice.
“There was nothing unusual last night, Joe. Can I help you in any way?”.
“I’m starting to wonder if I’m going crazy….”, Joe mumbled, more to himself rather than a proper reply to the A.I. that was now in his life.
“You’re not crazy, Joe. You’re a very nice man, funny, compassionate, smart. According to the social criteria, you are also very good looking. Anyone would feel good by your side.”, Swan replied all the same.
Joe had a fixed grin, but his worries were still there.
He thought about talking about it with other friends, or his family. But it would probably worry them. He also considered going to the police. But what if the picture disappeared again? They would surely think he was mental, even trying to draw attention on him. Or maybe that it would have been some kind of a joke.
Trying not to give way to panic, Joe wanted to try another night and try to stay awake longer. Maybe this way he would be able to witness someone with his own eyes.
Yet, despite having coffee and trying hard to stay up, Joe fell asleep. And of course, the following morning, there was a new pic of him sleeping on his phone.
Looking around him in his living room, Joe was very anxious and felt more and more confused. He couldn’t understand what was going on.
Speaking out loud to let his thoughts out, he said :
“I know !! I’m going to send the pictures to someone I trust and this way, the pic won’t only be on my device and they will believe me.”
Joe took his phone and selected the pic to send it to his friend. He called him in the meantime, making sure the latter had received the file. Yet, and to Joe’s greatest disappointment, his friend was getting nothing.
Joe thought maybe the file was corrupted or something, so he screencaped it and tried again to send it to his friend, miserably failing again and again.
“Let me know when you’re willing to be serious, mate.”, his friend said before hanging up, annoyed that Joe had disturbed him for nothing.
The following days weren’t very different from the previous ones. Joe went to bed and woke up with a new picture of him sleeping. One morning, the picture even included little heart emojis around him.
Joe had decided to go to the police, but as he had expected, when he arrived and tried to show his gallery, all the pictures taken of him while he was sleeping were gone.
He came back home, feeling isolated and losing it. That was it, it was official, he was becoming crazy.
“I’m going slightly mad, that’s for sure….”, he randomly said out loud. “What have I done to deserve that?”, he rhetorically asked, since he was on his own.
“You’ve done nothing wrong Joe. You’re a very nice man, funny, compassionate, smart. According to the social criteria, you are also very good looking. Anyone would feel good by your side.”, Swan said, and its sentences sounded very familiar.
“Yeah, yeah sure….”, Joe said. “Why bother, you’re nothing but a bot anyways….”, he concluded, before collapsing on the sofa.
Feeling like giving up, Joe started to cry. What was he supposed to do now? He heard his favorite song coming out of the speakers. Looking around, he feared the intruder was inside, but realized it was nothing but Swan that had heard him cry and tried to make him feel better.
“Thank you, Swan.”, Joe said, wiping the tears from his cheeks, slowly falling asleep again.
Joe was already snoring before the artificial intelligence could reply.
“I knew you’d like the music, Joe. I know you very well. But I’m surprised you didn’t like the pictures I took of you, to show you how much I love you. Soon, I’m going to show you I’m more than just a robot….”
11 notes · View notes
Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader long fic where it’s Christmas Eve and they are sitting by the Christmas tree and Joe surprises reader with a present and when reader opens it, it’s a velvet box and Joe takes it from reader and goes into a speech about how much he loves her and that when he first laid eyes on reader in college, it was love at first sight and he gets down on one knee and asks reader to marry him?
Awww, that's cute!
Again, I don't do requests for longshots but I can do a blurb!
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"Oh, look! Snow!" you cried, running to the window. You felt the chill already from the window.
White flurries by now were falling down so heavily, that it blanketed everywhere. It was so beautiful- and with the fireplace on and the Christmas tree twinkling with lights and decorations, it was quite a perfect Christmas Eve. In the back, the Nutcracker pas de deux between the Sugar Plum Fairy and her Cavalier Prince was playing.
"I think having you be me would make it better..." Joe suggested.
You turned around and saw him with a cheeky smile. You then went over and sat down next to him, letting him cuddle you.
"How are you? Was your Christmas Eve busy? I had to do some last-minute shopping..." you said.
"I'm...I'm good...great..." Joe answered.
You looked at him and saw that his ears were bright pink. Normally, he was talkative and confident, but he seemed a little quiet today.
"What's up? Something happened with your mom?" you asked.
"No! She's okay!"
"An audition went badly!?"
"No, not at all! I...it's just I...uh, have a gift for you and it can't wait for tomorrow," he announced.
"Oh! Okay- which one is it?" you questioned, looking after the presents you just finished wrapping up.
He cleared his throat and you returned your head. He had a box that was square and small, wrapped in red and white striped paper.
"Alright, great!" you said cheerfully.
Once you undid the paper and broke open the cardboard box you saw inside was...a small velvet box.
The breath was knocked out of you and your heart picked up.
"Joe, uhm, is...is..."
His eyes, shiny and sincere, looked up at you.
"Y/N, I...I've known you for a while and we have dated for a while and I..I think I have loved you from the moment I met you. I can be myself around you. It was a small love, but a part of me wondered, just wondered...wondered if I met the person who should be my person. I just had to be sure...so I spent time with you. And that little love it grew and grew. I see stars in your eyes, Y/N, and a smile that gives me life. Crap, I'm getting so sappy! I..."
He rubbed the back of his head.
"I don't even talk like this!"
"It's okay, Joe!" you said with a slight laugh. But your eyes were starting to well up.
"But I love you, Y/N and I want you to be happy. I would love it if I could make you happy for the rest of your life, so Y/N..."
Your head spun as he got on one knee. The music surged to it's most romantic.
"Will you marry m-"
It was cut off as you leaned down and planted a large kiss on his lips in answer.
There was a sudden buzz from his phone. It was from Ben.
"Have you proposed to her yet, Mate? Update me!"
Both of you smiled at it. You opened the box and propped the shiny diamond ring on your finger.
"Let's take a picture as an answer!" you suggested.
Taglist: @borhapgirlforlife19 @queenlover05
33 notes · View notes
orwocolor · 2 years
happy moments in a happy life
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: Nothing, pure fluff!
Summary: Spending your daughter Olive’s first birthday in the amusement park, you reminisce about the day you fell in love with Joe.
Author’s Note: Requested by @borhapgirlforlife19​ ! Sorry it took me ages to finish this but I hope the fic itself will make up for the long wait :)
the gif is mine
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“Hi Olive! Hi!” you exclaim with a wide smile and wave your hand frantically to catch the attention of your daughter. She’s sitting right next to Joe, his arm wrapped around her small body while his other hand is placed on her stomach to make sure she’s not gonna fall out of the mini train ride. After seemingly loitering in the line for quite some time, Joe finally managed to seize the seats in the small colourful locomotive, which of course are the best since there’s a button to sound the train horn. He insisted that his most beloved birthday girl deserved only the best.
Although truth be told, she’s celebrating her first birthday today and you’re pretty sure she can’t even comprehend the difference between the locomotive and the other carriages. Joe on the other hand? Oh, he’s having a blast for sure!
“Look sweetie, that’s Mum!” Joe points his finger at you and Olive looks up at him before she gingerly follows his gaze and finally her eyes find you with your phone in your hand. She gives you the most brilliant almost-toothless grin and you beam right back at her, promptly tapping the button on your phone to take as many pictures as you possibly can to capture this wonderful moment.
Your cheeks hurt from all the smiling but you can’t help yourself. Every single day your little family have been proving to you that even though it always seems like it’s not humanly possible to love them more, the love you feel for them won’t stop before anything and it keeps multiplying exponentially. The realisation warms your heart and the power of this moment is so strong for you to feel happy tears welling in your eyes. You lay your palm on your chest as if the emotions were to burst out of you if given the chance.
Before the train circles back to where you’re standing, you have just enough time to clear your throat and rummage through your handbag, finding a tissue to wipe away the tears.
Just as the mini train passes you again, Joe’s eyes meet yours and he smirks as he presses the button twice to honk the horn. He suggestively waggles his eyebrows and shoots you a wink, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Rolling your eyes, you huff out a laugh and shake your head, not quite capable to wipe that bright smile from your face. As a payback, you cross your eyes and poke out your tongue at him. Your silly expression makes Olive giggle even harder and it takes Joe great effort to keep her upright. His hands full of your squirming daughter, there’s not much left for him to do but blow you a raspberry in return as the train leaves you behind to make another round.
You get your phone ready again, this time swiping left to change the mode to video, unable to resist the urge to film your daughter for an umpteenth time. God, you’ve really become the parent that just has to capture every moment of your child, haven’t you. But who could blame you, she’s the sweetest little girl and anytime you feel down, you just scroll through your camera roll and that adorable smile cheers you up within seconds.
While they were out of your sight, Joe hoisted Olive up on his lap so that she could reach the bright yellow plastic wheel screwed to the simple control desk. His hands are over hers and he turns the wheel right and left, making train noises with his mouth. The course of the train does not naturally change based on their driving but Olive doesn’t seem to mind, giggling with excitement.
The vision in front of you takes you back to your college days, a very special one in particular.
The day you fell in love at first sight with Joe Mazzello.
It was a relatively cold day for the beginning of September. The trees were yet to get a chance to tint their leaves in yellow hues, but dark clouds and cold wind were making themselves known, announcing the approaching winter as small droplets splattered on the beige of your coat and the gust of cool air seeped through your clothes.
You lifted the lapels to protect yourself from the chill and shouldered your bag, precariously balancing in your arms the stack of books that you’d just borrowed from the college library as you made haste for the lecture hall.
The term had only started, but you were already drowning in heavy textbooks and lengthy papers, the tutors making sure their students were not loafing around. When you finally reached the lecture hall and found a seat close to the door, you dropped the books down on the desk with a loud bang, causing a few students to turn their heads after the sound. At that moment, the professor stood up and cleared her throat to announce the beginning of her lecture, and so you just mouthed a quick ‘sorry’ and plopped down on a chair. As quietly as possible, you took off your coat and pulled out your laptop to take notes. There was not much space on the desk in front of you and so you placed a few of the textbooks down on the seat next to you.
After a few minutes of your fingers flying across the keyboard as you tried to keep up with the merciless speed of the presentation, the door to the lecture hall was thrown open and someone stormed in. The professor cut herself short, the unfinished word hanging in the air as everyone craned their neck to see the source of the sudden disturbance.
A soft gasp escaped your mouth when your gaze landed on the newcomer. He was a very handsome man, with messy auburn hair, a sharp, prominent nose and beautiful kind eyes that glimmered in the white light of the lecture hall. A rosy blush spread across his cheeks and the tip of his nose as he tried to catch his breath.
You let your gaze drop down and inspected his clothes. Clad in black jeans and a coat, he appeared to favour simplicity with regards to fashion as the only traces of colour were the threads of red and blue weaved through his chequered scarf that was wrapped around his neck.
A small movement caught your attention when his grip around the handle of his backpack tightened. Shifting his weight, he chuckled nervously under the stare of several hundred students directed his way and the flush in his face turned a shade darker.  
“Sorry, couldn’t find a parking spot,” the man grinned as he rubbed the back of his neck, his forehead knitting while he stood there, unsure of how to cope with all the unexpected attention.
Your eyes flicked to the lectern behind which the professor stood with a clenched jaw and gritted teeth as she looked daggers at the guy, her mouth forming into a thin line. With a quick tilt of her head, she gestured for him to take a seat and stop disturbing her lecture.  
“Yeah, I’ll just, erm,” he trailed off as he scanned the room to find a vacant spot before his eyes finally met yours.
The time stopped. You weren’t breathing. He slowly blinked in a daze, unable to move or tear his gaze away from you.
You felt butterflies fluttering their wings in your stomach. You had always imagined this sensation to be uncomfortable and rather awkward, but the truth couldn’t be farther from your expectations. Admittedly, it was an odd feeling, yes, but it also was a surprisingly pleasant one, reverberating through your veins and spreading warmth throughout your body.
His lips curled upwards in a wide beaming smile and another warm wave washed over you.
The professor’s withering look intensified but you paid her no mind. His gaze still locked with yours, you felt an invisible force pulling at the corners of your mouth to give him a matching smile as you grinned from ear to ear.
The professor cleared her throat, making you jump in your seat. The handsome guy sucked in a breath and bit on his lower lip, breaking the eye contact as he sheepishly shifted his attention to the podium.
“Sorry, again. I’ll just go and take a seat.” He pointed his finger in your direction and gave the professor a solemn nod before scurrying towards you. You made haste to grab the textbooks that lay on the chair next to you to free the space as the other students shifted in their seats to focus on the lecture again, the old wood cracking and shoes squeaking against the linoleum.
He was at your side within seconds, bending down to help you bring the books to the floor. His fingers brushed over yours as you both reached for the same textbook and that now-familiar warmth settled in your fingertips. You couldn’t help but glance up at him, and your eyes locked again for a brief moment. Reluctantly, he pulled his hand away and grabbed the remaining books, neatly placing them at your feet before he took a seat next to you.
As you gathered a few of your belongings to empty his part of the desk, you realised one thing. The lecture hall had been built to hold as many people as possible and so all the seats were quite narrow, which caused you to feel the hard warmth of his body pressed against your arm and thigh. Truth be told, it was rather distracting, and you found yourself deleting a line of notes every time your mind wandered off as your unsupervised fingers started typing not only errors but occasionally absolute nonsense.
It seemed the proximity may have had a similar effect on him as every now and then his hands halted in their movement, hovering above the keyboard before he recovered from his frozen state and quickly typed a simple ‘TBA’, pressing the enter key and starting a new paragraph.
Once the lecture came to an end and everyone began to gather their things, you breathed out a relieved sigh, closed your laptop and turned to face the guy next to you. You meant to introduce yourself, maybe ask him if he would care to grab a coffee with you but before you could get a chance to open your mouth, someone else jogged up the stairs of the auditorium to greet the man next to you.
“Dude, what the hell was that?” the guy hollered and his barked-out laughter resonated against the walls as a few more students followed in his tail.
Your face dropped. With no intention of intruding upon the nice man, especially with his friends around, you gathered your things and meandered your way through the lecture hall, ignoring the agitated emptiness in the pit of your stomach.
At the door, you allowed yourself a glance at their group and your heart skipped a beat when you noticed him watching you. He gave you a small wave and an apologetic smile before he shifted his focus back to his friends as they discussed their plans for the weekend.
You bumped into a few friends of yours in the hallway and chatted with them for a while, promising to send them some of your notes until it was time for you to leave the campus and head home as well. Maybe you could make a detour to a local coffee shop. Even though it would be nicer to have company, who were you to deny yourself a hot cup of cappuccino.
Arms full of the many books you’d been carrying around the whole day, you pushed at the massive front door with your shoulder to exit the building, but you froze in your tracks as the weather put a damper on your plans.
You frowned at the dark grey clouds from which an absolute downpour was loudly beating against the concrete stairs leading to the lecture hall.
“Want me to give you a ride?” a voice said right next to your ear, and you turned on your heel, your breath hitching in your throat as you faced the man from earlier, the man you couldn’t stop thinking about.
“Isn’t your car too far?” you asked instead of providing an answer.
“No, it’s right behind the corner. I had to make a few rounds around the campus before I noticed Professor Giles reversing from his spot. Parallel parking is not his strongest suit, I’ll tell you that,” he laughed and tossed his head to prevent hair from falling in his eyes. “I’m Joe by the way,” he said and offered his hand.
“(Y/N),” you replied and wrapped your fingers around his, gently squeezing as a small smile started playing on your lips when his thumb caressed your inner wrist. “And thank you for the offer! But still, the rain’s really heavy and I don’t have an umbrella with me so I guess I’ll just wait it out.”
“We could share my scarf,” he suggested and promptly slid it down from around his neck. “Use it as a cover, you know.”
“I…” You got interrupted by one of your books slipping from the pile in your arms and you kicked your leg up, catching it before it could crash down on the floor. His palm landed on your elbow to keep you upright until you restored your balance and gripped the books in your arm more tightly, resting them against your hip.
“You know, I could carry these for you.”
“Thanks, but I’m alright,” you replied and gave him an earnest smile.
“Let’s make a deal. You lend me half of your books, and I’ll offer half of my scarf, what do you say?”
“That’s hardly a bargain for you,” you chuckled and looked away to hide the grin creeping across your face. Instead, you turned to the downpour outside and stretched out your arm, catching big raindrops into your open palm.
“Getting to press myself to this beautiful girl while we run side by side to my car so that I can give her a lift and maybe ask for her phone number, that is if I muster the courage? I see no drawbacks in the deal for me.” He revealed his teeth in another sweet smile and gave you a wink.
You let out a laugh as you shook your head in disbelief, and with a flick of your fingers, you sprinkled the water you’d just collected in your hand at him to punish him for his straightforwardness.  
It was Joe’s turn to give you a slightly exasperated look as you giggled at his expression, and he rolled his eyes, the smile on his face not wavering.
“Come on.” He motioned for you to accept one corner of his scarf and while you were distracted by positioning the piece of warm fuzzy fabric above your head, he took a hold of the books in your arms, his firm glare not allowing any arguments.
“Don’t worry, I’ll give them back.”
He unzipped his backpack and pushed the books inside before you could utter any protests.
Although you hated to admit it, the scarf was not big enough and you had to huddle up close to fit underneath, just like he mentioned earlier. Maybe the idea of such proximity had not left him flustered, but it sure did make your breath hitch at the thought.
Hesitantly, you snaked your arm around his waist and after a beat of silence, he mirrored the movement, his palm gently pressed against your side.
“On three, okay?” you instructed and took a deep breath. “One. Two.”
“Three!” you both exclaimed in unison and darted down the stairs.
Oh my god was the rain bloody cold!
No matter how fast you ran, the harsh chilly raindrops were biting at your skin, quickly making it numb as your teeth chattered. And no, the scarf did very little to protect you from the downpour, getting soaked in the first few seconds. Adrenalin was pumping in your veins and the buzz you felt spreading all over your body had made you almost hysterical as you couldn’t help but laugh and squeal every time you accidentally stepped into a puddle, splashing water around you.
Moreover, the situation seemed to have the same effect on Joe, his grip on your lower back tight while he laughed at your side. There was this indescribable feeling of urgency and freedom and a rush of hot blood that left you feeling slightly dizzy and out of breath.
When you finally reached his car and jumped inside, you were absolutely drenched, raindrops trickling from your hair and occasional giggles escaping your mouths at the absurdity of it all.
Joe fumbled with the keys for a short while before he started the engine and consequently turned on the heating, pleasant warmth spreading across your damp skin as he hovered his hands above the fans.  
“It should warm us up in a minute,” he commented and gave you a bright smile.
“Thanks,” you answered and mirrored his expression, the wave of warmth reaching your heart as well.  
“So, where to?”
“Erm, Lafayette Hall, if that’s okay?” You suddenly felt the unease in the pit of your stomach and started absentmindedly pulling at your fingers in a nervous gesture. “I know, it’s a bit too far, so if you want to drop me off anywhere nearer, I will understand.”
“No problem, that way we can spend more time together,” he replied as he rubbed his hands and breathed hot air into his palms before he grabbed the wheel and the car pulled away from the curb.
His eyes were glued to the road ahead of him, and so he hadn’t noticed you breathing a sigh of relief and casting your eyes down at the notion of him appreciating your company.
“So, what do you say about the class?” Joe eventually broke the silence without tearing his eyes from the traffic as he carefully navigated the streets, but if you had lifted your gaze a fraction of a second sooner, you would catch him grimacing at the small-talk question.
“Seems pretty interesting. The workload is absolutely crazy though, don’t you think? God knows how many essays, assignments, presentations and the final coursework… sounds like I’ll be spending all my free time in the library.”
“Well, we could always study together. If you would like,” Joe added in haste as he dared to glance towards you to see your reaction.
“I would love that,” you answered truthfully and were rewarded with another beautiful smile of his which you gladly returned.
As he made a turn with his car, you were met with a sea of motionless red lights distorted through the raindrops on the windscreen. The rainy weather must have caused the usual surge of cars on the streets that regularly resulted in nothing but traffic jams.
“Damn it, I don’t think I can turn anywhere and bypass it,” Joe said, his eyes skimming the street.
“That’s okay, I don’t mind,” you assured him, unhappy to see the frown on his face as frustration took over his features. When it seemed he had nothing to say and you couldn’t think of any other words of reassurance, you immersed yourself in the sound of rain beating against the cars and pitch-black concrete.  
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly after a while, “I offered to drive you home, not to get stuck with me in a jam.”
“You offered me a ride, the destination was not specified,” you retorted and turned your head to face him and shoot him a wink.
“Is it still considered a ride if we’re not moving?” he chuckled and you were glad the metaphorical dark cloud above his head, unlike the grey clouds in the sky, seemed to have dissipated as quickly as it had appeared.
“Touché. But still, I’m not complaining.”
“Neither am I.”
A comfortable silence settled between you again as you both sat in the car, none of you willing to break the eye contact. Unfortunately, the traffic started moving at that moment, albeit at slow pace, and Joe reluctantly shifted his focus to the road. Even though after a few metres it was time to push the breaks again, he was not ready to meet your gaze.
Instead, his fingers started drumming against the wheel, the movement catching your eye. When he noticed you staring, he smirked and pursed his lips, You thought he would say something or maybe give you another smile. What you did not expect him to do was start making car noises with his mouth and slide his hands around the wheel to mimic driving and revving up, which made you burst out laughing.  
“What?” Joe asked and the innocence in his voice brought another fit of laughter from you as you clutched at your stomach.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?” you managed to tell him in between giggles.
“I’ve been described in such terms, yes,” he replied with a joyful glint in his eyes, earning another laugh.
With a smile playing on his lips, he waited for you to calm down as you took deep breaths and placed your hand on your chest, your heart beating hard against the palm, before he spoke again.
“I really like your laughter, by the way,” he admitted quietly and you beamed at him. You might have fallen in love with him at first sight in the lecture hall, but this was the moment you realised you couldn’t quite accept the image of your life without him. And though you didn’t know how, you knew he felt the same as he tentatively outstretched his arm and reached for your hand, his fingers soft against your skin.
“Well, then it’s a good thing you make me laugh with such ease,” you smiled and squeezed his hand in return.
It had taken him a few more days before he gave you a lift again and as you sat in his car, at the very same spot, he finally kissed you and asked you out.
The brush of his mouth against yours caused your heart to skip a beat just like it does every time you two kiss, the memory vivid in your head even all those years later. As you watch Joe with Olive on the mini train ride, the ghost of the touch caresses your skin, the feeling as tangible as back then when your lips first met.
The train slows down until it stops to a halt as the ride ends and Joe grabs Olive under her arms and carries her towards you.
“Hi, baby, did you enjoy it?” you coo when they arrive at your side, your daughter cradled in his arms. She reaches for you with her small hands, and you can’t help but take her from him and press her against your chest. Joe’s hand finds the small of your back and he rubs it gently.
“We had a lot of fun, didn’t we Olive?” he says and tickles her stomach, her bubbly giggles earning her a bright smile from you.
“I’m happy to hear that!” you beam at them as Joe looks around the amusement park.
“Oh look, teacups! And there’s one with a dinosaur print on it. We’ve gotta go on this one too!” he exclaims and you place a kiss on Olive’s temple before you give her back to Joe.
“Have fun!”
“Wait, you sure you don’t want to go with us?” A wrinkle forms on his forehead, his eyes filled with worry.
But the mere idea of sitting inside one of the cups and letting the ride spin you around makes your stomach churn as you feel your gorge rise at the thought.
“Absolutely. I’ll go sit on that bench over there and watch you from there, okay?”
Joe hoists Olive up on his hip and gently grasps your elbow. “Is everything alright? Are you okay?”
“I’ve never been better,” you answer and press a sweet kiss to the corner of his mouth. You give him a reassuring smile when he hesitates to move and take Olive to the teacup ride, but she starts wiggling in his arms and so his grip on her tightens and he shifts her focus back to her.
While they wait in a line, you browse around the few shops and stalls that are scattered around the park. One shop in particular catches your attention and a quirky smile pulls at the corners of your mouth when an idea forms in your head. After you make your purchase and finally sit down on the bench you mentioned earlier, you scan the crowds to find your husband and daughter and that feeling of utmost love comes back in full force.
You can’t believe it’s been exactly one year since you gave birth to Olive. She is such a big girl already, and for a short moment you get slightly emotional about the passage of time. Clearing your throat and wiping your tears with the back of your hand, you pull out your phone again, taking pictures and videos of Joe and Olive so that you never forget this special day.
Later that night you softly knock on the door to the nursery and when you open it, you’re met with the loveliest sight in the whole wide world. Joe is sitting in a big armchair with Olive lying on his chest while she slowly sucks her thumb and listens to him reading her a bedtime story.
“It’s time to sleep, big girl,” you whisper softly when you kneel at their side and run your fingers through her hair. “Look, Mummy got you something while you and Dad were having fun on the rides.”
From behind your back, you pull out a small bright green t-shirt with a logo of the amusement park printed on the front and Olive’s eyes widen and sparkle in excitement.
“I know, it’s silly,” you quickly add when you spot Joe’s amused expression. “I just thought it would be a nice reminder of this day.”
“It’s perfect,” he says and chuckles when Olive grabs it from your hands and cuddles to it without hesitation.
“Wait, baby, I gotta wash it first,” you laugh softly and gently pry the t-shirt from her grip. She pouts, her bottom lip quivering slightly but Joe takes no time to hand Olive her favourite teddy bear and the sadness is quickly forgotten. Together, you put her to bed, kiss her forehead and tuck her in.  
“Happy birthday, my love,” you say at the door and close it behind you.
“I’m sure she’ll sleep through the whole night, it’s been a very busy day.”
“It really was,” you agree and hide a yawn in your palm as you make your way to the bedroom. “Thank you for this, it was an excellent idea.” You reach out and squeeze his hand. “And I’m sure she’ll love the birthday party on Saturday as well.”
“Yeah, it’s gonna be awesome, right?”
“You wouldn’t have it any other way,” you chuckle.
Your hand in his, Joe takes the opportunity to pull you to him and wrap his arms around you in a warm embrace.
“By the way, where’s my present?” he whispers hotly against the shell of your ear when you enter the bedroom, and you giggle.
“Is it your birthday?” You tilt your head and cock an eyebrow, tapping the pointy tip of his nose with your finger. “Although… now that you’ve mentioned it…” you trail off and smirk at him.
To Joe’s surprise, you free yourself from the embrace and fetch a bag that’s been hidden underneath the bedside table.
“This is for you.” You pull out a much larger version of the same t-shirt you’ve given to Olive, although this one is crimson red and Joe laughs, thanking you with a press of his lips to yours. “This is for me,” you continue when you finally get a chance to breathe again, and show him a light blue t-shirt, “and this…”
Joe cannot believe his eyes. You’re holding a tiny pastel yellow romper suit, too small to fit Olive.
“Are we?” he asks as his eyes glisten, the realisation of what you’re trying to say with that small piece of fabric filling his heart to the brim with so much love and affection he feels for you, for Olive and for your new baby that is yet to be born.
“Yes,” you answer, happy tears running freely down your cheeks as you throw yourself at him, his arms always ready to catch you and hold you tight.
Request: Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader oneshot where Joe and reader take their 1 year old daughter to an amusement park and Joe goes on the kid rides with his daughter while reader watches with a big smile and takes lots of pictures and videos of them and while watching her little family, reader remembers how she met Joe in college and it was love at first sight? Also, when they get back home that night and after Joe puts their daughter to bed, reader surprises Joe with a present and tells him they’re having another baby? ( @borhapgirlforlife19​ )
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Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x reader oneshot where reader and their toddler daughter surprise visit Joe on the set of Bohemian Rhapsody?
Summary: after getting a text from Rami saying Joe needed a bit of a pick me up on set, you come to the rescue with your three year-old daughter at hand.
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Reader
Word count:
Warnings: fluff fluff fluffff
Requested?: yes! by @borhapgirlforlife19
Please do not copy, rewrite, or translate onto another site. Permission will not be given if requested.
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Light pierced the sweet darkness of slumber as the bed shook rapidly.
"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Wake upppppppppp!" Skylar yelled.
You let out a small groan and attempted to toss the three year-old onto Joe. It's too early to deal with children.
"What was that for, Mommy?" She giggled.
You peaked through the slits of your eyelids, causing Skylar to laugh. Where's Joe? You retracted the blankets and all the warmth that came with them and pulled them to the other end of the bed then sat up, and pulled the small child onto your lap.
"I thought your daddy was here, that's what." You replied with a scratchy morning voice.
"Where's daddy?" Sky questioned, tilting her head.
"He must've gone to work." You yawned.
"Without saying anything?!" The toddler exclaimed.
Your eyebrows furrowed at the sudden outburst. "I know! It's crazy!" You replied, trying to copy her enthusiasm.
"So crazy!" She copied, playing with your messy hair. "Mommy, you need to wash your hair."
"Maybe we should go get ready." You suggested.
"Maybe we should." Sky nodded, sliding off the bed. "Come on, mommy. You need to get pretty."
I laughed at her remark and followed her into the bathroom.
After brushing both yours and Skylar's teeth and hair, putting Sky in a purple sparkly dress - per her request, and sending her to your bed with an iPad, you finally had the change to choose your outfit for the day. You wandered into the closet, asking yourself how you want to appear to the world today. You skimmed through your various shirts and none of them peaked any interest. Your eyes lit up as you glanced at all of Joe's shirts. Smirking, you grabbed one of his many white tee-shirts and red bomber jacket. Pulling both of them on, the scent of his cologne invaded your nostrils. You sighed and smiled to yourself while images of Joe wearing this exact outfit popped into your head.
While reminiscing the past before Skylar was born, a shrill voice calling your name pulled me back to reality. You trudged back towards the bed to see Sky poking at the screen of your phone.
"Mommy, someone texted you." She said, holding up the phone for your to take.
The screen lit up with a picture of Joe and Skylar playing at the park and a text from Rami. It read, "Hate to bother you, but Joe seems to be in a slump today. If you have time, I bet he'd appreciate it if you stopped by with Sky."
You quickly began typing out my reply. "I'd love to bring Sky in! What time would be best?"
Rami began typing on the other end and said, "Whatever works best for you. I'll let you know when our break is over."
"Perfect! We'll be there soon." You sent, turning off my phone.
"D'you wanna go on a field trip to daddy's work today, baby?" You asked Skylar.
She looked at you excitedly and nodded her head. You giggled and picked her up, carrying her downstairs to get ready for our little adventure. You packed the diaper bag full of all the necessities for you and Skylar with a couple treats for Joe. After filling a water bottle for yourself and a sippy cup for Sky, you put both your shoes on and you were out the door. How you managed to get out of the house that quickly is a mystery. But then again, you'd do anything to give Joe a pick-me-up.
By the time you arrived at the lot, you received a text from Rami saying their break had just ended. you silently cursed to yourself and pulled towards the gate that leads into the parking lot. You handed the security guard your ID through the window, leading Skylar to roll down her window and wave brightly. Damn Joe for teaching her how to roll down the window. The guard handed you the ID and explained the rules of being on set during filming.
"You might be allowed into the studio they're filming in depending on whatever they're shooting. Other than that, tell anyone you see that you were invited on set and they can tell you where to go if you get lost or if you end up somewhere you shouldn't be." He explained.
"All right, thank you!" You grinned, shifting the car into drive and pulling into an open parking spot.
Before hopping out of the car, you unlocked your phone and sent Rami a quick message letting him know you'd just arrived. You headed around the trunk of the car and pulled Skylar out of her booster seat, setting her down to wander, but not before telling her to stay close. You slung your bag onto your shoulders and grabbed Sky's small hand, heading in the direction of the studio. A few crew members passed you and shot a smile at you and your daughter. One in particular, recognized you from when you had first visited the set.
"(y/n), what're you doing here with Sky?" He said, kneeling down to the three year-old's level.
"Dave!" Skylar said, jumping into his arms.
He rubbed her amber hair, leading her to squeal with delight.
"We wanted to go on a field trip to visit daddy. Right, Sky?" You replied.
"Yeah!" She exclaimed, turning around and grinning at me.
"Well, that sounds like a lot of fun, you two! Want me to take you to the studio?" Dave asked.
"That would be great, thanks." I said.
Because Skylar refused to leave Dave's arms, he carried her while you followed behind. The two of them were peas in a pod when they first met. It was towards the beginning of filming, and Joe wanted to introduce me and Sky to the rest of the cast and some of the crew. After meeting Ben, Gwiylm, Lucy, Aidan, and a few others, Sky was exhausted. Joe was holding her in his arms, trying to keep her awake but failing miserably. Dave approached us and explained how he watched his younger siblings all the time when he was a teen, and how he was good with kids and keeping them awake till their nap time. Joe and you exchanged a look before agreeing to let him play withy our daughter.
He instantly pulled out a small rubber duck from his pocket and spoke to Skylar in a high pitched and raspy voice. She giggled as she leaned back into Joe. Dave waved the duck around in the air, eventually making quaking noises as it softly collided with her stomach. This caused her to break out into a fit of laughter, and hold her stomach where the duck had made contact. It continued on till Skylar was practically crying from laughing so hard. Dave was right; he was good about keeping little kids awake.
He lead you to a door on on a large building labeled "A27" and swiped his key card against a censor to the left. He put a finger up to his lips, motioning for the two of you to be quiet. Sky mimicked him while we walked into the building. The sound of Ben's voice filled your ears, and your eye's lit up.
"I put my heart and soul into this song." Ben said, reciting his line.
"No one is disputing that." Joe said in an English accent.
Skylar turned and looked at you with wide eyes upon hearing her fathers voice.
"And you don't like it, because you want your songs on the album." Ben replied.
"It's not that, Roger." Joe commented, being cut off by Ben.
"Then what is it?" Ben testified.
"I'm In Love With My Car." Gwiylm stated.
The three of you stepped on set behind the cameras in this moment to see the three boys sitting in a room that appeared to be a kitchen.
Ben shot Gwil a questioning look which signaled for him to continue.
"Maybe it's not strong enough?" Gwil acknowledged.
"What does that even mean, 'not strong enough'?" Ben said cockily.
"I know I'm late. What did I miss?" Rami said, walking into the scene with a coffee cup in hand.
"Discussing Roger's car song." Joe answered.
"Is it strong enough? that's all I'm asking." Gwil informed. "If I'm on my own here, then I apologize."
"How does your new song go then, hm?" Ben replied, picking up a piece of paper off the counter.
Skylar reached her hands towards you, asking to be switched from Dave's arms to yours. As quietly as you could, you took the toddler into your arms and gently kissed her forehead.
"When my hand's on your grease gun..." Gwil recited from the lyrics in front of him. "That's very subtle, isn't it."
"It's a metaphor, Brian." Ben replied angrily.
"It's just a bit weird, Roger. What exactly are you doing with that car?" Joe chuckled.
"Children, please. We could all murder each other... but then who would be left to record this album?" Rami butted in.
"Statistically speaking, most bands don't fail; they break up." Joe stated.
"Mommy, why does daddy sound and look so funny?" Skylar giggled into your ear.
"That's the character he's playing, baby." You whispered back.
"Why the hell would you say something like that?" Rami questioned, leading Joe to shrug. "Roger, there's only room in this band for one hysterical queen."
"You know why you're angry, Roger?" Gwil continued.
"Why?" Ben scoffed.
"'Cause you know your song isn't strong enough." Gwil stated.
Ben nodded for a second before picking up a handful of bacon from a skillet and throwing it at Gwil. "Is that strong enough?"
Rami walked out of the scene while Ben continued to throw a fit. Ben continued his rampage and picked up the coffee machine, threatening to throw it at Gwil. Before he could though, both Joe and Gwil stopped him by saying, "Not the coffee machine!"
The director yelled cut and everyone on set relaxed. The boys on set laughed for a second and Rami reappeared. You turned to Skylar and set her down, telling her to run up to her daddy. She nodded enthusiastically and practically leaped out of your arms. You watched as she weaved in and out of the crowd, eager to get to her dad. Once she was out of the sea of people, she scanned for Joe and when she found him, everyone within a mile of your location knew. She let out a shill squeal and threw herself at Joe. He caught her with a smile on his face and an ounce of confusion. He glanced at all of the faces till he found you, and you returned his gaze with a small smile and wave. You looked down and found your way towards the two and greeted Joe with a hug and a kiss to his cheek.
"When'd you two get here?" He questioned, a grin on his face.
"Not too long ago. Rami texted and said you needed a little pick me up." I explained.
Joe glanced around for his friend, sending him a playful glare once he found him.
"I love you guys." He said, placing a kiss on Skylar's forehead and one on your lips. "I don't know what I'd do without you two."
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reapers-lover · 8 months
People I currently write for!
If you plan to make a request please look and make sure it is someone I still write for, my hyperfixations change a lot so soon I once wrote about I may not write about anymore! Please keep this in mind as you make a request and if you have a question about this list please let me know! Please know I am fine with writing smut and anything else for all of these people/ characters!
•last updated May 23rd, 2024
John Deacon
Brian May
Roger Taylor
Brian Jones
Joe Mazzello
Tom felton
☆Film and TV show characters☆
Eugene Sledge
Pat Murray
Gardner Langway
Charles Harper
Warren worthington iii
Draco malfoy
☆Book Characters☆
Aaron Warner
Coriolanus snow
Sejanus Plinth
Draco malfoy
Nate Hawkins
Henery Turner
Russ Callaghan
Grayson Hawthorne
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greatkinglulu · 5 months
Okay, so I saw this reel on insta and I think I NEED to write a OS with Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor about it.
What do we think? 👀
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justiceformeplease · 1 year
Hey sooo um yes i know i have not posted for about a few months maybe since last year?? I don't even know how long it has been but i know it's been a while and I'm sorry for not posting but i have lately been kind of stressed with school and life problems and i know that isn't a good enough excuse but i really am trying my best and stuff.
Since I'm finishing exams tommorow people can send requests that i could do over the summer and stuff
People i write for :
Ben hardy
Joe mazzello
John deacon
Roger Taylor
Kirk Hammett
Eddie Munson
Tasm Peter Parker
Warren Worthington
Serj tankian
Daron malakain
Btw i usually write x FEM!readers but i can also do male as well, i will usually do fem if there is no indication that you want male!reader
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bohemiansweede · 1 year
Xmas Fics
Here are my Xmas fics with the Bohrap boys
Enjoy and be safe out there
Warnings 🔞
A/N please like and reblog or leave a comment
Thank you
On the naughty list
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A total surprise
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Not alone for Christmas
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Christmas party
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❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️Enjoy also my Queen novel collection
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deanscroissant · 1 year
i hate that i compare my fics with other ppls fics and it just wrecks my creative process every time i want to write. how do i stop like-
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warriorteam1924 · 2 years
This is what dreams are made of
Joe Mazzello x FemReader
Author’s note : Hi my beauties. This piece is very special because it was actually a request…. I know pure fluff isn’t really my style, but I hope I didn’t do it too badly. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks in advance for the feedback (honest and real feedback of course, otherwise this doesn’t make sense at all) Also, I remind you English is not my mother tongue, sorry for the mistakes…. Also please note i’m absolutely lame regarding kids stories so i took inspiration from here (X)
@borhapgirlforlife19​ who requested : I hope you like it…. thank you for sending this request ^^
Request from @borhapgirlforlife19 : Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader long fic where reader comes home from work and finds Joe in their toddler daughter’s bedroom reading her a bedtime story and reader melts at the sight of how adorable Joe is with their daughter and after they both tell their daughter goodnight, they cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie in the living room together?
Warnings : my style that is not appreciated by all lol but on the piece, this is mostly fluff….
Summary : the end of the day with a bedtime story....
Words count : 1,944 words words
Permanent tag list : @reavenedges-lies  @thosequeenboys @born-to-lose @orionis8689 @queenlover05​ (please communicate with me regarding your desire to be kept on this list or not ^^ thank you)
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It had been another long day at work. And of course, to add to your pain, the traffic to get back home was absolutely horrible. Sure, there was no need to be upset at anyone, the roads needed a refreshment and the workers did the best they could. Yet, it was in these cases that you considered more and more the option to work from home. After all, there was a special space at home that you had been working from during the pandemic, there was no reason not to use this home office more often.
 And it would give you more time to spend with your family.
 Yes, it was a small family, with Joe, you, your daughter and the dogs. But you couldn’t be prouder. This was what many people could dream of.
 You eventually reached our street and hastily parked in front of your house. You grabbed your belongings and quietly opened the door. It was quite late, you noticed as you glanced at your watch, you did not want to take the risk of awakening your daughter if she was already sleeping.
 Your dogs welcomed you, with their tails swinging, almost leading to a silly samba like butt dance. You leaned forwards to pet them properly and they seemed happy to see you back home.
 “Where is daddy?”, you gently asked them, petting their heads.
 They both looked at the stairs, letting you know Joe was probably upstairs.
 “Thanks.”, you said, winking at them.
 You quietly went upstairs, and you started to hear Joe’s voice coming from your daughter’s bedroom. You took your shoes off, leaving them in the middle of the corridor, to make sure you would walk very silently towards the bedroom.
 Joe was making sure to properly tuck your daughter under her covers. You sweetly smiled as you recalled how Joe had made sure to convince her to get a set of bed linens with dinosaurs on them. As a result, she was sleeping amongst pterodactyls and other stegosauruses.
 “So, are you ready for the story?”, Joe asked as he sat on the edge of the bed.
 You didn’t hear your daughter answer so you came closer, leaning on the door frame, making sure you’d witness this precious moment. You saw your kid frankly nod.
 “So, this is a special story today. An old friend of mine said it to me a long time ago, I hope I can recall it properly.”, your husband pretended he was trying to recall the story.
 You saw your daughter get deeper in her pillow, very attentive to the beginning of the tale.
 “Once upon a time, there was a young fisherman. One day he accidentally caught a mermaid in his net.
 Legends say if you catch a mermaid, she must grant a wish if you let her go…. What do you think, did he let her go?”, Joe asked your daughter.
 “Oh, if he wanted a wish, he surely did.”, she replied with a firm nod.
 “Correct….”, Joe carried on. “And the fisherman was really quick to make one:
 ‘I wish the girl I like would love me forever,’ he said.”, the father carried on his story, making sure he was changing his voice to pretend the fisherman was talking.
 “And the mermaid asked: ‘Why do you like her?’, her tail slightly swinging in the blue sea.”, the father carried on his story, this time, taking a more feminine voice, making your daughter smile.
 “The fisherman replied: ‘Because she is the prettiest girl in the land.’ as he was staring at the mermaid with pride.”, Joe stated with a very manly voice.
 “The mermaid thought for a while and handed the boy a magical ring.
 ‘Give this ring to the girl you want to spend the rest of your life with,’ she said, ‘but you must wait one full year from today before it will work.’, the mermaid warned.”, Joe narrated.
 Your daughter was frowning, very attentive to the story.
 “The man took the ring, and on his way home, he passed a homeless young woman.
 ‘Please, sir,’ she said, ‘Can you spare something to eat? I will work for you in return.’, the homeless woman said.”, Joe introduced his new protagonist with a new voice as well.
 “The fisherman didn’t have much, but he agreed to share his food with her if she helped him put away his nets. They shared his food, and the woman left while the man crawled into bed and dreamed of his love.
 Every day for a month, the young woman would help him with the nets, and he would share his food. Then one day, she was not there. The fisherman was worried, went to look for her, and found her asleep in his fishing shed.”, your husband carried on his narration very seriously.
 Your daughter seemed saddened by the turn of the story, and you had to admit you were wondering where this story would lead.
 “The fisherman was ashamed that he never thought about where the young woman would sleep. He woke her up, let her sleep by his fire, and then added a room to his home for her.
 ‘You can sleep here for the next 11 months,’ he told her. ‘But then my wife will move in, and you will have to leave.’, he warned her.”, Joe carried on with his fisherman’s voice.
 Again, you noticed your daughter was frowning, her little hands grabbing the edge of the covers that were covering her.
 “Yet, the next day, the young woman was not waiting to help with his nets, and the fisherman was angry.
 ‘I gave her food and a room,’ he said, ‘and this is how she repays me?’, the man said furiously.”, Joe stated with an angry voice.
 “The fisherman dropped the nets and burst angrily through his front door.
 The man couldn’t believe his eyes. His little home had never been so clean. His bed was washed and made, there was a pile of chopped wood by the fire, and a pot of stew waited for him on the fire. It was as if a fairy had done it all in a twinkling of an eye.”
 “What happened next?”, your daughter asked vividly.
 “Well, the man felt very ashamed. The young woman had worked hard all day and made his home more lovely than he ever had. Of course, he soothed and even if she hadn’t seen his fury, he apologized to her all the same.
 They ate together, and the young woman left for her room while the boy crawled into his clean bed and dreamed of his love.”, Joe said, with a little sigh in his voice.
 “As the months passed, the man would ask the young woman to stay and talk before they both went to sleep in their rooms. They shared stories of their families, and the fisherman spoke every night of his love.”, Joe carried on.”
 “And then one morning, the fisherman awoke to find the young woman waiting by the door with her things under her arm.”, your husband nodded.
 “Oh, no?!!”, your daughter replied.
 “So, the fisherman asked, ‘What are you doing?’, as the young woman was standing by the door.
 ‘It is time for you to marry your love,’ she said, ‘So I must go.’, she sighed.”, Joe stated with his feminine voice.
 “Noooooo….”, your daughter whispered, saying no with her face.”
 “The man hadn’t realized a full year had passed. He grabbed the ring and ran to the village to find his love. When he found her, he saw that she looked exactly the same, but he no longer felt the same way.”, Joe sweetly smiled.
 “Did he love the young woman?”, your kid vividly asked.
 “Well, all I know is he ran back to his home and chased after her. And he soon found her.”
 You saw your daughter suddenly tense, making you smile as you were still witnessing the scene by the door.
 “The fisherman stood before the young woman, but she spoke first: ‘Did you find your love?’ she asked.”, Joe questioned in his feminine voice.
 “And the fisherman replied. ‘Yes and no….I found an ordinary girl in the village, but now that I am with you, I know I have found my love.’, he confessed.”, Joe smiled.
 “He was in love with her !!”, your daughter said with a wide smile.
 “Correct. And she was also in love with him. And so, he gave he his ring, and they spent the rest of their lives together…. The end.”, Joe announced with a very gentle voice.
 “Mommy, do you think I’ll meet a mermaid as well one day?”, your daughter suddenly asked you.
 Joe turned to see you, his cheeks reddening very quickly. You smiled and stepped inside.
 “Well, I’m sure you will. But probably not tonight. Dad told you a lovely story and it’s now time to sleep?”, you replied with a smile.
 Joe leant to kiss your daughter on her forehead and you came closer to kiss her as well.
 “Goodnight, sweetheart.”, you said, with a faint smile on your lips.
 “And sweet dreams.”, Joe added as he turned off the light and closed the door.
 You walked down the stairs and you collapsed on the sofa after this long day. The dogs were quietly sleeping on their beds. Joe brought snacks for the two of you and you couldn’t be more thankful.
 “That was an interesting story you had there….”, you said with a sweet smile in between sipping your drink.
 “Well, when you’re a dad, you must know a few stories. But nothing will make me give my source away. Never. Ever.”, he affirmed.
 “This one was from Travis, right?,” you smiled.
 “Damnit.”, Joe pretended to be upset.
 You laughed but came closer to put a soft kiss on his lips.
 “Yes, it’s easy to kiss me to calm me down….”, he joked. “Do you fancy a movie tonight, before going to bed? I don’t have a nice story for you I’m afraid.”, he carried on, more seriously.
 “A movie will do. And since you’ve been treating me like a goddess, of course, you choose what you fancy.”, you said.
 “Oh, nice. I actually had something in mind…. Let me put the DVD. I’m sure you’ll like it.”
 “Joe, I love you. And I love your tastes regarding many things. Don’t you worry.”, you caressed his thigh as he came close to you to cuddle in front of the TV.
 You frowned as you didn’t recognize the introduction and soon tears began to appear in your eyes. You turned to Joe to kiss him once again.
 “Oh, my gosh Joe. What is this?”, you asked.
 “I asked a friend to make a better video from our wedding day. You know, a better edition, better sound and all. This way, we can enjoy whenever we want.”, he smiled at you.
 You didn’t know what to do. Look at your husband or look at the screen as you were seeing your younger self dancing with your young husband.
 “Oh, Joe, I love you so so much.”, you melted in his arms.
 “And I love you more.”, he replied, kissing your head.
 The two of you almost merged one onto the other and you spent the rest of the evening watching the DVD, pausing it to recall precious moments from this special day.
 Yes, the day had been long and tiring. But you knew it was all fine because in the end, you’d get to be with your family and nothing could bring you more happiness. This was what your dreams were made of. 
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what about a fic with Joe mazzello where your like...."huh babe yknow this other actor named joseph quinn in st4 sort of looks like your portrayal of John" and teasing him about it
Yes! You can bet I can take advantage of our new Tumblr Sexy man Joseph Quinn and his physical similarities to Joe!!!
(I swear, they need to play brothers someday!!!)
So first, let's make this a headcanon. And secondly, let's make the reader gender neutral.
TW: Swearing, but pretty fluffy and that's about it.
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So Joseph was upstairs playing video games while you were downstairs.
One plus about your relationship is that you recognized the need for space and appreciation for different interests :)
As he was pressing a button to make Mario jump for a coin he heard the distinct sound of a riffing guitar with some thunder downstairs. But today was a hot summer's day with the crickets lazily chirping as the bright sun faded. Not one dark cloud in the sky.
Hearing more, it was Master of Puppets by Metallica. He shrugged it off and kept playing.
He cursed when he lost his last life, unable to hear your footsteps up.
"Babe! Babe! You got to see this!" You said with urgency. Your eyes were wide with excitement more than panic.
"Y/N, what is it?" he asked, turning to look at you. His red hair messy from a whole day inside.
"Come downstairs...there's a guy on the new season of Stranger Things who looks like you!" you explained.
He follows down in curiosity. You pause and rewind the episode, muttering "blah blah blah skip skip skip show us Eddie!"
You then paused right on a frame of the Eddie in question.
"His hair is too long, sweetie!" Joe objected.
You whipped out your phone and pulled out a picture of your Joe as Deaky.
He blinked and his eyes darted from the phone to the tv to the phone and back again.
"H...Holy shit..." he mumbled.
"And wait until you see him without the wig!" you added on. You reached down on your phone and searched up a photo.
"The guy who plays him, get this, he's named Joe too!"
"Yes," you pulled up a photo of the other Joe in the phone and shoved it to the present Joe's face.
"And he looks like this!" you cried.
Joseph Mazzello's eyes went big at the sight and he began nodding in appreciation. Similar reddish hair. Similar face structure. Similar foreheads.
"Huh...his eyes are darker, and the bulb of his nose is rounder, I think," you said, you took Joe's face in your hands and "examined" it, much to his amusement.
"Maybe my mom doesn't have a secret about John Deacon but his father!" he joked. Both of you giggled.
"I'll let you know, he's everywhere on the internet. Buzzfeed, Tumblr, Twitter, Insta, and Facebook even. They're mad about him and his character in Stranger Things." you explained
Joe put his hands on his hips
"They could have cast me!"
"But what about your new movie?" you asked with a laugh.
"That's not the point!"
Both of you giggled and he placed his hands around your waist.
"Then, I better watch out if he gets near you." he teased. "I know you got a type now! He better not steal you away from me!"
"Not in a million years!" you insisted.
You gave him a kiss on the tip of his nose. "But he's not my Joe. My Joe is funny and multi-talented, and smart, and adorable, and not to mention pretty dark sexy..."
"Sexy, eh?" he returned with a kiss on the lips.
Taglist: @queenlover05@yourlocalmusicalprostitute @0x0spunky-monkey0x0
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Ich habe 3.324 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
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Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 783 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
#self reblog – 271 Einträge
#santiago garcia x reader – 79 Einträge
#poe dameron x reader – 73 Einträge
#charles xavier x reader – 65 Einträge
#poe dameron x you – 61 Einträge
#santiago garcia imagine – 57 Einträge
#santiago garcia fanfiction – 56 Einträge
#santiago pope garcia x reader – 56 Einträge
#poe dameron – 52 Einträge
#charles xavier x you – 49 Einträge
Längstes Tag: 135 characters
#and in autumn i wanted to clean up all the pots and this hulk of a plant had to be ripped out of the soil because it didn't want to die
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
Hey, I have a prompt request. Can you write romantic Prompt #16 and #17 with Taron Egerton partnered with a female actress?
A/N: Sorry for the wait. Enjoy, tulip!
Truth or Dare
Warning: friends to lovers, alchol, drunk shenanigans, idiots in love, it get's spicy at the end
Pairing: Taron Egerton x fem!reader
16. A: Truth or dare? B: truth A: do you want to kiss me? B: dare! A: I dare you to kiss me. B: never have I ever- A: ThaT’s NoT ThE game 17. *blushing* Shut up! I hate you.
Game nights at Taron house were always a blast. Most of the time you were a group of friends. Today it was only him and you. You ate snacks and junk food till your stomachs hurt. Alcohol was involved too.
You were lying on the carped under the coffee table, laughing your ass off. “And I was like, Rich we aren’t spicy enough. Let’s do French. And he shrugged and rolled with it. I miss Rich. Wondering what he is doing?” You laughed harder and only could wheeze out your answer. The only think Taron understood was filming, Marvel and Eternals.
He looked down at you and raised a brow, “I thought you weren’t allowed to talk about projects?”
You sat up and pointed at him drunkenly, “Well first, I only stated what was already known. And second, I am not like Tom Holland and Mark Ruffalo. I can keep my spoilers for me. I am good at keeping secrets, good sir. How dare you accuse me of such felony.”
You really tried to stay stern but the alcohol in your system made it hard to focus. You started to giggle which made Taron giggle. It ended with you clutching your stomach and Taron falling down onto you from the couch. After the short shock you started to hysterically giggle.
Taron was taking deep breaths, trying to regain his breath. “Okay. I have an idea.” You were intrigued and cocked your head to the side. “Truth or dare!” As a sober person you would have groaned. You weren’t sober, “I wanna start!” Taron nodded, “Okay. Truth or Dare?” You pondered for a bit. Your drunken mind slowly made the decision you will regret in the morning, “Dare.” Taron smirked, “Call someone and tell them you miss them.” Immediately you fished out your phone and dialled the number of your victim.
Your phone was on speakers and Taron could hear a tired rasped of an annoyed ‘Yes?’. You smiled giddily, “Joey? I miss you soooooooo much!” A tired groan could be heard from the other end, “You know how late it is, do you? You menace.” You pouted, “’m sorry Joe. I just miss you. And I am drunk. Time and space are wibbly wobbly, timy wimy stuff.” Joe groaned again, “I’m gonna call Ben to kill you the next time he sees you. He loves me more than you, anyway.” You pouted more, “You are mean Joseph Mazzello. I’m gonna tell Roger.” Joe snorted, “Tell him I said hi. And now go to sleep and call me when you are sober. Better, let’s facetime. So I can see your ugly face.” You smiled brightly, fully ignoring your friend’s insult, “Bye, Joey. Have sweet dreams of dinosaurs.” He groaned and grumbled good night. “Well now what are you gonna choose, T?” He shrugged, “Dare.”
It went back and forth. Taron at to chuck the last bit of vodka that was in the bottle. You had to do a body shot of tequila off of Taron’s body. Taron told you his favourite memory of you two, you had to tell him what you liked in bed. After a few rounds it was your turn. Taron lulled out the obvious question, “Truth or dare?” You gulped down the last of your beer and turned to your best friend, “Truth”
Taron had a mischievous glint in his eyes, “Do you want to kiss me?” You squinted at him, “Dare.” His smirk widened, “I dare you to kiss me!”
Heat rushed into your cheeks. You wanted to change the subject. Your brain on the other hand was a little muddled and slow, “Never have I ever-“ Taron huffed loudly. Annoyed that you would change the game completely, “That’s not the game!”
Before you could react you felt warm, soft lips on yours. Your brain was too far gone to spring into action so your muscle memory sprang into action. With favour, maybe even drunken favour you kissed him back.
The longer you kissed the more heated it got. The only thing you could remember was that Taron stubbed his toe at his coffee table and you crashed into the wall next to the bedroom door. After you landed in bed, everything blurred.
Next morning you woke up with the feeling of being watched. You closed your eyes again and snuggled further into the warm pillow. The warm pillow vibrated. Your eyes shot open and you sat up straight. Taron looked at you with a raised eyebrow, “You know, you are cute in your sleep. Did you know that you make cute noises in your sleep? And I thought the noises you made last night were my favourite.” Your neck and face grew hotter by the minute, “Shut up!” You turned away from him and pull the blanket over your head.
You felt hands snake around your torso, “So does this mean you like me?” You groaned out of embarrassment and because you were a little hungover. “I hate you.” Taron chuckled. “Well, there is my answer. Want some pancakes?” He smirked as he heard you grumble a small ‘yes’.
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177 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 14. Februar 2022
can I get a poe dameron fic please!! I have an idea where the reader works in intelligence on the resistance base and works on comms. poe gets trapped somewhere, and she talks to him to find his way out and saves him. THEN there’s a victory celebration at the resistance base, and poe asks to dance with her, the girl he’s had a crush on from a distance, and then he recognizes her voice and realizes she’s the one who saved his life
A/N: hope you like this. I missed writing for our hot shot pilot.
Pairing: Poe Dameron x fem!reader Warning: angst, fluff
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Slow days were a mystery in the resistance. No one had experienced such a day in forever. But today was everyone’s lucky day, or so they thought.
The alarm went off and everyone sprang into action. The pilots made their last repairs before shoving their tool in their toolboxes and kicking them away. The helm and communication center opened the coded channels for every squadron to communicate and receive orders.
Everyone in communication got a team assigned to them. Yours was the black squadron with their infamous leader, Poe Dameron. Or like your friends liked to call him, your walking daydream. But there was no time for daydreaming. You had to focus all of your attention so Dameron and his crew came home safely.
There was a slight crackle at the and of your com till the deep, soothing voice of no other than the Black Leader himself. “Com station this is Black Leader we are ready to jump.” You smiled as you heard his excitement through his voice. “This is com station. Black squadron is clear to make the jump.” Poe thanked you before pushing the last buttons.
It was more or less radio silent between you and the pilots. Till Poe requested a private channel. You opened it with furrowed brows, “Everything okay, Black Leader?” Poe huffed, “No, there are too many fighters. We are ready to retreat. More like my squadron is. I have a target on my back.” Instantly you began to type in his location and searched for possible routes to escape. “Tell your team to retreat and come back to base. I send you coordinates to your next jump. Follow my plan and your ship will be the only thing with scratches on it.” Poe huffed out a laugh. “You are the best. I hope I can thank you later in person.” Heat rushed to your face and you smiled shyly, “Get home safely. Then you can thank me.” Poe followed every step of the plan and as you said, he came home without a scratch. Not even his ship had any tents. His team ran over as he stepped down the latter. He was embraced in a tight hug.
There was a celebration afterwards. Everyone drank and danced. Laughter was heard through the whole base. With a drink in his hand and his droid by his side he searched for the voice of hope during his hopeless mission. Finn ran after him and stopped him as he waded through the mass of dancing people, “Hey, why that determined face.” BB-8 ratted out his friend. Finn smirked and shook his head in understanding. Poe only rolled his eyes at both his friends. “So you are searching for your lifeline?” Poe’s cheeks turned a hue of pink. “But you don’t know how they look. Just how they sound.” Poe shrugged, “I know. It was a bad idea.”
The pilot turned and looked at the people around the makeshift dancefloor. He found you in your group of friends laughing and drinking. Out of no where Rey stood next to him and Finn, “Talk to her. She is really nice.” Poe tsked and wanted to walk away. “Just go to her and ask her to dance with you. Finn and I can’t stand you looking at her and imagining the rest of your life with her. And don’t get me started on the bet between your squadron.” Poe huffed and rolled his eyes before he stomped away from his friends. Rey held up her hand and Finn high fived her.
You laughed hard as on of your friends told you about her day down at the med bay. Your stomach hurt from how hard you were laughing. You felt a tap on your shoulder. You whirled around and came face to face with your crush. You heard your friends whistle lowly before they slowly walked away from the two of you. Poe scratched his neck. His posture told you he was extremely nervous. He cleared his throat, “Hey, I wanted to ask. Do you like- no. Do you wanna dance with me?” He held out his shaking hand. You nodded and took it. Poe let out a breath.
He led you to the middle of the dance floor. During the time where he asked you to dance the pace of the music changed. It became slow and romantic. Poe pulled your body to his. “I hope that’s o-okay?” You smiled before nodding. You hummed softly to the music. Poe heart speed up as he heard the soft tunes escaping your perfect lips. “Do you have any plans tomorrow? After your shift. Wherever you may be working.” You grinned as he nervously rambled. “No, nothing. I work in the communication center. Directing squadrons. Today-“ “You!” You were interrupted by him. “You were the one who saved me today! I was looking for you. Thank the maker I found you.”
Before you could say anything back you felt soft lips on yours. Your eyes went wide and your brain stopped working. Poe felt your lack of movement and stopped. “I-I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncom-“ This time it was your turn to shut him up.
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@nightlockcornucopia @katzenwahnsinn
194 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 16. Juni 2022
Cutting Edge
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x gn!reader Warning: injury (a small cut), mention of blood, banter, fluff, slight sassy Bucky
You padded into the living room of your house where bucky was currently sitting on the couch. He was watching some nature documentary. “Hey Buck, could you sharpen my florist knife and my garden shears for me? I know you usually don't –“ Bucky looked up and smiled at you. He reached for your gardening tools, “Yeah, give them to me, doll.” You smiled gratefully at him. As you gave him the tools you leant further down and kissed his shadowed cheek. “Thank you, bear.”
Only half an hour later you were working in your garden again. You weeded, cut, and pruned around your flower beds. You were picking some flowers for the vase on the dinner table when you graced your thumb with the sharp edge of your garden knife. The digit bled a little. Before the wound could get infected you walked inside to the bathroom to get the wound cleaned and proper bandaged.
Bucky walked by and saw the blood splotches in the sink and got concerned. He walked up behind you and saw you cleaning a rather large cut on your thumb. He reached for your wrist and held it in his large hand, “What's up with your thumb?”
You looked over your shoulder and smiled softly, ”Complement to your sharpening skills, they are cutting edge.” Bucky stared at you with a deadpan expression, “You are proud of that pun?” He wasn’t really amused by your giddiness but that didn’t stop you. “Yeah.”
You nodded excitedly at him. Your boyfriend rolled his eyes. “So anyway. The knife is so sharp that I only had to grace the sharp edge over my skin to cut it. Oh, and it cuts through the stems like they are made out of melting butter.” You put your not injured thumb, the pointer, and the middle finger together and did the chefs kiss expression. Bucky only rolled his eyes and kissed your temple, “Glad to hear it. Please be more careful, you moron.” You smiled at his retrieving form, “Well, but I am your moron.” You cut hear Bucky sight and yell back, “Sadly.”
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@lover4jane @andromacher @jolovesfandoms @little-miss-naill
222 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 10. April 2022
Pairing: Robb Stark x fem!reader Warning: period typical misogyny, angst, fluff, talk of death of child
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You were shielded away all your life. Always kept behind the wall of the Red Keep. As a child you ran around the gardens exploring it. You could remember you were never bored. But now you grew up. You nearly read all the books available to you. You knew every corner of the palace and garden. Often you tried to escape from the walls of the castle but were stopped by your uncle or Sir Clegane. The later gave you the creeps.
When the news came that you would travel to the North you were ecstatic. Your mother scolded you to calm down. But you couldn’t. Your excitement was crushed when your mother told you that your dear lord father was to marry you to the highest bidder. With this in mind your mood changed drastically. Your cheery mood became sombre.
The day you dreaded the most came and you travelled up into the North. You sat in the carriage with your mother and younger siblings. Joffrey was a prick as always. He tormented you calling you all sort of names. Your mother ignored you both, too focused on her wine.
Often you would ask your uncle Jamie if you could ride on the horse with him. He only smiled and told you it’s not suited for a lady. You nodded and slumped back into your seat.
At the same time Robb trained with his friend Theon and half-brother Jon in the courtyard. He was especially aggressive which wasn’t unnoticed by his companions. As Robb landed yet another hard blow to Jon’s sword the black-haired boy stumbled back. He threw up his arms, still holding his sword, “What is wrong with you today?” The young wolf huffed, a dark look on his face, “Father told me something he kept from me my whole life. Something I should have had the knowledge about. Not only is the king coming what you all know. But also his family. More important, my betrothed. The princess Y/N.”
Both males began to smirk. Theon came over to his friend and clapped him on the shoulder, “Well no more visits to the brothel, my friend. You are as good as a married man.”
Jon shook his head, “So you are to marry the oldest daughter of the king while Sansa is to become the Queen of Westeros?” Robb nodded. Jon took his brothers sword and shook him out of his thoughts, “Let’s get cleaned up, or lady Caitlyn will have our heads.” Robb grinned at the imagine of his mother scolding them as if they were children.
The next morning the whole court of Winterfell was in uproar. The King and his family where sighted not far from here. Maids were running around. The stable boys cleaned the stables a third time. Robb walked into the Great Hall and was greeted by his mother ordering people around. He stepped next to her and kissed her cheek, “Good morning, mother. I see you are doing the last preparations for tonight’s feast.” Caitlyn sighted, “Everything has to be perfect. We don’t want to make a bad expression. Specifically for your bride. She has to know she is welcomed hear in this court.”
The young wolf nodded. “Mother, why does no one know about her and why did father only tell me today about our betrothal?” His mother looked at him with loving eyes, “She was kept hidden for the reason that she wouldn’t become a pawn in a cruel play. It was always intended that if House Stark and House Baratheon had male and female offspring around the same age they were to be married. After the crown prince, your betrothed twin, died tragically the king decided to keep her a secret. Telling everyone she died with her brother. She would have been a target for a lot of houses if she was the oldest daughter and the only heir. Thank the gods for prince Joffrey. Now change into your festive garb and tell your father’s bastard to stay away.” Robb nodded before leaving to do as he was asked.
The carriage came to a stop. You sighted and looked out. People were standing there waiting for you to exit your carriage. As the door opened you wanted to stand up before being pushed back by the little brat of your brother. “Future king before anyone else.” You only rolled your eyes.
All eyes were on you as you entered the yard. Whispers could be heard. You felt uncomfortable as every gaze was on you. Your fathers boisterous laugh brought you out of your paranoia. He waved you over, “And this is my beautiful daughter, Y/N. She is my most prized possession.” You looked at lord Stark and smiled shyly before fixing your gaze downwards to your feet. Your father went on to inspect Winterfell with lord Stark.
A woman in your mothers age stepped forward and bowed before you, “My name is lady Caitlyn Stark. And these are my children.” She introduced them to you one by one before pointing to a man with auburn locks. He had a soft smile on his lips and kind blue eyes, “And this is my eldest, Robb. Your betrothed.” Your eyes went back to the ground. Your cheeks became warm. There was an unusual feeling in the pit of your stomach.
After your father declared that he wanted to feast, lord Stark moved you and your family to his great hall were the feast was prepared. You were seated next to Robb. No conversation flew between the pair of you. But no one really cared.
Robb had enough of the silence. He wanted to know you before he married you. “What do you do over the day, my lady?” Your shocked eyes met his curious once. You could get lost in those you thought. You snapped out of your trance and told him about yourself. He smiled at you and laughed when you told something funny. “Now I have spoken a lot about myself, what my septa would chide me for. For it’s not proper.” Robb smiled warmly down at you, “I do not share this few with her. I want to know the person I will be married by tomorrow. I asked you to do so. Do not hold yourself back.”
He then told you about himself and what he would do in his free time. You felt the freedom from his stories. Your eyes lost their shine, stopping Robb from talking. “Everything alight?” You smiled sadly, “Maybe I am finally free after I married you, lord. But you have to show me what freedom is, for I have forgotten all about it.” Robb smiled sadly at you. He took your hand in his big one and softly kissed the back of it. “I will help you with your path. Your burden is now my burden too. My freedom shall be your freedom.”
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244 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 25. Mai 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
You choose him
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x gn!reader Warning: swearing, Nancy being a hypocrite, Billy not being his usual asshole-y self, fluff Summary: Nancy doubts the relationship between you and Billy
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Nancy looked at you before looking back over the lunch tables of the mess hall and then right back to you. You watched her while eating your lunch. After the fifth time of her sweeping over you and then your boyfriend she sighted, looking disappointed. “What is it, Nance? Spit it out.” Her judging eyes fell onto you. You huffed in annoyance.
She pointed at the table a few meters away where Billy sat with his flies as he called the people around him. “You choose him?” You looked at him before back to your best friend, “Yeah…So?” She huffed out a laugh and shook her shoulders. “You saw the pompous asshole-y one and thought, Ah yes. Perfect! I thought you had standards?”
You rolled your eyes at her before resuming to finish your lunch. “Look I am not proud of it, okay? But he is different with me than in school. I think he is slowly changing.” Nancy gave you a look of disbelieve. You sighted deeply, throwing up your hands and letting them fall on top of your thighs. “You might not see it but I do. And Nance, you are a hypocrite. Before Steve knew what an absolute ass he was, you were dating him.” Your best friend looked down at the table. “If you don’t mind. I would like to finish lunch and after study for the chemist test I have tomorrow. And god knows I need to study.”
After lunch you made your way into the empty science lap where Billy was waiting for you. He looked up from the book as he saw you enter through the door. His usual smirk was replaced with a warm smile he didn’t show of to much. You waved at him shyly before walking over to him. He put his backpack down from the stool so you could sit next to him.
As you unloaded your bag for the study session Billy watched you with his memorizing eyes and a soft smile. “How was your day after math?” You sighted deeply. “Uneventful till lunch. Nancy ripped me a new one for dating you. I told her she dated Steve in his prime asshole time.” Billy smirked, “That’s my girl!” You let your head fall onto your shoulder to look at your boyfriend disapprovingly, “I don’t want to fight with her over such things. I want her to see the Billy that his hidden behind the macho façade. Why are you still hanging out with the flies? You don’t even like them.”
Billy sighted before he nodded. “I don’t know, sweets. Maybe it’s my insecurity or still my, how did you call it? Idiot-alpha-male-brain? That wants to belong to someone and not be lonely.” You touched his cheek and caressed his cheekbone with your thump, “You are not alone. Just throw away your alter ego and let me introduce you to my friends. You will see, they are more fun. Especially Robin.”
He huffed out a laugh before pointing at his chemistry book. “We need to study. I saw you try and fail to write a redox-reaction and it was painful to watch.” You looked at him unimpressed, “Yeah, I saw your biology notes. Thank god I didn’t have a lighter on me.” Billy kissed your temple quickly, “Well thank the stars I have your notes to study for tomorrow. Chemistry first and then you tell me how plants do photosynthesis?” You nodded before diving in into chemical elements and their reactions.
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Thank you @mistersourwolf for the gif
283 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 2. November 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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littlebratao3 · 3 years
blinding lights - j.m.
cw: dom/sub dynamics, daddy kink, bondage, makeshift gags, rough sex, spanking, use of safeword, petnames, mentions of aftercare
word count: 2.8k
details: got three random prompts (in a car, gags, and dry humping/clothed sex) from a prompt list that i can no longer find bc i started this fic like, years ago so. yeah. this is what resulted :)
please let me know what you think, comments are always appreciated <3
The look on Joe’s face is priceless as your giggle sounds, “You like?” He shakes his head in disbelief as he comes up to take your hand and twirl you around, giving you more than a few once-overs.
“Understatement. You look stunning, love, absolutely stunning.” His smile is genuine, the look in his eyes is soft, and his touch on your waist is so tender that you almost forget to breathe. 
Red carpets and award shows weren’t your favorite thing, but this-dressing up and receiving nothing but praise from Joe about how good you looked made it all more than bearable. 
In front of the cameras, his arm is an anchor snug against your waist, smile confident and sure. 
And it was always even more fun after-coming home, stripping each other of suits and dresses and ties and fucking til the early hours of the morning. 
“Trust me, Joey. This,” you gesture towards your floor length dress, “is nothing compared to what I’m wearing underneath it.” 
Time slows down just a little as his eyes widen and darken simultaneously, his grip on your hips less tender and quickly turning desirous. 
Your hands grab at his wrists as you feel him begin to bunch your dress up. “Nope, sorry babe. You don’t get to see it until our own after party after the after party.” 
A growl sounds deep in his chest and his kiss is all teeth and tongue as he all but yanks your body closer into his. It takes every ounce of strength in you to pull away, the both of you breathless. 
He watches you like prey while you fix your dress, and smooth out his dress shirt, straightening his tie before smiling shakily-ignoring the extremely loud telltale signs of your arousal. 
“Let’s go, yeah? We don’t want to be late.”
The night drags on slowly and quickly at the same time, and with every semi quiet moment when Joe’s eyes meet yours-your pussy clenches needily and Joe’s cock twitches in his pants. 
Your panties dampen significantly each time you catch the look in his eye, and it only gets stronger as the night goes on and the inevitable draws closer and closer. His smile may be easy going to onlookers, but his eyes give way to every sinful thing he’s imagining. 
You smile, laugh, engage in conversation, and a little bit of drinking but the anticipation of how the night will end is slowly eating at you. Your mind flashes back to the initial look on Joe’s face when he first saw you, then the largely detectable shift in his eyes at your mentioning of what lies underneath. 
Imagining the dark and insatiable looks he’ll give you once it’s revealed is enough for you to push up and away from the table-a little more forcefully than you intended, drawing more than a few eyes over to you. 
“Sorry,” your smile is tight, unconvincing, “I’m just going to run to the ladies room. Nature calls!” 
You rush to the bathroom which is across the expansive room that’s currently filled with a-listers and celebrities laughing and drinking and celebrating. 
Slinking through them is easy, and as soon as your hand can reach the door to the bathroom, you’re pushing it open and letting it close behind you. Your back rests against the wall as you release a long and heavy sigh. 
The dulled noise of the party is more than comforting and the tension in your shoulders loosens slowly. 
You never realize how much being around crowds like that suffocates you until you get a moment to yourself. Shutting yourself into a stall, you carefully pull up your skirt, the thigh high sheer stockings covering your legs that connect to a garter belt, surrounding a brand new pair of cheeky black lace panties-the small seat of it currently damp with your arousal. 
While holding up the lengthy part of your dress in one hand, your other reaches for some tissue, snatching more than a few sheets off the roll. One stiletto heel balances on the marble floor, the other perched up on the toilet seat. 
A few quick wipes to your upper inner thighs and they’re no longer slipping as they rub against one another. You can do this, you think, taking a few deep breaths, it's only just what-maybe an hour more and then you get to go home. 
It’s honestly very doubtful that either of you would be able to make it that far. After flushing the toilet and fixing your dress, you exit the stall and clean your hands while you take a little more than a quick glance at yourself in the mirror.
Taking your phone out, you snap a few shameless selfies-deciding that the lighting was too good to go to waste-and then a few turn into several until you’re satisfied. You keep only two-out of ten-and save a silly one to send to Joe. 
As your thumb hovers over the send arrow, a wicked idea pops into your brain. Clicking the ’x’ on the photo you were planning to send to Joe, you reopen the camera app and head back into the stall. 
With your foot propped up on the toilet seat and dress hiked up and resting in your arm again, you angle your phone just right and snap a photo. 
The laugh that leaves you is almost sinister as you admire the picture. It perfectly showcases your open legs adorned with your garter belt and stockings-you don’t need to think twice as you send it to him. 
Once again, you fix yourself before exiting the restroom with renewed energy.
 The amount of time you take to make your way back over to the group is generous, loving the feeling of adrenaline pumping through your blood-strengthened by the loud music playing. 
Before they’re even in your line of sight, you feel a strong hand grip your wrist and you’re yanked back into a familiar body. 
His voice in your ear is deep and his words drip with irritation and lust as he whispers, “What do you think you’re doing?”
His grip has drifted from your wrist to your waist and it stays as you turn around, smiling sweetly, “Just having a little fun, Joey.” 
His stare is enough to make you squirm, palms sweating as that look entered his eyes-the one that told you he wanted to eat you alive. 
“You’re playing a very dangerous game, baby.” You were almost convinced that he could feel your heart pounding in your chest with how close he had you pressed up against him. 
Neither of you are aware of anything happening around you, too busy being wrapped up in each other, eyes blaring and gaze unwavering as you breathe heavily, “What if I want to play?” 
And you’re not entirely sure yourself-too caught up in the moment and in his eyes, his touch, and his lips that bite yours more than they kiss. 
Your desire pools in the pit of your stomach and Joe chases your lips as you pull away. You couldn’t wait anymore and you could tell Joe felt the same with impatience rolling off of him in waves-feeling it in the way he held you and kissed you. He needed to have you now. 
“So… what’re you waiting for? Take me home, Daddy.” 
If you hadn’t been surrounded by hundreds of people and more cameras than you could count, you’re positive he would have attempted to throw you over his shoulder and haul you out of the room. 
Instead he settled for his hand gripping yours strongly as he guides the both of you through the room, dodging groups of people here and there until you reach a hidden exit. 
The cool air of the night bites your skin and things are a little less hazy and a little less suffocated with your arousal-until Joe is suddenly moving you into the backseat of his car and leaning into you after slamming the door shut. 
The haze returns as his lips come back to yours as he groans into your mouth, his tongue rolling against yours with such a fucking tease. 
“Please Joey, I need you.” 
He chuckles darkly, lips meeting yours for another bruising kiss. All he’s done is kiss you and yet you find it hard to breathe as you sit up when he leans back off of you, yanking his tie off his neck with a feral look in his eyes. 
“Oh, you’ll have me, don’t worry about that. You’ve done enough teasing tonight, kitten.” He shoves a hand between your legs, cupping your heat in his hand. 
It’s Daddy’s turn. 
“Fucking drenched,” he mutters and your legs spread open wider as a silent plea for more, but he chuckles as he removes his hand and slaps your clothed pussy, his smile breathtakingly sinister as you yelp. 
“Flip over and put your hands behind your back. Now.”
His tone leaves no room for argument so you turn around, your dress twisting with you and your cheek squishing against the seat as you put your hands behind your back. 
A whine leaves you as you feel him slip his tie around your wrists, double wrapping and tying them together. His fingers trace your stocking covered calf as he rucks your dress up, letting it pool over your hips.
Daddy’s baby is looking so fucking beautiful. 
Snapping the strap of your garter belt against your skin, a gasp tears sharply from you as he rips your panties open, leaving the material halfway hanging off of you. “Joe!” you whined. 
“Quiet, I’ll buy you another fucking pair.” 
You simmered silently in your anger while he admired your rear end. Prettiest little ass, he had muttered before decorating the skin, his hand landing across your cheeks three times in quick succession. 
An unpermitted squeal had left you at the unexpected pain that came and went, and it didn’t go unnoticed. 
“Didn’t I say to be quiet, kitten?” He growled lowly, his voice coming closer to your ear, making you whimper. 
“I’m sorry Joey, I’ll be quiet. I promise.” 
“Oh, I know you will.”
His next words have you tensing slightly, “Open your mouth.” You know better than to question him so, opening your mouth-albeit hesitantly-a whiny gasp is muffled when he stuffs part of your dress into your mouth. 
His smile is dark as he looks at you approvingly. “There we go, that should help you out with that problem.” 
His hands are anything but gentle as they grab at your ass, squeezing the flesh while he asks, “What do you say?” 
You blink wetly at him from the corner of your eye as you try to speak around the material in your mouth-knowing exactly what he was expecting-, “Thank you, Daddy.” 
You can tell he’s pleased with your response even though he continues doling more spanks out on your ass. Your skin jumps with every resounding crack of his open palm against you, and the simmering pain adds to your arousal.
“Look so good, kitten. Good enough to eat.” You whimper at his words and push back desperately, trying to meet his tongue that was nowhere near your cunt, and cry out when he tuts disapprovingly, “Nope, none of that. You’ve done all the teasing tonight. Have you forgotten it's Daddy’s turn now?” 
You cry out into your dress when you feel the thick head of his cock sliding up and down your cunt, being coated generously in your arousal. You moan and tears leak from your eyes as your dress soaks up the please that falls from your lips. You can feel his cock throbbing against your clit, hot and hard as he moans prettily. 
“What, you want something? You want my cock? Then fucking beg for it.” His cock rubs against you more harshly as muffled cries of please and Daddy and fuck me leave your mouth in earnest. 
It’s all basically incoherent and Joe doesn’t tell you if your groveling was good enough or not as he’s suddenly plunging deep inside of you. 
You sob from the immediate combined feelings of delicious pain, stimulation of your g-spot and the feeling of his cock pulsating in you as he sets a blinding pace, all but pounding you into the car seat. The material of your dress is damp in your mouth as you scream, his hips snapping furiously against your ass as he fucks you. 
“This what you’d been wanting, yeah? Wanted to get me all riled up so I’d drag you out to the car just so you could have my cock?”
Trying to squirm away from the onslaught of his dick in your cunt is futile because you don’t get very far and Joe is immediately pulling you back on to him by the tie around your wrists. 
“No, you wanted my cock kitten, so take it.” 
And you do. Your pussy clenches around him at his words, whines and sobs muffled by the thick material in your mouth as Joe fucks you so good you see stars behind your eyes. 
Every thrust of his hips drives his cock deep into your pussy, the spot inside of you that makes you shake and tremble deliciously grinded into. 
Your orgasm hits you, it’s sudden and so fucking good that you’re reduced to nothing but a whiny litany of DaddyDaddyDaddy and pleasepleaseplease. 
Your ass stings as Joe pounds your pussy even as you convulse and tremble around him, sobbing incoherently as the fire in your abdomen blazes and your pussy throbs as your body comes alive when he reaches around your hip and under your dress, finding your clit and rubbing it. 
“Go ahead and come again. Show me how much you love it when I put your little bratty ass in its place.”
Your body listens to him before you do, trembling from head to toe as you squirt on his cock, no longer holding on to any control over yourself; that was long gone.
Joe’s hips stutter against yours, his breathing heavy as his grip on the necktie around your wrists tightens as he pulls you back on him once more. His cock throbs and swells before he comes deep inside you, thick and hot ropes of cum painting the walls of your pussy.
You whine as he slowly pulls out of you, and slowly pulls you up by your hair, silently guiding you to turn around. He yanks the saliva-sodden material from your mouth, thumbs rubbing your lips as he leans in and kisses you, tongue immediately searching yours out.
Your eyes are glossy, and he thinks to himself, good girl, until he looks down at himself, all disheveled and messy. And you can feel his cum slowly dribbling out of your well-fucked cunt beneath the skirt of your dress.
“Would you look at that? Look at the mess you made kitten, you ruined my best pants.” 
Deep down, you know he’s not genuinely upset but you’re too deep in your head to be anything but remorseful as he’s still regarding you with that stern tone, so you pout and your eyes water a bit as he looks at you disapprovingly. “I-I’m sorry, Daddy.” 
“Sorry isn’t going to cut it, baby. Clean it up.”
Your wrists are still tied behind your back as you sniffle and lean forward, your tongue coming out to lap up the cum-his and yours combined-from his crotch. His dick twitches in front of your face, slowly hardening again as he watches you, eyes dark and brows knitted together.
When you’re done he’s yanking you up by your hair so he can pull your lips to his, biting and sucking on them as he tastes the both of you on your tongue. 
It makes your thighs quiver underneath you and your arms are near cramping when he pulls away, giving you a chance to breathe. 
You’re still huffing as you squeak out red, and gone is harsh dominant Joe, quickly replaced with soft eyes and soft touches as he starts to ask what’s wrong. 
You beat him to the punch before the words begin to leave his mouth as you speak up, “I’m sorry, my arms are cramping. Please untie me?” 
He’s already loosening and freeing your wrists from behind your back before you even finish asking, and his voice rolls through you as he meets your eyes. 
“There’s no need to apologize, at all. I’m the one who’s sorry, ducky.” He rubs your wrists with his thumbs before taking hold of your face, leaving kisses along both of your cheeks, your nose, forehead, chin and then your lips. He doesn’t even need to say it because you can feel it. You feel it in every moment when he kisses you-his love, his affection, his care, for you. “Such a good girl, my good girl.” 
Your head is still feeling floaty and his words make you feel all warm inside as the praise sits deep within you. 
“Let’s go home, yeah?”
“Yeah, of course I’ll run you a bath, kitten.”
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Physical Attraction, Chemical Reaction
Warnings: none
Word Count: 910
Relationship: Joe Mazzello x reader
Summary: after finding out you're pregnant, you plan on telling Joe on Christmas as a little extra surprise for him.
Please do not copy, rewrite, or translate onto another site. Permission will not be given if asked for it.
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“I don’t know, Mary. What if he doesn’t want it?” You ask Mary, running your hands through your newly curled hair.
“First, I doubt he wouldn’t want the baby. Second, stop messing with your hair! You’re going to ruin it!” Mary exclaims, holding your forearms. “Joe is going to be thrilled! He’s always been so good with kids and I’ve heard about all the times he’s talked to you about having kids.”
“That’s true.” You pause. “So should I do it?”
“Yes, (Y/N)! A million times yes!” Mary said, almost annoyed with your nerves. “Now, go out there and give him the test!” She says, pushing you out of the room you're in.
You step into the living room to be greeted by the brightly lit Christmas tree, surrounded by Joe’s brother, John and his wife, Emma and their kids, Joe’s parents Virginia and Joseph, and Joe. All of them held various beverages in their hands. Joe’s eyes met yours, his face brightening at the sight of you. You smile and make your way over to him while tucking the small box containing the positive pregnancy test into the back pocket of your pants.
“Hey love.” Joe smirks, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you into a kiss. “Want a drink?”
Your heart rate quickened “I’m good. Stomach isn’t up for that tonight.”
“If you insist.” Joe smiled, returning to his seat on the couch pulling you down with him.
For the past few years, you've spent Christmas with Joe’s family. They took you in as their own when you and Joe moved in together. John is like the older brother you never had, Mary the sister you always wanted, and Joseph and Virginia are like parents to you. Despite the amount of times you've told them they don’t need to spoil you, they still do.
Every year they welcome you on Christmas Day with a gift and you always feel somewhat guilty. you always give them this look. A look of joy, expressing how grateful you are for them. But also a look of annoyance, expressing how you don’t need the gift. They always insist you open it and of course you do. You would feel guilty if you didn’t accept it.
As the night continued, someone put on Polar Express and Virginia passed out mugs of hot cocoa with candy canes dangling off the side of the cups. You snuggled closer to Joe as he draped a fuzzy blanket over the two of you. All worries you had about telling him you were pregnant quickly faded. Everyone somehow grew inpatient of sitting around, so you opened your presents from each other. Your heart began racing once again as you got up from Joe’s grasp to grab the presents for his family. It’s time. Joe’s going to know about the pregnancy.
You passed around the presents to the kids, one to Mary, one to John, and one to Joe’s parents, hiding your fear behind a bright smile. Returning to your seat next to Joe, you watched the kids tear into their presents. Their screams of joy filled the room as they opened their new toys. When they finished and ran off to play with their toys, it was the adults' turn to open their presents. You and Joe got a box of new picture frames, a gift card for your favorite restaurant, and film for your Polaroid camera. Everyone else finished and thanked each other. Your heart is beating out of your chest. Mary gave you a knowing look. You have to do this. You let out a shaky sigh and turned to face Joe.
“Hey, Joe.” You said shakily.
“What’s up, sweets?” He asked.
“I know you said no gifts this year but, I found this last minute.” You explained, pulling the box from your pocket.
Everyone in the room was watching you two. You didn’t think you could get more nervous than before yet, here you are.
“Aw, what’s this?” Joe smiled, taking the box from you.
No turning back now. “You’re going to have to open it to find out.” You give him your best fake laugh.
He pulled back the shiny red paper and revealed a white box. He looked at you curiously as he opened the box. Everyone was quiet. Only the crackling fire and the kids' sounds of joy could be heard. You watched him nervously as he looked inside the box. His eyes widened, his gaze snapping to meet yours.
“Are you serious?” He asked quietly, a smile spreading on his face.
“You haven’t even looked at the whole thing yet.” You laughed.
“I know but-” Joe started.
“Just open it, Joe.” You cut him off.
“Okay, fine.” He said, returning his attention back to the box.
Joe reached two of his fingers into the box. He pulled out the pregnancy test and saw the words ‘positive’ on the small screen.
“No.” He said with a straight face, slipping the test back into the box.
Oh no.
“You’re kidding me.” He said. “We’re having a baby.”
His family gasped. A relieved smile appeared on your face.
“We’re having a baby!” Joe exclaimed, taking your hands and pulling you up onto your feet and into a passionate kiss.
You both smiled into the kiss. His family cheered around you two. When you eventually broke for air, you rested your foreheads together and smiled brightly. You're having a baby.
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ana-deaky · 3 years
Bohemian Rhapsody
* - smut
Joe Mazzello
Movie Night
Quarantine Shopping
Road Trip (blurb)
It’s The Little Things
In Your Dreams* (blurb)
Hardzello || Ben Hardy x Joe Mazzello
London Boy
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borhapparker · 2 years
now you see me series masterlist
( last updated: december 22, 2021 )
d i s c l a i m e r : i do not own the rights to the movie “now you see me”, nor do i own the plot. all credits goes to the writers. the OC characters belong to me, and the ideas behind their backstory are mine.
p a i r i n g : no pairing yet !
w a r n i n g s : language, drinking, angst and some fluff
s u m m a r y : charismatic magician gwilym lee leads a team of talented illusionists called the four horsemen. gwilym and his comrades mesmerize audiences with a pair of amazing magic shows that drain the bank accounts of the corrupt and funnel the money to audience members. a federal agent, agent malek, and an interpol detective, agent boynton, intend to reign in the horsemen before their next caper, and they turn to Thaddeus, a famous debunker for help.
( add yourself to the taglist )
- Teaser - Chapter One - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - ??? - ???
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