#c 🌧️
el1sesstuff · 10 months
Ultimate glow up guide to glow up before school!
(I'll try to put these in sections + I'll also be using these tips my self as well)
To glow up you must have to take care of yourself in these areas physically, emotionally, and mentally so I'll try to help you conquer these things!
What is wonyoungism?
A: it's a term created by Ives fans thats centered on the princess pilates aesthetic. Wonyoungism is all about living a healthy lifestyle, positive mindset, keeping fit, eating healthy, and most importantly self love and loving your self!
1. How to enter your wonyoungism era?
Workout could go to the gym or work out home (I recommend pilates and cardio)
Try to stretch every morning and night
Sleep well at least 8 hours a day
Try to build a skincare routine I recommend finding your skin type and finding products that work for it
Ice your face (makes you look more put together and gives you a refreshed look)
Eat healthy or in small portions
Find a make up routine (if you need it)
Be nice to people around you!! If someone is mean you be nice to them
Drink enough water ik everyone says this but its actually really benifical to glow up cuz it flushes out all the nasty toxins in your body. It makes your skin look brighter and hydrated
2. Glow up mentally
Learn to love your self beacuse if you can't love yourself then who love you?
Try I have an idgaf mindset this is so helpful because if someone disrespects you, you don't care
Walk around w/ confidence
Tell your self affirmations
Try to limit your screen time an the amount of negative things you consume (negative things leads to bad mentality)
Try to put your self first
Have a "I don't chase, I attract mindset" this is by song jia
Find motivational quotes to help you feel good
Spend some time alone! Do the things you love
Journal it gets all your bottled emotions out
Write goals you want to achieve
Work on healing your self
Surround your self w/ positive ppl
Start doing meditation and yoga!
Get LOTS OF SLEEP at least 8hrs per night
Try to connect w/ your religion more
Create a summer playlist!
3. Self care
Pamper your self more
Skincare tips:
Use cold water to help your skin
Wash ur face 1-2 times a day w/ a good cleanser
Rubbing ice on your face
Moisture daily (day and night)
Find your skin type
Gently dry ur face after washing it
Shower tips:
User rice water for shiny an silky hair (not too often)
Cold showers
Use conditioner on tips
Shampoo on roots (bubble it up first)
Let hair naturally dry most of the time blow dry it rarely
Wash your pillows frequently
Smooth skin:
Use lotion Immediately after showering or bathing (surprisingly ppl don't do this ?!!)
Body butter after showering to keep skin extra hydrated
Wear silky types of clothing while sleeping
Shave (don't have to if you dont want to)
Use body scrubs once a week so you don't overly strip your skin of it's natural oils
Use body oils when your skin needs it or every other day
Few other tips:
Take warm baths when you need them especially on long mentally draining days to restore your energy
Don't shower with hot water bc it can really damage your skin
Brush your teeth with toothpaste then w/ water (makes them look whiter
Wash your hands regularly to keep them smooth and clean (moisture them after to keep them soft not hard!
Ware gloves while cleaning and washing dishes because the harsh chemicals can make your hands dry and rough!!
Drink at least 6-8 cups of water per day
Include fruits and veggies in every meal (try to)
Eat healthy fats like; avacadoes, nuts, seeds, fatty fish. These types of foods contain omega-3 which gives your skin a healthy appearance
Whole grains like; quinoa, brown rice, oats, and whole wheat bread. They provide you fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are good for your skins health
Lean proteins like; fish, tofu, beans, and Greek yogurt they can give your hair and skin a healthy look to it
Physically glow up:
Invest into a good skincare routine
Try a new hairstyle this can change up your whole look
Get your nails done
Everything shower (exfoliate, shave, hair mask, ect)
Find new clothes
get a tan (optional)
Dye your hair (optional)
Use a gusha and face roller (it changes up your face shape sm)
Summer bucketlist ideas:
Have picnics w/ ur self or friends
See sunrises and sunsets
Paint or draw
Read new books (I love reading webtoon sm)
Go on a road trip
Have a girls night
Go on walks
Make bracelets
Have a photoshoot
Fashion tips:
Always wear accessories they make you look more put together and they can spice up a boring outfit
Always smell good
Don't pair a baige or black colored cargo pants w/ a bright colored top. Pair it w/ black
Some colors beige goes well with ; brown, black, silver
Always do a nice hairstyle that matches your outfit
To make a skirt look better add leg warmers
Pair the right shoe color with the right outfit or else you'll look less put together
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prettywhenyoustarve · 5 months
I SH’d for the first time in a very long time tonight. I feel so ashamed. I’m fucking 25 and a mom, how could I have lost my mind like that?
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moonrexic · 1 year
telling my friends I'm taking a break from socials just so I can fall deep into ed content
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youwillache · 7 months
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wavyypeachyy · 7 months
It’s been years and I still haven’t forgotten. Why haven’t I fucking forgot it yet?? I want to forget it but it never seems to go away. Make it fucking go away I can’t stand it anymore
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Guess who's back
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What a little rejection can do for you
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1justw4nnabesk1nny · 1 month
Sorry yall i was in the mental hospital kisskiss
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xshoux · 1 year
hey edblr! any liquid or soup recommends? preferebly some with protein or fibre! I'm recovering from an invasive Jaw surgery and thus I cannot eat solids at all (cant chew) 🥺 a lot of my food options are scarse rn
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ricecakebone · 1 year
im literally the fattest person in the world
(im bmi 22)
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dietsndiamonds · 4 months
when u want to lose weight again and start watching diet vlogs but their starting weight is already wayyyyyy lower than ur current weight
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el1sesstuff · 8 months
Hello everyone! Since 2024 is almost here. I've decided to put together a one week challenge to get your life together! Basically each day I will post a set of to-do lists here and you will have I try to complete it! Gl!
- tidy up space
- remove old contacts
- exercise (at least 30 mins)
- read (at least 15 mins)
- practice a hobby
- stretch morning and evening
- listen to self help things
- study for at least 30 mins
- journal + shadow work
- meditate
- practice some skincare
- gratitude and affirmations
*if you guys want me to do a 30 day version I will!! I'll also be doing this challenge to and at the end I'll reflect my thoughts and opinions on this*
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sofuckinghungry · 1 year
bitches be like „i’m fighting my demons” and the demons is yet another ED relapse. it’s me. i’m bitches.
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prettywhenyoustarve · 5 months
Okay, I can’t do this.
At the height of my ed, I was around 90lbs. I made a semi-full recovery and got up to 135. I was happy, confident, and mostly okay with my body. Although I relapsed quite a few times because, let’s face it, having an ed isn’t something that ever completely goes away, I always managed to bring myself back out of it and continue functioning like a normal person. When I got pregnant, I started having extreme body dysphoria the further along I got. When my son was born, I was 30lbs heavier than my pre pregnancy weight, had a ton of loose skin, stretch marks, hip dips, and every part of me just seemed wider. Having a history of anorexia left me vulnerable to relapse once I realized my body wouldn’t just “snap back” to normal after birth. And I did relapse, hard. It made me a bad mom. Time I could’ve been spending with my baby was spent obsessing over my weight, counting calories, body checking, and abusing myself in ways I haven’t since I was at my lowest weight. The last six months, I’ve hated myself, hated how I looked, hated that I was struggling with an eating disorder at my age, and HATED that my son wasn’t getting the kind of mother he deserves. So, I decided to change my mindset. I may not look how I did before, but my body did an incredible thing; it carried my baby. It allowed me to bring him into this world within minutes when he went into distress while I was in labor. It healed from a physically traumatic birth. It functioned on no sleep and complete neglect of my personal needs during the first month of his life. This body may not be the same skinny, “pretty” one I had before pregnancy, but THIS body gave me something I can’t imagine my life without now. I have the body of a mom, and it’s beautiful in its own right. I’ll continue trying to lose weight, but in a safe way. I won’t let my obsession with thinness consume my every thought and cause me to be less present with my son. My weight is the last thing deserving of my attention.
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moonrexic · 2 years
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jealousy jealousy
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angst99 · 6 months
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I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve I need to starve
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