#carter diamond
styxwanderer · 22 days
The Wrong Fake Identity | Twisted Wonderland |
[you turn into a cat beastman because of crowley being an ass]
<Part 1> Part 2 part 3 Part4 part 5 part 6
<Please ignore my grammar mistake as i do not speak English as my mother language, thank you and please enjoy!>
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙˚*
"Due to the covered overblot incidents occurring in Night Raven College, the government of each island is requesting an inspecting, but you as somebody that originated from none of these islands are unrecorded by the government. Grim is fine because he can be disguise as a familiar but you, oh, what ever shall we do." Crowley spoke, hand on his check as if he was the most miserable person in the world. The person standing infront of him, the most respected and admired student from NRC. Managing to capture hearts and admiration since the incidents with the overblots stand still. 
"When will this be?"
"Tomorow morning."
The enthusiastic tone contras to the alerting news. 'Why didn't you tell me sooner you OLD CROWW!' you screeched in your head. you had been called to headmaster office as he give his revelation. You wished Grim is here with you and blasting the old crow with whatever insult that come to his mind, but he chooses to bail on you, opting to wait on the now cozy ramshackle dorm you both share. 
A bit of panic did manage to etch to your mind because you don't want any of them to take you away from your friends. "What do you propose?" 
"Simple, you will be locked away hidden in the cottage island you found near that ca-"
" Fuck no." 
" -or you accept this envelope I had gracefully taken time to buy with my own money and try your best to act accordingly. Oh, how good of a person am I."
" Why do you even suggest the first, when you'd had gotten me a fake id?" his shenanigans starting to irk you. you could even feel a vein popping out.
" For the drama of course. then after this go to sam to get your photo taken for the id"
you sigh as you opened the envelope containing your passport and id. 
" Headmage.."
" What the fuck is thisss?" you point of the id specifically on the species where a bold letter is etched on it.
"Ah did i get the wrong one? oo.. oohohoo, my bad.. but it's too late for a chance now. Oh, look at the time, it has gotten so late! you better get to Sam now before he closes his shop. The inspection is tomorrow so good luck!" he pushed you out of his office and slam his door on your face.
' THE FUCKING AUDACITY OF THIS BITCH ! ILL PICK YOUR FEATHERS TILL YOU GO BALD OLD Crow' you grumbled as you begrudgingly make your way to Sam. 
Save to say, at the end of the day you left Sam anticipating the next day chaos and you are left with the illegally obtained transforming potion and a complete id and passport. Grim is laughing nonstop at the revelation enjoying whatever torture that will come to you the day after. 
Crowley had been cursed at least a hundred times in your head. you drank the potion to change you into a beastman as you fall asleep.
" i wonder what beastman you will become." Grim said as you both nuzzled up to sleep.
The morning come sooner than you wished, the lights blinding you awake. 
"God dammit when did the sun get shinier"
you went to scratch your ears only to find it gone. This had made you jolt awake, bolting to the giant mirror you go, accidentally waking Grim in process. 
"UWAAA!! what's the rush y/n?" Grim sleepily asked.
The mirror reflects your new figure, and you could only be one thing, and that is MORTIFIED. 
you screeched in distress. 
" WAAA!! what's your damage dude." Grim spoke now fully awake as he went to approach you who are crouching holding your new ears.
" i... I had become..."
" NYAHAHAHAHAHA!!! out of all beasts you have to become a cat! i can't wait till Ace and Deuce sees this!!!" His loud laugher filled the room. You don’t even know there is such thing as a cat beastman. You had thought all beastman is the undomesticated version of every animal, yet here you are in a tip pointed ears of not a wolf, not a lion but a GOD DAMN CAT. Your tail swishing in distress.
"Just you wait Grim, once you have a misfortune, I'll laugh it up your face!!" your retort went on deaf ears as he kept laughing
Poor you can only power through the embarrassment, not at all excited to meeting any of your friends. 'They're gonna have a fieldtrip about all of thisss' you cried. 
a brilliant idea come to mind, you decided to just go class with a hat and tuck your tail hiding it under your jacket. wishing the day had not start but ended. 
from your understanding back in your world, you know how many sickfucks is there obsessing over cat girls/boys. you hope today is different. please lord. 
the bell has rung signing students to enter the classrooms, that includes you in a hat and jacket to hide the transformation. Ace and deuce spotted you as you entered the class.
" Yo! y/n! what's with the hat and jacket?" Ace greeted you as you went to your usual seat. 
" aren't you hot in all of that layer?" deuce followed
" Listen, Y/n got --" 
in a speed of light, you quickly grab his muzzle shutting whatever information u rather not share with this mischievous creature.
" If you don't shut up, I won't buy you the premium tuna can anymore!" you huffed. 
"no fairrr!!" Grim whined 
the conversation was cut short as crewel entered the building
“Right, pups, get to your seat. Today we will have an inspection authorized by the governments since there is several overblots that occurred in this past month.”
“What? Why did they just tell us now?” Ace questioned
 The whole class was shocked by the revelation. 
“quite pups, as your homeroom teacher I expect you to be on your best behaviour. Now –“  crewel stopped in his track as he stared at your soul. 
‘Professor Crewel, please let go of my uniform misconduct, just this time.”
“y/n I believe the headmage had given you solution for this inspection, you would not need the whatever disguise you are wearing.”
“ uhm.. no this is not a disguise actually--”
“As I mentioned, there would be a inspection so I cannot oversee your uniform misconduct. Now take it of.”
You were sweating bullets. ‘FUCK!’ your head is ringing with alarm. You don’t know what to do so you just sat still. Crewel started to approach you.
“oi, what’s the big deal y/n c’mon he is getting mad!” Ace said
“They might have an allergy reaction to their head! Deuce chimed.
‘ thanks, but not helping deuce!!’ you mentally shriek as crewel is now standing Infront of you. 
“ now stop with this tom-foolery, I expected better from you.” He reached for your hat.
“AH! Wait-”
Crewel had yanked the hat off showcasing your cat ear. 
The silence before the collective gasp makes you want to curl up in your blanket. 
“PUWHAHAHAHHAH!!! You can’t even be a legit legit beastman !! ” Ace laughter break the silence as you flush in both anger and embarrassment. 
“ Pfftt, Domisticated beastman..” deuce joined in.
“ SHUT UP!!”
Crewel cleared his throat gaining an abrupt silence from the Adeuce duo, tapping his whipping stick repeatedly. 
“ Headmage, Crowley-“
“ haaaaaa, show me the id and passport.”
You quickly took them out of your bag and place them on your desk as he inspect both of them. 
“HAAAAA… unfortunately I still cannot allow you in that atrocious get up, so remove your jacket and hat” he signed loudly again, engraving in his mind to kill the old crow, after all you are always his favourite students, how could that crow torture you so relentlessly. Maybe if he get to give you the adoption paper this crow wouldn’t dare to mess with you anymore?
You sigh, relenting to your fate. Any speck of pride you have over yourself vanished. As you let your tail swish free. 
Ace is trying hard not to laugh over your embarrassed red faced. But honestly both are just captivated by your new look. The way your ears twitch and your red face, the way your new feature give you a docile look. Both ace and deuce suddenly find their textbook or the corner of the room fascinating as their face are getting darker.
These reactions are of course not limited to ace and deuce but to the other students as well. Crewel watch in disdain as his precious ( soon to be) children is getting flaunted by these beasts. He mentally take note to keep you safe from there unruly teens, but priority. His number one priority now is to get Crowley in his chokehold. 
The bell signing for lunch ended the class, causing you another brain aneurism, because now you have to go to the packed cafeteria, with guaranteed display to everybody attending NRC.‘FUCK FUCK FUCK’ 
“c’mon prefect lets go get lunch!” deuce said
“I’m so hungry!! Lets go hurry before they ran out of the good stuff!”
 “Easy for you to say! You don’t have a cat tail or ears…” you suck holding grim as you hesitated to walk out of the classroom.
“how bout this! I can hide you with my body!” Deuce said enthusiastically
“haaaaa, alright.. thanks” you went to cling to his back as you let grim down opting to squeeze the article on his back, using your meat shield to your fullest potential.
Deuce face burn bright with how close you are to him, ‘this is like a hug from the back!’ he squeal internally. 
“r-right! Just stay close to me!” if he was given the opportunity then why not use it. He will definitely treasure this moment till the day that he passes.
“H-Hey! I can be your shield too you know!.”
“Deuce beat you to it, pal.” Grim jeered
You peek from your meat shield giving Ace a tongue out as you went back to hiding. What can a guy do when your insult is also cute. He can’t but just try to save his pride as he hides it with his teasing, just like a kindergartener. 
The four of you arrives at the cafeteria as a realisation dawn on you. You needed more meat shield. 
You dragged ace to line with deuce as you slid you press yourself against the wall creating and effective human wall, Ace didn’t mind being a flesh wall he just hoped he is  facing you instead of the other way around.
It all went swimmingly the four of you were spotted by your other friends.
“ what the hell are you up to?” Epel asked still unaware that you are clinging to their back hiding behind them. 
“Oh us? We are just here to get some lunch right? Deuce?” 
“o-Oh yeahh righttt! We are hiding anything at all.” 
Ace hit deuce foot as he grumbles at his idiocy and deuce to panicked to retort.
“yeahhh.. right” Epel narrows his eyes suspiciously.
“seriously guys today is the inspection day at least behave yourself while these governments representative are observing us.” Jack huff, crossing his arms disapprovingly.
“seriously! We aren’t ,making any trouble promise!” Ace the pro mischief maker he is, retorded without fail
“I double that” deuce half-shouted.
“ohh? The why did your heart rate is higher than normal?” the humanoid,Ortho joined in ganging up on acedeuce duo, 
“eep!” Sebek’s loud voice seems to ring harder on your ears making you let out an involuntary sound. 
“ Not so loud crocodile boyy, my ears are ringing.” Grim grumbled as he hold his ears.
“ I feel you now Grim.” You mentally said.
“ AH what is that!” epel accused as he slip past the human wall you created and be greeted with you.
“no wait!” Deuce tries to save but he was too late.
You in cat ears and tail.
Your ears continuously twitching. 
You have tail.
“uh hi? Epel?” 
Epel wondered if the mushroom in his plate is the right kind of mushroom or is he about to die and be greeted by one final sight of you. 
Is this bliss?
IS this heaven…?
“ oi.. Epel? Whats the problem?”
The other three curious of what Epel was seeing push through.
And there you are as a beastman. A cat beastman.
Jack howl.exe has stopped working
Sebek zigvolt.exe stopped working
Ortho.exe has taken rapid shot 
He is making sure his brother gets to see you like this as well. The picture is auto sent to Idia’s device.
Jack’s fluffy white tail began frantically wagging
Sebek the loudest of the loud manage to be the quietest.
The three of them felt blood rushed up their heads, while Deuce and Ace share a sense of ‘i get you.’ Vibe to the other four. 
In collective silence the four of them created a bigger human wall shield continuing adeuce duo’s wall.
“the wall keeps getting bigger and bigger! Yeahh! This will tell people that the great Grim is passing through!! “ Grim shouts.
 You would laugh at his antics but now just not the time. 
You pick grim up as to cover yourself with him as well, using his body to cover as much face as you can while u hunched trying to be invincible. 
Of course this meant letting go of ace and deuce much to their disappointment. 
The sixth of them wish they were born as some werebeast so easily carried by you and 
“We need explanation but for now let’s get some food.” 
With the group all agreeing to stay in formation you went. To get the food in line. 
You had manage to make grim cover your ear while u get food for him and you, you of course give him extra chicken for all the hard work.
Everything was going swell, or so you thought.
In a speed that u had never achieved before you jump very high up into a table in an offense position hissing. Only then you had realized you fucked up. 
Grim had fallen off your head showing full out your new cat ears and tail.
‘Oh great sevens.’ You wanted to mentally bash yourself because what the fuck is that reflex.
The old bat had froze in his track as his eyes widened at your new form. He found your new form rather endearing, plus what kind of reaction can you show now? 
The whole cafeteria had gone silent so have your before jack covered you up with his jacket and scooped you up off the table and ran. All the other first year in tow.
“ MIND YA OWN BUSINESS, There is nothing to see here!” You could hear Epel shouted. 
“Run run run!” Ortho speed hover. 
You could hear vil shouting to Epel for him to stop and order to Rook who is still in a paralyzed mode.
You could hear Riddle threatening Ace and Deuce to stop or not he would cut off their heads which only make them ran faster. Trey and carter trying to calm their dorm leader while also thinking of a plan to steal u away. 
Floyd was whining about how they are taking the little shrimp-cat away from him to jade. 
Azul still stuck in his trance.
Kamil shouting for you to come back, 
jamil silently planning murder to get u back.
Leona chuckling saying something about a hunt to ruggie who is also chuckling in amusement.
Silver shocked with how sebek is involved, but then again you are involved so he should’ve expected it and also your new form. Malleus also is laughing, amused.
Truth be told the first year gang had scoop you up not only to save you but also to fulfill their desire, your new form that had enhance your cuteness should only be for them and theirs only. They found you first! Not those second or third year! You belonged to them! You are one of us! They do not want any body to see you like this. They don’t deserve it.
Although Sebek won’t mind sharing this sight with Malleus he thinks no body deserves to see you like this especially with their lust filled eyes.
Lilia chuckle as he snapped out of his trance.
“Kufufufu, it seems the kitten has been kidnapped by a big bad rebellion.. it’s time to teach them to know their place isn’t.” 
“ father.. what are you planning?” 
“Truly a wise word, Lilia. Whatever shall we do to teach these rebellious kids to never steal from a dragon.”
“You mean a lion?” Leona  now annoyed with the declaration. 
“ you and them? Ha you are most incompatible with them.”
“Are you sure about that? She is a beastman now, and most beastman are in the reigh of sunset savanna, ultimately my kingdom. Plus i am the original of their beastkin, she would be most compatible with me.”
“She could live in luxury in briar valley as the wife of a king instead of just some lousy king.”
“Ha what is that?”
“Or a general wife you kno.”
“Not you too Lilia!.”
“Excuse me! I know them more and better than any or you!” Riddle now involved in the conversation.
“ oh my, i can’t even imagine the fate they will have if you get to her.”
“Ha what do you mean by that?”
“What i meant is simply, your “rules” is definitely going to be atrocious to follow. If she were with me she would live happily in riches.”
“And wet underwater? Oh how bad that would be for her poor skin. She would much rather go with me draped in fame and gold.”
“ as if! She would rather be with me!”
“Is that a challenge?”
“Fine let’s settle it like a sensible being. The one who manage to capture her first would have the right to be with her.” The lion declared.
“Such a wise statement coming from you, Rook prepare yourself.” 
“Ouii, a game of hunt! I agree.” Standing tall beside the fair king, he readied himself. 
“This whole thing is dumb, of course they would choose me, but for the sake of your dignity i will participate this game. Besides i have to collar a few underclassmen of mine” The red hair boy stands.
“Oo sounds fun, Jade, Floyd we will have a change if schedule, it seems to be perfect day for hunting.”
“Yes, Azul.”
“As if you all could beat me the crown prince of briar woods himself.”
With the whole dorm agreeing to play the game of hunt, they set the hunt to begin after school finished (curtesy of Riddle), lets just say you might want to wish that your group got a memo of this and tries to save you from them and not take you for themselves of course .
“Of course they wouldn’t choose me.” 
“But… if i can catch them then they will have no other choose, hahaha.” The flamey blue haired guy spoke
[3251 word]
>>To be Continued<<
.·:*¨༺ ❈ ༻¨*:·.
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bhpop · 6 months
So I'm working on a Deuce version of how the characters first reacted to seeing Eyeless-Yuu. {Might take a while since I can get pretty lazy ngl lol.}
So we all know Ace is a jerk right? {Our little jerk} Well he's a bit insensitive and obviously a jerk when he met Eyeless-Yuu after the ceremony. {This is when In-game Yuu and Grim were at the statues}
{This is mainly if y'all want Eyeless-Yuu having romantic interactions/relationships with the boys [except the staff, Ortho, and Grim] or platonic ones I don't mind.}
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In case you can't see it well, for the first one he's saying "Oh your the eyeless weirdo from the ceremony...geeze your freakier up-front.", for the second one after getting to know Eyeless-Yuu he says "Even if you can't see me, I'm always happy to see you...".
So yeah Ace is a jerk towards Eyeless-Yuu {not physically but he's pretty snarky with them at first}, but he warms up to Yuu and offers to be their eyes when walking to class or down/up the stairs {he holds their hand or gives them piggy back rides so they won't get hurt}. You know when Riddle insulted In-game Yuu, I don't doubt Ace would have also punched him for saying something about Eyeless-Yuu's vulnerable state and past. {Riddle wouldn't take it too far but he'd still be mean about it, he cringes at himself in shame when he randomly remembers what he said after redeeming himself after Chapter 1}
Bonus: So when Eyeless-Yuu needs help down/up stairs there are those who will hold their hand or carry them.
Will hold their hand:
Riddle, Carter, Ace, Jade, Azul, Vil, Epel, Ortho, Idia, Silver, Lilia, Kalim {edit lol}
{Staff: Crewel, Sam, Trein}
Will carry them {bridal style}:
Trey, Deuce, Leona {no arguing he's carrying Eyeless-Yuu}, Ruggie, Jack {he's a gentleman}, Floyd {hes pretty bold}, Jamil {edited}, Rook, Sebek, Malleus
{Staff: Crowley {he's generous and feels too bad for Eyeless-Yuu}, Vargas {he ain't putting them down till they make up to the very top/bottom}
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Riddle: Why dose prefect seem so upset, all I said was hello and they were irritible
Ace: Do you not know? The greasy hair, the eyebags, the tanking grades.
Riddle: Greasy hair?
Carter: I fixed that with some dry shampoo
Ace: Do you seriously not know?
Riddle: Know What?
Carter: Ya bitch is goin through burnout or depression
Trey: Yea... it looks like it
Riddle: Then why are they angry and not sad or mopey
Carter: My guess Is that Ace forced then out of bed
Trey: Where are they now?
Ace: Deuce is forcing them to take a bath
Cater: I got em some clothes
Ace: Chill, I just swapped the lock around do Deucey boy is gonna lock them in the bathroom till they shower.....By the way Deuce and trey are in charge of emotional support
Trey: Not complaining. I'll totally do it but but why me?
Carter: LMAO he thinks the rest of us could do it
Trey:....Fair enough
Carter: Oh and Riddle your on their grades and shit
Riddle: *Visibly irritated* Shit?
Carter:....I meant stuff
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blackopals-world · 8 months
Cater: Why is our jester putting on sad clown makeup and popping balloons?
Ace: They were told they couldn't go to the festival at Noble Bell College.
Cater: How cruel, isn't the festival of fools their natural habitat.
Jester!Yuu: (sad honking their horn) All the other Jesters and Pirouettes are going. All I said was I wanted to meet a nice Harlequin.
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veliana · 4 months
I'm studying History, and for some time now, I've had just one idea lingering in my head for so long. I was thinking about fanfiction with the characters from Twisted Wonderland set in different eras and locations. Here's what I had in mind:
Heartslabyul characters as 19th-century Londoners (specifically the Victorian era)
Savanaclaw characters as a pre-Columbian civilization
Octavinelle characters as 1920s mafia members
Pomefiore characters as medieval Europe inhabitants
Scarabia during the time of the Arabian Nights (obviously)
Ignihyde characters as ancient Greeks
Diasomnia characters in some sort of ancient East Asian empire (primarily with Chinese and Japanese inspirations)
Actually, I'm undecided between creating a Viking universe for Pomefiore and a medieval universe for Diasomnia. Which one seems better ?
As for the staff, I haven't thought much about it yet, but it's clear that Divus would be set in the 50s/60s in Europe. Same period for Sam, but in New Orleans.
This is an original idea, so please do not take my idea without notifying me first ^^
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canubringmeacokepls · 11 months
All the dorms are out now! + Grim~
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twst-quotes · 1 year
Floyd: c'mon, let's not forget who pulled you out of the lake yesterday
Ace: let's not forget who pushed me in!
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blind0raven · 1 year
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"If I have to eat whatever the fuck Lilia has conjured in the kitchen from the spices you gifted him...
I'm dragging you both into hell with me"
-Malleus Draconia
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violetlunette · 4 months
part of this series -- Carter: Yo! What are you doing? Yuu: Replanting flowers on the trees. Riddle threw a fit--even though I didn’t break any rules. Carter: Dude, you stole our roses! #rosetheif! Yuu: No, I borrowed them with out asking or the intent of returning them. It’s completely different. Yuu: Anyway, now I gotta do this. Carter: Okay, but what’s that? Yuu: *Holds up gun* Yuu: My roseblaster! I’m gonna shoot roses onto the trees. Carter: Uhh, will that work? Yuu: Sure! I modified the gun so that the roses will bond with the trees and come to life! Watch! Yuu: *shoots* *rose hits tree and bonds due to science magic* Carter: Hey, neat! *Takes photo* *Rosetree turns into a monster from little shop of horrors* Carter: O.O Yuu: Oops. Carter: #WTF?! Rose monster: Feed me, Seymour! Yuu: Well, shit. Here we go again. Carter: Again?!
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universaln0b0dy · 7 months
HEYaaaaa , may I request a dozen roses for the third years please ?????? cute serie
A dozen roses. (Twisted wonderland third years (-housewardens)x reader)
《Characters》: Trey, Carter, Rook, Lillia
《Summary》: You and him had a fight. For whatever reason and the other would only be forgiven if they would be brought a dozen Roses, handpicked/self made or at least that's what they think. Though it was only said out of anger the next week they hold said roses.
《Note》: established relationship. Also fluff, simply fluff
Trey Clover:
Okay, how did that happen. You and Trey having a fight? That was considered impossible. Both of you were the most understanding people in the world wich means a fight shouldn't even have broken out?
Well it did. Though neither you nor Trey can remember what it was about. Something about you having scared Trey to death with fighting all of these Overblots.
You wanted to be the bigger person in this case, planning on apologising for letting the fight get out of control when the only thing Trey did was watch out for you.
Well what might suprise a lot of people is that Trey holds grudges. And you get to experience that rare sight of Trey ignoring you out of anger. And you feel horrible about that.
Wanting to apologise, you crack your head with thinking about what to do as an apology. You get the idea for the roses, by looking out of your window.
"Trey? The prefect is here to see you." Trey perks up, sighing with a slight frown. He really didn't want to see you at the moment, but he had been ignoring you for exactly one week now and maybe he should talk to you.
You step towards Trey, holding the self picked flowers out to him, trying your best to hide the small scratches that littered over your arm.
"I am really sorry. Your right, I shouldn't be so reckless and I shouldn't have said all of that, you were just looking out for me." You exclaim looking at Trey.
The green haired male sighs, but takes the flowers. He looks at them and than smiles at you. "You are forgiven my sweetheart. After all what you are doing helps a lot of people, just promise me that you'll tell me about it, so I can help you."
Carter Diamond:
Carter was known for his cheery and social media based personality, hiding that he had a hard time getting close to people or showing others his none perfect side.
Exept you. You were willing to wait for him, allowing him to take his own time with communicating his feeling. And he probably ruined that.
It was a simple prank he posted without your consent, that made you walk out of the door angrily and avoid him even after he took down the video.
He really doesn't know what to do and it shows, the whole week he seems kinda anxious fidgeting with his fingers pacing around the dorm, or letting his smile falter for just a few seconds.
Trey is the first one to give him an idea on just how to apologise, wich he follows, hoping that you would accept his apology.
You open the door to Ramshackle, flowers greeting your face. They are hand picked, you can tell by the small scratches that cover Carters hands.
"My love, I am very sorry. I shouldn't have posted that video without your consent and- and maybe I should really not post everything on social media I-I..." His voice breaks and you take the flowers giving him a kiss on his forehead.
"I forgive you, but never do that again okay?"
Rook Hunt:
Well no one would believe that you and Rook could fight. Rook was down bad for you in a way that no one else was and you loved Rook even with his little quirks and habits.
But even you could get irritated by his constant stalking. Wich you tell him after a long and exhausting day working for Crowley, in a not a polite way, leaving Rook speeches.
You feel horrible. Rook had stood up and left without saying another word, but by the fact that Vil came knocking on your door later on, asking you just what the hell happened.
You tell Vil what happened, along with asking if he knew just how to apologise to Rook. Luckily Vil sighs realising that it's nothing serious and he won't have to expect Rook being quiet forever. It was spooky.
You on the other hand try your best to catch Rook somewhere in order to properly apologise, but when a hunter doesn't want to be found he won't be found.
By the end of the week you are completely devastated,running into the Pomefiore dorm, asking everyone about Rook. The students told you that he might be in his room and you run towards the direction that was pointed to you.
Before you can knock on the dorms door, Rook opens it. He looks at you, looking gloomy in some way. You hand him the roses with tears in your eyes.
"I am really sorry Rook! I shouldn't have said all that! I don't think it's annoying that you follow me around, I feel safe. And I know that I sometimes might get angry but I want you to know that I didn't mean anything I said that day!" You exclaim, before you suddenly get pulled to the floor by a hug. Rook had tackled you.
"You are forgiven monsior/mademoiselle trickster!"
Lilia Vanrouge:
Oh dear, Lillia and you that was a story. You were an immortal that was recently thrown into this world and Lilia was well Lilia, a veteran fae in the schools textbooks.
It was love on first prank how people might say. Well the relationship was so good that no one expected you two to fight. But well you and Lilia did and you really had a bad fight.
Silver didn't understand what had happened, you just stormed out of the dorm without saying another word, leaving behind a very angry but at the same time really sad Lilia.
The fight was about you returning to your world, with Lilia voicing clear displeasure at the fact you might leave again, but you understood. He was your boyfriend after all.
But something irked you on the way he said it, sounding like he was trying to accuse you of abandoning him and Silver, who you have become a parental figure for.
You simply need time for yourself for now, ignoring the faes advances of talking with you, until Malleus shows up at Ramshackles doormat looking like a lost puppy.
You of course let him in, brewing the dragon fae some tea and Malleus asks you about your fight with Lilia, telling you about how weird Lilia has been behaving.
When he asks you about what apology you would accept, you tell him that a dozen roses would be perfect. Malleus smiles. The dragon fae had really taken a liking to you, seeing you like a parental figure, just like Silver did.
It's now been a week since your fight and you were about to walk over to Diasomnia, until you hear a knock on the door. You open it, seeing Lilia stand in front of you, with exactly a dozen Rose's.
"I am sorry my dear, I shouldn't have gotten so worked up about the fact you might return to your world one day, after all it's your choice! But I was scared that you would just leave..." The fae mutters. You smile pulling Lilia into a hug.
"I would never leave you, Malleus or Silver. I am not going anywhere!"
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styxwanderer · 9 days
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished |
〚Twisted Wonderland x Elphaba!Reader〛
[you the wicked witch from the west had died, but to your surprise you had woken up inside a coffin in an unfamiliar world. You had also noticed your magic had more freedom and your power seem to mix to those in this world] < FYI : no Fiyero doesn't exist in your OZ world, you are completly alone, >
♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆꒷꒦꒷⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆꒷꒦꒷⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆꒷꒦꒷⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
you had accepted your fate to be painted as the villain and died by a very underhand method such as being thrown water. That pesky girl who has killed your sister, and the con who had framed you the real magician. You had tried your best to help everybody and every creature from a crueler fate, only for those same people to go against you, going as far as holding a witch hunt for you.
Fated to be scorned just for the green hue of your skin, something you had no control over. Such a heinous thing humanity is. you could hear the party that they will throw over your death, No one mourns for the wicked, save for your best friend, Glinda, who had been wiser than to judge based on appearance, a true friend. Unfortunately, she too was unable to save you from your grueling fate.
Yet here you are, trapped in a coffin.
"Have I finally died?" you thought. What more does God want from you, did They think that punishment is not enough for you?
you scoffed at the thought.
You were startled when the lid was suddenly slammed open by a racoon? Cat? looking creature with fire ears demanding your robe?
' Did this creature think this robe on me is going to fit him?'
'Also where did this robe come from? and did he think that by giving the robe he was going to let a woman bare naked? what a crazy guy'
so, you ran, pulling the hood, as you thought it is better for no body to find out that you are horrendious green from head to toe, and finding yourself in an impressive library. The creature had cornered you Just before the headmage trapped him in his leash using his power.
"Ah, i've found you at last. Splendid. I trust you're one of this year's new students." he then went on and on about how you should've controlled your familiar.
" Woah! we never have a student as... green as you.. how unusual." he said upon seeing your hand. You quickly covered your hand with your robe just as you had covered your face.
" that is alright, Here in NIght Raven collage we accept everybody just as how they are as long as they are chosen by the mirror of course."
He then forced you to go back to the room with coffin. There you found a lot of students wearing the same robe as you.
' is this the same type of school as Shiz University?'
The headmage, Crowley end his bickering with some other students before beckoning you to move to the mirror. You had yourself walk foward to the strange talking mirror. As strange as your original world is you had never seen a magical talking mirror. Sure, a talking face, but it is a mechanic created to be an illusion by that horrible con, Oz.
you hated the attention that is suddenly drafted towards you, you slouch as you reached the Dark mirror.
" The nature of your soul is........ unclear to me."
" what did you say?!"
" sure i can sense a magical power residing on this girl, yet it is unfamiliar, strange, foreign.. i have never encounter this sort of power in my whole life. therefore no dorm is appropriate."
Dorm? Magic power? what the hell is this mirror on about.
" Are you suggesting the black carriage went to receive a Girl?! and with a strange magic? Absurd! the student selection process has not erred once in its century of existence! how could this happened?!"
"HMMPH! ME! Let me have this student place!" the creature who called himself Grim had broken free from the leash. He then started insisting and creating a huge chaos.
in a panic you noticed you still have your grimore with you. odd i thought i had given this to Glinda to protect. you quickly flip over the pages.
you found and recite a spell for the target to follow your word for a brief minute just before the little guy breathe his flame towards a red eyed boy.
"Sit boy, down."
to your surprise most of the students and the headmage himself had fallen down to their butt sitting as they looked bewildred.
" a... i meant that creature not you."
" how... HOW DARE YOU? UNHAND ME THIS INSTANT!" said the red hair boy
" impossible..." said the pretty glasses guy.
" How brazen of you to order Me around, I will rip you into pieces." said the lion eared guy. odd he reminded you of that cowardly lion you had saved, such ungrateful creature whomst had blamed his cowardice on you.
" You! How dare you make me touch the floor!" said the gorgeous blind guy with purple tip.
"Whoaa?!! i am on the floor?!! How??" the boy with the bandana wrapped around his white hair exclaimed.
" Wuh WHAAA.. what is this ssr op power?! scary..." the floating tablet shouted.
" To be casted with a spell how unruly the new student this year is. OH, woe is me... Uncast me this instant!!!"
The other students had started to cuzz profanities at you as well making you more nervous. ' Ah its this again, everytime i tried to help.. i get punished..'
you fumbled around confused as usually in your world the enchantment would only work towards the target intended and usually the enchantment you practied were a permanent one, you hoped this won't last long.
" don't tell me you do not know how to unchant your spell?"
thank fully in a moment your enchantment is broken as the headmage start to stand up and dust himself, so as the other students.
The red haired boy spring up and start to point his gem pen? towards you.
" that won't be necessary Mr. Roseheart. Now you!"
The bird feathered headmage ripped oven your hood as he exposed you to the whole school followed with gasps acrossm the room.
" she is green?!"
" i never seen a green person before."
You grow weary and insecure as you tried to remove the headmage hold on you.
"I'm sorry i didn't mean to, But i acted in panic because this cuz is going to fire his flame to that white haired guy!" you defended yourself.
" haaa.. for now throw this creature out of the game. and the ceremony should end here." he said as you saw students following the guys somewhere.
" now you come with me.."
he tried to bring you back where you came from to no avail so he settle for you to reside in the abandoned dorm, of course that is interrupted by the same creature. although, your impression of him seem to falter as he was obedient towards you and you found his catlu behaviour rather cute, so you dont mind to have him as your companion. Crowley explain the situation to you, but since you are a girl you are still exempt from the courses and sadly are forced towards cleaning duty. He of course didn't hear you when you state that you had died in your world and so his agreement are something you can't refuse.
The next day you are met with Ace and his cocky personality trying to get even with the incident at the opening ceremony, you, not wanting to throw another chaos, refrain from using your spells since you had not learn the extend of the effect of this world to your power, but of course, Grim had to assert himself and created the chaos for you.
You are then met with Deuce who had helped you catch the running criminal trying to run away from his job, this of course before the chase went on and you three ended up breaking the expensive rare chandelier and had to find the replacement stone. and the story goes.
that is the story of how you become a NRC student with your trusty companion or familiar, Grim and how you and grim, with your fellow 1st year whom you meet along the way have an epic adventure to deal with overblots.
>> to be continued<<
≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫
( there will be more parts to this stay tuned, If you wish to be tagged, please let me know)
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bhpop · 5 months
Honestly this is how most romantic situations would go with Eyeless-Yuu.
{They are Penny btw}
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{This is mainly for fun btw}
The ones who would do this on accident:
Ace, Deuce, Epel, Kalim, Ruggie, Azul {he just gives a small vibe}, Idia, Sebek
Would never or be close to doing this:
Riddle, Trey, Carter, Leona, Jack, Jade, Floyd, Jamil, Vil, Rook, Malleus, Silver, Lilia {on the cheek though}
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Carter: Hey Yuu what are your pronouns?
Yuu: I identify as a threat and my pronouns are Try/Me
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blackopals-world · 11 days
Cater: *nervous* Is there something you needed ma'm
Therapist!Yuu: Yes, it's time we had a talk.
Cater: Are you sure you don't want to talk to the dormwardens?
Therapist!Yuu: In time, I think we should talk about self-acceptance and being our authentic selves.
Cater: Okay I'm all ears.
Therapist!Yuu: No your not. Get Cater 1 back in here, clone.
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choujinx · 7 months
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I’m not a big fan of everyone in that style but this is my guess as to who is who in the preview…
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