#night raven college
daduic-lacuentista · 3 days
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Fan art Malleus Draconia 2.0
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macdoodlebrains · 1 day
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Glorious Masquerade event / screenshots of video ad
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twst-quotes · 15 hours
Epel: hey, can we stay in your dorm tonight?
Yuu: A sleepover?? Aw, sure! Why tho?
Epel: um, so we accidentally offended some ghosts
Epel: and know they refuse to leave Vil's room, so he just threw salt at them and yelled "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A HOTEL ROOM TO YOU?!"
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what-in-castration · 2 months
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Unrelated but why is there one headboard for 2 seperate beds-
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hanafubukki · 5 months
The Legend of the Prefect of NRC
Legend has it there was once a Prefect at NRC.
The Prefect appeared one day with chaos at their heels.
Not much is known about them as an individual, but they are known for their achievements.
They stopped great calamities that befell the Island of Sage.
At times, even stopped Twisted Wonderland from unraveling.
Not much is known about what happened to them.
Some say they returned from whence they came.
Some say they chose to stay.
Some say they even found romance or traveled the world.
But there is one aspect everyone agrees on.
They were cherished by all who knew them.
And they, in return, loved them just as much.
It is no wonder the Great Seven became the Great Eight in homage to the Prefect and those who lived in Ramshackle Dorm.
A statue of three ghosts, a chimera, and a hooded figure made of marble commemorates the newly established dorm at the Main Street of NRC.
Now you may wonder, what does this dorm represent?
It is based on the spirit of the Prefect of Legend, the one known to tame even the mightiest.
The Ramshackle Dorm is for those who do not belong. Those who have the potential for greatness beyond any normal means.
Now take the hand before you, for you have been chosen.
The Ramshackle Dorm welcomes you.
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alicraft336 · 7 months
Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quotes [2]
Lilia: *patting Yuu/Mc on the back* "I'm sure your parents would be very proud of you Yuu/Mc!"
Yuu/Mc: "I actually don't have parents...."
Lilia: "Your father is very proud of you!"
Yuu/Mc: *confused* "Lilia, I just told you I don't have parents-"
Lilia: "how do you feel about moving into Diasomnia with me and your brother?"
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rayheartsl · 10 days
I didn't post these here
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svaints · 3 months
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Pounce on you even.
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tartppola · 3 months
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NRC!!!!!!! 💥💥💥
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bones4thecats · 4 months
I haven't done these in a while so...
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At A Staff Meeting... ~ Divus Crewel: I was voted “friendliest classmate” in high school. Mozus Trein: I was voted “most likely to become a clown”… Dire Crowley: You think that’s bad? HA! I was voted “most likely to get rabies”!
When Grim Goes To The ADeuce Duo For Help... ~ Grim: Yuu's mad at me, and I'm not sure why. Deuce Spade: Okay, did you talk before they got upset? Grim: …yes? Ace Trappola: That's probably it.
This Is What Happens When You Marry the Cater Diamond... ~ Cater Diamond: Hey, babe, remember how I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up my ADHD meds? Y/N - Reader: Yes? Cater Diamond: Well, it turns out they're all out for the next five days. Y/N - Reader: ... Cater Diamond: It's gonna be a fun week! Y/N - Reader: I'm going to Trey's house. Cater Diamond: Nuh-uh. Through sickness and health, motherfucker.
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adrianasunderworld · 7 months
Random thoughts while reading Book 7 that have absolutely nothing to do with the plot. But if I was Yuu, I would absolutely cut through these trees and straight to mainstreet. The map makes it look like it's not that rocky and any ledges are not big. It looks walk able to me.
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Because the other alternative is for Yuu to walk ALL OF THIS a couple times every day.
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Granted, the campus may not actually be as big as the map makes it seem. But even so, I'm not doing all that.
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rose-finches · 1 year
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[ a memory from the city of flowers ]
I've seen some discussion on what if trein met lilia in his youth, only for him to see Lilia again decades later at NRC and I find it so funny
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twistedmionn · 29 days
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Twisted Wonderland incorrect #147
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etheries1015 · 5 months
What about Diasomnia going into MC's dream? They had been through Lilias time of war and magic, his tragic backstory and beautiful history, and suddenly they were in your...much less "exciting" world.
A boring life seemed to be a harsh description of what your world was, but there wasn't many other words to properly describe your world and your life. The reality was as such; boring. Every day was the same - work whatever that may have been, home. Work, home. Work, home. And although you may have had people around you, there wasn't ever truly a time you seemed to be...happy.
A lonely life. A boring, magicless, mundane, and slow life. That was how you would describe your world- the color grey, vibrant hues stripped from its core leaving behind a shadow that never seemed to leave your side.
Of course, there wasn't anything inherently wrong about living a slow and boring life; however it just never seemed to feel right to you, experiencing little to no excitement, no danger, no risks...the place you felt most at home was the comfort of your own mind.
You seldom spoke about your life prior to Twisted Wonderland to any who would inquire, you had a laid out response every time someone asked;
"There isn't much of a story to tell."
And suddenly they, Lilia sebek and Silver, were standing in front of you.
You, who was sobbing into your hands inconsolable.
You, who was absolutely miserable
This wasn't their fun sunshine prefect they knew,
This was a shell of a person who hated their mundane life.
Sebek Lilia and Silver all stared at you from a distance as you simply stared at the sky with a somber twinkle in your eyes. It was useless to come up to you- there was no way you'd understand where they had come from, and no way you remembered magic. Instead of marveling at the prospect of being inside a place completely opposite of Twisted Wonderland, they were instead silent in their sadness staring at the prefect they had come to love.
You looked up at the sky which was turning dark, taking notice of a singular star that had planted itself directly above you. This star was particularly beautiful- beautiful enough for you to decide that perhaps it had the properties to bring you peace of mind.
"Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight," You hesitated before letting out a breathy chuckle while shaking your head, almost as if you were making fun of yourself for speaking such words.
"I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight." Another stretch of hesitance reigned as you simply stared at the dark sky, contemplating whether or not it was worth trying. You seemed to have made up your mind, letting out a sigh and offering your wish to the star.
"Please, just...Send me somewhere. Anywhere but this place."
A moment of silence seemed to tease you at your request, and you sighed yet another pathetically melancholy sigh. The three boys truly pitied the sight before them. Although not a backstory of betrayal, war, or fantasy, seeing you so disheveled and in a state of disrepair was a different kind of tragedy.
The silence that rang was rudely interrupted by the sound of clicking against the ground and a neigh of a horse- you didnt have a moment to realize what was happening until it was far too late. You stood up in a mere second of panic as you saw a horse with a carriage in tow, a large black carriage you hadn't even a split second to notice the details.
You heard the sound of voices calling out your name
Before the carriage had come and made impact
ultimately granting your wish.
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what-in-castration · 2 months
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For forever, Ruggie 🌵
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simple-dark-eyes · 10 months
*Cater scrolling through social media during a pop music club meeting and sees a post that catches his eye and shows lilia*
Cater: Look! Malleus is treading all over Magicam!*shows Lilia the aticle and picture* "Heir To Briar Valley Caught Making Out With Unknown Night Raven student (Yuu)." Malleus' and Yuu's relationship just got exposed...
Lilia: Sometimes, that's how it goes.
Kalim: Sebek's gonna find out any minute...
*insert very loud incoherent screaming here that can be heard throughout the whole school here*
Lilia: ... I'm sure he already knows.
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