#catarina loss
tys-kitty · 6 months
Why is it when Shadowhunters need a Warlocks‘s help, it‘s always you three?
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hanelizabeth · 3 months
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the one time magnus invited catarina and ragnor to a crazy disco he was throwing in his apartment - let’s just say not everyone was that impressed…😅
characters by @cassandraclare 🪩
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culiehua · 5 days
Gender Reveal Party
Sometimes you just gotta take things into your own hands (based on this post)
(It's more of a prequel tbh, alec doesn't actually show up lol but bicon magnus gets to do the announcement anyway)
characters by @cassandraclare
જ⁀➴ instagram @ leizanart (voiced ver.)
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the-mortal-incorrects · 6 months
Magnus: I don’t know how to tell you this, but you’re in love with me. Alec: What? Alec: Alec: By the angel, I am. Catarina: What kind of confession did I just witness?
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moonyscoffeestains · 27 days
always thinking about how catarina is kits great-great-great-whatever grandma
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mygalleryopen · 4 months
Ragnor Fell & Catarina Loss ✨️
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Where are FellLoss stans? ✋️💚💙
Characters belong to @cassandraclare
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khaleesiofalicante · 8 months
I think we as a society don’t appreciate Catarina Loss enough 😔😔😔
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overheardinidris · 4 months
Catarina: You’re hot.
Magnus: Believe me, I know.
Catarina: No, I mean you have a fever.
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calistairs · 6 days
are we living or just waiting for the last king of faerie release?
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alexanderlightweight · 9 months
It has been a rough...month. Your prompts and writing have basically been my rewards after a long day. I love re-reading them.
For Wednesday prompts, could we get another installment of Spoils of War or Bitter Trap of Truth? Or Undertow, Tethers of Fate, or the Taste of His Magic?? Or maybe your spouse-stealing one? Or the one where Sebastian is trying to steal Alec? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Obviously, I have a lot of favorites 😅
Thank you!!
I hope that you're doing better when you read this and that either way, this is a bright spot for you! Let me know how you're doing if you feel up for it and feel free to tell me if you want another addition to something!!
I'm really glad that my writing can be helpful for you
<3 lumine
the bitter trap of truth
(with ragnor and cat making a stop)
Alec becomes aware of both intruders — no, if Magnus has allowed their presence then they are guests, he reminds himself — as he comes awake.
The sky is still dark, just before the birth of dawn and Alec feels weighed down with the same longing and loneliness that crushed him for years.
It’s been mere weeks and Alec is already spoiled by his husband’s presence and to be without it has him leaving their bed to search for Magnus’ warmth.
It’s a relief, to see that it’s an emergency — that Magnus only left because he had to — rather than Magnus leaving out of want.
While Magnus still doesn’t trust him just yet, that has never stopped Magnus from sleeping in the same bed.
It only endears Alec to Magnus more.
To see how competent he is.
True, Alec would prefer to have his favor and trust, but Alec can’t blame him. Alec can only try to earn it and show that his loyalty belongs in truth, only to his husband from the moment Alec realized who he was marrying.
It’s a relief that leaves Alec shaky with it. His exhaustion is both amplified and swept away and the sleepiness that he’s carried with him softens him. It’s up to Alec to prove his worthiness and if these warlocks are dear enough to see Magnus so relaxed and allowed into Magnus’ lab, then Alec will give himself to his husband’s protection.
Because how will Magnus learn to trust him, if he doesn’t see proof that Alec if willing to be vulnerable for Magnus’ sake.
Still, there is a deep aura of concern and fear and anger around the three warlocks and Alec pauses by the door — waiting for an invitation since this is Magnus’ space — and hopes he won’t be turned away.
“What’s wrong?”
Magnus ignores Cat and Ragnor’s startled surprise and concern at the sudden presence and question to cross the room and cup Alexander’s face. Even with uncertainty still brewing between them, Magnus can’t help it.
His hunter has dark bruises under his eyes and his normally fluid movements are slow with exhaustion. Despite the fact that Alexander’s never met Cat or Ragnor — and that this is the first time Magnus has had visitors over since their wedding — his hunter is relaxed and calm.
There is no fight bristling under his skin and no threat in the languid roll of his shoulders.
Magnus knows for a fact that Alec had refused to sleep until Magnus returned from a private consultation the night before and it shows in how his shadowhunter is leaning against the doorframe rather than standing tall. It’s also a testament to the fact that Alec allows himself to be seen as what typical nephilim would consider ‘weak’ and ‘vulnerable’ in front of not only Magnus, but now Cat and Ragnor.
Magnus knows it’s because he’s allowing them to see himself, bare of makeup and barely dressed in a robe and slippers and that Alexander is following his lead.
“Nothing for you to worry your pretty head over.” Magnus says without thinking and there is a startled hack behind him that he knows is Ragnor.
Magnus hadn’t even intended it to be a distraction, but Alexander’s face transformed and a pleased, delighted smile curls across plush lips that Magnus has to fight not to lean forward and claim.
“Unless that pretty head can give some insight.”
Ragnor’s voice is mocking and while Magnus knows its directed at himself, Alexander seems to take it as a personal slight. It’s with a frown that he steps forward and his shoulder — his bare shoulder because of course his boy was wearing nothing but boxers to bed — presses against Magnus’ as he passes.
There is a mess in Magnus’ lab and Alexander pauses on the list of symptoms with a small frown before he surveys the table and then holds out his hand.
For a moment nothing happens and then Magnus startles as he realizes that Alexander is requesting the small bottle of contaminated blood that Cat is trying to process.
Her eyes meet his and for a moment everything hangs in the balance.
This isn’t how it was supposed to go, Magnus thinks to himself even as he nods his head in permission.
He was supposed to have time to draw out every bit of the clave’s poison from his husband before he dared risk being betrayed. Magnus is ready for the betrayal — he is — but that doesn’t mean he wants witnesses for it.
If Alec breaks any of the trust shown to him this night, then Magnus will have to have him answer for it. It’s one thing to prepare and it’s another to realize he was never going to have enough time.
Alec sniffs the vial and then his face pulls into a wretched grimace.
“Nephilim blood then—” he murmurs, even though there shouldn’t be anything that tells him that. Ragnor and Cat exchange a contemplative look but Magnus can’t look away from Alexander.
“No!” Magnus’ magic reaches out but Alec’s already turned and spit the mouthful of blood he sipped from the vial onto the floor. Magic steals the blood from his tongue and lips and mouth and sterilizes it until Alexander is wincing. “Why would you do that?”
Magnus knows that he’s going to have to deal with a concerned and worried Cat and Ragnor after this — he’d told them he was interested in Alec but he may not have let on just how dear Alexander was becomings to him already.
“To see what kind of poison it was?” Alec looks confused and this time when he raises the vial all he does is sniff, “I needed to see what it was doing to the blood. It’s a nephil poison, it reacts with our blood differently.”
Magnus knew that.
Or at least, that it had been a nephil poison was what the three of them had assumed.
The confirmation is helpful as now all they need to do is narrow it down.
Honestly, it was more help than what any of them would have expected from a clave assigned nephilim spouse.
“Thank you, darling.” Magnus murmurs and the endearment slips out before he can help it, “will you go rest now?” And hopefully stop giving Magnus and his enthralled magick paranoia.
“But I haven’t told you which kind yet.”
Magnus’ nephilim spouse is giving Magnus a confused and slightly haughty look.
Normally such a look would have both her and Ragnor’s hackles raised in defense of Magnus. Yet, his nephil spouse is giving Magnus the kind of haughty look that says he’s personally offended, not that he thinks himself better than Magnus.
A small bag appears in his palm.
It’s a leather pouch the size of the hunter’s hand and it’s only Magnus’ lack of surprise that keep her and Ragnor calm and quiet as he opens it up to reveal at least a dozen small glass vials.
“It’s either one of these two. The strands run too closely to be sure without further testing and these poisons work fast enough that you’ll want to create the antidotes as quickly as possible.” Two small vials are plucked from the velvet-lined pouch. There are runes decorating the leather and it almost looks as if the very threads were spun from adamas.
“Just avoid overheating any of it. Nephil poisons and antidotes typically stay in a cool area. Even the vials are runed for temperature stasis and they don’t do well exposed to heat even when they’re being created. It’s part of the reason why our poisons are so hard to find antidotes for.” The bag clicks shut and then it disappears, as if it had never been there.
The only evidence are the two small, almost innocent looking, vials on the table and and the offering of more knowledge of nephil poisons than she’s found in decades.
Then, with what can only be considered sleepy satisfaction, Magnus’ nephilim turns to leave. He brushes past Magnus with a sleepy nonchalance and even presses a kiss to a distracted and shocked Magnus’ jaw as he murmurs, “come to bed when you can.”
Then he’s gone.
“That is not normal.” Ragnor bites out quietly, “Magnus, what did you bloody do?”
Cat turns to see Ragnor giving Magnus an incredulous stare and Magnus’ slightly uncomfortable, defensive frown.
“It doesn’t matter.” She interrupts, “we can figure out what’s going on here later. Magnus, can I take him at his word for this?” It would be truly stupid of Magnus’ husband to so blatantly betray them but still…
Magnus pauses and there is a shadow to his gaze before he turns to meet her eyes.
“Yes. I’ve seen his files and records and he’s told me of his rank and specialties. Alexander is too smart for this to be a lie.”
Cat can see that he believes that and she understands now why he’s so conflicted. How difficult it must be, to try and uncover the lies in an honest enemy, especially one that doesn’t twist the offered truth as seelies do.
“Then I’ll let you know if it’s a success.”
If it is a success… than Magnus’ husband may very well have just offered up a priceless weapon in the cold battle of politics and subterfuge between them and the clave.
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tys-kitty · 8 months
The reactions of our most beloved warlocks when yet another Shadowhunter generation asks them for magical help
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hanelizabeth · 2 months
Mullein ~ Healing ❤️‍🩹
- a recreation of Catarina Loss’ flower card -
characters by @cassandraclare 🤍
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culiehua · 2 months
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tmi verse x onion headlines
part 1 — part 2 — part 3 — part 4 —
part 5 (jem!edition) — part 6 — part 7
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the-mortal-incorrects · 6 months
Magnus: I love sleepovers. Catarina: This isn’t a sleepover, you’re in the hospital! Magnus: Then why do I have this nightgown? Catarina: That’s a hospital gown. Magnus: Truth or dare. Catarina: Magnus: Catarina: Dare.
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peupeugunn · 2 years
magnus: so. who broke it? i'm not mad, i just wanna know.
alec, sighing: ...i did. i broke it
magnus: no, no you didn't. jace?
jace: don't look at me, look at izzy
izzy: what? i didn't break it
jace: huh, that's weird. how'd you even know it was broken?
izzy: because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken
jace: suspicious.
izzy: no, it's not!
clary: if it matters, probably not, but simon was the last one to use it
simon: liar! i can't even drink that crap!
clary: oh really? then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
simon: i use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. everyone knows that, clary!
alec: okay that's enough. i broke it. let me pay for it, magnus
magnus: no! who broke it?
clary: magnus... jace's been awfully quiet
jace: rEALLY?
[everyone starts arguing]
magnus, later to catarina: i broke it. i burned my hand and my magic accidentally fried it
magnus: i predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick
cat: good. it was getting a little chummy around here
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rinadragomir · 8 months
15 Reasons to read Sword Catcher
1 - DRAMA, no one stopped Cassie so she had an opportunity to show off. Royal intrigues, criminal secrets, whispers of forbidden magic which is about to return
2 - bisexuals💙💜lgbtqia took over this book and refuse to leave, good for them
3 - perfect multilevel world-building, CC spent lots of time exploring historical materials, complicated fantasy series and it shows. Makes your brain work, which is always a plus
4 - Will/Jem vibes between Kel/Conor🥺
5 - enemies to lovers to enemies to— they're driving me INSANE
6 - POC characters, two of the main characters have brown skin, the queen has black skin, lots of characters whose appearance is probably inspired by people from the Middle East. Asian killer girl, my beloved🫶✨
7 - Political games, if you loved Game of Thrones/ House of the Dragon/ ARCANE, you'd love this one too!
8 - A high delusional society coexisting with a much poorer majority. Provocative grotesque parties/ fancy balls VS Brutally beautiful criminal city/ local dance holidays with magical roots
9 - The main girl is apparently Cordelia/Catarina's lovechild. She came here to show her dangerous dance skills and heal you🤗. Everyone is scared of her and she's scared of her weird dreams about sex & apocalypse🤔
10 - Main character being a sweet silly cinnamon roll...but like "randomly criminal whore" edition. He's either too smart or too silly & horny, no in the middle. Always kind🌻savage little marshmallow that needs to be held and protected
11 - Glittery outfits, Bridgerton X Euphoria? Marie Antoinette X Great Gatsby?
12 - Magic, necromancy 🔮🪦 Magic was common centuries ago until it became too powerful and destructive, which is yay for me, but for some reason, no-no for everyone else. The last battle between enemies/lovers and boom👁️👁️the land was destroyed, magic is gone. Which is what legends say. BUT IS IT GONE THOUGH🤨
13 - "I know we've just tried to kill each other/threatened to kill, I know this is our third meeting, but what about a kiss?👉👈" AND IT'S ABOUT AT LEAST TWO COUPLES
14 - You know that character, who's like mysterious✨ minor/third main character✨he lives in an emo mansion and feeds all stray kittens🫶and everyone who bothered him was killed brutally or disappeared under mysterious circumstances for some reason...oh these silly little coincidences☺️
15 - because I ask you🥺
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