vinylfoxbooks · 21 hours
June 11 - Disagree | @jegulus-microfic | wc: 877 Part 3
“What do I need to wear?” Regulus asks over the phone.
James huffs a small laugh, playing with Harry, “You don’t need to dress up, love. Just wear what you normally do.” 
“But I- this is your ex-wife, James. This is the mother of your child, James.”
“It’s also your brother and Remus.” James counters, “You know them, you don’t have to worry about it.” 
“Agree to disagree.” Regulus grumbles.
James leaves Harry to play with his toys while going back to working on the food, “If you really want to dress up a bit more, just wear one of your nice button ups and slacks.”
“That’s so vague, James.”
James sighs, a mix between fond and frustrated, “Wear that nice silky black button up you have and those cute pants that Pandora put the flowers on. Then you accessorise as you please.”
Regulus is quiet for a moment, probably mentally cataloging the outfit and thinking it through before he hums, “Yeah, that. Yeah that works. That feels nice. Thank you James.”
“It’s not a problem, love..” James smiles, despite knowing that his boyfriend can’t see it, “I’ll see you tonight.”
“It’s happening at your place.” Regulus says, sounding more like he’s reminding himself than he is asking. James hums his agreement nonetheless and he hangs up a couple minutes later, telling Regulus that he has to finish making the food. 
Hours later, Lily has shown up at the house with her new girlfriend in tow -- a girl named Mary that she met through work and has been telling James about. James is quick to pull Lily into a hug with a kiss pressed to her cheek and take the container of bitterballen that they brought along with them from Mary’s arms. James puts the container near the pastels that James just finished then disappears into the kitchen once again. 
After a while, Remus and Sirius barge into the house holding platters of welsh rarebits that they leave in the kitchen.
Eventually, James has pretty much finished cooking and the family is all sitting around, just waiting for Regulus to show up -- which he texted ahead of time and informed James that he was going to be a bit late after a bit of a run in with his roommates -- chatting, and playing around with Harry. 
And when the doorbell rings one last time, James is the first person to stand up. When he opens the door, his breath is taken away because, “Fuck. You’re so pretty, Regulus.”
Regulus laughs softly, “Thank you, James.”
“I thought I told you not to bring anything.” James shakes his head when he sees that Regulus is holding a round container.
“No, but I did.” Sirius says, bounding up behind James, “He has this apple tree in the backyard of his apartment building and the things that Regulus does with those apples are magical.”
Regulus shakes his head, “This is tarte tatin. It’s a French dessert with caramelised apples. Aside from Sirius telling me to make something, you mentioned that Harry liked apples so I wanted to bring something I thought he’d like.”
“Well thank you, love.” James smiles, putting his hand on Regulus’ lower back and guiding him into the house. Their first stop is the kitchen but then James is leading Regulus into his living room and introducing him to Lily and Mary. 
As soon as Regulus sits down, Harry is bounding to sit in his lap from where he was originally playing with Remus’ fingers, which makes James laugh, “He is obsessed with you, Reg.” 
“No shock about that,” Remus hums, “Not with the way that Luna is all over him whenever she’s around.”
“Who’s Luna?” Lily asks, tilting her head. Regulus can see just why James married her, she’s beautiful. With long red hair that falls around her body in a perfect way and she’s got this wonderful smile and stunning green eyes just like her son. 
Regulus shakes off those thoughts, “My best friend’s daughter. About the same age as Harry.”
“Pandora’s daughter?” James asks, moving to sit next to his boyfriend, stretching his arm out so it’s resting on the back of the couch and his hand is playing with Regulus' hair. His other hand goes to play with Harry, letting his son mess around with his fingers. Regulus just nods. 
Just soon after, they gather around the table and start to eat, laughing and joking around. Regulus is quiet at first, nervous about meeting Lily -- which is astounding to all of them that know both him and Lily, because she is the sweetest, most easy going person in the world -- but eventually Remus manages to get him sucked into a conversation with himself and Lily about books and he opens up more and more. 
By the end of the night, Regulus is chatting relatively easily with the rest of the group and he seems to have made good friends with Lily --which James is more than happy about -- and by the time that everyone leaves, Regulus is tired and peopled-out so he and James choose to just relax on the couch with Harry and watch a movie.
“That went well.” James hums, “Just like I told you it would.”
“Shut up you snarky bastard.”
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smokestarrules · 1 year
it’s just. in the end it’s about family. it's about Camila pulling Eda into a hug because she took care of her baby. it’s about Hunter thinking he has no one looking for him only to find Darius over his shoulder. it’s about King’s dad telling Luz to tell King he loafs him. (it’s about Caleb falling in love with Evelyn, Philip betraying him for it.) it’s about Gus and Amity and Willow finding their dads. Vee graduating alongside Luz. The Collector being a lonely kid who was abandoned. 
Luz having her quinceañera on the Boiling Isles with everyone she loves around her. This show is about family. 
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lottiezilla · 6 months
thinking about how, in godzilla minus one, they kill godzilla with the same thing he was created from. thinking about how he crumbles to ash, just like all the cities that were also destroyed by bombs. thinking about how shikishima kept repeating that his war wasn't over until godzilla was dead. thinking about how godzilla isn't just a monster but a manifestation of trauma after war. thinking about how as godzilla's remains sink to the bottom of the ocean, he begins to regenerate. thinking about how we can only begin to heal from trauma by embracing those around us and working through it together. thinking about how trauma can be lived with but never killed. thinking about how godzilla isn't a monster, he's the shared trauma and pain of a country of people who lost so much and were given back so little. thinking about how godzilla will always come back, so long as humans remain the way we are, because godzilla is war and humans are always at war and the only way we can get through it is together. to stop the fighting.
thinking about how godzilla minus one isn't a movie about a giant monster, it's about humans and their pain and trauma and their struggle to keep on living after they've had everything taken from them.
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ghostlycoze · 1 month
Did I just spend like 10 hours making my Looks to the Moon plushie a sundress?
Yes. Yes absolutely.
I have never sewn doll clothing in my life, nor have I knitted in over a year. I did not do any measurements so it is very wonky, but it's ok she looks cute <3
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In the morning I need to take some photos of her actually in the sun :D But for now... it is 1am. I need to sleep. Goodnight folks
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albobeati7 · 28 days
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Garfield Attack, Husk Protecc
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koolaidashley · 1 month
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Oh sweet swannie ….u didn’t win the polls…..but u always won ….my heart 😔😔😔😔🥺💔
(Everyone knows but swannie is @tangledinink son if u don’t know FIND OUT)
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2aceofspades · 2 months
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A lil moment sometime after✨this disaster✨
~Bonus meme~
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steddieas-shegoes · 7 months
this post by @footburn inspired me in that 'you must type this out before you can do anything else' way so here. this was literally from brain to computer in about 20 minutes.
rated m this is literally just the softest and sweetest fluff, with some implied sexual content discussed
Eddie's sleepy voice whispered against Steve's ear, his breath sending a shiver down his spine.
Steve turned his head as his hand reached over to cup the back of Eddie's head, his fingers gently gripping the frizzy strands of hair sticking out.
"Gotta get up," Steve mumbled.
The alarm clock would be going off in two minutes, a stark reminder that the real world was just outside of their bedroom and unfortunately required putting on clothes and going to work.
If he could, he'd stay like this all day, every day, for the rest of their lives.
Next to Eddie, on top of Eddie, under Eddie, any way he could possibly have him. As long as the sunlight kept streaming through the window and the warmth of Eddie's soft, sleepy smile was in view, Steve would be happy.
"Mm-mm," Eddie shook his head once, nuzzling closer so his next exhale made Steve's eyes flutter closed.
"I have to open today."
Eddie's hand settled on his shoulder, squeezing once before falling away again.
"What is, baby?" Steve smirked as he watched Eddie's brows furrow as he finally started to wake up.
Eddie's eyes fluttered open.
The alarm clock switched to 7:29.
"Call out," Eddie's eyes blinked slowly.
"I can't. It's just me today. Robs would kill me."
"But it'll kill me to watch you get out of bed," Eddie pouted.
Steve sat up, leaning on his elbow, and looked down at Eddie.
Eddie looked back up at him with those wide eyes, bottom lip out like it would actually convince Steve to stay.
The alarm clock showed 7:30.
Steve reached over to shut off the alarm as soon as it started beeping.
He leaned down to kiss his head, then his heart tattoo, then the scar on his side.
"Pleeeease?" Eddie whined. "I have today off. We could sleep and not sleep."
Steve rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but want to give in.
They had so few days like this: where one of them didn't wake up screaming or crying from a nightmare, where they weren't in pain the moment their eyes opened, where someone wasn't needing them the moment the sun rose.
It was tempting to take advantage of this moment, of this day, see where it would lead if Steve just settled back down in bed, see if they were able to sleep for another couple of hours.
Maybe wake up with lips against skin, or hands against chests or thighs.
Maybe eat breakfast in bed and make more than one type of mess.
Maybe only get up to take a shower together, scrub off the stickiness of syrup and body fluids.
Or maybe they'd get a call in 15 minutes from Dustin, who should know better than to call before ten in the morning on weekends, but does anyway because he won't admit that he misses them.
Maybe Robin would show up to shove Steve out the door for the shift he's supposed to work, pissed that he'd even try to get out of it.
Maybe Wayne would finally remember to bring that cake recipe he found in an old family cookbook and insist on helping him make it since he knows the secret.
Or maybe Steve would kiss Eddie's lips once before getting up and doing the thing he doesn't want to do today so they can enjoy their peace tomorrow.
Maybe Steve can look at the alarm clock that now reads 7:31 and think about how sometimes love is getting out of a cozy bed and going to work so you have money to pay for those concert tickets that are gonna be the best birthday present he's ever gotten.
"Love you so much, Eds," Steve whispers as he pulls away from Eddie's mouth, already longing for another kiss.
"Love you too, sweetheart. Bring ya lunch?" Eddie's eyes were getting heavy again as he turned his head into the sheets, breathing in the scent of Steve, of them.
"See you then."
At 7:32, Steve managed to go into the bathroom to shower and get ready for his day.
At 7:56, Steve kissed Eddie's forehead as he slept, careful not to wake him.
At 8:02, Steve left a note for Eddie on his way out the door, the same note he wrote for him every morning, left on his favorite mug so he wouldn't miss it when he made his coffee.
Love you, miss you, want you - your Stevie
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aerequets · 1 year
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yor in 6 styles :D
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holmsister · 4 days
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Literally laios to kabru
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winterprince601 · 6 months
love it when characters come back from the dead. it's just the piece of media admitting it can't do without them. trapped in the narrative? baby, the narrative's trapped in here with ME.
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realtalk127 · 10 months
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If it takes away all our magic, anything gifted to us from something greater...
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xiaq · 1 month
You know when a book or a fic is so good that you keep delaying reading it? Because it will be over too soon and you want to linger. Like, no, no, slow down, let's set it aside after this chapter. I need to walk the dog. Clean the tub. Take out the trash. Lets savor this journey a bit longer. I love that feeling.
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little-pup-pip · 3 months
Gothic moodboard for a 3-6 year old with plushies, cheese and a deco paci
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keepthebeanscool · 6 months
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evil mariah ethan !!!! everyone cheers
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teencopandthesourwolf · 11 months
yeah so my brother was over tonight and after we'd had a heart-to-heart and a gossip i stuck TEEN WOLF on—which he is aware of and knows it's one of my shows, but has never actually watched himself—just for a bit of background bc it was there in my 'continue watching' as i'm never really not watching it lol.
ANYWAYS we continued chattering through it for a while (the majority of eps 1&2) but then he started sporadically paying it more and more attention, till he was eventually commenting and asking me questions etc.
here are some of the veritable golden nuggets he dropped:
“well, that coach fella's my new bestie.”
“the hammy lad with the face (jackson) is giving me such biff from back to the future vibes.”
“why is clark kent (he knows hoech from superman & lois) being an autistic male model with serious pmt?”
(still taking about hoec) “oh, bloody hell, he's actually really good looking, isn't he?!”
"the sfx in this are so fuckin bad they actually double back to being terrific.”
“so, are we, like, supposed to not give a shit about the main guy then, or what?”
(more scott talk) “although i do actually kind of want to hug him—but i feel that's somehow unrelated to his character.”
“pretending to do back flips off a roof is cool af i don't care what anybody says.”
(about k*te argent) “hoho, she's gonna turn out to be a massive cunt, isn't she?”
“this is fucking brilliant, they (the wolf transformations) look like were!fonzies!”
“jesus, we're like, 3 eps in and there's already what looks to be the beginnings of quite intricate character arcs? this show should honestly not be this intriguing, wtf.”
(commentary on the acting chops) “oh, wow, so the one that's playing scott is pretending to be scott... while the one playing stiles just IS stiles!”
(scene at the start of magic bullet where stiles is talking to scott about derek):
stiles: okay, sorry, no more talk about alphas or derek; especially derek—who still scares me.
my brother: yeah, that's because he quite clearly makes your willy hard, mate.
also my brother: OH, SHIT! THAT'S STEREK, RIGHT?! well, it's no fucking wonder that that's a thing.
so yeah my hope is now obviously that he'll go home and get obsessed and spank the entire 6 seasons in 4 days and become one of our most prolific fanfic writers.
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