#comparison thread
dazedwriter1 · 2 months
Dan Levy as Japanese Kit Kats, a thread
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briebysabs · 2 months
I have mixed feelings on how Qian Jin was used in s2. Bc on one hand, he was basically a Shakespearean villain which works with his backstory around plays. Probably a reference to Othello with him killing the wife he thought was cheating on him. His whole thing about “you need evidence to base your claims” and him supporting his points or avoiding the police using that logic. And the irony of it all is that he killed his wife based on assumptions with zero evidence. And it’s great from a tragic standpoint for the twins bc their father had done a similar thing. From one abusive coward to the next it’s a constant cycle. The tradeoff is that it makes him much less interesting. After the reveal of his true intentions, it’s like… you’re just a bitch.
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And yeah you can get into his guilt for killing his unborn child as well. But that’s something he brought onto himself and is insistent on denying the truth.
Which to me is just…idk what to tell you bro.
And if he is a Shakespearean villain, Qian Jin should’ve been killed off. Commit to it y’know cuz he’s in jail doing nothing. Even if he breaks out in s3, LTC is gonna kill him and I don’t think even LX can convince him otherwise. Idk what his purpose to the plot would be? Personally, I would’ve liked if they left his story the way it appeared on the surface. As him simply being a victim of circumstance, slowly going insane from it, so he’s trying to save his wife. Because it could tie perfectly to Lu Guang at the last episode.
And you could argue (and be right) that LTC can serve as the LG comparison. But I think Qian Jin would’ve worked better. So I’m in this position where I get why they wrote him that way, it does work for the story, but it takes away the enjoyment of his character for me. And he is treated as the “final boss” in the last ep (before we meet LX). It makes the s2 finale not as climatic as I wanted it to be. This is really my only main complaint about s2 besides some nitpicks.
Overall I loved link click season 2 though. If you prefer season 1 that’s totally understandable and I do think it is a bit better. However if you thought s2 wasn’t a good season at all I think you’re tripping but that’s just me. Kinda glad I wasn’t there in September for the discourse especially around Lu Guang I would’ve fought some bitches. Btw I did make a thread surrounding the lg time-travelling debate here it is: https://www.tumblr.com/briebysabs/745075324591783936/lu-guang-is-a-hypocrite-and-thats-okay-great
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Time for another traditional embroidery mend! This time, we're trying out the Puncetto Valsesiano stitch, which, after I finished this up, I've found, is an entire style of needlelace! For this patch, though, we just did stitch after stitch after stitch, no fancy patterning. (I might do fancy patterning later, to be fair! been reading up on things, and I've got a few smaller repairs to make that would suit it quite nicely!)
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One row of stitches in, and I was thinking, oh this can't be so bad! this is actually quite soothing, all these repetitive actions, and with such a delightful, knitting-like texture!
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This many stitches in, and sure, I'm still having a good time, but mostly, I'm finding out how much thread this takes! Poor razz, @razzmatazic, I thought this was going to be a simple, small patch, so I borrowed her thread to work on this one! You can't quite tell in this shot, but I'm actually about to run out of thread!
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After likely much, much more fuss than was strictly necessary, including accidentally picking a slightly different color of floss because of some mislabeled strands, noticing I'd dropped enough stitches to need to throw some extra ceylon stitching in a gap, and a probably pretty noticable shift in texture because of single vs. double threading, we've got ourselves a patch that, even despite its shortcomings, I really dig the look of!
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Unfortunately, I didn't make this patch wide enough generally, so I've got a few more holes that'll be getting filled by a big 'ol sashiko patch that's going to layer overtop the puncetto, eventually! Stay tuned, I'm just as curious as you are as to how that'll look.
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mummer · 1 year
whats fun about barry as a protagonist vs other Morally Complicated Guy Shows is that he seriously has no ambition lol, his wildest dreams arent like becoming super rich or relishing in holding power over people, like all he wants is simple happiness, maybe career success, normal life stuff, his wildest dreams are like…. being able to have a wedding. having a kid or two. and theres something reasonable about that, it makes him relatable for a while until the show is very clearly like No dude, that is a fucking serial killer, you should not gaf! and you’re like oh right lol. it’s crazy to make such a simple desire seem so malicious but still human
#like the true success of the show is that he feels just as entitled as walter white even though what he wants is so much smaller#L + serial killer + you’re a war criminal + you’re abusive + kys#barry#but i think it threads the line a little where by s5 of brba i had 0 care for walt i did not feel any emotional attachment#and tbh by the end i didnt even find the whole corruption arc interesting because he was just so painfully malignant and annoying#but barry wants sooooo little. and he’s sooooo stupid. and hes soooo arrested development 15 year old boy#that it still manages to be compelling and he still manages to feel like a human being#not a knock on brba which is incredible television obviously just doing different stuff#idk. something about how it’s tragic but also held at an appropriate distance so as to be laughed at too#like: the irremovable mark doing violence leaves on you.. the inescapability of it… IS sad! it’s sad#and most often IS the result of social conditioning and masculinity constructs and your dads friend grooming you etc#but it’s not the prime sadness. which would be of course the victims of that violence#like. duh#walter my reaction is just. Well i wouldnt do that. I would never choose to do that so who cares#but with barry. all he wants is to not be defined by the hurt he has caused. which is something everybody wants!#but the extents of that hurt are so extreme and are teased apart so well in the show. like theres 0 apologia just exploration#anyway if im doing brba comparisons barry is literally todd
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politemagic · 2 months
i need a friend who likes sleep token as much as i do because i know im Not Normal™ about them but any time i say anything about them to someone who isn’t into them they look at me like i just escaped an insane asylum. (this is in direct reference to my enthusiasm for a single 35 second video of ii)
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bastart13 · 1 year
Sometimes you read a long webcomic and by the end you realise it's the kind of bad trashy romance you didn't read as a teenager
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yume-fanfare · 2 months
clown crown really did all that
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biscuitmir · 9 months
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wigglebox · 11 months
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Wandering [x]
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class1akids · 2 years
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Volume 36 - Volume version vs Weekly comparison thread by Roo on Twitter
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noxxha · 1 year
The “Uchiha Izuna” Conversation - Manga and Anime Comparison
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Manga chapter 661 - A Failed World
The “you remind me of him” conversation in the Manga (not official translation).
The downcast gaze of Hashirama gives him something thoughtful, sombre even, despite his slight smile that…turns into an expression of sadness. The closest description I have for his expression is regretful.
There is regret that Izuna was killed and taken from Madara. So much would have probably turned out differently had he survived his wound(s).
This is how the conversation goes in the anime.
Take note of Hashirama’s expression(s)
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Ep. 393 - A True Ending
The placement of the shadows in the third panel makes Hashirama look angry…
It is subtle, but in the fourth (and fifth) panel Hashirama is smiling…it is probably meant as a “fond” smile (as in he remembers a moment of Madara and Izuna showcasing their bond, or maybe he remembers when Madara promised to protect his younger brother, or maybe even Izuna speaking in a similar tone to him at one point) but it does come across as…not harbouring entirely good intentions.
What is interesting is that the anime version has Hashirama say “you’re a lot like him” - which could mean that Sasuke’s appearance is similar to Izuna’s, but it honestly reads more like Hashirama saw similarities in personality between Sasuke and Izuna.
In the Manga version (unfortunately I do not have an official translation, be it english or german, for this conversation) Hashirama states simply that “You remind me of him…Madara’s brother…”
Which is more vague than the anime, which implies a stronger similarity between their personalities, rather than their outer appearance.
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just fixed up my old blazer. i ❤️ arts and crafts
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cheaploafs · 1 year
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theres a heel clack in the distance somewhere
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astrxlfinale · 1 month
Few things beat the late night hours where Guinaifen got to cuddle up in clean sheets, fresh out of a shower, with arms around the frame of her own little universe. Him, the sole purpose of her paced heartbeats, and whose cheek would be grazed with several kisses, one warmer and sweeter than the next. Him, the one Guinaifen wished to offer the comfort and safety of her own arms for as long and often as Caelus would require or even ask of her, longer too if she so saw it as her right. To say that she loved him was simple, too simply even, for while she did love him there was so much more to it, appreciation and respect, admiration and pride.
She, indeed, was proud of him and the progress he had made throughout his journeys. With every story returning with him to the Xianzhou, the concern would drown in this overwhelming admiration for him and the choices he had gone through; " ... you do so many cool things, you know that ? I don't think I've ever met someone whose life has been as busy as yours over the past year..."
Tightening her embrace, Guinaifen would press her forehead against his, allowing eyes to examine his.
Warm. Beautiful. Something she, in return, wished to protect.
"... don't burn out your light fully, Caelus."
Indeed, he had done so many great things and fought so many great battles, some she had gotten to witness in person and where he found such bravery time and time again was beyond Guinaifen. Unlike Caelus, she'd easily cover at the mention of scary spirits haunting old grounds of the fleet, and she'd find her hands trembling around the weapon meant to fight evil. So how, when and where he found the time to gather all this courage was both admirable and a little concerning, for how long could he keep burning so brightly for others? How far could he go with such intensity?
In her concern, a hand would raise to his cheek, caress it gently. To think that within her hand laid both destruction and salvation of planets. It was still surreal; " You always rush to everyone's aid, and you do so with such compassion and respect that I... can't help but to admire you for it, but... I need to you know that if you ever need someone to come to your rescue, I'm in your corner. While I know that I'm totally just a pretty thing on your arm ~ I am capable of other things too, you know ?"
At least she would try to be.
For him, she would.
She'd lean over to steal a little, warm kiss from him, pulling herself closer against his frame with a whisper. "If needed, I'd carry you bridal style out from a battle ~ !"
Moments like these were true fields of reprieve during turbulent waves. Where the scents of fresh soaps and soft linen, where the familiarity of that bright coral hair was laid out in ways further emphasizing her beauty.
Times where he can simply be nestled in this warmth that forms a special brand of energy within him.
Caelus's expression couldn't resist melting into the peaceful stance its currently holding. Grand trials and unexpected turns would never transform these simple truths into something else. His hands locked with security around his Firekiss's hips, loosely held for any idle need of wiggle room as he stares ahead, silently marveling a view that just makes him comfortable above all else. It wasn't a matter where a look from here makes him merely forget about the world. The fact of performing Atla's feats simply becomes a cakewalk.
That could be his arrogance talking, but what's wrong with a little belief?
"Oh yea--- hmhm, hey!" He tried to counteract, but this certain offensive was determined to add this notch of victory. Loving kisses, each serving as an energizing plume, being a banisher of weariness and the sweet tide to empowerment all in one. What she brings to the table of thought leaves him mildly contemplative.
"Has it been?" The question warranted no answer. "If anything, it just felt like.. Another day that's supposed to be here."
It doesn't change the glimmering pearl of insight that she leaves. An important reminder made from someone who wants the best for him, who knows in an entirely different way about the value of managing that weight wisely. Truly drinking in her insight, silence briefly falls outside of a softer note, one that reveals her word reached just like those loving hands.
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Such silent awe melts with the tide of fashioned night upon the Xianzhou. A secret for the quilts, a declaration for the open air, for within those honeyed eyes he sees someone talking from the bottom of her loving heart. It makes him privy in just how often she extends this case, letting excess energy be placed in movements made to love, how she directs her words with a sword master's grace, holding a clarity that's in his opinion undervalued. How could his expression unveil anything else but a tender love that's continuously being fostered between them?
While the playful ideas ring and for a moment, his heart hastens in joy as he leans to her in kind, being lovingly lost within her gravity as a tender kiss would meet her lips in return. Caelus never hesitates in allowing that starlit heart of his from devoting to the moment. A touch of pressure, the way his fingers clutched and bundled up the back of her nightwear, these were the small signs in the power her love formulates.
"Guinaifen.." There's a pause while the amusing idea comes to mind. Briefly parting, that's when an abrupt switch transpires, leading to his forehead gently bumping her's with a gilded sense of challenge above all else.
"How about I tell you that I've never had a doubt about that to begin with? Calling yourself just another pretty thing would be disrespecting the cherished partner of this Nameless. I'm not taking that from anyone, especially you."
Was it strange for this thread of seriousness to bound him suddenly? Conviction was born anew in those golden eyes, a scintillating sort of flame that swims within his irises, and at this moment locked upon her face in a command for attention.
"If there's ever a pinch that can even get me on the ropes. I have no doubt that you'd turn this whole damn universe upside down to find me. ..I'm depending on that." Thrumming heavily in his veins was a measure of trust that can be felt, a border between pained and heavy, of light and liberating. Caelus can recall instances where this scale of sensation flowed in such a distinct way.
This was the grounds of a special strength that made him this indomitable force. Here it was, being shared.
"Can I count on you, the person that I believe in?"
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suremarkj · 1 year
who: @cursedflesh​ where: outside of terry’s place (doxxing :elmo:) what: that’s our grandma!
if there was one thing mark was sure of, it was that leo was going to be seeking terrence walker out. and if there was one thing mark was sure of ( so... that would make it two ), it was that he, as the man who had introduced her to the genealogy websites, could not bear to be responsible for any disappointments she may encounter in her endeavors ! ( any disappointments at all would be a shame, but to be actively responsible for them ? well... ) lucky for him, with some followers in high places, terrence walker was decently easy to place... he never thought he’d be alright with this so-called ‘doxxing’ ( a real invasion of privacy -- the house he actually lived in was as off the grid as possible for a reason ), but queefburglar69 finally came in handy. “ tell you what, a little old woman’s gonna stop by any time now -- ‘bout yea high, ” he began, putting his hand level to his shoulder, “ and she’s gonna be real excited. gonna tell you she’s your great-great-great-great-something-grandma, and you gotta at least pretend to be happy, ‘right ? name’s leo -- might introduce herself as leonarda with a real long last name -- and, boy, she’s been fuckin’ waitin’ for this. ”
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mod2amaryllis · 1 year
mod i seek your vet tech wisdom. i have a friend whos dog (a doxie, specifically) is VERY overweight. I dont know how to bring up this dogs health without sounding fatphobic. Do u have any tips?
i can't really give advice on how not to sound fatphobic, because a lotta people are just gonna anthropomorphize the issue no matter what you do. calling out an animal's obesity is definitely NOT FUCKING FATPHOBIC, for the record.
dachshunds already deal with a litany of health problems that are exacerbated by obesity. back problems and arthritis particularly. your friend's also flirting with diabetes, which is a very expensive disease to treat between constant bloodwork, insulin, needles, prescription diets...there's also hypothyroidism, pancreatitis...yeah fat animals aren't this cute harmless thing, they worry me.
the best thing would be to encourage them to go in for an exam so a VET can tell them their dog's fat and needs bloodwork to see if they're not already dealing with some of these issues.
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