mysticalchildkore · 1 year
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worrywrite · 1 year
Let's settle this.... Once and for all!
Reblog to start a riot.
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imakatperson22 · 2 months
I know that the “Buckley Diaz family” has been a term for years in this fandom but I’m going to be brave and tell you one of my pretty controversial headcanons:
If Buck and Eddie ended up together and eventually got married, Buck would change his name and be Evan Diaz.
Considering how awful his parents were to him, I don’t think keeping the name “Buckley”, a name his parents gave him, is a super high priority for him. I think he’d rather have the name of the love of his life and literal son than the name of the people who hurt him so badly. I think at that point in his relationship he’d identify more with the Diaz name.
I also think it would be a little funny when he would introduce himself to someone he’s just met like: “Evan Diaz, but everyone calls me Buck.” And whoever he meets always just looks a little confused like “Why is that his nickname?”
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
No, but this is definitely my most controversial opinion, but the whole thing with Buck and Eddie being the same age comes back to the fact that they are mirrors of each other. Down to the tattoos with mirrored placement, yes, but like, narratively speaking too. They've been running parallel to each other their whole lives and them being the same age makes that even more intense. Eddie had to grow up too fast and Buck didn't have to grow up at all. Eddie was forced to take care of more than he could and Buck was never allowed to care as much as he wanted. Both of them ran because their lives were overwhelming. Buck gives Eddie the tools to slow down for the first time in years while Eddie gives Buck something he's allowed to care about. They're two sides of the same coin. They complement each other. They're each other's missing piece. And that's so much better when they're the same age.
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lucienseye · 24 days
and dare i say rhysand fabricated nessians bond with his daemiti powers?
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we-r-loonies · 10 days
ykw as much as i love this fandom, maybe lets not feminise sirius SO MUCH?
he can be queer, without being feminine!
but also, he can be feminine, without looking like a woman!
it jst feels like you're trying to make wolfstar a straight relationship. which i think is icky.
i love masculine sirius! i love androgynous sirius! gosh, i even love feminine sirius!
but, he is still a guy!!!
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chubbyreaderchan · 8 months
Okay I'm gonna get thrown to the sharks for this but Moe from the Doodlebops
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Has the same energy as Paul from the Lost Boys
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No I can't explain why that is.
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k1tt13s-crypt · 3 months
Acid Bath When The Kite String Pops CD glitter gif set !!
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countlessofvoids · 2 months
Justice for my girls Angrboða and Thrúd.
One (Angrboða) is constantly "criticized" for daring to be *gasp* black in a norse video game that is definetly historicaly accurate and revolves around vikings and not Gods that could have any possible design! Apparently everyone just forgot that Jotunheim's landscape is designed after Africa.
If she's not attacked because of skin color, it's because she has "ulterior motives" even though the only moments where she was 'hostile' was when Atreus asked about her parents - a topic quite invase for someone you've met not even 10 minutes ago- or when she told him to be careful when digging in the bag full of Jotnar souls that could be lost forever if their marble is destroyed. The only 'ulterior motive' she was hiding was... trying not to show too much emotion when talking about her dead people and being sad about the fact she's destined to be forgotten by Loki?
Other (Thrúd) is reduced to either Atreus' white girlfriend, the "forced woke bland female character" (these two come from the same group of people - long live the gamerbros!) or a "selfish bitch who only cares about her own good". Thrúd is supposed to be a slight subversion of that woke girlboss - it's what you're meant to see her as at first, then when you progress through Asgard (if you're paying attention, which seems like these people aren't) you see that she's quite sheltered. Sif and Thor's attempt at being better parents, and ultimately - another pawn in Odin's great game.
Thrúd is essentialy a sheltered rich kid who wasn't shown the 'real world' and has to learn to be better after witnessing it. While Angrboða is a character who isn't shown to really have moral flaws - Thrúd IS supposed to be that! That is the moral of Ragnarok - to learn to be better.
Now that I think about it, I wonder if these two are supposed to be parallels?
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pikansanok · 4 months
Big Hot Take, so Hot it's Controversial
Honestly if Makomarshu just used a regular 1-Up with pigtails instead of some humanized 1-Up for her ask 20X6 girls blog I would have been okay with that. She should have realized that humanizing 1-Up is actually harmful.
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thirstydiglett · 4 months
Doflamingo’s laugh is the sexiest thing about him there I said it
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
It was controversial to write fanfiction about characters doing laundry or needing to wash their clothes. People were accused of implying that cartoon characters with only one outfit canonically smelled bad. 
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offkilterkeys · 9 months
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Hey guys did you know that- *is shot dead*
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geminni5 · 8 months
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augustinestears · 4 months
"we need more complex characters" please, you couldn't even handle THEM.
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sleepy-vix · 2 months
sorry but i'm gonna be real for a second here
"i wish i lived in the 18th century/the past/ when jane austen was alive" is a stupid sentiment because there was literally so much bad shit in the past (racism, misogyny, sexism, more poverty, homophobia, etc.), and even not considering those extremities they had disadvantages like less medicine, less transport, less hygiene, slower communication, etc etc.
"oh but i don't mean any of the bad stuff, i just want to live in a cottage and wear fancy dress" ???? nobody is stopping you. just because more of our world is being modernised doesn't mean that all of it is. go to the countryside. i promise you there will be a cozy cottage for you to live in. there are fancy gowns for you to buy. you can write with a typewriter and send letters to your lover. nobody is stopping you.
"oh but it should be normalised. i wish more people did it!" why does it matter? if other people feel more comfortable texting (which is, in their defense, much faster) instead of sending a traditional letter then that's their business.
"art and poetry is dying" says the person who's only complaining about it and not actually doing anything to save it (not that it needs to be saved. there is art everywhere, even in science and maths. if you dare to say that art is fading then you're simply not looking hard enough. open your mind, go outside, travel the world. quick note: modern art is still art).
i completely understand the longing for a different and better life, but bro (and i am looking you in the eye and clasping your hands as i say this) the escapism you want is not found in the past. stop dwelling. look forward. wishing to be born in another life is a coward and a lazy person's desire. wishing to make this current life better is an artist's.
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