In light of the summer surge of COVID-19 rolling round, masking protocols getting scrapped left and right, other respiratory diseases on the rise and seasonal air pollution ramping up, here's some more things that high-performance respirator masks (N95 and the like) protect against:
Influenza (including bird flu!)
Common cold
Bacterial pneumonia
Fungal spores (including valley fever!)
Airborne allergens (pollen, pet dander, dust mites, etc)
Man-made air pollution (exhaust from cars and jets, industrial emissions, etc.)
Wildfire smoke
…and much more!
While COVID-19 is undoubtably serious and masking is the best way to prevent yourself from catching it, there's many more reasons why the air might be bad to breathe, and breathing bad air is a public health risk for everyone! Additionally, certain demographics experience higher levels of exposure to airborne contaminants than others, yet they often have the least access to accurate information, personal protective gear and medical resources.
It is imperative, for stemming the spread of COVID, mitigating the effects of other airborne hazards and showing solidarity with vulnerable individuals, that we normalize masking for a variety of reasons. Do you have a cold? Wear a mask. Do you have allergies? Wear a mask. Do you live or work in an area with heavy air pollution? Wear a mask. Is there a wildfire nearby? Wear a mask. Just want to avoid getting sick when you go to the doctor's office? Wear a mask. Whenever and wherever there might be bad air, masking protects you!
It may seem like nobody cares now, but I promise you; change is possible, change is inevitable, and YOU have the agency and ability to make change for yourself, your community and the world by setting an example and spreading the word. So take charge and clear the air!
(I do not use Blaze. Please reblog this post so it gets more notes!)
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pandemic-info · 3 days
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Biobot’s interactive tracker is no longer available:
(From Raw Data to Actionable Insights: Biobot’s Evolution of Public Data Sharing | Biobot Analytics)
Blog update 5/30/24:
We want to thank the public for all the love and support of this work over the years.
After more than three years of making COVID-19 wastewater data available to the public, Biobot has reduced its public data reporting efforts. As we expand our wastewater epidemiology technologies to other population health areas, we no longer have the resources to maintain our COVID-19 dashboard. We decided to sunset the dashboard now because of other publicly available sources of wastewater data, including at the local level through our customers and partners and nationwide through the CDC NWSS program. We are optimistic that government sharing of wastewater data will continue to improve.
This does not mean we believe COVID-19 is no longer a threat, nor are we stopping our work. We see great potential for wastewater to positively impact public health efforts and the healthcare ecosystem in many areas beyond COVID-19. We remain committed to leading in this space and pioneering new applications for wastewater epidemiology.
Wastewater data resources can be found at:
You can find our risk reports here
You can find CDC’s COVID tracker here
Check your local and state public health departments and wastewater treatment facilities as they may be sharing this information directly
Epidemiologists doing important data reporting for the public:
Your Local Epidemiologist, Katelyn Jetelina
Force of Infection, Caitlin Rivers
Helen Branswell, STAT News
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thoughtportal · 1 year
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animal-crossing · 1 year
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gentlemanbutch · 9 months
the way that no one wears a mask at my local LGBTQ clinic, and in fact comments on my mask like it's just this hilarious little idiosyncrasy that I still wear one and not because I'm immunocompromised and we're in the middle of a pandemic ... as if there isn't an airborne virus that literally fucks up your immune system ... as if we didn't lose a generation of queer people to another virus that fucks up your immune system ...
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bixbythemartian · 7 months
this is probably going around here like several times, but you can order 4 more free covid tests starting today. if you didn't order any back in september/october (I hadn't heard about it, so I hadn't gotten more tests), you might be able to get up to 8. it just told me 'hey you can get more' and let me do it again, it was very easy to do.
if you're like 'well, I should leave that for people who need it!' don't. order them. stockpile them. the more the program is used, the more likely it is that it will remain a funded program and send the message that covid-19 is still a concern. use the program. there's no needs testing, no nothing, just put in your name and address. if nothing else, you can give a couple to a friend who has a larger family, since it's a per household thing and some people might need more or less, or a mutual aid group in your area, or something. the more people who do this, the more likely they are to keep reupping this program.
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libraryjournal · 3 months
“I can’t emphasize enough how everyone's COVID-19 experience is valuable,” AFC Director Nicole Saylor said. “It’s worth preserving. It doesn’t matter your zip code, your community, whether you contracted it. Everyone has a story.”
Hard to believe it has been almost four years since the pandemic shutdown.
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hazelbutterflies · 27 days
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the North Carolina government is trying to ban people from wearing mask even if you have a medical reason. if you live in NC please message your local legislators the bill is going back to the house because there were amendments by the senate. You can follow this prompt and there’s other resources at the link. and yes Covid is still killing and disabling people.
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please if you live in NC message your reps!
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renthony · 3 months
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[Image description: A photograph of a page from a spiral-bound sketchbook. The page has an illustration of the covid-19 virus and overlaid text that reads, "If I die of Covid-19 - forget burial - just drop my body on the steps of the C.D.C." A caption on the bottom of the page reads, "Ren Basel 2024. In memory of David Wojnarowicz and everyone killed by AIDS, COVID-19, and the government's negligence. Fight back!" End description.]
In 1988, AIDS activist David Wojnarowicz was photographed in a now-famous image, wearing a jacket that read, "If I die of AIDS - forget burial - just drop my body on the steps of the F.D.A.." I am far from the only person to adapt Wojnarowicz's words to COVID-19, but today I am feeling especially angry at the world. Holding the rage in my chest hurts--it hurts so fucking much--so instead, I've put it on paper.
Living through government negligence and community indifference during COVID-19 in 2024 fills me with rage and grief in equal measure, and as a queer person who studies queer history, I can see the echoes of AIDS in the way marginalized communities are being left to die.
As a disabled person who lives in a household that is very high-risk for COVID-19, the C.D.C.'s recent decision to shorten the COVID-19 isolation period feels like a slap in the face.
COVID-19 is not over, and it is vital to take steps to protect yourself and others. Please, follow the work of the People's CDC, an organization dedicated to COVID-19 safety, activism, and education.
Our government has failed us. Our communities have failed us. For those of us who are immunocompromosed or otherwise high-risk, we only have each other.
Remember us. Fight with us. Mask up, get vaccinated, get boosted.
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dovesndecay · 3 months
Couldn't get my covid booster because CVS isn't honoring their "free for uninsured until December 31st, 2024" bit on their site and it was going to cost me $190 to get it.
So I guess I'll just die.
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whetstonefires · 6 months
The thing is that the most interesting and novel invention of the MCU is a universe where billions of people turned into dust and then were physically reconstituted on the spot five years later, in a world that had just barely adapted to their absence.
That is wild. That is intense! That is a series of pathos-ridden emotionally complex doorstoppers waiting to happen. Half the entire world! All dead! And somehow we coped with that! And now we have to cope with them all being back?
A whole street of empty houses--surely not everyone there became ash. Some of them moved to better places, now opened by the mass mortality. Some of them died afterward. Who will live there now? Even if inheritances are reversed by resurrection, surely leases aren't renewed. What the fuck happens to everyone who remarried?
What happens to the children snapped back to a world where their parents didn't survive, or the reverse?
But they had to then hastily smooth over this utterly batshit sci-fi premise and get the world mostly back to normal working order as rapidly as possible, without too much emphasis on how literally every person in existence has been placed in a mason jar by a narcissist and shaken twice in five years.
So they could get on with more superhero whack-blam business, which is customarily done against a background of Normality.
This is, tragically, the most Comics thing these movies have ever done.
It is beyond satire that they did this immediately before and during a worldwide pandemic that everyone was pressured to smooth over and 'return to normal' about within 2 years if not sooner.
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shiftythrifting · 3 months
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duke. its a shirt for Duke university.
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zuko-always-lies · 2 years
If you live in the U.S. and you’re 12+, you’re eligible for the updated bivalent anti-omicron booster shot, and it should be available in your  local pharmacy. 
Please reblog this post, as there’s been very little news coverage and shockingly little propagation of information about the availability of updated boosters.
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poll-palace · 1 year
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aqua-cultured · 1 year
Would appreciate reblogs to reach a wider sample size!
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gentlemanbutch · 9 days
Hey fellow queer people, with pride month underway and more posts popping up about how we lost so many queer elders to AIDS, are you aware of the studies that show COVID impacts the immune system similarly to AIDS? And if so, are you masking? And if not, why?
(Not to mention how COVID and long COVID disproportionately impact trans people, Black people, and low income people, or how the spread of disease is a tool of colonizers and is actively being used as a way to kill Palestinians right now, all of which are points I encourage you to consider. Our struggles are all interconnected.)
The next generation deserves queer elders.
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